path: root/unsupported/test/CMakeLists.txt
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Idrs iterative linear solverGravatar Jens Wehner2021-02-27
* Eliminate CMake FindPackageHandleStandardArgs warnings.Gravatar Antonio Sanchez2021-02-24
* Add missing adolc isinf/isnan.Gravatar Antonio Sanchez2021-02-19
* Remove code checking for CMake < 3.5Gravatar Alexander Grund2020-12-14
* Disable testing of OpenGL by default.Gravatar Antonio Sanchez2020-11-12
* CMakefile update for ROCm 4.0Gravatar Deven Desai2020-10-29
* Added special_packetmath test and tweaked bounds on tests.Gravatar Srinivas Vasudevan2020-01-11
* [SYCL] Rebasing the SYCL support branch on top of the Einge upstream master b...Gravatar Mehdi Goli2019-11-28
* STYLE: Remove CMake-language block-end command argumentsGravatar Hans Johnson2019-10-31
* Drop support for c++03 in Eigen tensor. Get rid of some code used to emulate ...Gravatar Rasmus Munk Larsen2019-10-18
* Tensor block evaluation V2 support for unary/binary/broadcstingGravatar Eugene Zhulenev2019-09-24
* Add Bessel functions to SpecialFunctions.Gravatar Srinivas Vasudevan2019-09-14
* ThreadLocal container that does not rely on thread local storageGravatar Eugene Zhulenev2019-09-09
* Remove XSMM support from Tensor moduleGravatar Eugene Zhulenev2019-08-19
* Minor build improvementsGravatar tra2019-05-31
* bug #1654: fix compilation with cuda and no c++11Gravatar Gael Guennebaud2019-01-09
* bug #1606: Explicitly set the standard before find_package(StandardMathLibrar...Gravatar Christoph Hertzberg2018-10-19
* Remove explicit mkldnn support and redundant TensorContractionKernelBlockingGravatar Eugene Zhulenev2018-09-27
* Conditionally add mkldnn testGravatar Eugene Zhulenev2018-09-26
* Support multiple contraction kernel types in TensorContractionThreadPoolGravatar Eugene Zhulenev2018-09-26
* Don't deactivate BVH test for clang (probably, this was failing for very old ...Gravatar Christoph Hertzberg2018-09-25
* bug #1598: Let MaxSizeVector respect alignment of objects and add a unit testGravatar Christoph Hertzberg2018-09-14
* Add tiled evaluation support to TensorExecutorGravatar Eugene Zhulenev2018-07-25
* Initial support of TensorBlockGravatar Eugene Zhulenev2018-07-20
* Move cxx11_tensor_uint128 test under an EIGEN_TEST_CXX11 guardedGravatar Gustavo Lima Chaves2018-07-20
* Added a move constructor and move assignment operator to Tensor and wrote som...Gravatar Viktor Csomor2018-02-07
* Simplify handling and non-splitted tests and include split_test_helper.h inst...Gravatar Gael Guennebaud2018-07-16
* Fix usage of EIGEN_SPLIT_LARGE_TESTS=ON: some unit tests, such as indexed_vie...Gravatar Gael Guennebaud2018-07-16
* merging updates from upstreamGravatar Deven Desai2018-07-11
* | merging the CUDA and HIP implementation for the Tensor directory and the unit...Gravatar Deven Desai2018-06-20
* | syncing this fork with upstreamGravatar Deven Desai2018-06-13
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| | * Activate dgmres unit testGravatar Gael Guennebaud2018-07-02
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* | Adding support for using Eigen in HIP kernels.Gravatar Deven Desai2018-06-06
| * Fix typos found using codespellGravatar Gael Guennebaud2018-06-07
* Recent Adolc versions require C++11Gravatar Christoph Hertzberg2018-04-13
* Merged in tntnatbry/eigen (pull request PR-319)Gravatar Benoit Steiner2017-07-07
* Merge changed from upstreamGravatar a-doumoulakis2017-05-24
| * Fixing Cmake Dependency for SYCLGravatar Mehdi Goli2017-05-22
* | Add support for triSYCLGravatar a-doumoulakis2017-05-05
* Preserve file naming conventionsGravatar Benoit Steiner2017-04-04
* Adding TensorIndexTuple and TensorTupleReduceOP backend (ArgMax/Min) for sycl...Gravatar Mehdi Goli2017-03-07
* Adding sycl backend for TensorCustomOp; fixing the partial lhs modification i...Gravatar Mehdi Goli2017-02-28
* Adding TensorVolumePatchOP.h for syclGravatar Mehdi Goli2017-02-24
* Adding Sycl Backend for TensorGenerator.h.Gravatar Mehdi Goli2017-02-22
* Adding Sycl backend for TensorImagePatchOP.h; adding Sycl backend for TensorI...Gravatar Mehdi Goli2017-02-20
* Adding TensorLayoutSwapOp for sycl.Gravatar Mehdi Goli2017-02-15
* Adding TensorPatch.h for sycl backend.Gravatar Mehdi Goli2017-02-15
* Adding TensorChippingOP for sycl backend; fixing the index value in the verif...Gravatar Mehdi Goli2017-02-13
* Merge latest changes from upstreamGravatar Benoit Steiner2017-01-30
* | Adding non-deferrenciable pointer track for ComputeCpp backend; Adding Tensor...Gravatar Mehdi Goli2017-01-19