path: root/Source/VCGeneration
diff options
authorGravatar Unknown <>2012-10-03 12:32:19 -0700
committerGravatar Unknown <>2012-10-03 12:32:19 -0700
commit8d7686cd88736d117e37eb9bf9dd17404a294ff4 (patch)
tree2d642b239ae7afcc7fb73fdda2881b6cbd008b64 /Source/VCGeneration
parent2232875cd561e0ffe412cdb5cb5acd05b1ef2a3a (diff)
bunch of refactorings
- moved doomed and predication code into separate projects; for doomed there is a static dependency from BoogieDriver but for predication even that dependency has been eliminated - deleted Provers\Simplify and Provers\Z3 - removed Provers\Z3api from the solution - consolidated Core\GraphAlgorithms.cs VCGeneration\GraphAlgorithms.cs into Graph\Graph.cs
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/VCGeneration')
14 files changed, 3 insertions, 4549 deletions
diff --git a/Source/VCGeneration/BlockPredicator.cs b/Source/VCGeneration/BlockPredicator.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9df1c086..00000000
--- a/Source/VCGeneration/BlockPredicator.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,373 +0,0 @@
-using Graphing;
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using System.Linq;
-namespace Microsoft.Boogie {
-public class BlockPredicator {
- Program prog;
- Implementation impl;
- Graph<Block> blockGraph;
- bool createCandidateInvariants = true;
- bool useProcedurePredicates = true;
- Expr returnBlockId;
- LocalVariable curVar, pVar;
- IdentifierExpr cur, p, fp;
- Expr pExpr;
- Dictionary<Microsoft.Boogie.Type, IdentifierExpr> havocVars =
- new Dictionary<Microsoft.Boogie.Type, IdentifierExpr>();
- Dictionary<Block, Expr> blockIds = new Dictionary<Block, Expr>();
- HashSet<Block> doneBlocks = new HashSet<Block>();
- BlockPredicator(Program p, Implementation i, bool cci, bool upp) {
- prog = p;
- impl = i;
- createCandidateInvariants = cci;
- useProcedurePredicates = upp;
- }
- void PredicateCmd(List<Block> blocks, Block block, Cmd cmd, out Block nextBlock) {
- if (!useProcedurePredicates && cmd is CallCmd) {
- var trueBlock = new Block();
- blocks.Add(trueBlock);
- trueBlock.Label = block.Label + ".call.true";
- trueBlock.Cmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, p));
- trueBlock.Cmds.Add(cmd);
- var falseBlock = new Block();
- blocks.Add(falseBlock);
- falseBlock.Label = block.Label + ".call.false";
- falseBlock.Cmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, Expr.Not(p)));
- var contBlock = new Block();
- blocks.Add(contBlock);
- contBlock.Label = block.Label + ".call.cont";
- block.TransferCmd =
- new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, new BlockSeq(trueBlock, falseBlock));
- trueBlock.TransferCmd = falseBlock.TransferCmd =
- new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, new BlockSeq(contBlock));
- nextBlock = contBlock;
- } else {
- PredicateCmd(block.Cmds, cmd);
- nextBlock = block;
- }
- }
- void PredicateCmd(CmdSeq cmdSeq, Cmd cmd) {
- if (cmd is AssignCmd) {
- var aCmd = (AssignCmd)cmd;
- cmdSeq.Add(new AssignCmd(Token.NoToken, aCmd.Lhss,
- new List<Expr>(aCmd.Lhss.Zip(aCmd.Rhss, (lhs, rhs) =>
- new NAryExpr(Token.NoToken,
- new IfThenElse(Token.NoToken),
- new ExprSeq(p, rhs, lhs.AsExpr))))));
- } else if (cmd is AssertCmd) {
- var aCmd = (AssertCmd)cmd;
- if (cmdSeq.Last() is AssignCmd &&
- cmdSeq.Cast<Cmd>().SkipEnd(1).All(c => c is AssertCmd)) {
- // This may be a loop invariant. Make sure it continues to appear as
- // the first statement in the block.
- var assign = cmdSeq.Last();
- cmdSeq.Truncate(cmdSeq.Length-1);
- Expr newExpr = new EnabledReplacementVisitor(pExpr).VisitExpr(aCmd.Expr);
- aCmd.Expr = QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(aCmd.Attributes, "do_not_predicate") ? newExpr : Expr.Imp(pExpr, newExpr);
- cmdSeq.Add(aCmd);
- // cmdSeq.Add(new AssertCmd(aCmd.tok, Expr.Imp(pExpr, aCmd.Expr)));
- cmdSeq.Add(assign);
- } else {
- aCmd.Expr = Expr.Imp(p, aCmd.Expr);
- cmdSeq.Add(aCmd);
- // cmdSeq.Add(new AssertCmd(aCmd.tok, Expr.Imp(p, aCmd.Expr)));
- }
- } else if (cmd is AssumeCmd) {
- var aCmd = (AssumeCmd)cmd;
- cmdSeq.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, Expr.Imp(p, aCmd.Expr)));
- } else if (cmd is HavocCmd) {
- var hCmd = (HavocCmd)cmd;
- foreach (IdentifierExpr v in hCmd.Vars) {
- Microsoft.Boogie.Type type = v.Decl.TypedIdent.Type;
- Contract.Assert(type != null);
- IdentifierExpr havocTempExpr;
- if (havocVars.ContainsKey(type)) {
- havocTempExpr = havocVars[type];
- } else {
- var havocVar = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken,
- new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken,
- "_HAVOC_" + type.ToString(), type));
- impl.LocVars.Add(havocVar);
- havocVars[type] = havocTempExpr =
- new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, havocVar);
- }
- cmdSeq.Add(new HavocCmd(Token.NoToken,
- new IdentifierExprSeq(havocTempExpr)));
- cmdSeq.Add(Cmd.SimpleAssign(Token.NoToken, v,
- new NAryExpr(Token.NoToken,
- new IfThenElse(Token.NoToken),
- new ExprSeq(p, havocTempExpr, v))));
- }
- } else if (cmd is CallCmd) {
- Debug.Assert(useProcedurePredicates);
- var cCmd = (CallCmd)cmd;
- cCmd.Ins.Insert(0, p);
- cmdSeq.Add(cCmd);
- }
- else if (cmd is CommentCmd) {
- // skip
- }
- else if (cmd is StateCmd) {
- var sCmd = (StateCmd)cmd;
- var newCmdSeq = new CmdSeq();
- foreach (Cmd c in sCmd.Cmds)
- PredicateCmd(newCmdSeq, c);
- sCmd.Cmds = newCmdSeq;
- cmdSeq.Add(sCmd);
- }
- else {
- Console.WriteLine("Unsupported cmd: " + cmd.GetType().ToString());
- }
- }
- void PredicateTransferCmd(CmdSeq cmdSeq, TransferCmd cmd) {
- if (cmd is GotoCmd) {
- var gCmd = (GotoCmd)cmd;
- var targets = new List<Expr>(
- gCmd.labelTargets.Cast<Block>().Select(b => blockIds[b]));
- if (targets.Count == 1) {
- PredicateCmd(cmdSeq, Cmd.SimpleAssign(Token.NoToken, cur, targets[0]));
- } else {
- PredicateCmd(cmdSeq, new HavocCmd(Token.NoToken,
- new IdentifierExprSeq(cur)));
- PredicateCmd(cmdSeq, new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken,
- targets.Select(t => (Expr)Expr.Eq(cur, t)).Aggregate(Expr.Or)));
- }
- foreach (Block b in gCmd.labelTargets) {
- if (blockGraph.Predecessors(b).Count() == 1) {
- if (!doneBlocks.Contains(b)) {
- var assumes = b.Cmds.Cast<Cmd>().TakeWhile(c => c is AssumeCmd);
- if (assumes.Count() > 0) {
- foreach (AssumeCmd aCmd in assumes) {
- cmdSeq.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken,
- Expr.Imp(Expr.Eq(cur, blockIds[b]),
- aCmd.Expr)));
- }
- b.Cmds =
- new CmdSeq(b.Cmds.Cast<Cmd>().Skip(assumes.Count()).ToArray());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (cmd is ReturnCmd) {
- PredicateCmd(cmdSeq, Cmd.SimpleAssign(Token.NoToken, cur, returnBlockId));
- } else {
- Console.WriteLine("Unsupported cmd: " + cmd.GetType().ToString());
- }
- }
- void PredicateImplementation() {
- blockGraph = prog.ProcessLoops(impl);
- var sortedBlocks = blockGraph.LoopyTopSort();
- int blockId = 0;
- foreach (var block in impl.Blocks)
- blockIds[block] = Expr.Literal(blockId++);
- returnBlockId = Expr.Literal(blockId++);
- curVar = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken,
- new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "cur",
- Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Int));
- impl.LocVars.Add(curVar);
- cur = Expr.Ident(curVar);
- pVar = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken,
- new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "p",
- Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Bool));
- impl.LocVars.Add(pVar);
- p = Expr.Ident(pVar);
- if (useProcedurePredicates)
- fp = Expr.Ident(impl.InParams[0]);
- var newBlocks = new List<Block>();
- Block entryBlock = new Block();
- entryBlock.Label = "entry";
- entryBlock.Cmds = new CmdSeq(Cmd.SimpleAssign(Token.NoToken, cur,
- CreateIfFPThenElse(blockIds[sortedBlocks[0].Item1],
- returnBlockId)));
- newBlocks.Add(entryBlock);
- var prevBlock = entryBlock;
- foreach (var n in sortedBlocks) {
- if (n.Item2) {
- var backedgeBlock = new Block();
- newBlocks.Add(backedgeBlock);
- backedgeBlock.Label = n.Item1.Label + ".backedge";
- backedgeBlock.Cmds = new CmdSeq(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken,
- Expr.Eq(cur, blockIds[n.Item1]),
- new QKeyValue(Token.NoToken, "backedge", new List<object>(), null)));
- backedgeBlock.TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken,
- new BlockSeq(n.Item1));
- var tailBlock = new Block();
- newBlocks.Add(tailBlock);
- tailBlock.Label = n.Item1.Label + ".tail";
- tailBlock.Cmds = new CmdSeq(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken,
- Expr.Neq(cur, blockIds[n.Item1])));
- prevBlock.TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken,
- new BlockSeq(backedgeBlock, tailBlock));
- prevBlock = tailBlock;
- } else {
- var runBlock = n.Item1;
- var oldCmdSeq = runBlock.Cmds;
- runBlock.Cmds = new CmdSeq();
- newBlocks.Add(runBlock);
- prevBlock.TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken,
- new BlockSeq(runBlock));
- pExpr = Expr.Eq(cur, blockIds[runBlock]);
- if (createCandidateInvariants && blockGraph.Headers.Contains(runBlock)) {
- AddUniformCandidateInvariant(runBlock.Cmds, runBlock);
- AddNonUniformCandidateInvariant(runBlock.Cmds, runBlock);
- }
- runBlock.Cmds.Add(Cmd.SimpleAssign(Token.NoToken, p, pExpr));
- var transferCmd = runBlock.TransferCmd;
- foreach (Cmd cmd in oldCmdSeq)
- PredicateCmd(newBlocks, runBlock, cmd, out runBlock);
- PredicateTransferCmd(runBlock.Cmds, transferCmd);
- prevBlock = runBlock;
- doneBlocks.Add(runBlock);
- }
- }
- prevBlock.TransferCmd = new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken);
- impl.Blocks = newBlocks;
- }
- private Expr CreateIfFPThenElse(Expr then, Expr eElse) {
- if (useProcedurePredicates) {
- return new NAryExpr(Token.NoToken,
- new IfThenElse(Token.NoToken),
- new ExprSeq(fp, then, eElse));
- } else {
- return then;
- }
- }
- private void AddUniformCandidateInvariant(CmdSeq cs, Block header) {
- cs.Add(prog.CreateCandidateInvariant(Expr.Eq(cur,
- CreateIfFPThenElse(blockIds[header], returnBlockId)),
- "uniform loop"));
- }
- private void AddNonUniformCandidateInvariant(CmdSeq cs, Block header) {
- var loopNodes = new HashSet<Block>();
- foreach (var b in blockGraph.BackEdgeNodes(header))
- loopNodes.UnionWith(blockGraph.NaturalLoops(header, b));
- var exits = new HashSet<Expr>();
- foreach (var ln in loopNodes) {
- if (ln.TransferCmd is GotoCmd) {
- var gCmd = (GotoCmd) ln.TransferCmd;
- foreach (var exit in gCmd.labelTargets.Cast<Block>()
- .Where(b => !loopNodes.Contains(b)))
- exits.Add(blockIds[exit]);
- }
- if (ln.TransferCmd is ReturnCmd)
- exits.Add(returnBlockId);
- }
- var curIsHeaderOrExit = exits.Aggregate((Expr)Expr.Eq(cur, blockIds[header]),
- (e, exit) => Expr.Or(e, Expr.Eq(cur, exit)));
- cs.Add(prog.CreateCandidateInvariant(
- CreateIfFPThenElse(curIsHeaderOrExit, Expr.Eq(cur, returnBlockId)),
- "non-uniform loop"));
- }
- public static void Predicate(Program p,
- bool createCandidateInvariants = true,
- bool useProcedurePredicates = true) {
- foreach (var decl in p.TopLevelDeclarations.ToList()) {
- if (useProcedurePredicates && decl is DeclWithFormals && !(decl is Function)) {
- var dwf = (DeclWithFormals)decl;
- var fpVar = new Formal(Token.NoToken,
- new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "_P",
- Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Bool),
- /*incoming=*/true);
- dwf.InParams = new VariableSeq(
- (new Variable[] {fpVar}.Concat(dwf.InParams.Cast<Variable>()))
- .ToArray());
- if (dwf is Procedure)
- {
- var proc = (Procedure)dwf;
- var newRequires = new RequiresSeq();
- foreach (Requires r in proc.Requires)
- {
- newRequires.Add(new Requires(r.Free,
- new EnabledReplacementVisitor(new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, fpVar)).VisitExpr(r.Condition)));
- }
- var newEnsures = new EnsuresSeq();
- foreach (Ensures e in proc.Ensures)
- {
- newEnsures.Add(new Ensures(e.Free,
- new EnabledReplacementVisitor(new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, fpVar)).VisitExpr(e.Condition)));
- }
- }
- }
- try {
- var impl = decl as Implementation;
- if (impl != null)
- new BlockPredicator(p, impl, createCandidateInvariants, useProcedurePredicates).PredicateImplementation();
- }
- catch (Program.IrreducibleLoopException) { }
- }
- }
- public static void Predicate(Program p, Implementation impl) {
- try {
- new BlockPredicator(p, impl, false, false).PredicateImplementation();
- }
- catch (Program.IrreducibleLoopException) { }
- }
-class EnabledReplacementVisitor : StandardVisitor
- private Expr pExpr;
- internal EnabledReplacementVisitor(Expr pExpr)
- {
- this.pExpr = pExpr;
- }
- public override Expr VisitExpr(Expr node)
- {
- if (node is IdentifierExpr)
- {
- IdentifierExpr iExpr = node as IdentifierExpr;
- if (iExpr.Decl is Constant && QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(iExpr.Decl.Attributes, "__enabled"))
- {
- return pExpr;
- }
- }
- return base.VisitExpr(node);
- }
diff --git a/Source/VCGeneration/ConditionGeneration.cs b/Source/VCGeneration/ConditionGeneration.cs
index ca0c0e59..795fc9ca 100644
--- a/Source/VCGeneration/ConditionGeneration.cs
+++ b/Source/VCGeneration/ConditionGeneration.cs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Boogie;
-using Graphing;
+using Microsoft.Boogie.GraphUtil;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using Microsoft.Basetypes;
using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST;
diff --git a/Source/VCGeneration/DoomCheck.cs b/Source/VCGeneration/DoomCheck.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index d7e297cd..00000000
--- a/Source/VCGeneration/DoomCheck.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,401 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
-using System;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.IO;
-using Microsoft.Boogie;
-using Graphing;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using Microsoft.Basetypes;
-using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST;
-namespace VC
- internal class Evc {
- public DoomErrorHandler ErrorHandler {
- set {
- m_ErrorHandler = value;
- }
- }
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
-void ObjectInvariant()
- Contract.Invariant(m_Checker!=null);
- private Checker m_Checker;
- private DoomErrorHandler m_ErrorHandler;
- [NotDelayed]
- public Evc(Checker check) {
- Contract.Requires(check != null);
- m_Checker = check;
- }
- public void Initialize(VCExpr evc) {
- Contract.Requires(evc != null);
- m_Checker.PushVCExpr(evc);
- }
- public bool CheckReachvar(List<Variable> lv,Dictionary<Expr, int> finalreachvars,
- int k, int l, bool usenew , out ProverInterface.Outcome outcome) {
- Contract.Requires(lv != null);
- VCExpr vc = VCExpressionGenerator.False;
- if (usenew )
- {
- foreach (Variable v in lv)
- {
- vc = m_Checker.VCExprGen.Or(
- m_Checker.VCExprGen.Neq(
- m_Checker.VCExprGen.Integer(BigNum.ZERO),
- m_Checker.TheoremProver.Context.BoogieExprTranslator.LookupVariable(v)),
- vc);
- }
- //Console.WriteLine("TPQuery k={0}, l={1}, |Sp|={2}", k, l, finalreachvars.Count);
- VCExpr vc21 = m_Checker.VCExprGen.Integer(BigNum.ZERO); // Ask: is the necessary or can we use the same instance term in two inequalities?
- VCExpr vc22 = m_Checker.VCExprGen.Integer(BigNum.ZERO);
- foreach (KeyValuePair<Expr, int> kvp in finalreachvars)
- {
- vc21 = m_Checker.VCExprGen.Add(vc21, m_Checker.TheoremProver.Context.BoogieExprTranslator.Translate(kvp.Key));
- vc22 = m_Checker.VCExprGen.Add(vc22, m_Checker.TheoremProver.Context.BoogieExprTranslator.Translate(kvp.Key));
- }
- VCExpr post = m_Checker.VCExprGen.Gt(m_Checker.VCExprGen.Integer(BigNum.FromInt(l)), vc21);
- if (k != -1)
- {
- post = m_Checker.VCExprGen.Or(
- post, m_Checker.VCExprGen.Gt(vc22, m_Checker.VCExprGen.Integer(BigNum.FromInt(k)))
- );
- }
- vc = (m_Checker.VCExprGen.Or(vc, (post) ));
- }
- else
- {
- foreach (Variable v in lv)
- {
- vc = m_Checker.VCExprGen.Or(
- m_Checker.VCExprGen.Eq(
- m_Checker.VCExprGen.Integer(BigNum.ONE),
- m_Checker.TheoremProver.Context.BoogieExprTranslator.LookupVariable(v)),
- vc);
- }
- Contract.Assert(vc != null);
- // Add the desired outcome of the reachability variables
- foreach (KeyValuePair<Expr, int> kvp in finalreachvars)
- {
- vc = m_Checker.VCExprGen.Or(
- m_Checker.VCExprGen.Neq(
- m_Checker.VCExprGen.Integer(BigNum.FromInt(kvp.Value)),
- m_Checker.TheoremProver.Context.BoogieExprTranslator.Translate(kvp.Key)),
- vc);
- }
- }
- // Todo: Check if vc is trivial true or false
- outcome = ProverInterface.Outcome.Undetermined;
- Contract.Assert( m_ErrorHandler !=null);
- m_Checker.BeginCheck(lv[0].Name, vc, m_ErrorHandler);
- m_Checker.ProverDone.WaitOne();
- try {
- outcome = m_Checker.ReadOutcome();
- } catch (UnexpectedProverOutputException e)
- {
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.TraceVerify) {
- Console.WriteLine("Prover is unable to check {0}! Reason:", lv[0].Name);
- Console.WriteLine(e.ToString());
- }
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- internal class DoomCheck {
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
- void ObjectInvariant()
- {
- Contract.Invariant(Label2Absy!=null);
- Contract.Invariant(m_Check != null);
- Contract.Invariant(m_Evc != null);
- Contract.Invariant(m_Order != null);
- }
- #region Attributes
- public Hashtable Label2Absy;
- public DoomErrorHandler ErrorHandler {
- set {
- m_ErrHandler = value;
- m_Evc.ErrorHandler = value;
- }
- get {
- return m_ErrHandler;
- }
- }
- private DoomErrorHandler m_ErrHandler;
- private Checker m_Check;
- private DoomDetectionStrategy m_Order;
- private Evc m_Evc;
- #endregion
- public void __DEBUG_PrintStatistics()
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Checked/Total: Bl {0} / {1} EQ {2} / {3} {4} Tr {5} {6} / {7}", m_Order.__DEBUG_BlocksChecked, m_Order.__DEBUG_BlocksTotal, m_Order.__DEBUG_EQCChecked, m_Order.__DEBUG_EQCTotal, m_Order.__DEBUG_EQCLeaf, m_Order.__DEBUG_TracesChecked, m_Order.__DEBUG_InfeasibleTraces, m_Order.__DEBUG_TracesTotal);
- }
- [NotDelayed]
- public DoomCheck (Implementation passive_impl, Block unifiedExit, Checker check, List<Block> uncheckable, out int assertionCount) {
- Contract.Requires(passive_impl != null);
- Contract.Requires(check != null);
- Contract.Requires(uncheckable != null);
- m_Check = check;
- int replaceThisByCmdLineOption = CommandLineOptions.Clo.DoomStrategy ;
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.DoomStrategy!=-1) Console.Write("Running experiments using {0} /", replaceThisByCmdLineOption);
- switch (replaceThisByCmdLineOption)
- {
- default:
- {
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.DoomStrategy != -1) Console.WriteLine("Path Cover specialK Strategy");
- m_Order = new PathCoverStrategyK(passive_impl, unifiedExit, uncheckable);
- break;
- }
- case 1:
- {
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.DoomStrategy != -1) Console.WriteLine("Path Cover L Strategy");
- m_Order = new PathCoverStrategy(passive_impl, unifiedExit, uncheckable);
- break;
- }
- case 2:
- {
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.DoomStrategy != -1) Console.WriteLine("hasse strategy");
- m_Order = new HierachyStrategy(passive_impl, unifiedExit, uncheckable);
- break;
- }
- case 3:
- {
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.DoomStrategy != -1) Console.WriteLine("hasse+ce strategy");
- m_Order = new HierachyCEStrategy(passive_impl, unifiedExit, uncheckable);
- break;
- }
- case 4:
- {
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.DoomStrategy != -1) Console.WriteLine("no strategy");
- m_Order = new NoStrategy(passive_impl, unifiedExit, uncheckable);
- break;
- }
- }
- Label2Absy = new Hashtable(); // This is only a dummy
- m_Evc = new Evc(check);
- Hashtable l2a = null;
- VCExpr vce = this.GenerateEVC(passive_impl, out l2a, check, out assertionCount);
- Contract.Assert(vce != null);
- Contract.Assert( l2a!=null);
- Label2Absy = l2a;
- m_Evc.Initialize(vce);
- }
- public void RespawnChecker(Implementation passive_impl, Checker check)
- {
- Contract.Requires(check != null);
- m_Check = check;
- Label2Absy = new Hashtable(); // This is only a dummy
- m_Evc = new Evc(check);
- Hashtable l2a = null;
- int assertionCount; // compute and then ignore
- VCExpr vce = this.GenerateEVC(passive_impl, out l2a, check, out assertionCount);
- Contract.Assert(vce != null);
- Contract.Assert(l2a != null);
- Label2Absy = l2a;
- m_Evc.Initialize(vce);
- }
- /* - Set b to the next block that needs to be checked.
- - Returns false and set b to null if all blocks are checked.
- - Has to be alternated with CheckLabel; might crash otherwise
- */
- public bool GetNextBlock(out List<Block> lb)
- {
- return m_Order.GetNextBlock(out lb);
- }
- public Stopwatch DEBUG_ProverTime = new Stopwatch();
- /* - Checking a label means to ask the prover if |= ( rvar=false -> vc ) holds.
- - outcome is set to Outcome.Invalid if the Block denoted by reachvar is doomed.
- - returns false if the theorem prover throws an exception, otherwise true.
- */
- public bool CheckLabel(List<Variable> lv,Dictionary<Expr, int> finalreachvars, out ProverInterface.Outcome outcome) {
- Contract.Requires(lv != null);
- outcome = ProverInterface.Outcome.Undetermined;
- DEBUG_ProverTime.Reset();
- DEBUG_ProverTime.Start();
- if (m_Evc.CheckReachvar(lv,finalreachvars,m_Order.MaxBlocks,m_Order.MinBlocks,m_Order.HACK_NewCheck, out outcome) ) {
- DEBUG_ProverTime.Stop();
- if (!m_Order.SetCurrentResult(lv, outcome, m_ErrHandler)) {
- outcome = ProverInterface.Outcome.Undetermined;
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- DEBUG_ProverTime.Stop();
- Console.WriteLine(outcome);
- m_Order.SetCurrentResult(lv, ProverInterface.Outcome.Undetermined, m_ErrHandler);
- return false;
- }
- }
- public List<List<Block/*!>!>!*/>> DoomedSequences {
- get {
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.ForAll(Contract.Result<List<List<Block>>>(), i=> cce.NonNullElements(i)));
- return m_Order.DetectedBlock;
- }
- }
- #region Error Verification Condition Generation
- /*
- CommandLineOptions.Clo.vcVariety = CommandLineOptions.VCVariety.Block;
- //VCExpr wp = Wlp.Block(block, SuccCorrect, context); // Computes wp.S.true
- CommandLineOptions.Clo.vcVariety = CommandLineOptions.VCVariety.Doomed;
- #endregion
- */
- VCExpr GenerateEVC(Implementation impl, out Hashtable label2absy, Checker ch, out int assertionCount) {
- Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- Contract.Requires(ch != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<VCExpr>() != null);
- TypecheckingContext tc = new TypecheckingContext(null);
- impl.Typecheck(tc);
- label2absy = new Hashtable/*<int, Absy!>*/();
- VCExpr vc;
- switch (CommandLineOptions.Clo.vcVariety) {
- case CommandLineOptions.VCVariety.Doomed:
- vc = LetVC(cce.NonNull(impl.Blocks[0]), label2absy, ch.TheoremProver.Context, out assertionCount);
- break;
- default:
- Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected enumeration value
- }
- return vc;
- }
- public VCExpr LetVC(Block startBlock,
- Hashtable/*<int, Absy!>*/ label2absy,
- ProverContext proverCtxt,
- out int assertionCount)
- {
- Contract.Requires(startBlock != null);
- Contract.Requires(label2absy != null);
- Contract.Requires(proverCtxt != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<VCExpr>() != null);
- Hashtable/*<Block, LetVariable!>*/ blockVariables = new Hashtable/*<Block, LetVariable!!>*/();
- List<VCExprLetBinding> bindings = new List<VCExprLetBinding>();
- VCExpr startCorrect = LetVC(startBlock, label2absy, blockVariables, bindings, proverCtxt, out assertionCount);
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.vcVariety == CommandLineOptions.VCVariety.Doomed) {
- return proverCtxt.ExprGen.Let(bindings, proverCtxt.ExprGen.Not(startCorrect) );
- } else {
- return proverCtxt.ExprGen.Let(bindings, startCorrect );
- }
- }
- VCExpr LetVC(Block block,
- Hashtable/*<int, Absy!>*/ label2absy,
- Hashtable/*<Block, VCExprVar!>*/ blockVariables,
- List<VCExprLetBinding> bindings,
- ProverContext proverCtxt,
- out int assertionCount)
- {
- Contract.Requires(label2absy != null);
- Contract.Requires(blockVariables != null);
- Contract.Requires(proverCtxt != null);
- Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(bindings));
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<VCExpr>() != null);
- assertionCount = 0;
- VCExpressionGenerator gen = proverCtxt.ExprGen;
- Contract.Assert(gen != null);
- VCExprVar v = (VCExprVar)blockVariables[block];
- if (v == null) {
- /*
- * For block A (= block), generate:
- * LET_binding A_correct = wp(A_body, (/\ S \in Successors(A) :: S_correct))
- * with the side effect of adding the let bindings to "bindings" for any
- * successor not yet visited.
- */
- VCExpr SuccCorrect;
- GotoCmd gotocmd = block.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- if (gotocmd == null) {
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.vcVariety == CommandLineOptions.VCVariety.Doomed) {
- SuccCorrect = VCExpressionGenerator.False;
- } else {
- SuccCorrect = VCExpressionGenerator.True;
- }
- } else {
- Contract.Assert( gotocmd.labelTargets != null);
- List<VCExpr> SuccCorrectVars = new List<VCExpr>(gotocmd.labelTargets.Length);
- foreach (Block successor in gotocmd.labelTargets) {
- Contract.Assert(successor != null);
- int ac;
- VCExpr s = LetVC(successor, label2absy, blockVariables, bindings, proverCtxt, out ac);
- assertionCount += ac;
- SuccCorrectVars.Add(s);
- }
- SuccCorrect = gen.NAry(VCExpressionGenerator.AndOp, SuccCorrectVars);
- }
- VCContext context = new VCContext(label2absy, proverCtxt);
- // m_Context = context;
- VCExpr vc = Wlp.Block(block, SuccCorrect, context);
- assertionCount += context.AssertionCount;
- v = gen.Variable(block.Label + "_correct", Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Bool);
- bindings.Add(gen.LetBinding(v, vc));
- blockVariables.Add(block, v);
- }
- return v;
- }
- #endregion
- }
diff --git a/Source/VCGeneration/DoomErrorHandler.cs b/Source/VCGeneration/DoomErrorHandler.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f00a3cf..00000000
--- a/Source/VCGeneration/DoomErrorHandler.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.IO;
-using Microsoft.Boogie;
-using Graphing;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using Microsoft.Basetypes;
-using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST;
-namespace VC
- internal class DoomErrorHandler : ProverInterface.ErrorHandler
- {
- protected Hashtable label2Absy;
- protected VerifierCallback callback;
- private List<Block> m_CurrentTrace = new List<Block>();
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
- void ObjectInvariant()
- {
- Contract.Invariant(label2Absy != null);
- Contract.Invariant(callback != null);
- Contract.Invariant(cce.NonNullElements(m_CurrentTrace));
- }
- public DoomErrorHandler(Hashtable label2Absy, VerifierCallback callback)
- {
- Contract.Requires(label2Absy != null);
- Contract.Requires(callback != null);
- this.label2Absy = label2Absy;
- this.callback = callback;
- }
- public override Absy Label2Absy(string label)
- {
- //Contract.Requires(label != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Absy>() != null);
- int id = int.Parse(label);
- return cce.NonNull((Absy)label2Absy[id]);
- }
- public override void OnProverWarning(string msg)
- {
- //Contract.Requires(msg != null);
- this.callback.OnWarning(msg);
- }
- public List<Block>/*!>!*/ TraceNodes
- {
- get
- {
- Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result<List<Block>>()));
- return m_CurrentTrace;
- }
- }
- public override void OnModel(IList<string>/*!>!*/ labels, Model model)
- {
- // TODO: it would be better to check which reachability variables are actually set to one!
- List<Block> traceNodes = new List<Block>();
- List<AssertCmd> assertNodes = new List<AssertCmd>();
- foreach (string s in labels)
- {
- Contract.Assert(s != null);
- Absy node = Label2Absy(s);
- if (node is Block)
- {
- Block b = (Block)node;
- traceNodes.Add(b);
- //Console.Write("{0}, ", b.Label);
- }
- }
- m_CurrentTrace.AddRange(traceNodes);
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/VCGeneration/DoomedLoopUnrolling.cs b/Source/VCGeneration/DoomedLoopUnrolling.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5469a1db..00000000
--- a/Source/VCGeneration/DoomedLoopUnrolling.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,650 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.IO;
-using Microsoft.Boogie;
-using Graphing;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using Microsoft.Basetypes;
-using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST;
-namespace VC
- #region Loop handeling for doomed code detection
- #region Loop Remover
- internal class LoopRemover
- {
- GraphAnalyzer m_GraphAnalyzer;
- public LoopRemover(GraphAnalyzer ga)
- {
- m_GraphAnalyzer = ga;
- }
- private void m_RemoveBackEdge(Loop l)
- {
- // first remove the backedges of the nested loops
- foreach (Loop c in l.NestedLoops) m_RemoveBackEdge(c);
- //Debugger.Break();
- GraphNode loopSkip = null;
- foreach (GraphNode gn in l.Cutpoint.Suc)
- {
- if (l.LoopExitNodes.Contains(gn))
- {
- loopSkip = gn; break;
- }
- }
- if (loopSkip == null)
- { // We didn't find a loop exit node. There must be a bug
- Debugger.Break();
- }
- foreach (GraphNode gn in l.Cutpoint.LoopingPred)
- {
- List<GraphNode> newsuc = new List<GraphNode>();
- foreach (GraphNode s in gn.Suc)
- {
- if (s == l.Cutpoint) newsuc.Add(loopSkip);
- else newsuc.Add(s);
- }
- gn.Suc = newsuc;
- }
- }
- private void m_AbstractLoop(Loop l)
- {
- foreach (Loop c in l.NestedLoops) m_AbstractLoop(c);
- m_HavocLoopBody(l);
- m_RemoveBackEdge(l);
- }
- public void AbstractLoopUnrolling()
- {
- foreach (Loop l in m_GraphAnalyzer.Graphloops)
- {
- m_MarkLoopExitUncheckable(l);
- m_AbstractLoopUnrolling(l,null, "",true);
- }
- }
- private void m_HavocLoopBody(Loop l)
- {
- List<Block> loopblocks = new List<Block>();
- foreach (GraphNode g in l.LoopNodes) loopblocks.Add(g.Label);
- HavocCmd hcmd = m_ComputHavocCmd(loopblocks, l.Cutpoint.Label.tok);
- //Add Havoc before and after the loop body
- foreach (GraphNode g in l.Cutpoint.Suc) // before
- {
- if (l.LoopNodes.Contains(g)) m_AddHavocCmdToFront(g.Label, hcmd);
- }
- foreach (GraphNode g in l.Cutpoint.Pre) // and after
- {
- if (l.LoopNodes.Contains(g)) m_AddHavocCmdToFront(g.Label, hcmd);
- }
- }
- private void m_AddHavocCmdToFront(Block b, HavocCmd hcmd)
- {
- CmdSeq cs = new CmdSeq();
- cs.Add(hcmd); cs.AddRange(b.Cmds);
- b.Cmds = cs;
- }
- private HavocCmd m_ComputHavocCmd(List<Block> bl, IToken tok)
- {
- Contract.Requires(bl != null);
- Contract.Requires(tok != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<HavocCmd>() != null);
- VariableSeq varsToHavoc = new VariableSeq();
- foreach (Block b in bl)
- {
- Contract.Assert(b != null);
- foreach (Cmd c in b.Cmds)
- {
- Contract.Assert(c != null);
- c.AddAssignedVariables(varsToHavoc);
- }
- }
- IdentifierExprSeq havocExprs = new IdentifierExprSeq();
- foreach (Variable v in varsToHavoc)
- {
- Contract.Assert(v != null);
- IdentifierExpr ie = new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, v);
- if (!havocExprs.Has(ie))
- havocExprs.Add(ie);
- }
- // pass the token of the enclosing loop header to the HavocCmd so we can reconstruct
- // the source location for this later on
- return new HavocCmd(tok, havocExprs);
- }
- private void m_AbstractLoopUnrolling(Loop l, Loop parent, string prefix, bool unfold)
- {
- //Debugger.Break();
- if (unfold)
- {
- Loop first = new Loop(l, m_GraphAnalyzer,prefix+"FI_");
- Loop last = new Loop(l, m_GraphAnalyzer,prefix+"LA_");
- Loop abs = new Loop(l, m_GraphAnalyzer, prefix + "AB_");
- foreach (Loop c in first.NestedLoops) m_AbstractLoopUnrolling(c, first, prefix + "FI_", false);
- foreach (Loop c in last.NestedLoops) m_AbstractLoopUnrolling(c, last, prefix + "LA_", false);
- foreach (Loop c in abs.NestedLoops) m_AbstractLoopUnrolling(c, abs, prefix + "AB_", true);
- //Debugger.Break();
- if (parent != null)
- {
- foreach (GraphNode gn in l.LoopNodes)
- {
- if (parent.LoopNodes.Contains(gn)) parent.LoopNodes.Remove(gn);
- }
- foreach (GraphNode gn in abs.LoopNodes)
- {
- if (!parent.LoopNodes.Contains(gn)) parent.LoopNodes.Add(gn);
- }
- foreach (GraphNode gn in first.LoopNodes)
- {
- if (!parent.LoopNodes.Contains(gn)) parent.LoopNodes.Add(gn);
- }
- foreach (GraphNode gn in last.LoopNodes)
- {
- if (!parent.LoopNodes.Contains(gn)) parent.LoopNodes.Add(gn);
- }
- }
- m_HavocLoopBody(abs);
- List<GraphNode> backupPre = new List<GraphNode>();
- backupPre.AddRange(l.Cutpoint.Pre);
- foreach (GraphNode pre in backupPre)
- {
- if (!l.Cutpoint.LoopingPred.Contains(pre))
- {
- pre.RemoveEdgeTo(l.Cutpoint);
- pre.RemoveEdgeTo(abs.Cutpoint);
- pre.AddEdgeTo(first.Cutpoint);
- }
- }
- m_RemoveRegularLoopExit(last);
- m_RemoveRegularLoopExit(abs);
- m_ReplaceBackEdge(first, abs.Cutpoint);
- m_ReplaceBackEdge(abs, last.Cutpoint);
- foreach (GraphNode gn in first.Cutpoint.Suc)
- {
- if (!first.LoopNodes.Contains(gn))
- {
- m_ReplaceBackEdge(last, gn);
- break;
- }
- }
- // Remove all remaining connections to the original loop
- foreach (GraphNode gn in l.LoopExitNodes)
- {
- List<GraphNode> tmp = new List<GraphNode>();
- tmp.AddRange(gn.Pre);
- foreach (GraphNode g in tmp)
- {
- if (l.LoopNodes.Contains(g))
- {
- //Debugger.Break();
- g.RemoveEdgeTo(gn);
- }
- }
- }
- foreach (GraphNode gn in l.LoopNodes)
- {
- m_GraphAnalyzer.DeleteGraphNode(gn);
- }
- foreach (GraphNode gn in first.LoopNodes)
- {
- if (gn != first.Cutpoint && !m_GraphAnalyzer.UncheckableNodes.Contains(gn) )
- m_GraphAnalyzer.UncheckableNodes.Add(gn);
- }
- foreach (GraphNode gn in last.LoopNodes)
- {
- if (gn != last.Cutpoint && !m_GraphAnalyzer.UncheckableNodes.Contains(gn))
- m_GraphAnalyzer.UncheckableNodes.Add(gn);
- }
- MakeLoopExitUncheckable(last.LoopExitNodes);
- }
- else
- {
- foreach (Loop c in l.NestedLoops) m_AbstractLoopUnrolling(c, l, prefix, false);
- m_AbstractLoop(l);
- //MakeLoopExitUncheckable(l.LoopExitNodes);
- }
- }
- // the loop exit has to be marked uncheckable because otherwise
- // while(true) would report unreachable code.
- private void m_MarkLoopExitUncheckable(Loop l)
- {
- foreach (GraphNode g in l.Cutpoint.Suc)
- {
- if (!l.LoopNodes.Contains(g))
- {
- foreach (GraphNode g_ in m_MarkLoopExitUncheckable(g, l))
- {
- if (!m_GraphAnalyzer.UncheckableNodes.Contains(g_))
- m_GraphAnalyzer.UncheckableNodes.Add(g_);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private List<GraphNode> m_MarkLoopExitUncheckable(GraphNode g, Loop l)
- {
- List<GraphNode> ret = new List<GraphNode>();
- if (g.Pre.Count > 1) return ret;
- ret.Add(g);
- foreach (GraphNode gn in g.Suc)
- {
- ret.AddRange(m_MarkLoopExitUncheckable(gn, l));
- }
- return ret;
- }
- // to avoid problems with unreachable code after while(true) {}, try to make the loopexit nodes uncheckable.
- private void MakeLoopExitUncheckable(List<GraphNode> le)
- {
- foreach (GraphNode gn in le)
- {
- if (gn.Suc.Count==1) m_GraphAnalyzer.UncheckableNodes.Add(gn);
- }
- }
- private void m_RemoveRegularLoopExit(Loop l)
- {
- List<GraphNode> lg = new List<GraphNode>();
- lg.AddRange( l.Cutpoint.Suc );
- foreach (GraphNode gn in lg)
- {
- if (l.LoopExitNodes.Contains(gn))
- {
- l.Cutpoint.RemoveEdgeTo(gn);
- l.LoopExitNodes.Remove(gn);
- }
- }
- }
- private void m_ReplaceBackEdge(Loop l, GraphNode loopSkip)
- {
- foreach (GraphNode gn in l.Cutpoint.LoopingPred)
- {
- List<GraphNode> newsuc = new List<GraphNode>();
- foreach (GraphNode s in gn.Suc)
- {
- if (s == l.Cutpoint) newsuc.Add(loopSkip);
- else newsuc.Add(s);
- }
- gn.Suc = newsuc;
- }
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region Graph Analyzer
- internal class GraphAnalyzer
- {
- public List<GraphNode> UncheckableNodes = new List<GraphNode>();
- public Dictionary<Block, GraphNode> GraphMap = new Dictionary<Block, GraphNode>();
- public List<Loop> Graphloops = null;
- public GraphAnalyzer(List<Block> blocks)
- {
- //ExitBlock = dedicatedExitBlock;
- if (blocks.Count < 1) return;
- foreach (Block b in blocks) GraphMap[b] = new GraphNode(b);
- foreach (Block b in blocks)
- {
- foreach (Block pre in b.Predecessors) GraphMap[b].Pre.Add(GraphMap[pre]);
- GotoCmd gc = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- if (gc != null)
- {
- foreach (Block suc in gc.labelTargets) GraphMap[b].Suc.Add(GraphMap[suc]);
- }
- }
- m_DetectCutPoints(GraphMap[blocks[0]]);
- //m_DetectCutPoints(GraphMap[blocks[0]], null, new List<GraphNode>());
- Graphloops = m_CollectLoops(GraphMap[blocks[0]], null);
- }
- public List<Block> ToImplementation(out List<Block> uncheckables)
- {
- List<Block> blocks = new List<Block>();
- uncheckables = new List<Block>();
- foreach (KeyValuePair<Block, GraphNode> kvp in GraphMap)
- {
- Block b = kvp.Key;
- if (UncheckableNodes.Contains(GraphMap[b])) uncheckables.Add(b);
- blocks.Add(b);
- b.Predecessors = new BlockSeq();
- foreach (GraphNode p in kvp.Value.Pre) b.Predecessors.Add(p.Label);
- if (kvp.Value.Suc.Count > 0)
- {
- BlockSeq bs = new BlockSeq();
- foreach (GraphNode s in kvp.Value.Suc) bs.Add(s.Label);
- b.TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(b.tok, bs);
- }
- else
- {
- b.TransferCmd = new ReturnCmd(b.tok);
- }
- }
- return blocks;
- }
- public GraphNode CloneGraphNode(GraphNode gn, string prefix)
- {
- CmdSeq cmds = new CmdSeq(gn.Label.Cmds);
- Block b = new Block(gn.Label.tok, prefix+gn.Label.Label, cmds, gn.Label.TransferCmd);
- GraphNode clone = new GraphNode(b);
- clone.IsCutpoint = gn.IsCutpoint;
- clone.Suc.AddRange(gn.Suc);
- clone.Pre.AddRange(gn.Pre);
- clone.LoopingPred.AddRange(gn.LoopingPred);
- GraphMap[b] = clone;
- //if (gn.Label == ExitBlock) ExitBlock = b;
- return clone;
- }
- public void DeleteGraphNode(GraphNode gn)
- {
- List<Block> affected = new List<Block>();
- foreach (KeyValuePair<Block, GraphNode> kvp in GraphMap)
- {
- if (kvp.Value == gn && !affected.Contains(kvp.Key)) affected.Add(kvp.Key);
- }
- foreach (Block b in affected)
- {
- GraphMap.Remove(b);
- }
- }
- private void m_DetectCutPoints(GraphNode gn, GraphNode pred, List<GraphNode> visited )
- {
- if (visited.Contains(gn) )
- {
- if (pred != null && !gn.LoopingPred.Contains(pred)) gn.LoopingPred.Add(pred);
- gn.IsCutpoint = true;
- Console.WriteLine("Normal RootNode {0}", gn.Label.Label);
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- List<GraphNode> visited_ = new List<GraphNode>();
- visited_.AddRange(visited);
- visited_.Add(gn);
- foreach (GraphNode next in gn.Suc)
- {
- m_DetectCutPoints(next,gn,visited_);
- }
- }
- }
- private void m_DetectCutPoints(GraphNode gn)
- {
- List<GraphNode> todo = new List<GraphNode>();
- List<GraphNode> done = new List<GraphNode>();
- todo.Add(gn);
- GraphNode current = null;
- todo[0].Index = 0;
- while (todo.Count > 0)
- {
- current = todo[0];
- todo.Remove(current);
- bool ready = true;
- foreach (GraphNode p in current.Pre)
- {
- if (!done.Contains(p) )
- {
- _loopbacktracking.Clear();
- if (!m_isLoop(current, p, todo, done))
- {
- todo.Add(current);
- ready = false;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!current.LoopingPred.Contains(p)) current.LoopingPred.Add(p);
- current.IsCutpoint = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!ready) continue;
- done.Add(current);
- foreach (GraphNode s in current.Suc)
- {
- if (!todo.Contains(s) && !done.Contains(s)) todo.Add(s);
- }
- }
- }
- List<GraphNode> _loopbacktracking = new List<GraphNode>();
- private bool m_isLoop(GraphNode loophead, GraphNode gn, List<GraphNode> l1, List<GraphNode> l2)
- {
- if (loophead == gn) return true;
- if (l1.Contains(gn) || l2.Contains(gn) || _loopbacktracking.Contains(gn)) return false;
- _loopbacktracking.Add(gn);
- foreach (GraphNode p in gn.Pre)
- {
- if (m_isLoop(loophead, p, l1, l2)) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- private List<Loop> m_CollectLoops(GraphNode gn, Loop lastLoop)
- {
- List<Loop> ret = new List<Loop>();
- if (gn.Visited) return ret;
- gn.Visited = true;
- List<GraphNode> loopingSucs = new List<GraphNode>();
- if (gn.IsCutpoint)
- {
- Loop l = new Loop(gn);
- if (lastLoop != null)
- {
- lastLoop.SucLoops.Add(l);
- l.PreLoops.Add(lastLoop);
- }
- loopingSucs = l.LoopNodes;
- lastLoop = l;
- ret.Add(lastLoop);
- }
- foreach (GraphNode suc in gn.Suc)
- {
- if (!loopingSucs.Contains(suc)) ret.AddRange(m_CollectLoops(suc, lastLoop));
- }
- //Debugger.Break();
- return ret;
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region GraphNodeStructure
- internal class GraphNode
- {
- public int Index = -1; // Used for scc detection
- public int LowLink = -1; // Used for scc detection
- public GraphNode(Block b)
- {
- Label = b; IsCutpoint = false;
- }
- public Block Label;
- public List<GraphNode> Pre = new List<GraphNode>();
- public List<GraphNode> Suc = new List<GraphNode>();
- public bool IsCutpoint;
- public bool Visited = false;
- public List<GraphNode> LoopingPred = new List<GraphNode>();
- public void AddEdgeTo(GraphNode other)
- {
- if (!this.Suc.Contains(other)) this.Suc.Add(other);
- if (!other.Pre.Contains(this)) other.Pre.Add(this);
- }
- public void RemoveEdgeTo(GraphNode other)
- {
- if (this.Suc.Contains(other)) this.Suc.Remove(other);
- if (other.Pre.Contains(this)) other.Pre.Remove(this);
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region LoopStructure
- internal class Loop
- {
- public Loop(GraphNode cutpoint)
- {
- if (!cutpoint.IsCutpoint)
- {
- Debugger.Break();
- }
- Cutpoint = cutpoint;
- LoopNodes.Add(Cutpoint);
- foreach (GraphNode gn in Cutpoint.LoopingPred)
- {
- CollectLoopBody(gn);
- }
- CollectLoopExitNodes();
- }
- // Copy Constructor
- public Loop(Loop l, GraphAnalyzer ga, string prefix)
- {
- Dictionary<GraphNode, GraphNode> clonemap = new Dictionary<GraphNode, GraphNode>();
- GraphNode clonecutpoint = null;
- foreach (GraphNode gn in l.LoopNodes)
- {
- clonemap[gn] = ga.CloneGraphNode(gn, prefix);
- if (gn == l.Cutpoint) clonecutpoint = clonemap[gn];
- }
- if (clonecutpoint == null)
- {
- Debugger.Break();
- return;
- }
- // Replace the pre and post nodes by the corresponding clone
- foreach (GraphNode gn in l.LoopNodes)
- {
- List<GraphNode> newl = new List<GraphNode>();
- foreach (GraphNode g in clonemap[gn].Pre)
- {
- if (clonemap.ContainsKey(g)) newl.Add(clonemap[g]);
- else newl.Add(g);
- }
- clonemap[gn].Pre = newl;
- newl = new List<GraphNode>();
- foreach (GraphNode g in clonemap[gn].Suc)
- {
- if (clonemap.ContainsKey(g)) newl.Add(clonemap[g]);
- else newl.Add(g);
- }
- clonemap[gn].Suc = newl;
- newl = new List<GraphNode>();
- foreach (GraphNode g in clonemap[gn].LoopingPred)
- {
- if (clonemap.ContainsKey(g)) newl.Add(clonemap[g]);
- else newl.Add(g);
- }
- clonemap[gn].LoopingPred = newl;
- }
- foreach (GraphNode gn in l.Cutpoint.LoopingPred)
- {
- clonecutpoint.LoopingPred.Remove(gn);
- clonecutpoint.LoopingPred.Add(clonemap[gn]);
- }
- SucLoops.AddRange(l.SucLoops);
- PreLoops.AddRange(l.PreLoops);
- Cutpoint = clonecutpoint;
- LoopNodes.Add(Cutpoint);
- foreach (GraphNode gn in Cutpoint.LoopingPred)
- {
- CollectLoopBody(gn);
- }
- CollectLoopExitNodes();
- }
- private void CollectLoopBody(GraphNode gn)
- {
- if (gn == Cutpoint) return;
- if (!LoopNodes.Contains(gn))
- {
- if (gn.IsCutpoint) // nested loop found
- {
- Loop lo = new Loop(gn);
- foreach (GraphNode lgn in lo.LoopNodes)
- {
- if (!LoopNodes.Contains(lgn)) LoopNodes.Add(lgn);
- }
- NestedLoops.Add(lo);
- }
- else
- {
- LoopNodes.Add(gn);
- }
- foreach (GraphNode pre in gn.Pre) if (!gn.LoopingPred.Contains(pre)) CollectLoopBody(pre);
- }
- }
- private void CollectLoopExitNodes()
- {
- foreach (GraphNode gn in LoopNodes)
- {
- foreach (GraphNode gn_ in gn.Suc)
- {
- if (!LoopNodes.Contains(gn_) && !LoopExitNodes.Contains(gn_)) LoopExitNodes.Add(gn_);
- }
- }
- }
- public GraphNode Cutpoint;
- public List<GraphNode> LoopExitNodes = new List<GraphNode>();
- public List<Loop> NestedLoops = new List<Loop>();
- public List<Loop> SucLoops = new List<Loop>();
- public List<Loop> PreLoops = new List<Loop>();
- public List<GraphNode> LoopNodes = new List<GraphNode>();
- }
- #endregion
- #endregion
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/VCGeneration/DoomedStrategy.cs b/Source/VCGeneration/DoomedStrategy.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index c08662b1..00000000
--- a/Source/VCGeneration/DoomedStrategy.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
-using System;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.IO;
-using Microsoft.Boogie;
-using Graphing;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using Microsoft.Basetypes;
-using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST;
-namespace VC
- #region SuperClass for different doomed code detection strategies
- abstract internal class DoomDetectionStrategy
- {
- public int __DEBUG_BlocksChecked = 0;
- public int __DEBUG_BlocksTotal = 0;
- public int __DEBUG_InfeasibleTraces = 0;
- public int __DEBUG_TracesChecked = 0;
- public int __DEBUG_TracesTotal = 0;
- public int __DEBUG_EQCTotal = 0;
- public int __DEBUG_EQCLeaf = 0;
- public int __DEBUG_EQCChecked = 0;
- //Please use this one to toggle your Debug output
- protected bool __DEBUGOUT = CommandLineOptions.Clo.DoomStrategy != -1;
- protected Implementation impl;
- protected BlockHierachy m_BlockH = null;
- protected int m_MaxBranchingDepth = 0;
- protected int m_MaxK = 0;
- protected Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
- // This is the List with all detected doomed program points. This List is used by VCDoomed.cs to
- // create an error message
- public List<List<Block/*!*/>/*!*/>/*!*/ DetectedBlock = new List<List<Block/*!*/>/*!*/>();
- private List<Block> __DEBUG_minelements = new List<Block>();
- // There is no default constructor, because these parameters are needed for most subclasses
- public DoomDetectionStrategy(Implementation imp, Block unifiedexit, List<Block> unreach)
- {
- m_BlockH = new BlockHierachy(imp, unifiedexit);
- __DEBUG_EQCLeaf = m_BlockH.Leaves.Count;
- //foreach (BlockHierachyNode bhn in m_BlockH.Leaves)
- //{
- // if (bhn.Content.Count > 0) __DEBUG_minelements.Add(bhn.Content[0]);
- //}
- //if (imp.Blocks.Count>0) m_GatherInfo(imp.Blocks[0], 0, 0,0);
- if (__DEBUGOUT)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("MaBranchingDepth {0} MaxMinPP {1} ", m_MaxBranchingDepth, m_MaxK);
- Console.WriteLine("AvgLeaverPerPath {0} AvgPLen {1}", 0, 0);
- }
- MaxBlocks = imp.Blocks.Count;
- MinBlocks = imp.Blocks.Count;
- HACK_NewCheck = false;
- __DEBUG_BlocksTotal = imp.Blocks.Count;
- }
- public int MaxBlocks, MinBlocks;
- public bool HACK_NewCheck;
- // This method is called by the prover while it returns true. The prover checks for each
- // List lb if
- // |= !lb_1 /\ ... /\ !lb_n => wlp(Program, false)
- // and passes the result to SetCurrentResult
- abstract public bool GetNextBlock(out List<Block> passBlock);
- // This method is called to inform about the prover outcome for the previous GetNextBlock call.
- abstract public bool SetCurrentResult(List<Variable> reachvar, ProverInterface.Outcome outcome, DoomErrorHandler cb);
- protected List<Block> m_GetErrorTraceFromCE(DoomErrorHandler cb)
- {
- BlockHierachyNode tn=null;
- List<Block> errortrace = new List<Block>();
- foreach (Block b in cb.TraceNodes)
- {
- if (errortrace.Contains(b)) continue;
- if (m_BlockH.BlockToHierachyMap.TryGetValue(b, out tn))
- {
- foreach (Block b_ in tn.Unavoidable)
- {
- if (!errortrace.Contains(b_)) errortrace.Add(b_);
- }
- foreach (Block b_ in tn.Content)
- {
- if (!errortrace.Contains(b_)) errortrace.Add(b_);
- }
- }
- }
- return errortrace;
- }
- private List<int> __pathLength = new List<int>();
- private List<int> __leavespp = new List<int>();
- protected void m_GatherInfo(Block b, int branchingdepth, int leavespp, int plen)
- {
- if (b.Predecessors.Length > 1) branchingdepth--;
- GotoCmd gc = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- if (__DEBUG_minelements.Contains(b)) leavespp++;
- plen++;
- if (gc != null && gc.labelTargets.Length>0)
- {
- if (gc.labelTargets.Length > 1) branchingdepth++;
- m_MaxBranchingDepth = (branchingdepth > m_MaxBranchingDepth) ? branchingdepth : m_MaxBranchingDepth;
- foreach (Block s in gc.labelTargets)
- {
- m_GatherInfo(s, branchingdepth, leavespp,plen);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- __pathLength.Add(plen);
- __leavespp.Add(leavespp);
- m_MaxK = (m_MaxK > leavespp) ? m_MaxK : leavespp;
- }
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region BruteForce Strategy
- internal class NoStrategy : DoomDetectionStrategy
- {
- private List<Block> m_Blocks = new List<Block>();
- private int m_Current = 0;
- public NoStrategy(Implementation imp, Block unifiedexit, List<Block> unreach)
- : base(imp, unifiedexit, unreach)
- {
- m_Blocks = imp.Blocks;
- }
- override public bool GetNextBlock(out List<Block> lb)
- {
- if (m_Current < m_Blocks.Count)
- {
- lb = new List<Block>();
- lb.Add(m_Blocks[m_Current]);
- m_Current++;
- return true;
- }
- lb = null;
- return false;
- }
- // This method is called to inform about the prover outcome for the previous GetNextBlock call.
- override public bool SetCurrentResult(List<Variable> reachvar, ProverInterface.Outcome outcome, DoomErrorHandler cb)
- {
- this.__DEBUG_BlocksChecked++;
- // outcome==Valid means that there is no feasible execution for the current block/path (i.e., might be doomed)
- if (outcome == ProverInterface.Outcome.Valid && m_Current <= m_Blocks.Count)
- {
- List<Block> lb = new List<Block>();
- lb.Add(m_Blocks[m_Current - 1]);
- DetectedBlock.Add(lb);
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region Only check the minimal elements of the Hasse diagram
- internal class HierachyStrategy : DoomDetectionStrategy
- {
- private List<Block> m_Blocks = new List<Block>();
- private List<Block> m_doomedBlocks = new List<Block>();
- private int m_Current = 0;
- public HierachyStrategy(Implementation imp, Block unifiedexit, List<Block> unreach)
- : base(imp, unifiedexit, unreach)
- {
- foreach (BlockHierachyNode bhn in m_BlockH.Leaves)
- {
- if (bhn.Content.Count > 0)
- {
- m_Blocks.Add(bhn.Content[0]);
- }
- }
- }
- override public bool GetNextBlock(out List<Block> lb)
- {
- sw.Start();
- if (m_Current < m_Blocks.Count)
- {
- lb = new List<Block>();
- lb.Add(m_Blocks[m_Current]);
- m_Current++;
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- DetectedBlock.Add(m_BlockH.GetOtherDoomedBlocks(m_doomedBlocks));
- }
- lb = null;
- return false;
- }
- // This method is called to inform about the prover outcome for the previous GetNextBlock call.
- override public bool SetCurrentResult(List<Variable> reachvar, ProverInterface.Outcome outcome, DoomErrorHandler cb)
- {
- this.__DEBUG_BlocksChecked++;
- // outcome==Valid means that there is no feasible execution for the current block/path (i.e., might be doomed)
- if (outcome == ProverInterface.Outcome.Valid && m_Current <= m_Blocks.Count)
- {
- m_doomedBlocks.Add(m_Blocks[m_Current - 1]);
- }
- if (__DEBUGOUT) Console.WriteLine("K := {0,3} , out {1,8}, time {2,12}", MaxBlocks, outcome, sw.ElapsedTicks);
- sw.Stop();
- sw.Reset();
- return true;
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region Only check the minimal elements of the Hasse diagram and use CEs
- internal class HierachyCEStrategy : DoomDetectionStrategy
- {
- private List<Block> m_Blocks = new List<Block>();
- private List<Block> m_doomedBlocks = new List<Block>();
- private Block m_Current = null;
- public HierachyCEStrategy(Implementation imp, Block unifiedexit, List<Block> unreach)
- : base(imp, unifiedexit, unreach)
- {
- foreach (BlockHierachyNode bhn in m_BlockH.Leaves)
- {
- if (bhn.Content.Count > 0)
- {
- m_Blocks.Add(bhn.Content[0]);
- }
- }
- }
- override public bool GetNextBlock(out List<Block> lb)
- {
- m_Current = null;
- if (m_Blocks.Count > 0)
- {
- m_Current = m_Blocks[0];
- m_Blocks.Remove(m_Current);
- lb = new List<Block>();
- lb.Add(m_Current);
- return true;
- }
- else
- {
- DetectedBlock.Add(m_BlockH.GetOtherDoomedBlocks(m_doomedBlocks));
- }
- lb = null;
- return false;
- }
- // This method is called to inform about the prover outcome for the previous GetNextBlock call.
- override public bool SetCurrentResult(List<Variable> reachvar, ProverInterface.Outcome outcome, DoomErrorHandler cb)
- {
- this.__DEBUG_BlocksChecked++;
- // outcome==Valid means that there is no feasible execution for the current block/path (i.e., might be doomed)
- if (outcome == ProverInterface.Outcome.Valid && m_Current != null)
- {
- m_doomedBlocks.Add(m_Current);
- }
- else if (outcome == ProverInterface.Outcome.Invalid)
- {
- List<Block> errortrace = m_GetErrorTraceFromCE(cb);
- foreach (Block b in errortrace)
- {
- if (m_Blocks.Contains(b))
- {
- m_Blocks.Remove(b);
- }
- }
- cb.TraceNodes.Clear();
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region Path Cover Optimization with L
- internal class PathCoverStrategy : DoomDetectionStrategy
- {
- List<Block> m_Uncheckedlocks = new List<Block>();
- List<Block> m_Ignore = new List<Block>();
- Random m_Random = new Random();
- bool m_NoMoreMoves = false;
- private List<Block> m_foundBlock = new List<Block>();
- public PathCoverStrategy(Implementation imp, Block unifiedexit, List<Block> unreach)
- : base(imp, unifiedexit, unreach)
- {
- m_Ignore = unreach;
- HACK_NewCheck = true;
- impl = imp;
- foreach (BlockHierachyNode bhn in m_BlockH.Leaves)
- {
- if (bhn.Content.Count > 0)
- {
- m_Uncheckedlocks.Add(bhn.Content[0]);
- }
- }
- m_MaxK = m_BlockH.GetMaxK(m_Uncheckedlocks);
- MinBlocks = m_MaxK / 2 + (m_MaxK % 2 > 0 ? 1 : 0);
- MaxBlocks = -1;
- }
- override public bool GetNextBlock(out List<Block> lb)
- {
- sw.Start();
- lb = new List<Block>();
- if (m_Uncheckedlocks.Count == 0 || m_NoMoreMoves)
- {
- if (m_Uncheckedlocks.Count > 0)
- {
- DetectedBlock.Add(m_BlockH.GetOtherDoomedBlocks(m_Uncheckedlocks));
- }
- return false;
- }
- lb.AddRange(m_Uncheckedlocks);
- return true;
- }
- override public bool SetCurrentResult(List<Variable> reachvar, ProverInterface.Outcome outcome, DoomErrorHandler cb)
- {
- this.__DEBUG_BlocksChecked++;
- // Valid means infeasible...
- int oldl = MinBlocks;
- int oldsize = m_Uncheckedlocks.Count;
- if (outcome == ProverInterface.Outcome.Valid)
- {
- this.__DEBUG_InfeasibleTraces++;
- if (MinBlocks == 1)
- {
- m_NoMoreMoves = true;
- }
- else
- {
- MinBlocks = 1;
- }
- }
- else if (outcome == ProverInterface.Outcome.Invalid)
- {
- this.__DEBUG_TracesChecked++;
- List<Block> errortrace = m_GetErrorTraceFromCE(cb);
- foreach (Block b in errortrace)
- {
- if (m_Uncheckedlocks.Contains(b))
- {
- m_Uncheckedlocks.Remove(b);
- }
- }
- cb.TraceNodes.Clear();
- m_MaxK = m_BlockH.GetMaxK(m_Uncheckedlocks);
- if (m_MaxK < 1)
- {
- m_NoMoreMoves = true; m_Uncheckedlocks.Clear();
- }
- MinBlocks = m_MaxK / 2 + (m_MaxK % 2 > 0 ? 1 : 0);
- //if (MinBlocks > m_MaxK) MinBlocks = m_MaxK;
- }
- else
- {
- m_NoMoreMoves = true; m_Uncheckedlocks.Clear();
- }
- if (__DEBUGOUT)
- Console.WriteLine("K := {0,3}, L := {1,3}, deltaSp {2,3}, out {3,8}, time {4,8}", MaxBlocks, oldl, (oldsize - m_Uncheckedlocks.Count), outcome, sw.ElapsedTicks);
- sw.Stop();
- sw.Reset();
- return true;
- }
- }
- #endregion
- #region Path Cover Optimization with K
- internal class PathCoverStrategyK : DoomDetectionStrategy
- {
- List<Block> m_Uncheckedlocks = new List<Block>();
- List<Block> m_Ignore = new List<Block>();
- Random m_Random = new Random();
- bool m_NoMoreMoves = false;
- private List<Block> m_foundBlock = new List<Block>();
- public PathCoverStrategyK(Implementation imp, Block unifiedexit, List<Block> unreach)
- : base(imp, unifiedexit, unreach)
- {
- m_Ignore = unreach;
- HACK_NewCheck = true;
- impl = imp;
- foreach (BlockHierachyNode bhn in m_BlockH.Leaves)
- {
- if (bhn.Content.Count > 0)
- {
- m_Uncheckedlocks.Add(bhn.Content[0]);
- }
- }
- m_MaxK = m_BlockH.GetMaxK(m_Uncheckedlocks);
- MaxBlocks = m_Uncheckedlocks.Count;
- if (m_MaxK < m_Uncheckedlocks.Count && m_MaxK > 0)
- {
- MaxBlocks = m_MaxK;
- }
- else if (m_MaxK >= m_Uncheckedlocks.Count)
- {
- MaxBlocks = m_Uncheckedlocks.Count;
- }
- else
- {
- MaxBlocks = 1;
- }
- //Console.WriteLine("InitK {0}, Max {1}", m_MaxK, MaxBlocks);
- }
- override public bool GetNextBlock(out List<Block> lb)
- {
- sw.Start();
- lb = new List<Block>();
- if (m_Uncheckedlocks.Count == 0 || m_NoMoreMoves)
- {
- if (m_Uncheckedlocks.Count > 0)
- {
- DetectedBlock.Add(m_BlockH.GetOtherDoomedBlocks(m_Uncheckedlocks));
- }
- return false;
- }
- lb.AddRange(m_Uncheckedlocks);
- MaxBlocks = MaxBlocks > m_Uncheckedlocks.Count ? m_Uncheckedlocks.Count : MaxBlocks;
- MinBlocks = MaxBlocks / 2 + (MaxBlocks % 2 > 0 ? 1 : 0);
- return true;
- }
- override public bool SetCurrentResult(List<Variable> reachvar, ProverInterface.Outcome outcome, DoomErrorHandler cb)
- {
- this.__DEBUG_BlocksChecked++;
- // Valid means infeasible...
- int oldk = MaxBlocks;
- int oldl = MinBlocks;
- int oldsize = m_Uncheckedlocks.Count;
- if (outcome == ProverInterface.Outcome.Valid)
- {
- this.__DEBUG_InfeasibleTraces++;
- if (MaxBlocks == 1)
- {
- m_NoMoreMoves = true;
- }
- else
- {
- MaxBlocks /= 2;
- }
- }
- else if (outcome == ProverInterface.Outcome.Invalid)
- {
- this.__DEBUG_TracesChecked++;
- List<Block> errortrace = m_GetErrorTraceFromCE(cb);
- foreach (Block b in errortrace)
- {
- if (m_Uncheckedlocks.Contains(b))
- {
- m_Uncheckedlocks.Remove(b);
- }
- }
- cb.TraceNodes.Clear();
- int k = m_BlockH.GetMaxK(m_Uncheckedlocks);
- MaxBlocks = (k > MaxBlocks) ? MaxBlocks : k;
- }
- else
- {
- m_NoMoreMoves = true; m_Uncheckedlocks.Clear();
- }
- if (__DEBUGOUT)
- Console.WriteLine("K := {0,3}, L := {1,3}, deltaSp {2,3}, out {3,8}, time {4,8}", oldk, oldl, (oldsize - m_Uncheckedlocks.Count), outcome, sw.ElapsedTicks);
- sw.Stop();
- sw.Reset();
- return true;
- }
- }
- #endregion
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/VCGeneration/GraphAlgorithms.cs b/Source/VCGeneration/GraphAlgorithms.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 006a923f..00000000
--- a/Source/VCGeneration/GraphAlgorithms.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-using Graphing;
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using System.Linq;
-namespace Microsoft.Boogie {
-public static class GraphAlgorithms {
- public static Graph<Node> Dual<Node>(this Graph<Node> g, Node dummySource) {
- var exits = g.Nodes.Where(n => g.Successors(n).Count() == 0).ToList();
- if (exits.Count == 0)
- return null;
- var dual = new Graph<Node>(new HashSet<Tuple<Node, Node>>(g.Edges.Select(e => new Tuple<Node, Node>(e.Item2, e.Item1))));
- if (exits.Count == 1)
- dual.AddSource(exits[0]);
- else {
- dual.AddSource(dummySource);
- foreach (var exit in exits)
- dual.AddEdge(dummySource, exit);
- }
- return dual;
- }
- public static List<Tuple<Node, bool>> LoopyTopSort<Node>(this Graph<Node> g) {
- Contract.Assert(g.Reducible);
- int n = g.Nodes.Count;
- var nodeToNumber = new Dictionary<Node, int>(n);
- var numberToNode = new Node[n];
- var allNodes = new List<int>();
- int counter = 0;
- foreach (Node node in g.Nodes) {
- numberToNode[counter] = node;
- nodeToNumber[node] = counter;
- allNodes.Add(counter);
- counter++;
- }
- var loops = new List<int>[n];
- foreach (var h in g.Headers) {
- var loopNodes = new HashSet<Node>();
- foreach (var b in g.BackEdgeNodes(h))
- loopNodes.UnionWith(g.NaturalLoops(h, b));
- loops[nodeToNumber[h]] =
- new List<int>(loopNodes.Select(node => nodeToNumber[node]));
- }
- var successors = new List<int>[n];
- int[] incomingEdges = new int[n];
- foreach (var e in g.Edges) {
- Contract.Assert(e.Item1 != null);
- Contract.Assert(e.Item2 != null);
- int source = nodeToNumber[e.Item1], target = nodeToNumber[e.Item2];
- if (loops[target] == null || !loops[target].Contains(source)) {
- if (successors[source] == null)
- successors[source] = new List<int>();
- successors[source].Add(target);
- incomingEdges[target]++;
- }
- }
- var sortedNodes = new List<Tuple<Node, bool>>();
- var regionStack = new Stack<Tuple<Node, List<int>>>();
- regionStack.Push(new Tuple<Node, List<int>>(default(Node), allNodes));
- while (regionStack.Count != 0) {
- int rootIndex = -1;
- foreach (var i in regionStack.Peek().Item2) {
- if (incomingEdges[i] == 0) {
- rootIndex = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (rootIndex == -1) {
- var region = regionStack.Pop();
- if (regionStack.Count != 0)
- sortedNodes.Add(new Tuple<Node, bool>(region.Item1, true));
- continue;
- }
- incomingEdges[rootIndex] = -1;
- sortedNodes.Add(new Tuple<Node, bool>(numberToNode[rootIndex], false));
- if (successors[rootIndex] != null)
- foreach (int s in successors[rootIndex])
- incomingEdges[s]--;
- if (loops[rootIndex] != null)
- regionStack.Push(new Tuple<Node, List<int>>(numberToNode[rootIndex],
- loops[rootIndex]));
- }
- return sortedNodes;
- }
- // Algorithm from Jeanne Ferrante, Karl J. Ottenstein, Joe D. Warren,
- // "The Program Dependence Graph and Its Use in Optimization"
- public static Dictionary<Node, HashSet<Node>> ControlDependence<Node>(this Graph<Node> g) where Node : class, new() {
- Graph<Node> dual = g.Dual(new Node());
- DomRelation<Node> pdom = dual.DominatorMap;
- var result = new Dictionary<Node, HashSet<Node>>();
- var S = g.Edges.Where(e => !pdom.DominatedBy(e.Item1, e.Item2));
- foreach (var edge in S) {
- var L = pdom.LeastCommonAncestor(edge.Item1, edge.Item2);
- var deps = new List<Node>();
- if (L == edge.Item1) {
- pdom.DominatedBy(edge.Item2, edge.Item1, deps);
- deps.Add(edge.Item2);
- deps.Add(edge.Item1);
- } else {
- pdom.DominatedBy(edge.Item2, L, deps);
- deps.Add(edge.Item2);
- }
- if (result.ContainsKey(edge.Item1)) {
- result[edge.Item1].UnionWith(deps);
- } else {
- result[edge.Item1] = new HashSet<Node>(deps);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
diff --git a/Source/VCGeneration/HasseDiagram.cs b/Source/VCGeneration/HasseDiagram.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index d5fdfb66..00000000
--- a/Source/VCGeneration/HasseDiagram.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
-using System;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.IO;
-using Microsoft.Boogie;
-using Graphing;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using Microsoft.Basetypes;
-using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST;
-namespace VC
- internal class BlockHierachyNode
- {
- public List<Block> Unavoidable;
- public List<Block> Content = new List<Block>();
- public List<BlockHierachyNode> Parents = new List<BlockHierachyNode>();
- public List<BlockHierachyNode> Children = new List<BlockHierachyNode>();
- public bool Checked, Doomed, DoubleChecked;
- public BlockHierachyNode(Block current, List<Block> unavoidable)
- {
- Checked = false; Doomed = false; DoubleChecked = false;
- Unavoidable = unavoidable;
- Content.Add(current);
- }
- public static bool operator <(BlockHierachyNode left, BlockHierachyNode right)
- {
- return Compare(left,right)>0;
- }
- public static bool operator >(BlockHierachyNode left, BlockHierachyNode right)
- {
- return Compare(left, right) < 0;
- }
- // Compare the unavoidable blocks of two BlockHierachyNodes.
- // returns 0 if sets have the same size, -1 if l2 has an element
- // that is not in l1, otherwise the size of the intersection.
- public static int Compare(BlockHierachyNode l1, BlockHierachyNode l2)
- {
- List<Block> tmp = new List<Block>();
- tmp.AddRange(l2.Unavoidable);
- foreach (Block b in l1.Unavoidable)
- {
- if (tmp.Contains(b)) tmp.Remove(b);
- else return -1;
- }
- return tmp.Count;
- }
- }
- internal class HasseDiagram
- {
- public readonly List<BlockHierachyNode> Leaves = new List<BlockHierachyNode>();
- public readonly List<BlockHierachyNode> Roots = new List<BlockHierachyNode>();
- public HasseDiagram(List<BlockHierachyNode> nodes)
- {
- Dictionary<BlockHierachyNode, List<BlockHierachyNode>> largerElements = new Dictionary<BlockHierachyNode, List<BlockHierachyNode>>();
- foreach (BlockHierachyNode left in nodes)
- {
- largerElements[left] = new List<BlockHierachyNode>();
- foreach (BlockHierachyNode right in nodes)
- {
- if (left != right)
- {
- if (left < right)
- {
- largerElements[left].Add(right);
- }
- }
- }
- if (largerElements[left].Count == 0) Leaves.Add(left);
- }
- List<BlockHierachyNode> done = new List<BlockHierachyNode>();
- List<BlockHierachyNode> lastround = null;
- //Debugger.Break();
- // Now that we have the leaves, build the Hasse diagram
- while (done.Count < nodes.Count)
- {
- List<BlockHierachyNode> maxelements = new List<BlockHierachyNode>();
- maxelements.AddRange(nodes);
- foreach (BlockHierachyNode bhn in nodes)
- {
- if (!done.Contains(bhn))
- {
- foreach (BlockHierachyNode tmp in largerElements[bhn])
- {
- if (maxelements.Contains(tmp)) maxelements.Remove(tmp);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- maxelements.Remove(bhn);
- }
- }
- done.AddRange(maxelements);
- if (lastround != null)
- {
- foreach (BlockHierachyNode tmp in lastround)
- {
- foreach (BlockHierachyNode tmp2 in maxelements)
- {
- if (largerElements[tmp].Contains(tmp2))
- {
- if (!tmp.Children.Contains(tmp2)) tmp.Children.Add(tmp2);
- if (!tmp2.Parents.Contains(tmp)) tmp2.Parents.Add(tmp);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Roots.AddRange(maxelements);
- }
- lastround = maxelements;
- }
- }
- }
- internal class BlockHierachy
- {
- public BlockHierachyNode RootNode = null;
- readonly public Dictionary<Block, BlockHierachyNode> BlockToHierachyMap = new Dictionary<Block, BlockHierachyNode>();
- readonly public Dictionary<Block, List<Block>> Dominators = new Dictionary<Block, List<Block>>();
- readonly public Dictionary<Block, List<Block>> PostDominators = new Dictionary<Block, List<Block>>();
- readonly public List<BlockHierachyNode> Leaves = new List<BlockHierachyNode>();
- private Implementation m_Impl;
- public BlockHierachy(Implementation impl, Block unifiedExit)
- {
- m_Impl = impl;
- List<Block> blocks = impl.Blocks;
- List<BlockHierachyNode> tmp_hnodes = new List<BlockHierachyNode>();
- Dictionary<Block, List<Block>> unavoidable = new Dictionary<Block, List<Block>>();
- BfsTraverser(blocks[0], true, Dominators);
- BfsTraverser(unifiedExit, false, PostDominators);
- foreach (Block b in blocks)
- {
- List<Block> l1 = Dominators[b];
- List<Block> l2 = PostDominators[b];
- unavoidable[b] = m_MergeLists(l1, l2);
- BlockHierachyNode bhn = new BlockHierachyNode(b, unavoidable[b]);
- bool found = false;
- foreach (KeyValuePair<Block, BlockHierachyNode> kvp in BlockToHierachyMap)
- {
- if (BlockHierachyNode.Compare(kvp.Value, bhn) == 0) // using the overloaded compare operator
- {
- kvp.Value.Content.AddRange(bhn.Content);
- BlockToHierachyMap[b] = kvp.Value;
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found)
- {
- BlockToHierachyMap[b] = bhn;
- tmp_hnodes.Add(bhn);
- }
- }
- HasseDiagram hd = new HasseDiagram(tmp_hnodes);
- Leaves = hd.Leaves;
- }
- public int GetMaxK(List<Block> blocks)
- {
- m_GetMaxK(blocks);
- return (m_MaxK>0) ? m_MaxK : 1;
- }
- private int m_MaxK = 0;
- private void m_GetMaxK(List<Block> blocks)
- {
- m_MaxK = 0;
- Dictionary<Block, int> kstore = new Dictionary<Block, int>();
- List<Block> todo = new List<Block>();
- List<Block> done = new List<Block>();
- todo.Add(m_Impl.Blocks[0]);
- kstore[m_Impl.Blocks[0]] = 0;
- int localmax;
- Block current = null;
- while (todo.Count > 0)
- {
- current = todo[0];
- todo.Remove(current);
- bool ready = true;
- localmax = 0;
- if (current.Predecessors!=null) {
- foreach (Block p in current.Predecessors)
- {
- if (!done.Contains(p))
- {
- ready = false; break;
- }
- else localmax = (localmax > kstore[p]) ? localmax : kstore[p];
- }
- }
- if (!ready)
- {
- todo.Add(current); continue;
- }
- done.Add(current);
- kstore[current] = (blocks.Contains(current)) ? localmax +1 : localmax;
- m_MaxK = (kstore[current] > m_MaxK) ? kstore[current] : m_MaxK;
- GotoCmd gc = current.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- if (gc != null)
- {
- foreach (Block s in gc.labelTargets)
- {
- if (!todo.Contains(s)) todo.Add(s);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public List<Block> GetOtherDoomedBlocks(List<Block> doomedblocks)
- {
- List<Block> alsoDoomed = new List<Block>();
- List<BlockHierachyNode> todo = new List<BlockHierachyNode>();
- foreach (Block b in doomedblocks)
- {
- BlockToHierachyMap[b].Doomed = true;
- todo.Add(BlockToHierachyMap[b]);
- }
- while (todo.Count > 0)
- {
- BlockHierachyNode current = todo[0];
- todo.Remove(current);
- if (!current.Doomed && current.Children.Count > 0)
- {
- bool childrenDoomed = true;
- foreach (BlockHierachyNode c in current.Children)
- {
- if (!c.Doomed) { childrenDoomed = false; break; }
- }
- if (childrenDoomed) current.Doomed = true;
- }
- if (current.Doomed)
- {
- foreach (BlockHierachyNode p in current.Parents)
- {
- if (!todo.Contains(p)) todo.Add(p);
- }
- foreach (Block b in current.Content)
- {
- if (!alsoDoomed.Contains(b)) alsoDoomed.Add(b);
- }
- }
- }
- return alsoDoomed;
- }
- public void Impl2Dot(string filename)
- {
- Contract.Requires(filename != null);
- List<string> nodes = new List<string>();
- List<string> edges = new List<string>();
- string nodestyle = "[shape=box];";
- List<BlockHierachyNode> nl = new List<BlockHierachyNode>();
- foreach (BlockHierachyNode h in BlockToHierachyMap.Values) if (!nl.Contains(h)) nl.Add(h);
- foreach (BlockHierachyNode b in nl)
- {
- String l1 = "";
- foreach (Block bl in b.Content) l1 = String.Format("{0}_{1}", l1, bl.Label);
- Contract.Assert(b != null);
- nodes.Add(string.Format("\"{0}\" {1}", l1, nodestyle));
- foreach (BlockHierachyNode b_ in b.Children)
- {
- String l2 = "";
- foreach (Block bl in b_.Content) l2 = String.Format("{0}_{1}", l2, bl.Label);
- edges.Add(String.Format("\"{0}\" -> \"{1}\";", l1, l2));
- }
- }
- using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filename))
- {
- sw.WriteLine(String.Format("digraph {0} {{", "DISCO"));
- // foreach (string! s in nodes) {
- // sw.WriteLine(s);
- // }
- foreach (string s in edges)
- {
- Contract.Assert(s != null);
- sw.WriteLine(s);
- }
- sw.WriteLine("}}");
- sw.Close();
- }
- }
- private void BfsTraverser(Block current, bool forward, Dictionary<Block, List<Block>> unavoidableBlocks)
- {
- List<Block> todo = new List<Block>();
- List<Block> done = new List<Block>();
- unavoidableBlocks[current] = new List<Block>();
- //Debugger.Break();
- todo.Add(current);
- while (todo.Count > 0)
- {
- current = todo[0];
- todo.Remove(current);
- BlockSeq pre = m_Predecessors(current, forward);
- bool ready = true;
- if (pre != null)
- {
- foreach (Block bpre in pre)
- {
- if (!done.Contains(bpre))
- {
- ready = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!ready)
- {
- todo.Add(current);
- continue;
- }
- done.Add(current);
- unavoidableBlocks[current].Add(current);
- BlockSeq suc = m_Succecessors(current, forward);
- if (suc == null) continue;
- foreach (Block bsuc in suc)
- {
- if (unavoidableBlocks.ContainsKey(bsuc))
- {
- unavoidableBlocks[bsuc] = m_IntersectLists(unavoidableBlocks[bsuc], unavoidableBlocks[current]);
- }
- else
- {
- todo.Add(bsuc);
- unavoidableBlocks[bsuc] = new List<Block>();
- unavoidableBlocks[bsuc].AddRange(unavoidableBlocks[current]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private List<Block> m_MergeLists(List<Block> lb1, List<Block> lb2)
- {
- List<Block> ret = new List<Block>();
- ret.AddRange(lb1);
- foreach (Block b in lb2)
- {
- if (!ret.Contains(b)) ret.Add(b);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- private List<Block> m_IntersectLists(List<Block> lb1, List<Block> lb2)
- {
- List<Block> ret = new List<Block>();
- ret.AddRange(lb1);
- foreach (Block b in lb2)
- {
- if (!lb1.Contains(b)) ret.Remove(b);
- }
- foreach (Block b in lb1)
- {
- if (ret.Contains(b) && !lb2.Contains(b)) ret.Remove(b);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- private BlockSeq m_Predecessors(Block b, bool forward)
- {
- if (forward) return b.Predecessors;
- GotoCmd gc = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- if (gc != null)
- {
- return gc.labelTargets;
- }
- return null;
- }
- private BlockSeq m_Succecessors(Block b, bool forward)
- {
- return m_Predecessors(b, !forward);
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/VCGeneration/SmartBlockPredicator.cs b/Source/VCGeneration/SmartBlockPredicator.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index b4f5a3df..00000000
--- a/Source/VCGeneration/SmartBlockPredicator.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
-using Graphing;
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using System.Linq;
-namespace Microsoft.Boogie {
-public class SmartBlockPredicator {
- Program prog;
- Implementation impl;
- Graph<Block> blockGraph;
- List<Tuple<Block, bool>> sortedBlocks;
- Func<Procedure, bool> useProcedurePredicates;
- Dictionary<Block, Variable> predMap, defMap;
- Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Variable>> ownedMap;
- Dictionary<Block, Block> parentMap;
- Dictionary<Block, PartInfo> partInfo;
- IdentifierExpr fp;
- Dictionary<Microsoft.Boogie.Type, IdentifierExpr> havocVars =
- new Dictionary<Microsoft.Boogie.Type, IdentifierExpr>();
- Dictionary<Block, Expr> blockIds = new Dictionary<Block, Expr>();
- HashSet<Block> doneBlocks = new HashSet<Block>();
- bool myUseProcedurePredicates;
- UniformityAnalyser uni;
- SmartBlockPredicator(Program p, Implementation i, Func<Procedure, bool> upp, UniformityAnalyser u) {
- prog = p;
- impl = i;
- useProcedurePredicates = upp;
- myUseProcedurePredicates = useProcedurePredicates(i.Proc);
- uni = u;
- }
- void PredicateCmd(Expr p, List<Block> blocks, Block block, Cmd cmd, out Block nextBlock) {
- var cCmd = cmd as CallCmd;
- if (cCmd != null && !useProcedurePredicates(cCmd.Proc)) {
- if (p == null) {
- block.Cmds.Add(cmd);
- nextBlock = block;
- return;
- }
- var trueBlock = new Block();
- blocks.Add(trueBlock);
- trueBlock.Label = block.Label + ".call.true";
- trueBlock.Cmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, p));
- trueBlock.Cmds.Add(cmd);
- var falseBlock = new Block();
- blocks.Add(falseBlock);
- falseBlock.Label = block.Label + ".call.false";
- falseBlock.Cmds.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, Expr.Not(p)));
- var contBlock = new Block();
- blocks.Add(contBlock);
- contBlock.Label = block.Label + ".call.cont";
- block.TransferCmd =
- new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, new BlockSeq(trueBlock, falseBlock));
- trueBlock.TransferCmd = falseBlock.TransferCmd =
- new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, new BlockSeq(contBlock));
- nextBlock = contBlock;
- } else {
- PredicateCmd(p, block.Cmds, cmd);
- nextBlock = block;
- }
- }
- void PredicateCmd(Expr p, CmdSeq cmdSeq, Cmd cmd) {
- if (cmd is CallCmd) {
- var cCmd = (CallCmd)cmd;
- Debug.Assert(useProcedurePredicates(cCmd.Proc));
- cCmd.Ins.Insert(0, p != null ? p : Expr.True);
- cmdSeq.Add(cCmd);
- } else if (p == null) {
- cmdSeq.Add(cmd);
- } else if (cmd is AssignCmd) {
- var aCmd = (AssignCmd)cmd;
- cmdSeq.Add(new AssignCmd(Token.NoToken, aCmd.Lhss,
- new List<Expr>(aCmd.Lhss.Zip(aCmd.Rhss, (lhs, rhs) =>
- new NAryExpr(Token.NoToken,
- new IfThenElse(Token.NoToken),
- new ExprSeq(p, rhs, lhs.AsExpr))))));
- } else if (cmd is AssertCmd) {
- var aCmd = (AssertCmd)cmd;
- Expr newExpr = new EnabledReplacementVisitor(p).VisitExpr(aCmd.Expr);
- aCmd.Expr = QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(aCmd.Attributes, "do_not_predicate") ? newExpr : Expr.Imp(p, newExpr);
- cmdSeq.Add(aCmd);
- } else if (cmd is AssumeCmd) {
- var aCmd = (AssumeCmd)cmd;
- cmdSeq.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, Expr.Imp(p, aCmd.Expr)));
- } else if (cmd is HavocCmd) {
- var hCmd = (HavocCmd)cmd;
- foreach (IdentifierExpr v in hCmd.Vars) {
- Microsoft.Boogie.Type type = v.Decl.TypedIdent.Type;
- Contract.Assert(type != null);
- IdentifierExpr havocTempExpr;
- if (havocVars.ContainsKey(type)) {
- havocTempExpr = havocVars[type];
- } else {
- var havocVar = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken,
- new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken,
- "_HAVOC_" + type.ToString(), type));
- impl.LocVars.Add(havocVar);
- havocVars[type] = havocTempExpr =
- new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, havocVar);
- }
- cmdSeq.Add(new HavocCmd(Token.NoToken,
- new IdentifierExprSeq(havocTempExpr)));
- cmdSeq.Add(Cmd.SimpleAssign(Token.NoToken, v,
- new NAryExpr(Token.NoToken,
- new IfThenElse(Token.NoToken),
- new ExprSeq(p, havocTempExpr, v))));
- }
- } else if (cmd is CommentCmd) {
- // skip
- } else if (cmd is StateCmd) {
- var sCmd = (StateCmd)cmd;
- var newCmdSeq = new CmdSeq();
- foreach (Cmd c in sCmd.Cmds)
- PredicateCmd(p, newCmdSeq, c);
- sCmd.Cmds = newCmdSeq;
- cmdSeq.Add(sCmd);
- } else {
- Console.WriteLine("Unsupported cmd: " + cmd.GetType().ToString());
- }
- }
- // hasPredicatedRegion is true iff the block or its targets are predicated
- // (i.e. we enter, stay within or exit a predicated region).
- void PredicateTransferCmd(Expr p, Block src, CmdSeq cmdSeq, TransferCmd cmd, out bool hasPredicatedRegion) {
- hasPredicatedRegion = predMap.ContainsKey(src);
- if (cmd is GotoCmd) {
- var gCmd = (GotoCmd)cmd;
- hasPredicatedRegion = hasPredicatedRegion ||
- gCmd.labelTargets.Cast<Block>().Any(b => predMap.ContainsKey(b));
- if (gCmd.labelTargets.Length == 1) {
- if (defMap.ContainsKey(gCmd.labelTargets[0]))
- PredicateCmd(p, cmdSeq,
- Cmd.SimpleAssign(Token.NoToken,
- Expr.Ident(predMap[gCmd.labelTargets[0]]), Expr.True));
- } else {
- Debug.Assert(gCmd.labelTargets.Length > 1);
- Debug.Assert(gCmd.labelTargets.Cast<Block>().All(t => uni.IsUniform(impl.Name, t) ||
- partInfo.ContainsKey(t)));
- foreach (Block target in gCmd.labelTargets) {
- if (!partInfo.ContainsKey(target))
- continue;
- var part = partInfo[target];
- if (defMap.ContainsKey(part.realDest))
- PredicateCmd(p, cmdSeq,
- Cmd.SimpleAssign(Token.NoToken,
- Expr.Ident(predMap[part.realDest]), part.pred));
- var predsExitingLoop = new Dictionary<Block, List<Expr>>();
- foreach (Block exit in LoopsExited(src, target)) {
- List<Expr> predList;
- if (!predsExitingLoop.ContainsKey(exit))
- predList = predsExitingLoop[exit] = new List<Expr>();
- else
- predList = predsExitingLoop[exit];
- predList.Add(part.pred);
- }
- foreach (var pred in predsExitingLoop) {
- PredicateCmd(p, cmdSeq,
- Cmd.SimpleAssign(Token.NoToken,
- Expr.Ident(predMap[pred.Key]),
- Expr.Not(pred.Value.Aggregate(Expr.Or))));
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (cmd is ReturnCmd) {
- // Blocks which end in a return will never share a predicate with a block
- // which appears after it. Furthermore, such a block cannot be part of a
- // loop. So it is safe to do nothing here.
- } else {
- Console.WriteLine("Unsupported cmd: " + cmd.GetType().ToString());
- }
- }
- Variable FreshPredicate(ref int predCount) {
- var pVar = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken,
- new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken,
- "p" + predCount++,
- Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Bool));
- impl.LocVars.Add(pVar);
- return pVar;
- }
- void AssignPredicates(Graph<Block> blockGraph,
- DomRelation<Block> dom,
- DomRelation<Block> pdom,
- IEnumerator<Tuple<Block, bool>> i,
- Variable headPredicate,
- ref int predCount) {
- var header = i.Current.Item1;
- var regionPreds = new List<Tuple<Block, Variable>>();
- var ownedPreds = new HashSet<Variable>();
- ownedMap[header] = ownedPreds;
- if (headPredicate != null) {
- predMap[header] = headPredicate;
- defMap[header] = headPredicate;
- regionPreds.Add(new Tuple<Block, Variable>(header, headPredicate));
- }
- while (i.MoveNext()) {
- var block = i.Current;
- if (uni != null && uni.IsUniform(impl.Name, block.Item1))
- continue;
- if (block.Item2) {
- if (block.Item1 == header)
- return;
- } else {
- if (blockGraph.Headers.Contains(block.Item1)) {
- parentMap[block.Item1] = header;
- var loopPred = FreshPredicate(ref predCount);
- ownedPreds.Add(loopPred);
- AssignPredicates(blockGraph, dom, pdom, i, loopPred, ref predCount);
- } else {
- bool foundExisting = false;
- foreach (var regionPred in regionPreds) {
- if (dom.DominatedBy(block.Item1, regionPred.Item1) &&
- pdom.DominatedBy(regionPred.Item1, block.Item1)) {
- predMap[block.Item1] = regionPred.Item2;
- foundExisting = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!foundExisting) {
- var condPred = FreshPredicate(ref predCount);
- predMap[block.Item1] = condPred;
- defMap[block.Item1] = condPred;
- ownedPreds.Add(condPred);
- regionPreds.Add(new Tuple<Block, Variable>(block.Item1, condPred));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void AssignPredicates() {
- DomRelation<Block> dom = blockGraph.DominatorMap;
- Graph<Block> dualGraph = blockGraph.Dual(new Block());
- DomRelation<Block> pdom = dualGraph.DominatorMap;
- var iter = sortedBlocks.GetEnumerator();
- if (!iter.MoveNext()) {
- predMap = defMap = null;
- ownedMap = null;
- return;
- }
- int predCount = 0;
- predMap = new Dictionary<Block, Variable>();
- defMap = new Dictionary<Block, Variable>();
- ownedMap = new Dictionary<Block, HashSet<Variable>>();
- parentMap = new Dictionary<Block, Block>();
- AssignPredicates(blockGraph, dom, pdom, iter,
- myUseProcedurePredicates ? impl.InParams[0] : null,
- ref predCount);
- }
- IEnumerable<Block> LoopsExited(Block src, Block dest) {
- var i = sortedBlocks.GetEnumerator();
- while (i.MoveNext()) {
- var b = i.Current;
- if (b.Item1 == src) {
- return LoopsExitedForwardEdge(dest, i);
- } else if (b.Item1 == dest) {
- return LoopsExitedBackEdge(src, i);
- }
- }
- Debug.Assert(false);
- return null;
- }
- private IEnumerable<Block> LoopsExitedBackEdge(Block src, IEnumerator<Tuple<Block, bool>> i) {
- var headsSeen = new HashSet<Block>();
- while (i.MoveNext()) {
- var b = i.Current;
- if (!b.Item2 && blockGraph.Headers.Contains(b.Item1))
- headsSeen.Add(b.Item1);
- else if (b.Item2)
- headsSeen.Remove(b.Item1);
- if (b.Item1 == src)
- return headsSeen;
- }
- Debug.Assert(false);
- return null;
- }
- private IEnumerable<Block> LoopsExitedForwardEdge(Block dest, IEnumerator<Tuple<Block, bool>> i) {
- var headsSeen = new HashSet<Block>();
- while (i.MoveNext()) {
- var b = i.Current;
- if (b.Item1 == dest)
- yield break;
- else if (!b.Item2 && blockGraph.Headers.Contains(b.Item1))
- headsSeen.Add(b.Item1);
- else if (b.Item2 && !headsSeen.Contains(b.Item1))
- yield return b.Item1;
- }
- Debug.Assert(false);
- }
- class PartInfo {
- public PartInfo(Expr p, Block r) { pred = p; realDest = r; }
- public Expr pred;
- public Block realDest;
- }
- Dictionary<Block, PartInfo> BuildPartitionInfo() {
- var partInfo = new Dictionary<Block, PartInfo>();
- foreach (var block in blockGraph.Nodes) {
- if (uni.IsUniform(impl.Name, block))
- continue;
- var parts = block.Cmds.Cast<Cmd>().TakeWhile(
- c => c is AssumeCmd &&
- QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(((AssumeCmd)c).Attributes, "partition"));
- Expr pred = null;
- if (parts.Count() > 0) {
- pred = parts.Select(a => ((AssumeCmd)a).Expr).Aggregate(Expr.And);
- block.Cmds =
- new CmdSeq(block.Cmds.Cast<Cmd>().Skip(parts.Count()).ToArray());
- } else {
- continue;
- }
- Block realDest = block;
- if (block.Cmds.Length == 0) {
- var gc = block.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- if (gc != null && gc.labelTargets.Length == 1)
- realDest = gc.labelTargets[0];
- }
- partInfo[block] = new PartInfo(pred, realDest);
- }
- return partInfo;
- }
- void PredicateImplementation() {
- blockGraph = prog.ProcessLoops(impl);
- sortedBlocks = blockGraph.LoopyTopSort();
- AssignPredicates();
- partInfo = BuildPartitionInfo();
- if (myUseProcedurePredicates)
- fp = Expr.Ident(impl.InParams[0]);
- var newBlocks = new List<Block>();
- Block prevBlock = null;
- foreach (var n in sortedBlocks) {
- if (predMap.ContainsKey(n.Item1)) {
- var p = predMap[n.Item1];
- var pExpr = Expr.Ident(p);
- if (n.Item2) {
- var backedgeBlock = new Block();
- newBlocks.Add(backedgeBlock);
- backedgeBlock.Label = n.Item1.Label + ".backedge";
- backedgeBlock.Cmds = new CmdSeq(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, pExpr,
- new QKeyValue(Token.NoToken, "backedge", new List<object>(), null)));
- backedgeBlock.TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken,
- new BlockSeq(n.Item1));
- var tailBlock = new Block();
- newBlocks.Add(tailBlock);
- tailBlock.Label = n.Item1.Label + ".tail";
- tailBlock.Cmds = new CmdSeq(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken,
- Expr.Not(pExpr)));
- if (uni != null && !uni.IsUniform(impl.Name, n.Item1)) {
- uni.AddNonUniform(impl.Name, backedgeBlock);
- uni.AddNonUniform(impl.Name, tailBlock);
- }
- if (prevBlock != null)
- prevBlock.TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken,
- new BlockSeq(backedgeBlock, tailBlock));
- prevBlock = tailBlock;
- } else {
- PredicateBlock(pExpr, n.Item1, newBlocks, ref prevBlock);
- }
- } else {
- if (!n.Item2) {
- PredicateBlock(null, n.Item1, newBlocks, ref prevBlock);
- }
- }
- }
- if (prevBlock != null)
- prevBlock.TransferCmd = new ReturnCmd(Token.NoToken);
- impl.Blocks = newBlocks;
- }
- private void PredicateBlock(Expr pExpr, Block block, List<Block> newBlocks, ref Block prevBlock) {
- var firstBlock = block;
- var oldCmdSeq = block.Cmds;
- block.Cmds = new CmdSeq();
- newBlocks.Add(block);
- if (prevBlock != null) {
- prevBlock.TransferCmd = new GotoCmd(Token.NoToken, new BlockSeq(block));
- }
- if (parentMap.ContainsKey(block)) {
- var parent = parentMap[block];
- if (predMap.ContainsKey(parent)) {
- var parentPred = predMap[parent];
- if (parentPred != null) {
- block.Cmds.Add(new AssertCmd(Token.NoToken,
- pExpr != null ? (Expr)Expr.Imp(pExpr, Expr.Ident(parentPred))
- : Expr.Ident(parentPred)));
- }
- }
- }
- var transferCmd = block.TransferCmd;
- foreach (Cmd cmd in oldCmdSeq)
- PredicateCmd(pExpr, newBlocks, block, cmd, out block);
- if (ownedMap.ContainsKey(firstBlock)) {
- var owned = ownedMap[firstBlock];
- foreach (var v in owned)
- block.Cmds.Add(Cmd.SimpleAssign(Token.NoToken, Expr.Ident(v), Expr.False));
- }
- bool hasPredicatedRegion;
- PredicateTransferCmd(pExpr, block, block.Cmds, transferCmd, out hasPredicatedRegion);
- if (hasPredicatedRegion)
- prevBlock = block;
- else
- prevBlock = null;
- doneBlocks.Add(block);
- }
- private Expr CreateIfFPThenElse(Expr then, Expr eElse) {
- if (myUseProcedurePredicates) {
- return new NAryExpr(Token.NoToken,
- new IfThenElse(Token.NoToken),
- new ExprSeq(fp, then, eElse));
- } else {
- return then;
- }
- }
- public static void Predicate(Program p,
- Func<Procedure, bool> useProcedurePredicates = null,
- UniformityAnalyser uni = null) {
- useProcedurePredicates = useProcedurePredicates ?? (proc => false);
- if (uni != null) {
- var oldUPP = useProcedurePredicates;
- useProcedurePredicates = proc => oldUPP(proc) && !uni.IsUniform(proc.Name);
- }
- foreach (var decl in p.TopLevelDeclarations.ToList()) {
- if (decl is Procedure || decl is Implementation) {
- var proc = decl as Procedure;
- Implementation impl = null;
- if (proc == null) {
- impl = (Implementation)decl;
- proc = impl.Proc;
- }
- bool upp = useProcedurePredicates(proc);
- if (upp) {
- var dwf = (DeclWithFormals)decl;
- var fpVar = new Formal(Token.NoToken,
- new TypedIdent(Token.NoToken, "_P",
- Microsoft.Boogie.Type.Bool),
- /*incoming=*/true);
- dwf.InParams = new VariableSeq(
- (new Variable[] {fpVar}.Concat(dwf.InParams.Cast<Variable>()))
- .ToArray());
- if (impl == null) {
- var newRequires = new RequiresSeq();
- foreach (Requires r in proc.Requires) {
- newRequires.Add(new Requires(r.Free,
- new EnabledReplacementVisitor(new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, fpVar)).VisitExpr(r.Condition)));
- }
- var newEnsures = new EnsuresSeq();
- foreach (Ensures e in proc.Ensures) {
- newEnsures.Add(new Ensures(e.Free,
- new EnabledReplacementVisitor(new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, fpVar)).VisitExpr(e.Condition)));
- }
- }
- }
- if (impl != null) {
- try {
- new SmartBlockPredicator(p, impl, useProcedurePredicates, uni).PredicateImplementation();
- } catch (Program.IrreducibleLoopException) { }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public static void Predicate(Program p, Implementation impl) {
- try {
- new SmartBlockPredicator(p, impl, proc => false, null).PredicateImplementation();
- }
- catch (Program.IrreducibleLoopException) { }
- }
diff --git a/Source/VCGeneration/StratifiedVC.cs b/Source/VCGeneration/StratifiedVC.cs
index 5c6a5f68..6ad97141 100644
--- a/Source/VCGeneration/StratifiedVC.cs
+++ b/Source/VCGeneration/StratifiedVC.cs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Boogie;
-using Graphing;
+using Microsoft.Boogie.GraphUtil;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using Microsoft.Basetypes;
using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST;
diff --git a/Source/VCGeneration/UniformityAnalyser.cs b/Source/VCGeneration/UniformityAnalyser.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 802ee2d2..00000000
--- a/Source/VCGeneration/UniformityAnalyser.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,556 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Text;
-using Microsoft.Boogie;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using Graphing;
-namespace Microsoft.Boogie
- public class UniformityAnalyser
- {
- private Program prog;
- private bool doAnalysis, unstructured;
- private ISet<Implementation> entryPoints;
- private IEnumerable<Variable> nonUniformVars;
- private bool ProcedureChanged;
- private Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<bool, Dictionary<string, bool>>> uniformityInfo;
- private Dictionary<string, HashSet<int>> nonUniformLoops;
- private Dictionary<string, HashSet<Block>> nonUniformBlocks;
- private Dictionary<string, HashSet<int>> loopsWithNonuniformReturn;
- private Dictionary<string, List<string>> inParameters;
- private Dictionary<string, List<string>> outParameters;
- private List<WhileCmd> loopStack;
- private bool hitNonuniformReturn;
- public UniformityAnalyser(Program prog, bool doAnalysis, bool unstructured, ISet<Implementation> entryPoints, IEnumerable<Variable> nonUniformVars)
- {
- this.prog = prog;
- this.doAnalysis = doAnalysis;
- this.unstructured = unstructured;
- this.entryPoints = entryPoints;
- this.nonUniformVars = nonUniformVars;
- uniformityInfo = new Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<bool, Dictionary<string, bool>>>();
- nonUniformLoops = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<int>>();
- nonUniformBlocks = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<Block>>();
- loopsWithNonuniformReturn = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<int>>();
- inParameters = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
- outParameters = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
- loopStack = new List<WhileCmd>();
- }
- public void Analyse()
- {
- var impls = prog.TopLevelDeclarations.OfType<Implementation>();
- foreach (var Impl in impls)
- {
- bool uniformProcedure = doAnalysis || entryPoints.Contains(Impl);
- uniformityInfo.Add(Impl.Name, new KeyValuePair<bool, Dictionary<string, bool>>
- (uniformProcedure, new Dictionary<string, bool> ()));
- nonUniformLoops.Add(Impl.Name, new HashSet<int>());
- loopsWithNonuniformReturn.Add(Impl.Name, new HashSet<int>());
- foreach (var v in nonUniformVars)
- SetNonUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- foreach (Variable v in Impl.LocVars)
- {
- if (doAnalysis)
- {
- SetUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- }
- else
- {
- SetNonUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- }
- }
- inParameters[Impl.Name] = new List<string>();
- foreach (Variable v in Impl.InParams)
- {
- inParameters[Impl.Name].Add(v.Name);
- if (doAnalysis)
- {
- SetUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- }
- else
- {
- SetNonUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- }
- }
- outParameters[Impl.Name] = new List<string>();
- foreach (Variable v in Impl.OutParams)
- {
- outParameters[Impl.Name].Add(v.Name);
- if (doAnalysis)
- {
- SetUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- }
- else
- {
- SetNonUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- }
- }
- ProcedureChanged = true;
- }
- if (doAnalysis)
- {
- while (ProcedureChanged)
- {
- ProcedureChanged = false;
- foreach (var Impl in impls)
- {
- hitNonuniformReturn = false;
- Analyse(Impl, uniformityInfo[Impl.Name].Key);
- }
- }
- }
- foreach (var Impl in impls)
- {
- if (!IsUniform (Impl.Name))
- {
- List<string> newIns = new List<String>();
- newIns.Add("_P");
- foreach (string s in inParameters[Impl.Name])
- {
- newIns.Add(s);
- }
- inParameters[Impl.Name] = newIns;
- }
- }
- }
- private void Analyse(Implementation Impl, bool ControlFlowIsUniform)
- {
- if (unstructured)
- {
- if (!ControlFlowIsUniform)
- {
- nonUniformBlocks[Impl.Name] = new HashSet<Block>(Impl.Blocks);
- foreach (Variable v in Impl.LocVars) {
- if (IsUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name)) {
- SetNonUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- }
- }
- foreach (Variable v in Impl.InParams) {
- if (IsUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name)) {
- SetNonUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- }
- }
- foreach (Variable v in Impl.OutParams) {
- if (IsUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name)) {
- SetNonUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- Graph<Block> blockGraph = prog.ProcessLoops(Impl);
- var ctrlDep = blockGraph.ControlDependence();
- // Compute transitive closure of control dependence info.
- bool changed;
- do
- {
- changed = false;
- foreach (var depEntry in ctrlDep)
- {
- var newDepSet = new HashSet<Block>(depEntry.Value);
- foreach (var dep in depEntry.Value)
- {
- if (ctrlDep.ContainsKey(dep))
- newDepSet.UnionWith(ctrlDep[dep]);
- }
- if (newDepSet.Count != depEntry.Value.Count)
- {
- depEntry.Value.UnionWith(newDepSet);
- changed = true;
- }
- }
- } while (changed);
- var nonUniformBlockSet = new HashSet<Block>();
- nonUniformBlocks[Impl.Name] = nonUniformBlockSet;
- do {
- changed = false;
- foreach (var block in Impl.Blocks) {
- bool uniform = !nonUniformBlockSet.Contains(block);
- bool newUniform = Analyse(Impl, block.Cmds, uniform);
- if (uniform && !newUniform) {
- changed = true;
- nonUniformBlockSet.Add(block);
- Block pred = blockGraph.Predecessors(block).Single();
- if (ctrlDep.ContainsKey(pred))
- nonUniformBlockSet.UnionWith(ctrlDep[pred]);
- }
- }
- } while (changed);
- }
- else
- {
- Analyse(Impl, Impl.StructuredStmts, ControlFlowIsUniform);
- }
- }
- private void Analyse(Implementation impl, StmtList stmtList, bool ControlFlowIsUniform)
- {
- ControlFlowIsUniform &= !hitNonuniformReturn;
- foreach (BigBlock bb in stmtList.BigBlocks)
- {
- Analyse(impl, bb, ControlFlowIsUniform);
- }
- }
- private Implementation GetImplementation(string procedureName)
- {
- foreach (Declaration D in prog.TopLevelDeclarations)
- {
- if (D is Implementation && ((D as Implementation).Name == procedureName))
- {
- return D as Implementation;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- private void Analyse(Implementation impl, BigBlock bb, bool ControlFlowIsUniform)
- {
- ControlFlowIsUniform &= !hitNonuniformReturn;
- Analyse(impl, bb.simpleCmds, ControlFlowIsUniform);
- if ( is WhileCmd)
- {
- WhileCmd wc = as WhileCmd;
- loopStack.Add(wc);
- Analyse(impl, wc.Body, ControlFlowIsUniform && IsUniform(impl.Name, wc.Guard) &&
- !nonUniformLoops[impl.Name].Contains(GetLoopId(wc)));
- loopStack.RemoveAt(loopStack.Count - 1);
- }
- else if ( is IfCmd)
- {
- IfCmd ifCmd = as IfCmd;
- Analyse(impl, ifCmd.thn, ControlFlowIsUniform && IsUniform(impl.Name, ifCmd.Guard));
- if (ifCmd.elseBlock != null)
- {
- Analyse(impl, ifCmd.elseBlock, ControlFlowIsUniform && IsUniform(impl.Name, ifCmd.Guard));
- }
- Debug.Assert(ifCmd.elseIf == null);
- }
- else if ( is BreakCmd)
- {
- if (!ControlFlowIsUniform && !nonUniformLoops[impl.Name].Contains(GetLoopId(loopStack[loopStack.Count - 1])))
- {
- SetNonUniform(impl.Name, loopStack[loopStack.Count - 1]);
- }
- }
- if ( is ReturnCmd && !ControlFlowIsUniform)
- {
- hitNonuniformReturn = true;
- if (loopStack.Count > 0 && !nonUniformLoops[impl.Name].Contains(GetLoopId(loopStack[0])))
- {
- SetNonUniform(impl.Name, loopStack[0]);
- loopsWithNonuniformReturn[impl.Name].Add(GetLoopId(loopStack[0]));
- }
- }
- }
- private bool Analyse(Implementation impl, CmdSeq cmdSeq, bool ControlFlowIsUniform)
- {
- foreach (Cmd c in cmdSeq)
- {
- if (c is AssignCmd)
- {
- AssignCmd assignCmd = c as AssignCmd;
- foreach (var a in assignCmd.Lhss.Zip(assignCmd.Rhss))
- {
- if (a.Item1 is SimpleAssignLhs)
- {
- SimpleAssignLhs lhs = a.Item1 as SimpleAssignLhs;
- Expr rhs = a.Item2;
- if (IsUniform(impl.Name, lhs.AssignedVariable.Name) &&
- (!ControlFlowIsUniform || !IsUniform(impl.Name, rhs)))
- {
- SetNonUniform(impl.Name, lhs.AssignedVariable.Name);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (c is HavocCmd)
- {
- HavocCmd havocCmd = c as HavocCmd;
- foreach(IdentifierExpr ie in havocCmd.Vars)
- {
- if(IsUniform(impl.Name, ie.Decl.Name)) {
- SetNonUniform(impl.Name, ie.Decl.Name);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (c is CallCmd)
- {
- CallCmd callCmd = c as CallCmd;
- Implementation CalleeImplementation = GetImplementation(callCmd.callee);
- if (CalleeImplementation != null)
- {
- if (!ControlFlowIsUniform)
- {
- if (IsUniform(callCmd.callee))
- {
- SetNonUniform(callCmd.callee);
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < CalleeImplementation.InParams.Length; i++)
- {
- if (IsUniform(callCmd.callee, CalleeImplementation.InParams[i].Name)
- && !IsUniform(impl.Name, callCmd.Ins[i]))
- {
- SetNonUniform(callCmd.callee, CalleeImplementation.InParams[i].Name);
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < CalleeImplementation.OutParams.Length; i++)
- {
- if (IsUniform(impl.Name, callCmd.Outs[i].Name)
- && !IsUniform(callCmd.callee, CalleeImplementation.OutParams[i].Name))
- {
- SetNonUniform(impl.Name, callCmd.Outs[i].Name);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (c is AssumeCmd)
- {
- var ac = (AssumeCmd)c;
- if (ControlFlowIsUniform && QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(ac.Attributes, "partition") &&
- !IsUniform(impl.Name, ac.Expr))
- {
- ControlFlowIsUniform = false;
- }
- }
- }
- return ControlFlowIsUniform;
- }
- private int GetLoopId(WhileCmd wc)
- {
- AssertCmd inv = wc.Invariants[0] as AssertCmd;
- Debug.Assert(inv.Attributes.Key.Contains("loophead_"));
- return Convert.ToInt32(inv.Attributes.Key.Substring("loophead_".Length));
- }
- private void SetNonUniform(string procedureName)
- {
- uniformityInfo[procedureName] = new KeyValuePair<bool,Dictionary<string,bool>>
- (false, uniformityInfo[procedureName].Value);
- RecordProcedureChanged();
- }
- private void SetNonUniform(string procedureName, WhileCmd wc)
- {
- nonUniformLoops[procedureName].Add(GetLoopId(wc));
- RecordProcedureChanged();
- }
- public bool IsUniform(string procedureName)
- {
- if (!uniformityInfo.ContainsKey(procedureName))
- {
- return false;
- }
- return uniformityInfo[procedureName].Key;
- }
- public bool IsUniform(string procedureName, Block b)
- {
- if (!nonUniformBlocks.ContainsKey(procedureName))
- {
- return false;
- }
- return !nonUniformBlocks[procedureName].Contains(b);
- }
- class UniformExpressionAnalysisVisitor : StandardVisitor {
- private bool isUniform = true;
- private Dictionary<string, bool> uniformityInfo;
- public UniformExpressionAnalysisVisitor(Dictionary<string, bool> uniformityInfo) {
- this.uniformityInfo = uniformityInfo;
- }
- public override Variable VisitVariable(Variable v) {
- if (!uniformityInfo.ContainsKey(v.Name)) {
- isUniform = isUniform && (v is Constant);
- } else if (!uniformityInfo[v.Name]) {
- isUniform = false;
- }
- return v;
- }
- internal bool IsUniform() {
- return isUniform;
- }
- }
- public bool IsUniform(string procedureName, Expr expr)
- {
- UniformExpressionAnalysisVisitor visitor = new UniformExpressionAnalysisVisitor(uniformityInfo[procedureName].Value);
- visitor.VisitExpr(expr);
- return visitor.IsUniform();
- }
- public bool IsUniform(string procedureName, string v)
- {
- if (!uniformityInfo.ContainsKey(procedureName))
- {
- return false;
- }
- if (!uniformityInfo[procedureName].Value.ContainsKey(v))
- {
- return false;
- }
- return uniformityInfo[procedureName].Value[v];
- }
- private void SetUniform(string procedureName, string v)
- {
- uniformityInfo[procedureName].Value[v] = true;
- RecordProcedureChanged();
- }
- private void RecordProcedureChanged()
- {
- ProcedureChanged = true;
- }
- private void SetNonUniform(string procedureName, string v)
- {
- uniformityInfo[procedureName].Value[v] = false;
- RecordProcedureChanged();
- }
- public void dump()
- {
- foreach (string p in uniformityInfo.Keys)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Procedure " + p + ": "
- + (uniformityInfo[p].Key ? "uniform" : "nonuniform"));
- foreach (string v in uniformityInfo[p].Value.Keys)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(" " + v + ": " +
- (uniformityInfo[p].Value[v] ? "uniform" : "nonuniform"));
- }
- Console.Write("Ins [");
- for (int i = 0; i < inParameters[p].Count; i++)
- {
- Console.Write((i == 0 ? "" : ", ") + inParameters[p][i]);
- }
- Console.WriteLine("]");
- Console.Write("Outs [");
- for (int i = 0; i < outParameters[p].Count; i++)
- {
- Console.Write((i == 0 ? "" : ", ") + outParameters[p][i]);
- }
- Console.WriteLine("]");
- Console.Write("Non-uniform loops:");
- foreach (int l in nonUniformLoops[p])
- {
- Console.Write(" " + l);
- }
- Console.WriteLine();
- Console.Write("Non-uniform blocks:");
- foreach (Block b in nonUniformBlocks[p])
- {
- Console.Write(" " + b.Label);
- }
- Console.WriteLine();
- }
- }
- public string GetInParameter(string procName, int i)
- {
- return inParameters[procName][i];
- }
- public string GetOutParameter(string procName, int i)
- {
- return outParameters[procName][i];
- }
- public bool knowsOf(string p)
- {
- return uniformityInfo.ContainsKey(p);
- }
- public void AddNonUniform(string proc, string v)
- {
- if (uniformityInfo.ContainsKey(proc))
- {
- Debug.Assert(!uniformityInfo[proc].Value.ContainsKey(v));
- uniformityInfo[proc].Value[v] = false;
- }
- }
- public void AddNonUniform(string proc, Block b) {
- if (nonUniformBlocks.ContainsKey(proc)) {
- Debug.Assert(!nonUniformBlocks[proc].Contains(b));
- nonUniformBlocks[proc].Add(b);
- }
- }
- public bool IsUniform(string proc, WhileCmd wc)
- {
- if (unstructured)
- return false;
- return !nonUniformLoops[proc].Contains(GetLoopId(wc));
- }
- public bool HasNonuniformReturn(string proc, WhileCmd whileCmd)
- {
- return loopsWithNonuniformReturn[proc].Contains(GetLoopId(whileCmd));
- }
- }
diff --git a/Source/VCGeneration/VC.cs b/Source/VCGeneration/VC.cs
index 6efae58c..b13b7e35 100644
--- a/Source/VCGeneration/VC.cs
+++ b/Source/VCGeneration/VC.cs
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.IO;
using Microsoft.Boogie;
-using Graphing;
+using Microsoft.Boogie.GraphUtil;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using Microsoft.Basetypes;
using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST;
@@ -2058,12 +2058,6 @@ namespace VC {
- if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.DoPredication && CommandLineOptions.Clo.StratifiedInlining == 0) {
- DesugarCalls(impl);
- BlockPredicator.Predicate(program, impl);
- impl.ComputePredecessorsForBlocks();
- }
if (CommandLineOptions.Clo.LiveVariableAnalysis > 0) {
@@ -3038,36 +3032,6 @@ namespace VC {
- /// <summary>
- /// Simplifies the CFG of the given implementation impl by merging each
- /// basic block with a single predecessor into that predecessor if the
- /// predecessor has a single successor. If a uniformity analyser is
- /// being used then block will only be merged if they are both uniform
- /// or both non-uniform
- /// </summary>
- public static void MergeBlocksIntoPredecessors(Program prog, Implementation impl, UniformityAnalyser uni) {
- var blockGraph = prog.ProcessLoops(impl);
- var predMap = new Dictionary<Block, Block>();
- foreach (var block in blockGraph.Nodes) {
- try {
- var pred = blockGraph.Predecessors(block).Single();
- if (blockGraph.Successors(pred).Single() == block &&
- (uni == null ||
- (uni.IsUniform(impl.Name, pred) && uni.IsUniform(impl.Name, block)) ||
- (!uni.IsUniform(impl.Name, pred) && !uni.IsUniform(impl.Name, block)))) {
- Block predMapping;
- while (predMap.TryGetValue(pred, out predMapping))
- pred = predMapping;
- pred.Cmds.AddRange(block.Cmds);
- pred.TransferCmd = block.TransferCmd;
- impl.Blocks.Remove(block);
- predMap[block] = pred;
- }
- // If Single throws an exception above (i.e. not exactly one pred/succ), skip this block.
- } catch (InvalidOperationException) {}
- }
- }
static void DumpMap(Hashtable /*Variable->Expr*/ map) {
Contract.Requires(map != null);
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in map) {
diff --git a/Source/VCGeneration/VCDoomed.cs b/Source/VCGeneration/VCDoomed.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 962f9f26..00000000
--- a/Source/VCGeneration/VCDoomed.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,827 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
-using System;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.IO;
-using Microsoft.Boogie;
-using Graphing;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using Microsoft.Basetypes;
-using Microsoft.Boogie.VCExprAST;
-namespace VC {
- public partial class DCGen : ConditionGeneration {
- private bool _print_time = CommandLineOptions.Clo.DoomStrategy!=-1;
- #region Attributes
- static private Dictionary<Block, Variable/*!*/>/*!*/ m_BlockReachabilityMap;
- Dictionary<Block/*!*/, Block/*!*/>/*!*/ m_copiedBlocks = new Dictionary<Block/*!*/, Block/*!*/>();
- const string reachvarsuffix = "__ivebeenthere";
- List<Cmd/*!*/>/*!*/ m_doomedCmds = new List<Cmd/*!*/>();
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
- void ObjectInvariant() {
- }
- #endregion
- /// <summary>
- /// Constructor. Initializes the theorem prover.
- /// </summary>
- public DCGen(Program program, string/*?*/ logFilePath, bool appendLogFile)
- : base(program) {
- Contract.Requires(program != null);
- this.appendLogFile = appendLogFile;
- this.logFilePath = logFilePath;
- m_BlockReachabilityMap = new Dictionary<Block, Variable>();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Debug method that prints a dot file of the
- /// current set of blocks in impl to filename.
- /// </summary>
- private void Impl2Dot(Implementation impl, string filename) {
- Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- Contract.Requires(filename != null);
- List<string> nodes = new List<string>();
- List<string> edges = new List<string>();
- string nodestyle = "[shape=box];";
- foreach (Block b in impl.Blocks) {
- Contract.Assert(b != null);
- nodes.Add(string.Format("\"{0}\" {1}", b.Label, nodestyle));
- GotoCmd gc = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- if (gc != null)
- {
- Contract.Assert(gc.labelTargets != null);
- foreach (Block b_ in gc.labelTargets)
- {
- Contract.Assert(b_ != null);
- edges.Add(String.Format("\"{0}\" -> \"{1}\";", b.Label, b_.Label));
- }
- }
- //foreach (Block b_ in b.Predecessors)
- //{
- // edges.Add(String.Format("\"{0}\" -> \"{1}\";", b.Label, b_.Label));
- //}
- }
- using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filename)) {
- sw.WriteLine(String.Format("digraph {0} {{", impl.Name));
- // foreach (string! s in nodes) {
- // sw.WriteLine(s);
- // }
- foreach (string s in edges) {
- Contract.Assert(s != null);
- sw.WriteLine(s);
- }
- sw.WriteLine("}}");
- sw.Close();
- }
- }
- private const string _copyPrefix = "CPY__";
- private List<Block> m_UncheckableBlocks = null;
- /// <summary>
- /// MSchaef:
- /// - remove loops and add reach variables
- /// - make it a passive program
- /// - compute the wlp for each block
- /// - check if |= (reach=false) => wlp.S.false holds for each reach
- ///
- /// </summary>
- public override Outcome VerifyImplementation(Implementation impl, VerifierCallback callback) {
- Contract.EnsuresOnThrow<UnexpectedProverOutputException>(true);
- Console.WriteLine();
- Console.WriteLine("Checking function {0}", impl.Name);
- callback.OnProgress("doomdetector", 0, 0, 0);
- bool restartTP = CommandLineOptions.Clo.DoomRestartTP ;
- //Impl2Dot(impl, String.Format("c:/dot/{0}", impl.Name));
- Transform4DoomedCheck(impl);
- //Impl2Dot(impl, String.Format("c:/dot/{0}", impl.Name));
- Checker checker = FindCheckerFor(impl, 1000);
- Contract.Assert(checker != null);
- int assertionCount;
- DoomCheck dc = new DoomCheck(impl, this.exitBlock, checker, m_UncheckableBlocks, out assertionCount);
- CumulativeAssertionCount += assertionCount;
- //EmitImpl(impl, false);
- int _totalchecks = 0;
- ProverInterface.Outcome outcome;
- dc.ErrorHandler = new DoomErrorHandler(dc.Label2Absy, callback);
- System.TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan();
- if (_print_time) Console.WriteLine("Total number of blocks {0}", impl.Blocks.Count);
- List<Block> lb;
- List<Variable> lv = new List<Variable>();
- while (dc.GetNextBlock(out lb))
- {
- Contract.Assert(lb != null);
- outcome = ProverInterface.Outcome.Undetermined;
- Variable v = null;
- lv.Clear();
- foreach (Block b_ in lb)
- {
- if (!m_BlockReachabilityMap.TryGetValue(b_, out v))
- {
- // This should cause an error
- continue;
- }
- //Console.Write("{0}, ",b_.Label);
- lv.Add(v);
- }
- //Console.WriteLine();
- Dictionary<Expr, int> finalreachvars = m_GetPostconditionVariables(impl.Blocks,lb);
- if (lv.Count < 1)
- {
- continue;
- }
- Contract.Assert(lv != null);
- _totalchecks++;
- if (!dc.CheckLabel(lv,finalreachvars, out outcome)) {
- return Outcome.Inconclusive;
- }
- ts += dc.DEBUG_ProverTime.Elapsed;
- if (restartTP)
- {
- checker.Close();
- checker = FindCheckerFor(impl, 1000);
- dc.RespawnChecker(impl, checker);
- dc.ErrorHandler = new DoomErrorHandler(dc.Label2Absy, callback);
- }
- }
- checker.Close();
- if (_print_time)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Number of Checkes / #Blocks: {0} of {1}", _totalchecks, impl.Blocks.Count);
- dc.__DEBUG_PrintStatistics();
- Console.WriteLine("Total time for this method: {0}", ts.ToString());
- }
- #region Try to produce a counter example (brute force)
- if (dc.DoomedSequences.Count > 0) {
- int counter = 0;
- List<Block> _all = new List<Block>();
- foreach (List<Block> lb_ in dc.DoomedSequences)
- {
- foreach (Block b_ in lb_)
- {
- if (!_all.Contains(b_) && !m_UncheckableBlocks.Contains(b_))
- {
- _all.Add(b_); counter++;
- if (!_print_time) Console.WriteLine(b_.Label);
- }
- }
- }
- if (_all.Count > 0)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("#Dead Blocks found: {0}: ", counter);
- return Outcome.Errors;
- }
- }
- #endregion
- return Outcome.Correct;
- }
- private Dictionary<Expr, int> m_GetPostconditionVariables(List<Block> allblock, List<Block> passBlock)
- {
- Dictionary<Expr, int> r = new Dictionary<Expr, int>();
- foreach (Block b in allblock)
- {
- Variable v;
- if (m_BlockReachabilityMap.TryGetValue(b, out v))
- {
- if (passBlock.Contains(b)) r[m_LastReachVarIncarnation[v]] = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- Console.WriteLine("there is no reachability variable for {0}", b.Label);
- }
- }
- return r;
- }
-#if false
- #region Error message construction
- private void SearchCounterexample(Implementation impl, DoomErrorHandler errh, VerifierCallback callback) {
- Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- Contract.Requires(errh != null);
- Contract.Requires(callback != null);
- Contract.Requires(errh.m_Reachvar != null);
- //if (errh.m_Reachvar==null) {
- // Contract.Assert(false);throw new cce.UnreachableException();
- //}
- m_doomedCmds.Clear();
- Dictionary<Block, CmdSeq> cmdbackup = new Dictionary<Block, CmdSeq>();
- BruteForceCESearch(errh.m_Reachvar, impl, callback, cmdbackup, 0, impl.Blocks.Count / 2 - 1);
- BruteForceCESearch(errh.m_Reachvar, impl, callback, cmdbackup, impl.Blocks.Count / 2, impl.Blocks.Count - 1);
- List<Cmd> causals = CollectCausalStatements(impl.Blocks[0]);
- foreach (Cmd c in causals) {
- Contract.Assert(c != null);
- GenerateErrorMessage(c, causals);
- }
- #region Undo all modifications
- foreach (KeyValuePair<Block, CmdSeq> kvp in cmdbackup) {
- Contract.Assert(kvp.Key != null);
- Contract.Assert(kvp.Value != null);
- kvp.Key.Cmds = kvp.Value;
- }
- #endregion
- }
- #region Causal Statement Tree
- private void GenerateErrorMessage(Cmd causalStatement, List<Cmd> causals) {
- Contract.Requires(causalStatement != null);
- Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(causals));
- AssumeCmd uc = causalStatement as AssumeCmd;
- AssertCmd ac = causalStatement as AssertCmd;
- ConsoleColor col = Console.ForegroundColor;
- // Trivial case. Must be either assume or assert false
- if (m_doomedCmds.Count == 1) {
- Console.WriteLine("Found a trivial error:");
- if (uc != null) {
- Console.Write("Trivial false assumption: ");
- Console.Write("({0};{1}):", uc.tok.line, uc.tok.col);
- }
- if (ac != null) {
- Console.Write("Trivial false assertion: ");
- Console.Write("({0};{1}):", ac.tok.line, ac.tok.col);
- }
- causalStatement.Emit(new TokenTextWriter("<console>", Console.Out, false), 0);
- } else {
- // Safety error
- if (ac != null) {
- Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
- Console.WriteLine("Safety error:");
- Console.ForegroundColor = col;
- Console.Write("This assertion is violated: ");
- Console.Write("({0};{1}):", ac.tok.line, ac.tok.col);
- ac.Emit(new TokenTextWriter("<console>", Console.Out, false), 0);
- }
- if (uc != null) {
- bool containsAssert = false;
- foreach (Cmd c in m_doomedCmds) {
- Contract.Assert(c != null);
- if (causals.Contains(c)) {
- continue;
- }
- AssertCmd asrt = c as AssertCmd;
- if (asrt != null) {
- containsAssert = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- // Plausibility error
- if (containsAssert) {
- Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
- Console.WriteLine("Plausibility error:");
- Console.ForegroundColor = col;
- Console.Write("There is no legal exeuction passing: ");
- Console.Write("({0};{1})", uc.tok.line, uc.tok.col);
- uc.Emit(new TokenTextWriter("<console>", Console.Out, false), 0);
- } else { // Reachability error
- Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed;
- Console.WriteLine("Reachability error:");
- Console.ForegroundColor = col;
- Console.Write("No execution can reach: ");
- Console.Write("({0};{1})", uc.tok.line, uc.tok.col);
- uc.Emit(new TokenTextWriter("<console>", Console.Out, false), 0);
- }
- }
- Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
- Console.WriteLine("...on any execution passing through:");
- foreach (Cmd c in m_doomedCmds) {
- Contract.Assert(c != null);
- if (causals.Contains(c)) {
- continue;
- }
- Console.ForegroundColor = col;
- Console.Write("In ({0};{1}): ", c.tok.line, c.tok.col);
- Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkYellow;
- c.Emit(new TokenTextWriter("<console>", Console.Out, false), 0);
- }
- Console.ForegroundColor = col;
- Console.WriteLine("--");
- }
- }
- private List<Cmd> CollectCausalStatements(Block b) {
- Contract.Requires(b != null);
- Contract.Ensures(cce.NonNullElements(Contract.Result<List<Cmd>>()));
- Cmd lastCausal = null;
- foreach (Cmd c in b.Cmds) {
- Contract.Assert(c != null);
- AssertCmd ac = c as AssertCmd;
- AssumeCmd uc = c as AssumeCmd;
- if (ac != null && !ContainsReachVariable(ac)) {
- if (ac.Expr != Expr.True) {
- lastCausal = c;
- }
- } else if (uc != null && !ContainsReachVariable(uc)) {
- lastCausal = c;
- }
- }
- List<Cmd> causals = new List<Cmd>();
- GotoCmd gc = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- if (gc != null && gc.labelTargets != null) {
- List<Cmd> tmp;
- //bool allcausal = true;
- foreach (Block b_ in gc.labelTargets) {
- Contract.Assert(b_ != null);
- tmp = CollectCausalStatements(b_);
- foreach (Cmd cau in tmp) {
- if (!causals.Contains(cau))
- causals.Add(cau);
- }
- }
- //if (allcausal)
- if (causals.Count > 0)
- return causals;
- }
- if (lastCausal != null)
- causals.Add(lastCausal);
- return causals;
- }
- #endregion
- bool BruteForceCESearch(Variable reachvar, Implementation impl, VerifierCallback callback,
- Dictionary<Block, CmdSeq> cmdbackup, int startidx, int endidx) {
- Contract.Requires(reachvar != null);
- Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- Contract.Requires(callback != null);
- Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(cmdbackup));
- #region Modify implementation
- for (int i = startidx; i <= endidx; i++) {
- if (_copiedBlock.Contains(impl.Blocks[i]))
- continue;
- CmdSeq cs = new CmdSeq();
- cmdbackup.Add(impl.Blocks[i], impl.Blocks[i].Cmds);
- foreach (Cmd c in impl.Blocks[i].Cmds) {
- Contract.Assert(c != null);
- if (ContainsReachVariable(c)) {
- cs.Add(c);
- continue;
- }
- AssertCmd ac = c as AssertCmd;
- AssumeCmd uc = c as AssumeCmd;
- if (ac != null) {
- cs.Add(new AssertCmd(ac.tok, Expr.True));
- } else if (uc != null) {
- cs.Add(new AssertCmd(uc.tok, Expr.True));
- } else {
- cs.Add(c);
- }
- }
- impl.Blocks[i].Cmds = cs;
- }
- #endregion
- ProverInterface.Outcome outcome = ProverInterface.Outcome.Undetermined;
- if (!ReCheckImpl(reachvar, impl, callback, out outcome)) {
- UndoBlockModifications(impl, cmdbackup, startidx, endidx);
- return false;
- }
- if (outcome == ProverInterface.Outcome.Valid) {
- return true;
- } else if (outcome == ProverInterface.Outcome.Invalid) {
- UndoBlockModifications(impl, cmdbackup, startidx, endidx);
- int mid = startidx + (endidx - startidx) / 2;
- if (startidx >= endidx) {
- // Now we found an interesting Block and we have to
- // search for the interesting statements.
- int cmdcount = impl.Blocks[endidx].Cmds.Length;
- BruteForceCmd(impl.Blocks[endidx], 0, cmdcount / 2 - 1, reachvar, impl, callback);
- BruteForceCmd(impl.Blocks[endidx], cmdcount / 2, cmdcount - 1, reachvar, impl, callback);
- return true;
- } else {
- BruteForceCESearch(reachvar, impl, callback, cmdbackup, startidx, mid);
- BruteForceCESearch(reachvar, impl, callback, cmdbackup, mid + 1, endidx);
- return true;
- }
- } else {
- UndoBlockModifications(impl, cmdbackup, startidx, endidx);
- return false;
- }
- }
- bool BruteForceCmd(Block b, int startidx, int endidx, Variable reachvar,
- Implementation impl, VerifierCallback callback) {
- Contract.Requires(b != null);
- Contract.Requires(reachvar != null);
- Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- Contract.Requires(callback != null);
- #region Modify Cmds
- CmdSeq backup = b.Cmds;
- Contract.Assert(backup != null);
- CmdSeq cs = new CmdSeq();
- for (int i = 0; i < startidx; i++) {
- cs.Add(b.Cmds[i]);
- }
- for (int i = startidx; i <= endidx; i++) {
- Cmd c = b.Cmds[i];
- if (ContainsReachVariable(c)) {
- cs.Add(c);
- continue;
- }
- cs.Add(new AssertCmd(c.tok, Expr.True));
- }
- for (int i = endidx + 1; i < b.Cmds.Length; i++) {
- cs.Add(b.Cmds[i]);
- }
- b.Cmds = cs;
- #endregion
- #region Recheck
- ProverInterface.Outcome outcome = ProverInterface.Outcome.Undetermined;
- if (!ReCheckImpl(reachvar, impl, callback, out outcome)) {
- b.Cmds = backup;
- return false;
- }
- #endregion
- if (outcome == ProverInterface.Outcome.Valid) {
- return true;
- } else if (outcome == ProverInterface.Outcome.Invalid) {
- b.Cmds = backup;
- if (startidx >= endidx) {
- if (!ContainsReachVariable(b.Cmds[endidx])) {
- // Console.Write(" Witness (");
- //
- // ConsoleColor col = Console.ForegroundColor;
- // Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
- // Console.Write("{0};{1}", b.Cmds[endidx].tok.line, b.Cmds[endidx].tok.col );
- // Console.ForegroundColor = col;
- // Console.Write("): ");
- // Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
- // b.Cmds[endidx].Emit(new TokenTextWriter("<console>", Console.Out, false), 0);
- // Console.ForegroundColor = col;
- m_doomedCmds.Add(b.Cmds[endidx]);
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- int mid = startidx + (endidx - startidx) / 2;
- BruteForceCmd(b, startidx, mid, reachvar, impl, callback);
- BruteForceCmd(b, mid + 1, endidx, reachvar, impl, callback);
- return false; // This is pure random
- }
- } else {
- b.Cmds = backup;
- return false;
- }
- }
- void UndoBlockModifications(Implementation impl, Dictionary<Block/*!*/, CmdSeq/*!*/>/*!*/ cmdbackup,
- int startidx, int endidx) {
- Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(cmdbackup));
- Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- for (int i = startidx; i <= endidx; i++) {
- CmdSeq cs = null;
- if (cmdbackup.TryGetValue(impl.Blocks[i], out cs)) {
- Contract.Assert(cs != null);
- impl.Blocks[i].Cmds = cs;
- cmdbackup.Remove(impl.Blocks[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- bool ReCheckImpl(Variable reachvar, Implementation impl, VerifierCallback callback,
- out ProverInterface.Outcome outcome) {
- Contract.Requires(reachvar != null);
- Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- Contract.Requires(callback != null);
- Checker checker = FindCheckerFor(impl, 1000);
- Contract.Assert(checker != null);
- DoomCheck dc = new DoomCheck(impl, this.exitBlock, checker, m_UncheckableBlocks);
- dc.ErrorHandler = new DoomErrorHandler(dc.Label2Absy, callback);
- outcome = ProverInterface.Outcome.Undetermined;
- List<Variable> rv = new List<Variable>();
- rv.Add(reachvar);
- if (!dc.CheckLabel(rv,null, out outcome)) {
- checker.Close();
- return false;
- }
- checker.Close();
- return true;
- }
- bool ContainsReachVariable(Cmd c) {
- Contract.Requires(c != null);
- AssertCmd artc = c as AssertCmd;
- AssumeCmd amec = c as AssumeCmd;
- Expr e;
- if (artc != null) {
- e = artc.Expr;
- } else if (amec != null) {
- e = amec.Expr;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- Set freevars = new Set();
- e.ComputeFreeVariables(freevars);
- foreach (Variable v in freevars) {
- Contract.Assert(v != null);
- if (v.Name.Contains(reachvarsuffix))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- Block exitBlock;
- #region Program Passification
- private void GenerateHelperBlocks(Implementation impl) {
- Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- Hashtable gotoCmdOrigins = new Hashtable();
- exitBlock = GenerateUnifiedExit(impl, gotoCmdOrigins);
- Contract.Assert(exitBlock != null);
- AddBlocksBetween(impl.Blocks);
- #region Insert pre- and post-conditions and where clauses as assume and assert statements
- {
- CmdSeq cc = new CmdSeq();
- // where clauses of global variables
- foreach (Declaration d in program.TopLevelDeclarations) {
- GlobalVariable gvar = d as GlobalVariable;
- if (gvar != null && gvar.TypedIdent.WhereExpr != null) {
- Cmd c = new AssumeCmd(gvar.tok, gvar.TypedIdent.WhereExpr);
- cc.Add(c);
- }
- }
- // where clauses of in- and out-parameters
- cc.AddRange(GetParamWhereClauses(impl));
- // where clauses of local variables
- foreach (Variable lvar in impl.LocVars) {
- Contract.Assert(lvar != null);
- if (lvar.TypedIdent.WhereExpr != null) {
- Cmd c = new AssumeCmd(lvar.tok, lvar.TypedIdent.WhereExpr);
- cc.Add(c);
- }
- }
- // add cc and the preconditions to new blocks preceding impl.Blocks[0]
- InjectPreconditions(impl, cc);
- // append postconditions, starting in exitBlock and continuing into other blocks, if needed
- exitBlock = InjectPostConditions(impl, exitBlock, gotoCmdOrigins);
- }
- #endregion
- }
- private Hashtable/*TransferCmd->ReturnCmd*/ PassifyProgram(Implementation impl, ModelViewInfo mvInfo) {
- Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- Contract.Requires(mvInfo != null);
- Contract.Requires(this.exitBlock != null);
- Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Hashtable>() != null);
- CurrentLocalVariables = impl.LocVars;
- return Convert2PassiveCmd(impl, mvInfo);
- //return new Hashtable();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Add additional variable to allow checking as described in the paper
- /// "It's doomed; we can prove it"
- /// </summary>
- private CmdSeq GenerateReachabilityPredicates(Implementation impl)
- {
- Contract.Requires(impl != null);
- foreach (Block b in impl.Blocks)
- {
- Contract.Assert(b != null);
- //if (b.Predecessors.Length==0) continue;
- //if (b.Cmds.Length == 0 ) continue;
- Variable v_ = new LocalVariable(Token.NoToken,
- new TypedIdent(b.tok, b.Label + reachvarsuffix, new BasicType(SimpleType.Int )));
- impl.LocVars.Add(v_);
- m_BlockReachabilityMap[b] = v_;
- IdentifierExpr lhs = new IdentifierExpr(b.tok, v_);
- Contract.Assert(lhs != null);
- impl.Proc.Modifies.Add(lhs);
- List<AssignLhs> lhsl = new List<AssignLhs>();
- lhsl.Add(new SimpleAssignLhs(Token.NoToken, lhs));
- List<Expr> rhsl = new List<Expr>();
- rhsl.Add(Expr.Literal(1) );
- CmdSeq cs = new CmdSeq(new AssignCmd(Token.NoToken, lhsl, rhsl));
- cs.AddRange(b.Cmds);
- b.Cmds = cs;
- //checkBlocks.Add(new CheckableBlock(v_,b));
- }
- CmdSeq incReachVars = new CmdSeq();
- foreach (KeyValuePair<Block, Variable> kvp in m_BlockReachabilityMap)
- {
- IdentifierExpr lhs = new IdentifierExpr(Token.NoToken, kvp.Value);
- impl.Proc.Modifies.Add(lhs);
- incReachVars.Add(new AssumeCmd(Token.NoToken, Expr.Le(lhs, Expr.Literal(1))));
- }
- return incReachVars;
- }
- #endregion
- #region Compute loop-free approximation
- // this might be redundant, but I didn't find a better place to get this information.
- private Dictionary<Variable, Expr> m_LastReachVarIncarnation = new Dictionary<Variable, Expr>();
- private void Transform4DoomedCheck(Implementation impl)
- {
- variable2SequenceNumber = new Hashtable/*Variable -> int*/();
- incarnationOriginMap = new Dictionary<Incarnation, Absy>();
- if (impl.Blocks.Count < 1) return;
- impl.PruneUnreachableBlocks();
- AddBlocksBetween(impl.Blocks);
- ResetPredecessors(impl.Blocks);
- GraphAnalyzer ga = new GraphAnalyzer(impl.Blocks);
- LoopRemover lr = new LoopRemover(ga);
- lr.AbstractLoopUnrolling();
- impl.Blocks = ga.ToImplementation(out m_UncheckableBlocks);
- ResetPredecessors(impl.Blocks);
- // Check for the "BlocksBetween" if all their successors are in m_UncheckableBlocks
- List<Block> oldblocks = new List<Block>();
- oldblocks.AddRange(impl.Blocks);
- GenerateHelperBlocks(impl);
- #region Check for the "BlocksBetween" if all their successors are in m_UncheckableBlocks
- foreach (Block b in impl.Blocks)
- {
- if (oldblocks.Contains(b)) continue;
- GotoCmd gc = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- if (gc != null)
- {
- bool allsuccUncheckable = true;
- foreach (Block _b in gc.labelTargets)
- {
- if (!m_UncheckableBlocks.Contains(_b))
- {
- allsuccUncheckable = false; break;
- }
- }
- if (allsuccUncheckable && !m_UncheckableBlocks.Contains(b)) m_UncheckableBlocks.Add(b);
- }
- }
- #endregion
- impl.Blocks = DeepCopyBlocks(impl.Blocks, m_UncheckableBlocks);
- m_BlockReachabilityMap = new Dictionary<Block, Variable>();
- CmdSeq cs = GenerateReachabilityPredicates(impl);
- //foreach (Block test in getTheFFinalBlock(impl.Blocks[0]))
- //{
- // test.Cmds.AddRange(cs);
- //}
- ResetPredecessors(impl.Blocks);
- //EmitImpl(impl,false);
- Hashtable/*Variable->Expr*/ htbl = PassifyProgram(impl, new ModelViewInfo(program, impl));
- // Collect the last incarnation of each reachability variable in the passive program
- foreach (KeyValuePair<Block, Variable> kvp in m_BlockReachabilityMap)
- {
- if (htbl.ContainsKey(kvp.Value))
- {
- m_LastReachVarIncarnation[kvp.Value] = (Expr)htbl[kvp.Value];
- }
- }
- }
- List<Block> getTheFFinalBlock(Block b)
- {
- List<Block> lb = new List<Block>();
- GotoCmd gc = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- if (gc == null) lb.Add(b);
- else
- {
- foreach (Block s in gc.labelTargets)
- {
- foreach (Block r in getTheFFinalBlock(s)) if (!lb.Contains(r)) lb.Add(r);
- }
- }
- return lb;
- }
- private List<Block> DeepCopyBlocks(List<Block> lb, List<Block> uncheckables)
- {
- List<Block> clones = new List<Block>();
- List<Block> uncheck_ = new List<Block>();
- Dictionary<Block, Block> clonemap = new Dictionary<Block, Block>();
- foreach (Block b in lb)
- {
- Block clone = CloneBlock(b);
- clones.Add(clone);
- clonemap[b] = clone;
- if (uncheckables.Contains(b)) uncheck_.Add(clone);
- }
- uncheckables.Clear();
- uncheckables.AddRange(uncheck_);
- // update the successors and predecessors
- foreach (Block b in lb)
- {
- BlockSeq newpreds = new BlockSeq();
- foreach (Block b_ in b.Predecessors)
- {
- newpreds.Add(clonemap[b_]);
- }
- clonemap[b].Predecessors = newpreds;
- GotoCmd gc = b.TransferCmd as GotoCmd;
- ReturnCmd rc = b.TransferCmd as ReturnCmd;
- if (gc != null)
- {
- StringSeq lseq = new StringSeq();
- BlockSeq bseq = new BlockSeq();
- foreach (string s in gc.labelNames) lseq.Add(s);
- foreach (Block b_ in gc.labelTargets) bseq.Add(clonemap[b_]);
- GotoCmd tcmd = new GotoCmd(gc.tok, lseq, bseq);
- clonemap[b].TransferCmd = tcmd;
- }
- else if (rc != null)
- {
- clonemap[b].TransferCmd = new ReturnCmd(rc.tok);
- }
- }
- return clones;
- }
- private Block CloneBlock(Block b)
- {
- Block clone = new Block(b.tok, b.Label, b.Cmds, b.TransferCmd);
- if (this.exitBlock == b) this.exitBlock = clone;
- return clone;
- }
- #endregion
- }
diff --git a/Source/VCGeneration/VCGeneration.csproj b/Source/VCGeneration/VCGeneration.csproj
index 98958c66..0c98a891 100644
--- a/Source/VCGeneration/VCGeneration.csproj
+++ b/Source/VCGeneration/VCGeneration.csproj
@@ -144,22 +144,12 @@
<Reference Include="System.Xml" />
- <Compile Include="BlockPredicator.cs" />
<Compile Include="Check.cs" />
<Compile Include="ConditionGeneration.cs" />
<Compile Include="Context.cs" />
- <Compile Include="DoomCheck.cs" />
- <Compile Include="DoomedLoopUnrolling.cs" />
- <Compile Include="DoomedStrategy.cs" />
- <Compile Include="DoomErrorHandler.cs" />
- <Compile Include="GraphAlgorithms.cs" />
- <Compile Include="HasseDiagram.cs" />
<Compile Include="OrderingAxioms.cs" />
- <Compile Include="SmartBlockPredicator.cs" />
<Compile Include="StratifiedVC.cs" />
- <Compile Include="UniformityAnalyser.cs" />
<Compile Include="VC.cs" />
- <Compile Include="VCDoomed.cs" />
<Compile Include="..\version.cs" />
<Compile Include="Wlp.cs" />