path: root/tensorflow/docs_src/api_guides/python/array_ops.md
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-# Tensor Transformations
-Note: Functions taking `Tensor` arguments can also take anything accepted by
-## Casting
-TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to cast tensor data
-types in your graph.
-* `tf.string_to_number`
-* `tf.to_double`
-* `tf.to_float`
-* `tf.to_bfloat16`
-* `tf.to_int32`
-* `tf.to_int64`
-* `tf.cast`
-* `tf.bitcast`
-* `tf.saturate_cast`
-## Shapes and Shaping
-TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to determine the shape
-of a tensor and change the shape of a tensor.
-* `tf.broadcast_dynamic_shape`
-* `tf.broadcast_static_shape`
-* `tf.shape`
-* `tf.shape_n`
-* `tf.size`
-* `tf.rank`
-* `tf.reshape`
-* `tf.squeeze`
-* `tf.expand_dims`
-* `tf.meshgrid`
-## Slicing and Joining
-TensorFlow provides several operations to slice or extract parts of a tensor,
-or join multiple tensors together.
-* `tf.slice`
-* `tf.strided_slice`
-* `tf.split`
-* `tf.tile`
-* `tf.pad`
-* `tf.concat`
-* `tf.stack`
-* `tf.parallel_stack`
-* `tf.unstack`
-* `tf.reverse_sequence`
-* `tf.reverse`
-* `tf.reverse_v2`
-* `tf.transpose`
-* `tf.extract_image_patches`
-* `tf.space_to_batch_nd`
-* `tf.space_to_batch`
-* `tf.required_space_to_batch_paddings`
-* `tf.batch_to_space_nd`
-* `tf.batch_to_space`
-* `tf.space_to_depth`
-* `tf.depth_to_space`
-* `tf.gather`
-* `tf.gather_nd`
-* `tf.unique_with_counts`
-* `tf.scatter_nd`
-* `tf.dynamic_partition`
-* `tf.dynamic_stitch`
-* `tf.boolean_mask`
-* `tf.one_hot`
-* `tf.sequence_mask`
-* `tf.dequantize`
-* `tf.quantize_v2`
-* `tf.quantized_concat`
-* `tf.setdiff1d`
-## Fake quantization
-Operations used to help train for better quantization accuracy.
-* `tf.fake_quant_with_min_max_args`
-* `tf.fake_quant_with_min_max_args_gradient`
-* `tf.fake_quant_with_min_max_vars`
-* `tf.fake_quant_with_min_max_vars_gradient`
-* `tf.fake_quant_with_min_max_vars_per_channel`
-* `tf.fake_quant_with_min_max_vars_per_channel_gradient`