path: root/tensorflow/docs_src/api_guides/python
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authorGravatar Mark Daoust <markdaoust@google.com>2018-08-27 11:57:42 -0700
committerGravatar TensorFlower Gardener <gardener@tensorflow.org>2018-08-27 12:01:50 -0700
commit6c2bf6576321ad53ff1eb6d66b6efae2c93ef4e0 (patch)
treeeda82ca98d1ac04718c14c086e6221bd8d787b30 /tensorflow/docs_src/api_guides/python
parentabc8452394aeeecc1f3fef27f7098a5924bdd0e9 (diff)
Moved tensorflow/docs_src to https://github.com/tensorflow/docs
PiperOrigin-RevId: 210405729
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/docs_src/api_guides/python')
43 files changed, 0 insertions, 4423 deletions
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-# Tensor Transformations
-Note: Functions taking `Tensor` arguments can also take anything accepted by
-## Casting
-TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to cast tensor data
-types in your graph.
-* `tf.string_to_number`
-* `tf.to_double`
-* `tf.to_float`
-* `tf.to_bfloat16`
-* `tf.to_int32`
-* `tf.to_int64`
-* `tf.cast`
-* `tf.bitcast`
-* `tf.saturate_cast`
-## Shapes and Shaping
-TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to determine the shape
-of a tensor and change the shape of a tensor.
-* `tf.broadcast_dynamic_shape`
-* `tf.broadcast_static_shape`
-* `tf.shape`
-* `tf.shape_n`
-* `tf.size`
-* `tf.rank`
-* `tf.reshape`
-* `tf.squeeze`
-* `tf.expand_dims`
-* `tf.meshgrid`
-## Slicing and Joining
-TensorFlow provides several operations to slice or extract parts of a tensor,
-or join multiple tensors together.
-* `tf.slice`
-* `tf.strided_slice`
-* `tf.split`
-* `tf.tile`
-* `tf.pad`
-* `tf.concat`
-* `tf.stack`
-* `tf.parallel_stack`
-* `tf.unstack`
-* `tf.reverse_sequence`
-* `tf.reverse`
-* `tf.reverse_v2`
-* `tf.transpose`
-* `tf.extract_image_patches`
-* `tf.space_to_batch_nd`
-* `tf.space_to_batch`
-* `tf.required_space_to_batch_paddings`
-* `tf.batch_to_space_nd`
-* `tf.batch_to_space`
-* `tf.space_to_depth`
-* `tf.depth_to_space`
-* `tf.gather`
-* `tf.gather_nd`
-* `tf.unique_with_counts`
-* `tf.scatter_nd`
-* `tf.dynamic_partition`
-* `tf.dynamic_stitch`
-* `tf.boolean_mask`
-* `tf.one_hot`
-* `tf.sequence_mask`
-* `tf.dequantize`
-* `tf.quantize_v2`
-* `tf.quantized_concat`
-* `tf.setdiff1d`
-## Fake quantization
-Operations used to help train for better quantization accuracy.
-* `tf.fake_quant_with_min_max_args`
-* `tf.fake_quant_with_min_max_args_gradient`
-* `tf.fake_quant_with_min_max_vars`
-* `tf.fake_quant_with_min_max_vars_gradient`
-* `tf.fake_quant_with_min_max_vars_per_channel`
-* `tf.fake_quant_with_min_max_vars_per_channel_gradient`
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-# Asserts and boolean checks
-* `tf.assert_negative`
-* `tf.assert_positive`
-* `tf.assert_proper_iterable`
-* `tf.assert_non_negative`
-* `tf.assert_non_positive`
-* `tf.assert_equal`
-* `tf.assert_integer`
-* `tf.assert_less`
-* `tf.assert_less_equal`
-* `tf.assert_greater`
-* `tf.assert_greater_equal`
-* `tf.assert_rank`
-* `tf.assert_rank_at_least`
-* `tf.assert_type`
-* `tf.is_non_decreasing`
-* `tf.is_numeric_tensor`
-* `tf.is_strictly_increasing`
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-# Running Graphs
-This library contains classes for launching graphs and executing operations.
-[This guide](../../guide/low_level_intro.md) has examples of how a graph
-is launched in a `tf.Session`.
-## Session management
-* `tf.Session`
-* `tf.InteractiveSession`
-* `tf.get_default_session`
-## Error classes and convenience functions
-* `tf.OpError`
-* `tf.errors.CancelledError`
-* `tf.errors.UnknownError`
-* `tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError`
-* `tf.errors.DeadlineExceededError`
-* `tf.errors.NotFoundError`
-* `tf.errors.AlreadyExistsError`
-* `tf.errors.PermissionDeniedError`
-* `tf.errors.UnauthenticatedError`
-* `tf.errors.ResourceExhaustedError`
-* `tf.errors.FailedPreconditionError`
-* `tf.errors.AbortedError`
-* `tf.errors.OutOfRangeError`
-* `tf.errors.UnimplementedError`
-* `tf.errors.InternalError`
-* `tf.errors.UnavailableError`
-* `tf.errors.DataLossError`
-* `tf.errors.exception_type_from_error_code`
-* `tf.errors.error_code_from_exception_type`
-* `tf.errors.raise_exception_on_not_ok_status`
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-# Constants, Sequences, and Random Values
-Note: Functions taking `Tensor` arguments can also take anything accepted by
-## Constant Value Tensors
-TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to generate constants.
-* `tf.zeros`
-* `tf.zeros_like`
-* `tf.ones`
-* `tf.ones_like`
-* `tf.fill`
-* `tf.constant`
-## Sequences
-* `tf.linspace`
-* `tf.range`
-## Random Tensors
-TensorFlow has several ops that create random tensors with different
-distributions. The random ops are stateful, and create new random values each
-time they are evaluated.
-The `seed` keyword argument in these functions acts in conjunction with
-the graph-level random seed. Changing either the graph-level seed using
-`tf.set_random_seed` or the
-op-level seed will change the underlying seed of these operations. Setting
-neither graph-level nor op-level seed, results in a random seed for all
-See `tf.set_random_seed`
-for details on the interaction between operation-level and graph-level random
-### Examples:
-# Create a tensor of shape [2, 3] consisting of random normal values, with mean
-# -1 and standard deviation 4.
-norm = tf.random_normal([2, 3], mean=-1, stddev=4)
-# Shuffle the first dimension of a tensor
-c = tf.constant([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
-shuff = tf.random_shuffle(c)
-# Each time we run these ops, different results are generated
-sess = tf.Session()
-# Set an op-level seed to generate repeatable sequences across sessions.
-norm = tf.random_normal([2, 3], seed=1234)
-sess = tf.Session()
-sess = tf.Session()
-Another common use of random values is the initialization of variables. Also see
-the [Variables How To](../../guide/variables.md).
-# Use random uniform values in [0, 1) as the initializer for a variable of shape
-# [2, 3]. The default type is float32.
-var = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([2, 3]), name="var")
-init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
-sess = tf.Session()
-* `tf.random_normal`
-* `tf.truncated_normal`
-* `tf.random_uniform`
-* `tf.random_shuffle`
-* `tf.random_crop`
-* `tf.multinomial`
-* `tf.random_gamma`
-* `tf.set_random_seed`
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-# CRF (contrib)
-Linear-chain CRF layer.
-* `tf.contrib.crf.crf_sequence_score`
-* `tf.contrib.crf.crf_log_norm`
-* `tf.contrib.crf.crf_log_likelihood`
-* `tf.contrib.crf.crf_unary_score`
-* `tf.contrib.crf.crf_binary_score`
-* `tf.contrib.crf.CrfForwardRnnCell`
-* `tf.contrib.crf.viterbi_decode`
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-# FFmpeg (contrib)
-## Encoding and decoding audio using FFmpeg
-TensorFlow provides Ops to decode and encode audio files using the
-[FFmpeg](https://www.ffmpeg.org/) library. FFmpeg must be
-locally [installed](https://ffmpeg.org/download.html) for these Ops to succeed.
-from tensorflow.contrib import ffmpeg
-audio_binary = tf.read_file('song.mp3')
-waveform = ffmpeg.decode_audio(
- audio_binary, file_format='mp3', samples_per_second=44100, channel_count=2)
-uncompressed_binary = ffmpeg.encode_audio(
- waveform, file_format='wav', samples_per_second=44100)
-* `tf.contrib.ffmpeg.decode_audio`
-* `tf.contrib.ffmpeg.encode_audio`
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-# Framework (contrib)
-Framework utilities.
-* `tf.contrib.framework.assert_same_float_dtype`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.assert_scalar`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.assert_scalar_int`
-* `tf.convert_to_tensor_or_sparse_tensor`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.get_graph_from_inputs`
-* `tf.is_numeric_tensor`
-* `tf.is_non_decreasing`
-* `tf.is_strictly_increasing`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.is_tensor`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.reduce_sum_n`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.remove_squeezable_dimensions`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.with_shape`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.with_same_shape`
-## Deprecation
-* `tf.contrib.framework.deprecated`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.deprecated_args`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.deprecated_arg_values`
-## Arg_Scope
-* `tf.contrib.framework.arg_scope`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.add_arg_scope`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.has_arg_scope`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.arg_scoped_arguments`
-## Variables
-* `tf.contrib.framework.add_model_variable`
-* `tf.train.assert_global_step`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.assert_or_get_global_step`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.assign_from_checkpoint`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.assign_from_checkpoint_fn`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.assign_from_values`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.assign_from_values_fn`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.create_global_step`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.filter_variables`
-* `tf.train.get_global_step`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.get_or_create_global_step`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.get_local_variables`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.get_model_variables`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.get_unique_variable`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.get_variables_by_name`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.get_variables_by_suffix`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.get_variables_to_restore`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.get_variables`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.local_variable`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.model_variable`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.variable`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.VariableDeviceChooser`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.zero_initializer`
-## Checkpoint utilities
-* `tf.contrib.framework.load_checkpoint`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.list_variables`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.load_variable`
-* `tf.contrib.framework.init_from_checkpoint`
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-# Graph Editor (contrib)
-TensorFlow Graph Editor.
-The TensorFlow Graph Editor library allows for modification of an existing
-`tf.Graph` instance in-place.
-The author's github username is [purpledog](https://github.com/purpledog).
-## Library overview
-Appending new nodes is the only graph editing operation allowed by the
-TensorFlow core library. The Graph Editor library is an attempt to allow for
-other kinds of editing operations, namely, *rerouting* and *transforming*.
-* *rerouting* is a local operation consisting in re-plugging existing tensors
- (the edges of the graph). Operations (the nodes) are not modified by this
- operation. For example, rerouting can be used to insert an operation adding
- noise in place of an existing tensor.
-* *transforming* is a global operation consisting in transforming a graph into
- another. By default, a transformation is a simple copy but it can be
- customized to achieved other goals. For instance, a graph can be transformed
- into another one in which noise is added after all the operations of a
- specific type.
-**Important: modifying a graph in-place with the Graph Editor must be done
-`offline`, that is, without any active sessions.**
-Of course new operations can be appended online but Graph Editor specific
-operations like rerouting and transforming can currently only be done offline.
-Here is an example of what you **cannot** do:
-* Build a graph.
-* Create a session and run the graph.
-* Modify the graph with the Graph Editor.
-* Re-run the graph with the `same` previously created session.
-To edit an already running graph, follow these steps:
-* Build a graph.
-* Create a session and run the graph.
-* Save the graph state and terminate the session
-* Modify the graph with the Graph Editor.
-* create a new session and restore the graph state
-* Re-run the graph with the newly created session.
-Note that this procedure is very costly because a new session must be created
-after any modifications. Among other things, it takes time because the entire
-graph state must be saved and restored again.
-## Sub-graph
-Most of the functions in the Graph Editor library operate on *sub-graph*.
-More precisely, they take as input arguments instances of the SubGraphView class
-(or anything which can be converted to it). Doing so allows the same function
-to transparently operate on single operations as well as sub-graph of any size.
-A subgraph can be created in several ways:
-* using a list of ops:
- ```python
- my_sgv = ge.sgv(ops)
- ```
-* from a name scope:
- ```python
- my_sgv = ge.sgv_scope("foo/bar", graph=tf.get_default_graph())
- ```
-* using regular expression:
- ```python
- my_sgv = ge.sgv("foo/.*/.*read$", graph=tf.get_default_graph())
- ```
-Note that the Graph Editor is meant to manipulate several graphs at the same
-time, typically during transform or copy operation. For that reason,
-to avoid any confusion, the default graph is never used and the graph on
-which to operate must always be given explicitly. This is the reason why
-*`graph=tf.get_default_graph()`* is used in the code snippets above.
-## Modules overview
-* util: utility functions.
-* select: various selection methods of TensorFlow tensors and operations.
-* match: TensorFlow graph matching. Think of this as regular expressions for
- graphs (but not quite yet).
-* reroute: various ways of rerouting tensors to different consuming ops like
- *swap* or *reroute_a2b*.
-* subgraph: the SubGraphView class, which enables subgraph manipulations in a
- TensorFlow `tf.Graph`.
-* edit: various editing functions operating on subgraphs like *detach*,
- *connect* or *bypass*.
-* transform: the Transformer class, which enables transforming
- (or simply copying) a subgraph into another one.
-## Module: util
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.make_list_of_op`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.get_tensors`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.make_list_of_t`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.get_generating_ops`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.get_consuming_ops`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.ControlOutputs`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.placeholder_name`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.make_placeholder_from_tensor`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.make_placeholder_from_dtype_and_shape`
-## Module: select
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.filter_ts`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.filter_ts_from_regex`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.filter_ops`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.filter_ops_from_regex`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.get_name_scope_ops`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.check_cios`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.get_ops_ios`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.compute_boundary_ts`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.get_within_boundary_ops`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.get_forward_walk_ops`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.get_backward_walk_ops`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.get_walks_intersection_ops`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.get_walks_union_ops`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.select_ops`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.select_ts`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.select_ops_and_ts`
-## Module: subgraph
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.SubGraphView`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.make_view`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.make_view_from_scope`
-## Module: reroute
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.swap_ts`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.reroute_ts`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.swap_inputs`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.reroute_inputs`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.swap_outputs`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.reroute_outputs`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.swap_ios`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.reroute_ios`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.remove_control_inputs`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.add_control_inputs`
-## Module: edit
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.detach_control_inputs`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.detach_control_outputs`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.detach_inputs`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.detach_outputs`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.detach`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.connect`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.bypass`
-## Module: transform
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.replace_t_with_placeholder_handler`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.keep_t_if_possible_handler`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.assign_renamed_collections_handler`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.transform_op_if_inside_handler`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.copy_op_handler`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.Transformer`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.copy`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.copy_with_input_replacements`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.graph_replace`
-## Useful aliases
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.ph`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.sgv`
-* `tf.contrib.graph_editor.sgv_scope`
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-# Integrate (contrib)
-Integration and ODE solvers for TensorFlow.
-## Example: Lorenz attractor
-We can use `odeint` to solve the
-[Lorentz system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorenz_system) of ordinary
-differential equations, a prototypical example of chaotic dynamics:
-rho = 28.0
-sigma = 10.0
-beta = 8.0/3.0
-def lorenz_equation(state, t):
- x, y, z = tf.unstack(state)
- dx = sigma * (y - x)
- dy = x * (rho - z) - y
- dz = x * y - beta * z
- return tf.stack([dx, dy, dz])
-init_state = tf.constant([0, 2, 20], dtype=tf.float64)
-t = np.linspace(0, 50, num=5000)
-tensor_state, tensor_info = tf.contrib.integrate.odeint(
- lorenz_equation, init_state, t, full_output=True)
-sess = tf.Session()
-state, info = sess.run([tensor_state, tensor_info])
-x, y, z = state.T
-plt.plot(x, z)
-<div style="width:70%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
-<img style="width:100%" src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/lorenz_attractor.png" alt>
-## Ops
-* `tf.contrib.integrate.odeint`
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-# Layers (contrib)
-Ops for building neural network layers, regularizers, summaries, etc.
-## Higher level ops for building neural network layers
-This package provides several ops that take care of creating variables that are
-used internally in a consistent way and provide the building blocks for many
-common machine learning algorithms.
-* `tf.contrib.layers.avg_pool2d`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.convolution2d`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.conv2d_in_plane`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.convolution2d_in_plane`
-* `tf.nn.conv2d_transpose`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.convolution2d_transpose`
-* `tf.nn.dropout`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.flatten`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.layer_norm`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.max_pool2d`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.one_hot_encoding`
-* `tf.nn.relu`
-* `tf.nn.relu6`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.repeat`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.safe_embedding_lookup_sparse`
-* `tf.nn.separable_conv2d`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.separable_convolution2d`
-* `tf.nn.softmax`
-* `tf.stack`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.unit_norm`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.embed_sequence`
-Aliases for fully_connected which set a default activation function are
-available: `relu`, `relu6` and `linear`.
-`stack` operation is also available. It builds a stack of layers by applying
-a layer repeatedly.
-## Regularizers
-Regularization can help prevent overfitting. These have the signature
-`fn(weights)`. The loss is typically added to
-* `tf.contrib.layers.apply_regularization`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.l1_regularizer`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.sum_regularizer`
-## Initializers
-Initializers are used to initialize variables with sensible values given their
-size, data type, and purpose.
-* `tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer_conv2d`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.variance_scaling_initializer`
-## Optimization
-Optimize weights given a loss.
-* `tf.contrib.layers.optimize_loss`
-## Summaries
-Helper functions to summarize specific variables or ops.
-* `tf.contrib.layers.summarize_activation`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.summarize_tensor`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.summarize_tensors`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.summarize_collection`
-The layers module defines convenience functions `summarize_variables`,
-`summarize_weights` and `summarize_biases`, which set the `collection` argument
-of `summarize_collection` to `VARIABLES`, `WEIGHTS` and `BIASES`, respectively.
-* `tf.contrib.layers.summarize_activations`
-## Feature columns
-Feature columns provide a mechanism to map data to a model.
-* `tf.contrib.layers.bucketized_column`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.check_feature_columns`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.create_feature_spec_for_parsing`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.crossed_column`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.embedding_column`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.scattered_embedding_column`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.input_from_feature_columns`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.joint_weighted_sum_from_feature_columns`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.make_place_holder_tensors_for_base_features`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.multi_class_target`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.one_hot_column`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.parse_feature_columns_from_examples`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.parse_feature_columns_from_sequence_examples`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.real_valued_column`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.shared_embedding_columns`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_hash_bucket`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_integerized_feature`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_keys`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.sparse_column_with_vocabulary_file`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.weighted_sparse_column`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.weighted_sum_from_feature_columns`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.infer_real_valued_columns`
-* `tf.contrib.layers.sequence_input_from_feature_columns`
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-# Learn (contrib)
-High level API for learning with TensorFlow.
-## Estimators
-Train and evaluate TensorFlow models.
-* `tf.contrib.learn.BaseEstimator`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.Estimator`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.Trainable`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.Evaluable`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.KMeansClustering`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.ModeKeys`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.ModelFnOps`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.MetricSpec`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.PredictionKey`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.DNNClassifier`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.DNNRegressor`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.DNNLinearCombinedRegressor`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.DNNLinearCombinedClassifier`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.LinearClassifier`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.LinearRegressor`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.LogisticRegressor`
-## Distributed training utilities
-* `tf.contrib.learn.Experiment`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.ExportStrategy`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.TaskType`
-## Graph actions
-Perform various training, evaluation, and inference actions on a graph.
-* `tf.train.NanLossDuringTrainingError`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.RunConfig`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.evaluate`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.infer`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.run_feeds`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.run_n`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.train`
-## Input processing
-Queue and read batched input data.
-* `tf.contrib.learn.extract_dask_data`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.extract_dask_labels`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.extract_pandas_data`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.extract_pandas_labels`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.extract_pandas_matrix`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.infer_real_valued_columns_from_input`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.infer_real_valued_columns_from_input_fn`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.read_batch_examples`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.read_batch_features`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.read_batch_record_features`
-Export utilities
-* `tf.contrib.learn.build_parsing_serving_input_fn`
-* `tf.contrib.learn.ProblemType`
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-# Linear Algebra (contrib)
-Linear algebra libraries for TensorFlow.
-## `LinearOperator`
-Subclasses of `LinearOperator` provide a access to common methods on a
-(batch) matrix, without the need to materialize the matrix. This allows:
-* Matrix free computations
-* Different operators to take advantage of special structure, while providing a
- consistent API to users.
-### Base class
-* `tf.contrib.linalg.LinearOperator`
-### Individual operators
-* `tf.contrib.linalg.LinearOperatorDiag`
-* `tf.contrib.linalg.LinearOperatorIdentity`
-* `tf.contrib.linalg.LinearOperatorScaledIdentity`
-* `tf.contrib.linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix`
-* `tf.contrib.linalg.LinearOperatorLowerTriangular`
-* `tf.contrib.linalg.LinearOperatorLowRankUpdate`
-### Transformations and Combinations of operators
-* `tf.contrib.linalg.LinearOperatorComposition`
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-# Losses (contrib)
-## Deprecated
-This module is deprecated. Instructions for updating: Use `tf.losses` instead.
-## Loss operations for use in neural networks.
-Note: By default, all the losses are collected into the `GraphKeys.LOSSES`
-All of the loss functions take a pair of predictions and ground truth labels,
-from which the loss is computed. It is assumed that the shape of both these
-tensors is of the form [batch_size, d1, ... dN] where `batch_size` is the number
-of samples in the batch and `d1` ... `dN` are the remaining dimensions.
-It is common, when training with multiple loss functions, to adjust the relative
-strengths of individual losses. This is performed by rescaling the losses via
-a `weight` parameter passed to the loss functions. For example, if we were
-training with both log_loss and mean_squared_error, and we wished that the
-log_loss penalty be twice as severe as the mean_squared_error, we would
-implement this as:
- # Explicitly set the weight.
- tf.contrib.losses.log(predictions, labels, weight=2.0)
- # Uses default weight of 1.0
- tf.contrib.losses.mean_squared_error(predictions, labels)
- # All the losses are collected into the `GraphKeys.LOSSES` collection.
- losses = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.LOSSES)
-While specifying a scalar loss rescales the loss over the entire batch,
-we sometimes want to rescale the loss per batch sample. For example, if we have
-certain examples that matter more to us to get correctly, we might want to have
-a higher loss that other samples whose mistakes matter less. In this case, we
-can provide a weight vector of length `batch_size` which results in the loss
-for each sample in the batch being scaled by the corresponding weight element.
-For example, consider the case of a classification problem where we want to
-maximize our accuracy but we especially interested in obtaining high accuracy
-for a specific class:
- inputs, labels = LoadData(batch_size=3)
- logits = MyModelPredictions(inputs)
- # Ensures that the loss for examples whose ground truth class is `3` is 5x
- # higher than the loss for all other examples.
- weight = tf.multiply(4, tf.cast(tf.equal(labels, 3), tf.float32)) + 1
- onehot_labels = tf.one_hot(labels, num_classes=5)
- tf.contrib.losses.softmax_cross_entropy(logits, onehot_labels, weight=weight)
-Finally, in certain cases, we may want to specify a different loss for every
-single measurable value. For example, if we are performing per-pixel depth
-prediction, or per-pixel denoising, a single batch sample has P values where P
-is the number of pixels in the image. For many losses, the number of measurable
-values matches the number of elements in the predictions and labels tensors.
-For others, such as softmax_cross_entropy and cosine_distance, the
-loss functions reduces the dimensions of the inputs to produces a tensor of
-losses for each measurable value. For example, softmax_cross_entropy takes as
-input predictions and labels of dimension [batch_size, num_classes] but the
-number of measurable values is [batch_size]. Consequently, when passing a weight
-tensor to specify a different loss for every measurable value, the dimension of
-the tensor will depend on the loss being used.
-For a concrete example, consider the case of per-pixel depth prediction where
-certain ground truth depth values are missing (due to sensor noise in the
-capture process). In this case, we want to assign zero weight to losses for
-these predictions.
- # 'depths' that are missing have a value of 0:
- images, depths = LoadData(...)
- predictions = MyModelPredictions(images)
- weight = tf.cast(tf.greater(depths, 0), tf.float32)
- loss = tf.contrib.losses.mean_squared_error(predictions, depths, weight)
-Note that when using weights for the losses, the final average is computed
-by rescaling the losses by the weights and then dividing by the total number of
-non-zero samples. For an arbitrary set of weights, this may not necessarily
-produce a weighted average. Instead, it simply and transparently rescales the
-per-element losses before averaging over the number of observations. For example
-if the losses computed by the loss function is an array [4, 1, 2, 3] and the
-weights are an array [1, 0.5, 3, 9], then the average loss is:
- (4*1 + 1*0.5 + 2*3 + 3*9) / 4
-However, with a single loss function and an arbitrary set of weights, one can
-still easily create a loss function such that the resulting loss is a
-weighted average over the individual prediction errors:
- images, labels = LoadData(...)
- predictions = MyModelPredictions(images)
- weight = MyComplicatedWeightingFunction(labels)
- weight = tf.div(weight, tf.size(weight))
- loss = tf.contrib.losses.mean_squared_error(predictions, depths, weight)
-* `tf.contrib.losses.absolute_difference`
-* `tf.contrib.losses.add_loss`
-* `tf.contrib.losses.hinge_loss`
-* `tf.contrib.losses.compute_weighted_loss`
-* `tf.contrib.losses.cosine_distance`
-* `tf.contrib.losses.get_losses`
-* `tf.contrib.losses.get_regularization_losses`
-* `tf.contrib.losses.get_total_loss`
-* `tf.contrib.losses.log_loss`
-* `tf.contrib.losses.mean_pairwise_squared_error`
-* `tf.contrib.losses.mean_squared_error`
-* `tf.contrib.losses.sigmoid_cross_entropy`
-* `tf.contrib.losses.softmax_cross_entropy`
-* `tf.contrib.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy`
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-# Metrics (contrib)
-##Ops for evaluation metrics and summary statistics.
-### API
-This module provides functions for computing streaming metrics: metrics computed
-on dynamically valued `Tensors`. Each metric declaration returns a
-"value_tensor", an idempotent operation that returns the current value of the
-metric, and an "update_op", an operation that accumulates the information
-from the current value of the `Tensors` being measured as well as returns the
-value of the "value_tensor".
-To use any of these metrics, one need only declare the metric, call `update_op`
-repeatedly to accumulate data over the desired number of `Tensor` values (often
-each one is a single batch) and finally evaluate the value_tensor. For example,
-to use the `streaming_mean`:
-value = ...
-mean_value, update_op = tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_mean(values)
-for i in range(number_of_batches):
- print('Mean after batch %d: %f' % (i, update_op.eval())
-print('Final Mean: %f' % mean_value.eval())
-Each metric function adds nodes to the graph that hold the state necessary to
-compute the value of the metric as well as a set of operations that actually
-perform the computation. Every metric evaluation is composed of three steps
-* Initialization: initializing the metric state.
-* Aggregation: updating the values of the metric state.
-* Finalization: computing the final metric value.
-In the above example, calling streaming_mean creates a pair of state variables
-that will contain (1) the running sum and (2) the count of the number of samples
-in the sum. Because the streaming metrics use local variables,
-the Initialization stage is performed by running the op returned
-by `tf.local_variables_initializer()`. It sets the sum and count variables to
-Next, Aggregation is performed by examining the current state of `values`
-and incrementing the state variables appropriately. This step is executed by
-running the `update_op` returned by the metric.
-Finally, finalization is performed by evaluating the "value_tensor"
-In practice, we commonly want to evaluate across many batches and multiple
-metrics. To do so, we need only run the metric computation operations multiple
-labels = ...
-predictions = ...
-accuracy, update_op_acc = tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_accuracy(
- labels, predictions)
-error, update_op_error = tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_mean_absolute_error(
- labels, predictions)
-for batch in range(num_batches):
- sess.run([update_op_acc, update_op_error])
-accuracy, error = sess.run([accuracy, error])
-Note that when evaluating the same metric multiple times on different inputs,
-one must specify the scope of each metric to avoid accumulating the results
-labels = ...
-predictions0 = ...
-predictions1 = ...
-accuracy0 = tf.contrib.metrics.accuracy(labels, predictions0, name='preds0')
-accuracy1 = tf.contrib.metrics.accuracy(labels, predictions1, name='preds1')
-Certain metrics, such as streaming_mean or streaming_accuracy, can be weighted
-via a `weights` argument. The `weights` tensor must be the same size as the
-labels and predictions tensors and results in a weighted average of the metric.
-## Metric `Ops`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_accuracy`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_mean`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_recall`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_recall_at_thresholds`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_precision`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_precision_at_thresholds`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_auc`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_recall_at_k`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_mean_absolute_error`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_mean_iou`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_mean_relative_error`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_mean_squared_error`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_mean_tensor`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_root_mean_squared_error`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_covariance`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_pearson_correlation`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_mean_cosine_distance`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_percentage_less`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_sensitivity_at_specificity`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_sparse_average_precision_at_k`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_sparse_precision_at_k`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_sparse_precision_at_top_k`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_sparse_recall_at_k`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_specificity_at_sensitivity`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_concat`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_false_negatives`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_false_negatives_at_thresholds`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_false_positives`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_false_positives_at_thresholds`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_true_negatives`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_true_negatives_at_thresholds`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_true_positives`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_true_positives_at_thresholds`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.auc_using_histogram`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.accuracy`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.aggregate_metrics`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.aggregate_metric_map`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.confusion_matrix`
-## Set `Ops`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.set_difference`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.set_intersection`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.set_size`
-* `tf.contrib.metrics.set_union`
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-# RNN and Cells (contrib)
-Module for constructing RNN Cells and additional RNN operations.
-## Base interface for all RNN Cells
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.RNNCell`
-## Core RNN Cells for use with TensorFlow's core RNN methods
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.BasicRNNCell`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.LayerNormBasicLSTMCell`
-## Classes storing split `RNNCell` state
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMStateTuple`
-## Core RNN Cell wrappers (RNNCells that wrap other RNNCells)
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.MultiRNNCell`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMBlockWrapper`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.EmbeddingWrapper`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.InputProjectionWrapper`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.OutputProjectionWrapper`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.DeviceWrapper`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.ResidualWrapper`
-### Block RNNCells
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMBlockCell`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.GRUBlockCell`
-### Fused RNNCells
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.FusedRNNCell`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.FusedRNNCellAdaptor`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.TimeReversedFusedRNN`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMBlockFusedCell`
-### LSTM-like cells
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.CoupledInputForgetGateLSTMCell`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.TimeFreqLSTMCell`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.GridLSTMCell`
-### RNNCell wrappers
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.AttentionCellWrapper`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.CompiledWrapper`
-## Recurrent Neural Networks
-TensorFlow provides a number of methods for constructing Recurrent Neural
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.static_rnn`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.static_state_saving_rnn`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.static_bidirectional_rnn`
-* `tf.contrib.rnn.stack_bidirectional_dynamic_rnn`
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-# Seq2seq Library (contrib)
-Module for constructing seq2seq models and dynamic decoding. Builds on top of
-libraries in `tf.contrib.rnn`.
-This library is composed of two primary components:
-* New attention wrappers for `tf.contrib.rnn.RNNCell` objects.
-* A new object-oriented dynamic decoding framework.
-## Attention
-Attention wrappers are `RNNCell` objects that wrap other `RNNCell` objects and
-implement attention. The form of attention is determined by a subclass of
-`tf.contrib.seq2seq.AttentionMechanism`. These subclasses describe the form
-of attention (e.g. additive vs. multiplicative) to use when creating the
-wrapper. An instance of an `AttentionMechanism` is constructed with a
-`memory` tensor, from which lookup keys and values tensors are created.
-### Attention Mechanisms
-The two basic attention mechanisms are:
-* `tf.contrib.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention` (additive attention,
- [ref.](https://arxiv.org/abs/1409.0473))
-* `tf.contrib.seq2seq.LuongAttention` (multiplicative attention,
- [ref.](https://arxiv.org/abs/1508.04025))
-The `memory` tensor passed the attention mechanism's constructor is expected to
-be shaped `[batch_size, memory_max_time, memory_depth]`; and often an additional
-`memory_sequence_length` vector is accepted. If provided, the `memory`
-tensors' rows are masked with zeros past their true sequence lengths.
-Attention mechanisms also have a concept of depth, usually determined as a
-construction parameter `num_units`. For some kinds of attention (like
-`BahdanauAttention`), both queries and memory are projected to tensors of depth
-`num_units`. For other kinds (like `LuongAttention`), `num_units` should match
-the depth of the queries; and the `memory` tensor will be projected to this
-### Attention Wrappers
-The basic attention wrapper is `tf.contrib.seq2seq.AttentionWrapper`.
-This wrapper accepts an `RNNCell` instance, an instance of `AttentionMechanism`,
-and an attention depth parameter (`attention_size`); as well as several
-optional arguments that allow one to customize intermediate calculations.
-At each time step, the basic calculation performed by this wrapper is:
-cell_inputs = concat([inputs, prev_state.attention], -1)
-cell_output, next_cell_state = cell(cell_inputs, prev_state.cell_state)
-score = attention_mechanism(cell_output)
-alignments = softmax(score)
-context = matmul(alignments, attention_mechanism.values)
-attention = tf.layers.Dense(attention_size)(concat([cell_output, context], 1))
-next_state = AttentionWrapperState(
- cell_state=next_cell_state,
- attention=attention)
-output = attention
-return output, next_state
-In practice, a number of the intermediate calculations are configurable.
-For example, the initial concatenation of `inputs` and `prev_state.attention`
-can be replaced with another mixing function. The function `softmax` can
-be replaced with alternative options when calculating `alignments` from the
-`score`. Finally, the outputs returned by the wrapper can be configured to
-be the value `cell_output` instead of `attention`.
-The benefit of using a `AttentionWrapper` is that it plays nicely with
-other wrappers and the dynamic decoder described below. For example, one can
-cell = tf.contrib.rnn.DeviceWrapper(LSTMCell(512), "/device:GPU:0")
-attention_mechanism = tf.contrib.seq2seq.LuongAttention(512, encoder_outputs)
-attn_cell = tf.contrib.seq2seq.AttentionWrapper(
- cell, attention_mechanism, attention_size=256)
-attn_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.DeviceWrapper(attn_cell, "/device:GPU:1")
-top_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.DeviceWrapper(LSTMCell(512), "/device:GPU:1")
-multi_cell = MultiRNNCell([attn_cell, top_cell])
-The `multi_rnn` cell will perform the bottom layer calculations on GPU 0;
-attention calculations will be performed on GPU 1 and immediately passed
-up to the top layer which is also calculated on GPU 1. The attention is
-also passed forward in time to the next time step and copied to GPU 0 for the
-next time step of `cell`. (*Note*: This is just an example of use,
-not a suggested device partitioning strategy.)
-## Dynamic Decoding
-Example usage:
-``` python
-cell = # instance of RNNCell
-if mode == "train":
- helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.TrainingHelper(
- input=input_vectors,
- sequence_length=input_lengths)
-elif mode == "infer":
- helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.GreedyEmbeddingHelper(
- embedding=embedding,
- start_tokens=tf.tile([GO_SYMBOL], [batch_size]),
- end_token=END_SYMBOL)
-decoder = tf.contrib.seq2seq.BasicDecoder(
- cell=cell,
- helper=helper,
- initial_state=cell.zero_state(batch_size, tf.float32))
-outputs, _ = tf.contrib.seq2seq.dynamic_decode(
- decoder=decoder,
- output_time_major=False,
- impute_finished=True,
- maximum_iterations=20)
-### Decoder base class and functions
-* `tf.contrib.seq2seq.Decoder`
-* `tf.contrib.seq2seq.dynamic_decode`
-### Basic Decoder
-* `tf.contrib.seq2seq.BasicDecoderOutput`
-* `tf.contrib.seq2seq.BasicDecoder`
-### Decoder Helpers
-* `tf.contrib.seq2seq.Helper`
-* `tf.contrib.seq2seq.CustomHelper`
-* `tf.contrib.seq2seq.GreedyEmbeddingHelper`
-* `tf.contrib.seq2seq.ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingHelper`
-* `tf.contrib.seq2seq.ScheduledOutputTrainingHelper`
-* `tf.contrib.seq2seq.TrainingHelper`
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-# Signal Processing (contrib)
-`tf.contrib.signal` is a module for signal processing primitives. All
-operations have GPU support and are differentiable. This module is especially
-helpful for building TensorFlow models that process or generate audio, though
-the techniques are useful in many domains.
-## Framing variable length sequences
-When dealing with variable length signals (e.g. audio) it is common to "frame"
-them into multiple fixed length windows. These windows can overlap if the 'step'
-of the frame is less than the frame length. `tf.contrib.signal.frame` does
-exactly this. For example:
-# A batch of float32 time-domain signals in the range [-1, 1] with shape
-# [batch_size, signal_length]. Both batch_size and signal_length may be unknown.
-signals = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None])
-# Compute a [batch_size, ?, 128] tensor of fixed length, overlapping windows
-# where each window overlaps the previous by 75% (frame_length - frame_step
-# samples of overlap).
-frames = tf.contrib.signal.frame(signals, frame_length=128, frame_step=32)
-The `axis` parameter to `tf.contrib.signal.frame` allows you to frame tensors
-with inner structure (e.g. a spectrogram):
-# `magnitude_spectrograms` is a [batch_size, ?, 129] tensor of spectrograms. We
-# would like to produce overlapping fixed-size spectrogram patches; for example,
-# for use in a situation where a fixed size input is needed.
-magnitude_spectrograms = tf.abs(tf.contrib.signal.stft(
- signals, frame_length=256, frame_step=64, fft_length=256))
-# `spectrogram_patches` is a [batch_size, ?, 64, 129] tensor containing a
-# variable number of [64, 129] spectrogram patches per batch item.
-spectrogram_patches = tf.contrib.signal.frame(
- magnitude_spectrograms, frame_length=64, frame_step=16, axis=1)
-## Reconstructing framed sequences and applying a tapering window
-`tf.contrib.signal.overlap_and_add` can be used to reconstruct a signal from a
-framed representation. For example, the following code reconstructs the signal
-produced in the preceding example:
-# Reconstructs `signals` from `frames` produced in the above example. However,
-# the magnitude of `reconstructed_signals` will be greater than `signals`.
-reconstructed_signals = tf.contrib.signal.overlap_and_add(frames, frame_step=32)
-Note that because `frame_step` is 25% of `frame_length` in the above example,
-the resulting reconstruction will have a greater magnitude than the original
-`signals`. To compensate for this, we can use a tapering window function. If the
-window function satisfies the Constant Overlap-Add (COLA) property for the given
-frame step, then it will recover the original `signals`.
-`tf.contrib.signal.hamming_window` and `tf.contrib.signal.hann_window` both
-satisfy the COLA property for a 75% overlap.
-frame_length = 128
-frame_step = 32
-windowed_frames = frames * tf.contrib.signal.hann_window(frame_length)
-reconstructed_signals = tf.contrib.signal.overlap_and_add(
- windowed_frames, frame_step)
-## Computing spectrograms
-A spectrogram is a time-frequency decomposition of a signal that indicates its
-frequency content over time. The most common approach to computing spectrograms
-is to take the magnitude of the [Short-time Fourier Transform][stft] (STFT),
-which `tf.contrib.signal.stft` can compute as follows:
-# A batch of float32 time-domain signals in the range [-1, 1] with shape
-# [batch_size, signal_length]. Both batch_size and signal_length may be unknown.
-signals = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, None])
-# `stfts` is a complex64 Tensor representing the Short-time Fourier Transform of
-# each signal in `signals`. Its shape is [batch_size, ?, fft_unique_bins]
-# where fft_unique_bins = fft_length // 2 + 1 = 513.
-stfts = tf.contrib.signal.stft(signals, frame_length=1024, frame_step=512,
- fft_length=1024)
-# A power spectrogram is the squared magnitude of the complex-valued STFT.
-# A float32 Tensor of shape [batch_size, ?, 513].
-power_spectrograms = tf.real(stfts * tf.conj(stfts))
-# An energy spectrogram is the magnitude of the complex-valued STFT.
-# A float32 Tensor of shape [batch_size, ?, 513].
-magnitude_spectrograms = tf.abs(stfts)
-You may use a power spectrogram or a magnitude spectrogram; each has its
-advantages. Note that if you apply logarithmic compression, the power
-spectrogram and magnitude spectrogram will differ by a factor of 2.
-## Logarithmic compression
-It is common practice to apply a compressive nonlinearity such as a logarithm or
-power-law compression to spectrograms. This helps to balance the importance of
-detail in low and high energy regions of the spectrum, which more closely
-matches human auditory sensitivity.
-When compressing with a logarithm, it's a good idea to use a stabilizing offset
-to avoid high dynamic ranges caused by the singularity at zero.
-log_offset = 1e-6
-log_magnitude_spectrograms = tf.log(magnitude_spectrograms + log_offset)
-## Computing log-mel spectrograms
-When working with spectral representations of audio, the [mel scale][mel] is a
-common reweighting of the frequency dimension, which results in a
-lower-dimensional and more perceptually-relevant representation of the audio.
-`tf.contrib.signal.linear_to_mel_weight_matrix` produces a matrix you can use
-to convert a spectrogram to the mel scale.
-# Warp the linear-scale, magnitude spectrograms into the mel-scale.
-num_spectrogram_bins = magnitude_spectrograms.shape[-1].value
-lower_edge_hertz, upper_edge_hertz, num_mel_bins = 80.0, 7600.0, 64
-linear_to_mel_weight_matrix = tf.contrib.signal.linear_to_mel_weight_matrix(
- num_mel_bins, num_spectrogram_bins, sample_rate, lower_edge_hertz,
- upper_edge_hertz)
-mel_spectrograms = tf.tensordot(
- magnitude_spectrograms, linear_to_mel_weight_matrix, 1)
-# Note: Shape inference for `tf.tensordot` does not currently handle this case.
- linear_to_mel_weight_matrix.shape[-1:]))
-If desired, compress the mel spectrogram magnitudes. For example, you may use
-logarithmic compression (as discussed in the previous section).
-Order matters! Compressing the spectrogram magnitudes after
-reweighting the frequencies is different from reweighting the compressed
-spectrogram magnitudes. According to the perceptual justification of the mel
-scale, conversion from linear scale entails summing intensity or energy among
-adjacent bands, i.e. it should be applied before logarithmic compression. Taking
-the weighted sum of log-compressed values amounts to multiplying the
-pre-logarithm values, which rarely, if ever, makes sense.
-log_offset = 1e-6
-log_mel_spectrograms = tf.log(mel_spectrograms + log_offset)
-## Computing Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs)
-Call `tf.contrib.signal.mfccs_from_log_mel_spectrograms` to compute
-[MFCCs][mfcc] from log-magnitude, mel-scale spectrograms (as computed in the
-preceding example):
-num_mfccs = 13
-# Keep the first `num_mfccs` MFCCs.
-mfccs = tf.contrib.signal.mfccs_from_log_mel_spectrograms(
- log_mel_spectrograms)[..., :num_mfccs]
-[stft]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Short-time_Fourier_transform
-[mel]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_scale
-[mfcc]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel-frequency_cepstrum
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-# Staging (contrib)
-This library contains utilities for adding pipelining to a model.
-* `tf.contrib.staging.StagingArea`
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-# Training (contrib)
-Training and input utilities.
-## Splitting sequence inputs into minibatches with state saving
-Use `tf.contrib.training.SequenceQueueingStateSaver` or
-its wrapper `tf.contrib.training.batch_sequences_with_states` if
-you have input data with a dynamic primary time / frame count axis which
-you'd like to convert into fixed size segments during minibatching, and would
-like to store state in the forward direction across segments of an example.
-* `tf.contrib.training.batch_sequences_with_states`
-* `tf.contrib.training.NextQueuedSequenceBatch`
-* `tf.contrib.training.SequenceQueueingStateSaver`
-## Online data resampling
-To resample data with replacement on a per-example basis, use
-`tf.contrib.training.rejection_sample` or
-`tf.contrib.training.resample_at_rate`. For `rejection_sample`, provide
-a boolean Tensor describing whether to accept or reject. Resulting batch sizes
-are always the same. For `resample_at_rate`, provide the desired rate for each
-example. Resulting batch sizes may vary. If you wish to specify relative
-rates, rather than absolute ones, use `tf.contrib.training.weighted_resample`
-(which also returns the actual resampling rate used for each output example).
-Use `tf.contrib.training.stratified_sample` to resample without replacement
-from the data to achieve a desired mix of class proportions that the Tensorflow
-graph sees. For instance, if you have a binary classification dataset that is
-99.9% class 1, a common approach is to resample from the data so that the data
-is more balanced.
-* `tf.contrib.training.rejection_sample`
-* `tf.contrib.training.resample_at_rate`
-* `tf.contrib.training.stratified_sample`
-* `tf.contrib.training.weighted_resample`
-## Bucketing
-Use `tf.contrib.training.bucket` or
-`tf.contrib.training.bucket_by_sequence_length` to stratify
-minibatches into groups ("buckets"). Use `bucket_by_sequence_length`
-with the argument `dynamic_pad=True` to receive minibatches of similarly
-sized sequences for efficient training via `dynamic_rnn`.
-* `tf.contrib.training.bucket`
-* `tf.contrib.training.bucket_by_sequence_length`
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-# Utilities (contrib)
-Utilities for dealing with Tensors.
-## Miscellaneous Utility Functions
-* `tf.contrib.util.constant_value`
-* `tf.contrib.util.make_tensor_proto`
-* `tf.contrib.util.make_ndarray`
-* `tf.contrib.util.ops_used_by_graph_def`
-* `tf.contrib.util.stripped_op_list_for_graph`
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-# Control Flow
-Note: Functions taking `Tensor` arguments can also take anything accepted by
-## Control Flow Operations
-TensorFlow provides several operations and classes that you can use to control
-the execution of operations and add conditional dependencies to your graph.
-* `tf.identity`
-* `tf.tuple`
-* `tf.group`
-* `tf.no_op`
-* `tf.count_up_to`
-* `tf.cond`
-* `tf.case`
-* `tf.while_loop`
-## Logical Operators
-TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to add logical operators
-to your graph.
-* `tf.logical_and`
-* `tf.logical_not`
-* `tf.logical_or`
-* `tf.logical_xor`
-## Comparison Operators
-TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to add comparison
-operators to your graph.
-* `tf.equal`
-* `tf.not_equal`
-* `tf.less`
-* `tf.less_equal`
-* `tf.greater`
-* `tf.greater_equal`
-* `tf.where`
-## Debugging Operations
-TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to validate values and
-debug your graph.
-* `tf.is_finite`
-* `tf.is_inf`
-* `tf.is_nan`
-* `tf.verify_tensor_all_finite`
-* `tf.check_numerics`
-* `tf.add_check_numerics_ops`
-* `tf.Assert`
-* `tf.Print`
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-# Building Graphs
-Classes and functions for building TensorFlow graphs.
-## Core graph data structures
-* `tf.Graph`
-* `tf.Operation`
-* `tf.Tensor`
-## Tensor types
-* `tf.DType`
-* `tf.as_dtype`
-## Utility functions
-* `tf.device`
-* `tf.container`
-* `tf.name_scope`
-* `tf.control_dependencies`
-* `tf.convert_to_tensor`
-* `tf.convert_to_tensor_or_indexed_slices`
-* `tf.convert_to_tensor_or_sparse_tensor`
-* `tf.get_default_graph`
-* `tf.reset_default_graph`
-* `tf.import_graph_def`
-* `tf.load_file_system_library`
-* `tf.load_op_library`
-## Graph collections
-* `tf.add_to_collection`
-* `tf.get_collection`
-* `tf.get_collection_ref`
-* `tf.GraphKeys`
-## Defining new operations
-* `tf.RegisterGradient`
-* `tf.NotDifferentiable`
-* `tf.NoGradient`
-* `tf.TensorShape`
-* `tf.Dimension`
-* `tf.op_scope`
-* `tf.get_seed`
-## For libraries building on TensorFlow
-* `tf.register_tensor_conversion_function`
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-# Higher Order Functions
-Note: Functions taking `Tensor` arguments can also take anything accepted by
-Functional operations.
-## Higher Order Operators
-TensorFlow provides several higher order operators to simplify the common
-map-reduce programming patterns.
-* `tf.map_fn`
-* `tf.foldl`
-* `tf.foldr`
-* `tf.scan`
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-# Images
-Note: Functions taking `Tensor` arguments can also take anything accepted by
-## Encoding and Decoding
-TensorFlow provides Ops to decode and encode JPEG and PNG formats. Encoded
-images are represented by scalar string Tensors, decoded images by 3-D uint8
-tensors of shape `[height, width, channels]`. (PNG also supports uint16.)
-The encode and decode Ops apply to one image at a time. Their input and output
-are all of variable size. If you need fixed size images, pass the output of
-the decode Ops to one of the cropping and resizing Ops.
-Note: The PNG encode and decode Ops support RGBA, but the conversions Ops
-presently only support RGB, HSV, and GrayScale. Presently, the alpha channel has
-to be stripped from the image and re-attached using slicing ops.
-* `tf.image.decode_bmp`
-* `tf.image.decode_gif`
-* `tf.image.decode_jpeg`
-* `tf.image.encode_jpeg`
-* `tf.image.decode_png`
-* `tf.image.encode_png`
-* `tf.image.decode_image`
-## Resizing
-The resizing Ops accept input images as tensors of several types. They always
-output resized images as float32 tensors.
-The convenience function `tf.image.resize_images` supports both 4-D
-and 3-D tensors as input and output. 4-D tensors are for batches of images,
-3-D tensors for individual images.
-Other resizing Ops only support 4-D batches of images as input:
-`tf.image.resize_area`, `tf.image.resize_bicubic`,
-# Decode a JPG image and resize it to 299 by 299 using default method.
-image = tf.image.decode_jpeg(...)
-resized_image = tf.image.resize_images(image, [299, 299])
-* `tf.image.resize_images`
-* `tf.image.resize_area`
-* `tf.image.resize_bicubic`
-* `tf.image.resize_bilinear`
-* `tf.image.resize_nearest_neighbor`
-## Cropping
-* `tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad`
-* `tf.image.central_crop`
-* `tf.image.pad_to_bounding_box`
-* `tf.image.crop_to_bounding_box`
-* `tf.image.extract_glimpse`
-* `tf.image.crop_and_resize`
-## Flipping, Rotating and Transposing
-* `tf.image.flip_up_down`
-* `tf.image.random_flip_up_down`
-* `tf.image.flip_left_right`
-* `tf.image.random_flip_left_right`
-* `tf.image.transpose_image`
-* `tf.image.rot90`
-## Converting Between Colorspaces
-Image ops work either on individual images or on batches of images, depending on
-the shape of their input Tensor.
-If 3-D, the shape is `[height, width, channels]`, and the Tensor represents one
-image. If 4-D, the shape is `[batch_size, height, width, channels]`, and the
-Tensor represents `batch_size` images.
-Currently, `channels` can usefully be 1, 2, 3, or 4. Single-channel images are
-grayscale, images with 3 channels are encoded as either RGB or HSV. Images
-with 2 or 4 channels include an alpha channel, which has to be stripped from the
-image before passing the image to most image processing functions (and can be
-re-attached later).
-Internally, images are either stored in as one `float32` per channel per pixel
-(implicitly, values are assumed to lie in `[0,1)`) or one `uint8` per channel
-per pixel (values are assumed to lie in `[0,255]`).
-TensorFlow can convert between images in RGB or HSV. The conversion functions
-work only on float images, so you need to convert images in other formats using
-# Decode an image and convert it to HSV.
-rgb_image = tf.image.decode_png(..., channels=3)
-rgb_image_float = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(rgb_image, tf.float32)
-hsv_image = tf.image.rgb_to_hsv(rgb_image)
-* `tf.image.rgb_to_grayscale`
-* `tf.image.grayscale_to_rgb`
-* `tf.image.hsv_to_rgb`
-* `tf.image.rgb_to_hsv`
-* `tf.image.convert_image_dtype`
-## Image Adjustments
-TensorFlow provides functions to adjust images in various ways: brightness,
-contrast, hue, and saturation. Each adjustment can be done with predefined
-parameters or with random parameters picked from predefined intervals. Random
-adjustments are often useful to expand a training set and reduce overfitting.
-If several adjustments are chained it is advisable to minimize the number of
-redundant conversions by first converting the images to the most natural data
-type and representation (RGB or HSV).
-* `tf.image.adjust_brightness`
-* `tf.image.random_brightness`
-* `tf.image.adjust_contrast`
-* `tf.image.random_contrast`
-* `tf.image.adjust_hue`
-* `tf.image.random_hue`
-* `tf.image.adjust_gamma`
-* `tf.image.adjust_saturation`
-* `tf.image.random_saturation`
-* `tf.image.per_image_standardization`
-## Working with Bounding Boxes
-* `tf.image.draw_bounding_boxes`
-* `tf.image.non_max_suppression`
-* `tf.image.sample_distorted_bounding_box`
-## Denoising
-* `tf.image.total_variation`
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-# Python API Guides
-* [Asserts and boolean checks](check_ops.md)
-* [Building Graphs](framework.md)
-* [Constants, Sequences, and Random Values](constant_op.md)
-* [Control Flow](control_flow_ops.md)
-* [Data IO (Python functions)](python_io.md)
-* [Exporting and Importing a MetaGraph](meta_graph.md)
-* [Higher Order Functions](functional_ops.md)
-* [Histograms](histogram_ops.md)
-* [Images](image.md)
-* [Inputs and Readers](io_ops.md)
-* [Math](math_ops.md)
-* [Neural Network](nn.md)
-* [Reading data](reading_data.md)
-* [Running Graphs](client.md)
-* [Sparse Tensors](sparse_ops.md)
-* [Spectral Functions](spectral_ops.md)
-* [Strings](string_ops.md)
-* [Summary Operations](summary.md)
-* [TensorFlow Debugger](tfdbg.md)
-* [Tensor Handle Operations](session_ops.md)
-* [Tensor Transformations](array_ops.md)
-* [Testing](test.md)
-* [Training](train.md)
-* [Variables](state_ops.md)
-* [Wraps python functions](script_ops.md)
-* [BayesFlow Entropy (contrib)](contrib.bayesflow.entropy.md)
-* [BayesFlow Monte Carlo (contrib)](contrib.bayesflow.monte_carlo.md)
-* [BayesFlow Stochastic Graph (contrib)](contrib.bayesflow.stochastic_graph.md)
-* [BayesFlow Stochastic Tensors (contrib)](contrib.bayesflow.stochastic_tensor.md)
-* [BayesFlow Variational Inference (contrib)](contrib.bayesflow.variational_inference.md)
-* [Copying Graph Elements (contrib)](contrib.copy_graph.md)
-* [CRF (contrib)](contrib.crf.md)
-* [FFmpeg (contrib)](contrib.ffmpeg.md)
-* [Framework (contrib)](contrib.framework.md)
-* [Graph Editor (contrib)](contrib.graph_editor.md)
-* [Integrate (contrib)](contrib.integrate.md)
-* [Layers (contrib)](contrib.layers.md)
-* [Learn (contrib)](contrib.learn.md)
-* [Linear Algebra (contrib)](contrib.linalg.md)
-* [Losses (contrib)](contrib.losses.md)
-* [Metrics (contrib)](contrib.metrics.md)
-* [Optimization (contrib)](contrib.opt.md)
-* [Random variable transformations (contrib)](contrib.distributions.bijectors.md)
-* [RNN and Cells (contrib)](contrib.rnn.md)
-* [Seq2seq Library (contrib)](contrib.seq2seq.md)
-* [Signal Processing (contrib)](contrib.signal.md)
-* [Staging (contrib)](contrib.staging.md)
-* [Statistical Distributions (contrib)](contrib.distributions.md)
-* [Training (contrib)](contrib.training.md)
-* [Utilities (contrib)](contrib.util.md)
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-# Dataset Input Pipeline
-`tf.data.Dataset` allows you to build complex input pipelines. See the
-[Importing Data](../../guide/datasets.md) for an in-depth explanation of how to use this API.
-## Reader classes
-Classes that create a dataset from input files.
-* `tf.data.FixedLengthRecordDataset`
-* `tf.data.TextLineDataset`
-* `tf.data.TFRecordDataset`
-## Creating new datasets
-Static methods in `Dataset` that create new datasets.
-* `tf.data.Dataset.from_generator`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.from_tensors`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.list_files`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.range`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.zip`
-## Transformations on existing datasets
-These functions transform an existing dataset, and return a new dataset. Calls
-can be chained together, as shown in the example below:
-train_data = train_data.batch(100).shuffle().repeat()
-* `tf.data.Dataset.apply`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.batch`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.cache`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.concatenate`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.filter`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.flat_map`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.interleave`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.map`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.padded_batch`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.prefetch`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.repeat`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.shard`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.shuffle`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.skip`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.take`
-### Custom transformation functions
-Custom transformation functions can be applied to a `Dataset` using `tf.data.Dataset.apply`. Below are custom transformation functions from `tf.contrib.data`:
-* `tf.contrib.data.batch_and_drop_remainder`
-* `tf.contrib.data.dense_to_sparse_batch`
-* `tf.contrib.data.enumerate_dataset`
-* `tf.contrib.data.group_by_window`
-* `tf.contrib.data.ignore_errors`
-* `tf.contrib.data.map_and_batch`
-* `tf.contrib.data.padded_batch_and_drop_remainder`
-* `tf.contrib.data.parallel_interleave`
-* `tf.contrib.data.rejection_resample`
-* `tf.contrib.data.scan`
-* `tf.contrib.data.shuffle_and_repeat`
-* `tf.contrib.data.unbatch`
-## Iterating over datasets
-These functions make a `tf.data.Iterator` from a `Dataset`.
-* `tf.data.Dataset.make_initializable_iterator`
-* `tf.data.Dataset.make_one_shot_iterator`
-The `Iterator` class also contains static methods that create a `tf.data.Iterator` that can be used with multiple `Dataset` objects.
-* `tf.data.Iterator.from_structure`
-* `tf.data.Iterator.from_string_handle`
-## Extra functions from `tf.contrib.data`
-* `tf.contrib.data.get_single_element`
-* `tf.contrib.data.make_saveable_from_iterator`
-* `tf.contrib.data.read_batch_features`
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-# Inputs and Readers
-Note: Functions taking `Tensor` arguments can also take anything accepted by
-## Placeholders
-TensorFlow provides a placeholder operation that must be fed with data
-on execution. For more info, see the section on [Feeding data](../../api_guides/python/reading_data.md#Feeding).
-* `tf.placeholder`
-* `tf.placeholder_with_default`
-For feeding `SparseTensor`s which are composite type,
-there is a convenience function:
-* `tf.sparse_placeholder`
-## Readers
-TensorFlow provides a set of Reader classes for reading data formats.
-For more information on inputs and readers, see [Reading data](../../api_guides/python/reading_data.md).
-* `tf.ReaderBase`
-* `tf.TextLineReader`
-* `tf.WholeFileReader`
-* `tf.IdentityReader`
-* `tf.TFRecordReader`
-* `tf.FixedLengthRecordReader`
-## Converting
-TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to convert various data
-formats into tensors.
-* `tf.decode_csv`
-* `tf.decode_raw`
-- - -
-### Example protocol buffer
-TensorFlow's [recommended format for training examples](../../api_guides/python/reading_data.md#standard_tensorflow_format)
-is serialized `Example` protocol buffers, [described
-They contain `Features`, [described
-* `tf.VarLenFeature`
-* `tf.FixedLenFeature`
-* `tf.FixedLenSequenceFeature`
-* `tf.SparseFeature`
-* `tf.parse_example`
-* `tf.parse_single_example`
-* `tf.parse_tensor`
-* `tf.decode_json_example`
-## Queues
-TensorFlow provides several implementations of 'Queues', which are
-structures within the TensorFlow computation graph to stage pipelines
-of tensors together. The following describe the basic Queue interface
-and some implementations. To see an example use, see [Threading and Queues](../../api_guides/python/threading_and_queues.md).
-* `tf.QueueBase`
-* `tf.FIFOQueue`
-* `tf.PaddingFIFOQueue`
-* `tf.RandomShuffleQueue`
-* `tf.PriorityQueue`
-## Conditional Accumulators
-* `tf.ConditionalAccumulatorBase`
-* `tf.ConditionalAccumulator`
-* `tf.SparseConditionalAccumulator`
-## Dealing with the filesystem
-* `tf.matching_files`
-* `tf.read_file`
-* `tf.write_file`
-## Input pipeline
-TensorFlow functions for setting up an input-prefetching pipeline.
-Please see the [reading data how-to](../../api_guides/python/reading_data.md)
-for context.
-### Beginning of an input pipeline
-The "producer" functions add a queue to the graph and a corresponding
-`QueueRunner` for running the subgraph that fills that queue.
-* `tf.train.match_filenames_once`
-* `tf.train.limit_epochs`
-* `tf.train.input_producer`
-* `tf.train.range_input_producer`
-* `tf.train.slice_input_producer`
-* `tf.train.string_input_producer`
-### Batching at the end of an input pipeline
-These functions add a queue to the graph to assemble a batch of
-examples, with possible shuffling. They also add a `QueueRunner` for
-running the subgraph that fills that queue.
-Use `tf.train.batch` or `tf.train.batch_join` for batching
-examples that have already been well shuffled. Use
-`tf.train.shuffle_batch` or
-`tf.train.shuffle_batch_join` for examples that would
-benefit from additional shuffling.
-Use `tf.train.batch` or `tf.train.shuffle_batch` if you want a
-single thread producing examples to batch, or if you have a
-single subgraph producing examples but you want to run it in *N* threads
-(where you increase *N* until it can keep the queue full). Use
-`tf.train.batch_join` or `tf.train.shuffle_batch_join`
-if you have *N* different subgraphs producing examples to batch and you
-want them run by *N* threads. Use `maybe_*` to enqueue conditionally.
-* `tf.train.batch`
-* `tf.train.maybe_batch`
-* `tf.train.batch_join`
-* `tf.train.maybe_batch_join`
-* `tf.train.shuffle_batch`
-* `tf.train.maybe_shuffle_batch`
-* `tf.train.shuffle_batch_join`
-* `tf.train.maybe_shuffle_batch_join`
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-# Math
-Note: Functions taking `Tensor` arguments can also take anything accepted by
-Note: Elementwise binary operations in TensorFlow follow [numpy-style
-## Arithmetic Operators
-TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to add basic arithmetic
-operators to your graph.
-* `tf.add`
-* `tf.subtract`
-* `tf.multiply`
-* `tf.scalar_mul`
-* `tf.div`
-* `tf.divide`
-* `tf.truediv`
-* `tf.floordiv`
-* `tf.realdiv`
-* `tf.truncatediv`
-* `tf.floor_div`
-* `tf.div_no_nan`
-* `tf.truncatemod`
-* `tf.floormod`
-* `tf.mod`
-* `tf.cross`
-## Basic Math Functions
-TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to add basic
-mathematical functions to your graph.
-* `tf.add_n`
-* `tf.abs`
-* `tf.negative`
-* `tf.sign`
-* `tf.reciprocal`
-* `tf.square`
-* `tf.round`
-* `tf.sqrt`
-* `tf.rsqrt`
-* `tf.pow`
-* `tf.exp`
-* `tf.expm1`
-* `tf.log`
-* `tf.log1p`
-* `tf.ceil`
-* `tf.floor`
-* `tf.maximum`
-* `tf.minimum`
-* `tf.cos`
-* `tf.sin`
-* `tf.lbeta`
-* `tf.tan`
-* `tf.acos`
-* `tf.asin`
-* `tf.atan`
-* `tf.cosh`
-* `tf.sinh`
-* `tf.asinh`
-* `tf.acosh`
-* `tf.atanh`
-* `tf.lgamma`
-* `tf.digamma`
-* `tf.erf`
-* `tf.erfc`
-* `tf.squared_difference`
-* `tf.igamma`
-* `tf.igammac`
-* `tf.zeta`
-* `tf.polygamma`
-* `tf.betainc`
-* `tf.rint`
-## Matrix Math Functions
-TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to add linear algebra
-functions on matrices to your graph.
-* `tf.diag`
-* `tf.diag_part`
-* `tf.trace`
-* `tf.transpose`
-* `tf.eye`
-* `tf.matrix_diag`
-* `tf.matrix_diag_part`
-* `tf.matrix_band_part`
-* `tf.matrix_set_diag`
-* `tf.matrix_transpose`
-* `tf.matmul`
-* `tf.norm`
-* `tf.matrix_determinant`
-* `tf.matrix_inverse`
-* `tf.cholesky`
-* `tf.cholesky_solve`
-* `tf.matrix_solve`
-* `tf.matrix_triangular_solve`
-* `tf.matrix_solve_ls`
-* `tf.qr`
-* `tf.self_adjoint_eig`
-* `tf.self_adjoint_eigvals`
-* `tf.svd`
-## Tensor Math Function
-TensorFlow provides operations that you can use to add tensor functions to your
-* `tf.tensordot`
-## Complex Number Functions
-TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to add complex number
-functions to your graph.
-* `tf.complex`
-* `tf.conj`
-* `tf.imag`
-* `tf.angle`
-* `tf.real`
-## Reduction
-TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to perform
-common math computations that reduce various dimensions of a tensor.
-* `tf.reduce_sum`
-* `tf.reduce_prod`
-* `tf.reduce_min`
-* `tf.reduce_max`
-* `tf.reduce_mean`
-* `tf.reduce_all`
-* `tf.reduce_any`
-* `tf.reduce_logsumexp`
-* `tf.count_nonzero`
-* `tf.accumulate_n`
-* `tf.einsum`
-## Scan
-TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to perform scans
-(running totals) across one axis of a tensor.
-* `tf.cumsum`
-* `tf.cumprod`
-## Segmentation
-TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to perform common
-math computations on tensor segments.
-Here a segmentation is a partitioning of a tensor along
-the first dimension, i.e. it defines a mapping from the first dimension onto
-`segment_ids`. The `segment_ids` tensor should be the size of
-the first dimension, `d0`, with consecutive IDs in the range `0` to `k`,
-where `k<d0`.
-In particular, a segmentation of a matrix tensor is a mapping of rows to
-For example:
-c = tf.constant([[1,2,3,4], [-1,-2,-3,-4], [5,6,7,8]])
-tf.segment_sum(c, tf.constant([0, 0, 1]))
- ==> [[0 0 0 0]
- [5 6 7 8]]
-* `tf.segment_sum`
-* `tf.segment_prod`
-* `tf.segment_min`
-* `tf.segment_max`
-* `tf.segment_mean`
-* `tf.unsorted_segment_sum`
-* `tf.sparse_segment_sum`
-* `tf.sparse_segment_mean`
-* `tf.sparse_segment_sqrt_n`
-## Sequence Comparison and Indexing
-TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to add sequence
-comparison and index extraction to your graph. You can use these operations to
-determine sequence differences and determine the indexes of specific values in
-a tensor.
-* `tf.argmin`
-* `tf.argmax`
-* `tf.setdiff1d`
-* `tf.where`
-* `tf.unique`
-* `tf.edit_distance`
-* `tf.invert_permutation`
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-# Exporting and Importing a MetaGraph
-A [`MetaGraph`](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/protobuf/meta_graph.proto) contains both a TensorFlow GraphDef
-as well as associated metadata necessary for running computation in a
-graph when crossing a process boundary. It can also be used for long
-term storage of graphs. The MetaGraph contains the information required
-to continue training, perform evaluation, or run inference on a previously trained graph.
-The APIs for exporting and importing the complete model are in
-the `tf.train.Saver` class:
-## What's in a MetaGraph
-The information contained in a MetaGraph is expressed as a
-protocol buffer. It contains the following fields:
-* [`MetaInfoDef`](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/protobuf/meta_graph.proto) for meta information, such as version and other user information.
-* [`GraphDef`](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/framework/graph.proto) for describing the graph.
-* [`SaverDef`](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/protobuf/saver.proto) for the saver.
-* [`CollectionDef`](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/protobuf/meta_graph.proto)
-map that further describes additional components of the model such as
-`tf.train.QueueRunner`, etc.
-In order for a Python object to be serialized
-to and from `MetaGraphDef`, the Python class must implement `to_proto()` and
-`from_proto()` methods, and register them with the system using
-`register_proto_function`. For example:
- ```Python
- def to_proto(self, export_scope=None):
- """Converts a `Variable` to a `VariableDef` protocol buffer.
- Args:
- export_scope: Optional `string`. Name scope to remove.
- Returns:
- A `VariableDef` protocol buffer, or `None` if the `Variable` is not
- in the specified name scope.
- """
- if (export_scope is None or
- self._variable.name.startswith(export_scope)):
- var_def = variable_pb2.VariableDef()
- var_def.variable_name = ops.strip_name_scope(
- self._variable.name, export_scope)
- var_def.initializer_name = ops.strip_name_scope(
- self.initializer.name, export_scope)
- var_def.snapshot_name = ops.strip_name_scope(
- self._snapshot.name, export_scope)
- if self._save_slice_info:
- var_def.save_slice_info_def.MergeFrom(self._save_slice_info.to_proto(
- export_scope=export_scope))
- return var_def
- else:
- return None
- @staticmethod
- def from_proto(variable_def, import_scope=None):
- """Returns a `Variable` object created from `variable_def`."""
- return Variable(variable_def=variable_def, import_scope=import_scope)
- ops.register_proto_function(ops.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES,
- proto_type=variable_pb2.VariableDef,
- to_proto=Variable.to_proto,
- from_proto=Variable.from_proto)
- ```
-## Exporting a Complete Model to MetaGraph
-The API for exporting a running model as a MetaGraph is `export_meta_graph()`.
- ```Python
- def export_meta_graph(filename=None, collection_list=None, as_text=False):
- """Writes `MetaGraphDef` to save_path/filename.
- Args:
- filename: Optional meta_graph filename including the path.
- collection_list: List of string keys to collect.
- as_text: If `True`, writes the meta_graph as an ASCII proto.
- Returns:
- A `MetaGraphDef` proto.
- """
- ```
- A `collection` can contain any Python objects that users would like to
- be able to uniquely identify and easily retrieve. These objects can be
- special operations in the graph, such as `train_op`, or hyper parameters,
- such as "learning rate". Users can specify the list of collections
- they would like to export. If no `collection_list` is specified,
- all collections in the model will be exported.
- The API returns a serialized protocol buffer. If `filename` is
- specified, the protocol buffer will also be written to a file.
- Here are some of the typical usage models:
- * Export the default running graph:
- ```Python
- # Build the model
- ...
- with tf.Session() as sess:
- # Use the model
- ...
- # Export the model to /tmp/my-model.meta.
- meta_graph_def = tf.train.export_meta_graph(filename='/tmp/my-model.meta')
- ```
- * Export the default running graph and only a subset of the collections.
- ```Python
- meta_graph_def = tf.train.export_meta_graph(
- filename='/tmp/my-model.meta',
- collection_list=["input_tensor", "output_tensor"])
- ```
-The MetaGraph is also automatically exported via the `save()` API in
-## Import a MetaGraph
-The API for importing a MetaGraph file into a graph is `import_meta_graph()`.
-Here are some of the typical usage models:
-* Import and continue training without building the model from scratch.
- ```Python
- ...
- # Create a saver.
- saver = tf.train.Saver(...variables...)
- # Remember the training_op we want to run by adding it to a collection.
- tf.add_to_collection('train_op', train_op)
- sess = tf.Session()
- for step in xrange(1000000):
- sess.run(train_op)
- if step % 1000 == 0:
- # Saves checkpoint, which by default also exports a meta_graph
- # named 'my-model-global_step.meta'.
- saver.save(sess, 'my-model', global_step=step)
- ```
- Later we can continue training from this saved `meta_graph` without building
- the model from scratch.
- ```Python
- with tf.Session() as sess:
- new_saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('my-save-dir/my-model-10000.meta')
- new_saver.restore(sess, 'my-save-dir/my-model-10000')
- # tf.get_collection() returns a list. In this example we only want the
- # first one.
- train_op = tf.get_collection('train_op')[0]
- for step in xrange(1000000):
- sess.run(train_op)
- ```
-* Import and extend the graph.
- For example, we can first build an inference graph, export it as a meta graph:
- ```Python
- # Creates an inference graph.
- # Hidden 1
- images = tf.constant(1.2, tf.float32, shape=[100, 28])
- with tf.name_scope("hidden1"):
- weights = tf.Variable(
- tf.truncated_normal([28, 128],
- stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(float(28))),
- name="weights")
- biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([128]),
- name="biases")
- hidden1 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(images, weights) + biases)
- # Hidden 2
- with tf.name_scope("hidden2"):
- weights = tf.Variable(
- tf.truncated_normal([128, 32],
- stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(float(128))),
- name="weights")
- biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([32]),
- name="biases")
- hidden2 = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(hidden1, weights) + biases)
- # Linear
- with tf.name_scope("softmax_linear"):
- weights = tf.Variable(
- tf.truncated_normal([32, 10],
- stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(float(32))),
- name="weights")
- biases = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([10]),
- name="biases")
- logits = tf.matmul(hidden2, weights) + biases
- tf.add_to_collection("logits", logits)
- init_all_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()
- with tf.Session() as sess:
- # Initializes all the variables.
- sess.run(init_all_op)
- # Runs to logit.
- sess.run(logits)
- # Creates a saver.
- saver0 = tf.train.Saver()
- saver0.save(sess, 'my-save-dir/my-model-10000')
- # Generates MetaGraphDef.
- saver0.export_meta_graph('my-save-dir/my-model-10000.meta')
- ```
- Then later import it and extend it to a training graph.
- ```Python
- with tf.Session() as sess:
- new_saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('my-save-dir/my-model-10000.meta')
- new_saver.restore(sess, 'my-save-dir/my-model-10000')
- # Addes loss and train.
- labels = tf.constant(0, tf.int32, shape=[100], name="labels")
- batch_size = tf.size(labels)
- logits = tf.get_collection("logits")[0]
- loss = tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(labels=labels,
- logits=logits)
- tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss)
- # Creates the gradient descent optimizer with the given learning rate.
- optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.01)
- # Runs train_op.
- train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss)
- sess.run(train_op)
- ```
-* Import a graph with preset devices.
- Sometimes an exported meta graph is from a training environment that the
- importer doesn't have. For example, the model might have been trained
- on GPUs, or in a distributed environment with replicas. When importing
- such models, it's useful to be able to clear the device settings in
- the graph so that we can run it on locally available devices. This can
- be achieved by calling `import_meta_graph` with the `clear_devices`
- option set to `True`.
- ```Python
- with tf.Session() as sess:
- new_saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('my-save-dir/my-model-10000.meta',
- clear_devices=True)
- new_saver.restore(sess, 'my-save-dir/my-model-10000')
- ...
- ```
-* Import within the default graph.
- Sometimes you might want to run `export_meta_graph` and `import_meta_graph`
- in codelab using the default graph. In that case, you need to reset
- the default graph by calling `tf.reset_default_graph()` first before
- running import.
- ```Python
- meta_graph_def = tf.train.export_meta_graph()
- ...
- tf.reset_default_graph()
- ...
- tf.train.import_meta_graph(meta_graph_def)
- ...
- ```
-* Retrieve Hyper Parameters
- ```Python
- filename = ".".join([tf.train.latest_checkpoint(train_dir), "meta"])
- tf.train.import_meta_graph(filename)
- hparams = tf.get_collection("hparams")
- ```
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-# Neural Network
-Note: Functions taking `Tensor` arguments can also take anything accepted by
-## Activation Functions
-The activation ops provide different types of nonlinearities for use in neural
-networks. These include smooth nonlinearities (`sigmoid`, `tanh`, `elu`, `selu`,
-`softplus`, and `softsign`), continuous but not everywhere differentiable
-functions (`relu`, `relu6`, `crelu` and `relu_x`), and random regularization
-All activation ops apply componentwise, and produce a tensor of the same
-shape as the input tensor.
-* `tf.nn.relu`
-* `tf.nn.relu6`
-* `tf.nn.crelu`
-* `tf.nn.elu`
-* `tf.nn.selu`
-* `tf.nn.softplus`
-* `tf.nn.softsign`
-* `tf.nn.dropout`
-* `tf.nn.bias_add`
-* `tf.sigmoid`
-* `tf.tanh`
-## Convolution
-The convolution ops sweep a 2-D filter over a batch of images, applying the
-filter to each window of each image of the appropriate size. The different
-ops trade off between generic vs. specific filters:
-* `conv2d`: Arbitrary filters that can mix channels together.
-* `depthwise_conv2d`: Filters that operate on each channel independently.
-* `separable_conv2d`: A depthwise spatial filter followed by a pointwise filter.
-Note that although these ops are called "convolution", they are strictly
-speaking "cross-correlation" since the filter is combined with an input window
-without reversing the filter. For details, see [the properties of
-The filter is applied to image patches of the same size as the filter and
-strided according to the `strides` argument. `strides = [1, 1, 1, 1]` applies
-the filter to a patch at every offset, `strides = [1, 2, 2, 1]` applies the
-filter to every other image patch in each dimension, etc.
-Ignoring channels for the moment, assume that the 4-D `input` has shape
-`[batch, in_height, in_width, ...]` and the 4-D `filter` has shape
-`[filter_height, filter_width, ...]`. The spatial semantics of the
-convolution ops depend on the padding scheme chosen: `'SAME'` or `'VALID'`.
-Note that the padding values are always zero.
-First, consider the `'SAME'` padding scheme. A detailed explanation of the
-reasoning behind it is given in
-[these notes](#Notes_on_SAME_Convolution_Padding). Here, we summarize the
-mechanics of this padding scheme. When using `'SAME'`, the output height and
-width are computed as:
- out_height = ceil(float(in_height) / float(strides[1]))
- out_width = ceil(float(in_width) / float(strides[2]))
-The total padding applied along the height and width is computed as:
- if (in_height % strides[1] == 0):
- pad_along_height = max(filter_height - strides[1], 0)
- else:
- pad_along_height = max(filter_height - (in_height % strides[1]), 0)
- if (in_width % strides[2] == 0):
- pad_along_width = max(filter_width - strides[2], 0)
- else:
- pad_along_width = max(filter_width - (in_width % strides[2]), 0)
-Finally, the padding on the top, bottom, left and right are:
- pad_top = pad_along_height // 2
- pad_bottom = pad_along_height - pad_top
- pad_left = pad_along_width // 2
- pad_right = pad_along_width - pad_left
-Note that the division by 2 means that there might be cases when the padding on
-both sides (top vs bottom, right vs left) are off by one. In this case, the
-bottom and right sides always get the one additional padded pixel. For example,
-when `pad_along_height` is 5, we pad 2 pixels at the top and 3 pixels at the
-bottom. Note that this is different from existing libraries such as cuDNN and
-Caffe, which explicitly specify the number of padded pixels and always pad the
-same number of pixels on both sides.
-For the `'VALID'` scheme, the output height and width are computed as:
- out_height = ceil(float(in_height - filter_height + 1) / float(strides[1]))
- out_width = ceil(float(in_width - filter_width + 1) / float(strides[2]))
-and no padding is used.
-Given the output size and the padding, the output can be computed as
-$$ output[b, i, j, :] =
- sum_{d_i, d_j} input[b, strides[1] * i + d_i - pad_{top},\
- strides[2] * j + d_j - pad_{left}, ...] *
- filter[d_i, d_j,\ ...]$$
-where any value outside the original input image region are considered zero (
-i.e. we pad zero values around the border of the image).
-Since `input` is 4-D, each `input[b, i, j, :]` is a vector. For `conv2d`, these
-vectors are multiplied by the `filter[di, dj, :, :]` matrices to produce new
-vectors. For `depthwise_conv_2d`, each scalar component `input[b, i, j, k]`
-is multiplied by a vector `filter[di, dj, k]`, and all the vectors are
-* `tf.nn.convolution`
-* `tf.nn.conv2d`
-* `tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d`
-* `tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d_native`
-* `tf.nn.separable_conv2d`
-* `tf.nn.atrous_conv2d`
-* `tf.nn.atrous_conv2d_transpose`
-* `tf.nn.conv2d_transpose`
-* `tf.nn.conv1d`
-* `tf.nn.conv3d`
-* `tf.nn.conv3d_transpose`
-* `tf.nn.conv2d_backprop_filter`
-* `tf.nn.conv2d_backprop_input`
-* `tf.nn.conv3d_backprop_filter_v2`
-* `tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d_native_backprop_filter`
-* `tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d_native_backprop_input`
-## Pooling
-The pooling ops sweep a rectangular window over the input tensor, computing a
-reduction operation for each window (average, max, or max with argmax). Each
-pooling op uses rectangular windows of size `ksize` separated by offset
-`strides`. For example, if `strides` is all ones every window is used, if
-`strides` is all twos every other window is used in each dimension, etc.
-In detail, the output is
- output[i] = reduce(value[strides * i:strides * i + ksize])
-where the indices also take into consideration the padding values. Please refer
-to the `Convolution` section for details about the padding calculation.
-* `tf.nn.avg_pool`
-* `tf.nn.max_pool`
-* `tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax`
-* `tf.nn.avg_pool3d`
-* `tf.nn.max_pool3d`
-* `tf.nn.fractional_avg_pool`
-* `tf.nn.fractional_max_pool`
-* `tf.nn.pool`
-## Morphological filtering
-Morphological operators are non-linear filters used in image processing.
-[Greyscale morphological dilation
-is the max-sum counterpart of standard sum-product convolution:
-$$ output[b, y, x, c] =
- max_{dy, dx} input[b,
- strides[1] * y + rates[1] * dy,
- strides[2] * x + rates[2] * dx,
- c] +
- filter[dy, dx, c]$$
-The `filter` is usually called structuring function. Max-pooling is a special
-case of greyscale morphological dilation when the filter assumes all-zero
-values (a.k.a. flat structuring function).
-[Greyscale morphological erosion
-is the min-sum counterpart of standard sum-product convolution:
-$$ output[b, y, x, c] =
- min_{dy, dx} input[b,
- strides[1] * y - rates[1] * dy,
- strides[2] * x - rates[2] * dx,
- c] -
- filter[dy, dx, c]$$
-Dilation and erosion are dual to each other. The dilation of the input signal
-`f` by the structuring signal `g` is equal to the negation of the erosion of
-`-f` by the reflected `g`, and vice versa.
-Striding and padding is carried out in exactly the same way as in standard
-convolution. Please refer to the `Convolution` section for details.
-* `tf.nn.dilation2d`
-* `tf.nn.erosion2d`
-* `tf.nn.with_space_to_batch`
-## Normalization
-Normalization is useful to prevent neurons from saturating when inputs may
-have varying scale, and to aid generalization.
-* `tf.nn.l2_normalize`
-* `tf.nn.local_response_normalization`
-* `tf.nn.sufficient_statistics`
-* `tf.nn.normalize_moments`
-* `tf.nn.moments`
-* `tf.nn.weighted_moments`
-* `tf.nn.fused_batch_norm`
-* `tf.nn.batch_normalization`
-* `tf.nn.batch_norm_with_global_normalization`
-## Losses
-The loss ops measure error between two tensors, or between a tensor and zero.
-These can be used for measuring accuracy of a network in a regression task
-or for regularization purposes (weight decay).
-* `tf.nn.l2_loss`
-* `tf.nn.log_poisson_loss`
-## Classification
-TensorFlow provides several operations that help you perform classification.
-* `tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits`
-* `tf.nn.softmax`
-* `tf.nn.log_softmax`
-* `tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits`
-* `tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2` - identical to the base
- version, except it allows gradient propagation into the labels.
-* `tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits`
-* `tf.nn.weighted_cross_entropy_with_logits`
-## Embeddings
-TensorFlow provides library support for looking up values in embedding
-* `tf.nn.embedding_lookup`
-* `tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse`
-## Recurrent Neural Networks
-TensorFlow provides a number of methods for constructing Recurrent
-Neural Networks. Most accept an `RNNCell`-subclassed object
-(see the documentation for `tf.contrib.rnn`).
-* `tf.nn.dynamic_rnn`
-* `tf.nn.bidirectional_dynamic_rnn`
-* `tf.nn.raw_rnn`
-## Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC)
-* `tf.nn.ctc_loss`
-* `tf.nn.ctc_greedy_decoder`
-* `tf.nn.ctc_beam_search_decoder`
-## Evaluation
-The evaluation ops are useful for measuring the performance of a network.
-They are typically used at evaluation time.
-* `tf.nn.top_k`
-* `tf.nn.in_top_k`
-## Candidate Sampling
-Do you want to train a multiclass or multilabel model with thousands
-or millions of output classes (for example, a language model with a
-large vocabulary)? Training with a full Softmax is slow in this case,
-since all of the classes are evaluated for every training example.
-Candidate Sampling training algorithms can speed up your step times by
-only considering a small randomly-chosen subset of contrastive classes
-(called candidates) for each batch of training examples.
-See our
-[Candidate Sampling Algorithms
-### Sampled Loss Functions
-TensorFlow provides the following sampled loss functions for faster training.
-* `tf.nn.nce_loss`
-* `tf.nn.sampled_softmax_loss`
-### Candidate Samplers
-TensorFlow provides the following samplers for randomly sampling candidate
-classes when using one of the sampled loss functions above.
-* `tf.nn.uniform_candidate_sampler`
-* `tf.nn.log_uniform_candidate_sampler`
-* `tf.nn.learned_unigram_candidate_sampler`
-* `tf.nn.fixed_unigram_candidate_sampler`
-### Miscellaneous candidate sampling utilities
-* `tf.nn.compute_accidental_hits`
-### Quantization ops
-* `tf.nn.quantized_conv2d`
-* `tf.nn.quantized_relu_x`
-* `tf.nn.quantized_max_pool`
-* `tf.nn.quantized_avg_pool`
-## Notes on SAME Convolution Padding
-In these notes, we provide more background on the use of the `'SAME'` padding
-scheme for convolution operations.
-Tensorflow uses the smallest possible padding to achieve the desired output
-size. To understand what is done, consider the \\(1\\)-dimensional case. Denote
-\\(n_i\\) and \\(n_o\\) the input and output sizes, respectively, and denote the
-kernel size \\(k\\) and stride \\(s\\). As discussed in the
-[Convolution section](#Convolution), for `'SAME'`,
-\\(n_o = \left \lceil{\frac{n_i}{s}}\right \rceil\\).
-To achieve a desired output size \\(n_o\\), we need to pad the input such that the
-output size after a `'VALID'` convolution is \\(n_o\\). In other words, we need to
-have padding \\(p_i\\) such that:
-\left \lceil{\frac{n_i + p_i - k + 1}{s}}\right \rceil = n_o
-What is the smallest \\(p_i\\) that we could possibly use? In general, \\(\left
-\lceil{\frac{x}{a}}\right \rceil = b\\) (with \\(a > 0\\)) means that \\(b-1 <
-\frac{x}{a} \leq b\\), and the smallest integer \\(x\\) we can choose to satisfy
-this is \\(x = a\cdot (b-1) + 1\\). The same applies to our problem; we need
-\\(p_i\\) such that:
-n_i + p_i - k + 1 = s\cdot (n_o - 1) + 1
-which leads to:
-p_i = s\cdot (n_o - 1) + k - n_i
-Note that this might lead to negative \\(p_i\\), since in some cases we might
-already have more input samples than we actually need. Thus,
-p_i = max(s\cdot (n_o - 1) + k - n_i, 0)
-Remember that, for `'SAME'` padding,
-\\(n_o = \left \lceil{\frac{n_i}{s}}\right \rceil\\), as mentioned above.
-We need to analyze in detail two cases:
-- \\(n_i \text{ mod } s = 0\\)
-In this simple case, \\(n_o = \frac{n_i}{s}\\), and the expression for \\(p_i\\)
-p_i = max(k - s, 0)
-- \\(n_i \text{ mod } s \neq 0\\)
-This case is more involved to parse. First, we write:
-n_i = s\cdot\left \lceil{\frac{n_i}{s}}\right \rceil
-- s \left(\left \lceil{\frac{n_i}{s}}\right \rceil -
- \left \lfloor{\frac{n_i}{s}}\right \rfloor\right)
-+ (n_i \text{ mod } s)
-For the case where \\((n_i \text{ mod } s) \neq 0\\), we have \\(\left
-\lceil{\frac{n_i}{s}}\right \rceil -\left \lfloor{\frac{n_i}{s}}\right \rfloor =
-1\\), leading to:
-n_i = s\cdot\left \lceil{\frac{n_i}{s}}\right \rceil
-- s
-+ (n_i \text{ mod } s)
-We can use this expression to substitute \\(n_o = \left
-\lceil{\frac{n_i}{s}}\right \rceil\\) and get:
-p_i &= max\left(s\cdot \left(\frac{n_i + s - (n_i \text{ mod } s)}{s}
- - 1\right) + k - n_i, 0\right) \nonumber\\
-&= max(n_i + s - (n_i \text{ mod } s) - s + k - n_i,0) \nonumber \\
-&= max(k - (n_i \text{ mod } s),0)
-### Final expression
-Putting all together, the total padding used by tensorflow's convolution with
-`'SAME'` mode is:
-p_i =
- \begin{cases}
- max(k - s, 0), & \text{if $(n_i \text{ mod } s) = 0$} \\
- max(k - (n_i \text{ mod } s),0), & \text{if $(n_i \text{ mod } s) \neq 0$}
- \end{cases}
- \label{eq:tf_pad_9}
-This expression is exactly equal to the ones presented for `pad_along_height`
-and `pad_along_width` in the [Convolution section](#Convolution).
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-# Data IO (Python functions)
-A TFRecords file represents a sequence of (binary) strings. The format is not
-random access, so it is suitable for streaming large amounts of data but not
-suitable if fast sharding or other non-sequential access is desired.
-* `tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter`
-* `tf.python_io.tf_record_iterator`
-* `tf.python_io.TFRecordCompressionType`
-* `tf.python_io.TFRecordOptions`
-- - -
-## TFRecords Format Details
-A TFRecords file contains a sequence of strings with CRC32C (32-bit CRC using
-the Castagnoli polynomial) hashes. Each record has the format
- uint64 length
- uint32 masked_crc32_of_length
- byte data[length]
- uint32 masked_crc32_of_data
-and the records are concatenated together to produce the file. CRCs are
-[described here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclic_redundancy_check), and
-the mask of a CRC is
- masked_crc = ((crc >> 15) | (crc << 17)) + 0xa282ead8ul
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-# Reading data
-Note: The preferred way to feed data into a tensorflow program is using the
-[`tf.data` API](../../guide/datasets.md).
-There are four methods of getting data into a TensorFlow program:
-* `tf.data` API: Easily construct a complex input pipeline. (preferred method)
-* Feeding: Python code provides the data when running each step.
-* `QueueRunner`: a queue-based input pipeline reads the data from files
- at the beginning of a TensorFlow graph.
-* Preloaded data: a constant or variable in the TensorFlow graph holds
- all the data (for small data sets).
-## `tf.data` API
-See the [Importing Data](../../guide/datasets.md) for an in-depth explanation of `tf.data.Dataset`.
-The `tf.data` API enables you to extract and preprocess data
-from different input/file formats, and apply transformations such as batching,
-shuffling, and mapping functions over the dataset. This is an improved version
-of the old input methods---feeding and `QueueRunner`---which are described
-below for historical purposes.
-## Feeding
-Warning: "Feeding" is the least efficient way to feed data into a TensorFlow
-program and should only be used for small experiments and debugging.
-TensorFlow's feed mechanism lets you inject data into any Tensor in a
-computation graph. A Python computation can thus feed data directly into the
-Supply feed data through the `feed_dict` argument to a run() or eval() call
-that initiates computation.
-with tf.Session():
- input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
- classifier = ...
- print(classifier.eval(feed_dict={input: my_python_preprocessing_fn()}))
-While you can replace any Tensor with feed data, including variables and
-constants, the best practice is to use a
-`tf.placeholder` node. A
-`placeholder` exists solely to serve as the target of feeds. It is not
-initialized and contains no data. A placeholder generates an error if
-it is executed without a feed, so you won't forget to feed it.
-An example using `placeholder` and feeding to train on MNIST data can be found
-## `QueueRunner`
-Warning: This section discusses implementing input pipelines using the
-queue-based APIs which can be cleanly replaced by the [`tf.data`
-A typical queue-based pipeline for reading records from files has the following stages:
-1. The list of filenames
-2. *Optional* filename shuffling
-3. *Optional* epoch limit
-4. Filename queue
-5. A Reader for the file format
-6. A decoder for a record read by the reader
-7. *Optional* preprocessing
-8. Example queue
-### Filenames, shuffling, and epoch limits
-For the list of filenames, use either a constant string Tensor (like
-`["file0", "file1"]` or `[("file%d" % i) for i in range(2)]`) or the
-`tf.train.match_filenames_once` function.
-Pass the list of filenames to the `tf.train.string_input_producer` function.
-`string_input_producer` creates a FIFO queue for holding the filenames until
-the reader needs them.
-`string_input_producer` has options for shuffling and setting a maximum number
-of epochs. A queue runner adds the whole list of filenames to the queue once
-for each epoch, shuffling the filenames within an epoch if `shuffle=True`.
-This procedure provides a uniform sampling of files, so that examples are not
-under- or over- sampled relative to each other.
-The queue runner works in a thread separate from the reader that pulls
-filenames from the queue, so the shuffling and enqueuing process does not
-block the reader.
-### File formats
-Select the reader that matches your input file format and pass the filename
-queue to the reader's read method. The read method outputs a key identifying
-the file and record (useful for debugging if you have some weird records), and
-a scalar string value. Use one (or more) of the decoder and conversion ops to
-decode this string into the tensors that make up an example.
-#### CSV files
-To read text files in [comma-separated value (CSV)
-format](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180), use a
-`tf.TextLineReader` with the
-`tf.decode_csv` operation. For example:
-filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(["file0.csv", "file1.csv"])
-reader = tf.TextLineReader()
-key, value = reader.read(filename_queue)
-# Default values, in case of empty columns. Also specifies the type of the
-# decoded result.
-record_defaults = [[1], [1], [1], [1], [1]]
-col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 = tf.decode_csv(
- value, record_defaults=record_defaults)
-features = tf.stack([col1, col2, col3, col4])
-with tf.Session() as sess:
- # Start populating the filename queue.
- coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
- threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(coord=coord)
- for i in range(1200):
- # Retrieve a single instance:
- example, label = sess.run([features, col5])
- coord.request_stop()
- coord.join(threads)
-Each execution of `read` reads a single line from the file. The
-`decode_csv` op then parses the result into a list of tensors. The
-`record_defaults` argument determines the type of the resulting tensors and
-sets the default value to use if a value is missing in the input string.
-You must call `tf.train.start_queue_runners` to populate the queue before
-you call `run` or `eval` to execute the `read`. Otherwise `read` will
-block while it waits for filenames from the queue.
-#### Fixed length records
-To read binary files in which each record is a fixed number of bytes, use
-with the `tf.decode_raw` operation.
-The `decode_raw` op converts from a string to a uint8 tensor.
-For example, [the CIFAR-10 dataset](http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~kriz/cifar.html)
-uses a file format where each record is represented using a fixed number of
-bytes: 1 byte for the label followed by 3072 bytes of image data. Once you have
-a uint8 tensor, standard operations can slice out each piece and reformat as
-needed. For CIFAR-10, you can see how to do the reading and decoding in
-and described in
-[this tutorial](../../tutorials/images/deep_cnn.md#prepare-the-data).
-#### Standard TensorFlow format
-Another approach is to convert whatever data you have into a supported format.
-This approach makes it easier to mix and match data sets and network
-architectures. The recommended format for TensorFlow is a
-[TFRecords file](../../api_guides/python/python_io.md#tfrecords_format_details)
-[`tf.train.Example` protocol buffers](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/core/example/example.proto)
-(which contain
-as a field). You write a little program that gets your data, stuffs it in an
-`Example` protocol buffer, serializes the protocol buffer to a string, and then
-writes the string to a TFRecords file using the
-For example,
-converts MNIST data to this format.
-The recommended way to read a TFRecord file is with a `tf.data.TFRecordDataset`, [as in this example](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/examples/how_tos/reading_data/fully_connected_reader.py):
-``` python
- dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(filename)
- dataset = dataset.repeat(num_epochs)
- # map takes a python function and applies it to every sample
- dataset = dataset.map(decode)
-To accomplish the same task with a queue based input pipeline requires the following code
-(using the same `decode` function from the above example):
-``` python
- filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer([filename], num_epochs=num_epochs)
- reader = tf.TFRecordReader()
- _, serialized_example = reader.read(filename_queue)
- image,label = decode(serialized_example)
-### Preprocessing
-You can then do any preprocessing of these examples you want. This would be any
-processing that doesn't depend on trainable parameters. Examples include
-normalization of your data, picking a random slice, adding noise or distortions,
-etc. See
-for an example.
-### Batching
-At the end of the pipeline we use another queue to batch together examples for
-training, evaluation, or inference. For this we use a queue that randomizes the
-order of examples, using the
-def read_my_file_format(filename_queue):
- reader = tf.SomeReader()
- key, record_string = reader.read(filename_queue)
- example, label = tf.some_decoder(record_string)
- processed_example = some_processing(example)
- return processed_example, label
-def input_pipeline(filenames, batch_size, num_epochs=None):
- filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(
- filenames, num_epochs=num_epochs, shuffle=True)
- example, label = read_my_file_format(filename_queue)
- # min_after_dequeue defines how big a buffer we will randomly sample
- # from -- bigger means better shuffling but slower start up and more
- # memory used.
- # capacity must be larger than min_after_dequeue and the amount larger
- # determines the maximum we will prefetch. Recommendation:
- # min_after_dequeue + (num_threads + a small safety margin) * batch_size
- min_after_dequeue = 10000
- capacity = min_after_dequeue + 3 * batch_size
- example_batch, label_batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch(
- [example, label], batch_size=batch_size, capacity=capacity,
- min_after_dequeue=min_after_dequeue)
- return example_batch, label_batch
-If you need more parallelism or shuffling of examples between files, use
-multiple reader instances using the
-For example:
-def read_my_file_format(filename_queue):
- # Same as above
-def input_pipeline(filenames, batch_size, read_threads, num_epochs=None):
- filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(
- filenames, num_epochs=num_epochs, shuffle=True)
- example_list = [read_my_file_format(filename_queue)
- for _ in range(read_threads)]
- min_after_dequeue = 10000
- capacity = min_after_dequeue + 3 * batch_size
- example_batch, label_batch = tf.train.shuffle_batch_join(
- example_list, batch_size=batch_size, capacity=capacity,
- min_after_dequeue=min_after_dequeue)
- return example_batch, label_batch
-You still only use a single filename queue that is shared by all the readers.
-That way we ensure that the different readers use different files from the same
-epoch until all the files from the epoch have been started. (It is also usually
-sufficient to have a single thread filling the filename queue.)
-An alternative is to use a single reader via the
-with `num_threads` bigger than 1. This will make it read from a single file at
-the same time (but faster than with 1 thread), instead of N files at once.
-This can be important:
-* If you have more reading threads than input files, to avoid the risk that
- you will have two threads reading the same example from the same file near
- each other.
-* Or if reading N files in parallel causes too many disk seeks.
-How many threads do you need? the `tf.train.shuffle_batch*` functions add a
-summary to the graph that indicates how full the example queue is. If you have
-enough reading threads, that summary will stay above zero. You can
-[view your summaries as training progresses using TensorBoard](../../guide/summaries_and_tensorboard.md).
-### Creating threads to prefetch using `QueueRunner` objects
-The short version: many of the `tf.train` functions listed above add
-`tf.train.QueueRunner` objects to your
-graph. These require that you call
-before running any training or inference steps, or it will hang forever. This
-will start threads that run the input pipeline, filling the example queue so
-that the dequeue to get the examples will succeed. This is best combined with a
-`tf.train.Coordinator` to cleanly
-shut down these threads when there are errors. If you set a limit on the number
-of epochs, that will use an epoch counter that will need to be initialized. The
-recommended code pattern combining these is:
-# Create the graph, etc.
-init_op = tf.global_variables_initializer()
-# Create a session for running operations in the Graph.
-sess = tf.Session()
-# Initialize the variables (like the epoch counter).
-# Start input enqueue threads.
-coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
-threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=sess, coord=coord)
- while not coord.should_stop():
- # Run training steps or whatever
- sess.run(train_op)
-except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:
- print('Done training -- epoch limit reached')
- # When done, ask the threads to stop.
- coord.request_stop()
-# Wait for threads to finish.
-#### Aside: What is happening here?
-First we create the graph. It will have a few pipeline stages that are
-connected by queues. The first stage will generate filenames to read and enqueue
-them in the filename queue. The second stage consumes filenames (using a
-`Reader`), produces examples, and enqueues them in an example queue. Depending
-on how you have set things up, you may actually have a few independent copies of
-the second stage, so that you can read from multiple files in parallel. At the
-end of these stages is an enqueue operation, which enqueues into a queue that
-the next stage dequeues from. We want to start threads running these enqueuing
-operations, so that our training loop can dequeue examples from the example
-<div style="width:70%; margin-left:12%; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
-<img style="width:100%" src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/AnimatedFileQueues.gif">
-The helpers in `tf.train` that create these queues and enqueuing operations add
-a `tf.train.QueueRunner` to the
-graph using the
-function. Each `QueueRunner` is responsible for one stage, and holds the list of
-enqueue operations that need to be run in threads. Once the graph is
-constructed, the
-function asks each QueueRunner in the graph to start its threads running the
-enqueuing operations.
-If all goes well, you can now run your training steps and the queues will be
-filled by the background threads. If you have set an epoch limit, at some point
-an attempt to dequeue examples will get an
-`tf.errors.OutOfRangeError`. This
-is the TensorFlow equivalent of "end of file" (EOF) -- this means the epoch
-limit has been reached and no more examples are available.
-The last ingredient is the
-`tf.train.Coordinator`. This is responsible
-for letting all the threads know if anything has signaled a shut down. Most
-commonly this would be because an exception was raised, for example one of the
-threads got an error when running some operation (or an ordinary Python
-For more about threading, queues, QueueRunners, and Coordinators
-[see here](../../api_guides/python/threading_and_queues.md).
-#### Aside: How clean shut-down when limiting epochs works
-Imagine you have a model that has set a limit on the number of epochs to train
-on. That means that the thread generating filenames will only run that many
-times before generating an `OutOfRange` error. The QueueRunner will catch that
-error, close the filename queue, and exit the thread. Closing the queue does two
-* Any future attempt to enqueue in the filename queue will generate an error.
- At this point there shouldn't be any threads trying to do that, but this
- is helpful when queues are closed due to other errors.
-* Any current or future dequeue will either succeed (if there are enough
- elements left) or fail (with an `OutOfRange` error) immediately. They won't
- block waiting for more elements to be enqueued, since by the previous point
- that can't happen.
-The point is that when the filename queue is closed, there will likely still be
-many filenames in that queue, so the next stage of the pipeline (with the reader
-and other preprocessing) may continue running for some time. Once the filename
-queue is exhausted, though, the next attempt to dequeue a filename (e.g. from a
-reader that has finished with the file it was working on) will trigger an
-`OutOfRange` error. In this case, though, you might have multiple threads
-associated with a single QueueRunner. If this isn't the last thread in the
-QueueRunner, the `OutOfRange` error just causes the one thread to exit. This
-allows the other threads, which are still finishing up their last file, to
-proceed until they finish as well. (Assuming you are using a
-other types of errors will cause all the threads to stop.) Once all the reader
-threads hit the `OutOfRange` error, only then does the next queue, the example
-queue, gets closed.
-Again, the example queue will have some elements queued, so training will
-continue until those are exhausted. If the example queue is a
-`tf.RandomShuffleQueue`, say
-because you are using `shuffle_batch` or `shuffle_batch_join`, it normally will
-avoid ever having fewer than its `min_after_dequeue` attr elements buffered.
-However, once the queue is closed that restriction will be lifted and the queue
-will eventually empty. At that point the actual training threads, when they
-try and dequeue from example queue, will start getting `OutOfRange` errors and
-exiting. Once all the training threads are done,
-will return and you can exit cleanly.
-### Filtering records or producing multiple examples per record
-Instead of examples with shapes `[x, y, z]`, you will produce a batch of
-examples with shape `[batch, x, y, z]`. The batch size can be 0 if you want to
-filter this record out (maybe it is in a hold-out set?), or bigger than 1 if you
-are producing multiple examples per record. Then simply set `enqueue_many=True`
-when calling one of the batching functions (such as `shuffle_batch` or
-### Sparse input data
-SparseTensors don't play well with queues. If you use SparseTensors you have
-to decode the string records using
-`tf.parse_example` **after**
-batching (instead of using `tf.parse_single_example` before batching).
-## Preloaded data
-This is only used for small data sets that can be loaded entirely in memory.
-There are two approaches:
-* Store the data in a constant.
-* Store the data in a variable, that you initialize (or assign to) and then
- never change.
-Using a constant is a bit simpler, but uses more memory (since the constant is
-stored inline in the graph data structure, which may be duplicated a few times).
-training_data = ...
-training_labels = ...
-with tf.Session():
- input_data = tf.constant(training_data)
- input_labels = tf.constant(training_labels)
- ...
-To instead use a variable, you need to also initialize it after the graph has been built.
-training_data = ...
-training_labels = ...
-with tf.Session() as sess:
- data_initializer = tf.placeholder(dtype=training_data.dtype,
- shape=training_data.shape)
- label_initializer = tf.placeholder(dtype=training_labels.dtype,
- shape=training_labels.shape)
- input_data = tf.Variable(data_initializer, trainable=False, collections=[])
- input_labels = tf.Variable(label_initializer, trainable=False, collections=[])
- ...
- sess.run(input_data.initializer,
- feed_dict={data_initializer: training_data})
- sess.run(input_labels.initializer,
- feed_dict={label_initializer: training_labels})
-Setting `trainable=False` keeps the variable out of the
-`GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES` collection in the graph, so we won't try and
-update it when training. Setting `collections=[]` keeps the variable out of the
-`GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES` collection used for saving and restoring checkpoints.
-Either way,
-can be used to produce a slice at a time. This shuffles the examples across an
-entire epoch, so further shuffling when batching is undesirable. So instead of
-using the `shuffle_batch` functions, we use the plain
-`tf.train.batch` function. To use
-multiple preprocessing threads, set the `num_threads` parameter to a number
-bigger than 1.
-An MNIST example that preloads the data using constants can be found in
-[`tensorflow/examples/how_tos/reading_data/fully_connected_preloaded.py`](https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/examples/how_tos/reading_data/fully_connected_preloaded.py), and one that preloads the data using variables can be found in
-You can compare these with the `fully_connected_feed` and
-`fully_connected_reader` versions above.
-## Multiple input pipelines
-Commonly you will want to train on one dataset and evaluate (or "eval") on
-another. One way to do this is to actually have two separate graphs and
-sessions, maybe in separate processes:
-* The training process reads training input data and periodically writes
- checkpoint files with all the trained variables.
-* The evaluation process restores the checkpoint files into an inference
- model that reads validation input data.
-This is what is done `tf.estimator` and manually in
-[the example CIFAR-10 model](../../tutorials/images/deep_cnn.md#save-and-restore-checkpoints).
-This has a couple of benefits:
-* The eval is performed on a single snapshot of the trained variables.
-* You can perform the eval even after training has completed and exited.
-You can have the train and eval in the same graph in the same process, and share
-their trained variables or layers. See [the shared variables tutorial](../../guide/variables.md).
-To support the single-graph approach
-[`tf.data`](../../guide/datasets.md) also supplies
-[advanced iterator types](../../guide/datasets.md#creating_an_iterator) that
-that allow the user to change the input pipeline without rebuilding the graph or
-Note: Regardless of the implementation, many
-operations (like `tf.layers.batch_normalization`, and `tf.layers.dropout`)
-need to know if they are in training or evaluation mode, and you must be
-careful to set this appropriately if you change the data source.
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-# Regression Examples
-This unit provides the following short examples demonstrating how
-to implement regression in Estimators:
- <tr> <th>Example</th> <th>Demonstrates How To...</th></tr>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/examples/get_started/regression/linear_regression.py">linear_regression.py</a></td>
- <td>Use the `tf.estimator.LinearRegressor` Estimator to train a
- regression model on numeric data.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/examples/get_started/regression/linear_regression_categorical.py">linear_regression_categorical.py</a></td>
- <td>Use the `tf.estimator.LinearRegressor` Estimator to train a
- regression model on categorical data.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/examples/get_started/regression/dnn_regression.py">dnn_regression.py</a></td>
- <td>Use the `tf.estimator.DNNRegressor` Estimator to train a
- regression model on discrete data with a deep neural network.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/examples/get_started/regression/custom_regression.py">custom_regression.py</a></td>
- <td>Use `tf.estimator.Estimator` to train a customized dnn
- regression model.</td>
- </tr>
-The preceding examples rely on the following data set utility:
- <tr> <th>Utility</th> <th>Description</th></tr>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="https://www.tensorflow.org/code/tensorflow/examples/get_started/regression/imports85.py">imports85.py</a></td>
- <td>This program provides utility functions that load the
- <tt>imports85</tt> data set into formats that other TensorFlow
- programs (for example, <tt>linear_regression.py</tt> and
- <tt>dnn_regression.py</tt>) can use.</td>
- </tr>
-## Linear regression concepts
-If you are new to machine learning and want to learn about regression,
-watch the following video:
-(todo:jbgordon) Video introduction goes here.
-[When MLCC becomes available externally, add links to the relevant MLCC units.]
-<a name="running"></a>
-## Running the examples
-You must [install TensorFlow](../../install/index.md) prior to running these examples.
-Depending on the way you've installed TensorFlow, you might also
-need to activate your TensorFlow environment. Then, do the following:
-1. Clone the TensorFlow repository from github.
-2. `cd` to the top of the downloaded tree.
-3. Check out the branch for you current tensorflow version: `git checkout rX.X`
-4. `cd tensorflow/examples/get_started/regression`.
-You can now run any of the example TensorFlow programs in the
-`tensorflow/examples/get_started/regression` directory as you
-would run any Python program:
-python linear_regressor.py
-During training, all three programs output the following information:
-* The name of the checkpoint directory, which is important for TensorBoard.
-* The training loss after every 100 iterations, which helps you
- determine whether the model is converging.
-For example, here's some possible output for the `linear_regressor.py`
-``` None
-INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 1 into /tmp/tmpAObiz9/model.ckpt.
-INFO:tensorflow:loss = 161.308, step = 1
-INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 1557.24
-INFO:tensorflow:loss = 15.7937, step = 101 (0.065 sec)
-INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 1529.17
-INFO:tensorflow:loss = 12.1988, step = 201 (0.065 sec)
-INFO:tensorflow:global_step/sec: 1663.86
-INFO:tensorflow:loss = 6.99378, step = 901 (0.058 sec)
-INFO:tensorflow:Saving checkpoints for 1000 into /tmp/tmpAObiz9/model.ckpt.
-INFO:tensorflow:Loss for final step: 5.12413.
-<a name="basic"></a>
-## linear_regressor.py
-`linear_regressor.py` trains a model that predicts the price of a car from
-two numerical features.
- <tr>
- <td>Estimator</td>
- <td><tt>LinearRegressor</tt>, which is a pre-made Estimator for linear
- regression.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Features</td>
- <td>Numerical: <tt>body-style</tt> and <tt>make</tt>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Label</td>
- <td>Numerical: <tt>price</tt>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Algorithm</td>
- <td>Linear regression.</td>
- </tr>
-After training the model, the program concludes by outputting predicted
-car prices for two car models.
-<a name="categorical"></a>
-## linear_regression_categorical.py
-This program illustrates ways to represent categorical features. It
-also demonstrates how to train a linear model based on a mix of
-categorical and numerical features.
- <tr>
- <td>Estimator</td>
- <td><tt>LinearRegressor</tt>, which is a pre-made Estimator for linear
- regression. </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Features</td>
- <td>Categorical: <tt>curb-weight</tt> and <tt>highway-mpg</tt>.<br/>
- Numerical: <tt>body-style</tt> and <tt>make</tt>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Label</td>
- <td>Numerical: <tt>price</tt>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Algorithm</td>
- <td>Linear regression.</td>
- </tr>
-<a name="dnn"></a>
-## dnn_regression.py
-Like `linear_regression_categorical.py`, the `dnn_regression.py` example
-trains a model that predicts the price of a car from two features.
-Unlike `linear_regression_categorical.py`, the `dnn_regression.py` example uses
-a deep neural network to train the model. Both examples rely on the same
-features; `dnn_regression.py` demonstrates how to treat categorical features
-in a deep neural network.
- <tr>
- <td>Estimator</td>
- <td><tt>DNNRegressor</tt>, which is a pre-made Estimator for
- regression that relies on a deep neural network. The
- `hidden_units` parameter defines the topography of the network.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Features</td>
- <td>Categorical: <tt>curb-weight</tt> and <tt>highway-mpg</tt>.<br/>
- Numerical: <tt>body-style</tt> and <tt>make</tt>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Label</td>
- <td>Numerical: <tt>price</tt>.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Algorithm</td>
- <td>Regression through a deep neural network.</td>
- </tr>
-After printing loss values, the program outputs the Mean Square Error
-on a test set.
-<a name="dnn"></a>
-## custom_regression.py
-The `custom_regression.py` example also trains a model that predicts the price
-of a car based on mixed real-valued and categorical input features, described by
-feature_columns. Unlike `linear_regression_categorical.py`, and
-`dnn_regression.py` this example does not use a pre-made estimator, but defines
-a custom model using the base `tf.estimator.Estimator` class. The
-custom model is quite similar to the model defined by `dnn_regression.py`.
-The custom model is defined by the `model_fn` argument to the constructor. The
-customization is made more reusable through `params` dictionary, which is later
-passed through to the `model_fn` when the `model_fn` is called.
-The `model_fn` returns an
-`tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec` which is a simple structure
-indicating to the `Estimator` which operations should be run to accomplish
-various tasks.
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-# Tensor Handle Operations
-Note: Functions taking `Tensor` arguments can also take anything accepted by
-## Tensor Handle Operations
-TensorFlow provides several operators that allows the user to keep tensors
-"in-place" across run calls.
-* `tf.get_session_handle`
-* `tf.get_session_tensor`
-* `tf.delete_session_tensor`
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-# Sparse Tensors
-Note: Functions taking `Tensor` arguments can also take anything accepted by
-## Sparse Tensor Representation
-TensorFlow supports a `SparseTensor` representation for data that is sparse
-in multiple dimensions. Contrast this representation with `IndexedSlices`,
-which is efficient for representing tensors that are sparse in their first
-dimension, and dense along all other dimensions.
-* `tf.SparseTensor`
-* `tf.SparseTensorValue`
-## Conversion
-* `tf.sparse_to_dense`
-* `tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense`
-* `tf.sparse_to_indicator`
-* `tf.sparse_merge`
-## Manipulation
-* `tf.sparse_concat`
-* `tf.sparse_reorder`
-* `tf.sparse_reshape`
-* `tf.sparse_split`
-* `tf.sparse_retain`
-* `tf.sparse_reset_shape`
-* `tf.sparse_fill_empty_rows`
-* `tf.sparse_transpose`
-## Reduction
-* `tf.sparse_reduce_sum`
-* `tf.sparse_reduce_sum_sparse`
-## Math Operations
-* `tf.sparse_add`
-* `tf.sparse_softmax`
-* `tf.sparse_tensor_dense_matmul`
-* `tf.sparse_maximum`
-* `tf.sparse_minimum`
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-# Spectral Functions
-The `tf.spectral` module supports several spectral decomposition operations
-that you can use to transform Tensors of real and complex signals.
-## Discrete Fourier Transforms
-* `tf.spectral.fft`
-* `tf.spectral.ifft`
-* `tf.spectral.fft2d`
-* `tf.spectral.ifft2d`
-* `tf.spectral.fft3d`
-* `tf.spectral.ifft3d`
-* `tf.spectral.rfft`
-* `tf.spectral.irfft`
-* `tf.spectral.rfft2d`
-* `tf.spectral.irfft2d`
-* `tf.spectral.rfft3d`
-* `tf.spectral.irfft3d`
-## Discrete Cosine Transforms
-* `tf.spectral.dct`
-* `tf.spectral.idct`
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-# Variables
-Note: Functions taking `Tensor` arguments can also take anything accepted by
-## Variables
-* `tf.Variable`
-## Variable helper functions
-TensorFlow provides a set of functions to help manage the set of variables
-collected in the graph.
-* `tf.global_variables`
-* `tf.local_variables`
-* `tf.model_variables`
-* `tf.trainable_variables`
-* `tf.moving_average_variables`
-* `tf.global_variables_initializer`
-* `tf.local_variables_initializer`
-* `tf.variables_initializer`
-* `tf.is_variable_initialized`
-* `tf.report_uninitialized_variables`
-* `tf.assert_variables_initialized`
-* `tf.assign`
-* `tf.assign_add`
-* `tf.assign_sub`
-## Saving and Restoring Variables
-* `tf.train.Saver`
-* `tf.train.latest_checkpoint`
-* `tf.train.get_checkpoint_state`
-* `tf.train.update_checkpoint_state`
-## Sharing Variables
-TensorFlow provides several classes and operations that you can use to
-create variables contingent on certain conditions.
-* `tf.get_variable`
-* `tf.get_local_variable`
-* `tf.VariableScope`
-* `tf.variable_scope`
-* `tf.variable_op_scope`
-* `tf.get_variable_scope`
-* `tf.make_template`
-* `tf.no_regularizer`
-* `tf.constant_initializer`
-* `tf.random_normal_initializer`
-* `tf.truncated_normal_initializer`
-* `tf.random_uniform_initializer`
-* `tf.uniform_unit_scaling_initializer`
-* `tf.zeros_initializer`
-* `tf.ones_initializer`
-* `tf.orthogonal_initializer`
-## Variable Partitioners for Sharding
-* `tf.fixed_size_partitioner`
-* `tf.variable_axis_size_partitioner`
-* `tf.min_max_variable_partitioner`
-## Sparse Variable Updates
-The sparse update ops modify a subset of the entries in a dense `Variable`,
-either overwriting the entries or adding / subtracting a delta. These are
-useful for training embedding models and similar lookup-based networks, since
-only a small subset of embedding vectors change in any given step.
-Since a sparse update of a large tensor may be generated automatically during
-gradient computation (as in the gradient of
-an `tf.IndexedSlices` class is provided that encapsulates a set
-of sparse indices and values. `IndexedSlices` objects are detected and handled
-automatically by the optimizers in most cases.
-* `tf.scatter_update`
-* `tf.scatter_add`
-* `tf.scatter_sub`
-* `tf.scatter_mul`
-* `tf.scatter_div`
-* `tf.scatter_min`
-* `tf.scatter_max`
-* `tf.scatter_nd_update`
-* `tf.scatter_nd_add`
-* `tf.scatter_nd_sub`
-* `tf.sparse_mask`
-* `tf.IndexedSlices`
-### Read-only Lookup Tables
-* `tf.initialize_all_tables`
-* `tf.tables_initializer`
-## Exporting and Importing Meta Graphs
-* `tf.train.export_meta_graph`
-* `tf.train.import_meta_graph`
-# Deprecated functions (removed after 2017-03-02). Please don't use them.
-* `tf.all_variables`
-* `tf.initialize_all_variables`
-* `tf.initialize_local_variables`
-* `tf.initialize_variables`
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-# Strings
-Note: Functions taking `Tensor` arguments can also take anything accepted by
-## Hashing
-String hashing ops take a string input tensor and map each element to an
-* `tf.string_to_hash_bucket_fast`
-* `tf.string_to_hash_bucket_strong`
-* `tf.string_to_hash_bucket`
-## Joining
-String joining ops concatenate elements of input string tensors to produce a new
-string tensor.
-* `tf.reduce_join`
-* `tf.string_join`
-## Splitting
-* `tf.string_split`
-* `tf.substr`
-## Conversion
-* `tf.as_string`
-* `tf.string_to_number`
-* `tf.decode_raw`
-* `tf.decode_csv`
-* `tf.encode_base64`
-* `tf.decode_base64`
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-# Summary Operations
-Summaries provide a way to export condensed information about a model, which is
-then accessible in tools such as [TensorBoard](../../guide/summaries_and_tensorboard.md).
-## Generation of Summaries
-### Class for writing Summaries
-* `tf.summary.FileWriter`
-* `tf.summary.FileWriterCache`
-### Summary Ops
-* `tf.summary.tensor_summary`
-* `tf.summary.scalar`
-* `tf.summary.histogram`
-* `tf.summary.audio`
-* `tf.summary.image`
-* `tf.summary.merge`
-* `tf.summary.merge_all`
-## Utilities
-* `tf.summary.get_summary_description`
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-# Testing
-## Unit tests
-TensorFlow provides a convenience class inheriting from `unittest.TestCase`
-which adds methods relevant to TensorFlow tests. Here is an example:
- import tensorflow as tf
- class SquareTest(tf.test.TestCase):
- def testSquare(self):
- with self.test_session():
- x = tf.square([2, 3])
- self.assertAllEqual(x.eval(), [4, 9])
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- tf.test.main()
-`tf.test.TestCase` inherits from `unittest.TestCase` but adds a few additional
-methods. See `tf.test.TestCase` for details.
-* `tf.test.main`
-* `tf.test.TestCase`
-* `tf.test.test_src_dir_path`
-## Utilities
-Note: `tf.test.mock` is an alias to the python `mock` or `unittest.mock`
-depending on the python version.
-* `tf.test.assert_equal_graph_def`
-* `tf.test.get_temp_dir`
-* `tf.test.is_built_with_cuda`
-* `tf.test.is_gpu_available`
-* `tf.test.gpu_device_name`
-## Gradient checking
-`tf.test.compute_gradient` and `tf.test.compute_gradient_error` perform
-numerical differentiation of graphs for comparison against registered analytic
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-# TensorFlow Debugger
-Public Python API of TensorFlow Debugger (tfdbg).
-## Functions for adding debug watches
-These functions help you modify `RunOptions` to specify which `Tensor`s are to
-be watched when the TensorFlow graph is executed at runtime.
-* `tfdbg.add_debug_tensor_watch`
-* `tfdbg.watch_graph`
-* `tfdbg.watch_graph_with_blacklists`
-## Classes for debug-dump data and directories
-These classes allow you to load and inspect tensor values dumped from
-TensorFlow graphs during runtime.
-* `tfdbg.DebugTensorDatum`
-* `tfdbg.DebugDumpDir`
-## Functions for loading debug-dump data
-* `tfdbg.load_tensor_from_event_file`
-## Tensor-value predicates
-Built-in tensor-filter predicates to support conditional breakpoint between
-runs. See `DebugDumpDir.find()` for more details.
-* `tfdbg.has_inf_or_nan`
-## Session wrapper class and `SessionRunHook` implementations
-These classes allow you to
-* wrap aroundTensorFlow `Session` objects to debug plain TensorFlow models
- (see `DumpingDebugWrapperSession` and `LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession`), or
-* generate `SessionRunHook` objects to debug `tf.contrib.learn` models (see
- `DumpingDebugHook` and `LocalCLIDebugHook`).
-* `tfdbg.DumpingDebugHook`
-* `tfdbg.DumpingDebugWrapperSession`
-* `tfdbg.LocalCLIDebugHook`
-* `tfdbg.LocalCLIDebugWrapperSession`
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-# Threading and Queues
-Note: In versions of TensorFlow before 1.2, we recommended using multi-threaded,
-queue-based input pipelines for performance. Beginning with TensorFlow 1.4,
-however, we recommend using the `tf.data` module instead. (See
-[Datasets](../../guide/datasets.md) for details. In TensorFlow 1.2 and 1.3, the module was
-called `tf.contrib.data`.) The `tf.data` module offers an easier-to-use
-interface for constructing efficient input pipelines. Furthermore, we've stopped
-developing the old multi-threaded, queue-based input pipelines. We've retained
-the documentation in this file to help developers who are still maintaining
-older code.
-Multithreaded queues are a powerful and widely used mechanism supporting
-asynchronous computation.
-Following the [dataflow programming model](graphs.md), TensorFlow's queues are
-implemented using nodes in the computation graph. A queue is a stateful node,
-like a variable: other nodes can modify its content. In particular, nodes can
-enqueue new items in to the queue, or dequeue existing items from the
-queue. TensorFlow's queues provide a way to coordinate multiple steps of a
-computation: a queue will **block** any step that attempts to dequeue from it
-when it is empty, or enqueue to it when it is full. When that condition no
-longer holds, the queue will unblock the step and allow execution to proceed.
-TensorFlow implements several classes of queue. The principal difference between
-these classes is the order that items are removed from the queue. To get a feel
-for queues, let's consider a simple example. We will create a "first in, first
-out" queue (`tf.FIFOQueue`) and fill it with zeros. Then we'll construct a
-graph that takes an item off the queue, adds one to that item, and puts it back
-on the end of the queue. Slowly, the numbers on the queue increase.
-<div style="width:70%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
-<img style="width:100%" src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/IncremeterFifoQueue.gif">
-`Enqueue`, `EnqueueMany`, and `Dequeue` are special nodes. They take a pointer
-to the queue instead of a normal value, allowing them to mutate its state. We
-recommend that you think of these operations as being like methods of the queue
-in an object-oriented sense. In fact, in the Python API, these operations are
-created by calling methods on a queue object (e.g. `q.enqueue(...)`).
-Note: Queue methods (such as `q.enqueue(...)`) *must* run on the same device
-as the queue. Incompatible device placement directives will be ignored when
-creating these operations.
-Now that you have a bit of a feel for queues, let's dive into the details...
-## Queue usage overview
-Queues, such as `tf.FIFOQueue`
-and `tf.RandomShuffleQueue`,
-are important TensorFlow objects that aid in computing tensors asynchronously
-in a graph.
-For example, a typical queue-based input pipeline uses a `RandomShuffleQueue` to
-prepare inputs for training a model as follows:
-* Multiple threads prepare training examples and enqueue them.
-* A training thread executes a training op that dequeues mini-batches from the
- queue
-We recommend using the `tf.data.Dataset.shuffle`
-and `tf.data.Dataset.batch` methods of a
-`tf.data.Dataset` to accomplish this. However, if you'd prefer
-to use a queue-based version instead, you can find a full implementation in the
-`tf.train.shuffle_batch` function.
-For demonstration purposes a simplified implementation is given below.
-This function takes a source tensor, a capacity, and a batch size as arguments
-and returns a tensor that dequeues a shuffled batch when executed.
-``` python
-def simple_shuffle_batch(source, capacity, batch_size=10):
- # Create a random shuffle queue.
- queue = tf.RandomShuffleQueue(capacity=capacity,
- min_after_dequeue=int(0.9*capacity),
- shapes=source.shape, dtypes=source.dtype)
- # Create an op to enqueue one item.
- enqueue = queue.enqueue(source)
- # Create a queue runner that, when started, will launch 4 threads applying
- # that enqueue op.
- num_threads = 4
- qr = tf.train.QueueRunner(queue, [enqueue] * num_threads)
- # Register the queue runner so it can be found and started by
- # `tf.train.start_queue_runners` later (the threads are not launched yet).
- tf.train.add_queue_runner(qr)
- # Create an op to dequeue a batch
- return queue.dequeue_many(batch_size)
-Once started by `tf.train.start_queue_runners`, or indirectly through
-`tf.train.MonitoredSession`, the `QueueRunner` will launch the
-threads in the background to fill the queue. Meanwhile the main thread will
-execute the `dequeue_many` op to pull data from it. Note how these ops do not
-depend on each other, except indirectly through the internal state of the queue.
-The simplest possible use of this function might be something like this:
-``` python
-# create a dataset that counts from 0 to 99
-input = tf.constant(list(range(100)))
-input = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(input)
-input = input.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next()
-# Create a slightly shuffled batch from the sorted elements
-get_batch = simple_shuffle_batch(input, capacity=20)
-# `MonitoredSession` will start and manage the `QueueRunner` threads.
-with tf.train.MonitoredSession() as sess:
- # Since the `QueueRunners` have been started, data is available in the
- # queue, so the `sess.run(get_batch)` call will not hang.
- while not sess.should_stop():
- print(sess.run(get_batch))
-[ 8 10 7 5 4 13 15 14 25 0]
-[23 29 28 31 33 18 19 11 34 27]
-[12 21 37 39 35 22 44 36 20 46]
-For most use cases, the automatic thread startup and management provided
-by `tf.train.MonitoredSession` is sufficient. In the rare case that it is not,
-TensorFlow provides tools for manually managing your threads and queues.
-## Manual Thread Management
-As we have seen, the TensorFlow `Session` object is multithreaded and
-thread-safe, so multiple threads can
-easily use the same session and run ops in parallel. However, it is not always
-easy to implement a Python program that drives threads as required. All
-threads must be able to stop together, exceptions must be caught and
-reported, and queues must be properly closed when stopping.
-TensorFlow provides two classes to help:
-`tf.train.Coordinator` and
-`tf.train.QueueRunner`. These two classes
-are designed to be used together. The `Coordinator` class helps multiple threads
-stop together and report exceptions to a program that waits for them to stop.
-The `QueueRunner` class is used to create a number of threads cooperating to
-enqueue tensors in the same queue.
-### Coordinator
-The `tf.train.Coordinator` class manages background threads in a TensorFlow
-program and helps multiple threads stop together.
-Its key methods are:
-* `tf.train.Coordinator.should_stop`: returns `True` if the threads should stop.
-* `tf.train.Coordinator.request_stop`: requests that threads should stop.
-* `tf.train.Coordinator.join`: waits until the specified threads have stopped.
-You first create a `Coordinator` object, and then create a number of threads
-that use the coordinator. The threads typically run loops that stop when
-`should_stop()` returns `True`.
-Any thread can decide that the computation should stop. It only has to call
-`request_stop()` and the other threads will stop as `should_stop()` will then
-return `True`.
-# Using Python's threading library.
-import threading
-# Thread body: loop until the coordinator indicates a stop was requested.
-# If some condition becomes true, ask the coordinator to stop.
-def MyLoop(coord):
- while not coord.should_stop():
- ...do something...
- if ...some condition...:
- coord.request_stop()
-# Main thread: create a coordinator.
-coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
-# Create 10 threads that run 'MyLoop()'
-threads = [threading.Thread(target=MyLoop, args=(coord,)) for i in xrange(10)]
-# Start the threads and wait for all of them to stop.
-for t in threads:
- t.start()
-Obviously, the coordinator can manage threads doing very different things.
-They don't have to be all the same as in the example above. The coordinator
-also has support to capture and report exceptions. See the `tf.train.Coordinator` documentation for more details.
-### QueueRunner
-The `tf.train.QueueRunner` class creates a number of threads that repeatedly
-run an enqueue op. These threads can use a coordinator to stop together. In
-addition, a queue runner will run a *closer operation* that closes the queue if
-an exception is reported to the coordinator.
-You can use a queue runner to implement the architecture described above.
-First build a graph that uses a TensorFlow queue (e.g. a `tf.RandomShuffleQueue`) for input examples. Add ops that
-process examples and enqueue them in the queue. Add training ops that start by
-dequeueing from the queue.
-example = ...ops to create one example...
-# Create a queue, and an op that enqueues examples one at a time in the queue.
-queue = tf.RandomShuffleQueue(...)
-enqueue_op = queue.enqueue(example)
-# Create a training graph that starts by dequeueing a batch of examples.
-inputs = queue.dequeue_many(batch_size)
-train_op = ...use 'inputs' to build the training part of the graph...
-In the Python training program, create a `QueueRunner` that will run a few
-threads to process and enqueue examples. Create a `Coordinator` and ask the
-queue runner to start its threads with the coordinator. Write a training loop
-that also uses the coordinator.
-# Create a queue runner that will run 4 threads in parallel to enqueue
-# examples.
-qr = tf.train.QueueRunner(queue, [enqueue_op] * 4)
-# Launch the graph.
-sess = tf.Session()
-# Create a coordinator, launch the queue runner threads.
-coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
-enqueue_threads = qr.create_threads(sess, coord=coord, start=True)
-# Run the training loop, controlling termination with the coordinator.
-for step in xrange(1000000):
- if coord.should_stop():
- break
- sess.run(train_op)
-# When done, ask the threads to stop.
-# And wait for them to actually do it.
-### Handling exceptions
-Threads started by queue runners do more than just run the enqueue ops. They
-also catch and handle exceptions generated by queues, including the
-`tf.errors.OutOfRangeError` exception, which is used to report that a queue was
-A training program that uses a coordinator must similarly catch and report
-exceptions in its main loop.
-Here is an improved version of the training loop above.
- for step in xrange(1000000):
- if coord.should_stop():
- break
- sess.run(train_op)
-except Exception, e:
- # Report exceptions to the coordinator.
- coord.request_stop(e)
- # Terminate as usual. It is safe to call `coord.request_stop()` twice.
- coord.request_stop()
- coord.join(threads)
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-# Training
-`tf.train` provides a set of classes and functions that help train models.
-## Optimizers
-The Optimizer base class provides methods to compute gradients for a loss and
-apply gradients to variables. A collection of subclasses implement classic
-optimization algorithms such as GradientDescent and Adagrad.
-You never instantiate the Optimizer class itself, but instead instantiate one
-of the subclasses.
-* `tf.train.Optimizer`
-* `tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer`
-* `tf.train.AdadeltaOptimizer`
-* `tf.train.AdagradOptimizer`
-* `tf.train.AdagradDAOptimizer`
-* `tf.train.MomentumOptimizer`
-* `tf.train.AdamOptimizer`
-* `tf.train.FtrlOptimizer`
-* `tf.train.ProximalGradientDescentOptimizer`
-* `tf.train.ProximalAdagradOptimizer`
-* `tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer`
-See `tf.contrib.opt` for more optimizers.
-## Gradient Computation
-TensorFlow provides functions to compute the derivatives for a given
-TensorFlow computation graph, adding operations to the graph. The
-optimizer classes automatically compute derivatives on your graph, but
-creators of new Optimizers or expert users can call the lower-level
-functions below.
-* `tf.gradients`
-* `tf.AggregationMethod`
-* `tf.stop_gradient`
-* `tf.hessians`
-## Gradient Clipping
-TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to add clipping
-functions to your graph. You can use these functions to perform general data
-clipping, but they're particularly useful for handling exploding or vanishing
-* `tf.clip_by_value`
-* `tf.clip_by_norm`
-* `tf.clip_by_average_norm`
-* `tf.clip_by_global_norm`
-* `tf.global_norm`
-## Decaying the learning rate
-* `tf.train.exponential_decay`
-* `tf.train.inverse_time_decay`
-* `tf.train.natural_exp_decay`
-* `tf.train.piecewise_constant`
-* `tf.train.polynomial_decay`
-* `tf.train.cosine_decay`
-* `tf.train.linear_cosine_decay`
-* `tf.train.noisy_linear_cosine_decay`
-## Moving Averages
-Some training algorithms, such as GradientDescent and Momentum often benefit
-from maintaining a moving average of variables during optimization. Using the
-moving averages for evaluations often improve results significantly.
-* `tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage`
-## Coordinator and QueueRunner
-See [Threading and Queues](../../api_guides/python/threading_and_queues.md)
-for how to use threads and queues. For documentation on the Queue API,
-see [Queues](../../api_guides/python/io_ops.md#queues).
-* `tf.train.Coordinator`
-* `tf.train.QueueRunner`
-* `tf.train.LooperThread`
-* `tf.train.add_queue_runner`
-* `tf.train.start_queue_runners`
-## Distributed execution
-See [Distributed TensorFlow](../../deploy/distributed.md) for
-more information about how to configure a distributed TensorFlow program.
-* `tf.train.Server`
-* `tf.train.Supervisor`
-* `tf.train.SessionManager`
-* `tf.train.ClusterSpec`
-* `tf.train.replica_device_setter`
-* `tf.train.MonitoredTrainingSession`
-* `tf.train.MonitoredSession`
-* `tf.train.SingularMonitoredSession`
-* `tf.train.Scaffold`
-* `tf.train.SessionCreator`
-* `tf.train.ChiefSessionCreator`
-* `tf.train.WorkerSessionCreator`
-## Reading Summaries from Event Files
-See [Summaries and TensorBoard](../../guide/summaries_and_tensorboard.md) for an
-overview of summaries, event files, and visualization in TensorBoard.
-* `tf.train.summary_iterator`
-## Training Hooks
-Hooks are tools that run in the process of training/evaluation of the model.
-* `tf.train.SessionRunHook`
-* `tf.train.SessionRunArgs`
-* `tf.train.SessionRunContext`
-* `tf.train.SessionRunValues`
-* `tf.train.LoggingTensorHook`
-* `tf.train.StopAtStepHook`
-* `tf.train.CheckpointSaverHook`
-* `tf.train.NewCheckpointReader`
-* `tf.train.StepCounterHook`
-* `tf.train.NanLossDuringTrainingError`
-* `tf.train.NanTensorHook`
-* `tf.train.SummarySaverHook`
-* `tf.train.GlobalStepWaiterHook`
-* `tf.train.FinalOpsHook`
-* `tf.train.FeedFnHook`
-## Training Utilities
-* `tf.train.global_step`
-* `tf.train.basic_train_loop`
-* `tf.train.get_global_step`
-* `tf.train.assert_global_step`
-* `tf.train.write_graph`