path: root/Source/Dafny/Rewriter.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Dafny/Rewriter.cs')
1 files changed, 840 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/Rewriter.cs b/Source/Dafny/Rewriter.cs
index 72649b5f..2e18c4e6 100644
--- a/Source/Dafny/Rewriter.cs
+++ b/Source/Dafny/Rewriter.cs
@@ -2,27 +2,29 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using Bpl = Microsoft.Boogie;
+using IToken = Microsoft.Boogie.IToken;
namespace Microsoft.Dafny
- [ContractClass(typeof(IRewriterContracts))]
- public interface IRewriter
+ public abstract class IRewriter
- void PreResolve(ModuleDefinition m);
- void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m);
- // After SCC/Cyclicity/Recursivity analysis:
- void PostCyclicityResolve(ModuleDefinition m);
- }
- [ContractClassFor(typeof(IRewriter))]
- abstract class IRewriterContracts : IRewriter
- {
- public void PreResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
+ protected readonly ErrorReporter reporter;
+ public IRewriter(ErrorReporter reporter) {
+ Contract.Requires(reporter != null);
+ this.reporter = reporter;
+ }
+ internal virtual void PreResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
Contract.Requires(m != null);
- public void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
+ internal virtual void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
Contract.Requires(m != null);
- public void PostCyclicityResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
+ // After SCC/Cyclicity/Recursivity analysis:
+ internal virtual void PostCyclicityResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
Contract.Requires(m != null);
@@ -36,6 +38,312 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
+ public class TriggerGeneratingRewriter : IRewriter {
+ internal TriggerGeneratingRewriter(ErrorReporter reporter) : base(reporter) {
+ Contract.Requires(reporter != null);
+ }
+ internal override void PostCyclicityResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
+ var finder = new Triggers.QuantifierCollector(reporter);
+ foreach (var decl in ModuleDefinition.AllCallables(m.TopLevelDecls)) {
+ finder.Visit(decl, false);
+ }
+ var triggersCollector = new Triggers.TriggersCollector(finder.exprsInOldContext);
+ foreach (var quantifierCollection in finder.quantifierCollections) {
+ quantifierCollection.ComputeTriggers(triggersCollector);
+ quantifierCollection.CommitTriggers();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ internal class QuantifierSplittingRewriter : IRewriter {
+ internal QuantifierSplittingRewriter(ErrorReporter reporter) : base(reporter) {
+ Contract.Requires(reporter != null);
+ }
+ internal override void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
+ var splitter = new Triggers.QuantifierSplitter();
+ foreach (var decl in ModuleDefinition.AllCallables(m.TopLevelDecls)) {
+ splitter.Visit(decl);
+ }
+ splitter.Commit();
+ }
+ }
+ // write out the quantifier for ForallStmt
+ public class ForallStmtRewriter : IRewriter
+ {
+ public ForallStmtRewriter(ErrorReporter reporter) : base(reporter) {
+ Contract.Requires(reporter != null);
+ }
+ internal override void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
+ var forallvisiter = new ForAllStmtVisitor();
+ foreach (var decl in ModuleDefinition.AllCallables(m.TopLevelDecls)) {
+ forallvisiter.Visit(decl, true);
+ }
+ }
+ internal class ForAllStmtVisitor : TopDownVisitor<bool>
+ {
+ protected override bool VisitOneStmt(Statement stmt, ref bool st) {
+ if (stmt is ForallStmt) {
+ ForallStmt s = (ForallStmt)stmt;
+ if (s.Kind == ForallStmt.ParBodyKind.Proof) {
+ Expression term = s.Ens.Count != 0 ? s.Ens[0].E : new LiteralExpr(s.Tok, true);
+ for (int i = 1; i < s.Ens.Count; i++) {
+ term = new BinaryExpr(s.Tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.And, term, s.Ens[i].E);
+ }
+ List<Expression> exprList = new List<Expression>();
+ ForallExpr expr = new ForallExpr(s.Tok, s.BoundVars, s.Range, term, s.Attributes);
+ expr.Type = Type.Bool; // resolve here
+ exprList.Add(expr);
+ s.ForallExpressions = exprList;
+ } else if (s.Kind == ForallStmt.ParBodyKind.Assign) {
+ if (s.BoundVars.Count != 0) {
+ var s0 = (AssignStmt)s.S0;
+ if (s0.Rhs is ExprRhs) {
+ List<Expression> exprList = new List<Expression>();
+ Expression Fi = null;
+ Func<Expression, Expression> lhsBuilder = null;
+ var lhs = s0.Lhs.Resolved;
+ var i = s.BoundVars[0];
+ if (s.BoundVars.Count == 1) {
+ //var lhsContext = null;
+ // Detect the following cases:
+ // 0: forall i | R(i) { F(i).f := E(i); }
+ // 1: forall i | R(i) { A[F(i)] := E(i); }
+ // 2: forall i | R(i) { F(i)[N] := E(i); }
+ if (lhs is MemberSelectExpr) {
+ var ll = (MemberSelectExpr)lhs;
+ Fi = ll.Obj;
+ lhsBuilder = e => { var l = new MemberSelectExpr(ll.tok, e, ll.MemberName); l.Member = ll.Member; l.Type = ll.Type; return l; };
+ } else if (lhs is SeqSelectExpr) {
+ var ll = (SeqSelectExpr)lhs;
+ Contract.Assert(ll.SelectOne);
+ if (!Translator.ContainsFreeVariable(ll.Seq, false, i)) {
+ Fi = ll.E0;
+ lhsBuilder = e => { var l = new SeqSelectExpr(ll.tok, true, ll.Seq, e, null); l.Type = ll.Type; return l; };
+ } else if (!Translator.ContainsFreeVariable(ll.E0, false, i)) {
+ Fi = ll.Seq;
+ lhsBuilder = e => { var l = new SeqSelectExpr(ll.tok, true, e, ll.E0, null); l.Type = ll.Type; return l; };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var rhs = ((ExprRhs)s0.Rhs).Expr;
+ bool usedInversion = false;
+ if (Fi != null) {
+ var j = new BoundVar(i.tok, i.Name + "#inv", Fi.Type);
+ var jj = Expression.CreateIdentExpr(j);
+ var jList = new List<BoundVar>() { j };
+ var vals = InvertExpression(i, j, s.Range, Fi);
+ Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Trying to invert:");
+ Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: " + Printer.ExprToString(s.Range) + " && " + j.Name + " == " + Printer.ExprToString(Fi));
+ if (vals == null) {
+ Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: Can't");
+ } else {
+ Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: The inverse is the disjunction of the following:");
+ foreach (var val in vals) {
+ Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: " + Printer.ExprToString(val.Range) + " && " + Printer.ExprToString(val.FInverse) + " == " + i.Name);
+ }
+ }
+ if (vals != null) {
+ foreach (var val in vals) {
+ lhs = lhsBuilder(jj);
+ Attributes attributes = new Attributes("trigger", new List<Expression>() { lhs }, s.Attributes);
+ var expr = new ForallExpr(s.Tok, jList, val.Range, new BinaryExpr(s.Tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.EqCommon, lhs, Substitute(rhs, i, val.FInverse)), attributes);
+ expr.Type = Type.Bool; //resolve here
+ exprList.Add(expr);
+ }
+ usedInversion = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!usedInversion) {
+ var expr = new ForallExpr(s.Tok, s.BoundVars, s.Range, new BinaryExpr(s.Tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.EqCommon, lhs, rhs), s.Attributes);
+ expr.Type = Type.Bool; // resolve here
+ exprList.Add(expr);
+ }
+ s.ForallExpressions = exprList;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (s.Kind == ForallStmt.ParBodyKind.Call) {
+ var s0 = (CallStmt)s.S0;
+ Expression term = s0.Method.Ens.Count != 0 ? s0.Method.Ens[0].E : new LiteralExpr(s.Tok, true);
+ for (int i = 1; i < s0.Method.Ens.Count; i++) {
+ term = new BinaryExpr(s.Tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.And, term, s0.Method.Ens[i].E);
+ }
+ List<Expression> exprList = new List<Expression>();
+ ForallExpr expr = new ForallExpr(s.Tok, s.BoundVars, s.Range, term, s.Attributes);
+ expr.Type = Type.Bool; // resolve here
+ exprList.Add(expr);
+ } else {
+ Contract.Assert(false); // unexpected kind
+ }
+ }
+ return true; //visit the sub-parts with the same "st"
+ }
+ internal class ForallStmtTranslationValues
+ {
+ public readonly Expression Range;
+ public readonly Expression FInverse;
+ public ForallStmtTranslationValues(Expression range, Expression fInverse) {
+ Contract.Requires(range != null);
+ Contract.Requires(fInverse != null);
+ Range = range;
+ FInverse = fInverse;
+ }
+ public ForallStmtTranslationValues Subst(IVariable j, Expression e) {
+ Contract.Requires(j != null);
+ Contract.Requires(e != null);
+ Dictionary<TypeParameter, Type> typeMap = new Dictionary<TypeParameter, Type>();
+ var substMap = new Dictionary<IVariable, Expression>();
+ substMap.Add(j, e);
+ Translator.Substituter sub = new Translator.Substituter(null, substMap, typeMap, null);
+ var v = new ForallStmtTranslationValues(sub.Substitute(Range), sub.Substitute(FInverse));
+ return v;
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Find piecewise inverse of F under R. More precisely, find lists of expressions P and F-1
+ /// such that
+ /// R(i) && j == F(i)
+ /// holds iff the disjunction of the following predicates holds:
+ /// P_0(j) && F-1_0(j) == i
+ /// ...
+ /// P_{n-1}(j) && F-1_{n-1}(j) == i
+ /// If no such disjunction is found, return null.
+ /// If such a disjunction is found, return for each disjunct:
+ /// * The predicate P_k(j), which is an expression that may have free occurrences of j (but no free occurrences of i)
+ /// * The expression F-1_k(j), which also may have free occurrences of j but not of i
+ /// </summary>
+ private List<ForallStmtTranslationValues> InvertExpression(BoundVar i, BoundVar j, Expression R, Expression F) {
+ Contract.Requires(i != null);
+ Contract.Requires(j != null);
+ Contract.Requires(R != null);
+ Contract.Requires(F != null);
+ var vals = new List<ForallStmtTranslationValues>(InvertExpressionIter(i, j, R, F));
+ if (vals.Count == 0) {
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ return vals;
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// See InvertExpression.
+ /// </summary>
+ private IEnumerable<ForallStmtTranslationValues> InvertExpressionIter(BoundVar i, BoundVar j, Expression R, Expression F) {
+ Contract.Requires(i != null);
+ Contract.Requires(j != null);
+ Contract.Requires(R != null);
+ Contract.Requires(F != null);
+ F = F.Resolved;
+ if (!Translator.ContainsFreeVariable(F, false, i)) {
+ // We're looking at R(i) && j == K.
+ // We cannot invert j == K, but if we're lucky, R(i) contains a conjunct i==G.
+ Expression r = Expression.CreateBoolLiteral(R.tok, true);
+ Expression G = null;
+ foreach (var c in Expression.Conjuncts(R)) {
+ if (G == null && c is BinaryExpr) {
+ var bin = (BinaryExpr)c;
+ if (BinaryExpr.IsEqualityOp(bin.ResolvedOp)) {
+ var id = bin.E0.Resolved as IdentifierExpr;
+ if (id != null && id.Var == i) {
+ G = bin.E1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ id = bin.E1.Resolved as IdentifierExpr;
+ if (id != null && id.Var == i) {
+ G = bin.E0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ r = Expression.CreateAnd(r, c);
+ }
+ if (G != null) {
+ var jIsK = Expression.CreateEq(Expression.CreateIdentExpr(j), F, j.Type);
+ var rr = Substitute(r, i, G);
+ yield return new ForallStmtTranslationValues(Expression.CreateAnd(rr, jIsK), G);
+ }
+ } else if (F is IdentifierExpr) {
+ var e = (IdentifierExpr)F;
+ if (e.Var == i) {
+ // We're looking at R(i) && j == i, which is particularly easy to invert: R(j) && j == i
+ var jj = Expression.CreateIdentExpr(j);
+ yield return new ForallStmtTranslationValues(Substitute(R, i, jj), jj);
+ }
+ } else if (F is BinaryExpr) {
+ var bin = (BinaryExpr)F;
+ if (bin.ResolvedOp == BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Add && (bin.E0.Type.IsIntegerType || bin.E0.Type.IsRealType)) {
+ if (!Translator.ContainsFreeVariable(bin.E1, false, i)) {
+ // We're looking at: R(i) && j == f(i) + K.
+ // By a recursive call, we'll ask to invert: R(i) && j' == f(i).
+ // For each P_0(j') && f-1_0(j') == i we get back, we yield:
+ // P_0(j - K) && f-1_0(j - K) == i
+ var jMinusK = Expression.CreateSubtract(Expression.CreateIdentExpr(j), bin.E1);
+ foreach (var val in InvertExpression(i, j, R, bin.E0)) {
+ yield return val.Subst(j, jMinusK);
+ }
+ } else if (!Translator.ContainsFreeVariable(bin.E0, false, i)) {
+ // We're looking at: R(i) && j == K + f(i)
+ // Do as in previous case, but with operands reversed.
+ var jMinusK = Expression.CreateSubtract(Expression.CreateIdentExpr(j), bin.E0);
+ foreach (var val in InvertExpression(i, j, R, bin.E1)) {
+ yield return val.Subst(j, jMinusK);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (bin.ResolvedOp == BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Sub && (bin.E0.Type.IsIntegerType || bin.E0.Type.IsRealType)) {
+ if (!Translator.ContainsFreeVariable(bin.E1, false, i)) {
+ // We're looking at: R(i) && j == f(i) - K
+ // Recurse on f(i) and then replace j := j + K
+ var jPlusK = Expression.CreateAdd(Expression.CreateIdentExpr(j), bin.E1);
+ foreach (var val in InvertExpression(i, j, R, bin.E0)) {
+ yield return val.Subst(j, jPlusK);
+ }
+ } else if (!Translator.ContainsFreeVariable(bin.E0, false, i)) {
+ // We're looking at: R(i) && j == K - f(i)
+ // Recurse on f(i) and then replace j := K - j
+ var kMinusJ = Expression.CreateAdd(Expression.CreateIdentExpr(j), bin.E0);
+ foreach (var val in InvertExpression(i, j, R, bin.E1)) {
+ yield return val.Subst(j, kMinusJ);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (F is ITEExpr) {
+ var ife = (ITEExpr)F;
+ // We're looking at R(i) && j == if A(i) then B(i) else C(i), which is equivalent to the disjunction of:
+ // R(i) && A(i) && j == B(i)
+ // R(i) && !A(i) && j == C(i)
+ // We recurse on each one, yielding the results
+ var r = Expression.CreateAnd(R, ife.Test);
+ var valsThen = InvertExpression(i, j, r, ife.Thn);
+ if (valsThen != null) {
+ r = Expression.CreateAnd(R, Expression.CreateNot(ife.tok, ife.Test));
+ var valsElse = InvertExpression(i, j, r, ife.Els);
+ if (valsElse != null) {
+ foreach (var val in valsThen) { yield return val; }
+ foreach (var val in valsElse) { yield return val; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Expression Substitute(Expression expr, IVariable v, Expression e) {
+ Dictionary<IVariable, Expression/*!*/> substMap = new Dictionary<IVariable, Expression>();
+ Dictionary<TypeParameter, Type> typeMap = new Dictionary<TypeParameter, Type>();
+ substMap.Add(v, e);
+ Translator.Substituter sub = new Translator.Substituter(null, substMap, typeMap, null);
+ return sub.Substitute(expr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
/// <summary>
/// AutoContracts is an experimental feature that will fill much of the dynamic-frames boilerplate
/// into a class. From the user's perspective, what needs to be done is simply:
@@ -45,10 +353,10 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
/// AutoContracts will then:
/// Declare:
- /// ghost var Repr: set(object);
+ /// ghost var Repr: set(object)
/// For function/predicate Valid(), insert:
- /// reads this, Repr;
+ /// reads this, Repr
/// Into body of Valid(), insert (at the beginning of the body):
/// this in Repr && null !in Repr
/// and also insert, for every array-valued field A declared in the class:
@@ -60,23 +368,32 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
/// For every constructor, add:
/// modifies this;
- /// ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - {this});
+ /// ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - {this})
/// At the end of the body of the constructor, add:
/// Repr := {this};
/// if (A != null) { Repr := Repr + {A}; }
/// if (F != null) { Repr := Repr + {F} + F.Repr; }
- /// For every method, add:
- /// requires Valid();
- /// modifies Repr;
- /// ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - old(Repr));
+ /// For every non-static non-ghost method that is not a "simple query method",
+ /// add:
+ /// requires Valid()
+ /// modifies Repr
+ /// ensures Valid() && fresh(Repr - old(Repr))
/// At the end of the body of the method, add:
/// if (A != null) { Repr := Repr + {A}; }
/// if (F != null) { Repr := Repr + {F} + F.Repr; }
+ /// For every non-static method that is either ghost or is a "simple query method",
+ /// add:
+ /// requires Valid()
/// </summary>
public class AutoContractsRewriter : IRewriter
- public void PreResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
+ public AutoContractsRewriter(ErrorReporter reporter)
+ : base(reporter) {
+ Contract.Requires(reporter != null);
+ }
+ internal override void PreResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
foreach (var d in m.TopLevelDecls) {
bool sayYes = true;
if (d is ClassDecl && Attributes.ContainsBool(d.Attributes, "autocontracts", ref sayYes) && sayYes) {
@@ -89,7 +406,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
// Add: ghost var Repr: set<object>;
// ...unless a field with that name is already present
if (!cl.Members.Exists(member => member is Field && member.Name == "Repr")) {
- Type ty = new SetType(new ObjectType());
+ Type ty = new SetType(true, new ObjectType());
cl.Members.Add(new Field(new AutoGeneratedToken(cl.tok), "Repr", true, ty, null));
@@ -119,7 +436,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
// ensures fresh(Repr - {this});
var freshness = new UnaryOpExpr(tok, UnaryOpExpr.Opcode.Fresh, new BinaryExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.Opcode.Sub,
new MemberSelectExpr(tok, new ImplicitThisExpr(tok), "Repr"),
- new SetDisplayExpr(tok, new List<Expression>() { new ThisExpr(tok) })));
+ new SetDisplayExpr(tok, true, new List<Expression>() { new ThisExpr(tok) })));
ctor.Ens.Insert(1, new MaybeFreeExpression(freshness));
} else if (member is Method && !member.IsStatic) {
var m = (Method)member;
@@ -132,7 +449,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
- public void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
+ internal override void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
foreach (var d in m.TopLevelDecls) {
bool sayYes = true;
if (d is ClassDecl && Attributes.ContainsBool(d.Attributes, "autocontracts", ref sayYes) && sayYes) {
@@ -141,9 +458,6 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
- public void PostCyclicityResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
- }
void ProcessClassPostResolve(ClassDecl cl) {
// Find all fields of a reference type, and make a note of whether or not the reference type has a Repr field.
// Also, find the Repr field and the function Valid in class "cl"
@@ -246,8 +560,8 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
if (ctor.Body != null) {
var bodyStatements = ((BlockStmt)ctor.Body).Body;
// Repr := {this};
- var e = new SetDisplayExpr(tok, new List<Expression>() { self });
- e.Type = new SetType(new ObjectType());
+ var e = new SetDisplayExpr(tok, true, new List<Expression>() { self });
+ e.Type = new SetType(true, new ObjectType());
Statement s = new AssignStmt(tok, tok, Repr, new ExprRhs(e));
s.IsGhost = true;
@@ -255,7 +569,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
AddSubobjectReprs(tok, subobjects, bodyStatements, self, implicitSelf, cNull, Repr);
- } else if (member is Method && !member.IsStatic) {
+ } else if (member is Method && !member.IsStatic && !member.IsGhost) {
var m = (Method)member;
if (Valid != null && !IsSimpleQueryMethod(m)) {
if (member.RefinementBase == null) {
@@ -297,8 +611,8 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
foreach (var ff in subobjects) {
var F = Resolver.NewMemberSelectExpr(tok, implicitSelf, ff.Item1, null); // create a resolved MemberSelectExpr
- Expression e = new SetDisplayExpr(tok, new List<Expression>() { F });
- e.Type = new SetType(new ObjectType()); // resolve here
+ Expression e = new SetDisplayExpr(tok, true, new List<Expression>() { F });
+ e.Type = new SetType(true, new ObjectType()); // resolve here
var rhs = new BinaryExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.Opcode.Add, Repr, e);
rhs.ResolvedOp = BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Union; // resolve here
rhs.Type = Repr.Type; // resolve here
@@ -318,7 +632,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
e = BinBoolExpr(tok, BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.NeqCommon, F, cNull);
var thn = new BlockStmt(tok, tok, new List<Statement>() { s });
thn.IsGhost = true;
- s = new IfStmt(tok, tok, e, thn, null);
+ s = new IfStmt(tok, tok, false, e, thn, null);
s.IsGhost = true;
// finally, add s to the body
@@ -386,20 +700,20 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
/// specifically asks to see it via the reveal_foo() lemma
/// </summary>
public class OpaqueFunctionRewriter : IRewriter {
- readonly ResolutionErrorReporter reporter;
protected Dictionary<Function, Function> fullVersion; // Given an opaque function, retrieve the full
protected Dictionary<Function, Function> original; // Given a full version of an opaque function, find the original opaque version
protected Dictionary<Lemma, Function> revealOriginal; // Map reveal_* lemmas back to their original functions
- public OpaqueFunctionRewriter(ResolutionErrorReporter reporter)
- : base() {
- this.reporter = reporter;
+ public OpaqueFunctionRewriter(ErrorReporter reporter)
+ : base(reporter) {
+ Contract.Requires(reporter != null);
fullVersion = new Dictionary<Function, Function>();
original = new Dictionary<Function, Function>();
revealOriginal = new Dictionary<Lemma, Function>();
- public void PreResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
+ internal override void PreResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
foreach (var d in m.TopLevelDecls) {
if (d is ClassDecl) {
@@ -407,7 +721,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
- public void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
+ internal override void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
// Fix up the ensures clause of the full version of the function,
// since it may refer to the original opaque function
foreach (var fn in ModuleDefinition.AllFunctions(m.TopLevelDecls)) {
@@ -432,7 +746,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
- public void PostCyclicityResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
+ internal override void PostCyclicityResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
// Add layer quantifier if the function is recursive
foreach (var decl in ModuleDefinition.AllCallables(m.TopLevelDecls)) {
if (decl is Lemma) {
@@ -477,7 +791,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
if (!Attributes.Contains(f.Attributes, "opaque")) {
// Nothing to do
} else if (f.IsProtected) {
- reporter.Error(f.tok, ":opaque is not allowed to be applied to protected functions (this will be allowed when the language introduces 'opaque'/'reveal' as keywords)");
+ reporter.Error(MessageSource.Rewriter, f.tok, ":opaque is not allowed to be applied to protected functions (this will be allowed when the language introduces 'opaque'/'reveal' as keywords)");
} else if (!RefinementToken.IsInherited(f.tok, c.Module)) {
// Create a copy, which will be the internal version with a full body
// which will allow us to verify that the ensures are true
@@ -496,6 +810,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
// Annotate the new function so we remember that we introduced it
fWithBody.Attributes = new Attributes("opaque_full", new List<Expression>(), fWithBody.Attributes);
+ fWithBody.Attributes = new Attributes("auto_generated", new List<Expression>(), fWithBody.Attributes);
// Create a lemma to allow the user to selectively reveal the function's body
// That is, given:
@@ -505,7 +820,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
// ensures foo(x, y) < 10;
// { x + y }
// We produce:
- // lemma {:axiom} reveal_foo()
+ // lemma {:axiom} {:auto_generated} reveal_foo()
// ensures forall x:int, y:int {:trigger foo(x,y)} :: 0 <= x < 5 && 0 <= y < 5 ==> foo(x,y) == foo_FULL(x,y);
Expression reqExpr = new LiteralExpr(f.tok, true);
foreach (Expression req in f.Req) {
@@ -518,10 +833,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
- List<BoundVar> boundVars = new List<BoundVar>();
- foreach (Formal formal in f.Formals) {
- boundVars.Add(new BoundVar(f.tok, formal.Name, cloner.CloneType(formal.Type)));
- }
+ var boundVars = f.Formals.ConvertAll(formal => new BoundVar(formal.tok, formal.Name, cloner.CloneType(formal.Type)));
// Build the implication connecting the function's requires to the connection with the revealed-body version
Func<Function, Expression> func_builder = func =>
@@ -552,6 +864,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
// Add an axiom attribute so that the compiler won't complain about the lemma's lack of a body
Attributes lemma_attrs = new Attributes("axiom", new List<Expression>(), null);
+ lemma_attrs = new Attributes("auto_generated", new List<Expression>(), lemma_attrs);
var reveal = new Lemma(f.tok, "reveal_" + f.Name, f.HasStaticKeyword, new List<TypeParameter>(), new List<Formal>(), new List<Formal>(), new List<MaybeFreeExpression>(),
new Specification<FrameExpression>(new List<FrameExpression>(), null), newEnsuresList,
@@ -692,19 +1005,16 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
/// </summary>
public class AutoReqFunctionRewriter : IRewriter {
Function parentFunction;
- Resolver resolver;
OpaqueFunctionRewriter opaqueInfo;
bool containsMatch; // TODO: Track this per-requirement, rather than per-function
- public AutoReqFunctionRewriter(Resolver r, OpaqueFunctionRewriter o) {
- this.resolver = r;
+ public AutoReqFunctionRewriter(ErrorReporter reporter, OpaqueFunctionRewriter o)
+ : base(reporter) {
+ Contract.Requires(reporter != null);
this.opaqueInfo = o;
- public void PreResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
- }
- public void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
+ internal override void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
var components = m.CallGraph.TopologicallySortedComponents();
foreach (var scComponent in components) { // Visit the call graph bottom up, so anything we call already has its prequisites calculated
@@ -777,9 +1087,6 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
- public void PostCyclicityResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
- }
Expression subVars(List<Formal> formals, List<Expression> values, Expression e, Expression f_this) {
Contract.Assert(formals != null);
Contract.Assert(values != null);
@@ -810,7 +1117,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
if (!tip.Equals("")) {
- resolver.ReportAdditionalInformation(f.tok, tip, f.tok.val.Length);
+ reporter.Info(MessageSource.Rewriter, f.tok, tip);
if (DafnyOptions.O.AutoReqPrintFile != null) {
using (System.IO.TextWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(DafnyOptions.O.AutoReqPrintFile, true)) {
@@ -837,7 +1144,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
if (!tip.Equals("")) {
- resolver.ReportAdditionalInformation(method.tok, tip, method.tok.val.Length);
+ reporter.Info(MessageSource.Rewriter, method.tok, tip);
if (DafnyOptions.O.AutoReqPrintFile != null) {
using (System.IO.TextWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(DafnyOptions.O.AutoReqPrintFile, true)) {
@@ -928,6 +1235,10 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
+ } else if (expr is DatatypeUpdateExpr) {
+ foreach (var ee in expr.SubExpressions) {
+ reqs.AddRange(generateAutoReqs(ee));
+ }
} else if (expr is FunctionCallExpr) {
FunctionCallExpr e = (FunctionCallExpr)expr;
@@ -1032,7 +1343,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
Expression allReqsSatisfied = andify(e.Term.tok, auto_reqs);
Expression allReqsSatisfiedAndTerm = Expression.CreateAnd(allReqsSatisfied, e.Term);
- resolver.ReportAdditionalInformation(e.tok, "autoreq added (" + Printer.ExtendedExprToString(allReqsSatisfied) + ") &&", e.tok.val.Length);
+ reporter.Info(MessageSource.Rewriter, e.tok, "autoreq added (" + Printer.ExtendedExprToString(allReqsSatisfied) + ") &&");
} else if (expr is SetComprehension) {
var e = (SetComprehension)expr;
@@ -1079,7 +1390,12 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
/// </summary>
public class TimeLimitRewriter : IRewriter
- public void PreResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
+ public TimeLimitRewriter(ErrorReporter reporter)
+ : base(reporter) {
+ Contract.Requires(reporter != null);
+ }
+ internal override void PreResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
foreach (var d in m.TopLevelDecls) {
if (d is ClassDecl) {
var c = (ClassDecl)d;
@@ -1088,15 +1404,15 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
// Check for the timeLimitMultiplier attribute
if (Attributes.Contains(member.Attributes, "timeLimitMultiplier")) {
Attributes attrs = member.Attributes;
- for (; attrs != null; attrs = attrs.Prev) {
- if (attrs.Name == "timeLimitMultiplier") {
- if (attrs.Args.Count == 1 && attrs.Args[0] is LiteralExpr) {
- var arg = attrs.Args[0] as LiteralExpr;
+ foreach (var attr in attrs.AsEnumerable()) {
+ if (attr.Name == "timeLimitMultiplier") {
+ if (attr.Args.Count == 1 && attr.Args[0] is LiteralExpr) {
+ var arg = attr.Args[0] as LiteralExpr;
System.Numerics.BigInteger value = (System.Numerics.BigInteger)arg.Value;
if (value.Sign > 0) {
int current_limit = DafnyOptions.O.ProverKillTime > 0 ? DafnyOptions.O.ProverKillTime : 10; // Default to 10 seconds
- attrs.Args[0] = new LiteralExpr(attrs.Args[0].tok, value * current_limit);
- attrs.Name = "timeLimit";
+ attr.Args[0] = new LiteralExpr(attr.Args[0].tok, value * current_limit);
+ attr.Name = "timeLimit";
@@ -1107,16 +1423,470 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
+ }
+ class MatchCaseExprSubstituteCloner : Cloner
+ {
+ private List<Tuple<CasePattern, BoundVar>> patternSubst;
+ private BoundVar oldvar;
+ private BoundVar var;
+ // the cloner is called after resolving the body of matchexpr, trying
+ // to replace casepattern in the body that has been replaced by bv
+ public MatchCaseExprSubstituteCloner(List<Tuple<CasePattern, BoundVar>> subst) {
+ this.patternSubst = subst;
+ this.oldvar = null;
+ this.var = null;
+ }
+ public MatchCaseExprSubstituteCloner(BoundVar oldvar, BoundVar var) {
+ this.patternSubst = null;
+ this.oldvar = oldvar;
+ this.var = var;
+ }
+ public override BoundVar CloneBoundVar(BoundVar bv) {
+ // replace bv with this.var if bv == oldvar
+ BoundVar bvNew;
+ if (oldvar != null && bv.Name.Equals(oldvar.Name)) {
+ bvNew = new BoundVar(new AutoGeneratedToken(bv.tok), var.Name, CloneType(bv.Type));
+ } else {
+ bvNew = new BoundVar(Tok(bv.tok), bv.Name, CloneType(bv.Type));
+ }
+ bvNew.IsGhost = bv.IsGhost;
+ return bvNew;
+ }
+ public override NameSegment CloneNameSegment(Expression expr) {
+ var e = (NameSegment)expr;
+ if (oldvar != null && e.Name.Equals(oldvar.Name)) {
+ return new NameSegment(new AutoGeneratedToken(e.tok), var.Name, e.OptTypeArguments == null ? null : e.OptTypeArguments.ConvertAll(CloneType));
+ } else {
+ return new NameSegment(Tok(e.tok), e.Name, e.OptTypeArguments == null ? null : e.OptTypeArguments.ConvertAll(CloneType));
+ }
+ }
+ public override Expression CloneApplySuffix(ApplySuffix e) {
+ // if the ApplySuffix matches the CasePattern, then replace it with the BoundVar.
+ CasePattern cp = null;
+ BoundVar bv = null;
+ if (FindMatchingPattern(e, out cp, out bv)) {
+ if (bv.tok is MatchCaseToken) {
+ Contract.Assert(e.Args.Count == cp.Arguments.Count);
+ for (int i = 0; i < e.Args.Count; i++) {
+ ((MatchCaseToken)bv.tok).AddVar(e.Args[i].tok, cp.Arguments[i].Var, false);
+ }
+ }
+ return new NameSegment(new AutoGeneratedToken(e.tok), bv.Name, null);
+ } else {
+ return new ApplySuffix(Tok(e.tok), CloneExpr(e.Lhs), e.Args.ConvertAll(CloneExpr));
+ }
+ }
- public void PostResolve(ModuleDefinition m)
+ private bool FindMatchingPattern(ApplySuffix e, out CasePattern pattern, out BoundVar bv) {
+ pattern = null;
+ bv = null;
+ if (patternSubst == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Expression lhs = e.Lhs;
+ if (!(lhs is NameSegment)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ string applyName = ((NameSegment)lhs).Name;
+ foreach (Tuple<CasePattern, BoundVar> pair in patternSubst) {
+ CasePattern cp = pair.Item1;
+ string ctorName = cp.Id;
+ if (!(applyName.Equals(ctorName)) || (e.Args.Count != cp.Arguments.Count)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool found = true;
+ for (int i = 0; i < e.Args.Count; i++) {
+ var arg1 = e.Args[i];
+ var arg2 = cp.Arguments[i];
+ if (arg1.Resolved is IdentifierExpr) {
+ var bv1 = ((IdentifierExpr)arg1.Resolved).Var;
+ if (bv1 != arg2.Var) {
+ found = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ found = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (found) {
+ pattern = cp;
+ bv = pair.Item2;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // MatchCaseToken is used to record BoundVars that are consolidated due to rewrite of
+ // nested match patterns. We want to record the original BoundVars that are consolidated
+ // so that they will show up in the IDE correctly.
+ public class MatchCaseToken : AutoGeneratedToken
+ {
+ public readonly List<Tuple<IToken, BoundVar, bool>> varList;
+ public MatchCaseToken(IToken tok)
+ : base(tok) {
+ varList = new List<Tuple<IToken, BoundVar, bool>>();
+ }
+ public void AddVar(IToken tok, BoundVar var, bool isDefinition) {
+ varList.Add(new Tuple<IToken, BoundVar, bool>(tok, var, isDefinition));
+ }
+ }
+ // A cloner that replace the original token with AutoGeneratedToken.
+ class AutoGeneratedTokenCloner : Cloner
+ {
+ public override IToken Tok(IToken tok) {
+ return new AutoGeneratedToken(tok);
+ }
+ }
+ // ===========================================================================================
+ public class InductionRewriter : IRewriter {
+ internal InductionRewriter(ErrorReporter reporter) : base(reporter) {
+ Contract.Requires(reporter != null);
+ }
+ internal override void PostCyclicityResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
+ if (DafnyOptions.O.Induction == 0) {
+ // Don't bother inferring :induction attributes. This will also have the effect of not warning about malformed :induction attributes
+ } else {
+ foreach (var decl in m.TopLevelDecls) {
+ if (decl is ClassDecl) {
+ var cl = (ClassDecl)decl;
+ foreach (var member in cl.Members) {
+ if (member is FixpointLemma) {
+ var method = (FixpointLemma)member;
+ ProcessMethodExpressions(method);
+ ComputeLemmaInduction(method.PrefixLemma);
+ ProcessMethodExpressions(method.PrefixLemma);
+ } else if (member is Method) {
+ var method = (Method)member;
+ ComputeLemmaInduction(method);
+ ProcessMethodExpressions(method);
+ } else if (member is FixpointPredicate) {
+ var function = (FixpointPredicate)member;
+ ProcessFunctionExpressions(function);
+ ProcessFunctionExpressions(function.PrefixPredicate);
+ } else if (member is Function) {
+ var function = (Function)member;
+ ProcessFunctionExpressions(function);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (decl is NewtypeDecl) {
+ var nt = (NewtypeDecl)decl;
+ if (nt.Constraint != null) {
+ var visitor = new Induction_Visitor(this);
+ visitor.Visit(nt.Constraint);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void ProcessMethodExpressions(Method method) {
+ Contract.Requires(method != null);
+ var visitor = new Induction_Visitor(this);
+ method.Req.ForEach(mfe => visitor.Visit(mfe.E));
+ method.Ens.ForEach(mfe => visitor.Visit(mfe.E));
+ if (method.Body != null) {
+ visitor.Visit(method.Body);
+ }
+ }
+ void ProcessFunctionExpressions(Function function) {
+ Contract.Requires(function != null);
+ var visitor = new Induction_Visitor(this);
+ function.Req.ForEach(visitor.Visit);
+ function.Ens.ForEach(visitor.Visit);
+ if (function.Body != null) {
+ visitor.Visit(function.Body);
+ }
+ }
+ void ComputeLemmaInduction(Method method) {
+ Contract.Requires(method != null);
+ if (method.Body != null && method.IsGhost && method.Mod.Expressions.Count == 0 && method.Outs.Count == 0 && !(method is FixpointLemma)) {
+ var specs = new List<Expression>();
+ method.Req.ForEach(mfe => specs.Add(mfe.E));
+ method.Ens.ForEach(mfe => specs.Add(mfe.E));
+ ComputeInductionVariables(method.tok, method.Ins, specs, method, ref method.Attributes);
+ }
+ }
+ void ComputeInductionVariables<VarType>(IToken tok, List<VarType> boundVars, List<Expression> searchExprs, Method lemma, ref Attributes attributes) where VarType : class, IVariable {
+ Contract.Requires(tok != null);
+ Contract.Requires(boundVars != null);
+ Contract.Requires(searchExprs != null);
+ Contract.Requires(DafnyOptions.O.Induction != 0);
+ var args = Attributes.FindExpressions(attributes, "induction"); // we only look at the first one we find, since it overrides any other ones
+ if (args == null) {
+ if (DafnyOptions.O.Induction < 2) {
+ // No explicit induction variables and we're asked not to infer anything, so we're done
+ return;
+ } else if (DafnyOptions.O.Induction == 2 && lemma != null) {
+ // We're asked to infer induction variables only for quantifiers, not for lemmas
+ return;
+ }
+ // GO INFER below (only select boundVars)
+ } else if (args.Count == 0) {
+ // {:induction} is treated the same as {:induction true}, which says to automatically infer induction variables
+ // GO INFER below (all boundVars)
+ } else if (args.Count == 1 && args[0] is LiteralExpr && ((LiteralExpr)args[0]).Value is bool) {
+ // {:induction false} or {:induction true}
+ if (!(bool)((LiteralExpr)args[0]).Value) {
+ // we're told not to infer anything
+ return;
+ }
+ // GO INFER below (all boundVars)
+ } else {
+ // Here, we're expecting the arguments to {:induction args} to be a sublist of "boundVars".
+ var goodArguments = new List<Expression>();
+ var i = 0;
+ foreach (var arg in args) {
+ var ie = arg.Resolved as IdentifierExpr;
+ if (ie != null) {
+ var j = boundVars.FindIndex(i, v => v == ie.Var);
+ if (i <= j) {
+ goodArguments.Add(ie);
+ i = j;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (0 <= boundVars.FindIndex(v => v == ie.Var)) {
+ reporter.Warning(MessageSource.Rewriter, arg.tok, "{0}s given as :induction arguments must be given in the same order as in the {1}; ignoring attribute",
+ lemma != null ? "lemma parameter" : "bound variable", lemma != null ? "lemma" : "quantifier");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ reporter.Warning(MessageSource.Rewriter, arg.tok, "invalid :induction attribute argument; expected {0}{1}; ignoring attribute",
+ i == 0 ? "'false' or 'true' or " : "",
+ lemma != null ? "lemma parameter" : "bound variable");
+ return;
+ }
+ // The argument list was legal, so let's use it for the _induction attribute
+ attributes = new Attributes("_induction", goodArguments, attributes);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Okay, here we go, coming up with good induction setting for the given situation
+ var inductionVariables = new List<Expression>();
+ foreach (IVariable n in boundVars) {
+ if (!n.Type.IsTypeParameter && (args != null || searchExprs.Exists(expr => VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(expr, n)))) {
+ inductionVariables.Add(new IdentifierExpr(n));
+ }
+ }
+ if (inductionVariables.Count != 0) {
+ // We found something usable, so let's record that in an attribute
+ attributes = new Attributes("_induction", inductionVariables, attributes);
+ // And since we're inferring something, let's also report that in a hover text.
+ var s = Printer.OneAttributeToString(attributes, "induction");
+ if (lemma is PrefixLemma) {
+ s = lemma.Name + " " + s;
+ }
+ reporter.Info(MessageSource.Rewriter, tok, s);
+ }
+ }
+ class Induction_Visitor : BottomUpVisitor
- // Nothing to do here
+ readonly InductionRewriter IndRewriter;
+ public Induction_Visitor(InductionRewriter inductionRewriter) {
+ Contract.Requires(inductionRewriter != null);
+ IndRewriter = inductionRewriter;
+ }
+ protected override void VisitOneExpr(Expression expr) {
+ var q = expr as QuantifierExpr;
+ if (q != null && q.SplitQuantifier == null) {
+ IndRewriter.ComputeInductionVariables(q.tok, q.BoundVars, new List<Expression>() { q.LogicalBody() }, null, ref q.Attributes);
+ }
+ }
+ void VisitInductionStmt(Statement stmt) {
+ Contract.Requires(stmt != null);
+ // visit a selection of subexpressions
+ if (stmt is AssertStmt) {
+ var s = (AssertStmt)stmt;
+ Visit(s.Expr);
+ }
+ // recursively visit all substatements
+ foreach (var s in stmt.SubStatements) {
+ VisitInductionStmt(s);
+ }
+ }
- public void PostCyclicityResolve(ModuleDefinition m) {
- // Nothing to do here
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Returns 'true' iff by looking at 'expr' the Induction Heuristic determines that induction should be applied to 'n'.
+ /// More precisely:
+ /// DafnyInductionHeuristic Return 'true'
+ /// ----------------------- -------------
+ /// 0 always
+ /// 1 if 'n' occurs as any subexpression (of 'expr')
+ /// 2 if 'n' occurs as any subexpression of any index argument of an array/sequence select expression or any argument to a recursive function
+ /// 3 if 'n' occurs as a prominent subexpression of any index argument of an array/sequence select expression or any argument to a recursive function
+ /// 4 if 'n' occurs as any subexpression of any argument to a recursive function
+ /// 5 if 'n' occurs as a prominent subexpression of any argument to a recursive function
+ /// 6 if 'n' occurs as a prominent subexpression of any decreases-influencing argument to a recursive function
+ /// Parameter 'n' is allowed to be a ThisSurrogate.
+ /// </summary>
+ public static bool VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(Expression expr, IVariable n) {
+ switch (DafnyOptions.O.InductionHeuristic) {
+ case 0: return true;
+ case 1: return Translator.ContainsFreeVariable(expr, false, n);
+ default: return VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(expr, n, false);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Worker routine for VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(expr,n), where the additional parameter 'exprIsProminent' says whether or
+ /// not 'expr' has prominent status in its context.
+ /// DafnyInductionHeuristic cases 0 and 1 are assumed to be handled elsewhere (i.e., a precondition of this method is DafnyInductionHeuristic is at least 2).
+ /// Parameter 'n' is allowed to be a ThisSurrogate.
+ /// </summary>
+ static bool VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(Expression expr, IVariable n, bool exprIsProminent) {
+ Contract.Requires(expr != null);
+ Contract.Requires(n != null);
+ // The following variable is what gets passed down to recursive calls if the subexpression does not itself acquire prominent status.
+ var subExprIsProminent = DafnyOptions.O.InductionHeuristic == 2 || DafnyOptions.O.InductionHeuristic == 4 ? /*once prominent, always prominent*/exprIsProminent : /*reset the prominent status*/false;
+ if (expr is IdentifierExpr) {
+ var e = (IdentifierExpr)expr;
+ return exprIsProminent && e.Var == n;
+ } else if (expr is SeqSelectExpr) {
+ var e = (SeqSelectExpr)expr;
+ var q = DafnyOptions.O.InductionHeuristic < 4 || subExprIsProminent;
+ return VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(e.Seq, n, subExprIsProminent) || // this subexpression does not acquire "prominent" status
+ (e.E0 != null && VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(e.E0, n, q)) || // this one does (unless arrays/sequences are excluded)
+ (e.E1 != null && VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(e.E1, n, q)); // ditto
+ } else if (expr is MultiSelectExpr) {
+ var e = (MultiSelectExpr)expr;
+ var q = DafnyOptions.O.InductionHeuristic < 4 || subExprIsProminent;
+ return VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(e.Array, n, subExprIsProminent) ||
+ e.Indices.Exists(exp => VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(exp, n, q));
+ } else if (expr is FunctionCallExpr) {
+ var e = (FunctionCallExpr)expr;
+ // For recursive functions: arguments are "prominent"
+ // For non-recursive function: arguments are "prominent" if the call is
+ var rec = e.Function.IsRecursive && e.CoCall != FunctionCallExpr.CoCallResolution.Yes;
+ var decr = e.Function.Decreases.Expressions;
+ bool variantArgument;
+ if (DafnyOptions.O.InductionHeuristic < 6) {
+ variantArgument = rec;
+ } else {
+ // The receiver is considered to be "variant" if the function is recursive and the receiver participates
+ // in the effective decreases clause of the function. The receiver participates if it's a free variable
+ // of a term in the explicit decreases clause.
+ variantArgument = rec && decr.Exists(ee => Translator.ContainsFreeVariable(ee, true, null));
+ }
+ if (VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(e.Receiver, n, variantArgument || subExprIsProminent)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ Contract.Assert(e.Function.Formals.Count == e.Args.Count);
+ for (int i = 0; i < e.Function.Formals.Count; i++) {
+ var f = e.Function.Formals[i];
+ var exp = e.Args[i];
+ if (DafnyOptions.O.InductionHeuristic < 6) {
+ variantArgument = rec;
+ } else if (rec) {
+ // The argument position is considered to be "variant" if the function is recursive and...
+ // ... it has something to do with why the callee is well-founded, which happens when...
+ if (f is ImplicitFormal) {
+ // ... it is the argument is the implicit _k parameter, which is always first in the effective decreases clause of a prefix lemma, or
+ variantArgument = true;
+ } else if (decr.Exists(ee => Translator.ContainsFreeVariable(ee, false, f))) {
+ // ... it participates in the effective decreases clause of the function, which happens when it is
+ // a free variable of a term in the explicit decreases clause, or
+ variantArgument = true;
+ } else {
+ // ... the callee is a prefix predicate.
+ variantArgument = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(exp, n, variantArgument || subExprIsProminent)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else if (expr is TernaryExpr) {
+ var e = (TernaryExpr)expr;
+ switch (e.Op) {
+ case TernaryExpr.Opcode.PrefixEqOp:
+ case TernaryExpr.Opcode.PrefixNeqOp:
+ return VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(e.E0, n, true) ||
+ VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(e.E1, n, subExprIsProminent) ||
+ VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(e.E2, n, subExprIsProminent);
+ default:
+ Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected ternary expression
+ }
+ } else if (expr is DatatypeValue) {
+ var e = (DatatypeValue)expr;
+ var q = n.Type.IsDatatype ? exprIsProminent : subExprIsProminent; // prominent status continues, if we're looking for a variable whose type is a datatype
+ return e.Arguments.Exists(exp => VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(exp, n, q));
+ } else if (expr is UnaryExpr) {
+ var e = (UnaryExpr)expr;
+ // both Not and SeqLength preserve prominence
+ return VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(e.E, n, exprIsProminent);
+ } else if (expr is BinaryExpr) {
+ var e = (BinaryExpr)expr;
+ bool q;
+ switch (e.ResolvedOp) {
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Add:
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Sub:
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Mul:
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Div:
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Mod:
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Union:
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Intersection:
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.SetDifference:
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Concat:
+ // these operators preserve prominence
+ q = exprIsProminent;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // whereas all other binary operators do not
+ q = subExprIsProminent;
+ break;
+ }
+ return VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(e.E0, n, q) ||
+ VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(e.E1, n, q);
+ } else if (expr is StmtExpr) {
+ var e = (StmtExpr)expr;
+ // ignore the statement
+ return VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(e.E, n);
+ } else if (expr is ITEExpr) {
+ var e = (ITEExpr)expr;
+ return VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(e.Test, n, subExprIsProminent) || // test is not "prominent"
+ VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(e.Thn, n, exprIsProminent) || // but the two branches are
+ VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(e.Els, n, exprIsProminent);
+ } else if (expr is OldExpr ||
+ expr is ConcreteSyntaxExpression ||
+ expr is BoxingCastExpr ||
+ expr is UnboxingCastExpr) {
+ foreach (var exp in expr.SubExpressions) {
+ if (VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(exp, n, exprIsProminent)) { // maintain prominence
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ // in all other cases, reset the prominence status and recurse on the subexpressions
+ foreach (var exp in expr.SubExpressions) {
+ if (VarOccursInArgumentToRecursiveFunction(exp, n, subExprIsProminent)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }