path: root/tactics/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tactics/')
1 files changed, 564 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
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index 00000000..54ce467c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:53 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Global
+open Sign
+open Environ
+open Inductiveops
+open Printer
+open Reductionops
+open Retyping
+open Tacmach
+open Proof_type
+open Evar_refiner
+open Clenv
+open Tactics
+open Tacticals
+open Tactics
+open Elim
+open Equality
+open Typing
+open Pattern
+open Matching
+open Rawterm
+open Genarg
+open Tacexpr
+let collect_meta_variables c =
+ let rec collrec acc c = match kind_of_term c with
+ | Meta mv -> mv::acc
+ | _ -> fold_constr collrec acc c
+ in
+ collrec [] c
+let check_no_metas clenv ccl =
+ if occur_meta ccl then
+ let metas = (fun n -> Metamap.find n clenv.namenv)
+ (collect_meta_variables ccl) in
+ errorlabstrm "inversion"
+ (str ("Cannot find an instantiation for variable"^
+ (if List.length metas = 1 then " " else "s ")) ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr_id metas
+ (* ajouter "in " ++ prterm ccl mais il faut le bon contexte *))
+let var_occurs_in_pf gl id =
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ occur_var env id (pf_concl gl) or
+ List.exists (occur_var_in_decl env id) (pf_hyps gl)
+(* [make_inv_predicate (ity,args) C]
+ is given the inductive type, its arguments, both the global
+ parameters and its local arguments, and is expected to produce a
+ predicate P such that if largs is the "local" part of the
+ arguments, then (P largs) will be convertible with a conclusion of
+ the form:
+ <A1>a1=a1-><A2>a2=a2 ... -> C
+ Algorithm: suppose length(largs)=n
+ (1) Push the entire arity, [xbar:Abar], carrying along largs and
+ the conclusion
+ (2) Pair up each ai with its respective Rel version: a1==(Rel n),
+ a2==(Rel n-1), etc.
+ (3) For each pair, ai,Rel j, if the Ai is dependent - that is, the
+ type of [Rel j] is an open term, then we construct the iterated
+ tuple, [make_iterated_tuple] does it, and use that for our equation
+ Otherwise, we just use <Ai>ai=Rel j
+ *)
+type inversion_status = Dep of constr option | NoDep
+let compute_eqn env sigma n i ai =
+ (ai,get_type_of env sigma ai),
+ (mkRel (n-i),get_type_of env sigma (mkRel (n-i)))
+let make_inv_predicate env sigma indf realargs id status concl =
+ let nrealargs = List.length realargs in
+ let (hyps,concl) =
+ match status with
+ | NoDep ->
+ (* We push the arity and leave concl unchanged *)
+ let hyps_arity,_ = get_arity env indf in
+ (hyps_arity,concl)
+ | Dep dflt_concl ->
+ if not (occur_var env id concl) then
+ errorlabstrm "make_inv_predicate"
+ (str "Current goal does not depend on " ++ pr_id id);
+ (* We abstract the conclusion of goal with respect to
+ realargs and c to * be concl in order to rewrite and have
+ c also rewritten when the case * will be done *)
+ let pred =
+ match dflt_concl with
+ | Some concl -> concl (*assumed it's some [x1..xn,H:I(x1..xn)]C*)
+ | None ->
+ let sort = get_sort_of env sigma concl in
+ let p = make_arity env true indf sort in
+ abstract_list_all env sigma p concl (realargs@[mkVar id]) in
+ let hyps,bodypred = decompose_lam_n_assum (nrealargs+1) pred in
+ (* We lift to make room for the equations *)
+ (hyps,lift nrealargs bodypred)
+ in
+ let nhyps = List.length hyps in
+ let env' = push_rel_context hyps env in
+ let realargs' = (lift nhyps) realargs in
+ let pairs = list_map_i (compute_eqn env' sigma nhyps) 0 realargs' in
+ (* Now the arity is pushed, and we need to construct the pairs
+ * ai,mkRel(n-i+1) *)
+ (* Now, we can recurse down this list, for each ai,(mkRel k) whether to
+ push <Ai>(mkRel k)=ai (when Ai is closed).
+ In any case, we carry along the rest of pairs *)
+ let rec build_concl eqns n = function
+ | [] -> (prod_it concl eqns,n)
+ | ((ai,ati),(xi,ti))::restlist ->
+ let (lhs,eqnty,rhs) =
+ if closed0 ti then
+ (xi,ti,ai)
+ else
+ make_iterated_tuple env' sigma (ai,ati) (xi,ti)
+ in
+ let type_type_rhs = get_sort_of env sigma (type_of env sigma rhs) in
+ let sort = get_sort_of env sigma concl in
+ let eq_term = find_eq_pattern type_type_rhs sort in
+ let eqn = applist (eq_term ,[eqnty;lhs;rhs]) in
+ build_concl ((Anonymous,lift n eqn)::eqns) (n+1) restlist
+ in
+ let (newconcl,neqns) = build_concl [] 0 pairs in
+ let predicate = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name env newconcl hyps in
+ (* OK - this predicate should now be usable by res_elimination_then to
+ do elimination on the conclusion. *)
+ (predicate,neqns)
+(* The result of the elimination is a bunch of goals like:
+ |- (cibar:Cibar)Equands->C
+ where the cibar are either dependent or not. We are fed a
+ signature, with "true" for every recursive argument, and false for
+ every non-recursive one. So we need to do the
+ sign_branch_len(sign) intros, thinning out all recursive
+ assumptions. This leaves us with exactly length(sign) assumptions.
+ We save their names, and then do introductions for all the equands
+ (there are some number of them, which is the other argument of the
+ tactic)
+ This gives us the #neqns equations, whose names we get also, and
+ the #length(sign) arguments.
+ Suppose that #nodep of these arguments are non-dependent.
+ Generalize and thin them.
+ This gives us #dep = #length(sign)-#nodep arguments which are
+ dependent.
+ Now, we want to take each of the equations, and do all possible
+ injections to get the left-hand-side to be a variable. At the same
+ time, if we find a lhs/rhs pair which are different, we can
+ discriminate them to prove false and finish the branch.
+ Then, we thin away the equations, and do the introductions for the
+ #nodep arguments which we generalized before.
+ *)
+(* Called after the case-assumptions have been killed off, and all the
+ intros have been done. Given that the clause in question is an
+ equality (if it isn't we fail), we are responsible for projecting
+ the equality, using Injection and Discriminate, and applying it to
+ the concusion *)
+(* Computes the subset of hypothesis in the local context whose
+ type depends on t (should be of the form (mkVar id)), then
+ it generalizes them, applies tac to rewrite all occurrencies of t,
+ and introduces generalized hypotheis.
+ Precondition: t=(mkVar id) *)
+let rec dependent_hyps id idlist sign =
+ let rec dep_rec =function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (id1,_,id1ty as d1)::l ->
+ if occur_var (Global.env()) id id1ty
+ then d1 :: dep_rec l
+ else dep_rec l
+ in
+ dep_rec idlist
+let split_dep_and_nodep hyps gl =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (id,_,_ as d) (l1,l2) ->
+ if var_occurs_in_pf gl id then (d::l1,l2) else (l1,d::l2))
+ hyps ([],[])
+open Coqlib
+(* Computation of dids is late; must have been done in rewrite_equations*)
+(* Will keep generalizing and introducing back and forth... *)
+(* Moreover, others hyps depending of dids should have been *)
+(* generalized; in such a way that [dids] can endly be cleared *)
+(* Consider for instance this case extracted from Well_Ordering.v
+ A : Set
+ B : A ->Set
+ a0 : A
+ f : (B a0) ->WO
+ y : WO
+ H0 : (le_WO y (sup a0 f))
+ ============================
+ (Acc WO le_WO y)
+ Inversion H0 gives
+ A : Set
+ B : A ->Set
+ a0 : A
+ f : (B a0) ->WO
+ y : WO
+ H0 : (le_WO y (sup a0 f))
+ a1 : A
+ f0 : (B a1) ->WO
+ v : (B a1)
+ H1 : (f0 v)=y
+ H3 : a1=a0
+ f1 : (B a0) ->WO
+ v0 : (B a0)
+ H4 : (existS A [a:A](B a) ->WO a0 f1)=(existS A [a:A](B a) ->WO a0 f)
+ ============================
+ (Acc WO le_WO (f1 v0))
+while, ideally, we would have expected
+ A : Set
+ B : A ->Set
+ a0 : A
+ f0 : (B a0)->WO
+ v : (B a0)
+ ============================
+ (Acc WO le_WO (f0 v))
+obtained from destruction with equalities
+ A : Set
+ B : A ->Set
+ a0 : A
+ f : (B a0) ->WO
+ y : WO
+ H0 : (le_WO y (sup a0 f))
+ a1 : A
+ f0 : (B a1)->WO
+ v : (B a1)
+ H1 : (f0 v)=y
+ H2 : (sup a1 f0)=(sup a0 f)
+ ============================
+ (Acc WO le_WO (f0 v))
+by clearing initial hypothesis H0 and its dependency y, clearing H1
+(in fact H1 can be avoided using the same trick as for newdestruct),
+decomposing H2 to get a1=a0 and (a1,f0)=(a0,f), replacing a1 by a0
+everywhere and removing a1 and a1=a0 (in fact it would have been more
+regular to replace a0 by a1, avoiding f1 and v0 cannot replace f0 and v),
+finally removing H4 (here because f is not used, more generally after using
+eq_dep and replacing f by f0) [and finally rename a0, f0 into a,f].
+Summary: nine useless hypotheses!
+Nota: with Inversion_clear, only four useless hypotheses
+let generalizeRewriteIntros tac depids id gls =
+ let dids = dependent_hyps id depids (pf_env gls) in
+ [bring_hyps dids; tac;
+ (* may actually fail to replace if dependent in a previous eq *)
+ intros_replacing (ids_of_named_context dids)])
+ gls
+let rec tclMAP_i n tacfun = function
+ | [] -> tclDO n (tacfun None)
+ | a::l ->
+ if n=0 then error "Too much names"
+ else tclTHEN (tacfun (Some a)) (tclMAP_i (n-1) tacfun l)
+let remember_first_eq id x = if !x = None then x := Some id
+(* invariant: ProjectAndApply is responsible for erasing the clause
+ which it is given as input
+ It simplifies the clause (an equality) to use it as a rewrite rule and then
+ erases the result of the simplification. *)
+(* invariant: ProjectAndApplyNoThining simplifies the clause (an equality) .
+ If it can discriminate then the goal is proved, if not tries to use it as
+ a rewrite rule. It erases the clause which is given as input *)
+let projectAndApply thin id eqname names depids gls =
+ let env = pf_env gls in
+ let clearer id =
+ if thin then clear [id] else (remember_first_eq id eqname; tclIDTAC) in
+ let subst_hyp_LR id = tclTHEN (tclTRY(hypSubst_LR id onConcl)) (clearer id) in
+ let subst_hyp_RL id = tclTHEN (tclTRY(hypSubst_RL id onConcl)) (clearer id) in
+ let substHypIfVariable tac id gls =
+ let (t,t1,t2) = Hipattern.dest_nf_eq gls (pf_get_hyp_typ gls id) in
+ match (kind_of_term t1, kind_of_term t2) with
+ | Var id1, _ -> generalizeRewriteIntros (subst_hyp_LR id) depids id1 gls
+ | _, Var id2 -> generalizeRewriteIntros (subst_hyp_RL id) depids id2 gls
+ | _ -> tac id gls
+ in
+ let deq_trailer id neqns =
+ [(if names <> [] then clear [id] else tclIDTAC);
+ (tclMAP_i neqns (fun idopt ->
+ tclTHEN
+ (intro_move idopt None)
+ (* try again to substitute and if still not a variable after *)
+ (* decomposition, arbitrarily try to rewrite RL !? *)
+ (tclTRY (onLastHyp (substHypIfVariable subst_hyp_RL))))
+ names);
+ (if names = [] then clear [id] else tclIDTAC)]
+ in
+ substHypIfVariable
+ (* If no immediate variable in the equation, try to decompose it *)
+ (* and apply a trailer which again try to substitute *)
+ (fun id -> dEqThen (deq_trailer id) (Some (NamedHyp id)))
+ id
+ gls
+(* Inversion qui n'introduit pas les hypotheses, afin de pouvoir les nommer
+ soi-meme (proposition de Valerie). *)
+let rewrite_equations_gene othin neqns ba gl =
+ let (depids,nodepids) = split_dep_and_nodep ba.assums gl in
+ let rewrite_eqns =
+ match othin with
+ | Some thin ->
+ onLastHyp
+ (fun last ->
+ [tclDO neqns
+ (tclTHEN intro
+ (onLastHyp
+ (fun id ->
+ tclTRY
+ (projectAndApply thin id (ref None)
+ [] depids))));
+ onHyps (compose List.rev (afterHyp last)) bring_hyps;
+ onHyps (afterHyp last)
+ (compose clear ids_of_named_context)])
+ | None -> tclIDTAC
+ in
+ [tclDO neqns intro;
+ bring_hyps nodepids;
+ clear (ids_of_named_context nodepids);
+ onHyps (compose List.rev (nLastHyps neqns)) bring_hyps;
+ onHyps (nLastHyps neqns) (compose clear ids_of_named_context);
+ rewrite_eqns;
+ tclMAP (fun (id,_,_ as d) ->
+ (tclORELSE (clear [id])
+ (tclTHEN (bring_hyps [d]) (clear [id]))))
+ depids])
+ gl
+(* Introduction of the equations on arguments
+ othin: discriminates Simple Inversion, Inversion and Inversion_clear
+ None: the equations are introduced, but not rewritten
+ Some thin: the equations are rewritten, and cleared if thin is true *)
+let rec get_names allow_conj = function
+ | IntroWildcard ->
+ error "Discarding pattern not allowed for inversion equations"
+ | IntroOrAndPattern [l] ->
+ if allow_conj then
+ if l = [] then (None,[]) else
+ let l = (fun id -> out_some (fst (get_names false id))) l in
+ (Some (List.hd l), l)
+ else
+ error "Nested conjunctive patterns not allowed for inversion equations"
+ | IntroOrAndPattern l ->
+ error "Disjunctive patterns not allowed for inversion equations"
+ | IntroIdentifier id ->
+ (Some id,[id])
+let extract_eqn_names = function
+ | None -> None,[]
+ | Some x -> x
+let rewrite_equations othin neqns names ba gl =
+ let names = (get_names true) names in
+ let (depids,nodepids) = split_dep_and_nodep ba.assums gl in
+ let rewrite_eqns =
+ let first_eq = ref None in
+ let update id = if !first_eq = None then first_eq := Some id in
+ match othin with
+ | Some thin ->
+ [onHyps (compose List.rev (nLastHyps neqns)) bring_hyps;
+ onHyps (nLastHyps neqns) (compose clear ids_of_named_context);
+ tclMAP_i neqns (fun o ->
+ let idopt,names = extract_eqn_names o in
+ (tclTHEN
+ (intro_move idopt None)
+ (onLastHyp (fun id ->
+ tclTRY (projectAndApply thin id first_eq names depids)))))
+ names;
+ tclMAP (fun (id,_,_) gl ->
+ intro_move None (if thin then None else !first_eq) gl)
+ nodepids;
+ tclMAP (fun (id,_,_) -> tclTRY (clear [id])) depids]
+ | None -> tclIDTAC
+ in
+ [tclDO neqns intro;
+ bring_hyps nodepids;
+ clear (ids_of_named_context nodepids);
+ rewrite_eqns])
+ gl
+let interp_inversion_kind = function
+ | SimpleInversion -> None
+ | FullInversion -> Some false
+ | FullInversionClear -> Some true
+let rewrite_equations_tac (gene, othin) id neqns names ba =
+ let othin = interp_inversion_kind othin in
+ let tac =
+ if gene then rewrite_equations_gene othin neqns ba
+ else rewrite_equations othin neqns names ba in
+ if othin = Some true (* if Inversion_clear, clear the hypothesis *) then
+ tclTHEN tac (tclTRY (clear [id]))
+ else
+ tac
+let raw_inversion inv_kind indbinding id status names gl =
+ let env = pf_env gl and sigma = project gl in
+ let c = mkVar id in
+ let (wc,kONT) = startWalk gl in
+ let t = strong_prodspine (pf_whd_betadeltaiota gl) (pf_type_of gl c) in
+ let indclause = mk_clenv_from wc (c,t) in
+ let indclause' = clenv_constrain_with_bindings indbinding indclause in
+ let newc = clenv_instance_template indclause' in
+ let ccl = clenv_instance_template_type indclause' in
+ check_no_metas indclause' ccl;
+ let IndType (indf,realargs) =
+ try find_rectype env sigma ccl
+ with Not_found ->
+ errorlabstrm "raw_inversion"
+ (str ("The type of "^(string_of_id id)^" is not inductive")) in
+ let (elim_predicate,neqns) =
+ make_inv_predicate env sigma indf realargs id status (pf_concl gl) in
+ let (cut_concl,case_tac) =
+ if status <> NoDep & (dependent c (pf_concl gl)) then
+ Reduction.beta_appvect elim_predicate (Array.of_list (realargs@[c])),
+ case_then_using
+ else
+ Reduction.beta_appvect elim_predicate (Array.of_list realargs),
+ case_nodep_then_using
+ in
+ (tclTHENS
+ (true_cut Anonymous cut_concl)
+ [case_tac names
+ (introCaseAssumsThen (rewrite_equations_tac inv_kind id neqns))
+ (Some elim_predicate) ([],[]) newc;
+ onLastHyp
+ (fun id ->
+ (tclTHEN
+ (apply_term (mkVar id)
+ (list_tabulate (fun _ -> mkMeta(Clenv.new_meta())) neqns))
+ reflexivity))])
+ gl
+(* Error messages of the inversion tactics *)
+let not_found_message ids =
+ if List.length ids = 1 then
+ (str "the variable" ++ spc () ++ str (string_of_id (List.hd ids)) ++ spc () ++
+ str" was not found in the current environment")
+ else
+ (str "the variables [" ++
+ spc () ++ prlist (fun id -> (str (string_of_id id) ++ spc ())) ids ++
+ str" ] were not found in the current environment")
+let dep_prop_prop_message id =
+ errorlabstrm "Inv"
+ (str "Inversion on " ++ pr_id id ++
+ str " would needs dependent elimination Prop-Prop")
+let not_inductive_here id =
+ errorlabstrm "mind_specif_of_mind"
+ (str "Cannot recognize an inductive predicate in " ++ pr_id id ++
+ str ". If there is one, may be the structure of the arity or of the type of constructors is hidden by constant definitions.")
+(* Noms d'errreurs obsolètes ?? *)
+let wrap_inv_error id = function
+ | UserError ("Case analysis",s) -> errorlabstrm "Inv needs Nodep Prop Set" s
+ | UserError("mind_specif_of_mind",_) -> not_inductive_here id
+ | UserError (a,b) -> errorlabstrm "Inv" b
+ | Invalid_argument (*"it_list2"*) "List.fold_left2" -> dep_prop_prop_message id
+ | Not_found -> errorlabstrm "Inv" (not_found_message [id])
+ | e -> raise e
+(* The most general inversion tactic *)
+let inversion inv_kind status names id gls =
+ try (raw_inversion inv_kind [] id status names) gls
+ with e -> wrap_inv_error id e
+(* Specializing it... *)
+let inv_gen gene thin status names =
+ try_intros_until (inversion (gene,thin) status names)
+open Tacexpr
+let inv k = inv_gen false k NoDep
+let half_inv_tac id = inv SimpleInversion None (NamedHyp id)
+let inv_tac id = inv FullInversion None (NamedHyp id)
+let inv_clear_tac id = inv FullInversionClear None (NamedHyp id)
+let dinv k c = inv_gen false k (Dep c)
+let half_dinv_tac id = dinv SimpleInversion None None (NamedHyp id)
+let dinv_tac id = dinv FullInversion None None (NamedHyp id)
+let dinv_clear_tac id = dinv FullInversionClear None None (NamedHyp id)
+(* InvIn will bring the specified clauses into the conclusion, and then
+ * perform inversion on the named hypothesis. After, it will intro them
+ * back to their places in the hyp-list. *)
+let invIn k names ids id gls =
+ let hyps = (pf_get_hyp gls) ids in
+ let nb_prod_init = nb_prod (pf_concl gls) in
+ let intros_replace_ids gls =
+ let nb_of_new_hyp =
+ nb_prod (pf_concl gls) - (List.length hyps + nb_prod_init)
+ in
+ if nb_of_new_hyp < 1 then
+ intros_replacing ids gls
+ else
+ tclTHEN (tclDO nb_of_new_hyp intro) (intros_replacing ids) gls
+ in
+ try
+ [bring_hyps hyps;
+ inversion (false,k) NoDep names id;
+ intros_replace_ids])
+ gls
+ with e -> wrap_inv_error id e
+let invIn_gen k names idl = try_intros_until (invIn k names idl)
+let inv_clause k names = function
+ | [] -> inv k names
+ | idl -> invIn_gen k names idl