path: root/tactics/
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1 files changed, 1213 insertions, 0 deletions
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:53 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Univ
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Inductive
+open Inductiveops
+open Environ
+open Reductionops
+open Instantiate
+open Typeops
+open Typing
+open Retyping
+open Tacmach
+open Proof_type
+open Logic
+open Evar_refiner
+open Pattern
+open Matching
+open Hipattern
+open Tacexpr
+open Tacticals
+open Tactics
+open Tacred
+open Rawterm
+open Coqlib
+open Vernacexpr
+open Setoid_replace
+open Declarations
+(* Rewriting tactics *)
+(* Warning : rewriting from left to right only works
+ if there exists in the context a theorem named <eqname>_<suffsort>_r
+ with type (A:<sort>)(x:A)(P:A->Prop)(P x)->(y:A)(eqname A y x)->(P y).
+ If another equality myeq is introduced, then corresponding theorems
+ myeq_ind_r, myeq_rec_r and myeq_rect_r have to be proven. See below.
+ -- Eduardo (19/8/97
+let general_rewrite_bindings lft2rgt (c,l) gl =
+ let ctype = pf_type_of gl c in
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ let sigma = project gl in
+ let _,t = splay_prod env sigma ctype in
+ match match_with_equation t with
+ | None ->
+ if l = NoBindings
+ then general_s_rewrite lft2rgt c gl
+ else error "The term provided does not end with an equation"
+ | Some (hdcncl,_) ->
+ let hdcncls = string_of_inductive hdcncl in
+ let suffix = Indrec.elimination_suffix (elimination_sort_of_goal gl)in
+ let elim =
+ if lft2rgt then
+ pf_global gl (id_of_string (hdcncls^suffix^"_r"))
+ else
+ pf_global gl (id_of_string (hdcncls^suffix))
+ in
+ tclNOTSAMEGOAL (general_elim (c,l) (elim,NoBindings) ~allow_K:false) gl
+ (* was tclWEAK_PROGRESS which only fails for tactics generating one subgoal
+ and did not fail for useless conditional rewritings generating an
+ extra condition *)
+(* Conditional rewriting, the success of a rewriting is related
+ to the resolution of the conditions by a given tactic *)
+let conditional_rewrite lft2rgt tac (c,bl) =
+ tclTHENSFIRSTn (general_rewrite_bindings lft2rgt (c,bl))
+ [|tclIDTAC|] (tclCOMPLETE tac)
+let general_rewrite lft2rgt c = general_rewrite_bindings lft2rgt (c,NoBindings)
+let rewriteLR_bindings = general_rewrite_bindings true
+let rewriteRL_bindings = general_rewrite_bindings false
+let rewriteLR = general_rewrite true
+let rewriteRL = general_rewrite false
+(* The Rewrite in tactic *)
+let general_rewrite_in lft2rgt id (c,l) gl =
+ let ctype = pf_type_of gl c in
+ let env = pf_env gl in
+ let sigma = project gl in
+ let _,t = splay_prod env sigma ctype in
+ match match_with_equation t with
+ | None -> (* Do not deal with setoids yet *)
+ error "The term provided does not end with an equation"
+ | Some (hdcncl,_) ->
+ let hdcncls = string_of_inductive hdcncl in
+ let suffix =
+ Indrec.elimination_suffix (elimination_sort_of_hyp id gl) in
+ let rwr_thm =
+ if lft2rgt then hdcncls^suffix else hdcncls^suffix^"_r" in
+ let elim =
+ try pf_global gl (id_of_string rwr_thm)
+ with Not_found ->
+ error ("Cannot find rewrite principle "^rwr_thm) in
+ general_elim_in id (c,l) (elim,NoBindings) gl
+let rewriteLRin = general_rewrite_in true
+let rewriteRLin = general_rewrite_in false
+let conditional_rewrite_in lft2rgt id tac (c,bl) =
+ tclTHENSFIRSTn (general_rewrite_in lft2rgt id (c,bl))
+ [|tclIDTAC|] (tclCOMPLETE tac)
+let rewriteRL_clause = function
+ | None -> rewriteRL_bindings
+ | Some id -> rewriteRLin id
+(* Replacing tactics *)
+(* eqt,sym_eqt : equality on Type and its symmetry theorem
+ c2 c1 : c1 is to be replaced by c2
+ unsafe : If true, do not check that c1 and c2 are convertible
+ gl : goal *)
+let abstract_replace clause c2 c1 unsafe gl =
+ let t1 = pf_type_of gl c1
+ and t2 = pf_type_of gl c2 in
+ if unsafe or (pf_conv_x gl t1 t2) then
+ let e = (build_coq_eqT_data ()).eq in
+ let sym = (build_coq_eqT_data ()).sym in
+ let eq = applist (e, [t1;c1;c2]) in
+ tclTHENS (assert_tac false Anonymous eq)
+ [onLastHyp (fun id ->
+ tclTHEN
+ (tclTRY (rewriteRL_clause clause (mkVar id,NoBindings)))
+ (clear [id]));
+ tclORELSE assumption
+ (tclTRY (tclTHEN (apply sym) assumption))] gl
+ else
+ error "terms does not have convertible types"
+let replace c2 c1 gl = abstract_replace None c2 c1 false gl
+let replace_in id c2 c1 gl = abstract_replace (Some id) c2 c1 false gl
+(* End of Eduardo's code. The rest of this file could be improved
+ using the functions match_with_equation, etc that I defined
+ in
+ -- Eduardo (19/8/97)
+(* Tactics for equality reasoning with the "eq" or "eqT"
+ relation This code will work with any equivalence relation which
+ is substitutive *)
+(* Patterns *)
+let build_coq_eq eq = eq.eq
+let build_ind eq = eq.ind
+let build_rect eq =
+ match eq.rect with
+ | None -> assert false
+ | Some c -> c
+(*********** List of constructions depending of the initial state *)
+let find_eq_pattern aritysort sort =
+ (* "eq" now accept arguments in Type and elimination to Type *)
+ Coqlib.build_coq_eq ()
+(* [find_positions t1 t2]
+ will find the positions in the two terms which are suitable for
+ discrimination, or for injection. Obviously, if there is a
+ position which is suitable for discrimination, then we want to
+ exploit it, and not bother with injection. So when we find a
+ position which is suitable for discrimination, we will just raise
+ an exception with that position.
+ So the algorithm goes like this:
+ if [t1] and [t2] start with the same constructor, then we can
+ continue to try to find positions in the arguments of [t1] and
+ [t2].
+ if [t1] and [t2] do not start with the same constructor, then we
+ have found a discrimination position
+ if one [t1] or [t2] do not start with a constructor and the two
+ terms are not already convertible, then we have found an injection
+ position.
+ A discriminating position consists of a constructor-path and a pair
+ of operators. The constructor-path tells us how to get down to the
+ place where the two operators, which must differ, can be found.
+ An injecting position has two terms instead of the two operators,
+ since these terms are different, but not manifestly so.
+ A constructor-path is a list of pairs of (operator * int), where
+ the int (based at 0) tells us which argument of the operator we
+ descended into.
+ *)
+exception DiscrFound of
+ (constructor * int) list * constructor * constructor
+let find_positions env sigma t1 t2 =
+ let rec findrec posn t1 t2 =
+ let hd1,args1 = whd_betadeltaiota_stack env sigma t1 in
+ let hd2,args2 = whd_betadeltaiota_stack env sigma t2 in
+ match (kind_of_term hd1, kind_of_term hd2) with
+ | Construct sp1, Construct sp2
+ when List.length args1 = mis_constructor_nargs_env env sp1
+ ->
+ (* both sides are fully applied constructors, so either we descend,
+ or we can discriminate here. *)
+ if sp1 = sp2 then
+ List.flatten
+ (list_map2_i
+ (fun i arg1 arg2 ->
+ findrec ((sp1,i)::posn) arg1 arg2)
+ 0 args1 args2)
+ else
+ raise (DiscrFound(List.rev posn,sp1,sp2))
+ | _ ->
+ let t1_0 = applist (hd1,args1)
+ and t2_0 = applist (hd2,args2) in
+ if is_conv env sigma t1_0 t2_0 then
+ []
+ else
+ let ty1_0 = get_type_of env sigma t1_0 in
+ match get_sort_family_of env sigma ty1_0 with
+ | InSet | InType -> [(List.rev posn,t1_0,t2_0)]
+ | InProp -> []
+ in
+ (try
+ Inr(findrec [] t1 t2)
+ with DiscrFound (path,c1,c2) ->
+ Inl (path,c1,c2))
+let discriminable env sigma t1 t2 =
+ match find_positions env sigma t1 t2 with
+ | Inl _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+(* Once we have found a position, we need to project down to it. If
+ we are discriminating, then we need to produce False on one of the
+ branches of the discriminator, and True on the other one. So the
+ result type of the case-expressions is always Prop.
+ If we are injecting, then we need to discover the result-type.
+ This can be difficult, since the type of the two terms at the
+ injection-position can be different, and we need to find a
+ dependent sigma-type which generalizes them both.
+ We can get an approximation to the right type to choose by:
+ (0) Before beginning, we reserve a patvar for the default
+ value of the match, to be used in all the bogus branches.
+ (1) perform the case-splits, down to the site of the injection. At
+ each step, we have a term which is the "head" of the next
+ case-split. At the point when we actually reach the end of our
+ path, the "head" is the term to return. We compute its type, and
+ then, backwards, make a sigma-type with every free debruijn
+ reference in that type. We can be finer, and first do a S(TRONG)NF
+ on the type, so that we get the fewest number of references
+ possible.
+ (2) This gives us a closed type for the head, which we use for the
+ types of all the case-splits.
+ (3) Now, we can compute the type of one of T1, T2, and then unify
+ it with the type of the last component of the result-type, and this
+ will give us the bindings for the other arguments of the tuple.
+ *)
+(* The algorithm, then is to perform successive case-splits. We have
+ the result-type of the case-split, and also the type of that
+ result-type. We have a "direction" we want to follow, i.e. a
+ constructor-number, and in all other "directions", we want to juse
+ use the default-value.
+ After doing the case-split, we call the afterfun, with the updated
+ environment, to produce the term for the desired "direction".
+ The assumption is made here that the result-type is not manifestly
+ functional, so we can just use the length of the branch-type to
+ know how many lambda's to stick in.
+ *)
+(* [descend_then sigma env head dirn]
+ returns the number of products introduced, and the environment
+ which is active, in the body of the case-branch given by [dirn],
+ along with a continuation, which expects to be fed:
+ (1) the value of the body of the branch given by [dirn]
+ (2) the default-value
+ (3) the type of the default-value, which must also be the type of
+ the body of the [dirn] branch
+ the continuation then constructs the case-split.
+ *)
+let descend_then sigma env head dirn =
+ let IndType (indf,_) as indt =
+ try find_rectype env sigma (get_type_of env sigma head)
+ with Not_found -> assert false in
+ let ind,_ = dest_ind_family indf in
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ let cstr = get_constructors env indf in
+ let dirn_nlams = cstr.(dirn-1).cs_nargs in
+ let dirn_env = push_rel_context cstr.(dirn-1).cs_args env in
+ (dirn_nlams,
+ dirn_env,
+ (fun dirnval (dfltval,resty) ->
+ let arign,_ = get_arity env indf in
+ let p = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (lift mip.mind_nrealargs resty) arign in
+ let build_branch i =
+ let result = if i = dirn then dirnval else dfltval in
+ it_mkLambda_or_LetIn_name env result cstr.(i-1).cs_args in
+ let brl =
+ build_branch
+ (interval 1 (Array.length mip.mind_consnames)) in
+ let ci = make_default_case_info env RegularStyle ind in
+ mkCase (ci, p, head, Array.of_list brl)))
+(* Now we need to construct the discriminator, given a discriminable
+ position. This boils down to:
+ (1) If the position is directly beneath us, then we need to do a
+ case-split, with result-type Prop, and stick True and False into
+ the branches, as is convenient.
+ (2) If the position is not directly beneath us, then we need to
+ call descend_then, to descend one step, and then recursively
+ construct the discriminator.
+ *)
+(* [construct_discriminator env dirn headval]
+ constructs a case-split on [headval], with the [dirn]-th branch
+ giving [True], and all the rest giving False. *)
+let construct_discriminator sigma env dirn c sort =
+ let (IndType(indf,_) as indt) =
+ try find_rectype env sigma (type_of env sigma c)
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* one can find Rel(k) in case of dependent constructors
+ like T := c : (A:Set)A->T and a discrimination
+ on (c bool true) = (c bool false)
+ CP : changed assert false in a more informative error
+ *)
+ errorlabstrm "Equality.construct_discriminator"
+ (str "Cannot discriminate on inductive constructors with
+ dependent types") in
+ let (ind,_) = dest_ind_family indf in
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ let arsign,arsort = get_arity env indf in
+ let (true_0,false_0,sort_0) = build_coq_True(),build_coq_False(),Prop Null in
+ let p = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (mkSort sort_0) arsign in
+ let cstrs = get_constructors env indf in
+ let build_branch i =
+ let endpt = if i = dirn then true_0 else false_0 in
+ it_mkLambda_or_LetIn endpt cstrs.(i-1).cs_args in
+ let brl =
+ build_branch(interval 1 (Array.length mip.mind_consnames)) in
+ let ci = make_default_case_info env RegularStyle ind in
+ mkCase (ci, p, c, Array.of_list brl)
+let rec build_discriminator sigma env dirn c sort = function
+ | [] -> construct_discriminator sigma env dirn c sort
+ | ((sp,cnum),argnum)::l ->
+ let cty = type_of env sigma c in
+ let IndType (indf,_) =
+ try find_rectype env sigma cty with Not_found -> assert false in
+ let (ind,_) = dest_ind_family indf in
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ let _,arsort = get_arity env indf in
+ let nparams = mip.mind_nparams in
+ let (cnum_nlams,cnum_env,kont) = descend_then sigma env c cnum in
+ let newc = mkRel(cnum_nlams-(argnum-nparams)) in
+ let subval = build_discriminator sigma cnum_env dirn newc sort l in
+ kont subval (build_coq_False (),mkSort (Prop Null))
+let gen_absurdity id gl =
+ if is_empty_type (clause_type (onHyp id) gl)
+ then
+ simplest_elim (mkVar id) gl
+ else
+ errorlabstrm "Equality.gen_absurdity"
+ (str "Not the negation of an equality")
+(* Precondition: eq is leibniz equality
+ returns ((eq_elim t t1 P i t2), absurd_term)
+ where P=[e:t]discriminator
+ absurd_term=False
+let discrimination_pf e (t,t1,t2) discriminator lbeq gls =
+ let i = build_coq_I () in
+ let absurd_term = build_coq_False () in
+ let eq_elim = build_ind lbeq in
+ (applist (eq_elim, [t;t1;mkNamedLambda e t discriminator;i;t2]), absurd_term)
+exception NotDiscriminable
+let discr id gls =
+ let eqn = pf_whd_betadeltaiota gls (pf_get_hyp_typ gls id) in
+ let sort = pf_type_of gls (pf_concl gls) in
+ let (lbeq,(t,t1,t2)) =
+ try find_eq_data_decompose eqn
+ with PatternMatchingFailure ->
+ errorlabstrm "discr" (pr_id id ++ str": not a primitive equality here")
+ in
+ let sigma = project gls in
+ let env = pf_env gls in
+ (match find_positions env sigma t1 t2 with
+ | Inr _ ->
+ errorlabstrm "discr" (str" Not a discriminable equality")
+ | Inl (cpath, (_,dirn), _) ->
+ let e = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "ee") gls in
+ let e_env = push_named (e,None,t) env in
+ let discriminator =
+ build_discriminator sigma e_env dirn (mkVar e) sort cpath in
+ let (indt,_) = find_mrectype env sigma t in
+ let (pf, absurd_term) =
+ discrimination_pf e (t,t1,t2) discriminator lbeq gls
+ in
+ tclCOMPLETE((tclTHENS (cut_intro absurd_term)
+ ([onLastHyp gen_absurdity;
+ refine (mkApp (pf, [| mkVar id |]))]))) gls)
+let not_found_message id =
+ (str "The variable" ++ spc () ++ str (string_of_id id) ++ spc () ++
+ str" was not found in the current environment")
+let onNegatedEquality tac gls =
+ if is_matching_not (pf_concl gls) then
+ (tclTHEN (tclTHEN hnf_in_concl intro) (onLastHyp tac)) gls
+ else if is_matching_imp_False (pf_concl gls)then
+ (tclTHEN intro (onLastHyp tac)) gls
+ else
+ errorlabstrm "extract_negated_equality_then"
+ (str"The goal should negate an equality")
+let discrSimpleClause = function
+ | None -> onNegatedEquality discr
+ | Some (id,_,_) -> discr id
+let discrClause = onClauses discrSimpleClause
+let discrEverywhere =
+ (Tacticals.tryAllClauses discrSimpleClause)
+ (fun gls ->
+ errorlabstrm "DiscrEverywhere" (str" No discriminable equalities"))
+let discr_tac = function
+ | None -> discrEverywhere
+ | Some id -> try_intros_until discr id
+let discrConcl gls = discrClause onConcl gls
+let discrHyp id gls = discrClause (onHyp id) gls
+(* returns the sigma type (sigS, sigT) with the respective
+ constructor depending on the sort *)
+let find_sigma_data s =
+ match s with
+ | Prop Pos -> build_sigma_set () (* Set *)
+ | Type _ -> build_sigma_type () (* Type *)
+ | Prop Null -> error "find_sigma_data"
+(* [make_tuple env sigma (rterm,rty) lind] assumes [lind] is the lesser
+ index bound in [rty]
+ Then we build the term
+ [(existS A P (mkRel lind) rterm)] of type [(sigS A P)]
+ where [A] is the type of [mkRel lind] and [P] is [\na:A.rty{1/lind}]
+ *)
+let make_tuple env sigma (rterm,rty) lind =
+ assert (dependent (mkRel lind) rty);
+ let {intro = exist_term; typ = sig_term} =
+ find_sigma_data (get_sort_of env sigma rty) in
+ let a = type_of env sigma (mkRel lind) in
+ let (na,_,_) = lookup_rel lind env in
+ (* We move [lind] to [1] and lift other rels > [lind] by 1 *)
+ let rty = lift (1-lind) (liftn lind (lind+1) rty) in
+ (* Now [lind] is [mkRel 1] and we abstract on (na:a) *)
+ let p = mkLambda (na, a, rty) in
+ (applist(exist_term,[a;p;(mkRel lind);rterm]),
+ applist(sig_term,[a;p]))
+(* check that the free-references of the type of [c] are contained in
+ the free-references of the normal-form of that type. If the normal
+ form of the type contains fewer references, we want to return that
+ instead. *)
+let minimal_free_rels env sigma (c,cty) =
+ let cty_rels = free_rels cty in
+ let nf_cty = nf_betadeltaiota env sigma cty in
+ let nf_rels = free_rels nf_cty in
+ if Intset.subset cty_rels nf_rels then
+ (cty,cty_rels)
+ else
+ (nf_cty,nf_rels)
+(* [sig_clausal_form siglen ty]
+ Will explode [siglen] [sigS,sigT ]'s on [ty] (depending on the
+ type of ty), and return:
+ (1) a pattern, with meta-variables in it for various arguments,
+ which, when the metavariables are replaced with appropriate
+ terms, will have type [ty]
+ (2) an integer, which is the last argument - the one which we just
+ returned.
+ (3) a pattern, for the type of that last meta
+ (4) a typing for each patvar
+ WARNING: No checking is done to make sure that the
+ sigS(or sigT)'s are actually there.
+ - Only homogenious pairs are built i.e. pairs where all the
+ dependencies are of the same sort
+ [sig_clausal_form] proceed as follows: the default tuple is
+ constructed by taking the tuple-type, exploding the first [tuplen]
+ [sigS]'s, and replacing at each step the binder in the
+ right-hand-type by a fresh metavariable. In addition, on the way
+ back out, we will construct the pattern for the tuple which uses
+ these meta-vars.
+ This gives us a pattern, which we use to match against the type of
+ [dflt]; if that fails, then against the S(TRONG)NF of that type. If
+ both fail, then we just cannot construct our tuple. If one of
+ those succeed, then we can construct our value easily - we just use
+ the tuple-pattern.
+ *)
+let sig_clausal_form env sigma sort_of_ty siglen ty (dFLT,dFLTty) =
+ let { intro = exist_term } = find_sigma_data sort_of_ty in
+ let isevars = Evarutil.create_evar_defs sigma in
+ let rec sigrec_clausal_form siglen p_i =
+ if siglen = 0 then
+ if Evarconv.the_conv_x env isevars p_i dFLTty then
+ (* the_conv_x had a side-effect on isevars *)
+ dFLT
+ else
+ error "Cannot solve an unification problem"
+ else
+ let (a,p_i_minus_1) = match whd_beta_stack p_i with
+ | (_sigS,[a;p]) -> (a,p)
+ | _ -> anomaly "sig_clausal_form: should be a sigma type" in
+ let ev = Evarutil.new_isevar isevars env (dummy_loc,InternalHole)
+ (Evarutil.new_Type ()) in
+ let rty = beta_applist(p_i_minus_1,[ev]) in
+ let tuple_tail = sigrec_clausal_form (siglen-1) rty in
+ match
+ Instantiate.existential_opt_value (Evarutil.evars_of isevars)
+ (destEvar ev)
+ with
+ | Some w -> applist(exist_term,[a;p_i_minus_1;w;tuple_tail])
+ | None -> anomaly "Not enough components to build the dependent tuple"
+ in
+ let scf = sigrec_clausal_form siglen ty in
+ Evarutil.nf_evar (Evarutil.evars_of isevars) scf
+(* The problem is to build a destructor (a generalization of the
+ predecessor) which, when applied to a term made of constructors
+ (say [Ci(e1,Cj(e2,Ck(...,term,...),...),...)]), returns a given
+ subterm of the term (say [term]).
+ Let [typ] be the type of [term]. If [term] has no dependencies in
+ the [e1], [e2], etc, then all is simple. If not, then we need to
+ encapsulated the dependencies into a dependent tuple in such a way
+ that the destructor has not a dependent type and rewriting can then
+ be applied. The destructor has the form
+ [e]Cases e of
+ | ...
+ | Ci (x1,x2,...) =>
+ Cases x2 of
+ | ...
+ | Cj (y1,y2,...) =>
+ Cases y2 of
+ | ...
+ | Ck (...,z,...) => z
+ | ... end
+ | ... end
+ | ... end
+ and the dependencies is expressed by the fact that [z] has a type
+ dependent in the x1, y1, ...
+ Assume [z] is typed as follows: env |- z:zty
+ If [zty] has no dependencies, this is simple. Otherwise, assume
+ [zty] has free (de Bruijn) variables in,...i1 then the role of
+ [make_iterated_tuple sigma env (term,typ) (z,zty)] is to build the
+ tuple
+ [existS [xn]Pn Rel(in) .. (existS [x2]P2 Rel(i2) (existS [x1]P1 Rel(i1) z))]
+ where P1 is zty[i1/x1], P2 is {x1 | P1[i2/x2]} etc.
+ To do this, we find the free (relative) references of the strong NF
+ of [z]'s type, gather them together in left-to-right order
+ (i.e. highest-numbered is farthest-left), and construct a big
+ iterated pair out of it. This only works when the references are
+ all themselves to members of [Set]s, because we use [sigS] to
+ construct the tuple.
+ Suppose now that our constructed tuple is of length [tuplen]. We
+ need also to construct a default value for the other branches of
+ the destructor. As default value, we take a tuple of the form
+ [existS [xn]Pn ?n (... existS [x2]P2 ?2 (existS [x1]P1 ?1 term))]
+ but for this we have to solve the following unification problem:
+ typ = zty[i1/?1;...;in/?n]
+ This is done by [sig_clausal_form].
+ *)
+let make_iterated_tuple env sigma dflt (z,zty) =
+ let (zty,rels) = minimal_free_rels env sigma (z,zty) in
+ let sort_of_zty = get_sort_of env sigma zty in
+ let sorted_rels = Sort.list (<) (Intset.elements rels) in
+ let (tuple,tuplety) =
+ List.fold_left (make_tuple env sigma) (z,zty) sorted_rels
+ in
+ assert (closed0 tuplety);
+ let n = List.length sorted_rels in
+ let dfltval = sig_clausal_form env sigma sort_of_zty n tuplety dflt in
+ (tuple,tuplety,dfltval)
+let rec build_injrec sigma env (t1,t2) c = function
+ | [] ->
+ make_iterated_tuple env sigma (t1,type_of env sigma t1)
+ (c,type_of env sigma c)
+ | ((sp,cnum),argnum)::l ->
+ let cty = type_of env sigma c in
+ let (ity,_) = find_mrectype env sigma cty in
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ity in
+ let nparams = mip.mind_nparams in
+ let (cnum_nlams,cnum_env,kont) = descend_then sigma env c cnum in
+ let newc = mkRel(cnum_nlams-(argnum-nparams)) in
+ let (subval,tuplety,dfltval) =
+ build_injrec sigma cnum_env (t1,t2) newc l
+ in
+ (kont subval (dfltval,tuplety),
+ tuplety,dfltval)
+let build_injector sigma env (t1,t2) c cpath =
+ let (injcode,resty,_) = build_injrec sigma env (t1,t2) c cpath in
+ (injcode,resty)
+let try_delta_expand env sigma t =
+ let whdt = whd_betadeltaiota env sigma t in
+ let rec hd_rec c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Construct _ -> whdt
+ | App (f,_) -> hd_rec f
+ | Cast (c,_) -> hd_rec c
+ | _ -> t
+ in
+ hd_rec whdt
+(* Given t1=t2 Inj calculates the whd normal forms of t1 and t2 and it
+ expands then only when the whdnf has a constructor of an inductive type
+ in hd position, otherwise delta expansion is not done *)
+let inj id gls =
+ let eqn = pf_whd_betadeltaiota gls (pf_get_hyp_typ gls id) in
+ let (eq,(t,t1,t2))=
+ try find_eq_data_decompose eqn
+ with PatternMatchingFailure ->
+ errorlabstrm "Inj" (pr_id id ++ str": not a primitive equality here")
+ in
+ let sigma = project gls in
+ let env = pf_env gls in
+ match find_positions env sigma t1 t2 with
+ | Inl _ ->
+ errorlabstrm "Inj"
+ (str (string_of_id id) ++
+ str" is not a projectable equality but a discriminable one")
+ | Inr [] ->
+ errorlabstrm "Equality.inj"
+ (str"Nothing to do, it is an equality between convertible terms")
+ | Inr posns ->
+ let e = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "e") gls in
+ let e_env = push_named (e,None,t) env in
+ let injectors =
+ map_succeed
+ (fun (cpath,t1_0,t2_0) ->
+ try
+ let (injbody,resty) =
+ build_injector sigma e_env (t1_0,t2_0) (mkVar e) cpath in
+ let injfun = mkNamedLambda e t injbody in
+ let _ = type_of env sigma injfun in (injfun,resty)
+ with e when catchable_exception e ->
+ (* may fail because ill-typed or because of a Prop argument *)
+ (* error "find_sigma_data" *)
+ failwith "caught")
+ posns
+ in
+ if injectors = [] then
+ errorlabstrm "Equality.inj"
+ (str "Failed to decompose the equality");
+ tclMAP
+ (fun (injfun,resty) ->
+ let pf = applist(eq.congr,
+ [t;resty;injfun;
+ try_delta_expand env sigma t1;
+ try_delta_expand env sigma t2;
+ mkVar id])
+ in
+ let ty =
+ try pf_nf gls (pf_type_of gls pf)
+ with
+ | UserError("refiner__fail",_) ->
+ errorlabstrm "InjClause"
+ (str (string_of_id id) ++ str" Not a projectable equality")
+ in ((tclTHENS (cut ty) ([tclIDTAC;refine pf]))))
+ injectors
+ gls
+let injClause = function
+ | None -> onNegatedEquality inj
+ | Some id -> try_intros_until inj id
+let injConcl gls = injClause None gls
+let injHyp id gls = injClause (Some id) gls
+let decompEqThen ntac id gls =
+ let eqn = pf_whd_betadeltaiota gls (pf_get_hyp_typ gls id) in
+ let (lbeq,(t,t1,t2))= find_eq_data_decompose eqn in
+ let sort = pf_type_of gls (pf_concl gls) in
+ let sigma = project gls in
+ let env = pf_env gls in
+ (match find_positions env sigma t1 t2 with
+ | Inl (cpath, (_,dirn), _) ->
+ let e = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "e") gls in
+ let e_env = push_named (e,None,t) env in
+ let discriminator =
+ build_discriminator sigma e_env dirn (mkVar e) sort cpath in
+ let (pf, absurd_term) =
+ discrimination_pf e (t,t1,t2) discriminator lbeq gls in
+ ((tclTHENS (cut_intro absurd_term)
+ ([onLastHyp gen_absurdity;
+ refine (mkApp (pf, [| mkVar id |]))]))) gls
+ | Inr [] -> (* Change: do not fail, simplify clear this trivial hyp *)
+ ntac 0 gls
+ | Inr posns ->
+ (let e = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "e") gls in
+ let e_env = push_named (e,None,t) env in
+ let injectors =
+ map_succeed
+ (fun (cpath,t1_0,t2_0) ->
+ let (injbody,resty) =
+ build_injector sigma e_env (t1_0,t2_0) (mkVar e) cpath in
+ let injfun = mkNamedLambda e t injbody in
+ try
+ let _ = type_of env sigma injfun in (injfun,resty)
+ with e when catchable_exception e -> failwith "caught")
+ posns
+ in
+ if injectors = [] then
+ errorlabstrm "Equality.decompEqThen"
+ (str "Discriminate failed to decompose the equality");
+ (tclTHEN
+ (tclMAP (fun (injfun,resty) ->
+ let pf = applist(lbeq.congr,
+ [t;resty;injfun;t1;t2;
+ mkVar id]) in
+ let ty = pf_nf gls (pf_type_of gls pf) in
+ ((tclTHENS (cut ty)
+ ([tclIDTAC;refine pf]))))
+ (List.rev injectors))
+ (ntac (List.length injectors)))
+ gls))
+let decompEq = decompEqThen (fun x -> tclIDTAC)
+let dEqThen ntac = function
+ | None -> onNegatedEquality (decompEqThen ntac)
+ | Some id -> try_intros_until (decompEqThen ntac) id
+let dEq = dEqThen (fun x -> tclIDTAC)
+let dEqConcl gls = dEq None gls
+let dEqHyp id gls = dEq (Some id) gls
+let rewrite_msg = function
+ | None -> str "passed term is not a primitive equality"
+ | Some id -> pr_id id ++ str "does not satisfy preconditions "
+let swap_equands gls eqn =
+ let (lbeq,(t,e1,e2)) = find_eq_data_decompose eqn in
+ applist(lbeq.eq,[t;e2;e1])
+let swapEquandsInConcl gls =
+ let (lbeq,(t,e1,e2)) = find_eq_data_decompose (pf_concl gls) in
+ let sym_equal = lbeq.sym in
+ refine (applist(sym_equal,[t;e2;e1;mkMeta (Clenv.new_meta())])) gls
+let swapEquandsInHyp id gls =
+ ((tclTHENS (cut_replacing id (swap_equands gls (pf_get_hyp_typ gls id)))
+ ([tclIDTAC;
+ (tclTHEN (swapEquandsInConcl) (exact_no_check (mkVar id)))]))) gls
+(* find_elim determines which elimination principle is necessary to
+ eliminate lbeq on sort_of_gl. It yields the boolean true wether
+ it is a dependent elimination principle (as idT.rect) and false
+ otherwise *)
+let find_elim sort_of_gl lbeq =
+ match kind_of_term sort_of_gl with
+ | Sort(Prop Null) (* Prop *) -> (lbeq.ind, false)
+ | Sort(Prop Pos) (* Set *) ->
+ (match lbeq.rrec with
+ | Some eq_rec -> (eq_rec, false)
+ | None -> errorlabstrm "find_elim"
+ (str "this type of elimination is not allowed"))
+ | _ (* Type *) ->
+ (match lbeq.rect with
+ | Some eq_rect -> (eq_rect, true)
+ | None -> errorlabstrm "find_elim"
+ (str "this type of elimination is not allowed"))
+(* builds a predicate [e:t][H:(lbeq t e t1)](body e)
+ to be used as an argument for equality dependent elimination principle:
+ Preconditon: dependent body (mkRel 1) *)
+let build_dependent_rewrite_predicate (t,t1,t2) body lbeq gls =
+ let e = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "e") gls in
+ let h = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "HH") gls in
+ let eq_term = lbeq.eq in
+ (mkNamedLambda e t
+ (mkNamedLambda h (applist (eq_term, [t;t1;(mkRel 1)]))
+ (lift 1 body)))
+(* builds a predicate [e:t](body e) ???
+ to be used as an argument for equality non-dependent elimination principle:
+ Preconditon: dependent body (mkRel 1) *)
+let build_non_dependent_rewrite_predicate (t,t1,t2) body gls =
+ lambda_create (pf_env gls) (t,body)
+let bareRevSubstInConcl lbeq body (t,e1,e2) gls =
+ let (eq_elim,dep) =
+ try
+ find_elim (pf_type_of gls (pf_concl gls)) lbeq
+ with e when catchable_exception e ->
+ errorlabstrm "RevSubstIncConcl"
+ (str "this type of substitution is not allowed")
+ in
+ let p =
+ if dep then
+ (build_dependent_rewrite_predicate (t,e1,e2) body lbeq gls)
+ else
+ (build_non_dependent_rewrite_predicate (t,e1,e2) body gls)
+ in
+ refine (applist(eq_elim,[t;e1;p;mkMeta(Clenv.new_meta());
+ e2;mkMeta(Clenv.new_meta())])) gls
+(* [subst_tuple_term dep_pair B]
+ Given that dep_pair looks like:
+ (existS e1 (existS e2 ... (existS en en+1) ... ))
+ and B might contain instances of the ei, we will return the term:
+ ([x1:ty(e1)]...[xn:ty(en)]B
+ (projS1 (mkRel 1))
+ (projS1 (projS2 (mkRel 1)))
+ ... etc ...)
+ That is, we will abstract out the terms e1...en+1 as usual, but
+ will then produce a term in which the abstraction is on a single
+ term - the debruijn index [mkRel 1], which will be of the same type
+ as dep_pair.
+ ALGORITHM for abstraction:
+ We have a list of terms, [e1]...[en+1], which we want to abstract
+ out of [B]. For each term [ei], going backwards from [n+1], we
+ just do a [subst_term], and then do a lambda-abstraction to the
+ type of the [ei].
+ *)
+let decomp_tuple_term env c t =
+ let rec decomprec inner_code ex exty =
+ try
+ let {proj1 = p1; proj2 = p2 },(a,p,car,cdr) =
+ find_sigma_data_decompose ex in
+ let car_code = applist (p1,[a;p;inner_code])
+ and cdr_code = applist (p2,[a;p;inner_code]) in
+ let cdrtyp = beta_applist (p,[car]) in
+ ((car,a),car_code)::(decomprec cdr_code cdr cdrtyp)
+ with PatternMatchingFailure ->
+ [((ex,exty),inner_code)]
+ in
+ List.split (decomprec (mkRel 1) c t)
+let subst_tuple_term env sigma dep_pair b =
+ let typ = get_type_of env sigma dep_pair in
+ let e_list,proj_list = decomp_tuple_term env dep_pair typ in
+ let abst_B =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (e,t) body -> lambda_create env (t,subst_term e body)) e_list b in
+ let app_B = applist(abst_B,proj_list) in app_B
+(* |- (P e2)
+ BY RevSubstInConcl (eq T e1 e2)
+ |- (P e1)
+ |- (eq T e1 e2)
+ *)
+(* Redondant avec Replace ! *)
+let substInConcl_RL eqn gls =
+ let (lbeq,(t,e1,e2)) = find_eq_data_decompose eqn in
+ let body = subst_tuple_term (pf_env gls) (project gls) e2 (pf_concl gls) in
+ assert (dependent (mkRel 1) body);
+ bareRevSubstInConcl lbeq body (t,e1,e2) gls
+(* |- (P e1)
+ BY SubstInConcl (eq T e1 e2)
+ |- (P e2)
+ |- (eq T e1 e2)
+ *)
+let substInConcl_LR eqn gls =
+ (tclTHENS (substInConcl_RL (swap_equands gls eqn))
+ ([tclIDTAC;
+ swapEquandsInConcl])) gls
+let substInConcl l2r = if l2r then substInConcl_LR else substInConcl_RL
+let substInHyp_LR eqn id gls =
+ let (lbeq,(t,e1,e2)) = find_eq_data_decompose eqn in
+ let body = subst_term e1 (pf_get_hyp_typ gls id) in
+ if not (dependent (mkRel 1) body) then errorlabstrm "SubstInHyp" (mt ());
+ (tclTHENS (cut_replacing id (subst1 e2 body))
+ ([tclIDTAC;
+ (tclTHENS (bareRevSubstInConcl lbeq body (t,e1,e2))
+ ([exact_no_check (mkVar id);tclIDTAC]))])) gls
+let substInHyp_RL eqn id gls =
+ (tclTHENS (substInHyp_LR (swap_equands gls eqn) id)
+ ([tclIDTAC;
+ swapEquandsInConcl])) gls
+let substInHyp l2r = if l2r then substInHyp_LR else substInHyp_RL
+let try_rewrite tac gls =
+ try
+ tac gls
+ with
+ | PatternMatchingFailure ->
+ errorlabstrm "try_rewrite" (str "Not a primitive equality here")
+ | e when catchable_exception e ->
+ errorlabstrm "try_rewrite"
+ (str "Cannot find a well-typed generalization of the goal that" ++
+ str " makes the proof progress")
+let subst l2r eqn cls gls =
+ match cls with
+ | None -> substInConcl l2r eqn gls
+ | Some id -> substInHyp l2r eqn id gls
+(* |- (P a)
+ * SubstConcl_LR a=b
+ * |- (P b)
+ * |- a=b
+ *)
+let substConcl l2r eqn gls = try_rewrite (subst l2r eqn None) gls
+let substConcl_LR = substConcl true
+(* id:(P a) |- G
+ * SubstHyp a=b id
+ * id:(P b) |- G
+ * id:(P a) |-a=b
+let hypSubst l2r id cls gls =
+ onClauses (function
+ | None ->
+ (tclTHENS (substInConcl l2r (pf_get_hyp_typ gls id))
+ ([tclIDTAC; exact_no_check (mkVar id)]))
+ | Some (hypid,_,_) ->
+ (tclTHENS (substInHyp l2r (pf_get_hyp_typ gls id) hypid)
+ ([tclIDTAC;exact_no_check (mkVar id)])))
+ cls gls
+let hypSubst_LR = hypSubst true
+(* id:a=b |- (P a)
+ * HypSubst id.
+ * id:a=b |- (P b)
+ *)
+let substHypInConcl l2r id gls = try_rewrite (hypSubst l2r id onConcl) gls
+let substHypInConcl_LR = substHypInConcl true
+(* id:a=b H:(P a) |- G
+ SubstHypInHyp id H.
+ id:a=b H:(P b) |- G
+(* |- (P b)
+ SubstConcl_RL a=b
+ |- (P a)
+ |- a=b
+let substConcl_RL = substConcl false
+(* id:(P b) |-G
+ SubstHyp_RL a=b id
+ id:(P a) |- G
+ |- a=b
+let substHyp l2r eqn id gls = try_rewrite (subst l2r eqn (Some id)) gls
+let substHyp_RL = substHyp false
+let hypSubst_RL = hypSubst false
+(* id:a=b |- (P b)
+ * HypSubst id.
+ * id:a=b |- (P a)
+ *)
+let substHypInConcl_RL = substHypInConcl false
+(* id:a=b H:(P b) |- G
+ SubstHypInHyp id H.
+ id:a=b H:(P a) |- G
+(* Substitutions tactics (JCF) *)
+let unfold_body x gl =
+ let hyps = pf_hyps gl in
+ let xval =
+ match Sign.lookup_named x hyps with
+ (_,Some xval,_) -> xval
+ | _ -> errorlabstrm "unfold_body"
+ (pr_id x ++ str" is not a defined hypothesis") in
+ let aft = afterHyp x gl in
+ let hl = List.fold_right
+ (fun (y,yval,_) cl -> (y,[],(InHyp,ref None)) :: cl) aft [] in
+ let xvar = mkVar x in
+ let rfun _ _ c = replace_term xvar xval c in
+ [tclMAP (fun h -> reduct_in_hyp rfun h) hl;
+ reduct_in_concl rfun] gl
+exception FoundHyp of (identifier * constr * bool)
+(* tests whether hyp [c] is [x = t] or [t = x], [x] not occuring in [t] *)
+let is_eq_x x (id,_,c) =
+ try
+ let (_,lhs,rhs) = snd (find_eq_data_decompose c) in
+ if (x = lhs) && not (occur_term x rhs) then raise (FoundHyp (id,rhs,true));
+ if (x = rhs) && not (occur_term x lhs) then raise (FoundHyp (id,lhs,false))
+ with PatternMatchingFailure ->
+ ()
+let subst_one x gl =
+ let hyps = pf_hyps gl in
+ let (_,xval,_) = pf_get_hyp gl x in
+ (* If x has a body, simply replace x with body and clear x *)
+ if xval <> None then tclTHEN (unfold_body x) (clear [x]) gl else
+ (* x is a variable: *)
+ let varx = mkVar x in
+ (* Find a non-recursive definition for x *)
+ let (hyp,rhs,dir) =
+ try
+ let test hyp _ = is_eq_x varx hyp in
+ Sign.fold_named_context test ~init:() hyps;
+ errorlabstrm "Subst"
+ (str "cannot find any non-recursive equality over " ++ pr_id x)
+ with FoundHyp res -> res
+ in
+ (* The set of hypotheses using x *)
+ let depdecls =
+ let test (id,_,c as dcl) =
+ if id <> hyp && occur_var_in_decl (pf_env gl) x dcl then dcl
+ else failwith "caught" in
+ List.rev (map_succeed test hyps) in
+ let dephyps = (fun (id,_,_) -> id) depdecls in
+ (* Decides if x appears in conclusion *)
+ let depconcl = occur_var (pf_env gl) x (pf_concl gl) in
+ (* The set of non-defined hypothesis: they must be abstracted,
+ rewritten and reintroduced *)
+ let abshyps =
+ map_succeed
+ (fun (id,v,_) -> if v=None then mkVar id else failwith "caught")
+ depdecls in
+ (* a tactic that either introduce an abstracted and rewritten hyp,
+ or introduce a definition where x was replaced *)
+ let introtac = function
+ (id,None,_) -> intro_using id
+ | (id,Some hval,htyp) ->
+ forward true (Name id) (mkCast(replace_term varx rhs hval,
+ replace_term varx rhs htyp)) in
+ let need_rewrite = dephyps <> [] || depconcl in
+ ((if need_rewrite then
+ [generalize abshyps;
+ (if dir then rewriteLR else rewriteRL) (mkVar hyp);
+ thin dephyps;
+ tclMAP introtac depdecls]
+ else
+ [thin dephyps;
+ tclMAP introtac depdecls]) @
+ [tclTRY (clear [x;hyp])]) gl
+let subst = tclMAP subst_one
+let subst_all gl =
+ let test (_,c) =
+ try
+ let (_,x,y) = snd (find_eq_data_decompose c) in
+ match kind_of_term x with Var x -> x | _ ->
+ match kind_of_term y with Var y -> y | _ -> failwith "caught"
+ with PatternMatchingFailure -> failwith "caught"
+ in
+ let ids = map_succeed test (pf_hyps_types gl) in
+ let ids = list_uniquize ids in
+ subst ids gl
+(* Rewrite the first assumption for which the condition faildir does not fail
+ and gives the direction of the rewrite *)
+let rewrite_assumption_cond faildir gl =
+ let rec arec = function
+ | [] -> error "No such assumption"
+ | (id,_,t)::rest ->
+ (try let dir = faildir t gl in
+ general_rewrite dir (mkVar id) gl
+ with Failure _ | UserError _ -> arec rest)
+ in arec (pf_hyps gl)
+let rewrite_assumption_cond_in faildir hyp gl =
+ let rec arec = function
+ | [] -> error "No such assumption"
+ | (id,_,t)::rest ->
+ (try let dir = faildir t gl in
+ general_rewrite_in dir hyp ((mkVar id),NoBindings) gl
+ with Failure _ | UserError _ -> arec rest)
+ in arec (pf_hyps gl)
+let cond_eq_term_left c t gl =
+ try
+ let (_,x,_) = snd (find_eq_data_decompose t) in
+ if pf_conv_x gl c x then true else failwith "not convertible"
+ with PatternMatchingFailure -> failwith "not an equality"
+let cond_eq_term_right c t gl =
+ try
+ let (_,_,x) = snd (find_eq_data_decompose t) in
+ if pf_conv_x gl c x then false else failwith "not convertible"
+ with PatternMatchingFailure -> failwith "not an equality"
+let cond_eq_term c t gl =
+ try
+ let (_,x,y) = snd (find_eq_data_decompose t) in
+ if pf_conv_x gl c x then true
+ else if pf_conv_x gl c y then false
+ else failwith "not convertible"
+ with PatternMatchingFailure -> failwith "not an equality"
+let replace_term_left t = rewrite_assumption_cond (cond_eq_term_left t)
+let replace_term_right t = rewrite_assumption_cond (cond_eq_term_right t)
+let replace_term t = rewrite_assumption_cond (cond_eq_term t)
+let replace_term_in_left t = rewrite_assumption_cond_in (cond_eq_term_left t)
+let replace_term_in_right t = rewrite_assumption_cond_in (cond_eq_term_right t)
+let replace_term_in t = rewrite_assumption_cond_in (cond_eq_term t)