path: root/tactics
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
commit6b649aba925b6f7462da07599fe67ebb12a3460e (patch)
tree43656bcaa51164548f3fa14e5b10de5ef1088574 /tactics
Imported Upstream version 8.0pl1upstream/8.0pl1
Diffstat (limited to 'tactics')
47 files changed, 12909 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d087420a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,939 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:51 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Sign
+open Inductive
+open Evd
+open Reduction
+open Typing
+open Pattern
+open Matching
+open Tacmach
+open Proof_type
+open Pfedit
+open Rawterm
+open Evar_refiner
+open Tacred
+open Tactics
+open Tacticals
+open Clenv
+open Hiddentac
+open Libnames
+open Nametab
+open Libobject
+open Library
+open Printer
+open Declarations
+open Tacexpr
+(* The Type of Constructions Autotactic Hints *)
+type auto_tactic =
+ | Res_pf of constr * unit clausenv (* Hint Apply *)
+ | ERes_pf of constr * unit clausenv (* Hint EApply *)
+ | Give_exact of constr
+ | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail of constr * unit clausenv (* Hint Immediate *)
+ | Unfold_nth of global_reference (* Hint Unfold *)
+ | Extern of glob_tactic_expr (* Hint Extern *)
+type pri_auto_tactic = {
+ hname : identifier; (* name of the hint *)
+ pri : int; (* A number between 0 and 4, 4 = lower priority *)
+ pat : constr_pattern option; (* A pattern for the concl of the Goal *)
+ code : auto_tactic (* the tactic to apply when the concl matches pat *)
+let pri_ord {pri=pri1} {pri=pri2} = pri1 - pri2
+let pri_order {pri=pri1} {pri=pri2} = pri1 <= pri2
+let insert v l =
+ let rec insrec = function
+ | [] -> [v]
+ | h::tl -> if pri_order v h then v::h::tl else h::(insrec tl)
+ in
+ insrec l
+(* Nov 98 -- Papageno *)
+(* Les Hints sont ré-organisés en plusieurs databases.
+ La table impérative "searchtable", de type "hint_db_table",
+ associe une database (hint_db) à chaque nom.
+ Une hint_db est une table d'association fonctionelle constr -> search_entry
+ Le constr correspond à la constante de tête de la conclusion.
+ Une search_entry est un triplet comprenant :
+ - la liste des tactiques qui n'ont pas de pattern associé
+ - la liste des tactiques qui ont un pattern
+ - un discrimination net borné (Btermdn.t) constitué de tous les
+ patterns de la seconde liste de tactiques *)
+type stored_data = pri_auto_tactic
+type search_entry = stored_data list * stored_data list * stored_data Btermdn.t
+let empty_se = ([],[],Btermdn.create ())
+let add_tac t (l,l',dn) =
+ match t.pat with
+ None -> (insert t l, l', dn)
+ | Some pat -> (l, insert t l', Btermdn.add dn (pat,t))
+let lookup_tacs (hdc,c) (l,l',dn) =
+ let l' = snd (Btermdn.lookup dn c) in
+ let sl' = Sort.list pri_order l' in
+ Sort.merge pri_order l sl'
+module Constr_map = Map.Make(struct
+ type t = constr_label
+ let compare =
+ end)
+module Hint_db = struct
+ type t = search_entry Constr_map.t
+ let empty = Constr_map.empty
+ let find key db =
+ try Constr_map.find key db
+ with Not_found -> empty_se
+ let map_all k db =
+ let (l,l',_) = find k db in
+ Sort.merge pri_order l l'
+ let map_auto (k,c) db =
+ lookup_tacs (k,c) (find k db)
+ let add_one (k,v) db =
+ let oval = find k db in
+ Constr_map.add k (add_tac v oval) db
+ let add_list l db = List.fold_right add_one l db
+ let iter f db = Constr_map.iter (fun k (l,l',_) -> f k (l@l')) db
+type frozen_hint_db_table = Hint_db.t Stringmap.t
+type hint_db_table = Hint_db.t Stringmap.t ref
+type hint_db_name = string
+let searchtable = (ref Stringmap.empty : hint_db_table)
+let searchtable_map name =
+ Stringmap.find name !searchtable
+let searchtable_add (name,db) =
+ searchtable := Stringmap.add name db !searchtable
+(* Definition of the summary *)
+let init () = searchtable := Stringmap.empty
+let freeze () = !searchtable
+let unfreeze fs = searchtable := fs
+let _ = Summary.declare_summary "search"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ Summary.init_function = init;
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = false }
+(* Auxiliary functions to prepare AUTOHINT objects *)
+let rec nb_hyp c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Prod(_,_,c2) -> if noccurn 1 c2 then 1+(nb_hyp c2) else nb_hyp c2
+ | _ -> 0
+(* adding and removing tactics in the search table *)
+let try_head_pattern c =
+ try head_pattern_bound c
+ with BoundPattern -> error "Bound head variable"
+let make_exact_entry name (c,cty) =
+ let cty = strip_outer_cast cty in
+ match kind_of_term cty with
+ | Prod (_,_,_) ->
+ failwith "make_exact_entry"
+ | _ ->
+ (head_of_constr_reference (List.hd (head_constr cty)),
+ { hname=name; pri=0; pat=None; code=Give_exact c })
+let make_apply_entry env sigma (eapply,verbose) name (c,cty) =
+ let cty = hnf_constr env sigma cty in
+ match kind_of_term cty with
+ | Prod _ ->
+ let ce = mk_clenv_from () (c,cty) in
+ let c' = (clenv_template_type ce).rebus in
+ let pat = Pattern.pattern_of_constr c' in
+ let hd = (try head_pattern_bound pat
+ with BoundPattern -> failwith "make_apply_entry") in
+ let nmiss = List.length (clenv_missing ce)
+ in
+ if eapply & (nmiss <> 0) then begin
+ if verbose then
+ warn (str "the hint: EApply " ++ prterm c ++
+ str " will only be used by EAuto");
+ (hd,
+ { hname = name;
+ pri = nb_hyp cty + nmiss;
+ pat = Some pat;
+ code = ERes_pf(c,ce) })
+ end else
+ (hd,
+ { hname = name;
+ pri = nb_hyp cty;
+ pat = Some pat;
+ code = Res_pf(c,ce) })
+ | _ -> failwith "make_apply_entry"
+(* eap is (e,v) with e=true if eapply and v=true if verbose
+ c is a constr
+ cty is the type of constr *)
+let make_resolves env sigma name eap (c,cty) =
+ let ents =
+ map_succeed
+ (fun f -> f name (c,cty))
+ [make_exact_entry; make_apply_entry env sigma eap]
+ in
+ if ents = [] then
+ errorlabstrm "Hint" (prterm c ++ spc () ++ str "cannot be used as a hint");
+ ents
+(* used to add an hypothesis to the local hint database *)
+let make_resolve_hyp env sigma (hname,_,htyp) =
+ try
+ [make_apply_entry env sigma (true, false) hname
+ (mkVar hname, htyp)]
+ with
+ | Failure _ -> []
+ | e when Logic.catchable_exception e -> anomaly "make_resolve_hyp"
+(* REM : in most cases hintname = id *)
+let make_unfold (hintname, ref) =
+ (Pattern.label_of_ref ref,
+ { hname = hintname;
+ pri = 4;
+ pat = None;
+ code = Unfold_nth ref })
+let make_extern name pri pat tacast =
+ let hdconstr = try_head_pattern pat in
+ (hdconstr,
+ { hname = name;
+ pri=pri;
+ pat = Some pat;
+ code= Extern tacast })
+let make_trivial env sigma (name,c) =
+ let t = hnf_constr env sigma (type_of env sigma c) in
+ let hd = head_of_constr_reference (List.hd (head_constr t)) in
+ let ce = mk_clenv_from () (c,t) in
+ (hd, { hname = name;
+ pri=1;
+ pat = Some (Pattern.pattern_of_constr (clenv_template_type ce).rebus);
+ code=Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail(c,ce) })
+open Vernacexpr
+(* declaration of the AUTOHINT library object *)
+(* If the database does not exist, it is created *)
+(* TODO: should a warning be printed in this case ?? *)
+let add_hint dbname hintlist =
+ try
+ let db = searchtable_map dbname in
+ let db' = Hint_db.add_list hintlist db in
+ searchtable_add (dbname,db')
+ with Not_found ->
+ let db = Hint_db.add_list hintlist Hint_db.empty in
+ searchtable_add (dbname,db)
+let cache_autohint (_,(local,name,hintlist)) = add_hint name hintlist
+(* let recalc_hints hintlist =
+ let env = Global.env() and sigma = Evd.empty in
+ let recalc_hint ((_,data) as hint) =
+ match data.code with
+ | Res_pf (c,_) ->
+ let c' = Term.subst_mps subst c in
+ if c==c' then hint else
+ make_apply_entry env sigma (false,false)
+ data.hname (c', type_of env sigma c')
+ | ERes_pf (c,_) ->
+ let c' = Term.subst_mps subst c in
+ if c==c' then hint else
+ make_apply_entry env sigma (true,false)
+ data.hname (c', type_of env sigma c')
+ | Give_exact c ->
+ let c' = Term.subst_mps subst c in
+ if c==c' then hint else
+ make_exact_entry data.hname (c',type_of env sigma c')
+ | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c,_) ->
+ let c' = Term.subst_mps subst c in
+ if c==c' then hint else
+ make_trivial env sigma (data.hname,c')
+ | Unfold_nth ref ->
+ let ref' = subst_global subst ref in
+ if ref==ref' then hint else
+ make_unfold (data.hname,ref')
+ | Extern _ ->
+ anomaly "Extern hints cannot be substituted!!!"
+ in
+ list_smartmap recalc_hint hintlist
+let forward_subst_tactic =
+ ref (fun _ -> failwith "subst_tactic is not installed for Auto")
+let set_extern_subst_tactic f = forward_subst_tactic := f
+let subst_autohint (_,subst,(local,name,hintlist as obj)) =
+ let trans_clenv clenv = Clenv.subst_clenv (fun _ a -> a) subst clenv in
+ let trans_data data code =
+ { data with
+ pat = option_smartmap (subst_pattern subst) data.pat ;
+ code = code ;
+ }
+ in
+ let subst_hint (lab,data as hint) =
+ let lab' = subst_label subst lab in
+ let data' = match data.code with
+ | Res_pf (c, clenv) ->
+ let c' = Term.subst_mps subst c in
+ if c==c' then data else
+ trans_data data (Res_pf (c', trans_clenv clenv))
+ | ERes_pf (c, clenv) ->
+ let c' = Term.subst_mps subst c in
+ if c==c' then data else
+ trans_data data (ERes_pf (c', trans_clenv clenv))
+ | Give_exact c ->
+ let c' = Term.subst_mps subst c in
+ if c==c' then data else
+ trans_data data (Give_exact c')
+ | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c, clenv) ->
+ let c' = Term.subst_mps subst c in
+ if c==c' then data else
+ let code' = Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c', trans_clenv clenv) in
+ trans_data data code'
+ | Unfold_nth ref ->
+ let ref' = subst_global subst ref in
+ if ref==ref' then data else
+ trans_data data (Unfold_nth ref')
+ | Extern tac ->
+ let tac' = !forward_subst_tactic subst tac in
+ if tac==tac' then data else
+ trans_data data (Extern tac')
+ in
+ if lab' == lab && data' == data then hint else
+ (lab',data')
+ in
+ let hintlist' = list_smartmap subst_hint hintlist in
+ if hintlist' == hintlist then obj else
+ (local,name,hintlist')
+let classify_autohint (_,((local,name,hintlist) as obj)) =
+ if local or hintlist = [] then Dispose else Substitute obj
+let export_autohint ((local,name,hintlist) as obj) =
+ if local then None else Some obj
+let (inAutoHint,outAutoHint) =
+ declare_object {(default_object "AUTOHINT") with
+ cache_function = cache_autohint;
+ load_function = (fun _ -> cache_autohint);
+ subst_function = subst_autohint;
+ classify_function = classify_autohint;
+ export_function = export_autohint }
+(* The "Hint" vernacular command *)
+let add_resolves env sigma clist local dbnames =
+ List.iter
+ (fun dbname ->
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf
+ (inAutoHint
+ (local,dbname,
+ List.flatten
+ (
+ (fun (name,c) ->
+ let ty = type_of env sigma c in
+ let verbose = Options.is_verbose() in
+ make_resolves env sigma name (true,verbose) (c,ty)) clist
+ )
+ )))
+ dbnames
+let add_unfolds l local dbnames =
+ List.iter
+ (fun dbname -> Lib.add_anonymous_leaf
+ (inAutoHint (local,dbname, make_unfold l)))
+ dbnames
+let add_extern name pri (patmetas,pat) tacast local dbname =
+ (* We check that all metas that appear in tacast have at least
+ one occurence in the left pattern pat *)
+(* TODO
+ let tacmetas = Coqast.collect_metas tacast in
+ let tacmetas = [] in
+ match (list_subtract tacmetas patmetas) with
+ | i::_ ->
+ errorlabstrm "add_extern"
+ (str "The meta-variable ?" ++ pr_patvar i ++ str" is not bound")
+ | [] ->
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf
+ (inAutoHint(local,dbname, [make_extern name pri pat tacast]))
+let add_externs name pri pat tacast local dbnames =
+ List.iter (add_extern name pri pat tacast local) dbnames
+let add_trivials env sigma l local dbnames =
+ List.iter
+ (fun dbname ->
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (
+ inAutoHint(local,dbname, (make_trivial env sigma) l)))
+ dbnames
+let forward_intern_tac =
+ ref (fun _ -> failwith "intern_tac is not installed for Auto")
+let set_extern_intern_tac f = forward_intern_tac := f
+let add_hints local dbnames0 h =
+ let dbnames = if dbnames0 = [] then ["core"] else dbnames0 in
+ match h with
+ | HintsResolve lhints ->
+ let env = Global.env() and sigma = Evd.empty in
+ let f (n,c) =
+ let c = Constrintern.interp_constr sigma env c in
+ let n = match n with
+ | None -> (*id_of_global (reference_of_constr c)*)
+ id_of_string "<anonymous hint>"
+ | Some n -> n in
+ (n,c) in
+ add_resolves env sigma ( f lhints) local dbnames
+ | HintsImmediate lhints ->
+ let env = Global.env() and sigma = Evd.empty in
+ let f (n,c) =
+ let c = Constrintern.interp_constr sigma env c in
+ let n = match n with
+ | None -> (*id_of_global (reference_of_constr c)*)
+ id_of_string "<anonymous hint>"
+ | Some n -> n in
+ (n,c) in
+ add_trivials env sigma ( f lhints) local dbnames
+ | HintsUnfold lhints ->
+ let f (n,locqid) =
+ let r = locqid in
+ let n = match n with
+ | None -> id_of_global r
+ | Some n -> n in
+ (n,r) in
+ add_unfolds ( f lhints) local dbnames
+ | HintsConstructors (hintname, lqid) ->
+ let add_one qid =
+ let env = Global.env() and sigma = Evd.empty in
+ let isp = global_inductive qid in
+ let consnames = (snd (Global.lookup_inductive isp)).mind_consnames in
+ let lcons = list_tabulate
+ (fun i -> mkConstruct (isp,i+1)) (Array.length consnames) in
+ let lcons = List.map2
+ (fun id c -> (id,c)) (Array.to_list consnames) lcons in
+ add_resolves env sigma lcons local dbnames in
+ List.iter add_one lqid
+ | HintsExtern (hintname, pri, patcom, tacexp) ->
+ let hintname = match hintname with
+ Some h -> h
+ | _ -> id_of_string "<anonymous hint>" in
+ let pat = Constrintern.interp_constrpattern Evd.empty (Global.env()) patcom in
+ let tacexp = !forward_intern_tac (fst pat) tacexp in
+ add_externs hintname pri pat tacexp local dbnames
+ | HintsDestruct(na,pri,loc,pat,code) ->
+ if dbnames0<>[] then
+ warn (str"Database selection not implemented for destruct hints");
+ Dhyp.add_destructor_hint local na loc pat pri code
+(* Functions for printing the hints *)
+let fmt_autotactic = function
+ | Res_pf (c,clenv) -> (str"Apply " ++ prterm c)
+ | ERes_pf (c,clenv) -> (str"EApply " ++ prterm c)
+ | Give_exact c -> (str"Exact " ++ prterm c)
+ | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (c,clenv) ->
+ (str"Apply " ++ prterm c ++ str" ; Trivial")
+ | Unfold_nth c -> (str"Unfold " ++ pr_global c)
+ | Extern tac -> (str "Extern " ++ Pptactic.pr_glob_tactic tac)
+let fmt_hint v =
+ (fmt_autotactic v.code ++ str"(" ++ int v.pri ++ str")" ++ spc ())
+let fmt_hint_list hintlist =
+ (str " " ++ hov 0 (prlist fmt_hint hintlist) ++ fnl ())
+let fmt_hints_db (name,db,hintlist) =
+ (str "In the database " ++ str name ++ str ":" ++
+ if hintlist = [] then (str " nothing" ++ fnl ())
+ else (fnl () ++ fmt_hint_list hintlist))
+(* Print all hints associated to head c in any database *)
+let fmt_hint_list_for_head c =
+ let dbs = stringmap_to_list !searchtable in
+ let valid_dbs =
+ map_succeed
+ (fun (name,db) -> (name,db,Hint_db.map_all c db))
+ dbs
+ in
+ if valid_dbs = [] then
+ (str "No hint declared for :" ++ pr_ref_label c)
+ else
+ hov 0
+ (str"For " ++ pr_ref_label c ++ str" -> " ++ fnl () ++
+ hov 0 (prlist fmt_hints_db valid_dbs))
+let fmt_hint_ref ref = fmt_hint_list_for_head (label_of_ref ref)
+(* Print all hints associated to head id in any database *)
+let print_hint_ref ref = ppnl(fmt_hint_ref ref)
+let fmt_hint_term cl =
+ try
+ let (hdc,args) = match head_constr_bound cl [] with
+ | hdc::args -> (hdc,args)
+ | [] -> assert false
+ in
+ let hd = head_of_constr_reference hdc in
+ let dbs = stringmap_to_list !searchtable in
+ let valid_dbs =
+ if occur_existential cl then
+ map_succeed
+ (fun (name, db) -> (name, db, Hint_db.map_all hd db))
+ dbs
+ else
+ map_succeed
+ (fun (name, db) ->
+ (name, db, Hint_db.map_auto (hd,applist(hdc,args)) db))
+ dbs
+ in
+ if valid_dbs = [] then
+ (str "No hint applicable for current goal")
+ else
+ (str "Applicable Hints :" ++ fnl () ++
+ hov 0 (prlist fmt_hints_db valid_dbs))
+ with Bound | Match_failure _ | Failure _ ->
+ (str "No hint applicable for current goal")
+let print_hint_term cl = ppnl (fmt_hint_term cl)
+(* print all hints that apply to the concl of the current goal *)
+let print_applicable_hint () =
+ let pts = get_pftreestate () in
+ let gl = nth_goal_of_pftreestate 1 pts in
+ print_hint_term (pf_concl gl)
+(* displays the whole hint database db *)
+let print_hint_db db =
+ Hint_db.iter
+ (fun head hintlist ->
+ msg (hov 0
+ (str "For " ++ pr_ref_label head ++ str " -> " ++
+ fmt_hint_list hintlist)))
+ db
+let print_hint_db_by_name dbname =
+ try
+ let db = searchtable_map dbname in print_hint_db db
+ with Not_found ->
+ error (dbname^" : No such Hint database")
+(* displays all the hints of all databases *)
+let print_searchtable () =
+ Stringmap.iter
+ (fun name db ->
+ msg (str "In the database " ++ str name ++ fnl ());
+ print_hint_db db)
+ !searchtable
+(* Automatic tactics *)
+(* tactics with a trace mechanism for automatic search *)
+let priority l = snd (List.filter (fun (pr,_) -> pr = 0) l)
+(* Try unification with the precompiled clause, then use registered Apply *)
+let unify_resolve (c,clenv) gls =
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gls in
+ let clenv' = connect_clenv wc clenv in
+ let _ = clenv_unique_resolver false clenv' gls in
+ h_simplest_apply c gls
+(* builds a hint database from a constr signature *)
+(* typically used with (lid, ltyp) = pf_hyps_types <some goal> *)
+let make_local_hint_db g =
+ let sign = pf_hyps g in
+ let hintlist = list_map_append (make_resolve_hyp (pf_env g) (project g)) sign
+ in Hint_db.add_list hintlist Hint_db.empty
+(* Serait-ce possible de compiler d'abord la tactique puis de faire la
+ substitution sans passer par bdize dont l'objectif est de préparer un
+ terme pour l'affichage ? (HH) *)
+(* Si on enlève le dernier argument (gl) conclPattern est calculé une
+fois pour toutes : en particulier si Pattern.somatch produit une UserError
+Ce qui fait que si la conclusion ne matche pas le pattern, Auto échoue, même
+si après Intros la conclusion matche le pattern.
+(* conclPattern doit échouer avec error car il est rattraper par tclFIRST *)
+let forward_interp_tactic =
+ ref (fun _ -> failwith "interp_tactic is not installed for Auto")
+let set_extern_interp f = forward_interp_tactic := f
+let conclPattern concl pat tac gl =
+ let constr_bindings =
+ try matches pat concl
+ with PatternMatchingFailure -> error "conclPattern" in
+ !forward_interp_tactic constr_bindings tac gl
+(* The Trivial tactic *)
+(* local_db is a Hint database containing the hypotheses of current goal *)
+(* Papageno : cette fonction a été pas mal simplifiée depuis que la base
+ de Hint impérative a été remplacée par plusieurs bases fonctionnelles *)
+let rec trivial_fail_db db_list local_db gl =
+ let intro_tac =
+ tclTHEN intro
+ (fun g'->
+ let hintl = make_resolve_hyp (pf_env g') (project g') (pf_last_hyp g')
+ in trivial_fail_db db_list (Hint_db.add_list hintl local_db) g')
+ in
+ tclFIRST
+ (assumption::intro_tac::
+ (trivial_resolve db_list local_db (pf_concl gl)))) gl
+and my_find_search db_list local_db hdc concl =
+ let tacl =
+ if occur_existential concl then
+ list_map_append (fun db -> Hint_db.map_all hdc db) (local_db::db_list)
+ else
+ list_map_append (fun db -> Hint_db.map_auto (hdc,concl) db)
+ (local_db::db_list)
+ in
+ (fun ({pri=b; pat=p; code=t} as patac) ->
+ (b,
+ match t with
+ | Res_pf (term,cl) -> unify_resolve (term,cl)
+ | ERes_pf (_,c) -> (fun gl -> error "eres_pf")
+ | Give_exact c -> exact_check c
+ | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (term,cl) ->
+ tclTHEN
+ (unify_resolve (term,cl))
+ (trivial_fail_db db_list local_db)
+ | Unfold_nth c -> unfold_constr c
+ | Extern tacast ->
+ conclPattern concl (out_some p) tacast))
+ tacl
+and trivial_resolve db_list local_db cl =
+ try
+ let hdconstr = List.hd (head_constr_bound cl []) in
+ priority
+ (my_find_search db_list local_db (head_of_constr_reference hdconstr) cl)
+ with Bound | Not_found ->
+ []
+let trivial dbnames gl =
+ let db_list =
+ (fun x ->
+ try
+ searchtable_map x
+ with Not_found ->
+ error ("Trivial: "^x^": No such Hint database"))
+ ("core"::dbnames)
+ in
+ tclTRY (trivial_fail_db db_list (make_local_hint_db gl)) gl
+let full_trivial gl =
+ let dbnames = stringmap_dom !searchtable in
+ let dbnames = list_subtract dbnames ["v62"] in
+ let db_list = (fun x -> searchtable_map x) dbnames in
+ tclTRY (trivial_fail_db db_list (make_local_hint_db gl)) gl
+let gen_trivial = function
+ | None -> full_trivial
+ | Some l -> trivial l
+let h_trivial l = Refiner.abstract_tactic (TacTrivial l) (gen_trivial l)
+(* The classical Auto tactic *)
+let possible_resolve db_list local_db cl =
+ try
+ let hdconstr = List.hd (head_constr_bound cl []) in
+ snd
+ (my_find_search db_list local_db (head_of_constr_reference hdconstr) cl)
+ with Bound | Not_found ->
+ []
+let decomp_unary_term c gls =
+ let typc = pf_type_of gls c in
+ let hd = List.hd (head_constr typc) in
+ if Hipattern.is_conjunction hd then
+ simplest_case c gls
+ else
+ errorlabstrm "Auto.decomp_unary_term" (str "not a unary type")
+let decomp_empty_term c gls =
+ let typc = pf_type_of gls c in
+ let (hd,_) = decompose_app typc in
+ if Hipattern.is_empty_type hd then
+ simplest_case c gls
+ else
+ errorlabstrm "Auto.decomp_empty_term" (str "not an empty type")
+(* decomp is an natural number giving an indication on decomposition
+ of conjunction in hypotheses, 0 corresponds to no decomposition *)
+(* n is the max depth of search *)
+(* local_db contains the local Hypotheses *)
+let rec search_gen decomp n db_list local_db extra_sign goal =
+ if n=0 then error "BOUND 2";
+ let decomp_tacs = match decomp with
+ | 0 -> []
+ | p ->
+ (tclTRY_sign decomp_empty_term extra_sign)
+ ::
+ (
+ (fun id -> tclTHENSEQ
+ [decomp_unary_term (mkVar id);
+ clear [id];
+ search_gen decomp p db_list local_db []])
+ (pf_ids_of_hyps goal))
+ in
+ let intro_tac =
+ tclTHEN intro
+ (fun g' ->
+ let (hid,_,htyp as d) = pf_last_hyp g' in
+ let hintl =
+ try
+ [make_apply_entry (pf_env g') (project g')
+ (true,false)
+ hid (mkVar hid, htyp)]
+ with Failure _ -> []
+ in
+ search_gen decomp n db_list (Hint_db.add_list hintl local_db) [d] g')
+ in
+ let rec_tacs =
+ (fun ntac ->
+ tclTHEN ntac
+ (search_gen decomp (n-1) db_list local_db empty_named_context))
+ (possible_resolve db_list local_db (pf_concl goal))
+ in
+ tclFIRST (assumption::(decomp_tacs@(intro_tac::rec_tacs))) goal
+let search = search_gen 0
+let default_search_depth = ref 5
+let auto n dbnames gl =
+ let db_list =
+ (fun x ->
+ try
+ searchtable_map x
+ with Not_found ->
+ error ("Auto: "^x^": No such Hint database"))
+ ("core"::dbnames)
+ in
+ let hyps = pf_hyps gl in
+ tclTRY (search n db_list (make_local_hint_db gl) hyps) gl
+let default_auto = auto !default_search_depth []
+let full_auto n gl =
+ let dbnames = stringmap_dom !searchtable in
+ let dbnames = list_subtract dbnames ["v62"] in
+ let db_list = (fun x -> searchtable_map x) dbnames in
+ let hyps = pf_hyps gl in
+ tclTRY (search n db_list (make_local_hint_db gl) hyps) gl
+let default_full_auto gl = full_auto !default_search_depth gl
+let gen_auto n dbnames =
+ let n = match n with None -> !default_search_depth | Some n -> n in
+ match dbnames with
+ | None -> full_auto n
+ | Some l -> auto n l
+let h_auto n l = Refiner.abstract_tactic (TacAuto (n,l)) (gen_auto n l)
+(* The "destructing Auto" from Eduardo *)
+(* Depth of search after decomposition of hypothesis, by default
+ one look for an immediate solution *)
+(* Papageno : de toute façon un paramète > 1 est traité comme 1 pour
+ l'instant *)
+let default_search_decomp = ref 1
+let destruct_auto des_opt n gl =
+ let hyps = pf_hyps gl in
+ search_gen des_opt n [searchtable_map "core"]
+ (make_local_hint_db gl) hyps gl
+let dautomatic des_opt n = tclTRY (destruct_auto des_opt n)
+let default_dauto = dautomatic !default_search_decomp !default_search_depth
+let dauto = function
+ | None, None -> default_dauto
+ | Some n, None -> dautomatic !default_search_decomp n
+ | Some n, Some p -> dautomatic p n
+ | None, Some p -> dautomatic p !default_search_depth
+let h_dauto (n,p) = Refiner.abstract_tactic (TacDAuto (n,p)) (dauto (n,p))
+(*** A new formulation of Auto *********)
+type autoArguments =
+ | UsingTDB
+ | Destructing
+let keepAfter tac1 tac2 =
+ (tclTHEN tac1
+ (function g -> tac2 [pf_last_hyp g] g))
+let compileAutoArg contac = function
+ | Destructing ->
+ (function g ->
+ let ctx = pf_hyps g in
+ tclFIRST
+ (
+ (fun (id,_,typ) ->
+ let cl = snd (decompose_prod typ) in
+ if Hipattern.is_conjunction cl
+ then
+ tclTHENSEQ [simplest_elim (mkVar id); clear [id]; contac]
+ else
+ tclFAIL 0 ((string_of_id id)^"is not a conjunction"))
+ ctx) g)
+ | UsingTDB ->
+ (tclTHEN
+ (Tacticals.tryAllClauses
+ (function
+ | Some (id,_,_) -> Dhyp.h_destructHyp false id
+ | None -> Dhyp.h_destructConcl))
+ contac)
+let compileAutoArgList contac = (compileAutoArg contac)
+let rec super_search n db_list local_db argl goal =
+ if n = 0 then error "BOUND 2";
+ tclFIRST
+ (assumption
+ ::
+ (tclTHEN intro
+ (fun g ->
+ let (hid,_,htyp) = pf_last_hyp g in
+ let hintl =
+ make_resolves (pf_env g) (project g)
+ hid (true,false) (mkVar hid, htyp) in
+ super_search n db_list (Hint_db.add_list hintl local_db)
+ argl g))
+ ::
+ ((
+ (fun ntac ->
+ tclTHEN ntac
+ (super_search (n-1) db_list local_db argl))
+ (possible_resolve db_list local_db (pf_concl goal)))
+ @
+ (compileAutoArgList
+ (super_search (n-1) db_list local_db argl) argl))) goal
+let search_superauto n to_add argl g =
+ let sigma =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (id,c) -> add_named_decl (id, None, pf_type_of g c))
+ to_add empty_named_context in
+ let db0 = list_map_append (make_resolve_hyp (pf_env g) (project g)) sigma in
+ let db = Hint_db.add_list db0 (make_local_hint_db g) in
+ super_search n [Stringmap.find "core" !searchtable] db argl g
+let superauto n to_add argl =
+ tclTRY (tclCOMPLETE (search_superauto n to_add argl))
+let default_superauto g = superauto !default_search_depth [] [] g
+let interp_to_add gl locqid =
+ let r = locqid in
+ let id = id_of_global r in
+ (next_ident_away id (pf_ids_of_hyps gl), constr_of_reference r)
+let gen_superauto nopt l a b gl =
+ let n = match nopt with Some n -> n | None -> !default_search_depth in
+ let al = (if a then [Destructing] else [])@(if b then [UsingTDB] else []) in
+ superauto n ( (interp_to_add gl) l) al gl
+let h_superauto no l a b =
+ Refiner.abstract_tactic (TacSuperAuto (no,l,a,b)) (gen_superauto no l a b)
diff --git a/tactics/auto.mli b/tactics/auto.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef6b85ea
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+++ b/tactics/auto.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: auto.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:51 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Term
+open Sign
+open Proof_type
+open Tacmach
+open Clenv
+open Pattern
+open Environ
+open Evd
+open Libnames
+open Vernacexpr
+type auto_tactic =
+ | Res_pf of constr * unit clausenv (* Hint Apply *)
+ | ERes_pf of constr * unit clausenv (* Hint EApply *)
+ | Give_exact of constr
+ | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail of constr * unit clausenv (* Hint Immediate *)
+ | Unfold_nth of global_reference (* Hint Unfold *)
+ | Extern of Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr (* Hint Extern *)
+open Rawterm
+type pri_auto_tactic = {
+ hname : identifier; (* name of the hint *)
+ pri : int; (* A number between 0 and 4, 4 = lower priority *)
+ pat : constr_pattern option; (* A pattern for the concl of the Goal *)
+ code : auto_tactic; (* the tactic to apply when the concl matches pat *)
+type stored_data = pri_auto_tactic
+type search_entry = stored_data list * stored_data list * stored_data Btermdn.t
+module Hint_db :
+ sig
+ type t
+ val empty : t
+ val find : constr_label -> t -> search_entry
+ val map_all : constr_label -> t -> pri_auto_tactic list
+ val map_auto : constr_label * constr -> t -> pri_auto_tactic list
+ val add_one : constr_label * pri_auto_tactic -> t -> t
+ val add_list : (constr_label * pri_auto_tactic) list -> t -> t
+ val iter : (constr_label -> stored_data list -> unit) -> t -> unit
+ end
+type frozen_hint_db_table = Hint_db.t Stringmap.t
+type hint_db_table = Hint_db.t Stringmap.t ref
+type hint_db_name = string
+val add_hints : locality_flag -> hint_db_name list -> hints -> unit
+val print_searchtable : unit -> unit
+val print_applicable_hint : unit -> unit
+val print_hint_ref : global_reference -> unit
+val print_hint_db_by_name : hint_db_name -> unit
+val searchtable : hint_db_table
+(* [make_exact_entry hint_name (c, ctyp)].
+ [hint_name] is the name of then hint;
+ [c] is the term given as an exact proof to solve the goal;
+ [ctyp] is the type of [hc]. *)
+val make_exact_entry :
+ identifier -> constr * constr -> constr_label * pri_auto_tactic
+(* [make_apply_entry (eapply,verbose) name (c,cty)].
+ [eapply] is true if this hint will be used only with EApply;
+ [name] is the name of then hint;
+ [c] is the term given as an exact proof to solve the goal;
+ [cty] is the type of [hc]. *)
+val make_apply_entry :
+ env -> evar_map -> bool * bool -> identifier -> constr * constr
+ -> constr_label * pri_auto_tactic
+(* A constr which is Hint'ed will be:
+ (1) used as an Exact, if it does not start with a product
+ (2) used as an Apply, if its HNF starts with a product, and
+ has no missing arguments.
+ (3) used as an EApply, if its HNF starts with a product, and
+ has missing arguments. *)
+val make_resolves :
+ env -> evar_map -> identifier -> bool * bool -> constr * constr ->
+ (constr_label * pri_auto_tactic) list
+(* [make_resolve_hyp hname htyp].
+ used to add an hypothesis to the local hint database;
+ Never raises an User_exception;
+ If the hyp cannot be used as a Hint, the empty list is returned. *)
+val make_resolve_hyp :
+ env -> evar_map -> named_declaration ->
+ (constr_label * pri_auto_tactic) list
+(* [make_extern name pri pattern tactic_expr] *)
+val make_extern :
+ identifier -> int -> constr_pattern -> Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr
+ -> constr_label * pri_auto_tactic
+val set_extern_interp :
+ (patvar_map -> Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr -> tactic) -> unit
+val set_extern_intern_tac :
+ (patvar list -> Tacexpr.raw_tactic_expr -> Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr)
+ -> unit
+val set_extern_subst_tactic :
+ (Names.substitution -> Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr -> Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr)
+ -> unit
+(* Create a Hint database from the pairs (name, constr).
+ Useful to take the current goal hypotheses as hints *)
+val make_local_hint_db : goal sigma -> Hint_db.t
+val priority : (int * 'a) list -> 'a list
+val default_search_depth : int ref
+(* Try unification with the precompiled clause, then use registered Apply *)
+val unify_resolve : (constr * unit clausenv) -> tactic
+(* [ConclPattern concl pat tacast]:
+ if the term concl matches the pattern pat, (in sense of
+ [Pattern.somatches], then replace [?1] [?2] metavars in tacast by the
+ right values to build a tactic *)
+val conclPattern : constr -> constr_pattern -> Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr -> tactic
+(* The Auto tactic *)
+val auto : int -> hint_db_name list -> tactic
+(* auto with default search depth and with the hint database "core" *)
+val default_auto : tactic
+(* auto with all hint databases except the "v62" compatibility database *)
+val full_auto : int -> tactic
+(* auto with default search depth and with all hint databases
+ except the "v62" compatibility database *)
+val default_full_auto : tactic
+(* The generic form of auto (second arg [None] means all bases) *)
+val gen_auto : int option -> hint_db_name list option -> tactic
+(* The hidden version of auto *)
+val h_auto : int option -> hint_db_name list option -> tactic
+(* Trivial *)
+val trivial : hint_db_name list -> tactic
+val gen_trivial : hint_db_name list option -> tactic
+val full_trivial : tactic
+val h_trivial : hint_db_name list option -> tactic
+val fmt_autotactic : auto_tactic -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+(*s The following is not yet up to date -- Papageno. *)
+(* DAuto *)
+val dauto : int option * int option -> tactic
+val default_search_decomp : int ref
+val default_dauto : tactic
+val h_dauto : int option * int option -> tactic
+(* SuperAuto *)
+type autoArguments =
+ | UsingTDB
+ | Destructing
+val superauto : int -> (identifier * constr) list -> autoArguments list -> tactic
+val h_superauto : int option -> reference list -> bool -> bool -> tactic
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7c134b89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Ast
+open Coqast
+open Equality
+open Hipattern
+open Names
+open Pp
+open Proof_type
+open Tacticals
+open Tacinterp
+open Tactics
+open Term
+open Util
+open Vernacinterp
+open Tacexpr
+(* Rewriting rules *)
+type rew_rule = constr * bool * tactic
+(* Summary and Object declaration *)
+let rewtab =
+ ref (Stringmap.empty : rew_rule list Stringmap.t)
+let _ =
+ let init () = rewtab := Stringmap.empty in
+ let freeze () = !rewtab in
+ let unfreeze fs = rewtab := fs in
+ Summary.declare_summary "autorewrite"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ Summary.init_function = init;
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = false }
+(* Rewriting rules before tactic interpretation *)
+type raw_rew_rule = constr * bool * raw_tactic_expr
+(* Applies all the rules of one base *)
+let one_base tac_main bas =
+ let lrul =
+ try
+ Stringmap.find bas !rewtab
+ with Not_found ->
+ errorlabstrm "AutoRewrite"
+ (str ("Rewriting base "^(bas)^" does not exist"))
+ in
+ tclREPEAT_MAIN (tclPROGRESS (List.fold_left (fun tac (csr,dir,tc) ->
+ tclTHEN tac
+ (tclTHENSFIRSTn (general_rewrite dir csr) [|tac_main|] tc)))
+ tclIDTAC lrul))
+(* The AutoRewrite tactic *)
+let autorewrite tac_main lbas =
+ (List.fold_left (fun tac bas ->
+ tclTHEN tac (one_base tac_main bas)) tclIDTAC lbas))
+(* Functions necessary to the library object declaration *)
+let cache_hintrewrite (_,(rbase,lrl)) =
+ let l = List.rev_map (fun (c,b,t) -> (c,b,Tacinterp.eval_tactic t)) lrl in
+ let l =
+ try
+ List.rev_append l (Stringmap.find rbase !rewtab)
+ with
+ | Not_found -> List.rev l
+ in
+ rewtab:=Stringmap.add rbase l !rewtab
+let export_hintrewrite x = Some x
+let subst_hintrewrite (_,subst,(rbase,list as node)) =
+ let subst_first (cst,b,t as pair) =
+ let cst' = Term.subst_mps subst cst in
+ let t' = Tacinterp.subst_tactic subst t in
+ if cst == cst' & t == t' then pair else
+ (cst',b,t)
+ in
+ let list' = list_smartmap subst_first list in
+ if list' == list then node else
+ (rbase,list')
+let classify_hintrewrite (_,x) = Libobject.Substitute x
+(* Declaration of the Hint Rewrite library object *)
+let (in_hintrewrite,out_hintrewrite)=
+ Libobject.declare_object {(Libobject.default_object "HINT_REWRITE") with
+ Libobject.open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_hintrewrite o);
+ Libobject.cache_function = cache_hintrewrite;
+ Libobject.subst_function = subst_hintrewrite;
+ Libobject.classify_function = classify_hintrewrite;
+ Libobject.export_function = export_hintrewrite }
+(* To add rewriting rules to a base *)
+let add_rew_rules base lrul =
+ let lrul = List.rev_map (fun (c,b,t) -> (c,b,Tacinterp.glob_tactic t)) lrul in
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (in_hintrewrite (base,lrul))
diff --git a/tactics/autorewrite.mli b/tactics/autorewrite.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e97cde83
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+++ b/tactics/autorewrite.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: autorewrite.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:52 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Tacmach
+(* Rewriting rules before tactic interpretation *)
+type raw_rew_rule = Term.constr * bool * Tacexpr.raw_tactic_expr
+(* To add rewriting rules to a base *)
+val add_rew_rules : string -> raw_rew_rule list -> unit
+(* The AutoRewrite tactic *)
+val autorewrite : tactic -> string list -> tactic
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5cdd540
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+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:52 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Term
+open Termdn
+open Pattern
+(* Discrimination nets with bounded depth.
+ See the module for further explanations.
+ Eduardo (5/8/97). *)
+let dnet_depth = ref 8
+let bounded_constr_pat_discr (t,depth) =
+ if depth = 0 then
+ None
+ else
+ match constr_pat_discr t with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some (c,l) -> Some(c, (fun c -> (c,depth-1)) l)
+let bounded_constr_val_discr (t,depth) =
+ if depth = 0 then
+ None
+ else
+ match constr_val_discr t with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some (c,l) -> Some(c, (fun c -> (c,depth-1)) l)
+type 'a t = (constr_label,constr_pattern * int,'a) Dn.t
+let create = Dn.create
+let add dn (c,v) = Dn.add dn bounded_constr_pat_discr ((c,!dnet_depth),v)
+let rmv dn (c,v) = Dn.rmv dn bounded_constr_pat_discr ((c,!dnet_depth),v)
+let lookup dn t =
+ (fun ((c,_),v) -> (c,v))
+ (Dn.lookup dn bounded_constr_val_discr (t,!dnet_depth))
+let app f dn = (fun ((c,_),v) -> f(c,v)) dn
diff --git a/tactics/btermdn.mli b/tactics/btermdn.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe247495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/btermdn.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: btermdn.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:52 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Term
+open Pattern
+(* Discrimination nets with bounded depth. *)
+type 'a t
+val create : unit -> 'a t
+val add : 'a t -> (constr_pattern * 'a) -> 'a t
+val rmv : 'a t -> (constr_pattern * 'a) -> 'a t
+val lookup : 'a t -> constr -> (constr_pattern * 'a) list
+val app : ((constr_pattern * 'a) -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
+val dnet_depth : int ref
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9d0ead5
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:52 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Term
+open Proof_type
+open Hipattern
+open Tacmach
+open Tacticals
+open Tactics
+open Coqlib
+open Reductionops
+open Rawterm
+(* Absurd *)
+let absurd c gls =
+ (tclTHENS
+ (tclTHEN (elim_type (build_coq_False ())) (cut c))
+ ([(tclTHENS
+ (cut (applist(build_coq_not (),[c])))
+ ([(tclTHEN intros
+ ((fun gl ->
+ let ida = pf_nth_hyp_id gl 1
+ and idna = pf_nth_hyp_id gl 2 in
+ exact_no_check (applist(mkVar idna,[mkVar ida])) gl)));
+ tclIDTAC]));
+ tclIDTAC])) gls
+(* Contradiction *)
+let filter_hyp f tac gl =
+ let rec seek = function
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (id,_,t)::rest when f t -> tac id gl
+ | _::rest -> seek rest in
+ seek (pf_hyps gl)
+let contradiction_context gl =
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ let sigma = project gl in
+ let rec seek_neg l gl = match l with
+ | [] -> error "No such contradiction"
+ | (id,_,typ)::rest ->
+ let typ = whd_betadeltaiota env sigma typ in
+ if is_empty_type typ then
+ simplest_elim (mkVar id) gl
+ else match kind_of_term typ with
+ | Prod (na,t,u) when is_empty_type u ->
+ (try
+ filter_hyp (fun typ -> pf_conv_x_leq gl typ t)
+ (fun id' -> simplest_elim (mkApp (mkVar id,[|mkVar id'|])))
+ gl
+ with Not_found -> seek_neg rest gl)
+ | _ -> seek_neg rest gl in
+ seek_neg (pf_hyps gl) gl
+let is_negation_of env sigma typ t =
+ match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env sigma t) with
+ | Prod (na,t,u) -> is_empty_type u & is_conv_leq env sigma typ t
+ | _ -> false
+let contradiction_term (c,lbind as cl) gl =
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ let sigma = project gl in
+ let typ = pf_type_of gl c in
+ let _, ccl = splay_prod env sigma typ in
+ if is_empty_type ccl then
+ tclTHEN (elim cl None) (tclTRY assumption) gl
+ else
+ try
+ if lbind = NoBindings then
+ filter_hyp (is_negation_of env sigma typ)
+ (fun id -> simplest_elim (mkApp (mkVar id,[|c|]))) gl
+ else
+ raise Not_found
+ with Not_found -> error "Not a contradiction"
+let contradiction = function
+ | None -> tclTHEN intros contradiction_context
+ | Some c -> contradiction_term c
diff --git a/tactics/contradiction.mli b/tactics/contradiction.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90ec101c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/contradiction.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: contradiction.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:52 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Term
+open Proof_type
+open Rawterm
+val absurd : constr -> tactic
+val contradiction : constr with_bindings option -> tactic
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb672d0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:52 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(* Chet's comments about this tactic :
+ Programmable destruction of hypotheses and conclusions.
+ The idea here is that we are going to store patterns. These
+ patterns look like:
+ TYP=<pattern>
+ SORT=<pattern>
+ and from these patterns, we will be able to decide which tactic to
+ execute.
+ For hypotheses, we have a vector of 4 patterns:
+ and for conclusions, we have 2:
+ If the user doesn't supply some of these, they are just replaced
+ with empties.
+ The process of matching goes like this:
+ We use a discrimination net to look for matches between the pattern
+ for HYP[TOP] (CONCL[TOP]) and the type of the chosen hypothesis.
+ Then, we use this to look for the right tactic to apply, by
+ matching the rest of the slots. Each match is tried, and if there
+ is more than one, this fact is reported, and the one with the
+ lowest priority is taken. The priority is a parameter of the
+ tactic input.
+ The tactic input is an expression to hand to the
+ tactic-interpreter, and its priority.
+ For most tactics, the priority should be the number of subgoals
+ generated.
+ Matching is compatible with second-order matching of sopattern.
+ Hint DHyp <hyp-pattern> pri <tac-pattern>.
+ and
+ Hint DConcl <concl-pattern> pri <tac-pattern>.
+ The bindings at the end allow us to transfer information from the
+ patterns on terms into the patterns on tactics in a safe way - we
+ will perform second-order normalization and conversion to an AST
+ before substitution into the tactic-expression.
+ WARNING: The binding mechanism is NOT intended to facilitate the
+ transfer of large amounts of information from the terms to the
+ tactic. This should be done in a special-purpose tactic.
+ *)
+Example : The tactic "if there is a hypothesis saying that the
+successor of some number is smaller than zero, then invert such
+hypothesis" is defined in this way:
+Require DHyp.
+Hint Destruct Hypothesis less_than_zero (le (S ?) O) 1
+ (:tactic:<Inversion $0>).
+Then, the tactic is used like this:
+Goal (le (S O) O) -> False.
+Intro H.
+DHyp H.
+The name "$0" refers to the matching hypothesis --in this case the
+hypothesis H.
+Similarly for the conclusion :
+Hint Destruct Conclusion equal_zero (? = ?) 1 (:tactic:<Reflexivity>).
+Goal (plus O O)=O.
+The "Discardable" option clears the hypothesis after using it.
+Require DHyp.
+Hint Destruct Discardable Hypothesis less_than_zero (le (S ?) O) 1
+ (:tactic:<Inversion $0>).
+Goal (n:nat)(le (S n) O) -> False.
+Intros n H.
+DHyp H.
+-- Eduardo (9/3/97 )
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Term
+open Environ
+open Reduction
+open Proof_type
+open Rawterm
+open Tacmach
+open Refiner
+open Tactics
+open Clenv
+open Tactics
+open Tacticals
+open Libobject
+open Library
+open Pattern
+open Matching
+open Ast
+open Pcoq
+open Tacexpr
+open Libnames
+(* two patterns - one for the type, and one for the type of the type *)
+type destructor_pattern = {
+ d_typ: constr_pattern;
+ d_sort: constr_pattern }
+let subst_destructor_pattern subst { d_typ = t; d_sort = s } =
+ { d_typ = subst_pattern subst t; d_sort = subst_pattern subst s }
+(* hypothesis patterns might need to do matching on the conclusion, too.
+ * conclusion-patterns only need to do matching on the hypothesis *)
+type located_destructor_pattern =
+ (* discardable, pattern for hyp, pattern for concl *)
+ (bool * destructor_pattern * destructor_pattern,
+ (* pattern for concl *)
+ destructor_pattern) location
+let subst_located_destructor_pattern subst = function
+ | HypLocation (b,d,d') ->
+ HypLocation
+ (b,subst_destructor_pattern subst d, subst_destructor_pattern subst d')
+ | ConclLocation d ->
+ ConclLocation (subst_destructor_pattern subst d)
+type destructor_data = {
+ d_pat : located_destructor_pattern;
+ d_pri : int;
+ d_code : identifier option * glob_tactic_expr (* should be of phylum tactic *)
+type t = (identifier,destructor_data) Nbtermdn.t
+type frozen_t = (identifier,destructor_data) Nbtermdn.frozen_t
+let tactab = (Nbtermdn.create () : t)
+let lookup pat = Nbtermdn.lookup tactab pat
+let init () = Nbtermdn.empty tactab
+let freeze () = Nbtermdn.freeze tactab
+let unfreeze fs = Nbtermdn.unfreeze fs tactab
+let rollback f x =
+ let fs = freeze() in
+ try f x with e -> (unfreeze fs; raise e)
+let add (na,dd) =
+ let pat = match dd.d_pat with
+ | HypLocation(_,p,_) -> p.d_typ
+ | ConclLocation p -> p.d_typ
+ in
+ if Nbtermdn.in_dn tactab na then begin
+ msgnl (str "Warning [Overriding Destructor Entry " ++
+ str (string_of_id na) ++ str"]");
+ Nbtermdn.remap tactab na (pat,dd)
+ end else
+ Nbtermdn.add tactab (na,(pat,dd))
+let _ =
+ Summary.declare_summary "destruct-hyp-concl"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ Summary.init_function = init;
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = false }
+let forward_subst_tactic =
+ ref (fun _ -> failwith "subst_tactic is not installed for DHyp")
+let set_extern_subst_tactic f = forward_subst_tactic := f
+let cache_dd (_,(_,na,dd)) =
+ try
+ add (na,dd)
+ with _ ->
+ anomalylabstrm "Dhyp.add"
+ (str"The code which adds destructor hints broke;" ++ spc () ++
+ str"this is not supposed to happen")
+let classify_dd (_,(local,_,_ as o)) =
+ if local then Dispose else Substitute o
+let export_dd (local,_,_ as x) = if local then None else Some x
+let subst_dd (_,subst,(local,na,dd)) =
+ (local,na,
+ { d_pat = subst_located_destructor_pattern subst dd.d_pat;
+ d_pri = dd.d_pri;
+ d_code = !forward_subst_tactic subst dd.d_code })
+let (inDD,outDD) =
+ declare_object {(default_object "DESTRUCT-HYP-CONCL-DATA") with
+ cache_function = cache_dd;
+ open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_dd o);
+ subst_function = subst_dd;
+ classify_function = classify_dd;
+ export_function = export_dd }
+let forward_intern_tac =
+ ref (fun _ -> failwith "intern_tac is not installed for DHyp")
+let set_extern_intern_tac f = forward_intern_tac := f
+let catch_all_sort_pattern = PMeta(Some (id_of_string "SORT"))
+let catch_all_type_pattern = PMeta(Some (id_of_string "TYPE"))
+let add_destructor_hint local na loc pat pri code =
+ let code = !forward_intern_tac code in
+ let code =
+ begin match loc, code with
+ | HypLocation _, TacFun ([id],body) -> (id,body)
+ | ConclLocation _, _ -> (None, code)
+ | _ ->
+ errorlabstrm "add_destructor_hint"
+ (str "The tactic should be a function of the hypothesis name") end
+ in
+ let (_,pat) = Constrintern.interp_constrpattern Evd.empty (Global.env()) pat
+ in
+ let pat = match loc with
+ | HypLocation b ->
+ HypLocation
+ (b,{d_typ=pat;d_sort=catch_all_sort_pattern},
+ {d_typ=catch_all_type_pattern;d_sort=catch_all_sort_pattern})
+ | ConclLocation () ->
+ ConclLocation({d_typ=pat;d_sort=catch_all_sort_pattern}) in
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf
+ (inDD (local,na,{ d_pat = pat; d_pri=pri; d_code=code }))
+let match_dpat dp cls gls =
+ match (cls,dp) with
+ | ({onhyps=lo;onconcl=false},HypLocation(_,hypd,concld)) ->
+ let hl = match lo with
+ Some l -> l
+ | None -> (fun id -> (id,[],(InHyp,ref None)))
+ (pf_ids_of_hyps gls) in
+ if not
+ (List.for_all
+ (fun (id,_,(hl,_)) ->
+ let cltyp = pf_get_hyp_typ gls id in
+ let cl = pf_concl gls in
+ (hl=InHyp) &
+ (is_matching hypd.d_typ cltyp) &
+ (is_matching hypd.d_sort (pf_type_of gls cltyp)) &
+ (is_matching concld.d_typ cl) &
+ (is_matching concld.d_sort (pf_type_of gls cl)))
+ hl)
+ then error "No match"
+ | ({onhyps=Some[];onconcl=true},ConclLocation concld) ->
+ let cl = pf_concl gls in
+ if not
+ ((is_matching concld.d_typ cl) &
+ (is_matching concld.d_sort (pf_type_of gls cl)))
+ then error "No match"
+ | _ -> error "ApplyDestructor"
+let forward_interp_tactic =
+ ref (fun _ -> failwith "interp_tactic is not installed for DHyp")
+let set_extern_interp f = forward_interp_tactic := f
+let applyDestructor cls discard dd gls =
+ match_dpat dd.d_pat cls gls;
+ let cll = simple_clause_list_of cls gls in
+ let tacl =
+ (fun cl ->
+ match cl, dd.d_code with
+ | Some (id,_,_), (Some x, tac) ->
+ let arg =
+ ConstrMayEval(ConstrTerm (RRef(dummy_loc,VarRef id),None)) in
+ TacLetIn ([(dummy_loc, x), None, arg], tac)
+ | None, (None, tac) -> tac
+ | _, (Some _,_) -> error "Destructor expects an hypothesis"
+ | _, (None,_) -> error "Destructor is for conclusion")
+ cll in
+ let discard_0 =
+ (fun cl ->
+ match (cl,dd.d_pat) with
+ | (Some (id,_,_),HypLocation(discardable,_,_)) ->
+ if discard & discardable then thin [id] else tclIDTAC
+ | (None,ConclLocation _) -> tclIDTAC
+ | _ -> error "ApplyDestructor" ) cll in
+ tclTHEN (tclMAP !forward_interp_tactic tacl) (tclTHENLIST discard_0) gls
+(* [DHyp id gls]
+ will take an identifier, get its type, look it up in the
+ discrimination net, get the destructors stored there, and then try
+ them in order of priority. *)
+let destructHyp discard id gls =
+ let hyptyp = pf_get_hyp_typ gls id in
+ let ddl = snd (lookup hyptyp) in
+ let sorted_ddl = Sort.list (fun dd1 dd2 -> dd1.d_pri > dd2.d_pri) ddl in
+ tclFIRST ( (applyDestructor (onHyp id) discard) sorted_ddl) gls
+let cDHyp id gls = destructHyp true id gls
+let dHyp id gls = destructHyp false id gls
+let h_destructHyp b id =
+ abstract_tactic (TacDestructHyp (b,(dummy_loc,id))) (destructHyp b id)
+(* [DConcl gls]
+ will take a goal, get its concl, look it up in the
+ discrimination net, get the destructors stored there, and then try
+ them in order of priority. *)
+let dConcl gls =
+ let ddl = snd (lookup (pf_concl gls)) in
+ let sorted_ddl = Sort.list (fun dd1 dd2 -> dd1.d_pri > dd2.d_pri) ddl in
+ tclFIRST ( (applyDestructor onConcl false) sorted_ddl) gls
+let h_destructConcl = abstract_tactic TacDestructConcl dConcl
+let to2Lists (table : t) = Nbtermdn.to2lists table
+let rec search n =
+ if n=0 then error "Search has reached zero.";
+ tclFIRST
+ [intros;
+ assumption;
+ (tclTHEN
+ (Tacticals.tryAllClauses
+ (function
+ | Some (id,_,_) -> (dHyp id)
+ | None -> dConcl ))
+ (search (n-1)))]
+let auto_tdb n = tclTRY (tclCOMPLETE (search n))
+let search_depth_tdb = ref(5)
+let depth_tdb = function
+ | None -> !search_depth_tdb
+ | Some n -> n
+let h_auto_tdb n = abstract_tactic (TacAutoTDB n) (auto_tdb (depth_tdb n))
diff --git a/tactics/dhyp.mli b/tactics/dhyp.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0cef679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/dhyp.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: dhyp.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:52 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Tacmach
+open Tacexpr
+(* Programmable destruction of hypotheses and conclusions. *)
+val set_extern_interp : (glob_tactic_expr -> tactic) -> unit
+val set_extern_intern_tac : (raw_tactic_expr -> glob_tactic_expr) -> unit
+val dHyp : identifier -> tactic
+val dConcl : tactic
+val h_destructHyp : bool -> identifier -> tactic
+val h_destructConcl : tactic
+val h_auto_tdb : int option -> tactic
+val add_destructor_hint :
+ Vernacexpr.locality_flag -> identifier -> (bool,unit) Tacexpr.location ->
+ Topconstr.constr_expr -> int -> raw_tactic_expr -> unit
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55116831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:52 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(* This file implements the basic structure of what Chet called
+ ``discrimination nets''. If my understanding is right, it serves
+ to associate actions (for example, tactics) with a priority to term
+ patterns, so that if a hypothesis matches a pattern in the net,
+ then the associated tactic is applied. Discrimination nets are used
+ (only) to implement the tactics Auto, DHyp and Point.
+ A discrimination net is a tries structure, that is, a tree structure
+ specially conceived for searching patterns, like for example strings
+ --see the file in the directory lib/util--. Here the tries
+ structure are used for looking for term patterns.
+ This module is then used in :
+ - (discrimination nets of terms);
+ - (discrimination nets of terms with bounded depth,
+ used in the tactic auto);
+ - (named discrimination nets with bounded depth, used
+ in the tactics Dhyp and Point).
+ Eduardo (4/8/97) *)
+(* Definition of the basic structure *)
+type ('lbl,'pat) decompose_fun = 'pat -> ('lbl * 'pat list) option
+type ('lbl,'pat,'inf) t = (('lbl * int) option,'pat * 'inf) Tlm.t
+let create () = Tlm.empty
+(* [path_of dna pat] returns the list of nodes of the pattern [pat] read in
+prefix ordering, [dna] is the function returning the main node of a pattern *)
+let path_of dna =
+ let rec path_of_deferred = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | h::tl -> pathrec tl h
+ and pathrec deferred t =
+ match dna t with
+ | None ->
+ None :: (path_of_deferred deferred)
+ | Some (lbl,[]) ->
+ (Some (lbl,0))::(path_of_deferred deferred)
+ | Some (lbl,(h::def_subl as v)) ->
+ (Some (lbl,List.length v))::(pathrec (def_subl@deferred) h)
+ in
+ pathrec []
+let tm_of tm lbl =
+ try [ tm lbl] with Not_found -> []
+let lookup tm dna t =
+ let rec lookrec t tm =
+ (tm_of tm None)@
+ (match dna t with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some(lbl,v) ->
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun l c -> List.flatten( (lookrec c) l))
+ (tm_of tm (Some(lbl,List.length v))) v)
+ in
+ List.flatten( Tlm.xtract (lookrec t tm))
+let add tm dna (pat,inf) =
+ let p = path_of dna pat in Tlm.add tm (p,(pat,inf))
+let rmv tm dna (pat,inf) =
+ let p = path_of dna pat in Tlm.rmv tm (p,(pat,inf))
+let app f tm = (fun (_,p) -> f p) tm
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index 00000000..a54007d8
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: dn.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:52 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* Discrimination nets. *)
+type ('lbl,'tree) decompose_fun = 'tree -> ('lbl * 'tree list) option
+type ('lbl,'pat,'inf) t (* = (('lbl * int) option,'pat * 'inf) Tlm.t *)
+val create : unit -> ('lbl,'pat,'inf) t
+(* [add t f (tree,inf)] adds a structured object [tree] together with
+ the associated information [inf] to the table [t]; the function
+ [f] is used to translated [tree] into its prefix decomposition: [f]
+ must decompose any tree into a label characterizing its root node and
+ the list of its subtree *)
+val add : ('lbl,'pat,'inf) t -> ('lbl,'pat) decompose_fun -> 'pat * 'inf
+ -> ('lbl,'pat,'inf) t
+val rmv : ('lbl,'pat,'inf) t -> ('lbl,'pat) decompose_fun -> 'pat * 'inf
+ -> ('lbl,'pat,'inf) t
+(* [lookup t f tree] looks for trees (and their associated
+ information) in table [t] such that the structured object [tree]
+ matches against them; [f] is used to translated [tree] into its
+ prefix decomposition: [f] must decompose any tree into a label
+ characterizing its root node and the list of its subtree *)
+val lookup : ('lbl,'pat,'inf) t -> ('lbl,'term) decompose_fun -> 'term
+ -> ('pat * 'inf) list
+val app : (('pat * 'inf) -> unit) -> ('lbl,'pat,'inf) t -> unit
diff --git a/tactics/doc.tex b/tactics/doc.tex
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index 00000000..d44cc14a
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+\section*{The Tactics}
+\ocwsection \label{tactics}
+This chapter describes the \Coq\ main tactics.
+The modules of that chapter are organized as follows.
diff --git a/tactics/eauto.ml4 b/tactics/eauto.ml4
new file mode 100644
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
+(* $Id: eauto.ml4,v 2004/07/16 19:30:52 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Sign
+open Reduction
+open Proof_type
+open Proof_trees
+open Declarations
+open Tacticals
+open Tacmach
+open Evar_refiner
+open Tactics
+open Pattern
+open Clenv
+open Auto
+open Rawterm
+let e_give_exact c gl = let t1 = (pf_type_of gl c) and t2 = pf_concl gl in
+ if occur_existential t1 or occur_existential t2 then
+ tclTHEN (unify t1) (exact_check c) gl
+ else exact_check c gl
+let assumption id = e_give_exact (mkVar id)
+let e_assumption gl =
+ tclFIRST ( assumption (pf_ids_of_hyps gl)) gl
+let e_resolve_with_bindings_tac (c,lbind) gl =
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gl in
+ let t = w_hnf_constr wc (w_type_of wc c) in
+ let clause = make_clenv_binding_apply wc (-1) (c,t) lbind in
+ e_res_pf kONT clause gl
+let e_resolve_constr c gls = e_resolve_with_bindings_tac (c,NoBindings) gls
+(* V8 TACTIC EXTEND eexact
+| [ "eexact" constr(c) ] -> [ e_give_exact c ]
+| [ "EExact" constr(c) ] -> [ e_give_exact c ]
+let e_give_exact_constr = h_eexact
+let registered_e_assumption gl =
+ tclFIRST ( (fun id gl -> e_give_exact_constr (mkVar id) gl)
+ (pf_ids_of_hyps gl)) gl
+(* This automatically define h_eApply (among other things) *)
+(*V8 TACTIC EXTEND eapply
+ [ "eapply" constr_with_bindings(c) ] -> [ e_resolve_with_bindings_tac c ]
+ [ "EApply" constr_with_bindings(c) ] -> [ e_resolve_with_bindings_tac c ]
+let vernac_e_resolve_constr c = h_eapply (c,NoBindings)
+let e_constructor_tac boundopt i lbind gl =
+ let cl = pf_concl gl in
+ let (mind,redcl) = pf_reduce_to_quantified_ind gl cl in
+ let nconstr =
+ Array.length (snd (Global.lookup_inductive mind)).mind_consnames
+ and sigma = project gl in
+ if i=0 then error "The constructors are numbered starting from 1";
+ if i > nconstr then error "Not enough constructors";
+ begin match boundopt with
+ | Some expctdnum ->
+ if expctdnum <> nconstr then
+ error "Not the expected number of constructors"
+ | None -> ()
+ end;
+ let cons = mkConstruct (ith_constructor_of_inductive mind i) in
+ let apply_tac = e_resolve_with_bindings_tac (cons,lbind) in
+ (tclTHENLIST [convert_concl_no_check redcl; intros; apply_tac]) gl
+let e_one_constructor i = e_constructor_tac None i
+let e_any_constructor tacopt gl =
+ let t = match tacopt with None -> tclIDTAC | Some t -> t in
+ let mind = fst (pf_reduce_to_quantified_ind gl (pf_concl gl)) in
+ let nconstr =
+ Array.length (snd (Global.lookup_inductive mind)).mind_consnames in
+ if nconstr = 0 then error "The type has no constructors";
+ tclFIRST ( (fun i -> tclTHEN (e_one_constructor i NoBindings) t)
+ (interval 1 nconstr)) gl
+let e_left = e_constructor_tac (Some 2) 1
+let e_right = e_constructor_tac (Some 2) 2
+let e_split = e_constructor_tac (Some 1) 1
+(* This automatically define h_econstructor (among other things) *)
+(*V8 TACTIC EXTEND eapply
+ [ "econstructor" integer(n) with_bindings(c) ] -> [ e_constructor_tac None n c ]
+TACTIC EXTEND econstructor
+ [ "EConstructor" integer(n) "with" bindings(c) ] -> [ e_constructor_tac None n c ]
+ | [ "EConstructor" integer(n) ] -> [ e_constructor_tac None n NoBindings ]
+ | [ "EConstructor" tactic_opt(t) ] -> [ e_any_constructor (option_app Tacinterp.eval_tactic t) ]
+ [ "ELeft" "with" bindings(l) ] -> [e_left l]
+ | [ "ELeft"] -> [e_left NoBindings]
+ [ "ERight" "with" bindings(l) ] -> [e_right l]
+ | [ "ERight" ] -> [e_right NoBindings]
+ [ "ESplit" "with" bindings(l) ] -> [e_split l]
+ | [ "ESplit"] -> [e_split NoBindings]
+ [ "EExists" bindings(l) ] -> [e_split l]
+(* PROLOG tactic *)
+let one_step l gl =
+ [Tactics.intro]
+ @ ( e_resolve_constr ( mkVar (pf_ids_of_hyps gl)))
+ @ ( e_resolve_constr l)
+ @ ( assumption (pf_ids_of_hyps gl))
+let rec prolog l n gl =
+ if n <= 0 then error "prolog - failure";
+ let prol = (prolog l (n-1)) in
+ (tclFIRST ( (fun t -> (tclTHEN t prol)) (one_step l gl))) gl
+let prolog_tac l n gl =
+ let n =
+ match n with
+ | Genarg.ArgArg n -> n
+ | _ -> error "Prolog called with a non closed argument"
+ in
+ try (prolog l n gl)
+ with UserError ("Refiner.tclFIRST",_) ->
+ errorlabstrm "Prolog.prolog" (str "Prolog failed")
+(* V8 TACTIC EXTEND prolog
+| [ "prolog" "[" constr_list(l) "]" int_or_var(n) ] -> [ prolog_tac l n ]
+| [ "Prolog" "[" constr_list(l) "]" int_or_var(n) ] -> [ prolog_tac l n ]
+let vernac_prolog =
+ let uncom = function
+ | Constr c -> c
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let gentac =
+ hide_tactic "Prolog"
+ (function
+ | (Integer n) :: al -> prolog_tac ( uncom al) n
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ in
+ fun coms n ->
+ gentac ((Integer n) :: ( (fun com -> (Constr com)) coms))
+open Auto
+(* A tactic similar to Auto, but using EApply, Assumption and e_give_exact *)
+let unify_e_resolve (c,clenv) gls =
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gls in
+ let clenv' = connect_clenv wc clenv in
+ let _ = clenv_unique_resolver false clenv' gls in
+ vernac_e_resolve_constr c gls
+let rec e_trivial_fail_db db_list local_db goal =
+ let tacl =
+ registered_e_assumption ::
+ (tclTHEN Tactics.intro
+ (function g'->
+ let d = pf_last_hyp g' in
+ let hintl = make_resolve_hyp (pf_env g') (project g') d in
+ (e_trivial_fail_db db_list
+ (Hint_db.add_list hintl local_db) g'))) ::
+ ( fst (e_trivial_resolve db_list local_db (pf_concl goal)) )
+ in
+ tclFIRST ( tclCOMPLETE tacl) goal
+and e_my_find_search db_list local_db hdc concl =
+ let hdc = head_of_constr_reference hdc in
+ let hintl =
+ if occur_existential concl then
+ list_map_append (Hint_db.map_all hdc) (local_db::db_list)
+ else
+ list_map_append (Hint_db.map_auto (hdc,concl)) (local_db::db_list)
+ in
+ let tac_of_hint =
+ fun ({pri=b; pat = p; code=t} as patac) ->
+ (b,
+ let tac =
+ match t with
+ | Res_pf (term,cl) -> unify_resolve (term,cl)
+ | ERes_pf (term,cl) -> unify_e_resolve (term,cl)
+ | Give_exact (c) -> e_give_exact_constr c
+ | Res_pf_THEN_trivial_fail (term,cl) ->
+ tclTHEN (unify_e_resolve (term,cl))
+ (e_trivial_fail_db db_list local_db)
+ | Unfold_nth c -> unfold_constr c
+ | Extern tacast -> conclPattern concl
+ (out_some p) tacast
+ in
+ (tac,fmt_autotactic t))
+ (*i
+ fun gls -> pPNL (fmt_autotactic t); Format.print_flush ();
+ try tac gls
+ with e when Logic.catchable_exception(e) ->
+ (Format.print_string "Fail\n";
+ Format.print_flush ();
+ raise e)
+ i*)
+ in
+ tac_of_hint hintl
+and e_trivial_resolve db_list local_db gl =
+ try
+ Auto.priority
+ (e_my_find_search db_list local_db
+ (List.hd (head_constr_bound gl [])) gl)
+ with Bound | Not_found -> []
+let e_possible_resolve db_list local_db gl =
+ try snd (e_my_find_search db_list local_db
+ (List.hd (head_constr_bound gl [])) gl)
+ with Bound | Not_found -> []
+let assumption_tac_list id = apply_tac_list (e_give_exact_constr (mkVar id))
+let find_first_goal gls =
+ try first_goal gls with UserError _ -> assert false
+(*s The following module [SearchProblem] is used to instantiate the generic
+ exploration functor [Explore.Make]. *)
+module SearchProblem = struct
+ type state = {
+ depth : int; (*r depth of search before failing *)
+ tacres : goal list sigma * validation;
+ last_tactic : std_ppcmds;
+ dblist : Auto.Hint_db.t list;
+ localdb : Auto.Hint_db.t list }
+ let success s = (sig_it (fst s.tacres)) = []
+ let rec filter_tactics (glls,v) = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (tac,pptac) :: tacl ->
+ try
+ let (lgls,ptl) = apply_tac_list tac glls in
+ let v' p = v (ptl p) in
+ ((lgls,v'),pptac) :: filter_tactics (glls,v) tacl
+ with e when Logic.catchable_exception e ->
+ filter_tactics (glls,v) tacl
+ let rec list_addn n x l =
+ if n = 0 then l else x :: (list_addn (pred n) x l)
+ (* Ordering of states is lexicographic on depth (greatest first) then
+ number of remaining goals. *)
+ let compare s s' =
+ let d = s'.depth - s.depth in
+ let nbgoals s = List.length (sig_it (fst s.tacres)) in
+ if d <> 0 then d else nbgoals s - nbgoals s'
+ let branching s =
+ if s.depth = 0 then
+ []
+ else
+ let lg = fst s.tacres in
+ let nbgl = List.length (sig_it lg) in
+ assert (nbgl > 0);
+ let g = find_first_goal lg in
+ let assumption_tacs =
+ let l =
+ filter_tactics s.tacres
+ (
+ (fun id -> (e_give_exact_constr (mkVar id),
+ (str "Exact" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id)))
+ (pf_ids_of_hyps g))
+ in
+ (fun (res,pp) -> { depth = s.depth; tacres = res;
+ last_tactic = pp; dblist = s.dblist;
+ localdb = s.localdb }) l
+ in
+ let intro_tac =
+ (fun ((lgls,_) as res,pp) ->
+ let g' = first_goal lgls in
+ let hintl =
+ make_resolve_hyp (pf_env g') (project g') (pf_last_hyp g')
+ in
+ let ldb = Hint_db.add_list hintl (List.hd s.localdb) in
+ { depth = s.depth; tacres = res;
+ last_tactic = pp; dblist = s.dblist;
+ localdb = ldb :: s.localdb })
+ (filter_tactics s.tacres [Tactics.intro,(str "Intro")])
+ in
+ let rec_tacs =
+ let l =
+ filter_tactics s.tacres
+ (e_possible_resolve s.dblist (List.hd s.localdb) (pf_concl g))
+ in
+ (fun ((lgls,_) as res, pp) ->
+ let nbgl' = List.length (sig_it lgls) in
+ if nbgl' < nbgl then
+ { depth = s.depth; tacres = res; last_tactic = pp;
+ dblist = s.dblist; localdb = s.localdb }
+ else
+ { depth = pred s.depth; tacres = res;
+ dblist = s.dblist; last_tactic = pp;
+ localdb =
+ list_addn (nbgl'-nbgl) (List.hd s.localdb) s.localdb })
+ l
+ in
+ List.sort compare (assumption_tacs @ intro_tac @ rec_tacs)
+ let pp s =
+ msg (hov 0 (str " depth=" ++ int s.depth ++ spc () ++
+ s.last_tactic ++ str "\n"))
+module Search = Explore.Make(SearchProblem)
+let make_initial_state n gl dblist localdb =
+ { SearchProblem.depth = n;
+ SearchProblem.tacres = tclIDTAC gl;
+ SearchProblem.last_tactic = (mt ());
+ SearchProblem.dblist = dblist;
+ SearchProblem.localdb = [localdb] }
+let e_depth_search debug p db_list local_db gl =
+ try
+ let tac = if debug then Search.debug_depth_first else Search.depth_first in
+ let s = tac (make_initial_state p gl db_list local_db) in
+ s.SearchProblem.tacres
+ with Not_found -> error "EAuto: depth first search failed"
+let e_breadth_search debug n db_list local_db gl =
+ try
+ let tac =
+ if debug then Search.debug_breadth_first else Search.breadth_first
+ in
+ let s = tac (make_initial_state n gl db_list local_db) in
+ s.SearchProblem.tacres
+ with Not_found -> error "EAuto: breadth first search failed"
+let e_search_auto debug (in_depth,p) db_list gl =
+ let local_db = make_local_hint_db gl in
+ if in_depth then
+ e_depth_search debug p db_list local_db gl
+ else
+ e_breadth_search debug p db_list local_db gl
+let eauto debug np dbnames =
+ let db_list =
+ (fun x ->
+ try Stringmap.find x !searchtable
+ with Not_found -> error ("EAuto: "^x^": No such Hint database"))
+ ("core"::dbnames)
+ in
+ tclTRY (e_search_auto debug np db_list)
+let full_eauto debug n gl =
+ let dbnames = stringmap_dom !searchtable in
+ let dbnames = list_subtract dbnames ["v62"] in
+ let db_list = (fun x -> Stringmap.find x !searchtable) dbnames in
+ let local_db = make_local_hint_db gl in
+ tclTRY (e_search_auto debug n db_list) gl
+let gen_eauto d np = function
+ | None -> full_eauto d np
+ | Some l -> eauto d np l
+let make_depth = function
+ | None -> !default_search_depth
+ | Some (Genarg.ArgArg d) -> d
+ | _ -> error "EAuto called with a non closed argument"
+let make_dimension n = function
+ | None -> (true,make_depth n)
+ | Some (Genarg.ArgArg d) -> (false,d)
+ | _ -> error "EAuto called with a non closed argument"
+open Genarg
+(* Hint bases *)
+let pr_hintbases _prc _prt = function
+ | None -> str " with *"
+ | Some [] -> mt ()
+ | Some l -> str " with " ++ Util.prlist_with_sep spc str l
+ TYPED AS preident_list_opt
+ PRINTED BY pr_hintbases
+| [ "with" "*" ] -> [ None ]
+| [ "with" ne_preident_list(l) ] -> [ Some l ]
+| [ ] -> [ Some [] ]
+| [ "EAuto" int_or_var_opt(n) int_or_var_opt(p) hintbases(db) ] ->
+ [ gen_eauto false (make_dimension n p) db ]
+| [ "EAutod" int_or_var_opt(n) int_or_var_opt(p) hintbases(db) ] ->
+ [ gen_eauto true (make_dimension n p) db ]
diff --git a/tactics/eauto.mli b/tactics/eauto.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3084e65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/eauto.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Term
+open Proof_type
+open Tacexpr
+val rawwit_hintbases : string list option raw_abstract_argument_type
+val e_assumption : tactic
+val registered_e_assumption : tactic
+val e_resolve_constr : constr -> tactic
+val vernac_e_resolve_constr : constr -> tactic
+val e_give_exact_constr : constr -> tactic
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5573f9ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:53 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Environ
+open Libnames
+open Reduction
+open Inductiveops
+open Proof_type
+open Clenv
+open Hipattern
+open Tacmach
+open Tacticals
+open Tactics
+open Hiddentac
+open Genarg
+open Tacexpr
+let introElimAssumsThen tac ba =
+ let nassums =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc b -> if b then acc+2 else acc+1)
+ 0 ba.branchsign
+ in
+ let introElimAssums = tclDO nassums intro in
+ (tclTHEN introElimAssums (elim_on_ba tac ba))
+let introCaseAssumsThen tac ba =
+ let case_thin_sign =
+ List.flatten
+ ( (function b -> if b then [false;true] else [false])
+ ba.branchsign)
+ in
+ let n1 = List.length case_thin_sign in
+ let n2 = List.length ba.branchnames in
+ let (l1,l2),l3 =
+ if n1 < n2 then list_chop n1 ba.branchnames, []
+ else
+ (ba.branchnames, []),
+ if n1 > n2 then snd (list_chop n2 case_thin_sign) else [] in
+ let introCaseAssums = tclTHEN (intros_pattern None l1) (intros_clearing l3)
+ in
+ (tclTHEN introCaseAssums (case_on_ba (tac l2) ba))
+(* The following tactic Decompose repeatedly applies the
+ elimination(s) rule(s) of the types satisfying the predicate
+ ``recognizer'' onto a certain hypothesis. For example :
+Require Elim.
+Require Le.
+ Goal (y:nat){x:nat | (le O x)/\(le x y)}->{x:nat | (le O x)}.
+ Intros y H.
+ Decompose [sig and] H;EAuto.
+ Qed.
+Another example :
+ Goal (A,B,C:Prop)(A/\B/\C \/ B/\C \/ C/\A) -> C.
+ Intros A B C H; Decompose [and or] H; Assumption.
+ Qed.
+let elimHypThen tac id gl =
+ elimination_then tac ([],[]) (mkVar id) gl
+let rec general_decompose_on_hyp recognizer =
+ ifOnHyp recognizer (general_decompose recognizer) (fun _ -> tclIDTAC)
+and general_decompose recognizer id =
+ elimHypThen
+ (introElimAssumsThen
+ (fun bas ->
+ tclTHEN (clear [id])
+ (tclMAP (general_decompose_on_hyp recognizer)
+ (ids_of_named_context bas.assums))))
+ id
+(* Faudrait ajouter un COMPLETE pour que l'hypothèse créée ne reste
+ pas si aucune élimination n'est possible *)
+(* Meilleures stratégies mais perte de compatibilité *)
+let tmphyp_name = id_of_string "_TmpHyp"
+let up_to_delta = ref false (* true *)
+let general_decompose recognizer c gl =
+ let typc = pf_type_of gl c in
+ tclTHENSV (cut typc)
+ [| tclTHEN (intro_using tmphyp_name)
+ (onLastHyp
+ (ifOnHyp recognizer (general_decompose recognizer)
+ (fun id -> clear [id])));
+ exact_no_check c |] gl
+let head_in gls indl t =
+ try
+ let ity,_ =
+ if !up_to_delta
+ then find_mrectype (pf_env gls) (project gls) t
+ else extract_mrectype t
+ in List.mem ity indl
+ with Not_found -> false
+let inductive_of = function
+ | IndRef ity -> ity
+ | r ->
+ errorlabstrm "Decompose"
+ (Printer.pr_global r ++ str " is not an inductive type")
+let decompose_these c l gls =
+ let indl = (* inductive_of*) l in
+ general_decompose (fun (_,t) -> head_in gls indl t) c gls
+let decompose_nonrec c gls =
+ general_decompose
+ (fun (_,t) -> is_non_recursive_type t)
+ c gls
+let decompose_and c gls =
+ general_decompose
+ (fun (_,t) -> is_conjunction t)
+ c gls
+let decompose_or c gls =
+ general_decompose
+ (fun (_,t) -> is_disjunction t)
+ c gls
+let h_decompose l c =
+ Refiner.abstract_tactic (TacDecompose (l,c)) (decompose_these c l)
+let h_decompose_or c =
+ Refiner.abstract_tactic (TacDecomposeOr c) (decompose_or c)
+let h_decompose_and c =
+ Refiner.abstract_tactic (TacDecomposeAnd c) (decompose_and c)
+(* The tactic Double performs a double induction *)
+let simple_elimination c gls =
+ simple_elimination_then (fun _ -> tclIDTAC) c gls
+let induction_trailer abs_i abs_j bargs =
+ tclTHEN
+ (tclDO (abs_j - abs_i) intro)
+ (onLastHyp
+ (fun id gls ->
+ let idty = pf_type_of gls (mkVar id) in
+ let fvty = global_vars (pf_env gls) idty in
+ let possible_bring_hyps =
+ ( (nLastHyps (abs_j - abs_i) gls)) @ bargs.assums
+ in
+ let (hyps,_) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (bring_ids,leave_ids) (cid,_,cidty as d) ->
+ if not (List.mem cid leave_ids)
+ then (d::bring_ids,leave_ids)
+ else (bring_ids,cid::leave_ids))
+ ([],fvty) possible_bring_hyps
+ in
+ let ids = List.rev (ids_of_named_context hyps) in
+ [bring_hyps hyps; tclTRY (clear ids);
+ simple_elimination (mkVar id)])
+ gls))
+let double_ind h1 h2 gls =
+ let abs_i = depth_of_quantified_hypothesis true h1 gls in
+ let abs_j = depth_of_quantified_hypothesis true h2 gls in
+ let (abs_i,abs_j) =
+ if abs_i < abs_j then (abs_i,abs_j) else
+ if abs_i > abs_j then (abs_j,abs_i) else
+ error "Both hypotheses are the same" in
+ let cl = pf_concl gls in
+ (tclTHEN (tclDO abs_i intro)
+ (onLastHyp
+ (fun id ->
+ elimination_then
+ (introElimAssumsThen (induction_trailer abs_i abs_j))
+ ([],[]) (mkVar id)))) gls
+let h_double_induction h1 h2 =
+ Refiner.abstract_tactic (TacDoubleInduction (h1,h2)) (double_ind h1 h2)
diff --git a/tactics/elim.mli b/tactics/elim.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a891cd9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/elim.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: elim.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:53 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Term
+open Proof_type
+open Tacmach
+open Genarg
+open Tacticals
+(* Eliminations tactics. *)
+val introElimAssumsThen :
+ (branch_assumptions -> tactic) -> branch_args -> tactic
+val introCaseAssumsThen :
+ (intro_pattern_expr list -> branch_assumptions -> tactic) ->
+ branch_args -> tactic
+val general_decompose : (identifier * constr -> bool) -> constr -> tactic
+val decompose_nonrec : constr -> tactic
+val decompose_and : constr -> tactic
+val decompose_or : constr -> tactic
+val h_decompose : inductive list -> constr -> tactic
+val h_decompose_or : constr -> tactic
+val h_decompose_and : constr -> tactic
+val double_ind : Rawterm.quantified_hypothesis -> Rawterm.quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
+val h_double_induction : Rawterm.quantified_hypothesis -> Rawterm.quantified_hypothesis->tactic
diff --git a/tactics/eqdecide.ml4 b/tactics/eqdecide.ml4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8edfcb3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/eqdecide.ml4
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* EqDecide *)
+(* A tactic for deciding propositional equality on inductive types *)
+(* by Eduardo Gimenez *)
+(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
+(* $Id: eqdecide.ml4,v 2004/07/16 19:30:53 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Term
+open Declarations
+open Tactics
+open Tacticals
+open Hiddentac
+open Equality
+open Auto
+open Pattern
+open Matching
+open Hipattern
+open Proof_trees
+open Proof_type
+open Tacmach
+open Coqlib
+(* This file containts the implementation of the tactics ``Decide
+ Equality'' and ``Compare''. They can be used to decide the
+ propositional equality of two objects that belongs to a small
+ inductive datatype --i.e., an inductive set such that all the
+ arguments of its constructors are non-functional sets.
+ The procedure for proving (x,y:R){x=y}+{~x=y} can be scketched as
+ follows:
+ 1. Eliminate x and then y.
+ 2. Try discrimination to solve those goals where x and y has
+ been introduced by different constructors.
+ 3. If x and y have been introduced by the same constructor,
+ then analyse one by one the correspoing pairs of arguments.
+ If they are equal, rewrite one into the other. If they are
+ not, derive a contradiction from the injectiveness of the
+ constructor.
+ 4. Once all the arguments have been rewritten, solve the left half
+ of the disjunction by reflexivity.
+ Eduardo Gimenez (30/3/98).
+let clear_last = (tclLAST_HYP (fun c -> (clear [destVar c])))
+let mkBranches =
+ [intro;
+ tclLAST_HYP h_simplest_elim;
+ clear_last;
+ intros ;
+ tclLAST_HYP h_simplest_case;
+ clear_last;
+ intros]
+let solveRightBranch =
+ tclTHEN h_simplest_right
+ (tclTHEN (intro_force true)
+ (onLastHyp (fun id -> Extratactics.h_discrHyp (Rawterm.NamedHyp id))))
+let h_solveRightBranch =
+ Refiner.abstract_extended_tactic "solveRightBranch" [] solveRightBranch
+let h_solveRightBranch =
+ hide_atomic_tactic "solveRightBranch" solveRightBranch
+(* Constructs the type {c1=c2}+{~c1=c2} *)
+let mkDecideEqGoal rectype c1 c2 g =
+ let equality = mkApp(build_coq_eq(), [|rectype; c1; c2|]) in
+ let disequality = mkApp(build_coq_not (), [|equality|]) in
+ mkApp(build_coq_sumbool (), [|equality; disequality |])
+(* Constructs the type (x1,x2:R){x1=x2}+{~x1=x2} *)
+let mkGenDecideEqGoal rectype g =
+ let hypnames = pf_ids_of_hyps g in
+ let xname = next_ident_away (id_of_string "x") hypnames
+ and yname = next_ident_away (id_of_string "y") hypnames in
+ (mkNamedProd xname rectype
+ (mkNamedProd yname rectype
+ (mkDecideEqGoal rectype (mkVar xname) (mkVar yname) g)))
+let eqCase tac =
+ (tclTHEN intro
+ (tclTHEN (tclLAST_HYP Extratactics.h_rewriteLR)
+ (tclTHEN clear_last
+ tac)))
+let diseqCase =
+ let diseq = id_of_string "diseq" in
+ let absurd = id_of_string "absurd" in
+ (tclTHEN (intro_using diseq)
+ (tclTHEN h_simplest_right
+ (tclTHEN red_in_concl
+ (tclTHEN (intro_using absurd)
+ (tclTHEN (h_simplest_apply (mkVar diseq))
+ (tclTHEN (Extratactics.h_injHyp (Rawterm.NamedHyp absurd))
+ full_trivial))))))
+let solveArg a1 a2 tac g =
+ let rectype = pf_type_of g a1 in
+ let decide = mkDecideEqGoal rectype a1 a2 g in
+ (tclTHENS
+ (h_elim_type decide)
+ [(eqCase tac);diseqCase;default_auto]) g
+let solveLeftBranch rectype g =
+ try
+ let (lhs,rhs) = match_eqdec_partial (pf_concl g) in
+ let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive rectype in
+ let nparams = mip.mind_nparams in
+ let getargs l = list_skipn nparams (snd (decompose_app l)) in
+ let rargs = getargs rhs
+ and largs = getargs lhs in
+ List.fold_right2
+ solveArg largs rargs (tclTHEN h_simplest_left h_reflexivity) g
+ with PatternMatchingFailure -> error "Unexpected conclusion!"
+(* The tactic Decide Equality *)
+let hd_app c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | App (h,_) -> h
+ | _ -> c
+let decideGralEquality g =
+ try
+ let typ = match_eqdec (pf_concl g) in
+ let headtyp = hd_app (pf_compute g typ) in
+ let rectype =
+ match kind_of_term headtyp with
+ | Ind mi -> mi
+ | _ -> error "This decision procedure only works for inductive objects"
+ in
+ (tclTHEN
+ mkBranches
+ (tclORELSE h_solveRightBranch (solveLeftBranch rectype))) g
+ with PatternMatchingFailure ->
+ error "The goal does not have the expected form"
+let decideEquality c1 c2 g =
+ let rectype = (pf_type_of g c1) in
+ let decide = mkGenDecideEqGoal rectype g in
+ (tclTHENS (cut decide) [default_auto;decideGralEquality]) g
+(* The tactic Compare *)
+let compare c1 c2 g =
+ let rectype = pf_type_of g c1 in
+ let decide = mkDecideEqGoal rectype c1 c2 g in
+ (tclTHENS (cut decide)
+ [(tclTHEN intro
+ (tclTHEN (tclLAST_HYP simplest_case)
+ clear_last));
+ decideEquality c1 c2]) g
+(* User syntax *)
+TACTIC EXTEND DecideEquality
+ [ "Decide" "Equality" constr(c1) constr(c2) ] -> [ decideEquality c1 c2 ]
+| [ "Decide" "Equality" ] -> [ decideGralEquality ]
+| [ "Compare" constr(c1) constr(c2) ] -> [ compare c1 c2 ]
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dd9054f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,1213 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:53 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Inductive
+open Inductiveops
+open Environ
+open Reductionops
+open Instantiate
+open Typeops
+open Typing
+open Retyping
+open Tacmach
+open Proof_type
+open Logic
+open Evar_refiner
+open Pattern
+open Matching
+open Hipattern
+open Tacexpr
+open Tacticals
+open Tactics
+open Tacred
+open Rawterm
+open Coqlib
+open Vernacexpr
+open Setoid_replace
+open Declarations
+(* Rewriting tactics *)
+(* Warning : rewriting from left to right only works
+ if there exists in the context a theorem named <eqname>_<suffsort>_r
+ with type (A:<sort>)(x:A)(P:A->Prop)(P x)->(y:A)(eqname A y x)->(P y).
+ If another equality myeq is introduced, then corresponding theorems
+ myeq_ind_r, myeq_rec_r and myeq_rect_r have to be proven. See below.
+ -- Eduardo (19/8/97
+let general_rewrite_bindings lft2rgt (c,l) gl =
+ let ctype = pf_type_of gl c in
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ let sigma = project gl in
+ let _,t = splay_prod env sigma ctype in
+ match match_with_equation t with
+ | None ->
+ if l = NoBindings
+ then general_s_rewrite lft2rgt c gl
+ else error "The term provided does not end with an equation"
+ | Some (hdcncl,_) ->
+ let hdcncls = string_of_inductive hdcncl in
+ let suffix = Indrec.elimination_suffix (elimination_sort_of_goal gl)in
+ let elim =
+ if lft2rgt then
+ pf_global gl (id_of_string (hdcncls^suffix^"_r"))
+ else
+ pf_global gl (id_of_string (hdcncls^suffix))
+ in
+ tclNOTSAMEGOAL (general_elim (c,l) (elim,NoBindings) ~allow_K:false) gl
+ (* was tclWEAK_PROGRESS which only fails for tactics generating one subgoal
+ and did not fail for useless conditional rewritings generating an
+ extra condition *)
+(* Conditional rewriting, the success of a rewriting is related
+ to the resolution of the conditions by a given tactic *)
+let conditional_rewrite lft2rgt tac (c,bl) =
+ tclTHENSFIRSTn (general_rewrite_bindings lft2rgt (c,bl))
+ [|tclIDTAC|] (tclCOMPLETE tac)
+let general_rewrite lft2rgt c = general_rewrite_bindings lft2rgt (c,NoBindings)
+let rewriteLR_bindings = general_rewrite_bindings true
+let rewriteRL_bindings = general_rewrite_bindings false
+let rewriteLR = general_rewrite true
+let rewriteRL = general_rewrite false
+(* The Rewrite in tactic *)
+let general_rewrite_in lft2rgt id (c,l) gl =
+ let ctype = pf_type_of gl c in
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ let sigma = project gl in
+ let _,t = splay_prod env sigma ctype in
+ match match_with_equation t with
+ | None -> (* Do not deal with setoids yet *)
+ error "The term provided does not end with an equation"
+ | Some (hdcncl,_) ->
+ let hdcncls = string_of_inductive hdcncl in
+ let suffix =
+ Indrec.elimination_suffix (elimination_sort_of_hyp id gl) in
+ let rwr_thm =
+ if lft2rgt then hdcncls^suffix else hdcncls^suffix^"_r" in
+ let elim =
+ try pf_global gl (id_of_string rwr_thm)
+ with Not_found ->
+ error ("Cannot find rewrite principle "^rwr_thm) in
+ general_elim_in id (c,l) (elim,NoBindings) gl
+let rewriteLRin = general_rewrite_in true
+let rewriteRLin = general_rewrite_in false
+let conditional_rewrite_in lft2rgt id tac (c,bl) =
+ tclTHENSFIRSTn (general_rewrite_in lft2rgt id (c,bl))
+ [|tclIDTAC|] (tclCOMPLETE tac)
+let rewriteRL_clause = function
+ | None -> rewriteRL_bindings
+ | Some id -> rewriteRLin id
+(* Replacing tactics *)
+(* eqt,sym_eqt : equality on Type and its symmetry theorem
+ c2 c1 : c1 is to be replaced by c2
+ unsafe : If true, do not check that c1 and c2 are convertible
+ gl : goal *)
+let abstract_replace clause c2 c1 unsafe gl =
+ let t1 = pf_type_of gl c1
+ and t2 = pf_type_of gl c2 in
+ if unsafe or (pf_conv_x gl t1 t2) then
+ let e = (build_coq_eqT_data ()).eq in
+ let sym = (build_coq_eqT_data ()).sym in
+ let eq = applist (e, [t1;c1;c2]) in
+ tclTHENS (assert_tac false Anonymous eq)
+ [onLastHyp (fun id ->
+ tclTHEN
+ (tclTRY (rewriteRL_clause clause (mkVar id,NoBindings)))
+ (clear [id]));
+ tclORELSE assumption
+ (tclTRY (tclTHEN (apply sym) assumption))] gl
+ else
+ error "terms does not have convertible types"
+let replace c2 c1 gl = abstract_replace None c2 c1 false gl
+let replace_in id c2 c1 gl = abstract_replace (Some id) c2 c1 false gl
+(* End of Eduardo's code. The rest of this file could be improved
+ using the functions match_with_equation, etc that I defined
+ in
+ -- Eduardo (19/8/97)
+(* Tactics for equality reasoning with the "eq" or "eqT"
+ relation This code will work with any equivalence relation which
+ is substitutive *)
+(* Patterns *)
+let build_coq_eq eq = eq.eq
+let build_ind eq = eq.ind
+let build_rect eq =
+ match eq.rect with
+ | None -> assert false
+ | Some c -> c
+(*********** List of constructions depending of the initial state *)
+let find_eq_pattern aritysort sort =
+ (* "eq" now accept arguments in Type and elimination to Type *)
+ Coqlib.build_coq_eq ()
+(* [find_positions t1 t2]
+ will find the positions in the two terms which are suitable for
+ discrimination, or for injection. Obviously, if there is a
+ position which is suitable for discrimination, then we want to
+ exploit it, and not bother with injection. So when we find a
+ position which is suitable for discrimination, we will just raise
+ an exception with that position.
+ So the algorithm goes like this:
+ if [t1] and [t2] start with the same constructor, then we can
+ continue to try to find positions in the arguments of [t1] and
+ [t2].
+ if [t1] and [t2] do not start with the same constructor, then we
+ have found a discrimination position
+ if one [t1] or [t2] do not start with a constructor and the two
+ terms are not already convertible, then we have found an injection
+ position.
+ A discriminating position consists of a constructor-path and a pair
+ of operators. The constructor-path tells us how to get down to the
+ place where the two operators, which must differ, can be found.
+ An injecting position has two terms instead of the two operators,
+ since these terms are different, but not manifestly so.
+ A constructor-path is a list of pairs of (operator * int), where
+ the int (based at 0) tells us which argument of the operator we
+ descended into.
+ *)
+exception DiscrFound of
+ (constructor * int) list * constructor * constructor
+let find_positions env sigma t1 t2 =
+ let rec findrec posn t1 t2 =
+ let hd1,args1 = whd_betadeltaiota_stack env sigma t1 in
+ let hd2,args2 = whd_betadeltaiota_stack env sigma t2 in
+ match (kind_of_term hd1, kind_of_term hd2) with
+ | Construct sp1, Construct sp2
+ when List.length args1 = mis_constructor_nargs_env env sp1
+ ->
+ (* both sides are fully applied constructors, so either we descend,
+ or we can discriminate here. *)
+ if sp1 = sp2 then
+ List.flatten
+ (list_map2_i
+ (fun i arg1 arg2 ->
+ findrec ((sp1,i)::posn) arg1 arg2)
+ 0 args1 args2)
+ else
+ raise (DiscrFound(List.rev posn,sp1,sp2))
+ | _ ->
+ let t1_0 = applist (hd1,args1)
+ and t2_0 = applist (hd2,args2) in
+ if is_conv env sigma t1_0 t2_0 then
+ []
+ else
+ let ty1_0 = get_type_of env sigma t1_0 in
+ match get_sort_family_of env sigma ty1_0 with
+ | InSet | InType -> [(List.rev posn,t1_0,t2_0)]
+ | InProp -> []
+ in
+ (try
+ Inr(findrec [] t1 t2)
+ with DiscrFound (path,c1,c2) ->
+ Inl (path,c1,c2))
+let discriminable env sigma t1 t2 =
+ match find_positions env sigma t1 t2 with
+ | Inl _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+(* Once we have found a position, we need to project down to it. If
+ we are discriminating, then we need to produce False on one of the
+ branches of the discriminator, and True on the other one. So the
+ result type of the case-expressions is always Prop.
+ If we are injecting, then we need to discover the result-type.
+ This can be difficult, since the type of the two terms at the
+ injection-position can be different, and we need to find a
+ dependent sigma-type which generalizes them both.
+ We can get an approximation to the right type to choose by:
+ (0) Before beginning, we reserve a patvar for the default
+ value of the match, to be used in all the bogus branches.
+ (1) perform the case-splits, down to the site of the injection. At
+ each step, we have a term which is the "head" of the next
+ case-split. At the point when we actually reach the end of our
+ path, the "head" is the term to return. We compute its type, and
+ then, backwards, make a sigma-type with every free debruijn
+ reference in that type. We can be finer, and first do a S(TRONG)NF
+ on the type, so that we get the fewest number of references
+ possible.
+ (2) This gives us a closed type for the head, which we use for the
+ types of all the case-splits.
+ (3) Now, we can compute the type of one of T1, T2, and then unify
+ it with the type of the last component of the result-type, and this
+ will give us the bindings for the other arguments of the tuple.
+ *)
+(* The algorithm, then is to perform successive case-splits. We have
+ the result-type of the case-split, and also the type of that
+ result-type. We have a "direction" we want to follow, i.e. a
+ constructor-number, and in all other "directions", we want to juse
+ use the default-value.
+ After doing the case-split, we call the afterfun, with the updated
+ environment, to produce the term for the desired "direction".
+ The assumption is made here that the result-type is not manifestly
+ functional, so we can just use the length of the branch-type to
+ know how many lambda's to stick in.
+ *)
+(* [descend_then sigma env head dirn]
+ returns the number of products introduced, and the environment
+ which is active, in the body of the case-branch given by [dirn],
+ along with a continuation, which expects to be fed:
+ (1) the value of the body of the branch given by [dirn]
+ (2) the default-value
+ (3) the type of the default-value, which must also be the type of
+ the body of the [dirn] branch
+ the continuation then constructs the case-split.
+ *)
+let descend_then sigma env head dirn =
+ let IndType (indf,_) as indt =
+ try find_rectype env sigma (get_type_of env sigma head)
+ with Not_found -> assert false in
+ let ind,_ = dest_ind_family indf in
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ let cstr = get_constructors env indf in
+ let dirn_nlams = cstr.(dirn-1).cs_nargs in
+ let dirn_env = push_rel_context cstr.(dirn-1).cs_args env in
+ (dirn_nlams,
+ dirn_env,
+ (fun dirnval (dfltval,resty) ->
+ let arign,_ = get_arity env indf in
+ let p = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (lift mip.mind_nrealargs resty) arign in
+ let build_branch i =
+ let result = if i = dirn then dirnval else dfltval in
+ it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name env result cstr.(i-1).cs_args in
+ let brl =
+ build_branch
+ (interval 1 (Array.length mip.mind_consnames)) in
+ let ci = make_default_case_info env RegularStyle ind in
+ mkCase (ci, p, head, Array.of_list brl)))
+(* Now we need to construct the discriminator, given a discriminable
+ position. This boils down to:
+ (1) If the position is directly beneath us, then we need to do a
+ case-split, with result-type Prop, and stick True and False into
+ the branches, as is convenient.
+ (2) If the position is not directly beneath us, then we need to
+ call descend_then, to descend one step, and then recursively
+ construct the discriminator.
+ *)
+(* [construct_discriminator env dirn headval]
+ constructs a case-split on [headval], with the [dirn]-th branch
+ giving [True], and all the rest giving False. *)
+let construct_discriminator sigma env dirn c sort =
+ let (IndType(indf,_) as indt) =
+ try find_rectype env sigma (type_of env sigma c)
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* one can find Rel(k) in case of dependent constructors
+ like T := c : (A:Set)A->T and a discrimination
+ on (c bool true) = (c bool false)
+ CP : changed assert false in a more informative error
+ *)
+ errorlabstrm "Equality.construct_discriminator"
+ (str "Cannot discriminate on inductive constructors with
+ dependent types") in
+ let (ind,_) = dest_ind_family indf in
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ let arsign,arsort = get_arity env indf in
+ let (true_0,false_0,sort_0) = build_coq_True(),build_coq_False(),Prop Null in
+ let p = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (mkSort sort_0) arsign in
+ let cstrs = get_constructors env indf in
+ let build_branch i =
+ let endpt = if i = dirn then true_0 else false_0 in
+ it_mkLambda_or_LetIn endpt cstrs.(i-1).cs_args in
+ let brl =
+ build_branch(interval 1 (Array.length mip.mind_consnames)) in
+ let ci = make_default_case_info env RegularStyle ind in
+ mkCase (ci, p, c, Array.of_list brl)
+let rec build_discriminator sigma env dirn c sort = function
+ | [] -> construct_discriminator sigma env dirn c sort
+ | ((sp,cnum),argnum)::l ->
+ let cty = type_of env sigma c in
+ let IndType (indf,_) =
+ try find_rectype env sigma cty with Not_found -> assert false in
+ let (ind,_) = dest_ind_family indf in
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ let _,arsort = get_arity env indf in
+ let nparams = mip.mind_nparams in
+ let (cnum_nlams,cnum_env,kont) = descend_then sigma env c cnum in
+ let newc = mkRel(cnum_nlams-(argnum-nparams)) in
+ let subval = build_discriminator sigma cnum_env dirn newc sort l in
+ kont subval (build_coq_False (),mkSort (Prop Null))
+let gen_absurdity id gl =
+ if is_empty_type (clause_type (onHyp id) gl)
+ then
+ simplest_elim (mkVar id) gl
+ else
+ errorlabstrm "Equality.gen_absurdity"
+ (str "Not the negation of an equality")
+(* Precondition: eq is leibniz equality
+ returns ((eq_elim t t1 P i t2), absurd_term)
+ where P=[e:t]discriminator
+ absurd_term=False
+let discrimination_pf e (t,t1,t2) discriminator lbeq gls =
+ let i = build_coq_I () in
+ let absurd_term = build_coq_False () in
+ let eq_elim = build_ind lbeq in
+ (applist (eq_elim, [t;t1;mkNamedLambda e t discriminator;i;t2]), absurd_term)
+exception NotDiscriminable
+let discr id gls =
+ let eqn = pf_whd_betadeltaiota gls (pf_get_hyp_typ gls id) in
+ let sort = pf_type_of gls (pf_concl gls) in
+ let (lbeq,(t,t1,t2)) =
+ try find_eq_data_decompose eqn
+ with PatternMatchingFailure ->
+ errorlabstrm "discr" (pr_id id ++ str": not a primitive equality here")
+ in
+ let sigma = project gls in
+ let env = pf_env gls in
+ (match find_positions env sigma t1 t2 with
+ | Inr _ ->
+ errorlabstrm "discr" (str" Not a discriminable equality")
+ | Inl (cpath, (_,dirn), _) ->
+ let e = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "ee") gls in
+ let e_env = push_named (e,None,t) env in
+ let discriminator =
+ build_discriminator sigma e_env dirn (mkVar e) sort cpath in
+ let (indt,_) = find_mrectype env sigma t in
+ let (pf, absurd_term) =
+ discrimination_pf e (t,t1,t2) discriminator lbeq gls
+ in
+ tclCOMPLETE((tclTHENS (cut_intro absurd_term)
+ ([onLastHyp gen_absurdity;
+ refine (mkApp (pf, [| mkVar id |]))]))) gls)
+let not_found_message id =
+ (str "The variable" ++ spc () ++ str (string_of_id id) ++ spc () ++
+ str" was not found in the current environment")
+let onNegatedEquality tac gls =
+ if is_matching_not (pf_concl gls) then
+ (tclTHEN (tclTHEN hnf_in_concl intro) (onLastHyp tac)) gls
+ else if is_matching_imp_False (pf_concl gls)then
+ (tclTHEN intro (onLastHyp tac)) gls
+ else
+ errorlabstrm "extract_negated_equality_then"
+ (str"The goal should negate an equality")
+let discrSimpleClause = function
+ | None -> onNegatedEquality discr
+ | Some (id,_,_) -> discr id
+let discrClause = onClauses discrSimpleClause
+let discrEverywhere =
+ (Tacticals.tryAllClauses discrSimpleClause)
+ (fun gls ->
+ errorlabstrm "DiscrEverywhere" (str" No discriminable equalities"))
+let discr_tac = function
+ | None -> discrEverywhere
+ | Some id -> try_intros_until discr id
+let discrConcl gls = discrClause onConcl gls
+let discrHyp id gls = discrClause (onHyp id) gls
+(* returns the sigma type (sigS, sigT) with the respective
+ constructor depending on the sort *)
+let find_sigma_data s =
+ match s with
+ | Prop Pos -> build_sigma_set () (* Set *)
+ | Type _ -> build_sigma_type () (* Type *)
+ | Prop Null -> error "find_sigma_data"
+(* [make_tuple env sigma (rterm,rty) lind] assumes [lind] is the lesser
+ index bound in [rty]
+ Then we build the term
+ [(existS A P (mkRel lind) rterm)] of type [(sigS A P)]
+ where [A] is the type of [mkRel lind] and [P] is [\na:A.rty{1/lind}]
+ *)
+let make_tuple env sigma (rterm,rty) lind =
+ assert (dependent (mkRel lind) rty);
+ let {intro = exist_term; typ = sig_term} =
+ find_sigma_data (get_sort_of env sigma rty) in
+ let a = type_of env sigma (mkRel lind) in
+ let (na,_,_) = lookup_rel lind env in
+ (* We move [lind] to [1] and lift other rels > [lind] by 1 *)
+ let rty = lift (1-lind) (liftn lind (lind+1) rty) in
+ (* Now [lind] is [mkRel 1] and we abstract on (na:a) *)
+ let p = mkLambda (na, a, rty) in
+ (applist(exist_term,[a;p;(mkRel lind);rterm]),
+ applist(sig_term,[a;p]))
+(* check that the free-references of the type of [c] are contained in
+ the free-references of the normal-form of that type. If the normal
+ form of the type contains fewer references, we want to return that
+ instead. *)
+let minimal_free_rels env sigma (c,cty) =
+ let cty_rels = free_rels cty in
+ let nf_cty = nf_betadeltaiota env sigma cty in
+ let nf_rels = free_rels nf_cty in
+ if Intset.subset cty_rels nf_rels then
+ (cty,cty_rels)
+ else
+ (nf_cty,nf_rels)
+(* [sig_clausal_form siglen ty]
+ Will explode [siglen] [sigS,sigT ]'s on [ty] (depending on the
+ type of ty), and return:
+ (1) a pattern, with meta-variables in it for various arguments,
+ which, when the metavariables are replaced with appropriate
+ terms, will have type [ty]
+ (2) an integer, which is the last argument - the one which we just
+ returned.
+ (3) a pattern, for the type of that last meta
+ (4) a typing for each patvar
+ WARNING: No checking is done to make sure that the
+ sigS(or sigT)'s are actually there.
+ - Only homogenious pairs are built i.e. pairs where all the
+ dependencies are of the same sort
+ [sig_clausal_form] proceed as follows: the default tuple is
+ constructed by taking the tuple-type, exploding the first [tuplen]
+ [sigS]'s, and replacing at each step the binder in the
+ right-hand-type by a fresh metavariable. In addition, on the way
+ back out, we will construct the pattern for the tuple which uses
+ these meta-vars.
+ This gives us a pattern, which we use to match against the type of
+ [dflt]; if that fails, then against the S(TRONG)NF of that type. If
+ both fail, then we just cannot construct our tuple. If one of
+ those succeed, then we can construct our value easily - we just use
+ the tuple-pattern.
+ *)
+let sig_clausal_form env sigma sort_of_ty siglen ty (dFLT,dFLTty) =
+ let { intro = exist_term } = find_sigma_data sort_of_ty in
+ let isevars = Evarutil.create_evar_defs sigma in
+ let rec sigrec_clausal_form siglen p_i =
+ if siglen = 0 then
+ if Evarconv.the_conv_x env isevars p_i dFLTty then
+ (* the_conv_x had a side-effect on isevars *)
+ dFLT
+ else
+ error "Cannot solve an unification problem"
+ else
+ let (a,p_i_minus_1) = match whd_beta_stack p_i with
+ | (_sigS,[a;p]) -> (a,p)
+ | _ -> anomaly "sig_clausal_form: should be a sigma type" in
+ let ev = Evarutil.new_isevar isevars env (dummy_loc,InternalHole)
+ (Evarutil.new_Type ()) in
+ let rty = beta_applist(p_i_minus_1,[ev]) in
+ let tuple_tail = sigrec_clausal_form (siglen-1) rty in
+ match
+ Instantiate.existential_opt_value (Evarutil.evars_of isevars)
+ (destEvar ev)
+ with
+ | Some w -> applist(exist_term,[a;p_i_minus_1;w;tuple_tail])
+ | None -> anomaly "Not enough components to build the dependent tuple"
+ in
+ let scf = sigrec_clausal_form siglen ty in
+ Evarutil.nf_evar (Evarutil.evars_of isevars) scf
+(* The problem is to build a destructor (a generalization of the
+ predecessor) which, when applied to a term made of constructors
+ (say [Ci(e1,Cj(e2,Ck(...,term,...),...),...)]), returns a given
+ subterm of the term (say [term]).
+ Let [typ] be the type of [term]. If [term] has no dependencies in
+ the [e1], [e2], etc, then all is simple. If not, then we need to
+ encapsulated the dependencies into a dependent tuple in such a way
+ that the destructor has not a dependent type and rewriting can then
+ be applied. The destructor has the form
+ [e]Cases e of
+ | ...
+ | Ci (x1,x2,...) =>
+ Cases x2 of
+ | ...
+ | Cj (y1,y2,...) =>
+ Cases y2 of
+ | ...
+ | Ck (...,z,...) => z
+ | ... end
+ | ... end
+ | ... end
+ and the dependencies is expressed by the fact that [z] has a type
+ dependent in the x1, y1, ...
+ Assume [z] is typed as follows: env |- z:zty
+ If [zty] has no dependencies, this is simple. Otherwise, assume
+ [zty] has free (de Bruijn) variables in,...i1 then the role of
+ [make_iterated_tuple sigma env (term,typ) (z,zty)] is to build the
+ tuple
+ [existS [xn]Pn Rel(in) .. (existS [x2]P2 Rel(i2) (existS [x1]P1 Rel(i1) z))]
+ where P1 is zty[i1/x1], P2 is {x1 | P1[i2/x2]} etc.
+ To do this, we find the free (relative) references of the strong NF
+ of [z]'s type, gather them together in left-to-right order
+ (i.e. highest-numbered is farthest-left), and construct a big
+ iterated pair out of it. This only works when the references are
+ all themselves to members of [Set]s, because we use [sigS] to
+ construct the tuple.
+ Suppose now that our constructed tuple is of length [tuplen]. We
+ need also to construct a default value for the other branches of
+ the destructor. As default value, we take a tuple of the form
+ [existS [xn]Pn ?n (... existS [x2]P2 ?2 (existS [x1]P1 ?1 term))]
+ but for this we have to solve the following unification problem:
+ typ = zty[i1/?1;...;in/?n]
+ This is done by [sig_clausal_form].
+ *)
+let make_iterated_tuple env sigma dflt (z,zty) =
+ let (zty,rels) = minimal_free_rels env sigma (z,zty) in
+ let sort_of_zty = get_sort_of env sigma zty in
+ let sorted_rels = Sort.list (<) (Intset.elements rels) in
+ let (tuple,tuplety) =
+ List.fold_left (make_tuple env sigma) (z,zty) sorted_rels
+ in
+ assert (closed0 tuplety);
+ let n = List.length sorted_rels in
+ let dfltval = sig_clausal_form env sigma sort_of_zty n tuplety dflt in
+ (tuple,tuplety,dfltval)
+let rec build_injrec sigma env (t1,t2) c = function
+ | [] ->
+ make_iterated_tuple env sigma (t1,type_of env sigma t1)
+ (c,type_of env sigma c)
+ | ((sp,cnum),argnum)::l ->
+ let cty = type_of env sigma c in
+ let (ity,_) = find_mrectype env sigma cty in
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ity in
+ let nparams = mip.mind_nparams in
+ let (cnum_nlams,cnum_env,kont) = descend_then sigma env c cnum in
+ let newc = mkRel(cnum_nlams-(argnum-nparams)) in
+ let (subval,tuplety,dfltval) =
+ build_injrec sigma cnum_env (t1,t2) newc l
+ in
+ (kont subval (dfltval,tuplety),
+ tuplety,dfltval)
+let build_injector sigma env (t1,t2) c cpath =
+ let (injcode,resty,_) = build_injrec sigma env (t1,t2) c cpath in
+ (injcode,resty)
+let try_delta_expand env sigma t =
+ let whdt = whd_betadeltaiota env sigma t in
+ let rec hd_rec c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Construct _ -> whdt
+ | App (f,_) -> hd_rec f
+ | Cast (c,_) -> hd_rec c
+ | _ -> t
+ in
+ hd_rec whdt
+(* Given t1=t2 Inj calculates the whd normal forms of t1 and t2 and it
+ expands then only when the whdnf has a constructor of an inductive type
+ in hd position, otherwise delta expansion is not done *)
+let inj id gls =
+ let eqn = pf_whd_betadeltaiota gls (pf_get_hyp_typ gls id) in
+ let (eq,(t,t1,t2))=
+ try find_eq_data_decompose eqn
+ with PatternMatchingFailure ->
+ errorlabstrm "Inj" (pr_id id ++ str": not a primitive equality here")
+ in
+ let sigma = project gls in
+ let env = pf_env gls in
+ match find_positions env sigma t1 t2 with
+ | Inl _ ->
+ errorlabstrm "Inj"
+ (str (string_of_id id) ++
+ str" is not a projectable equality but a discriminable one")
+ | Inr [] ->
+ errorlabstrm "Equality.inj"
+ (str"Nothing to do, it is an equality between convertible terms")
+ | Inr posns ->
+ let e = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "e") gls in
+ let e_env = push_named (e,None,t) env in
+ let injectors =
+ map_succeed
+ (fun (cpath,t1_0,t2_0) ->
+ try
+ let (injbody,resty) =
+ build_injector sigma e_env (t1_0,t2_0) (mkVar e) cpath in
+ let injfun = mkNamedLambda e t injbody in
+ let _ = type_of env sigma injfun in (injfun,resty)
+ with e when catchable_exception e ->
+ (* may fail because ill-typed or because of a Prop argument *)
+ (* error "find_sigma_data" *)
+ failwith "caught")
+ posns
+ in
+ if injectors = [] then
+ errorlabstrm "Equality.inj"
+ (str "Failed to decompose the equality");
+ tclMAP
+ (fun (injfun,resty) ->
+ let pf = applist(eq.congr,
+ [t;resty;injfun;
+ try_delta_expand env sigma t1;
+ try_delta_expand env sigma t2;
+ mkVar id])
+ in
+ let ty =
+ try pf_nf gls (pf_type_of gls pf)
+ with
+ | UserError("refiner__fail",_) ->
+ errorlabstrm "InjClause"
+ (str (string_of_id id) ++ str" Not a projectable equality")
+ in ((tclTHENS (cut ty) ([tclIDTAC;refine pf]))))
+ injectors
+ gls
+let injClause = function
+ | None -> onNegatedEquality inj
+ | Some id -> try_intros_until inj id
+let injConcl gls = injClause None gls
+let injHyp id gls = injClause (Some id) gls
+let decompEqThen ntac id gls =
+ let eqn = pf_whd_betadeltaiota gls (pf_get_hyp_typ gls id) in
+ let (lbeq,(t,t1,t2))= find_eq_data_decompose eqn in
+ let sort = pf_type_of gls (pf_concl gls) in
+ let sigma = project gls in
+ let env = pf_env gls in
+ (match find_positions env sigma t1 t2 with
+ | Inl (cpath, (_,dirn), _) ->
+ let e = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "e") gls in
+ let e_env = push_named (e,None,t) env in
+ let discriminator =
+ build_discriminator sigma e_env dirn (mkVar e) sort cpath in
+ let (pf, absurd_term) =
+ discrimination_pf e (t,t1,t2) discriminator lbeq gls in
+ ((tclTHENS (cut_intro absurd_term)
+ ([onLastHyp gen_absurdity;
+ refine (mkApp (pf, [| mkVar id |]))]))) gls
+ | Inr [] -> (* Change: do not fail, simplify clear this trivial hyp *)
+ ntac 0 gls
+ | Inr posns ->
+ (let e = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "e") gls in
+ let e_env = push_named (e,None,t) env in
+ let injectors =
+ map_succeed
+ (fun (cpath,t1_0,t2_0) ->
+ let (injbody,resty) =
+ build_injector sigma e_env (t1_0,t2_0) (mkVar e) cpath in
+ let injfun = mkNamedLambda e t injbody in
+ try
+ let _ = type_of env sigma injfun in (injfun,resty)
+ with e when catchable_exception e -> failwith "caught")
+ posns
+ in
+ if injectors = [] then
+ errorlabstrm "Equality.decompEqThen"
+ (str "Discriminate failed to decompose the equality");
+ (tclTHEN
+ (tclMAP (fun (injfun,resty) ->
+ let pf = applist(lbeq.congr,
+ [t;resty;injfun;t1;t2;
+ mkVar id]) in
+ let ty = pf_nf gls (pf_type_of gls pf) in
+ ((tclTHENS (cut ty)
+ ([tclIDTAC;refine pf]))))
+ (List.rev injectors))
+ (ntac (List.length injectors)))
+ gls))
+let decompEq = decompEqThen (fun x -> tclIDTAC)
+let dEqThen ntac = function
+ | None -> onNegatedEquality (decompEqThen ntac)
+ | Some id -> try_intros_until (decompEqThen ntac) id
+let dEq = dEqThen (fun x -> tclIDTAC)
+let dEqConcl gls = dEq None gls
+let dEqHyp id gls = dEq (Some id) gls
+let rewrite_msg = function
+ | None -> str "passed term is not a primitive equality"
+ | Some id -> pr_id id ++ str "does not satisfy preconditions "
+let swap_equands gls eqn =
+ let (lbeq,(t,e1,e2)) = find_eq_data_decompose eqn in
+ applist(lbeq.eq,[t;e2;e1])
+let swapEquandsInConcl gls =
+ let (lbeq,(t,e1,e2)) = find_eq_data_decompose (pf_concl gls) in
+ let sym_equal = lbeq.sym in
+ refine (applist(sym_equal,[t;e2;e1;mkMeta (Clenv.new_meta())])) gls
+let swapEquandsInHyp id gls =
+ ((tclTHENS (cut_replacing id (swap_equands gls (pf_get_hyp_typ gls id)))
+ ([tclIDTAC;
+ (tclTHEN (swapEquandsInConcl) (exact_no_check (mkVar id)))]))) gls
+(* find_elim determines which elimination principle is necessary to
+ eliminate lbeq on sort_of_gl. It yields the boolean true wether
+ it is a dependent elimination principle (as idT.rect) and false
+ otherwise *)
+let find_elim sort_of_gl lbeq =
+ match kind_of_term sort_of_gl with
+ | Sort(Prop Null) (* Prop *) -> (lbeq.ind, false)
+ | Sort(Prop Pos) (* Set *) ->
+ (match lbeq.rrec with
+ | Some eq_rec -> (eq_rec, false)
+ | None -> errorlabstrm "find_elim"
+ (str "this type of elimination is not allowed"))
+ | _ (* Type *) ->
+ (match lbeq.rect with
+ | Some eq_rect -> (eq_rect, true)
+ | None -> errorlabstrm "find_elim"
+ (str "this type of elimination is not allowed"))
+(* builds a predicate [e:t][H:(lbeq t e t1)](body e)
+ to be used as an argument for equality dependent elimination principle:
+ Preconditon: dependent body (mkRel 1) *)
+let build_dependent_rewrite_predicate (t,t1,t2) body lbeq gls =
+ let e = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "e") gls in
+ let h = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "HH") gls in
+ let eq_term = lbeq.eq in
+ (mkNamedLambda e t
+ (mkNamedLambda h (applist (eq_term, [t;t1;(mkRel 1)]))
+ (lift 1 body)))
+(* builds a predicate [e:t](body e) ???
+ to be used as an argument for equality non-dependent elimination principle:
+ Preconditon: dependent body (mkRel 1) *)
+let build_non_dependent_rewrite_predicate (t,t1,t2) body gls =
+ lambda_create (pf_env gls) (t,body)
+let bareRevSubstInConcl lbeq body (t,e1,e2) gls =
+ let (eq_elim,dep) =
+ try
+ find_elim (pf_type_of gls (pf_concl gls)) lbeq
+ with e when catchable_exception e ->
+ errorlabstrm "RevSubstIncConcl"
+ (str "this type of substitution is not allowed")
+ in
+ let p =
+ if dep then
+ (build_dependent_rewrite_predicate (t,e1,e2) body lbeq gls)
+ else
+ (build_non_dependent_rewrite_predicate (t,e1,e2) body gls)
+ in
+ refine (applist(eq_elim,[t;e1;p;mkMeta(Clenv.new_meta());
+ e2;mkMeta(Clenv.new_meta())])) gls
+(* [subst_tuple_term dep_pair B]
+ Given that dep_pair looks like:
+ (existS e1 (existS e2 ... (existS en en+1) ... ))
+ and B might contain instances of the ei, we will return the term:
+ ([x1:ty(e1)]...[xn:ty(en)]B
+ (projS1 (mkRel 1))
+ (projS1 (projS2 (mkRel 1)))
+ ... etc ...)
+ That is, we will abstract out the terms e1...en+1 as usual, but
+ will then produce a term in which the abstraction is on a single
+ term - the debruijn index [mkRel 1], which will be of the same type
+ as dep_pair.
+ ALGORITHM for abstraction:
+ We have a list of terms, [e1]...[en+1], which we want to abstract
+ out of [B]. For each term [ei], going backwards from [n+1], we
+ just do a [subst_term], and then do a lambda-abstraction to the
+ type of the [ei].
+ *)
+let decomp_tuple_term env c t =
+ let rec decomprec inner_code ex exty =
+ try
+ let {proj1 = p1; proj2 = p2 },(a,p,car,cdr) =
+ find_sigma_data_decompose ex in
+ let car_code = applist (p1,[a;p;inner_code])
+ and cdr_code = applist (p2,[a;p;inner_code]) in
+ let cdrtyp = beta_applist (p,[car]) in
+ ((car,a),car_code)::(decomprec cdr_code cdr cdrtyp)
+ with PatternMatchingFailure ->
+ [((ex,exty),inner_code)]
+ in
+ List.split (decomprec (mkRel 1) c t)
+let subst_tuple_term env sigma dep_pair b =
+ let typ = get_type_of env sigma dep_pair in
+ let e_list,proj_list = decomp_tuple_term env dep_pair typ in
+ let abst_B =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (e,t) body -> lambda_create env (t,subst_term e body)) e_list b in
+ let app_B = applist(abst_B,proj_list) in app_B
+(* |- (P e2)
+ BY RevSubstInConcl (eq T e1 e2)
+ |- (P e1)
+ |- (eq T e1 e2)
+ *)
+(* Redondant avec Replace ! *)
+let substInConcl_RL eqn gls =
+ let (lbeq,(t,e1,e2)) = find_eq_data_decompose eqn in
+ let body = subst_tuple_term (pf_env gls) (project gls) e2 (pf_concl gls) in
+ assert (dependent (mkRel 1) body);
+ bareRevSubstInConcl lbeq body (t,e1,e2) gls
+(* |- (P e1)
+ BY SubstInConcl (eq T e1 e2)
+ |- (P e2)
+ |- (eq T e1 e2)
+ *)
+let substInConcl_LR eqn gls =
+ (tclTHENS (substInConcl_RL (swap_equands gls eqn))
+ ([tclIDTAC;
+ swapEquandsInConcl])) gls
+let substInConcl l2r = if l2r then substInConcl_LR else substInConcl_RL
+let substInHyp_LR eqn id gls =
+ let (lbeq,(t,e1,e2)) = find_eq_data_decompose eqn in
+ let body = subst_term e1 (pf_get_hyp_typ gls id) in
+ if not (dependent (mkRel 1) body) then errorlabstrm "SubstInHyp" (mt ());
+ (tclTHENS (cut_replacing id (subst1 e2 body))
+ ([tclIDTAC;
+ (tclTHENS (bareRevSubstInConcl lbeq body (t,e1,e2))
+ ([exact_no_check (mkVar id);tclIDTAC]))])) gls
+let substInHyp_RL eqn id gls =
+ (tclTHENS (substInHyp_LR (swap_equands gls eqn) id)
+ ([tclIDTAC;
+ swapEquandsInConcl])) gls
+let substInHyp l2r = if l2r then substInHyp_LR else substInHyp_RL
+let try_rewrite tac gls =
+ try
+ tac gls
+ with
+ | PatternMatchingFailure ->
+ errorlabstrm "try_rewrite" (str "Not a primitive equality here")
+ | e when catchable_exception e ->
+ errorlabstrm "try_rewrite"
+ (str "Cannot find a well-typed generalization of the goal that" ++
+ str " makes the proof progress")
+let subst l2r eqn cls gls =
+ match cls with
+ | None -> substInConcl l2r eqn gls
+ | Some id -> substInHyp l2r eqn id gls
+(* |- (P a)
+ * SubstConcl_LR a=b
+ * |- (P b)
+ * |- a=b
+ *)
+let substConcl l2r eqn gls = try_rewrite (subst l2r eqn None) gls
+let substConcl_LR = substConcl true
+(* id:(P a) |- G
+ * SubstHyp a=b id
+ * id:(P b) |- G
+ * id:(P a) |-a=b
+let hypSubst l2r id cls gls =
+ onClauses (function
+ | None ->
+ (tclTHENS (substInConcl l2r (pf_get_hyp_typ gls id))
+ ([tclIDTAC; exact_no_check (mkVar id)]))
+ | Some (hypid,_,_) ->
+ (tclTHENS (substInHyp l2r (pf_get_hyp_typ gls id) hypid)
+ ([tclIDTAC;exact_no_check (mkVar id)])))
+ cls gls
+let hypSubst_LR = hypSubst true
+(* id:a=b |- (P a)
+ * HypSubst id.
+ * id:a=b |- (P b)
+ *)
+let substHypInConcl l2r id gls = try_rewrite (hypSubst l2r id onConcl) gls
+let substHypInConcl_LR = substHypInConcl true
+(* id:a=b H:(P a) |- G
+ SubstHypInHyp id H.
+ id:a=b H:(P b) |- G
+(* |- (P b)
+ SubstConcl_RL a=b
+ |- (P a)
+ |- a=b
+let substConcl_RL = substConcl false
+(* id:(P b) |-G
+ SubstHyp_RL a=b id
+ id:(P a) |- G
+ |- a=b
+let substHyp l2r eqn id gls = try_rewrite (subst l2r eqn (Some id)) gls
+let substHyp_RL = substHyp false
+let hypSubst_RL = hypSubst false
+(* id:a=b |- (P b)
+ * HypSubst id.
+ * id:a=b |- (P a)
+ *)
+let substHypInConcl_RL = substHypInConcl false
+(* id:a=b H:(P b) |- G
+ SubstHypInHyp id H.
+ id:a=b H:(P a) |- G
+(* Substitutions tactics (JCF) *)
+let unfold_body x gl =
+ let hyps = pf_hyps gl in
+ let xval =
+ match Sign.lookup_named x hyps with
+ (_,Some xval,_) -> xval
+ | _ -> errorlabstrm "unfold_body"
+ (pr_id x ++ str" is not a defined hypothesis") in
+ let aft = afterHyp x gl in
+ let hl = List.fold_right
+ (fun (y,yval,_) cl -> (y,[],(InHyp,ref None)) :: cl) aft [] in
+ let xvar = mkVar x in
+ let rfun _ _ c = replace_term xvar xval c in
+ [tclMAP (fun h -> reduct_in_hyp rfun h) hl;
+ reduct_in_concl rfun] gl
+exception FoundHyp of (identifier * constr * bool)
+(* tests whether hyp [c] is [x = t] or [t = x], [x] not occuring in [t] *)
+let is_eq_x x (id,_,c) =
+ try
+ let (_,lhs,rhs) = snd (find_eq_data_decompose c) in
+ if (x = lhs) && not (occur_term x rhs) then raise (FoundHyp (id,rhs,true));
+ if (x = rhs) && not (occur_term x lhs) then raise (FoundHyp (id,lhs,false))
+ with PatternMatchingFailure ->
+ ()
+let subst_one x gl =
+ let hyps = pf_hyps gl in
+ let (_,xval,_) = pf_get_hyp gl x in
+ (* If x has a body, simply replace x with body and clear x *)
+ if xval <> None then tclTHEN (unfold_body x) (clear [x]) gl else
+ (* x is a variable: *)
+ let varx = mkVar x in
+ (* Find a non-recursive definition for x *)
+ let (hyp,rhs,dir) =
+ try
+ let test hyp _ = is_eq_x varx hyp in
+ Sign.fold_named_context test ~init:() hyps;
+ errorlabstrm "Subst"
+ (str "cannot find any non-recursive equality over " ++ pr_id x)
+ with FoundHyp res -> res
+ in
+ (* The set of hypotheses using x *)
+ let depdecls =
+ let test (id,_,c as dcl) =
+ if id <> hyp && occur_var_in_decl (pf_env gl) x dcl then dcl
+ else failwith "caught" in
+ List.rev (map_succeed test hyps) in
+ let dephyps = (fun (id,_,_) -> id) depdecls in
+ (* Decides if x appears in conclusion *)
+ let depconcl = occur_var (pf_env gl) x (pf_concl gl) in
+ (* The set of non-defined hypothesis: they must be abstracted,
+ rewritten and reintroduced *)
+ let abshyps =
+ map_succeed
+ (fun (id,v,_) -> if v=None then mkVar id else failwith "caught")
+ depdecls in
+ (* a tactic that either introduce an abstracted and rewritten hyp,
+ or introduce a definition where x was replaced *)
+ let introtac = function
+ (id,None,_) -> intro_using id
+ | (id,Some hval,htyp) ->
+ forward true (Name id) (mkCast(replace_term varx rhs hval,
+ replace_term varx rhs htyp)) in
+ let need_rewrite = dephyps <> [] || depconcl in
+ ((if need_rewrite then
+ [generalize abshyps;
+ (if dir then rewriteLR else rewriteRL) (mkVar hyp);
+ thin dephyps;
+ tclMAP introtac depdecls]
+ else
+ [thin dephyps;
+ tclMAP introtac depdecls]) @
+ [tclTRY (clear [x;hyp])]) gl
+let subst = tclMAP subst_one
+let subst_all gl =
+ let test (_,c) =
+ try
+ let (_,x,y) = snd (find_eq_data_decompose c) in
+ match kind_of_term x with Var x -> x | _ ->
+ match kind_of_term y with Var y -> y | _ -> failwith "caught"
+ with PatternMatchingFailure -> failwith "caught"
+ in
+ let ids = map_succeed test (pf_hyps_types gl) in
+ let ids = list_uniquize ids in
+ subst ids gl
+(* Rewrite the first assumption for which the condition faildir does not fail
+ and gives the direction of the rewrite *)
+let rewrite_assumption_cond faildir gl =
+ let rec arec = function
+ | [] -> error "No such assumption"
+ | (id,_,t)::rest ->
+ (try let dir = faildir t gl in
+ general_rewrite dir (mkVar id) gl
+ with Failure _ | UserError _ -> arec rest)
+ in arec (pf_hyps gl)
+let rewrite_assumption_cond_in faildir hyp gl =
+ let rec arec = function
+ | [] -> error "No such assumption"
+ | (id,_,t)::rest ->
+ (try let dir = faildir t gl in
+ general_rewrite_in dir hyp ((mkVar id),NoBindings) gl
+ with Failure _ | UserError _ -> arec rest)
+ in arec (pf_hyps gl)
+let cond_eq_term_left c t gl =
+ try
+ let (_,x,_) = snd (find_eq_data_decompose t) in
+ if pf_conv_x gl c x then true else failwith "not convertible"
+ with PatternMatchingFailure -> failwith "not an equality"
+let cond_eq_term_right c t gl =
+ try
+ let (_,_,x) = snd (find_eq_data_decompose t) in
+ if pf_conv_x gl c x then false else failwith "not convertible"
+ with PatternMatchingFailure -> failwith "not an equality"
+let cond_eq_term c t gl =
+ try
+ let (_,x,y) = snd (find_eq_data_decompose t) in
+ if pf_conv_x gl c x then true
+ else if pf_conv_x gl c y then false
+ else failwith "not convertible"
+ with PatternMatchingFailure -> failwith "not an equality"
+let replace_term_left t = rewrite_assumption_cond (cond_eq_term_left t)
+let replace_term_right t = rewrite_assumption_cond (cond_eq_term_right t)
+let replace_term t = rewrite_assumption_cond (cond_eq_term t)
+let replace_term_in_left t = rewrite_assumption_cond_in (cond_eq_term_left t)
+let replace_term_in_right t = rewrite_assumption_cond_in (cond_eq_term_right t)
+let replace_term_in t = rewrite_assumption_cond_in (cond_eq_term t)
diff --git a/tactics/equality.mli b/tactics/equality.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab439c39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/equality.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: equality.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:53 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Term
+open Sign
+open Evd
+open Environ
+open Proof_type
+open Tacmach
+open Hipattern
+open Pattern
+open Tacticals
+open Tactics
+open Tacexpr
+open Rawterm
+val find_eq_pattern : sorts -> sorts -> constr
+val general_rewrite_bindings : bool -> constr with_bindings -> tactic
+val general_rewrite : bool -> constr -> tactic
+val rewriteLR_bindings : constr with_bindings -> tactic
+val rewriteRL_bindings : constr with_bindings -> tactic
+val rewriteLR : constr -> tactic
+val rewriteRL : constr -> tactic
+val conditional_rewrite : bool -> tactic -> constr with_bindings -> tactic
+val general_rewrite_in : bool -> identifier -> constr with_bindings -> tactic
+val conditional_rewrite_in :
+ bool -> identifier -> tactic -> constr with_bindings -> tactic
+val replace : constr -> constr -> tactic
+val replace_in : identifier -> constr -> constr -> tactic
+val discr : identifier -> tactic
+val discrConcl : tactic
+val discrClause : clause -> tactic
+val discrHyp : identifier -> tactic
+val discrEverywhere : tactic
+val discr_tac : quantified_hypothesis option -> tactic
+val inj : identifier -> tactic
+val injClause : quantified_hypothesis option -> tactic
+val dEq : quantified_hypothesis option -> tactic
+val dEqThen : (int -> tactic) -> quantified_hypothesis option -> tactic
+val make_iterated_tuple :
+ env -> evar_map -> (constr * constr) -> (constr * constr)
+ -> constr * constr * constr
+val substHypInConcl : bool -> identifier -> tactic
+val substConcl : bool -> constr -> tactic
+val substHyp : bool -> constr -> identifier -> tactic
+val hypSubst_LR : identifier -> clause -> tactic
+val hypSubst_RL : identifier -> clause -> tactic
+val discriminable : env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr -> bool
+(* Subst *)
+val unfold_body : identifier -> tactic
+val subst : identifier list -> tactic
+val subst_all : tactic
+(* Replace term *)
+val replace_term_left : constr -> tactic
+val replace_term_right : constr -> tactic
+val replace_term : constr -> tactic
+val replace_term_in_left : constr -> identifier -> tactic
+val replace_term_in_right : constr -> identifier -> tactic
+val replace_term_in : constr -> identifier -> tactic
diff --git a/tactics/extraargs.ml4 b/tactics/extraargs.ml4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34348834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/extraargs.ml4
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
+(* $Id: extraargs.ml4,v 2004/07/16 19:30:53 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Pcoq
+open Genarg
+(* Rewriting orientation *)
+let _ = Metasyntax.add_token_obj "<-"
+let _ = Metasyntax.add_token_obj "->"
+let pr_orient _prc _prt = function
+ | true -> ()
+ | false -> Pp.str " <-"
+| [ "->" ] -> [ true ]
+| [ "<-" ] -> [ false ]
+| [ ] -> [ true ]
diff --git a/tactics/extraargs.mli b/tactics/extraargs.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..60a1ddc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/extraargs.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: extraargs.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:53 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Tacexpr
+open Term
+open Proof_type
+open Topconstr
+val rawwit_orient : bool raw_abstract_argument_type
+val wit_orient : bool closed_abstract_argument_type
+val orient : bool Pcoq.Gram.Entry.e
diff --git a/tactics/extratactics.ml4 b/tactics/extratactics.ml4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1dbf84ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/extratactics.ml4
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
+(* $Id: extratactics.ml4,v 2004/07/16 19:30:53 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Pcoq
+open Genarg
+open Extraargs
+(* Equality *)
+open Equality
+ [ "Rewrite" orient(b) constr_with_bindings(c) ] -> [general_rewrite_bindings b c]
+ [ "Rewrite" orient(b) constr_with_bindings(c) "in" hyp(h) ] ->
+ [general_rewrite_in b h c]
+let h_rewriteLR x = h_rewrite true (x,Rawterm.NoBindings)
+ [ "Replace" constr(c1) "with" constr(c2) ] -> [ replace c1 c2 ]
+ [ "Replace" constr(c1) "with" constr(c2) "in" hyp(h) ] ->
+ [ replace_in h c1 c2 ]
+TACTIC EXTEND Replacetermleft
+ [ "Replace" "->" constr(c) ] -> [ replace_term_left c ]
+TACTIC EXTEND Replacetermright
+ [ "Replace" "<-" constr(c) ] -> [ replace_term_right c ]
+TACTIC EXTEND Replaceterm
+ [ "Replace" constr(c) ] -> [ replace_term c ]
+TACTIC EXTEND ReplacetermInleft
+ [ "Replace" "->" constr(c) "in" hyp(h) ]
+ -> [ replace_term_in_left c h ]
+TACTIC EXTEND ReplacetermInright
+ [ "Replace" "<-" constr(c) "in" hyp(h) ]
+ -> [ replace_term_in_right c h ]
+TACTIC EXTEND ReplacetermIn
+ [ "Replace" constr(c) "in" hyp(h) ]
+ -> [ replace_term_in c h ]
+ [ "Simplify_eq" quantified_hypothesis_opt(h) ] -> [ dEq h ]
+TACTIC EXTEND Discriminate
+ [ "Discriminate" quantified_hypothesis_opt(h) ] -> [ discr_tac h ]
+let h_discrHyp id = h_discriminate (Some id)
+ [ "Injection" quantified_hypothesis_opt(h) ] -> [ injClause h ]
+let h_injHyp id = h_injection (Some id)
+TACTIC EXTEND ConditionalRewrite
+ [ "Conditional" tactic(tac) "Rewrite" orient(b) constr_with_bindings(c) ]
+ -> [ conditional_rewrite b (snd tac) c ]
+TACTIC EXTEND ConditionalRewriteIn
+ [ "Conditional" tactic(tac) "Rewrite" orient(b) constr_with_bindings(c)
+ "in" hyp(h) ]
+ -> [ conditional_rewrite_in b h (snd tac) c ]
+TACTIC EXTEND DependentRewrite
+| [ "Dependent" "Rewrite" orient(b) hyp(id) ] -> [ substHypInConcl b id ]
+| [ "CutRewrite" orient(b) constr(eqn) ] -> [ substConcl b eqn ]
+| [ "CutRewrite" orient(b) constr(eqn) "in" hyp(id) ]
+ -> [ substHyp b eqn id ]
+(* Contradiction *)
+open Contradiction
+ [ "Absurd" constr(c) ] -> [ absurd c ]
+TACTIC EXTEND Contradiction
+ [ "Contradiction" constr_with_bindings_opt(c) ] -> [ contradiction c ]
+(* AutoRewrite *)
+open Autorewrite
+TACTIC EXTEND AutorewriteV7
+ [ "AutoRewrite" "[" ne_preident_list(l) "]" ] ->
+ [ autorewrite Refiner.tclIDTAC l ]
+| [ "AutoRewrite" "[" ne_preident_list(l) "]" "using" tactic(t) ] ->
+ [ autorewrite (snd t) l ]
+TACTIC EXTEND AutorewriteV8
+ [ "AutoRewrite" "with" ne_preident_list(l) ] ->
+ [ autorewrite Refiner.tclIDTAC l ]
+| [ "AutoRewrite" "with" ne_preident_list(l) "using" tactic(t) ] ->
+ [ autorewrite (snd t) l ]
+let add_rewrite_hint name ort t lcsr =
+ let env = Global.env() and sigma = Evd.empty in
+ let f c = Constrintern.interp_constr sigma env c, ort, t in
+ add_rew_rules name ( f lcsr)
+(* V7 *)
+ [ "Hint" "Rewrite" orient(o) "[" ne_constr_list(l) "]" "in" preident(b) ] ->
+ [ add_rewrite_hint b o (Tacexpr.TacId "") l ]
+| [ "Hint" "Rewrite" orient(o) "[" ne_constr_list(l) "]" "in" preident(b)
+ "using" tactic(t) ] ->
+ [ add_rewrite_hint b o t l ]
+(* V8 *)
+ [ "Hint" "Rewrite" orient(o) ne_constr_list(l) ":" preident(b) ] ->
+ [ add_rewrite_hint b o (Tacexpr.TacId "") l ]
+| [ "Hint" "Rewrite" orient(o) ne_constr_list(l) "using" tactic(t)
+ ":" preident(b) ] ->
+ [ add_rewrite_hint b o t l ]
+(* Refine *)
+open Refine
+ [ "Refine" castedopenconstr(c) ] -> [ refine c ]
+let refine_tac = h_refine
+(* Setoid_replace *)
+open Setoid_replace
+TACTIC EXTEND SetoidReplace
+ [ "Setoid_replace" constr(c1) "with" constr(c2) ]
+ -> [ setoid_replace c1 c2 None]
+TACTIC EXTEND SetoidRewrite
+ [ "Setoid_rewrite" orient(b) constr(c) ] -> [ general_s_rewrite b c ]
+| [ "Add" "Setoid" constr(a) constr(aeq) constr(t) ] -> [ add_setoid a aeq t ]
+| [ "Add" "Morphism" constr(m) ":" ident(s) ] -> [ new_named_morphism s m ]
+(* Inversion lemmas (Leminv) *)
+open Inv
+open Leminv
+ [ "Derive" "Inversion_clear" ident(na) hyp(id) ]
+ -> [ inversion_lemma_from_goal 1 na id Term.mk_Prop false inv_clear_tac ]
+| [ "Derive" "Inversion_clear" natural(n) ident(na) hyp(id) ]
+ -> [ inversion_lemma_from_goal n na id Term.mk_Prop false inv_clear_tac ]
+| [ "Derive" "Inversion_clear" ident(na) "with" constr(c) "Sort" sort(s) ]
+ -> [ add_inversion_lemma_exn na c s false inv_clear_tac ]
+| [ "Derive" "Inversion_clear" ident(na) "with" constr(c) ]
+ -> [ add_inversion_lemma_exn na c (Rawterm.RProp Term.Null) false inv_clear_tac ]
+open Term
+open Rawterm
+| [ "Derive" "Inversion" ident(na) "with" constr(c) "Sort" sort(s) ]
+ -> [ add_inversion_lemma_exn na c s false half_inv_tac ]
+| [ "Derive" "Inversion" ident(na) "with" constr(c) ]
+ -> [ add_inversion_lemma_exn na c (RProp Null) false half_inv_tac ]
+| [ "Derive" "Inversion" ident(na) hyp(id) ]
+ -> [ inversion_lemma_from_goal 1 na id Term.mk_Prop false half_inv_tac ]
+| [ "Derive" "Inversion" natural(n) ident(na) hyp(id) ]
+ -> [ inversion_lemma_from_goal n na id Term.mk_Prop false half_inv_tac ]
+VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND DeriveDependentInversion
+| [ "Derive" "Dependent" "Inversion" ident(na) "with" constr(c) "Sort" sort(s) ]
+ -> [ add_inversion_lemma_exn na c s true half_dinv_tac ]
+VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND DeriveDependentInversionClear
+| [ "Derive" "Dependent" "Inversion_clear" ident(na) "with" constr(c) "Sort" sort(s) ]
+ -> [ add_inversion_lemma_exn na c s true dinv_clear_tac ]
+(* Subst *)
+| [ "Subst" ne_var_list(l) ] -> [ subst l ]
+| [ "Subst" ] -> [ subst_all ]
+(** Nijmegen "step" tactic for setoid rewriting *)
+open Tacticals
+open Tactics
+open Tactics
+open Libnames
+open Rawterm
+open Summary
+open Libobject
+open Lib
+(* Registered lemmas are expected to be of the form
+ x R y -> y == z -> x R z (in the right table)
+ x R y -> x == z -> z R y (in the left table)
+let transitivity_right_table = ref []
+let transitivity_left_table = ref []
+(* [step] tries to apply a rewriting lemma; then apply [tac] intended to
+ complete to proof of the last hypothesis (assumed to state an equality) *)
+let step left x tac =
+ let l =
+ (fun lem ->
+ (apply_with_bindings (constr_of_reference lem, ImplicitBindings [x]))
+ tac)
+ !(if left then transitivity_left_table else transitivity_right_table)
+ in
+ tclFIRST l
+(* Main function to push lemmas in persistent environment *)
+let cache_transitivity_lemma (_,(left,lem)) =
+ if left then
+ transitivity_left_table := lem :: !transitivity_left_table
+ else
+ transitivity_right_table := lem :: !transitivity_right_table
+let subst_transitivity_lemma (_,subst,(b,ref)) = (b,subst_global subst ref)
+let (inTransitivity,_) =
+ declare_object {(default_object "TRANSITIVITY-STEPS") with
+ cache_function = cache_transitivity_lemma;
+ open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_transitivity_lemma o);
+ subst_function = subst_transitivity_lemma;
+ classify_function = (fun (_,o) -> Substitute o);
+ export_function = (fun x -> Some x) }
+(* Synchronisation with reset *)
+let freeze () = !transitivity_left_table, !transitivity_right_table
+let unfreeze (l,r) =
+ transitivity_left_table := l;
+ transitivity_right_table := r
+let init () =
+ transitivity_left_table := [];
+ transitivity_right_table := []
+let _ =
+ declare_summary "transitivity-steps"
+ { freeze_function = freeze;
+ unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ init_function = init;
+ survive_module = false;
+ survive_section = false }
+(* Main entry points *)
+let add_transitivity_lemma left ref =
+ add_anonymous_leaf (inTransitivity (left, ref))
+(* Vernacular syntax *)
+| ["Stepl" constr(c) "by" tactic(tac) ] -> [ step true c (snd tac) ]
+| ["Stepl" constr(c) ] -> [ step true c tclIDTAC ]
+| ["Stepr" constr(c) "by" tactic(tac) ] -> [ step false c (snd tac) ]
+| ["Stepr" constr(c) ] -> [ step false c tclIDTAC ]
+| [ "Declare" "Left" "Step" global(id) ] ->
+ [ add_transitivity_lemma true id ]
+| [ "Declare" "Right" "Step" global(id) ] ->
+ [ add_transitivity_lemma false id ]
diff --git a/tactics/extratactics.mli b/tactics/extratactics.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a714c8dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/extratactics.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: extratactics.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:53 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Names
+open Term
+open Proof_type
+open Rawterm
+val h_discrHyp : quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
+val h_injHyp : quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
+val h_rewriteLR : constr -> tactic
+val refine_tac : Genarg.open_constr -> tactic
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f35c624b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:53 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Term
+open Proof_type
+open Tacmach
+open Rawterm
+open Refiner
+open Genarg
+open Tacexpr
+open Tactics
+open Util
+let inj_id id = (dummy_loc,id)
+(* Basic tactics *)
+let h_intro_move x y =
+ abstract_tactic (TacIntroMove (x, option_app inj_id y)) (intro_move x y)
+let h_intro x = h_intro_move (Some x) None
+let h_intros_until x = abstract_tactic (TacIntrosUntil x) (intros_until x)
+let h_assumption = abstract_tactic TacAssumption assumption
+let h_exact c = abstract_tactic (TacExact c) (exact_check c)
+let h_apply cb = abstract_tactic (TacApply cb) (apply_with_bindings cb)
+let h_elim cb cbo = abstract_tactic (TacElim (cb,cbo)) (elim cb cbo)
+let h_elim_type c = abstract_tactic (TacElimType c) (elim_type c)
+let h_case cb = abstract_tactic (TacCase cb) (general_case_analysis cb)
+let h_case_type c = abstract_tactic (TacCaseType c) (case_type c)
+let h_fix ido n = abstract_tactic (TacFix (ido,n)) (fix ido n)
+let h_mutual_fix id n l =
+ abstract_tactic (TacMutualFix (id,n,l)) (mutual_fix id n l)
+let h_cofix ido = abstract_tactic (TacCofix ido) (cofix ido)
+let h_mutual_cofix id l =
+ abstract_tactic (TacMutualCofix (id,l)) (mutual_cofix id l)
+let h_cut c = abstract_tactic (TacCut c) (cut c)
+let h_true_cut na c = abstract_tactic (TacTrueCut (na,c)) (true_cut na c)
+let h_forward b na c = abstract_tactic (TacForward (b,na,c)) (forward b na c)
+let h_generalize cl = abstract_tactic (TacGeneralize cl) (generalize cl)
+let h_generalize_dep c = abstract_tactic (TacGeneralizeDep c)(generalize_dep c)
+let h_let_tac na c cl =
+ abstract_tactic (TacLetTac (na,c,cl)) (letin_tac true na c cl)
+let h_instantiate n c cls =
+ abstract_tactic (TacInstantiate (n,c,cls))
+ (Evar_refiner.instantiate n c (simple_clause_of cls))
+(* Derived basic tactics *)
+let h_simple_induction h =
+ abstract_tactic (TacSimpleInduction h) (simple_induct h)
+let h_simple_destruct h =
+ abstract_tactic (TacSimpleDestruct h) (simple_destruct h)
+let h_new_induction c e idl =
+ abstract_tactic (TacNewInduction (c,e,idl)) (new_induct c e idl)
+let h_new_destruct c e idl =
+ abstract_tactic (TacNewDestruct (c,e,idl)) (new_destruct c e idl)
+let h_specialize n d = abstract_tactic (TacSpecialize (n,d)) (new_hyp n d)
+let h_lapply c = abstract_tactic (TacLApply c) (cut_and_apply c)
+(* Context management *)
+let h_clear l = abstract_tactic (TacClear l) (clear l)
+let h_clear_body l = abstract_tactic (TacClearBody l) (clear_body l)
+let h_move dep id1 id2 =
+ abstract_tactic (TacMove (dep,id1,id2)) (move_hyp dep id1 id2)
+let h_rename id1 id2 =
+ abstract_tactic (TacRename (id1,id2)) (rename_hyp id1 id2)
+(* Constructors *)
+let h_left l = abstract_tactic (TacLeft l) (left l)
+let h_right l = abstract_tactic (TacLeft l) (right l)
+let h_split l = abstract_tactic (TacSplit (false,l)) (split l)
+(* Moved to tacinterp because of dependence in Tacinterp.interp
+let h_any_constructor t =
+ abstract_tactic (TacAnyConstructor t) (any_constructor t)
+let h_constructor n l =
+ abstract_tactic (TacConstructor(AI n,l))(constructor_tac None n l)
+let h_one_constructor n = h_constructor n NoBindings
+let h_simplest_left = h_left NoBindings
+let h_simplest_right = h_right NoBindings
+(* Conversion *)
+let h_reduce r cl = abstract_tactic (TacReduce (r,cl)) (reduce r cl)
+let h_change oc c cl = abstract_tactic (TacChange (oc,c,cl)) (change oc c cl)
+(* Equivalence relations *)
+let h_reflexivity = abstract_tactic TacReflexivity intros_reflexivity
+let h_symmetry c = abstract_tactic (TacSymmetry c) (intros_symmetry c)
+let h_transitivity c =
+ abstract_tactic (TacTransitivity c) (intros_transitivity c)
+let h_simplest_apply c = h_apply (c,NoBindings)
+let h_simplest_elim c = h_elim (c,NoBindings) None
+let h_simplest_case c = h_case (c,NoBindings)
+let h_intro_patterns l = abstract_tactic (TacIntroPattern l) (intro_patterns l)
diff --git a/tactics/hiddentac.mli b/tactics/hiddentac.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..816678ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/hiddentac.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: hiddentac.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:53 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Term
+open Proof_type
+open Tacmach
+open Genarg
+open Tacexpr
+open Rawterm
+(* Tactics for the interpreter. They left a trace in the proof tree
+ when they are called. *)
+(* Basic tactics *)
+val h_intro_move : identifier option -> identifier option -> tactic
+val h_intro : identifier -> tactic
+val h_intros_until : quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
+val h_assumption : tactic
+val h_exact : constr -> tactic
+val h_apply : constr with_bindings -> tactic
+val h_elim : constr with_bindings ->
+ constr with_bindings option -> tactic
+val h_elim_type : constr -> tactic
+val h_case : constr with_bindings -> tactic
+val h_case_type : constr -> tactic
+val h_mutual_fix : identifier -> int ->
+ (identifier * int * constr) list -> tactic
+val h_fix : identifier option -> int -> tactic
+val h_mutual_cofix : identifier -> (identifier * constr) list -> tactic
+val h_cofix : identifier option -> tactic
+val h_cut : constr -> tactic
+val h_true_cut : name -> constr -> tactic
+val h_generalize : constr list -> tactic
+val h_generalize_dep : constr -> tactic
+val h_forward : bool -> name -> constr -> tactic
+val h_let_tac : name -> constr -> Tacticals.clause -> tactic
+val h_instantiate : int -> constr -> Tacticals.clause -> tactic
+(* Derived basic tactics *)
+val h_simple_induction : quantified_hypothesis * (bool ref * intro_pattern_expr list ref list) list ref -> tactic
+val h_simple_destruct : quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
+val h_new_induction :
+ constr induction_arg -> constr with_bindings option ->
+ intro_pattern_expr option * (bool ref * intro_pattern_expr list ref list) list ref
+ -> tactic
+val h_new_destruct :
+ constr induction_arg -> constr with_bindings option ->
+ intro_pattern_expr option * (bool ref * intro_pattern_expr list ref list) list ref
+ -> tactic
+val h_specialize : int option -> constr with_bindings -> tactic
+val h_lapply : constr -> tactic
+(* Automation tactic : see Auto *)
+(* Context management *)
+val h_clear : identifier list -> tactic
+val h_clear_body : identifier list -> tactic
+val h_move : bool -> identifier -> identifier -> tactic
+val h_rename : identifier -> identifier -> tactic
+(* Constructors *)
+val h_any_constructor : tactic -> tactic
+val h_constructor : int -> constr bindings -> tactic
+val h_left : constr bindings -> tactic
+val h_right : constr bindings -> tactic
+val h_split : constr bindings -> tactic
+val h_one_constructor : int -> tactic
+val h_simplest_left : tactic
+val h_simplest_right : tactic
+(* Conversion *)
+val h_reduce : Tacred.red_expr -> Tacticals.clause -> tactic
+val h_change :
+ constr occurrences option -> constr -> Tacticals.clause -> tactic
+(* Equivalence relations *)
+val h_reflexivity : tactic
+val h_symmetry : Tacticals.clause -> tactic
+val h_transitivity : constr -> tactic
+val h_simplest_apply : constr -> tactic
+val h_simplest_elim : constr -> tactic
+val h_simplest_case : constr -> tactic
+val h_intro_patterns : intro_pattern_expr list -> tactic
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0ada5a06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:53 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Reductionops
+open Inductiveops
+open Evd
+open Environ
+open Proof_trees
+open Clenv
+open Pattern
+open Matching
+open Coqlib
+open Declarations
+(* I implemented the following functions which test whether a term t
+ is an inductive but non-recursive type, a general conjuction, a
+ general disjunction, or a type with no constructors.
+ They are more general than matching with or_term, and_term, etc,
+ since they do not depend on the name of the type. Hence, they
+ also work on ad-hoc disjunctions introduced by the user.
+ -- Eduardo (6/8/97). *)
+type 'a matching_function = constr -> 'a option
+type testing_function = constr -> bool
+let mkmeta n = Nameops.make_ident "X" (Some n)
+let mkPMeta n = PMeta (Some (mkmeta n))
+let meta1 = mkmeta 1
+let meta2 = mkmeta 2
+let meta3 = mkmeta 3
+let meta4 = mkmeta 4
+let op2bool = function Some _ -> true | None -> false
+let match_with_non_recursive_type t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | App _ ->
+ let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app t in
+ (match kind_of_term hdapp with
+ | Ind ind ->
+ if not (Global.lookup_mind (fst ind)).mind_finite then
+ Some (hdapp,args)
+ else
+ None
+ | _ -> None)
+ | _ -> None
+let is_non_recursive_type t = op2bool (match_with_non_recursive_type t)
+(* A general conjunction type is a non-recursive inductive type with
+ only one constructor. *)
+let match_with_conjunction t =
+ let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app t in
+ match kind_of_term hdapp with
+ | Ind ind ->
+ let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
+ if (Array.length mip.mind_consnames = 1)
+ && (not (mis_is_recursive (ind,mib,mip)))
+ && (mip.mind_nrealargs = 0)
+ then
+ Some (hdapp,args)
+ else
+ None
+ | _ -> None
+let is_conjunction t = op2bool (match_with_conjunction t)
+(* A general disjunction type is a non-recursive inductive type all
+ whose constructors have a single argument. *)
+let match_with_disjunction t =
+ let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app t in
+ match kind_of_term hdapp with
+ | Ind ind ->
+ let car = mis_constr_nargs ind in
+ if array_for_all (fun ar -> ar = 1) car &&
+ (let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
+ not (mis_is_recursive (ind,mib,mip)))
+ then
+ Some (hdapp,args)
+ else
+ None
+ | _ -> None
+let is_disjunction t = op2bool (match_with_disjunction t)
+let match_with_empty_type t =
+ let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app t in
+ match (kind_of_term hdapp) with
+ | Ind ind ->
+ let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
+ let nconstr = Array.length mip.mind_consnames in
+ if nconstr = 0 then Some hdapp else None
+ | _ -> None
+let is_empty_type t = op2bool (match_with_empty_type t)
+let match_with_unit_type t =
+ let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app t in
+ match (kind_of_term hdapp) with
+ | Ind ind ->
+ let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
+ let constr_types = mip.mind_nf_lc in
+ let nconstr = Array.length mip.mind_consnames in
+ let zero_args c =
+ nb_prod c = mip.mind_nparams in
+ if nconstr = 1 && array_for_all zero_args constr_types then
+ Some hdapp
+ else
+ None
+ | _ -> None
+let is_unit_type t = op2bool (match_with_unit_type t)
+(* Checks if a given term is an application of an
+ inductive binary relation R, so that R has only one constructor
+ establishing its reflexivity. *)
+(* ["(A : ?)(x:A)(? A x x)"] and ["(x : ?)(? x x)"] *)
+let x = Name (id_of_string "x")
+let y = Name (id_of_string "y")
+let name_A = Name (id_of_string "A")
+let coq_refl_rel1_pattern =
+ PProd
+ (name_A, PMeta None,
+ PProd (x, PRel 1, PApp (PMeta None, [|PRel 2; PRel 1; PRel 1|])))
+let coq_refl_rel2_pattern =
+ PProd (x, PMeta None, PApp (PMeta None, [|PRel 1; PRel 1|]))
+let coq_refl_reljm_pattern =
+ (name_A, PMeta None,
+ PProd (x, PRel 1, PApp (PMeta None, [|PRel 2; PRel 1; PRel 2;PRel 1|])))
+let match_with_equation t =
+ let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app t in
+ match (kind_of_term hdapp) with
+ | Ind ind ->
+ let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
+ let constr_types = mip.mind_nf_lc in
+ let nconstr = Array.length mip.mind_consnames in
+ if nconstr = 1 &&
+ (is_matching coq_refl_rel1_pattern constr_types.(0) ||
+ is_matching coq_refl_rel2_pattern constr_types.(0) ||
+ is_matching coq_refl_reljm_pattern constr_types.(0))
+ then
+ Some (hdapp,args)
+ else
+ None
+ | _ -> None
+let is_equation t = op2bool (match_with_equation t)
+(* ["(?1 -> ?2)"] *)
+let imp a b = PProd (Anonymous, a, b)
+let coq_arrow_pattern = imp (mkPMeta 1) (mkPMeta 2)
+let match_arrow_pattern t =
+ match matches coq_arrow_pattern t with
+ | [(m1,arg);(m2,mind)] -> assert (m1=meta1 & m2=meta2); (arg, mind)
+ | _ -> anomaly "Incorrect pattern matching"
+let match_with_nottype t =
+ try
+ let (arg,mind) = match_arrow_pattern t in
+ if is_empty_type mind then Some (mind,arg) else None
+ with PatternMatchingFailure -> None
+let is_nottype t = op2bool (match_with_nottype t)
+let match_with_forall_term c=
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Prod (nam,a,b) -> Some (nam,a,b)
+ | _ -> None
+let is_forall_term c = op2bool (match_with_forall_term c)
+let match_with_imp_term c=
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Prod (_,a,b) when not (dependent (mkRel 1) b) ->Some (a,b)
+ | _ -> None
+let is_imp_term c = op2bool (match_with_imp_term c)
+let rec has_nodep_prod_after n c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Prod (_,_,b) ->
+ ( n>0 || not (dependent (mkRel 1) b))
+ && (has_nodep_prod_after (n-1) b)
+ | _ -> true
+let has_nodep_prod = has_nodep_prod_after 0
+let match_with_nodep_ind t =
+ let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app t in
+ match (kind_of_term hdapp) with
+ | Ind ind ->
+ let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
+ if Array.length (mib.mind_packets)>1 then None else
+ let nodep_constr = has_nodep_prod_after mip.mind_nparams in
+ if array_for_all nodep_constr mip.mind_nf_lc then
+ let params=
+ if mip.mind_nrealargs=0 then args else
+ fst (list_chop mip.mind_nparams args) in
+ Some (hdapp,params,mip.mind_nrealargs)
+ else
+ None
+ | _ -> None
+let is_nodep_ind t=op2bool (match_with_nodep_ind t)
+let match_with_sigma_type t=
+ let (hdapp,args) = decompose_app t in
+ match (kind_of_term hdapp) with
+ | Ind ind ->
+ let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
+ if (Array.length (mib.mind_packets)=1) &&
+ (mip.mind_nrealargs=0) &&
+ (Array.length mip.mind_consnames=1) &&
+ has_nodep_prod_after (mip.mind_nparams+1) mip.mind_nf_lc.(0) then
+ (*allowing only 1 existential*)
+ Some (hdapp,args)
+ else
+ None
+ | _ -> None
+let is_sigma_type t=op2bool (match_with_sigma_type t)
+(***** Destructing patterns bound to some theory *)
+let rec first_match matcher = function
+ | [] -> raise PatternMatchingFailure
+ | (pat,build_set)::l ->
+ try (build_set (),matcher pat)
+ with PatternMatchingFailure -> first_match matcher l
+(*** Equality *)
+(* Patterns "(eq ?1 ?2 ?3)", "(eqT ?1 ?2 ?3)" and "(idT ?1 ?2 ?3)" *)
+let coq_eq_pattern_gen eq =
+ lazy (PApp(PRef (Lazy.force eq), [|mkPMeta 1;mkPMeta 2;mkPMeta 3|]))
+let coq_eq_pattern = coq_eq_pattern_gen coq_eq_ref
+(*let coq_eqT_pattern = coq_eq_pattern_gen coq_eqT_ref*)
+let coq_idT_pattern = coq_eq_pattern_gen coq_idT_ref
+let match_eq eqn eq_pat =
+ match matches (Lazy.force eq_pat) eqn with
+ | [(m1,t);(m2,x);(m3,y)] ->
+ assert (m1 = meta1 & m2 = meta2 & m3 = meta3);
+ (t,x,y)
+ | _ -> anomaly "match_eq: an eq pattern should match 3 terms"
+let equalities =
+ [coq_eq_pattern, build_coq_eq_data;
+(* coq_eqT_pattern, build_coq_eqT_data;*)
+ coq_idT_pattern, build_coq_idT_data]
+let find_eq_data_decompose eqn = (* fails with PatternMatchingFailure *)
+ first_match (match_eq eqn) equalities
+open Tacmach
+open Tacticals
+let match_eq_nf gls eqn eq_pat =
+ match pf_matches gls (Lazy.force eq_pat) eqn with
+ | [(m1,t);(m2,x);(m3,y)] ->
+ assert (m1 = meta1 & m2 = meta2 & m3 = meta3);
+ (t,pf_whd_betadeltaiota gls x,pf_whd_betadeltaiota gls y)
+ | _ -> anomaly "match_eq: an eq pattern should match 3 terms"
+let dest_nf_eq gls eqn =
+ try
+ snd (first_match (match_eq_nf gls eqn) equalities)
+ with PatternMatchingFailure ->
+ error "Not an equality"
+(*** Sigma-types *)
+(* Patterns "(existS ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4)" and "(existT ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4)" *)
+let coq_ex_pattern_gen ex =
+ lazy(PApp(PRef (Lazy.force ex), [|mkPMeta 1;mkPMeta 2;mkPMeta 3;mkPMeta 4|]))
+let coq_existS_pattern = coq_ex_pattern_gen coq_existS_ref
+let coq_existT_pattern = coq_ex_pattern_gen coq_existT_ref
+let match_sigma ex ex_pat =
+ match matches (Lazy.force ex_pat) ex with
+ | [(m1,a);(m2,p);(m3,car);(m4,cdr)] as l ->
+ assert (m1=meta1 & m2=meta2 & m3=meta3 & m4=meta4);
+ (a,p,car,cdr)
+ | _ ->
+ anomaly "match_sigma: a successful sigma pattern should match 4 terms"
+let find_sigma_data_decompose ex = (* fails with PatternMatchingFailure *)
+ first_match (match_sigma ex)
+ [coq_existS_pattern, build_sigma_set;
+ coq_existT_pattern, build_sigma_type]
+(* Pattern "(sig ?1 ?2)" *)
+let coq_sig_pattern =
+ lazy (PApp (PRef (Lazy.force coq_sig_ref), [| (mkPMeta 1); (mkPMeta 2) |]))
+let match_sigma t =
+ match matches (Lazy.force coq_sig_pattern) t with
+ | [(_,a); (_,p)] -> (a,p)
+ | _ -> anomaly "Unexpected pattern"
+let is_matching_sigma t = is_matching (Lazy.force coq_sig_pattern) t
+(*** Decidable equalities *)
+(* Pattern "(sumbool (eq ?1 ?2 ?3) ?4)" *)
+let coq_eqdec_partial_pattern =
+ lazy
+ (PApp
+ (PRef (Lazy.force coq_sumbool_ref),
+ [| Lazy.force coq_eq_pattern; (mkPMeta 4) |]))
+let match_eqdec_partial t =
+ match matches (Lazy.force coq_eqdec_partial_pattern) t with
+ | [_; (_,lhs); (_,rhs); _] -> (lhs,rhs)
+ | _ -> anomaly "Unexpected pattern"
+(* The expected form of the goal for the tactic Decide Equality *)
+(* Pattern "(x,y:?1){<?1>x=y}+{~(<?1>x=y)}" *)
+(* i.e. "(x,y:?1)(sumbool (eq ?1 x y) ~(eq ?1 x y))" *)
+let x = Name (id_of_string "x")
+let y = Name (id_of_string "y")
+let coq_eqdec_pattern =
+ lazy
+ (PProd (x, (mkPMeta 1), PProd (y, (mkPMeta 1),
+ PApp (PRef (Lazy.force coq_sumbool_ref),
+ [| PApp (PRef (Lazy.force coq_eq_ref),
+ [| (mkPMeta 1); PRel 2; PRel 1 |]);
+ PApp (PRef (Lazy.force coq_not_ref),
+ [|PApp (PRef (Lazy.force coq_eq_ref),
+ [| (mkPMeta 1); PRel 2; PRel 1 |])|]) |]))))
+let match_eqdec t =
+ match matches (Lazy.force coq_eqdec_pattern) t with
+ | [(_,typ)] -> typ
+ | _ -> anomaly "Unexpected pattern"
+(* Patterns "~ ?" and "? -> False" *)
+let coq_not_pattern = lazy(PApp(PRef (Lazy.force coq_not_ref), [|PMeta None|]))
+let coq_imp_False_pattern =
+ lazy (imp (PMeta None) (PRef (Lazy.force coq_False_ref)))
+let is_matching_not t = is_matching (Lazy.force coq_not_pattern) t
+let is_matching_imp_False t = is_matching (Lazy.force coq_imp_False_pattern) t
diff --git a/tactics/hipattern.mli b/tactics/hipattern.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e2aa8f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/hipattern.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: hipattern.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:53 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Term
+open Sign
+open Evd
+open Pattern
+open Proof_trees
+(*s Given a term with second-order variables in it,
+ represented by Meta's, and possibly applied using SoApp
+ terms, this function will perform second-order, binding-preserving,
+ matching, in the case where the pattern is a pattern in the sense
+ of Dale Miller.
+ Given a pattern, we decompose it, flattening casts and apply's,
+ recursing on all operators, and pushing the name of the binder each
+ time we descend a binder.
+ When we reach a first-order variable, we ask that the corresponding
+ term's free-rels all be higher than the depth of the current stack.
+ When we reach a second-order application, we ask that the
+ intersection of the free-rels of the term and the current stack be
+ contained in the arguments of the application *)
+val is_imp_term : constr -> bool
+(*s I implemented the following functions which test whether a term [t]
+ is an inductive but non-recursive type, a general conjuction, a
+ general disjunction, or a type with no constructors.
+ They are more general than matching with [or_term], [and_term], etc,
+ since they do not depend on the name of the type. Hence, they
+ also work on ad-hoc disjunctions introduced by the user.
+ (Eduardo, 6/8/97). *)
+type 'a matching_function = constr -> 'a option
+type testing_function = constr -> bool
+val match_with_non_recursive_type : (constr * constr list) matching_function
+val is_non_recursive_type : testing_function
+val match_with_disjunction : (constr * constr list) matching_function
+val is_disjunction : testing_function
+val match_with_conjunction : (constr * constr list) matching_function
+val is_conjunction : testing_function
+val match_with_empty_type : constr matching_function
+val is_empty_type : testing_function
+val match_with_unit_type : constr matching_function
+(* type with only one constructor and no arguments *)
+val is_unit_type : testing_function
+val match_with_equation : (constr * constr list) matching_function
+val is_equation : testing_function
+val match_with_nottype : (constr * constr) matching_function
+val is_nottype : testing_function
+val match_with_forall_term : (name * constr * constr) matching_function
+val is_forall_term : testing_function
+val match_with_imp_term : (constr * constr) matching_function
+val is_imp_term : testing_function
+(* I added these functions to test whether a type contains dependent
+ products or not, and if an inductive has constructors with dependent types
+ (excluding parameters). this is useful to check whether a conjunction is a
+ real conjunction and not a dependent tuple. (Pierre Corbineau, 13/5/2002) *)
+val has_nodep_prod_after : int -> testing_function
+val has_nodep_prod : testing_function
+val match_with_nodep_ind : (constr * constr list * int) matching_function
+val is_nodep_ind : testing_function
+val match_with_sigma_type : (constr * constr list) matching_function
+val is_sigma_type : testing_function
+(***** Destructing patterns bound to some theory *)
+open Coqlib
+(* Match terms [(eq A t u)], [(eqT A t u)] or [(identityT A t u)] *)
+(* Returns associated lemmas and [A,t,u] *)
+val find_eq_data_decompose : constr ->
+ coq_leibniz_eq_data * (constr * constr * constr)
+(* Match a term of the form [(existS A P t p)] or [(existT A P t p)] *)
+(* Returns associated lemmas and [A,P,t,p] *)
+val find_sigma_data_decompose : constr ->
+ coq_sigma_data * (constr * constr * constr * constr)
+(* Match a term of the form [{x:A|P}], returns [A] and [P] *)
+val match_sigma : constr -> constr * constr
+val is_matching_sigma : constr -> bool
+(* Match a term of the form [{x=y}+{_}], returns [x] and [y] *)
+val match_eqdec_partial : constr -> constr * constr
+(* Match a term of the form [(x,y:t){x=y}+{~x=y}], returns [t] *)
+val match_eqdec : constr -> constr
+(* Match an equality up to conversion; returns [(eq,t1,t2)] in normal form *)
+open Proof_type
+open Tacmach
+val dest_nf_eq : goal sigma -> constr -> (constr * constr * constr)
+(* Match a negation *)
+val is_matching_not : constr -> bool
+val is_matching_imp_False : constr -> bool
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54ce467c
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+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:53 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Global
+open Sign
+open Environ
+open Inductiveops
+open Printer
+open Reductionops
+open Retyping
+open Tacmach
+open Proof_type
+open Evar_refiner
+open Clenv
+open Tactics
+open Tacticals
+open Tactics
+open Elim
+open Equality
+open Typing
+open Pattern
+open Matching
+open Rawterm
+open Genarg
+open Tacexpr
+let collect_meta_variables c =
+ let rec collrec acc c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Meta mv -> mv::acc
+ | _ -> fold_constr collrec acc c
+ in
+ collrec [] c
+let check_no_metas clenv ccl =
+ if occur_meta ccl then
+ let metas = (fun n -> Metamap.find n clenv.namenv)
+ (collect_meta_variables ccl) in
+ errorlabstrm "inversion"
+ (str ("Cannot find an instantiation for variable"^
+ (if List.length metas = 1 then " " else "s ")) ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr_id metas
+ (* ajouter "in " ++ prterm ccl mais il faut le bon contexte *))
+let var_occurs_in_pf gl id =
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ occur_var env id (pf_concl gl) or
+ List.exists (occur_var_in_decl env id) (pf_hyps gl)
+(* [make_inv_predicate (ity,args) C]
+ is given the inductive type, its arguments, both the global
+ parameters and its local arguments, and is expected to produce a
+ predicate P such that if largs is the "local" part of the
+ arguments, then (P largs) will be convertible with a conclusion of
+ the form:
+ <A1>a1=a1-><A2>a2=a2 ... -> C
+ Algorithm: suppose length(largs)=n
+ (1) Push the entire arity, [xbar:Abar], carrying along largs and
+ the conclusion
+ (2) Pair up each ai with its respective Rel version: a1==(Rel n),
+ a2==(Rel n-1), etc.
+ (3) For each pair, ai,Rel j, if the Ai is dependent - that is, the
+ type of [Rel j] is an open term, then we construct the iterated
+ tuple, [make_iterated_tuple] does it, and use that for our equation
+ Otherwise, we just use <Ai>ai=Rel j
+ *)
+type inversion_status = Dep of constr option | NoDep
+let compute_eqn env sigma n i ai =
+ (ai,get_type_of env sigma ai),
+ (mkRel (n-i),get_type_of env sigma (mkRel (n-i)))
+let make_inv_predicate env sigma indf realargs id status concl =
+ let nrealargs = List.length realargs in
+ let (hyps,concl) =
+ match status with
+ | NoDep ->
+ (* We push the arity and leave concl unchanged *)
+ let hyps_arity,_ = get_arity env indf in
+ (hyps_arity,concl)
+ | Dep dflt_concl ->
+ if not (occur_var env id concl) then
+ errorlabstrm "make_inv_predicate"
+ (str "Current goal does not depend on " ++ pr_id id);
+ (* We abstract the conclusion of goal with respect to
+ realargs and c to * be concl in order to rewrite and have
+ c also rewritten when the case * will be done *)
+ let pred =
+ match dflt_concl with
+ | Some concl -> concl (*assumed it's some [x1..xn,H:I(x1..xn)]C*)
+ | None ->
+ let sort = get_sort_of env sigma concl in
+ let p = make_arity env true indf sort in
+ abstract_list_all env sigma p concl (realargs@[mkVar id]) in
+ let hyps,bodypred = decompose_lam_n_assum (nrealargs+1) pred in
+ (* We lift to make room for the equations *)
+ (hyps,lift nrealargs bodypred)
+ in
+ let nhyps = List.length hyps in
+ let env' = push_rel_context hyps env in
+ let realargs' = (lift nhyps) realargs in
+ let pairs = list_map_i (compute_eqn env' sigma nhyps) 0 realargs' in
+ (* Now the arity is pushed, and we need to construct the pairs
+ * ai,mkRel(n-i+1) *)
+ (* Now, we can recurse down this list, for each ai,(mkRel k) whether to
+ push <Ai>(mkRel k)=ai (when Ai is closed).
+ In any case, we carry along the rest of pairs *)
+ let rec build_concl eqns n = function
+ | [] -> (prod_it concl eqns,n)
+ | ((ai,ati),(xi,ti))::restlist ->
+ let (lhs,eqnty,rhs) =
+ if closed0 ti then
+ (xi,ti,ai)
+ else
+ make_iterated_tuple env' sigma (ai,ati) (xi,ti)
+ in
+ let type_type_rhs = get_sort_of env sigma (type_of env sigma rhs) in
+ let sort = get_sort_of env sigma concl in
+ let eq_term = find_eq_pattern type_type_rhs sort in
+ let eqn = applist (eq_term ,[eqnty;lhs;rhs]) in
+ build_concl ((Anonymous,lift n eqn)::eqns) (n+1) restlist
+ in
+ let (newconcl,neqns) = build_concl [] 0 pairs in
+ let predicate = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name env newconcl hyps in
+ (* OK - this predicate should now be usable by res_elimination_then to
+ do elimination on the conclusion. *)
+ (predicate,neqns)
+(* The result of the elimination is a bunch of goals like:
+ |- (cibar:Cibar)Equands->C
+ where the cibar are either dependent or not. We are fed a
+ signature, with "true" for every recursive argument, and false for
+ every non-recursive one. So we need to do the
+ sign_branch_len(sign) intros, thinning out all recursive
+ assumptions. This leaves us with exactly length(sign) assumptions.
+ We save their names, and then do introductions for all the equands
+ (there are some number of them, which is the other argument of the
+ tactic)
+ This gives us the #neqns equations, whose names we get also, and
+ the #length(sign) arguments.
+ Suppose that #nodep of these arguments are non-dependent.
+ Generalize and thin them.
+ This gives us #dep = #length(sign)-#nodep arguments which are
+ dependent.
+ Now, we want to take each of the equations, and do all possible
+ injections to get the left-hand-side to be a variable. At the same
+ time, if we find a lhs/rhs pair which are different, we can
+ discriminate them to prove false and finish the branch.
+ Then, we thin away the equations, and do the introductions for the
+ #nodep arguments which we generalized before.
+ *)
+(* Called after the case-assumptions have been killed off, and all the
+ intros have been done. Given that the clause in question is an
+ equality (if it isn't we fail), we are responsible for projecting
+ the equality, using Injection and Discriminate, and applying it to
+ the concusion *)
+(* Computes the subset of hypothesis in the local context whose
+ type depends on t (should be of the form (mkVar id)), then
+ it generalizes them, applies tac to rewrite all occurrencies of t,
+ and introduces generalized hypotheis.
+ Precondition: t=(mkVar id) *)
+let rec dependent_hyps id idlist sign =
+ let rec dep_rec =function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (id1,_,id1ty as d1)::l ->
+ if occur_var (Global.env()) id id1ty
+ then d1 :: dep_rec l
+ else dep_rec l
+ in
+ dep_rec idlist
+let split_dep_and_nodep hyps gl =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (id,_,_ as d) (l1,l2) ->
+ if var_occurs_in_pf gl id then (d::l1,l2) else (l1,d::l2))
+ hyps ([],[])
+open Coqlib
+(* Computation of dids is late; must have been done in rewrite_equations*)
+(* Will keep generalizing and introducing back and forth... *)
+(* Moreover, others hyps depending of dids should have been *)
+(* generalized; in such a way that [dids] can endly be cleared *)
+(* Consider for instance this case extracted from Well_Ordering.v
+ A : Set
+ B : A ->Set
+ a0 : A
+ f : (B a0) ->WO
+ y : WO
+ H0 : (le_WO y (sup a0 f))
+ ============================
+ (Acc WO le_WO y)
+ Inversion H0 gives
+ A : Set
+ B : A ->Set
+ a0 : A
+ f : (B a0) ->WO
+ y : WO
+ H0 : (le_WO y (sup a0 f))
+ a1 : A
+ f0 : (B a1) ->WO
+ v : (B a1)
+ H1 : (f0 v)=y
+ H3 : a1=a0
+ f1 : (B a0) ->WO
+ v0 : (B a0)
+ H4 : (existS A [a:A](B a) ->WO a0 f1)=(existS A [a:A](B a) ->WO a0 f)
+ ============================
+ (Acc WO le_WO (f1 v0))
+while, ideally, we would have expected
+ A : Set
+ B : A ->Set
+ a0 : A
+ f0 : (B a0)->WO
+ v : (B a0)
+ ============================
+ (Acc WO le_WO (f0 v))
+obtained from destruction with equalities
+ A : Set
+ B : A ->Set
+ a0 : A
+ f : (B a0) ->WO
+ y : WO
+ H0 : (le_WO y (sup a0 f))
+ a1 : A
+ f0 : (B a1)->WO
+ v : (B a1)
+ H1 : (f0 v)=y
+ H2 : (sup a1 f0)=(sup a0 f)
+ ============================
+ (Acc WO le_WO (f0 v))
+by clearing initial hypothesis H0 and its dependency y, clearing H1
+(in fact H1 can be avoided using the same trick as for newdestruct),
+decomposing H2 to get a1=a0 and (a1,f0)=(a0,f), replacing a1 by a0
+everywhere and removing a1 and a1=a0 (in fact it would have been more
+regular to replace a0 by a1, avoiding f1 and v0 cannot replace f0 and v),
+finally removing H4 (here because f is not used, more generally after using
+eq_dep and replacing f by f0) [and finally rename a0, f0 into a,f].
+Summary: nine useless hypotheses!
+Nota: with Inversion_clear, only four useless hypotheses
+let generalizeRewriteIntros tac depids id gls =
+ let dids = dependent_hyps id depids (pf_env gls) in
+ [bring_hyps dids; tac;
+ (* may actually fail to replace if dependent in a previous eq *)
+ intros_replacing (ids_of_named_context dids)])
+ gls
+let rec tclMAP_i n tacfun = function
+ | [] -> tclDO n (tacfun None)
+ | a::l ->
+ if n=0 then error "Too much names"
+ else tclTHEN (tacfun (Some a)) (tclMAP_i (n-1) tacfun l)
+let remember_first_eq id x = if !x = None then x := Some id
+(* invariant: ProjectAndApply is responsible for erasing the clause
+ which it is given as input
+ It simplifies the clause (an equality) to use it as a rewrite rule and then
+ erases the result of the simplification. *)
+(* invariant: ProjectAndApplyNoThining simplifies the clause (an equality) .
+ If it can discriminate then the goal is proved, if not tries to use it as
+ a rewrite rule. It erases the clause which is given as input *)
+let projectAndApply thin id eqname names depids gls =
+ let env = pf_env gls in
+ let clearer id =
+ if thin then clear [id] else (remember_first_eq id eqname; tclIDTAC) in
+ let subst_hyp_LR id = tclTHEN (tclTRY(hypSubst_LR id onConcl)) (clearer id) in
+ let subst_hyp_RL id = tclTHEN (tclTRY(hypSubst_RL id onConcl)) (clearer id) in
+ let substHypIfVariable tac id gls =
+ let (t,t1,t2) = Hipattern.dest_nf_eq gls (pf_get_hyp_typ gls id) in
+ match (kind_of_term t1, kind_of_term t2) with
+ | Var id1, _ -> generalizeRewriteIntros (subst_hyp_LR id) depids id1 gls
+ | _, Var id2 -> generalizeRewriteIntros (subst_hyp_RL id) depids id2 gls
+ | _ -> tac id gls
+ in
+ let deq_trailer id neqns =
+ [(if names <> [] then clear [id] else tclIDTAC);
+ (tclMAP_i neqns (fun idopt ->
+ tclTHEN
+ (intro_move idopt None)
+ (* try again to substitute and if still not a variable after *)
+ (* decomposition, arbitrarily try to rewrite RL !? *)
+ (tclTRY (onLastHyp (substHypIfVariable subst_hyp_RL))))
+ names);
+ (if names = [] then clear [id] else tclIDTAC)]
+ in
+ substHypIfVariable
+ (* If no immediate variable in the equation, try to decompose it *)
+ (* and apply a trailer which again try to substitute *)
+ (fun id -> dEqThen (deq_trailer id) (Some (NamedHyp id)))
+ id
+ gls
+(* Inversion qui n'introduit pas les hypotheses, afin de pouvoir les nommer
+ soi-meme (proposition de Valerie). *)
+let rewrite_equations_gene othin neqns ba gl =
+ let (depids,nodepids) = split_dep_and_nodep ba.assums gl in
+ let rewrite_eqns =
+ match othin with
+ | Some thin ->
+ onLastHyp
+ (fun last ->
+ [tclDO neqns
+ (tclTHEN intro
+ (onLastHyp
+ (fun id ->
+ tclTRY
+ (projectAndApply thin id (ref None)
+ [] depids))));
+ onHyps (compose List.rev (afterHyp last)) bring_hyps;
+ onHyps (afterHyp last)
+ (compose clear ids_of_named_context)])
+ | None -> tclIDTAC
+ in
+ [tclDO neqns intro;
+ bring_hyps nodepids;
+ clear (ids_of_named_context nodepids);
+ onHyps (compose List.rev (nLastHyps neqns)) bring_hyps;
+ onHyps (nLastHyps neqns) (compose clear ids_of_named_context);
+ rewrite_eqns;
+ tclMAP (fun (id,_,_ as d) ->
+ (tclORELSE (clear [id])
+ (tclTHEN (bring_hyps [d]) (clear [id]))))
+ depids])
+ gl
+(* Introduction of the equations on arguments
+ othin: discriminates Simple Inversion, Inversion and Inversion_clear
+ None: the equations are introduced, but not rewritten
+ Some thin: the equations are rewritten, and cleared if thin is true *)
+let rec get_names allow_conj = function
+ | IntroWildcard ->
+ error "Discarding pattern not allowed for inversion equations"
+ | IntroOrAndPattern [l] ->
+ if allow_conj then
+ if l = [] then (None,[]) else
+ let l = (fun id -> out_some (fst (get_names false id))) l in
+ (Some (List.hd l), l)
+ else
+ error "Nested conjunctive patterns not allowed for inversion equations"
+ | IntroOrAndPattern l ->
+ error "Disjunctive patterns not allowed for inversion equations"
+ | IntroIdentifier id ->
+ (Some id,[id])
+let extract_eqn_names = function
+ | None -> None,[]
+ | Some x -> x
+let rewrite_equations othin neqns names ba gl =
+ let names = (get_names true) names in
+ let (depids,nodepids) = split_dep_and_nodep ba.assums gl in
+ let rewrite_eqns =
+ let first_eq = ref None in
+ let update id = if !first_eq = None then first_eq := Some id in
+ match othin with
+ | Some thin ->
+ [onHyps (compose List.rev (nLastHyps neqns)) bring_hyps;
+ onHyps (nLastHyps neqns) (compose clear ids_of_named_context);
+ tclMAP_i neqns (fun o ->
+ let idopt,names = extract_eqn_names o in
+ (tclTHEN
+ (intro_move idopt None)
+ (onLastHyp (fun id ->
+ tclTRY (projectAndApply thin id first_eq names depids)))))
+ names;
+ tclMAP (fun (id,_,_) gl ->
+ intro_move None (if thin then None else !first_eq) gl)
+ nodepids;
+ tclMAP (fun (id,_,_) -> tclTRY (clear [id])) depids]
+ | None -> tclIDTAC
+ in
+ [tclDO neqns intro;
+ bring_hyps nodepids;
+ clear (ids_of_named_context nodepids);
+ rewrite_eqns])
+ gl
+let interp_inversion_kind = function
+ | SimpleInversion -> None
+ | FullInversion -> Some false
+ | FullInversionClear -> Some true
+let rewrite_equations_tac (gene, othin) id neqns names ba =
+ let othin = interp_inversion_kind othin in
+ let tac =
+ if gene then rewrite_equations_gene othin neqns ba
+ else rewrite_equations othin neqns names ba in
+ if othin = Some true (* if Inversion_clear, clear the hypothesis *) then
+ tclTHEN tac (tclTRY (clear [id]))
+ else
+ tac
+let raw_inversion inv_kind indbinding id status names gl =
+ let env = pf_env gl and sigma = project gl in
+ let c = mkVar id in
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gl in
+ let t = strong_prodspine (pf_whd_betadeltaiota gl) (pf_type_of gl c) in
+ let indclause = mk_clenv_from wc (c,t) in
+ let indclause' = clenv_constrain_with_bindings indbinding indclause in
+ let newc = clenv_instance_template indclause' in
+ let ccl = clenv_instance_template_type indclause' in
+ check_no_metas indclause' ccl;
+ let IndType (indf,realargs) =
+ try find_rectype env sigma ccl
+ with Not_found ->
+ errorlabstrm "raw_inversion"
+ (str ("The type of "^(string_of_id id)^" is not inductive")) in
+ let (elim_predicate,neqns) =
+ make_inv_predicate env sigma indf realargs id status (pf_concl gl) in
+ let (cut_concl,case_tac) =
+ if status <> NoDep & (dependent c (pf_concl gl)) then
+ Reduction.beta_appvect elim_predicate (Array.of_list (realargs@[c])),
+ case_then_using
+ else
+ Reduction.beta_appvect elim_predicate (Array.of_list realargs),
+ case_nodep_then_using
+ in
+ (tclTHENS
+ (true_cut Anonymous cut_concl)
+ [case_tac names
+ (introCaseAssumsThen (rewrite_equations_tac inv_kind id neqns))
+ (Some elim_predicate) ([],[]) newc;
+ onLastHyp
+ (fun id ->
+ (tclTHEN
+ (apply_term (mkVar id)
+ (list_tabulate (fun _ -> mkMeta(Clenv.new_meta())) neqns))
+ reflexivity))])
+ gl
+(* Error messages of the inversion tactics *)
+let not_found_message ids =
+ if List.length ids = 1 then
+ (str "the variable" ++ spc () ++ str (string_of_id (List.hd ids)) ++ spc () ++
+ str" was not found in the current environment")
+ else
+ (str "the variables [" ++
+ spc () ++ prlist (fun id -> (str (string_of_id id) ++ spc ())) ids ++
+ str" ] were not found in the current environment")
+let dep_prop_prop_message id =
+ errorlabstrm "Inv"
+ (str "Inversion on " ++ pr_id id ++
+ str " would needs dependent elimination Prop-Prop")
+let not_inductive_here id =
+ errorlabstrm "mind_specif_of_mind"
+ (str "Cannot recognize an inductive predicate in " ++ pr_id id ++
+ str ". If there is one, may be the structure of the arity or of the type of constructors is hidden by constant definitions.")
+(* Noms d'errreurs obsolètes ?? *)
+let wrap_inv_error id = function
+ | UserError ("Case analysis",s) -> errorlabstrm "Inv needs Nodep Prop Set" s
+ | UserError("mind_specif_of_mind",_) -> not_inductive_here id
+ | UserError (a,b) -> errorlabstrm "Inv" b
+ | Invalid_argument (*"it_list2"*) "List.fold_left2" -> dep_prop_prop_message id
+ | Not_found -> errorlabstrm "Inv" (not_found_message [id])
+ | e -> raise e
+(* The most general inversion tactic *)
+let inversion inv_kind status names id gls =
+ try (raw_inversion inv_kind [] id status names) gls
+ with e -> wrap_inv_error id e
+(* Specializing it... *)
+let inv_gen gene thin status names =
+ try_intros_until (inversion (gene,thin) status names)
+open Tacexpr
+let inv k = inv_gen false k NoDep
+let half_inv_tac id = inv SimpleInversion None (NamedHyp id)
+let inv_tac id = inv FullInversion None (NamedHyp id)
+let inv_clear_tac id = inv FullInversionClear None (NamedHyp id)
+let dinv k c = inv_gen false k (Dep c)
+let half_dinv_tac id = dinv SimpleInversion None None (NamedHyp id)
+let dinv_tac id = dinv FullInversion None None (NamedHyp id)
+let dinv_clear_tac id = dinv FullInversionClear None None (NamedHyp id)
+(* InvIn will bring the specified clauses into the conclusion, and then
+ * perform inversion on the named hypothesis. After, it will intro them
+ * back to their places in the hyp-list. *)
+let invIn k names ids id gls =
+ let hyps = (pf_get_hyp gls) ids in
+ let nb_prod_init = nb_prod (pf_concl gls) in
+ let intros_replace_ids gls =
+ let nb_of_new_hyp =
+ nb_prod (pf_concl gls) - (List.length hyps + nb_prod_init)
+ in
+ if nb_of_new_hyp < 1 then
+ intros_replacing ids gls
+ else
+ tclTHEN (tclDO nb_of_new_hyp intro) (intros_replacing ids) gls
+ in
+ try
+ [bring_hyps hyps;
+ inversion (false,k) NoDep names id;
+ intros_replace_ids])
+ gls
+ with e -> wrap_inv_error id e
+let invIn_gen k names idl = try_intros_until (invIn k names idl)
+let inv_clause k names = function
+ | [] -> inv k names
+ | idl -> invIn_gen k names idl
diff --git a/tactics/inv.mli b/tactics/inv.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e19d8232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/inv.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: inv.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:53 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Term
+open Tacmach
+open Genarg
+open Tacexpr
+open Rawterm
+type inversion_status = Dep of constr option | NoDep
+val inv_gen :
+ bool -> inversion_kind -> inversion_status ->
+ intro_pattern_expr option -> quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
+val invIn_gen :
+ inversion_kind -> intro_pattern_expr option -> identifier list ->
+ quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
+val inv_clause :
+ inversion_kind -> intro_pattern_expr option -> identifier list ->
+ quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
+val inv : inversion_kind -> intro_pattern_expr option ->
+ quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
+val dinv : inversion_kind -> constr option -> intro_pattern_expr option ->
+ quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
+val half_inv_tac : identifier -> tactic
+val inv_tac : identifier -> tactic
+val inv_clear_tac : identifier -> tactic
+val half_dinv_tac : identifier -> tactic
+val dinv_tac : identifier -> tactic
+val dinv_clear_tac : identifier -> tactic
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1be465f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:54 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Sign
+open Evd
+open Printer
+open Reductionops
+open Declarations
+open Entries
+open Inductiveops
+open Environ
+open Tacmach
+open Proof_trees
+open Proof_type
+open Pfedit
+open Evar_refiner
+open Clenv
+open Declare
+open Tacticals
+open Tactics
+open Inv
+open Vernacexpr
+open Safe_typing
+open Decl_kinds
+let not_work_message = "tactic fails to build the inversion lemma, may be because the predicate has arguments that depend on other arguments"
+let no_inductive_inconstr env constr =
+ (str "Cannot recognize an inductive predicate in " ++
+ prterm_env env constr ++
+ str "." ++ spc () ++ str "If there is one, may be the structure of the arity" ++
+ spc () ++ str "or of the type of constructors" ++ spc () ++
+ str "is hidden by constant definitions.")
+(* Inversion stored in lemmas *)
+ An inversion stored in a lemma is computed from a term-pattern, in
+ a signature, as follows:
+ Suppose we have an inductive relation, (I abar), in a signature Gamma:
+ Gamma |- (I abar)
+ Then we compute the free-variables of abar. Suppose that Gamma is
+ thinned out to only include these.
+ [We need technically to require that all free-variables of the
+ types of the free variables of abar are themselves free-variables
+ of abar. This needs to be checked, but it should not pose a
+ problem - it is hard to imagine cases where it would not hold.]
+ Now, we pose the goal:
+ (P:(Gamma)Prop)(Gamma)(I abar)->(P vars[Gamma]).
+ We execute the tactic:
+ REPEAT Intro THEN (OnLastHyp (Inv NONE false o outSOME))
+ This leaves us with some subgoals. All the assumptions after "P"
+ in these subgoals are new assumptions. I.e. if we have a subgoal,
+ P:(Gamma)Prop, Gamma, Hbar:Tbar |- (P ybar)
+ then the assumption we needed to have was
+ (Hbar:Tbar)(P ybar)
+ So we construct all the assumptions we need, and rebuild the goal
+ with these assumptions. Then, we can re-apply the same tactic as
+ above, but instead of stopping after the inversion, we just apply
+ the respective assumption in each subgoal.
+ *)
+let thin_ids env (hyps,vars) =
+ fst
+ (List.fold_left
+ (fun ((ids,globs) as sofar) (id,c,a) ->
+ if List.mem id globs then
+ match c with
+ | None -> (id::ids,(global_vars env a)@globs)
+ | Some body ->
+ (id::ids,(global_vars env body)@(global_vars env a)@globs)
+ else sofar)
+ ([],vars) hyps)
+(* returns the sub_signature of sign corresponding to those identifiers that
+ * are not global. *)
+let get_local_sign sign =
+ let lid = ids_of_sign sign in
+ let globsign = Global.named_context() in
+ let add_local id res_sign =
+ if not (mem_sign globsign id) then
+ add_sign (lookup_sign id sign) res_sign
+ else
+ res_sign
+ in
+ List.fold_right add_local lid nil_sign
+(* returs the identifier of lid that was the latest declared in sign.
+ * (i.e. is the identifier id of lid such that
+ * sign_length (sign_prefix id sign) > sign_length (sign_prefix id' sign) >
+ * for any id'<>id in lid).
+ * it returns both the pair (id,(sign_prefix id sign)) *)
+let max_prefix_sign lid sign =
+ let rec max_rec (resid,prefix) = function
+ | [] -> (resid,prefix)
+ | (id::l) ->
+ let pre = sign_prefix id sign in
+ if sign_length pre > sign_length prefix then
+ max_rec (id,pre) l
+ else
+ max_rec (resid,prefix) l
+ in
+ match lid with
+ | [] -> nil_sign
+ | id::l -> snd (max_rec (id, sign_prefix id sign) l)
+let rec add_prods_sign env sigma t =
+ match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env sigma t) with
+ | Prod (na,c1,b) ->
+ let id = id_of_name_using_hdchar env t na in
+ let b'= subst1 (mkVar id) b in
+ add_prods_sign (push_named (id,None,c1) env) sigma b'
+ | LetIn (na,c1,t1,b) ->
+ let id = id_of_name_using_hdchar env t na in
+ let b'= subst1 (mkVar id) b in
+ add_prods_sign (push_named (id,Some c1,t1) env) sigma b'
+ | _ -> (env,t)
+(* [dep_option] indicates wether the inversion lemma is dependent or not.
+ If it is dependent and I is of the form (x_bar:T_bar)(I t_bar) then
+ the stated goal will be (x_bar:T_bar)(H:(I t_bar))(P t_bar H)
+ where P:(x_bar:T_bar)(H:(I x_bar))[sort].
+ The generalisation of such a goal at the moment of the dependent case should
+ be easy.
+ If it is non dependent, then if [I]=(I t_bar) and (x_bar:T_bar) are the
+ variables occurring in [I], then the stated goal will be:
+ (x_bar:T_bar)(I t_bar)->(P x_bar)
+ where P: P:(x_bar:T_bar)[sort].
+let compute_first_inversion_scheme env sigma ind sort dep_option =
+ let indf,realargs = dest_ind_type ind in
+ let allvars = ids_of_context env in
+ let p = next_ident_away (id_of_string "P") allvars in
+ let pty,goal =
+ if dep_option then
+ let pty = make_arity env true indf sort in
+ let goal =
+ mkProd
+ (Anonymous, mkAppliedInd ind, applist(mkVar p,realargs@[mkRel 1]))
+ in
+ pty,goal
+ else
+ let i = mkAppliedInd ind in
+ let ivars = global_vars env i in
+ let revargs,ownsign =
+ fold_named_context
+ (fun env (id,_,_ as d) (revargs,hyps) ->
+ if List.mem id ivars then
+ ((mkVar id)::revargs,add_named_decl d hyps)
+ else
+ (revargs,hyps))
+ env ~init:([],[])
+ in
+ let pty = it_mkNamedProd_or_LetIn (mkSort sort) ownsign in
+ let goal = mkArrow i (applist(mkVar p, List.rev revargs)) in
+ (pty,goal)
+ in
+ let npty = nf_betadeltaiota env sigma pty in
+ let extenv = push_named (p,None,npty) env in
+ extenv, goal
+(* [inversion_scheme sign I]
+ Given a local signature, [sign], and an instance of an inductive
+ relation, [I], inversion_scheme will prove the associated inversion
+ scheme on sort [sort]. Depending on the value of [dep_option] it will
+ build a dependent lemma or a non-dependent one *)
+let inversion_scheme env sigma t sort dep_option inv_op =
+ let (env,i) = add_prods_sign env sigma t in
+ let ind =
+ try find_rectype env sigma i
+ with Not_found ->
+ errorlabstrm "inversion_scheme" (no_inductive_inconstr env i)
+ in
+ let (invEnv,invGoal) =
+ compute_first_inversion_scheme env sigma ind sort dep_option
+ in
+ assert
+ (list_subset
+ (global_vars env invGoal)
+ (ids_of_named_context (named_context invEnv)));
+ (*
+ errorlabstrm "lemma_inversion"
+ (str"Computed inversion goal was not closed in initial signature");
+ *)
+ let invSign = named_context invEnv in
+ let pfs = mk_pftreestate (mk_goal invSign invGoal) in
+ let pfs = solve_pftreestate (tclTHEN intro (onLastHyp inv_op)) pfs in
+ let (pfterm,meta_types) = extract_open_pftreestate pfs in
+ let global_named_context = Global.named_context () in
+ let ownSign =
+ fold_named_context
+ (fun env (id,_,_ as d) sign ->
+ if mem_named_context id global_named_context then sign
+ else add_named_decl d sign)
+ invEnv ~init:empty_named_context
+ in
+ let (_,ownSign,mvb) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (avoid,sign,mvb) (mv,mvty) ->
+ let h = next_ident_away (id_of_string "H") avoid in
+ (h::avoid, add_named_decl (h,None,mvty) sign, (mv,mkVar h)::mvb))
+ (ids_of_context invEnv, ownSign, [])
+ meta_types
+ in
+ let invProof =
+ it_mkNamedLambda_or_LetIn (local_strong (whd_meta mvb) pfterm) ownSign
+ in
+ invProof
+let add_inversion_lemma name env sigma t sort dep inv_op =
+ let invProof = inversion_scheme env sigma t sort dep inv_op in
+ let _ =
+ declare_constant name
+ (DefinitionEntry { const_entry_body = invProof;
+ const_entry_type = None;
+ const_entry_opaque = false },
+ IsProof Lemma)
+ in ()
+(* open Pfedit *)
+(* inv_op = Inv (derives de complete inv. lemma)
+ * inv_op = InvNoThining (derives de semi inversion lemma) *)
+let inversion_lemma_from_goal n na id sort dep_option inv_op =
+ let pts = get_pftreestate() in
+ let gl = nth_goal_of_pftreestate n pts in
+ let t = pf_get_hyp_typ gl id in
+ let env = pf_env gl and sigma = project gl in
+ let fv = global_vars env t in
+(* Pourquoi ???
+ let thin_ids = thin_ids (hyps,fv) in
+ if not(list_subset thin_ids fv) then
+ errorlabstrm "lemma_inversion"
+ (str"Cannot compute lemma inversion when there are" ++ spc () ++
+ str"free variables in the types of an inductive" ++ spc () ++
+ str"which are not free in its instance"); *)
+ add_inversion_lemma na env sigma t sort dep_option inv_op
+let add_inversion_lemma_exn na com comsort bool tac =
+ let env = Global.env () and sigma = Evd.empty in
+ let c = Constrintern.interp_type sigma env com in
+ let sort = Pretyping.interp_sort comsort in
+ try
+ add_inversion_lemma na env sigma c sort bool tac
+ with
+ | UserError ("Case analysis",s) -> (* référence à Indrec *)
+ errorlabstrm "Inv needs Nodep Prop Set" s
+(* ================================= *)
+(* Applying a given inversion lemma *)
+(* ================================= *)
+let lemInv id c gls =
+ try
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gls in
+ let clause = mk_clenv_type_of wc c in
+ let clause = clenv_constrain_with_bindings [(-1,mkVar id)] clause in
+ elim_res_pf kONT clause true gls
+ with
+ | UserError (a,b) ->
+ errorlabstrm "LemInv"
+ (str "Cannot refine current goal with the lemma " ++
+ prterm_env (Global.env()) c)
+let lemInv_gen id c = try_intros_until (fun id -> lemInv id c) id
+let lemInvIn id c ids gls =
+ let hyps = (pf_get_hyp gls) ids in
+ let intros_replace_ids gls =
+ let nb_of_new_hyp = nb_prod (pf_concl gls) - List.length ids in
+ if nb_of_new_hyp < 1 then
+ intros_replacing ids gls
+ else
+ (tclTHEN (tclDO nb_of_new_hyp intro) (intros_replacing ids)) gls
+ in
+ ((tclTHEN (tclTHEN (bring_hyps hyps) (lemInv id c))
+ (intros_replace_ids)) gls)
+let lemInvIn_gen id c l = try_intros_until (fun id -> lemInvIn id c l) id
+let lemInv_clause id c = function
+ | [] -> lemInv_gen id c
+ | l -> lemInvIn_gen id c l
diff --git a/tactics/leminv.mli b/tactics/leminv.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6617edf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/leminv.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+open Names
+open Term
+open Rawterm
+open Proof_type
+open Topconstr
+val lemInv_gen : quantified_hypothesis -> constr -> tactic
+val lemInvIn_gen : quantified_hypothesis -> constr -> identifier list -> tactic
+val lemInv_clause :
+ quantified_hypothesis -> constr -> identifier list -> tactic
+val inversion_lemma_from_goal :
+ int -> identifier -> identifier -> sorts -> bool ->
+ (identifier -> tactic) -> unit
+val add_inversion_lemma_exn :
+ identifier -> constr_expr -> rawsort -> bool -> (identifier -> tactic) ->
+ unit
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd4fb60e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:54 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Term
+open Libobject
+open Library
+open Pattern
+(* Named, bounded-depth, term-discrimination nets.
+ Implementation:
+ Term-patterns are stored in discrimination-nets, which are
+ themselves stored in a hash-table, indexed by the first label.
+ They are also stored by name in a table on-the-side, so that we can
+ override them if needed. *)
+(* The former comments are from Chet.
+ See the module for further explanations.
+ Eduardo (5/8/97) *)
+type ('na,'a) t = {
+ mutable table : ('na,constr_pattern * 'a) Gmap.t;
+ mutable patterns : (constr_label option,'a Btermdn.t) Gmap.t }
+type ('na,'a) frozen_t =
+ ('na,constr_pattern * 'a) Gmap.t
+ * (constr_label option,'a Btermdn.t) Gmap.t
+let create () =
+ { table = Gmap.empty;
+ patterns = Gmap.empty }
+let get_dn dnm hkey =
+ try Gmap.find hkey dnm with Not_found -> Btermdn.create ()
+let add dn (na,(pat,valu)) =
+ let hkey = option_app fst (Termdn.constr_pat_discr pat) in
+ dn.table <- Gmap.add na (pat,valu) dn.table;
+ let dnm = dn.patterns in
+ dn.patterns <- Gmap.add hkey (Btermdn.add (get_dn dnm hkey) (pat,valu)) dnm
+let rmv dn na =
+ let (pat,valu) = Gmap.find na dn.table in
+ let hkey = option_app fst (Termdn.constr_pat_discr pat) in
+ dn.table <- Gmap.remove na dn.table;
+ let dnm = dn.patterns in
+ dn.patterns <- Gmap.add hkey (Btermdn.rmv (get_dn dnm hkey) (pat,valu)) dnm
+let in_dn dn na = Gmap.mem na dn.table
+let remap ndn na (pat,valu) =
+ rmv ndn na;
+ add ndn (na,(pat,valu))
+let lookup dn valu =
+ let hkey = option_app fst (Termdn.constr_val_discr valu) in
+ try Btermdn.lookup (Gmap.find hkey dn.patterns) valu with Not_found -> []
+let app f dn = Gmap.iter f dn.table
+let dnet_depth = Btermdn.dnet_depth
+let freeze dn = (dn.table, dn.patterns)
+let unfreeze (fnm,fdnm) dn =
+ dn.table <- fnm;
+ dn.patterns <- fdnm
+let empty dn =
+ dn.table <- Gmap.empty;
+ dn.patterns <- Gmap.empty
+let to2lists dn =
+ (Gmap.to_list dn.table, Gmap.to_list dn.patterns)
diff --git a/tactics/nbtermdn.mli b/tactics/nbtermdn.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90656619
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/nbtermdn.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: nbtermdn.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:54 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Term
+open Pattern
+(* Named, bounded-depth, term-discrimination nets. *)
+type ('na,'a) t
+type ('na,'a) frozen_t
+val create : unit -> ('na,'a) t
+val add : ('na,'a) t -> ('na * (constr_pattern * 'a)) -> unit
+val rmv : ('na,'a) t -> 'na -> unit
+val in_dn : ('na,'a) t -> 'na -> bool
+val remap : ('na,'a) t -> 'na -> (constr_pattern * 'a) -> unit
+val lookup : ('na,'a) t -> constr -> (constr_pattern * 'a) list
+val app : ('na -> (constr_pattern * 'a) -> unit) -> ('na,'a) t -> unit
+val dnet_depth : int ref
+val freeze : ('na,'a) t -> ('na,'a) frozen_t
+val unfreeze : ('na,'a) frozen_t -> ('na,'a) t -> unit
+val empty : ('na,'a) t -> unit
+val to2lists : ('na,'a) t -> ('na * (constr_pattern * 'a)) list *
+ (constr_label option * 'a Btermdn.t) list
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4a2fb01b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:54 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(* JCF -- 6 janvier 1998 EXPERIMENTAL *)
+ * L'idée est, en quelque sorte, d'avoir de "vraies" métavariables
+ * dans Coq, c'est-à-dire de donner des preuves incomplètes -- mais
+ * où les trous sont typés -- et que les sous-buts correspondants
+ * soient engendrés pour finir la preuve.
+ *
+ * Exemple :
+ * J'ai le but
+ * (x:nat) { y:nat | (minus y x) = x }
+ * et je donne la preuve incomplète
+ * [x:nat](exist nat [y:nat]((minus y x)=x) (plus x x) ?)
+ * ce qui engendre le but
+ * (minus (plus x x) x)=x
+ *)
+(* Pour cela, on procède de la manière suivante :
+ *
+ * 1. Un terme de preuve incomplet est un terme contenant des variables
+ * existentielles Evar i.e. "?" en syntaxe concrète.
+ * La résolution de ces variables n'est plus nécessairement totale
+ * (ise_resolve called with fail_evar=false) et les variables
+ * existentielles restantes sont remplacées par des méta-variables
+ * castées par leur types (celui est connu : soit donné, soit trouvé
+ * pendant la phase de résolution).
+ *
+ * 2. On met ensuite le terme "à plat" i.e. on n'autorise des MV qu'au
+ * permier niveau et pour chacune d'elles, si nécessaire, on donne
+ * à son tour un terme de preuve incomplet pour la résoudre.
+ * Exemple: le terme (f a ? [x:nat](e ?)) donne
+ * (f a ?1 ?2) avec ?2 => [x:nat]?3 et ?3 => (e ?4)
+ * ?1 et ?4 donneront des buts
+ *
+ * 3. On écrit ensuite une tactique tcc qui engendre les sous-buts
+ * à partir d'une preuve incomplète.
+ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Tacmach
+open Sign
+open Environ
+open Reduction
+open Typing
+open Tactics
+open Tacticals
+open Printer
+type term_with_holes = TH of constr * metamap * sg_proofs
+and sg_proofs = (term_with_holes option) list
+(* pour debugger *)
+let rec pp_th (TH(c,mm,sg)) =
+ (str"TH=[ " ++ hov 0 (prterm c ++ fnl () ++
+ (* pp_mm mm ++ fnl () ++ *)
+ pp_sg sg) ++ str "]")
+and pp_mm l =
+ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> (fnl ()))
+ (fun (n,c) -> (int n ++ str" --> " ++ prterm c)) l)
+and pp_sg sg =
+ hov 0 (prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> (fnl ()))
+ (function None -> (str"None") | Some th -> (pp_th th)) sg)
+(* compute_metamap : constr -> 'a evar_map -> term_with_holes
+ * réalise le 2. ci-dessus
+ *
+ * Pour cela, on renvoie une meta_map qui indique pour chaque meta-variable
+ * si elle correspond à un but (None) ou si elle réduite à son tour
+ * par un terme de preuve incomplet (Some c).
+ *
+ * On a donc l'INVARIANT suivant : le terme c rendu est "de niveau 1"
+ * -- i.e. à plat -- et la meta_map contient autant d'éléments qu'il y
+ * a de meta-variables dans c. On suppose de plus que l'ordre dans la
+ * meta_map correspond à celui des buts qui seront engendrés par le refine.
+ *)
+let replace_by_meta env gmm = function
+ | TH (m, mm, sgp) when isMeta (strip_outer_cast m) -> m,mm,sgp
+ | (TH (c,mm,_)) as th ->
+ let n = Clenv.new_meta() in
+ let m = mkMeta n in
+ (* quand on introduit une mv on calcule son type *)
+ let ty = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Lambda (Name id,c1,c2) when isCast c2 ->
+ mkNamedProd id c1 (snd (destCast c2))
+ | Lambda (Anonymous,c1,c2) when isCast c2 ->
+ mkArrow c1 (snd (destCast c2))
+ | _ -> (* (App _ | Case _) -> *)
+ Retyping.get_type_of_with_meta env Evd.empty (gmm@mm) c
+ (*
+ | Fix ((_,j),(v,_,_)) ->
+ v.(j) (* en pleine confiance ! *)
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "Tcc.replace_by_meta (TO DO)"
+ *)
+ in
+ mkCast (m,ty),[n,ty],[Some th]
+exception NoMeta
+let replace_in_array env gmm a =
+ if array_for_all (function (TH (_,_,[])) -> true | _ -> false) a then
+ raise NoMeta;
+ let a' = (function
+ | (TH (c,mm,[])) -> c,mm,[]
+ | th -> replace_by_meta env gmm th) a
+ in
+ let v' = (fun (x,_,_) -> x) a' in
+ let mm = Array.fold_left (@) [] ( (fun (_,x,_) -> x) a') in
+ let sgp = Array.fold_left (@) [] ( (fun (_,_,x) -> x) a') in
+ v',mm,sgp
+let fresh env n =
+ let id = match n with Name x -> x | _ -> id_of_string "_" in
+ next_global_ident_away true id (ids_of_named_context (named_context env))
+let rec compute_metamap env gmm c = match kind_of_term c with
+ (* le terme est directement une preuve *)
+ | (Const _ | Evar _ | Ind _ | Construct _ |
+ Sort _ | Var _ | Rel _) ->
+ TH (c,[],[])
+ (* le terme est une mv => un but *)
+ | Meta n ->
+ (*
+ Pp.warning (Printf.sprintf ("compute_metamap: MV(%d) sans type !\n") n);
+ let ty = Retyping.get_type_of_with_meta env Evd.empty lmeta c in
+ *)
+ TH (c,[],[None])
+ | Cast (m,ty) when isMeta m ->
+ TH (c,[destMeta m,ty],[None])
+ (* abstraction => il faut décomposer si le terme dessous n'est pas pur
+ * attention : dans ce cas il faut remplacer (Rel 1) par (Var x)
+ * où x est une variable FRAICHE *)
+ | Lambda (name,c1,c2) ->
+ let v = fresh env name in
+ let env' = push_named (v,None,c1) env in
+ begin match compute_metamap env' gmm (subst1 (mkVar v) c2) with
+ (* terme de preuve complet *)
+ | TH (_,_,[]) -> TH (c,[],[])
+ (* terme de preuve incomplet *)
+ | th ->
+ let m,mm,sgp = replace_by_meta env' gmm th in
+ TH (mkLambda (Name v,c1,m), mm, sgp)
+ end
+ | LetIn (name, c1, t1, c2) ->
+ if occur_meta c1 then
+ error "Refine: body of let-in cannot contain existentials";
+ let v = fresh env name in
+ let env' = push_named (v,Some c1,t1) env in
+ begin match compute_metamap env' gmm (subst1 (mkVar v) c2) with
+ (* terme de preuve complet *)
+ | TH (_,_,[]) -> TH (c,[],[])
+ (* terme de preuve incomplet *)
+ | th ->
+ let m,mm,sgp = replace_by_meta env' gmm th in
+ TH (mkLetIn (Name v,c1,t1,m), mm, sgp)
+ end
+ (* 4. Application *)
+ | App (f,v) ->
+ let a = (compute_metamap env gmm) (Array.append [|f|] v) in
+ begin
+ try
+ let v',mm,sgp = replace_in_array env gmm a in
+ let v'' = Array.sub v' 1 (Array.length v) in
+ TH (mkApp(v'.(0), v''),mm,sgp)
+ with NoMeta ->
+ TH (c,[],[])
+ end
+ | Case (ci,p,cc,v) ->
+ (* bof... *)
+ let nbr = Array.length v in
+ let v = Array.append [|p;cc|] v in
+ let a = (compute_metamap env gmm) v in
+ begin
+ try
+ let v',mm,sgp = replace_in_array env gmm a in
+ let v'' = Array.sub v' 2 nbr in
+ TH (mkCase (ci,v'.(0),v'.(1),v''),mm,sgp)
+ with NoMeta ->
+ TH (c,[],[])
+ end
+ (* 5. Fix. *)
+ | Fix ((ni,i),(fi,ai,v)) ->
+ (* TODO: use a fold *)
+ let vi = (fresh env) fi in
+ let fi' = (fun id -> Name id) vi in
+ let env' = push_named_rec_types (fi',ai,v) env in
+ let a =
+ (compute_metamap env' gmm)
+ ( (substl ( mkVar (Array.to_list vi))) v)
+ in
+ begin
+ try
+ let v',mm,sgp = replace_in_array env' gmm a in
+ let fix = mkFix ((ni,i),(fi',ai,v')) in
+ TH (fix,mm,sgp)
+ with NoMeta ->
+ TH (c,[],[])
+ end
+ (* Cast. Est-ce bien exact ? *)
+ | Cast (c,t) -> compute_metamap env gmm c
+ (*let TH (c',mm,sgp) = compute_metamap sign c in
+ TH (mkCast (c',t),mm,sgp) *)
+ (* Produit. Est-ce bien exact ? *)
+ | Prod (_,_,_) ->
+ if occur_meta c then
+ error "Refine: proof term contains metas in a product"
+ else
+ TH (c,[],[])
+ (* Cofix. *)
+ | CoFix (i,(fi,ai,v)) ->
+ let vi = (fresh env) fi in
+ let fi' = (fun id -> Name id) vi in
+ let env' = push_named_rec_types (fi',ai,v) env in
+ let a =
+ (compute_metamap env' gmm)
+ ( (substl ( mkVar (Array.to_list vi))) v)
+ in
+ begin
+ try
+ let v',mm,sgp = replace_in_array env' gmm a in
+ let cofix = mkCoFix (i,(fi',ai,v')) in
+ TH (cofix,mm,sgp)
+ with NoMeta ->
+ TH (c,[],[])
+ end
+(* tcc_aux : term_with_holes -> tactic
+ *
+ * Réalise le 3. ci-dessus
+ *)
+let rec tcc_aux subst (TH (c,mm,sgp) as th) gl =
+ let c = substl subst c in
+ match (kind_of_term c,sgp) with
+ (* mv => sous-but : on ne fait rien *)
+ | Meta _ , _ ->
+ tclIDTAC gl
+ | Cast (c,_), _ when isMeta c ->
+ tclIDTAC gl
+ (* terme pur => refine *)
+ | _,[] ->
+ refine c gl
+ (* abstraction => intro *)
+ | Lambda (Name id,_,m), _ when isMeta (strip_outer_cast m) ->
+ begin match sgp with
+ | [None] -> introduction id gl
+ | [Some th] ->
+ tclTHEN (introduction id)
+ (onLastHyp (fun id -> tcc_aux (mkVar id::subst) th)) gl
+ | _ -> assert false
+ end
+ | Lambda _, _ ->
+ anomaly "invalid lambda passed to function tcc_aux"
+ (* let in *)
+ | LetIn (Name id,c1,t1,c2), _ when isMeta (strip_outer_cast c2) ->
+ let c = pf_concl gl in
+ let newc = mkNamedLetIn id c1 t1 c in
+ tclTHEN
+ (change_in_concl None newc)
+ (match sgp with
+ | [None] -> introduction id
+ | [Some th] ->
+ tclTHEN (introduction id)
+ (onLastHyp (fun id -> tcc_aux (mkVar id::subst) th))
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ gl
+ | LetIn _, _ ->
+ anomaly "invalid let-in passed to function tcc_aux"
+ (* fix => tactique Fix *)
+ | Fix ((ni,_),(fi,ai,_)) , _ ->
+ let out_name = function
+ | Name id -> id
+ | _ -> error "recursive functions must have names !"
+ in
+ let fixes = array_map3 (fun f n c -> (out_name f,succ n,c)) fi ni ai in
+ tclTHENS
+ (mutual_fix (out_name fi.(0)) (succ ni.(0))
+ ( (Array.to_list fixes)))
+ ( (function
+ | None -> tclIDTAC
+ | Some th -> tcc_aux subst th) sgp)
+ gl
+ (* cofix => tactique CoFix *)
+ | CoFix (_,(fi,ai,_)) , _ ->
+ let out_name = function
+ | Name id -> id
+ | _ -> error "recursive functions must have names !"
+ in
+ let cofixes = array_map2 (fun f c -> (out_name f,c)) fi ai in
+ tclTHENS
+ (mutual_cofix (out_name fi.(0)) ( (Array.to_list cofixes)))
+ ( (function
+ | None -> tclIDTAC
+ | Some th -> tcc_aux subst th) sgp)
+ gl
+ (* sinon on fait refine du terme puis appels rec. sur les sous-buts.
+ * c'est le cas pour App et MutCase. *)
+ | _ ->
+ tclTHENS
+ (refine c)
+ (
+ (function None -> tclIDTAC | Some th -> tcc_aux subst th) sgp)
+ gl
+(* Et finalement la tactique refine elle-même : *)
+let refine oc gl =
+ let sigma = project gl in
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ let (gmm,c) = Clenv.exist_to_meta sigma oc in
+ let th = compute_metamap env gmm c in
+ tcc_aux [] th gl
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e053aea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/refine.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: refine.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:55 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Term
+open Tacmach
+val refine : Pretyping.open_constr -> tactic
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74b062e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:55 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Tacmach
+open Proof_type
+open Libobject
+open Reductionops
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Names
+open Entries
+open Libnames
+open Nameops
+open Util
+open Pp
+open Printer
+open Environ
+open Tactics
+open Tacticals
+open Vernacexpr
+open Safe_typing
+open Nametab
+open Decl_kinds
+open Constrintern
+type setoid =
+ { set_a : constr;
+ set_aeq : constr;
+ set_th : constr
+ }
+type morphism =
+ { lem : constr;
+ profil : bool list;
+ arg_types : constr list;
+ lem2 : constr option
+ }
+let constr_of c = Constrintern.interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) c
+let constant dir s = Coqlib.gen_constant "Setoid_replace" ("Setoids"::dir) s
+let global_constant dir s =Coqlib.gen_constant "Setoid_replace" ("Init"::dir) s
+let current_constant id =
+ try
+ global_reference id
+ with Not_found ->
+ anomaly ("Setoid: cannot find "^(string_of_id id))
+(* Setoid_theory *)
+let coq_Setoid_Theory = lazy(constant ["Setoid"] "Setoid_Theory")
+let coq_seq_refl = lazy(constant ["Setoid"] "Seq_refl")
+let coq_seq_sym = lazy(constant ["Setoid"] "Seq_sym")
+let coq_seq_trans = lazy(constant ["Setoid"] "Seq_trans")
+let coq_fleche = lazy(constant ["Setoid"] "fleche")
+(* Coq constants *)
+let coqeq = lazy(global_constant ["Logic"] "eq")
+let coqconj = lazy(global_constant ["Logic"] "conj")
+let coqand = lazy(global_constant ["Logic"] "and")
+let coqproj1 = lazy(global_constant ["Logic"] "proj1")
+let coqproj2 = lazy(global_constant ["Logic"] "proj2")
+(************************* Table of declared setoids **********************)
+(* Setoids are stored in a table which is synchronised with the Reset mechanism. *)
+module Cmap = Map.Make(struct type t = constr let compare = compare end)
+let setoid_table = ref Gmap.empty
+let setoid_table_add (s,th) = setoid_table := Gmap.add s th !setoid_table
+let setoid_table_find s = Gmap.find s !setoid_table
+let setoid_table_mem s = Gmap.mem s !setoid_table
+let subst_setoid subst setoid =
+ let set_a' = subst_mps subst setoid.set_a in
+ let set_aeq' = subst_mps subst setoid.set_aeq in
+ let set_th' = subst_mps subst setoid.set_th in
+ if set_a' == setoid.set_a
+ && set_aeq' == setoid.set_aeq
+ && set_th' == setoid.set_th
+ then
+ setoid
+ else
+ { set_a = set_a' ;
+ set_aeq = set_aeq' ;
+ set_th = set_th' ;
+ }
+let equiv_list () = (fun x -> x.set_aeq) (Gmap.rng !setoid_table)
+let _ =
+ Summary.declare_summary "setoid-table"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () -> !setoid_table);
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun t -> setoid_table := t);
+ Summary.init_function = (fun () -> setoid_table := Gmap .empty);
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = false }
+(* Declare a new type of object in the environment : "setoid-theory". *)
+let (setoid_to_obj, obj_to_setoid)=
+ let cache_set (_,(s, th)) = setoid_table_add (s,th)
+ and subst_set (_,subst,(s,th as obj)) =
+ let s' = subst_mps subst s in
+ let th' = subst_setoid subst th in
+ if s' == s && th' == th then obj else
+ (s',th')
+ and export_set x = Some x
+ in
+ declare_object {(default_object "setoid-theory") with
+ cache_function = cache_set;
+ open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_set o);
+ subst_function = subst_set;
+ classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x);
+ export_function = export_set}
+(******************************* Table of declared morphisms ********************)
+(* Setoids are stored in a table which is synchronised with the Reset mechanism. *)
+let morphism_table = ref Gmap.empty
+let morphism_table_add (m,c) = morphism_table := Gmap.add m c !morphism_table
+let morphism_table_find m = Gmap.find m !morphism_table
+let morphism_table_mem m = Gmap.mem m !morphism_table
+let subst_morph subst morph =
+ let lem' = subst_mps subst morph.lem in
+ let arg_types' = list_smartmap (subst_mps subst) morph.arg_types in
+ let lem2' = option_smartmap (subst_mps subst) morph.lem2 in
+ if lem' == morph.lem
+ && arg_types' == morph.arg_types
+ && lem2' == morph.lem2
+ then
+ morph
+ else
+ { lem = lem' ;
+ profil = morph.profil ;
+ arg_types = arg_types' ;
+ lem2 = lem2' ;
+ }
+let _ =
+ Summary.declare_summary "morphism-table"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () -> !morphism_table);
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun t -> morphism_table := t);
+ Summary.init_function = (fun () -> morphism_table := Gmap .empty);
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = false }
+(* Declare a new type of object in the environment : "morphism-definition". *)
+let (morphism_to_obj, obj_to_morphism)=
+ let cache_set (_,(m, c)) = morphism_table_add (m, c)
+ and subst_set (_,subst,(m,c as obj)) =
+ let m' = subst_mps subst m in
+ let c' = subst_morph subst c in
+ if m' == m && c' == c then obj else
+ (m',c')
+ and export_set x = Some x
+ in
+ declare_object {(default_object "morphism-definition") with
+ cache_function = cache_set;
+ open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_set o);
+ subst_function = subst_set;
+ classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x);
+ export_function = export_set}
+(************************** Adding a setoid to the database *********************)
+(* Find the setoid theory associated with a given type A.
+This implies that only one setoid theory can be declared for
+a given type A. *)
+let find_theory a =
+ try
+ setoid_table_find a
+ with Not_found ->
+ errorlabstrm "Setoid"
+ (str "No Declared Setoid Theory for " ++
+ prterm a ++ fnl () ++
+ str "Use Add Setoid to declare it")
+(* Add a Setoid to the database after a type verification. *)
+let eq_lem_common_sign env a eq =
+ let na = named_hd env a Anonymous in
+ let ne = named_hd env eq Anonymous in
+ [(ne,None,mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 3);(mkRel 2)|]));
+ (ne,None,mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 4);(mkRel 3)|]));
+ (na,None,a);(na,None,a);(na,None,a);(na,None,a)]
+(* Proof of (a,b,c,d:A)(eq a b)->(eq c d)->(eq a c)->(eq b d) *)
+let eq_lem_proof env a eq sym trans =
+ let sign = eq_lem_common_sign env a eq in
+ let ne = named_hd env eq Anonymous in
+ let sign = (ne,None,mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 6);(mkRel 4)|]))::sign in
+ let ccl = mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 6);(mkRel 4)|]) in
+ let body =
+ mkApp (trans,
+ [|(mkRel 6);(mkRel 7);(mkRel 4);
+ (mkApp (sym, [|(mkRel 7);(mkRel 6);(mkRel 3)|]));
+ (mkApp (trans,
+ [|(mkRel 7);(mkRel 5);(mkRel 4);(mkRel 1);(mkRel 2)|]))|]) in
+ let p = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn body sign in
+ let t = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ccl sign in
+ (p,t)
+(* Proof of (a,b,c,d:A)(eq a b)->(eq c d)->((eq a c)<->(eq b d)) *)
+let eq_lem2_proof env a eq sym trans =
+ let sign = eq_lem_common_sign env a eq in
+ let ccl1 =
+ mkArrow
+ (mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 6);(mkRel 4)|]))
+ (mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 6);(mkRel 4)|])) in
+ let ccl2 =
+ mkArrow
+ (mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 5);(mkRel 3)|]))
+ (mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 7);(mkRel 5)|])) in
+ let ccl = mkApp (Lazy.force coqand, [|ccl1;ccl2|]) in
+ let body =
+ mkApp ((Lazy.force coqconj),
+ [|ccl1;ccl2;
+ lambda_create env
+ (mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 6);(mkRel 4)|]),
+ (mkApp (trans,
+ [|(mkRel 6);(mkRel 7);(mkRel 4);
+ (mkApp (sym, [|(mkRel 7);(mkRel 6);(mkRel 3)|]));
+ (mkApp (trans,
+ [|(mkRel 7);(mkRel 5);(mkRel 4);(mkRel 1);(mkRel 2)|]))|])));
+ lambda_create env
+ (mkApp (eq, [|(mkRel 5);(mkRel 3)|]),
+ (mkApp (trans,
+ [|(mkRel 7);(mkRel 6);(mkRel 5);(mkRel 3);
+ (mkApp (trans,
+ [|(mkRel 6);(mkRel 4);(mkRel 5);(mkRel 1);
+ (mkApp (sym, [|(mkRel 5);(mkRel 4);(mkRel 2)|]))|]))|])))|])
+ in
+ let p = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn body sign in
+ let t = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ccl sign in
+ (p,t)
+let gen_eq_lem_name =
+ let i = ref 0 in
+ function () ->
+ incr i;
+ make_ident "setoid_eq_ext" (Some !i)
+let add_setoid a aeq th =
+ if setoid_table_mem a
+ then errorlabstrm "Add Setoid"
+ (str "A Setoid Theory is already declared for " ++ prterm a)
+ else let env = Global.env () in
+ if (is_conv env Evd.empty (Typing.type_of env Evd.empty th)
+ (mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_Setoid_Theory), [| a; aeq |])))
+ then (Lib.add_anonymous_leaf
+ (setoid_to_obj
+ (a, { set_a = a;
+ set_aeq = aeq;
+ set_th = th}));
+ let sym = mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_seq_sym), [|a; aeq; th|]) in
+ let trans = mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_seq_trans), [|a; aeq; th|]) in
+ let (eq_morph, eq_morph_typ) = eq_lem_proof env a aeq sym trans in
+ let (eq_morph2, eq_morph2_typ) = eq_lem2_proof env a aeq sym trans in
+ Options.if_verbose ppnl (prterm a ++str " is registered as a setoid");
+ let eq_ext_name = gen_eq_lem_name () in
+ let eq_ext_name2 = gen_eq_lem_name () in
+ let _ = Declare.declare_constant eq_ext_name
+ ((DefinitionEntry {const_entry_body = eq_morph;
+ const_entry_type = Some eq_morph_typ;
+ const_entry_opaque = true}),
+ IsProof Lemma) in
+ let _ = Declare.declare_constant eq_ext_name2
+ ((DefinitionEntry {const_entry_body = eq_morph2;
+ const_entry_type = Some eq_morph2_typ;
+ const_entry_opaque = true}),
+ IsProof Lemma) in
+ let eqmorph = (current_constant eq_ext_name) in
+ let eqmorph2 = (current_constant eq_ext_name2) in
+ (Lib.add_anonymous_leaf
+ (morphism_to_obj (aeq,
+ { lem = eqmorph;
+ profil = [true; true];
+ arg_types = [a;a];
+ lem2 = (Some eqmorph2)})));
+ Options.if_verbose ppnl (prterm aeq ++str " is registered as a morphism"))
+ else errorlabstrm "Add Setoid" (str "Not a valid setoid theory")
+(* The vernac command "Add Setoid" *)
+let add_setoid a aeq th =
+ add_setoid (constr_of a) (constr_of aeq) (constr_of th)
+(***************** Adding a morphism to the database ****************************)
+(* We maintain a table of the currently edited proofs of morphism lemma
+ in order to add them in the morphism_table when the user does Save *)
+let edited = ref Gmap.empty
+let new_edited id m profil =
+ edited := Gmap.add id (m,profil) !edited
+let is_edited id =
+ Gmap.mem id !edited
+let no_more_edited id =
+ edited := Gmap.remove id !edited
+let what_edited id =
+ Gmap.find id !edited
+let check_is_dependent t n =
+ let rec aux t i n =
+ if (i<n)
+ then (dependent (mkRel i) t) || (aux t (i+1) n)
+ else false
+ in aux t 0 n
+let gen_lem_name m = match kind_of_term m with
+ | Var id -> add_suffix id "_ext"
+ | Const kn -> add_suffix (id_of_label (label kn)) "_ext"
+ | Ind (kn, i) -> add_suffix (id_of_label (label kn)) ((string_of_int i)^"_ext")
+ | Construct ((kn,i),j) -> add_suffix
+ (id_of_label (label kn)) ((string_of_int i)^(string_of_int j)^"_ext")
+ | _ -> errorlabstrm "New Morphism" (str "The term " ++ prterm m ++ str "is not a known name")
+let gen_lemma_tail m lisset body n =
+ let l = (List.length lisset) in
+ let a1 = Array.create l (mkRel 0) in
+ let a2 = Array.create l (mkRel 0) in
+ let rec aux i n = function
+ | true::q ->
+ a1.(i) <- (mkRel n);
+ a2.(i) <- (mkRel (n-1));
+ aux (i+1) (n-2) q
+ | false::q ->
+ a1.(i) <- (mkRel n);
+ a2.(i) <- (mkRel n);
+ aux (i+1) (n-1) q
+ | [] -> () in
+ aux 0 n lisset;
+ if (eq_constr body mkProp)
+ then mkArrow (mkApp (m,a1)) (lift 1 (mkApp (m, a2)))
+ else if (setoid_table_mem body)
+ then mkApp ((setoid_table_find body).set_aeq, [|(mkApp (m, a1)); (mkApp (m, a2))|])
+ else mkApp ((Lazy.force coqeq), [|body; (mkApp (m, a1)); (mkApp (m, a2))|])
+let gen_lemma_middle m larg lisset body n =
+ let rec aux la li i n = match (la, li) with
+ | ([], []) -> gen_lemma_tail m lisset body n
+ | (t::q, true::lq) ->
+ mkArrow (mkApp ((setoid_table_find t).set_aeq,
+ [|(mkRel i); (mkRel (i-1))|])) (aux q lq (i-1) (n+1))
+ | (t::q, false::lq) -> aux q lq (i-1) n
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in aux larg lisset n n
+let gen_compat_lemma env m body larg lisset =
+ let rec aux la li n = match (la, li) with
+ | (t::q, true::lq) ->
+ prod_create env (t,(prod_create env (t, (aux q lq (n+2)))))
+ | (t::q, false::lq) ->
+ prod_create env (t, (aux q lq (n+1)))
+ | ([],[]) -> gen_lemma_middle m larg lisset body n
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in aux larg lisset 0
+let new_morphism m id hook =
+ if morphism_table_mem m
+ then errorlabstrm "New Morphism"
+ (str "The term " ++ prterm m ++ str " is already declared as a morphism")
+ else
+ let env = Global.env() in
+ let typeofm = (Typing.type_of env Evd.empty m) in
+ let typ = (nf_betaiota typeofm) in (* nf_bdi avant, mais bug *)
+ let (argsrev, body) = (decompose_prod typ) in
+ let args = (List.rev argsrev) in
+ if (args=[])
+ then errorlabstrm "New Morphism"
+ (str "The term " ++ prterm m ++ str " is not a product")
+ else if (check_is_dependent typ (List.length args))
+ then errorlabstrm "New Morphism"
+ (str "The term " ++ prterm m ++ str " should not be a dependent product")
+ else (
+ let args_t = ( snd args) in
+ let poss = ( setoid_table_mem args_t) in
+ let lem = (gen_compat_lemma env m body args_t poss) in
+ new_edited id m poss;
+ Pfedit.start_proof id (IsGlobal (Proof Lemma))
+ (Declare.clear_proofs (Global.named_context ()))
+ lem hook;
+ (Options.if_verbose msg (Pfedit.pr_open_subgoals ())))
+let rec sub_bool l1 n = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | true::q -> ((List.hd l1), n)::(sub_bool ( l1) (n-2) q)
+ | false::q -> (sub_bool ( l1) (n-1) q)
+let gen_lemma_iff_tail m mext larg lisset n k =
+ let a1 = Array.create k (mkRel 0) in
+ let a2 = Array.create k (mkRel 0) in
+ let nb = List.length lisset in
+ let b1 = Array.create nb (mkRel 0) in
+ let b2 = Array.create nb (mkRel 0) in
+ let rec aux i j = function
+ |[] -> ()
+ |true::q ->
+ (a1.(i) <- (mkRel j);
+ a1.(i+1) <- (mkRel (j-1));
+ a2.(i) <- (mkRel (j-1));
+ a2.(i+1) <- (mkRel j);
+ aux (i+2) (j-2) q)
+ |false::q ->
+ (a1.(i) <- (mkRel j);
+ a2.(i) <- (mkRel j);
+ aux (i+1) (j-1) q) in
+ let rec aux2 i j = function
+ | (t,p)::q ->
+ let th = (setoid_table_find t).set_th
+ and equiv = (setoid_table_find t).set_aeq in
+ a1.(i) <- (mkRel j);
+ a2.(i) <- mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_seq_sym),
+ [|t; equiv; th; (mkRel p); (mkRel (p-1)); (mkRel j)|]);
+ aux2 (i+1) (j-1) q
+ | [] -> () in
+ let rec aux3 i j = function
+ | true::q ->
+ b1.(i) <- (mkRel j);
+ b2.(i) <- (mkRel (j-1));
+ aux3 (i+1) (j-2) q
+ | false::q ->
+ b1.(i) <- (mkRel j);
+ b2.(i) <- (mkRel j);
+ aux3 (i+1) (j-1) q
+ | [] -> () in
+ aux 0 k lisset;
+ aux2 n (k-n) (sub_bool larg k lisset);
+ aux3 0 k lisset;
+ mkApp ((Lazy.force coqconj),
+ [|(mkArrow (mkApp (m,b1)) (lift 1 (mkApp (m, b2))));
+ (mkArrow (mkApp (m,b2)) (lift 1 (mkApp (m, b1))));
+ (mkApp (mext, a1));(mkApp (mext, a2))|])
+let gen_lemma_iff_middle env m mext larg lisset n =
+ let rec aux la li i k = match (la, li) with
+ | ([], []) -> gen_lemma_iff_tail m mext larg lisset n k
+ | (t::q, true::lq) ->
+ lambda_create env ((mkApp ((setoid_table_find t).set_aeq, [|(mkRel i); (mkRel (i-1))|])),
+ (aux q lq (i-1) (k+1)))
+ | (t::q, false::lq) -> aux q lq (i-1) k
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in aux larg lisset n n
+let gen_lem_iff env m mext larg lisset =
+ let rec aux la li n = match (la, li) with
+ | (t::q, true::lq) ->
+ lambda_create env (t,(lambda_create env (t, (aux q lq (n+2)))))
+ | (t::q, false::lq) ->
+ lambda_create env (t, (aux q lq (n+1)))
+ | ([],[]) -> gen_lemma_iff_middle env m mext larg lisset n
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in aux larg lisset 0
+let add_morphism lem_name (m,profil) =
+ if morphism_table_mem m
+ then errorlabstrm "New Morphism"
+ (str "The term " ++ prterm m ++ str " is already declared as a morpism")
+ else
+ let env = Global.env() in
+ let mext = (current_constant lem_name) in
+ let typeofm = (Typing.type_of env Evd.empty m) in
+ let typ = (nf_betaiota typeofm) in
+ let (argsrev, body) = (decompose_prod typ) in
+ let args = List.rev argsrev in
+ let args_t = ( snd args) in
+ let poss = ( setoid_table_mem args_t) in
+ let _ = assert (poss=profil) in
+ (if (eq_constr body mkProp)
+ then
+ (let lem_2 = gen_lem_iff env m mext args_t poss in
+ let lem2_name = add_suffix lem_name "2" in
+ let _ = Declare.declare_constant lem2_name
+ ((DefinitionEntry {const_entry_body = lem_2;
+ const_entry_type = None;
+ const_entry_opaque = true}),
+ IsProof Lemma) in
+ let lem2 = (current_constant lem2_name) in
+ (Lib.add_anonymous_leaf
+ (morphism_to_obj (m,
+ { lem = mext;
+ profil = poss;
+ arg_types = args_t;
+ lem2 = (Some lem2)})));
+ Options.if_verbose message ((string_of_id lem2_name) ^ " is defined"))
+ else
+ (Lib.add_anonymous_leaf
+ (morphism_to_obj (m,
+ { lem = mext;
+ profil = poss;
+ arg_types = args_t;
+ lem2 = None}))));
+ Options.if_verbose ppnl (prterm m ++str " is registered as a morphism")
+let morphism_hook stre ref =
+ let pf_id = id_of_global ref in
+ if (is_edited pf_id)
+ then
+ (add_morphism pf_id (what_edited pf_id); no_more_edited pf_id)
+let new_named_morphism id m = new_morphism (constr_of m) id morphism_hook
+(****************************** The tactic itself *******************************)
+type constr_with_marks =
+ | MApp of constr_with_marks array
+ | Toreplace
+ | Tokeep
+ | Mimp of constr_with_marks * constr_with_marks
+let is_to_replace = function
+ | Tokeep -> false
+ | Toreplace -> true
+ | MApp _ -> true
+ | Mimp _ -> true
+let get_mark a =
+ Array.fold_left (||) false ( is_to_replace a)
+let rec mark_occur t in_c =
+ if (eq_constr t in_c) then Toreplace else
+ match kind_of_term in_c with
+ | App (c,al) ->
+ let a = (mark_occur t) al
+ in if (get_mark a) then (MApp a) else Tokeep
+ | Prod (_, c1, c2) ->
+ if (dependent (mkRel 1) c2)
+ then Tokeep
+ else
+ let c1m = mark_occur t c1 in
+ let c2m = mark_occur t c2 in
+ if ((is_to_replace c1m)||(is_to_replace c2m))
+ then (Mimp (c1m, c2m))
+ else Tokeep
+ | _ -> Tokeep
+let create_args ca ma bl c1 c2 =
+ let rec aux i = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | true::q ->
+ if (is_to_replace ma.(i))
+ then (replace_term c1 c2 ca.(i))::ca.(i)::(aux (i+1) q)
+ else ca.(i)::ca.(i)::(aux (i+1) q)
+ | false::q -> ca.(i)::(aux (i+1) q)
+ in
+ aux 0 bl
+let res_tac c a hyp =
+ let sa = setoid_table_find a in
+ let fin = match hyp with
+ | None -> Auto.full_trivial
+ | Some h ->
+ tclORELSE (tclTHEN (tclTRY (apply h)) (tclFAIL 0 ""))
+ (tclORELSE (tclTHEN (tclTRY (tclTHEN (apply (mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_seq_sym), [|sa.set_a; sa.set_aeq; sa.set_th|]))) (apply h))) (tclFAIL 0 ""))
+ Auto.full_trivial) in
+ tclORELSE (tclTHEN (tclTRY (apply (mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_seq_refl), [|sa.set_a; sa.set_aeq; sa.set_th;c|])))) (tclFAIL 0 ""))
+ (tclORELSE assumption
+ (tclORELSE (tclTHEN (tclTRY (apply (mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_seq_sym), [|sa.set_a; sa.set_aeq; sa.set_th|])))) assumption)
+ fin))
+let id_res_tac c a =
+ let sa = setoid_table_find a in
+ (tclTRY (apply (mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_seq_refl), [|sa.set_a; sa.set_aeq; sa.set_th; c|]))))
+(* An exception to catchs errors *)
+exception Nothing_found of constr;;
+let rec create_tac_list i a al c1 c2 hyp args_t = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | false::q -> create_tac_list (i+1) a al c1 c2 hyp args_t q
+ | true::q ->
+ if (is_to_replace a.(i))
+ then (zapply false al.(i) a.(i) c1 c2 hyp)::(create_tac_list (i+1) a al c1 c2 hyp args_t q)
+ else (id_res_tac al.(i) (List.nth args_t i))::(create_tac_list (i+1) a al c1 c2 hyp args_t q)
+(* else tclIDTAC::(create_tac_list (i+1) a al c1 c2 hyp q) *)
+and zapply is_r gl gl_m c1 c2 hyp glll = (match ((kind_of_term gl), gl_m) with
+ | ((App (c,al)),(MApp a)) -> (
+ try
+ let m = morphism_table_find c in
+ let args = Array.of_list (create_args al a m.profil c1 c2) in
+ if is_r
+ then tclTHENS (apply (mkApp (m.lem, args)))
+ ((create_tac_list 0 a al c1 c2 hyp m.arg_types m.profil)@[tclIDTAC])
+ else (match m.lem2 with
+ | None ->
+ tclTHENS (apply (mkApp (m.lem, args))) (create_tac_list 0 a al c1 c2 hyp m.arg_types m.profil)
+ | Some xom ->
+ tclTHENS (apply (mkApp (xom, args))) (create_tac_list 0 a al c1 c2 hyp m.arg_types m.profil))
+ with Not_found -> errorlabstrm "Setoid_replace"
+ (str "The term " ++ prterm c ++ str " has not been declared as a morphism"))
+ | ((Prod (_,hh, cc)),(Mimp (hhm, ccm))) ->
+ let al = [|hh; cc|] in
+ let a = [|hhm; ccm|] in
+ let fleche_constr = (Lazy.force coq_fleche) in
+ let fleche_cp = destConst fleche_constr in
+ let new_concl = (mkApp (fleche_constr, al)) in
+ if is_r
+ then
+ let m = morphism_table_find fleche_constr in
+ let args = Array.of_list (create_args al a m.profil c1 c2) in
+ tclTHEN (change_in_concl None new_concl)
+ (tclTHENS (apply (mkApp (m.lem, args)))
+ ((create_tac_list 0 a al c1 c2 hyp m.arg_types m.profil)@[unfold_constr (ConstRef fleche_cp)]))
+(* ((create_tac_list 0 a al c1 c2 hyp m.arg_types m.profil)@[tclIDTAC])) *)
+ else (zapply is_r new_concl (MApp a) c1 c2 hyp)
+(* let args = Array.of_list (create_args [|hh; cc|] [|hhm; ccm|] [true;true] c1 c2) in
+ if is_r
+ then tclTHENS (apply (mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_fleche_ext), args)))
+ ((create_tac_list 0 [|hhm; ccm|] [|hh; cc|] c1 c2 hyp [mkProp; mkProp] [true;true])@[tclIDTAC])
+ else tclTHENS (apply (mkApp ((Lazy.force coq_fleche_ext2), args)))
+ ((create_tac_list 0 [|hhm; ccm|] [|hh; cc|] c1 c2 hyp [mkProp; mkProp] [true;true])@[tclIDTAC])
+ | (_, Toreplace) ->
+ if is_r
+ then (match hyp with
+ | None -> errorlabstrm "Setoid_replace"
+ (str "You should use the tactic Replace here")
+ | Some h ->
+ let hypt = pf_type_of glll h in
+ let (heq, hargs) = decompose_app hypt in
+ let rec get_last_two = function
+ | [c1;c2] -> (c1, c2)
+ | x::y::z -> get_last_two (y::z)
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ let (hc1,hc2) = get_last_two hargs in
+ if c1 = hc1
+ then
+ apply (mkApp (Lazy.force coqproj2,[|(mkArrow hc1 hc2);(mkArrow hc2 hc1);h|]))
+ else
+ apply (mkApp (Lazy.force coqproj1,[|(mkArrow hc1 hc2);(mkArrow hc2 hc1);h|]))
+ )
+ else (res_tac gl (pf_type_of glll gl) hyp) (* tclORELSE Auto.full_trivial tclIDTAC *)
+ | (_, Tokeep) -> (match hyp with
+ | None -> errorlabstrm "Setoid_replace"
+ (str "No replacable occurence of " ++ prterm c1 ++ str " found")
+ | Some _ ->errorlabstrm "Setoid_replace"
+ (str "No rewritable occurence of " ++ prterm c1 ++ str " found"))
+ | _ -> anomaly ("Bug in Setoid_replace")) glll
+let setoid_replace c1 c2 hyp gl =
+ let but = (pf_concl gl) in
+ (zapply true but (mark_occur c1 but) c1 c2 hyp) gl
+let general_s_rewrite lft2rgt c gl =
+ let ctype = pf_type_of gl c in
+ let (equiv, args) = decompose_app ctype in
+ let rec get_last_two = function
+ | [c1;c2] -> (c1, c2)
+ | x::y::z -> get_last_two (y::z)
+ | _ -> error "The term provided is not an equivalence" in
+ let (c1,c2) = get_last_two args in
+ if lft2rgt
+ then setoid_replace c1 c2 (Some c) gl
+ else setoid_replace c2 c1 (Some c) gl
+let setoid_rewriteLR = general_s_rewrite true
+let setoid_rewriteRL = general_s_rewrite false
diff --git a/tactics/setoid_replace.mli b/tactics/setoid_replace.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..565ae169
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/setoid_replace.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: setoid_replace.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:55 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Term
+open Proof_type
+open Topconstr
+val equiv_list : unit -> constr list
+val setoid_replace : constr -> constr -> constr option -> tactic
+val setoid_rewriteLR : constr -> tactic
+val setoid_rewriteRL : constr -> tactic
+val general_s_rewrite : bool -> constr -> tactic
+val add_setoid : constr_expr -> constr_expr -> constr_expr -> unit
+val new_named_morphism : Names.identifier -> constr_expr -> unit
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2080b5dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,2236 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:55 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Constrintern
+open Closure
+open RedFlags
+open Declarations
+open Entries
+open Dyn
+open Libobject
+open Pattern
+open Matching
+open Pp
+open Rawterm
+open Sign
+open Tacred
+open Util
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Libnames
+open Nametab
+open Pfedit
+open Proof_type
+open Refiner
+open Tacmach
+open Tactic_debug
+open Topconstr
+open Ast
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Tacexpr
+open Safe_typing
+open Typing
+open Hiddentac
+open Genarg
+open Decl_kinds
+let strip_meta id = (* For Grammar v7 compatibility *)
+ let s = string_of_id id in
+ if s.[0]='$' then id_of_string (String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1))
+ else id
+let error_syntactic_metavariables_not_allowed loc =
+ user_err_loc
+ (loc,"out_ident",
+ str "Syntactic metavariables allowed only in quotations")
+let skip_metaid = function
+ | AI x -> x
+ | MetaId (loc,_) -> error_syntactic_metavariables_not_allowed loc
+type ltac_type =
+ | LtacFun of ltac_type
+ | LtacBasic
+ | LtacTactic
+(* Values for interpretation *)
+type value =
+ | VTactic of loc * tactic (* For mixed ML/Ltac tactics (e.g. Tauto) *)
+ | VRTactic of (goal list sigma * validation) (* For Match results *)
+ (* Not a true value *)
+ | VFun of (identifier*value) list * identifier option list * glob_tactic_expr
+ | VVoid
+ | VInteger of int
+ | VIntroPattern of intro_pattern_expr (* includes idents which are not *)
+ (* bound as in "Intro H" but which may be bound *)
+ (* later, as in "tac" in "Intro H; tac" *)
+ | VConstr of constr (* includes idents known bound and references *)
+ | VConstr_context of constr
+ | VRec of value ref
+let locate_tactic_call loc = function
+ | VTactic (_,t) -> VTactic (loc,t)
+ | v -> v
+let locate_error_in_file dir = function
+ | Stdpp.Exc_located (loc,e) -> Error_in_file ("",(true,dir,loc),e)
+ | e -> Error_in_file ("",(true,dir,dummy_loc),e)
+let catch_error loc tac g =
+ try tac g
+ with e when loc <> dummy_loc ->
+ match e with
+ | Stdpp.Exc_located (_,e) -> raise (Stdpp.Exc_located (loc,e))
+ | e -> raise (Stdpp.Exc_located (loc,e))
+(* Signature for interpretation: val_interp and interpretation functions *)
+type interp_sign =
+ { lfun : (identifier * value) list;
+ debug : debug_info }
+let check_is_value = function
+ | VRTactic _ -> (* These are goals produced by Match *)
+ error "Immediate match producing tactics not allowed in local definitions"
+ | _ -> ()
+(* For tactic_of_value *)
+exception NotTactic
+(* Gives the constr corresponding to a Constr_context tactic_arg *)
+let constr_of_VConstr_context = function
+ | VConstr_context c -> c
+ | _ ->
+ errorlabstrm "constr_of_VConstr_context" (str "not a context variable")
+(* Displays a value *)
+let pr_value env = function
+ | VVoid -> str "()"
+ | VInteger n -> int n
+ | VIntroPattern ipat -> pr_intro_pattern ipat
+ | VConstr c -> Printer.prterm_env env c
+ | VConstr_context c -> Printer.prterm_env env c
+ | (VTactic _ | VRTactic _ | VFun _ | VRec _) -> str "<fun>"
+(* Transforms a named_context into a (string * constr) list *)
+let make_hyps = (fun (id,_,typ) -> (id, typ))
+(* Transforms an id into a constr if possible, or fails *)
+let constr_of_id env id =
+ construct_reference (Environ.named_context env) id
+(* To embed several objects in Coqast.t *)
+let ((tactic_in : (interp_sign -> raw_tactic_expr) -> Dyn.t),
+ (tactic_out : Dyn.t -> (interp_sign -> raw_tactic_expr))) =
+ create "tactic"
+let ((value_in : value -> Dyn.t),
+ (value_out : Dyn.t -> value)) = create "value"
+let tacticIn t = TacArg (TacDynamic (dummy_loc,tactic_in t))
+let tacticOut = function
+ | TacArg (TacDynamic (_,d)) ->
+ if (tag d) = "tactic" then
+ tactic_out d
+ else
+ anomalylabstrm "tacticOut" (str "Dynamic tag should be tactic")
+ | ast ->
+ anomalylabstrm "tacticOut"
+ (str "Not a Dynamic ast: " (* ++ print_ast ast*) )
+let valueIn t = TacDynamic (dummy_loc,value_in t)
+let valueOut = function
+ | TacDynamic (_,d) ->
+ if (tag d) = "value" then
+ value_out d
+ else
+ anomalylabstrm "valueOut" (str "Dynamic tag should be value")
+ | ast ->
+ anomalylabstrm "valueOut" (str "Not a Dynamic ast: ")
+(* To embed constr in Coqast.t *)
+let constrIn t = CDynamic (dummy_loc,Pretyping.constr_in t)
+let constrOut = function
+ | CDynamic (_,d) ->
+ if (Dyn.tag d) = "constr" then
+ Pretyping.constr_out d
+ else
+ anomalylabstrm "constrOut" (str "Dynamic tag should be constr")
+ | ast ->
+ anomalylabstrm "constrOut" (str "Not a Dynamic ast")
+let loc = dummy_loc
+(* Table of interpretation functions *)
+let interp_tab =
+ (Hashtbl.create 17 : (string , interp_sign -> Coqast.t -> value) Hashtbl.t)
+(* Adds an interpretation function *)
+let interp_add (ast_typ,interp_fun) =
+ try
+ Hashtbl.add interp_tab ast_typ interp_fun
+ with
+ Failure _ ->
+ errorlabstrm "interp_add"
+ (str "Cannot add the interpretation function for " ++ str ast_typ ++ str " twice")
+(* Adds a possible existing interpretation function *)
+let overwriting_interp_add (ast_typ,interp_fun) =
+ if Hashtbl.mem interp_tab ast_typ then
+ begin
+ Hashtbl.remove interp_tab ast_typ;
+ warning ("Overwriting definition of tactic interpreter command " ^ ast_typ)
+ end;
+ Hashtbl.add interp_tab ast_typ interp_fun
+(* Finds the interpretation function corresponding to a given ast type *)
+let look_for_interp = Hashtbl.find interp_tab
+(* Globalizes the identifier *)
+let find_reference env qid =
+ (* We first look for a variable of the current proof *)
+ match repr_qualid qid with
+ | (d,id) when repr_dirpath d = [] & List.mem id (ids_of_context env)
+ -> VarRef id
+ | _ -> Nametab.locate qid
+let coerce_to_reference env = function
+ | VConstr c ->
+ (try reference_of_constr c
+ with Not_found -> invalid_arg_loc (loc, "Not a reference"))
+ | v -> errorlabstrm "coerce_to_reference"
+ (str "The value" ++ spc () ++ pr_value env v ++
+ str "cannot be coerced to a reference")
+(* turns a value into an evaluable reference *)
+let error_not_evaluable s =
+ errorlabstrm "evalref_of_ref"
+ (str "Cannot coerce" ++ spc () ++ s ++ spc () ++
+ str "to an evaluable reference")
+let coerce_to_evaluable_ref env c =
+ let ev = match c with
+ | VConstr c when isConst c -> EvalConstRef (destConst c)
+ | VConstr c when isVar c -> EvalVarRef (destVar c)
+ | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id)
+ when Environ.evaluable_named id env -> EvalVarRef id
+ | _ -> error_not_evaluable (pr_value env c)
+ in
+ if not (Tacred.is_evaluable env ev) then
+ error_not_evaluable (pr_value env c);
+ ev
+let coerce_to_inductive = function
+ | VConstr c when isInd c -> destInd c
+ | x ->
+ try
+ let r = match x with
+ | VConstr c -> reference_of_constr c
+ | _ -> failwith "" in
+ errorlabstrm "coerce_to_inductive"
+ (Printer.pr_global r ++ str " is not an inductive type")
+ with _ ->
+ errorlabstrm "coerce_to_inductive"
+ (str "Found an argument which should be an inductive type")
+(* Table of "pervasives" macros tactics (e.g. auto, simpl, etc.) *)
+let atomic_mactab = ref Idmap.empty
+let add_primitive_tactic s tac =
+ (if not !Options.v7 then
+ let id = id_of_string s in
+ atomic_mactab := Idmap.add id tac !atomic_mactab)
+let _ =
+ if not !Options.v7 then
+ (let nocl = {onhyps=Some[];onconcl=true; concl_occs=[]} in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (s,t) -> add_primitive_tactic s (TacAtom(dummy_loc,t)))
+ [ "red", TacReduce(Red false,nocl);
+ "hnf", TacReduce(Hnf,nocl);
+ "simpl", TacReduce(Simpl None,nocl);
+ "compute", TacReduce(Cbv all_flags,nocl);
+ "intro", TacIntroMove(None,None);
+ "intros", TacIntroPattern [];
+ "assumption", TacAssumption;
+ "cofix", TacCofix None;
+ "trivial", TacTrivial None;
+ "auto", TacAuto(None,None);
+ "left", TacLeft NoBindings;
+ "right", TacRight NoBindings;
+ "split", TacSplit(false,NoBindings);
+ "constructor", TacAnyConstructor None;
+ "reflexivity", TacReflexivity;
+ "symmetry", TacSymmetry nocl
+ ];
+ List.iter
+ (fun (s,t) -> add_primitive_tactic s t)
+ [ "idtac",TacId "";
+ "fail", TacFail(ArgArg 0,"");
+ "fresh", TacArg(TacFreshId None)
+ ])
+let lookup_atomic id = Idmap.find id !atomic_mactab
+let is_atomic id = Idmap.mem id !atomic_mactab
+let is_atomic_kn kn =
+ let (_,_,l) = repr_kn kn in
+ is_atomic (id_of_label l)
+(* Summary and Object declaration *)
+let mactab = ref Gmap.empty
+let lookup r = Gmap.find r !mactab
+let _ =
+ let init () = mactab := Gmap.empty in
+ let freeze () = !mactab in
+ let unfreeze fs = mactab := fs in
+ Summary.declare_summary "tactic-definition"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ Summary.init_function = init;
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = false }
+(* Interpretation of extra generic arguments *)
+type glob_sign = {
+ ltacvars : identifier list * identifier list;
+ (* ltac variables and the subset of vars introduced by Intro/Let/... *)
+ ltacrecvars : (identifier * ltac_constant) list;
+ (* ltac recursive names *)
+ gsigma : Evd.evar_map;
+ genv : Environ.env }
+type interp_genarg_type =
+ (glob_sign -> raw_generic_argument -> glob_generic_argument) *
+ (interp_sign -> goal sigma -> glob_generic_argument ->
+ closed_generic_argument) *
+ (Names.substitution -> glob_generic_argument -> glob_generic_argument)
+let extragenargtab =
+ ref (Gmap.empty : (string,interp_genarg_type) Gmap.t)
+let add_interp_genarg id f =
+ extragenargtab := Gmap.add id f !extragenargtab
+let lookup_genarg id =
+ try Gmap.find id !extragenargtab
+ with Not_found -> failwith ("No interpretation function found for entry "^id)
+let lookup_genarg_glob id = let (f,_,_) = lookup_genarg id in f
+let lookup_interp_genarg id = let (_,f,_) = lookup_genarg id in f
+let lookup_genarg_subst id = let (_,_,f) = lookup_genarg id in f
+(* Unboxes VRec *)
+let unrec = function
+ | VRec v -> !v
+ | a -> a
+(* Globalization *)
+(* We have identifier <| global_reference <| constr *)
+let find_ident id sign =
+ List.mem id (fst sign.ltacvars) or
+ List.mem id (ids_of_named_context (Environ.named_context sign.genv))
+let find_recvar qid sign = List.assoc qid sign.ltacrecvars
+(* a "var" is a ltac var or a var introduced by an intro tactic *)
+let find_var id sign = List.mem id (fst sign.ltacvars)
+(* a "ctxvar" is a var introduced by an intro tactic (Intro/LetTac/...) *)
+let find_ctxvar id sign = List.mem id (snd sign.ltacvars)
+(* a "ltacvar" is an ltac var (Let-In/Fun/...) *)
+let find_ltacvar id sign = find_var id sign & not (find_ctxvar id sign)
+let find_hyp id sign =
+ List.mem id (ids_of_named_context (Environ.named_context sign.genv))
+(* Globalize a name introduced by Intro/LetTac/... ; it is allowed to *)
+(* be fresh in which case it is binding later on *)
+let intern_ident l ist id =
+ (* We use identifier both for variables and new names; thus nothing to do *)
+ if not (find_ident id ist) then l:=(id::fst !l,id::snd !l);
+ id
+let intern_name l ist = function
+ | Anonymous -> Anonymous
+ | Name id -> Name (intern_ident l ist id)
+let vars_of_ist (lfun,_,_,env) =
+ List.fold_left (fun s id -> Idset.add id s)
+ (vars_of_env env) lfun
+let get_current_context () =
+ try Pfedit.get_current_goal_context ()
+ with e when Logic.catchable_exception e ->
+ (Evd.empty, Global.env())
+let strict_check = ref false
+let adjust_loc loc = if !strict_check then dummy_loc else loc
+(* Globalize a name which must be bound -- actually just check it is bound *)
+let intern_hyp ist (loc,id as locid) =
+ let (_,env) = get_current_context () in
+ if not !strict_check then
+ locid
+ else if find_ident id ist then
+ (dummy_loc,id)
+ else
+ Pretype_errors.error_var_not_found_loc loc id
+let intern_hyp_or_metaid ist id = intern_hyp ist (skip_metaid id)
+let intern_int_or_var ist = function
+ | ArgVar locid as x -> ArgVar (intern_hyp ist locid)
+ | ArgArg n as x -> x
+let intern_inductive ist = function
+ | Ident (loc,id) when find_var id ist -> ArgVar (loc,id)
+ | r -> ArgArg (Nametab.global_inductive r)
+exception NotSyntacticRef
+let locate_reference qid =
+ match Nametab.extended_locate qid with
+ | TrueGlobal ref -> ref
+ | SyntacticDef kn ->
+ match Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition loc kn with
+ | Rawterm.RRef (_,ref) -> ref
+ | _ -> raise NotSyntacticRef
+let intern_global_reference ist = function
+ | Ident (loc,id) as r when find_var id ist -> ArgVar (loc,id)
+ | r ->
+ let loc,qid = qualid_of_reference r in
+ try ArgArg (loc,locate_reference qid)
+ with _ ->
+ error_global_not_found_loc loc qid
+let intern_tac_ref ist = function
+ | Ident (loc,id) when find_ltacvar id ist -> ArgVar (loc,id)
+ | Ident (loc,id) ->
+ ArgArg (loc,
+ try find_recvar id ist
+ with Not_found -> locate_tactic (make_short_qualid id))
+ | r ->
+ let (loc,qid) = qualid_of_reference r in
+ ArgArg (loc,locate_tactic qid)
+let intern_tactic_reference ist r =
+ try intern_tac_ref ist r
+ with Not_found ->
+ let (loc,qid) = qualid_of_reference r in
+ error_global_not_found_loc loc qid
+let intern_constr_reference strict ist = function
+ | Ident (_,id) when (not strict & find_hyp id ist) or find_ctxvar id ist ->
+ RVar (loc,id), None
+ | r ->
+ let loc,qid = qualid_of_reference r in
+ RRef (loc,locate_reference qid), if strict then None else Some (CRef r)
+let intern_reference strict ist = function
+ | Ident (loc,id) when is_atomic id -> Tacexp (lookup_atomic id)
+ | r ->
+ (try Reference (intern_tac_ref ist r)
+ with Not_found ->
+ (try
+ ConstrMayEval (ConstrTerm (intern_constr_reference strict ist r))
+ with Not_found ->
+ (match r with
+ | Ident (loc,id) when not strict ->
+ IntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id)
+ | _ ->
+ let (loc,qid) = qualid_of_reference r in
+ error_global_not_found_loc loc qid)))
+let rec intern_intro_pattern lf ist = function
+ | IntroOrAndPattern l ->
+ IntroOrAndPattern (intern_case_intro_pattern lf ist l)
+ | IntroWildcard ->
+ IntroWildcard
+ | IntroIdentifier id ->
+ IntroIdentifier (intern_ident lf ist id)
+and intern_case_intro_pattern lf ist =
+ ( (intern_intro_pattern lf ist))
+let intern_quantified_hypothesis ist x =
+ (* We use identifier both for variables and quantified hyps (no way to
+ statically check the existence of a quantified hyp); thus nothing to do *)
+ x
+let intern_constr {ltacvars=lfun; gsigma=sigma; genv=env} c =
+ let warn = if !strict_check then fun x -> x else Constrintern.for_grammar in
+ let c' =
+ warn (Constrintern.interp_rawconstr_gen false sigma env
+ false (fst lfun,[])) c in
+ begin if Options.do_translate () then try
+ (* Try to infer old case and type annotations *)
+ let _ = Pretyping.understand_gen_tcc sigma env [] None c' in
+ (* msgerrnl (str "Typage tactique OK");*)
+ ()
+ with e -> (*msgerrnl (str "Warning: can't type tactic");*) () end;
+ (c',if !strict_check then None else Some c)
+(* Globalize bindings *)
+let intern_binding ist (loc,b,c) =
+ (loc,intern_quantified_hypothesis ist b,intern_constr ist c)
+let intern_bindings ist = function
+ | NoBindings -> NoBindings
+ | ImplicitBindings l -> ImplicitBindings ( (intern_constr ist) l)
+ | ExplicitBindings l -> ExplicitBindings ( (intern_binding ist) l)
+let intern_constr_with_bindings ist (c,bl) =
+ (intern_constr ist c, intern_bindings ist bl)
+let intern_clause_pattern ist (l,occl) =
+ let rec check = function
+ | (hyp,l) :: rest -> (intern_hyp ist (skip_metaid hyp),l)::(check rest)
+ | [] -> []
+ in (l,check occl)
+ (* TODO: catch ltac vars *)
+let intern_induction_arg ist = function
+ | ElimOnConstr c -> ElimOnConstr (intern_constr ist c)
+ | ElimOnAnonHyp n as x -> x
+ | ElimOnIdent (loc,id) as x ->
+ if !strict_check then
+ (* If in a defined tactic, no intros-until *)
+ ElimOnConstr (intern_constr ist (CRef (Ident (dummy_loc,id))))
+ else
+ ElimOnIdent (loc,id)
+(* Globalizes a reduction expression *)
+let intern_evaluable ist = function
+ | Ident (loc,id) as r when find_ltacvar id ist -> ArgVar (loc,id)
+ | Ident (_,id) when
+ (not !strict_check & find_hyp id ist) or find_ctxvar id ist ->
+ ArgArg (EvalVarRef id, None)
+ | r ->
+ let loc,qid = qualid_of_reference r in
+ try
+ let e = match locate_reference qid with
+ | ConstRef c -> EvalConstRef c
+ | VarRef c -> EvalVarRef c
+ | _ -> error_not_evaluable (pr_reference r) in
+ let short_name = match r with
+ | Ident (loc,id) when not !strict_check -> Some (loc,id)
+ | _ -> None in
+ ArgArg (e,short_name)
+ with
+ | NotSyntacticRef -> error_not_evaluable (pr_reference r)
+ | Not_found ->
+ match r with
+ | Ident (loc,id) when not !strict_check ->
+ ArgArg (EvalVarRef id, Some (loc,id))
+ | _ -> error_global_not_found_loc loc qid
+let intern_unfold ist (l,qid) = (l,intern_evaluable ist qid)
+let intern_flag ist red =
+ { red with rConst = (intern_evaluable ist) red.rConst }
+let intern_constr_occurrence ist (l,c) = (l,intern_constr ist c)
+let intern_redexp ist = function
+ | Unfold l -> Unfold ( (intern_unfold ist) l)
+ | Fold l -> Fold ( (intern_constr ist) l)
+ | Cbv f -> Cbv (intern_flag ist f)
+ | Lazy f -> Lazy (intern_flag ist f)
+ | Pattern l -> Pattern ( (intern_constr_occurrence ist) l)
+ | Simpl o -> Simpl (option_app (intern_constr_occurrence ist) o)
+ | (Red _ | Hnf as r) -> r
+ | ExtraRedExpr (s,c) -> ExtraRedExpr (s, intern_constr ist c)
+let intern_inversion_strength lf ist = function
+ | NonDepInversion (k,idl,ids) ->
+ NonDepInversion (k, (intern_hyp_or_metaid ist) idl,
+ option_app (intern_intro_pattern lf ist) ids)
+ | DepInversion (k,copt,ids) ->
+ DepInversion (k, option_app (intern_constr ist) copt,
+ option_app (intern_intro_pattern lf ist) ids)
+ | InversionUsing (c,idl) ->
+ InversionUsing (intern_constr ist c, (intern_hyp_or_metaid ist) idl)
+(* Interprets an hypothesis name *)
+let intern_hyp_location ist (id,occs,hl) =
+ (intern_hyp ist (skip_metaid id), occs, hl)
+(* Reads a pattern *)
+let intern_pattern evc env lfun = function
+ | Subterm (ido,pc) ->
+ let (metas,pat) = interp_constrpattern_gen evc env lfun pc in
+ ido, metas, Subterm (ido,pat)
+ | Term pc ->
+ let (metas,pat) = interp_constrpattern_gen evc env lfun pc in
+ None, metas, Term pat
+let intern_constr_may_eval ist = function
+ | ConstrEval (r,c) -> ConstrEval (intern_redexp ist r,intern_constr ist c)
+ | ConstrContext (locid,c) ->
+ ConstrContext (intern_hyp ist locid,intern_constr ist c)
+ | ConstrTypeOf c -> ConstrTypeOf (intern_constr ist c)
+ | ConstrTerm c -> ConstrTerm (intern_constr ist c)
+(* Reads the hypotheses of a Match Context rule *)
+let rec intern_match_context_hyps evc env lfun = function
+ | (Hyp ((_,na) as locna,mp))::tl ->
+ let ido, metas1, pat = intern_pattern evc env lfun mp in
+ let lfun, metas2, hyps = intern_match_context_hyps evc env lfun tl in
+ let lfun' = name_cons na (option_cons ido lfun) in
+ lfun', metas1@metas2, Hyp (locna,pat)::hyps
+ | [] -> lfun, [], []
+(* Utilities *)
+let rec filter_some = function
+ | None :: l -> filter_some l
+ | Some a :: l -> a :: filter_some l
+ | [] -> []
+let extract_names lrc =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun ((loc,name),_) l ->
+ if List.mem name l then
+ user_err_loc
+ (loc, "intern_tactic", str "This variable is bound several times");
+ name::l)
+ lrc []
+let extract_let_names lrc =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun ((loc,name),_,_) l ->
+ if List.mem name l then
+ user_err_loc
+ (loc, "glob_tactic", str "This variable is bound several times");
+ name::l)
+ lrc []
+let clause_app f = function
+ { onhyps=None; onconcl=b;concl_occs=nl } ->
+ { onhyps=None; onconcl=b; concl_occs=nl }
+ | { onhyps=Some l; onconcl=b;concl_occs=nl } ->
+ { onhyps=Some( f l); onconcl=b;concl_occs=nl}
+(* Globalizes tactics : raw_tactic_expr -> glob_tactic_expr *)
+let rec intern_atomic lf ist x =
+ match (x:raw_atomic_tactic_expr) with
+ (* Basic tactics *)
+ | TacIntroPattern l ->
+ TacIntroPattern ( (intern_intro_pattern lf ist) l)
+ | TacIntrosUntil hyp -> TacIntrosUntil (intern_quantified_hypothesis ist hyp)
+ | TacIntroMove (ido,ido') ->
+ TacIntroMove (option_app (intern_ident lf ist) ido,
+ option_app (intern_hyp ist) ido')
+ | TacAssumption -> TacAssumption
+ | TacExact c -> TacExact (intern_constr ist c)
+ | TacApply cb -> TacApply (intern_constr_with_bindings ist cb)
+ | TacElim (cb,cbo) ->
+ TacElim (intern_constr_with_bindings ist cb,
+ option_app (intern_constr_with_bindings ist) cbo)
+ | TacElimType c -> TacElimType (intern_constr ist c)
+ | TacCase cb -> TacCase (intern_constr_with_bindings ist cb)
+ | TacCaseType c -> TacCaseType (intern_constr ist c)
+ | TacFix (idopt,n) -> TacFix (option_app (intern_ident lf ist) idopt,n)
+ | TacMutualFix (id,n,l) ->
+ let f (id,n,c) = (intern_ident lf ist id,n,intern_constr ist c) in
+ TacMutualFix (intern_ident lf ist id, n, f l)
+ | TacCofix idopt -> TacCofix (option_app (intern_ident lf ist) idopt)
+ | TacMutualCofix (id,l) ->
+ let f (id,c) = (intern_ident lf ist id,intern_constr ist c) in
+ TacMutualCofix (intern_ident lf ist id, f l)
+ | TacCut c -> TacCut (intern_constr ist c)
+ | TacTrueCut (na,c) ->
+ TacTrueCut (intern_name lf ist na, intern_constr ist c)
+ | TacForward (b,na,c) ->
+ TacForward (b,intern_name lf ist na,intern_constr ist c)
+ | TacGeneralize cl -> TacGeneralize ( (intern_constr ist) cl)
+ | TacGeneralizeDep c -> TacGeneralizeDep (intern_constr ist c)
+ | TacLetTac (na,c,cls) ->
+ let na = intern_name lf ist na in
+ TacLetTac (na,intern_constr ist c,
+ (clause_app (intern_hyp_location ist) cls))
+ | TacInstantiate (n,c,cls) ->
+ TacInstantiate (n,intern_constr ist c,
+ (clause_app (intern_hyp_location ist) cls))
+ (* Automation tactics *)
+ | TacTrivial l -> TacTrivial l
+ | TacAuto (n,l) -> TacAuto (n,l)
+ | TacAutoTDB n -> TacAutoTDB n
+ | TacDestructHyp (b,id) -> TacDestructHyp(b,intern_hyp ist id)
+ | TacDestructConcl -> TacDestructConcl
+ | TacSuperAuto (n,l,b1,b2) -> TacSuperAuto (n,l,b1,b2)
+ | TacDAuto (n,p) -> TacDAuto (n,p)
+ (* Derived basic tactics *)
+ | TacSimpleInduction (h,ids) ->
+ TacSimpleInduction (intern_quantified_hypothesis ist h,ids)
+ | TacNewInduction (c,cbo,(ids,ids')) ->
+ TacNewInduction (intern_induction_arg ist c,
+ option_app (intern_constr_with_bindings ist) cbo,
+ (option_app (intern_intro_pattern lf ist) ids,ids'))
+ | TacSimpleDestruct h ->
+ TacSimpleDestruct (intern_quantified_hypothesis ist h)
+ | TacNewDestruct (c,cbo,(ids,ids')) ->
+ TacNewDestruct (intern_induction_arg ist c,
+ option_app (intern_constr_with_bindings ist) cbo,
+ (option_app (intern_intro_pattern lf ist) ids,ids'))
+ | TacDoubleInduction (h1,h2) ->
+ let h1 = intern_quantified_hypothesis ist h1 in
+ let h2 = intern_quantified_hypothesis ist h2 in
+ TacDoubleInduction (h1,h2)
+ | TacDecomposeAnd c -> TacDecomposeAnd (intern_constr ist c)
+ | TacDecomposeOr c -> TacDecomposeOr (intern_constr ist c)
+ | TacDecompose (l,c) -> let l = (intern_inductive ist) l in
+ TacDecompose (l,intern_constr ist c)
+ | TacSpecialize (n,l) -> TacSpecialize (n,intern_constr_with_bindings ist l)
+ | TacLApply c -> TacLApply (intern_constr ist c)
+ (* Context management *)
+ | TacClear l -> TacClear ( (intern_hyp_or_metaid ist) l)
+ | TacClearBody l -> TacClearBody ( (intern_hyp_or_metaid ist) l)
+ | TacMove (dep,id1,id2) ->
+ TacMove (dep,intern_hyp_or_metaid ist id1,intern_hyp_or_metaid ist id2)
+ | TacRename (id1,id2) -> TacRename (intern_hyp_or_metaid ist id1, intern_hyp_or_metaid ist id2)
+ (* Constructors *)
+ | TacLeft bl -> TacLeft (intern_bindings ist bl)
+ | TacRight bl -> TacRight (intern_bindings ist bl)
+ | TacSplit (b,bl) -> TacSplit (b,intern_bindings ist bl)
+ | TacAnyConstructor t -> TacAnyConstructor (option_app (intern_tactic ist) t)
+ | TacConstructor (n,bl) -> TacConstructor (n, intern_bindings ist bl)
+ (* Conversion *)
+ | TacReduce (r,cl) ->
+ TacReduce (intern_redexp ist r, clause_app (intern_hyp_location ist) cl)
+ | TacChange (occl,c,cl) ->
+ TacChange (option_app (intern_constr_occurrence ist) occl,
+ intern_constr ist c, clause_app (intern_hyp_location ist) cl)
+ (* Equivalence relations *)
+ | TacReflexivity -> TacReflexivity
+ | TacSymmetry idopt ->
+ TacSymmetry (clause_app (intern_hyp_location ist) idopt)
+ | TacTransitivity c -> TacTransitivity (intern_constr ist c)
+ (* Equality and inversion *)
+ | TacInversion (inv,hyp) ->
+ TacInversion (intern_inversion_strength lf ist inv,
+ intern_quantified_hypothesis ist hyp)
+ (* For extensions *)
+ | TacExtend (loc,opn,l) ->
+ let _ = lookup_tactic opn in
+ TacExtend (adjust_loc loc,opn, (intern_genarg ist) l)
+ | TacAlias (loc,s,l,(dir,body)) ->
+ let (l1,l2) = ist.ltacvars in
+ let ist' = { ist with ltacvars = (( fst l)@l1,l2) } in
+ let l = (fun (id,a) -> (strip_meta id,intern_genarg ist a)) l in
+ try TacAlias (loc,s,l,(dir,intern_tactic ist' body))
+ with e -> raise (locate_error_in_file (string_of_dirpath dir) e)
+and intern_tactic ist tac = (snd (intern_tactic_seq ist tac) : glob_tactic_expr)
+and intern_tactic_seq ist = function
+ (* Traducteur v7->v8 *)
+ | TacAtom (_,TacReduce (Unfold [_,Ident (_,id)],_))
+ when string_of_id id = "INZ" & !Options.translate_syntax
+ -> ist.ltacvars, (TacId "")
+ (* Fin traducteur v7->v8 *)
+ | TacAtom (loc,t) ->
+ let lf = ref ist.ltacvars in
+ let t = intern_atomic lf ist t in
+ !lf, TacAtom (adjust_loc loc, t)
+ | TacFun tacfun -> ist.ltacvars, TacFun (intern_tactic_fun ist tacfun)
+ | TacLetRecIn (lrc,u) ->
+ let names = extract_names lrc in
+ let (l1,l2) = ist.ltacvars in
+ let ist = { ist with ltacvars = (names@l1,l2) } in
+ let lrc = (fun (n,b) -> (n,intern_tactic_fun ist b)) lrc in
+ ist.ltacvars, TacLetRecIn (lrc,intern_tactic ist u)
+ | TacLetIn (l,u) ->
+ let l =
+ (fun (n,c,b) ->
+ (n,option_app (intern_tactic ist) c, intern_tacarg !strict_check ist b)) l in
+ let (l1,l2) = ist.ltacvars in
+ let ist' = { ist with ltacvars = ((extract_let_names l)@l1,l2) } in
+ ist.ltacvars, TacLetIn (l,intern_tactic ist' u)
+ | TacMatchContext (lr,lmr) ->
+ ist.ltacvars, TacMatchContext(lr, intern_match_rule ist lmr)
+ | TacMatch (c,lmr) ->
+ ist.ltacvars, TacMatch (intern_tactic ist c,intern_match_rule ist lmr)
+ | TacId _ as x -> ist.ltacvars, x
+ | TacFail (n,x) -> ist.ltacvars, TacFail (intern_int_or_var ist n,x)
+ | TacProgress tac -> ist.ltacvars, TacProgress (intern_tactic ist tac)
+ | TacAbstract (tac,s) -> ist.ltacvars, TacAbstract (intern_tactic ist tac,s)
+ | TacThen (t1,t2) ->
+ let lfun', t1 = intern_tactic_seq ist t1 in
+ let lfun'', t2 = intern_tactic_seq { ist with ltacvars = lfun' } t2 in
+ lfun'', TacThen (t1,t2)
+ | TacThens (t,tl) ->
+ let lfun', t = intern_tactic_seq ist t in
+ (* Que faire en cas de (tac complexe avec Match et Thens; tac2) ?? *)
+ lfun',
+ TacThens (t, (intern_tactic { ist with ltacvars = lfun' }) tl)
+ | TacDo (n,tac) ->
+ ist.ltacvars, TacDo (intern_int_or_var ist n,intern_tactic ist tac)
+ | TacTry tac -> ist.ltacvars, TacTry (intern_tactic ist tac)
+ | TacInfo tac -> ist.ltacvars, TacInfo (intern_tactic ist tac)
+ | TacRepeat tac -> ist.ltacvars, TacRepeat (intern_tactic ist tac)
+ | TacOrelse (tac1,tac2) ->
+ ist.ltacvars, TacOrelse (intern_tactic ist tac1,intern_tactic ist tac2)
+ | TacFirst l -> ist.ltacvars, TacFirst ( (intern_tactic ist) l)
+ | TacSolve l -> ist.ltacvars, TacSolve ( (intern_tactic ist) l)
+ | TacArg a -> ist.ltacvars, TacArg (intern_tacarg true ist a)
+and intern_tactic_fun ist (var,body) =
+ let (l1,l2) = ist.ltacvars in
+ let lfun' = List.rev_append (filter_some var) l1 in
+ (var,intern_tactic { ist with ltacvars = (lfun',l2) } body)
+and intern_tacarg strict ist = function
+ | TacVoid -> TacVoid
+ | Reference r -> intern_reference strict ist r
+ | IntroPattern ipat ->
+ let lf = ref([],[]) in (*How to know what names the intropattern binds?*)
+ IntroPattern (intern_intro_pattern lf ist ipat)
+ | Integer n -> Integer n
+ | ConstrMayEval c -> ConstrMayEval (intern_constr_may_eval ist c)
+ | MetaIdArg (loc,s) ->
+ (* $id can occur in Grammar tactic... *)
+ let id = id_of_string s in
+ if find_ltacvar id ist or Options.do_translate()
+ then Reference (ArgVar (adjust_loc loc,strip_meta id))
+ else error_syntactic_metavariables_not_allowed loc
+ | TacCall (loc,f,l) ->
+ TacCall (loc,
+ intern_tactic_reference ist f,
+ (intern_tacarg !strict_check ist) l)
+ | TacFreshId _ as x -> x
+ | Tacexp t -> Tacexp (intern_tactic ist t)
+ | TacDynamic(loc,t) as x ->
+ (match tag t with
+ | "tactic" | "value" | "constr" -> x
+ | s -> anomaly_loc (loc, "",
+ str "Unknown dynamic: <" ++ str s ++ str ">"))
+(* Reads the rules of a Match Context or a Match *)
+and intern_match_rule ist = function
+ | (All tc)::tl ->
+ All (intern_tactic ist tc) :: (intern_match_rule ist tl)
+ | (Pat (rl,mp,tc))::tl ->
+ let {ltacvars=(lfun,l2); gsigma=sigma; genv=env} = ist in
+ let lfun',metas1,hyps = intern_match_context_hyps sigma env lfun rl in
+ let ido,metas2,pat = intern_pattern sigma env lfun mp in
+ let metas = list_uniquize (metas1@metas2) in
+ let ist' = { ist with ltacvars = (metas@(option_cons ido lfun'),l2) } in
+ Pat (hyps,pat,intern_tactic ist' tc) :: (intern_match_rule ist tl)
+ | [] -> []
+and intern_genarg ist x =
+ match genarg_tag x with
+ | BoolArgType -> in_gen globwit_bool (out_gen rawwit_bool x)
+ | IntArgType -> in_gen globwit_int (out_gen rawwit_int x)
+ | IntOrVarArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_int_or_var
+ (intern_int_or_var ist (out_gen rawwit_int_or_var x))
+ | StringArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_string (out_gen rawwit_string x)
+ | PreIdentArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_pre_ident (out_gen rawwit_pre_ident x)
+ | IntroPatternArgType ->
+ let lf = ref ([],[]) in
+ (* how to know which names are bound by the intropattern *)
+ in_gen globwit_intro_pattern
+ (intern_intro_pattern lf ist (out_gen rawwit_intro_pattern x))
+ | IdentArgType ->
+ let lf = ref ([],[]) in
+ in_gen globwit_ident(intern_ident lf ist (out_gen rawwit_ident x))
+ | HypArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_var (intern_hyp ist (out_gen rawwit_var x))
+ | RefArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_ref (intern_global_reference ist (out_gen rawwit_ref x))
+ | SortArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_sort (out_gen rawwit_sort x)
+ | ConstrArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_constr (intern_constr ist (out_gen rawwit_constr x))
+ | ConstrMayEvalArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_constr_may_eval
+ (intern_constr_may_eval ist (out_gen rawwit_constr_may_eval x))
+ | QuantHypArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_quant_hyp
+ (intern_quantified_hypothesis ist (out_gen rawwit_quant_hyp x))
+ | RedExprArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_red_expr (intern_redexp ist (out_gen rawwit_red_expr x))
+ | TacticArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_tactic (intern_tactic ist (out_gen rawwit_tactic x))
+ | CastedOpenConstrArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_casted_open_constr
+ (intern_constr ist (out_gen rawwit_casted_open_constr x))
+ | ConstrWithBindingsArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_constr_with_bindings
+ (intern_constr_with_bindings ist (out_gen rawwit_constr_with_bindings x))
+ | BindingsArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_bindings
+ (intern_bindings ist (out_gen rawwit_bindings x))
+ | List0ArgType _ -> app_list0 (intern_genarg ist) x
+ | List1ArgType _ -> app_list1 (intern_genarg ist) x
+ | OptArgType _ -> app_opt (intern_genarg ist) x
+ | PairArgType _ -> app_pair (intern_genarg ist) (intern_genarg ist) x
+ | ExtraArgType s -> lookup_genarg_glob s ist x
+(************* End globalization ************)
+(* Evaluation/interpretation *)
+(* Associates variables with values and gives the remaining variables and
+ values *)
+let head_with_value (lvar,lval) =
+ let rec head_with_value_rec lacc = function
+ | ([],[]) -> (lacc,[],[])
+ | (vr::tvr,ve::tve) ->
+ (match vr with
+ | None -> head_with_value_rec lacc (tvr,tve)
+ | Some v -> head_with_value_rec ((v,ve)::lacc) (tvr,tve))
+ | (vr,[]) -> (lacc,vr,[])
+ | ([],ve) -> (lacc,[],ve)
+ in
+ head_with_value_rec [] (lvar,lval)
+(* Gives a context couple if there is a context identifier *)
+let give_context ctxt = function
+ | None -> []
+ | Some id -> [id,VConstr_context ctxt]
+(* Reads a pattern by substituing vars of lfun *)
+let eval_pattern lfun c =
+ let lvar = (fun (id,c) -> (id,pattern_of_constr c)) lfun in
+ instantiate_pattern lvar c
+let read_pattern evc env lfun = function
+ | Subterm (ido,pc) -> Subterm (ido,eval_pattern lfun pc)
+ | Term pc -> Term (eval_pattern lfun pc)
+(* Reads the hypotheses of a Match Context rule *)
+let cons_and_check_name id l =
+ if List.mem id l then
+ user_err_loc (loc,"read_match_context_hyps",
+ str ("Hypothesis pattern-matching variable "^(string_of_id id)^
+ " used twice in the same pattern"))
+ else id::l
+let rec read_match_context_hyps evc env lfun lidh = function
+ | (Hyp ((loc,na) as locna,mp))::tl ->
+ let lidh' = name_fold cons_and_check_name na lidh in
+ Hyp (locna,read_pattern evc env lfun mp)::
+ (read_match_context_hyps evc env lfun lidh' tl)
+ | [] -> []
+(* Reads the rules of a Match Context or a Match *)
+let rec read_match_rule evc env lfun = function
+ | (All tc)::tl -> (All tc)::(read_match_rule evc env lfun tl)
+ | (Pat (rl,mp,tc))::tl ->
+ Pat (read_match_context_hyps evc env lfun [] rl,
+ read_pattern evc env lfun mp,tc)
+ ::(read_match_rule evc env lfun tl)
+ | [] -> []
+(* For Match Context and Match *)
+exception No_match
+exception Not_coherent_metas
+exception Eval_fail of string
+let is_failure = function
+ | FailError _ | Stdpp.Exc_located (_,FailError _) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let is_match_catchable = function
+ | No_match | Eval_fail _ -> true
+ | e -> is_failure e or Logic.catchable_exception e
+(* Verifies if the matched list is coherent with respect to lcm *)
+let rec verify_metas_coherence gl lcm = function
+ | (num,csr)::tl ->
+ if (List.for_all (fun (a,b) -> a<>num or pf_conv_x gl b csr) lcm) then
+ (num,csr)::(verify_metas_coherence gl lcm tl)
+ else
+ raise Not_coherent_metas
+ | [] -> []
+(* Tries to match a pattern and a constr *)
+let apply_matching pat csr =
+ try
+ (matches pat csr)
+ with
+ PatternMatchingFailure -> raise No_match
+(* Tries to match one hypothesis pattern with a list of hypotheses *)
+let apply_one_mhyp_context ist env gl lmatch (hypname,pat) (lhyps,nocc) =
+ let get_id_couple id = function
+(* | Name idpat -> [idpat,VIdentifier id]*)
+ | Name idpat -> [idpat,VConstr (mkVar id)]
+ | Anonymous -> [] in
+ let rec apply_one_mhyp_context_rec nocc = function
+ | (id,hyp)::tl as hyps ->
+ (match pat with
+ | Term t ->
+ (try
+ let lmeta = verify_metas_coherence gl lmatch (matches t hyp) in
+ (get_id_couple id hypname,lmeta,(id,hyp),(tl,0))
+ with
+ | PatternMatchingFailure | Not_coherent_metas ->
+ apply_one_mhyp_context_rec 0 tl)
+ | Subterm (ic,t) ->
+ (try
+ let (lm,ctxt) = sub_match nocc t hyp in
+ let lmeta = verify_metas_coherence gl lmatch lm in
+ ((get_id_couple id hypname)@(give_context ctxt ic),
+ lmeta,(id,hyp),(hyps,nocc + 1))
+ with
+ | NextOccurrence _ ->
+ apply_one_mhyp_context_rec 0 tl
+ | Not_coherent_metas ->
+ apply_one_mhyp_context_rec (nocc + 1) hyps))
+ | [] ->
+ db_hyp_pattern_failure ist.debug env (hypname,pat);
+ raise No_match
+ in
+ apply_one_mhyp_context_rec nocc lhyps
+let constr_to_id loc = function
+ | VConstr c when isVar c -> destVar c
+ | _ -> invalid_arg_loc (loc, "Not an identifier")
+let constr_to_qid loc c =
+ try shortest_qualid_of_global Idset.empty (reference_of_constr c)
+ with _ -> invalid_arg_loc (loc, "Not a global reference")
+(* Debug reference *)
+let debug = ref DebugOff
+(* Sets the debugger mode *)
+let set_debug pos = debug := pos
+(* Gives the state of debug *)
+let get_debug () = !debug
+(* Interprets an identifier which must be fresh *)
+let interp_ident ist id =
+ try match List.assoc id ist.lfun with
+ | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id) -> id
+ | VConstr c as v when isVar c ->
+ (* This happends e.g. in definitions like "Tac H = Clear H; Intro H" *)
+ (* c is then expected not to belong to the proof context *)
+ (* would be checkable if env were known from interp_ident *)
+ destVar c
+ | _ -> user_err_loc(loc,"interp_ident", str "An ltac name (" ++ pr_id id ++
+ str ") should have been bound to an identifier")
+ with Not_found -> id
+let interp_intro_pattern_var ist id =
+ try match List.assoc id ist.lfun with
+ | VIntroPattern ipat -> ipat
+ | VConstr c as v when isVar c ->
+ (* This happends e.g. in definitions like "Tac H = Clear H; Intro H" *)
+ (* c is then expected not to belong to the proof context *)
+ (* would be checkable if env were known from interp_ident *)
+ IntroIdentifier (destVar c)
+ | _ -> user_err_loc(loc,"interp_ident", str "An ltac name (" ++ pr_id id ++
+ str ") should have been bound to an introduction pattern")
+ with Not_found -> IntroIdentifier id
+let interp_int lfun (loc,id) =
+ try match List.assoc id lfun with
+ | VInteger n -> n
+ | _ -> user_err_loc(loc,"interp_int",str "should be bound to an integer")
+ with Not_found -> user_err_loc (loc,"interp_int",str "Unbound variable")
+let interp_int_or_var ist = function
+ | ArgVar locid -> interp_int ist.lfun locid
+ | ArgArg n -> n
+let constr_of_value env = function
+ | VConstr csr -> csr
+ | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id) -> constr_of_id env id
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let is_variable env id =
+ List.mem id (ids_of_named_context (Environ.named_context env))
+let variable_of_value env = function
+ | VConstr c as v when isVar c -> destVar c
+ | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id) when is_variable env id -> id
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+(* Extract a variable from a value, if any *)
+let id_of_Identifier = variable_of_value
+(* Extract a constr from a value, if any *)
+let constr_of_VConstr = constr_of_value
+(* Interprets an variable *)
+let interp_var ist gl (loc,id) =
+ (* Look first in lfun for a value coercible to a variable *)
+ try
+ let v = List.assoc id ist.lfun in
+ try variable_of_value (pf_env gl) v
+ with Not_found ->
+ errorlabstrm "coerce_to_variable"
+ (str "Cannot coerce" ++ spc () ++ pr_value (pf_env gl) v ++ spc () ++
+ str "to a variable")
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* Then look if bound in the proof context at calling time *)
+ if is_variable (pf_env gl) id then id
+ else
+ user_err_loc (loc,"eval_variable",pr_id id ++ str " not found")
+(* Interprets an existing hypothesis (i.e. a declared variable) *)
+let interp_hyp = interp_var
+let interp_name ist = function
+ | Anonymous -> Anonymous
+ | Name id -> Name (interp_ident ist id)
+let interp_clause_pattern ist gl (l,occl) =
+ let rec check acc = function
+ | (hyp,l) :: rest ->
+ let hyp = interp_hyp ist gl hyp in
+ if List.mem hyp acc then
+ error ("Hypothesis "^(string_of_id hyp)^" occurs twice");
+ (hyp,l)::(check (hyp::acc) rest)
+ | [] -> []
+ in (l,check [] occl)
+(* Interprets a qualified name *)
+let interp_reference ist env = function
+ | ArgArg (_,r) -> r
+ | ArgVar (loc,id) -> coerce_to_reference env (unrec (List.assoc id ist.lfun))
+let pf_interp_reference ist gl = interp_reference ist (pf_env gl)
+let interp_inductive ist = function
+ | ArgArg r -> r
+ | ArgVar (_,id) -> coerce_to_inductive (unrec (List.assoc id ist.lfun))
+let interp_evaluable ist env = function
+ | ArgArg (r,Some (loc,id)) ->
+ (* Maybe [id] has been introduced by Intro-like tactics *)
+ (try match Environ.lookup_named id env with
+ | (_,Some _,_) -> EvalVarRef id
+ | _ -> error_not_evaluable (pr_id id)
+ with Not_found ->
+ match r with
+ | EvalConstRef _ -> r
+ | _ -> Pretype_errors.error_var_not_found_loc loc id)
+ | ArgArg (r,None) -> r
+ | ArgVar (_,id) ->
+ coerce_to_evaluable_ref env (unrec (List.assoc id ist.lfun))
+(* Interprets an hypothesis name *)
+let interp_hyp_location ist gl (id,occs,hl) = (interp_hyp ist gl id,occs,hl)
+let interp_clause ist gl { onhyps=ol; onconcl=b; concl_occs=occs } =
+ { onhyps=option_app( (interp_hyp_location ist gl)) ol;
+ onconcl=b;
+ concl_occs=occs }
+(* Interpretation of constructions *)
+(* Extract the constr list from lfun *)
+let rec constr_list_aux env = function
+ | (id,v)::tl ->
+ let (l1,l2) = constr_list_aux env tl in
+ (try ((id,constr_of_value env v)::l1,l2)
+ with Not_found ->
+ let ido = match v with
+ | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id0) -> Some id0
+ | _ -> None in
+ (l1,(id,ido)::l2))
+ | [] -> ([],[])
+let constr_list ist env = constr_list_aux env ist.lfun
+(*Extract the identifier list from lfun: join all branches (what to do else?)*)
+let rec intropattern_ids = function
+ | IntroIdentifier id -> [id]
+ | IntroOrAndPattern ll ->
+ List.flatten ( intropattern_ids (List.flatten ll))
+ | IntroWildcard -> []
+let rec extract_ids = function
+ | (id,VIntroPattern ipat)::tl -> intropattern_ids ipat @ extract_ids tl
+ | _::tl -> extract_ids tl
+ | [] -> []
+let retype_list sigma env lst =
+ List.fold_right (fun (x,csr) a ->
+ try (x,Retyping.get_judgment_of env sigma csr)::a with
+ | Anomaly _ -> a) lst []
+let interp_casted_constr ocl ist sigma env (c,ce) =
+ let (l1,l2) = constr_list ist env in
+ let tl1 = retype_list sigma env l1 in
+ let csr =
+ match ce with
+ | None ->
+ Pretyping.understand_gen_ltac sigma env (tl1,l2) ocl c
+ (* If at toplevel (ce<>None), the error can be due to an incorrect
+ context at globalization time: we retype with the now known
+ intros/lettac/inversion hypothesis names *)
+ | Some c -> interp_constr_gen sigma env (l1,l2) c ocl
+ in
+ db_constr ist.debug env csr;
+ csr
+let interp_constr ist sigma env c =
+ interp_casted_constr None ist sigma env c
+(* Interprets an open constr expression casted by the current goal *)
+let pf_interp_casted_openconstr ist gl (c,ce) =
+ let sigma = project gl in
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ let (ltacvars,l) = constr_list ist env in
+ let typs = retype_list sigma env ltacvars in
+ let ocl = Some (pf_concl gl) in
+ match ce with
+ | None ->
+ Pretyping.understand_gen_tcc sigma env typs ocl c
+ (* If at toplevel (ce<>None), the error can be due to an incorrect
+ context at globalization time: we retype with the now known
+ intros/lettac/inversion hypothesis names *)
+ | Some c -> interp_openconstr_gen sigma env (ltacvars,l) c ocl
+(* Interprets a constr expression *)
+let pf_interp_constr ist gl =
+ interp_constr ist (project gl) (pf_env gl)
+(* Interprets a constr expression casted by the current goal *)
+let pf_interp_casted_constr ist gl c =
+ interp_casted_constr (Some(pf_concl gl)) ist (project gl) (pf_env gl) c
+(* Interprets a reduction expression *)
+let interp_unfold ist env (l,qid) =
+ (l,interp_evaluable ist env qid)
+let interp_flag ist env red =
+ { red with rConst = (interp_evaluable ist env) red.rConst }
+let interp_pattern ist sigma env (l,c) = (l,interp_constr ist sigma env c)
+let pf_interp_pattern ist gl = interp_pattern ist (project gl) (pf_env gl)
+let redexp_interp ist sigma env = function
+ | Unfold l -> Unfold ( (interp_unfold ist env) l)
+ | Fold l -> Fold ( (interp_constr ist sigma env) l)
+ | Cbv f -> Cbv (interp_flag ist env f)
+ | Lazy f -> Lazy (interp_flag ist env f)
+ | Pattern l -> Pattern ( (interp_pattern ist sigma env) l)
+ | Simpl o -> Simpl (option_app (interp_pattern ist sigma env) o)
+ | (Red _ | Hnf as r) -> r
+ | ExtraRedExpr (s,c) -> ExtraRedExpr (s,interp_constr ist sigma env c)
+let pf_redexp_interp ist gl = redexp_interp ist (project gl) (pf_env gl)
+let interp_may_eval f ist gl = function
+ | ConstrEval (r,c) ->
+ let redexp = pf_redexp_interp ist gl r in
+ pf_reduction_of_redexp gl redexp (f ist gl c)
+ | ConstrContext ((loc,s),c) ->
+ (try
+ let ic = f ist gl c
+ and ctxt = constr_of_VConstr_context (List.assoc s ist.lfun) in
+ subst_meta [special_meta,ic] ctxt
+ with
+ | Not_found ->
+ user_err_loc (loc, "interp_may_eval",
+ str "Unbound context identifier" ++ pr_id s))
+ | ConstrTypeOf c -> pf_type_of gl (f ist gl c)
+ | ConstrTerm c -> f ist gl c
+(* Interprets a constr expression possibly to first evaluate *)
+let interp_constr_may_eval ist gl c =
+ let csr = interp_may_eval pf_interp_constr ist gl c in
+ begin
+ db_constr ist.debug (pf_env gl) csr;
+ csr
+ end
+let rec interp_intro_pattern ist = function
+ | IntroOrAndPattern l -> IntroOrAndPattern (interp_case_intro_pattern ist l)
+ | IntroWildcard -> IntroWildcard
+ | IntroIdentifier id -> interp_intro_pattern_var ist id
+and interp_case_intro_pattern ist =
+ ( (interp_intro_pattern ist))
+(* Quantified named or numbered hypothesis or hypothesis in context *)
+(* (as in Inversion) *)
+let interp_quantified_hypothesis ist = function
+ | AnonHyp n -> AnonHyp n
+ | NamedHyp id ->
+ try match List.assoc id ist.lfun with
+ | VInteger n -> AnonHyp n
+ | VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id) -> NamedHyp id
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ with Not_found -> NamedHyp id
+(* Quantified named or numbered hypothesis or hypothesis in context *)
+(* (as in Inversion) *)
+let interp_declared_or_quantified_hypothesis ist gl = function
+ | AnonHyp n -> AnonHyp n
+ | NamedHyp id ->
+ try match List.assoc id ist.lfun with
+ | VInteger n -> AnonHyp n
+ | v -> NamedHyp (variable_of_value (pf_env gl) v)
+ with Not_found -> NamedHyp id
+let interp_induction_arg ist gl = function
+ | ElimOnConstr c -> ElimOnConstr (pf_interp_constr ist gl c)
+ | ElimOnAnonHyp n as x -> x
+ | ElimOnIdent (loc,id) ->
+ if Tactics.is_quantified_hypothesis id gl then ElimOnIdent (loc,id)
+ else ElimOnConstr
+ (pf_interp_constr ist gl (RVar (loc,id),Some (CRef (Ident (loc,id)))))
+let interp_binding ist gl (loc,b,c) =
+ (loc,interp_quantified_hypothesis ist b,pf_interp_constr ist gl c)
+let interp_bindings ist gl = function
+| NoBindings -> NoBindings
+| ImplicitBindings l -> ImplicitBindings ( (pf_interp_constr ist gl) l)
+| ExplicitBindings l -> ExplicitBindings ( (interp_binding ist gl) l)
+let interp_constr_with_bindings ist gl (c,bl) =
+ (pf_interp_constr ist gl c, interp_bindings ist gl bl)
+(* Interprets an l-tac expression into a value *)
+let rec val_interp ist gl (tac:glob_tactic_expr) =
+ let value_interp ist = match tac with
+ (* Immediate evaluation *)
+ | TacFun (it,body) -> VFun (ist.lfun,it,body)
+ | TacLetRecIn (lrc,u) -> letrec_interp ist gl lrc u
+ | TacLetIn (l,u) ->
+ let addlfun = interp_letin ist gl l in
+ val_interp { ist with lfun=addlfun@ist.lfun } gl u
+ | TacMatchContext (lr,lmr) -> interp_match_context ist gl lr lmr
+ | TacMatch (c,lmr) -> interp_match ist gl c lmr
+ | TacArg a -> interp_tacarg ist gl a
+ (* Delayed evaluation *)
+ | t -> VTactic (dummy_loc,eval_tactic ist t)
+ in check_for_interrupt ();
+ match ist.debug with
+ | DebugOn lev ->
+ debug_prompt lev gl tac (fun v -> value_interp {ist with debug=v})
+ | _ -> value_interp ist
+and eval_tactic ist = function
+ | TacAtom (loc,t) -> fun gl -> catch_error loc (interp_atomic ist gl t) gl
+ | TacFun (it,body) -> assert false
+ | TacLetRecIn (lrc,u) -> assert false
+ | TacLetIn (l,u) -> assert false
+ | TacMatchContext _ -> assert false
+ | TacMatch (c,lmr) -> assert false
+ | TacId s -> tclIDTAC_MESSAGE s
+ | TacFail (n,s) -> tclFAIL (interp_int_or_var ist n) s
+ | TacProgress tac -> tclPROGRESS (interp_tactic ist tac)
+ | TacAbstract (tac,s) -> Tactics.tclABSTRACT s (interp_tactic ist tac)
+ | TacThen (t1,t2) -> tclTHEN (interp_tactic ist t1) (interp_tactic ist t2)
+ | TacThens (t,tl) ->
+ tclTHENS (interp_tactic ist t) ( (interp_tactic ist) tl)
+ | TacDo (n,tac) -> tclDO (interp_int_or_var ist n) (interp_tactic ist tac)
+ | TacTry tac -> tclTRY (interp_tactic ist tac)
+ | TacInfo tac -> tclINFO (interp_tactic ist tac)
+ | TacRepeat tac -> tclREPEAT (interp_tactic ist tac)
+ | TacOrelse (tac1,tac2) ->
+ tclORELSE (interp_tactic ist tac1) (interp_tactic ist tac2)
+ | TacFirst l -> tclFIRST ( (interp_tactic ist) l)
+ | TacSolve l -> tclSOLVE ( (interp_tactic ist) l)
+ | TacArg a -> assert false
+and interp_ltac_reference isapplied ist gl = function
+ | ArgVar (loc,id) -> unrec (List.assoc id ist.lfun)
+ | ArgArg (loc,r) ->
+ let v = val_interp {lfun=[];debug=ist.debug} gl (lookup r) in
+ if isapplied then v else locate_tactic_call loc v
+and interp_tacarg ist gl = function
+ | TacVoid -> VVoid
+ | Reference r -> interp_ltac_reference false ist gl r
+ | Integer n -> VInteger n
+ | IntroPattern ipat -> VIntroPattern ipat
+ | ConstrMayEval c -> VConstr (interp_constr_may_eval ist gl c)
+ | MetaIdArg (loc,id) -> assert false
+ | TacCall (loc,f,l) ->
+ let fv = interp_ltac_reference true ist gl f
+ and largs = (interp_tacarg ist gl) l in
+ List.iter check_is_value largs;
+ interp_app ist gl fv largs loc
+ | TacFreshId idopt ->
+ let s = match idopt with None -> "H" | Some s -> s in
+ let id = Tactics.fresh_id (extract_ids ist.lfun) (id_of_string s) gl in
+ VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier id)
+ | Tacexp t -> val_interp ist gl t
+ | TacDynamic(_,t) ->
+ let tg = (tag t) in
+ if tg = "tactic" then
+ let f = (tactic_out t) in
+ val_interp ist gl
+ (intern_tactic {
+ ltacvars = ( fst ist.lfun,[]); ltacrecvars = [];
+ gsigma = project gl; genv = pf_env gl }
+ (f ist))
+ else if tg = "value" then
+ value_out t
+ else if tg = "constr" then
+ VConstr (Pretyping.constr_out t)
+ else
+ anomaly_loc (loc, "Tacinterp.val_interp",
+ (str "Unknown dynamic: <" ++ str (Dyn.tag t) ++ str ">"))
+(* Interprets an application node *)
+and interp_app ist gl fv largs loc =
+ match fv with
+ | VFun(olfun,var,body) ->
+ let (newlfun,lvar,lval)=head_with_value (var,largs) in
+ if lvar=[] then
+ let v = val_interp { ist with lfun=newlfun@olfun } gl body in
+ if lval=[] then locate_tactic_call loc v
+ else interp_app ist gl v lval loc
+ else
+ VFun(newlfun@olfun,lvar,body)
+ | _ ->
+ user_err_loc (loc, "Tacinterp.interp_app",
+ (str"Illegal tactic application"))
+(* Gives the tactic corresponding to the tactic value *)
+and tactic_of_value vle g =
+ match vle with
+ | VRTactic res -> res
+ | VTactic (loc,tac) -> catch_error loc tac g
+ | VFun _ -> error "A fully applied tactic is expected"
+ | _ -> raise NotTactic
+(* Evaluation with FailError catching *)
+and eval_with_fail ist tac goal =
+ try
+ (match val_interp ist goal tac with
+ | VTactic (loc,tac) -> VRTactic (catch_error loc tac goal)
+ | a -> a)
+ with
+ | Stdpp.Exc_located (_,FailError (0,s)) | FailError (0,s) ->
+ raise (Eval_fail s)
+ | Stdpp.Exc_located (s',FailError (lvl,s)) ->
+ raise (Stdpp.Exc_located (s',FailError (lvl - 1, s)))
+ | FailError (lvl,s) ->
+ raise (FailError (lvl - 1, s))
+(* Interprets recursive expressions *)
+and letrec_interp ist gl lrc u =
+ let lref = Array.to_list (Array.make (List.length lrc) (ref VVoid)) in
+ let lenv =
+ List.fold_right2 (fun ((loc,name),_) vref l -> (name,VRec vref)::l)
+ lrc lref [] in
+ let lve = (fun ((loc,name),(var,body)) ->
+ (name,VFun(lenv@ist.lfun,var,body))) lrc in
+ begin
+ List.iter2 (fun vref (_,ve) -> vref:=ve) lref lve;
+ val_interp { ist with lfun=lve@ist.lfun } gl u
+ end
+(* Interprets the clauses of a LetIn *)
+and interp_letin ist gl = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | ((loc,id),None,t)::tl ->
+ let v = interp_tacarg ist gl t in
+ check_is_value v;
+ (id,v):: (interp_letin ist gl tl)
+ | ((loc,id),Some com,tce)::tl ->
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ let typ = constr_of_value env (val_interp ist gl com)
+ and v = interp_tacarg ist gl tce in
+ let csr =
+ try
+ constr_of_value env v
+ with Not_found ->
+ try
+ let t = tactic_of_value v in
+ let ndc = Environ.named_context env in
+ start_proof id IsLocal ndc typ (fun _ _ -> ());
+ by t;
+ let (_,({const_entry_body = pft},_,_)) = cook_proof () in
+ delete_proof (dummy_loc,id);
+ pft
+ with | NotTactic ->
+ delete_proof (dummy_loc,id);
+ errorlabstrm "Tacinterp.interp_letin"
+ (str "Term or fully applied tactic expected in Let")
+ in (id,VConstr (mkCast (csr,typ)))::(interp_letin ist gl tl)
+(* Interprets the Match Context expressions *)
+and interp_match_context ist g lr lmr =
+ let rec apply_goal_sub ist env goal nocc (id,c) csr mt mhyps hyps =
+ try
+ let (lgoal,ctxt) = sub_match nocc c csr in
+ let lctxt = give_context ctxt id in
+ if mhyps = [] then
+ let lgoal = (fun (id,c) -> (id,VConstr c)) lgoal in
+ eval_with_fail { ist with lfun=lgoal@lctxt@ist.lfun } mt goal
+ else
+ apply_hyps_context ist env goal mt lgoal mhyps hyps
+ with
+ | e when is_failure e -> raise e
+ | NextOccurrence _ -> raise No_match
+ | e when is_match_catchable e ->
+ apply_goal_sub ist env goal (nocc + 1) (id,c) csr mt mhyps hyps in
+ let rec apply_match_context ist env goal nrs lex lpt =
+ begin
+ if lex<>[] then db_pattern_rule ist.debug nrs (List.hd lex);
+ match lpt with
+ | (All t)::tl ->
+ begin
+ db_mc_pattern_success ist.debug;
+ try eval_with_fail ist t goal
+ with e when is_match_catchable e ->
+ apply_match_context ist env goal (nrs+1) ( lex) tl
+ end
+ | (Pat (mhyps,mgoal,mt))::tl ->
+ let hyps = make_hyps (pf_hyps goal) in
+ let hyps = if lr then List.rev hyps else hyps in
+ let mhyps = List.rev mhyps (* Sens naturel *) in
+ let concl = pf_concl goal in
+ (match mgoal with
+ | Term mg ->
+ (try
+ (let lgoal = apply_matching mg concl in
+ begin
+ db_matched_concl ist.debug (pf_env goal) concl;
+ if mhyps = [] then
+ begin
+ db_mc_pattern_success ist.debug;
+ let lgoal = (fun (id,c) -> (id,VConstr c)) lgoal in
+ eval_with_fail {ist with lfun=lgoal@ist.lfun} mt goal
+ end
+ else
+ apply_hyps_context ist env goal mt lgoal mhyps hyps
+ end)
+ with
+ | e when is_match_catchable e ->
+ begin
+ (match e with
+ | No_match -> db_matching_failure ist.debug
+ | Eval_fail s -> db_eval_failure ist.debug s
+ | _ -> db_logic_failure ist.debug e);
+ apply_match_context ist env goal (nrs+1) ( lex) tl
+ end)
+ | Subterm (id,mg) ->
+ (try apply_goal_sub ist env goal 0 (id,mg) concl mt mhyps hyps
+ with e when is_match_catchable e ->
+ apply_match_context ist env goal (nrs+1) ( lex) tl))
+ | _ ->
+ errorlabstrm "Tacinterp.apply_match_context" (str
+ "No matching clauses for match goal")
+ (v 0 (str "No matching clauses for match goal" ++
+ (if ist.debug=DebugOff then
+ fnl() ++ str "(use \"Debug On\" for more info)"
+ else mt())))
+ end in
+ let env = pf_env g in
+ apply_match_context ist env g 0 lmr
+ (read_match_rule (project g) env (fst (constr_list ist env)) lmr)
+(* Tries to match the hypotheses in a Match Context *)
+and apply_hyps_context ist env goal mt lgmatch mhyps hyps =
+ let rec apply_hyps_context_rec lfun lmatch lhyps_rest current = function
+ | Hyp ((_,hypname),mhyp)::tl as mhyps ->
+ let (lids,lm,hyp_match,next) =
+ apply_one_mhyp_context ist env goal lmatch (hypname,mhyp) current in
+ db_matched_hyp ist.debug (pf_env goal) hyp_match hypname;
+ begin
+ try
+ let nextlhyps = list_except hyp_match lhyps_rest in
+ apply_hyps_context_rec (lfun@lids) (lmatch@lm) nextlhyps
+ (nextlhyps,0) tl
+ with
+ | e when is_failure e -> raise e
+ | e when is_match_catchable e ->
+ apply_hyps_context_rec lfun lmatch lhyps_rest next mhyps
+ end
+ | [] ->
+ let lmatch = (fun (id,c) -> (id,VConstr c)) lmatch in
+ db_mc_pattern_success ist.debug;
+ eval_with_fail {ist with lfun=lmatch@lfun@ist.lfun} mt goal
+ in
+ apply_hyps_context_rec [] lgmatch hyps (hyps,0) mhyps
+ (* Interprets extended tactic generic arguments *)
+and interp_genarg ist goal x =
+ match genarg_tag x with
+ | BoolArgType -> in_gen wit_bool (out_gen globwit_bool x)
+ | IntArgType -> in_gen wit_int (out_gen globwit_int x)
+ | IntOrVarArgType ->
+ in_gen wit_int_or_var
+ (ArgArg (interp_int_or_var ist (out_gen globwit_int_or_var x)))
+ | StringArgType ->
+ in_gen wit_string (out_gen globwit_string x)
+ | PreIdentArgType ->
+ in_gen wit_pre_ident (out_gen globwit_pre_ident x)
+ | IntroPatternArgType ->
+ in_gen wit_intro_pattern
+ (interp_intro_pattern ist (out_gen globwit_intro_pattern x))
+ | IdentArgType ->
+ in_gen wit_ident (interp_ident ist (out_gen globwit_ident x))
+ | HypArgType ->
+ in_gen wit_var (mkVar (interp_hyp ist goal (out_gen globwit_var x)))
+ | RefArgType ->
+ in_gen wit_ref (pf_interp_reference ist goal (out_gen globwit_ref x))
+ | SortArgType ->
+ in_gen wit_sort
+ (destSort
+ (pf_interp_constr ist goal
+ (RSort (dummy_loc,out_gen globwit_sort x), None)))
+ | ConstrArgType ->
+ in_gen wit_constr (pf_interp_constr ist goal (out_gen globwit_constr x))
+ | ConstrMayEvalArgType ->
+ in_gen wit_constr_may_eval (interp_constr_may_eval ist goal (out_gen globwit_constr_may_eval x))
+ | QuantHypArgType ->
+ in_gen wit_quant_hyp
+ (interp_declared_or_quantified_hypothesis ist goal
+ (out_gen globwit_quant_hyp x))
+ | RedExprArgType ->
+ in_gen wit_red_expr (pf_redexp_interp ist goal (out_gen globwit_red_expr x))
+ | TacticArgType -> in_gen wit_tactic (out_gen globwit_tactic x)
+ | CastedOpenConstrArgType ->
+ in_gen wit_casted_open_constr
+ (pf_interp_casted_openconstr ist goal (out_gen globwit_casted_open_constr x))
+ | ConstrWithBindingsArgType ->
+ in_gen wit_constr_with_bindings
+ (interp_constr_with_bindings ist goal (out_gen globwit_constr_with_bindings x))
+ | BindingsArgType ->
+ in_gen wit_bindings
+ (interp_bindings ist goal (out_gen globwit_bindings x))
+ | List0ArgType _ -> app_list0 (interp_genarg ist goal) x
+ | List1ArgType _ -> app_list1 (interp_genarg ist goal) x
+ | OptArgType _ -> app_opt (interp_genarg ist goal) x
+ | PairArgType _ -> app_pair (interp_genarg ist goal) (interp_genarg ist goal) x
+ | ExtraArgType s -> lookup_interp_genarg s ist goal x
+(* Interprets the Match expressions *)
+and interp_match ist g constr lmr =
+ let rec apply_sub_match ist nocc (id,c) csr mt =
+ try
+ let (lm,ctxt) = sub_match nocc c csr in
+ let lctxt = give_context ctxt id in
+ let lm = (fun (id,c) -> (id,VConstr c)) lm in
+ val_interp {ist with lfun=lm@lctxt@ist.lfun} g mt
+ with | NextOccurrence _ -> raise No_match
+ in
+ let rec apply_match ist csr = function
+ | (All t)::_ ->
+ (try val_interp ist g t
+ with e when is_match_catchable e -> apply_match ist csr [])
+ | (Pat ([],Term c,mt))::tl ->
+ (try
+ let lm = apply_matching c csr in
+ let lm = (fun (id,c) -> (id,VConstr c)) lm in
+ val_interp
+ { ist with lfun=lm@ist.lfun } g mt
+ with e when is_match_catchable e -> apply_match ist csr tl)
+ | (Pat ([],Subterm (id,c),mt))::tl ->
+ (try
+ apply_sub_match ist 0 (id,c) csr mt
+ with | No_match ->
+ apply_match ist csr tl)
+ | _ ->
+ errorlabstrm "Tacinterp.apply_match" (str
+ "No matching clauses for match") in
+ let env = pf_env g in
+ let csr =
+ try constr_of_value env (val_interp ist g constr)
+ with Not_found ->
+ errorlabstrm "Tacinterp.apply_match"
+ (str "Argument of match does not evaluate to a term") in
+ let ilr = read_match_rule (project g) env (fst (constr_list ist env)) lmr in
+ apply_match ist csr ilr
+(* Interprets tactic expressions : returns a "tactic" *)
+and interp_tactic ist tac gl =
+ try tactic_of_value (val_interp ist gl tac) gl
+ with | NotTactic ->
+ errorlabstrm "Tacinterp.interp_tactic" (str
+ "Must be a command or must give a tactic value")
+(* Interprets a primitive tactic *)
+and interp_atomic ist gl = function
+ (* Basic tactics *)
+ | TacIntroPattern l ->
+ h_intro_patterns ( (interp_intro_pattern ist) l)
+ | TacIntrosUntil hyp ->
+ h_intros_until (interp_quantified_hypothesis ist hyp)
+ | TacIntroMove (ido,ido') ->
+ h_intro_move (option_app (interp_ident ist) ido)
+ (option_app (interp_hyp ist gl) ido')
+ | TacAssumption -> h_assumption
+ | TacExact c -> h_exact (pf_interp_casted_constr ist gl c)
+ | TacApply cb -> h_apply (interp_constr_with_bindings ist gl cb)
+ | TacElim (cb,cbo) ->
+ h_elim (interp_constr_with_bindings ist gl cb)
+ (option_app (interp_constr_with_bindings ist gl) cbo)
+ | TacElimType c -> h_elim_type (pf_interp_constr ist gl c)
+ | TacCase cb -> h_case (interp_constr_with_bindings ist gl cb)
+ | TacCaseType c -> h_case_type (pf_interp_constr ist gl c)
+ | TacFix (idopt,n) -> h_fix (option_app (interp_ident ist) idopt) n
+ | TacMutualFix (id,n,l) ->
+ let f (id,n,c) = (interp_ident ist id,n,pf_interp_constr ist gl c) in
+ h_mutual_fix (interp_ident ist id) n ( f l)
+ | TacCofix idopt -> h_cofix (option_app (interp_ident ist) idopt)
+ | TacMutualCofix (id,l) ->
+ let f (id,c) = (interp_ident ist id,pf_interp_constr ist gl c) in
+ h_mutual_cofix (interp_ident ist id) ( f l)
+ | TacCut c -> h_cut (pf_interp_constr ist gl c)
+ | TacTrueCut (na,c) ->
+ h_true_cut (interp_name ist na) (pf_interp_constr ist gl c)
+ | TacForward (b,na,c) ->
+ h_forward b (interp_name ist na) (pf_interp_constr ist gl c)
+ | TacGeneralize cl -> h_generalize ( (pf_interp_constr ist gl) cl)
+ | TacGeneralizeDep c -> h_generalize_dep (pf_interp_constr ist gl c)
+ | TacLetTac (na,c,clp) ->
+ let clp = interp_clause ist gl clp in
+ h_let_tac (interp_name ist na) (pf_interp_constr ist gl c) clp
+ | TacInstantiate (n,c,ido) -> h_instantiate n (pf_interp_constr ist gl c)
+ (clause_app (interp_hyp_location ist gl) ido)
+ (* Automation tactics *)
+ | TacTrivial l -> Auto.h_trivial l
+ | TacAuto (n, l) -> Auto.h_auto n l
+ | TacAutoTDB n -> Dhyp.h_auto_tdb n
+ | TacDestructHyp (b,id) -> Dhyp.h_destructHyp b (interp_hyp ist gl id)
+ | TacDestructConcl -> Dhyp.h_destructConcl
+ | TacSuperAuto (n,l,b1,b2) -> Auto.h_superauto n l b1 b2
+ | TacDAuto (n,p) -> Auto.h_dauto (n,p)
+ (* Derived basic tactics *)
+ | TacSimpleInduction (h,ids) ->
+ let h =
+ if !Options.v7 then interp_declared_or_quantified_hypothesis ist gl h
+ else interp_quantified_hypothesis ist h in
+ h_simple_induction (h,ids)
+ | TacNewInduction (c,cbo,(ids,ids')) ->
+ h_new_induction (interp_induction_arg ist gl c)
+ (option_app (interp_constr_with_bindings ist gl) cbo)
+ (option_app (interp_intro_pattern ist) ids,ids')
+ | TacSimpleDestruct h ->
+ h_simple_destruct (interp_quantified_hypothesis ist h)
+ | TacNewDestruct (c,cbo,(ids,ids')) ->
+ h_new_destruct (interp_induction_arg ist gl c)
+ (option_app (interp_constr_with_bindings ist gl) cbo)
+ (option_app (interp_intro_pattern ist) ids,ids')
+ | TacDoubleInduction (h1,h2) ->
+ let h1 = interp_quantified_hypothesis ist h1 in
+ let h2 = interp_quantified_hypothesis ist h2 in
+ Elim.h_double_induction h1 h2
+ | TacDecomposeAnd c -> Elim.h_decompose_and (pf_interp_constr ist gl c)
+ | TacDecomposeOr c -> Elim.h_decompose_or (pf_interp_constr ist gl c)
+ | TacDecompose (l,c) ->
+ let l = (interp_inductive ist) l in
+ Elim.h_decompose l (pf_interp_constr ist gl c)
+ | TacSpecialize (n,l) ->
+ h_specialize n (interp_constr_with_bindings ist gl l)
+ | TacLApply c -> h_lapply (pf_interp_constr ist gl c)
+ (* Context management *)
+ | TacClear l -> h_clear ( (interp_hyp ist gl) l)
+ | TacClearBody l -> h_clear_body ( (interp_hyp ist gl) l)
+ | TacMove (dep,id1,id2) ->
+ h_move dep (interp_hyp ist gl id1) (interp_hyp ist gl id2)
+ | TacRename (id1,id2) ->
+ h_rename (interp_hyp ist gl id1) (interp_ident ist (snd id2))
+ (* Constructors *)
+ | TacLeft bl -> h_left (interp_bindings ist gl bl)
+ | TacRight bl -> h_right (interp_bindings ist gl bl)
+ | TacSplit (_,bl) -> h_split (interp_bindings ist gl bl)
+ | TacAnyConstructor t ->
+ abstract_tactic (TacAnyConstructor t)
+ (Tactics.any_constructor (option_app (interp_tactic ist) t))
+ | TacConstructor (n,bl) ->
+ h_constructor (skip_metaid n) (interp_bindings ist gl bl)
+ (* Conversion *)
+ | TacReduce (r,cl) ->
+ h_reduce (pf_redexp_interp ist gl r) (interp_clause ist gl cl)
+ | TacChange (occl,c,cl) ->
+ h_change (option_app (pf_interp_pattern ist gl) occl)
+ (pf_interp_constr ist gl c) (interp_clause ist gl cl)
+ (* Equivalence relations *)
+ | TacReflexivity -> h_reflexivity
+ | TacSymmetry c -> h_symmetry (interp_clause ist gl c)
+ | TacTransitivity c -> h_transitivity (pf_interp_constr ist gl c)
+ (* Equality and inversion *)
+ | TacInversion (DepInversion (k,c,ids),hyp) ->
+ Inv.dinv k (option_app (pf_interp_constr ist gl) c)
+ (option_app (interp_intro_pattern ist) ids)
+ (interp_declared_or_quantified_hypothesis ist gl hyp)
+ | TacInversion (NonDepInversion (k,idl,ids),hyp) ->
+ Inv.inv_clause k
+ (option_app (interp_intro_pattern ist) ids)
+ ( (interp_hyp ist gl) idl)
+ (interp_declared_or_quantified_hypothesis ist gl hyp)
+ | TacInversion (InversionUsing (c,idl),hyp) ->
+ Leminv.lemInv_clause (interp_declared_or_quantified_hypothesis ist gl hyp)
+ (pf_interp_constr ist gl c)
+ ( (interp_hyp ist gl) idl)
+ (* For extensions *)
+ | TacExtend (loc,opn,l) ->
+ fun gl -> vernac_tactic (opn, (interp_genarg ist gl) l) gl
+ | TacAlias (loc,_,l,(_,body)) -> fun gl ->
+ let rec f x = match genarg_tag x with
+ | IntArgType -> VInteger (out_gen globwit_int x)
+ | IntOrVarArgType ->
+ VInteger (interp_int_or_var ist (out_gen globwit_int_or_var x))
+ | PreIdentArgType ->
+ failwith "pre-identifiers cannot be bound"
+ | IntroPatternArgType ->
+ VIntroPattern (out_gen globwit_intro_pattern x)
+ | IdentArgType ->
+ VIntroPattern (IntroIdentifier (out_gen globwit_ident x))
+ | HypArgType ->
+ VConstr (mkVar (interp_var ist gl (out_gen globwit_var x)))
+ | RefArgType ->
+ VConstr (constr_of_reference
+ (pf_interp_reference ist gl (out_gen globwit_ref x)))
+ | SortArgType ->
+ VConstr (mkSort (Pretyping.interp_sort (out_gen globwit_sort x)))
+ | ConstrArgType ->
+ VConstr (pf_interp_constr ist gl (out_gen globwit_constr x))
+ | ConstrMayEvalArgType ->
+ VConstr
+ (interp_constr_may_eval ist gl (out_gen globwit_constr_may_eval x))
+ | TacticArgType ->
+ val_interp ist gl (out_gen globwit_tactic x)
+ | StringArgType | BoolArgType
+ | QuantHypArgType | RedExprArgType
+ | CastedOpenConstrArgType | ConstrWithBindingsArgType | BindingsArgType
+ | ExtraArgType _ | List0ArgType _ | List1ArgType _ | OptArgType _ | PairArgType _
+ -> error "This generic type is not supported in alias"
+ in
+ let lfun = ( (fun (x,c) -> (x,f c)) l)@ist.lfun in
+ let v = locate_tactic_call loc (val_interp { ist with lfun=lfun } gl body)
+ in tactic_of_value v gl
+(* Initial call for interpretation *)
+let interp_tac_gen lfun debug t gl =
+ interp_tactic { lfun=lfun; debug=debug }
+ (intern_tactic {
+ ltacvars = ( fst lfun, []); ltacrecvars = [];
+ gsigma = project gl; genv = pf_env gl } t) gl
+let eval_tactic t = interp_tactic { lfun=[]; debug=get_debug() } t
+let interp t = interp_tac_gen [] (get_debug()) t
+(* Hides interpretation for pretty-print *)
+let hide_interp t ot gl =
+ let ist = { ltacvars = ([],[]); ltacrecvars = [];
+ gsigma = project gl; genv = pf_env gl } in
+ let te = intern_tactic ist t in
+ let t = eval_tactic te in
+ match ot with
+ | None -> abstract_tactic_expr (TacArg (Tacexp te)) t gl
+ | Some t' -> abstract_tactic_expr (TacArg (Tacexp te)) (tclTHEN t t') gl
+(* Substitution at module closing time *)
+let subst_quantified_hypothesis _ x = x
+let subst_declared_or_quantified_hypothesis _ x = x
+let subst_inductive subst (kn,i) = (subst_kn subst kn,i)
+let subst_rawconstr subst (c,e) =
+ assert (e=None); (* e<>None only for toplevel tactics *)
+ (subst_raw subst c,None)
+let subst_binding subst (loc,b,c) =
+ (loc,subst_quantified_hypothesis subst b,subst_rawconstr subst c)
+let subst_bindings subst = function
+ | NoBindings -> NoBindings
+ | ImplicitBindings l -> ImplicitBindings ( (subst_rawconstr subst) l)
+ | ExplicitBindings l -> ExplicitBindings ( (subst_binding subst) l)
+let subst_raw_with_bindings subst (c,bl) =
+ (subst_rawconstr subst c, subst_bindings subst bl)
+let subst_induction_arg subst = function
+ | ElimOnConstr c -> ElimOnConstr (subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ | ElimOnAnonHyp n as x -> x
+ | ElimOnIdent id as x -> x
+let subst_evaluable_reference subst = function
+ | EvalVarRef id -> EvalVarRef id
+ | EvalConstRef kn -> EvalConstRef (subst_kn subst kn)
+let subst_and_short_name f (c,n) =
+ assert (n=None); (* since tacdef are strictly globalized *)
+ (f c,None)
+let subst_or_var f = function
+ | ArgVar _ as x -> x
+ | ArgArg (x) -> ArgArg (f x)
+let subst_located f (_loc,id) = (loc,f id)
+let subst_reference subst =
+ subst_or_var (subst_located (subst_kn subst))
+let subst_global_reference subst =
+ subst_or_var (subst_located (subst_global subst))
+let subst_evaluable subst =
+ subst_or_var (subst_and_short_name (subst_evaluable_reference subst))
+let subst_unfold subst (l,e) =
+ (l,subst_evaluable subst e)
+let subst_flag subst red =
+ { red with rConst = (subst_evaluable subst) red.rConst }
+let subst_constr_occurrence subst (l,c) = (l,subst_rawconstr subst c)
+let subst_redexp subst = function
+ | Unfold l -> Unfold ( (subst_unfold subst) l)
+ | Fold l -> Fold ( (subst_rawconstr subst) l)
+ | Cbv f -> Cbv (subst_flag subst f)
+ | Lazy f -> Lazy (subst_flag subst f)
+ | Pattern l -> Pattern ( (subst_constr_occurrence subst) l)
+ | Simpl o -> Simpl (option_app (subst_constr_occurrence subst) o)
+ | (Red _ | Hnf as r) -> r
+ | ExtraRedExpr (s,c) -> ExtraRedExpr (s, subst_rawconstr subst c)
+let subst_raw_may_eval subst = function
+ | ConstrEval (r,c) -> ConstrEval (subst_redexp subst r,subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ | ConstrContext (locid,c) -> ConstrContext (locid,subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ | ConstrTypeOf c -> ConstrTypeOf (subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ | ConstrTerm c -> ConstrTerm (subst_rawconstr subst c)
+let subst_match_pattern subst = function
+ | Subterm (ido,pc) -> Subterm (ido,subst_pattern subst pc)
+ | Term pc -> Term (subst_pattern subst pc)
+let rec subst_match_context_hyps subst = function
+ | Hyp (locs,mp) :: tl ->
+ Hyp (locs,subst_match_pattern subst mp)
+ :: subst_match_context_hyps subst tl
+ | [] -> []
+let rec subst_atomic subst (t:glob_atomic_tactic_expr) = match t with
+ (* Basic tactics *)
+ | TacIntroPattern _ | TacIntrosUntil _ | TacIntroMove _ as x -> x
+ | TacAssumption as x -> x
+ | TacExact c -> TacExact (subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ | TacApply cb -> TacApply (subst_raw_with_bindings subst cb)
+ | TacElim (cb,cbo) ->
+ TacElim (subst_raw_with_bindings subst cb,
+ option_app (subst_raw_with_bindings subst) cbo)
+ | TacElimType c -> TacElimType (subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ | TacCase cb -> TacCase (subst_raw_with_bindings subst cb)
+ | TacCaseType c -> TacCaseType (subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ | TacFix (idopt,n) as x -> x
+ | TacMutualFix (id,n,l) ->
+ TacMutualFix(id,n, (fun (id,n,c) -> (id,n,subst_rawconstr subst c)) l)
+ | TacCofix idopt as x -> x
+ | TacMutualCofix (id,l) ->
+ TacMutualCofix (id, (fun (id,c) -> (id,subst_rawconstr subst c)) l)
+ | TacCut c -> TacCut (subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ | TacTrueCut (ido,c) -> TacTrueCut (ido, subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ | TacForward (b,na,c) -> TacForward (b,na,subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ | TacGeneralize cl -> TacGeneralize ( (subst_rawconstr subst) cl)
+ | TacGeneralizeDep c -> TacGeneralizeDep (subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ | TacLetTac (id,c,clp) -> TacLetTac (id,subst_rawconstr subst c,clp)
+ | TacInstantiate (n,c,ido) -> TacInstantiate (n,subst_rawconstr subst c,ido)
+ (* Automation tactics *)
+ | TacTrivial l -> TacTrivial l
+ | TacAuto (n,l) -> TacAuto (n,l)
+ | TacAutoTDB n -> TacAutoTDB n
+ | TacDestructHyp (b,id) -> TacDestructHyp(b,id)
+ | TacDestructConcl -> TacDestructConcl
+ | TacSuperAuto (n,l,b1,b2) -> TacSuperAuto (n,l,b1,b2)
+ | TacDAuto (n,p) -> TacDAuto (n,p)
+ (* Derived basic tactics *)
+ | TacSimpleInduction h as x -> x
+ | TacNewInduction (c,cbo,ids) ->
+ TacNewInduction (subst_induction_arg subst c,
+ option_app (subst_raw_with_bindings subst) cbo, ids)
+ | TacSimpleDestruct h as x -> x
+ | TacNewDestruct (c,cbo,ids) ->
+ TacNewDestruct (subst_induction_arg subst c,
+ option_app (subst_raw_with_bindings subst) cbo, ids)
+ | TacDoubleInduction (h1,h2) as x -> x
+ | TacDecomposeAnd c -> TacDecomposeAnd (subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ | TacDecomposeOr c -> TacDecomposeOr (subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ | TacDecompose (l,c) ->
+ let l = (subst_or_var (subst_inductive subst)) l in
+ TacDecompose (l,subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ | TacSpecialize (n,l) -> TacSpecialize (n,subst_raw_with_bindings subst l)
+ | TacLApply c -> TacLApply (subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ (* Context management *)
+ | TacClear l as x -> x
+ | TacClearBody l as x -> x
+ | TacMove (dep,id1,id2) as x -> x
+ | TacRename (id1,id2) as x -> x
+ (* Constructors *)
+ | TacLeft bl -> TacLeft (subst_bindings subst bl)
+ | TacRight bl -> TacRight (subst_bindings subst bl)
+ | TacSplit (b,bl) -> TacSplit (b,subst_bindings subst bl)
+ | TacAnyConstructor t -> TacAnyConstructor (option_app (subst_tactic subst) t)
+ | TacConstructor (n,bl) -> TacConstructor (n, subst_bindings subst bl)
+ (* Conversion *)
+ | TacReduce (r,cl) -> TacReduce (subst_redexp subst r, cl)
+ | TacChange (occl,c,cl) ->
+ TacChange (option_app (subst_constr_occurrence subst) occl,
+ subst_rawconstr subst c, cl)
+ (* Equivalence relations *)
+ | TacReflexivity | TacSymmetry _ as x -> x
+ | TacTransitivity c -> TacTransitivity (subst_rawconstr subst c)
+ (* Equality and inversion *)
+ | TacInversion (DepInversion (k,c,l),hyp) ->
+ TacInversion (DepInversion (k,option_app (subst_rawconstr subst) c,l),hyp)
+ | TacInversion (NonDepInversion _,_) as x -> x
+ | TacInversion (InversionUsing (c,cl),hyp) ->
+ TacInversion (InversionUsing (subst_rawconstr subst c,cl),hyp)
+ (* For extensions *)
+ | TacExtend (_loc,opn,l) ->
+ TacExtend (loc,opn, (subst_genarg subst) l)
+ | TacAlias (_,s,l,(dir,body)) ->
+ TacAlias (loc,s, (fun (id,a) -> (id,subst_genarg subst a)) l,
+ (dir,subst_tactic subst body))
+and subst_tactic subst (t:glob_tactic_expr) = match t with
+ | TacAtom (_loc,t) -> TacAtom (loc, subst_atomic subst t)
+ | TacFun tacfun -> TacFun (subst_tactic_fun subst tacfun)
+ | TacLetRecIn (lrc,u) ->
+ let lrc = (fun (n,b) -> (n,subst_tactic_fun subst b)) lrc in
+ TacLetRecIn (lrc,(subst_tactic subst u:glob_tactic_expr))
+ | TacLetIn (l,u) ->
+ let l = (fun (n,c,b) -> (n,option_app (subst_tactic subst) c,subst_tacarg subst b)) l in
+ TacLetIn (l,subst_tactic subst u)
+ | TacMatchContext (lr,lmr) ->
+ TacMatchContext(lr, subst_match_rule subst lmr)
+ | TacMatch (c,lmr) ->
+ TacMatch (subst_tactic subst c,subst_match_rule subst lmr)
+ | TacId _ | TacFail _ as x -> x
+ | TacProgress tac -> TacProgress (subst_tactic subst tac:glob_tactic_expr)
+ | TacAbstract (tac,s) -> TacAbstract (subst_tactic subst tac,s)
+ | TacThen (t1,t2) ->
+ TacThen (subst_tactic subst t1,subst_tactic subst t2)
+ | TacThens (t,tl) ->
+ TacThens (subst_tactic subst t, (subst_tactic subst) tl)
+ | TacDo (n,tac) -> TacDo (n,subst_tactic subst tac)
+ | TacTry tac -> TacTry (subst_tactic subst tac)
+ | TacInfo tac -> TacInfo (subst_tactic subst tac)
+ | TacRepeat tac -> TacRepeat (subst_tactic subst tac)
+ | TacOrelse (tac1,tac2) ->
+ TacOrelse (subst_tactic subst tac1,subst_tactic subst tac2)
+ | TacFirst l -> TacFirst ( (subst_tactic subst) l)
+ | TacSolve l -> TacSolve ( (subst_tactic subst) l)
+ | TacArg a -> TacArg (subst_tacarg subst a)
+and subst_tactic_fun subst (var,body) = (var,subst_tactic subst body)
+and subst_tacarg subst = function
+ | Reference r -> Reference (subst_reference subst r)
+ | ConstrMayEval c -> ConstrMayEval (subst_raw_may_eval subst c)
+ | MetaIdArg (_loc,_) -> assert false
+ | TacCall (_loc,f,l) ->
+ TacCall (_loc, subst_reference subst f, (subst_tacarg subst) l)
+ | (TacVoid | IntroPattern _ | Integer _ | TacFreshId _) as x -> x
+ | Tacexp t -> Tacexp (subst_tactic subst t)
+ | TacDynamic(_,t) as x ->
+ (match tag t with
+ | "tactic" | "value" | "constr" -> x
+ | s -> anomaly_loc (loc, "Tacinterp.val_interp",
+ str "Unknown dynamic: <" ++ str s ++ str ">"))
+(* Reads the rules of a Match Context or a Match *)
+and subst_match_rule subst = function
+ | (All tc)::tl ->
+ (All (subst_tactic subst tc))::(subst_match_rule subst tl)
+ | (Pat (rl,mp,tc))::tl ->
+ let hyps = subst_match_context_hyps subst rl in
+ let pat = subst_match_pattern subst mp in
+ Pat (hyps,pat,subst_tactic subst tc)
+ ::(subst_match_rule subst tl)
+ | [] -> []
+and subst_genarg subst (x:glob_generic_argument) =
+ match genarg_tag x with
+ | BoolArgType -> in_gen globwit_bool (out_gen globwit_bool x)
+ | IntArgType -> in_gen globwit_int (out_gen globwit_int x)
+ | IntOrVarArgType -> in_gen globwit_int_or_var (out_gen globwit_int_or_var x)
+ | StringArgType -> in_gen globwit_string (out_gen globwit_string x)
+ | PreIdentArgType -> in_gen globwit_pre_ident (out_gen globwit_pre_ident x)
+ | IntroPatternArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_intro_pattern (out_gen globwit_intro_pattern x)
+ | IdentArgType -> in_gen globwit_ident (out_gen globwit_ident x)
+ | HypArgType -> in_gen globwit_var (out_gen globwit_var x)
+ | RefArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_ref (subst_global_reference subst
+ (out_gen globwit_ref x))
+ | SortArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_sort (out_gen globwit_sort x)
+ | ConstrArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_constr (subst_rawconstr subst (out_gen globwit_constr x))
+ | ConstrMayEvalArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_constr_may_eval (subst_raw_may_eval subst (out_gen globwit_constr_may_eval x))
+ | QuantHypArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_quant_hyp
+ (subst_declared_or_quantified_hypothesis subst
+ (out_gen globwit_quant_hyp x))
+ | RedExprArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_red_expr (subst_redexp subst (out_gen globwit_red_expr x))
+ | TacticArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_tactic (subst_tactic subst (out_gen globwit_tactic x))
+ | CastedOpenConstrArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_casted_open_constr
+ (subst_rawconstr subst (out_gen globwit_casted_open_constr x))
+ | ConstrWithBindingsArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_constr_with_bindings
+ (subst_raw_with_bindings subst (out_gen globwit_constr_with_bindings x))
+ | BindingsArgType ->
+ in_gen globwit_bindings
+ (subst_bindings subst (out_gen globwit_bindings x))
+ | List0ArgType _ -> app_list0 (subst_genarg subst) x
+ | List1ArgType _ -> app_list1 (subst_genarg subst) x
+ | OptArgType _ -> app_opt (subst_genarg subst) x
+ | PairArgType _ -> app_pair (subst_genarg subst) (subst_genarg subst) x
+ | ExtraArgType s -> lookup_genarg_subst s subst x
+(* Tactic registration *)
+(* For bad tactic calls *)
+let bad_tactic_args s =
+ anomalylabstrm s
+ (str "Tactic " ++ str s ++ str " called with bad arguments")
+(* Declaration of the TAC-DEFINITION object *)
+let add (kn,td) = mactab := Gmap.add kn td !mactab
+let load_md i ((sp,kn),defs) =
+ let dp,_ = repr_path sp in
+ let mp,dir,_ = repr_kn kn in
+ List.iter (fun (id,t) ->
+ let sp = Libnames.make_path dp id in
+ let kn = Names.make_kn mp dir (label_of_id id) in
+ Nametab.push_tactic (Until i) sp kn;
+ add (kn,t)) defs
+let open_md i((sp,kn),defs) =
+ let dp,_ = repr_path sp in
+ let mp,dir,_ = repr_kn kn in
+ List.iter (fun (id,t) ->
+ let sp = Libnames.make_path dp id in
+ let kn = Names.make_kn mp dir (label_of_id id) in
+ Nametab.push_tactic (Exactly i) sp kn) defs
+let cache_md x = load_md 1 x
+let subst_md (_,subst,defs) =
+ (fun (id,t) -> (id,subst_tactic subst t)) defs
+let (inMD,outMD) =
+ declare_object {(default_object "TAC-DEFINITION") with
+ cache_function = cache_md;
+ load_function = load_md;
+ open_function = open_md;
+ subst_function = subst_md;
+ classify_function = (fun (_,o) -> Substitute o);
+ export_function = (fun x -> Some x)}
+(* Adds a definition for tactics in the table *)
+let make_absolute_name (loc,id) =
+ let kn = Lib.make_kn id in
+ if Gmap.mem kn !mactab or is_atomic_kn kn then
+ user_err_loc (loc,"Tacinterp.add_tacdef",
+ str "There is already an Ltac named " ++ pr_id id);
+ kn
+let make_empty_glob_sign () =
+ { ltacvars = ([],[]); ltacrecvars = [];
+ gsigma = Evd.empty; genv = Global.env() }
+let add_tacdef isrec tacl =
+(* let isrec = if !Options.p1 then isrec else true in*)
+ let rfun = (fun ((loc,id as locid),_) -> (id,make_absolute_name locid)) tacl in
+ let ist =
+ {(make_empty_glob_sign()) with ltacrecvars = if isrec then rfun else []} in
+ let gtacl =
+ (fun ((_,id),def) ->
+ (id,Options.with_option strict_check (intern_tactic ist) def))
+ tacl in
+ let id0 = fst (List.hd rfun) in
+ let _ = Lib.add_leaf id0 (inMD gtacl) in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (id,_) -> Options.if_verbose msgnl (pr_id id ++ str " is defined"))
+ rfun
+(* Other entry points *)
+let glob_tactic x = intern_tactic (make_empty_glob_sign ()) x
+let glob_tactic_env l env x =
+ intern_tactic
+ { ltacvars = (l,[]); ltacrecvars = []; gsigma = Evd.empty; genv = env }
+ x
+let interp_redexp env evc r =
+ let ist = { lfun=[]; debug=get_debug () } in
+ let gist = {(make_empty_glob_sign ()) with genv = env; gsigma = evc } in
+ redexp_interp ist evc env (intern_redexp gist r)
+(* Backwarding recursive needs of tactic glob/interp/eval functions *)
+let _ = Auto.set_extern_interp
+ (fun l ->
+ let l = (fun (id,c) -> (id,VConstr c)) l in
+ interp_tactic {lfun=l;debug=get_debug()})
+let _ = Auto.set_extern_intern_tac
+ (fun l ->
+ Options.with_option strict_check
+ (intern_tactic {(make_empty_glob_sign()) with ltacvars=(l,[])}))
+let _ = Auto.set_extern_subst_tactic subst_tactic
+let _ = Dhyp.set_extern_interp eval_tactic
+let _ = Dhyp.set_extern_intern_tac
+ (fun t -> intern_tactic (make_empty_glob_sign()) t)
diff --git a/tactics/tacinterp.mli b/tactics/tacinterp.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f75b5a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/tacinterp.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: tacinterp.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:55 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Dyn
+open Pp
+open Names
+open Proof_type
+open Tacmach
+open Tactic_debug
+open Term
+open Tacexpr
+open Genarg
+open Topconstr
+(* Values for interpretation *)
+type value =
+ | VTactic of Util.loc * tactic (* For mixed ML/Ltac tactics (e.g. Tauto) *)
+ | VRTactic of (goal list sigma * validation)
+ | VFun of (identifier * value) list * identifier option list * glob_tactic_expr
+ | VVoid
+ | VInteger of int
+ | VIntroPattern of intro_pattern_expr
+ | VConstr of constr
+ | VConstr_context of constr
+ | VRec of value ref
+(* Signature for interpretation: val\_interp and interpretation functions *)
+and interp_sign =
+ { lfun : (identifier * value) list;
+ debug : debug_info }
+(* Gives the identifier corresponding to an Identifier [tactic_arg] *)
+val id_of_Identifier : Environ.env -> value -> identifier
+(* Gives the constr corresponding to a Constr [value] *)
+val constr_of_VConstr : Environ.env -> value -> constr
+(* Transforms an id into a constr if possible *)
+val constr_of_id : Environ.env -> identifier -> constr
+(* To embed several objects in Coqast.t *)
+val tacticIn : (interp_sign -> raw_tactic_expr) -> raw_tactic_expr
+val tacticOut : raw_tactic_expr -> (interp_sign -> raw_tactic_expr)
+val valueIn : value -> raw_tactic_arg
+val valueOut: raw_tactic_arg -> value
+val constrIn : constr -> constr_expr
+val constrOut : constr_expr -> constr
+(* Sets the debugger mode *)
+val set_debug : debug_info -> unit
+(* Gives the state of debug *)
+val get_debug : unit -> debug_info
+(* Adds a definition for tactics in the table *)
+val add_tacdef :
+ bool -> (identifier Util.located * raw_tactic_expr) list -> unit
+val add_primitive_tactic : string -> glob_tactic_expr -> unit
+(* Adds an interpretation function for extra generic arguments *)
+type glob_sign = {
+ ltacvars : identifier list * identifier list;
+ ltacrecvars : (identifier * Nametab.ltac_constant) list;
+ gsigma : Evd.evar_map;
+ genv : Environ.env }
+val add_interp_genarg :
+ string ->
+ (glob_sign -> raw_generic_argument -> glob_generic_argument) *
+ (interp_sign -> goal sigma -> glob_generic_argument ->
+ closed_generic_argument) *
+ (Names.substitution -> glob_generic_argument -> glob_generic_argument)
+ -> unit
+val interp_genarg :
+ interp_sign -> goal sigma -> glob_generic_argument -> closed_generic_argument
+val intern_genarg :
+ glob_sign -> raw_generic_argument -> glob_generic_argument
+val subst_genarg :
+ Names.substitution -> glob_generic_argument -> glob_generic_argument
+(* Interprets any expression *)
+val val_interp : interp_sign -> goal sigma -> glob_tactic_expr -> value
+(* Interprets redexp arguments *)
+val interp_redexp : Environ.env -> Evd.evar_map -> raw_red_expr
+ -> Tacred.red_expr
+(* Interprets tactic expressions *)
+val interp_tac_gen : (identifier * value) list ->
+ debug_info -> raw_tactic_expr -> tactic
+(* Initial call for interpretation *)
+val glob_tactic : raw_tactic_expr -> glob_tactic_expr
+val glob_tactic_env : identifier list -> Environ.env -> raw_tactic_expr -> glob_tactic_expr
+val eval_tactic : glob_tactic_expr -> tactic
+val interp : raw_tactic_expr -> tactic
+val subst_tactic : substitution -> glob_tactic_expr -> glob_tactic_expr
+(* Hides interpretation for pretty-print *)
+val hide_interp : raw_tactic_expr -> tactic option -> tactic
+(* Adds an interpretation function *)
+val interp_add : string * (interp_sign -> Coqast.t -> value) -> unit
+(* Adds a possible existing interpretation function *)
+val overwriting_interp_add : string * (interp_sign -> Coqast.t -> value) ->
+ unit
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77898afb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:55 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Sign
+open Declarations
+open Inductive
+open Reduction
+open Environ
+open Libnames
+open Refiner
+open Tacmach
+open Clenv
+open Pattern
+open Matching
+open Evar_refiner
+open Genarg
+open Tacexpr
+(* Basic Tacticals *)
+(* Tacticals re-exported from the Refiner module.*)
+let tclIDTAC = tclIDTAC
+let tclORELSE = tclORELSE
+let tclTHEN = tclTHEN
+let tclTHEN_i = tclTHEN_i
+let tclTHENS = tclTHENS
+let tclTHENSV = Refiner.tclTHENSV
+let tclTHENSFIRSTn = Refiner.tclTHENSFIRSTn
+let tclTHENSLASTn = Refiner.tclTHENSLASTn
+let tclTHENFIRSTn = Refiner.tclTHENFIRSTn
+let tclTHENLASTn = Refiner.tclTHENLASTn
+let tclREPEAT = Refiner.tclREPEAT
+let tclFIRST = Refiner.tclFIRST
+let tclSOLVE = Refiner.tclSOLVE
+let tclTRY = Refiner.tclTRY
+let tclINFO = Refiner.tclINFO
+let tclCOMPLETE = Refiner.tclCOMPLETE
+let tclAT_LEAST_ONCE = Refiner.tclAT_LEAST_ONCE
+let tclFAIL = Refiner.tclFAIL
+let tclDO = Refiner.tclDO
+let tclPROGRESS = Refiner.tclPROGRESS
+let tclTHENTRY = tclTHENTRY
+let unTAC = unTAC
+(* [rclTHENSEQ [t1;..;tn] is equivalent to t1;..;tn *)
+let tclTHENSEQ = List.fold_left tclTHEN tclIDTAC
+(* map_tactical f [x1..xn] = (f x1);(f x2);...(f xn) *)
+(* tclMAP f [x1..xn] = (f x1);(f x2);...(f xn) *)
+let tclMAP tacfun l =
+ List.fold_right (fun x -> (tclTHEN (tacfun x))) l tclIDTAC
+(* apply a tactic to the nth element of the signature *)
+let tclNTH_HYP m (tac : constr->tactic) gl =
+ tac (try mkVar(let (id,_,_) = List.nth (pf_hyps gl) (m-1) in id)
+ with Failure _ -> error "No such assumption") gl
+(* apply a tactic to the last element of the signature *)
+let tclLAST_HYP = tclNTH_HYP 1
+let tclTRY_sign (tac : constr->tactic) sign gl =
+ let rec arec = function
+ | [] -> tclFAIL 0 "no applicable hypothesis"
+ | [s] -> tac (mkVar s) (*added in order to get useful error messages *)
+ | (s::sl) -> tclORELSE (tac (mkVar s)) (arec sl)
+ in
+ arec (ids_of_named_context sign) gl
+let tclTRY_HYPS (tac : constr->tactic) gl =
+ tclTRY_sign tac (pf_hyps gl) gl
+(* Clause Tacticals *)
+(* The following functions introduce several tactic combinators and
+ functions useful for working with clauses. A clause is either None
+ or (Some id), where id is an identifier. This type is useful for
+ defining tactics that may be used either to transform the
+ conclusion (None) or to transform a hypothesis id (Some id). --
+ --Eduardo (8/8/97)
+(* The type of clauses *)
+type simple_clause = identifier gsimple_clause
+type clause = identifier gclause
+let allClauses = { onhyps=None; onconcl=true; concl_occs=[] }
+let allHyps = { onhyps=None; onconcl=false; concl_occs=[] }
+let onHyp id =
+ { onhyps=Some[(id,[],(InHyp, ref None))]; onconcl=false; concl_occs=[] }
+let onConcl = { onhyps=Some[]; onconcl=true; concl_occs=[] }
+let simple_clause_list_of cl gls =
+ let hyps =
+ match cl.onhyps with
+ None ->
+ (fun id -> Some(id,[],(InHyp,ref None))) (pf_ids_of_hyps gls)
+ | Some l -> (fun h -> Some h) l in
+ if cl.onconcl then None::hyps else hyps
+(* OR-branch *)
+let tryClauses tac cl gls =
+ let rec firstrec = function
+ | [] -> tclFAIL 0 "no applicable hypothesis"
+ | [cls] -> tac cls (* added in order to get a useful error message *)
+ | cls::tl -> (tclORELSE (tac cls) (firstrec tl))
+ in
+ let hyps = simple_clause_list_of cl gls in
+ firstrec hyps gls
+(* AND-branch *)
+let onClauses tac cl gls =
+ let hyps = simple_clause_list_of cl gls in
+ tclMAP tac hyps gls
+(* AND-branch reverse order*)
+let onClausesLR tac cl gls =
+ let hyps = simple_clause_list_of cl gls in
+ tclMAP tac (List.rev hyps) gls
+(* A clause corresponding to the |n|-th hypothesis or None *)
+let nth_clause n gl =
+ if n = 0 then
+ onConcl
+ else if n < 0 then
+ let id = List.nth (List.rev (pf_ids_of_hyps gl)) (-n-1) in
+ onHyp id
+ else
+ let id = List.nth (pf_ids_of_hyps gl) (n-1) in
+ onHyp id
+(* Gets the conclusion or the type of a given hypothesis *)
+let clause_type cls gl =
+ match simple_clause_of cls with
+ | None -> pf_concl gl
+ | Some (id,_,_) -> pf_get_hyp_typ gl id
+(* Functions concerning matching of clausal environments *)
+let pf_is_matching gls pat n =
+ let (wc,_) = startWalk gls in
+ is_matching_conv (w_env wc) (w_Underlying wc) pat n
+let pf_matches gls pat n =
+ matches_conv (pf_env gls) (project gls) pat n
+(* [OnCL clausefinder clausetac]
+ * executes the clausefinder to find the clauses, and then executes the
+ * clausetac on the clause so obtained. *)
+let onCL cfind cltac gl = cltac (cfind gl) gl
+(* [OnHyps hypsfinder hypstac]
+ * idem [OnCL] but only for hypotheses, not for conclusion *)
+let onHyps find tac gl = tac (find gl) gl
+(* Create a clause list with all the hypotheses from the context, occuring
+ after id *)
+let afterHyp id gl =
+ fst (list_splitby (fun (hyp,_,_) -> hyp = id) (pf_hyps gl))
+(* Create a singleton clause list with the last hypothesis from then context *)
+let lastHyp gl = List.hd (pf_ids_of_hyps gl)
+(* Create a clause list with the n last hypothesis from then context *)
+let nLastHyps n gl =
+ try list_firstn n (pf_hyps gl)
+ with Failure "firstn" -> error "Not enough hypotheses in the goal"
+let onClause t cls gl = t cls gl
+let tryAllClauses tac = tryClauses tac allClauses
+let onAllClauses tac = onClauses tac allClauses
+let onAllClausesLR tac = onClausesLR tac allClauses
+let onNthLastHyp n tac gls = tac (nth_clause n gls) gls
+let tryAllHyps tac =
+ tryClauses (function Some(id,_,_) -> tac id | _ -> assert false) allHyps
+let onNLastHyps n tac = onHyps (nLastHyps n) (tclMAP tac)
+let onLastHyp tac gls = tac (lastHyp gls) gls
+let clauseTacThen tac continuation =
+ (fun cls -> (tclTHEN (tac cls) continuation))
+let if_tac pred tac1 tac2 gl =
+ if pred gl then tac1 gl else tac2 gl
+let ifOnClause pred tac1 tac2 cls gl =
+ if pred (cls,clause_type cls gl) then
+ tac1 cls gl
+ else
+ tac2 cls gl
+let ifOnHyp pred tac1 tac2 id gl =
+ if pred (id,pf_get_hyp_typ gl id) then
+ tac1 id gl
+ else
+ tac2 id gl
+(* Elimination Tacticals *)
+(* The following tacticals allow to apply a tactic to the
+ branches generated by the application of an elimination
+ tactic.
+ Two auxiliary types --branch_args and branch_assumptions-- are
+ used to keep track of some information about the ``branches'' of
+ the elimination. *)
+type branch_args = {
+ ity : inductive; (* the type we were eliminating on *)
+ largs : constr list; (* its arguments *)
+ branchnum : int; (* the branch number *)
+ pred : constr; (* the predicate we used *)
+ nassums : int; (* the number of assumptions to be introduced *)
+ branchsign : bool list; (* the signature of the branch.
+ true=recursive argument, false=constant *)
+ branchnames : intro_pattern_expr list}
+type branch_assumptions = {
+ ba : branch_args; (* the branch args *)
+ assums : named_context} (* the list of assumptions introduced *)
+let compute_induction_names n = function
+ | None ->
+ Array.make n []
+ | Some (IntroOrAndPattern names) when List.length names = n ->
+ Array.of_list names
+ | _ ->
+ errorlabstrm "" (str "Expects " ++ int n ++ str " lists of names")
+let compute_construtor_signatures isrec (_,k as ity) =
+ let rec analrec c recargs =
+ match kind_of_term c, recargs with
+ | Prod (_,_,c), recarg::rest ->
+ let b = match dest_recarg recarg with
+ | Norec | Imbr _ -> false
+ | Mrec j -> isrec & j=k
+ in b :: (analrec c rest)
+ | LetIn (_,_,_,c), rest -> false :: (analrec c rest)
+ | _, [] -> []
+ | _ -> anomaly "compute_construtor_signatures"
+ in
+ let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ity in
+ let n = mip.mind_nparams in
+ let lc =
+ (fun c -> snd (decompose_prod_n_assum n c)) mip.mind_nf_lc in
+ let lrecargs = dest_subterms mip.mind_recargs in
+ array_map2 analrec lc lrecargs
+let elimination_sort_of_goal gl =
+ match kind_of_term (hnf_type_of gl (pf_concl gl)) with
+ | Sort s ->
+ (match s with
+ | Prop Null -> InProp
+ | Prop Pos -> InSet
+ | Type _ -> InType)
+ | _ -> anomaly "goal should be a type"
+let elimination_sort_of_hyp id gl =
+ match kind_of_term (hnf_type_of gl (pf_get_hyp_typ gl id)) with
+ | Sort s ->
+ (match s with
+ | Prop Null -> InProp
+ | Prop Pos -> InSet
+ | Type _ -> InType)
+ | _ -> anomaly "goal should be a type"
+(* Find the right elimination suffix corresponding to the sort of the goal *)
+(* c should be of type A1->.. An->B with B an inductive definition *)
+let last_arg c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | App (f,cl) -> array_last cl
+ | _ -> anomaly "last_arg"
+let general_elim_then_using
+ elim isrec allnames tac predicate (indbindings,elimbindings) c gl =
+ let (ity,t) = pf_reduce_to_quantified_ind gl (pf_type_of gl c) in
+ (* applying elimination_scheme just a little modified *)
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gl in
+ let indclause = mk_clenv_from wc (c,t) in
+ let indclause' = clenv_constrain_with_bindings indbindings indclause in
+ let elimclause = mk_clenv_from () (elim,w_type_of wc elim) in
+ let indmv =
+ match kind_of_term (last_arg (clenv_template elimclause).rebus) with
+ | Meta mv -> mv
+ | _ -> error "elimination"
+ in
+ let pmv =
+ let p, _ = decompose_app (clenv_template_type elimclause).rebus in
+ match kind_of_term p with
+ | Meta p -> p
+ | _ ->
+ let name_elim =
+ match kind_of_term elim with
+ | Const kn -> string_of_kn kn
+ | Var id -> string_of_id id
+ | _ -> "\b"
+ in
+ error ("The elimination combinator " ^ name_elim ^ " is not known")
+ in
+ let elimclause' = clenv_fchain indmv elimclause indclause' in
+ let elimclause' = clenv_constrain_with_bindings elimbindings elimclause' in
+ let branchsigns = compute_construtor_signatures isrec ity in
+ let brnames = compute_induction_names (Array.length branchsigns) allnames in
+ let after_tac ce i gl =
+ let (hd,largs) = decompose_app (clenv_template_type ce).rebus in
+ let ba = { branchsign = branchsigns.(i);
+ branchnames = brnames.(i);
+ nassums =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc b -> if b then acc+2 else acc+1)
+ 0 branchsigns.(i);
+ branchnum = i+1;
+ ity = ity;
+ largs = (clenv_instance_term ce) largs;
+ pred = clenv_instance_term ce hd }
+ in
+ tac ba gl
+ in
+ let branchtacs ce = Array.init (Array.length branchsigns) (after_tac ce) in
+ let elimclause' =
+ match predicate with
+ | None -> elimclause'
+ | Some p -> clenv_assign pmv p elimclause'
+ in
+ elim_res_pf_THEN_i kONT elimclause' branchtacs gl
+let elimination_then_using tac predicate (indbindings,elimbindings) c gl =
+ let (ind,t) = pf_reduce_to_quantified_ind gl (pf_type_of gl c) in
+ let elim =
+ Indrec.lookup_eliminator ind (elimination_sort_of_goal gl) in
+ general_elim_then_using
+ elim true None tac predicate (indbindings,elimbindings) c gl
+let elimination_then tac = elimination_then_using tac None
+let simple_elimination_then tac = elimination_then tac ([],[])
+let case_then_using allnames tac predicate (indbindings,elimbindings) c gl =
+ (* finding the case combinator *)
+ let (ity,t) = pf_reduce_to_quantified_ind gl (pf_type_of gl c) in
+ let sigma = project gl in
+ let sort = elimination_sort_of_goal gl in
+ let elim = Indrec.make_case_dep (pf_env gl) sigma ity sort in
+ general_elim_then_using
+ elim false allnames tac predicate (indbindings,elimbindings) c gl
+let case_nodep_then_using allnames tac predicate (indbindings,elimbindings)
+ c gl =
+ (* finding the case combinator *)
+ let (ity,t) = pf_reduce_to_quantified_ind gl (pf_type_of gl c) in
+ let sigma = project gl in
+ let sort = elimination_sort_of_goal gl in
+ let elim = Indrec.make_case_nodep (pf_env gl) sigma ity sort in
+ general_elim_then_using
+ elim false allnames tac predicate (indbindings,elimbindings) c gl
+let make_elim_branch_assumptions ba gl =
+ let rec makerec (assums,cargs,constargs,recargs,indargs) lb lc =
+ match lb,lc with
+ | ([], _) ->
+ { ba = ba;
+ assums = assums}
+ | ((true::tl), ((idrec,_,_ as recarg)::(idind,_,_ as indarg)::idtl)) ->
+ makerec (recarg::indarg::assums,
+ idrec::cargs,
+ idrec::recargs,
+ constargs,
+ idind::indargs) tl idtl
+ | ((false::tl), ((id,_,_ as constarg)::idtl)) ->
+ makerec (constarg::assums,
+ id::cargs,
+ id::constargs,
+ recargs,
+ indargs) tl idtl
+ | (_, _) -> error "make_elim_branch_assumptions"
+ in
+ makerec ([],[],[],[],[]) ba.branchsign
+ (try list_firstn ba.nassums (pf_hyps gl)
+ with Failure _ -> anomaly "make_elim_branch_assumptions")
+let elim_on_ba tac ba gl = tac (make_elim_branch_assumptions ba gl) gl
+let make_case_branch_assumptions ba gl =
+ let rec makerec (assums,cargs,constargs,recargs) p_0 p_1 =
+ match p_0,p_1 with
+ | ([], _) ->
+ { ba = ba;
+ assums = assums}
+ | ((true::tl), ((idrec,_,_ as recarg)::idtl)) ->
+ makerec (recarg::assums,
+ idrec::cargs,
+ idrec::recargs,
+ constargs) tl idtl
+ | ((false::tl), ((id,_,_ as constarg)::idtl)) ->
+ makerec (constarg::assums,
+ id::cargs,
+ recargs,
+ id::constargs) tl idtl
+ | (_, _) -> error "make_case_branch_assumptions"
+ in
+ makerec ([],[],[],[]) ba.branchsign
+ (try list_firstn ba.nassums (pf_hyps gl)
+ with Failure _ -> anomaly "make_case_branch_assumptions")
+let case_on_ba tac ba gl = tac (make_case_branch_assumptions ba gl) gl
diff --git a/tactics/tacticals.mli b/tactics/tacticals.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2cb63b40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/tacticals.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: tacticals.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:55 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Term
+open Sign
+open Tacmach
+open Proof_type
+open Clenv
+open Reduction
+open Pattern
+open Genarg
+open Tacexpr
+(* Tacticals i.e. functions from tactics to tactics. *)
+val tclIDTAC : tactic
+val tclIDTAC_MESSAGE : string -> tactic
+val tclORELSE : tactic -> tactic -> tactic
+val tclTHEN : tactic -> tactic -> tactic
+val tclTHENSEQ : tactic list -> tactic
+val tclTHENLIST : tactic list -> tactic
+val tclTHEN_i : tactic -> (int -> tactic) -> tactic
+val tclTHENFIRST : tactic -> tactic -> tactic
+val tclTHENLAST : tactic -> tactic -> tactic
+val tclTHENS : tactic -> tactic list -> tactic
+val tclTHENSV : tactic -> tactic array -> tactic
+val tclTHENSLASTn : tactic -> tactic -> tactic array -> tactic
+val tclTHENLASTn : tactic -> tactic array -> tactic
+val tclTHENSFIRSTn : tactic -> tactic array -> tactic -> tactic
+val tclTHENFIRSTn : tactic -> tactic array -> tactic
+val tclREPEAT : tactic -> tactic
+val tclREPEAT_MAIN : tactic -> tactic
+val tclFIRST : tactic list -> tactic
+val tclSOLVE : tactic list -> tactic
+val tclTRY : tactic -> tactic
+val tclINFO : tactic -> tactic
+val tclCOMPLETE : tactic -> tactic
+val tclAT_LEAST_ONCE : tactic -> tactic
+val tclFAIL : int -> string -> tactic
+val tclDO : int -> tactic -> tactic
+val tclPROGRESS : tactic -> tactic
+val tclWEAK_PROGRESS : tactic -> tactic
+val tclNOTSAMEGOAL : tactic -> tactic
+val tclTHENTRY : tactic -> tactic -> tactic
+val tclNTH_HYP : int -> (constr -> tactic) -> tactic
+val tclMAP : ('a -> tactic) -> 'a list -> tactic
+val tclLAST_HYP : (constr -> tactic) -> tactic
+val tclTRY_sign : (constr -> tactic) -> named_context -> tactic
+val tclTRY_HYPS : (constr -> tactic) -> tactic
+val tclIFTHENELSE : tactic -> tactic -> tactic -> tactic
+val tclIFTHENSELSE : tactic -> tactic list -> tactic -> tactic
+val tclIFTHENSVELSE : tactic -> tactic array -> tactic -> tactic
+val unTAC : tactic -> goal sigma -> proof_tree sigma
+(*s Clause tacticals. *)
+type simple_clause = identifier gsimple_clause
+type clause = identifier gclause
+val allClauses : 'a gclause
+val allHyps : clause
+val onHyp : identifier -> clause
+val onConcl : 'a gclause
+val nth_clause : int -> goal sigma -> clause
+val clause_type : clause -> goal sigma -> constr
+val simple_clause_list_of : clause -> goal sigma -> simple_clause list
+val pf_matches : goal sigma -> constr_pattern -> constr -> patvar_map
+val pf_is_matching : goal sigma -> constr_pattern -> constr -> bool
+val afterHyp : identifier -> goal sigma -> named_context
+val lastHyp : goal sigma -> identifier
+val nLastHyps : int -> goal sigma -> named_context
+val onCL : (goal sigma -> clause) ->
+ (clause -> tactic) -> tactic
+val tryAllClauses : (simple_clause -> tactic) -> tactic
+val onAllClauses : (simple_clause -> tactic) -> tactic
+val onClause : (clause -> tactic) -> clause -> tactic
+val onClauses : (simple_clause -> tactic) -> clause -> tactic
+val onAllClausesLR : (simple_clause -> tactic) -> tactic
+val onNthLastHyp : int -> (clause -> tactic) -> tactic
+val clauseTacThen : (clause -> tactic) -> tactic -> clause -> tactic
+val if_tac : (goal sigma -> bool) -> tactic -> (tactic) -> tactic
+val ifOnClause :
+ (clause * types -> bool) ->
+ (clause -> tactic) -> (clause -> tactic) -> clause -> tactic
+val ifOnHyp :
+ (identifier * types -> bool) ->
+ (identifier -> tactic) -> (identifier -> tactic) -> identifier -> tactic
+val onHyps : (goal sigma -> named_context) ->
+ (named_context -> tactic) -> tactic
+val tryAllHyps : (identifier -> tactic) -> tactic
+val onNLastHyps : int -> (named_declaration -> tactic) -> tactic
+val onLastHyp : (identifier -> tactic) -> tactic
+(*s Elimination tacticals. *)
+type branch_args = {
+ ity : inductive; (* the type we were eliminating on *)
+ largs : constr list; (* its arguments *)
+ branchnum : int; (* the branch number *)
+ pred : constr; (* the predicate we used *)
+ nassums : int; (* the number of assumptions to be introduced *)
+ branchsign : bool list; (* the signature of the branch.
+ true=recursive argument, false=constant *)
+ branchnames : intro_pattern_expr list}
+type branch_assumptions = {
+ ba : branch_args; (* the branch args *)
+ assums : named_context} (* the list of assumptions introduced *)
+(* Useful for "as intro_pattern" modifier *)
+val compute_induction_names :
+ int -> intro_pattern_expr option -> intro_pattern_expr list array
+val elimination_sort_of_goal : goal sigma -> sorts_family
+val elimination_sort_of_hyp : identifier -> goal sigma -> sorts_family
+val general_elim_then_using :
+ constr -> (* isrec: *) bool -> intro_pattern_expr option ->
+ (branch_args -> tactic) -> constr option ->
+ (arg_bindings * arg_bindings) -> constr -> tactic
+val elimination_then_using :
+ (branch_args -> tactic) -> constr option ->
+ (arg_bindings * arg_bindings) -> constr -> tactic
+val elimination_then :
+ (branch_args -> tactic) ->
+ (arg_bindings * arg_bindings) -> constr -> tactic
+val case_then_using :
+ intro_pattern_expr option -> (branch_args -> tactic) ->
+ constr option -> (arg_bindings * arg_bindings) -> constr -> tactic
+val case_nodep_then_using :
+ intro_pattern_expr option -> (branch_args -> tactic) ->
+ constr option -> (arg_bindings * arg_bindings) -> constr -> tactic
+val simple_elimination_then :
+ (branch_args -> tactic) -> constr -> tactic
+val elim_on_ba : (branch_assumptions -> tactic) -> branch_args -> tactic
+val case_on_ba : (branch_assumptions -> tactic) -> branch_args -> tactic
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cab4f025
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,1922 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:55 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Sign
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Declarations
+open Inductive
+open Inductiveops
+open Reductionops
+open Environ
+open Libnames
+open Evd
+open Pfedit
+open Tacred
+open Rawterm
+open Tacmach
+open Proof_trees
+open Proof_type
+open Logic
+open Evar_refiner
+open Clenv
+open Refiner
+open Tacticals
+open Hipattern
+open Coqlib
+open Nametab
+open Genarg
+open Tacexpr
+open Decl_kinds
+exception Bound
+let rec nb_prod x =
+ let rec count n c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ Prod(_,_,t) -> count (n+1) t
+ | LetIn(_,a,_,t) -> count n (subst1 a t)
+ | Cast(c,_) -> count n c
+ | _ -> n
+ in count 0 x
+(* Tactics *)
+(* General functions *)
+let get_pairs_from_bindings =
+ let pair_from_binding = function
+ | [(Bindings binds)] -> binds
+ | _ -> error "not a binding list!"
+ in
+ pair_from_binding
+let string_of_inductive c =
+ try match kind_of_term c with
+ | Ind ind_sp ->
+ let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind_sp in
+ string_of_id mip.mind_typename
+ | _ -> raise Bound
+ with Bound -> error "Bound head variable"
+let rec head_constr_bound t l =
+ let t = strip_outer_cast(collapse_appl t) in
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Prod (_,_,c2) -> head_constr_bound c2 l
+ | LetIn (_,_,_,c2) -> head_constr_bound c2 l
+ | App (f,args) ->
+ head_constr_bound f (Array.fold_right (fun a l -> a::l) args l)
+ | Const _ -> t::l
+ | Ind _ -> t::l
+ | Construct _ -> t::l
+ | Var _ -> t::l
+ | _ -> raise Bound
+let head_constr c =
+ try head_constr_bound c [] with Bound -> error "Bound head variable"
+let bad_tactic_args s l =
+ raise (RefinerError (BadTacticArgs (s,l)))
+(* Primitive tactics *)
+let introduction = Tacmach.introduction
+let intro_replacing = Tacmach.intro_replacing
+let internal_cut = Tacmach.internal_cut
+let internal_cut_rev = Tacmach.internal_cut_rev
+let refine = Tacmach.refine
+let convert_concl = Tacmach.convert_concl
+let convert_hyp = Tacmach.convert_hyp
+let thin = Tacmach.thin
+let thin_body = Tacmach.thin_body
+(* Moving hypotheses *)
+let move_hyp = Tacmach.move_hyp
+(* Renaming hypotheses *)
+let rename_hyp = Tacmach.rename_hyp
+(* Refine as a fixpoint *)
+let mutual_fix = Tacmach.mutual_fix
+let fix ido n = match ido with
+ | None -> mutual_fix (Pfedit.get_current_proof_name ()) n []
+ | Some id -> mutual_fix id n []
+(* Refine as a cofixpoint *)
+let mutual_cofix = Tacmach.mutual_cofix
+let cofix = function
+ | None -> mutual_cofix (Pfedit.get_current_proof_name ()) []
+ | Some id -> mutual_cofix id []
+(* Reduction and conversion tactics *)
+type tactic_reduction = env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr
+(* The following two tactics apply an arbitrary
+ reduction function either to the conclusion or to a
+ certain hypothesis *)
+let reduct_in_concl redfun gl =
+ convert_concl_no_check (pf_reduce redfun gl (pf_concl gl)) gl
+let reduct_in_hyp redfun (id,_,(where,where')) gl =
+ let (_,c, ty) = pf_get_hyp gl id in
+ let redfun' = (*under_casts*) (pf_reduce redfun gl) in
+ match c with
+ | None ->
+ if where = InHypValueOnly then
+ errorlabstrm "" (pr_id id ++ str "has no value");
+ if Options.do_translate () then where' := Some where;
+ convert_hyp_no_check (id,None,redfun' ty) gl
+ | Some b ->
+ let where =
+ if !Options.v7 & where = InHyp then InHypValueOnly else where in
+ let b' = if where <> InHypTypeOnly then redfun' b else b in
+ let ty' = if where <> InHypValueOnly then redfun' ty else ty in
+ if Options.do_translate () then where' := Some where;
+ convert_hyp_no_check (id,Some b',ty') gl
+let reduct_option redfun = function
+ | Some id -> reduct_in_hyp redfun id
+ | None -> reduct_in_concl redfun
+(* The following tactic determines whether the reduction
+ function has to be applied to the conclusion or
+ to the hypotheses. *)
+let redin_combinator redfun =
+ onClauses (reduct_option redfun)
+(* Now we introduce different instances of the previous tacticals *)
+let change_and_check cv_pb t env sigma c =
+ if is_fconv cv_pb env sigma t c then
+ t
+ else
+ errorlabstrm "convert-check-hyp" (str "Not convertible")
+(* Use cumulutavity only if changing the conclusion not a subterm *)
+let change_on_subterm cv_pb t = function
+ | None -> change_and_check cv_pb t
+ | Some occl -> contextually false occl (change_and_check CONV t)
+let change_in_concl occl t = reduct_in_concl (change_on_subterm CUMUL t occl)
+let change_in_hyp occl t = reduct_in_hyp (change_on_subterm CONV t occl)
+let change_option occl t = function
+ Some id -> change_in_hyp occl t id
+ | None -> change_in_concl occl t
+let change occl c cls =
+ (match cls, occl with
+ ({onhyps=(Some(_::_::_)|None)}|{onhyps=Some(_::_);onconcl=true}),
+ Some _ ->
+ error "No occurrences expected when changing several hypotheses"
+ | _ -> ());
+ onClauses (change_option occl c) cls
+(* Pour usage interne (le niveau User est pris en compte par reduce) *)
+let red_in_concl = reduct_in_concl red_product
+let red_in_hyp = reduct_in_hyp red_product
+let red_option = reduct_option red_product
+let hnf_in_concl = reduct_in_concl hnf_constr
+let hnf_in_hyp = reduct_in_hyp hnf_constr
+let hnf_option = reduct_option hnf_constr
+let simpl_in_concl = reduct_in_concl nf
+let simpl_in_hyp = reduct_in_hyp nf
+let simpl_option = reduct_option nf
+let normalise_in_concl = reduct_in_concl compute
+let normalise_in_hyp = reduct_in_hyp compute
+let normalise_option = reduct_option compute
+let unfold_in_concl loccname = reduct_in_concl (unfoldn loccname)
+let unfold_in_hyp loccname = reduct_in_hyp (unfoldn loccname)
+let unfold_option loccname = reduct_option (unfoldn loccname)
+let pattern_option l = reduct_option (pattern_occs l)
+(* A function which reduces accordingly to a reduction expression,
+ as the command Eval does. *)
+let reduce redexp cl goal =
+ redin_combinator (reduction_of_redexp redexp) cl goal
+(* Unfolding occurrences of a constant *)
+let unfold_constr = function
+ | ConstRef sp -> unfold_in_concl [[],EvalConstRef sp]
+ | VarRef id -> unfold_in_concl [[],EvalVarRef id]
+ | _ -> errorlabstrm "unfold_constr" (str "Cannot unfold a non-constant.")
+(* Introduction tactics *)
+let fresh_id avoid id gl =
+ next_global_ident_away true id (avoid@(pf_ids_of_hyps gl))
+let id_of_name_with_default s = function
+ | Anonymous -> id_of_string s
+ | Name id -> id
+let default_id gl = function
+ | (name,None,t) ->
+ (match kind_of_term (pf_whd_betadeltaiota gl (pf_type_of gl t)) with
+ | Sort (Prop _) -> (id_of_name_with_default "H" name)
+ | Sort (Type _) -> (id_of_name_with_default "X" name)
+ | _ -> anomaly "Wrong sort")
+ | (name,Some b,_) -> id_of_name_using_hdchar (pf_env gl) b name
+(* Non primitive introduction tactics are treated by central_intro
+ There is possibly renaming, with possibly names to avoid and
+ possibly a move to do after the introduction *)
+type intro_name_flag =
+ | IntroAvoid of identifier list
+ | IntroBasedOn of identifier * identifier list
+ | IntroMustBe of identifier
+let find_name decl gl = function
+ | IntroAvoid idl ->
+ let id = fresh_id idl (default_id gl decl) gl in id
+ | IntroBasedOn (id,idl) -> fresh_id idl id gl
+ | IntroMustBe id ->
+ let id' = fresh_id [] id gl in
+ if id' <> id then error ((string_of_id id)^" is already used");
+ id'
+let build_intro_tac id = function
+ | None -> introduction id
+ | Some dest -> tclTHEN (introduction id) (move_hyp true id dest)
+let rec intro_gen name_flag move_flag force_flag gl =
+ match kind_of_term (pf_concl gl) with
+ | Prod (name,t,_) ->
+ build_intro_tac (find_name (name,None,t) gl name_flag) move_flag gl
+ | LetIn (name,b,t,_) ->
+ build_intro_tac (find_name (name,Some b,t) gl name_flag) move_flag gl
+ | _ ->
+ if not force_flag then raise (RefinerError IntroNeedsProduct);
+ try
+ tclTHEN
+ (reduce (Red true) onConcl)
+ (intro_gen name_flag move_flag force_flag) gl
+ with Redelimination ->
+ errorlabstrm "Intro" (str "No product even after head-reduction")
+let intro_mustbe_force id = intro_gen (IntroMustBe id) None true
+let intro_using id = intro_gen (IntroBasedOn (id,[])) None false
+let intro_force force_flag = intro_gen (IntroAvoid []) None force_flag
+let intro = intro_force false
+let introf = intro_force true
+let introf_move_name destopt = intro_gen (IntroAvoid []) destopt true
+(* For backwards compatibility *)
+let central_intro = intro_gen
+(**** Multiple introduction tactics ****)
+let rec intros_using = function
+ [] -> tclIDTAC
+ | str::l -> tclTHEN (intro_using str) (intros_using l)
+let intros = tclREPEAT (intro_force false)
+let intro_erasing id = tclTHEN (thin [id]) (intro_using id)
+let intros_replacing ids gls =
+ let rec introrec = function
+ | [] -> tclIDTAC
+ | id::tl ->
+ (tclTHEN (tclORELSE (intro_replacing id)
+ (tclORELSE (intro_erasing id) (* ?? *)
+ (intro_using id)))
+ (introrec tl))
+ in
+ introrec ids gls
+(* User-level introduction tactics *)
+let intro_move idopt idopt' = match idopt with
+ | None -> intro_gen (IntroAvoid []) idopt' true
+ | Some id -> intro_gen (IntroMustBe id) idopt' true
+let pf_lookup_hypothesis_as_renamed env ccl = function
+ | AnonHyp n -> pf_lookup_index_as_renamed env ccl n
+ | NamedHyp id -> pf_lookup_name_as_renamed env ccl id
+let pf_lookup_hypothesis_as_renamed_gen red h gl =
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ let rec aux ccl =
+ match pf_lookup_hypothesis_as_renamed env ccl h with
+ | None when red ->
+ aux (reduction_of_redexp (Red true) env (project gl) ccl)
+ | x -> x
+ in
+ try aux (pf_concl gl)
+ with Redelimination -> None
+let is_quantified_hypothesis id g =
+ match pf_lookup_hypothesis_as_renamed_gen true (NamedHyp id) g with
+ | Some _ -> true
+ | None -> false
+let msg_quantified_hypothesis = function
+ | NamedHyp id ->
+ str "hypothesis " ++ pr_id id
+ | AnonHyp n ->
+ int n ++ str (match n with 1 -> "st" | 2 -> "nd" | _ -> "th") ++
+ str " non dependent hypothesis"
+let depth_of_quantified_hypothesis red h gl =
+ match pf_lookup_hypothesis_as_renamed_gen red h gl with
+ | Some depth -> depth
+ | None ->
+ errorlabstrm "lookup_quantified_hypothesis"
+ (str "No " ++ msg_quantified_hypothesis h ++
+ str " in current goal" ++
+ if red then str " even after head-reduction" else mt ())
+let intros_until_gen red h g =
+ tclDO (depth_of_quantified_hypothesis red h g) intro g
+let intros_until_id id = intros_until_gen true (NamedHyp id)
+let intros_until_n_gen red n = intros_until_gen red (AnonHyp n)
+let intros_until = intros_until_gen true
+let intros_until_n = intros_until_n_gen true
+let intros_until_n_wored = intros_until_n_gen false
+let try_intros_until tac = function
+ | NamedHyp id -> tclTHEN (tclTRY (intros_until_id id)) (tac id)
+ | AnonHyp n -> tclTHEN (intros_until_n n) (onLastHyp tac)
+let rec intros_move = function
+ | [] -> tclIDTAC
+ | (hyp,destopt) :: rest ->
+ tclTHEN (intro_gen (IntroMustBe hyp) destopt false)
+ (intros_move rest)
+let dependent_in_decl a (_,c,t) =
+ match c with
+ | None -> dependent a t
+ | Some body -> dependent a body || dependent a t
+let move_to_rhyp rhyp gl =
+ let rec get_lhyp lastfixed depdecls = function
+ | [] ->
+ (match rhyp with
+ | None -> lastfixed
+ | Some h -> anomaly ("Hypothesis should occur: "^ (string_of_id h)))
+ | (hyp,c,typ) as ht :: rest ->
+ if Some hyp = rhyp then
+ lastfixed
+ else if List.exists (occur_var_in_decl (pf_env gl) hyp) depdecls then
+ get_lhyp lastfixed (ht::depdecls) rest
+ else
+ get_lhyp (Some hyp) depdecls rest
+ in
+ let sign = pf_hyps gl in
+ let (hyp,c,typ as decl) = List.hd sign in
+ match get_lhyp None [decl] ( sign) with
+ | None -> tclIDTAC gl
+ | Some hypto -> move_hyp true hyp hypto gl
+let rec intros_rmove = function
+ | [] -> tclIDTAC
+ | (hyp,destopt) :: rest ->
+ tclTHENLIST [ introduction hyp;
+ move_to_rhyp destopt;
+ intros_rmove rest ]
+(* Resolution tactics *)
+(* Refinement tactic: unification with the head of the head normal form
+ * of the type of a term. *)
+let apply_type hdcty argl gl =
+ refine (applist (mkCast (mkMeta (new_meta()),hdcty),argl)) gl
+let apply_term hdc argl gl =
+ refine (applist (hdc,argl)) gl
+let bring_hyps hyps =
+ if hyps = [] then Refiner.tclIDTAC
+ else
+ (fun gl ->
+ let newcl = List.fold_right mkNamedProd_or_LetIn hyps (pf_concl gl) in
+ let f = mkCast (mkMeta (new_meta()),newcl) in
+ refine_no_check (mkApp (f, instance_from_named_context hyps)) gl)
+(* Resolution with missing arguments *)
+let apply_with_bindings (c,lbind) gl =
+ let apply =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Lambda _ -> res_pf_cast
+ | _ -> res_pf
+ in
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gl in
+ (* The actual type of the theorem. It will be matched against the
+ goal. If this fails, then the head constant will be unfolded step by
+ step. *)
+ let thm_ty0 = nf_betaiota (w_type_of wc c) in
+ let rec try_apply thm_ty =
+ try
+ let n = nb_prod thm_ty - nb_prod (pf_concl gl) in
+ if n<0 then error "Apply: theorem has not enough premisses.";
+ let clause = make_clenv_binding_apply wc n (c,thm_ty) lbind in
+ apply kONT clause gl
+ with (RefinerError _|UserError _|Failure _) as exn ->
+ let red_thm =
+ try red_product (w_env wc) (w_Underlying wc) thm_ty
+ with (Redelimination | UserError _) -> raise exn in
+ try_apply red_thm in
+ try try_apply thm_ty0
+ with (RefinerError _|UserError _|Failure _) ->
+ (* Last chance: if the head is a variable, apply may try
+ second order unification *)
+ let clause = make_clenv_binding_apply wc (-1) (c,thm_ty0) lbind in
+ apply kONT clause gl
+let apply c = apply_with_bindings (c,NoBindings)
+let apply_list = function
+ | c::l -> apply_with_bindings (c,ImplicitBindings l)
+ | _ -> assert false
+(* Resolution with no reduction on the type *)
+let apply_without_reduce c gl =
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gl in
+ let clause = mk_clenv_type_of wc c in
+ res_pf kONT clause gl
+(* A useful resolution tactic which, if c:A->B, transforms |- C into
+ |- B -> C and |- A
+ -------------------
+ Gamma |- c : A -> B Gamma |- ?2 : A
+ ----------------------------------------
+ Gamma |- B Gamma |- ?1 : B -> C
+ -----------------------------------------------------
+ Gamma |- ? : C
+ Ltac lapply c :=
+ let ty := check c in
+ match eval hnf in ty with
+ ?A -> ?B => cut B; [ idtac | apply c ]
+ end.
+let cut_and_apply c gl =
+ let goal_constr = pf_concl gl in
+ match kind_of_term (pf_hnf_constr gl (pf_type_of gl c)) with
+ | Prod (_,c1,c2) when not (dependent (mkRel 1) c2) ->
+ (apply_type (mkProd (Anonymous,c2,goal_constr)) [mkMeta(new_meta())])
+ (apply_term c [mkMeta (new_meta())]) gl
+ | _ -> error "Imp_elim needs a non-dependent product"
+(* Cut tactics *)
+let assert_tac first na c gl =
+ match kind_of_term (hnf_type_of gl c) with
+ | Sort s ->
+ let id = match na with
+ | Anonymous ->
+ let d = match s with Prop _ -> "H" | Type _ -> "X" in
+ fresh_id [] (id_of_string d) gl
+ | Name id -> id
+ in
+ (if first then internal_cut else internal_cut_rev) id c gl
+ | _ -> error "Not a proposition or a type"
+let true_cut = assert_tac true
+let cut c gl =
+ match kind_of_term (hnf_type_of gl c) with
+ | Sort _ ->
+ let id=next_name_away_with_default "H" Anonymous (pf_ids_of_hyps gl) in
+ let t = mkProd (Anonymous, c, pf_concl gl) in
+ (internal_cut_rev id c)
+ (tclTHEN (apply_type t [mkVar id]) (thin [id]))
+ gl
+ | _ -> error "Not a proposition or a type"
+let cut_intro t = tclTHENFIRST (cut t) intro
+let cut_replacing id t =
+ (cut t)
+ (tclORELSE
+ (intro_replacing id)
+ (tclORELSE (intro_erasing id)
+ (intro_using id)))
+let cut_in_parallel l =
+ let rec prec = function
+ | [] -> tclIDTAC
+ | h::t -> tclTHENFIRST (cut h) (prec t)
+ in
+ prec (List.rev l)
+(* Generalize tactics *)
+let generalize_goal gl c cl =
+ let t = pf_type_of gl c in
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Var id ->
+ (* The choice of remembering or not a non dependent name has an impact
+ on the future Intro naming strategy! *)
+ (* if dependent c cl then mkNamedProd id t cl
+ else mkProd (Anonymous,t,cl) *)
+ mkNamedProd id t cl
+ | _ ->
+ let cl' = subst_term c cl in
+ if noccurn 1 cl' then
+ mkProd (Anonymous,t,cl)
+ (* On ne se casse pas la tete : on prend pour nom de variable
+ la premiere lettre du type, meme si "ci" est une
+ constante et qu'on pourrait prendre directement son nom *)
+ else
+ prod_name (Global.env()) (Anonymous, t, cl')
+let generalize_dep c gl =
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ let sign = pf_hyps gl in
+ let init_ids = ids_of_named_context (Global.named_context()) in
+ let rec seek d toquant =
+ if List.exists (fun (id,_,_) -> occur_var_in_decl env id d) toquant
+ or dependent_in_decl c d then
+ d::toquant
+ else
+ toquant in
+ let to_quantify = Sign.fold_named_context seek sign ~init:[] in
+ let to_quantify_rev = List.rev to_quantify in
+ let qhyps = (fun (id,_,_) -> id) to_quantify_rev in
+ let tothin = List.filter (fun id -> not (List.mem id init_ids)) qhyps in
+ let tothin' =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Var id when mem_named_context id sign & not (List.mem id init_ids)
+ -> id::tothin
+ | _ -> tothin
+ in
+ let cl' = it_mkNamedProd_or_LetIn (pf_concl gl) to_quantify in
+ let cl'' = generalize_goal gl c cl' in
+ let args = Array.to_list (instance_from_named_context to_quantify_rev) in
+ tclTHEN
+ (apply_type cl'' (c::args))
+ (thin (List.rev tothin'))
+ gl
+let generalize lconstr gl =
+ let newcl = List.fold_right (generalize_goal gl) lconstr (pf_concl gl) in
+ apply_type newcl lconstr gl
+(* Faudra-t-il une version avec plusieurs args de generalize_dep ?
+Cela peut-être troublant de faire "Generalize Dependent H n" dans
+"n:nat; H:n=n |- P(n)" et d'échouer parce que H a disparu après la
+généralisation dépendante par n.
+let quantify lconstr =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun com tac -> tclTHEN tac (tactic_com generalize_dep c))
+ lconstr
+ tclIDTAC
+(* A dependent cut rule à la sequent calculus
+ ------------------------------------------
+ Sera simplifiable le jour où il y aura un let in primitif dans constr
+ [letin_tac b na c (occ_hyp,occ_ccl) gl] transforms
+ [...x1:T1(c),...,x2:T2(c),... |- G(c)] into
+ [...x:T;x1:T1(x),...,x2:T2(x),... |- G(x)] if [b] is false or
+ [...x:=c:T;x1:T1(x),...,x2:T2(x),... |- G(x)] if [b] is true
+ [occ_hyp,occ_ccl] tells which occurrences of [c] have to be substituted;
+ if [occ_hyp = []] and [occ_ccl = None] then [c] is substituted
+ wherever it occurs, otherwise [c] is substituted only in hyps
+ present in [occ_hyps] at the specified occurrences (everywhere if
+ the list of occurrences is empty), and in the goal at the specified
+ occurrences if [occ_goal] is not [None];
+ if name = Anonymous, the name is build from the first letter of the type;
+ The tactic first quantify the goal over x1, x2,... then substitute then
+ re-intro x1, x2,... at their initial place ([marks] is internally
+ used to remember the place of x1, x2, ...: it is the list of hypotheses on
+ the left of each x1, ...).
+let occurrences_of_hyp id cls =
+ let rec hyp_occ = function
+ [] -> None
+ | (id',occs,hl)::_ when id=id' -> Some occs
+ | _::l -> hyp_occ l in
+ match cls.onhyps with
+ None -> Some []
+ | Some l -> hyp_occ l
+let occurrences_of_goal cls =
+ if cls.onconcl then Some cls.concl_occs else None
+let everywhere cls = (cls=allClauses)
+(* Implementation with generalisation then re-intro: introduces noise *)
+(* in proofs *)
+let letin_abstract id c occs gl =
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ let compute_dependency _ (hyp,_,_ as d) ctxt =
+ let d' =
+ try
+ match occurrences_of_hyp hyp occs with
+ | None -> raise Not_found
+ | Some occ ->
+ let newdecl = subst_term_occ_decl occ c d in
+ if d = newdecl then
+ if not (everywhere occs)
+ then raise (RefinerError (DoesNotOccurIn (c,hyp)))
+ else raise Not_found
+ else
+ (subst1_decl (mkVar id) newdecl, true)
+ with Not_found ->
+ (d,List.exists
+ (fun ((id,_,_),dep) -> dep && occur_var_in_decl env id d) ctxt)
+ in d'::ctxt
+ in
+ let ctxt' = fold_named_context compute_dependency env ~init:[] in
+ let compute_marks ((depdecls,marks as accu),lhyp) ((hyp,_,_) as d,b) =
+ if b then ((d::depdecls,(hyp,lhyp)::marks), lhyp)
+ else (accu, Some hyp) in
+ let (depdecls,marks),_ = List.fold_left compute_marks (([],[]),None) ctxt' in
+ let ccl = match occurrences_of_goal occs with
+ | None -> pf_concl gl
+ | Some occ -> subst1 (mkVar id) (subst_term_occ occ c (pf_concl gl))
+ in
+ (depdecls,marks,ccl)
+let letin_tac with_eq name c occs gl =
+ let x = id_of_name_using_hdchar (Global.env()) (pf_type_of gl c) name in
+ let id =
+ if name = Anonymous then fresh_id [] x gl else
+ if not (mem_named_context x (pf_hyps gl)) then x else
+ error ("The variable "^(string_of_id x)^" is already declared") in
+ let (depdecls,marks,ccl)= letin_abstract id c occs gl in
+ let t = pf_type_of gl c in
+ let tmpcl = List.fold_right mkNamedProd_or_LetIn depdecls ccl in
+ let args = Array.to_list (instance_from_named_context depdecls) in
+ let newcl = mkNamedLetIn id c t tmpcl in
+ let lastlhyp = if marks=[] then None else snd (List.hd marks) in
+ [ apply_type newcl args;
+ thin ( (fun (id,_,_) -> id) depdecls);
+ intro_gen (IntroMustBe id) lastlhyp false;
+ if with_eq then tclIDTAC else thin_body [id];
+ intros_move marks ] gl
+(* Implementation without generalisation: abbrev will be lost in hyps in *)
+(* in the extracted proof *)
+let letin_abstract id c occs gl =
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ let compute_dependency _ (hyp,_,_ as d) depdecls =
+ match occurrences_of_hyp hyp occs with
+ | None -> depdecls
+ | Some occ ->
+ let newdecl = subst_term_occ_decl occ c d in
+ if d = newdecl then
+ if not (everywhere occs)
+ then raise (RefinerError (DoesNotOccurIn (c,hyp)))
+ else depdecls
+ else
+ (subst1_decl (mkVar id) newdecl)::depdecls in
+ let depdecls = fold_named_context compute_dependency env ~init:[] in
+ let ccl = match occurrences_of_goal occs with
+ | None -> pf_concl gl
+ | Some occ -> subst1 (mkVar id) (subst_term_occ occ c (pf_concl gl)) in
+ let lastlhyp = if depdecls = [] then None else Some(pi1(list_last depdecls)) in
+ (depdecls,lastlhyp,ccl)
+let letin_tac with_eq name c occs gl =
+ let id =
+ let x = id_of_name_using_hdchar (Global.env()) (pf_type_of gl c) name in
+ if name = Anonymous then fresh_id [] x gl else
+ if not (mem_named_context x (pf_hyps gl)) then x else
+ error ("The variable "^(string_of_id x)^" is already declared") in
+ let (depdecls,lastlhyp,ccl)= letin_abstract id c occs gl in
+ let t = pf_type_of gl c in
+ let newcl = mkNamedLetIn id c t ccl in
+ [ convert_concl_no_check newcl;
+ intro_gen (IntroMustBe id) lastlhyp true;
+ if with_eq then tclIDTAC else thin_body [id];
+ tclMAP convert_hyp_no_check depdecls ] gl
+let check_hypotheses_occurrences_list env (_,occl) =
+ let rec check acc = function
+ | (hyp,_) :: rest ->
+ if List.mem hyp acc then
+ error ("Hypothesis "^(string_of_id hyp)^" occurs twice");
+ if not (mem_named_context hyp (named_context env)) then
+ error ("No such hypothesis: " ^ (string_of_id hyp));
+ check (hyp::acc) rest
+ | [] -> ()
+ in check [] occl
+let nowhere = {onhyps=Some[]; onconcl=false; concl_occs=[]}
+(* Tactic Assert (b=false) and Pose (b=true):
+ the behaviour of Pose is corrected by the translator.
+ not that of Assert *)
+let forward b na c =
+ let wh = if !Options.v7 && b then onConcl else nowhere in
+ letin_tac b na c wh
+(* Exact tactics *)
+let exact_check c gl =
+ let concl = (pf_concl gl) in
+ let ct = pf_type_of gl c in
+ if pf_conv_x_leq gl ct concl then
+ refine_no_check c gl
+ else
+ error "Not an exact proof"
+let exact_no_check = refine_no_check
+let exact_proof c gl =
+ (* on experimente la synthese d'ise dans exact *)
+ let c = Constrintern.interp_casted_constr (project gl) (pf_env gl) c (pf_concl gl)
+ in refine_no_check c gl
+let (assumption : tactic) = fun gl ->
+ let concl = pf_concl gl in
+ let hyps = pf_hyps gl in
+ let rec arec only_eq = function
+ | [] ->
+ if only_eq then arec false hyps else error "No such assumption"
+ | (id,c,t)::rest ->
+ if (only_eq & eq_constr t concl)
+ or (not only_eq & pf_conv_x_leq gl t concl)
+ then refine_no_check (mkVar id) gl
+ else arec only_eq rest
+ in
+ arec true hyps
+(* Modification of a local context *)
+(* This tactic enables the user to remove hypotheses from the signature.
+ * Some care is taken to prevent him from removing variables that are
+ * subsequently used in other hypotheses or in the conclusion of the
+ * goal. *)
+let clear ids gl = (* avant seul dyn_clear n'echouait pas en [] *)
+ if ids=[] then tclIDTAC gl else with_check (thin ids) gl
+let clear_body = thin_body
+(* Takes a list of booleans, and introduces all the variables
+ * quantified in the goal which are associated with a value
+ * true in the boolean list. *)
+let rec intros_clearing = function
+ | [] -> tclIDTAC
+ | (false::tl) -> tclTHEN intro (intros_clearing tl)
+ | (true::tl) ->
+ [ intro; onLastHyp (fun id -> clear [id]); intros_clearing tl]
+(* Adding new hypotheses *)
+let new_hyp mopt (c,lbind) g =
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk g in
+ let clause = make_clenv_binding wc (c,w_type_of wc c) lbind in
+ let (thd,tstack) = whd_stack (clenv_instance_template clause) in
+ let nargs = List.length tstack in
+ let cut_pf =
+ applist(thd,
+ match mopt with
+ | Some m -> if m < nargs then list_firstn m tstack else tstack
+ | None -> tstack)
+ in
+ (tclTHENLAST (tclTHEN (kONT clause.hook)
+ (cut (pf_type_of g cut_pf)))
+ ((tclORELSE (apply cut_pf) (exact_no_check cut_pf)))) g
+(* Introduction tactics *)
+let constructor_tac boundopt i lbind gl =
+ let cl = pf_concl gl in
+ let (mind,redcl) = pf_reduce_to_quantified_ind gl cl in
+ let nconstr =
+ Array.length (snd (Global.lookup_inductive mind)).mind_consnames
+ and sigma = project gl in
+ if i=0 then error "The constructors are numbered starting from 1";
+ if i > nconstr then error "Not enough constructors";
+ begin match boundopt with
+ | Some expctdnum ->
+ if expctdnum <> nconstr then
+ error "Not the expected number of constructors"
+ | None -> ()
+ end;
+ let cons = mkConstruct (ith_constructor_of_inductive mind i) in
+ let apply_tac = apply_with_bindings (cons,lbind) in
+ (tclTHENLIST [convert_concl_no_check redcl; intros; apply_tac]) gl
+let one_constructor i = constructor_tac None i
+(* Try to apply the constructor of the inductive definition followed by
+ a tactic t given as an argument.
+ Should be generalize in Constructor (Fun c : I -> tactic)
+ *)
+let any_constructor tacopt gl =
+ let t = match tacopt with None -> tclIDTAC | Some t -> t in
+ let mind = fst (pf_reduce_to_quantified_ind gl (pf_concl gl)) in
+ let nconstr =
+ Array.length (snd (Global.lookup_inductive mind)).mind_consnames in
+ if nconstr = 0 then error "The type has no constructors";
+ tclFIRST ( (fun i -> tclTHEN (one_constructor i NoBindings) t)
+ (interval 1 nconstr)) gl
+let left = constructor_tac (Some 2) 1
+let simplest_left = left NoBindings
+let right = constructor_tac (Some 2) 2
+let simplest_right = right NoBindings
+let split = constructor_tac (Some 1) 1
+let simplest_split = split NoBindings
+(* Elimination tactics *)
+(* kONT : ??
+ * wc : ??
+ * elimclause : ??
+ * inclause : ??
+ * gl : the current goal
+let last_arg c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | App (f,cl) -> array_last cl
+ | _ -> anomaly "last_arg"
+let elimination_clause_scheme kONT elimclause indclause allow_K gl =
+ let indmv =
+ (match kind_of_term (last_arg (clenv_template elimclause).rebus) with
+ | Meta mv -> mv
+ | _ -> errorlabstrm "elimination_clause"
+ (str "The type of elimination clause is not well-formed"))
+ in
+ let elimclause' = clenv_fchain indmv elimclause indclause in
+ elim_res_pf kONT elimclause' allow_K gl
+(* cast added otherwise tactics Case (n1,n2) generates (?f x y) and
+ * refine fails *)
+let type_clenv_binding wc (c,t) lbind =
+ clenv_instance_template_type (make_clenv_binding wc (c,t) lbind)
+ * Elimination tactic with bindings and using an arbitrary
+ * elimination constant called elimc. This constant should end
+ * with a clause (x:I)(P .. ), where P is a bound variable.
+ * The term c is of type t, which is a product ending with a type
+ * matching I, lbindc are the expected terms for c arguments
+ *)
+let general_elim (c,lbindc) (elimc,lbindelimc) ?(allow_K=true) gl =
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gl in
+ let ct = pf_type_of gl c in
+ let t = try snd (pf_reduce_to_quantified_ind gl ct) with UserError _ -> ct in
+ let indclause = make_clenv_binding wc (c,t) lbindc in
+ let elimt = w_type_of wc elimc in
+ let elimclause = make_clenv_binding wc (elimc,elimt) lbindelimc in
+ elimination_clause_scheme kONT elimclause indclause allow_K gl
+(* Elimination tactic with bindings but using the default elimination
+ * constant associated with the type. *)
+let find_eliminator c gl =
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ let (ind,t) = reduce_to_quantified_ind env (project gl) (pf_type_of gl c) in
+ let s = elimination_sort_of_goal gl in
+ Indrec.lookup_eliminator ind s
+(* with Not_found ->
+ let dir, base = repr_path (path_of_inductive env ind) in
+ let id = Indrec.make_elimination_ident base s in
+ errorlabstrm "default_elim"
+ (str "Cannot find the elimination combinator :" ++
+ pr_id id ++ spc () ++
+ str "The elimination of the inductive definition :" ++
+ pr_id base ++ spc () ++ str "on sort " ++
+ spc () ++ print_sort (new_sort_in_family s) ++
+ str " is probably not allowed")
+(* lookup_eliminator prints the message *) *)
+let default_elim (c,lbindc) gl =
+ general_elim (c,lbindc) (find_eliminator c gl,NoBindings) gl
+let elim_in_context (c,_ as cx) elim gl =
+ match elim with
+ | Some (elimc,lbindelimc) -> general_elim cx (elimc,lbindelimc) gl
+ | None -> general_elim cx (find_eliminator c gl,NoBindings) gl
+let elim (c,lbindc as cx) elim =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Var id when lbindc = NoBindings ->
+ tclTHEN (tclTRY (intros_until_id id)) (elim_in_context cx elim)
+ | _ -> elim_in_context cx elim
+(* The simplest elimination tactic, with no substitutions at all. *)
+let simplest_elim c = default_elim (c,NoBindings)
+(* Elimination in hypothesis *)
+let elimination_in_clause_scheme kONT id elimclause indclause =
+ let (hypmv,indmv) =
+ match clenv_independent elimclause with
+ [k1;k2] -> (k1,k2)
+ | _ -> errorlabstrm "elimination_clause"
+ (str "The type of elimination clause is not well-formed") in
+ let elimclause' = clenv_fchain indmv elimclause indclause in
+ let hyp = mkVar id in
+ let hyp_typ = clenv_type_of elimclause' hyp in
+ let hypclause =
+ mk_clenv_from_n elimclause'.hook (Some 0) (hyp, hyp_typ) in
+ let elimclause'' = clenv_fchain hypmv elimclause' hypclause in
+ let new_hyp_prf = clenv_instance_template elimclause'' in
+ let new_hyp_typ = clenv_instance_template_type elimclause'' in
+ if eq_constr hyp_typ new_hyp_typ then
+ errorlabstrm "general_rewrite_in"
+ (str "Nothing to rewrite in " ++ pr_id id);
+ tclTHEN
+ (kONT elimclause''.hook)
+ (tclTHENS
+ (cut new_hyp_typ)
+ [ (* Try to insert the new hyp at the same place *)
+ tclORELSE (intro_replacing id)
+ (tclTHEN (clear [id]) (introduction id));
+ refine_no_check new_hyp_prf])
+let general_elim_in id (c,lbindc) (elimc,lbindelimc) gl =
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gl in
+ let ct = pf_type_of gl c in
+ let t = try snd (pf_reduce_to_quantified_ind gl ct) with UserError _ -> ct in
+ let indclause = make_clenv_binding wc (c,t) lbindc in
+ let elimt = w_type_of wc elimc in
+ let elimclause = make_clenv_binding wc (elimc,elimt) lbindelimc in
+ elimination_in_clause_scheme kONT id elimclause indclause gl
+(* Case analysis tactics *)
+let general_case_analysis_in_context (c,lbindc) gl =
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ let (mind,_) = pf_reduce_to_quantified_ind gl (pf_type_of gl c) in
+ let sigma = project gl in
+ let sort = elimination_sort_of_goal gl in
+ let case = if occur_term c (pf_concl gl) then Indrec.make_case_dep
+ else Indrec.make_case_gen in
+ let elim = case env sigma mind sort in
+ general_elim (c,lbindc) (elim,NoBindings) gl
+let general_case_analysis (c,lbindc as cx) =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Var id when lbindc = NoBindings ->
+ tclTHEN (tclTRY (intros_until_id id))
+ (general_case_analysis_in_context cx)
+ | _ ->
+ general_case_analysis_in_context cx
+let simplest_case c = general_case_analysis (c,NoBindings)
+(* Decomposing introductions *)
+let clear_last = tclLAST_HYP (fun c -> (clear [destVar c]))
+let case_last = tclLAST_HYP simplest_case
+let rec intro_pattern destopt = function
+ | IntroWildcard ->
+ tclTHEN intro clear_last
+ | IntroIdentifier id ->
+ intro_gen (IntroMustBe id) destopt true
+ | IntroOrAndPattern l ->
+ tclTHEN introf
+ (tclTHENS
+ (tclTHEN case_last clear_last)
+ ( (intros_pattern destopt) l))
+and intros_pattern destopt l = tclMAP (intro_pattern destopt) l
+let intro_patterns = function
+ | [] -> tclREPEAT intro
+ | l -> intros_pattern None l
+ * A "natural" induction tactic
+ *
+ - [H0:T0, ..., Hi:Ti, hyp0:P->I(args), Hi+1:Ti+1, ..., Hn:Tn |-G] is the goal
+ - [hyp0] is the induction hypothesis
+ - we extract from [args] the variables which are not rigid parameters
+ of the inductive type, this is [indvars] (other terms are forgotten);
+ [indhyps] are the ones which actually are declared in context
+ (done in [find_atomic_param_of_ind])
+ - we look for all hyps depending of [hyp0] or one of [indvars]:
+ this is [dephyps] of types [deptyps] respectively
+ - [statuslist] tells for each hyps in [dephyps] after which other hyp
+ fixed in the context they must be moved (when induction is done)
+ - [hyp0succ] is the name of the hyp fixed in the context after which to
+ move the subterms of [hyp0succ] in the i-th branch where it is supposed
+ to be the i-th constructor of the inductive type.
+ Strategy: (cf in [induction_from_context])
+ - requantify and clear all [dephyps]
+ - apply induction on [hyp0]
+ - clear [indhyps] and [hyp0]
+ - in the i-th subgoal, intro the arguments of the i-th constructor
+ of the inductive type after [hyp0succ] (done in
+ [induct_discharge]) let the induction hypotheses on top of the
+ hyps because they may depend on variables between [hyp0] and the
+ top. A counterpart is that the dep hyps programmed to be intro-ed
+ on top must now be intro-ed after the induction hypotheses
+ - move each of [dephyps] at the right place following the
+ [statuslist]
+ *)
+let rec str_intro_pattern = function
+ | IntroOrAndPattern pll ->
+ "["^(String.concat "|"
+ (
+ (fun pl -> String.concat " " ( str_intro_pattern pl)) pll))
+ ^"]"
+ | IntroWildcard -> "_"
+ | IntroIdentifier id -> string_of_id id
+let check_unused_names names =
+ if names <> [] & Options.is_verbose () then
+ let s = if names = [] then " " else "s " in
+ let names = String.concat " " ( str_intro_pattern names) in
+ warning ("Unused introduction pattern"^s^": "^names)
+let rec first_name_buggy = function
+ | IntroOrAndPattern [] -> None
+ | IntroOrAndPattern ([]::l) -> first_name_buggy (IntroOrAndPattern l)
+ | IntroOrAndPattern ((p::_)::_) -> first_name_buggy p
+ | IntroWildcard -> None
+ | IntroIdentifier id -> Some id
+type elim_arg_kind = RecArg | IndArg | OtherArg
+let induct_discharge statuslists destopt avoid' ((avoid7,avoid8),ra) (names,force,rnames) gl =
+ let avoid7 = avoid7 @ avoid' in
+ let avoid8 = avoid8 @ avoid' in
+ let (lstatus,rstatus) = statuslists in
+ let tophyp = ref None in
+ let rec peel_tac ra names gl = match ra with
+ | (RecArg,(recvarname7,recvarname8)) ::
+ (IndArg,(hyprecname7,hyprecname8)) :: ra' ->
+ let recpat,hyprec,names = match names with
+ | [] ->
+ let idrec7 = (fresh_id avoid7 recvarname7 gl) in
+ let idrec8 = (fresh_id avoid8 recvarname8 gl) in
+ let idhyp7 = (fresh_id avoid7 hyprecname7 gl) in
+ let idhyp8 = (fresh_id avoid8 hyprecname8 gl) in
+ if Options.do_translate() &
+ (idrec7 <> idrec8 or idhyp7 <> idhyp8)
+ then force := true;
+ let idrec = if !Options.v7 then idrec7 else idrec8 in
+ let idhyp = if !Options.v7 then idhyp7 else idhyp8 in
+ (IntroIdentifier idrec, IntroIdentifier idhyp, [])
+ | [IntroIdentifier id as pat] ->
+ let id7 = next_ident_away (add_prefix "IH" id) avoid7 in
+ let id8 = next_ident_away (add_prefix "IH" id) avoid8 in
+ if Options.do_translate() & id7 <> id8 then force := true;
+ let id = if !Options.v7 then id7 else id8 in
+ (pat, IntroIdentifier id, [])
+ | [pat] ->
+ let idhyp7 = (fresh_id avoid7 hyprecname7 gl) in
+ let idhyp8 = (fresh_id avoid8 hyprecname8 gl) in
+ if Options.do_translate() & idhyp7 <> idhyp8 then force := true;
+ let idhyp = if !Options.v7 then idhyp7 else idhyp8 in
+ (pat, IntroIdentifier idhyp, [])
+ | pat1::pat2::names -> (pat1,pat2,names) in
+ (* This is buggy for intro-or-patterns with different first hypnames *)
+ if !tophyp=None then tophyp := first_name_buggy hyprec;
+ rnames := !rnames @ [recpat; hyprec];
+ [ intros_pattern destopt [recpat];
+ intros_pattern None [hyprec];
+ peel_tac ra' names ] gl
+ | (IndArg,(hyprecname7,hyprecname8)) :: ra' ->
+ (* Rem: does not happen in Coq schemes, only in user-defined schemes *)
+ let pat,names = match names with
+ | [] -> IntroIdentifier (fresh_id avoid8 hyprecname8 gl), []
+ | pat::names -> pat,names in
+ rnames := !rnames @ [pat];
+ tclTHEN (intros_pattern destopt [pat]) (peel_tac ra' names) gl
+ | (RecArg,(recvarname7,recvarname8)) :: ra' ->
+ let introtac,names = match names with
+ | [] ->
+ let id8 = fresh_id avoid8 recvarname8 gl in
+ let i =
+ if !Options.v7 then IntroAvoid avoid7 else IntroMustBe id8
+ in
+ (* For translator *)
+ let id7 = fresh_id avoid7 (default_id gl
+ (match kind_of_term (pf_concl gl) with
+ | Prod (name,t,_) -> (name,None,t)
+ | LetIn (name,b,t,_) -> (name,Some b,t)
+ | _ -> assert false)) gl in
+ if Options.do_translate() & id7 <> id8 then force := true;
+ let id = if !Options.v7 then id7 else id8 in
+ rnames := !rnames @ [IntroIdentifier id];
+ intro_gen i destopt false, []
+ | pat::names ->
+ rnames := !rnames @ [pat];
+ intros_pattern destopt [pat],names in
+ tclTHEN introtac (peel_tac ra' names) gl
+ | (OtherArg,_) :: ra' ->
+ let introtac,names = match names with
+ | [] ->
+ (* For translator *)
+ let id7 = fresh_id avoid7 (default_id gl
+ (match kind_of_term (pf_concl gl) with
+ | Prod (name,t,_) -> (name,None,t)
+ | LetIn (name,b,t,_) -> (name,Some b,t)
+ | _ -> assert false)) gl in
+ let id8 = fresh_id avoid8 (default_id gl
+ (match kind_of_term (pf_concl gl) with
+ | Prod (name,t,_) -> (name,None,t)
+ | LetIn (name,b,t,_) -> (name,Some b,t)
+ | _ -> assert false)) gl in
+ if Options.do_translate() & id7 <> id8 then force := true;
+ let id = if !Options.v7 then id7 else id8 in
+ let avoid = if !Options.v7 then avoid7 else avoid8 in
+ rnames := !rnames @ [IntroIdentifier id];
+ intro_gen (IntroAvoid avoid) destopt false, []
+ | pat::names ->
+ rnames := !rnames @ [pat];
+ intros_pattern destopt [pat],names in
+ tclTHEN introtac (peel_tac ra' names) gl
+ | [] ->
+ check_unused_names names;
+ tclIDTAC gl
+ in
+ let intros_move lstatus =
+ let newlstatus = (* if some IH has taken place at the top of hyps *)
+ (function (hyp,None) -> (hyp,!tophyp) | x -> x) lstatus in
+ intros_move newlstatus
+ in
+ tclTHENLIST [ peel_tac ra names;
+ intros_rmove rstatus;
+ intros_move lstatus ] gl
+(* - le recalcul de indtyp à chaque itération de atomize_one est pour ne pas
+ s'embêter à regarder si un letin_tac ne fait pas des
+ substitutions aussi sur l'argument voisin *)
+(* Marche pas... faut prendre en compte l'occurrence précise... *)
+let atomize_param_of_ind (indref,nparams) hyp0 gl =
+ let tmptyp0 = pf_get_hyp_typ gl hyp0 in
+ let typ0 = pf_apply reduce_to_quantified_ref gl indref tmptyp0 in
+ let prods, indtyp = decompose_prod typ0 in
+ let argl = snd (decompose_app indtyp) in
+ let params = list_firstn nparams argl in
+ (* le gl est important pour ne pas préévaluer *)
+ let rec atomize_one i avoid gl =
+ if i<>nparams then
+ let tmptyp0 = pf_get_hyp_typ gl hyp0 in
+ (* If argl <> [], we expect typ0 not to be quantified, in order to
+ avoid bound parameters... then we call pf_reduce_to_atomic_ind *)
+ let indtyp = pf_apply reduce_to_atomic_ref gl indref tmptyp0 in
+ let argl = snd (decompose_app indtyp) in
+ let c = List.nth argl (i-1) in
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Var id when not (List.exists (occur_var (pf_env gl) id) avoid) ->
+ atomize_one (i-1) ((mkVar id)::avoid) gl
+ | Var id ->
+ let x = fresh_id [] id gl in
+ tclTHEN
+ (letin_tac true (Name x) (mkVar id) allClauses)
+ (atomize_one (i-1) ((mkVar x)::avoid)) gl
+ | _ ->
+ let id = id_of_name_using_hdchar (Global.env()) (pf_type_of gl c)
+ Anonymous in
+ let x = fresh_id [] id gl in
+ tclTHEN
+ (letin_tac true (Name x) c allClauses)
+ (atomize_one (i-1) ((mkVar x)::avoid)) gl
+ else
+ tclIDTAC gl
+ in
+ atomize_one (List.length argl) params gl
+let find_atomic_param_of_ind nparams indtyp =
+ let argl = snd (decompose_app indtyp) in
+ let argv = Array.of_list argl in
+ let params = list_firstn nparams argl in
+ let indvars = ref Idset.empty in
+ for i = nparams to (Array.length argv)-1 do
+ match kind_of_term argv.(i) with
+ | Var id
+ when not (List.exists (occur_var (Global.env()) id) params) ->
+ indvars := Idset.add id !indvars
+ | _ -> ()
+ done;
+ Idset.elements !indvars;
+ (* [cook_sign] builds the lists [indhyps] of hyps that must be
+ erased, the lists of hyps to be generalize [(hdeps,tdeps)] on the
+ goal together with the places [(lstatus,rstatus)] where to re-intro
+ them after induction. To know where to re-intro the dep hyp, we
+ remember the name of the hypothesis [lhyp] after which (if the dep
+ hyp is more recent than [hyp0]) or [rhyp] before which (if older
+ than [hyp0]) its equivalent must be moved when the induction has
+ been applied. Since computation of dependencies and [rhyp] is from
+ more ancient (on the right) to more recent hyp (on the left) but
+ the computation of [lhyp] progresses from the other way, [cook_hyp]
+ is in two passes (an alternative would have been to write an
+ higher-order algorithm). We strongly use references to reduce
+ the accumulation of arguments.
+ To summarize, the situation looks like this
+ Goal(n,x) -| H6:(Q n); x:A; H5:True; H4:(le O n); H3:(P n); H2:True; n:nat
+ Left Right
+ Induction hypothesis is H4 ([hyp0])
+ Variable parameters of (le O n) is the singleton list with "n" ([indvars])
+ Part of [indvars] really in context is the same ([indhyps])
+ The dependent hyps are H3 and H6 ([dephyps])
+ For H3 the memorized places are H5 ([lhyp]) and H2 ([rhyp])
+ because these names are among the hyp which are fixed through the induction
+ For H6 the neighbours are None ([lhyp]) and H5 ([rhyp])
+ For H3, because on the right of H4, we remember rhyp (here H2)
+ For H6, because on the left of H4, we remember lhyp (here None)
+ For H4, we remember lhyp (here H5)
+ The right neighbour is then translated into the left neighbour
+ because move_hyp tactic needs the name of the hyp _after_ which we
+ move the hyp to move.
+ But, say in the 2nd subgoal of the hypotheses, the goal will be
+ (m:nat)((P m)->(Q m)->(Goal m)) -> (P Sm)-> (Q Sm)-> (Goal Sm)
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^
+ both go where H4 was goes where goes where
+ H3 was H6 was
+ We have to intro and move m and the recursive hyp first, but then
+ where to move H3 ??? Only the hyp on its right is relevant, but we
+ have to translate it into the name of the hyp on the left
+ Note: this case where some hyp(s) in [dephyps] has(have) the same
+ left neighbour as [hyp0] is the only problematic case with right
+ neighbours. For the other cases (e.g. an hyp H1:(R n) between n and H2
+ would have posed no problem. But for uniformity, we decided to use
+ the right hyp for all hyps on the right of H4.
+ Others solutions are welcome *)
+exception Shunt of identifier option
+let cook_sign hyp0 indvars env =
+ (* First phase from L to R: get [indhyps], [decldep] and [statuslist]
+ for the hypotheses before (= more ancient than) hyp0 (see above) *)
+ let allindhyps = hyp0::indvars in
+ let indhyps = ref [] in
+ let decldeps = ref [] in
+ let ldeps = ref [] in
+ let rstatus = ref [] in
+ let lstatus = ref [] in
+ let before = ref true in
+ let seek_deps env (hyp,_,_ as decl) rhyp =
+ if hyp = hyp0 then begin
+ before:=false;
+ None (* fake value *)
+ end else if List.mem hyp indvars then begin
+ (* warning: hyp can still occur after induction *)
+ (* e.g. if the goal (t hyp hyp0) with other occs of hyp in t *)
+ indhyps := hyp::!indhyps;
+ rhyp
+ end else
+ if (List.exists (fun id -> occur_var_in_decl env id decl) allindhyps
+ or List.exists (fun (id,_,_) -> occur_var_in_decl env id decl)
+ !decldeps)
+ then begin
+ decldeps := decl::!decldeps;
+ if !before then
+ rstatus := (hyp,rhyp)::!rstatus
+ else
+ ldeps := hyp::!ldeps; (* status computed in 2nd phase *)
+ Some hyp end
+ else
+ Some hyp
+ in
+ let _ = fold_named_context seek_deps env ~init:None in
+ (* 2nd phase from R to L: get left hyp of [hyp0] and [lhyps] *)
+ let compute_lstatus lhyp (hyp,_,_ as d) =
+ if hyp = hyp0 then raise (Shunt lhyp);
+ if List.mem hyp !ldeps then begin
+ lstatus := (hyp,lhyp)::!lstatus;
+ lhyp
+ end else
+ if List.mem hyp !indhyps then lhyp else (Some hyp)
+ in
+ try
+ let _ = fold_named_context_reverse compute_lstatus ~init:None env in
+ anomaly "hyp0 not found"
+ with Shunt lhyp0 ->
+ let statuslists = (!lstatus,List.rev !rstatus) in
+ (statuslists, lhyp0, !indhyps, !decldeps)
+let induction_tac varname typ ((elimc,lbindelimc),elimt) gl =
+ let c = mkVar varname in
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gl in
+ let indclause = make_clenv_binding wc (c,typ) NoBindings in
+ let elimclause =
+ make_clenv_binding wc (mkCast (elimc,elimt),elimt) lbindelimc in
+ elimination_clause_scheme kONT elimclause indclause true gl
+let make_up_names7 n ind (old_style,cname) =
+ if old_style (* = V6.3 version of Induction on hypotheses *)
+ then
+ let recvarname =
+ if n=1 then
+ cname
+ else (* To force renumbering if there is only one *)
+ make_ident (string_of_id cname ) (Some 1) in
+ recvarname, add_prefix "Hrec" recvarname, []
+ else
+ let is_hyp = atompart_of_id cname = "H" in
+ let hyprecname =
+ add_prefix "IH" (if is_hyp then Nametab.id_of_global ind else cname) in
+ let avoid =
+ if n=1 (* Only one recursive argument *)
+ or
+ (* Rem: no recursive argument (especially if Destruct) *)
+ n=0 (* & atompart_of_id cname <> "H" (* for 7.1 compatibility *)*)
+ then []
+ else
+ (* Forbid to use cname, cname0, hyprecname and hyprecname0 *)
+ (* in order to get names such as f1, f2, ... *)
+ let avoid =
+ (make_ident (string_of_id cname) (Some 0)) ::(*here for 7.1 cmpat*)
+ (make_ident (string_of_id hyprecname) None) ::
+ (make_ident (string_of_id hyprecname) (Some 0)) :: [] in
+ if atompart_of_id cname <> "H" then
+ (make_ident (string_of_id cname) None) :: avoid
+ else avoid in
+ cname, hyprecname, avoid
+let make_base n id =
+ if n=0 or n=1 then id
+ else
+ (* This extends the name to accept new digits if it already ends with *)
+ (* digits *)
+ id_of_string (atompart_of_id (make_ident (string_of_id id) (Some 0)))
+let make_up_names8 n ind (_,cname) =
+ let is_hyp = atompart_of_id cname = "H" in
+ let base = string_of_id (make_base n cname) in
+ let hyprecname =
+ add_prefix "IH"
+ (make_base n (if is_hyp then Nametab.id_of_global ind else cname)) in
+ let avoid =
+ if n=1 (* Only one recursive argument *) or n=0 then []
+ else
+ (* Forbid to use cname, cname0, hyprecname and hyprecname0 *)
+ (* in order to get names such as f1, f2, ... *)
+ let avoid =
+ (make_ident (string_of_id hyprecname) None) ::
+ (make_ident (string_of_id hyprecname) (Some 0)) :: [] in
+ if atompart_of_id cname <> "H" then
+ (make_ident base (Some 0)) :: (make_ident base None) :: avoid
+ else avoid in
+ id_of_string base, hyprecname, avoid
+let is_indhyp p n t =
+ let l, c = decompose_prod t in
+ let c,_ = decompose_app c in
+ let p = p + List.length l in
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Rel k when p < k & k <= p + n -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let chop_context n l =
+ let rec chop_aux acc = function
+ | n, (_,Some _,_ as h :: t) -> chop_aux (h::acc) (n, t)
+ | 0, l2 -> (List.rev acc, l2)
+ | n, (h::t) -> chop_aux (h::acc) (n-1, t)
+ | _, [] -> anomaly "chop_context"
+ in
+ chop_aux [] (n,l)
+let error_ind_scheme s =
+ let s = if s <> "" then s^" " else s in
+ error ("Cannot recognise "^s^"an induction schema")
+(* Check that the elimination scheme has a form similar to the
+ elimination schemes built by Coq *)
+let compute_elim_signature elimt names_info =
+ let nparams = ref 0 in
+ let hyps,ccl = decompose_prod_assum elimt in
+ let n = List.length hyps in
+ if n = 0 then error_ind_scheme "";
+ let f,l = decompose_app ccl in
+ let _,indbody,ind = List.hd hyps in
+ if indbody <> None then error "Cannot recognise an induction scheme";
+ let nargs = List.length l in
+ let dep = (nargs >= 1 && list_last l = mkRel 1) in
+ let nrealargs = if dep then nargs-1 else nargs in
+ let args = if dep then list_firstn nrealargs l else l in
+ let realargs,hyps1 = chop_context nrealargs ( hyps) in
+ if args <> extended_rel_list 1 realargs then
+ error_ind_scheme "the conclusion of";
+ let indhd,indargs = decompose_app ind in
+ let indt =
+ try reference_of_constr indhd
+ with _ -> error "Cannot find the inductive type of the inductive schema" in
+ let nparams = List.length indargs - nrealargs in
+ let revparams, revhyps2 = chop_context nparams (List.rev hyps1) in
+ let rec check_elim npred = function
+ | (na,None,t)::l when isSort (snd (decompose_prod_assum t)) ->
+ check_elim (npred+1) l
+ | l ->
+ let is_pred n c =
+ let hd = fst (decompose_app c) in match kind_of_term hd with
+ | Rel q when n < q & q <= n+npred -> IndArg
+ | _ when hd = indhd -> RecArg
+ | _ -> OtherArg in
+ let rec check_branch p c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Prod (_,t,c) -> is_pred p t :: check_branch (p+1) c
+ | LetIn (_,_,_,c) -> OtherArg :: check_branch (p+1) c
+(* | App (f,_) when is_pred p f = IndArg -> []*)
+ | _ when is_pred p c = IndArg -> []
+ | _ -> raise Exit in
+ let rec find_branches p = function
+ | (_,None,t)::brs ->
+ (match try Some (check_branch p t) with Exit -> None with
+ | Some l ->
+ let n7 = List.fold_left
+ (fun n b -> if b=IndArg then n+1 else n) 0 l in
+ let n8 = List.fold_left
+ (fun n b -> if b=RecArg then n+1 else n) 0 l in
+ let recvarname7, hyprecname7, avoid7 = make_up_names7 n7 indt names_info in
+ let recvarname8, hyprecname8, avoid8 = make_up_names8 n8 indt names_info in
+ let namesign =
+ (fun b -> (b,if b=IndArg then (hyprecname7,hyprecname8)
+ else (recvarname7,recvarname8))) l in
+ ((avoid7,avoid8),namesign) :: find_branches (p+1) brs
+ | None -> error_ind_scheme "the branches of")
+ | (_,Some _,_)::_ -> error_ind_scheme "the branches of"
+ | [] ->
+ (* Check again conclusion *)
+ let ccl_arg_ok = is_pred (p + List.length realargs + 1) f = IndArg in
+ let ind_is_ok =
+ list_lastn nrealargs indargs = extended_rel_list 0 realargs in
+ if not (ccl_arg_ok & ind_is_ok) then
+ error "Cannot recognize the conclusion of an induction schema";
+ [] in
+ find_branches 0 l in
+ nparams, indt, (Array.of_list (check_elim 0 revhyps2))
+let find_elim_signature isrec style elim hyp0 gl =
+ let tmptyp0 = pf_get_hyp_typ gl hyp0 in
+ let (elimc,elimt) = match elim with
+ | None ->
+ let mind,_ = pf_reduce_to_quantified_ind gl tmptyp0 in
+ let s = elimination_sort_of_goal gl in
+ let elimc =
+ if isrec then Indrec.lookup_eliminator mind s
+ else pf_apply Indrec.make_case_gen gl mind s in
+ let elimt = pf_type_of gl elimc in
+ ((elimc, NoBindings), elimt)
+ | Some (elimc,lbind as e) ->
+ (e, pf_type_of gl elimc) in
+ let name_info = (style,hyp0) in
+ let nparams,indref,indsign = compute_elim_signature elimt name_info in
+ (elimc,elimt,nparams,indref,indsign)
+let induction_from_context isrec elim_info hyp0 (names,b_rnames) gl =
+ (*test suivant sans doute inutile car refait par le letin_tac*)
+ if List.mem hyp0 (ids_of_named_context (Global.named_context())) then
+ errorlabstrm "induction"
+ (str "Cannot generalize a global variable");
+ let elimc,elimt,nparams,indref,indsign = elim_info in
+ let tmptyp0 = pf_get_hyp_typ gl hyp0 in
+ let typ0 = pf_apply reduce_to_quantified_ref gl indref tmptyp0 in
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ let indvars = find_atomic_param_of_ind nparams (snd (decompose_prod typ0)) in
+ let (statlists,lhyp0,indhyps,deps) = cook_sign hyp0 indvars env in
+ let tmpcl = it_mkNamedProd_or_LetIn (pf_concl gl) deps in
+ let names = compute_induction_names (Array.length indsign) names in
+ (* For translator *)
+ let names' = ref (Array.make (Array.length indsign) []) in
+ let b = ref false in
+ b_rnames := (b,Array.to_list names')::!b_rnames;
+ let names = array_map2 (fun n n' -> (n,b,n')) names names' in
+ (* End translator *)
+ let dephyps = (fun (id,_,_) -> id) deps in
+ let args =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun a (id,b,_) -> if b = None then (mkVar id)::a else a) [] deps in
+ (* Magistral effet de bord: si hyp0 a des arguments, ceux d'entre
+ eux qui ouvrent de nouveaux buts arrivent en premier dans la
+ liste des sous-buts du fait qu'ils sont le plus à gauche dans le
+ combinateur engendré par make_case_gen (un "Cases (hyp0 ?) of
+ ...") et il faut alors appliquer tclTHENLASTn; en revanche,
+ comme lookup_eliminator renvoie un combinateur de la forme
+ "ind_rec ... (hyp0 ?)", les buts correspondant à des arguments de
+ hyp0 sont maintenant à la fin et c'est tclTHENFIRSTn qui marche !!! *)
+ [ if deps = [] then tclIDTAC else apply_type tmpcl args;
+ thin dephyps;
+ (if isrec then tclTHENFIRSTn else tclTHENLASTn)
+ [ induction_tac hyp0 typ0 (elimc,elimt);
+ thin [hyp0];
+ tclTRY (thin indhyps) ])
+ (array_map2
+ (induct_discharge statlists lhyp0 (List.rev dephyps)) indsign names)
+ ]
+ gl
+let induction_with_atomization_of_ind_arg isrec elim names hyp0 gl =
+ let (elimc,elimt,nparams,indref,indsign as elim_info) =
+ find_elim_signature isrec false elim hyp0 gl in
+ tclTHEN
+ (atomize_param_of_ind (indref,nparams) hyp0)
+ (induction_from_context isrec elim_info hyp0 names) gl
+(* This is Induction since V7 ("natural" induction both in quantified
+ premisses and introduced ones) *)
+let new_induct_gen isrec elim names c gl =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Var id when not (mem_named_context id (Global.named_context())) ->
+ induction_with_atomization_of_ind_arg isrec elim names id gl
+ | _ ->
+ let x = id_of_name_using_hdchar (Global.env()) (pf_type_of gl c)
+ Anonymous in
+ let id = fresh_id [] x gl in
+ tclTHEN
+ (letin_tac true (Name id) c allClauses)
+ (induction_with_atomization_of_ind_arg isrec elim names id) gl
+let new_induct_destruct isrec c elim names = match c with
+ | ElimOnConstr c -> new_induct_gen isrec elim names c
+ | ElimOnAnonHyp n ->
+ tclTHEN (intros_until_n n)
+ (tclLAST_HYP (new_induct_gen isrec elim names))
+ (* Identifier apart because id can be quantified in goal and not typable *)
+ | ElimOnIdent (_,id) ->
+ tclTHEN (tclTRY (intros_until_id id))
+ (new_induct_gen isrec elim names (mkVar id))
+let new_induct = new_induct_destruct true
+let new_destruct = new_induct_destruct false
+(* The registered tactic, which calls the default elimination
+ * if no elimination constant is provided. *)
+(* Induction tactics *)
+(* This was Induction before 6.3 (induction only in quantified premisses) *)
+let raw_induct s = tclTHEN (intros_until_id s) (tclLAST_HYP simplest_elim)
+let raw_induct_nodep n = tclTHEN (intros_until_n n) (tclLAST_HYP simplest_elim)
+(* This was Induction in 6.3 (hybrid form) *)
+let induction_from_context_old_style hyp b_ids gl =
+ let elim_info = find_elim_signature true true None hyp gl in
+ let x = induction_from_context true elim_info hyp (None,b_ids) gl in
+ (* For translator *) fst (List.hd !b_ids) := true;
+ x
+let simple_induct_id hyp b_ids =
+ if !Options.v7 then
+ tclORELSE (raw_induct hyp) (induction_from_context_old_style hyp b_ids)
+ else
+ raw_induct hyp
+let simple_induct_nodep = raw_induct_nodep
+let simple_induct = function
+ | NamedHyp id,b_ids -> simple_induct_id id b_ids
+ | AnonHyp n,_ -> simple_induct_nodep n
+(* Destruction tactics *)
+let simple_destruct_id s =
+ (tclTHEN (intros_until_id s) (tclLAST_HYP simplest_case))
+let simple_destruct_nodep n =
+ (tclTHEN (intros_until_n n) (tclLAST_HYP simplest_case))
+let simple_destruct = function
+ | NamedHyp id -> simple_destruct_id id
+ | AnonHyp n -> simple_destruct_nodep n
+ * Eliminations giving the type instead of the proof.
+ * These tactics use the default elimination constant and
+ * no substitutions at all.
+ * May be they should be integrated into Elim ...
+ *)
+let elim_scheme_type elim t gl =
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gl in
+ let clause = mk_clenv_type_of wc elim in
+ match kind_of_term (last_arg (clenv_template clause).rebus) with
+ | Meta mv ->
+ let clause' =
+ (* t is inductive, then CUMUL or CONV is irrelevant *)
+ clenv_unify true CUMUL t (clenv_instance_type clause mv) clause in
+ elim_res_pf kONT clause' true gl
+ | _ -> anomaly "elim_scheme_type"
+let elim_type t gl =
+ let (ind,t) = pf_reduce_to_atomic_ind gl t in
+ let elimc = Indrec.lookup_eliminator ind (elimination_sort_of_goal gl) in
+ elim_scheme_type elimc t gl
+let case_type t gl =
+ let (ind,t) = pf_reduce_to_atomic_ind gl t in
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ let elimc = Indrec.make_case_gen env (project gl) ind (elimination_sort_of_goal gl) in
+ elim_scheme_type elimc t gl
+(* Some eliminations frequently used *)
+(* These elimination tactics are particularly adapted for sequent
+ calculus. They take a clause as argument, and yield the
+ elimination rule if the clause is of the form (Some id) and a
+ suitable introduction rule otherwise. They do not depend on
+ the name of the eliminated constant, so they can be also
+ used on ad-hoc disjunctions and conjunctions introduced by
+ the user.
+ -- Eduardo Gimenez (11/8/97)
+ HH (29/5/99) replaces failures by specific error messages
+ *)
+let andE id gl =
+ let t = pf_get_hyp_typ gl id in
+ if is_conjunction (pf_hnf_constr gl t) then
+ (tclTHEN (simplest_elim (mkVar id)) (tclDO 2 intro)) gl
+ else
+ errorlabstrm "andE"
+ (str("Tactic andE expects "^(string_of_id id)^" is a conjunction."))
+let dAnd cls =
+ onClauses
+ (function
+ | None -> simplest_split
+ | Some (id,_,_) -> andE id)
+ cls
+let orE id gl =
+ let t = pf_get_hyp_typ gl id in
+ if is_disjunction (pf_hnf_constr gl t) then
+ (tclTHEN (simplest_elim (mkVar id)) intro) gl
+ else
+ errorlabstrm "orE"
+ (str("Tactic orE expects "^(string_of_id id)^" is a disjunction."))
+let dorE b cls =
+ onClauses
+ (function
+ | (Some (id,_,_)) -> orE id
+ | None -> (if b then right else left) NoBindings)
+ cls
+let impE id gl =
+ let t = pf_get_hyp_typ gl id in
+ if is_imp_term (pf_hnf_constr gl t) then
+ let (dom, _, rng) = destProd (pf_hnf_constr gl t) in
+ (cut_intro rng)
+ (apply_term (mkVar id) [mkMeta (new_meta())]) gl
+ else
+ errorlabstrm "impE"
+ (str("Tactic impE expects "^(string_of_id id)^
+ " is a an implication."))
+let dImp cls =
+ onClauses
+ (function
+ | None -> intro
+ | Some (id,_,_) -> impE id)
+ cls
+(* Tactics related with logic connectives *)
+(* Reflexivity tactics *)
+let reflexivity gl =
+ match match_with_equation (pf_concl gl) with
+ | None -> error "The conclusion is not a substitutive equation"
+ | Some (hdcncl,args) -> one_constructor 1 NoBindings gl
+let intros_reflexivity = (tclTHEN intros reflexivity)
+(* Symmetry tactics *)
+(* This tactic first tries to apply a constant named sym_eq, where eq
+ is the name of the equality predicate. If this constant is not
+ defined and the conclusion is a=b, it solves the goal doing (Cut
+ b=a;Intro H;Case H;Constructor 1) *)
+let symmetry gl =
+ match match_with_equation (pf_concl gl) with
+ | None -> error "The conclusion is not a substitutive equation"
+ | Some (hdcncl,args) ->
+ let hdcncls = string_of_inductive hdcncl in
+ begin
+ try
+ (apply (pf_parse_const gl ("sym_"^hdcncls)) gl)
+ with _ ->
+ let symc = match args with
+ | [t1; c1; t2; c2] -> mkApp (hdcncl, [| t2; c2; t1; c1 |])
+ | [typ;c1;c2] -> mkApp (hdcncl, [| typ; c2; c1 |])
+ | [c1;c2] -> mkApp (hdcncl, [| c2; c1 |])
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ tclTHENLAST (cut symc)
+ [ intro;
+ tclLAST_HYP simplest_case;
+ one_constructor 1 NoBindings ])
+ gl
+ end
+let symmetry_in id gl =
+ let ctype = pf_type_of gl (mkVar id) in
+ let sign,t = decompose_prod_assum ctype in
+ match match_with_equation t with
+ | None -> (* Do not deal with setoids yet *)
+ error "The term provided does not end with an equation"
+ | Some (hdcncl,args) ->
+ let symccl = match args with
+ | [t1; c1; t2; c2] -> mkApp (hdcncl, [| t2; c2; t1; c1 |])
+ | [typ;c1;c2] -> mkApp (hdcncl, [| typ; c2; c1 |])
+ | [c1;c2] -> mkApp (hdcncl, [| c2; c1 |])
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ tclTHENS (cut (it_mkProd_or_LetIn symccl sign))
+ [ intro_replacing id;
+ tclTHENLIST [ intros; symmetry; apply (mkVar id); assumption ] ]
+ gl
+let intros_symmetry =
+ onClauses
+ (function
+ | None -> tclTHEN intros symmetry
+ | Some (id,_,_) -> symmetry_in id)
+(* Transitivity tactics *)
+(* This tactic first tries to apply a constant named trans_eq, where eq
+ is the name of the equality predicate. If this constant is not
+ defined and the conclusion is a=b, it solves the goal doing
+ Cut x1=x2;
+ [Cut x2=x3; [Intros e1 e2; Case e2;Assumption
+ | Idtac]
+ | Idtac]
+ --Eduardo (19/8/97)
+let transitivity t gl =
+ match match_with_equation (pf_concl gl) with
+ | None -> error "The conclusion is not a substitutive equation"
+ | Some (hdcncl,args) ->
+ let hdcncls = string_of_inductive hdcncl in
+ begin
+ try
+ apply_list [(pf_parse_const gl ("trans_"^hdcncls));t] gl
+ with _ ->
+ let eq1, eq2 = match args with
+ | [typ1;c1;typ2;c2] -> let typt = pf_type_of gl t in
+ ( mkApp(hdcncl, [| typ1; c1; typt ;t |]),
+ mkApp(hdcncl, [| typt; t; typ2; c2 |]) )
+ | [typ;c1;c2] ->
+ ( mkApp (hdcncl, [| typ; c1; t |]),
+ mkApp (hdcncl, [| typ; t; c2 |]) )
+ | [c1;c2] ->
+ ( mkApp (hdcncl, [| c1; t|]),
+ mkApp (hdcncl, [| t; c2 |]) )
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ tclTHENFIRST (cut eq2)
+ (tclTHENFIRST (cut eq1)
+ [ tclDO 2 intro;
+ tclLAST_HYP simplest_case;
+ assumption ])) gl
+ end
+let intros_transitivity n = tclTHEN intros (transitivity n)
+(* tactical to save as name a subproof such that the generalisation of
+ the current goal, abstracted with respect to the local signature,
+ is solved by tac *)
+let interpretable_as_section_decl d1 d2 = match d1,d2 with
+ | (_,Some _,_), (_,None,_) -> false
+ | (_,Some b1,t1), (_,Some b2,t2) -> eq_constr b1 b2 & eq_constr t1 t2
+ | (_,None,t1), (_,_,t2) -> eq_constr t1 t2
+let abstract_subproof name tac gls =
+ let env = Global.env() in
+ let current_sign = Global.named_context()
+ and global_sign = pf_hyps gls in
+ let sign,secsign =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (id,_,_ as d) (s1,s2) ->
+ if mem_named_context id current_sign &
+ interpretable_as_section_decl (Sign.lookup_named id current_sign) d
+ then (s1,add_named_decl d s2)
+ else (add_named_decl d s1,s2))
+ global_sign (empty_named_context,empty_named_context) in
+ let na = next_global_ident_away false name (pf_ids_of_hyps gls) in
+ let concl = it_mkNamedProd_or_LetIn (pf_concl gls) sign in
+ if occur_existential concl then
+ if !Options.v7 then error "Abstract cannot handle existentials"
+ else error "\"abstract\" cannot handle existentials";
+ let lemme =
+ start_proof na (IsGlobal (Proof Lemma)) secsign concl (fun _ _ -> ());
+ let _,(const,kind,_) =
+ try
+ by (tclCOMPLETE (tclTHEN (tclDO (List.length sign) intro) tac));
+ let r = cook_proof () in
+ delete_current_proof (); r
+ with e when catchable_exception e ->
+ (delete_current_proof(); raise e)
+ in (* Faudrait un peu fonctionnaliser cela *)
+ let cd = Entries.DefinitionEntry const in
+ let sp = Declare.declare_internal_constant na (cd,IsProof Lemma) in
+ let newenv = Global.env() in
+ constr_of_reference (ConstRef (snd sp))
+ in
+ exact_no_check
+ (applist (lemme,
+ List.rev (Array.to_list (instance_from_named_context sign))))
+ gls
+let tclABSTRACT name_op tac gls =
+ let s = match name_op with
+ | Some s -> s
+ | None -> add_suffix (get_current_proof_name ()) "_subproof"
+ in
+ abstract_subproof s tac gls
diff --git a/tactics/tactics.mli b/tactics/tactics.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e67a9cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/tactics.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: tactics.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:55 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Names
+open Term
+open Environ
+open Sign
+open Tacmach
+open Proof_type
+open Reduction
+open Evd
+open Evar_refiner
+open Clenv
+open Tacred
+open Tacticals
+open Libnames
+open Genarg
+open Tacexpr
+open Nametab
+open Rawterm
+(* Main tactics. *)
+(*s General functions. *)
+val type_clenv_binding : named_context sigma ->
+ constr * constr -> constr bindings -> constr
+val string_of_inductive : constr -> string
+val head_constr : constr -> constr list
+val head_constr_bound : constr -> constr list -> constr list
+val is_quantified_hypothesis : identifier -> goal sigma -> bool
+exception Bound
+(*s Primitive tactics. *)
+val introduction : identifier -> tactic
+val refine : constr -> tactic
+val convert_concl : constr -> tactic
+val convert_hyp : named_declaration -> tactic
+val thin : identifier list -> tactic
+val mutual_fix :
+ identifier -> int -> (identifier * int * constr) list -> tactic
+val fix : identifier option -> int -> tactic
+val mutual_cofix : identifier -> (identifier * constr) list -> tactic
+val cofix : identifier option -> tactic
+(*s Introduction tactics. *)
+val fresh_id : identifier list -> identifier -> goal sigma -> identifier
+val intro : tactic
+val introf : tactic
+val intro_force : bool -> tactic
+val intro_move : identifier option -> identifier option -> tactic
+val intro_replacing : identifier -> tactic
+val intro_using : identifier -> tactic
+val intro_mustbe_force : identifier -> tactic
+val intros_using : identifier list -> tactic
+val intro_erasing : identifier -> tactic
+val intros_replacing : identifier list -> tactic
+val intros : tactic
+(* [depth_of_quantified_hypothesis b h g] returns the index of [h] in
+ the conclusion of goal [g], up to head-reduction if [b] is [true] *)
+val depth_of_quantified_hypothesis :
+ bool -> quantified_hypothesis -> goal sigma -> int
+val intros_until_n_wored : int -> tactic
+val intros_until : quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
+val intros_clearing : bool list -> tactic
+(* Assuming a tactic [tac] depending on an hypothesis identifier,
+ [try_intros_until tac arg] first assumes that arg denotes a
+ quantified hypothesis (denoted by name or by index) and try to
+ introduce it in context before to apply [tac], otherwise assume the
+ hypothesis is already in context and directly apply [tac] *)
+val try_intros_until :
+ (identifier -> tactic) -> quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
+(*s Introduction tactics with eliminations. *)
+val intro_pattern : identifier option -> intro_pattern_expr -> tactic
+val intro_patterns : intro_pattern_expr list -> tactic
+val intros_pattern : identifier option -> intro_pattern_expr list -> tactic
+(*s Exact tactics. *)
+val assumption : tactic
+val exact_no_check : constr -> tactic
+val exact_check : constr -> tactic
+val exact_proof : Topconstr.constr_expr -> tactic
+(*s Reduction tactics. *)
+type tactic_reduction = env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr
+val reduct_in_hyp : tactic_reduction -> hyp_location -> tactic
+val reduct_option : tactic_reduction -> simple_clause -> tactic
+val reduct_in_concl : tactic_reduction -> tactic
+val change_in_concl : constr occurrences option -> constr -> tactic
+val change_in_hyp : constr occurrences option -> constr -> hyp_location ->
+ tactic
+val red_in_concl : tactic
+val red_in_hyp : hyp_location -> tactic
+val red_option : simple_clause -> tactic
+val hnf_in_concl : tactic
+val hnf_in_hyp : hyp_location -> tactic
+val hnf_option : simple_clause -> tactic
+val simpl_in_concl : tactic
+val simpl_in_hyp : hyp_location -> tactic
+val simpl_option : simple_clause -> tactic
+val normalise_in_concl: tactic
+val normalise_in_hyp : hyp_location -> tactic
+val normalise_option : simple_clause -> tactic
+val unfold_in_concl : (int list * evaluable_global_reference) list -> tactic
+val unfold_in_hyp :
+ (int list * evaluable_global_reference) list -> hyp_location -> tactic
+val unfold_option :
+ (int list * evaluable_global_reference) list -> simple_clause
+ -> tactic
+val reduce : red_expr -> clause -> tactic
+val change :
+ constr occurrences option -> constr -> clause -> tactic
+val unfold_constr : global_reference -> tactic
+val pattern_option : (int list * constr) list -> simple_clause -> tactic
+(*s Modification of the local context. *)
+val clear : identifier list -> tactic
+val clear_body : identifier list -> tactic
+val new_hyp : int option -> constr with_bindings -> tactic
+val move_hyp : bool -> identifier -> identifier -> tactic
+val rename_hyp : identifier -> identifier -> tactic
+(*s Resolution tactics. *)
+val apply_type : constr -> constr list -> tactic
+val apply_term : constr -> constr list -> tactic
+val bring_hyps : named_context -> tactic
+val apply : constr -> tactic
+val apply_without_reduce : constr -> tactic
+val apply_list : constr list -> tactic
+val apply_with_bindings : constr with_bindings -> tactic
+val cut_and_apply : constr -> tactic
+(*s Elimination tactics. *)
+val general_elim : constr with_bindings -> constr with_bindings ->
+ ?allow_K:bool -> tactic
+val default_elim : constr with_bindings -> tactic
+val simplest_elim : constr -> tactic
+val elim : constr with_bindings -> constr with_bindings option -> tactic
+val general_elim_in : identifier -> constr * constr bindings ->
+ constr * constr bindings -> tactic
+val simple_induct : quantified_hypothesis * (bool ref * intro_pattern_expr list ref list) list ref -> tactic
+val general_elim_in : identifier -> constr * constr bindings ->
+ constr * constr bindings -> tactic
+val new_induct : constr induction_arg -> constr with_bindings option ->
+ intro_pattern_expr option * (bool ref * intro_pattern_expr list ref list) list ref
+ -> tactic
+(*s Case analysis tactics. *)
+val general_case_analysis : constr with_bindings -> tactic
+val simplest_case : constr -> tactic
+val simple_destruct : quantified_hypothesis -> tactic
+val new_destruct : constr induction_arg -> constr with_bindings option ->
+ intro_pattern_expr option * (bool ref * intro_pattern_expr list ref list) list ref
+ -> tactic
+(*s Eliminations giving the type instead of the proof. *)
+val case_type : constr -> tactic
+val elim_type : constr -> tactic
+(*s Some eliminations which are frequently used. *)
+val impE : identifier -> tactic
+val andE : identifier -> tactic
+val orE : identifier -> tactic
+val dImp : clause -> tactic
+val dAnd : clause -> tactic
+val dorE : bool -> clause ->tactic
+(*s Introduction tactics. *)
+val constructor_tac : int option -> int ->
+ constr bindings -> tactic
+val one_constructor : int -> constr bindings -> tactic
+val any_constructor : tactic option -> tactic
+val left : constr bindings -> tactic
+val simplest_left : tactic
+val right : constr bindings -> tactic
+val simplest_right : tactic
+val split : constr bindings -> tactic
+val simplest_split : tactic
+(*s Logical connective tactics. *)
+val reflexivity : tactic
+val intros_reflexivity : tactic
+val symmetry : tactic
+val symmetry_in : identifier -> tactic
+val intros_symmetry : clause -> tactic
+val transitivity : constr -> tactic
+val intros_transitivity : constr -> tactic
+val cut : constr -> tactic
+val cut_intro : constr -> tactic
+val cut_replacing : identifier -> constr -> tactic
+val cut_in_parallel : constr list -> tactic
+val assert_tac : bool -> name -> constr -> tactic
+val true_cut : name -> constr -> tactic
+val letin_tac : bool -> name -> constr -> clause -> tactic
+val forward : bool -> name -> constr -> tactic
+val generalize : constr list -> tactic
+val generalize_dep : constr -> tactic
+val tclABSTRACT : identifier option -> tactic -> tactic
diff --git a/tactics/tauto.ml4 b/tactics/tauto.ml4
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..553acc91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/tauto.ml4
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
+(*i $Id: tauto.ml4,v 2004/07/16 19:30:55 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Ast
+open Coqast
+open Hipattern
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Pp
+open Proof_type
+open Tacticals
+open Tacinterp
+open Tactics
+open Util
+let assoc_last ist =
+ match List.assoc (Names.id_of_string "X1") ist.lfun with
+ | VConstr c -> c
+ | _ -> failwith "Tauto: anomaly"
+let is_empty ist =
+ if is_empty_type (assoc_last ist) then
+ <:tactic<idtac>>
+ else
+ <:tactic<fail>>
+let is_unit ist =
+ if is_unit_type (assoc_last ist) then
+ <:tactic<idtac>>
+ else
+ <:tactic<fail>>
+let is_conj ist =
+ let ind = assoc_last ist in
+ if (is_conjunction ind) && (is_nodep_ind ind) then
+ <:tactic<idtac>>
+ else
+ <:tactic<fail>>
+let is_disj ist =
+ if is_disjunction (assoc_last ist) then
+ <:tactic<idtac>>
+ else
+ <:tactic<fail>>
+let not_dep_intros ist =
+ <:tactic<
+ repeat match goal with
+ | |- (?X1 -> ?X2) => intro
+ | |- (Coq.Init.Logic.iff _ _) => unfold Coq.Init.Logic.iff
+ | |- (Coq.Init.Logic.not _) => unfold Coq.Init.Logic.not
+ | H:(Coq.Init.Logic.iff _ _)|- _ => unfold Coq.Init.Logic.iff in H
+ | H:(Coq.Init.Logic.not _)|-_ => unfold Coq.Init.Logic.not in H
+ | H:(Coq.Init.Logic.iff _ _)->_|- _ => unfold Coq.Init.Logic.iff in H
+ | H:(Coq.Init.Logic.not _)->_|-_ => unfold Coq.Init.Logic.not in H
+ end >>
+let axioms ist =
+ let t_is_unit = tacticIn is_unit
+ and t_is_empty = tacticIn is_empty in
+ <:tactic<
+ match reverse goal with
+ | |- ?X1 => $t_is_unit; constructor 1
+ | _:?X1 |- _ => $t_is_empty; elimtype X1; assumption
+ | _:?X1 |- ?X1 => assumption
+ end >>
+let simplif ist =
+ let t_is_unit = tacticIn is_unit
+ and t_is_conj = tacticIn is_conj
+ and t_is_disj = tacticIn is_disj
+ and t_not_dep_intros = tacticIn not_dep_intros in
+ <:tactic<
+ $t_not_dep_intros;
+ repeat
+ (match reverse goal with
+ | id: (?X1 _ _) |- _ =>
+ $t_is_conj; elim id; do 2 intro; clear id
+ | id: (?X1 _ _) |- _ => $t_is_disj; elim id; intro; clear id
+ | id0: ?X1-> ?X2, id1: ?X1|- _ =>
+ (* generalize (id0 id1); intro; clear id0 does not work
+ (see Marco Maggiesi's bug PR#301)
+ so we instead use Assert and exact. *)
+ assert X2; [exact (id0 id1) | clear id0]
+ | id: ?X1 -> ?X2|- _ =>
+ $t_is_unit; cut X2;
+ [ intro; clear id
+ | (* id : ?X1 -> ?X2 |- ?X2 *)
+ cut X1; [exact id| constructor 1; fail]
+ ]
+ | id: (?X1 ?X2 ?X3) -> ?X4|- _ =>
+ $t_is_conj; cut (X2-> X3-> X4);
+ [ intro; clear id
+ | (* id: (?X1 ?X2 ?X3) -> ?X4 |- ?X2 -> ?X3 -> ?X4 *)
+ intro; intro; cut (X1 X2 X3); [exact id| split; assumption]
+ ]
+ | id: (?X1 ?X2 ?X3) -> ?X4|- _ =>
+ $t_is_disj;
+ cut (X3-> X4);
+ [cut (X2-> X4);
+ [intro; intro; clear id
+ | (* id: (?X1 ?X2 ?X3) -> ?X4 |- ?X2 -> ?X4 *)
+ intro; cut (X1 X2 X3); [exact id| left; assumption]
+ ]
+ | (* id: (?X1 ?X2 ?X3) -> ?X4 |- ?X3 -> ?X4 *)
+ intro; cut (X1 X2 X3); [exact id| right; assumption]
+ ]
+ | |- (?X1 _ _) => $t_is_conj; split
+ end;
+ $t_not_dep_intros) >>
+let rec tauto_intuit t_reduce solver ist =
+ let t_axioms = tacticIn axioms
+ and t_simplif = tacticIn simplif
+ and t_is_disj = tacticIn is_disj
+ and t_tauto_intuit = tacticIn (tauto_intuit t_reduce solver) in
+ let t_solver = Tacexpr.TacArg (valueIn (VTactic (dummy_loc,solver))) in
+ <:tactic<
+ ($t_simplif;$t_axioms
+ || match reverse goal with
+ | id:(?X1-> ?X2)-> ?X3|- _ =>
+ cut X3;
+ [ intro; clear id; $t_tauto_intuit
+ | cut (X1 -> X2);
+ [ exact id
+ | generalize (fun y:X2 => id (fun x:X1 => y)); intro; clear id;
+ solve [ $t_tauto_intuit ]]]
+ | |- (?X1 _ _) =>
+ $t_is_disj; solve [left;$t_tauto_intuit | right;$t_tauto_intuit]
+ end
+ ||
+ (* NB: [|- _ -> _] matches any product *)
+ match goal with | |- _ -> _ => intro; $t_tauto_intuit
+ | |- _ => $t_reduce;$t_solver
+ end
+ ||
+ $t_solver
+ ) >>
+let reduction_not_iff=interp
+ <:tactic<repeat
+ match goal with
+ | |- _ => progress unfold Coq.Init.Logic.not, Coq.Init.Logic.iff
+ | H:_ |- _ => progress unfold Coq.Init.Logic.not, Coq.Init.Logic.iff in H
+ end >>
+let t_reduction_not_iff =
+ Tacexpr.TacArg (valueIn (VTactic (dummy_loc,reduction_not_iff)))
+let intuition_gen tac =
+ interp (tacticIn (tauto_intuit t_reduction_not_iff tac))
+let simplif_gen = interp (tacticIn simplif)
+let tauto g =
+ try intuition_gen (interp <:tactic<fail>>) g
+ with
+ Refiner.FailError _ | UserError _ ->
+ errorlabstrm "tauto" [< str "Tauto failed" >]
+let default_intuition_tac = interp <:tactic< auto with * >>
+let q_elim tac=
+ <:tactic<
+ match goal with
+ x : ?X1, H : ?X1 -> _ |- _ => generalize (H x); clear H; $tac
+ end >>
+let rec lfo n gl=
+ if n=0 then (tclFAIL 0 "LinearIntuition failed" gl) else
+ let p=if n<0 then n else (n-1) in
+ let lfo_rec=q_elim (Tacexpr.TacArg (valueIn (VTactic(dummy_loc,lfo p)))) in
+ intuition_gen (interp lfo_rec) gl
+let lfo_wrap n gl=
+ try lfo n gl
+ with
+ Refiner.FailError _ | UserError _ ->
+ errorlabstrm "LinearIntuition" [< str "LinearIntuition failed." >]
+| [ "Tauto" ] -> [ tauto ]
+(* Obsolete sinve V8.0
+| [ "Simplif" ] -> [ simplif_gen ]
+| [ "Intuition" ] -> [ intuition_gen default_intuition_tac ]
+| [ "Intuition" tactic(t) ] -> [ intuition_gen (snd t) ]
+(* Obsolete since V8.0
+TACTIC EXTEND LinearIntuition
+| [ "LinearIntuition" ] -> [ lfo_wrap (-1)]
+| [ "LinearIntuition" integer(n)] -> [ lfo_wrap n]
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e77ddbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:56 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Term
+open Pattern
+open Rawterm
+open Libnames
+open Nametab
+(* Discrimination nets of terms.
+ See the module for further explanations.
+ Eduardo (5/8/97) *)
+type 'a t = (constr_label,constr_pattern,'a) Dn.t
+(*If we have: f a b c ..., decomp gives: (f,[a;b;c;...])*)
+let decomp =
+ let rec decrec acc c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | App (f,l) -> decrec (Array.fold_right (fun a l -> a::l) l acc) f
+ | Cast (c1,_) -> decrec acc c1
+ | _ -> (c,acc)
+ in
+ decrec []
+let decomp_pat =
+ let rec decrec acc = function
+ | PApp (f,args) -> decrec (Array.to_list args @ acc) f
+ | c -> (c,acc)
+ in
+ decrec []
+let constr_pat_discr t =
+ if not (occur_meta_pattern t) then
+ None
+ else
+ match decomp_pat t with
+ | PRef (IndRef sp), args -> Some(IndNode sp,args)
+ | PRef (ConstructRef sp), args -> Some(CstrNode sp,args)
+ | PRef (VarRef id), args -> Some(VarNode id,args)
+ | _ -> None
+let constr_val_discr t =
+ let c, l = decomp t in
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ (* Const _,_) -> Some(TERM c,l) *)
+ | Ind ind_sp -> Some(IndNode ind_sp,l)
+ | Construct cstr_sp -> Some(CstrNode cstr_sp,l)
+ (* Ici, comment distinguer SectionVarNode de VarNode ?? *)
+ | Var id -> Some(VarNode id,l)
+ | _ -> None
+(* Les deux fonctions suivantes ecrasaient les precedentes,
+ ajout d'un suffixe _nil CP 16/08 *)
+let constr_pat_discr_nil t =
+ match constr_pat_discr t with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some (c,_) -> Some(c,[])
+let constr_val_discr_nil t =
+ match constr_val_discr t with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some (c,_) -> Some(c,[])
+let create = Dn.create
+let add dn = Dn.add dn constr_pat_discr
+let rmv dn = Dn.rmv dn constr_pat_discr
+let lookup dn t = Dn.lookup dn constr_val_discr t
+let app f dn = f dn
diff --git a/tactics/termdn.mli b/tactics/termdn.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e3caf6d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/termdn.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: termdn.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:56 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Term
+open Pattern
+(* Discrimination nets of terms. *)
+(* This module registers actions (typically tactics) mapped to patterns *)
+(* Patterns are stocked linearly as the list of its node in prefix
+order in such a way patterns having the same prefix have this common
+prefix shared and the seek for the action associated to the patterns
+that a term matches are found in time proportional to the maximal
+number of nodes of the patterns matching the term *)
+type 'a t
+val create : unit -> 'a t
+(* [add t (c,a)] adds to table [t] pattern [c] associated to action [act] *)
+val add : 'a t -> (constr_pattern * 'a) -> 'a t
+val rmv : 'a t -> (constr_pattern * 'a) -> 'a t
+(* [lookup t c] looks for patterns (with their action) matching term [c] *)
+val lookup : 'a t -> constr -> (constr_pattern * 'a) list
+val app : ((constr_pattern * 'a) -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
+(* These are for Nbtermdn *)
+val constr_pat_discr :
+ constr_pattern -> (constr_label * constr_pattern list) option
+val constr_val_discr :
+ constr -> (constr_label * constr list) option