path: root/site/docs/windows.md
diff options
authorGravatar dzc <dzc@google.com>2017-05-31 20:37:50 +0200
committerGravatar László Csomor <laszlocsomor@google.com>2017-06-01 14:07:52 +0200
commit22b85a2a3c79c6f3aef1e0a61e485bb135be4551 (patch)
tree8235e8237b171ced2fa9f39f054f9a7d808c0771 /site/docs/windows.md
parent40d64293b57f0d62bb15599c730f38484b91d3f0 (diff)
Restructure site/ directory into docs/ which only contains Bazel documentation.
The new docs/ directory in the bazel source tree will only contain the Bazel docs site, which is hosted at docs.bazel.build. This change deletes the marketing site and blog, which have been migrated to the bazel-website and bazel-blog GitHub repositories respectively. This change also updates the serve-docs.sh and ci/build.sh under scripts/ in preparation for publishing the docs site. Note that to help make reviews more manageable, this change is limited to moving files to their new locations. Here are the follow-up changes: * Update all links in docs to remove versions/master in paths and to add correct bazel.build subdomain when linking to pages on the marketing site or the blog. * Set up versioned directories on GCS bucket and add tooling for versioning docs This change is also coordinated with https://bazel-review.googlesource.com/c/11568/ to have the PublishSite job publish to docs.bazel.build rather than www.bazel.build. Issue #2397 RELNOTES: None PiperOrigin-RevId: 157612651
Diffstat (limited to 'site/docs/windows.md')
1 files changed, 152 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/site/docs/windows.md b/site/docs/windows.md
index 8bf61e0e3b..5a0b6b51c4 100644
--- a/site/docs/windows.md
+++ b/site/docs/windows.md
@@ -1,4 +1,154 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/windows.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Windows
+# Using Bazel on Windows
+Windows support is experimental. Known issues are [marked with label
+on github issues.
+We currently support only 64 bit Windows 7 or higher and we compile Bazel as a
+msys2 binary.
+## <a name="install"></a>Installation
+See instructions on the [installation page](install-windows.md).
+## <a name="requirements"></a>Requirements
+Before you can compile or run Bazel, you will need to set some environment
+export JAVA_HOME="$(ls -d C:/Program\ Files/Java/jdk* | sort | tail -n 1)"
+export BAZEL_SH=c:/tools/msys64/usr/bin/bash.exe
+If you run outside of `bash`, ensure that ``msys-2.0.dll`` is in your ``PATH``
+(if you install msys2 to ``c:\tools\msys64``, just add
+``c:\tools\msys64\usr\bin`` to ``PATH``).
+If you have another tool that vendors msys2 (such as msysgit), then
+``c:\tools\msys64\usr\bin`` must appear in your ``PATH`` *before* entries for
+those tools.
+Similarly, if you have [bash on Ubuntu on
+Windows](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/commandline/wsl/about) installed, you
+should make sure ``c:\tools\msys64\usr\bin`` appears in ``PATH`` *before*
+``c:\windows\system32``, because otherwise Windows' ``bash.exe`` is used before
+Use ``where msys-2.0.dll`` to ensure your ``PATH`` is set up correctly.
+To **run** Bazel (even pre-built binaries), you will need:
+* Java JDK 8 or later
+* [msys2 shell](https://msys2.github.io/) (need to be installed at
+ ``C:\tools\msys64\``).
+ * We build against version
+ [20160205](https://sourceforge.net/projects/msys2/files/Base/x86_64/msys2-x86_64-20160205.exe/download),
+ you will need this version in order to run the pre-built
+ [release Bazel binaries](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases).
+ * You can also use newer versions or the
+ [latest version](https://sourceforge.net/projects/msys2/files/latest/download?source=files),
+ but then you will need to compile Bazel from the distribution archive (the
+ source zip file) so that it's linked against the right version of
+ ``msys-2.0.dll``. See also the
+ [known issues](install-compile-source.md#known-issues-when-compiling-from-source).
+* Several msys2 packages. Use the ``pacman`` command to install them:
+ ```
+ pacman -Syuu gcc git curl zip unzip zlib-devel
+ ```
+To **compile** Bazel, in addition to the above you will need:
+* [Visual C++ Build Tools](http://landinghub.visualstudio.com/visual-cpp-build-tools)
+ or the full [Visual C++](https://www.visualstudio.com/) (as part of Visual
+ Studio; Community Edition is fine) with Windows SDK installed.
+* You may need to apply some patches/workarounds, see the
+ [known issues](install-compile-source.md#known-issues-when-compiling-from-source).
+## <a name="compiling"></a>Compiling Bazel on Windows
+Ensure you have the [requirements](#requirements).
+To build Bazel:
+* Open the msys2 shell.
+* Clone the Bazel git repository as normal.
+* Set the environment variables (see above)
+* Run ``compile.sh`` in Bazel directory.
+* If all works fine, bazel will be built at ``output\bazel.exe``.
+## <a name="using"></a>Using Bazel on Windows
+Bazel now supports building C++, Java and Python targets on Windows.
+### Build C++
+To build C++ targets, you will need:
+* [Visual Studio](https://www.visualstudio.com/)
+<br/>We are using MSVC as the native C++ toolchain, so please ensure you have Visual
+Studio installed with the `Visual C++ > Common Tools for Visual C++` and
+`Visual C++ > Microsoft Foundation Classes for C++` features.
+(which is NOT the default installation type of Visual Studio).
+You can set `BAZEL_VS` environment variable to tell Bazel
+where Visual Studio is, otherwise Bazel will try to find the latest version installed.
+<br/>For example: `export BAZEL_VS="C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0"`
+* [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/)
+<br/>Both Python 2 and Python 3 are supported.
+Currently, we use Python wrapper scripts to call the actual MSVC compiler, so
+please make sure Python is installed and its location is added into PATH.
+It's also a good idea to set `BAZEL_PYTHON` environment variable to tell Bazel
+where Python is.
+<br/>For example: `export BAZEL_PYTHON=C:/Python27/python.exe`
+Bazel will auto-configure the location of Visual Studio and Python at the first
+time you build any target.
+If you need to auto-configure again, just run `bazel clean` then build a target.
+If everything is set up, you can build C++ target now!
+bazel build examples/cpp:hello-world
+bazel run examples/cpp:hello-world
+However, with Bazel version prior to 0.5.0, MSVC
+toolchain is not default on Windows, you should use flag
+`--cpu=x64_windows_msvc` to enable it like this:
+bazel build --cpu=x64_windows_msvc examples/cpp:hello-world
+### Build Java
+Building Java targets works well on Windows, no special configuration is needed.
+Just try:
+bazel build examples/java-native/src/main/java/com/example/myproject:hello-world
+bazel run examples/java-native/src/main/java/com/example/myproject:hello-world
+### Build Python
+On Windows, we build a self-extracting zip file for executable Python targets, you can even use
+`python ./bazel-bin/path/to/target` to run it in native Windows command line (cmd.exe).
+See more details in this [design doc](/designs/2016/09/05/build-python-on-windows.html).
+bazel build examples/py_native:bin
+python ./bazel-bin/examples/py_native/bin # This works in both msys and cmd.exe
+bazel run examples/py_native:bin