path: root/Source/VCGeneration/UniformityAnalyser.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/VCGeneration/UniformityAnalyser.cs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 556 deletions
diff --git a/Source/VCGeneration/UniformityAnalyser.cs b/Source/VCGeneration/UniformityAnalyser.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 802ee2d2..00000000
--- a/Source/VCGeneration/UniformityAnalyser.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,556 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Text;
-using Microsoft.Boogie;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-using Graphing;
-namespace Microsoft.Boogie
- public class UniformityAnalyser
- {
- private Program prog;
- private bool doAnalysis, unstructured;
- private ISet<Implementation> entryPoints;
- private IEnumerable<Variable> nonUniformVars;
- private bool ProcedureChanged;
- private Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<bool, Dictionary<string, bool>>> uniformityInfo;
- private Dictionary<string, HashSet<int>> nonUniformLoops;
- private Dictionary<string, HashSet<Block>> nonUniformBlocks;
- private Dictionary<string, HashSet<int>> loopsWithNonuniformReturn;
- private Dictionary<string, List<string>> inParameters;
- private Dictionary<string, List<string>> outParameters;
- private List<WhileCmd> loopStack;
- private bool hitNonuniformReturn;
- public UniformityAnalyser(Program prog, bool doAnalysis, bool unstructured, ISet<Implementation> entryPoints, IEnumerable<Variable> nonUniformVars)
- {
- this.prog = prog;
- this.doAnalysis = doAnalysis;
- this.unstructured = unstructured;
- this.entryPoints = entryPoints;
- this.nonUniformVars = nonUniformVars;
- uniformityInfo = new Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<bool, Dictionary<string, bool>>>();
- nonUniformLoops = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<int>>();
- nonUniformBlocks = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<Block>>();
- loopsWithNonuniformReturn = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<int>>();
- inParameters = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
- outParameters = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>();
- loopStack = new List<WhileCmd>();
- }
- public void Analyse()
- {
- var impls = prog.TopLevelDeclarations.OfType<Implementation>();
- foreach (var Impl in impls)
- {
- bool uniformProcedure = doAnalysis || entryPoints.Contains(Impl);
- uniformityInfo.Add(Impl.Name, new KeyValuePair<bool, Dictionary<string, bool>>
- (uniformProcedure, new Dictionary<string, bool> ()));
- nonUniformLoops.Add(Impl.Name, new HashSet<int>());
- loopsWithNonuniformReturn.Add(Impl.Name, new HashSet<int>());
- foreach (var v in nonUniformVars)
- SetNonUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- foreach (Variable v in Impl.LocVars)
- {
- if (doAnalysis)
- {
- SetUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- }
- else
- {
- SetNonUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- }
- }
- inParameters[Impl.Name] = new List<string>();
- foreach (Variable v in Impl.InParams)
- {
- inParameters[Impl.Name].Add(v.Name);
- if (doAnalysis)
- {
- SetUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- }
- else
- {
- SetNonUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- }
- }
- outParameters[Impl.Name] = new List<string>();
- foreach (Variable v in Impl.OutParams)
- {
- outParameters[Impl.Name].Add(v.Name);
- if (doAnalysis)
- {
- SetUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- }
- else
- {
- SetNonUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- }
- }
- ProcedureChanged = true;
- }
- if (doAnalysis)
- {
- while (ProcedureChanged)
- {
- ProcedureChanged = false;
- foreach (var Impl in impls)
- {
- hitNonuniformReturn = false;
- Analyse(Impl, uniformityInfo[Impl.Name].Key);
- }
- }
- }
- foreach (var Impl in impls)
- {
- if (!IsUniform (Impl.Name))
- {
- List<string> newIns = new List<String>();
- newIns.Add("_P");
- foreach (string s in inParameters[Impl.Name])
- {
- newIns.Add(s);
- }
- inParameters[Impl.Name] = newIns;
- }
- }
- }
- private void Analyse(Implementation Impl, bool ControlFlowIsUniform)
- {
- if (unstructured)
- {
- if (!ControlFlowIsUniform)
- {
- nonUniformBlocks[Impl.Name] = new HashSet<Block>(Impl.Blocks);
- foreach (Variable v in Impl.LocVars) {
- if (IsUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name)) {
- SetNonUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- }
- }
- foreach (Variable v in Impl.InParams) {
- if (IsUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name)) {
- SetNonUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- }
- }
- foreach (Variable v in Impl.OutParams) {
- if (IsUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name)) {
- SetNonUniform(Impl.Name, v.Name);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- Graph<Block> blockGraph = prog.ProcessLoops(Impl);
- var ctrlDep = blockGraph.ControlDependence();
- // Compute transitive closure of control dependence info.
- bool changed;
- do
- {
- changed = false;
- foreach (var depEntry in ctrlDep)
- {
- var newDepSet = new HashSet<Block>(depEntry.Value);
- foreach (var dep in depEntry.Value)
- {
- if (ctrlDep.ContainsKey(dep))
- newDepSet.UnionWith(ctrlDep[dep]);
- }
- if (newDepSet.Count != depEntry.Value.Count)
- {
- depEntry.Value.UnionWith(newDepSet);
- changed = true;
- }
- }
- } while (changed);
- var nonUniformBlockSet = new HashSet<Block>();
- nonUniformBlocks[Impl.Name] = nonUniformBlockSet;
- do {
- changed = false;
- foreach (var block in Impl.Blocks) {
- bool uniform = !nonUniformBlockSet.Contains(block);
- bool newUniform = Analyse(Impl, block.Cmds, uniform);
- if (uniform && !newUniform) {
- changed = true;
- nonUniformBlockSet.Add(block);
- Block pred = blockGraph.Predecessors(block).Single();
- if (ctrlDep.ContainsKey(pred))
- nonUniformBlockSet.UnionWith(ctrlDep[pred]);
- }
- }
- } while (changed);
- }
- else
- {
- Analyse(Impl, Impl.StructuredStmts, ControlFlowIsUniform);
- }
- }
- private void Analyse(Implementation impl, StmtList stmtList, bool ControlFlowIsUniform)
- {
- ControlFlowIsUniform &= !hitNonuniformReturn;
- foreach (BigBlock bb in stmtList.BigBlocks)
- {
- Analyse(impl, bb, ControlFlowIsUniform);
- }
- }
- private Implementation GetImplementation(string procedureName)
- {
- foreach (Declaration D in prog.TopLevelDeclarations)
- {
- if (D is Implementation && ((D as Implementation).Name == procedureName))
- {
- return D as Implementation;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- private void Analyse(Implementation impl, BigBlock bb, bool ControlFlowIsUniform)
- {
- ControlFlowIsUniform &= !hitNonuniformReturn;
- Analyse(impl, bb.simpleCmds, ControlFlowIsUniform);
- if ( is WhileCmd)
- {
- WhileCmd wc = as WhileCmd;
- loopStack.Add(wc);
- Analyse(impl, wc.Body, ControlFlowIsUniform && IsUniform(impl.Name, wc.Guard) &&
- !nonUniformLoops[impl.Name].Contains(GetLoopId(wc)));
- loopStack.RemoveAt(loopStack.Count - 1);
- }
- else if ( is IfCmd)
- {
- IfCmd ifCmd = as IfCmd;
- Analyse(impl, ifCmd.thn, ControlFlowIsUniform && IsUniform(impl.Name, ifCmd.Guard));
- if (ifCmd.elseBlock != null)
- {
- Analyse(impl, ifCmd.elseBlock, ControlFlowIsUniform && IsUniform(impl.Name, ifCmd.Guard));
- }
- Debug.Assert(ifCmd.elseIf == null);
- }
- else if ( is BreakCmd)
- {
- if (!ControlFlowIsUniform && !nonUniformLoops[impl.Name].Contains(GetLoopId(loopStack[loopStack.Count - 1])))
- {
- SetNonUniform(impl.Name, loopStack[loopStack.Count - 1]);
- }
- }
- if ( is ReturnCmd && !ControlFlowIsUniform)
- {
- hitNonuniformReturn = true;
- if (loopStack.Count > 0 && !nonUniformLoops[impl.Name].Contains(GetLoopId(loopStack[0])))
- {
- SetNonUniform(impl.Name, loopStack[0]);
- loopsWithNonuniformReturn[impl.Name].Add(GetLoopId(loopStack[0]));
- }
- }
- }
- private bool Analyse(Implementation impl, CmdSeq cmdSeq, bool ControlFlowIsUniform)
- {
- foreach (Cmd c in cmdSeq)
- {
- if (c is AssignCmd)
- {
- AssignCmd assignCmd = c as AssignCmd;
- foreach (var a in assignCmd.Lhss.Zip(assignCmd.Rhss))
- {
- if (a.Item1 is SimpleAssignLhs)
- {
- SimpleAssignLhs lhs = a.Item1 as SimpleAssignLhs;
- Expr rhs = a.Item2;
- if (IsUniform(impl.Name, lhs.AssignedVariable.Name) &&
- (!ControlFlowIsUniform || !IsUniform(impl.Name, rhs)))
- {
- SetNonUniform(impl.Name, lhs.AssignedVariable.Name);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (c is HavocCmd)
- {
- HavocCmd havocCmd = c as HavocCmd;
- foreach(IdentifierExpr ie in havocCmd.Vars)
- {
- if(IsUniform(impl.Name, ie.Decl.Name)) {
- SetNonUniform(impl.Name, ie.Decl.Name);
- }
- }
- }
- else if (c is CallCmd)
- {
- CallCmd callCmd = c as CallCmd;
- Implementation CalleeImplementation = GetImplementation(callCmd.callee);
- if (CalleeImplementation != null)
- {
- if (!ControlFlowIsUniform)
- {
- if (IsUniform(callCmd.callee))
- {
- SetNonUniform(callCmd.callee);
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < CalleeImplementation.InParams.Length; i++)
- {
- if (IsUniform(callCmd.callee, CalleeImplementation.InParams[i].Name)
- && !IsUniform(impl.Name, callCmd.Ins[i]))
- {
- SetNonUniform(callCmd.callee, CalleeImplementation.InParams[i].Name);
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < CalleeImplementation.OutParams.Length; i++)
- {
- if (IsUniform(impl.Name, callCmd.Outs[i].Name)
- && !IsUniform(callCmd.callee, CalleeImplementation.OutParams[i].Name))
- {
- SetNonUniform(impl.Name, callCmd.Outs[i].Name);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (c is AssumeCmd)
- {
- var ac = (AssumeCmd)c;
- if (ControlFlowIsUniform && QKeyValue.FindBoolAttribute(ac.Attributes, "partition") &&
- !IsUniform(impl.Name, ac.Expr))
- {
- ControlFlowIsUniform = false;
- }
- }
- }
- return ControlFlowIsUniform;
- }
- private int GetLoopId(WhileCmd wc)
- {
- AssertCmd inv = wc.Invariants[0] as AssertCmd;
- Debug.Assert(inv.Attributes.Key.Contains("loophead_"));
- return Convert.ToInt32(inv.Attributes.Key.Substring("loophead_".Length));
- }
- private void SetNonUniform(string procedureName)
- {
- uniformityInfo[procedureName] = new KeyValuePair<bool,Dictionary<string,bool>>
- (false, uniformityInfo[procedureName].Value);
- RecordProcedureChanged();
- }
- private void SetNonUniform(string procedureName, WhileCmd wc)
- {
- nonUniformLoops[procedureName].Add(GetLoopId(wc));
- RecordProcedureChanged();
- }
- public bool IsUniform(string procedureName)
- {
- if (!uniformityInfo.ContainsKey(procedureName))
- {
- return false;
- }
- return uniformityInfo[procedureName].Key;
- }
- public bool IsUniform(string procedureName, Block b)
- {
- if (!nonUniformBlocks.ContainsKey(procedureName))
- {
- return false;
- }
- return !nonUniformBlocks[procedureName].Contains(b);
- }
- class UniformExpressionAnalysisVisitor : StandardVisitor {
- private bool isUniform = true;
- private Dictionary<string, bool> uniformityInfo;
- public UniformExpressionAnalysisVisitor(Dictionary<string, bool> uniformityInfo) {
- this.uniformityInfo = uniformityInfo;
- }
- public override Variable VisitVariable(Variable v) {
- if (!uniformityInfo.ContainsKey(v.Name)) {
- isUniform = isUniform && (v is Constant);
- } else if (!uniformityInfo[v.Name]) {
- isUniform = false;
- }
- return v;
- }
- internal bool IsUniform() {
- return isUniform;
- }
- }
- public bool IsUniform(string procedureName, Expr expr)
- {
- UniformExpressionAnalysisVisitor visitor = new UniformExpressionAnalysisVisitor(uniformityInfo[procedureName].Value);
- visitor.VisitExpr(expr);
- return visitor.IsUniform();
- }
- public bool IsUniform(string procedureName, string v)
- {
- if (!uniformityInfo.ContainsKey(procedureName))
- {
- return false;
- }
- if (!uniformityInfo[procedureName].Value.ContainsKey(v))
- {
- return false;
- }
- return uniformityInfo[procedureName].Value[v];
- }
- private void SetUniform(string procedureName, string v)
- {
- uniformityInfo[procedureName].Value[v] = true;
- RecordProcedureChanged();
- }
- private void RecordProcedureChanged()
- {
- ProcedureChanged = true;
- }
- private void SetNonUniform(string procedureName, string v)
- {
- uniformityInfo[procedureName].Value[v] = false;
- RecordProcedureChanged();
- }
- public void dump()
- {
- foreach (string p in uniformityInfo.Keys)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Procedure " + p + ": "
- + (uniformityInfo[p].Key ? "uniform" : "nonuniform"));
- foreach (string v in uniformityInfo[p].Value.Keys)
- {
- Console.WriteLine(" " + v + ": " +
- (uniformityInfo[p].Value[v] ? "uniform" : "nonuniform"));
- }
- Console.Write("Ins [");
- for (int i = 0; i < inParameters[p].Count; i++)
- {
- Console.Write((i == 0 ? "" : ", ") + inParameters[p][i]);
- }
- Console.WriteLine("]");
- Console.Write("Outs [");
- for (int i = 0; i < outParameters[p].Count; i++)
- {
- Console.Write((i == 0 ? "" : ", ") + outParameters[p][i]);
- }
- Console.WriteLine("]");
- Console.Write("Non-uniform loops:");
- foreach (int l in nonUniformLoops[p])
- {
- Console.Write(" " + l);
- }
- Console.WriteLine();
- Console.Write("Non-uniform blocks:");
- foreach (Block b in nonUniformBlocks[p])
- {
- Console.Write(" " + b.Label);
- }
- Console.WriteLine();
- }
- }
- public string GetInParameter(string procName, int i)
- {
- return inParameters[procName][i];
- }
- public string GetOutParameter(string procName, int i)
- {
- return outParameters[procName][i];
- }
- public bool knowsOf(string p)
- {
- return uniformityInfo.ContainsKey(p);
- }
- public void AddNonUniform(string proc, string v)
- {
- if (uniformityInfo.ContainsKey(proc))
- {
- Debug.Assert(!uniformityInfo[proc].Value.ContainsKey(v));
- uniformityInfo[proc].Value[v] = false;
- }
- }
- public void AddNonUniform(string proc, Block b) {
- if (nonUniformBlocks.ContainsKey(proc)) {
- Debug.Assert(!nonUniformBlocks[proc].Contains(b));
- nonUniformBlocks[proc].Add(b);
- }
- }
- public bool IsUniform(string proc, WhileCmd wc)
- {
- if (unstructured)
- return false;
- return !nonUniformLoops[proc].Contains(GetLoopId(wc));
- }
- public bool HasNonuniformReturn(string proc, WhileCmd whileCmd)
- {
- return loopsWithNonuniformReturn[proc].Contains(GetLoopId(whileCmd));
- }
- }