diff options
authorGravatar dzc <dzc@google.com>2017-05-31 20:37:50 +0200
committerGravatar László Csomor <laszlocsomor@google.com>2017-06-01 14:07:52 +0200
commit22b85a2a3c79c6f3aef1e0a61e485bb135be4551 (patch)
parent40d64293b57f0d62bb15599c730f38484b91d3f0 (diff)
Restructure site/ directory into docs/ which only contains Bazel documentation.
The new docs/ directory in the bazel source tree will only contain the Bazel docs site, which is hosted at docs.bazel.build. This change deletes the marketing site and blog, which have been migrated to the bazel-website and bazel-blog GitHub repositories respectively. This change also updates the serve-docs.sh and ci/build.sh under scripts/ in preparation for publishing the docs site. Note that to help make reviews more manageable, this change is limited to moving files to their new locations. Here are the follow-up changes: * Update all links in docs to remove versions/master in paths and to add correct bazel.build subdomain when linking to pages on the marketing site or the blog. * Set up versioned directories on GCS bucket and add tooling for versioning docs This change is also coordinated with https://bazel-review.googlesource.com/c/11568/ to have the PublishSite job publish to docs.bazel.build rather than www.bazel.build. Issue #2397 RELNOTES: None PiperOrigin-RevId: 157612651
-rw-r--r--site/docs/bazel-overview.md (renamed from site/versions/master/docs/bazel-overview.md)0
-rw-r--r--site/docs/blaze-query-v2.html (renamed from site/versions/master/docs/blaze-query-v2.html)0
-rw-r--r--site/docs/blaze-user-manual.html (renamed from site/versions/master/docs/blaze-user-manual.html)0
-rw-r--r--site/docs/build-ref.html (renamed from site/versions/master/docs/build-ref.html)0
-rw-r--r--site/docs/docs_style.css (renamed from site/versions/master/docs/docs_style.css)0
-rw-r--r--site/docs/install-compile-source.md (renamed from site/versions/master/docs/install-compile-source.md)0
-rw-r--r--site/docs/install-os-x.md (renamed from site/versions/master/docs/install-os-x.md)0
-rw-r--r--site/docs/install-ubuntu.md (renamed from site/versions/master/docs/install-ubuntu.md)0
-rw-r--r--site/docs/install-windows.md (renamed from site/versions/master/docs/install-windows.md)0
-rw-r--r--site/docs/query-how-to.md (renamed from site/versions/master/docs/query-how-to.md)0
-rw-r--r--site/docs/skylark/build-graph-aspect.svg (renamed from site/versions/master/docs/skylark/build-graph-aspect.svg)0
-rw-r--r--site/docs/skylark/build-graph-aspects.png (renamed from site/versions/master/docs/skylark/build-graph-aspects.png)bin25300 -> 25300 bytes
-rw-r--r--site/docs/skylark/build-graph.png (renamed from site/versions/master/docs/skylark/build-graph.png)bin11582 -> 11582 bytes
-rw-r--r--site/docs/skylark/build-graph.svg (renamed from site/versions/master/docs/skylark/build-graph.svg)0
-rw-r--r--site/docs/skylark/depsets.md (renamed from site/versions/master/docs/skylark/depsets.md)0
-rw-r--r--site/docs/skylark/errors/read-only-variable.md (renamed from site/versions/master/docs/skylark/errors/read-only-variable.md)0
-rw-r--r--site/docs/skylark/language.md (renamed from site/versions/master/docs/skylark/language.md)0
-rw-r--r--site/docs/test-encyclopedia.html (renamed from site/versions/master/docs/test-encyclopedia.html)0
157 files changed, 6116 insertions, 13416 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ci/build.sh b/scripts/ci/build.sh
index 8a0fcea688..acbc701056 100755
--- a/scripts/ci/build.sh
+++ b/scripts/ci/build.sh
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ function bazel_build() {
cp bazel-genfiles/bazel-distfile.zip $1/bazel-${release_label}-dist.zip
- cp bazel-genfiles/site/jekyll-tree.tar $1/www.bazel.build.tar
+ cp bazel-genfiles/site/jekyll-tree.tar $1/docs.bazel.build.tar
cp bazel-bin/src/tools/benchmark/webapp/site.tar $1/perf.bazel.build.tar.nobuild
cp bazel-genfiles/scripts/packages/README.md $1/README.md
diff --git a/scripts/serve-docs.sh b/scripts/serve-docs.sh
index edbe41384d..8d06d65e96 100755
--- a/scripts/serve-docs.sh
+++ b/scripts/serve-docs.sh
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ build_static() {
build_and_serve() {
- echo "Serving bazel.build site at $HOST:$PORT"
+ echo "Serving docs.bazel.build site at $HOST:$PORT"
jekyll serve --host "$HOST" --detach --quiet --port "$PORT" --source "$WORKING_DIR"
diff --git a/site/BUILD b/site/BUILD
index acada35d77..1672988fdb 100644
--- a/site/BUILD
+++ b/site/BUILD
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/pkg:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar")
- "versions/master/docs/bazel-user-manual.html",
+ "docs/bazel-user-manual.html",
- "versions/master/docs/query.html",
- "versions/master/docs/build-ref.html",
+ "docs/query.html",
+ "docs/build-ref.html",
diff --git a/site/_includes/blog-sidebar.html b/site/_includes/blog-sidebar.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f56362318a..0000000000
--- a/site/_includes/blog-sidebar.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
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- <h2>Discuss</h2>
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diff --git a/site/_includes/blog-twitter-js.html b/site/_includes/blog-twitter-js.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c6dfa460da..0000000000
--- a/site/_includes/blog-twitter-js.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-JavaScript used by the Follow @bazelbuild on Twitter button on the blog sidebar.
-Code from: https://dev.twitter.com/web/follow-button
-<script>window.twttr=(function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],t=window.twttr||{};if(d.getElementById(id))return;js=d.createElement(s);js.id=id;js.src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);t._e=[];t.ready=function(f){t._e.push(f);};return t;}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"));</script>
diff --git a/site/_layouts/blog.html b/site/_layouts/blog.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 685c8a51c2..0000000000
--- a/site/_layouts/blog.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-nav: blog
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="en" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/WebPage">
- {% include head.html %}
- <body>
- {% include header.html %}
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- <div class="container vpad">
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- {{ content }}
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- {% include blog-sidebar.html %}
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- {% include footer.html %}
- {% include blog-twitter-js.html %}
- </body>
diff --git a/site/_layouts/contribute.html b/site/_layouts/contribute.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c9657cfa06..0000000000
--- a/site/_layouts/contribute.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-nav: contribute
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="en" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/WebPage">
- {% include head.html %}
- <body>
- {% include header.html %}
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- <div class="col-lg-9">
- {{ content }}
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diff --git a/site/_layouts/home.html b/site/_layouts/home.html
deleted file mode 100644
index a68db67005..0000000000
--- a/site/_layouts/home.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
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- {% include head.html %}
- <body class="body-home">
- {% include header.html %}
- {{ content }}
- {% include footer.html %}
- </body>
diff --git a/site/_layouts/posts.html b/site/_layouts/posts.html
deleted file mode 100644
index b02dedee41..0000000000
--- a/site/_layouts/posts.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-nav: blog
-enable_comments: true
-<!DOCTYPE html>
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- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-lg-9">
- <div class="blog-post">
- <h1 class="blog-post-title">{{ page.title }}</h1>
- <div class="blog-post-meta">
- <span class="text-muted">{{ page.date | date_to_long_string }}</a>
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- {% include blog-sidebar.html %}
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- {% include footer.html %}
- {% include blog-twitter-js.html %}
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diff --git a/site/bazel-release.pub.gpg b/site/bazel-release.pub.gpg
deleted file mode 100644
index b29f95fa8f..0000000000
--- a/site/bazel-release.pub.gpg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-Version: GnuPG v1
diff --git a/site/blog/_posts/2015-04-06-Simplified-Workspace-Creation.md b/site/blog/_posts/2015-04-06-Simplified-Workspace-Creation.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ea5a67b560..0000000000
--- a/site/blog/_posts/2015-04-06-Simplified-Workspace-Creation.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-layout: posts
-title: Announcing simplified workspace creation
-To create a new workspace, you can now simply create an empty `WORKSPACE` file
-in a directory.
-Previously, you'd need to copy or symlink the `tools` directory into your
-project, which was unpopular:
-<img src="{{ site_root }}/assets/ctrl-w-tweet.png" alt="'move my-project/ to be a subdirectory of base_workspace/' Ok. Ctrl-W." class="img-responsive">
-[Miguel Alcon](https://github.com/mikelalcon) came up with a great idea for
-making this process simpler. Now the `compile.sh` script will create a
-`.bazelrc` file in your home directory which tells Bazel where `compile.sh` was
-run from and, thus, where it can find its tools when you build.
-To use this new functionality, get the latest version of the code from Github,
-run `./compile.sh`, and then create a Bazel workspace by running
-`touch WORKSPACE` in any directory.
-Some caveats to watch out for:
-* If you move the directory where Bazel was built you will need to
-update your `~/.bazelrc` file.
-* If you would like to use different tools than the ones `compile.sh`
-finds/generates, you can create a `tools/` directory in your project and
-Bazel will attempt to use that instead of the system-wide one.
-See the [getting started]({{ site_root }}/docs/getting-started.html) docs for more info about
-setting up your workspace.
-Let us know if you have any questions or issues on the
-[mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-discuss) or
diff --git a/site/blog/_posts/2015-04-10-bash-completion.md b/site/blog/_posts/2015-04-10-bash-completion.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cd6b1e08e..0000000000
--- a/site/blog/_posts/2015-04-10-bash-completion.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-layout: posts
-title: Support for Bash Shell Completion
-We just pushed a support for [shell completion in the Bourne-Again
-It eases the use of Bazel by expanding its commands and the targets to build.
-To use this new functionality, build the `//scripts:bash_completion` target
-from the Bazel repository:
-bazel build //scripts:bash_completion
-This will create a `bazel-bin/scripts/bazel-complete.bash` completion script.
-You can copy then copy this script to your completion directory
-(`/etc/bash_completion.d` in Ubuntu). If you don't want to install it globally
-or don't have such a directory, simply add the following line to your
-`~/.bashrc` or `~/.bash_profile` (the latter is the recommended for OS X):
-source /path/to/bazel/bazel-bin/scripts/bazel-complete.bash
-After that you should be able to type the tab key after the `bazel`
-command in your shell and see the list of possible completions.
-If you are interested in supporting other shells, the script is made up
-of two parts:
-1. [`scripts/bazel-complete-header.bash`](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/scripts/bazel-complete-template.bash)
- is the completion logic.
-2. `bazel help completion` dumps the list of commands of Bazel, their options
- and for commands and options that expect a value, a description of what is
- expected. This description is either:
-* an enum of values enclosed into brackets, e.g., `{a,b,c}`;
-* a type description, currently one of:
- * `label`, `label-bin`, `label-test`, `label-package` for
- a Bazel label for, respectively, a target, a runnable target,
- a test, and a package,
- * `path` for a filesystem path,
- * `info-key` for one of the information keys as listed by `bazel info`;
-* a combination of possible values using `|` as a separator, e.g,
- `path|{or,an,enum}'`.
-Let us know if you have any questions or issues on the
-[mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-discuss) or
diff --git a/site/blog/_posts/2015-04-15-share-your-project.md b/site/blog/_posts/2015-04-15-share-your-project.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 49ffa2f5db..0000000000
--- a/site/blog/_posts/2015-04-15-share-your-project.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-layout: posts
-title: Tell us about your Bazel project!
-We're setting up a list of projects using Bazel. If you'd like us
-to list your project on [bazel.build](http://bazel.build),
-[send us](https://groups.google.com/d/msg/bazel-discuss/5XaCYQOdN8o/DHE9H4ygHiYJ)
-the following information:
-1. The project's name.
-2. The language(s) it's using.
-3. Whether it uses Bazel + another build system or just Bazel.
-4. Any nice surprises/blockers you've run into using Bazel.
-5. Any other info or comments you have!
-If you don't want your project publicly listed, we'd still love to hear about
-it. Please [email us](mailto:kchodorow@google.com) directly and let us know.
diff --git a/site/blog/_posts/2015-04-22-thank-you-stickers.md b/site/blog/_posts/2015-04-22-thank-you-stickers.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a94c958811..0000000000
--- a/site/blog/_posts/2015-04-22-thank-you-stickers.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-layout: posts
-title: Stickers for Contributors
-<img src="/assets/bazel-stickers.jpg" alt="Bazel stickers" class="img-responsive">
-We just got Bazel stickers and we'd like to send them to all of the people who
-have sent us pull requests and patches over the last month. If you'd like
-some stickers, please [send us](mailto:kchodorow@google.com?subject=Send me stickers!)
-your Github username and mailing address.
-Let us know if you've done any of the following and we'll send you stickers:
-* Gone through a Gerrit code review.
-* Opened a pull request on GitHub.
-* Sent us a patch on the mailing list.
-* Are in the process of doing any of the things above.
-Thanks for your contributions, we really appreciate them.
diff --git a/site/blog/_posts/2015-06-17-visualize-your-build.md b/site/blog/_posts/2015-06-17-visualize-your-build.md
deleted file mode 100644
index fc37e879d0..0000000000
--- a/site/blog/_posts/2015-06-17-visualize-your-build.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-layout: posts
-title: Visualize your build
-_Reposted from
-[Kristina Chodorow's blog](http://www.kchodorow.com/blog/2015/04/24/have-you-ever-looked-at-your-build-i-mean-really-looked-at-your-build/)._
-Bazel lets you see a graph of your build dependencies. It _could_ help you
-debug things, but honestly it's just really cool to see what your build is doing.
-To try it out, you'll need a project that uses Bazel to build. If you don't
-have one handy,
-[here's a tiny workspace](https://github.com/kchodorow/tiny-workspace) you can
-$ git clone https://github.com/kchodorow/tiny-workspace.git
-$ cd tiny-workspace
-Make sure you've
-[downloaded and installed Bazel](http://bazel.build/docs/install.html) and have the
-following line to your _~/.bazelrc_:
-query --package_path %workspace%:[path to bazel]/base_workspace
-Now run `bazel query` in your _tiny-workspace/_ directory, asking it to search
-for all dependencies of `//:main` and format the output as a graph:
-$ bazel query 'deps(//:main)' --output graph > graph.in
-This creates a file called _graph.in_, which is a text representation of the
-build graph. You can use `dot` (install with `sudo apt-get install graphviz`)
-to create a png from this:
-$ dot -Tpng < graph.in > graph.png
-If you open up _graph.png_, you should see something like this:
-<img src="/assets/graph.png">
-You can see `//:main` depends on one file (`//:main.cc`) and four targets
-(`//:x`, `//tools/cpp:stl`, `//tools/default:crosstool`, and
-`//tools/cpp:malloc`). All of the `//tools` targets are implicit dependencies
-of any C++ target: every C++ build you do needs the right compiler, flags, and
-libraries available, but it crowds your result graph. You can exclude these
-implicit dependencies by removing them from your query results:
-$ bazel query --noimplicit_deps 'deps(//:main)' --output graph > simplified_graph.in
-Now the resulting graph is just:
-<img src="/assets/simple-graph.png">
-Much neater!
-If you're interested in further refining your query, check out the
-[docs on querying](/docs/query.html).
diff --git a/site/blog/_posts/2015-06-25-ErrorProne.md b/site/blog/_posts/2015-06-25-ErrorProne.md
deleted file mode 100644
index dc4803bd93..0000000000
--- a/site/blog/_posts/2015-06-25-ErrorProne.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-layout: posts
-title: Checking your Java errors with Error Prone.
-We recently open-sourced our support for [Error Prone](http://errorprone.info).
-[Error Prone](http://errorprone.info) checks for common mistakes in Java code
-that will not be caught by the compiler.
-We turned [Error Prone](http://errorprone.info) on by default but you can
-easily turn it off by using the Javac option `--extra_checks:off`. To do so,
-simply specify `--javacopt='-extra_checks:off'` to the list of Bazel's options.
-You can also tune the checks error-prone will perform by using the
-[`-Xep:` flags](http://errorprone.info/docs/flags).
-See the [documentation of Error Prone](http://errorprone.info/docs/installation) for more
-on Error Prone.
diff --git a/site/blog/_posts/2015-07-01-Configuration-File.md b/site/blog/_posts/2015-07-01-Configuration-File.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 93b4fc86c1..0000000000
--- a/site/blog/_posts/2015-07-01-Configuration-File.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-layout: posts
-title: Sharing your rc files
-You can customize the options Bazel runs with in your `~/.bazelrc`, but
-that doesn't scale when you share your workspace with others.
-For instance, you could de-activate [Error Prone](http://errorprone.info)'s
-[DepAnn](http://errorprone.info/bugpattern/DepAnn) checks by adding the
-`--javacopt="-Xep:DepAnn:OFF"` flag in your `~/.bazelrc`. However, `~/.bazelrc`
-is not really convenient as it a user file, not shared with
-your team. You could instead add a rc file at `tools/bazel.rc` in your workspace
-with the content of the bazelrc file you want to share with your team:
-build --javacopt="-Xep:DepAnn:OFF"
-This file, called a master rc file, is parsed before the user rc file. There is
-three paths to master rc files that are read in the following order:
- 1. `tools/bazel.rc` (depot master rc file),
- 2. `/path/to/bazel.bazelrc` (alongside bazel rc file), and
- 3. `/etc/bazel.bazelrc` (system-wide bazel rc file).
-The complete documentation on rc file is [here](http://bazel.build/docs/bazel-user-manual.html#bazelrc).
diff --git a/site/blog/_posts/2015-07-08-Java-Configuration.md b/site/blog/_posts/2015-07-08-Java-Configuration.md
deleted file mode 100644
index f9beef32e7..0000000000
--- a/site/blog/_posts/2015-07-08-Java-Configuration.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-layout: posts
-title: Configuring your Java builds
-Let say that you want to build for Java 8 and errorprone checks off but
-keep the tools directory provided with Bazel in the package path, you could do
-that by having the following rc file:
-build --javacopt="-extra_checks:off"
-build --javacopt="-source 8"
-build --javacopt="-target 8"
-However, the file would becomes quickly overloaded, especially if you take
-all languages and options into account. Instead, you can tweak the
-rule that specifies the various options for the java compiler. So in a
-BUILD file:
- name = "my_toolchain",
- encoding = "UTF-8",
- source_version = "8",
- target_version = "8",
- misc = [
- "-extra_checks:on",
- ],
-And to keep it out of the tools directory (or you need to copy the rest
-of the package), you can redirect the default one in a bazelrc:
-build --java_toolchain=//package:my_toolchain
-In the future, toolchain rules should be the configuration points for all
-the languages but it is a long road. We also want to make it easier to
-rebind the toolchain using the `bind` rule in the WORKSPACE file.
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-layout: posts
-title: Trimming your (build) tree
-_Reposted from [@kchodorow's blog](http://www.kchodorow.com/blog/2015/07/23/trimming-the-build-tree-with-bazel/)._
-[Jonathan Lange](https://twitter.com/mumak) wrote a [great blog
-post](https://jml.io/2015/07/bazel-correct-reproducible-fast-builds.html) about
-how Bazel caches tests. Basically: if you run a test, change your code, then run
-a test again, the test will only be rerun if you changed something that could
-actually change the outcome of the test. Bazel takes this concept pretty far to
-minimize the work your build needs to do, in some ways that aren't immediately
-Let's take an example. Say you're using Bazel to "build" rigatoni arrabiata,
-which could be represented as having the following dependencies:
-<img src="/assets/recipe.png"/>
-Each food is a library which depends on the libraries below it. Suppose you
-change a dependency, like the garlic:
-<img src="/assets/change-garlic.png"/>
-Bazel will stat the files of the "garlic" library and notice this change, and
-then make a note that the things that depend on "garlic" may have also changed:
-<img src="/assets/dirty.png"/>
-The fancy term for this is "invalidating the upward transitive closure" of the
-build graph, aka "everything that depends on a thing might be dirty." Note that
-Bazel already knows that this change doesn't affect several of the libraries
-(rigatoni, tomato-puree, and red-pepper), so they definitely don't have to be
-Bazel will then evaluate the "sauce" node and figures out if its output has
-changed. This is where the secret sauce (ha!) happens: if the output of the
-"sauce" node hasn't changed, Bazel knows that it doesn't have to recompile
-rigatoni-arrabiata (the top node), because none of its direct dependencies
-<img src="/assets/dirty-unmark.png"/>
-The sauce node is no longer “maybe dirty” and so its reverse dependencies
-(rigatoni-arrabiata) can also be marked as clean.
-In general, of course, changing the code for a library will change its compiled
-form, so the "maybe dirty" node will end up being marked as "yes, dirty" and
-re-evaluated (and so on up the tree). However, Bazel's build graph lets you
-compile the bare minimum for a well-structured library, and in some cases avoid
-compilations altogether.
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-layout: posts
-title: Building deterministic Docker images with Bazel
-[Docker](https://www.docker.com) images are great to automate your deployment
-environment. By composing base images, you can create an (almost) reproducible
-environment and, using an appropriate cloud service, easily deploy those
-image. However, V1 Docker build suffers several issues:
- 1. Docker images are non-hermetic as they can run any command,
- 2. Docker images are non-reproducible: each "layer" identifier is a **random**
- hex string (and not cryptographic hash of the layer content), and
- 3. Docker image builds are not incremental since Docker assumes that `RUN foo`
- always does the same thing.
-Googlers working on [Google Container Registry](https://gcr.io) developed a support
-for building reproducible Docker images using Skylark / Bazel that address these
-problems. We recently [shipped](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/commit/5f25891bb17d19cb1208ddad1e88cc4bb4a56782)
-Of course, it does not support `RUN` command, but the rule also strips
-timestamps of the tar file and use a SHA sum that is function of the layer
-data as layer identifier. This ensure reproducibility and correct
-To use it, simply creates your images using the BUILD language:
-load("/tools/build_defs/docker/docker", "docker_build")
- name = "foo",
- tars = [ "base.tar" ],
- name = "bar",
- base = ":foo",
- debs = [ "blah.deb" ],
- files = [ ":bazinga" ],
- volumes = [ "/asdf" ],
-This will generate two docker images loadable with `bazel run :foo` and `bazel
-run :bar`. The `foo` target is roughly equivalent to the following Dockerfile:
-FROM bazel/base
-And the `bar` target is roughly equivalent to the following Dockerfile:
-FROM bazel/foo
-RUN dpkg -i blah.deb
-ADD bazinga /
-VOLUMES /asdf
-Using [remote repositories](http://bazel.build/docs/external.html), it is possible
-to fetch the various base image for the web and we are working on providing a
-`docker_pull` rule to interact more fluently with existing images.
-You can learn more about this docker support
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-layout: posts
-title: Build dashboard dogfood
-__WARNING__: This feature has been removed (2017-04-19).
-We've added a basic dashboard where you can see and share build and test
-results. It's not ready for an official release yet, but if any adventurous
-people would like to try it out (and please report any issues you find!), feel
-free to give it a try.
-<img src="/assets/dash.png" class="img-responsive" style="width: 800px; border: 1px solid black;"/>
-First, you'll need to download or clone [the dashboard project](https://github.com/bazelbuild/dash).
-Run `bazel build :dash && bazel-bin/dash` and add
-this line to your `~/.bazelrc`:
-build --use_dash --dash_url=http://localhost:8080
-Note that the `bazel build` will take a long time to build the first time (the
-dashboard uses the AppEngine SDK, which is ~160MB and has to be downloaded).
-The "dash" binary starts up a local server that listens on 8080.
-With `--use_dash` specified, every build or test will publish info and logs to
-http://localhost:8080/ (each build will print a unique URL to visit).
-<img src="/assets/dash-shell.png"/>
-See [the README](https://github.com/bazelbuild/dash/blob/master/README.md)
-for documentation.
-This is very much a work in progress. Please let us know if you have any
-questions, comments, or feedback.
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-layout: posts
-title: Bazel Builder Blasts Beyond Beta Barrier
-_Reposted from [Google's Open Source blog](http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2015/09/building-build-system-bazel-reaches-beta.html)._
-We're excited to announce the Beta release of [Bazel](http://bazel.build), an [open
-source](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel) build system designed to support a
-wide variety of different programming languages and platforms.
-There are lots of other build systems out there -- Maven, Gradle, Ant, Make, and
-CMake just to name a few. So what's special about Bazel? Bazel is what we use to
-build the large majority of software within Google. As such, it has been
-designed to handle build problems specific to Google's development environment,
-including a massive, shared code repository in which all software is built from
-source, a heavy emphasis on automated testing and release processes, and
-language and platform diversity. Bazel isn't right for every use case, but we
-believe that we're not the only ones facing these kinds of problems and we want
-to contribute what we've learned so far to the larger developer community.
-Our beta release provides:
-* Binary releases for
- [Linux and OS X](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases).
-* Support for building and testing C++, Java, Python, Rust,
- [and more](http://bazel.build/docs/be/overview.html).
-* Support for building Docker images, Android apps, and iOS apps.
-* Support for using libraries from
- [Maven, GitHub, and more](http://bazel.build/docs/external.html).
-* [A robust API](http://bazel.build/docs/skylark/index.html) for adding your own
- build rules.
-Check out the [tutorial app](http://bazel.build/docs/tutorial/index.html) to see a
-working example using several languages.
-We still have a long way to go. Looking ahead towards our 1.0.0 release, we
-plan to provide Windows support, distributed caching, and Go support among other
-features. See our [roadmap](http://bazel.build/roadmap.html) for more details
-and follow our [blog](http://bazel.build/blog) or
-[Twitter](https://twitter.com/bazelbuild) account for regular updates. Feel
-free to contact us with questions or feedback on the
-[mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-discuss) or IRC
-(#bazel on freenode).
-_By Jeff Cox, Bazel team_
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-layout: posts
-title: About Sandboxing
-We've only added sandboxing to Bazel two weeks ago, and we've already seen a
-flurry of fixes to almost all of the rules to conform with the additional
-restrictions imposed by it.
-## What is sandboxing?
-Sandboxing is the technique of restricting the access rights of a process. In
-the context of Bazel, we're mostly concerned with restricting file system
-access. More specifically, Bazel's file system sandbox contains only known
-inputs, such that compilers and other tools can't even see files they should
-not access.
-(We currently also mount a number of system directories into the sandbox to
-allow running locally installed tools and make it easier to write shell
-scripts. See below.)
-## Why are we sandboxing in Bazel?
-We believe that developers should never have to worry about correctness, and
-that every build should result in the same output, regardless of the current
-state of the output tree. If a compiler or tool reads a file without Bazel
-knowing it, then Bazel won't rerun the action if that file has changed, leading
-to incorrect incremental builds.
-We would also like to support remote caching in Bazel, where incorrect reuse of
-cache entries is even more of a problem than on the local machine. A bad cache
-entry in a shared cache affects every developer on the project, and the
-equivalent of 'bazel clean', namely wiping the entire remote cache, rather
-defeats the purpose.
-In addition, sandboxing is closely related to remote execution. If the build
-works well with sandboxing, then it will likely work well with remote
-execution - if we know all the inputs, we can just as well upload them to a
-remote machine. Uploading all files (including local tools) can significantly
-reduce maintenance costs for compile clusters compared to having to install the
-tools on every machine in the cluster every time you want to try out a new
-compiler or make a change to an existing tool.
-## How does it work?
-On Linux, we're using user namespaces, which are available in Linux 3.8 and
-later. Specifically, we create a new mount namespace. We create a temporary
-directory into which we mount all the files that the subprocess is allowed to
-see. We then use `pivot_root` to make the temporary directory appear as the
-root directory for all subprocesses.
-We also mount `/proc`, `/dev/null`, `/dev/zero`, and a temporary filesystem
-(tmpfs) on `/tmp`. We mount `/dev/random` and `/dev/urandom`, but recommend
-against their usage, as it can lead to non-reproducible builds.
-We currently also mount `/bin`, `/etc`, `/usr` (except `/usr/local`), and every
-directory starting with `/lib`, to allow running local tools. In the future, we
-are planning to provide a shell with a set of Linux utilities, and to require
-that all other tools are specified as inputs.
-## What about Mac and Windows?
-We are planning to implement sandboxing for OS X (using OS X sandboxing, see
-our [roadmap](/roadmap.html)) and eventually Windows as well.
-## What about networking?
-At some point, we'd like to also reduce network access, probably also using
-namespaces, with a separate opt-out mechanism.
-## How do I opt-out of sandboxing?
-Preferably, you should make all your rules and scripts work properly with
-sandboxing. If you need to opt out, you should talk to us first - at Google,
-the vast majority of actions is fully sandboxed, so we have some experience
-with how to make it work. For example, Bazel has a special mechanism to add
-information about the current user, date, time, or the current source control
-revision to generated binaries.
-If you still need to opt out for individual rules, you can add the `local = 1`
-attribute to `genrule` or `*_test` calls.
-If you're writing a custom rule in Skylark, then you cannot currently opt out.
-Instead, please [file a bug](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues) and
-we'll help you make it work.
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-layout: posts
-title: Persistent Worker Processes for Bazel
-Bazel runs most build actions as a separate process. Many build actions invoke a compiler. However, starting a compiler is often slow: they have to perform some initialization when they start up, read the standard library, header files, low-level libraries, and so on. That’s why some compilers and tools have a persistent mode, e.g. [sjavac](http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/199), [Nailgun](http://martiansoftware.com/nailgun/) and [gcc server](http://per.bothner.com/papers/GccSummit03/gcc-server.pdf). Keeping a single process for longer and passing multiple individual requests to the same server can significantly reduce the amount of duplicate work and cut down on compile times.
-In Bazel, we have recently added experimental support for delegating work to [persistent worker processes](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/tree/master/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/worker) that run as child processes of and are managed by Bazel. Our Javac wrapper (called JavaBuilder) is the first compiler that supports running as a worker.
-We’ve tried the persistent JavaBuilder for a variety of builds and are seeing a ~4x improvement in Java build times, as Javac can now benefit from JIT optimizations over multiple runs and we no longer have to start a new JVM for every compile action. For Bazel itself, we saw a reduction in build time for a clean build from ~58s to ~16s (on repeated builds).
-<img src="/assets/fullbuild.png" alt="Full build" class="img-responsive">
-<img src="/assets/incbuild.png" alt="Incremental build" class="img-responsive">
-If you often build Java code, we’d like you to give it a try. Just pass `--strategy=Javac=worker` to enable it or add `build --strategy=Javac=worker` to the .bazelrc in your home directory or in your workspace. Check the WorkerOptions class for [flags to further tune the workers’ behavior](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/worker/WorkerOptions.java) or run “bazel help” and look for the “Strategy options” category. Let us know how it works for you.
-We’re currently using a simple [protobuf-based protocol](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/src/main/protobuf/worker_protocol.proto) to communicate with the worker process. Let us know if you want to add support for more compilers; in many cases, you can do that without any Bazel changes. However, the protocol is still subject to change based on your feedback.
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-layout: posts
-title: Hello World
-Welcome to the Bazel blog! We'll be using this forum for news and
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-layout: posts
-title: Using Bazel in a continuous integration system
-When doing continuous integration, you do not want your build to fail because a
-a tool invoked during the build has been updated or some environmental
-conditions have changed. Because Bazel is designed for reproducible builds and
-keeps track of almost every dependency of your project, Bazel is a great tool
-for use inside a CI system. Bazel also caches results of previous build,
-including test results and will not re-run unchanged tests, speeding up each
-## Running Bazel on virtual or physical machines.
-For [ci.bazel.build](http://ci.bazel.build), we use
-[Google Compute Engine](https://cloud.google.com/compute/) virtual machine for
-our Linux build and a physical Mac mini for our Mac build. Apart from Bazel
-tests that are run using the
-script, we also run some projects to validate Bazel binaries against: the
-[Bazel Tutorial](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/tree/master/tutorial)
-[re2](https://github.com/google/re2) [here](http://ci.bazel.build/job/re2/),
-[here](http://ci.bazel.build/job/protobuf/), and
-Bazel is reinstalled each time we run the tutorial or TensorFlow, but the Bazel
-cache is maintained across installs. The setup for those jobs is the following:
-set -e
-# Fetch the Bazel installer
-export BAZEL_INSTALLER=${PWD}/bazel-installer/install.sh
-curl -L -o ${BAZEL_INSTALLER} ${URL}
-# Install bazel inside ${BASE}
-bash "${BAZEL_INSTALLER}" \
- --base="${BASE}" \
- --bazelrc="${BASE}/bin/bazel.bazelrc" \
- --bin="${BASE}/binary"
-# Run the build
-BAZEL="${BASE}/binary/bazel --bazelrc=${BASE}/bin/bazel.bazelrc"
-${BAZEL} test //...
-This tests installing a specific version of Bazel each time. Of course, if
-Bazel is installed on the path, one can simply `bazel test //...`. However,
-even with reinstalling all the time, Bazel caching simply works.
-## Running Bazel inside a Docker container
-Several people want to use Bazel in a Docker container. First of all, Bazel
-has some feature that are incompatibles with Docker:
-- Bazel runs by default in client/server mode using UNIX domain sockets, so if
- you cannot mount the socket inside the Docker container, then you must disable
- client-server communication by running Bazel in batch mode with the `--batch`
- flag.
-- Bazel [sandboxes all actions on linux by default](http://bazel.build/blog/2015/09/11/sandboxing.html)
- and this needs special privileges in the Docker container (enabled by
- [`--privilege=true`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#runtime-privilege-linux-capabilities-and-lxc-configuration).
- If you cannot enable the namespace sandbox, you can deactivate it in Bazel
- with the `--genrule_strategy=standalone --spawn_strategy=standalone` flags.
-So the last step of the previous script would look like:
-# Run the build
-BAZEL="${BASE}/binary/bazel --bazelrc=${BASE}/bin/bazel.bazelrc --batch"
-${BAZEL} test --genrule_strategy=standalone --spawn_strategy=standalone \
- //...
-This build will however be slower because the server has to restart for every
-build and the cache will be lost when the Docker container is destroyed.
-To prevent the loss of the cache, it is better to mount a persistent volume for
-`~/.cache/bazel` (where the Bazel cache is stored).
-## Return code and XML output
-A final consideration when setting up a continuous integration system is getting
-the result from the build. Bazel has the following interesting exit codes when
-using `test` and `build` commands:
-<table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th>Exit Code</th>
- <th>Description</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td>0</td>
- <td>Success.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>1</td>
- <td>Build failed.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>2</td>
- <td>
- Command Line Problem, Bad or Illegal flags or command combination, or
- Bad Environment Variables. Your command line must be modified.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>3</td>
- <td>Build OK, but some tests failed or timed out.</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>4</td>
- <td>
- Build successful but no tests were found even though testing was
- requested.
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>8</td>
- <td>
- Build interrupted (by a <kbd><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>C</kbd></kbd> from the
- user for instance) but we terminated with an orderly shutdown.
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-These return codes can be used to determine the reason for a failure
-(in [ci.bazel.build](http://ci.bazel.build), we mark builds that have exited with exit
-code 3 as unstable, and other non zero code as failed).
-You can also control how much information about test results Bazel prints out
-with the [`--test_output` flag](http://bazel.build/docs/bazel-user-manual.html#flag--test_output).
-Generally, printing the output of test that fails with `--test_output=errors` is
-a good setting for a CI system.
-Finally, Bazel's built-in [JUnit test runner](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/src/java_tools/junitrunner)
-generates Ant-style XML output file (in `bazel-testlogs/pkg/target/test.xml`)
-that summarizes the results of your tests. This test runner can be activated
-with the `--nolegacy_bazel_java_test` flag (this will soon be the default).
-Other tests also get [a basic XML output file](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/tools/test/test-setup.sh#L54)
-that contains only the result of the test (success or failure).
-To get your test results, you can also use the
-[Bazel dashboard](http://bazel.build/blog/2015/07/29/dashboard-dogfood.html),
-an optional system that automatically uploads Bazel test results to a shared
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-layout: posts
-title: Bazel 0.2.0 Released
-We are delighted to announce the
-[0.2.0 release](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/tag/0.2.0) of
-Bazel. This release marks major improvements in support for external
-repositories, Skylark and testing, in particular how external repositories and
-Skylark can work together.
-## Improvements from our [roadmap](http://bazel.build/roadmap.html)
-### Skylark rules can now be loaded from remote repositories
-Skylark rules can now be loaded from a remote repository. For example, to use
-the Scala rules, add the following to your WORKSPACE file:
- name = "io_bazel_rules_scala",
- remote = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala.git",
- tag = "0.0.1",
-load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl", "scala_repositories")
-This will download all of the tools the rules need to build Scala programs.
-Then load and use normally from your BUILD files:
-load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//scala:scala.bzl", "scala_library")
-We will gradually move the existing rules to their own repositories, announcing
-changes on the [mailing
-### Go build and test support
-There is now Go language support, see [the
-documentation](http://bazel.build/docs/be/go.html) for details.
-### Open sourcing tests
-We also open sourced over a
-and laid the foundation for open sourcing more. We will continue to open source
-more tests (both to increase Bazel's stability and to make contributing easier),
-but this marks a dramatic increase in test coverage.
-## Other major changes since 0.1.0
-* The `--package_path` definition in `.bazelrc` is no longer required, nor is
- the `base_workspace/` directory.
-* JUnit test runner for Java tests - Use the `--nolegacy_bazel_java_test` flag
- (soon to be the default) to get XML output for easy integration into CI
- systems and easier debugging with `--java_debug`.
-* Skylark macros can now be loaded and used in the WORKSPACE file.
-* Remote repository filesystem changes are tracked.
-* [Debian](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/latest/) packages and a
- [Homebrew](http://braumeister.org/formula/bazel) recipe.
-For changes since 0.1.5 (the minor version before 0.2.0), see the release notes
-for changes.
-## Future plans
-Looking ahead to 0.3.0:
-* Windows support is coming! (See the [Windows
- label](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22category%3A+multi-platform+%3E+windows%22) to follow the
- progress there).
-* Remote caching and execution is in progress (see [Alpha Lam's
- work](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CvEw3uu9mUszK-ukmSWp4Dmy43KDlHAjW75Gf17bUY8/preview)).
-* XCode integration and generic IDE support.
-* [Ulf](https://github.com/ulfjack) has been working on [sandboxing for OS
- X](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/tree/osx-sandbox-hardlinks), which will
- hopefully be available soon.
-* More work on parallelization. We currently have experimental support (which
- can be enabled with the `--experimental_interleave_loading_and_analysis` flag)
- which improves clean build time (~30% faster loading and analysis), especially
- for builds using a lot of `select()` expressions.
-## Finally...
-A big thank you to our community for your continued support. Particular
-shout-outs to the following contributors:
-* [Brian Silverman](https://github.com/bsilver8192) - for tons of important bug
- fixes and answering lots of user questions.
-* [Alpha Lam](https://github.com/hhclam) - for writing up design docs and
- implementing remote caching/execution.
-* [P. Oscar Boykin](https://github.com/posco) - for putting tons of time and
- effort into the Scala rules, as well as being a tireless supporter on Twitter.
-Thank you all, keep the discussion and bug reports coming!
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-layout: posts
-title: Easier Debugging of Sandbox Failures
-We have often heard that debugging failed execution due to issues with the sandbox is difficult and requires knowledge of the sandboxing code of Bazel to actually understand what’s happening. With [these changes](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/commit/40ee9de052e3bb8cf5a59eeff3936148e1f55e69), we hope that you will be able to solve common issues easier on your own and make debugging easier.
-If you don’t know much about Bazel sandbox, you might want to read [this blog post](http://bazel.build/blog/2015/09/11/sandboxing.html)
-## What we did:
-- When using `--verbose_failures` and `--sandbox_debug`, Bazel now shows the detailed command that it ran when your build failed, including the part that sets up the sandbox.
-- When you copy & paste the shown command into a terminal, the failed command is rerun - but when it fails this time, we provide access to a shell inside a new sandbox which is the same as the old sandbox we made before, so that you can explore the sandbox from the inside and find out why the command failed.
-## How to use it:
-Let’s say you wrote a Skylark rule and forgot to add your compiler to the input files. Before this change, when you ran bazel build, you would get several error messages like this:
-ERROR: path/to/your/project/BUILD:1:1: compilation of rule '//path/to/your/project:all' failed: No such file or directory.
-ERROR: /your/project/BUILD:x:1: Executing genrule //project/dir:genrule failed: bash failed: error executing command /path/to/your/compiler some command
-But you probably have no idea what to do, because the error message is not detailed enough and you have everything you needed in your system.
-With this new feature, you will get an error message like this instead:
-ERROR: path/to/your/project/BUILD:1:1: compilation of rule '//path/to/your/project:all' failed:
-Sandboxed execution failed, which may be legitimate (e.g. a compiler error), or due to missing dependencies. To enter the sandbox environment for easier debugging, run the following command in parentheses. On command failure, a bash shell running inside the sandbox will then automatically be spawned
-namespace-sandbox failed: error executing command
- (cd /some/path && \
- exec env - \
- LANG=en_US \
- PATH=/some/path/bin:/bin:/usr/bin \
- PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/some/path \
- /some/path/namespace-sandbox @/sandbox/root/path/this-sandbox-name.params -- /some/path/to/your/some-compiler --some-params some-target)
-Then you can simply copy & paste the command above in parentheses into a new terminal:
-(cd /some/path && \
- exec env - \
- LANG=en_US \
- PATH=/some/path/bin:/bin:/usr/bin \
- PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/some/path \
- /some/path/namespace-sandbox @/sandbox/root/path/this-sandbox-name.params -- /some/path/to/your/some-compiler --some-params some-target)
-There will be the same error message about not finding your compiler, but after that error message, you will find yourself in a bash shell inside a new sandbox. You can now debug the failure, e.g. you can explore the sandbox: look for any missing file, check for possible errors in your BUILD files, run your compiler again manually, or even use strace.
-For this example, we run our compiler in the sandbox again manually and the error message shows `No command ‘some-compiler’ found` - looking around, you notice that the compiler binary is missing. This means it was not part of the action inputs, because Bazel always mounts all action inputs into the sandbox - so you check out your Skylark rule and notice that this is indeed the case. Adding your compiler to the input files in your Skylark rule should thus fix the error.
-Next time you run bazel build, it should mount your compiler into the sandbox and thus find it correctly. If you get a different error, you could repeat the steps above.
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-layout: posts
-title: Using Skylark remote repositories to auto-detect the C++ toolchain.
-[Skylark remote repositories](/docs/skylark/repository_rules.html) let you
-create custom [external repositories](/docs/external.html) using
-[Skylark](/docs/skylark/index.html). This not only enables creating rules for
-custom package systems such as [PyPi](https://pypi.python.org) but also generating
-a repository to reflect the toolchain installed on the workstation Bazel is running
-on. We explain here how we implemented [auto-configuration for the C++
-## Principles
-C++ toolchain: the set of binaries and libraries required to build C++ code.
-Crosstool: a compiler capable of building for a certain architecture, which
-can be different from the host architecture (e.g., gcc running on Linux and
-building for Raspberry Pi).
-C++ toolchains are configured in Bazel using a [crosstool target](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/8fa5ae6a6364100f2a7f9130e62eb0edb447339a/tools/cpp/BUILD#L32)
-and a [CROSSTOOL file](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/tools/cpp/CROSSTOOL).
-This crosstool target (:default_toolchain) is the first step in moving the contents
-of the CROSSTOOL file entirely into BUILD file rules. The CROSSTOOL file defines
-where to find the C++ compiler, its include directories and also the various flag
-to use at each compilation step.
-When your C++ compiler is not in the standard location, then this static
-CROSSTOOL file cannot find it. To cope with the variety of installation out
-there, we created a `cc_configure` Skylark repository rule that will generates
-a `@local_config_cc//tools/cpp` package containing a generated CROSSTOOL file
-based on the information we gathered from the operating system.
-## Implementation
-The [`cc_configure`](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/9116b3e99af2fd31d92c9bb7c37905a1675456c1/tools/cpp/cc_configure.bzl#L291)
-rule is actually a macro wrapping the [`cc_autoconf`](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/9116b3e99af2fd31d92c9bb7c37905a1675456c1/tools/cpp/cc_configure.bzl#L288)
-enforcing the `local_config_cc` name for the repository. The
-of the `cc_autoconf` rule does the following step:
- - [Detect the `cpu_value`](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/9116b3e99af2fd31d92c9bb7c37905a1675456c1/tools/cpp/cc_configure.bzl#L85)
- using the [`repository_ctx.os.name`](/docs/skylark/lib/repository_os.html#name) attribute.
- - Generates a [static package](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/9116b3e99af2fd31d92c9bb7c37905a1675456c1/tools/cpp/cc_configure.bzl#L85)
- if we do not support the target platform.
- - Detect the [C++ compiler path](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/9116b3e99af2fd31d92c9bb7c37905a1675456c1/tools/cpp/cc_configure.bzl#L235)
- using [`repository_ctx.which`](/docs/skylark/lib/repository_ctx.html#which) and the `CC` environment variable with
- [`repository_ctx.os.environ`](/docs/skylark/lib/repository_os.html#environ).
- - Detect some [more tool paths](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/9116b3e99af2fd31d92c9bb7c37905a1675456c1/tools/cpp/cc_configure.bzl#L53),
- still using [`repository_ctx.which`](/docs/skylark/lib/repository_ctx.html#which).
- - Generates the [various flag for the `CROSSTOOL` file](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/9116b3e99af2fd31d92c9bb7c37905a1675456c1/tools/cpp/cc_configure.bzl#L127),
- [testing flags against the detected compiler](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/9116b3e99af2fd31d92c9bb7c37905a1675456c1/tools/cpp/cc_configure.bzl#L114)
- using [`repository_ctx.execute`](/docs/skylark/lib/repository_ctx.html#execute). We also
- [detect the include directories](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/9116b3e99af2fd31d92c9bb7c37905a1675456c1/tools/cpp/cc_configure.bzl#L101)
- with [`repository_ctx.execute`](/docs/skylark/lib/repository_ctx.html#execute).
- - With the gathered information, generate the C++ tools package: its [BUILD file](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/9116b3e99af2fd31d92c9bb7c37905a1675456c1/tools/cpp/cc_configure.bzl#L274),
- [wrapper script for Darwin](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/9116b3e99af2fd31d92c9bb7c37905a1675456c1/tools/cpp/cc_configure.bzl#L278) and
- [CROSSTOOL file](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/9116b3e99af2fd31d92c9bb7c37905a1675456c1/tools/cpp/cc_configure.bzl#L279) using
- [`repository_ctx.template`](/docs/skylark/lib/repository_ctx.html#template).
-So using the function provided by [`repository_ctx`](/docs/skylark/lib/repository_ctx.html), we can discover
-the binaries on the system, what version they are, and which options they support, then generate a
-configuration to match the local C++ toolchain.
-## Creating your own repository rules
-When creating a Skylark remote repository, a few things should be taken in considerations:
- - The Skylark implementation of a remote repository is run during the loading phase of
- the repository, which means that unless the rule definition is changed in the WORKSPACE
- file or the implementation fails, it will not be re-run unless the user does a
- `bazel clean --expunge`. We are thinking of further command to force re-run that loading
- phase for a specific remote repository ([#974](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/974)).
- - Skylark remote repository can do a lot of non hermetic operation, it is recommended
- to check as many things as possible to ensure hermeticity (and overall, we recommend
- using a vendored toolchain instead of using auto-detected one if reproducibility is important).
- For example, it is recommended to use the `sha256` argument of the
- [`repository_ctx.download`](/docs/skylark/lib/repository_ctx.html#download) method.
- - Naming a rule can be complex and we recommend to not use standard suffix of classical
- rules for remote repositories (e.g. `*_library` or `*_binary`). If you create a
- package rule, a good name would probably be `xxx_package` (e.g., `pypi_package`). If
- you create an autoconfiguration rule, `xxx_configure` is probably the best name
- (e.g. `cc_configure`).
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-layout: posts
-title: Bazel 0.3.0 Released
-We are delighted to announce the
-[0.3.0 release](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/tag/0.3.0) of
-Bazel. This milestone is marked by support for IDE integration but also major
-features such as remote caching of build artifacts and experimental Windows
-## Improvements from our [roadmap](http://bazel.build/roadmap.html)
-### IDE support
-In this release, we made it possible to [generate information for IDEs from
-Bazel build files](http://bazel.build/blog/2016/06/10/ide-support.html) using
-[Skylark aspects](http://bazel.build/docs/skylark/aspects.html).
-Simultaneous with Bazel 0.3 release, we are announcing the availability of two
-projects integrating Bazel with different IDEs:
-* [Tulsi](http://tulsi.bazel.build) is an Xcode plugin for Bazel. This is the same
- plugin that teams inside Google use for developing iOS applications.
-* [e4b](https://github.com/bazelbuild/e4b) is an experimental Eclipse plugin for
- Bazel. It was made to illustrate the use of Skylark aspects for IDE
- integration. This is an experimental plugin but we welcome any contributions
- to it.
-### Windows support
-Bazel can now bootstrap on [Windows](http://bazel.build/docs/windows.html) without
-admin privilege and can use the Microsoft Visual C++ toolchain. Windows
-support is still highly experimental and we have identified
-[several issues](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22category%3A+multi-platform+%3E+windows%22)
-and their solutions. We are dedicated to a good native experience on Windows.
-### Remote caching of distributed artifacts
-[Alpha Lam](https://github.com/hhclam) has contributed experimental support
-for [distributed caching](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/commit/79adf59)
-and [execution](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/commit/a1a79cb). This is
-an ongoing area of development and several engineers from Google are working
-with Alpha to enhance that support.
-### Skylark remote repositories
-Remote repository rules can now be created using
-[Skylark](http://bazel.build/docs/skylark/repository_rules.html). This can be used
-to support your custom protocols, interfacing with new packaging systems or even
-do auto-configuration to use a toolchain on your local disk. We use it
-especially to have [a better out-of-the-box experience with C++ toolchains](http://www.bazel.build/blog/2016/03/31/autoconfiguration.html).
-## Other major changes since 0.2.0
-* We just open-sourced our BUILD file formatter, [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildifier).
-* We now provide a Debian APT repository for installing bazel, see the
- [installation guide](http://bazel.build/docs/install.html) on how to use it.
-* Our JUnit test runner for Java tests (`--nolegacy_bazel_java_test`) is now the
- default.
-For changes since 0.2.3 (the minor version before 0.3.0), see the
-[release notes](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/tag/0.3.0) for
-## Future plans
-Looking ahead to 0.4.0:
-* The last blockers for `--strategy=worker=Javac` will be resolved, making Java
- builds [faster](http://www.bazel.build/blog/2015/12/10/java-workers.html).
-* [Yue](https://github.com/hermione521) has made great progress in making
- [Ulf](https://github.com/ulfjack)'s prototype of [sandboxing for OS
- X](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/tree/osx-sandbox-hardlinks) real.
-## Finally...
-A big thank you to our community for your continued support. Particular
-shout-outs to the following contributors:
-* [Justine Tunney](https://github.com/jart) - for developing and maintaining
- the [Closure JS rules](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_closure) of Bazel.
-* [Alpha Lam](https://github.com/hhclam) - for implementing remote
- caching/execution and following up on these features.
-* [David Chen](https://github.com/davidzchen) - for going above and beyond, far
- more than a standard 20% contribution: improving our documentation,
- creating the [Skylark documentation generator](https://github.com/bazelbuild/skydoc),
- fixing bugs and contributing features in Bazel and helping out TensorFlow with
- their use of Bazel.
-Thank you all, keep the discussion and bug reports coming!
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-layout: posts
-title: IDE support
-One of Bazel’s longest-standing feature requests is integration with IDEs.
-With the 0.3 release, we finally have all machinery in place that allows
-implementing integration with Bazel in IDEs. Simultaneous with that
-Bazel release we are also making public two IDE plugins:
-* [Tulsi](http://tulsi.bazel.build): Bazel support for Xcode.
-* [e4b](https://github.com/bazelbuild/e4b): a sample Bazel plugin for Eclipse.
-In this post, we will look into how Bazel enables IDE integration
-and how an IDE plugin integrating with Bazel can be implemented.
-## Principles of Bazel IDE support
-Bazel BUILD files provide a description of a project’s source code: what
-source files are part of the project, what artifacts (targets) should be
-built from those files, what the dependencies between those files are, etc.
-Bazel uses this information to perform a build, that is, it figures out the set
-of actions needed to produce the artifacts (such as running a compiler or
-linker) and executes those actions. Bazel accomplishes this by constructing a
-_dependency graph_ between targets and visiting this graph to collect
-those actions.
-IDEs (as well as other tools working with source code) also need the same
-information about the set of sources and their roles; but instead of building
-the artifacts, IDEs use it to provide code navigation, autocompletion and
-other code-aware features.
-In the 0.3.0 Bazel release, we are adding a new concept to Bazel -
-Aspects allow augmenting build dependency graphs with additional information
-and actions. Applying an aspect to a build target creates a "shadow
-dependency graph" reflecting all transitive dependencies of that target,
-and the aspect's implementation determines the actions that Bazel executes
-while traversing that graph.
-The [documentation on aspects](/docs/skylark/aspects.html) explains this in more
-## Architecture of a Bazel IDE plugin.
-As an example of how aspects are useful for IDE integration, we will take
-a look at a sample
-[Eclipse plugin for Bazel support, e4b](https://github.com/bazelbuild/e4b).
-e4b includes an aspect, defined in a file
-that when
-applied to a particular target, generates a small JSON file with information
-about that target relevant to Eclipse. Those JSON files are then consumed
-by the e4b plugin inside Eclipse to build [Eclipse's representation
-of a project](https://github.com/bazelbuild/e4b/blob/master/com.google.devtools.bazel.e4b/src/com/google/devtools/bazel/e4b/classpath/BazelClasspathContainer.java),
-![e4bazel workflow](/assets/e4b-workflow.png)
-Through the e4b plugin UI, the user specifies an initial set of targets
-(typically a java or android binary, a selection of tests, all targets
-in certain packages, etc). E4b plugin then invokes bazel as follows:
-bazel build //java/com/company/example:main \
---aspects e4b_aspect.bzl%e4b_aspect \
---output_groups ide-info
-(some details are omitted for clarity; see
-[e4b source](https://github.com/bazelbuild/e4b/blob/master/com.google.devtools.bazel.e4b/src/com/google/devtools/bazel/e4b/command/BazelCommand.java) for complete
-The `--aspects` flag directs Bazel to apply `e4b_aspect`, exported from
-`e4bazel.bzl` Skylark extension, to target `//java/com/company/example:main`.
-The aspect is then applied transitively to the dependencies of the specified
-targets, producing `.e4b-build.json` files for each target in the transitive
-closure of dependencies. The e4b plugin reads those outputs and provides
-a Classpath for Eclipse core to consume. If the input BUILD files change
-so that a project model needs to be re-synced, the plugin still invokes
-the exact same command: Bazel will rebuild only those files that are affected
-by the change, so the plugin need only reexamine only those newly built
-`.e4b-build.json` files. `ide-info` is an output group defined by e4b\_aspect;
-the `--output_groups` flag ensures that only the artifacts belonging to that
-group (and hence only to the aspect) are built, and therefore that no
-unnecessary build steps are performed.
-The aspect uses the
-[`java` provider](/docs/skylark/lib/JavaSkylarkApiProvider.html) on the targets
-it applies to to access a variety of information about Java targets.
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-layout: posts
-title: Bazel on Windows
-We first announced experimental Windows support in 0.3.0. Since then, we've
-implemented support for building, running and testing C++, Java and Python,
-as well as improved performance and stability. Starting with
-Bazel version 0.3.2, we are making prebuilt Bazel Windows binaries available
-as part of our
-([installation instructions](/docs/windows.html#using-the-release-binary)).
-In addition to bootstrapping Bazel itself, we're also able to build
-significant parts of TensorFlow with Bazel on Windows
-([pull request](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/pull/4796)).
-Bazel on Windows currently requires [msys2](https://msys2.github.io/) and
-still has a number of issues. Some of the more important ones are:
- * [Workspace of the project needs to be on C: drive](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/1463)
- * [Runfiles will require additional tweaking](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/1212)
- * We support [building C++ code with MSVC toolchain](/docs/windows.html#build-c),
- but it is not yet the default toolchain.
-Our GitHub issue tracker has a [full list of known issues](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22category%3A+multi-platform+%3E+windows%22).
-Now, we need your help! Please try building your Bazel project on Windows,
-and let us know what works or what doesn't work yet, and what we can do better.
-We are looking forward to what you build (on Windows)!
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-layout: posts
-title: IntelliJ and Android Studio support
-We've recently open-sourced Bazel plugins for
-[IntelliJ and Android Studio](https://ij.bazel.build).
-## Key Features ##
-* Import a project directly from a BUILD file.
-* BUILD file integration: syntax highlighting, refactoring, find usages,
- code completion, etc. [Skylark](/docs/skylark)
- extensions are fully supported.
-* Compile your project and get navigatable Bazel compile errors in the IDE.
-* [Buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildifier) integration
-* Support for Bazel run configurations for certain rule classes.
-* Run/debug tests directly through Bazel by right-clicking on
- methods/classes/BUILD targets.
-## How do I get started? ##
-To try them out, you can install them directly from within the IDE
-(**Settings > Plugins > Browse repositories**), download them from the
-JetBrains [plugin repository](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/search/index?search=bazel),
-or build directly from [source](https://github.com/bazelbuild/intellij).
-Detailed docs are available [here](https://ij.bazel.build).
-The plugins are currently Linux-only, with plans for Mac support in the future.
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-layout: posts
-title: Bazel 0.4.0 Released
-We are delighted to announce the [0.4.0 release of Bazel](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/tag/0.4.0). This release marks major improvements in support for Windows, sandboxing and performance.
-We are also moving also moving to a new domain. [https://bazel.build](https://bazel.build) is already up and running and we are slowly moving every reference to point to that new domain..
-## Improvements from our [roadmap](http://bazel.build/roadmap.html)
-### Java workers are now used by default
-Java workers reduce the time of java compilation by keeping a hot JVM in the background. [It improves java compilation speed by 5x](https://bazel.build/blog/2015/12/10/java-workers.html) and we decided to make it the default.
-### Sandboxing is now working also on OS X
-With our [Beta release](https://bazel.build/blog/2015/09/01/beta-release.html), we added sandboxing of action to Linux. This feature ensured that the rule set does not access undeclared input, allowing correct execution of actions. We leveraged the [sandbox-exec](https://developer.apple.com/legacy/library/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/sandbox-exec.1.html) command to generate a similar sandbox on OS X.
-## Other major changes since 0.3.0
-### We provide Bazel binaries for Windows
-As announced in our Bazel on Windows blog post, we are now providing binary distribution of [Bazel for Windows](https://bazel.build/blog/2016/10/07/bazel-windows.html). A [chocolatey package](https://chocolatey.org/packages/bazel) was contributed by [Peter Mounce](https://github.com/petemounce) so you can just do choco install bazel to get Bazel installed on Windows, big thanks to Peter Mounce! This release also marks a big step for us: TensorFlow PIP package can now be built on Windows with Bazel!
-## Skylark implementation of repository rules
-We now have implementation of two repository rules (git_repository and maven_jar) in Skylark and we recommend using them instead of the native ones, to do so simply adds the following lines at the top of your WORKSPACE file:
- "@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl",
- "git_repository",
- "new_git_repository",
-load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:maven_rules.bzl", "maven_jar")
-### And various more
-* The --watchfs flag is ready to be turned on by default. It improves performance of Bazel, try it out!
-* The Linux sandbox got revamped for better performance and usability: no performance hit should be perceptible and accessing system tools should be possible.
-For changes since 0.3.2 (the minor version before 0.4.0), see the release notes for changes.
-## Future plans
-### Looking ahead to 0.5.0:
-* With the help of your feedback, we will resolve the last issue to make our Windows port work seamlessly for Java, C++ and Python.
-* The new distributed execution API will be stabilized.
-## Finally...
-A big thank you to our community for your continued support. Particular shout-outs to the following contributors:
-* [Yugui](https://github.com/yugui) for her contribution to [rules_go](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go).
-* [Paul Bethe](https://github.com/pmbethe09) for his contribution to [rules_go](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go) and open-sourcing [buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildifier).
-* [Peter Mounce](https://github.com/petemounce) for the [chocolatey package of Bazel](https://chocolatey.org/packages/bazel).
-Thank you all, keep the discussion and bug reports coming!
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-layout: posts
-title: We are now bazel.build!
-As you might have seen either in our
-[0.4 announcement](/blog/2016/11/02/0.4.0-release.html) or simply by going to
-our website, we have recently switched over to the
-[bazel.build](https://bazel.build) domain name.
-We decided to switch over to the new .build top-level domain, which reflects
-what Bazel is for: building!
-Our old domain, [bazel.io](https://bazel.io), will redirect to
-[bazel.build](https://bazel.build) for the forseenable future.
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-layout: posts
-title: Invalidation of repository rules
-[Remote repositories](/docs/external.html) are the way to use dependencies from
-"outside" of the Bazel world in Bazel. Using them, you can download binaries from the
-internet or use some from your own host. You can even use
-[Skylark](/skylark/repository_rules.html) to define your own repository rules to depend
-on a custom package manager or to implement
-[auto-configuration rules](/blog/2016/03/31/autoconfiguration.html).
-This post explains when Skylark repositories are invalidated and hence when they are executed.
-## Dependencies
-The implementation attribute of the
-defines a function (the _fetch_ operation) that is executed inside a
-[Skyframe function](/designs/skyframe.html). This function is executed when
-one of its dependencies change.
-For repository that are declared `local` (set `local = True` in the call to the
-`repository_rule` function), the _fetch_ operation is performed on every call of the
-Skyframe function.
-Since a lot of dependencies can trigger this execution (if any part of the `WORKSPACE`
-file change for instance), a supplemental mechanism ensure that we re-execute the
-_fetch_ operation only when stricly needed for non-`local` repository rules (see the
-[design doc](/designs/2016/10/18/repository-invalidation.html) for more details).
-After [cr.bazel.build/8218](https://cr.bazel.build/8218) is released, Bazel will
-re-perform the `fetch` operation if and only if any of the following
-dependencies change:
-- Skylark files needed to define the repository rule.
-- Declaration of the repository rule in the `WORKSPACE` file.
-- Value of any environment variable declared with the `environ` attribute of the [`repository_rule`](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/skylark/lib/globals.html#repository_rule) function. The value of those environment variable can be enforced from the command line with the
-[`--action_env`](/docs/command-line-reference.html#flag--action_env) flag (but this
-flag will invalidate every action of the build).
-- Content of any file used and referred using a label (e.g., `//mypkg:label.txt` not `mypkg/label.txt`).
-## Good practices regarding refetching
-### Declare your repository as local very carefully
-First and foremost, declaring a repository `local` should be done only for rule that
-needs to be eagerly invalidated and are fast to update. For native rule, this is used only
-for [`local_repository`](/docs/be/workspace.html#local_repository) and
-### Put all slow operation at the end, resolve dependencies first
-Since a dependency might be unresolved when asked for, the function will be executed
-up to where the dependency is requested and all that part will be replayed if the
-dependency is not resolved. Put those file dependencies at the top, for instance prefer
-def _impl(repository_ctx):
- repository_ctx.file("BUILD", repository_ctx.attr.build_file)
- repository_ctx.download("BIGFILE", sha256 = "...")
-myrepo = repository_rule(_impl, attrs = {"build_file": attr.label()})
-def _impl(repository_ctx):
- repository_ctx.download("BIGFILE")
- repository_ctx.file("BUILD", repository_ctx.attr.build_file)
-myrepo = repository_rule(_impl, attrs = {"build_file": attr.label()})
-(in the later example, the download operation will be re-executed if `build_file` is not
-resolved when executing the `fetch` operation).
-### Declare your environment variables
-To avoid spurious refetch of repository rules (and the impossibility of tracking all
-usages of environmnent variables), only environment variables that have been declared
-through the `environ` attribute of the `repository_rule` function are invalidating
-the repositories.
-Therefore, if you think you should re-run if an environment variable changes (like
-for auto-configuration rules), you should declare those dependencies, or your user
-will have to do `bazel clean --expunge` each time they change their environment.
diff --git a/site/blog/_posts/2017-02-27-protocol-buffers.md b/site/blog/_posts/2017-02-27-protocol-buffers.md
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-layout: posts
-title: Protocol Buffers in Bazel
-Bazel currently provides built-in rules for Java, JavaLite and C++.
-is a language-agnostic rule that describes relations between `.proto` files.
-are rules that "attach" to `proto_library` and generate language-specific
-By making a `java_library` (resp. `cc_library`) depend on `java_proto_library`
-(resp. `cc_proto_library`) your code gains access to the generated code.
-## TL;DR - Usage example
-> TIP:
-> [https://github.com/cgrushko/proto_library](https://github.com/cgrushko/proto_library)
-> contains a buildable example.
-> NOTE: Bazel 0.4.4 lacks some features the example uses - you'll need to build
-> Bazel from head. The easiest is to install Bazel, download Bazel's source
-> code, build it (`bazel build //src:bazel`) and copy it somewhere (e.g., `cp
-> bazel-bin/src/bazel ~/bazel`)
-### WORKSPACE file
-Bazel's proto rules implicitly depend on the
-distribution (described below, in "Implicit Dependencies and Proto Toolchains").
-The following satisfies these dependencies:
-> TIP: This is a shortened version of
-> [https://github.com/cgrushko/proto_library/blob/master/WORKSPACE](https://github.com/cgrushko/proto_library/blob/master/WORKSPACE)
-# proto_library rules implicitly depend on @com_google_protobuf//:protoc,
-# which is the proto-compiler.
-# This statement defines the @com_google_protobuf repo.
- name = "com_google_protobuf",
- urls = ["https://github.com/google/protobuf/archive/b4b0e304be5a68de3d0ee1af9b286f958750f5e4.zip"],
-# cc_proto_library rules implicitly depend on @com_google_protobuf_cc//:cc_toolchain,
-# which is the C++ proto runtime (base classes and common utilities).
- name = "com_google_protobuf_cc",
- urls = ["https://github.com/google/protobuf/archive/b4b0e304be5a68de3d0ee1af9b286f958750f5e4.zip"],
-# java_proto_library rules implicitly depend on @com_google_protobuf_java//:java_toolchain,
-# which is the Java proto runtime (base classes and common utilities).
- name = "com_google_protobuf_java",
- urls = ["https://github.com/google/protobuf/archive/b4b0e304be5a68de3d0ee1af9b286f958750f5e4.zip"],
-### BUILD files
-> TIP: This is a shortened version of
-> [https://github.com/cgrushko/proto_library/blob/master/src/BUILD](https://github.com/cgrushko/proto_library/blob/master/src/BUILD)
- name = "person_java_proto",
- deps = [":person_proto"],
- name = "person_cc_proto",
- deps = [":person_proto"],
- name = "person_proto",
- srcs = ["person.proto"],
- deps = [":address_proto"],
- name = "address_proto",
- srcs = ["address.proto"],
- deps = [":zip_code_proto"],
- name = "zip_code_proto",
- srcs = ["zip_code.proto"],
-This file yields the following dependency graph:
-![proto_library dependency graph](/assets/proto_library-dep-graph.png)
-Notice how the `proto_library` provide structure for both Java and C++ code
-generators, and how there's only one `java_proto_library` even though there
-multiple `.proto` files.
-## Benefits
-... in comparison with a macro that's responsible for compiling all `.proto`
-files in a project.
-1. Caching + incrementality: changing a single `.proto` only causes the
- rebuilding of dependant `.proto` files. This includes not only regenerating
- code, but also recompiling it. For large proto graphs this could be
- significant.
-2. Depend on pieces of a proto graph from multiple places: in the example
- above, one can add a `cc_proto_library` that `deps` on `zip_code_proto`, and
- including it together with `//src:person_cc_proto` in the same project.
- Though they both transitively depend on `zip_code_proto`, there won't be a
- linking error.
-## Recommended Code Organization
-1. One proto_library rule per `.proto` file.
-2. A file named `foo.proto` will be in a rule named `foo_proto`, which is
- located in the same package.
-3. A `X_proto_library` that wraps a `proto_library` named `foo_proto` should be
- called `foo_X_proto`, and be located in the same package.
-## FAQ
-**Q:** I already have rules named `java_proto_library` and `cc_proto_library`.
-Will there be a problem?<br />
-**A:** No. Since Skylark extensions imported through `load` statements take
-precedence over native rules with the same name, the new rule should not affect
-existing usage of the `java_proto_library` macro.
-**Q:** How do I use gRPC with these rules?<br />
-**A:** The Bazel rules do not generate RPC code since `protobuf` is independent
-of any RPC system. We will work with the gRPC team to create Skylark extensions
-to do so. ([C++ Issue](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/issues/9873), [Java
-**Q:** Do you plan to release additional languages?<br />
-**A:** We can relatively easily create `py_proto_library`. Our end goal is to
-improve Skylark to the point where these rules can be written in Skylark, making
-them independent of Bazel.
-**Q:** How does one use well-known types? (e.g., `any.proto`,
-`descriptor.proto`)<br />
-**A:** Once [https://github.com/google/protobuf/issues/2763](https://github.com/google/protobuf/issues/2763) is resolved, the
-following should be added to a `.proto` file: `import google/protobuf/any.proto`
-and the following: `@com_google_protobuf//:well_known_types_protos` to one's
-`proto_library` rule.
-**Q:** Any tips for writing my own such rules?<br />
-**A:** First, make sure you're able to register actions that compile your target
-language. (as far as I know, Bazel Python actions are not exposed to Skylark,
-for example).<br />
-Second, take extra care to generate unique symbol names and unique filenames.
-There's an implicit assumption that different proto rules with different
-options, generate different symbols. For example, if you write a new rule
-`foo_java_proto_library`, it must not generate symbols that `java_proto_library`
-might. The risk is that a binary will contain both, leading to a one-definition
-rule violation (e.g., linking errors). The downside is that the binary might
-bloat, as it must contain multiple generated code for the same proto. We're
-working on a Skylark version of `java_lite_proto_library` which should provide a
-good example.
-## Implementation Details
-### Implicit Dependencies and Proto Toolchains
-The `proto_library` rule implicitly depends on `@com_google_protobuf//:protoc`,
-which is the protocol buffer compiler. It must be a binary rule (in protobuf,
-it's a `cc_binary`). The rule can be overridden using the `--proto_compiler`
-command-line flag.
-`X_proto_library` rules implicitly depend on
-`@com_google_protobuf_X//:X_toolchain`, which is a `proto_lang_toolchain` rule.
-These rules can be overridden using the `--proto_toolchain_for_X` command-line
-A `proto_lang_toolchain` rule describes how to call the protocol compiler, and
-what is the library (if any) that the resulting generated code needs to compile
-against. See an [example in the protobuf
-### Bazel Aspects
-The `X_proto_library` rules are implemented using [Bazel
-Aspects](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/skylark/aspects.html) to have
-the best of two worlds -
-1. Only need a single `X_proto_library` rule for an arbitrarily-large proto
- graph.
-2. Incrementality, caching and no linking errors.
-Conceptually, an `X_proto_library` rule creates a shadow graph of the
-`proto_library` it depends on, and each shadow node calls protocol-compiler and
-then compiles the generated code. This way, if there are multiple paths from a
-rule to a `proto_library` through `X_proto_library`, they all share the same
-### Descriptor Sets
-When compiled on the command-line, a `proto_library` creates a descriptor set
-for the messages it `srcs`. The file is a serialized `FileDescriptorSet`, which
-is described in
-One use case for the descriptor set is generating code without having to parse
-`.proto` files.
-tracks this ability in the protobuf compiler)
-The aforementioned file only contains information about the `.proto` files
-directly mentioned by a `proto_library` rule; the collection of transitive
-descriptor sets is available through the 'proto.transitive_descriptor_sets'
-Skylark provider. See [documentation in
-_By [Carmi Grushko](https://github.com/cgrushko)_
diff --git a/site/blog/_posts/2017-02-28-google-summer-of-code.md b/site/blog/_posts/2017-02-28-google-summer-of-code.md
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-layout: posts
-title: A Google Summer of Code with Bazel
-I'm happy to announce that Bazel has been accepted as
-[a mentor organization](https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/organizations/6293241017139200/)
-for the
-[Google Summer of Code 2017](https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/).
-If you are a student and interested in working on Bazel this summer, please read
-Take a look at our
-[ideas page](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/wiki/Project-Ideas): it is
-not exhaustive and we may extend it over time, but it should give you a rough
-idea of what you could work on. Feel free to come up with your new ideas or
-suggest variations on our proposals. Not all projects on the page will be taken:
-we expect to accept up to three students. Students will not work with a single
-mentor, you can expect to interact with multiple people from the Bazel team
-(although there will be a main contact point). This will ensure you'll get
-timely responses and assistance, even if one of us goes on vacation.
-This is the first time we participate in Google Summer of Code, please bear with
-us if you miss some information. We will update our ideas page to answer the
-most frequent questions.
-If you have any question, please contact us on bazel-core@googlegroups.com
-I'm looking forward to hearing from you,
-_Laurent Le Brun, on behalf of the Bazel mentors._
diff --git a/site/blog/_posts/2017-03-07-java-sandwich.md b/site/blog/_posts/2017-03-07-java-sandwich.md
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-layout: posts
-title: Skylark and Java rules interoperability
-As of Bazel 0.4.4, Java compilation is possible from a Skylark rule. This
-facilitates the Skylark and Java interoperability and allows creating what we
-call _Java sandwiches_ in Bazel.
-## What is a Bazel Java sandwich?
-A Java sandwich refers to custom rules written in Skylark being able to depend
-on Bazel native rules (e.g. `java_library`) and the other way around. A typical
-Java sandwich in Bazel could be illustrated like this:
-java_library(name = "top", ...)
-java_skylark_library(name = "middle", deps = [":top", ...], ...)
-java_library(name = "bottom", deps = [":middle", ...], ...)
-## Built-in support for Java
-In Skylark, an interface to built-in Java functionality is available via the `java_common` module.
-The full API can be found in [the documentation](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/skylark/lib/java_common.html).
-### `java_common.compile`
-Compiles Java source files/jars from the implementation of a Skylark rule and
-returns a `java_common.provider` that encapsulates the compilation details.
-### `java_common.merge`
-Merges the given providers into a single `java_common.provider`.
-## Examples
-To allow other Java rules (native or custom) to depend on a Skylark rule, the
-Skylark rule should return a `java_common.provider`. All native Java rules
-return `java_common.provider` by default, which makes it possible for any Java
-related Skylark rule to depend on them.
-For now, there are 3 ways of creating a `java_common.provider`:
-1. The result of `java_common.compile`.
-2. Fetching it from a Java dependency.
-3. Merging multiple `java_common.provider` instances using `java_common.merge`.
-### Using the Java sandwich with compilation example
-This example illustrates the typical Java sandwich described above, that will
-make use of Java compilation:
-java_library(name = "top", ...)
-java_skylark_library(name = "middle", deps = [":top", ...], ...)
-java_library(name = "bottom", deps = [":middle", ...], ...)
-In the BUILD file we load the Skylark rule and have the rules:
-load(':java_skylark_library.bzl', 'java_skylark_library')
- name = "top",
- srcs = ["A.java"],
- deps = [":middle"]
- name = "middle",
- srcs = ["B.java"],
- deps = [":bottom"]
- name = "bottom",
- srcs = ["C.java"]
-The implementation of `java_skylark_library` rule does the following:
-1. Collects all the `java_common.provider`s from its dependencies and merges
-them using `java_common.merge`.
-2. Creates an artifact that will be the output jar of the Java compilation.
-3. Compiles the specified Java source files using `java_common.compile`, passing
-as dependencies the collected `java_common.provider`s.
-4. Returns the output jar and the `java_common.provider` resulting from the
-def _impl(ctx):
- deps = []
- for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
- if java_common.provider in dep:
- deps.append(dep[java_common.provider])
- output_jar = ctx.new_file("lib" + ctx.label.name + ".jar")
- compilation_provider = java_common.compile(
- ctx,
- source_files = ctx.files.srcs,
- output = output_jar,
- javac_opts = [],
- deps = deps,
- strict_deps = "ERROR",
- java_toolchain = ctx.attr._java_toolchain,
- host_javabase = ctx.attr._host_javabase
- )
- return struct(
- files = set([output_jar]),
- providers = [compilation_provider]
- )
-java_skylark_library = rule(
- implementation = _impl,
- attrs = {
- "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
- "deps": attr.label_list(),
- "_java_toolchain": attr.label(default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain")),
- "_host_javabase": attr.label(default = Label("//tools/defaults:jdk"))
- },
- fragments = ["java"]
-### Just passing around information about Java rules example
-In some use cases there is no need for Java compilation, but rather just passing
-information about Java rules around. A Skylark rule can have some other
-(irrelevant here) purpose, but if it is placed somewhere between two Java rules
-it should not lose information from bottom to top.
-In this example we have the same Bazel sandwich as above:
-java_library(name = "top", ...)
-java_skylark_library(name = "middle", deps = [":top", ...], ...)
-java_library(name = "bottom", deps = [":middle", ...], ...)
-only that `java_skylark_library` won't make use of Java compilation, but will
-make sure that all the Java information encapsulated by the Java library
-`bottom` will be passed on to the Java library `top`.
-The BUILD file is identical to the one from the previous example.
-The implementation of `java_skylark_library` rule does the following:
-1. Collects all the `java_common.provider`s from its dependencies
-2. Returns the `java_common.provider` that resulted from merging the collected
-def _impl(ctx):
- deps = []
- for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
- if java_common.provider in dep:
- deps.append(dep[java_common.provider])
- deps_provider = java_common.merge(deps)
- return struct(
- providers = [deps_provider]
- )
-java_skylark_library = rule(
- implementation = _impl,
- attrs = {
- "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
- "deps": attr.label_list(),
- "_java_toolchain": attr.label(default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/jdk:toolchain")),
- "_host_javabase": attr.label(default = Label("//tools/defaults:jdk"))
- },
- fragments = ["java"]
-## More to come
-Right now there is no way of creating a `java_common.provider` that encapsulates
-compiled code (and its transitive dependencies), other than
-`java_common.compile`. For example one may want to create a provider from a
-`.jar` file produced by some other means.
-Soon there will be support for use cases like this. Stay tuned!
-If you are interested in tracking the progress on Bazel Java sandwich you can
-subscribe to [this Github issue](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/2614).
-_[Irina Iancu](https://github.com/iirina), on behalf of the Bazel Java team_
diff --git a/site/blog/_posts/2017-03-21-design-of-skylark.md b/site/blog/_posts/2017-03-21-design-of-skylark.md
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-layout: posts
-title: A glimpse of the design of Skylark
-This blog post describes the design of Skylark, the language used to specify
-builds in Bazel.
-## A brief history
-Many years ago, code at Google was built using Makefiles. As [other people
-Makefiles don't scale well with a large code base. A temporary solution was to
-generate Makefiles using Python scripts, where the description of the build was
-stored in `BUILD` files containing calls to the Python functions. But this
-solution was way too slow, and the bottleneck was Make.
-The project Blaze (later open-sourced as Bazel) was started in 2006. It used a
-simple parser to read the `BUILD` files (supporting only function calls, list
-comprehensions and variable assignments). When Blaze could not directly parse a
-`BUILD` file, it used a preprocessing step that ran the Python interpreter on
-the user `BUILD` file to generate a simplified `BUILD` file. The output was used
-by Blaze.
-This approach was simple and allowed developers to create their own macros. But
-again, this led to lots of problems in terms of maintenance, performance, and
-safety. It also made any kind of tooling more complicated, as Blaze was not able
-to parse the `BUILD` files itself.
-In the current iteration of Bazel, we've made the system saner by removing the
-Python preprocessing step. We kept the Python syntax, though, in order to
-migrate our codebase. This seems to be a good idea anyway: Many people like the
-syntax of our `BUILD` files and other build tools (e.g.
-[Pants](http://www.pantsbuild.org/build_files.html), and
-[Please](https://please.build/language.html)) have adopted it.
-## Design requirements
-We decided to separate description of the build from the extensions (macros and
-rules). The description of the build resides in `BUILD` files and the extensions
-reside in `.bzl` files, although they are all evaluated with the same
-interpreter. We want the code to be easy to read and maintain. We designed Bazel
-to be used by thousands of engineers. Most of them are not familiar with build
-systems internals and most of them don't want to spend time learning a new
-language. `BUILD` files need to be simple and declarative, so that we can build
-tools to manipulate them.
-The language also needed to:
-* Run on the JVM. Bazel is written in Java. The data structures should be
- shared between Bazel and the language (due to memory requirements in large
- builds).
-* Use a Python syntax, to preserve our codebase.
-* Be deterministic and hermetic. We have to guarantee that the execution of
- the code will always yield the same results. For example, we forbid access
- to I/O and date and time, and ensure deterministic iteration order of
- dictionaries.
-* Be thread-safe. We need to evaluate a lot of `BUILD` files in parallel.
- Execution of the code needs to be thread-safe in order to guarantee
- determinism.
-Finally, we have performance concerns. A typical `BUILD` file is simple and can
-be executed quickly. In most cases, evaluating the code directly is faster than
-compiling it first.
-## Parallelism and imports
-One special feature of Skylark is how it handles parallelism. In Bazel, a large
-build require the evaluation of hundreds of `BUILD` files, so we have to load
-them in parallel. Each `BUILD` file may use any number of extensions, and those
-extensions might need other files as well. This means that we end up with a
-graph of dependencies.
-Bazel first evaluates the leaves of this graph (i.e. the files that have no
-dependencies) in parallel. It will load the other files as soon as their
-dependencies have been loaded, which means the evaluation of `BUILD` and `.bzl`
-files is interleaved. This also means that the order of the `load` statements
-doesn't matter at all.
-Each file is loaded at most once. Once it has been evaluated, its definitions
-(the global variables and functions) are cached. Any other file can access the
-symbols through the cache.
-Since multiple threads can access a variable at the same time, we need a
-restriction on side-effects to guarantee thread-safety. The solution is simple:
-when we cache the definitions of a file, we "freeze" them. We make them
-read-only, i.e. you can iterate on an array, but not modify its elements. You
-may create a copy and modify it, though.
-In a future blog post, we'll take a look at the other features of the language.
-_By [Laurent Le Brun](https://github.com/laurentlb)_
diff --git a/site/blog/_posts/2017-04-21-JDK7-deprecation.md b/site/blog/_posts/2017-04-21-JDK7-deprecation.md
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-layout: posts
-title: JDK7 deprecation
-The Bazel team has been maintaining a separate, stripped-down build of Bazel
-that runs with JDK 7. The 0.5.1 release will no longer provide this special
-To address the problem of JDK 8 not being available on some machines, starting
-with version 0.5.0, our installer will embed a JDK by default.
-If you have any concerns, please reach out to
- * `bazel-0.5.0-installer.sh`: default version, with embedded JDK.
- * `bazel-0.5.0-without-jdk-installer.sh`: version without embedded JDK.
- * `bazel-0.5.0-jdk7-installer.sh`: last release compatible with JDK 7.
- * `bazel-0.5.1-installer.sh`: default version, with embedded JDK.
- * `bazel-0.5.1-without-jdk-installer.sh`: version without embedded JDK.
-__Migration path:__
-If you are currently using the Bazel with JDK 7, then starting with version
-0.5.0 you must start using the default installer.
-If you are currently using the default installer and do not want to use a
-version with embedded JDK, then use the `-without-jdk` version.
-Homebrew and debian packages do not contain the embedded JDK. This change only
-affects the shell installers.
-Thanks everybody for bearing with all the JDK 7 related issues, including the
-Java team at Google, in particular
-[Liam Miller-Cushon](https://github.com/cushon).
-Special thanks to [Philipp Wollermann](https://github.com/philwo) who made this
-new installer possible.
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-layout: posts
-title: Bazel 0.5.0 Released
-We are delighted to announce the [0.5.0 release of
-Bazel](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/tag/0.5.0) (follow the link
-for the full release notes and list of changes).
-This release simplifies Bazel installation on Windows and platforms where a JDK
-is not available. It solidifies the Build Event Protocol and [Remote Execution
-> Note: Bazel release 0.5.0 contains a bug in the compiler detection on macOS which
-> requires Xcode and the iOS tooling to be installed
-> ([corresponding issue #3063](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/3063)).
-> If you had Command Line Tools installed, you also need to switch to Xcode using
-> `sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer`.
-## Improvements from our roadmap
-### Bundled JDK
-As announced earlier, when using an install script, bazel now comes by default
-bundled with JDK 8. This means fewer steps required to install Bazel. Read more
-about JDK 7 deprecation in [the related blog
-### Windows support: now in beta
-Bazel on Windows is now easier to install: it is no longer linked with MSYS. A
-following blog post will detail this further. Bazel is now able to build Java,
-C++ and Python on Windows.
-### Build Event Protocol
-The [Build Event
-is now available as an experimental option; it enables programmatic subscription
-to Bazel's events (build started, action status, target completed, test
-results…). Currently, the protocol can only be written to a file. A gRPC
-transport is already in the works and will be added in the next minor release.
-The API will be stabilized in 0.5.1.
-### Coverage support for pure Java targets
-Use bazel coverage //my:target to generate coverage information from a
-## Other major changes since 0.4.0
-### New rules
-New rules in Bazel:
-### New Apple rules
-There is a new repository for building for Apple platforms:
-These rules replace the deprecated iOS/watchOS rules built into Bazel. By
-rebuilding the rules from the ground up in Skylark and hosting them separately,
-we can more quickly fix bugs and implement new Apple features and platform
-versions as they become available.
-### Android Support Improvements
-- Integration with the Android Support Repository libraries in
- android\_sdk\_repository.
-- Support for Java 8 in Android builds with --experimental\_desugar\_for\_android.
- See [Android Studio's
- documentation](https://developer.android.com/studio/preview/features/java8-support.html)
- for more details about Android's Java 8 language features.
-- Multidex is now fully supported via
- [android\_binary.multidex](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/be/android.html#android_binary.multidex).
-- android\_ndk\_repository now supports Android NDK 13 and NDK 14.
-- APKs are now signed with both APK Signature V1 and V2.
- See [Android
- documentation](https://source.android.com/security/apksigning/v2.html) for more
- details about APK Signature Scheme v2.
-### Remote Execution API
-We fixed a number of bugs in the Remote Execution implementation. The final RPC
-API design has been sent to
-[bazel-discuss@](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-discuss) for
-discussion (see [Design Document: Remote Execution
-and it should be finalized in the 0.6.0 release. The final API should only be a
-minor change compared to the implementation in this 0.5.0 release.
-## Skylark
-- Declared Providers are now implemented and
- [documented](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/skylark/rules.html#providers).
- They enable more robust and clearly defined interfaces between different
- rules and aspects. We recommend using them for all rules and aspects.
-- The type formerly known as 'set' is now called 'depset'. Depsets make your
- rules perform much better, allowing rules memory consumption to scale
- linearly instead of quadratically with build graph size - make sure you have
- read the
- [documentation on depsets](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/skylark/depsets.html).
-## Finally...
-A big thank you to our community for your continued support.
-Particular shout-outs to Peter Mounce for the [Chocolatey Windows
-package](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/install-windows.html) and Yuki
-Yugui Sonoda for maintaining [rules\_go](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go)
-(they both received an [open source peer
-from Google).
-Thank you all, keep the
-[questions](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/bazel) and [bug
-reports](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues) coming!
-See the full list of changes on [GitHub](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/tag/0.5.0).
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-<rss version="2.0">
- <title>Bazel Blog</title>
- <link>http://bazel.build</link>
- <description>Fast, correct builds.</description>
- {% for post in site.categories.blog limit:10 %}
- <item>
- <title>{{ post.title }}</title>
- <link>{{ post.url }}</link>
- <description>{{ post.content | xml_escape }}</description>
- <pubDate>{{ post.date | date: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z" }}</pubDate>
- </item>
- {% endfor %}
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-layout: blog
-title: Blog
-{% for post in site.categories.blog %}
-<div class="blog-post">
- <h1 class="blog-post-title"><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></h1>
- <div class="blog-post-meta">
- <span class="text-muted">{{ post.date | date_to_long_string }}</span>
- </div>
- {{ post.content }}
-{% endfor %}
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-layout: contribute
-title: Contributing to Bazel
-# Contributing to Bazel
-<p class="lead">We welcome contributions! This page covers setting up your
-machine to develop Bazel and, when you've made a patch, how to submit it.</p>
-## How can I contribute to Bazel?
-In general, we prefer contributions that fix bugs or add features (as opposed to
-stylistic, refactoring, or "cleanup" changes).
-Please check with us on the
-[dev list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-dev) before investing
-a lot of time in a patch. Meet other Bazel contributors on [IRC](http://webchat.freenode.net)
-### Patch Acceptance Process
-1. Read the [Bazel governance plan](governance.html).
-2. Discuss your plan and design, and get agreement on our [mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-dev).
-3. Prepare a git commit that implements the feature. Don't forget to add tests.
-4. Ensure you've signed a [Contributor License Agreement](https://cla.developers.google.com).
-5. Create a new code review. You can use a GitHub pull request, or a code
- review on [Gerrit](https://bazel-review.googlesource.com).
- * To use GitHub, send a pull request. If you're new to GitHub, read [about
- pull requests](https://help.github.com/articles/about-pull-requests/).
- * To use Gerrit, you must:
- * Have an automatically generated "Change Id" line in your commit
- message. If you haven't used Gerrit before, it will print a bash
- command to create the git hook and then you will need to run
- `git commit --amend` to add the line.
- * To create a code review on Gerrit, run:
- ```
- git push https://bazel.googlesource.com/bazel HEAD:refs/for/master
- ```
- The HTTP password required by Gerrit can be obtained from your
- [Gerrit settings page](https://bazel-review.googlesource.com/#/settings/http-password).
- See the [Gerrit documentation](https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/user-upload.html)
- for more information about uploading changes.
-6. Wait for a Bazel team member to assign you a reviewer.
- It should be done in 2 business days (excluding holidays in the USA and
- Germany). If you do not get a reviewer within that time frame, you can ask
- for one by sending a mail to [bazel-sheriff@googlegroups.com](mailto:bazel-sheriff@googlegroups.com).
- You can also assign yourself a reviewer if you know who the reviewer should
- be (e.g., because they reviewed an earlier related change).
-7. Complete a code review. Amend your existing commit and re-push to make
- changes to your patch.
-8. An engineer at Google applies the patch to our internal version control
- system. The patch is exported as a Git commit, at which point the GitHub
- or Gerrit code review is closed.
-## Setting up your coding environment
-For now we have support for IntelliJ, and partial support for the Eclipse IDE
-for Java. We don't have IDE support for other languages in Bazel right now.
-### Preparations
-* [Install Bazel](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/install.html) on your
- system. Note that for developing Bazel, you need the latest released version
- of Bazel.
-* Clone Bazel's Git repository from Gerrit:
- * `git clone https://bazel.googlesource.com/bazel`
-* Try to build Bazel:
- * `cd bazel && bazel build //src:bazel`
-* This should produce a working Bazel binary in `bazel-bin/src/bazel`.
-If everything works fine, feel free to configure your favorite IDE in the
-following steps.
-### Creating an IntelliJ project
-To work with IntelliJ:
-* Install Bazel's [IntelliJ plug-in](https://ij.bazel.build).
-* Set the path to the Bazel binary in the plugin preferences
- (`Preferences` > `Other Settings` > `Bazel Settings`).
-* Import the Bazel workspace as a Bazel project
- (`File` > `Import Bazel Project...`) with the following settings:
- * Use existing bazel workspace: choose your cloned Git repository.
- * Select `Import from workspace` and choose the `scripts/ij.bazelbuild`
- file as the `Project view`.
-* Download [Google's Java Code Style Scheme file for IntelliJ](https://github.com/google/styleguide/blob/gh-pages/intellij-java-google-style.xml),
- import it (go to `Preferences` > `Editor` > `Code Style` > `Java`, click `Manage`, then `Import`)
- and use it when working on Bazel's code.
-### Creating an Eclipse project
-To work with Eclipse:
-* [Install Bazel](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/install.html) on your system.
-* Clone Bazel's Git repository from Gerrit:
- * `git clone https://bazel.googlesource.com/bazel`
-* Install the [e4b](https://github.com/bazelbuild/e4b) plugin.
-* Change the path to the Bazel binary in the plugin preferences.
-* Import the Bazel workspace as a Bazel project (`File` > `New` > `Other` >
- `Import Bazel Workspace`).
-* Select `src > main > java` and `src > test > java` as directories and add
- `//src/main/java/...` and `//src/test/java/...` as targets.
-* Download [Google's Java Code Style Scheme file for Eclipse](https://github.com/google/styleguide/blob/gh-pages/eclipse-java-google-style.xml) and use it when working on Bazel's code.
-<a name="compile-bazel"></a>
-### Compiling Bazel
-To test out bazel, you need to compile it. To compile a development version of
-Bazel, you need a the latest released version of bazel, which can be
-[compiled from source](/versions/master/docs/install.html#compiling-from-source).
-`bazel build //src:bazel` builds the Bazel binary using `bazel` from your PATH
-and the resulting binary can be found at `bazel-bin/src/bazel`. This is the
-recommended way of rebuilding Bazel once you have bootstrapped it.
-In addition to the Bazel binary, you might want to build the various tools Bazel
-uses. They are located in `//src/java_tools/...`, `//src/objc_tools/...` and
-`//src/tools/...` and their directories contain README files describing their
-respective utility.
-When modifying Bazel, you want to make sure that the following still works:
-* Build a distribution archive with `bazel build //:bazel-distfile`. After
- unzipping it in a new empty directory, run `bash compile.sh all` there.
- It rebuilds Bazel with `./compile.sh`, Bazel with the
- `compile.sh` Bazel and Bazel with the Bazel-built binary. It compares if the
- constructed Bazel builts are identical and then runs all bazel tests with
- `bazel test //src/... //third_party/ijar/...`. This is what we use at Google
- to ensure that we don't break Bazel when pushing new commits, too.
-### Debugging Bazel
-Start creating a debug configuration for both C++ and Java in your `.bazelrc`
-with the following:
-build:debug -c dbg
-build:debug --javacopt="-g"
-build:debug --copt="-g"
-build:debug --strip="never"
-Then you can rebuild Bazel with `bazel build --config debug //src:bazel` and use
-your favorite debugger to start debugging.
-For debugging the C++ client you can just run it from gdb or lldb as you normally would.
-But if you want to debug the Java code, you must attach to the server using the following:
-* Run Bazel with debugging option `--host_jvm_debug` before the
- command (e.g., `bazel --batch --host_jvm_debug build //src:bazel`).
-* Attach a debugger to the port 5005. With `jdb` for instance,
- run `jdb -attach localhost:5005`. From within Eclipse, use the
- [remote Java application launch
- configuration](http://help.eclipse.org/luna/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.eclipse.jdt.doc.user%2Ftasks%2Ftask-remotejava_launch_config.htm).
-* Our IntelliJ plugin has built-in
- [debugging support](https://ij.bazel.build/docs/run-configurations.html)
-## Bazel's code description
-Bazel is organized in several parts:
-* Client code in `src/main/cpp` provides the command-line interface.
-* Protocol buffers in `src/main/protobuf`.
-* Server code in `src/main/java` and `src/test/java`.
- * Core code which is mostly composed of [SkyFrame](designs/skyframe.html) and some
- utilities.
- * Rules written in Bazel's extension language
- [Skylark](docs/skylark/index.html) are defined in `tools/build_rules`. If
- you want to add rules, consider using [Skylark](docs/skylark/index.html)
- first.
- * Builtin rules in `com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules` and in
- `com.google.devtools.build.lib.bazel.rules`. You might want to read about
- the [Challenges of Writing Rules](docs/rule-challenges.html) first.
-* Java native interfaces in `src/main/native`.
-* Various tooling for language support (see the list in the
- [compiling Bazel](#compile-bazel) section).
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-layout: contribute
-title: bazel init a.k.a ./configure for Bazel
-__This design document has been replaced by
-[Skylark Remote Repositories](/designs/2015/07/02/skylark-remote-repositories.html)
-and is maintained here just for reference__
-# Design Document: bazel init a.k.a ./configure for Bazel
-_A configuration mechanism for Bazel_
-**Design documents are not descriptions of the current functionality of Bazel.
-Always go to the documentation for current information.**
-**Status:** deprecated, replaced by [Skylark Remote Repositories](/designs/2015/07/02/skylark-remote-repositories.html)
-**Author:** dmarting@google.com
-**Design document published**: 06 March 2015
-## I. Rationale
-Bazel tooling needs special setup to work. For example, C++ crosstool
-configuration requires path to GCC or Java configuration requires the
-path to the JDK. Autodetecting those paths from Bazel would be broken
-because each ruleset requires its own configuration (C++ CROSSTOOL
-information is totally different from JDK detection or from go root
-detection). Therefore, providing a general mechanism to configure
-Bazel tooling seems natural. To have Bazel self-contained, we will
-ship this mechanism as an additional command of Bazel. Because this
-command deals with non-hermetic parts of Bazel, this command should
-also group all non-hermetic steps (i.e. it should fetch the
-dependencies from the remote repositories) so a user can run it and
-get on a plane with everything needed.
-## II. Considered use-cases
-We consider the 3 following use-cases:
- - __UC1.__ The user wants to not worry about tools configuration and
- use the default one for golden languages (Java, C++, Shell) and
- wants to also activate an optional language (Go). No configuration
- information (aka `tools` package) should be checked into the
- version control system.
- - __UC2.__ The user wants to tweak Java configuration but not C++. Of
- course, the user wants his tweak to be shared with his team (i.e.
- `tools/jdk` should be checked into the version control system).
- However, the user does not want to have C++ information (i.e.
- `tools/cpp`) in the VCS.
- - __UC3.__ The user wants his build to be hermetic and he wants to
- set up everything in his `tools` directory (Google use-case).
-### Notes
-This document addresses the special case of the configuration of the
-`tools` package, mechanisms presented here could be extended to any
-dependency that needs to be configured (e.g., detecting the installed
-libncurse) but that is out of the scope of this document.
-Anywhere in this document we refer to the `tools` package as the
-package that will receive the current `tools` package content, it does
-not commit to keep that package name.
-## III. Requirements
-### `bazel init` should:
- - _a1._ Not be available in hermetic version (i.e. Google version of
- Bazel, a.k.a Blaze).
- - _a2._ Allow per-language configuration. I.e., Java and C++ tooling
- configuration should be separated.
- - _a3._ Allow Skylark add-ons to specify their configuration, this
- should be pluggable so we can actually activate configuration per
- rule set.
- - _a4._ Support at least 3 modes corresponding to each envisioned
- use-cases:
- * __UC1.__: __installed__ (default mode): a "hidden" `tools`
- package contains the detected tool paths (`gcc`, the JDKs, ...)
- as well as their configuration (basically the content of the
- current `//tools` package). This package should be constructed
- as much as possibly automatically with a way for the user to
- overwrite detected settings.
- * __UC2.__: __semi-hermetic__: the "hidden" `tools` package is used
- only for linking the actual tool paths but the configuration
- would be checked-in into the workspace (in a similar way that
- what is currently done in Bazel). The "hidden" `tools` package
- could contains several versions of the same tools (e.g., jdk-8,
- jdk-7, ...) and the workspace link to a specific one.
- * __UC3.__: __hermetic__: this is the Google way of thing: the
- user check-in everything that he thinks belong to the workspace
- and the init command should do nothing.
- - _a5._ Support explicit reconfiguration. If the configuration
- mechanism changes or the user wants to tune the configuration, it
- should support to modify the configuration, i.e., update the
- various paths or change the default options.
-### `bazel init` could:
- - _b1._: Initialize a new workspace: as it would support configuring
- a whole tool directory, it might be quite close to actually
- initializing a new workspace.
-## IV. User interface
-To be efficient, when the `tools` directory is missing, `bazel build`
-should display an informative error message to actually run `bazel
-Configuration is basically just setting a list of build constants like
-the path to the JDK, the list of C++ flags, etc...
-When the user type `bazel init`, the configuration process starts with
-the default configuration (e.g., configure for “gold features” such as
-C++, Java, sh_, ...). It should try to autodetect as much as possible.
-If a language configuration needs something it cannot autodetect, then
-it can prompt the user for the missing information and the
-configuration can fail if something is really wrong.
-On default installation, `bazel init` should not prompt the user at
-all. When the process finishes, the command should output a summary of
-the configuration. The configuration is then stored in a "hidden"
-directory which is similar to our current `tools` package. By default,
-the labels in the configuration would direct to that package (always
-mapped as a top-level package). The "hidden:" directory would live in
-`$(output_base)/init/tools` and be mapped using the package path
-mechanism. The `--overwrite` option would be needed to rerun the
-automatic detection and overwrite everything including the eventual
-user-set options.
-For the hermetic mode, the user has to recreate the default tools
-package inside the workspace. If the user has a package with the same
-name in the workspace, then the "hidden" directory should be ignored
-To set a configuration option, the user would type `bazel init
-java:jdk=/path/to/jdk` or to use the autodetection on a specific
-option `bazel init java:jdk`. The list of settings group could be
-obtained by `bazel init list` and the list of option with their value
-for a specific language by `bazel init list group`. `bazel init list
-all` could give the full configuration of all activated groups.
-_Prospective idea:_ Bazel init should explore the BUILD file to find the
-Skylark `load` statements, determine if there is an associated init
-script and use it.
-## V. Developer interface
-This section presents the support for developer that wants to add
-autoconfiguration for a ruleset. The developer adding a configuration
-would provide with a configuration script for it. This script will be
-in charge of creating the package in the tools directory during `bazel
-init` (i.e., the script for Java support will construct the
-//tools/jdk package in the "hidden" package path).
-Because of skylark rules and the fact that the configuration script
-should run before having access to the C++ and Java tooling, this
-seems unreasonable to use a compiled language (Java or C++) for this
-script. We could use the Skylark support to make it a subset of python
-or we could use a bash script. Python support would be portable since
-provided by Bazel itself and consistent with skylark. It also gives
-immediate support for manipulating BUILD files. So keeping a
-"skylark-like" syntax, the interface would look like:
- name, # name of the tools package to configure
- autodetect_method, # the auto detection method
- generate_method, # the actual package generation
- load_method, # A method to load the attributes presented
- # to the user from the package
- attrs = { # List of attributes this script propose
- "jdk_path": String,
- "__some_other_path": String, # not user-settable
- "jdk_version": Integer,
- })
-Given that interface, an initial run of `bazel init` would do:
- 1. Find all language configuration scripts
- 2. Run `load_method` for each script
- 3. Run `autodetect_method` for each script. Replace non loaded
- attribute (attribute still undefined after `load_method`) if and
- only if `--rerun` option is provided
- 4. Run `generate_method` for each script
- 5. Fetch all non up to date dependencies of remote repository
-See Appendix B for examples of such methods.
-## VI. Implementation plan
- 1. Add the hidden tools directory and have it binded with package
- path when no tools directory exists. The hidden tools directory
- will have a WORKSPACE file and will have an automatic local
- repository with the "init" name so that we can actually bind
- targets from it into our workspace.
- 2. Add `bazel init` that support the configuration for native
- packages in Java, that is: Java, C++, genrule and test. This
- would create the necessary mechanisms for supporting the
- developer and the basic user interface. This commands will be
- totally in Java for now and should trigger the fetch part of the
- remote repository.
- 3. Design and implement the language extension ala Skylark using the
- design for the Java version of point 2.
- 4. Convert the existing configuration into that language.
- 5. Integrate the configuration with Skylark (i.e. Skylark rules
- writer can add configuration step). We should here decide on
- how it should be included (as a separate script? how do we
- ship a skylark rule set? can we have load statement loading
- a full set of rules?).
- 6. Create configuration for the existing skylark build rules. If
- we support load statement with label, we can then create a
- repository for Skylark rules.
-## Appendix A. Various comments
- 1. We should get rid of the requirement for a `tools/defaults/BUILD` file.
- 2. To works correctly, we need some local caching of the bazel
- repository so tools are available. We could have bazelrc specify a
- global path to the local cache (with `/etc/bazel.bazelrc` being loaded
- first to `~/.bazelrc`). We could use a `~/.bazel` directory to put an
- updatable tools cache also. This is needed because user probably want
- to initialize a workspace tooling on a plane
- 3. This proposal would probably add a new top-level package. We
- should really take care of the naming convention for default top
- packages (i.e., `tools`, `tools/defaults`, `visibility`, `external`,
- `condition`...). We are going to make some user unhappy if they cannot
- have an `external` directory at the top of their workspace (I would
- just not use a build system that goes against my workspace structure).
- While it is still time to do it, we should rename them with a nice
- naming convention. A good way to do it is to make top-package name
- constants, possibly settable in the WORKSPACE file (so we can actually
- keep the name we like but user that are bothered by that can change
- it).
- 4. As we will remove the tools directory from the workspace, it
- makes sense to add another prelude_bazel file somewhere else. As the
- `WORKSPACE` file controls the workspace, it makes sense to have the
- `prelude_bazel` logic in it (and the load statement should support
- labels so that a user can actually specify remote repository labels).
-## Appendix B. Skylark-like code examples of configuration functions
-This is just a quick draft, please feel free to propose improvements:
-# env is the environment, attrs are the values set either from the command-line
-# or from loading the package
-def autodetect_method(env, attrs):
- if not attrs.java_version: # If not given in the command line nor loaded
- attrs.java_version = 8
- if not attrs.jdk_path:
- if env.has("JDK_HOME"):
- attrs.jdk_path = env.get("JDK_HOME")
- elif env.os = "darwin":
- attrs.jdk_path = system("/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1." + attrs.java_version + "+")
- else:
- attrs.jdk_path = basename(basename(readlink(env.path.find(java))))
- if not attrs.jdk_path:
- fail("Could not find JDK home, please set it with `bazel init java:jdk_path=/path/to/jdk`")
- attrs.__some_other_path = first(glob(["/usr/bin/java", "/usr/local/bin/java"]))
-# attrs is the list of attributes. It basically contains the list of rules
-# we should generate in the corresponding package. Please note
-# That all labels are replaced by relative ones as it should not be able
-# to write out of the package.
-def generate_method(attrs):
- scratch_file("BUILD.jdk", """
-Content of the jdk BUILD file.
- # Create binding using local_repository. This should not lie in
- # the WORKSPACE file but in a separate WORKSPACE file in the hidden
- # directory.
- local_repository(name = "jdk", path = attrs.jdk_path, build_file = "BUILD.jdk")
- bind("@jdk//jdk", "jdk") # also add a filegroup("jdk", "//external:jdk")
- java_toolchain(name = "toolchain", source = attrs.java_version, target = attrs.java_version)
- # The magic __BAZEL_*__ variable could be set so we don’t
- # redownload the repository if possible. This install_target
- # should leverage the work already done on remote repositories.
- # This should build and copy the result into the tools directory with
- # The corresponding exports_files now.
- install_target(__BAZEL_REPOSITORY__, __BAZEL_VERSION__, "//src/java_tools/buildjar:JavaBuilder_deploy.jar")
- install_target(__BAZEL_REPOSITORY__, __BAZEL_VERSION__, "//src/java_tools/buildjar:JavaBuilder_deploy.jar")
- copy("https://ijar_url", "ijar")
-# Load the package attributes.
-# - attrs should be written and value will be replaced by the user-provided
-# one if any
-# - query is a query object restricted to the target package and resolving label
-# relatively to the target package. This object should also be able to search
-# for repository binding
-# Note that the query will resolve in the actual tools directory, not the hidden
-# one if it exists whereas the generation only happens in the hidden one.
-def load_method(attrs, query):
- java_toolchain = query.getOne(kind("java_toolchain", "..."))
- if java_toolchain:
- attrs.jdk_version = max(java_toolchain.source, java_toolchain.target)
- jdk = query.getOne(attr("name", "jdk", kind("local_repository", "...")))
- if jdk:
- attrs.jdk_path = jdk.path
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-layout: contribute
-title: Skylark Remote Repositories
-# Design Document: Skylark Remote Repositories
-**Design documents are not descriptions of the current functionality of Bazel.
-Always go to the documentation for current information.**
-**Status:** implemented
-**Author:** dmarting@google.com
-**Reviewers:** lberki@google.com, laurentlb@google.com, kchodorow@google.com
-**Design document published**: 02 July 2015
-## Context
-[Skylark](/docs/skylark/index.html) is the
-extension language for Bazel and lets Bazel users describe the
-build for new languages easily. External users do not create
-native rules and we want to avoid them doing so.
-[Remote repositories](/docs/external.html)
-are a convenient way to specify your third party dependencies
-and to fetch them along with the build if you don’t want to
-check them in your repository.
-This document discuss “Skylark Remote Repositories”, that is
-creating new remote repository rules using Skylark.
-## Why?
- - Enable users to specify new kind of repositories, we already have
- requests for PyPI for example. We don’t want to be supporting every
- kind of repository that exists outside.
- - Enable Skylark rules to write macros to have one-liners for
- including all their tools in your WORKSPACE file.
- - Enable configuration of languages tooling:
- [bazel init](/design/2015/03/06/bazel-init.html)
- first approach as a separate tools is not really user-friendly and
- the same kind of flexibility can be achieved by creating
- repositories rule in Skylark. An example for the JDK is
- [here](https://github.com/damienmg/bazel/commit/c40bd9c71965f0a8c85b732a0b0c3dbe31e017cf/jdk.bzl).
-## User interface (see the [JDK example](https://github.com/damienmg/bazel/commit/c40bd9c71965f0a8c85b732a0b0c3dbe31e017cf/jdk.bzl))
-The load statement will now be available from the WORKSPACE, working
-the same way it does for build file but with WORKSPACE specific
-functions instead.
-In the same way that we have macros and rules for the BUILD file, we
-are going to have macros and rule for the WORKSPACE file. The former
-will be a convenient way to combine remote repositories and the latter
-enable creation of new repositories kind.
-### Macros
-Skylark macros would be activated in the WORKSPACE file and would
-behave as expected. Macros would enable to combine remote repositories
-creation and bind into a single rules E.g. `setup_java()` would set-up
-all bindings and the local repository needed to build java target:
-def setup_java():
- native.new_local_repository(name = “jdk-local”, path = “/usr/share/java/jdk8”, build_file = “jdk.BUILD”)
- for target in ["jni_header", "jni_md_header", "langtools", "bootclasspath", "extdir", "toolchain", "jdk", "java", "javac", "jar"]:
- native.bind(name=target, actual="@%s//:%s" % (name, target))
- native.bind(name="jni_md_header-linux", actual="@%s//:jni_md_header" % name)
- native.bind(name="jni_md_header-darwin", actual="@%s//:jni_md_header" % name)
-### Remote repository rule
-A remote repository rule would be set-up the same way we set-up a
-build rule but with the `repository_rule` statement:
-jdk_repository = repository_rule(
- implementation = my_impl,
- attrs = {
- “java_home”: attr.string(mandatory=False),
- “java_version”: attr.string(default=“1.8”),
- }
-This statement takes only 2 arguments: an implementation function and
-a list of attributes. The syntax is similar to the rule statement but
-attributes can only takes primitive type (String, Label, Integer,
-Boolean, …) and not artifacts.
-The implementation function takes exactly one argument: the repository
-context. This context will provides many convenience methods for doing
-non hermetic operations, e.g., :
-- For discovering the environment:
- * access system environment (`ctxt.os`),
- * execute a program and get the standard output (`ctxt.execute`) to
- discover the environment,
- * …
-- For creating the remote repository:
- * fetch an artifact from URL (`ctxt.download`),
- * uncompress an artifact (`ctxt.path(...).uncompress(outputPath)`),
- * “copy” a directory from the system (`ctx.fetch_path(...)`),
- * create a build file (`ctxt.build_file(...)`)
- * ...
-The precise list of methods the repository context will support will
-be augmented on-demand depending on what makes sense for our users.
-## How?
-A preliminary quick and dirty prototype can be found
-Here what the prototype does:
- 1. [First commit](https://github.com/damienmg/bazel/commit/3a483ab53e547ae677599215faa9e3398bbd06ba)
- activate Skylark macros and repositories
- a. Allow Skylark load statements in the WORKSPACE file by adding
- the various hook and a WorkspaceContext.
- b. A new repository_rule in Skylark that can be called only from
- the WORKSPACE file.
- c. A new repository context that is passed to repository rule and
- that should contain all the non-hermetic stuff so the rest of
- skylark stays hermetic.
- d. A bit of hack for tweaking the SkylarkNativeModule when in
- WORKSPACE file to comply with the structure of the WORKSPACE
- rules.
- e. A dirty hack to load the SkylarkRepositoryFunction as a Skylark
- module without breaking the package boundaries. This is due of
- technical debts on loading Skylark module nicely (there is a TODO
- to do it correctly).
- 2. [Second commit](https://github.com/damienmg/bazel/commit/c40bd9c71965f0a8c85b732a0b0c3dbe31e017cf)
- showcase the usage of Skylark remote repositories as a configuration step.
- a. Add an example for fetching JDK dependencies. It does both the
- detection and the fetching.
- b. Add the necessary methods in the SkylarkRepositoryContext for
- making the example work.
- c. Added the search method to the Skylark string object (to do a
- regex search).
-## Roadmap
-The obvious choice for the roadmap is to remake all those works,
-correctly commented and tested, and then add methods to the
-SkylarkRepositoryContext for full support.
-More precisely the correct order of the work should be:
-1. Activate Skylark Macros taking part of 1.a and doing correctly 1.d
- [[DONE](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/commit/8ca065c2ae941309b53f95313a68e585ecc70560)]
-2. Fix Skylark module load (1.e)
- [[DONE](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/commit/f81c675928c6beeaae5f66480dc7dbef47f75fb8)]
-3. Add the SkylarkRepositoryFunction and empty context (1.b and 1.c)
- [[DONE](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/commit/653df8813dd74042e8e084eeae238a8b9f16a3ca)]
-4. [Extends SkylarkRepositoryContext for handling C++ configuration](/designs/2016/02/16/cpp-autoconf.html)
- [[DONE](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/commit/8fa5ae6a6364100f2a7f9130e62eb0edb447339a)]
-5. Extends SkylarkRepositoryContext
- [[DONE](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/commit/97f2c842ae706eccd822d8d264aba66c6102bade)]
- for handling PyPI
-6. Document
- [[DONE](/docs/skylark/repository_rules.html)]
-7. Extends SkylarkRepositoryContext for handling Docker pull
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-layout: contribute
-title: Generating C++ crosstool with a Skylark Remote Repository
-# Design Document: Generating C++ crosstool with a Skylark Remote Repository
-**Design documents are not descriptions of the current functionality of Bazel.
-Always go to the documentation for current information.**
-**Status:** implemented
-**Author:** dmarting@google.com
-**Reviewers:** lberki@google.com
-**Design document published**: 16 February 2016
-## Context
-[Skylark](/docs/skylark/index.html) is the
-extension language for Bazel and lets Bazel users describe the
-build for new languages easily. External users do not create
-native rules and we want to avoid them doing so.
-[Remote repositories](/docs/external.html)
-are a convenient way to specify your third party dependencies
-and to fetch them along with the build if you don’t want to
-check them in your repository.
-[Skylark remote
-repositories](/designs/2015/07/02/skylark-remote-repositories.html) is
-an ongoing effort to support specifying new remote repositories using
-## Why?
-Configurability issues are stopping users from compiling and using
-Bazel on complex setup. In particular,
-[TensorFlow](https://tensorflow.io)’s users runs on
-various hardware where gcc is installed on non-standard directory that
-needs to change the
-file (see
-[issue #531](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/531)).
-This generally requires to change the list of include directories, the
-path to gcc and sometimes also the linking option to find the correct
-libraries at runtime. Some platform even requires
-[special wrappers around gcc](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/6b6ff76945c80fb8b11b71d402b5146c85b86859/tools/cpp/osx_gcc_wrapper.sh).
-Java solved the problem by setting a custom repository
-where the path is automatically detected using the [location of the JVM
-But this approach does not scale well with complex language setup like
-We reduced the number of C++ issues the user had with removing all C++
-compilation in the bootstrap of Bazel. However, to properly handle
-those platform, Bazel needs some level of auto-configuration
-have their own auto-configuration scripts). This document discuss how
-to use a skylark remote repository to implement a simple
-auto-configuration for C++ crosstool (step 4 of the roadmap from the
-[Skylark remote
-## C++ toolchain detection
-Until now here the various issues user have faced using a custom C++
- 1. C++ compiler is not at the expected location.
- 2. C++ compiler is `clang` and not `gcc` or behaves differently than
- what Bazel C++ rules expect.
- 3. Libraries are not in the default location.
- 4. Headers are not in the default location.
- 5. Path of libraries or headers are outside of the default mounted
- paths.
-The current fix we propose to the user for the various issue are:
- 1. Change the tool paths in
- [tools/cpp/CROSSTOOL#L87](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/6b6ff76945c80fb8b11b71d402b5146c85b86859/tools/cpp/CROSSTOOL#L87).
- 2. Add a wrapper like
- [tools/cpp/osx\_gcc\_wrapper.sh](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/6b6ff76945c80fb8b11b71d402b5146c85b86859/tools/cpp/osx_gcc_wrapper.sh)
- and modify some options from the CROSSTOOL file.
- 3. Add `-Wl,rpath,` option to the
- [linker\_flags](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/6b6ff76945c80fb8b11b71d402b5146c85b86859/tools/cpp/CROSSTOOL#L93).
- 4. Add the directories to the
- [cxx\_builtin\_include\_dirs](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/6b6ff76945c80fb8b11b71d402b5146c85b86859/tools/cpp/CROSSTOOL#L100).
- 5. Deactivate sandboxing
-To address those issues, we propose to add the followings methods to
-the repository context object:
- 1. `which(cmd)` returns the path to the binary designed by `cmd`,
- looking for it in the path environment variable (or equivalent).
- This will help getting the path to the C++ compiler.
- 2. `execute([arg0, arg1, ..., argn])` executes a command and returns an
- `exec_result` struct containing:
- * `stdout` the content of the standard output,
- * `stderr` the content of the standard error output, and
- * `return_code` the return code of the execution.
- Executing `$(CC)` will help detect whether we are using gcc or
- clang.
- 3. An `os` object with an environ map containing the list of
- environment variable. The os object will be extended to
- contains all OS specific variables (platform name and much more).
- 4. `execute([..])` from 2 will be used to run [`gcc ...
- to list the built-in include directories.
-To address the issue 5, we can add the list of paths to dependencies to the
-[crosstool rule in the BUILD
-## Writing the cpp package
-Once we have resolved all the information from the system, we need to
-write two or three files:
- - The `BUILD` file that will contains the corresponding
- `cc_toolchain` rules
- - The `CROSSTOOL` file
- - Optionally, the wrapper script.
-We should extends the context with a `file(path, content)` method, where
-path is a path relative to the repository root and content the content
-of the file to write.
-To ease the writing of crosstool, we should also provide a
-`template(path, label, variables)` method which will write the file
-pointed by path using the file pointed by label (should be a
-FileValue) in which variables have been replaced in the same way that
-## Rollout plan
-The implementation plan would be:
- 1. Implements `which`, `execute`, `os`, `file` and `template`
- [__DONE__]
- 2. Write the `cc_configure` repository rule which does the work. Use
- GitHub bugs as inputs on which platform to support. [__DONE__]
- 3. Advertise the existence of `cc_configure` [__DONE__]
diff --git a/site/designs/_posts/2016-05-23-beautiful-error-messages.md b/site/designs/_posts/2016-05-23-beautiful-error-messages.md
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-layout: documentation
-title: Beautiful error messages
-# Design Document: Beautiful error messages
-**Design documents are not descriptions of the current functionality of Bazel.
-Always go to the documentation for current information.**
-**Status**: Reviewed, not yet implemented
-**Author**: laurentlb@google.com
-**Reviewers**: ulfjack@google.com
-**Design document published**: 23 May 2016
-**Related**: [Implementing beautiful error
-## Background
-Providing good error messages is important for usability. It is especially
-important for new users who try to understand a tool. It can also drive adoption
-(as in clang vs gcc).
-I suggest we make error messages in Bazel more helpful.
-## Other tools
-Screenshots below are from Elm and Clang, both have been praised for the quality
-of their diagnostics. They are good examples we can draw our inspiration from.
-See also [Compiler Errors for Humans]
-(http://elm-lang.org/blog/compiler-errors-for-humans), a blog article about the
-work that went into Elm.
-![Example 1](/assets/error_example_1.png "Example 1")
-![Example 2](/assets/error_example_2.png "Example 2")
-![Example 3](/assets/error_example_3.png "Example 3")
-![Example 4](/assets/error_example_4.png "Example 4")
-## What we can improve
-* Users need **context**: Showing exact code in error is useful (with a caret
- ^). Currently location in Bazel error messages is often approximative (e.g.
- column number is often off, we show location of a rule instead of the
- specific attribute).
-* **Colors** make messages easier to understand.
-* **Suggestions** are useful. Bazel should try to guess what the user wanted
- to do, and suggest a fix. A typical example is to detect typos.
-* A **link** can give more more information (e.g. elm can show a link to
- https://github.com/elm-lang/elm-compiler/blob/master/hints/recursive-alias.md).
- If you don’t, users will have to copy error messages and look up on search
- engine.
-We have some limitations though:
-* Due to memory constraints, we cannot keep the source file or even the AST
- after loading phase. Maybe code printing can be limited to errors in loading
- phase?
-* Code generated through macros can make error reporting more difficult.
-## Examples
-In each example below, you’ll find 1. the input code, 2. the current output from
-Bazel, 3. a suggested improvement.
-These are just suggestions we can iterate on.
-<pre><code>my\_obj = select({
- ":something": [1],
- "other": [2],
-t = [x for x in my\_obj]
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:6:5: type 'select' is not iterable
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:6:16: <strong>my\_obj of type 'select' is not iterable.</strong> You can iterate only on string, lists, tuples, or dicts.
-t = [x for x in my\_obj]
- ^-----
-Related documentation: http://www.bazel.build/docs/be/functions.html#select
-<pre><code>t = [x for x in]
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:1:16: syntax error at ']': expected expression
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:1:16: <strong>Syntax error: expected expression, got ']'.</strong>
-t = [x for x in]
- ^
-<pre><code>glob(["*.cc"], excludes = ["foo.cc"])
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:1:1: unexpected keyword 'excludes' in call to glob(include: sequence of strings, exclude: sequence of strings = [], exclude\_directories: int = 1)
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:1:5: <strong>'excludes' is an invalid keyword argument for the function glob(include, exclude, exclude\_directories).</strong> Did you mean exclude?
-glob(["*.cc"], excludes = ["foo.cc"])
- ^-------
- exclude
-Related documentation: http://www.bazel.build/docs/be/functions.html#glob
-<pre><code>cclibrary(name = "x")
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:1:1: name 'cclibrary' is not defined
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:1:1: <strong>Name 'cclibrary' is not defined.</strong> Did you mean cc\_library?
-cclibrary(name = "x")
- name = "x",
- deps = ":lib",
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:1:1: //test:x: expected value of type 'list(label)' for attribute 'deps' in 'cc\_library' rule, but got ":lib" (string)
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:3:5: <strong>Expected value of type 'list(string)' for attribute 'deps' in 'cc\_library' rule, but got ":lib" (string). </strong>Did you mean [":lib"]?
- deps = ":lib",
- ^-----
- [":lib"]
-Related documentation: http://www.bazel.build/docs/be/c-cpp.html#cc\_library
-<pre><code>VAR = ":lib"
- name = "x",
- deps = VAR,
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:3:1: //test:x: expected value of type 'list(label)' for attribute 'deps' in 'cc\_library' rule, but got ":lib" (string)
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:5:5: <strong>Expected value of type 'list(string)' for attribute 'deps' in 'cc\_library' rule, but got ":lib" (string).</strong> Did you mean [VAR]?
- deps = VAR,
- ^--
- [VAR]
-Related documentation: http://www.bazel.build/docs/be/c-cpp.html#cc\_library
- name = "name",
- deps = ["/test/foo.cc"],
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:1:1: //test:name: invalid label '/test/foo.cc' in element 0 of attribute 'srcs' in 'cc\_library' rule: invalid target name '/test/foo.cc': target names may not start with '/'
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:3:13: <strong>Invalid label '/test:foo.cc' in deps. Labels relative to the root start with //.</strong> Did you mean '//test:foo.cc'?
- deps = ["/test:foo.cc"],
- ^-------------
- "//test:foo.cc"
-Related documentation: http://www.bazel.build/docs/build-ref.html#labels
- name = "name",
- srcs = [":x"],
- name = "x",
- outs = ["file.ext"],
- cmd = "touch $@",
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:3:12: in srcs attribute of cc\_library rule //test:name: '//test:x' does not produce any cc\_library srcs files (expected .cc, .cpp, .cxx, .c++, .C, .c, .h, .hh, .hpp, .hxx, .inc, .S, .s, .asm, .a, .pic.a, .lo, .pic.lo, .so, .dylib, .o or .pic.o)
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:3:12: <strong>In srcs attribute of //test:name (cc\_library), '//test:x' does not produce any cc\_library srcs files</strong> (expected extension .cc, .cpp, .cxx, .c++, .C, .c, .h, .hh, .hpp, .hxx, .inc, .S, .s, .asm, .a, .pic.a, .lo, .pic.lo, .so, .dylib, .o or .pic.o). <strong>Target //test:x (genrule) generated 'file.ext'</strong>.
-Related documentation: http://www.bazel.build/docs/be/c-cpp.html#cc\_library
- name = "name",
- deps = ["//base:scheduling\_domain-test"],
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:1:1: in cc\_library rule //test:name: non-test target '//test:name' depends on testonly target '//base:scheduling\_domain-test' and doesn't have testonly attribute set
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:3:5: <strong>In deps attribute of //test:name (cc\_library), '//base:scheduling\_domain-test' (cc\_library) is marked as testonly.</strong> You may either add:
- testonly = 1
-to //test:name definition, or remove testonly from //base:scheduling\_domain-test, or remove the dependency.
-Related documentation: http://www.bazel.build/docs/be/common-definitions.html#common.testonly
- name = "name",
- srcs = ["//base:arena.cc"],
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:1:1: Target '//base:arena.cc' is not visible from target '//test:name'. Check the visibility declaration of the former target if you think the dependency is legitimate
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:3:5: <strong>In srcs attribute of //test:name (cc\_library), '//base:arena.cc' (file) is not visible.</strong> You may change the visibility of the file using exports\_file, or expose the file via a library rule, or remove the dependency.
-//base:arena.cc has currently private visibility.
-Related documentation: http://www.bazel.build/docs/be/common-definitions.html#common.visibility
- name = "bin",
- deps = [":lib"],
- name = "lib",
- srcs = [":src"],
- name = "src",
- outs = ["file.cc"],
- cmd = "touch $@",
- tools = [":bin"],
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:1:1: in cc\_binary rule //test:bin: cycle in dependency graph:
- //test:bin
- //test:lib
- //test:src
- \* //test:bin (host)
- //test:lib (host)
- //test:src (host)
- \* //test:bin (host)
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:1:1: <strong>Cycle in dependency graph detected:</strong>
- cc\_binary //test:bin depends on (via deps):
- cc\_library //test:lib depends on (via srcs):
- genrule //test:src depends on (via tools):
- <strong>\* cc\_binary //test:bin</strong> [host] depends on (via deps):
- <strong>| cc\_library //test:lib</strong> [host] depends on (via srcs):
- <strong>| genrule //test:src</strong> [host] depends on (via tools):
- <strong>* cc\_binary //test:bin</strong> [host]
-Please modify at least one of the dependencies to break the cycle.
-<pre><code>def foo(name):
- native.genrule(
- name = name,
- outs = ["file.cc"],
- cmd = "touch $@",
-<pre><code>load(":ext.bzl", "foo")
-files = ["file.cc"]
- name = "src",
- outs = var,
- cmd = "touch $@",
-<pre><code>ERROR:/path/BUILD:7:1: generated file 'file.cc' in rule 'src' conflicts with existing generated file from rule 'src2'
-<pre><code>ERROR: /path/BUILD:7:1: <strong>Generated file 'file.cc' in rule 'src' conflicts with existing generated file from rule 'src2'.</strong>
-'src' is defined line 7:
- genrule(
- name = "src",
- outs = ["file.cc"],
- cmd = "touch $@",
- )
-'src2' is generated by the function foo (line 3) and is equivalent to:
- genrule(
- name = "src2",
- outs = ["file.cc"],
- cmd = "touch $@",
- )
-[Another case](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/1307)
-## Suggestions
-* Symbol not found during evaluation
- * Suggest another symbol from the environment
-* Invalid label (parse error)
- * Link to label documentation, suggest a fix
-* Directory of the label doesn’t exist
- * Look in file system and suggest another directory
-* Label name not found
- * Suggest another name, from the same package
-* Keyword argument doesn’t exist
- * Suggest name, based on function signature
-* Field not found (obj.nonexistent)
- * Suggest name, based on list of fields
-## Action items
-* Show context line + carret
-* Suggest spelling fixes
-* Show documentation links
-* Show expanded rules (for action conflicts or errors during analysis phase)
-* Improve error messages for rules developers (e.g. pretty-print action
- graph?)
-* Review existing error messages + add ad-hoc suggestions
diff --git a/site/designs/_posts/2016-05-26-implementing-beautiful-error-messages.md b/site/designs/_posts/2016-05-26-implementing-beautiful-error-messages.md
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-layout: contribute
-title: Implementing Beautiful Error Messages (Loading Phase)
-# Design Document: Implementing Beautiful Error Messages (Loading Phase)
-**Design documents are not descriptions of the current functionality of Bazel.
-Always go to the documentation for current information.**
-**Status**: unimplemented
-**Author**: [laurentlb@google.com](mailto:laurentlb@google.com)
-**Design document published**: 26 May 2016
-**Related**: ["Beautiful error messages"](/designs/2016/05/23/beautiful-error-messages.html)
-## Introduction
-This is a followup to the document ["Beautiful error messages"](/designs/2016/05/23/beautiful-error-messages.html).
-The purpose of this document is to outline a design for some plumbing that will
-allow the sort of errors described in that document to be emitted by Blaze for
-loading time `BUILD` file errors.
-## Review: What needs to be done
-In the ["Beautiful error messages"](/designs/2016/05/23/beautiful-error-messages.html)
-document, four characteristics of error messages
-are enumerated:
-1. **Context**: The erroneous text in the `BUILD` file in question is shown,
- with a caret pointing at the exact expression in question.
-2. **Colors**: Everyone loves colors.
-3. **Suggestions**: A guess of how the error should be fixed is shown.
-4. **Links**: Documentation is referenced directly in error messages.
-This document covers (1) and (3).
-## Current Error Infrastructure
-In the loading phase, Bazel parses `BUILD` files into a tree of [ASTNode]
-instances, with a [BuildFileAST]
-at the root and `Statement` instances at the leaves. Each statement implements
-doExec, which can throw an [EvalException]
-That exception is translated to the error printed to the terminal.
-An `EvalException` encapsulates the information given in an error. Fleshing out
-the contents of this exception type is a good starting point for implementing
-new error features.
-## Implementation: Context
-An `EvalException` contains a reference to a `Location`, which encapsulates the
-line/character information currently specified in a Bazel error.
-Generally, an `ASTNode` will have a location instance that is populated by the
-parser as it moves from token to token ([example]
-Right now, since the location only contains pure syntactic information, the
-parser [calls into the lexer]
-to create the location instance. While the parser perhaps *could* also encode
-AST information into the `Location`, that shouldn’t be necessary to provide
-"context" in the form of a printed line and a carat. It seems that the
-lexer maintains `BUILD` file info as a buffer, and should be able to
-parameterize `Location` instances with the actual contents of the line in
-question. If this is true, then implementing (1) above shouldn’t involve much
-more than fleshing out [LocationInfo]
-## Implementation: Suggestions
-While data tracked by the lexer should be sufficient to encode an offending
-line from a `BUILD` file into an error, providing suggestions will probably
-require semantic information only retrievable from the parsed AST. Furthermore,
-we require a mechanism in `EvalException` to perform computation on AST data in
-order to generate suggestions.
-It seems an unlikely solution to encode AST information in `Location` instances,
-since those instances are produced by the parser before the AST, or even the AST
-node in question, is necessarily complete.
-Instead, here are a couple proposals:
-1. An abstract subclass of `EvalException` (e.g. `ContextualEvalException`)
-that knows how to create an error message with suggestions given unimplemented
-suggestion generation logic.
-2. A further group of exceptions that are parameterized with a particular sort
-of `ASTNode` and know how to generate suggestions. As an example, this
-exception type could report typos in rule names.
-public class IdentifierEvalException extends ContextualEvalException {
- public static final Map<String, String> TYPOS = Map.of(
- "cclibrary", "cc_library",
- ect...
- )
- public IdentifierEvalException(Identifier identifier, Location loc) {...}
- @Override
- protected Suggestion generateSuggestion() {
- if (TYPOS.keySet().contains(identifier.getName()) {
- return TypoSuggestion(identifier, TYPOS.get(identifier.getName()));
- }
- }
-Once the plumbing around (1) is in place, we can add subclasses at our leisure
-to provide suggestions.
-Furthermore, a `ContextualEvalException` can be made to have enough information
-to not only provide suggestions, but also to return context-aware error
-messages. Consider this example, from the
-["Beautiful error messages"](/designs/2016/05/23/beautiful-error-messages.html)
-my_obj = select({
- ":something": [1],
- "other": [2],
-t = [x for x in my_obj]
-<font color="red">ERROR:</font> /test/BUILD:6:5: type 'select' is not iterable.
-<font color="red">
-ERROR: /test/BUILD:6:16:</font> <b>my_obj of type 'select' is not iterable.</b>
-You can iterate only on strings, lists, tuples or dicts.
-t = [x for x in my_obj]
- ^
-Related documentation: http://documentation#select
-We can imagine a `NotIterableEvalException` that knows not only about the type
-`select`, but is also parameterized with the erroneous expression ```my_objc```.
-## Problem: Serialization
-The above proposal hinges on the ability to store a file pointer in the
-`Location` object, to be dereferenced at error-time to obtain the entire `BUILD`
-file. This opens the door to some issues:
-1. A `Location` instance is stored for every node in the parse tree of every
-`BUILD` file. Even a file pointer in each `Location` may have substantial
-memory/speed impact.
-<p>This impact is easily measurable and likely tolerable in order to achieve
-better error messages. However, it is clear that storing anything much larger
-than a file pointer (like a fragment of the file, or the file itself) in each
-`Location` would be untenable.
-2. The `Location` object is serialized, since the AST is part of a `SkyValue`.
-This pointer, then, must be serializable.
-<p>This in particular is troubling because, unlike the java heap in a local
-Bazel execution, the `SkyValue` containing the AST does not necessarily have the
-`BUILD` file. However, it is not clear to me that this means the file must be
-copied into each `Location` object. The AST presumably resides in a single
-`SkyValue` - one copy of the file in that `SkyValue`, with a pointer to that
-file in the `Location`, would be sufficient, it seems.
-<p>The nature of the `SkyValue` that contains that AST must be determined,
-thinking about if and how to embed the `BUILD` file into that `SkyValue`, and
-strategizing about a good serialization for a `Location` object that
-contains a file pointer.
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-layout: contribute
-title: Sandboxing
-# Design Document: Bazel Sandboxing 2.0
-**Design documents are not descriptions of the current functionality of Bazel.
-Always go to the documentation for current information.**
-**Status:** launched
-**Author:** [philwo@google.com](mailto:philwo@google.com)
-**Design document published**: 02 June 2016
-The section "Handling of environment variables" inspired and was then
-superseded by the more detailed
-[Specifying environment variables](/docs/designs/2016/06/21/environment.html)
-design document.
-## Current situation
-Tools that use undeclared input files (files that are not explicitly listed in
-the dependencies of an action) are a problem, as Bazel cannot keep track of them
-and thus they can cause builds to become incorrect: When one of the undeclared
-input files changes, Bazel will still believe that the build is up-to-date and
-won't rebuild the action - resulting in an incorrect incremental build.
-Bazel uses sandboxing to prevent tools (e.g. compilers, linkers, ...) from
-accidentally working with input files that are not a declared dependency of an
-action - the idea is to run each tool in an environment that contains only the
-explicitly declared input files of the action. Thus, there simply are no other
-files that a tool could access.
-In theory this works well, but as nearly all Bazel users rely at least on some
-tools provided by their operating system (e.g. `/usr/bin/zip`, `/usr/bin/gcc`),
-which in turn require shared libraries, helper tools or data from other parts
-of the installed OS, Bazel currently mounts a number of hard-coded directories
-from the operating system into the sandbox in addition to the explicitly
-declared inputs.
-However, even with that some users continue to run into issues, making Bazel
-hard to use - e.g. the compiler they want to use is in a directory that's not
-part of the hard-coded list (such as `/usr/local` or `/opt`) or the tool needs
-access to device files (e.g. the nVidia CUDA SDK).
-## Proposal
-We think that it's time to revisit how we do sandboxing in the default settings
-of Bazel. Sandboxing was intended to protect the user from forgetting to
-declare explicit dependencies between their targets and to protect from tests
-or tools accidentally writing all over the hard-disk (e.g. a test that wants to
-clean up its temporary work directory via rm -rf and unfortunately wipes the
-whole disk), not so much for protecting against an operating system having any
-influence on the build. For these users, the current sandboxing with its
-hard-coded list of allowed directories is too strict.
-On the other hand, some people absolutely do want 100% reproducible and
-hermetic builds - and for them the current sandboxing actually isn't strict
-enough, as it allows access to various files from the operating system.
-We believe we have found a solution that satisfies the demands of all users:
- * Bazel sandboxing will by default recursively mount the root directory `/`
- into each sandbox in read-only mode, excluding the workspace directory (so
- that source files cannot be read from that well-known path) and with a new
- empty, writable execroot that contains the declared inputs of the action.
- * In addition, Bazel will allow to mount a 'base image' or 'base directory' as
- the root directory of the sandbox, thus completely removing any connection
- to the operating system the user is running Bazel under. For example, a
- project might decide that all builds should be done inside a standardized
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS environment containing certain versions of gcc, etc., that
- is shipped as a base image. Now, even if the developer uses Arch Linux or
- CentOS on their machine, they can build using the same environment as
- everyone else, thus getting the exact same and reproducible outputs.
-### Base images
-Base images are simply `.tar.gz`'s of a directory structure that contains all
-files necessary to execute binaries in, e.g. the output of “debootstrap” or
-what you would usually “chroot” in and then run a tool inside. They should be
-referred to via labels and could for example be downloaded from somewhere via
-a `http_file` rule in the WORKSPACE.
-We're investigating if we can reuse
-[Docker images (OCI)](https://github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/blob/v0.1.0/serialization.md)
-for this, which would make it easier for users to get started with this
-### Handling of environment variables
-As part of this project, we also propose to change the handling of environment
-variables (e.g. `PATH`) in Bazel, as we believe they are an important part of
-the configuration of the environment that the build runs in.
-As an example, Bazel currently [resets PATH to a hard-coded string]
-which may not be suitable for the environment that it actually runs in - e.g.
-if a user installs a tool called `babel` in `/usr/local/bin` and they call
-`babel` in a shell script or Skylark rule they wrote, [they expect it to just
-work] (https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/884). We can argue that they
-instead should check in their tool to the repository and not rely on `PATH`
-lookup to find it, however this is sometimes not possible due to:
- * Users just don't think it's feasible and instead want to take whatever is
- installed on the system,
- * Bazel's restrictions in valid package label identifiers ([you can't check in
- nodejs](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/884#issuecomment-183378680)
- into your repository or even make it part of a filegroup, because it
- contains files that have characters like `$` that are currently illegal from
- Bazel's point of view, though that may change in the future),
- * Licensing restrictions that disallow users checking in certain tools (such
- as XCode).
-The proposal how Bazel should decide whether an environment variable should be
-included in the environment of a Spawn is:
- * If `use_default_shell_env` is `True`, set `PATH` and `TMPDIR` env vars
- (as we currently do).
- * If a rule declares its need for an environment variable, take it.
- * We already have an [“env” attribute in Skylark actions]
- (http://www.bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/ctx.html#action) that allows one to
- set variables to hard-coded strings, we have `use_default_shell_env` in
- Skylark actions, which pulls in `PATH` and `TMPDIR`, but we don't have any
- way to just say "This rule needs this environment variable". Laurent
- suggested that we discuss this later, as adding yet another attribute is
- annoying - maybe there's some way we can fold all these use cases into one
- attribute.
- * We might want to add the same attribute to genrule as well then.
- * Don't include any other environment variables.
-If Bazel decided that an environment variable is needed by a rule, the next
-step is to figure out its value. The proposal how Bazel should decide the value
-of an environment variable is:
- * If an environment variable is overridden in the `WORKSPACE.local` file
- ("machine-specific settings"), take it from there.
- * If an environment variable is overridden in the `WORKSPACE` file
- ("project-specific settings"), always take the value from there.
- * If not and we use a base image, take the environment variable from its
- specification (as in OCI).
- * If not, take it from the user's environment.
-If an environment variable that is used by a rule changed compared to when it
-was built last time, its target has to be rebuild for correctness.
-Bazel should instead use `PATH` from the environment and for correctness
-trigger a rebuild when it changes.
-*Open question: Should the whitelist of environment variables be configurable,
-e.g. in the WORKSPACE file?*
-### What files does a sandboxed process have access to?
-Ideally, we would want to execute SpawnActions in an environment that looks like this:
- * Allows read access to everything in /.
- * Except the workspace (e.g. /home/philwo/src/bazel).
- * Except the "real" execroot (e.g. /tmp/_bazel_philwo/6d3feea2bf88e88127079b36d7ddade1/execroot).
- * Except a user-configurable set of blacklisted files or directories (e.g. /var/secret).
- * Has a separate execroot just for this action: /tmp/_bazel_philwo/6d3feea2bf88e88127079b36d7ddade1/execroot-1
- * which only contains the input files listed for the action.
- * to which the output files will be written.
- * from which the output files will be moved to the real execroot after successful execution.
- * Processes can write wherever they naturally have permission to do so.
- * However, writes have no influence on the host system, instead they are redirected into a separate folder (see: overlayfs's upperdir).
-#### Open issues
- * We don't know a way to hide the workspace, while still making selected input files out of it available inside the new execroot. Ideas we tried:
- * copying: Works, but too slow.
- * hard-linking: Does not work when workspace and output_base are on different filesystems.
- * bind mounting them: Works only on Linux, does not scale (the mount syscall becomes really slow once you're at >20000 active mounts).
- * building a custom FUSE filesystem: Might work, but lots of effort.
- * How to hide files from the sandboxed process?
- * There seems to be no good way to "hide" files on Linux or macOS.
- * The best we can do on both systems is to make them unreadable.
- * overlayfs is not usable for our purposes, because it requires root on all systems except Ubuntu.
-#### What can we do today?
-This is what Bazel is doing for sandboxing at the moment:
- * Allows read access to everything in /.
- * Except a [user-configurable](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/0f119a4db515105217244e4db5d4fed9371ef1a4/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/sandbox/SandboxOptions.java#L96) set of blacklisted files or directories (e.g. /var/secret).
- * Has a separate execroot just for this action: /tmp/_bazel_philwo/6d3feea2bf88e88127079b36d7ddade1/execroot-1
- * which contains symlinks to the input files listed for the action (the targets are in the workspace or the "real" execroot).
- * to which the output files will be written.
- * from which the output files will be moved to the real execroot after successful execution.
- * Processes can only write to their private execroot and a private $TMPDIR.
-### Related links
- * [Known issues in this area of work](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22category%3A+sandboxing%22)
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-layout: contribute
-title: Specifying environment variables
-# Design Document: Specifying environment variables for actions
-**Design documents are not descriptions of the current functionality of Bazel.
-Always go to the documentation for current information.**
-**Status**: Implemented. See [documentation](/docs/skylark/lib/ctx.html#action)
-**Author**: [Klaus Aehlig](mailto:aehlig@google.com)
-**Design document published**: 21 June 2016
-## Current shortcomings
-Currently, Bazel provides a cleaned set of environment variables to the
-actions in order to obtain hermetic builds. This, however is not sufficient
-for all use cases.
-* Projects often want to use tools which are not part of the repository; however,
- their location varies from installation to installation. So, some sensible
- value for the `PATH` environment variable has to be set.
-* Some set-ups depend on every program having access to specific variables,
- e.g., indicating the homebrew paths, or library paths.
-* Commercial compilers sometimes need to be passed the location of a license
- server through the environment.
-## Proposed solution
-### New flag `--action_env`
-We propose to add a new bazel flag, `--action_env` which has two
-valid forms of usage,
-* specifying a variable with unspecified value, `--action_env=VARIABLE`,
- and
-* specifying a variable with a value, `--action_env=VARIABLE=VALUE`;
- in the latter case, the value can well be the empty string, but it is still
- considered a specified value.
-This flag has a "latest wins" semantics in the sense that if the option is given
-twice for the same variable, only the latest option will be used, regardless
-whether specified or unspecified value. Options given for different variables
-In every action executed
-with [`use_default_shell_env`] (/docs/skylark/lib/ctx.html#action) being true,
-precisely the environment variables specified by
-`--action_env` options are set as the default environment.
-(Note that, therefore, by default, the environment for actions is empty.)
-* If the effective option for a variable has an unspecified value,
- the value from the invocation environment of Bazel is taken.
-* If the effective option for a variable specifies a value, this value is
- taken, regardless of the environment in which Bazel is invoked.
-Environment variables are considered an essential part of an action. In other
-words, an action is expected to produce a different output, if the environment
-it is invoked in differs; in particular, a previously cached value cannot be
-taken if the effective environment changes.
-Given that normally a rule writer cannot know which tools might need fancy
-environment variables (think of the commercial compiler use case), the default
-for the [`use_default_shell_env`] (/docs/skylark/lib/ctx.html#action)
-parameter will become true.
-### List of rc-files read by Bazel
-The list of rc-files that Bazel takes options from will include, at
-least, the following files, where files later in the list take precedence over
-the ones earlier in the list for conflicting options; for the
-`--action_env` option the already described "latest wins" semantics is
-* A global rc-file. This file typically contains defaults for a whole group of
- machines, like all machines of a company. On UNIX-like systems, it will be
- located at `/etc/bazel.bazelrc`.
-* A machine-wide rc-file. This file is typically set by the administrator of
- the machine or a group of machines with the same architecture. It typically
- contains settings that are specific to that architecture and hardware.
- On UNIX-like systems it will be next to be binary and called like the binary
- with `.bazelrc` appended to the file name.
-* A user-specific file, located in `~/.bazelrc`. This file will be set by
- each user for options desired for all Bazel invocations.
-* A project-specific file. This is the file `tools/bazel.rc` next to
- the `WORKSPACE` file. This file is considered project-specific and
- typically versioned in the same repository as the project.
-* A file specific to user, project, and checkout. This is the file
- `.bazelrc` next to the `WORKSPACE` file. As it is specific to
- the user and the machine he or she is working on, projects are advised
- to ignore that file in the repository of the project (e.g., by adding
- it to their `.gitignore` file, if they version the project with git).
-When looking for those rc-files, symbolic links are followed; files not
-existing are silently assumed to be empty. Note that all those are regular
-rc-files for Bazel, hence are not limited to the newly introduced
-`--action_env` option. Also, the rule that options for more specific
-invocations win over common options still applies; but, within each level of
-specificness, precedence is given according to the mentioned order of rc-files.
-## Example usages of environment specifications
-The proposed solution allows for a variety of use cases, including the
-* Systems using commercial compilers can set the environment variables with
- information about the license server in the global rc file.
-* Users requiring special variables, like the ones used by homebrew, can set
- them in their machine specific rc-file. In fact, once this proposal is
- implemented, the homebrew port for Bazel could itself install that
- machine-wide rc-file.
-* Projects depending on the environment, e.g., because they use tools assumed to
- be already installed on the user's systm, have several options.
- * If they are optimistic about the environment, e.g., because they are not
- very version dependent on the tools used, can just specify which environment
- variables they depend on by adding declarations with unspecified values in
- the `tools/bazel.rc` file.
- * If dependencies are more delicate, projects can provide a configure script
- that does whatever analysis of the environment is necessary and then write
- `--action_env` options with specified values to the user-project
- local `.bazelrc`
- file. As the configure script will only run when manually invoked by the
- user and the syntax of the user-project local `.bazelrc` file is so that it
- can be easily
- be edited by a human, it is OK if that script only works in the majority of
- the cases, as a user requiring an unusual setup for that project can easily
- modify the user-project local `.bazelrc` by hand afterwards.
-* Irrespectively of the approach chosen by the project, a user where the
- environment changes frequently (e.g., on clusters or other machines using a
- traditional layout) can fix the environment by adding `--action_env`
- options with specific values to the user-project local `.bazelrc`.
- To simplify this use case, and other "freeze on first use" approaches,
- Bazel's `info` command will provide a new key `client-env` that will show
- the environment variables, together with their values. More precisely,
- each variable-value pair will be prefixed with `build --action_env=`, so
- that `bazel info client-env >> .bazelrc` can be used to freeze the
- environment.
-## Transition plan
-Currently, some users of Bazel already make use of the fact that `PATH`,
-`LD_LIBRARY_PATH`, and `TMPDIR` are being passed to actions. To allow those
-projects a smooth
-transition to the new set up, the global Bazel rc-file provided by upstream
-will have the following content.
-build --action_env=PATH
-build --action_env=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-build --action_env=TMPDIR
-build --test_env=PATH
-build --test_env=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
-## Bazel's own dependency on `PATH`
-Bazel itself also uses external tools, like `cat`, `echo`, `sh`, but also
-tools like `bash` where the location differs between installations. In
-particular, a value for `PATH` needs to be provided. This will be covered
-by the setting of the global bazel configuration file. Should the need arise, a
-configure-like script can be added; at the moment it seems that this will not
-be necessary.
-## Reasons for the Design Choices, Risks, and Alternatives Considered
-### Conflicting Interests on the environment influencing actions
-There are conflicting requirements for the environment variables of an action.
-* Users expect Bazel to "just work", i.e., the expectation is that if a tool
- works on the command line, it should also work when called from an action in
- a Bazel invocation from the same environment. A lot of compilers, however,
- depend, at least on some systems, on certain environment variables.
- An approach used by quite a few other build systems is to pass through the
- whole invocation environment.
-* Bazel wants to provide correct and reproducible builds. Therefore, everything
- that potentially influences the outcome of an action needs to be controlled
- and tracked; a cached result cannot be used if anything potentially changing
- the outcome has changed.
-* Users expect Bazel to not do rebuilds they (i.e., the users) know are
- unnecessary. And, while for a lot of users the environment variables that
- actually influence the build stay stable, the full environment constantly
- changes; take the `OLDPWD` environment variable as an example.
-This design tries to reconcile these needs by allowing arbitrary environment
-variables being set for actions, but only in an opt-in way. Variables need to
-be explicitly mentioned, either in a configuration file or on the command line,
-to be provided to an action.
-### Generic Solutions versus Special Casing
-As Bazel already has quite a number of concepts, there is the valid concern
-that the complexity might increase too much and newly added concepts might
-become a maintenance burden. Another concern is that more configuration
-mechanisms make it harder for the user to know which one is the correct one
-to use for his or her problem. The general desire is to have few, but powerful
-enough mechanisms to control the build behaviour and avoid special casing.
-* Putting the environment variables visible in actions in the hand of the
- user avoids the need of special casing more and more "important" environment
- variables.
-* Building on the already existing mechanism to specify, inherit, and override
- command-line options reduces the amount newly introduced concepts. The main
- addition is a command-line option.
-### Source of Knowledge for Needed Environment Variables
-Another aspect that went into the design is that different entities know
-about environment variables that are essential for the build to work.
-* Some variables are "obviously" relevant, like `PATH` or `TMPDIR`.
- However, there is no "obvious" value for them.
- * Both depend on the layout of the system in question. A special fast
- file system for temporary files might be provided at a designated
- location. Binaries might be installed under `/bin`, `/usr/bin`,
- `/usr/local/bin`, or even versioned paths to allow parallel installations
- of different versions of the same tool. For example, on Debian Gnu/Linux
- the `bash` is installed in `/bin`, whereas on FreeBSD it is usually
- installed in `/usr/local/bin` (but the prefix `/usr/local` is at the
- discretion of the system administrator).
- * The user might have custom-built versions of tools somewhere in the
- home directory, thus making the user the only one who knows an appropriate
- value for the `PATH` variable. Moreover, a user who works on several
- projects requiring different versions of the same tool may even require
- different values of the `PATH` variable for each project.
-* The authors and users of a tool know about special variables the tools
- need to work. While the tool itself might serve a standard purpose, like
- compiling C code, the variables the tool depends on might be specific to
- that tool (like passing information about a license server).
-* The maintainers of a porting or packaging system know about environment
- variables a tool might additionally need (e.g., in the homebrew case).
- These might not be needed if the same tool is packaged differently.
-* The project authors know about environment variables special to their
- project that some of their actions need.
-These different sources of information make it hard to designate a
-single maintainer for the action environment. This makes approaches
-undesirable that are based on a single source specifying the action
-environment, like the `WORKSPACE` file, or the rule definitions. While
-those approaches make it easy to predict the environment an action will
-have, they all require the user to merge in the specifics of the system
-and his or her personal settings for each checkout (including rebasing
-these changes for each upstream change of that file). Collecting environment
-variables via the rc-file mechanism allows setting each variable within
-the appropriate scope (global, machine-dependent, user-spefic, project-specific,
-specific to the user-project pair) in a conflict-free way by the entity
-in charge of that scope.
diff --git a/site/designs/_posts/2016-08-04-extensibility-for-native-rules.md b/site/designs/_posts/2016-08-04-extensibility-for-native-rules.md
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-layout: contribute
-title: Extensibility For Native Rules
-# Design Document: Extensibility For Native Rules
-**Design documents are not descriptions of the current functionality of Bazel.
-Always go to the documentation for current information.**
-**Status**: Reviewed, not yet implemeted
-**Author**: [Dmitry Lomov](mailto:dslomov@google.com)
-**Design document published**: 04 August 2016
-## Motivation
-There is a number of requests that require Skylark API to access functionality
-of native rules from Skylark rules. Typical scenarios can be illustrated by the
-following "sandwich":
-bread_library(name = "top", …)
-java_library(name = "meat", deps = [":top", …], …)
-bread_library(name = "bottom", deps = [":meat", …])
-Here bread\_library is a rule written in Skylark. Here we need three things:
-* implementation of bread\_library should be able to produce jar files and other
- artifacts in the same way as native java\_library rule would; in other words
- the implementation should be able to delegate to the a native implementation
-* java\_library should allow depending on bread\_library; importantly, that
- dependence should be *meaningful*, that is if bread\_library produces Java
- artifacts, such as jar files, java\_library should be able to compile against
- those like it would against a java\_library dependency
-* bread\_library should be able to depend on java\_library; it should be able to
- access all information it needs; when delegating to native implementation,
- there should be a simple way to pass information from a dependency to to the
- native implementation
-In this document we present some ideas about what how this all might look like,
-and suggest some practical steps we can take to get there.
-## Extensible Native Rules
-This proposal assumes [Declared Providers
-are implemented. Here is how the implementation of bread\_library might look
-# Implementation of a rule that transpiles to Java and invokes a native
-# compilation
-def _bread_library_impl(ctx):
- bread_sources = [f for src in ctx.attrs.src for f in src.files]
- generated_java_files = _invoke_bread_transpiler(ctx, bread_sources)
- # lang.java.provider is a declared provider for Java
- java_deps = [target[lang.java.provider] for target in ctx.attrs.deps]
- # create a native compilation action
- java_p = lang.java.compile(ctx,
- srcs = generated_java_files,
- # information about dependencies is just a lang.java.provider
- deps = java_deps,
- ...)
- # java_p is a lang.java.provider representing the result of compilation
- # action we return that provider and immediately java_libary rule can depend
- # on us
- return [java_p, ...]
-# Implementation of a rule that compiles to JVM bytecode directly
-def _scala_library_impl(ctx):
- # collect dependency jars to pass to the compile action
- dep_jars = [dep[java.lang.provider].jar for dep in ctx.attrs.deps]
- jar_output = ctx.new_file(...)
- ... construct compilation actions ...
- # build a provider that passes all transitive information
- transitive_p = lang.java.transitive(
- [dep[java.lang.provider] for dep in ctx.attrs.deps])
- java_p = lang.java.provider(
- transitive_p,
- jar = jar_output,
- # update transitive information that we care about
- transitive_jars =
- transitive_p.transitive_jars | set(jar_output),
- ... whatever other information is needed ...)
- # return java.lang.provider
- return [java_p, ...]
-The provider is the glue ("butter") that connects Skylark rules to native rules
-and also to the native rule implementations exposed to Skylark. Note how the
-native rule implementation (lang.java.compile) both consumes the entire
-providers from dependencies and returns the provider that needs to be returned
-from the rule. `lang.java.transitive` is a function that passes all the
-transitive information correctly from dependencies. The [existing '.java'
-becomes the same thing as lang.java.provider.
-Note: for the sake for this document we are placing things in lang.java. There
-are other alternatives to this, e.g. "magical" .bzl files from which
-java\_provider and java\_compile function are exported.
-## How to get there
-Our current native rules are not as neat as described above. Making them
-extensible in one go is a difficult and long term project (or rather, projects:
-one for each language). Here is a suggested steps for extensibility of
-particular language implementation (we continue to use Java as a running
-### Phase 1: Expose native compilation actions
-At this step, lang.java.provider is a *black box*. Skylark rules cannot
-construct the lang.java.provider directly: the only way to create it is to
-invoke lang.java.compile function.
-Native implementations of Java rules are rewritten so that they can link to deps
-that return lang.java.provider and that they return lang.java.provider. The
-implementation of the provider can just be a bag of all providers that Java
-rules normally return - since that bag is not openable by Skylark, we can
-refactor it later without much difficulty .
-Native compilation function (java.lang.compile) is pretty much
-JavaLibrary.create refactored so that it gets its dependent providers not from
-attributes but from a list of bags. JavaLibrary.create just collects the bags
-from deps and passes those to that function.
-At the end of this phase, implementing code generators (and code generating
-aspects) such as java\_proto\_library becomes possible. This also covers many
-(most?) use cases where people use macros to delegate to native rule
-No huge refactoring of language rule implementation is needed, but the stage is
-set for gradual opening up in the future.
-### Phase 1a: Implementing JavaSkylarkApiProvider on top of black box
-(Optional) As lang.java.provider is just a bag of existing providers, it is easy
-to just implement everything in 'target.java' on top of it, if desired.
-### Phase 2: Evolving the API and opening up
-The next step in the API evolution is making the black box provider less black.
-This means introducing a constructor for lang.java.provider as well as accessors
-to fields.
-The API can be designed gradually and thoughtfully, only exposing the things we
-need and adding carefully: as an example sequence first just java libraries,
-then resources, then JNI, then support for tests. Existence of
-lang.java.transitive is crucial at this stage as it allows merging of transitive
-information from dependencies that is not yet exposed to Skylark.
-As API exposure gradually progresses, the exposed Skylark API reaches parity
-with internal API.
-Through the execution of this phase, more and more use cases are covered, and at
-the end the rules are fully extensible.
diff --git a/site/designs/_posts/2016-09-05-build-python-on-windows.md b/site/designs/_posts/2016-09-05-build-python-on-windows.md
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-layout: contribute
-title: Building Python on Windows
-# Design Document: Building Python on Windows
-**Design documents are not descriptions of the current functionality of Bazel.
-Always go to the documentation for current information.**
-**Status**: Implemented
-**Author**: [Yun Peng](mailto:pcloudy@google.com)
-**Design document published**: 05 September 2016
-**Relevant changes**:
-1. [zipper now can specify actual path a file is added to](https://bazel-review.googlesource.com/4243)
-2. [Create Python executable zip file](https://bazel-review.googlesource.com/4244)
-3. [Make python executable zip a real self-extracting binary](https://bazel-review.googlesource.com/4263)
-4. [Using stub\_template.txt as \_\_main\_\_.py and zip header in python executable zip](https://bazel-review.googlesource.com/5310)
-5. [Get rid of python executable zip file header](https://bazel-review.googlesource.com/5350)
-6. [Put runfiles tree under 'runfiles' directory to avoid conflict](https://bazel-review.googlesource.com/5351)
-As we keep finding new problems and coming up with new solutions, you
-can see some of the implementation in the previous changes has been
-deprecated in the latter ones. Here we only present the final solution.
-## Motivation
-After providing basic support for C++ and Java on Windows (although not
-perfect for C++ due to the wrapper scripts we use), Python becomes the
-last language we need to fix in order to make Bazel no longer
-experimental on Windows.
-## Problem
-Currently, as described on [bazel.build](/docs/be/python.html#py_binary),
-the way py\_binary works on Unix is:
-_A py\_binary is an executable Python program consisting of a collection
-of `.py` source files (possibly belonging to other py\_library rules),
-a `*.runfiles` directory tree containing all the code and data needed by
-the program at run-time, and a [stub script](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/bazel/rules/python/stub_template.txt)
-that starts up the program with the correct initial environment and data._
-This doesn’t work on Windows, because we don’t have runfiles tree on Windows.
-A runfiles client library (which maps a runfile from runfiles path to
-its real path) doesn’t solve the whole problem, because we also need
-`__init__.py` file under every python source directory to make the
-directory a recognizable python package. And it doesn’t make sense to
-create `__init__.py` files outside of runfiles tree. Therefore, how to
-find a way to run python binary properly on Windows is our main problem.
-## Solution
-Python has the ability to execute zip file as scripts since version 2.6.
-When invoking the python interpreter with a zip file as the first argument,
-it executes the `__main__.py` file in the root directory of the archive.
-The idea of the solution is to create a self-extracting zip file which
-packages everything supposed to be in the original runfiles tree and add
-the stub script as the `__main__.py` file. We tell the stub script whether
-it’s in a zip file or not. If it is, it first extracts the zip file to a
-temporary directory as the runfiles tree, then set the correct environment
-variables and runs the main python script. At the end of the execution,
-it deletes the temporary directory.
-We did three more things to achieve this goal:
-#### 1. Implement new feature in zipper for packaging runfiles tree easily
-Creating the zip file is not a trivial thing, since we don’t have runfiles
-tree at all. We should not only archive every runfile into the right path,
-but also adding `__init__.py` file to every directory. To make things
-easier, we introduce a new feature in zipper (a custom zip tool of Bazel)
-which makes users able to specify the actual path a file is archived into.
-Zipper now supports the following semantics:
-`zipper cC x.zip [<zip_path>=][<file>]`
-$ zipper cC x.zip a/b/lib.py # Add file a/b/lib.py
-$ zipper cC x.zip a/b/__init__.py= # Add an empty file at a/b/__init__.py
-$ zipper cC x.zip a/b/main.py=foo/bar/bin.py # Add file foo/bar/bin.py as a/b/main.py
-With the help of this feature, we can easily control the directory
-structure in the zip file.
-#### 2. Build the final python binary
-The final python binary is the zip file with a `#!/usr/bin/env python`
-shebang. By doing this, we can run the binary in the following two ways:
-$ ./bazel-bin/foo/bar/bin
-$ python ./bazel-bin/foo/bar/bin
-And we can use the second way to run the binary from Windows native
-command line(cmd.exe). Since the zip file packages everything in runfiles
-tree, it can be copied to anywhere as a self-contained executable binary.
-#### 3. Add `--build_python_zip` flag
-This flag can be used to tell Bazel whether or not it should build a zip file
-as the final binary. By default, it’s enabled on Windows,
-disabled on other platform.
diff --git a/site/designs/_posts/2016-09-19-recursive-ws-parsing.md b/site/designs/_posts/2016-09-19-recursive-ws-parsing.md
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-layout: contribute
-title: Recursive WORKSPACE file parsing
-# Design Document: Recursive WORKSPACE file parsing
-**Design documents are not descriptions of the current functionality of Bazel.
-Always go to the documentation for current information.**
-**Status**: Unimplemented
-**Author**: [kchodorow@](mailto:kchodorow@google.com)
-**Design document published**: 19 September 2016
-## Objective
-Users are annoyed by having to specify all deps in their WORKSPACE file. To
-avoid this inconvenience, Bazel could load subprojects' WORKSPACE files
-## Non-Goals
-* Solve the problem of people specifying two different repositories with the
- same name (e.g., @util).
-* Solve the problem of people specifying two different names for the same
- repository (`@guava` and `@com_google_guava`).
-## Resolution
-When a repository is defined in multiple files, which definition "wins"? What
-causes a conflict/error?
-### Defined in the main repository's WORKSPACE file
-This definition wins, regardless of other definitions.
-### In a line
-Note: as an intermediate step, this can be disabled, but the end goal is to
-allow this so that intermediate dependencies that the top level doesn't care
-about don't need to be resolved.
-Suppose we have a main repository that depends on repo x, and x depends on repo
-<img src="/assets/ws-line.png" class="img-responsive">
-In this case, version 1 of "foo" wins. This way, if a library has already
-figured out which version works for them, its reverse dependencies do not have
-to think about it.
-This will also work if a parent overrides its children's versions, even if it
-has multiple children.
-### Different lines
-If there is no obvious hierarchy and multiple versions are specified, error out.
-Report what each chain of dependencies was that wanted the dep and at which
-<img src="/assets/ws-multiline.png" class="img-responsive">
-In this case, Bazel would error out with:
-ERROR: Conflicting definitions of 'foo': bazel-external/y/WORKSPACE:2 repository(name = 'foo' version = '1')
- requested by bazel-external/x/WORKSPACE:2 repository(name = 'y')
- requested by WORKSPACE:3 repository(name = 'x')
-vs. bazel-external/a/WORKSPACE:2 repository(name = 'foo' version = '2')
- requested by WORKSPACE:2 repository(name = 'a')
-This is also the case with diamond dependencies:
-<img src="/assets/ws-diamond.png" class="img-responsive">
-This would print:
-ERROR: Conflicting definitions of 'foo': bazel-external/x/WORKSPACE:2 repository(name = 'foo' version = '2')
- requested by WORKSPACE:2 repository(name = 'x')
-vs. bazel-external/z/WORKSPACE:2 repository(name = 'foo' version = '1')
- requested by bazel-external/y/WORKSPACE:2 repository(name = 'z')
- requested by WORKSPACE:3 repository(name = 'y')
-## Upgrade path
-I think that this should be fairly straightforward, as any repository used by
-the main repository or any subrepository had to be declared in the WORKSPACE
-already, so it will take precedence.
-To be extra safe, we can start with adding a `recursive = False` attribute to
-the `workspace` rule, which we can then flip the default of.
-## Implementation
-There are two options for implementing this:
-* We always download/link every external dependency before a build can happen.
- E.g., if @x isn't defined in the WORKSPACE file, we have to recursively
- traverse all of the repositories to know which repository does define it and
- if there are any conflicting definitions. This is correct, but will be
- frustrating to users and may not even work in some cases (e.g., if an
- OS-X-only skylark repository rule is fetched on Linux).
-* Every time a new WORKSPACE file is fetched, we check its repository rules
- against the ones already defined and look for version conflicts. This would
- entirely miss certain version conflicts until certain dependencies are built,
- but will have better performance.
-I think users will rebel unless we go with Option 2. However, this can have
-some weird effects: suppose we have the diamond dependency above, and the user's
-BUILD file contains:
- name = "bar",
- deps = ["@x//:dep"], # using @foo version 2
- name = "baz",
- deps = ["@y//:dep"], # using @foo version 1
-If they build :bar and their coworker builds :baz, the two builds will work and
-get different versions of @foo. However, as soon as one of them tries to build
-both, they'll get the version mismatch error.
-This is suboptimal, but I can't think of a way that all three of these can be
-* The user doesn't have to declare everything at the top level.
-* Bazel doesn't have to load everything.
-* Bazel can immediately detect any conflicts.
-This could be enforced by a CI on presubmit, which I think is good enough.
-Whenever Bazel creates a new repository, it will attempt to parse the WORKSPACE
-file and do Skyframe lookups against each repository name. If the repository
-name is not defined, it will be initialized to the current WORKSPACE's
-definition. If it already exists, the existing value will be compared.
-For now, we'll be very picky about equality: `maven_jar` and `new_http_archive`
-of the same Maven artifact will count as different repositories. For both
-native and skylark repository rules, they will have to be equal to not conflict.
-One issue is that is a little tricky but I think will work out: the WORKSPACE
-file is parsed incrementally. Suppose the main WORKSPACE loads x.bzl, which
-declares @y and @z. If @y depends on @foo version 1 and @z depends on @foo
-version 2, this will throw a Skyframe error, even if @foo is later declared in
-the WORKSPACE file. However, this should be okay, because if these dependencies
-actually need @foo, it would need to be declared before them in the WS file
-## Supplementary changes
-Not strictly required, but as part of this I'm planning to implement:
-* A `bazel-external` convenience symlink (to the `[output_base]/external`
- directory) so users can easily inspect their external repositories.
-* Add an option to generate all WORKSPACE definitions (so generate a flat
- WORKSPACE file from the hierarchy).
-## Concerns
-Questions users might have.
-*Where did @x come from?*
-Bazel will create a `bazel-external/@x.version` should contain the WORKSPACE (or
-.bzl file) where we got @x's def and other WORKSPACE files that contain it.
-*Which version of @x is going to be chosen?*
-See resolution section above. Perhaps people could query for //external:x?
-*I want to use a different version of @x.*
-Declare @x in your WORKSPACE file, it'll override "lower" rules.
-*When I update @x, what else will change?*
-Because @x might declare repo @y and @y's version might change as well, we'd
-need a different way to query for this. We could implement deps() for repo
-rules or have some other mechanism for this.
-## Thoughts on future development
-Moving towards the user-as-conflict-resolver model (vs. the
-user-as-transcriber-of-deps model) means that repositories that the user may not
-even be aware of might be available in their workspace. I think this kind of
-paves the way towards a nice auto-fetch system where a user could just depend on
-`@com_google_guava//whatever` in their BUILD file, and Bazel could figure out
-how to make `@com_google_guava` available.
-## References
-[So you want to write a package manager](https://medium.com/@sdboyer/so-you-want-to-write-a-package-manager-4ae9c17d9527#.d90oxolzk)
-does a good job outlining many of these challenges, but their suggested approach
-(use semantic versioning for dependency resolution) cannot be used by Bazel for
-the general case.
diff --git a/site/designs/_posts/2016-10-11-distribution-artifact.md b/site/designs/_posts/2016-10-11-distribution-artifact.md
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-layout: contribute
-title: Distribution Artifact for Bazel
-# Design Document: Distribution Artifact for Bazel
-**Design documents are not descriptions of the current functionality of Bazel.
-Always go to the documentation for current information.**
-**Status**: Implemented
-**Author**: [Klaus Aehlig](mailto:aehlig@google.com)
-**Design document published**: 11 October 2016
-## Current State and Shortcomings
-### Dependency on `protoc`
-Bazel depends on a protobuffer compiler to generate code, especially
-java code, from an abstract description of the protocol buffer;
-in particular, files generated by `protoc` are machine-independent.
-In fact, Bazel most of the time uses the latest version of `protoc`.
-New versions of `protoc` that contain incompatible changes to the
-programming interface are released frequently.
-### Current approach to this dependency
-The current approach to the `protoc` dependency is to have checked-in
-statically-linked executables for all the supported platforms (where
-some platforms, like FreeBSD, have to use Linux-compatibility features).
-The full source tree of the protobuf compiler is also part of the repository.
-However, for generating files, the committed binaries are always used.
-### Shortcomings
-The current approach as certain shortcomings.
-- Having up-to-date binaries for all the supported platforms does not scale well
- as the number of platforms Bazel should run on is increasing.
-- The requirement of having a suitable executable in the code base adds
- additional complexity to the process of bootstrapping a new architecture.
-- Binaries in the code base do not follow standard open-source principles; in
- fact, meaningful reviews for changes updating them are hard and in practise
- often boil down to a question of trust in the person making the change.
-- Committed binaries make the "source" repository unnecessary big. Currently,
- a checkout at head contains over 250MB in committed `.exe` and `.dll` files.
-## Proposed solution
-### Change `BUILD` to compile `protoc` from source
-This `BUILD` file for the `third_party/protobuf` is changed in such a
-way, that the `protoc` is compiled from source instead of selecting from
-the committed pre-built binaries; the pre-built binaries are removed from
-the source tree. As the `protoc` sources are already part of the repository,
-this is not a huge change; also, as `protoc` is written in `C++`, no additional
-dependencies are introduced that way.
-Note that then, every user who already has a working (bootstrap) `bazel`, can
-build bazel from source, without depending on committed binaries or having
-a `protoc` already on the machine. The problem of building your first `bazel`
-will be addressed in the next sections.
-This change also removes an internal consistency requirement from the code
-base. It was always assumed that the binaries actually match the accompanying
-### Distribution artifact
-A new target `//:bazel-distfile` will be added. This will be an archive
-- all source files in their respective places, including the files
- under `third_party`, `site`, `scripts`, etc, as well as
-- under a subdirectory `derived` all the files generated by `protoc` that
- are needed to compile a bootstrap version of `bazel`.
-For convenience, the `derived` subdirectory may also contain other
-generated architecture-independent files, like an HTML-version of the
-documentation for local browsing. A corrollary of the archive layout is that
-by removing the `derived` directory a checkout of the upstream sources is
-This new artifact will be built for every release and made available together
-along with the other release artifacts (like packages, installers, executables).
-The same means of certifying integrity (like hashes, SSL-certificates) will be
-### Bootstrapping Bazel
-The `compile.sh` will be modified to first check if a `derived` directory exists
-and if this is the case assume that all the files generated by `protoc` are
-already present there; only if not present, it will try to generate the needed
-output of `protoc` for bootstrapping, assuming that the `PROTOC` environment
-variable points to a good `protoc` binary.
-So, there will be three ways to build `bazel`.
-- If one has an old `bazel` binary already, a new one can be built from a
- checkout of the source repository. This approach is useful for developpers.
- It might also be used by users who want to upgrade their old `bazel` binary
- to the next release.
-- By downloading the distribution artifact, the `compile.sh` script can be
- used to build bazel. Again, no `protoc` has to be installed ahead of time.
- This approach is useful for source distributions, as well as for bringing
- Bazel to a new platform.
-- If one already has the correct version of `protoc` on the machine, the
- `compile.sh` script can be used by setting the `PROTOC` environment variable.
- This approach is useful for distributions that want to provide snapshots
- of `bazel` inbetween official releases and maintain a `protoc` package anyway.
-## Other approaches considered
-### Requiring users to have the correct version of the `protoc` binary installed
-This would be the standard open-source approach of requiring the user to have
-the required dependencies installed ahead of time. Unfortunately, `protoc`
-contains incompatible changes too frequently, so that this would be an
-burden. Note that the bootstrapping from your own `protoc` and a repository
-checkout is still possible with the suggested approach.
-### Committing the `protoc` output
-Another approach would be to make the output of `protoc` part of the versioned
-sources instead of generating them for the distribution file. As with all
-approaches based on committing generated files, this would
-introduce another consistency requirement to the repository. In this case, the
-requirement would be that the generated files be up-to-date with respect to the
-respective `.proto` files. Of course, such a consistency could be verified by
-an appropriate test. Nevertheless, it seems the cleaner and probably more
-managable to only version true source files and generate derived files from
-the respective sources.
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-layout: contribute
-title: Invalidation of remote repositories
-# Design Document: Invalidation of remote repositories
-**Design documents are not descriptions of the current functionality of Bazel.
-Always go to the documentation for current information.**
-**Status**: Implemented
-**Author**: [Damien Martin-Guillerez](dmarting@google.com)
-**Design document published**: 18 October 2016
-## State at commit [808a651](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/commit/808a6518519501cfd32755a229d5dddf70e33557)
-[Remote repositories](/docs/external.html) are fetched the first
-time a build that depends on a repository is launched. The next
-time the same build happens, the already fetched repositories
-are not refetched, saving on download times or other expensive
-This behavior is also enforced even when the Bazel server
-is restarted by serializing the repository rule in the workspace
-file. A file named `@<repositoryName>.marker` is
-for each repository with a
-[fingerprint of the serialized rule](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/repository/RepositoryDelegatorFunction.java#L192). On
-next fetch, if that fingerprint has not changed, the rule is not
-refetched. This is not applied if the repository rule is marked
-because fetching a local repository is assumed to be
-## Shortcomings
-These consideration were well-suited when the implementation of
-repository rules were not depending on Skylark file. With the introduction of
-[Skylark repositories](https://www.bazel.io/versions/master/docs/skylark/repository_rules.html),
-several issues appeared:
-- [Change in the skylark implementation of the rule does not
- trigger a refetch of the rule](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/1022),
- nor does a change in one of the template files that relies on that
- rule: the rule marker does not contains this information.
-- There is [no way to re-configure a repository used for
- auto-configuration](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/974),
- leading to
- [excessive uses of `bazel clean --expunge`](https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/60d54d6b8524bcaf512f53384b307fae47b953d2/configure#L25).
-- The invalidation behavior of repository rules are unclear and
- difficult to explain.
-## Proposed solution
-### Invalidation on the environment
-Right now rules are not invalidated on the environment:
-- Invalidation on accessing
- [`repository_ctx.os.environ`](https://www.bazel.io/versions/master/docs/skylark/lib/repository_os.html#environ)
- would generate invalidation on environment variable that might be
- volatile (e.g. `CC` when you want to use one C++ compiler and you
- reset your environment) and might miss other environment variables
- due to computed variable names.
-- There is no way to represent environment variables that influence
- [`repository_ctx.execute`](https://www.bazel.io/versions/master/docs/skylark/lib/repository_ctx.html#execute).
-This document proposes to add a way to declare a dependency on an
-environment variable value that would trigger a refetch of a
-repository. An optional attribute `environ` would be added to the
-method, taking a list of strings and would trigger invalidation of the
-repository on any of change to those environment variables. E.g.:
-my_repo = repository_rule(impl = _impl, environ = ["FOO", "BAR"])
-`my_repo` would be refetched on any change to the environment
-variables `FOO` or `BAR` but not if the environment variable `BAZ`
-would changes.
-To be consistent with the
-[new environment specification](https://www.bazel.io/designs/2016/06/21/environment.html)
-mechanism, the environment available through
-or transmitted to
-will take values from the `--action_env` flag, when specified. I.e. if
-`--action_env FOO=BAR --action_env BAR` are specified, and the
-environment set `FOO=BAZ`, `BAR=FOO`, `BAZ=BAR`, then the actual
-`repository_ctx.os.environ` map would contain `{"FOO": "BAR", "BAR":
-"FOO", "BAZ": "BAR" }`. This would ensure that the environment seen by
-repository rules is consistent with the one seen by actions (a
-repository rule see more than an action, leaving the rule
-writer the ability to filter the environment more finely).
-Both these changes should allow Bazel to do auto-configuration
-based on environment variables:
-- Setting some environment variables would actually retrigger
- auto-configuration, corresponding to how the rule writter designed
- it (and not based on some assumption from Bazel).
-- The user set specific environment variables through the `--action_env`
- flag, and fix this environment using `bazel info client-env`.
-### Serialization of Skyframe dependencies
-A `local` rule will be invalidated when any of its skyframe
-dependencies change. For non-`local` rule, a marker file
-will be stored on the external directory with a summary of the
-dependencies of the rule. At each fetch operation, we check
-the existence of the marker file and verify each dependency.
-If one of them have changed, we would refetch that repository.
-To avoid unnecessary re-download of artifacts, a content-addressable
-cache has been developed for downloads (and thus not discuted here).
-The marker file will be a manifest containing the following
-- A fingerprint of the serialized rule and the rule specific data
- (e.g., maven server information for `maven_jar`).
-- The declared environment (list of name, value pairs) through the
- `environ` attribute of the repository rule.
-- The list of `FileValue`-s requested by
- [`getPathFromLabel`](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/bazel/repository/skylark/SkylarkRepositoryContext.java#L613)
- and the corresponding file content digest.
-- The transtive hash of the `Extension` definining the repository rule.
- This transitive hash is computed from the hash of the current extension
- and the extension loaded from it. This means that a repository function
- will get invalidated as soon as the extension file content changes, which
- is an over invalidation. However, getting an optimal result would require
- correct serialization of Skylark extensions.
-## Implementation plan
-1. Modify the `SkylarkRepositoryFunction#getClientEnvironment` method
- to get the values from the `--action_env` flag.
-2. Adds a `markerData` map argument to `RepositoryFunction#fetch` so
- `SkylarkRepositoryFunction` can include those change. This attribute
- should be mutable so a repository can add more data to be stored
- in the marker file. Adds a corresponding function for
- verification, `verifyMarkerManifest`, that would take a marker data
- map and return a tri-state: true if the repository is up to date,
- false if it needs refetch and null if additional Skyframe dependency
- need to be resolved for answering.
-3. Add the `environ` attribute to the `repository_rule` function and
- the dependency on the Skyframe values for the environment. Also create
- a `SkyFunction` for processed environment after the `--action_env`
- flag.
-4. Adds the `environ` values to the marker file through the
- `getMarkerManifest` function.
-5. Adds the `FileValue`-s to the marker file, adding all the files
- requested through the `getPath` method to a specific builder that
- will be passed to the `SkylarkRepositoryContext`.
-6. Adds the extension to the marker file by passing the
- `transitiveHashCode` of the Skylark `Environment` to the marker
- manifest.
diff --git a/site/designs/_posts/2017-03-03-label-keyed-string-dict-type.md b/site/designs/_posts/2017-03-03-label-keyed-string-dict-type.md
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-layout: contribute
-title: Label-keyed String Dictionary Type for Build Attributes
-# Design Document: Label-keyed String Dictionary Type for Build Attributes
-**Design documents are not descriptions of the current functionality of Bazel.
-Always go to the documentation for current information.**
-**Status**: Implemented in
-**Author**: [Michael Staib](mstaib@google.com)
-**Design document published**: 03 March 2017
-## Background/Motivation
-For future work in the realm of allowing Bazel users to define configuration
-flags, the `config_setting` rule will need to be able to test configuration
-values defined by labels rather than strings. The current solution uses a
-dictionary from string (the flag to check the value of) to string (the value
-to check against). It makes sense, then, to use a dictionary from label (the
-flag to check the value of) to string (the value to check against) for
-user-defined configuration which is defined by a label.
-Additionally, for work which relates to setting such user-defined configuration,
-rules should be able to declare similar dictionaries for the purposes of setting
-those same flags.
-An example incorporating both testing and setting such flags:
- name = "beep",
- values = ["boop", "bop", "bump"],
- default = "bump"
- name = "beep#boop",
- flag_values = {
- ":beep": "boop"
- }
- name = "configuration",
- deps = [
- ":lib"
- ],
- sets_flags = {
- ":beep": "boop"
- }
- name = "lib"
- deps = select({
- ":beep#boop": [":boop_dep"],
- "//conditions:default": [":other_dep"]
- })
-## New attribute type: LABEL_KEYED_STRING_DICT
-In order to handle these flag values, the BUILD language will need the ability
-to express a mapping from a label (a flag's label, to be precise) to a string
-(the flag's value). This will be added as `BuildType.LABEL_KEYED_STRING_DICT` in
-native rules, and as `attr.label_keyed_string_dict()` in Skylark (taking the
-same parameters as `attr.label_list()`). This will have to be serializable
-to query `--output=proto` format.
-### Native rule representation
-Native rules will be able to take the attribute's value using an
-`AttributeMapper`, as normal. In this case, the type returned will be
-`Map<Label, String>`. In conjunction with `RuleContext.getPrerequisites`, this
-can be used to get both the target and the string value associated with it by
-iterating over the return value from `getPrerequisites` and looking up the
-labels of the `TransitiveInfoCollection`s in the map.
-### Skylark representation
-Skylark rules must render some representation of this structure in
-`ctx.attr.<attrname>`. The only restriction on Skylark dictionary keys is that
-they must be immutable, which the various `ConfiguredTarget`s are (although they
-must be annotated as such). Accordingly, the value of `ctx.attr.<attrname>` is a
-dictionary mapping Target to string. This will have to be changed to be another
-special case in the `SkylarkRuleContext`.
-Because each target in an attribute will undergo the same transition - if any -
-and the transition of the target itself will always be the same, the keys of
-this dict will be unique - i.e., there will be no collisions - as long as the
-labels used to construct it were unique.
-### Handling collisions when converting attribute values from Skylark
-Labels are special in that there are multiple ways (and possibly multiple
-encodings!) to represent them in a BUILD or Skylark file which are not the same
-from Skylark's point of view. In the package `//label`, the strings `"label"`,
-`":label"`, `"//label"`, and `"//label:label"` all evaluate to the same `Label`
-when they are picked up by Bazel, but they will be different keys in the dict
-created by Skylark, where they are merely strings. Skylark does have a label
-type (constructed with `Label("//label")`, yet another way of representing the
-same label), and Bazel does accept it for `LABEL` attributes, but most uses of
-label-type attributes take advantage of Bazel's automatic conversion of strings
-in label-type attributes. That conversion does not happen until the Skylark
-value enters the build system at a rule attribute, at which point the value may
-have been mutated, read, and passed around in Skylark several times.
-In Skylark, it is an error for a dictionary literal to contain multiple items
-with the same key. For consistency and simplicity, `LABEL_KEYED_STRING_DICT`
-will throw a `ConversionException` in its convert method if two of the Skylark
-dict's keys evaluate to the same label, even if they also have the same value.
-This only covers the case where the two keys are distinct strings; if two
-identical keys are used in a dictionary literal, there will be an error in
-Skylark before this logic ever sees it. Mutations of a key (i.e.,
-`dictionary[key] = value` for a `key` which is already in the dictionary) will
-continue to be allowed as normal.
-## Testing Plan
-* Conversion exception for non-dict values
-* Conversion exception for dicts other than string-to-string
-* Conversion exception for dicts with multiple keys evaluating to the same label
-* Conversion exception for dicts with invalid labels as keys
-* Successfully converts to `Map<Label, String>`
-* Successfully converts to query proto
-* Successfully converts to query XML
-* Successfully outputs in build format from query
-* visitLabels visits the labels in the keys
-* Skylark can define `label_keyed_string_dict` attributes and receive them as a
- dict of Target to string
-* Skylark can define `label_keyed_string_dict` attributes with provider
- requirements and have them be respected
-* Skylark can define `label_keyed_string_dict` attributes with filetype
- requirements and have them be respected
-* Skylark can define `label_keyed_string_dict` attributes and require they not
- be empty
-* Skylark can define `label_keyed_string_dict` attributes and make them
- mandatory
-* Skylark can define `label_keyed_string_dict` attributes and set the default
- value
-* Skylark can define `label_keyed_string_dict` attributes and have Aspects
- follow them
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-layout: contribute
-title: Design Documents
-# Design Documents
-The design documents published here are part of a design process:
-1. Design is reviewed
-2. Design document is published here
-3. Design is implemented
-It's possible that designs change as they are implemented in practice. The
-design documents published here capture the initial design, and _not_ the
-ongoing changes as designs are implemented.
-Always go to the [documentation](/versions/master/docs/bazel-overview.md) for
-descriptions of current Bazel functionality.
-## Bazel Code Style and Best Practices
-* [Implementing Native Declared Provders](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BKCBuYvf6fwmMnFu3KMWdRFysDgGCzdMiNxY_foosAM/preview) 12 April 2017
-## Bazel Design Documents
-{% for doc in site.categories.designs %}
- <li><a href="{{ doc.url }}">{{ doc.title }}</a>
- {{ doc.date | date_to_long_string }}</a></li>
-{% endfor %}
-## Skylark Design Documents
-Changes to the Bazel build and extension language (Skylark) should go
-through the [Skylark Design Process](/designs/skylark/skylark-design-process.html).
-* [Parameterized Skylark Aspects](/designs/skylark/parameterized-aspects.html)
- 18 April 2016
-* [Declared Providers](/designs/skylark/declared-providers.html) 06 June 2016
-* [Saner Skylark Sets](/designs/skylark/saner-skylark-sets.html) 25 July 2016
diff --git a/site/designs/skyframe.md b/site/designs/skyframe.md
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-layout: contribute
-title: Skyframe
-# Skyframe
-<p class="lead">The parallel evaluation and incrementality model of Bazel</p>
-## Data model
-The data model consists of the following items:
- - `SkyValue`. Also called nodes. `SkyValues` are immutable objects that contain all the data built
- over the course of the build and the inputs of the build. Examples are: input files, output
- files, targets and configured targets.
- - `SkyKey`. A short immutable name to reference a `SkyValue`, for example, `FILECONTENTS:/tmp/foo`
- or `PACKAGE://foo`.
- - `SkyFunction`. Builds nodes based on their keys and dependent nodes.
- - Node graph. A data structure containing the dependency relationship between nodes.
- - `Skyframe`. Code name for the incremental evaluation framework Bazel is based on.
-## Evaluation
-A build consists of evaluating the node that represents the build request (this is the state we are
-striving for, but there is a lot of legacy code in the way). First its `SkyFunction` is found and
-called with the key of the top-level `SkyKey`. The function then requests the evaluation of the
-nodes it needs to evaluate the top-level node, which in turn result in other function invocations,
-and so on, until the leaf nodes are reached (which are usually nodes representing input files in
-the file system). Finally, we end up with the value of the top-level `SkyValue`, some side effects
-(e.g. output files in the file system) and a directed acyclic graph of the dependencies between the
-nodes that were involved in the build.
-A `SkyFunction` can request `SkyKeys` in multiple passes if it cannot tell in advance all of the
-nodes it needs to do its job. A simple example is evaluating an input file node that turns out to
-be a symlink: the function tries to read the file, realizes that it's a symlink, and thus fetches
-the file system node representing the target of the symlink. But that itself can be a symlink, in
-which case the original function will need to fetch its target, too.
-The functions are represented in the code by the interface `SkyFunction` and the services
-provided to it by an interface called `SkyFunction.Environment`. These are the things functions can
- - Request the evaluation of another node by way of calling `env.getValue`. If the node is
- available, its value is returned, otherwise, `null` is returned and the function itself is
- expected to return `null`. In the latter case, the dependent node is evaluated, and then the
- original node builder is invoked again, but this time the same `env.getValue` call will return a
- non-`null` value.
- - Request the evaluation of multiple other nodes by calling `env.getValues()`. This does
- essentially the same, except that the dependent nodes are evaluated in parallel.
- - Do computation during their invocation
- - Have side effects, for example, writing files to the file system. Care needs to be taken that two
- different functions do not step on each other's toes. In general, write side effects (where
- data flows outwards from Bazel) are okay, read side effects (where data flows inwards into Bazel
- without a registered dependency) are not, because they are an unregistered dependency and as
- such, can cause incorrect incremental builds.
-`SkyFunction` implementations should not access data in any other way than requesting dependencies
-(e.g. by directly reading the file system), because that results in Bazel not registering the data
-dependency on the file that was read, thus resulting in incorrect incremental builds.
-Once a function has enough data to do its job, it should return a non-`null` value indicating
-This evaluation strategy has a number of benefits:
- - Hermeticity. If functions only request input data by way of depending on other nodes, Bazel
- can guarantee that if the input state is the same, the same data is returned. If all sky
- functions are deterministic, this means that the whole build will also be deterministic.
- - Correct and perfect incrementality. If all the input data of all functions is recorded, Bazel
- can invalidate only the exact set of nodes that need to be invalidated when the input data
- changes.
- - Parallelism. Since functions can only interact with each other by way of requesting
- dependencies, functions that do not depend on each other can be run in parallel and Bazel can
- guarantee that the result is the same as if they were run sequentially.
-## Incrementality
-Since functions can only access input data by depending on other nodes, Bazel can build up a
-complete data flow graph from the input files to the output files, and use this information to only
-rebuild those nodes that actually need to be rebuilt: the reverse transitive closure of the set of
-changed input files.
-In particular, two possible incrementality strategies exist: the bottom-up one and the top-down one.
-Which one is optimal depends on how the dependency graph looks like.
- - During bottom-up invalidation, after a graph is built and the set of changed inputs is known,
- all the nodes are invalidated that transitively depend on changed files. This is optimal
- if we know that the same top-level node will be built again.
- Note that bottom-up invalidation requires running `stat()` on all input files of the previous
- build to determine if they were changed. This can be improved by using `inotify` or a similar
- mechanism to learn about changed files.
- - During top-down invalidation, the transitive closure of the top-level node is checked and only
- those nodes are kept whose transitive closure is clean. This is better if we know that the
- current node graph is large, but we only need a small subset of it in the next build: bottom-up
- invalidation would invalidate the larger graph of the first build, unlike top-down invalidation,
- which just walks the small graph of second build.
-We currently only do bottom-up invalidation.
-To get further incrementality, we use _change pruning_: if a node is invalidated, but upon rebuild,
-it is discovered that its new value is the same as its old value, the nodes that were invalidated
-due to a change in this node are "resurrected".
-This is useful, for example, if one changes a comment in a C++ file: then the `.o` file generated
-from it will be the same, thus, we don't need to call the linker again.
-## Incremental Linking / Compilation
-The main limitation of this model is that the invalidation of a node is an all-or-nothing affair:
-when a dependency changes, the dependent node is always rebuilt from scratch, even if a better
-algorithm would exist that would mutate the old value of the node based on the changes. A few
-examples where this would be useful:
- - Incremental linking
- - When a single `.class` file changes in a `.jar`, we could theoretically modify the `.jar` file
- instead of building it from scratch again.
-The reason why Bazel currently does not support these things in a principled way (we have some
-measure of support for incremental linking, but it's not implemented within Skyframe) is twofold:
-we only had limited performance gains and it was hard to guarantee that the result of the mutation
-is the same as that of a clean rebuild would be, and Google values builds that are bit-for-bit
-Until now, we could always achieve good enough performance by simply decomposing an expensive build
-step and achieving partial re-evaluation that way: it splits all the classes in an app into
-multiple groups and does dexing on them separately. This way, if classes in a group do not change,
-the dexing does not have to be redone.
-## Restarting SkyFunctions
-Another inefficiency is that, currently, if a `SkyFunction` implementation cannot complete its job
-because one of its dependencies is missing, it needs to be completely restarted instead of resuming
-where it left off. This is currently not a big problem because we usually learn all the
-dependencies after a small amount of work. The only exceptions are package loading and execution of
-actions; these are both external processes that are expensive to restart. We allow package loading
-to proceed fully, store the loaded package away, record the dependencies in the graph, and on
-re-execution of the function return the already loaded package. I.e., we allow the function to keep
-state between executions.
-If this turns out to be a significant performance or code health problem, there are alternative ways
-to add a more principled mechanism to keep state between executions:
- - Splitting each node into multiple ones so that each smaller node only has to do one round of
- dependency discovery (effectively continuation passing); this requires explicit code.
- - By reimplementing Skyframe on some sort of lightweight thread infrastructure (e.g.
- [Quasar](http://docs.paralleluniverse.co/quasar/)) so that function execution can be suspended
- and resumed without a large performance hit and without requiring this to be explicit in the
- code.
- - By maintaining state for each `SkyFunction` instance between restarts (this is the workaround we
- are using for package loading, but is not implemented as a first-class feature of the evaluation
- framework).
-## Mapping to Bazel concepts
-This is a rough overview of some of the `SkyFunction` implementations Bazel uses to perform a build:
- - **FileStateValue**. The result of an `lstat()`. For existent files, we also compute additional
- information in order to detect changes to the file. This is the lowest level node in the Skyframe
- graph and has no dependencies.
- - **FileValue**. Used by anything that cares about the actual contents and/or resolved path of a
- file. Depends on the corresponding `FileStateValue` and any symlinks that need to be resolved
- (e.g. the `FileValue` for `a/b` needs the resolved path of `a` and the resolved path of `a/b`).
- The distinction between `FileStateValue` is important because in some cases (for example,
- evaluating file system globs (e.g. `srcs=glob(["*/*.java"])`) the contents of the file are not
- actually needed.
- - **DirectoryListingValue**. Essentially the result of `readdir()`. Depends on the associated
- `FileValue` associated with the directory.
- - **PackageValue**. Represents the parsed version of a BUILD file. Depends on the `FileValue` of
- the associated `BUILD` file, and also transitively on any `DirectoryListingValue` that is used
- to resolve the globs in the package (the data structure representing the contents of a `BUILD`
- file internally)
- - **ConfiguredTargetValue**. Represents a configured target, which is a tuple of the set of actions
- generated during the analysis of a target and information provided to configured targets that
- depend on this one. Depends on the `PackageValue` the corresponding target is in, the
- `ConfiguredTargetValues` of direct dependencies, and a special node representing the build
- configuration.
- - **ArtifactValue**. Represents a file in the build, be it a source or an output artifacts
- (artifacts are almost equivalent to files, and are used to refer to files during the actual
- execution of build steps). For source files, it depends on the `FileValue` of the associated
- node, for output artifacts, it depends on the `ActionExecutionValue` of whatever action generates
- the artifact.
- - **ActionExecutionValue**. Represents the execution of an action. Depends on the `ArtifactValues`
- of its input files. The action it executes is currently contained within its sky key, which is
- contrary to the concept that sky keys should be small. We are working on solving this
- discrepancy (note that `ActionExecutionValue` and `ArtifactValue` are unused if we do not run the
- execution phase on Skyframe).
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-layout: contribute
-title: Declared Providers
-# Design Document: Declared Providers
-**Design documents are not descriptions of the current functionality of Skylark.
-Always go to the documentation for current information.**
-**Status:** Approved
-**Authors:** [Dmitry Lomov](mailto:dslomov@google.com),
-[Laurent Le Brun](mailto:laurentlb@google.com)
-**Design document published**: 2016-06-06
-## Motivation
-Skylark rules use simple Skylark structs as their providers. Skylark providers
-are identified as simple names, such as 'java' or 'files'. This approach has the
-advantage of simplicity, but as the number and complexity of Skylark rules grow,
-we run into engineering scalability problems:
-* Using simple names for providers might lead to name conflicts (when
- unrelated rules call their providers the same simple name).
-* There is no clear formal way to add documentation for those providers; if
- any, the documentation is in prose in rule's doc comment, where it tends to
- become obsolete/incomplete; most existing providers have no documentation
- explaining their contracts at all.
-* It’s hard to know which fields to expect in a provider.
-* It’s hard to know which rule can depend on which rule.
-## Goals
-* Solve name-conflict problem for providers
-* Allow to specify providers in Skylark rules with the same level of
- robustness as other components of the language, such as rules and aspects
-* Enable the same or better documentability of Skylark providers as native
- providers allow
-* Improve providers interoperability with native code.
-## Proposal
-We propose a redesign of how Skylark rules deal with providers to address the
-above concerns. The redesign can occur in stages; those stages represent
-implementation stages, but allow Skylark users to gradually opt for "more and
-more engineering" as their custom rules progress from a small project on the
-side to a public release.
-Our proposal is backwards compatible with the existing providers in Bazel and
-allows easy, gradual piecemeal replacement of them.
-### Stage 1: Solving the Naming Problem
-Under the new proposal, a minimum implementation of a custom provider looks like
-# rust.bzl
-# Introduces a provider. `rust_provider` is now both a function
-# that can be used to construct the provider instance,
-# and a "symbol" that can be used to access it.
-rust_provider = provider()
-def _impl(ctx):
- # `rust_provider` is used as struct-like constructor
- # it accepts the same arguments as a standard `struct` function
- rust = rust_provider(defines = "-DFOO", ...)
- # return value of rule implementation function
- # is just a list of providers; their "names" are specified
- # by their constructors, see below
- return [ctx.provider(files = ...), rust]
-rust_library = rule(implementation = _impl,
- # Optional declaration; the rule MUST provide all the
- # providers in this list
- providers = [rust_provider])
-# Example of how to access the provider
-load(":rust.bzl", "rust_provider")
-def _impl(ctx):
- dep = ctx.attr.deps[0] # Target object
- # `rust_provider` is used as a key to access a particular
- # provider
- defines = dep[rust_provider].defines ...
-#### The provider function
-* We introduce two new kinds of Skylark values, a *provider declaration* and a
- *provider*.
-* Provider declaration (`rust_provider` in the example) is created using the
- `provider` function.
-* Provider declaration can be used to construct a *provider* (`rust` in the
- example). Provider is a struct-like Skylark value, with the only difference
- that every provider is associated with its declaration (it is a different
- type). Arguments of a provider declaration when used as a function are
- exactly the same as that of a built-in `struct` function.
-* [Target](http://www.bazel.build/docs/skylark/lib/Target.html) objects become
- dictionaries of providers indexed by their declaration. Bracket notation can
- be used to retrieve a particular provider. Thus, provider declarations are
- [symbol-like](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Symbol)
- values.
-* Providers can be private to an extension file; in that case the provider
- cannot be accessed outside that file.
-#### Default providers (ctx.provider)
-There is a set of default providers (`files`, `runfiles`, `data_runfiles`,
-`executable`, `output_groups`, etc.). We group them in a single provider,
-defaults = ctx.provider(files = set(), runfiles = ...)
-The current set of APIs on Target objects that access these providers
-(`target.files`, `target.output_group("name")` etc.) will continue to work.
-#### Return value
-The implementation function can return either a provider, or a list of
-providers. It is an error to return two providers of the same type.
-return [defaults, rust, cc]
-return ctx.provider(files = set())
-#### Declaring providers returned by a rule
-Users need to know which rules provide which providers. This is important for
-documentation and for knowing which dependencies are allowed (e.g. we want to
-find easily what can go in the deps attribute of cc_library).
-We allow rules to declare the providers they intend to return with a `providers`
-argument of a
-function. It is an error if the rule implementation function does not return all
-the providers listed in `providers`. It may however return additional providers.
-rust_provider = provider()
-rust_library = rule(implementation = _impl,
- # Optional declaration; the rule MUST provide all the
- # providers in this list
- providers = [rust_provider])
-#### Migration path and support for "legacy" providers
-To support current model of returning providers, where they are identified by a
-simple name, we continue to allow providers name in the return struct:
-def _impl(ctx):
- ...
- return struct(
- legacy_provider = struct(...),
- files = set(...),
- providers = [rust])
-This also works for “default” providers, such as “files”, “runfiles” etc.
-However if one of those legacy names is specified, it is an error to have
-ctx.provider instance in the list of `providers`.
-We also allow returning a declared provider both directly and with a simple
-def _impl(ctx):
- ...
- return struct(rust = rust, providers = [rust])
-This allows the rules to mix old and new style, and migrate rule definition to a
-new style without changing all the uses of that rule.
-Old-style providers with simple names can still be accessed with dot-notation on
-Target object, so all of the following is valid.
-Old-style usage:
-* `target.rust` (=> rust)
-* `getattr(target, "rust")` (=> rust)
-* `hasattr(target, "rust")` (=> True)
-New-style usage:
-* `target[rust_provider]` (=> rust)
-* `rust_provider in target` (=> True)
-* `target.keys` (=> [rust_provider])
-* `target.values` (=> [rust])
-* `target.items` (=> [(rust_provider, rust)])
-#### type function
-Type function on providers returns a string `"provider"`. Type function on a
-provider instance returns a string `"struct"`.
-### Stage 2: Documentation and Fields
-Provider declarations are a convenient place to add more annotations to
-providers. We propose 2 specific things there:
-rust_provider = provider(
- doc = "This provider contains Rust information ...",
- fields = ["defines", "transitive_deps"]
-This specifies documentation for the provider and a list of fields that the
-provider can have.
-If `fields` argument is present, extra, undeclared fields are not allowed.
-Both `doc` and `fields` arguments to `provider` function are optional.
-`fields` argument can also be a dictionary (from string to string), in that case
-the keys are names of fields, and the values are documentation strings about
-individual fields
-rust_provider = provider(
- doc = "This provider contains Rust information ...",
- fields = {
- "defines": "doc for define",
- "transitive_deps": "doc for transitive deps,
- })
-### Native Providers
-Providers (as Skylark values) can be also declared natively. A set of
-annotations can be developed to facilitate declaring them with little effort.
-As a strawman example:
- * Hypothetical implementation of Skylark provider value (result of
- * provider(..) function.
- */
-class SkylarkProviderValue extends SkylarkValue {
- ...
- /**
- * Creates a SkylarkProviderValue for a native provider
- * `native` must be annotated with @SkylarkProvider annotation.
- * Field accessors and constructor function appear magically.
- */
- static <T> SkylarkProviderValue forNative(Class<T> native) { ... }
-@SkylarkProvider(builder = Builder.class)
-// A class with this annotation can be used as provider declaration
-class rustProvider implements TransitiveInfoProvider {
- @SkylarkProviderField(doc = ...)
- // Skylark name is 'defines'
- String getDefines() { ... }
- @SkylarkProviderField(doc = ...)
- // Skylark name is 'transitive_deps'
- NestedSet<Artifact> getTransitiveDeps() { ... }
- @SkylarkProviderField(doc = ...)
- // Not allowed, the set of types exposed to Skylark is restricted
- DottedVersion getVersion() { ... }
- // Automatically used to provide an implementation for
- // construction function.
- static class Builder {
- // a setter for 'defines' field, based on name.
- void setDefines(String defines) { ... }
- // a setter for 'transitive_deps' field, based on name.
- void setTransitiveDeps(...) {...}
- rustProvider build() { ... }
- }
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-layout: contribute
-title: Parameterized Skylark Aspects
-# Design Document: Parameterized Skylark Aspects
-**Design documents are not descriptions of the current functionality of Skylark.
-Always go to the documentation for current information.**
-**Status:** Approved (Proposal #2), Stage 1 implemented.
-**Author:** [Dmitry Lomov](mailto:dslomov@google.com),
-[Lindley French](mailto:lindleyf@google.com)
-**Design document published**: 2016-04-18
-*Proposal #2 is approved*
-# Motivation
-When rules apply aspects to their dependencies, they often need to
-parameterize these aspects with certain values that depend on rule
-instances. Typical example:
-* `python_proto_library` rule (just like other `*_proto_library` rules)
- need to generate code for different API versions depending on the
- attribute py_api_version in the rule instance
-In general, a different set of parameters for aspects means not only
-different actions that aspects generate, but also a different set of
-extra dependencies that aspects introduce (for example, depending on
-the value of py_api_version, python proto aspect will depend on
-different versions of python protobuf runtime library).
-This functionality is already available for native implementations of
- aspects. Native aspects can be parameterized with
- [AspectParameters](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/72229431c24ad08f0546b03ede9737b633034e30/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/packages/AspectParameters.java): (key,value)-dictionaries, where keys and values are simple strings:
-1. AspectParameters are produced by *parameter extractor*: a function
- that works on rule instance and produces an aspect parameter dictionary
- based on rule instance attribute values
-2. AspectParameters affect both the aspect definitions ([aspect
-definition of a particular aspect class depends on AspectParameters](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/f64730fcff20b7d9428e6bd8471ac057ae1bb3b1/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/packages/NativeAspectClass.java))
-and aspect implementations (AspectParameters are available to [ConfiguredAspectFactory.create](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/0773430188885e075121ebf720c82bb05a39db21/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/analysis/ConfiguredAspectFactory.java#L31))
-This document describes how to expose this
- functionality to Skylark in safe and powerful way.
-# Non-solutions and concerns
-*Too much parameterization is bad*. Consider the following strawman:
-why cannot we make the entire originating rule instance available to the
-propagating aspect? This is very powerful, but it introduces a
-_M\*N work problem_: every rule instance originating an aspect will
-generate a completely different aspect! Effectively, every rule
-originating an aspect will generate an entirely new graph of transitive
-In the same vein, it is desirable to always limit the parameter space
-across which the aspect parameters might vary.
-The good design of Skylark aspect parameterization needs to account for that.
-*Using different instances of aspects/rules instead of parameters is
-unworkable*. It could be argued that, for example, instead of having
-a api_version on python_proto_library, we should have several different
-rule classes, py_proto_library_<api version>. This is quite unergonomic.
-It is barely bearable for *_proto_library case, and completely
-impossible for ndk_cc_library where the potential parameter space is
-large (for every parameter combination, a new rule class needs to be
-introduced; Skylark macros cannot help here, as Skylark macros cannot
-introduce new names into global namespace).
-*Increased potential of action conflict.* As it stands now, aspects
-output their artifacts to the output directories of the targets they
-apply to. This is fragile as unrelated aspects can generate conflicting
-actions, and with introduction of parameters the possibility of that
-increases (we now have the possibility of the same aspect with different
-parameters being applied to a target; aspect author might forget to
-disambiguate carefully, leading to subtle and hard to find bugs).
-# Solutions
-The primary idea for solving the M*N problem is forcing the aspect
-author to limit the parameter space and prohibit its accidental
-expansion. Instead of having a direct function RI -> AI (where RI is
-a rule instance, AI is an aspect instance), we will have (possibly
-indirectly) two functions, RI -> P and P -> AI, where P is a finite set
-of possible parameter values defined in advance.
-## Proposal #1
-We introduce the proposal by example (the discussion is below):
-def _py_aspect_attrs(api_version):
- if api_version = "1":
- return { '_protoc' : attr.label(default = "//tools/protoc:v1") }
- else if api_version == "2":
-def _py_aspect_impl(target, ctx, params):
- if params.api_version == "1": ….
-py_proto_aspect = aspect(implementation = _py_aspect_impl,
- # params declare all aspect parameters with all possible values
- params = { 'api_version' : set(SUPPORTED_API_VERSIONS) },
- attr_aspects = ['deps'],
- # rhs of attrs can still be dictionary if no dependencies on params
- attrs = _py_aspect_attrs,
-# Can be omitted, see below.
-def _py_proto_library_parameter_extractor(py_api_version, some_other_attr):
- return { 'api_version' : str(py_api_version), }
-py_proto_library = rule(implementation = _py_proto_library_impl,
- attrs = {
- 'py_api_version' : attr.int()
- 'deps': attr.label_list(aspect = py_proto_aspect,
- # Can be omitted: the default extractor
- # just strs all rule attributes with the same
- # names as aspect parameters.
- aspect_parameter_extractor = _py_proto_library_parameter_extractor,
- ),
- 'some_other_attr' : attr.string(),
- }
-Here are the elements we introduce:
-1. Aspects declare their parameters by means of `params` argument to
- `aspect` function. The value of that argument is a dictionary from
- parameter name to the set of possible values for that parameter.
- We require that the parameter space for an aspect is defined upfront.
- We reject any parameter values that are not declared in advance.
- In this way we address the M*N work problem: we force the aspect
- author to limit the parameter space and prohibit its accidental
- expansion.
- Note: the better expression for this would have been to require params
- to always be of certain enumeration type, but we do not have
- enumeration types in Skylark.
-2. We allow aspect attributes (essentially the extra dependencies that
- aspects introduce) to depend on aspect parameters. To this end, we
- allow functions as values of `attrs` argument for `aspect` function.
- If the `attrs` argument is a function it is called with aspect
- parameters to obtain the attributes dictionary (the parameters are
- guaranteed to be within their specified range i.e. set of values).
- If `attrs` argument is a dictionary, it is used as is (compatible
- with current behavior).
- Note: it is possible to extend `attr_aspects` argument in the same way
- as well, if needed.
-3. Parameter dictionary is passed as a third parameter to aspect
- implementation function.
-4. When rules specify an aspect to apply to their attribute, they can
- optionally specify *a parameter extractor* - a Skylark function that
- produces a parameter dictionary based on values of rule attributes.
- It is an error when a value of parameter produced by a parameter
- extractor is not within its specified range. The default parameter
- extractor just stores the values of rule attributes with the same name
- as parameters of an aspect in question.
-### Implementation stages for proposal #1
-*Stage 1.* Make the params available to aspect implementation function. This includes:
-1. Adding `params` argument to `aspect` function.
- Declared parameters and their ranges become a part of `SkylarkAspect`.
-2. Adding appropriate parameter extractor (just the default one,
- str-ing all the relevant attribute values) and introduce the validation
- when creating an aspect in `Attribute.SkylarkRuleAspect`
-3. Passing parameter dictionary to aspect implementation function:
- see `SkylarkAspectFactory`.
-*Stage 2.* Parameterize Skylark aspect attributes with aspect
-parameters. This involves straightforward changes to `aspect` Skylark
-function and to `Attribute.SkylarkRuleAspect`. The only tricky thing
-there is handling evaluation exceptions from Skylark.
-*Stage 3.* Implement custom parameter extractors: a straightforward
-change to `Attribute.SkylarkRuleAspect` (most of error handling should be
-in place by that stage).
-## Proposal #2 (alternative to #1)
-In this proposal, aspect parameters are just aspect’s *explicit*
-attributes. We restrict the parameter space by requiring all aspect
-explicit attributes to have `values` declaration.
-Here is how the pervious example will look like in this proposal:
-# For rules, configured default function has access to cfg as well, we
-# do not support it in aspects
-def _py_aspect_protoc(attr_map):
- if attr_map.api_version = "1":
- return Label("//tools/protoc:v1")
- else if attr_map.api_version "2":
- …
-def _py_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
- if ctx.attrs.api_version == "1": ….
-py_proto_aspect = aspect(implementation = _py_aspect_impl,
- attr_aspects = ['deps'],
- attrs = {
- # For aspect implicit attributes, we allow computed defaults.
- # We still require defaults for all implicit attributes
- '_protoc' : attr.label(default = _py_aspect_protoc)
- # We allow non-implicit attributes. They MUST declare a range of
- # possible values, and they MUST be of a limited set of types
- # (initially just strings)
- 'api_version' : attr.string(values = SUPPORTED_API_VERSIONS)
- }
-# Can be omitted, see below.
-def _py_proto_library_parameter_extractor(py_api_version, some_other_attr):
- return { 'api_version' : str(py_api_version), }
-py_proto_library = rule(implementation = _py_proto_library_impl,
- attrs = {
- 'py_api_version' : attr.int()
- 'deps': attr.label_list(aspect = py_proto_aspect,
- # Can be omitted: the default extractor
- # just passes all rule attributes with the same
- # names as aspect non-implicit attributes
- # (aka "parameters").
- aspect_parameter_extractor = _py_proto_library_parameter_extractor,
- ),
- 'some_other_attr' : attr.string(),
- }
-Here are the elements we introduce:
-1. We limit the types of explicit aspect attributes to "primitive" values
- (strings, ints, booleans).
- Note: initially those attributes should just be strings in line with
- AspectParameters; if we want more types here, we can extend
- AspectParameters to support more types.
-2. To facilitate parameterizing aspect dependencies, we allow *implicit*
- aspect attributes to have computed defaults, exposed in the same way
- computed defaults are exposed to Skylark rules: "default value" of
- an attribute can be a function that computes the value given
- an attribute map.
- Note: computed default functions for Skylark rules have access to
- configuration information as well. We cannot support this for aspects
- at the moment; we need to clarify the relationship between aspects and
- configurations, so this is TBD.
-3. When rules specify an aspect to apply to their attribute, they can
- optionally specify *a parameter extractor* - a Skylark function that
- produces a parameter dictionary based on values of rule attributes.
- The keys of the computed dictionary must match the names of all
- non-explicit attributes on the aspect. It is an error when a value of
- parameter produced by a parameter extractor is not within its specified
- range. The default parameter extractor just passes values of rule
- attributes with the same name as explicit attributes of an aspect
- in question.
-### Implementation stages for proposal #2
-(Those stages correspond to implementation stages for proposal #1: at their completion, the same functionality becomes available)
-*Stage 1.* Allow explicit attributes with values restriction on aspects:
-1. Modify `aspect` value.
-2. Add appropriate parameter extractor (just the default one,
- passing through all the relevant attribute values) and introduce the
- validation when creating an aspect in `Attribute.SkylarkRuleAspect`.
-3. Ensure that explicit attribute values are passed through to aspect
- implementation function: see `SkylarkAspectFactory`
-Stage 1 is [impemented](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/commit/74558fcc8953dec64c2ba5920c8f7a7e3ada36ab).
-*Stage 2.* Allow computed defaults for aspect’s implicit attributes.
-This involves changes to `aspect` Skylark function and to
-`Attribute.SkylarkRuleAspect`. There are two non-obvious parts:
-1. we should not allow computed defaults to be default values of
- attributes after AspectDefintion is computed
- (i.e. `SkylarkAspect.getDefinition`)
-2. proper error handling is needed here.
-*Stage 3.* Implement custom parameter extractors: a straightforward
-change to Attribute.SkylarkRuleAspect (most of error handling should
-be in place by that stage).
diff --git a/site/designs/skylark/saner-skylark-sets.md b/site/designs/skylark/saner-skylark-sets.md
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-layout: contribute
-title: Saner Skylark Sets
-# Design Document: Saner Skylark Sets
-### (Sacrificing Superfluous Safety)
-**Design documents are not descriptions of the current functionality of Skylark.
-Always go to the documentation for current information.**
-**Status:** Draft
-**Author:** [Dmitry Lomov](mailto:dslomov@google.com)
-**Design document published**: 2016-07-25
-## Motivation
-NestedSets (an implementation used in Skylark `set` data type) is an essential
-data structure for passing transitive cumulative data during Bazel's analysis.
-The reason for that is its memory efficiency: a union of two sets carries a
-constant memory overhead (compare that to lists, for example, where a union of
-two lists has an O(length of original lists) memory overhead).
-When Bazel builds a dependency graph, all data returned by providers coming from
-rule implementation stays in memory roughly throughout the lifetime of a Bazel
-server. If providers use lists for their cumulative data, the total amount of
-memory consumed by them will grow as O(N^2) where N is the number of nodes in
-the build graph. Sets are the only data structure available in Skylark that can
-reduce that amount to O(N).
-However, sets in Skylark suffer from several deficiencies, which preclude their
-usage in providers, which leads in turn to performance issues.
-* Skylark sets cannot contain structs (although they can contain tuples, which
- is used sometimes to overcome that limitation:
- [example](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/a48e8e3db5a149777c2887fc7fc572837dd0ac1e/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/ideinfo/intellij_info.bzl#L84))
-* Only sets of primitive types (not even tuples) are allowed in rule providers
-This document discusses the reasons for these deficiencies and suggests several
-ways to resolve them.
-## Understanding Current Behavior
-### Typing Skylark sets
-Skylark sets are, in a certain sense, typed. Heterogeneous Skylark sets (e.g.
-ints and strings in the same set) are not allowed. Skylark set carries its
-contentType (the type of its elements) with it.
-First of all, all elements of Skylark set must be immutable. Sets of sets are
-not allowed either.
-Second, when a union of skylark sets is computed, their contentTypes are
-*intersected* to find a type that contains elements of both sets. Union
-operation fails if that intersection is empty.
-Type intersection disallows heterogeneous sets since intersection of two
-primitive types is empty unless it is one and the same type. However, all tuples
-in Skylark have the same type, TUPLE, therefore sets of heterogeneous tuples,
-and even tuples of different length, are allowed. Also, since all tuples share
-the same type, Skylark set has no information about components of its
-constituent tuples.
-### Providers and safe values
-All values returned as providers from rule and aspect implementations are
-required to be *safe*. Safe values are defined as follows (note that the notion
-is defined on values, not on types):
-* Primitive safe values are ints, strings, booleans, Files (Artifacts), Labels
- and native providers (TransitiveInfoCollections)
-* Lists of safe values are safe
-* Tuples of safe values are safe
-* Dictionaries are safe if their keys and values are safe
-* Sets are safe if their contentType is that of primitive safe value.
-Note that in this entire definition, only the definition of safe sets involves
-any types. For all other composite values, their constituents are examined
-directly, but in case of sets, this is too expensive (because sets supposedly
-hold transitive cumulative information), so their content type is examined
-This poses a problem if we want to allow safe sets of tuples, as set of tuples
-forget what are the types of constituents of those tuples.
-## What needs to change
-As discussed in the "Motivation" section, we need to make sure that Skylark
-rules and aspects can use sets to pass information during the build analysis;
-that is we need to allow two things:
-* sets should be allowed to contain structs
-* sets of structs should be allowed in rule providers
-### Equality and mutability of structs
-Allowing sets to contain structs will require equality semantics on structs to
-change (from reference to structural equality). We deem the risk of this change
-very low; even if structs are compared for equality now in user code, that is
-likely a bug, and since structs are immutable, the observed behavior should not
-Structs, just like tuples, can be (deeply) mutable and immutable:
-l = [27, 42, 30] # This list is mutable (inside a function definition)
-t = (l, 42) # This tuple is mutable, since l can be modified
-s = struct(field = l) # This struct is mutable, since l can be modified
-Only immutable structs will be allowed as elements of sets, similarly to how
-tuples are handled today.
-### Provider value safety
-To allow sets of structs inside providers, we need to reconcile value safety
-check with set typing (Recall that sets forget what constituents their elements
-have, so fast safety check is impossible).
-#### Alternative #1: Higher-fidelity typing for sets
-We can record more precise element types in sets (not just STRUCT, but the
-entire list of fields of those structs). We will need to define what does struct
-intersection mean (for example, do we allow sets of structs with disjoint
-collections of fields?). If we want to record types for sets of tuples, we will
-need to have a very permissive type system to preserve current behavior. For any
-restriction we introduce, we need a careful rationale.
-#### Alternative #2: Only allow sets of declared providers with type information
-If we implement "[Declared providers](/designs/skylark/declared-providers.html)"
-proposal and provide more extesive type information on top of that, sets can get
-typing information from there.
-#### Alternative #3: Abandon safe value check
-Looking at all the issues in this document, it appears that safe value check
-causes more trouble than the value it brings. The only substantive requirement
-for provider values is that they are immutable. Another motivation for a safe
-value check was serialization, but if we are serious about serializing
-configured targets graph, we will need to learn to serialize arbitrary Skylark
-values anyway.
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-layout: contribute
-title: Skylark Design Review Process
-# Skylark Design Review Process
-Authors: [Dmitry Lomov](mailto:dslomov@google.com),
-[Laurent Le Brun](mailto:laurentlb@google.com), [Florian Weikert](mailto:fwe@google.com)
-## Motivation
-As Bazel adoption grows, we are seeing both more requests for adding
-features to Skylark as a language, and for exposing more and more
-functionality available in Bazel internally to Skylark extensions.
-These requests originate both within and outside the Bazel team. As
-their number grows (and we expect them to grow more and more over time),
-addressing those requests meets several challenges:
-* We need to keep Skylark as a language (and a set of
-associated APIs/libraries) concise and consistent, easy to learn
-and use, and documented.
-* Any APIs or solutions we adopt will be painful to change
-down the road, so the more consistent, orthogonal, and open
-to future extensions they are, the less pain we and our users
-will encounter.
-* It is difficult for engineers - both within the team and outside -
-to approach making changes to Skylark. As people attempt to do so,
-they experience a lot of friction: patches get written and the discussion
-starts where reviewers and the author attempt to solve Skylark
-API issues, code design issues, implementation issues, compatibility
-issues and so on and so forth all in one code review thread.
-The result is friction and frustration, and the quality of the end result
-is not guaranteed.
-This document proposes an informal but orderly and well-defined process
-for Skylark language changes to address the above challenges.
-## Goals
-* Facilitate healthy growth of Skylark as a language
-* Ensure that Skylark the language has a clear set of experts caring for its development
-* Reduce friction for engineers exposing APIs to Skylark or proposing new Skylark features
-## Non-goals
-* Replace general design review process in Bazel team.
-The process described here is strictly about the Skylark language and APIs.
-In particular, changes to native rules that do not affect Skylark as a
-language much, such as adding/removing an attribute, or adding a new
-native rule, are not required to go through this process
-(whereas exposing a new provider to Skylark from a native rule is).
-## The Process
-Changes to Skylark, both the language and the exposed APIs,
-are evaluated by the Skylark Reviewers Panel.
-1. The **author** of the proposed change sends the design document to the
-[bazel-dev@googlegroups.com] mailing list with a subject containing
-1. Design doc can be either of:
- 1. A universally-commentable Google Doc
- 1. A Gerrit code review request with a design doc in
- [Markdown](https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/)
- format.
-1. The design doc should include:
- 1. Motivation for the change (a GitHub issue link is acceptable)
- 2. An example of the usage of the proposed API/language feature
- 3. Description of the proposed change
- [A model example design doc](/designs/skylark/parameterized-aspects.html)
- (although that is probably an overkill).
-1. **Skylark Reviewers** respond to a document within *2 business days*
-1. **Skylark Reviewers** are responsible for bringing in
- **subject-matter experts** as needed (for example, a change involving
- exposing a certain provider from cc_library rule should be reviewed by
- C++ rules expert as well)
-1. **Skylark Reviewers** facilitate the discussion and aim to reach
-a "looks good/does not look good" decision within *10 business days*.
-1. **Skylark Reviewers** operate by consensus.
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-# Our documentation is in another directory.
-Bazel's documentation is now versioned. This directory contains redirects to
-the latest version of each page.
-To make changes to Bazel documentation at HEAD, please edit the files under
-`versions/master`. Once a release is cut, the docs in the `master` directory
-will be snapshotted and copied into a versioned directory for the release.
-Happy documenting!
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-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/best-practices.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Best practices
+# Best practices for Bazel
+This document assumes that you are familiar with Bazel and provides advice on structuring your
+projects to take full advantage of Bazel's features.
+The overall goals are:
+- To use fine-grained dependencies to allow parallelism and incrementality.
+- To keep dependencies well-encapsulated.
+- To make code well-structured and testable.
+- To create a build configuration that is easy to understand and maintain.
+These guidelines are not requirements: few projects will be able to adhere to all of them. As the
+man page for lint says, "A special reward will be presented to the first person to produce a real
+program that produces no errors with strict checking." However, incorporating as many of these
+principles as possible should make a project more readable, less error-prone, and faster to build.
+This document uses the requirement levels described in
+[this RFC](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt).
+## Contents
+- [General structure](#general-structure)
+ - [Running builds and tests](#running-builds-and-tests)
+ - [Third party dependencies](#third-party-dependencies)
+ - [Depending on binaries](#depending-on-binaries)
+ - [Versioning](#versioning)
+ - [.bazelrc](#bazelrc)
+ - [Packages](#packages)
+- [BUILD files](#build-files)
+ - [BUILD file style guide](#build-file-style-guide)
+ - [Formatting](#formatting)
+ - [References to targets in the current package](#references-to-targets-in-the-current-package)
+ - [Target naming](#target-naming)
+ - [Visibility](#visibility)
+ - [Dependencies](#dependencies)
+ - [Globs](#globs)
+- [Skylark](#skylark)
+ - [Skylark style guide](#skylark-style-guide)
+ - [Packaging rules](#packaging-rules)
+ - [Rule choice](#rule-choice)
+- [WORKSPACE files](#workspace-files)
+ - [Repository rules](#repository-rules)
+ - [Custom BUILD files](#custom-build-files)
+ - [Skylark repository rules](#skylark-repository-rules)
+- [Java](#java)
+ - [Directory structure](#directory-structure)
+ - [BUILD files](#build-files)
+- [C++](#c)
+ - [BUILD files](#build-files)
+ - [Include paths](#include-paths)
+- [Protos](#protos)
+ - [Recommended Code Organization](#recommended-code-organization)
+# General structure
+## Running builds and tests
+A project should always be able to run `bazel build //...` and `bazel test //...` successfully on
+its stable branch. Targets that are necessary but do not build under certain circumstances (e.g.,
+require specific build flags, do not build on a certain platform, require license agreements)
+should be tagged as specifically as possible (e.g., "`requires-osx`"). This tagging allows
+targets to be filtered at a more fine-grained level than the "manual" tag and allows someone
+inspecting the BUILD file to understand what a target's restrictions are.
+## Third party dependencies
+Prefer declaring third party dependencies as remote repositories in the WORKSPACE file. If it's
+necessary to check third party dependencies into your repository, put them in a directory called
+`third_party/` under your workspace directory. Note that all BUILD files in `third_party/` must
+include [license](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/be/functions.html#licenses)
+## Depending on binaries
+Everything should be built from source whenever possible. Generally this means that, instead of
+depending on a library `some-library.so`, you'd create a BUILD file and build `some-library.so`
+from its sources, then depend on that target.
+Building from source prevents a build from using a library that was built with incompatible flags
+or a different architecture. There are also some features like coverage, static analysis, or
+dynamic analysis that will only work on the source.
+## Versioning
+Prefer building all code from head whenever possible. When versions must be used, avoid including
+the version in the target name (e.g., `//guava`, not `//guava-20.0`). This naming makes the library
+easier to update (only one target needs to be updated). It is also more resilient to diamond
+dependency issues: if one library depends on `guava-19.0` and one depends on `guava-20.0`, you
+could end up with a library that tries to depend on two different versions. If you created a
+misleading alias to point both targets to one guava library, then the BUILD files are misleading.
+## `.bazelrc`
+For project-specific options, use the configuration file `_your-workspace_/tools/bazel.rc`.
+For options that you **do not** want to check into source control, create the configuration file
+`_your-workspace_/.bazelrc` and add `.bazelrc` to your `.gitignore`. Note that this file has a
+different name than the file above (`bazel.rc` vs `.bazelrc`).
+## Packages
+Every directory that contains buildable files should be a package. If a BUILD file refers to files
+in subdirectories (e.g., `srcs = ["a/b/C.java"]`) it is a sign that a BUILD file should be added to
+that subdirectory. The longer this structure exists, the more likely circular dependencies will be
+inadvertently created, a target's scope will creep, and an increasing number of reverse
+dependencies will have to be updated.
+# BUILD files
+## BUILD file style guide
+See the [BUILD file style
+## Formatting
+[Buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildifier) should be used to achieve the correct
+formatting for BUILD files. Editors should be configured to automatically format BUILD files on
+save. Humans should not try to format BUILD files themselves.
+If there is a question as to what the correct formatting is, the answer is "how buildifier formats
+## References to targets in the current package
+Files should be referred to by their paths relative to the package directory (without ever using
+up-references, such as `..`). Generated files should be prefixed with "`:`" to indicate that they
+are not sources. Source files should not be prefixed with `:`. Rules should be prefixed with `:`.
+For example, assuming `x.cc` is a source file:
+ name = "lib",
+ srcs = ["x.cc"],
+ hdrs = [":gen-header"],
+ name = "gen-header",
+ srcs = [],
+ outs = ["x.h"],
+ cmd = "echo 'int x();' > $@",
+## Target naming
+Target names should be descriptive. If a target contains one source file, the target should
+generally be named after that source (e.g., a `cc_library` for `chat.cc` should be named "`chat`").
+The eponymous target for a package (the target with the same name as the containing directory)
+should provide the functionality described by the directory name. If there is no such target, do
+not create an eponymous target.
+Prefer using the short name when referring to an eponymous target (`//x` instead of `//x:x`). If
+you are in the same package, prefer the local reference (`:x` instead of `//x`).
+## Visibility
+Do not set the default visibility of a package to `//visibility:public`. `//visibility:public`
+should be individually set for targets in the project's public API. These could be libraries which
+are designed to be depended on by external projects or binaries that could be used by an external
+project's build process.
+Otherwise, visibility should be scoped as tightly as possible, while still allowing access by tests
+and reverse dependencies. Prefer using `__pkg__` to `__subpackages__`.
+## Dependencies
+Dependencies should be restricted to direct dependencies (dependencies needed by the sources listed
+in the rule). Do not list transitive dependencies.
+Package-local dependencies should be listed first and referred to in a way compatible with the
+[References to targets in the current package](#references-to-targets-in-the-current-package)
+section above (not by their absolute package name).
+## Globs
+Do not use recursive globs (e.g., `glob(["**/*.java"])`). Recursive globs make BUILD files
+difficult to read, as they skip subdirectories containing BUILD files. Non-recursive globs are
+generally acceptable, see language-specific advice below for details.
+Indicate "no targets" with `[]`. Do not use a glob that matches nothing: it is more error-prone and
+less obvious than an empty list.
+# Skylark
+## Skylark style guide
+See the [Style guide for .bzl
+files](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/skylark/bzl-style.html) for Skylark rule guidelines.
+## Packaging rules
+See [Packaging rules](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/skylark/deploying.html) for advice
+on how to structure and where to put new Skylark rules.
+## Rule choice
+When using a language for which Bazel has built-in rules (e.g., C++), prefer using these rules to
+writing your own in Skylark. These rules are documented in the [build
+# WORKSPACE files
+## Repository rules
+Prefer `http_archive` and `new_http_archive` to `git_repository`, `new_git_repository`, and
+`git_repository` depends on jGit, which has several unpleasant bugs, and `maven_jar` uses Maven's
+internal API, which generally works but is less optimized for Bazel than `http_archive`'s
+downloader logic. Track the following issues filed to remediate these problems:
+- [Use `http_archive` as `git_repository`'s
+ backend.](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/2147)
+- [Improve `maven_jar`'s backend.](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/1752)
+Do not use `bind()`. See "[Consider removing
+bind](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/1952)" for a long discussion of its issues and
+## Custom BUILD files
+When using a `new_` repository rule, prefer to specify `build_file_content`, not `build_file`.
+## Skylark repository rules
+A Skylark repository rule should generally be responsible for:
+- Detecting system settings and writing them to files.
+- Finding resources elsewhere on the system.
+- Downloading resources from URLs.
+- Generating or symlinking BUILD files into the external repository directory.
+Avoid using `repository_ctx.execute` when possible. For example, when using a non-Bazel C++
+library that has a build using Make, it is preferable to use `respository_ctx.download()` and then
+write a BUILD file that builds it, instead of running `ctx.execute(["make"])`.
+# Java
+## Directory structure
+Prefer Maven's standard directory layout (sources under `src/main/java`, tests under
+## BUILD files
+Use one BUILD file per package containing Java sources. Every BUILD file should contain one
+`java_library` rule that looks like this:
+ name = "directory-name",
+ srcs = glob(["*.java"]),
+ deps = [...],
+The name of the library should be the name of the directory containing the BUILD file. The sources
+should be a non-recursive glob of all Java files in the directory.
+Tests should be in a matching directory under `src/test` and depend on this library.
+# C++
+## BUILD files
+Each BUILD file should contain one `cc_library` rule target per compilation unit in the directory.
+C++ libraries should be as fine-grained as possible to provide as much incrementality as possible.
+If there is a single source file in `srcs`, the library should be named based on that C++ file's
+name. This library should contain a C++ file(s), any matching header file(s), and the library's
+direct dependencies. For example,
+ name = "mylib",
+ srcs = ["mylib.cc"],
+ hdrs = ["mylib.h"],
+ deps = [":lower-level-lib"]
+There should be one `cc_test` rule target per `cc_library` target in the file. The `cc_test`'s
+source should be a file named `[libname]_test.cc`. For example, a test for the target above might
+look like:
+ name = "mylib_test",
+ srcs = ["mylib_test.cc"],
+ deps = [":mylib"]
+## Include paths
+All include paths should be relative to the workspace directory. Use `includes` only if a public
+header needs to be widely used at a non-workspace-relative path (for legacy or `third_party` code).
+Otherwise, prefer to use the `copts` attribute, not the `includes` attribute.
+Using `cc_inc_library` is discouraged, prefer `copts` or `includes`.
+See [the design document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/18qUWh0uUiJBv6ZOySvp6DEV0NjVnBoEy-r-ZHa9cmhU/edit#heading=h.kmep1cl5ym9k)
+on C++ include directories for reasoning.
+# Protos
+## Recommended Code Organization
+- One `proto_library` rule per `.proto` file.
+- A file named `foo.proto` will be in a rule named `foo_proto`, which is located in the same
+ package.
+- A `[language]_proto_library` that wraps a `proto_library` named `foo_proto` should be called
+ `foo_[language]_proto`, and be located in the same package.
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-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/external.html
+layout: documentation
+title: External Dependencies
+# Working with external dependencies
+External dependencies can be specified in the `WORKSPACE` file of the
+[workspace directory](/docs/build-ref.html#workspace). This `WORKSPACE` file
+uses the same syntax as BUILD files, but allows a different set of
+rules. The full list of rules are in the Build Encyclopedia's
+[Workspace Rules](/docs/be/workspace.html).
+External dependencies are all downloaded and symlinked under a directory named
+`external`. You can see this directory by running:
+ls $(bazel info output_base)/external
+Note that running `bazel clean` will not actually delete the external
+directory. To remove all external artifacts, use `bazel clean --expunge`.
+## Supported types of external dependencies
+A few basic types of external dependencies can be used:
+- [Dependencies on other Bazel projects](#bazel-projects)
+- [Dependencies on non-Bazel projects](#non-bazel-projects)
+- [Dependencies on external packages](#external-packages)
+<a name="bazel-projects"></a>
+### Depending on other Bazel projects
+If you want to use targets from a second Bazel project, you can
+or [`http_archive`](http://bazel.build/docs/be/workspace.html#http_archive)
+to symlink it from the local filesystem, reference a git repository or download
+it (respectively).
+For example, suppose you are working on a project, `my-project/`, and you want
+to depend on targets from your coworker's project, `coworkers-project/`. Both
+projects use Bazel, so you can add your coworker's project as an external
+dependency and then use any targets your coworker has defined from your own
+BUILD files. You would add the following to `my_project/WORKSPACE`:
+ name = "coworkers-project",
+ path = "/path/to/coworkers-project",
+If your coworker has a target `//foo:bar`, your project can refer to it as
+<a name="non-bazel-projects"></a>
+### Depending on non-Bazel projects
+Rules prefixed with `new_` (e.g.,
+and [`new_http_archive`](http://bazel.build/docs/be/workspace.html#new_http_archive)
+) allow you to create targets from projects that do not use Bazel.
+For example, suppose you are working on a project, `my-project/`, and you want
+to depend on your coworker's project, `coworkers-project/`. Your coworker's
+project uses `make` to build, but you'd like to depend on one of the .so files
+it generates. To do so, add the following to `my_project/WORKSPACE`:
+ name = "coworkers-project",
+ path = "/path/to/coworkers-project",
+ build_file = "coworker.BUILD",
+`build_file` specifies a BUILD file to overlay on the existing project, for
+ name = "some-lib",
+ srcs = glob(["**"]),
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+You can then depend on `@coworkers-project//:some-lib` from your project's BUILD
+<a name="external-packages"></a>
+### Depending on external packages
+#### Maven repositories
+Use the rule [`maven_jar`](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/be/workspace.html#maven_jar)
+(and optionally the rule [`maven_server`](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/be/workspace.html#maven_server))
+to download a jar from a Maven repository and make it available as a Java
+## Fetching dependencies
+By default, external dependencies are fetched as needed during `bazel build`. If
+you would like to disable this behavior or prefetch dependencies, use
+[`bazel fetch`](http://bazel.build/docs/bazel-user-manual.html#fetch).
+## Using Proxies
+Bazel will pick up proxy addresses from the `HTTPS_PROXY` and `HTTP_PROXY`
+environment variables and use these to download HTTP/HTTPS files (if specified).
+<a name="transitive-dependencies"></a>
+## Transitive dependencies
+Bazel only reads dependencies listed in your `WORKSPACE` file. If your project
+(`A`) depends on another project (`B`) which list a dependency on a third
+project (`C`) in its `WORKSPACE` file, you'll have to add both `B`
+and `C` to your project's `WORKSPACE` file. This requirement can balloon the
+`WORKSPACE` file size, but hopefully limits the chances of having one library
+include `C` at version 1.0 and another include `C` at 2.0.
+## Generate a `WORKSPACE` file
+Bazel provides a tool to help generate these expansive `WORKSPACE` files, called
+`generate_workspace`. This tool is not included with the binary installer, so
+you'll need to clone the [GitHub repo](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel) to
+use it. We recommend using the tag corresponding to your current version of
+bazel, which you can check by running `bazel version`.
+`cd` to the GitHub clone, `git checkout` the appropriate tag, and run the
+following to build the tool and see usage:
+bazel run //src/tools/generate_workspace
+Note that you need run this command from your Bazel source folder even if you
+build your binary from source.
+You can specify directories containing Bazel projects (i.e., directories
+containing a `WORKSPACE` file), Maven projects (i.e., directories containing a
+`pom.xml` file), or Maven artifact coordinates directly. For example:
+$ bazel run //src/tools/generate_workspace -- \
+> --maven_project=/path/to/my/project \
+> --bazel_project=/path/to/skunkworks \
+> --bazel_project=/path/to/teleporter/project \
+> --artifact=groupId:artifactId:version \
+> --artifact=groupId:artifactId:version
+The `WORKSPACE` file will contain the transitive dependencies of the given
+projects and artifacts. The `BUILD` file will contain a single target,
+`transitive-deps`, that contains all of the dependencies. You can copy these
+files to your project and add `transitive-deps` as a dependency of your `java_`
+targets in `BUILD` files.
+If you specify multiple Bazel projects, Maven projects, or artifacts, they will
+all be combined into one `WORKSPACE` file (e.g., if the Bazel project depends on
+junit and the Maven project also depends on junit, junit will only appear once
+as a dependency in the output).
+You may wish to curate the generated `WORKSPACE` file to ensure it is using the
+correct version of each dependency. If several different versions of an artifact
+are requested (by different libraries that depend on it), then
+`generate_workspace` chooses a version and annotates the `maven_jar` with the
+other versions requested, for example:
+# org.springframework:spring:2.5.6
+# javax.mail:mail:1.4
+# httpunit:httpunit:1.6 wanted version 1.0.2
+# org.springframework:spring-support:2.0.2 wanted version 1.0.2
+# org.slf4j:nlog4j:1.2.24 wanted version 1.0.2
+ name = "javax_activation_activation",
+ artifact = "javax.activation:activation:1.1",
+The example above indicates that `org.springframework:spring:2.5.6`,
+`javax.mail:mail:1.4`, `httpunit:httpunit:1.6`,
+`org.springframework:spring-support:2.0.2`, and `org.slf4j:nlog4j:1.2.24`
+all depend on javax.activation. However, two of these libraries wanted
+version 1.1 and three of them wanted 1.0.2. The `WORKSPACE` file is using
+version 1.1, but that might not be the right version to use.
+You may also want to break `transitive-deps` into smaller targets, as it is
+unlikely that all of your targets depend on the transitive closure of your
+maven jars.
+## Caching of external dependencies
+Bazel caches external dependencies and re-downloads or updates them when
+the `WORKSPACE` file changes.
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+++ b/site/docs/getting-started.md
@@ -1,4 +1,97 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/getting-started.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Getting Started
+# Getting Started with Bazel
+## Setup
+Use the [installation instructions](/docs/install.html) to install a copy of
+Bazel on your machine.
+## Using a Workspace
+All Bazel builds take place in a [_workspace_](/docs/build-ref.html#workspaces),
+a directory on your filesystem that contains source code for the software you
+want to build, as well symbolic links to directories that contain the build
+outputs (for example, `bazel-bin` and `bazel-out`). The location of the
+workspace directory is not significant, but it must contain a file called
+`WORKSPACE` in the top-level directory; an empty file is a valid workspace.
+The `WORKSPACE` file can be used to reference
+[external dependencies](/docs/external.html) required to build the outputs.
+One workspace can be shared among multiple projects if desired.
+## Creating a Build File
+To know which targets can be built in your project, Bazel inspects `BUILD`
+files. They are written in Bazel's build language which is syntactically
+similar to Python. Usually they are just a sequence of declarations of rules.
+Each rule specifies its inputs, outputs, and a way to compute the outputs from
+the inputs.
+The rule probably most familiar to people who have used `Makefile`s before (as
+it is the only rule available there) is the
+[genrule](/docs/be/general.html#genrule), which specifies how the output can
+be generated by invoking a shell command.
+ name = "hello",
+ outs = ["hello_world.txt"],
+ cmd = "echo Hello World > $@",
+The shell command may contain [Make variables](/docs/be/make-variables.html).
+Using the above `BUILD` file, you can ask Bazel to generate the target.
+$ bazel build :hello
+INFO: Found 1 target...
+Target //:hello up-to-date:
+ bazel-genfiles/hello_world.txt
+INFO: Elapsed time: 2.255s, Critical Path: 0.07s
+We note two things. First, targets are normally referred to by their
+[label](/docs/build-ref.html#labels), which is specified by the
+[name](/docs/be/general.html#genrule.name) attribute of the rule. (Referencing
+them by the output file name is also possible, but this is not the preferred
+way.) Second, Bazel puts the generated files into a separate directory (the
+`bazel-genfiles` directory is actually a symbolic link) so as not to pollute
+your source tree.
+Rules may use the output of other rules as input, as in the following
+example. Again, the generated sources are referred to by their label.
+ name = "hello",
+ outs = ["hello_world.txt"],
+ cmd = "echo Hello World > $@",
+ name = "double",
+ srcs = [":hello"],
+ outs = ["double_hello.txt"],
+ cmd = "cat $< $< > $@",
+Finally, note that, while the [genrule](/docs/be/general.html#genrule) might
+seem familiar, it usually is _not_ the best rule to use. It is preferrable to
+use one of the specialized [rules](/docs/be/overview.html#rules) for various
+# Next Steps
+Next, check out the tutorial on building [Java](/docs/tutorial/java.html)
+or [C++](/docs/tutorial/cpp.html) programs.
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+++ b/site/docs/install-compile-source.md
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+++ b/site/docs/install-os-x.md
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+++ b/site/docs/install-ubuntu.md
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+++ b/site/docs/install-windows.md
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--- a/site/docs/install.md
+++ b/site/docs/install.md
@@ -1,4 +1,87 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/install.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Installing Bazel
+# Installing Bazel
+See the instructions for installing Bazel on:
+* [Ubuntu Linux (16.04, 15.10, and 14.04)](install-ubuntu.md)
+* [Mac OS X](install-os-x.md)
+* [Windows (experimental)](install-windows.md)
+For other platforms, you can try to [compile from source](install-compile-source.md).
+Required Java version:
+Java JDK 8 or later is required. To address the problem of JDK 8 not being
+available on some machines, Bazel's binary installer embeds a JDK by default.
+**Note:** Homebrew and Debian packages do not contain the embedded JDK. The
+shell installers are the only ones with an embedded JDK.
+* [Bash completion](#bash)
+* [zsh completion](#zsh)
+For more information on using Bazel, see
+[Getting Started with Bazel](getting-started.html).
+## <a name="jdk7"></a>Using Bazel with JDK 7
+Bazel version _0.5.0_ does run with JDK 7. However, starting with version
+_0.5.1_ Bazel must use JDK 8.
+The installers available for _0.5.0_ are:
+* `bazel-0.5.0-installer.sh`: default version with embedded JDK
+* `bazel-0.5.0-without-jdk-installer.sh`: version without embedded JDK
+* `bazel-0.5.0-jdk7-installer.sh`: version compatible with JDK 7, will not be
+ available in later releases
+## <a name="bash"></a>Getting bash completion
+Bazel comes with a bash completion script, which the installer copies into the
+`bin` directory. If you ran the installer with `--user`, this will be
+`$HOME/.bazel/bin`. If you ran the installer as root, this will be
+Copy the `bazel-complete.bash` script to your completion folder
+(`/etc/bash_completion.d` directory under Ubuntu). If you don't have a
+completion folder, you can copy it wherever suits you and insert
+`source /path/to/bazel-complete.bash` in your `~/.bashrc` file (under OS X, put
+it in your `~/.bash_profile` file).
+If you built Bazel from source, the bash completion target is in the `//scripts`
+1. Build it with Bazel: `bazel build //scripts:bazel-complete.bash`.
+2. Copy the script `bazel-bin/scripts/bazel-complete.bash` to one of the
+ locations described above.
+## <a name="zsh"></a>Getting zsh completion
+Bazel also comes with a zsh completion script. To install it:
+1. Add this script to a directory on your $fpath:
+ ```
+ fpath[1,0]=~/.zsh/completion/
+ mkdir -p ~/.zsh/completion/
+ cp scripts/zsh_completion/_bazel ~/.zsh/completion
+ ```
+ You may have to call `rm -f ~/.zcompdump; compinit`
+ the first time to make it work.
+2. Optionally, add the following to your .zshrc.
+ ```
+ # This way the completion script does not have to parse Bazel's options
+ # repeatedly. The directory in cache-path must be created manually.
+ zstyle ':completion:*' use-cache on
+ zstyle ':completion:*' cache-path ~/.zsh/cache
+ ```
diff --git a/site/docs/mobile-install.md b/site/docs/mobile-install.md
index b209f182e5..f273871d0d 100644
--- a/site/docs/mobile-install.md
+++ b/site/docs/mobile-install.md
@@ -1,4 +1,220 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/mobile-install.html
+layout: documentation
+title: mobile-install
+# bazel mobile-install
+<p class="lead">Fast iterative development for Android</p>
+## TL;DR
+To install small changes to an Android app very quickly, do the following:
+ 1. Find the `android_binary` rule of the app you want to install.
+ 2. Disable Proguard by removing the `proguard_specs` attribute.
+ 3. Set the `multidex` attribute to `native`.
+ 4. Set the `dex_shards` attribute to `10`.
+ 5. Connect your device running ART (not Dalvik) over USB and enable USB
+ debugging on it.
+ 6. Run `bazel mobile-install :your_target`. App startup will be a little
+ slower than usual.
+ 7. Edit the code or Android resources.
+ 8. Run `bazel mobile-install --incremental :your_target`.
+ 9. Enjoy not having to wait a lot.
+Some command line options to Bazel that may be useful:
+ - `--adb` tells Bazel which adb binary to use
+ - `--adb_arg` can be used to add extra arguments to the command line of `adb`.
+ One useful application of this is to select which device you want to install
+ to if you have multiple devices connected to your workstation:
+ `bazel mobile-install --adb_arg=-s --adb_arg=<SERIAL> :your_target`
+ - `--start_app` automatically starts the app
+When in doubt, look at the
+or [contact us](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-discuss).
+## Introduction
+One of the most important attributes of a developer's toolchain is speed: there
+is a world of difference between changing the code and seeing it run within a
+second and having to wait minutes, sometimes hours, before you get any feedback
+on whether your changes do what you expect them to.
+Unfortunately, the traditional Android toolchain for building an .apk entails
+many monolithic, sequential steps and all of these have to be done in order to
+build an Android app. At Google, waiting five minutes to build a single-line
+change was not unusual on larger projects like Google Maps.
+`bazel mobile-install` makes iterative development for Android much faster by
+using a combination of change pruning, work sharding, and clever manipulation of
+Android internals, all without changing any of your app's code.
+## Problems with traditional app installation
+We identified the following bottlenecks of building an Android app:
+- Dexing. By default, "dx" is invoked exactly once in the build and it does not
+know how to reuse work from previous builds: it dexes every method again, even
+though only one method was changed.
+- Uploading data to the device. adb does not use the full bandwidth of a USB 2.0
+connection, and larger apps can take a lot of time to upload. The entire app is
+uploaded, even if only small parts have changed, for example, a resource or a
+single method, so this can be a major bottleneck.
+- Compilation to native code. Android L introduced ART, a new Android runtime,
+which compiles apps ahead-of-time rather than compiling them just-in-time like
+Dalvik. This makes apps much faster at the cost of longer installation
+time. This is a good tradeoff for users because they typically install an app
+once and use it many times, but results in slower development where an app is
+installed many times and each version is run at most a handful of times.
+## The approach of `bazel mobile-install`
+`bazel mobile-install `makes the following improvements:
+ - Sharded dexing. After building the app's Java code, Bazel shards the class
+ files into approximately equal-sized parts and invokes `dx` separately on
+ them. `dx` is not invoked on shards that did not change since the last build.
+ - Incremental file transfer. Android resources, .dex files, and native
+ libraries are removed from the main .apk and are stored in under a separate
+ mobile-install directory. This makes it possible to update code and Android
+ resources independently without reinstalling the whole app. Thus,
+ transferring the files takes less time and only the .dex files that have
+ changed are recompiled on-device.
+ - Loading parts of the app from outside the .apk. A tiny stub application is
+ put into the .apk that loads Android resources, Java code and native code
+ from the on-device mobile-install directory, then transfers control to the
+ actual app. This is all transparent to the app, except in a few corner cases
+ described below.
+### Sharded Dexing
+Sharded dexing is reasonably straightforward: once the .jar files are built, a
+shards them into separate .jar files of approximately equal size, then invokes
+`dx` on those that were changed since the previous build. The logic that
+determines which shards to dex is not specific to Android: it just uses the
+general change pruning algorithm of Bazel.
+The first version of the sharding algorithm simply ordered the .class files
+alphabetically, then cut the list up into equal-sized parts, but this proved to
+be suboptimal: if a class was added or removed (even a nested or an anonymous
+one), it would cause all the classes alphabetically after it to shift by one,
+resulting in dexing those shards again. Thus, we settled upon sharding not
+individual classes, but Java packages instead. Of course, this still results in
+dexing many shards if a new package is added or removed, but that is much less
+frequent than adding or removing a single class.
+The number of shards is controlled by the BUILD file (using the
+`android_binary.dex_shards` attribute). In an ideal world, Bazel would
+automatically determine how many shards are best, but Bazel currently must know
+the set of actions (i.e. commands to be executed during the build) before
+executing any of them, so it cannot determine the optimal number of shards
+because it doesn't know how many Java classes there will eventually be in the
+app. Generally speaking, the more shards, the faster the build and the
+installation will be, but the slower app startup becomes, because the dynamic
+linker has to do more work. The sweet spot is usually between 10 and 50 shards.
+### Incremental File Transfer
+After building the app, the next step is to install it, preferably with the
+least effort possible. Installation consists of the following steps:
+ 1. Installing the .apk (i.e. `adb install`)
+ 2. Uploading the .dex files, Android resources, and native libraries to the
+ mobile-install directory
+There is not much incrementality in the first step: the app is either installed
+or not. Bazel currently relies on the user to indicate if it should do this step
+through the `--incremental` command line option because it cannot determine in
+all cases if it is necessary.
+In the second step, the app's files from the build are compared to an on-device
+manifest file that lists which app files are on the device and their
+checksums. Any new files are uploaded to the device, any files that have changed
+are updated, and any files that have been removed are deleted from the
+device. If the manifest is not present, it is assumed that every file needs to
+be uploaded.
+Note that it is possible to fool the incremental installation algorithm by
+changing a file on the device, but not its checksum in the manifest. We could
+have safeguarded against this by computing the checksum of the files on the
+device, but this was deemed to be not worth the increase in installation time.
+### The Stub Application
+The stub application is where the magic to load the dexes, native code and
+Android resources from the on-device `mobile-install` directory happens.
+The actual loading is implemented by subclassing `BaseDexClassLoader` and is a
+reasonably well-documented technique. This happens before any of the app's
+classes are loaded, so that any application classes that are in the apk can be
+placed in the on-device `mobile-install` directory so that they can be updated
+without `adb install`.
+This needs to happen before any of the
+classes of the app are loaded, so that no application class needs to be in the
+.apk which would mean that changes to those classes would require a full
+This is accomplished by replacing the `Application` class specified in
+`AndroidManifest.xml` with the
+[stub application](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/src/tools/android/java/com/google/devtools/build/android/incrementaldeployment/StubApplication.java). This
+takes control when the app is started, and tweaks the class loader and the
+resource manager appropriately at the earliest moment (its constructor) using
+Java reflection on the internals of the Android framework.
+Another thing the stub application does is to copy the native libraries
+installed by mobile-install to another location. This is necessary because the
+dynamic linker needs the `X` bit to be set on the files, which is not possible to
+do for any location accessible by a non-root `adb`.
+Once all these things are done, the stub application then instantiates the
+actual `Application` class, changing all references to itself to the actual
+application within the Android framework.
+## Results
+### Performance
+In general, `bazel mobile-install` results in a 4x to 10x speedup of building
+and installing large apps after a small change. We computed the following
+numbers for a few Google products:
+<img src="/assets/mobile-install-performance.svg"/>
+This, of course, depends on the nature of the change: recompilation after
+changing a base library takes more time.
+### Limitations
+The tricks the stub application plays don't work in every case. We have
+identified the following cases where it does not work as expected:
+ - When `Context` is cast to the `Application` class in
+ `ContentProvider#onCreate()`. This method is called during application
+ startup before we have a chance to replace the instance of the `Application`
+ class, therefore, `ContentProvider` will still reference the stub application
+ instead of the real one. Arguably, this is not a bug since you are not
+ supposed to downcast `Context` like this, but this seems to happen in a few
+ apps at Google.
+ - Resources installed by `bazel mobile-install` are only available from within
+ the app. If resources are accessed by other apps via
+ `PackageManager#getApplicationResources()`, these resources will be from the
+ last non-incremental install.
+ - Devices that aren't running ART. While the stub application works well on
+ Froyo and later, Dalvik has a bug that makes it think that the app is
+ incorrect if its code is distributed over multiple .dex files in certain
+ cases, for example, when Java annotations are used in a
+ [specific](https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=78144) way. As
+ long as your app doesn't tickle these bugs, it should work with Dalvik, too
+ (note, however, that support for old Android versions isn't exactly our
+ focus)
diff --git a/site/docs/output_directories.md b/site/docs/output_directories.md
index aa176bb43c..20858c6101 100644
--- a/site/docs/output_directories.md
+++ b/site/docs/output_directories.md
@@ -1,4 +1,131 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/output_directories.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Output Directory Layout
+# Output Directory Layout
+## Requirements
+Requirements for an output directory layout:
+* Don't collide if multiple users are building on the same box.
+* Support building in multiple workspaces at the same time.
+* Support building for multiple target configurations in the same workspace.
+* Don't collide with any other tools.
+* Be easy to access.
+* Be easy to clean, even selectively.
+* Is unambiguous, even if the user relies on symbolic links when changing into
+ his/her client directory.
+* All the build state per user should be underneath one directory ("I'd like to
+ clean all the .o files from all my clients.")
+## Documentation of the current Bazel output directory layout
+The solution that's currently implemented:
+* Bazel must be invoked from a directory containing a WORKSPACE file. It reports
+ an error if it is not. We call this the _workspace directory_.
+* The _outputRoot_ directory is ~/.cache/bazel. (Unless `$TEST_TMPDIR` is
+ set, as in a test of bazel itself, in which case this directory is used
+ instead.)
+* We stick the Bazel user's build state beneath `outputRoot/_bazel_$USER`. This
+ is called the _outputUserRoot_ directory.
+* Beneath the `outputUserRoot` directory, we create an `installBase` directory
+ whose name is "install" plus the MD5 hash of the Bazel installation manifest.
+* Beneath the `outputUserRoot` directory, we also create an `outputBase`
+ directory whose name is the MD5 hash of the path name of the workspace
+ directory. So, for example, if Bazel is running in the workspace directory
+ `/home/user/src/my-project` (or in a directory symlinked to that one), then we
+ create an output base directory called:
+ `/home/.cache/bazel/_bazel_user/7ffd56a6e4cb724ea575aba15733d113`.
+* Users can use Bazel's `--output_base` startup option to override the default
+ output base directory. For example,
+ `bazel --output_base=/tmp/bazel/output build x/y:z`.
+* Users can also use Bazel's `--output_user_root` startup option to override the
+ default install base and output base directories. For example:
+ `bazel --output_user_root=/tmp/bazel build x/y:z`.
+We put symlinks "bazel-&lt;workspace-name&gt;" and "bazel-out", as well as
+"bazel-bin", "bazel-genfiles", and "bazel-includes" in the workspace directory;
+these symlinks points to some directories inside a target-specific directory
+inside the output directory. These symlinks are only for the user's convenience,
+as Bazel itself does not use them. Also, we only do this if the workspace
+directory is writable. The names of the "bazel-bin", "bazel-genfiles", and
+"bazel-include" symlinks are affected by the `--symlink_prefix` option to bazel,
+but "bazel-&lt;workspace-name&gt;" and "bazel-out" are not.
+## Bazel internals: Directory layout
+The directories are laid out as follows:
+&lt;workspace-name&gt;/ <== The workspace directory
+ bazel-my-project => <...my-project> <== Symlink to execRoot
+ bazel-out => <...bin> <== Convenience symlink to outputPath
+ bazel-bin => <...bin> <== Convenience symlink to most recent written bin dir $(BINDIR)
+ bazel-genfiles => <...genfiles> <== Convenience symlink to most recent written genfiles dir $(GENDIR)
+/home/user/.cache/bazel/ <== Root for all Bazel output on a machine: outputRoot
+ _bazel_$USER/ <== Top level directory for a given user depends on the user name:
+ outputUserRoot
+ install/
+ fba9a2c87ee9589d72889caf082f1029/ <== Hash of the Bazel install manifest: installBase
+ _embedded_binaries/ <== Contains binaries and scripts unpacked from the data section of
+ the bazel executable on first run (e.g. helper scripts and the
+ main Java file BazelServer_deploy.jar)
+ 7ffd56a6e4cb724ea575aba15733d113/ <== Hash of the client's workspace directory (e.g.
+ /home/some-user/src/my-project): outputBase
+ action_cache/ <== Action cache directory hierarchy
+ This contains the persistent record of the file metadata
+ (timestamps, and perhaps eventually also MD5 sums) used by the
+ FilesystemValueChecker.
+ action_outs/ <== Action output directory. This contains a file with the
+ stdout/stderr for every action from the most recent bazel run
+ that produced output.
+ command.log <== A copy of the stdout/stderr output from the most recent bazel
+ command.
+ external/ <== The directory that remote repositories are downloaded/symlinked
+ into.
+ server/ <== The Bazel server puts all server-related files (such as socket
+ file, logs, etc) here.
+ jvm.out <== The debugging output for the server.
+ &lt;workspace-name&gt;/ <== Working tree for the Bazel build & root of symlink forest: execRoot
+ _bin/ <== Helper tools are linked from or copied to here.
+ bazel-out/ <== All actual output of the build is under here: outputPath
+ local_linux-fastbuild/ <== one subdirectory per unique target BuildConfiguration instance;
+ this is currently encoded
+ bin/ <== Bazel outputs binaries for target configuration here: $(BINDIR)
+ foo/bar/_objs/baz/ <== Object files for a cc_* rule named //foo/bar:baz
+ foo/bar/baz1.o <== Object files from source //foo/bar:baz1.cc
+ other_package/other.o <== Object files from source //other_package:other.cc
+ foo/bar/baz <== foo/bar/baz might be the artifact generated by a cc_binary named
+ //foo/bar:baz
+ foo/bar/baz.runfiles/ <== The runfiles symlink farm for the //foo/bar:baz executable.
+ &lt;workspace-name&gt;/
+ ...
+ genfiles/ <== Bazel puts generated source for the target configuration here:
+ foo/bar.h e.g. foo/bar.h might be a headerfile generated by //foo:bargen
+ testlogs/ <== Bazel internal test runner puts test log files here
+ foo/bartest.log e.g. foo/bar.log might be an output of the //foo:bartest test with
+ foo/bartest.status foo/bartest.status containing exit status of the test (e.g.
+ PASSED or FAILED (Exit 1), etc)
+ include/ <== a tree with include symlinks, generated as needed. The
+ bazel-include symlinks point to here. This is used for
+ linkstamp stuff, etc.
+ host/ <== BuildConfiguration for build host (user's workstation), for
+ building prerequisite tools, that will be used in later stages
+ of the build (ex: Protocol Compiler)
+ &lt;packages&gt;/ <== Packages referenced in the build appear as if under a regular workspace
+The layout of the *.runfiles directories is documented in more detail in the places pointed to by RunfilesSupport.
+## `bazel clean`
+`bazel clean` does an `rm -rf` on the `outputPath` and the `action_cache`
+directory. It also removes the workspace symlinks. The `--expunge` option
+will clean the entire outputBase.
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-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/rule-challenges.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Challenges of Writing Rules.
+# Challenges of Writing Rules.
+We have heard feedback from various people that they have
+difficulty to write efficient Bazel rules. There is no single root cause, but
+it’s due to a combination of historical circumstances and intrinsic complexity
+in the problem domain. This document attempts to give a high level overview of
+the specific issues that we believe to be the main contributors.
+* Assumption: Aim for Correctness, Throughput, Ease of Use & Latency
+* Assumption: Large Scale Repositories
+* Assumption: BUILD-like Description Language
+* Intrinsic: Remote Execution and Caching are Hard
+* Historic: Hard Separation between Loading, Analysis, and Execution is
+ Outdated, but still affects the API
+* Intrinsic: Using Change Information for Correct and Fast Incremental Builds
+ requires Unusual Coding Patterns
+* Intrinsic: Avoiding Quadratic Time and Memory Consumption is Hard
+## Assumption: Aim for Correctness, Throughput, Ease of Use & Latency
+We assume that the build system needs to be first and foremost correct with
+respect to incremental builds, i.e., for a given source tree, the output of the
+same build should always be the same, regardless of what the output tree looks
+like. In the first approximation, this means Bazel needs to know every single
+input that goes into a given build step, such that it can rerun that step if any
+of the inputs change. There are limits to how correct Bazel can get, as it leaks
+some information such as date / time of the build, and ignores certain types of
+changes such as changes to file attributes. Sandboxing helps ensure correctness
+by preventing reads to undeclared input files. Besides the intrinsic limits of
+the system, there are a few known correctness issues, most of which are related
+to Fileset or the C++ rules, which are both hard problems. We have long-term
+efforts to fix these.
+The second goal of the build system is to have high throughput; we are
+permanently pushing the boundaries of what can be done within the current
+machine allocation for a remote execution service. If the remote execution
+service gets overloaded, nobody can get work done.
+Ease of use comes next, i.e., of multiple correct approaches with the same (or
+similar) footprint of the remote execution service, we choose the one that is
+easier to use.
+For the purpose of this document, latency denotes the time it takes from
+starting a build to getting the intended result, whether that is a test log from
+a passing or failing test, or an error message that a BUILD file has a
+Note that these goals often overlap; latency is as much a function of throughput
+of the remote execution service as is correctness relevant for ease of use.
+## Assumption: Large Scale Repositories
+The build system needs to operate at the scale of large repositories where large
+scale means that it does not fit on a single hard drive, so it is impossible to
+do a full checkout on virtually all developer machines. A medium-sized build
+will need to read and parse tens of thousands of BUILD files, and evaluate
+hundreds of thousands of globs. While it is theoretically possible to read all
+BUILD files on a single machine, we have not yet been able to do so within a
+reasonable amount of time and memory. As such, it is critical that BUILD files
+can be loaded and parsed independently.
+## Assumption: BUILD-like Description Language
+For the purpose of this document, we assume a configuration language that is
+roughly similar to BUILD files, i.e., declaration of library and binary rules
+and their interdependencies. BUILD files can be read and parsed independently,
+and we avoid even looking at source files whenever we can (except for
+## Intrinsic: Remote Execution and Caching are Hard
+Remote execution and caching improve build times in large repositories by
+roughly two orders of magnitude compared to running the build on a single
+machine. However, the scale at which it needs to perform is staggering: Google's
+remote execution service is designed to handle a huge number of requests per
+second, and the protocol carefully avoids unnecessary roundtrips as well as
+unnecessary work on the service side.
+At this time, the protocol requires that the build system knows all inputs to a
+given action ahead of time; the build system then computes a unique action
+fingerprint, and asks the scheduler for a cache hit. If a cache hit is found,
+the scheduler replies with the digests of the output files; the files itself are
+addressed by digest later on. However, this imposes restrictions on the Bazel
+rules, which need to declare all input files ahead of time.
+## Historic: Hard Separation between Loading, Analysis, and Execution is Outdated, but still affects the API
+Technically, it is sufficient for a rule to know the input and output files of
+an action just before the action is sent to remote execution. However, the
+original Bazel code base had a strict separation of loading packages, then
+analyzing rules using a configuration (command-line flags, essentially), and
+only then running any actions. This distinction is still part of the rules API
+today, even though the core of Bazel no longer requires it (more details below).
+That means that the rules API requires a declarative description of the rule
+interface (what attributes it has, types of attributes). There are some
+exceptions where the API allows custom code to run during the loading phase to
+compute implicit names of output files and implicit values of attributes. For
+example, a java_library rule named ‘foo’ implicitly generates an output named
+‘libfoo.jar’, which can be referenced from other rules in the build graph.
+Furthermore, the analysis of a rule cannot read any source files or inspect the
+output of an action; instead, it needs to generate a partial directed bipartite
+graph of build steps and output file names that is only determined from the rule
+itself and its dependencies.
+## Intrinsic: Using Change Information for Correct and Fast Incremental Builds requires Unusual Coding Patterns
+Above, we argued that in order to be correct, Bazel needs to know all the input
+files that go into a build step in order to detect whether that build step is
+still up-to-date. The same is true for package loading and rule analysis, and we
+have designed [Skyframe] (http://www.bazel.build/docs/skyframe.html) to handle this
+in general. Skyframe is a graph library and evaluation framework that takes a
+goal node (such as ‘build //foo with these options’), and breaks it down into
+its constituent parts, which are then evaluated and combined to yield this
+result. As part of this process, Skyframe reads packages, analyzes rules, and
+executes actions.
+At each node, Skyframe tracks exactly which nodes any given node used to compute
+its own output, all the way from the goal node down to the input files (which
+are also Skyframe nodes). Having this graph explicitly represented in memory
+allows the build system to identify exactly which nodes are affected by a given
+change to an input file (including creation or deletion of an input file), doing
+the minimal amount of work to restore the output tree to its intended state.
+As part of this, each node performs a dependency discovery process; i.e., each
+node can declare dependencies, and then use the contents of those dependencies
+to declare even further dependencies. In principle, this maps well to a
+thread-per-node model. However, medium-sized builds contain hundreds of
+thousands of Skyframe nodes, which isn’t easily possible with current Java
+technology (and for historical reasons, we’re currently tied to using Java, so
+no lightweight threads and no continuations).
+Instead, Bazel uses a fixed-size thread pool. However, that means that if a node
+declares a dependency that isn’t available yet, we may have to abort that
+evaluation and restart it (possibly in another thread), when the dependency is
+available. This, in turn, means that nodes should not do this excessively; a
+node that declares N dependencies serially can potentially be restarted N times,
+costing O(N^2) time. Instead, we aim for up-front bulk declaration of
+dependencies, which sometimes requires reorganizing the code, or even splitting
+a node into multiple nodes to limit the number of restarts.
+Note that this technology isn’t currently available in the rules API; instead,
+the rules API is still defined using the legacy concepts of loading, analysis,
+and execution phases. However, a fundamental restriction is that all accesses to
+other nodes have to go through the framework so that it can track the
+corresponding dependencies. Regardless of the language in which the build system
+is implemented or in which the rules are written (they don’t have to be the
+same), rule authors must not use standard libraries or patterns that bypass
+Skyframe. For Java, that means avoiding java.io.File as well as any form of
+reflection, and any library that does either. Libraries that support dependency
+injection of these low-level interfaces still need to be setup correctly for
+This strongly suggests to avoid exposing rule authors to a full language runtime
+in the first place. The danger of accidental use of such APIs is just too big -
+several Bazel bugs in the past were caused by rules using unsafe APIs, even
+though the rules were written by the Bazel team, i.e., by the domain experts.
+## Intrinsic: Avoiding Quadratic Time and Memory Consumption is Hard
+To make matters worse, apart from the requirements imposed by Skyframe, the
+historical constraints of using Java, and the outdatedness of the rules API,
+accidentally introducing quadratic time or memory consumption is a fundamental
+problem in any build system based on library and binary rules. There are two
+very common patterns that introduce quadratic memory consumption (and therefore
+quadratic time consumption).
+1. Chains of Library Rules -
+Consider the case of a chain of library rules A depends on B, depends on C, and
+so on. Then, we want to compute some property over the transitive closure of
+these rules, such as the Java runtime classpath, or the C++ linker command for
+each library. Naively, we might take a standard list implementation; however,
+this already introduces quadratic memory consumption: the first library
+contains one entry on the classpath, the second two, the third three, and so
+on, for a total of 1+2+3+...+N = O(N^2) entries.
+2. Binary Rules Depending on the Same Library Rules -
+Consider the case where a set of binaries that depend on the same library
+rules; for example, you might have a number of test rules that test the same
+library code. Let’s say out of N rules, half the rules are binary rules, and
+the other half library rules. Now consider that each binary makes a copy of
+some property computed over the transitive closure of library rules, such as
+the Java runtime classpath, or the C++ linker command line. For example, it
+could expand the command line string representation of the C++ link action. N/2
+copies of N/2 elements is O(N^2) memory.
+### Custom Collections Classes to Avoid Quadratic Complexity
+Bazel is heavily affected by both of these scenarios, so we introduced a set of
+custom collection classes that effectively compress the information in memory by
+avoiding the copy at each step. Almost all of these data structures have set
+semantics, so we called the class NestedSet. The majority of changes to reduce
+Bazel’s memory consumption over the past several years were changes to use
+NestedSet instead of whatever was previously used.
+Unfortunately, usage of NestedSet does not automatically solve all the issues;
+in particular, even just iterating over a NestedSet in each rule re-introduces
+quadratic time consumption. NestedSet also has some helper methods to facilitate
+interoperability with normal collections classes; unfortunately, accidentally
+passing a NestedSet to one of these methods leads to copying behavior, and
+reintroduces quadratic memory consumption.
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-redirect: /designs/skyframe.html
---- \ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/site/docs/skylark/aspects.md
@@ -1,4 +1,191 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/skylark/aspects.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Aspects
+# Aspects
+**Status: Experimental**. We may make breaking changes to the API, but we will
+ help you update your code.
+Aspects allow augmenting build dependency graphs with additional information
+and actions. Some typical scenarios when aspects can be useful:
+* IDEs that integrate Bazel can use aspects to collect information about the
+ project
+* Code generation tools can leverage aspects to execute on their inputs in
+ "target-agnostic" manner. As an example, BUILD files can specify a hierarchy
+ of [protobuf](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/) library
+ definitions, and language-specific rules can use aspects to attach
+ actions generating protobuf support code for a particular language
+## Aspect basics
+Bazel BUILD files provide a description of a project’s source code: what source
+files are part of the project, what artifacts (_targets_) should be built from
+those files, what the dependencies between those files are, etc. Bazel uses
+this information to perform a build, that is, it figures out the set of actions
+needed to produce the artifacts (such as running compiler or linker) and
+executes those actions. Bazel accomplishes this by constructing a _dependency
+graph_ between targets and visiting this graph to collect those actions.
+Consider the following BUILD file:
+java_library(name = 'W', ...)
+java_library(name = 'Y', deps = [':W'], ...)
+java_library(name = 'Z', deps = [':W'], ...)
+java_library(name = 'Q', ...)
+java_library(name = 'T', deps = [':Q'], ...)
+java_library(name = 'X', deps = [':Y',':Z'], runtime_deps = [':T'], ...)
+This BUILD file defines a dependency graph shown in Fig 1.
+<img src="build-graph.png" alt="Build Graph" width="250px" />
+Bazel analyzes this dependency graph by calling implementations of
+[rules](rules.md) (in this case "java_library" starting from leaves of
+the dependency graph). These implementations generate actions that build
+artifacts (such as Jar files), and provide information (such as locations
+and names of those artifacts) to their dependencies in providers that
+they return. Their dependencies can access those providers through the
+[Target object](lib/Target.html). In other words, every target
+defined in the BUILD file generates a node in the dependency graph, and
+the appropriate rule implementation function is called for every node.
+Aspects are similar to rules in that they have an implementation function that
+generates actions and returns providers. However, their power comes from
+the way the dependency graph is built for them. An aspect has an implementation
+and a list of all attributes it propagates along. Consider an aspect A that
+propagates along attributes named "deps". This aspect can be applied to
+a target X, yielding an aspect application node A(X). During its application,
+aspect A is applied recursively to all targets that X refers to in its "deps"
+attribute (all attributes in A's propagation list). Thus a single act of
+applying aspect A to a target X yields a "shadow graph" of the original
+dependency graph of targets (see Fig.2).
+![Build Graph with Aspect](build-graph-aspects.png)
+The only edges that are shadowed are the edges along the attributes in
+the propagation set, thus the `runtime_deps` edge is not shadowed in this
+example. An aspect implementation function is then invoked on all nodes in
+the shadow graph similar to how rule implementations are invoked on the nodes
+of the original graph.
+## Defining aspects
+Aspect definitions are similiar to rule definitions. Let's take a look at
+the example:
+metal_proto_aspect = aspect(implementation = _metal_proto_aspect_impl,
+ attr_aspects = ["deps"],
+ attrs = {
+ "_protoc" : attr.label(
+ default=Label("//tools:metal_protoc"),
+ executable = True
+ )
+ }
+Just like a rule, an aspect has an implementation function. ``attr_aspects``
+specify the aspect's propagation set: a list of attributes of rules along which
+the aspect propagates.
+``attrs`` defines a set of attributes for aspects. Aspects are only allowed
+to have private attributes of types ``label`` or ``label_list``. Attributes
+can be used to specify dependencies on tools or libraries that are needed
+for actions generated by aspects.
+### Implementation functions
+Aspect implementation functions are similiar to the rule implementation
+functions. They return [providers](rules.md#providers), can generate
+[actions](rules.md#actions) and take two arguments:
+* `target`: the [target](lib/Target.html) the aspect is being applied to.
+* `ctx`: [`ctx`](lib/ctx.html) object that can be used to access attributes and
+ generate outputs and actions.
+def _metal_proto_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
+ # For every `src` in proto_library, generate an output file
+ proto_sources = [f for src in ctx.rule.attr.srcs
+ for f in src.files]
+ outputs = [ctx.new_file(f.short_path + ".metal")
+ for f in proto_sources]
+ ctx.action(
+ executable = ctx.executable._protoc,
+ argument = ...
+ inputs = proto_sources
+ outputs = outputs)
+ transitive_outputs = depset(outputs)
+ for dep in ctx.rule.attr.deps:
+ transitive_outputs = transitive_outputs | dep.metal_proto.transitive_outputs
+ return struct(
+ metal_proto = struct(direct_outputs = outputs,
+ transitive_outputs = transitive_outputs))
+The implementation function can access the attributes of the target rule via
+[`ctx.rule.attr`](lib/ctx.html#rule). It can examine providers that are
+provided by the target to which it is applied (via the `target` argument).
+Just like a rule implementation function, an aspect implementation function
+returns a struct of providers that are accessible to its dependencies.
+* The set of providers for an aspect application A(X) is the union of providers
+ that come from the implementation of a rule for target X and from
+ the implementation of aspect A. It is an error if a target and an aspect that
+ is applied to it each provide a provider with the same name.
+* For the aspect implementation, the values of attributes along which
+ the aspect is propagated (from the `attr_aspect` list) are replaced with
+ the results of an application of the aspect to them. For example, if target
+ X has Y and Z in its deps, `ctx.rule.attr.deps` for A(X) will be [A(Y), A(Z)].
+ In the `_metal_proto_aspect_impl` function above, ctx.rule.attr.deps will be
+ Target objects that are the results of applying the aspect to the 'deps'
+ of the original target to which the aspect has been applied.
+ That allows the aspect to examine `metal_proto` provider on them.
+## Applying aspects
+Aspect propagation can be initiated either from a rule or from the command line.
+### Applying aspects to rule attributes
+Rules can specify that they want to apply aspects to their dependencies.
+The aspects to be applied to a particular attribute can be specified
+using the `aspects` parameter to `attr.label` or `attr.label_list` function:
+metal_proto_library = rule(implementation = _impl,
+ attrs = {
+ 'proto_deps' : attr.label_list(aspects = [metal_proto_aspect]),
+ },
+If a rule specifies an aspect on its attributes, the values of that attribute
+will be replaced by the result of aspect application to them (similar to
+what happens during aspect propagation). Thus implementation of
+`metal_proto_library` will have access to `metal_proto` providers
+on the target objects representing its `proto_deps` attribute values.
+### Applying aspects from command line.
+Aspects can also be applied on the command line, using the `--aspects` flag:
+bazel build //java/com/company/example:main \
+ --aspects path/to/extension.bzl%metal_proto_aspect
+`--aspects` flag takes one argument, which is a specification of the aspect in
+the format `<extension file path>%<aspect top-level name>`.
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Binary files differ
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+++ b/site/docs/skylark/build-style.md
@@ -1,4 +1,114 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/skylark/build-style.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Style guide for BUILD files
+# BUILD file style guide
+In `BUILD` files, we take the same approach as in Go: We let the machine take care
+of most formatting issues.
+[Buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildifier) is a tool that parses and
+emits the source code in a standard style. Every `BUILD` file is therefore
+formatted in the same automated way, which makes formatting a non-issue during
+code reviews. It also makes it easier for tools to understand, edit, and
+generate `BUILD` files.
+`BUILD` file formatting must match the output of `buildifier`.
+## Formatting example
+package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
+ name = "foo_test",
+ srcs = glob(["*.py"]),
+ data = [
+ "//data/production/foo:startfoo",
+ "//foo",
+ "//third_party/java/jdk:jdk-k8",
+ ],
+ flaky = 1,
+ deps = [
+ ":check_bar_lib",
+ ":foo_data_check",
+ ":pick_foo_port",
+ "//pyglib",
+ "//testing/pybase",
+ ],
+## File structure
+We recommend to use the following order (every element is optional):
+ * Package description (a comment)
+ * All `load()` statements
+ * The `package()` function.
+ * Calls to rules and macros
+Buildifier makes a distinction between a standalone comment and a comment
+attached to an element. If a comment is not attached to a specific element, use
+an empty line after it. The distinction is important when doing automated
+changes (e.g. to decide if we keep or remove a comment when we delete a rule).
+# Standalone comment (e.g. to make a section in a file)
+# Comment for the cc_library below
+cc_library(name = "cc")
+## Conventions
+ * Use uppercase and underscores to declare constants (e.g. `GLOBAL_CONSTANT`),
+ use lowercase and underscores to declare variables (e.g. `my_variable`).
+ * Labels should be canonicalized. Use `//foo/bar` instead of `//foo/bar:bar`.
+ Use `:bar` if it is defined in the same package. *Rationale*: It makes clear
+ if a label is local to a package. Sorting a list of labels is messy if all
+ labels do not use the same conventions.
+ * Labels should never be split, even if they are longer than 79 characters.
+ Labels should be string literals whenever possible. Rationale: It makes
+ find and replace easy. It also improves readability.
+ * The value of the name attribute should be a literal constant string (except
+ in macros). *Rationale*: External tools use the name attribute to refer a
+ rule. They need to find rules without having to interpret code.
+## Differences with Python style guide
+Although compatibility with
+[Python style guide](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/) is a goal, there
+are a few differences:
+ * No strict line length limit. Long comments and long strings are often split
+ to 79 columns, but it is not required. It should not be enforced in code
+ reviews or presubmit scripts. *Rationale*: Labels can be long and exceed this
+ limit. It is common for `BUILD` files to be generated or edited by tools, which
+ does not go well with a line length limit.
+ * Implicit string concatenation is not supported. Use the `+` operator.
+ *Rationale*: `BUILD` files contain many string lists. It is easy to forget a
+ comma, which leads to a complete different result. This has created many bugs
+ in the past. [See also this discussion.](https://lwn.net/Articles/551438/)
+ * Use spaces around the `=` sign for keywords arguments in rules. *Rationale*:
+ Named arguments are much more frequent than in Python and are always on a
+ separate line. Spaces improve readability. This convention has been around
+ for a long time, and we don't think it is worth modifying all existing
+ `BUILD` files.
+ * By default, use double quotation marks for strings. *Rationale*: This is not
+ specified in the Python style guide, but it recommends consistency. So we
+ decided to use only double-quoted strings. Many languages use double-quotes
+ for string literals.
+ * Use a single blank line between two top-level definitions. *Rationale*: The
+ structure of a `BUILD` file is not like a typical Python file. It has only
+ top-level statements. Using a single-blank line makes `BUILD` files shorter.
diff --git a/site/docs/skylark/bzl-style.md b/site/docs/skylark/bzl-style.md
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@@ -1,4 +1,52 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/skylark/bzl-style.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Style guide for bzl files
+# .bzl file style guide
+## Style
+* When in doubt, follow the
+ [Python style guide](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/).
+* Code should be documented using
+ [docstrings](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/). Use a docstring at
+ the top of the file, and a docstring for each public function.
+* Variables and function names use lowercase with words separated by underscores
+ (`[a-z][a-z0-9_]*`), e.g. `cc_library`. Top-level private values start with
+ one underscore. Bazel enforces that private values cannot be used from other
+ files.
+* As in BUILD files, there is no strict line length limit as labels can be long.
+ When possible, try to use at most 79 characters per line.
+* In keyword arguments, spaces around the equal sign are optional. In general,
+ we follow the BUILD file convention when calling macros and native rules, and
+ the Python convention for other functions, e.g.
+def fct(name, srcs):
+ filtered_srcs = my_filter(source=srcs)
+ native.cc_library(
+ name = name,
+ srcs = filtered_srcs,
+ )
+## Macros
+A [macro](macros.md) is a function which instantiates one or many rules during
+the loading phase.
+* Macros must accept a name attribute and each invocation should specify a name.
+ The generated name attribute of rules should include the name attribute as a
+ prefix. For example, `my_macro(name = "foo")` can generate a rule `foo` and a
+ rule `foo_gen`. *Rationale*: Users should be able to find easily which macro
+ generated a rule. Also, automated refactoring tools need a way to identify a
+ specific rule to edit.
+* When calling a macro, use only keyword arguments. *Rationale*: This is for
+ consistency with rules, it greatly improves readability.
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@@ -1,4 +1,220 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/skylark/concepts.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Extensions - Overview
+# Overview
+## Loading an extension
+Extensions are files with the `.bzl` extension. Use the `load` statement to
+import a symbol from an extension.
+load("//build_tools/rules:maprule.bzl", "maprule")
+This code will load the file `build_tools/rules/maprule.bzl` and add the
+`maprule` symbol to the environment. This can be used to load new rules,
+functions or constants (e.g. a string, a list, etc.). Multiple symbols can be
+imported by using additional arguments to the call to `load`. Arguments must
+be string literals (no variable) and `load` statements must appear at
+top-level, i.e. they cannot be in a function body.
+`load` also supports aliases, i.e. you can assign different names to the
+imported symbols.
+load("//build_tools/rules:maprule.bzl", maprule_alias = "maprule")
+You can define multiple aliases within one `load` statement. Moreover, the
+argument list can contain both aliases and regular symbol names. The following
+example is perfectly legal (please note when to use quotation marks).
+load(":my_rules.bzl", "some_rule", nice_alias = "some_other_rule")
+In a `.bzl` file, symbols starting with `_` are private and cannot be loaded
+from another file. Visibility doesn't affect loading (yet): you don't need to
+use `exports_files` to make a `.bzl` file visible.
+## Macros and rules
+A [macro](macros.md) is a function that instantiates rules. It is useful when a
+BUILD file is getting too repetitive or too complex, as it allows you to reuse
+some code. The function is evaluated as soon as the BUILD file is read. After
+the evaluation of the BUILD file, Bazel has little information about macros: if
+your macro generates a `genrule`, Bazel will behave as if you wrote the
+`genrule`. As a result, `bazel query` will only list the generated `genrule`.
+A [rule](rules.md) is more powerful than a macro. It can access Bazel internals
+and have full control over what is going on. It may for example pass information
+to other rules.
+If you want to reuse simple logic, start with a macro. If a macro becomes
+complex, it is often a good idea to make it a rule. Support for a new language
+is typically done with a rule. Rules are for advanced users: we expect that most
+people will never have to write one, they will only load and call existing
+## Evaluation model
+A build consists of three phases.
+* **Loading phase**. First, we load and evaluate all extensions and all BUILD
+ files that are needed for the build. The execution of the BUILD files simply
+ instantiates rules (each time a rule is called, it gets added to a graph).
+ This is where macros are evaluated.
+* **Analysis phase**. The code of the rules is executed (their `implementation`
+ function), and actions are instantiated. An action describes how to generate
+ a set of outputs from a set of inputs, e.g. "run gcc on hello.c and get
+ hello.o". It is important to note that we have to list explicitly which
+ files will be generated before executing the actual commands. In other words,
+ the analysis phase takes the graph generated by the loading phase and
+ generates an action graph.
+* **Execution phase**. Actions are executed, when at least one of their outputs is
+ required. If a file is missing or if a command fails to generate one output,
+ the build fails. Tests are also run during this phase.
+Bazel uses parallelism to read, parse and evaluate the `.bzl` files and `BUILD`
+files. A file is read at most once per build and the result of the evaluation is
+cached and reused. A file is evaluated only once all its dependencies (`load()`
+statements) have been resolved. By design, loading a `.bzl` file has no visible
+side-effect, it only defines values and functions.
+Bazel tries to be clever: it uses dependency analysis to know which files must
+be loaded, which rules must be analyzed, and which actions must be executed. For
+example, if a rule generates actions that we don't need for the current build,
+they will not be executed.
+## Backward-incompatible changes
+As we make changes and polish the extension mechanism, old features may be
+removed and new features that are not backwards-compatible may be added.
+Each release, new incompatible changes will be behind a flag with its default
+value set to `false`. In later releases, the flag will be enabled by default, or
+the flag will be removed entirely.
+To check if your code will be compatible with future releases:
+* build your code with the flag `--all_incompatible_changes`, or
+* use boolean flags to enable/disable specific incompatible changes.
+This following are the planned incompatible changes that are implemented and
+guarded behind flags.
+### Set constructor
+We are removing the `set` constructor. Use `depset` instead. `set` and `depset`
+are equivalent, you just need to do search and replace to update the old code.
+We are doing this to reduce confusion between the specialized
+[depset](depsets.md) data structure and Python's set datatype.
+* Flag: `--incompatible_disallow_set_constructor=true`
+* Introduced in: 0.5.1
+### Keyword-only arguments
+Keyword-only parameters are parameters that can be called only using their name.
+``` python
+def foo(arg1, *, arg2): pass
+foo(3, arg2=3)
+``` python
+def bar(arg1, *rest, arg2): pass
+bar(3, arg2=3)
+In both examples, `arg2` must be named at the call site. To preserve syntactic
+compatibility with Python 2, we are removing this feature (which we have never
+* Flag: `--incompatible_disallow_keyword_only_args=true`
+* Introduced in: 0.5.1
+### Mutating `+=`
+We are changing `left += right` when `left` is a list. The old behavior is
+equivalent to `left = left + right`, which creates a new list and assigns it to
+`left`. The new behavior does not rebind `left`, but instead just mutates the
+list in-place.
+``` python
+def fct():
+ li = [1]
+ alias = li
+ li += [2]
+ # Old behavior: alias == [1]
+ # New behavior: alias == [1, 2]
+This change makes Skylark more compatible with Python and avoids performance
+issues. The `+=` operator for tuples is unaffected.
+* Flag: `--incompatible_list_plus_equals_inplace=true`
+* Introduced in: 0.5.1
+### Dictionary concatenation
+We are removing the `+` operator on dictionaries. This includes the `+=` form
+where the left-hand side is a dictionary. This is done to improve compatibility
+with Python. A possible workaround is to use the `.update` method instead.
+* Flag: `--incompatible_disallow_dict_plus=true`
+* Introduced in: 0.5.1
+## Upcoming changes
+The following items are upcoming changes.
+* Comprehensions currently "leak" the values of their loop variables into the
+ surrounding scope (Python 2 semantics). This will be changed so that
+ comprehension variables are local (Python 3 semantics).
+* Previously dictionaries were guaranteed to use sorted order for their keys.
+ Going forward, there is no guarantee on order besides that it is
+ deterministic. As an implementation matter, some kinds of dictionaries may
+ continue to use sorted order while others may use insertion order.
+These changes concern the `load()` syntax in particular.
+* Currently a `load()` statement can appear anywhere in a file so long as it is
+ at the top-level (not in an indented block of code). In the future they will
+ be required to appear at the beginning of the file, i.e., before any
+ non-`load()` statement.
+* In BUILD files, `load()` can overwrite an existing variable with the loaded
+ symbol. This will be disallowed in order to improve consistency with .bzl
+ files. Use load aliases to avoid name clashes.
+* The .bzl file can be specified as either a path or a label. In the future only
+ the label form will be allowed.
+* Cross-package visibility restrictions do not yet apply to loaded .bzl files.
+ At some point this will change. In order to load a .bzl from another package
+ it will need to be exported, such as by using an `exports_files` declaration.
+ The exact syntax has not yet been decided.
+## Profiling the code
+To profile your code and analyze the performance, use the `--profile` flag:
+$ bazel build --nobuild --profile=/tmp/prof //path/to:target
+$ bazel analyze-profile /tmp/prof --html --html_details
+Then, open the generated HTML file (`/tmp/prof.html` in the example).
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+++ b/site/docs/skylark/cookbook.md
@@ -1,4 +1,950 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/skylark/cookbook.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Extensions examples
+# Extensions examples
+## <a name="macro"></a>Macro creating a rule
+An example of a macro creating a rule.
+def _impl(ctx):
+ print("This rule does nothing")
+empty = rule(implementation=_impl)
+# Loading the rule. The rule doesn't have to be in a separate file.
+load("//pkg:empty.bzl", "empty")
+def macro(name, visibility=None):
+ # Creating the rule.
+ empty(name = name, visibility = visibility)
+load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "macro")
+macro(name = "myrule")
+## <a name="macro_native"></a>Macro creating a native rule
+An example of a macro creating a native rule. Native rules are special rules
+that are automatically available (without <code>load</code>). They are
+accessed using the <a href="lib/native.html">native</a> module.
+def macro(name, visibility=None):
+ # Creating a native genrule.
+ native.genrule(
+ name = name,
+ outs = [name + '.txt'],
+ cmd = 'echo hello > $@',
+ visibility = visibility,
+ )
+load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "macro")
+macro(name = "myrule")
+## <a name="macro_compound"></a>Macro multiple rules
+There's currently no easy way to create a rule that directly uses the
+action of a native rule. You can work around this using macros:
+def _impl(ctx):
+ return struct([...],
+ # When instrumenting this rule, again hide implementation from
+ # users.
+ instrumented_files(
+ source_attributes = ["srcs", "csrcs"],
+ dependency_attributes = ["deps", "cdeps"]))
+# This rule is private and can only be accessed from the current file.
+_cc_and_something_else_binary = rule(implementation=_impl)
+# This macro is public, it's the public interface to instantiate the rule.
+def cc_and_something_else_binary(name, srcs, deps, csrcs, cdeps):
+ cc_binary_name = "%s.cc_binary" % name
+ native.cc_binary(
+ name = cc_binary_name,
+ srcs = csrcs,
+ deps = cdeps,
+ visibility = ["//visibility:private"]
+ )
+ _cc_and_something_else_binary(
+ name = name,
+ srcs = srcs,
+ deps = deps,
+ # A label attribute so that this depends on the internal rule.
+ cc_binary = cc_binary_name,
+ # Redundant labels attributes so that the rule with this target name knows
+ # about everything it would know about if cc_and_something_else_binary
+ # were an actual rule instead of a macro.
+ csrcs = csrcs,
+ cdeps = cdeps)
+## <a name="conditional-instantiation"></a>Conditional instantiation
+Macros can look at previously instantiated rules. This is done with
+`native.existing_rule`, which returns information on a single rule defined in the same
+`BUILD` file, eg.,
+This is useful to avoid instantiating the same rule twice, which is an
+error. For example, the following macro will simulate a test suite,
+instantiating tests for diverse flavors of the same test.
+def system_test(name, test_file, flavor):
+ n = "system_test_%s_%s_test" % (test_file, flavor)
+ if native.existing_rule(n) == None:
+ native.py_test(
+ name = n,
+ srcs = [
+ "test_driver.py",
+ test_file,
+ ],
+ args = ["--flavor=" + flavor],
+ )
+ return n
+def system_test_suite(name, flavors=["default"], test_files=[]):
+ ts = []
+ for flavor in flavors:
+ for test in test_files:
+ ts.append(system_test(name, test, flavor))
+ native.test_suite(name = name, tests = ts)
+In the following BUILD file, note how `(basic_test.py, fast)` is emitted for
+both the `smoke` test suite and the `thorough` test suite.
+load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "system_test_suite")
+# Run all files through the 'fast' flavor.
+ name = "smoke",
+ flavors = ["fast"],
+ test_files = glob(["*_test.py"]),
+# Run the basic test through all flavors.
+ name = "thorough",
+ flavors = [
+ "fast",
+ "debug",
+ "opt",
+ ],
+ test_files = ["basic_test.py"],
+## <a name="aggregation"></a>Aggregating over the BUILD file
+Macros can collect information from the BUILD file as processed so far. We call
+this aggregation. The typical example is collecting data from all rules of a
+certain kind. This is done by calling
+<a href="lib/native.html#existing_rules">native.existing\_rules</a>, which
+returns a dictionary representing all rules defined so far in the current BUILD
+file. The dictionary has entries of the form `name` => `rule`, with the values
+using the same format as `native.existing_rule`.
+def archive_cc_src_files(tag):
+ """Create an archive of all C++ sources that have the given tag."""
+ all_src = []
+ for r in native.existing_rules().values():
+ if tag in r["tags"] and r["kind"] == "cc_library":
+ all_src.append(r["srcs"])
+ native.genrule(cmd = "zip $@ $^", srcs = all_src, outs = ["out.zip"])
+Since `native.existing_rules` constructs a potentially large dictionary, you should avoid
+calling it repeatedly within BUILD file.
+## <a name="empty"></a>Empty rule
+Minimalist example of a rule that does nothing. If you build it, the target will
+succeed (with no generated file).
+def _impl(ctx):
+ # You may use print for debugging.
+ print("This rule does nothing")
+empty = rule(implementation=_impl)
+load("//pkg:empty.bzl", "empty")
+empty(name = "nothing")
+## <a name="attr"></a>Rule with attributes
+Example of a rule that shows how to declare attributes and access them.
+def _impl(ctx):
+ # You may use print for debugging.
+ print("Rule name = %s, package = %s" % (ctx.label.name, ctx.label.package))
+ # This prints the labels of the deps attribute.
+ print("There are %d deps" % len(ctx.attr.deps))
+ for i in ctx.attr.deps:
+ print("- %s" % i.label)
+ # A label can represent any number of files (possibly 0).
+ print(" files = %s" % [f.path for f in i.files])
+printer = rule(
+ implementation=_impl,
+ attrs={
+ # Do not declare "name": It is added automatically.
+ "number": attr.int(default = 1),
+ "deps": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
+ })
+load("//pkg:printer.bzl", "printer")
+ name = "nothing",
+ deps = [
+ "BUILD",
+ ":other",
+ ],
+printer(name = "other")
+If you execute this file, some information is printed as a warning by the
+rule. No file is generated.
+## <a name="shell"></a>Simple shell command
+Example of a rule that runs a shell command on an input file specified by
+the user. The output has the same name as the rule, with a `.size` suffix.
+While convenient, Shell commands should be used carefully. Generating the
+command-line can lead to escaping and injection issues. It can also create
+portability problems. It is often better to declare a binary target in a
+BUILD file and execute it. See the example [executing a binary](#execute-bin).
+def _impl(ctx):
+ output = ctx.outputs.out
+ input = ctx.file.file
+ # The command may only access files declared in inputs.
+ ctx.action(
+ inputs=[input],
+ outputs=[output],
+ progress_message="Getting size of %s" % input.short_path,
+ command="stat -L -c%%s %s > %s" % (input.path, output.path))
+size = rule(
+ implementation=_impl,
+ attrs={"file": attr.label(mandatory=True, allow_files=True, single_file=True)},
+ outputs={"out": "%{name}.size"},
+load("//pkg:size.bzl", "size")
+ name = "foo_size",
+ file = "foo.txt",
+## <a name="file"></a>Write string to a file
+Example of a rule that writes a string to a file.
+def _impl(ctx):
+ output = ctx.outputs.out
+ ctx.file_action(output=output, content=ctx.attr.content)
+file = rule(
+ implementation=_impl,
+ attrs={"content": attr.string()},
+ outputs={"out": "%{name}.txt"},
+load("//pkg:file.bzl", "file")
+ name = "hello",
+ content = "Hello world",
+## <a name="execute-bin"></a>Execute a binary
+This rule executes an existing binary. In this particular example, the
+binary is a tool that merges files. During the analysis phase, we cannot
+access any arbitrary label: the dependency must have been previously
+declared. To do so, the rule needs a label attribute. In this example, we
+will give the label a default value and make it private (so that it is not
+visible to end users). Keeping the label private can simplify maintenance,
+since you can easily change the arguments and flags you pass to the tool.
+def _impl(ctx):
+ # The list of arguments we pass to the script.
+ args = [ctx.outputs.out.path] + [f.path for f in ctx.files.srcs]
+ # Action to call the script.
+ ctx.action(
+ inputs=ctx.files.srcs,
+ outputs=[ctx.outputs.out],
+ arguments=args,
+ progress_message="Merging into %s" % ctx.outputs.out.short_path,
+ executable=ctx.executable._merge_tool)
+concat = rule(
+ implementation=_impl,
+ attrs={
+ "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
+ "out": attr.output(mandatory=True),
+ "_merge_tool": attr.label(executable=True, cfg="host", allow_files=True,
+ default=Label("//pkg:merge"))
+ }
+Any executable target can be used. In this example, we will use a
+`sh_binary` rule that concatenates all the inputs.
+load("execute", "concat")
+ name = "sh",
+ srcs = [
+ "header.html",
+ "body.html",
+ "footer.html",
+ ],
+ out = "page.html",
+# This target is used by the shell rule.
+ name = "merge",
+ srcs = ["merge.sh"],
+cat $* > $out
+## <a name="execute"></a>Execute an input binary
+This rule has a mandatory `binary` attribute. It is a label that can refer
+only to executable rules or files.
+def _impl(ctx):
+ # ctx.new_file is used for temporary files.
+ # If it should be visible for user, declare it in rule.outputs instead.
+ f = ctx.new_file(ctx.configuration.bin_dir, "hello")
+ # As with outputs, each time you declare a file,
+ # you need an action to generate it.
+ ctx.file_action(output=f, content=ctx.attr.input_content)
+ ctx.action(
+ inputs=[f],
+ outputs=[ctx.outputs.out],
+ executable=ctx.executable.binary,
+ progress_message="Executing %s" % ctx.executable.binary.short_path,
+ arguments=[
+ f.path,
+ ctx.outputs.out.path, # Access the output file using
+ # ctx.outputs.<attribute name>
+ ]
+ )
+execute = rule(
+ implementation=_impl,
+ attrs={
+ "binary": attr.label(cfg="host", mandatory=True, allow_files=True,
+ executable=True),
+ "input_content": attr.string(),
+ "out": attr.output(mandatory=True),
+ },
+tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' < $1 > $2
+load("//pkg:execute.bzl", "execute")
+ name = "e",
+ input_content = "some text",
+ binary = "a.sh",
+ out = "foo",
+## <a name="runfiles"></a>Runfiles and location substitution
+def _impl(ctx):
+ executable = ctx.outputs.executable
+ command = ctx.attr.command
+ # Expand the label in the command string to a runfiles-relative path.
+ # The second arg is the list of labels that may be expanded.
+ command = ctx.expand_location(command, ctx.attr.data)
+ # Create the output executable file with command as its content.
+ ctx.file_action(
+ output=executable,
+ content=command,
+ executable=True)
+ return [DefaultInfo(
+ # Create runfiles from the files specified in the data attribute.
+ # The shell executable - the output of this rule - can use them at runtime.
+ # It is also possible to define data_runfiles and default_runfiles.
+ # However if runfiles is specified it's not possible to define the above
+ # ones since runfiles sets them both.
+ # Remember, that the struct returned by the implementation function needs
+ # to have a field named "runfiles" in order to create the actual runfiles
+ # symlink tree.
+ runfiles=ctx.runfiles(files=ctx.files.data)
+ )]
+execute = rule(
+ implementation=_impl,
+ executable=True,
+ attrs={
+ "command": attr.string(),
+ "data": attr.label_list(cfg="data", allow_files=True),
+ },
+Hello World!
+load("//pkg:execute.bzl", "execute")
+ name = "e",
+ # The location will be expanded to "pkg/data.txt", and it will reference
+ # the data.txt file in runfiles when this target is invoked as
+ # "bazel run //pkg:e".
+ command = "cat $(location :data.txt)",
+ data = [':data.txt']
+## <a name="late-bound"></a>Computed dependencies
+Bazel needs to know about all dependencies before doing the analysis phase and
+calling the implementation function. Dependencies can be computed based on the
+rule attributes: to do so, use a function as the default
+value of an attribute (the attribute must be private and have type `label` or
+`list of labels`). The parameters of this function must correspond to the
+attributes that are accessed in the function body.
+Note: For legacy reasons, the function takes the configuration as an additional
+parameter. Please do not rely on the configuration since it will be removed in
+the future.
+The example below computes the md5 sum of a file. The file can be preprocessed
+using a filter. The exact dependencies depend on the filter chosen by the user.
+_filters = {
+ "comments": Label("//pkg:comments"),
+ "spaces": Label("//pkg:spaces"),
+ "none": None,
+def _get_filter(filter, cfg=None): # requires attribute "filter"
+ # Return the value for the attribute "_filter_bin"
+ # It can be a label or None.
+ return _filters[filter]
+def _impl(ctx):
+ src = ctx.file.src
+ if not ctx.attr._filter_bin:
+ # Skip the processing
+ processed = src
+ else:
+ processed = ctx.new_file(ctx.label.name + "_processed")
+ # Run the selected binary
+ ctx.action(
+ outputs = [processed],
+ inputs = [ctx.file.src],
+ progress_message="Apply filter '%s'" % ctx.attr.filter,
+ arguments = [ctx.file.src.path, processed.path],
+ executable = ctx.executable._filter_bin)
+ # Compute the hash
+ out = ctx.outputs.text
+ ctx.action(
+ outputs = [out],
+ inputs = [processed],
+ command = "md5sum < %s > %s" % (processed.path, out.path))
+md5_sum = rule(
+ implementation=_impl,
+ attrs={
+ "filter": attr.string(values=_filters.keys(), default="none"),
+ "src": attr.label(mandatory=True, single_file=True, allow_files=True),
+ "_filter_bin": attr.label(default=_get_filter, executable=True),
+ },
+ outputs = {"text": "%{name}.txt"})
+load("//pkg:hash.bzl", "md5_sum")
+ name = "hash",
+ src = "hello.txt",
+ filter = "spaces",
+ name = "comments",
+ srcs = ["comments.sh"],
+ name = "spaces",
+ srcs = ["spaces.sh"],
+Hello World!
+grep -v '^ *#' $1 > $2 # Remove lines with only a Python-style comment
+tr -d ' ' < $1 > $2 # Remove spaces
+## <a name="mandatory-providers"></a>Mandatory providers
+In this example, rules have a `number` attribute. Each rule adds its
+number with the numbers of its transitive dependencies, and write the
+result in a file. This shows how to transfer information from a dependency
+to its dependents.
+NumberInfo = provider()
+def _impl(ctx):
+ result = ctx.attr.number
+ for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
+ result += dep[NumberInfo].number
+ ctx.file_action(output=ctx.outputs.out, content=str(result))
+ # Return the provider with result, visible to other rules.
+ return [NumberInfo(number=result)]
+sum = rule(
+ implementation=_impl,
+ attrs={
+ "number": attr.int(default=1),
+ # All deps must provide all listed providers.
+ "deps": attr.label_list(providers=[NumberInfo]),
+ },
+ outputs = {"out": "%{name}.sum"}
+load("//pkg:sum.bzl", "sum")
+ name = "n",
+ deps = ["n2", "n5"],
+ name = "n2",
+ number = 2,
+ name = "n5",
+ number = 5,
+## <a name="optional-providers"></a>Optional providers
+This is a similar example, but dependencies may not provide a number.
+NumberInfo = provider()
+def _impl(ctx):
+ result = ctx.attr.number
+ for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
+ if NumberInfo in dep:
+ result += dep[NumberInfo].number
+ ctx.file_action(output=ctx.outputs.out, content=str(result))
+ # Return the provider with result, visible to other rules.
+ return [NumberInfo(number=result)]
+sum = rule(
+ implementation=_impl,
+ attrs={
+ "number": attr.int(default=1),
+ "deps": attr.label_list(),
+ },
+ outputs = {"out": "%{name}.sum"}
+load("//pkg:sum.bzl", "sum")
+ name = "n",
+ deps = ["n2", "n5"],
+ name = "n2",
+ number = 2,
+ name = "n5",
+ number = 5,
+## <a name="outputs-executable"></a>Default executable output
+This example shows how to create a default executable output.
+def _impl(ctx):
+ ctx.file_action(
+ # Access the executable output file using ctx.outputs.executable.
+ output=ctx.outputs.executable,
+ content="#!/bin/bash\necho Hello!",
+ executable=True
+ )
+ # The executable output is added automatically to this target.
+executable_rule = rule(
+ implementation=_impl,
+ executable=True
+load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "executable_rule")
+executable_rule(name = "my_rule")
+## <a name="outputs-default"></a>Default outputs
+This example shows how to create default outputs for a rule.
+def _impl(ctx):
+ ctx.file_action(
+ # Access the default outputs using ctx.outputs.<output name>.
+ output=ctx.outputs.my_output,
+ content="Hello World!"
+ )
+ # The default outputs are added automatically to this target.
+rule_with_outputs = rule(
+ implementation=_impl,
+ outputs = {
+ # %{name} is substituted with the rule's name
+ "my_output": "%{name}.txt"
+ }
+load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "rule_with_outputs")
+rule_with_outputs(name = "my_rule")
+## <a name="outputs-custom"></a>Custom outputs
+This example shows how to create custom (user defined) outputs for a rule.
+This rule takes a list of output file name templates from the user and
+creates each of them containing a "Hello World!" message.
+def _impl(ctx):
+ # Access the custom outputs using ctx.outputs.<attribute name>.
+ for output in ctx.outputs.outs:
+ ctx.file_action(
+ output=output,
+ content="Hello World!"
+ )
+ # The custom outputs are added automatically to this target.
+rule_with_outputs = rule(
+ implementation=_impl,
+ attrs={
+ "outs": attr.output_list()
+ }
+load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "rule_with_outputs")
+ name = "my_rule",
+ outs = ["my_output.txt"]
+## <a name="master-rule"></a>Master rules
+This example shows how to create master rules to bind other rules together. The
+code below uses genrules for simplicity, but this technique is more useful with
+other rules. For example, if you need to compile C++ files, you can reuse
+def _impl(ctx):
+ # Aggregate the output files from the depending rules
+ files = depset()
+ files += ctx.attr.dep_rule_1.files
+ files += ctx.attr.dep_rule_2.files
+ return [DefaultInfo(files=files)]
+# This rule binds the depending rules together
+master_rule = rule(
+ implementation=_impl,
+ attrs={
+ "dep_rule_1": attr.label(),
+ "dep_rule_2": attr.label()
+ }
+def macro(name, cmd, input):
+ # Create the depending rules
+ name_1 = name + "_dep_1"
+ name_2 = name + "_dep_2"
+ native.genrule(
+ name = name_1,
+ cmd = cmd,
+ outs = [name_1 + ".txt"]
+ )
+ native.genrule(
+ name = name_2,
+ cmd = "echo " + input + " >$@",
+ outs = [name_2 + ".txt"]
+ )
+ # Create the master rule
+ master_rule(
+ name = name,
+ dep_rule_1 = ":" + name_1,
+ dep_rule_2 = ":" + name_2
+ )
+load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "macro")
+# This creates the target :my_rule
+ name = "my_rule",
+ cmd = "echo something > $@",
+ input = "Hello World"
+## <a name="debugging-tips"></a>Debugging tips
+Here are some examples on how to debug macros and rules using
+<a href="lib/globals.html#print">print</a>.
+print("print something when the module is loaded")
+def _impl(ctx):
+ print("print something when the rule implementation is executed")
+ print(type("abc")) # prints string, the type of "abc"
+ print(dir(ctx)) # prints all the fields and methods of ctx
+ print(dir(ctx.attr)) # prints all the attributes of the rule
+ # prints the objects each separated with new line
+ print("object1", "object2", sep="\n")
+debug = rule(implementation=_impl)
+load("//pkg:debug.bzl", "debug")
+ name = "printing_rule"
diff --git a/site/docs/skylark/deploying.md b/site/docs/skylark/deploying.md
index a56f7183ae..658445175e 100644
--- a/site/docs/skylark/deploying.md
+++ b/site/docs/skylark/deploying.md
@@ -1,4 +1,144 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/skylark/deploying.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Deploying new Skylark rules
+# Deploying new Skylark rules
+This documentation is for Skylark rule writers who are planning to make their
+rules available to others.
+## Where to put new rules
+In general, new rules should go into their own GitHub repository under your
+organization. Contact the [bazel-dev mailing
+list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-dev) if you feel like your
+rules belong in the bazelbuild organization.
+You can see lots of examples of what your repository should look like on GitHub:
+see all of the repositories named `rules_whatever`. In particular,
+[rules_scala](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala) is a nice example of
+how to set up your repo.
+Rules can be grouped either by language (e.g., Scala) or some notion of platform
+(e.g., Android).
+## What a rule repository should contain
+Every rule repository should have a certain layout so that users can quickly
+understand new rules.
+For example, suppose we are writing new Skylark rules for the (make-believe)
+chaiscript language. We would have the following structure:
+ chaiscript.bzl
+ some_test.sh
+ another_test.py
+ bin.chai
+ lib.chai
+ test.chai
+### README.md
+At the top level, there should be a README.md that contains (at least) what
+users will need to copy-paste into their WORKSPACE file to use your rule.
+In general, this will be a `git_repository` pointing to your GitHub repo and
+a macro call that downloads/configures any tools your rule needs. For example,
+for the [Go
+rules](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/blob/master/README.md#setup), this
+looks like:
+ name = "io_bazel_rules_go",
+ remote = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go.git",
+ tag = "0.0.2",
+load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_repositories")
+If your rules depend on another repository's rules, specify both in the
+`README.md` (see the [Skydoc rules](https://github.com/bazelbuild/skydoc#setup),
+which depend on the Sass rules, for an example of this).
+### Tests
+There should be tests that verify that the rules are working as expected. This
+can either be in the standard location for the language the rules are for or a
+`tests/` directory at the top level.
+### Optional: Examples
+It is useful to users to have an `examples/` directory that shows users a couple
+of basic ways that the rules can be used.
+## Testing
+Set up Travis as described in their [getting started
+docs](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/getting-started/). Then add a
+`.travis.yml` file to your repository with the following content:
+ - java
+ - oraclejdk8 # Building Bazel requires JDK8.
+ - wget https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/archive/0.3.0.zip # Replace with desired version
+ - unzip 0.3.0.zip
+ - cd bazel-0.3.0
+ - ./compile.sh
+ - sudo cp output/bazel /usr/bin/bazel
+ - cd ..
+ - rm -rf bazel-0.3.0
+ - bazel build //...
+ - bazel test //...
+Right now Bazel has to be compiled from source, as Travis does not support a
+version of GCC that works with the precompiled Bazel binaries. Thus, the
+`before_install` steps download the Bazel source, compile it, and "install" the
+Bazel binary in /usr/bin.
+If your repository is under the [bazelbuild organization](https://github.com/bazelbuild),
+contact the [bazel-dev](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-dev) list
+to have it added to [ci.bazel.build](http://ci.bazel.build).
+## Documentation
+See the [Skydoc documentation](https://github.com/bazelbuild/skydoc) for
+instructions on how to comment your rules so that documentation can be generated
+## FAQs
+### Why can't we add our rule to the Bazel GitHub repository?
+We want to decouple rules from Bazel releases as much as possible. It's clearer
+who owns individual rules, reducing the load on Bazel developers. For our users,
+decoupling makes it easier to modify, upgrade, downgrade, and replace rules.
+Contributing to rules can be lighter weight than contributing to Bazel -
+depending on the rules -, including full submit access to the corresponding
+GitHub repository. Getting submit access to Bazel itself is a much more involved
+The downside is a more complicated one-time installation process for our users:
+they have to copy-paste a rule into their WORKSPACE file, as shown in the
+README section above.
+We used to have all of the Skylark rules in the Bazel repository (under
+`//tools/build_rules` or `//tools/build_defs`). We still have a couple rules
+there, but we are working on moving the remaining rules out.
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/depsets.md b/site/docs/skylark/depsets.md
index 24114b3200..24114b3200 100644
--- a/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/depsets.md
+++ b/site/docs/skylark/depsets.md
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--- a/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/errors/read-only-variable.md
+++ b/site/docs/skylark/errors/read-only-variable.md
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+++ b/site/docs/skylark/index.md
@@ -1,4 +1,17 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/skylark/index.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Extensions
+# Extensions
+Skylark is the name of the extension mechanism in Bazel. It lets you add support
+for new languages and tools by writing [custom build rules](rules.md). You can
+also compose existing rules into [macros](macros.md).
+## Getting started
+Read the [concepts](concepts.md) behind Skylark and try the
+[cookbook examples](cookbook.md). To go further, read about the
+[standard library](lib/globals.html).
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/language.md b/site/docs/skylark/language.md
index 583e4f7c0a..583e4f7c0a 100644
--- a/site/versions/master/docs/skylark/language.md
+++ b/site/docs/skylark/language.md
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index b247e4b89f..7782198287 100644
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+++ b/site/docs/skylark/macros.md
@@ -1,4 +1,156 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/skylark/macros.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Macros
+# Macros
+## Macro creation
+A macro is a function called from the BUILD file that can instantiate rules.
+Macros don't give additional power, they are just used for encapsulation and
+code reuse. By the end of the [loading phase](concepts.md#evaluation-model),
+macros don't exist anymore, and Bazel sees only the set of rules they created.
+Native rules (i.e. rules that don't need a `load()` statement) can be
+instantiated from the [native](lib/native.html) module, e.g.
+def my_macro(name, visibility=None):
+ native.cc_library(
+ name = name,
+ srcs = ["main.cc"],
+ visibility = visibility,
+ )
+If you need to know the package name (i.e. which BUILD file is calling the
+macro), use the constant [PACKAGE_NAME](lib/globals.html#PACKAGE_NAME).
+## Examples
+* [Macro creating rules](cookbook.md#macro).
+* [Macro creating native rules](cookbook.md#macro_native).
+* [Macro combining multiple rules](cookbook.md#macro_compound).
+## Debugging
+* `bazel query --output=build //my/path:all` will show you how the BUILD file
+ looks after evaluation. All macros, globs, loops are expanded. Known
+ limitation: `select` expressions are currently not shown in the output.
+* You may filter the output based on `generator_function` (which function
+ generated the rules) or `generator_name` (the name attribute of the macro),
+ e.g.
+ ```bash
+ $ bazel query --output=build 'attr(generator_function, my_macro, //my/path:all)'
+ ```
+* To find out where exactly the rule `foo` is generated in a BUILD file, you
+ can try the following trick. Insert this line near the top of the BUILD
+ file: `cc_library(name = "foo")`. Run Bazel. You will get an exception when
+ the rule `foo` is created (due to a name conflict), which will show you the
+ full stack trace.
+* You can also use [print](lib/globals.html#print) for debugging. It displays
+ the message as a warning during the loading phase. Except in rare cases,
+ either remove `print` calls, or make them conditional under a `debugging`
+ parameter that defaults to `False` before submitting the code to the depot.
+## Errors
+If you want to throw an error, use the [fail](lib/globals.html#fail) function.
+Explain clearly to the user what went wrong and how to fix their BUILD file. It
+is not possible to catch an error.
+def my_macro(name, deps, visibility=None):
+ if len(deps) < 2:
+ fail("Expected at least two values in deps")
+ # ...
+## Conventions
+* All public functions (functions that don't start with underscore) that
+ instantiate rules must have a `name` argument. This argument should not be
+ optional (don't give a default value).
+* Public functions should use a docstring following [Python
+ conventions](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/#one-line-docstrings).
+* In BUILD files, the `name` argument of the macros must be a keyword argument
+ (not a positional argument).
+* The `name` attribute of rules generated by a macro should include the name
+ argument as a prefix. For example, `macro(name = "foo")` can generate a
+ `cc_library` `foo` and a genrule `foo_gen`.
+* In most cases, optional parameters should have a default value of `None`.
+ `None` can be passed directly to native rules, which treat it the same as if
+ you had not passed in any argument. Thus, there is no need to replace it
+ with `0`, `False`, or `[]` for this purpose. Instead, the macro should defer
+ to the rules it creates, as their defaults may be complex or may change over
+ time. Additionally, a parameter that is explicitly set to its default value
+ looks different than one that is never set (or set to `None`) when accessed
+ through the query language or build-system internals.
+* Macros should have an optional `visibility` argument.
+## Full example
+The typical use-case for a macro is when you want to reuse a genrule, e.g.
+ name = "file",
+ outs = ["file.txt"],
+ cmd = "$(location generator) some_arg > $@",
+ tools = [":generator"],
+If you want to generate another file with different arguments, you may want to
+extract this code to a function.
+The BUILD file will become simply:
+load("//path:generator.bzl", "file_generator")
+ name = "file",
+ arg = "some_arg",
+In order to keep BUILD files clean and declarative, you must put the function in
+a separate `.bzl` file. For example, write the definition of the macro in
+def file_generator(name, arg, visibility=None):
+ native.genrule(
+ name = name,
+ outs = [name + ".txt"],
+ cmd = "$(location generator) %s > $@" % arg,
+ tools = ["//test:generator"],
+ visibility = visibility,
+ )
+When you want to investigate what a macro does, use the following command to
+see the expanded form:
+$ bazel query --output=build :file
+# /absolute/path/test/ext.bzl:42:3
+ name = "file",
+ tools = ["//test:generator"],
+ outs = ["//test:file.txt"],
+ cmd = "$(location generator) some_arg > $@",
diff --git a/site/docs/skylark/repository_rules.md b/site/docs/skylark/repository_rules.md
index 6af0109578..c6890062ef 100644
--- a/site/docs/skylark/repository_rules.md
+++ b/site/docs/skylark/repository_rules.md
@@ -1,4 +1,113 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/skylark/repository_rules.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Repository Rules
+# Repository Rules
+**Status: Experimental**. We may make breaking changes to the API, but we will
+ announce them and help you update your code.
+An [external repository](/docs/external.md) is a rule that can be used only
+in the `WORKSPACE` file and enable non-hermetic operation at the loading phase
+of Bazel. Each external repository rule creates its own workspace, with its
+own BUILD files and artifacts. They can be used to depend on third-party
+libraries (such as Maven packaged libraries) but also to generate BUILD files
+specific to the host Bazel is running on.
+## Repository Rule creation
+In a `.bzl` file, use the
+[repository_rule](lib/globals.html#repository_rule) function to create a new
+repository rule and store it in a global variable.
+A custom repository rule can be used just like a native repository rule. It
+has a mandatory `name` attribute and every target present in its build files
+can be referred as `@<name>//package:target` where `<name>` is the value of the
+`name` attribute.
+The rule is loaded when you explicitly build it, or if it is a dependency of
+the build. In this case, Bazel will execute its `implementation` function. This
+function describe how to creates the repository, its content and BUILD files.
+## Attributes
+An attribute is a rule argument, such as `url` or `sha256`. You must list
+the attributes and their types when you define a repository rule.
+local_repository = repository_rule(
+ implementation=_impl,
+ local=True,
+ attrs={"path": attr.string(mandatory=True)})
+`name` attributes are implicitly defined for all `repository_rule`s.
+To access an attribute, use `repository_ctx.attr.<attribute_name>`.
+The name of a repository rule is accessible with `repository_ctx.name`.
+If an attribute name starts with `_` it is private and users cannot set it.
+## Implementation function
+Every repository rule requires an `implementation` function. It contains the
+actual logic of the rule and is executed strictly in the Loading Phase.
+The function has exactly one input parameter, `repository_ctx`, and should
+always returns `None`. The input parameter `repository_ctx` can be used to
+access attribute values, and non-hermetic functions (finding a binary,
+executing a binary, creating a file in the repository or downloading a file
+from the Internet). See [the library](lib/repository_ctx.html) for more
+context. Example:
+def _impl(repository_ctx):
+ repository_ctx.symlink(repository_ctx.attr.path, "")
+local_repository = repository_rule(
+ implementation=_impl,
+ ...)
+## When is the implementation function executed?
+If the repository is declared as `local` then change in a dependency
+in the dependency graph (including the WORKSPACE file itself) will
+cause an execution of the implementation function.
+The implementation function can be _restarted_ if a dependency it
+request is _missing_. The beginning of the implementation function
+will be re-executed after the dependency has been resolved.
+File given as a label are declared as dependencies, so requesting it
+might interrupt the function and restart it later, re-executing the
+part up till there.
+Finally, for non-`local` repositories, only a change in the following
+dependencies might cause a restart:
+- Skylark files needed to define the repository rule.
+- Declaration of the repository rule in the `WORKSPACE` file.
+- Value of any environment variable declared with the `environ`
+attribute of the
+function. The value of those environment variable can be enforced from
+the command line with the
+flag (but this flag will invalidate every action of the build).
+- Content of any file used and referred to by a label (e.g.,
+ `//mypkg:label.txt` not `mypkg/label.txt`).
+## Examples
+- [C++ auto-configured toolchain](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/ac29b78000afdb95afc7e97efd2b1299ebea4dac/tools/cpp/cc_configure.bzl#L288):
+it uses a repository rule to automatically create the
+C++ configuration files for Bazel by looking for the local C++ compiler, the
+environment and the flags the C++ compiler supports.
+ [Go repositories](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/blob/67bc217b6210a0922d76d252472b87e9a6118fdf/go/private/go_repositories.bzl#L195)
+ uses several `repository_rule` to defines the list of dependencies
+ needed to use the Go rules.
+ [maven_jar](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/a110ac400190c90a45856f15482c8d0952c542f5/master/tools/build_defs/repo/maven_rules.bzl#L276)
+ is a reimplementation of the native `maven_jar` rule using the
+ `maven` tool.
diff --git a/site/docs/skylark/rules.md b/site/docs/skylark/rules.md
index 22b62057eb..47f27abb13 100644
--- a/site/docs/skylark/rules.md
+++ b/site/docs/skylark/rules.md
@@ -1,4 +1,596 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/skylark/rules.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Rules
+# Rules
+**Status: Experimental**. We may make breaking changes to the API, but we will
+ help you update your code.
+A rule defines a series of [actions](#actions) that Bazel should perform on
+inputs to get a set of outputs. For example, a C++ binary rule might take a set
+of `.cpp` files (the inputs), run `g++` on them (the action), and return an
+executable file (the output).
+Note that, from Bazel's perspective, `g++` and the standard C++ libraries are
+also inputs to this rule. As a rule writer, you must consider not only the
+user-provided inputs to a rule, but also all of the tools and libraries required
+to execute the actions (called _implicit inputs_).
+Before creating or modifying any rule, make sure you are familiar with the
+[extensibility model](concepts.md) (understand the three phases and the
+differences between macros and rules).
+## Rule creation
+In a `.bzl` file, use the [rule](lib/globals.html#rule)
+function to create a new rule and store it in a global variable:
+my_rule = rule(...)
+See [the cookbook](cookbook.md#empty) for examples. The rule can then be
+loaded by BUILD files:
+load('//some/pkg:whatever.bzl', 'my_rule')
+A custom rule can be used just like a native rule. It has a mandatory `name`
+attribute, you can refer to it with a label, and you can see it in
+`bazel query`.
+The rule is analyzed when you explicitly build it, or if it is a dependency of
+the build. In this case, Bazel will execute its `implementation` function. This
+function decides what the outputs of the rule are and how to build them (using
+[actions](#actions)). During the [analysis phase](concepts.md#evaluation-model),
+no external command can be executed. Instead, actions are registered and
+will be run in the execution phase, if their output is needed for the build.
+## Attributes
+An attribute is a rule argument, such as `srcs` or `deps`. You must list
+the attributes and their types when you define a rule.
+sum = rule(
+ implementation = _impl,
+ attrs = {
+ "number": attr.int(default = 1),
+ "deps": attr.label_list(),
+ },
+The following attributes are implicitly added to every rule: `deprecation`,
+`features`, `name`, `tags`, `testonly`, `visibility`. Test rules also have the
+following attributes: `args`, `flaky`, `local`, `shard_count`, `size`,
+Labels listed in `attr` will be inputs to the rule.
+To access an attribute in a rule's implementation, use
+`ctx.attr.<attribute_name>`. The name and the package of a rule are available
+with `ctx.label.name` and `ctx.label.package`.
+See [an example](cookbook.md#attr) of using `attr` in a rule.
+### <a name="private-attributes"></a> Private Attributes
+In Python, we use one leading underscore(`_`) for non-public methods and
+instance variables (see [PEP-8][1]).
+Similarly, if an attribute name starts with `_` it is private and users cannot
+set it.
+It is useful in particular for label attributes (your rule will have an
+implicit dependency on this label).
+metal_compile = rule(
+ implementation = _impl,
+ attrs = {
+ "srcs": attr.label_list(),
+ "_compiler": attr.label(
+ default = Label("//tools:metalc"),
+ allow_single_file = True,
+ executable = True,
+ ),
+ },
+## Implementation function
+Every rule requires an `implementation` function. It contains the actual logic
+of the rule and is executed strictly in the
+[analysis phase](concepts.md#evaluation-model). The function has exactly one
+input parameter, `ctx`, and it may return the [runfiles](#runfiles)
+and [providers](#providers) of the rule. The input parameter `ctx` can be used
+to access attribute values, outputs and dependent targets, and files. It also
+has some helper functions. See [the library](lib/ctx.html) for more context.
+def _impl(ctx):
+ ...
+ return [DefaultInfo(runfiles=...), MyInfo(...)]
+my_rule = rule(
+ implementation = _impl,
+ ...
+## Files
+There are two kinds of files: files stored in the file system and generated
+files. For each generated file, there must be one and only one generating
+action, and each action must generate one or more output files. Bazel will throw
+an error otherwise.
+## Targets
+Every build rule corresponds to exactly one target. A target can create
+[actions](#actions), can have dependencies (which can be files or
+other build rules), [output files](#output-files) (generated by
+its actions), and [providers](#providers).
+A target `y` depends on target `x` if `y` has a label or label list type
+attribute where `x` is declared:
+ name = "x",
+ name = "y",
+ deps = [":x"],
+In the above case, it's possible to access targets declared in `my_rule.deps`:
+def _impl(ctx):
+ for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
+ # Do something with dep
+ ...
+my_rule = rule(
+ implementation = _impl,
+ attrs = {
+ "deps": attr.label_list(),
+ },
+ ...
+## <a name="output-files"></a> Output files
+A target can declare output files, which must be generated by the target's
+actions. There are three ways to create output files:
+* If the rule is marked `executable`, it creates an output file of the same name
+ as the rule's. [See example](cookbook.md#outputs-executable)
+* The rule can declare default `outputs`, which are always generated.
+ [See example](cookbook.md#outputs-default)
+* The rule can have output or output list type attributes. In that case the
+ output files come from the actual attribute values.
+ [See example](cookbook.md#outputs-custom)
+Each output file must have exactly one generating action. See the
+[library](lib/ctx.html#outputs) for more context.
+## Default outputs
+Every rule has a set of default outputs. This is used:
+* When the user runs `bazel build` on your target. Bazel will build the default
+ outputs of the rule.
+* When the target is used as a dependency of another rule. A rule can access
+ the default outputs by using [target.files](lib/Target.html#files).
+ This is the case, for example, if you use a rule in the `srcs` attribute of a
+ `genrule`.
+Use the `files` provider to specify the default outputs of a rule.
+If left unspecified, it will contain all the declared outputs.
+def _impl(ctx):
+ # ...
+ return DefaultInfo(files=depset([file1, file2]))
+This can be useful for exposing files generated with
+[ctx.new_file](lib/ctx.html#new_file). You can also have "implicit
+outputs", i.e., files that are declared in the rule, but not in the default
+outputs (like `_deploy.jar` in `java_binary`).
+## Actions
+An action describes how to generate a set of outputs from a set of inputs, for
+example "run gcc on hello.c and get hello.o". When an action is created, Bazel
+doesn't run the command immediately. It registers it in a graph of dependencies,
+because an action can depend on the output of another action (e.g. in C,
+the linker must be called after compilation). In the execution phase, Bazel
+decides which actions must be run and in which order.
+There are three ways to create actions:
+* [ctx.action](lib/ctx.html#action), to run a command.
+* [ctx.file_action](lib/ctx.html#file_action), to write a string to a file.
+* [ctx.template_action](lib/ctx.html#template_action), to generate a file from a template.
+Actions take a set (which can be empty) of input files and generate a (non-empty)
+set of output files.
+The set of input and output files must be known during the
+[analysis phase](concepts.md#evaluation-model). It might depend on the value
+of attributes and information from dependencies, but it cannot depend on the
+result of the execution. For example, if your action runs the unzip command, you
+must specify which files you expect to be inflated (before running unzip).
+Actions are comparable to pure functions: They should depend only on the
+provided inputs, and avoid accessing computer information, username, clock,
+network, or I/O devices (except for reading inputs and writing outputs). This is
+important because the output will be cached and reused.
+**If an action generates a file that is not listed in its outputs**: This is
+fine, but the file will be ignored and cannot be used by other rules.
+**If an action does not generate a file that is listed in its outputs**: This is
+an execution error and the build will fail. This happens for instance when a
+compilation fails.
+**If an action generates an unknown number of outputs and you want to keep them
+all**, you must group them in a single file (e.g., a zip, tar, or other
+archive format). This way, you will be able to deterministically declare your
+**If an action does not list a file it uses as an input**, the action execution
+will most likely result in an error. The file is not guaranteed to be available
+to the action, so if it **is** there, it's due to coincidence or error.
+**If an action lists a file as an input, but does not use it**: This is fine.
+However, it can affect action execution order, resulting in sub-optimal
+Dependencies are resolved by Bazel, which will decide which actions are
+executed. It is an error if there is a cycle in the dependency graph. Creating
+an action does not guarantee that it will be executed: It depends on whether
+its outputs are needed for the build.
+## Configurations
+Imagine that you want to build a C++ binary and target a different architecture.
+The build can be complex and involve multiple steps. Some of the intermediate
+binaries, like the compilers and code generators, have to run on your machine
+(the host); some of the binaries such the final output must be built for the
+target architecture.
+For this reason, Bazel has a concept of "configurations" and transitions. The
+topmost targets (the ones requested on the command line) are built in the
+"target" configuration, while tools that should run locally on the host are
+built in the "host" configuration. Rules may generate different actions based on
+the configuration, for instance to change the cpu architecture that is passed to
+the compiler. In some cases, the same library may be needed for different
+configurations. If this happens, it will be analyzed and potentially built
+multiple times.
+By default, Bazel builds the dependencies of a target in the same configuration
+as the target itself, i.e. without transitioning. When a target depends on a
+tool, the label attribute will specify a transition to the host configuration.
+This causes the tool and all of its dependencies to be built for the host
+machine, assuming those dependencies do not themselves have transitions.
+For each [label attribute](lib/attr.html#label), you can decide whether the
+dependency should be built in the same configuration, or transition to the host
+configuration (using `cfg`). If a label attribute has the flag
+`executable=True`, the configuration must be set explicitly.
+[See example](cookbook.html#execute-a-binary)
+In general, sources, dependent libraries, and executables that will be needed at
+runtime can use the same configuration.
+Tools that are executed as part of the build (e.g., compilers, code generators)
+should be built for the host configuration. In this case, specify `cfg="host"`
+in the attribute.
+Otherwise, executables that are used at runtime (e.g. as part of a test) should
+be built for the target configuration. In this case, specify `cfg="target"` in
+the attribute.
+The configuration `"data"` is present for legacy reasons and should be used for
+the `data` attributes.
+## <a name="fragments"></a> Configuration Fragments
+Rules may access [configuration fragments](lib/skylark-configuration-fragment.html)
+such as `cpp`, `java` and `jvm`. However, all required fragments must be
+declared in order to avoid access errors:
+def _impl(ctx):
+ # Using ctx.fragments.cpp would lead to an error since it was not declared.
+ x = ctx.fragments.java
+ ...
+my_rule = rule(
+ implementation = _impl,
+ fragments = ["java"], # Required fragments of the target configuration
+ host_fragments = ["java"], # Required fragments of the host configuration
+ ...
+`ctx.fragments` only provides configuration fragments for the target
+configuration. If you want to access fragments for the host configuration,
+use `ctx.host_fragments` instead.
+## Providers
+Providers are pieces of information that a rule exposes to other rules that
+depend on it. This data can include output files, libraries, parameters to pass
+on a tool's command line, or anything else the depending rule should know about.
+Providers are the only mechanism to exchange data between rules, and can be
+thought of as part of a rule's public interface (loosely analogous to a
+function's return value).
+A rule can only see the providers of its direct dependencies. If there is a rule
+`top` that depends on `middle`, and `middle` depends on `bottom`, then we say
+that `middle` is a direct dependency of `top`, while `bottom` is a transitive
+dependency of `top`. In this case, `top` can see the providers of `middle`. The
+only way for `top` to see any information from `bottom` is if `middle`
+re-exports this information in its own providers; this is how transitive
+information can be accumulated from all dependencies. In such cases, consider
+using [depsets](depsets.md) to hold the data more efficiently without excessive
+Providers can be declared using the [provider()](lib/globals.html#provider) function:
+TransitiveDataInfo = provider()
+Rule implementation function can then construct and return provider instances:
+def rule_implementation(ctx):
+ ...
+ return [TransitiveDataInfo(value = ["a", "b", "c"])]
+`TransitiveDataInfo` acts both as a constructor for provider instances and as a key to access them.
+A [target](lib/Target.html) serves as a map from each provider that the target supports, to the
+target's corresponding instance of that provider.
+A rule can access the providers of its dependencies using the square bracket notation (`[]`):
+def dependent_rule_implementation(ctx):
+ ...
+ s = depset()
+ for dep_target in ctx.attr.deps:
+ s += dep_target[TransitiveDataInfo].value
+ ...
+All targets have a [`DefaultInfo`](lib/globals.html#DefaultInfo) provider that can be used to access
+some information relevant to all targets.
+Providers are only available during the analysis phase. Examples of usage:
+* [mandatory providers](cookbook.md#mandatory-providers)
+* [optional providers](cookbook.md#optional-providers)
+> *Note:*
+> Historically, Bazel also supported provider instances that are identified by strings and
+> accessed as fields on the `target` object instead of as keys. This style is deprecated
+> but still supported. Return legacy providers as follows:
+def rule_implementation(ctx):
+ ...
+ modern_provider = TransitiveDataInfo(value = ["a", "b", "c"])
+ # Legacy style.
+ return struct(legacy_provider = struct(...),
+ another_legacy_provider = struct(...),
+ # The `providers` field contains provider instances that can be accessed
+ # the "modern" way.
+ providers = [modern_provider])
+> To access legacy providers, use the dot notation.
+> Note that the same target can define both modern and legacy providers:
+def dependent_rule_implementation(ctx):
+ ...
+ s = depset()
+ for dep_target in ctx.attr.deps:
+ x = dep_target.legacy_provider # legacy style
+ s += dep_target[TransitiveDataInfo].value # modern style
+ ...
+> **We recommend using modern providers for all future code.**
+## Runfiles
+Runfiles are a set of files used by the (often executable) output of a rule
+during runtime (as opposed to build time, i.e. when the binary itself is
+During the [execution phase](concepts.md#evaluation-model), Bazel creates a
+directory tree containing symlinks pointing to the runfiles. This stages the
+environment for the binary so it can access the runfiles during runtime.
+Runfiles can be added manually during rule creation and/or collected
+transitively from the rule's dependencies:
+def _rule_implementation(ctx):
+ ...
+ transitive_runfiles = depset()
+ for dep in ctx.attr.special_dependencies:
+ transitive_runfiles += dep.transitive_runtime_files
+ runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
+ # Add some files manually.
+ files = [ctx.file.some_data_file],
+ # Add transitive files from dependencies manually.
+ transitive_files = transitive_runfiles,
+ # Collect runfiles from the common locations: transitively from srcs,
+ # deps and data attributes.
+ collect_default = True,
+ )
+ # Add a field named "runfiles" to the DefaultInfo provider in order to actually
+ # create the symlink tree.
+ return [DefaultInfo(runfiles=runfiles)]
+Note that non-executable rule outputs can also have runfiles. For example, a
+library might need some external files during runtime, and every dependent
+binary should know about them.
+Also note that if an action uses an executable, the executable's runfiles can
+be used when the action executes.
+Normally, the relative path of a file in the runfiles tree is the same as the
+relative path of that file in the source tree or generated output tree. If these
+need to be different for some reason, you can specify the `root_symlinks` or
+`symlinks` arguments. The `root_symlinks` is a dictionary mapping paths to
+files, where the paths are relative to the root of the runfiles directory. The
+`symlinks` dictionary is the same, but paths are implicitly prefixed with the
+name of the workspace.
+ ...
+ runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
+ root_symlinks = {"some/path/here.foo": ctx.file.some_data_file2}
+ symlinks = {"some/path/here.bar": ctx.file.some_data_file3}
+ )
+ # Creates something like:
+ # sometarget.runfiles/
+ # some/
+ # path/
+ # here.foo -> some_data_file2
+ # <workspace_name>/
+ # some/
+ # path/
+ # here.bar -> some_data_file3
+If `symlinks` or `root_symlinks` is used, be careful not to map two different
+files to the same path in the runfiles tree. This will cause the build to fail
+with an error describing the conflict. To fix, you will need to modify your
+`ctx.runfiles` arguments to remove the collision. This checking will be done for
+any targets using your rule, as well as targets of any kind that depend on those
+## Output groups
+By default Bazel builds a target's
+[default outputs](#default-outputs). However, a rule can also create
+ other outputs that are not part of a typical build but might still be useful,
+ such as debug information files. The facility for this is _output groups_.
+A rule can declare that a certain file belongs to a certain output group by returning
+the [OutputGroupInfo](lib/globals.html#OutputGroupInfo) provider. Fields of
+that provider are output group names:
+def _impl(ctx):
+ name = ...
+ binary = ctx.new_file(name)
+ debug_file = ctx.new_file(name + ".pdb")
+ # ... add actions to generate these files
+ return [DefaultInfo(files = depset([binary])),
+ OutputGroupInfo(debug_files = depset([debug_file]),
+ all_files = depset([binary, debug_file]))]
+By default, only the `binary` file will be built.
+The user can specify an [`--output_groups=debug_files`](../command-line-reference.html#build)
+flag on the command line. In that case, only `debug_file` will be built. If the user
+specifies `--output_groups=all_files`, both `binary` and `debug_file` will be build.
+> Note: [OutputGroupInfo](skylark/lib/globals.html#OutputGroupInfo) is a regular
+> [provider](#providers), and dependencies of a target can examine it using
+> the `target[OutputGroupInfo]` syntax.
+## Code coverage instrumentation
+A rule can use the `instrumented_files` provider to provide information about
+which files should be measured when code coverage data collection is enabled:
+def _rule_implementation(ctx):
+ ...
+ return struct(instrumented_files = struct(
+ # Optional: File extensions used to filter files from source_attributes.
+ # If not provided, then all files from source_attributes will be
+ # added to instrumented files, if an empty list is provided, then
+ # no files from source attributes will be added.
+ extensions = ["ext1", "ext2"],
+ # Optional: Attributes that contain source files for this rule.
+ source_attributes = ["srcs"],
+ # Optional: Attributes for dependencies that could include instrumented
+ # files.
+ dependency_attributes = ["data", "deps"]))
+[ctx.config.coverage_enabled](lib/configuration.html#coverage_enabled) notes
+whether coverage data collection is enabled for the current run in general
+(but says nothing about which files specifically should be instrumented).
+If a rule implementation needs to add coverage instrumentation at
+compile-time, it can determine if its sources should be instrumented with
+# Are this rule's sources instrumented?
+if ctx.coverage_instrumented():
+ # Do something to turn on coverage for this compile action
+Note that function will always return false if `ctx.config.coverage_enabled` is
+false, so you don't need to check both.
+If the rule directly includes sources from its dependencies before compilation
+(e.g. header files), it may also need to turn on compile-time instrumentation
+if the dependencies' sources should be instrumented. In this case, it may
+also be worth checking `ctx.config.coverage_enabled` so you can avoid looping
+over dependencies unnecessarily:
+# Are this rule's sources or any of the sources for its direct dependencies
+# in deps instrumented?
+if ctx.config.coverage_enabled:
+ if (ctx.coverage_instrumented() or
+ any(ctx.coverage_instrumented(dep) for dep in ctx.attr.deps):
+ # Do something to turn on coverage for this compile action
+## Executable rules
+An executable rule is a rule that users can run using `bazel run`.
+To make a rule executable, set `executable=True` in the
+[rule function](lib/globals.html#rule). The `implementation` function of the
+rule must generate the output file `ctx.outputs.executable`.
+[See example](cookbook.md#outputs-executable)
+## Test rules
+Test rules are run using `bazel test`.
+To create a test rule, set `test=True` in the
+[rule function](lib/globals.html#rule). The name of the rule must
+also end with `_test`. Test rules are implicitly executable, which means that
+the `implementation` function of the rule must generate the output file
+Test rules inherit the following attributes: `args`, `flaky`, `local`,
+`shard_count`, `size`, `timeout`.
+[1]: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#id46
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+title: Get Support
+# Get Support
+* Ask questions on [Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/bazel) using the
+`bazel` tag.
+* Discuss on the [User mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-discuss).
+* Report bugs or feature requests in our [GitHub issue tracker](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues).
+* Find other Bazel contributors on [IRC](http://webchat.freenode.net)
+# Support Policy
+We generally avoid making backwards-incompatible changes. We have several years of experience with
+supporting a huge code base that is concurrently worked on by thousands of engineers every day,
+and have successfully made significant changes to the core as well as to the rules without missing
+a beat. We run hundreds of thousands of tests at Google before every single release to ensure that
+it stays that way.
+That said, we occasionally have to make incompatible changes in order to fix bugs, to make further
+improvements to the system, such as improving performance or usability, or to lock down APIs that
+are known to be brittle.
+This document gives an overview of features that are widely used and that we consider stable. By
+stable, we mean that the changes we make will be backwards compatible, or that we will provide a
+migration path.
+It also covers features that are unstable. Either they are not yet widely used, or we are already
+planning to change them significantly, possibly in ways that are not backwards compatible.
+We cannot cover everything that might change, but you can reasonably expect that we provide
+advance notice on the mailing list before a major change happens. We're also happy to provide more
+details, just ask on [bazel-discuss](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-discuss).
+All undocumented features (attributes, rules, "Make" variables, and flags) are subject to change
+at any time without prior notice. Features that are documented but marked *experimental* are also
+subject to change at any time without prior notice.
+Bazel's extension language Skylark (anything you write in a `.bzl` file) is still subject to change.
+We are in the process of migrating Google to Skylark, and expect the language part to extend macros
+to stabilize as part of that process. Adding rules with skylark is still somewhat experimental.
+Help keep us honest: report bugs and regressions in the
+[GitHub bugtracker](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues). We will make an effort to triage all
+reported issues within 2 business days.
+## Releases
+We regularly publish [binary releases of Bazel](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases). To
+that end, we announce release candidates on
+[bazel-discuss](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-discuss); these are binaries that have
+passed all of our unit tests. Over the next few days, we regression test all applicable build
+targets at Google. If you have a critical project using Bazel, we recommend that you establish an
+automated testing process that tracks the current release candidate, and report any regressions.
+If no regressions are discovered, we officially release the candidate after a week. However,
+regressions can delay the release of a release candidate. If regressions are found, we apply
+corresponding cherry-picks to the release candidate to fix those regressions. If no further
+regressions are found for two business days, but not before a week has elapsed since the first
+release candidate, we release it.
+### Release versioning
+Version 0.1 is our first release marking the start of our beta phase. Until version 1.0.0, we
+increase the MINOR version every time we reach a [new milestone](http://bazel.build/roadmap.html).
+Version 1.0.0 marks the end of our beta phase; afterwards, we will label each release with a
+version number of the form MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH according to the
+[semantic version 2.0.0 document](http://semver.org).
+## Current Status
+### Built-In Rules and the Internal API For Rules ###
+We are planning a number of changes to the APIs between the core of Bazel and the built-in rules,
+in order to make it easier for us to develop openly. This has the added benefit of also making it
+easier for users to maintain their own rules (if written in Java instead of Skylark), if they don't
+want to or cannot check this code into our repository. However, it also means our internal API is
+not stable yet. In the long term, we want to move to Skylark wholesale, so we encourage contributors
+to use Skylark instead of Java when writing new rules. Rewriting all of our built-in rules is going
+to be a lengthy process however.
+1. We will fix the friction points that we know about, as well as those that we discover every time
+ we make changes that span both the internal and external depots.
+2. We will drive a number of pending API cleanups to completion, as well as run anticipated cleanups
+ to the APIs, such as disallowing access to the file system from rule implementations (because
+ it's not hermetic).
+3. We will enumerate the internal rule APIs, and make sure that they are appropriately marked (for
+ example with annotations) and documented. Just collecting a list will likely give us good
+ suggestions for further improvements, as well as opportunities for a more principled API review
+ process.
+4. We will automatically check rule implementations against an API whitelist, with the intention
+ that API changes are implicitly flagged during code review.
+5. We will work on removing (legacy) Google-internal features to reduce the amount of differences
+ between the internal and external rule sets.
+6. We will encourage our engineers to make changes in the external depot first, and migrate them to
+ to the internal one afterwards.
+7. We will move more of our rule implementations into the open source repository (Android, Go,
+ Python, the remaining C++ rules), even if we don't consider the code to be *ready* or if they are
+ still missing tools to work properly.
+8. In order to be able to accept external contributions, our highest priority item for Skylark is a
+ testing framework. We encourage to write new rules in Skylark rather than in Java.
+### Stable
+We expect the following rules and features to be stable. They are widely used within Google, so
+our internal testing should ensure that there are no major breakages.
+<table class="table table-condensed table-striped table-bordered">
+ <colgroup>
+ <col class="support-col-rules" />
+ <col class="support-col-notes" />
+ </colgroup>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Rules</th>
+ <th>Notes</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>C/C++ rules except <code>cc_toolchain</code> and <code>cc_toolchain_suite</code></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Java rules except <code>java_toolchain</code></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Android rules except <code>android_ndk_repository</code> and
+ <code>android_sdk_repository</code></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>genrule</code></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>genquery</code></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>test_suite</code></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>filegroup</code></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>config_setting</code></td>
+ <td>
+ <ul>
+ <li>This rule is used in <code>select()</code> expressions. We have hundreds of uses, so
+ we expect the basic functionality to be stable. That said, there are some common use
+ cases that are not covered yet, or that require workarounds. For example, it's not
+ easily possible to select on information specified in a CROSSTOOL file, such as the
+ target abi. Another example is that it's not possible to OR multiple conditions,
+ leading to duplicated entries in the select.
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+### Unstable
+These rules and features have known limitations that we will likely address in future releases.
+<table class="table table-condensed table-striped table-bordered">
+ <colgroup>
+ <col class="support-col-rules" />
+ <col class="support-col-notes" />
+ </colgroup>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Feature</th>
+ <th>Notes</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>cc_toolchain</code> and <code>cc_toolchain_suite</code></td>
+ <td>
+ <ul>
+ <li>We intend to make significant changes to the way C/C++ toolchains are defined; we will
+ keep our published C/C++ toolchain definition(s) up to date, but we make no guarantees for
+ custom ones.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>iOS/Objective C rules</td>
+ <td>
+ <ul>
+ <li>We cannot vouch for changes made by Apple &reg; to the underlying tools and
+ infrastructure.</li>
+ <li>The rules are fairly new and still subject to change; we try to avoid breaking changes,
+ but this may not always be possible.</li>
+ <li>No testing support yet.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Python rules</td>
+ <td>
+ <ul>
+ <li>The rules support neither Python 3, C/C++ extensions, nor packaging.
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Extra actions (<code>extra_action</code>, <code>action_listener</code>)</td>
+ <td>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Extra actions expose information about Bazel that we consider to be implementation
+ details, such as the exact interface between Bazel and the tools we provide; as such,
+ users will need to keep up with changes to tools to avoid breakage.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>environment_group</code></td>
+ <td>
+ <ul>
+ <li>We're planning to use it more extensively, replacing several machine-enforceable
+ constraint mechanism, but there's only a handful of uses so far. We fully expect it to
+ work, but there's a small chance that we have to go back to the drawing board.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>android_ndk_repository</code> and <code>android_sdk_repository</code></td>
+ <td>
+ <ul>
+ <li>We don't support pre-release NDKs or SDKs at this time. Furthermore, we may still
+ make backwards-incompatible changes to the attributes or the semantics.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>Fileset</code></td>
+ <td>
+ <ul>
+ <li>There are vestiges of Fileset / FilesetEntry in the source code, but we do not intend to
+ support them in Bazel, ever.</li>
+ <li>They're still widely used internally, and are therefore unlikely to go away in the near
+ future.</li>
+ </ul>
+ </td>
+ </tbody>
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deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
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-redirect: docs/test-encyclopedia.html
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+++ b/site/docs/tutorial/android-app.md
@@ -1,4 +1,295 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/tutorial/android-app.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Tutorial - Build an Android App
+# Tutorial - Build an Android App
+The sample Android app in this tutorial is a very simple application that makes
+an HTTP connection to the [backend server](backend-server.md) and displays the
+resulting response.
+Here, you'll do the following:
+* Review the source files for the app
+* Update the `WORKSPACE` file
+* Create a `BUILD` file
+* Run the build
+* Find the build outputs
+* Run the app
+## Review the source files
+Let's take a look at the source files for the app. These are located in
+The key files and directories are:
+<table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
+<td>Manifest file</td>
+<td>Activity source file</td>
+<td>Resource file directory</td>
+Note that you're just looking at these files now to become familiar with the
+structure of the app. You don't have to edit any of the source files to complete
+this tutorial.
+## Update the WORKSPACE file
+Bazel needs to run the Android SDK
+[build tools](https://developer.android.com/tools/revisions/build-tools.html)
+and uses the SDK libraries to build the app. This means that you need to add
+some information to your `WORKSPACE` file so that Bazel knows where to find
+them. Note that this step is not required when you build for other platforms.
+For example, Bazel automatically detects the location of Java, C++ and
+Objective-C compilers from settings in your environment.
+Add the following lines to your `WORKSPACE` file:
+ name = "androidsdk",
+ # Replace with your installed Android SDK API level
+ api_level = 25
+This will use the Android SDK specified referenced by the `ANDROID_HOME`
+environment variable, and automatically detect the latest build tools
+version installed within that location.
+Alternatively, you can explicitly specify the location of the Android
+SDK and build tools version to use by including the `path` and
+`build_tools_version` attributes:
+ name = "androidsdk",
+ path = "/path/to/Android/sdk",
+ api_level = 25,
+ build_tools_version = "25.0.1"
+**Optional:** This is not required by this tutorial, but if you want to compile
+native code into your Android app, you also need to download the
+[Android NDK](https://developer.android.com/ndk/downloads/index.html) and
+tell Bazel where to find it by adding the following rule to your `WORKSPACE`
+ name = "androidndk",
+ # Replace with the Android NDK API level
+ api_level = 21
+`api_level` is the version of the Android API the SDK and the NDK target
+(for example, 19 for Android K and 21 for Android L). It's not necessary to set
+the API levels to the same value for the SDK and NDK.
+[This web page](https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/stable_apis.html)
+contains a map from Android releases to NDK-supported API levels.
+Similar to `android_sdk_repository`, the path to the Android NDK is inferred from
+the `ANDROID_NDK_HOME` environment variable by default. The path can also be
+explicitly specified with a `path` attribute on `android_ndk_repository`.
+## Create a BUILD file
+A [`BUILD` file](/docs/build-ref.html#BUILD_files) is a text file that describes
+the relationship between a set of build outputs -- for example, compiled
+software libraries or executables -- and their dependencies. These dependencies
+may be source files in your workspace or other build outputs. `BUILD` files are
+written in the Bazel *build language*.
+`BUILD` files are part of concept in Bazel known as the *package hierarchy*.
+The package hierarchy is a logical structure that overlays the directory
+structure in your workspace. Each [package](/docs/build-ref.html#packages) is a
+directory (and its subdirectories) that contains a related set of source files
+and a `BUILD` file. The package also includes any subdirectories, excluding
+those that contain their own `BUILD` file. The *package name* is the name of the
+directory where the `BUILD` file is located.
+Note that this package hierarchy is distinct from, but coexists with, the Java
+package hierarchy for your Android app.
+For the simple Android app in this tutorial, we'll consider all the source files
+in `$WORKSPACE/android/` to comprise a single Bazel package. A more complex
+project may have many nested packages.
+At a command-line prompt, open your new `BUILD` file for editing:
+vi $WORKSPACE/android/BUILD
+### Add an android_library rule
+A `BUILD` file contains several different types of instructions for Bazel. The
+most important type is the [build rule](/docs/build-ref.html#funcs), which tells
+Bazel how to build an intermediate or final software output from a set of source
+files or other dependencies.
+Bazel provides two build rules, `android_library` and `android_binary`, that you
+can use to build an Android app. For this tutorial, you'll first use the
+[`android_library`](/docs/be/android.html#android_library) rule to tell
+Bazel how to build an
+[Android library module](http://developer.android.com/tools/projects/index.html#LibraryProjects)
+from the app source code and resource files. Then you'll use the
+`android_binary` rule to tell it how to build the Android application package.
+Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
+ name = "activities",
+ srcs = glob(["src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/activities/*.java"]),
+ custom_package = "com.google.bazel.example.android.activities",
+ manifest = "src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/activities/AndroidManifest.xml",
+ resource_files = glob(["src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/activities/res/**"]),
+As you can see, the `android_library` build rule contains a set of attributes
+that specify the information that Bazel needs to build a library module from the
+source files. Note also that the name of the rule is `activities`. You'll
+reference the rule using this name as a dependency in the `android_binary` rule.
+### Add an android_binary rule
+The [`android_binary`](/docs/be/android.html#android_binary) rule builds
+the Android application package (`.apk` file) for your app.
+Add the following to your build file:
+ name = "android",
+ custom_package = "com.google.bazel.example.android",
+ manifest = "src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/AndroidManifest.xml",
+ resource_files = glob(["src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/res/**"]),
+ deps = [":activities"],
+Here, the `deps` attribute references the output of the `activities` rule you
+added to the `BUILD` file above. This means that, when Bazel builds the output
+of this rule, it checks first to see if the output of the `activities` library
+rule has been built and is up-to-date. If not, it builds it and then uses that
+output to build the application package file.
+Now, save and close the file. You can compare your `BUILD` file to the
+[completed example](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/blob/master/tutorial/android/BUILD)
+in the `master` branch of the GitHub repo.
+## Run the build
+You use the
+[`bazel`](/docs/bazel-user-manual.html) command-line tool to run builds, execute
+unit tests and perform other operations in Bazel. This tool is located in the
+`output` subdirectory of the location where you installed Bazel. During
+[installation](/docs/install.md), you probably added this location to your
+Before you build the sample app, make sure that your current working directory
+is inside your Bazel workspace:
+Now, enter the following to build the sample app:
+bazel build //android:android
+The [`build`](/docs/bazel-user-manual.html#build) subcommand instructs Bazel to
+build the target that follows. The target is specified as the name of a build
+rule inside a `BUILD` file, with along with the package path relative to
+your workspace directory. Note that you can sometimes omit the package path
+or target name, depending on your current working directory at the command
+line and the name of the target. See [Labels](/docs/build-ref.html#labels) in
+*Bazel Concepts and Terminology* page for more information about target labels
+and paths.
+Bazel now launches and builds the sample app. During the build process, its
+output will appear similar to the following:
+INFO: Found 1 target...
+Target //android:android up-to-date:
+ bazel-bin/android/android_deploy.jar
+ bazel-bin/android/android_unsigned.apk
+ bazel-bin/android/android.apk
+INFO: Elapsed time: 7.237s, Critical Path: 5.81s
+## Find the build outputs
+Bazel stores the outputs of both intermediate and final build operations in
+a set of per-user, per-workspace output directories. These directories are
+symlinked from the following locations:
+* `$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin`, which stores binary executables and other runnable
+ build outputs
+* `$WORKSPACE/bazel-genfiles`, which stores intermediary source files that are
+ generated by Bazel rules
+* `$WORKSPACE/bazel-out`, which stores other types of build outputs
+Bazel stores the Android `.apk` file generated using the `android_binary` rule
+in the `bazel-bin/android/` directory, where the subdirectory name `android` is
+derived from the name of the Bazel package.
+At a command prompt, list the contents of this directory and find the
+`android.apk` file:
+ls $WORKSPACE/bazel-bin/android
+## Run the app
+You can now deploy the app to a connected Android device or emulator from the
+command line using the
+[`bazel mobile-install`](http://bazel.build/docs/bazel-user-manual.html#mobile-install)
+command. This command uses the Android Debug Bridge (`adb`) to communicate with
+the device. You must set up your device to use `adb` following the instructions
+[Android Debug Bridge](http://developer.android.com/tools/help/adb.html) before
+Enter the following:
+bazel mobile-install //android:android
+Note that the `mobile-install` subcommand also supports the
+flag that can be used to deploy only those parts of the app that have changed
+since the last deployment.
+## What's next
+Now that you've built a sample app for Android, it's time to do the same for
+the [iOS app](ios-app.md).
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+++ b/site/docs/tutorial/app.md
@@ -1,4 +1,45 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/tutorial/app.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Build Mobile Application
+# Build Mobile Application
+You can use Bazel to build a variety of software outputs, including
+Linux and macOS (OS X) applications written in Java, C++ and Objective-C. You can
+also use Bazel to build software for other platforms or written in other
+This tutorial shows how to use Bazel to build the following:
+* An Android app
+* An iOS app
+* A mobile backend server running on App Engine
+In this tutorial, you'll learn how to:
+* Set up a Bazel workspace and create a `WORKSPACE` file
+* Create `BUILD` files that contain the instructions used by Bazel to build
+ the software
+* Run builds using the Bazel command line tool
+## Requirements
+You can follow the steps in this tutorial on either a Linux or Mac OS X system.
+However, you can only build the iOS app if you are running Bazel on OS X. If
+you are using Linux, you can skip the iOS instructions and still complete
+the rest of the tutorial steps.
+## Sample project
+You don't have to write your own mobile apps and backend server to use this
+tutorial. Instead, you'll use a sample project hosted on GitHub. The sample
+project is hosted at the following location:
+You'll grab the sample project files in the next step in this tutorial.
+## What's next
+Let's start off by [setting up](environment.md) the tutorial environment.
diff --git a/site/docs/tutorial/backend-server.md b/site/docs/tutorial/backend-server.md
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+++ b/site/docs/tutorial/backend-server.md
@@ -1,4 +1,237 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/tutorial/backend-server.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Tutorial - Build the Backend Server
+# Tutorial - Build the Backend Server
+The backend server is a simple web application that runs on Google App Engine
+and responds to incoming HTTP requests from the sample Android and iOS apps.
+Here, you'll do the following:
+* Review the source files for the app
+* Update the `WORKSPACE` file
+* Create a `BUILD` file
+* Run the build
+* Find the build outputs
+* Run the application on a local development server
+* Deploy to Google App Engine
+Bazel provides a set of [App Engine build rules](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_appengine)
+written using the [Skylark](/docs/skylark/index.html) framework. You'll use
+these in the steps below to build the application.
+## Review the source files
+The source files for the backend server are located in `$WORKSPACE/backend/`.
+The key files and directories are:
+<table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
+<td>Source file directory</td>
+<td>Web application metadata directory</td>
+## Update the WORKSPACE file
+As with the Android app, you must add references to
+[external dependencies](http://bazel.build/docs/external.html) to your `WORKSPACE`
+file. For the backend server, these are references to the App Engine SDK,
+the Java Servlet SDK and other libraries needed to build the App Engine
+### Add the App Engine rule
+When you built the Android app, you added a reference to the location on your
+filesystem where you downloaded and installed the Android SDK. For the
+backend server, however, you'll give Bazel instructions for downloading the
+required App Engine SDK package from a remote server. This is optional. You
+can also download and install the SDK manually on your filesystem and reference
+it from that location as described in the
+[App Engine rule documentation](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_appengine).
+Add the following to your `WORKSPACE` file:
+ name = "io_bazel_rules_appengine",
+ sha256 = "f4fb98f31248fca5822a9aec37dc362105e57bc28e17c5611a8b99f1d94b37a4",
+ strip_prefix = "rules_appengine-0.0.6",
+ url = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_appengine/archive/0.0.6.tar.gz",
+load("@io_bazel_rules_appengine//appengine:appengine.bzl", "appengine_repositories")
+[`http_archive`](/docs/be/workspace.html#http_archive) downloads the
+AppEngine rules from a GitHub archive. We could also have used
+[`git_repository`](/docs/be/workspace.html#git_repository) to fetch the rules
+directly from the Git repository.
+Then the next two lines use the `appengine_repositories` function defined in
+these rules to download the libraries and SDK needed to build AppEngine
+Now, save and close the file. You can compare your `WORKSPACE` file to the
+[completed example](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples//blob/master/tutorial/WORKSPACE)
+in the `master` branch of the GitHub repo.
+## Create a BUILD file
+Now that you have set up the external dependencies, you can go ahead and create
+the `BUILD` file for the backend server, as you did previously for the sample
+Android and iOS apps.
+Open your new `BUILD` file for editing:
+vi $WORKSPACE/backend/BUILD
+### Add a java_binary rule
+Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
+ name = "app",
+ srcs = glob(["src/main/java/**/*.java"]),
+ main_class = "does.not.exist",
+ deps = [
+ "@io_bazel_rules_appengine//appengine:javax.servlet.api",
+ ],
+The [`java_binary`](/docs/be/java.html#java_binary) tells Bazel
+how to build a Java `.jar` library for your application, plus a wrapper shell
+script that launches the application code from the specified main class. Here,
+we're using this rule instead of the
+[`java_library`](/docs/be/java.html#java_library) because we need
+the `.jar` file to contain all the dependencies required to build the final
+App Engine `.war` file. For this reason, we specify a bogus class name
+for the `main_class` attribute.
+### Add an appengine_war rule
+Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
+load("@io_bazel_rules_appengine//appengine:appengine.bzl", "appengine_war")
+ name = "backend",
+ data = [":webapp"],
+ data_path = "/backend/webapp",
+ jars = [":app_deploy.jar"],
+ name = "webapp",
+ srcs = glob(["webapp/**/*"]),
+The [`appengine_war`](/docs/be/appengine.html#appengine_war)
+rule builds the final App Engine `war` file from the library `.jar` file and web
+application metadata files in the `webapp` directory.
+Save and close the file. Again, the
+[completed example](https://github.com/google/bazel-examples/blob/master/tutorial/backend/BUILD)
+is in the `master` branch of the GitHub repo.
+## Run the build
+Make sure that your current working directory is inside your Bazel workspace:
+Now, enter the following to build the sample app:
+bazel build //backend:backend
+Bazel now launches and builds the sample app. During the build process, its
+output will appear similar to the following:
+INFO: Found 1 target...
+Target //backend:backend up-to-date:
+ bazel-bin/backend/backend.war
+ bazel-bin/backend/backend.deploy
+ bazel-bin/backend/backend
+INFO: Elapsed time: 56.867s, Critical Path: 2.72s
+## Find the build outputs
+The `.war` file and other outputs are located in the
+`$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin/backend` directory.
+In particular, the `appengine_war` rule generates scripts that you can use to
+run your backend locally or deploy it to Google App Engine:
+## Run the application on a local development server
+Here, you'll start a local App Engine development server in your environment and
+run your application on it.
+To run the application, enter the following:
+bazel-bin/backend/backend --port=12345
+Your application will be available at `http://localhost:12345`
+## Deploy to Google App Engine
+You can also deploy the application to the live App Engine serving
+environment on Google Cloud Platform. For this scenario, you must first create
+a new Cloud Platform project and App Engine application using the Google Cloud
+Platform Console.
+Follow [this link](https://console.cloud.google.com/projectselector/appengine/create?lang=java&st=true)
+to perform these actions.
+Build the target that allows to deploy to App Engine:
+bazel build --java_toolchain=@io_bazel_rules_appengine//appengine:jdk7 //backend:backend.deploy
+Then, to deploy the application, enter the following:
+bazel-bin/backend/backend.deploy <project-id>
+The deployment script prompts you to authorize access to Google Cloud Platform.
+After you have authorized access the first time, you can deploy the application
+using the `bazel` command and the following rule target:
+bazel run //backend:backend.deploy <project-id>
+Your application URL will be `http://<project-id>.appspot.com`.
+## What's next
+Now let's [review](review.md) the tutorial steps.
diff --git a/site/docs/tutorial/cpp.md b/site/docs/tutorial/cpp.md
index 6ec737f93d..23362010ef 100644
--- a/site/docs/tutorial/cpp.md
+++ b/site/docs/tutorial/cpp.md
@@ -1,4 +1,395 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/tutorial/cpp.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Build C++
+Build C++
+You can use Bazel to build your C++ application. In this tutorial you'll learn how to:
+* Build your first C++ target
+* Use external libraries
+* Write and run C++ tests
+* Use precompiled libraries
+## Setting up your workspace
+Suppose that you have an existing project in a directory, say,
+`~/gitroot/my-project/`. Create an empty file at
+`~/gitroot/my-project/WORKSPACE` to show Bazel where your project's root is.
+We are going to create a small hello world project with the following directory structure:
+{% highlight bash %}
+└── my-project
+ ├── lib
+ │   ├── BUILD
+ │   ├── hello-greet.cc
+ │   └── hello-greet.h
+ ├── main
+ │   ├── BUILD
+ │   ├── hello-time.cc
+ │   ├── hello-time.h
+ │   └── hello-world.cc
+{% endhighlight %}
+## Creating source files
+Using the following commands to create the necessary source files:
+{% highlight bash %}
+# If you're not already there, move to your workspace directory.
+cd ~/gitroot/my-project
+mkdir ./main
+cat > main/hello-world.cc <<'EOF'
+#include "lib/hello-greet.h"
+#include "main/hello-time.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+ std::string who = "world";
+ if (argc > 1) {
+ who = argv[1];
+ }
+ std::cout << get_greet(who) <<std::endl;
+ print_localtime();
+ return 0;
+cat > main/hello-time.h <<'EOF'
+void print_localtime();
+cat > main/hello-time.cc <<'EOF'
+#include "main/hello-time.h"
+#include <ctime>
+#include <iostream>
+void print_localtime() {
+ std::time_t result = std::time(nullptr);
+ std::cout << std::asctime(std::localtime(&result));
+mkdir ./lib
+cat > lib/hello-greet.h <<'EOF'
+#include <string>
+std::string get_greet(const std::string &thing);
+cat > lib/hello-greet.cc <<'EOF'
+#include "lib/hello-greet.h"
+#include <string>
+std::string get_greet(const std::string& who) {
+ return "Hello " + who;
+{% endhighlight %}
+## Adding BUILD files
+As you can see from the source code, `main/hello-world.cc` needs to include both `lib/hello-greet.h` and `main/hello-time.h`.
+First we create `lib/BUILD` for hello-greet.cc:
+{% highlight python %}
+ name = "hello-greet",
+ srcs = ["hello-greet.cc"],
+ hdrs = ["hello-greet.h"],
+ visibility = ["//main:__pkg__"],
+{% endhighlight %}
+Note that `visibility = ["//main:__pkg__"]` indicates `hello-greet` is visible from `main/BUILD`.
+Then we'd create the following `main/BUILD` file:
+{% highlight python %}
+ name = "hello-time",
+ srcs = ["hello-time.cc"],
+ hdrs = ["hello-time.h"],
+ name = "hello-world",
+ srcs = ["hello-world.cc"],
+ deps = [
+ ":hello-time",
+ "//lib:hello-greet",
+ ],
+{% endhighlight %}
+Note when depending on a target in the same package, we can just use `:hello-time`.
+When the target is in other package, a full path from root should be used, like `//lib:hello-greet`.
+Now you are ready to build your hello world C++ binary:
+{% highlight bash %}
+bazel build main:hello-world
+{% endhighlight %}
+This produces the following output:
+{% highlight bash %}
+INFO: Found 1 target...
+Target //main:hello-world up-to-date:
+ bazel-bin/main/hello-world
+INFO: Elapsed time: 2.869s, Critical Path: 1.00s
+{% endhighlight %}
+{% highlight bash %}
+{% endhighlight %}
+This produces the following output:
+{% highlight bash %}
+Hello world
+Thu Jun 23 18:51:46 2016
+{% endhighlight %}
+{% highlight bash %}
+./bazel-bin/main/hello-world Bazel
+{% endhighlight %}
+This produces the following output:
+{% highlight bash %}
+Hello Bazel
+Thu Jun 23 18:52:10 2016
+{% endhighlight %}
+Congratulations, you've just built your first Bazel target!
+## Transitive includes
+If a file includes a header, then the file's rule should depend on that header's
+library. Conversely, only direct dependencies need to be specified as
+dependencies. For example, suppose `sandwich.h` includes `bread.h` and
+`bread.h` includes `flour.h`. `sandwich.h` doesn't include `flour.h` (who wants
+flour in their sandwich?), so the BUILD file would look like:
+ name = "sandwich",
+ srcs = ["sandwich.cc"],
+ hdrs = ["sandwich.h"],
+ deps = [":bread"],
+ name = "bread",
+ srcs = ["bread.cc"],
+ hdrs = ["bread.h"],
+ deps = [":flour"],
+ name = "flour",
+ srcs = ["flour.cc"],
+ hdrs = ["flour.h"],
+Here, the `sandwich` library depends on the `bread` library, which depends
+on the `flour` library.
+## Adding include paths
+Sometimes you cannot (or do not want to) base include paths at the workspace
+root. Existing libraries might already have a include directory that doesn't
+match its path in your workspace. For example, suppose you have the following
+directory structure:
+└── my-project
+ ├── third_party
+ │   └── some_lib
+ │   ├── BUILD
+ │   ├── include
+ │   │   └── some_lib.h
+ │   └── some_lib.cc
+Bazel will expect `some_lib.h` to be included as
+`third_party/some_lib/include/some_lib.h`, but suppose `some_lib.cc` includes
+`"include/some_lib.h"`. To make that include path valid,
+`third_party/some_lib/BUILD` will need to specify that the `some_lib/`
+directory is an include directory:
+ name = "some_lib",
+ srcs = ["some_lib.cc"],
+ hdrs = ["some_lib.h"],
+ copts = ["-Ithird_party/some_lib"],
+This is especially useful for external dependencies, as their header files
+must otherwise be included with an `external/[repository-name]/` prefix.
+## Including external libraries
+Suppose you are using [Google Test](https://github.com/google/googletest). You
+can use one of the `new_` repository functions in the `WORKSPACE` file to
+download Google Test and make it available in your repository:
+ name = "gtest",
+ url = "https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/release-1.7.0.zip",
+ sha256 = "b58cb7547a28b2c718d1e38aee18a3659c9e3ff52440297e965f5edffe34b6d0",
+ build_file = "gtest.BUILD",
+Then create `gtest.BUILD`, a BUILD file to use to compile Google Test.
+Google Test has several "special" requirements that make its `cc_library` rule
+more complicated:
+* `googletest-release-1.7.0/src/gtest-all.cc` `#include`s all of the other files in
+ `googletest-release-1.7.0/src/`, so we need to exclude it from the compile or we'll get
+ link errors for duplicate symbols.
+* It uses header files that are relative to the `googletest-release-1.7.0/include/` directory
+ (`"gtest/gtest.h"`), so we must add that directory to the include paths.
+* It needs to link in pthread, so we add that as a `linkopt`.
+The final rule looks like this:
+ name = "main",
+ srcs = glob(
+ ["googletest-release-1.7.0/src/*.cc"],
+ exclude = ["googletest-release-1.7.0/src/gtest-all.cc"]
+ ),
+ hdrs = glob([
+ "googletest-release-1.7.0/include/**/*.h",
+ "googletest-release-1.7.0/src/*.h"
+ ]),
+ copts = [
+ "-Iexternal/gtest/googletest-release-1.7.0/include"
+ ],
+ linkopts = ["-pthread"],
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+This is somewhat messy: everything is prefixed with googletest-release-1.7.0 as a byproduct
+of the archive's structure. You can make `new_http_archive` strip this prefix by
+adding the `strip_prefix` attribute:
+ name = "gtest",
+ url = "https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/release-1.7.0.zip",
+ sha256 = "b58cb7547a28b2c718d1e38aee18a3659c9e3ff52440297e965f5edffe34b6d0",
+ build_file = "gtest.BUILD",
+ strip_prefix = "googletest-release-1.7.0",
+Then `gtest.BUILD` would look like this:
+ name = "main",
+ srcs = glob(
+ ["src/*.cc"],
+ exclude = ["src/gtest-all.cc"]
+ ),
+ hdrs = glob([
+ "include/**/*.h",
+ "src/*.h"
+ ]),
+ copts = ["-Iexternal/gtest/include"],
+ linkopts = ["-pthread"],
+ visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
+Now `cc_` rules can depend on `@gtest//:main`.
+## Writing and running C++ tests
+For example, we could create a test `./test/hello-test.cc` such as:
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "lib/hello-greet.h"
+TEST(HelloTest, GetGreet) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(get_greet("Bazel"), "Hello Bazel");
+Then create `./test/BUILD` file for your tests:
+ name = "hello-test",
+ srcs = ["hello-test.cc"],
+ copts = ["-Iexternal/gtest/include"],
+ deps = [
+ "@gtest//:main",
+ "//lib:hello-greet",
+ ],
+Note in order to make `hello-greet` visible to `hello-test`, we have to add `"//test:__pkg__",` to `visibility` attribute in `./lib/BUILD`.
+Now you can use `bazel test` to run the test.
+{% highlight bash %}
+bazel test test:hello-test
+{% endhighlight %}
+This produces the following output:
+{% highlight bash %}
+INFO: Found 1 test target...
+Target //test:hello-test up-to-date:
+ bazel-bin/test/hello-test
+INFO: Elapsed time: 4.497s, Critical Path: 2.53s
+//test:hello-test PASSED in 0.3s
+Executed 1 out of 1 tests: 1 test passes.
+{% endhighlight %}
+## Adding dependencies on precompiled libraries
+If you want to use a library that you only have a compiled version of (e.g.,
+headers and a .so) wrap it in a `cc_library` rule:
+ name = "mylib",
+ srcs = ["mylib.so"],
+ hdrs = ["mylib.h"],
+Then other C++ targets in your workspace can depend on this rule.
diff --git a/site/docs/tutorial/environment.md b/site/docs/tutorial/environment.md
index 8ce35d68a2..68548dfdfc 100644
--- a/site/docs/tutorial/environment.md
+++ b/site/docs/tutorial/environment.md
@@ -1,4 +1,91 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/tutorial/environment.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Tutorial - Set Up Your Environment
+# Tutorial - Set Up Your Environment
+The first step in this tutorial is to set up your environment.
+Here, you'll do the following:
+* Install Bazel
+* Install Android Studio and the Android SDK
+* Install Xcode (macOS (OS X) only)
+* Get the sample project from the GitHub repo
+## Install Bazel
+Follow the [installation instructions](/docs/install.md) to install Bazel and
+its dependencies.
+## Install the Android SDK tools
+Do the following:
+1. Download and install the
+ [Android SDK Tools](https://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html#Other).
+2. Run the Android SDK Manager and install the following packages:
+ <table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Package</td>
+ <td>SDK directory</td>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Android SDK Platform Tools</td>
+ <td><code>platform-tools</code></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Android SDK Build Tools</td>
+ <td><code>build-tools</code></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Android SDK Platform</td>
+ <td><code>platform</code></td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ The SDK Manager is an executable named `android` located in the `tools`
+ directory.
+## Install Xcode (OS X only)
+If you are following the steps in this tutorial on Mac OS X, download and
+install [Xcode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/downloads/). The Xcode
+download contains the iOS libraries, Objective-C compiler other tools
+required by Bazel to build the iOS app.
+## Get the sample project
+You also need to get the sample project for the tutorial from GitHub:
+The GitHub repo has two branches: `source-only` and `master`. The `source-only`
+branch contains the source files for the project only. You'll use the files in
+this branch in this tutorial. The `master` branch contains both the source files
+and completed Bazel `WORKSPACE` and `BUILD` files. You can use the files in this
+branch to check your work when you've completed the tutorial steps.
+Enter the following at the command line to get the files in the `source-only`
+cd $HOME
+git clone -b source-only https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples
+The `git clone` command creates a directory named `$HOME/examples/`. This
+directory contains several sample projects for Bazel. The project files for this
+tutorial are in `$HOME/examples/tutorial`.
+## What's next
+Now that you have set up your environment, you can
+[set up a Bazel workspace](workspace.md).
diff --git a/site/docs/tutorial/index.md b/site/docs/tutorial/index.md
deleted file mode 100644
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-redirect: docs/tutorial/app.html
---- \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/site/docs/tutorial/ios-app.md b/site/docs/tutorial/ios-app.md
index e77b36907e..abf49d27c4 100644
--- a/site/docs/tutorial/ios-app.md
+++ b/site/docs/tutorial/ios-app.md
@@ -1,4 +1,207 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/tutorial/ios-app.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Tutorial - Build an iOS App
+# Tutorial - Build an iOS App
+Like the [Android app](android-app.md) you built in the previous step, the iOS
+app is a simple mobile app that communicates with the
+[backend server](backend-server.md).
+Here, you'll do the following:
+* Review the source files for the app
+* Create a `BUILD` file
+* Build the app for the simulator
+* Find the build outputs
+* Run/Debug the app on the simulator
+* Build the app for a device
+* Install the app on a device
+Note that, unlike with the Android app, you don't have to modify your
+`WORKSPACE` file to add iOS-specific external dependencies.
+If you're following the steps in this tutorial on macOS (OS X), you can go ahead
+and build the sample iOS app as described below. If you are on Linux, skip ahead
+to the [next step](backend-server.md).
+## Review the source files
+Let's take a look at the source files for the app. These are located in
+`$WORKSPACE/ios-app/UrlGet`. Again, you're just looking at these files now to
+become familiar with the structure of the app. You don't have to edit any of the
+source files to complete this tutorial.
+## Create a BUILD file
+At a command-line prompt, open your new `BUILD` file for editing:
+vi $WORKSPACE/ios-app/BUILD
+## Add an objc_library rule
+Bazel provides several build rules that you can use to build an app for the
+iOS platform. For this tutorial, you'll first use the
+[`objc_library`](/docs/be/objective-c.html#objc_library) rule to tell Bazel
+how to build an
+[static library](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/technotes/iOSStaticLibraries/Introduction.html)
+from the app source code and Xib files. Then you'll use the
+`objc_binary` rule to tell it how to bundle the iOS application. (Note that
+this is a minimal use case of the Objective-C rules in Bazel. For example, you
+have to use the `ios_application` rule to build multi-architecture iOS
+Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
+ name = "UrlGetClasses",
+ srcs = [
+ "UrlGet/AppDelegate.m",
+ "UrlGet/UrlGetViewController.m",
+ ],
+ hdrs = glob(["UrlGet/*.h"]),
+ xibs = ["UrlGet/UrlGetViewController.xib"],
+Note the name of the rule, `UrlGetClasses`.
+## Add an objc_binary rule
+The [`objc_binary`](/docs/be/objective-c.html#objc_binary) rule creates a
+binary to be bundled in the application.
+Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
+ name = "ios-app-binary",
+ srcs = [
+ "UrlGet/main.m",
+ ],
+ deps = [
+ ":UrlGetClasses",
+ ],
+Note how the `deps` attribute references the output of the
+`UrlGetClasses` rule you added to the `BUILD` file above.
+## Add an ios_application rule
+The [`ios_application`](/docs/be/objective-c.html#ios_application) rule
+creates the bundled `.ipa` archive file for the application and also generates
+an Xcode project file.
+Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
+ name = "ios-app",
+ binary = ":ios-app-binary",
+ infoplist = "UrlGet/UrlGet-Info.plist",
+Now, save and close the file. You can compare your `BUILD` file to the
+[completed example](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/blob/master/tutorial/ios-app/BUILD)
+in the `master` branch of the GitHub repo.
+## Build the app for the simulator
+Make sure that your current working directory is inside your Bazel workspace:
+Now, enter the following to build the sample app:
+bazel build //ios-app:ios-app
+Bazel now launches and builds the sample app. During the build process, its
+output will appear similar to the following:
+INFO: Found 1 target...
+Target //ios-app:ios-app up-to-date:
+ bazel-bin/ios-app/ios-app.ipa
+ bazel-bin/ios-app/ios-app.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
+INFO: Elapsed time: 3.765s, Critical Path: 3.44s
+## Find the build outputs
+The `.ipa` file and other outputs are located in the
+`$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin/ios-app` directory.
+## Run/Debug the app on the simulator
+You can now run the app from Xcode using the iOS Simulator. To run the app,
+open the project directory `$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin/ios-app/ios-app.xcodeproj` in
+Xcode, choose an iOS Simulator as the runtime scheme and then click the **Run**
+**Note:** If you change anything about the project file set in Xcode (for
+example, if you add or remove a file, or add or change a dependency), you must
+rebuild the app using Bazel and then re-open the project.
+## Build the app for a device
+You need to set up bazel so that it can find the appropriate provisioning
+profile for the device you want to build for. To set up the "default"
+provisioning profile for all bazel builds:
+ 1. Go to [Apple Profiles](https://developer.apple.com/account/ios/profile/profileList.action)
+ and download the appropriate provisioning profile for your device.
+ If this is confusing, please refer to [Apple's documentation](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/MaintainingProfiles/MaintainingProfiles.html).
+ 1. Move your profile into `$WORKSPACE/tools/objc`.
+ 1. Optional - You may want to add your profile to your `.gitignore`.
+ 1. Edit `$WORKSPACE/tools/objc/BUILD` and add:
+ ```python
+ filegroup(
+ name = "default_provisioning_profile",
+ srcs = ["<NAME OF YOUR PROFILE>.mobileprovision"],
+ )
+ ```
+Now you should be able to build the app for your device:
+bazel build //ios-app:ios-app --ios_multi_cpus=armv7,arm64
+This will build the app "fat". If you would prefer just to build for
+your specific device architecture you can designate a single architecture.
+If you would like to select a specific Xcode version you can do so
+with the `--xcode_version=7.2` option. If for some reason you need to specify
+a specific SDK version you can use the `--ios_sdk_version=9.2` option, but the
+`--xcode_version` should be sufficient in most circumstances.
+If you would like to specify a minimum version of iOS to run against, you can
+do so with the `--ios_minimum_os=7.0` option.
+## Install the app on a device
+The easiest way to install the app on the device is to launch Xcode and use the
+`Windows > Devices` command. Select your plugged in device from the list on the
+left, and then add the app by clicking on the "plus" sign under installed apps
+and selecting the `.ipa` that you built.
+If your app does not launch, please make sure that your device was on your
+provisioning profile. The `View Device Logs` button on the `Devices` screen in
+Xcode may provide other information as to what has gone wrong.
+## What's next
+The next step is to build a [backend server](backend-server.md) for the two
+mobile apps you built in this tutorial.
diff --git a/site/docs/tutorial/java.md b/site/docs/tutorial/java.md
index aeeac5483a..a916aeb5be 100644
--- a/site/docs/tutorial/java.md
+++ b/site/docs/tutorial/java.md
@@ -1,4 +1,576 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/tutorial/java.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Introduction to Bazel
+Introduction to Bazel: Build Java
+This tutorial is an introduction for anyone getting started with Bazel. It
+focuses on the concepts, setup, and use of Bazel using a Java sample project.
+Estimated time: 30 min
+## What you will learn
+In this tutorial you'll learn how to:
+* Build a target from source files
+* Produce a visual representation of the dependency graph
+* Break a monolithic binary into smaller libraries
+* Use multiple Bazel packages
+* Control the visibility of a target between packages
+* Use labels to reference a target
+* Deploy your target
+## Before you begin
+* [Install Bazel](/docs/install.md)
+## Create the sample Java project
+The first step in this tutorial is to create a small Java project. Even though
+the project is in Java, this tutorial will focus on concepts that are helpful
+for using Bazel in any language.
+1. Create the directory `~/my-project/`
+2. Move to this directory:
+ ```
+ cd ~/my-project
+ ```
+3. Create the following directories under `my-project`:
+ ```
+ mkdir -p src/main/java/com/example
+ ```
+ Note that path uses conventions specific to Java programs. Programs written
+ in other languages may have a different workspace path and directory
+ structure.
+4. In the directory you created, add a file called `Greeting.java` with the
+ following contents:
+ ```java
+ package com.example;
+ public class Greeting {
+ public static void sayHi() {
+ System.out.println("Hi!");
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+5. Add a second file `ProjectRunner.java` with the following contents:
+ ```java
+ package com.example;
+ public class ProjectRunner {
+ public static void main(String args[]) {
+ Greeting.sayHi();
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+You’ve now created a small Java project. It contains one file that will be
+compiled into a library, and another which will be an executable that uses the
+The rest of this tutorial focuses on setting up and using Bazel to build these
+source files.
+## Build with Bazel
+### Set up the workspace
+Workspaces are directories that contain the source files for one or more
+software projects, as well as a WORKSPACE file and BUILD files that contain
+the instructions that Bazel uses to build the software. The workspace may also
+contain symbolic links to output directories.
+To define the workspace, create an empty text file at the root of the project
+and name it `WORKSPACE`. You now have: `~/my-project/WORKSPACE`.
+This directory and its subdirectories are now part of the same workspace. When
+Bazel builds an output, all inputs and dependencies must be in the same
+workspace. Anything in different workspaces are independent of each other,
+though there are ways to link workspaces that are beyond the scope of this
+introduction tutorial.
+If you also do the [C++ tutorial](/docs/tutorial/cpp.md), you’ll notice it uses
+the same workspace. Bazel can understand multiple targets in multiple languages
+in a single workspace.
+### Create a BUILD file
+Bazel looks for files named `BUILD` which describe how to build the project.
+1. In the `~/my-project` directory, create a file and name it BUILD. This BUILD
+ file is a sibling of the WORKSPACE file.
+ In the BUILD file, you use a declarative language similar to Python to
+ create instances of Bazel rules. These instances are called *rule targets*.
+ In Bazel, *targets* are either files or rule targets and they are the
+ elements in a workspace that you can ask Bazel to build.
+ For this project, you’ll use the built-in rule `java_binary`. Bazel's
+ built-in rules are all documented in the
+ [Build Encyclopedia](/docs/be/overview.html). You can also create your own
+ rules using the [Bazel rule extension framework](/docs/skylark/concepts.md).
+2. Add this text to the BUILD file:
+ ```
+ java_binary(
+ name = "my-runner",
+ srcs = glob(["src/main/java/com/example/*.java"]),
+ main_class = "com.example.ProjectRunner",
+ )
+ ```
+As you can see, the text in the BUILD file doesn’t describe what Bazel does
+when it executes this rule target. The rule’s implementation handles the
+complexity of how it works (such as the compiler used).
+You can treat the rule as a black box, focusing on what inputs it needs, and
+the outputs it produces. This rule builds a Java archive ("jar file") as well
+as a wrapper shell script with the same name as the rule target.
+When you’re writing your own BUILD file, go to the
+[Build Encyclopedia](/docs/be/overview.html) for a description of what a rule
+does and for its list of possible attributes you can define. For example,
+here’s the entry for the [java_binary](/docs/be/java.html#java_binary) rule in
+the Build Encyclopedia. The Build Encyclopedia has information about all of the
+rules that are compiled into Bazel.
+Let’s take a look at the rule target that you added to the BUILD file.
+Each rule instantiation in the BUILD file creates one rule target. Here, you’ve
+instantiated the rule `java_binary`, creating the target `my-runner`.
+Different rules will require different attributes, though all must include a
+“name” attribute. You use these attributes to explicitly list all of the
+target’s dependencies and options. In the target above:
+* `my-runner` is the name of the rule target created
+* `glob(["src/main/java/com/example/*.java"])` includes every file in that
+ directory that ends with .java (see the Build Encyclopedia for more
+ information about [globbing](/docs/be/functions.html#glob))
+* `"com.example.ProjectRunner"` specifies the class that contains the main
+ method.
+### Build with Bazel
+Now you’re ready to build the Java binary. To do so, you’ll use the command
+`bazel build` with the target label `//:my-runner`. You reference targets by
+using their label. Label syntax is described later in this tutorial.
+1. Build my-runner by using this command:
+ ```
+ bazel build //:my-runner
+ ```
+ You’ll see output similar to:
+ ```
+ INFO: Found 1 target...
+ Target //:my-runner up-to-date:
+ bazel-bin/my-runner.jar
+ bazel-bin/my-runner
+ INFO: Elapsed time: 1.021s, Critical Path: 0.83s
+ ```
+2. Now execute the file by using this command:
+ ```
+ bazel-bin/my-runner
+ ```
+Congratulations, you've built your first Bazel target!
+Let’s take a look at what you built. In `~/my-project`, Bazel created the
+directory `bazel-bin` as well as other directories to store information about
+the build. Open this directory to look at the files created during the build
+process. These output directories keep the outputs separate from your source
+### Review the dependency graph
+Bazel requires build dependencies to be explicitly declared in BUILD
+files. The build will fail if dependencies are missing, so when a build works
+the declared dependencies are accurate. With this explicit information about
+dependencies, Bazel creates a build graph and uses it to accurately perform
+incremental builds. Our small Java project isn’t too exciting, but let’s check
+out its build graph.
+The command `bazel query` retrieves information about the graph and the
+relationships between targets. Let’s use it to produce a visual representation
+of the build graph.
+1. From the root of the workspace (`my-project`), produce a text description
+ of the graph by using the command:
+ ```
+ bazel query --noimplicit_deps 'deps(//:my-runner)' --output graph
+ ```
+2. Then, paste the output into Graphviz
+ ([http://www.webgraphviz.com/](http://www.webgraphviz.com/)) to see the
+ visual representation.
+ The graph for the target my-runner will look like this:
+ ![Dependency graph of the target 'my-runner'](/assets/tutorial_java_01.svg)
+You can see that `my-runner` depends on the two source files in your Java
+You have now set up the workspace and BUILD file, and used Bazel to build your
+project. You have also created a visual representation of the build graph to
+see the structure of your build.
+## Refine your Bazel build
+### Add dependencies
+Creating one rule target to build your entire project may be sufficient for
+small projects. As projects get larger it's important to break up the build
+into self-contained libraries that can be assembled into a final product.
+Self-contained libraries mean that everything doesn't need to be rebuilt after
+small changes and that Bazel can parallelize more of the build steps. These
+self-contained libraries also encourages good code hygiene.
+To break up a project, create a separate rule target for the each subcomponent
+and then add the subcomponents as dependencies. For the project in this
+tutorial, create a rule target to compile the library, and make the executable
+depend on it.
+1. Replace the text in the BUILD file with the text below:
+ ```
+ java_binary(
+ name = "my-runner",
+ srcs = ["src/main/java/com/example/ProjectRunner.java"],
+ main_class = "com.example.ProjectRunner",
+ deps = [":greeter"],
+ )
+ java_library(
+ name = "greeter",
+ srcs = ["src/main/java/com/example/Greeting.java"],
+ )
+ ```
+The new `deps` attribute in `java_binary` tells Bazel that the `greeter` library
+will be needed to compile the binary. Rules for many languages support the
+`deps` attribute, though the exact semantics of the attribute will vary based
+on the language and the type of target. The rule
+[java_library](/docs/be/java.html#java_library) compiles sources into
+a .jar file. Remember to go to the [Build Encyclopedia](/docs/be/overview.html)
+for details about specific rules.
+This BUILD file builds the same files as before, but in a different way: now
+Bazel will first build the `greeter` library and then build `my-runner`.
+2. Try building //:my-runner using the command:
+ ```
+ bazel build //:my-runner
+ ```
+ You’ll see output similar to:
+ ```
+ INFO: Found 1 target...
+ Target //:my-runner up-to-date:
+ bazel-bin/my-runner.jar
+ bazel-bin/my-runner
+ INFO: Elapsed time: 2.454s, Critical Path: 1.58s
+ ```
+ 3. Execute the file by using this command::
+ ```
+ bazel-bin/my-runner
+ ```
+If you now edit `ProjectRunner.java` and rebuild `my-runner`, the source file
+`Greeting.java` will not be recompiled. When the BUILD file had only the one
+target, both source files would be recompiled after any change.
+Looking at the dependency graph, you can see that `my-runner` depends on the
+same inputs as it did before, but the structure of the build is different.
+The original dependency graph for `my-runner` looked link this:
+![Original dependency graph of the target 'my-runner'](/assets/tutorial_java_01.svg)
+The dependency graph for `my-runner` after adding a dependency looks like this:
+![Dependency graph of the target 'my-runner' after adding a dependency](/assets/tutorial_java_02.svg)
+### Use multiple packages
+For larger projects, you will often be dealing with several directories in your
+workspace. You can organize your build process by adding a BUILD file to the
+top directory of source files that you want to organize together. A directory
+containing a BUILD file is called a package.
+Note that Bazel and Java both have the concept of a package. These are
+unrelated to each other, though both are related to the structure of the
+Let’s build the java project using multiple packages.
+1. First, let’s make the Java project a bit more complex.
+ 1. Add the following directory and file:
+ ```
+ mkdir -p src/main/java/com/example/cmdline
+ ```
+ 2. In the directory cmdline, add the file Runner.java with the following
+ contents:
+ ```java
+ package com.example.cmdline;
+ import com.example.Greeting;
+ public class Runner {
+ public static void main(String args[]) {
+ Greeting.sayHi();
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ Now you have a slightly larger Java project that you can organize with
+ multiple packages.
+2. In the directory `src/main/java/com/example/cmdline`, add an empty text
+ file and name it BUILD. The structure of the Java project is now:
+ ```
+ ├── BUILD
+ ├── src
+ │ └── main
+ │ └── java
+ │ └── com
+ │ └── example
+ │ ├── cmdline
+ │ │ ├── BUILD
+ │ │ └── Runner.java
+ │ ├── Greeting.java
+ │ └── ProjectRunner.java
+ ```
+ Each directory in the workspace can be part of only one package. The
+ workspace now has two BUILD files, and so has two packages:
+ 1. The directory `my-project` and its subdirectories (but not including
+ subdirectories with their own BUILD file, such as `cmdline`), and
+ 2. The directory `cmdline` and any subdirectories.
+3. In the new BUILD file, add the following text:
+ ```
+ java_binary(
+ name = "runner",
+ srcs = ["Runner.java"],
+ main_class = "com.example.cmdline.Runner",
+ deps = ["//:greeter"]
+ )
+ ```
+ The file `Runner.java` depends on `com.example.Greeting`. In the BUILD file
+ this dependency is shown by listing the rule target `greeter` (with the
+ label `//:greeter`).
+ Below is what the dependency graph for runner will look like. You can see
+ how `//:greeter` gives the dependency on `Greeting.java`.
+ ![Dependency graph of the target 'runner'](/assets/tutorial_java_03.svg)
+4. However, if you try to build runner right now you'll get a permissions
+ error. You can see the permission error by trying to build the target using
+ the command:
+ ```
+ bazel build //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner
+ ```
+ By default, rule targets are private, which means that they can only be
+ depended on by targets in the same BUILD file. This privacy prevents
+ libraries that are implementation details from leaking into public APIs,
+ but it also means that you must explicitly allow `runner` to depend on
+ `//:greeter`.
+5. Make a rule target visible to rule targets in other BUILD files by adding
+ a `visibility` attribute. To make the `greeter` rule target in
+ `~/my-project/BUILD` visible to any rule target in the new package, add the
+ following visibility attribute:
+ ```
+ java_library(
+ name = "greeter",
+ srcs = ["src/main/java/com/example/Greeting.java"],
+ visibility = ["//src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:__pkg__"],
+ )
+ ```
+ The target `//:greeter` is now visible to any target in the
+ `//src/main/java/com/example/cmdline` package.
+ See the Build Encyclopedia for more
+ [visibility options](/docs/be/common-definitions.html#common.visibility).
+6. Now you can build the runner binary by using the command:
+ ```
+ bazel build //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner
+ ```
+ You’ll see output similar to:
+ ```
+ INFO: Found 1 target...
+ Target //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner up-to-date:
+ bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner.jar
+ bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner
+ INFO: Elapsed time: 1.576s, Critical Path: 0.81s
+ ```
+7. Execute the file by using this command:
+ ```
+ bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner
+ ```
+You’ve now refined your build so that it is broken down into smaller
+self-contained libraries, and so that the explicit dependencies are more
+granular. You’ve also built the Java project using multiple packages.
+## Use labels to reference targets
+In the BUILD files and in the command line, you have been using target labels
+to reference targets. The label’s syntax is: `//path/to/package:target-name`,
+where “`//`” is the workspace’s root, and “`:`” separates the package name and
+the target name. If the target is a rule target and so defined in a BUILD file,
+“`path/to/package`” would be the path of the BUILD file itself. “`Target-name`”
+would be the same as the “`name`” attribute in the target in the BUILD file.
+The first BUILD file you created in this tutorial is in the same directory as
+the WORKSPACE file. When referencing rule targets defined in that file, nothing
+is needed for the path to the package because the workspace root and the package
+root are the same directory. Here are the labels of the two targets defined
+in that first BUILD file:
+The second BUILD file has a longer path from the workspace root to the package
+root. The label for the target in that BUILD file is:
+Target labels can be shortened in a variety of ways. Within a BUILD file, if
+you’re referencing a target from the same package, you can write the label
+starting at “`:`”. For example, the rule target `greeter` can always be written
+as `//:greeter`, and in the BUILD file where it’s defined, it can also be
+written as `:greeter`. This shortened label in a BUILD file makes it immediately
+clear which targets are in the current package.
+A rule target’s name will always be defined by its name attribute. A target’s
+name is a bit more complex when it’s in a directory other than the root
+of the package. In that case, the target’s label is:
+## Package a Java target for deployment
+To understand what you’ve built and what else can be built with Bazel, you need
+to understand the capabilities of the rules used in your BUILD files. Always go
+to the [Build Encyclopedia](/docs/be/overview.html) for this information.
+Let’s look at packaging a Java target for deployment, which requires you to
+know the capabilities of the rule `java_binary`.
+You’re able to run the Java binaries you created in this tutorial, but you
+can’t simply run it on a server, because it relies on the greeting library jar
+to actually run. "Packaging an artifact so it can be run reliably outside the
+development environment involves bundling it with all of its runtime
+dependencies. Let's see now what’s needed to package the binaries.
+The rule [java_binary](/docs/be/java.html#java_binary) produces a Java archive
+(“jar file”) and a wrapper shell script. The file `<target-name>_deploy.jar`
+is suitable for deployment, but it’s only built by this rule if explicitly
+requested. Let’s investigate.
+1. Look at the contents of the output `runner.jar` by using this command:
+ ```
+ jar tf bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner.jar
+ ```
+ You’ll see output similar to:
+ ```
+ com/
+ com/example/
+ com/example/cmdline/
+ com/example/cmdline/Runner.class
+ ```
+ You can see that `runner.jar` contains `Runner.class`, but not its
+ dependency `Greeting.class`. The `runner` script that Bazel generates adds
+ the greeter jar to the classpath, so running this program works locally. It
+ will not work if you want to copy `runner.jar` to another machine and use
+ it as a standalone binary.
+2. The rule `java_binary` allows you to build a self-contained binary that can
+ be deployed. To create this binary, build `runner_deploy.jar` (or, more
+ generally, `<target-name>_deploy.jar`) by using this command:
+ ```
+ bazel build //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner_deploy.jar
+ ```
+ You’ll see output similar to:
+ ```
+ INFO: Found 1 target...
+ Target //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner_deploy.jar up-to-date:
+ bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner_deploy.jar
+ INFO: Elapsed time: 1.700s, Critical Path: 0.23s
+ ```
+ The file runner_deploy.jar will contain all of its dependencies, and so can
+ be used as a standalone binary.
+You’ve now created a Java target that you can distribute and deploy. To do so,
+you had to be aware of what outputs the Bazel Java rule `java_binary` is able to
+## Further topics
+* Try the tutorial [Build C++](/docs/tutorial/cpp.md).
+* Try the tutorial [Build Mobile Application](/docs/tutorial/app.md).
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index 16557f7527..62d4501ad4 100644
--- a/site/docs/tutorial/review.md
+++ b/site/docs/tutorial/review.md
@@ -1,4 +1,29 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/tutorial/review.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Tutorial - Review
+# Tutorial - Review
+In this tutorial, you used Bazel to build an [Android app](android-app.md),
+an [iOS app](ios-app.md) and a [backend server](backend-server.md) that runs on
+Google App Engine.
+To build these software outputs, you:
+* Set up a Bazel [workspace](workspace.md) that contained the source code
+ for the components and a `WORKSPACE` that identifies the top level of the
+ workspace directory
+* Created a `BUILD` file for each component
+* Updated the `WORKSPACE` file to contain references to the required
+ external dependencies
+* Ran Bazel to build the software components
+The built mobile apps and backend server application files are located in the
+`$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin` directory.
+Note that completed `WORKSPACE` and `BUILD` files for this tutorial are located
+in the
+[master branch](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/tree/master/tutorial)
+of the GitHub repo. You can compare your work to the completed files for
+additional help or troubleshooting.
diff --git a/site/docs/tutorial/workspace.md b/site/docs/tutorial/workspace.md
index 76a2a7cd14..eee1b1a350 100644
--- a/site/docs/tutorial/workspace.md
+++ b/site/docs/tutorial/workspace.md
@@ -1,4 +1,53 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/tutorial/workspace.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Tutorial - Set Up a Workspace
+# Tutorial - Set Up a Workspace
+A [workspace](/docs/build-ref.html#workspaces) is a directory that contains the
+source files for one or more software projects, as well as a `WORKSPACE` file
+and `BUILD` files that contain the instructions that Bazel uses to build
+the software. The workspace may also contain symbolic links to output
+A workspace directory can be located anywhere on your filesystem. In this
+tutorial, your workspace directory is `$HOME/examples/tutorial/`, which
+contains the sample project files you cloned from the GitHub repo in the
+previous step.
+Note that Bazel itself doesn't make any requirements about how you organize
+source files in your workspace. The sample source files in this tutorial are
+organized according to common conventions for Android apps, iOS apps and App
+Engine applications.
+For your convenience, set the `$WORKSPACE` environment variable now to refer to
+your workspace directory. At the command line, enter:
+export WORKSPACE=$HOME/examples/tutorial
+## Create a WORKSPACE file
+Every workspace must have a text file named `WORKSPACE` located in the top-level
+workspace directory. This file may be empty or it may contain references
+to [external dependencies](/docs/external.html) required to build the
+For now, you'll create an empty `WORKSPACE` file, which simply serves to
+identify the workspace directory. In later steps, you'll update the file to add
+external dependency information.
+Enter the following at the command line:
+This creates the empty `WORKSPACE` file.
+## What's next
+Now that you've set up your workspace, you can
+[build the Android app](android-app.md).
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--- a/site/docs/windows.md
+++ b/site/docs/windows.md
@@ -1,4 +1,154 @@
-layout: redirect
-redirect: docs/windows.html
+layout: documentation
+title: Windows
+# Using Bazel on Windows
+Windows support is experimental. Known issues are [marked with label
+on github issues.
+We currently support only 64 bit Windows 7 or higher and we compile Bazel as a
+msys2 binary.
+## <a name="install"></a>Installation
+See instructions on the [installation page](install-windows.md).
+## <a name="requirements"></a>Requirements
+Before you can compile or run Bazel, you will need to set some environment
+export JAVA_HOME="$(ls -d C:/Program\ Files/Java/jdk* | sort | tail -n 1)"
+export BAZEL_SH=c:/tools/msys64/usr/bin/bash.exe
+If you run outside of `bash`, ensure that ``msys-2.0.dll`` is in your ``PATH``
+(if you install msys2 to ``c:\tools\msys64``, just add
+``c:\tools\msys64\usr\bin`` to ``PATH``).
+If you have another tool that vendors msys2 (such as msysgit), then
+``c:\tools\msys64\usr\bin`` must appear in your ``PATH`` *before* entries for
+those tools.
+Similarly, if you have [bash on Ubuntu on
+Windows](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/commandline/wsl/about) installed, you
+should make sure ``c:\tools\msys64\usr\bin`` appears in ``PATH`` *before*
+``c:\windows\system32``, because otherwise Windows' ``bash.exe`` is used before
+Use ``where msys-2.0.dll`` to ensure your ``PATH`` is set up correctly.
+To **run** Bazel (even pre-built binaries), you will need:
+* Java JDK 8 or later
+* [msys2 shell](https://msys2.github.io/) (need to be installed at
+ ``C:\tools\msys64\``).
+ * We build against version
+ [20160205](https://sourceforge.net/projects/msys2/files/Base/x86_64/msys2-x86_64-20160205.exe/download),
+ you will need this version in order to run the pre-built
+ [release Bazel binaries](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases).
+ * You can also use newer versions or the
+ [latest version](https://sourceforge.net/projects/msys2/files/latest/download?source=files),
+ but then you will need to compile Bazel from the distribution archive (the
+ source zip file) so that it's linked against the right version of
+ ``msys-2.0.dll``. See also the
+ [known issues](install-compile-source.md#known-issues-when-compiling-from-source).
+* Several msys2 packages. Use the ``pacman`` command to install them:
+ ```
+ pacman -Syuu gcc git curl zip unzip zlib-devel
+ ```
+To **compile** Bazel, in addition to the above you will need:
+* [Visual C++ Build Tools](http://landinghub.visualstudio.com/visual-cpp-build-tools)
+ or the full [Visual C++](https://www.visualstudio.com/) (as part of Visual
+ Studio; Community Edition is fine) with Windows SDK installed.
+* You may need to apply some patches/workarounds, see the
+ [known issues](install-compile-source.md#known-issues-when-compiling-from-source).
+## <a name="compiling"></a>Compiling Bazel on Windows
+Ensure you have the [requirements](#requirements).
+To build Bazel:
+* Open the msys2 shell.
+* Clone the Bazel git repository as normal.
+* Set the environment variables (see above)
+* Run ``compile.sh`` in Bazel directory.
+* If all works fine, bazel will be built at ``output\bazel.exe``.
+## <a name="using"></a>Using Bazel on Windows
+Bazel now supports building C++, Java and Python targets on Windows.
+### Build C++
+To build C++ targets, you will need:
+* [Visual Studio](https://www.visualstudio.com/)
+<br/>We are using MSVC as the native C++ toolchain, so please ensure you have Visual
+Studio installed with the `Visual C++ > Common Tools for Visual C++` and
+`Visual C++ > Microsoft Foundation Classes for C++` features.
+(which is NOT the default installation type of Visual Studio).
+You can set `BAZEL_VS` environment variable to tell Bazel
+where Visual Studio is, otherwise Bazel will try to find the latest version installed.
+<br/>For example: `export BAZEL_VS="C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0"`
+* [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/)
+<br/>Both Python 2 and Python 3 are supported.
+Currently, we use Python wrapper scripts to call the actual MSVC compiler, so
+please make sure Python is installed and its location is added into PATH.
+It's also a good idea to set `BAZEL_PYTHON` environment variable to tell Bazel
+where Python is.
+<br/>For example: `export BAZEL_PYTHON=C:/Python27/python.exe`
+Bazel will auto-configure the location of Visual Studio and Python at the first
+time you build any target.
+If you need to auto-configure again, just run `bazel clean` then build a target.
+If everything is set up, you can build C++ target now!
+bazel build examples/cpp:hello-world
+bazel run examples/cpp:hello-world
+However, with Bazel version prior to 0.5.0, MSVC
+toolchain is not default on Windows, you should use flag
+`--cpu=x64_windows_msvc` to enable it like this:
+bazel build --cpu=x64_windows_msvc examples/cpp:hello-world
+### Build Java
+Building Java targets works well on Windows, no special configuration is needed.
+Just try:
+bazel build examples/java-native/src/main/java/com/example/myproject:hello-world
+bazel run examples/java-native/src/main/java/com/example/myproject:hello-world
+### Build Python
+On Windows, we build a self-extracting zip file for executable Python targets, you can even use
+`python ./bazel-bin/path/to/target` to run it in native Windows command line (cmd.exe).
+See more details in this [design doc](/designs/2016/09/05/build-python-on-windows.html).
+bazel build examples/py_native:bin
+python ./bazel-bin/examples/py_native/bin # This works in both msys and cmd.exe
+bazel run examples/py_native:bin
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deleted file mode 100644
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-layout: default
-title: FAQ
-nav: faq
-What is Bazel?
-Bazel is a tool that automates software builds and tests. Supported build tasks
-include running compilers and linkers to produce executable programs and
-libraries, and assembling deployable packages for Android, iOS and other target
-environments. Bazel is similar to other tools like Make, Ant, Gradle, Buck,
-Pants and Maven.
-What is special about Bazel?
-Bazel was designed to fit the way software is developed at Google. It
-has the following features:
-* Multi-language support: Bazel supports Java, Objective-C and C++ out
- of the box, and can be extended to support arbitrary programming
- languages.
-* High-level build language: Projects are described in the BUILD
- language, a concise text format that describes a project as sets of
- small interconnected libraries, binaries and tests. In contrast, with
- tools like Make, you have to describe individual files and compiler
- invocations.
-* Multi-platform support: The same tool and the same BUILD files can
- be used to build software for different architectures, and even
- different platforms. At Google, we use Bazel to build everything from
- server applications running on systems in our data centers to client apps
- running on mobile phones.
-* Reproducibility: In BUILD files, each library, test and binary must
- specify its direct dependencies completely. Bazel uses this
- dependency information to know what must be rebuilt when you make
- changes to a source file, and which tasks can run in parallel. This
- means that all builds are incremental and will always produce the
- same result.
-* Scalable: Bazel can handle large builds; at Google, it is common for
- a server binary to have 100k source files, and builds where no files
- were changed take about ~200ms.
-Why doesn't Google use ...?
-* Make, Ninja: These tools give very exact control over what commands
- get invoked to build files, but it's up to the user to write rules
- that are correct.
- Users interact with Bazel on a higher level. For example, Bazel has
- built-in rules for "Java test", "C++ binary", and notions such as
- "target platform" and "host platform". These rules have been battle
- tested to be foolproof.
-* Ant and Maven: Ant and Maven are primarily geared toward Java, while
- Bazel handles multiple languages. Bazel encourages subdividing
- codebases in smaller reusable units, and can rebuild only ones that
- need rebuilding. This speeds up development when working with larger
- codebases.
-* Gradle: Bazel configuration files are much more structured than
- Gradle's, letting Bazel understand exactly what each action does.
- This allows for more parallelism and better reproducibility.
-* Pants, Buck: Both tools were created and developed by ex-Googlers at
- Twitter and Foursquare, and Facebook respectively. They have been modeled
- after Bazel, but their feature sets are different, so they aren't viable
- alternatives for us.
-Where did Bazel come from?
-Bazel is a flavor of the tool that Google uses to build its server
-software internally. It has expanded to build other software as well,
-like mobile apps (iOS, Android) that connect to our servers.
-Did you rewrite your internal tool as open-source? Is it a fork?
-Bazel shares most of its code with the internal tool and its rules
-are used for millions of builds every day.
-Why did Google build Bazel?
-A long time ago, Google built its software using large, generated
-Makefiles. These led to slow and unreliable builds, which began to
-interfere with our developers' productivity and the company's
-agility. Bazel was a way to solve these problems.
-Does Bazel require a build cluster?
-Google's in-house flavor of Bazel does use [build
-so Bazel does have hooks in the code base to plug in a remote build
-cache or a remote execution system.
-The open source Bazel code runs build operations locally. We believe
-that this is fast enough for most of our users, but work is underway
-to provide [distributed caching](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/904).
-How does the Google development process work?
-For our server code base, we use the following development workflow:
-* All our server code is in a single, gigantic version control
- system.
-* Everybody builds their software with Bazel.
-* Different teams own different parts of the source tree, and make
- their components available as BUILD targets.
-* Branching is primarily used for managing releases, so everybody
- develops their software at the head revision.
-Bazel is a cornerstone of this philosophy: since Bazel requires all
-dependencies to be fully specified, we can predict which programs and
-tests are affected by a change, and vet them before submission.
-More background on the development process at Google can be found on
-the [eng tools blog](http://google-engtools.blogspot.com/).
-Why are you opening up Bazel?
-Building software should be fun and easy. Slow and unpredictable
-builds take the fun out of programming.
-Why would I want to use Bazel?
-* Bazel may give you faster build times because it can recompile only
- the files that need to be recompiled. Similarly, it can skip
- re-running tests that it knows haven't changed.
-* Bazel produces deterministic results. This eliminates skew
- between incremental and clean builds, laptop and CI system, etc.
-* Bazel can build different client and server apps with the same tool
- from the same workspace. For example, you can change a client/server
- protocol in a single commit, and test that the updated mobile app
- works with the updated server, building both with the same tool,
- reaping all the aforementioned benefits of Bazel.
-Can I see examples?
-Yes. For a simple example, see:
- <https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/examples/cpp/BUILD>
-The Bazel source code itself provides a more complex example:
- <https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/src/BUILD>
-What is Bazel best at?
-Bazel shines at building and testing projects with the following properties:
-* Projects with a large codebase
-* Projects written in (multiple) compiled languages
-* Projects that deploy on multiple platforms
-* Projects that have extensive tests
-Where can I run Bazel?
-Currently, Linux and macOS (OS X). Porting to other UNIX platforms should be
-straightforward, as long as a JDK is available for the platform.
-What about Windows?
-Due to its UNIX heritage, porting Bazel to Windows is significant work. For
-example, Bazel uses symlinks extensively, which has varying levels of support
-across Windows versions.
-As of version [0.3.0](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/tag/0.3.0)
-Bazel supports Windows (bootstrapping itself and running builds), and we are
-actively working on improving this support. See our
-[blog post](https://bazel.build/blog/2016/09/07/bazel-windows.html) for more
-information, as well as the [list of open bugs](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22category%3A+multi-platform+%3E+windows%22).
-What should I not use Bazel for?
-* Bazel tries to be smart about caching. This means that it is not good
- for running build operations whose outputs should not be cached. For example,
- the following steps should not be run from Bazel:
- * A compilation step that fetches data from the internet.
- * A test step that connects to the QA instance of your site.
- * A deployment step that changes your site's cloud configuration.
-* Bazel tries to minimize expensive compilation steps. If you are only
- using interpreted languages directly, such as JavaScript or Python,
- Bazel will likely not interest you.
-How stable is Bazel's feature set?
-The core features (C++, Java, and shell rules) have extensive use
-inside Google, so they are thoroughly tested and have very little
-churn. Similarly, we test new versions of Bazel across hundreds of
-thousands of targets every day to find regressions, and we release new
-versions multiple times every month.
-In short, except for features marked as experimental, Bazel should Just Work.
-Changes to non-experimental rules will be backward compatible. A more detailed
-list of feature support statuses can be found in our
-[support document](support.html).
-How stable is Bazel as a binary?
-Inside Google, we make sure that Bazel crashes are very rare. This
-should also hold for our open source codebase.
-How can I start using Bazel?
-See our [getting started document](docs/getting-started.html).
-Doesn't Docker solve the reproducibility problems?
-With Docker you can easily create sandboxes with fixed OS releases,
-for example, Ubuntu 12.04, Fedora 21. This solves the problem of
-reproducibility for the system environment -- that is, "which version of
-/usr/bin/c++ do I need?"
-Docker does not address reproducibility with regard to changes in the
-source code. Running Make with an imperfectly written Makefile inside a
-Docker container can still yield unpredictable results.
-Inside Google, we check tools into source control for reproducibility.
-In this way, we can vet changes to tools ("upgrade GCC to 4.6.1") with
-the same mechanism as changes to base libraries ("fix bounds check in
-Can I build binaries for deployment on Docker?
-With Bazel, you can build standalone, statically linked binaries in
-C/C++, and self-contained jar files for Java. These run with few
-dependencies on normal UNIX systems, and as such should be simple to
-install inside a Docker container.
-Bazel has conventions for structuring more complex programs, for example, a
-Java program that consumes a set of data files, or runs another
-program as subprocess. It is possible to package up such environments
-as standalone archives, so they can be deployed on different systems,
-including Docker images.
-Can I build Docker images with Bazel?
-Yes, you can use our
-[Docker rules](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/be/docker.html)
-to build reproducible Docker images.
-Will Bazel make my builds reproducible automatically?
-For Java and C++ binaries, yes, assuming you do not change the
-toolchain. If you have build steps that involve custom recipes
-(for example, executing binaries through a shell script inside a rule), you
-will need to take some extra care:
- * Do not use dependencies that were not declared. Sandboxed
- execution (--spawn_strategy=sandboxed, only on Linux) can
- help find undeclared dependencies.
- * Avoid storing timestamps and user-IDs in generated files. ZIP files and
- other archives are especially prone to this.
- * Avoid connecting to the network. Sandboxed execution can help here
- too.
- * Avoid processes that use random numbers, in particular, dictionary
- traversal is randomized in many programming languages.
-Do you have binary releases?
-Yes, you can find the latest release binaries
-[here](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/latest). Our release
-policy is documented [here](http://bazel.build/support.html).
-I use Eclipse/IntelliJ/XCode. How does Bazel interoperate with IDEs?
-For IntelliJ, check out the [IntelliJ with Bazel plugin](https://ij.bazel.build).
-For XCode, check out [Tulsi](http://tulsi.bazel.build/).
-For Eclipse, check out [E4B plugin](https://github.com/bazelbuild/e4b).
-For other IDEs, check out the [blog
-post](https://bazel.build/blog/2016/06/10/ide-support.html) on how these
-plugins work.
-I use Jenkins/CircleCI/TravisCI. How does Bazel interoperate with CI systems?
-Bazel returns a non-zero exit code if the build or test invocation
-fails, and this should be enough for basic CI integration. Since
-Bazel does not need clean builds for correctness, the CI system should not
-be configured to clean before starting a build/test run.
-Further details on exit codes are in the [User Manual](docs/bazel-user-manual.html).
-What future features can we expect in Bazel?
-Our initial goal is to work on Google's internal use-cases. This
-includes Google's principal languages (C++, Java, Go) and major
-platforms (Linux, Android, iOS). For practical reasons, not all of
-these are currently open-sourced. For more details see our
-What about Python?
-It is possible to write Python rules as extensions (see below). See
-the following files for an example of generating self-contained zip
-files for python:
- <https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/tools/build_rules/py_rules.bzl>\\
- <https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/tree/master/examples/py>
-We have opened up a subset of our internal Python rules, so they
-can be used as helper scripts as part of a build.
-Simplistic support for PEX-style binaries is at
-What about Go?
-Bazel supports Go through an [external rule set](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go)
-Can I use Bazel for my [INSERT LANGUAGE HERE] project?
-We have an extension mechanism called Skylark that allows you to add new rules
-without recompiling Bazel.
-For documentation: see [here](/docs/skylark/index.html). We have support for
-several languages that use that extension mechanism, see our
-[build encyclopedia](/docs/be/overview.html) for the full
-list of supported languages.
-I need more functionality. Can I add rules that are compiled into Bazel?
-If our extension mechanism is insufficient for your use case, email
-the mailing list for advice: <bazel-discuss@googlegroups.com>.
-Can I contribute to the Bazel code base?
-See our [contribution guidelines](contributing.html).
-Why isn't all development done in the open?
-We still have to refactor the interfaces between the public code in
-Bazel and our internal extensions frequently. This makes it hard to do
-much development in the open. See our [governance plan](governance.html)
-for more details.
-How do I contact the team?
-We are reachable at <bazel-discuss@googlegroups.com>.
-Where do I report bugs?
-Send an e-mail to <bazel-discuss@googlegroups.com> or file a bug
-[on GitHub](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues).
-What's up with the word "Blaze" in the codebase?
-This is an internal name for the tool. Please refer to Bazel as
-Why do other Google projects (Android, Chrome) use other build tools?
-Until the first (Alpha) release, Bazel was not available externally, so open
-source projects such as Chromium, Android, etc. could not use it. In addition,
-the original lack of Windows support was a problem for building Windows
-applications, such as Chrome.
-How do you pronounce "Bazel"?
-The same way as "basil" (the herb) in US English: "BAY-zel". It rhymes with
-"hazel". IPA: /ˈbeɪzˌəl/
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deleted file mode 100644
index b0deef8ddc..0000000000
--- a/site/governance.md
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@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-layout: contribute
-title: Governance
-# Governance
-The Bazel project is led by a core group of contributors, initially Googlers.
-The group of core contributors is self-managed.
-## Accepting contributions
-Please also see our [contribution guidelines](contributing.html).
-### Policy
-We use the following rules for accepting code contributions. This is written
-from the perspective that there is a group of people who cooperatively support
-the project (the *core contributors*). In contrast, external contributors are
-not actively supporting the project, but just contributing individual changes.
-At this time, all core contributors work for Google, but this will hopefully
-change over time.
-1. We require all contributors to sign [Google's Contributor License
- Agreement](https://cla.developers.google.com/).
-2. We accept well-written, well-tested contributions of rules written in
- [Skylark](docs/skylark/concepts.html), in a `contrib/` directory or similar
- with clearly documented support policies.
-3. We accept well-written, well-tested bug fixes to built-in rules.
-4. We accept well-written, well-tested feature contributions if a core
- contributor assumes support responsibilities, i.e., readily answers support
- questions and works on bugs. This includes feature contributions from
- external contributors. If there is no core contributor to support a feature,
- then we will deprecate and subsequently delete the feature - we will give
- three months' notice in such cases.
-5. We will not accept untested changes, except in very rare cases.
-6. We require a pre-commit code review from a core contributor for all changes.
- For the time being, we will have to continue making changes across the
- internal and external code bases, which will be reviewed internal to Google.
-7. We will roll back changes if they break the internal development processes
- of any of the core contributors.
-8. We will move towards an open governance model where multiple parties have
- commit access, roll-back rights, and can provide explicit support for
- features or rules.
-9. We will work with interested parties to improve existing extension points
- and to establish new extension points if they do not run counter to the
- internal requirements of any of the core contributors.
-## Are you done open sourcing Bazel?
-Open sourcing Bazel is a work-in-progress. In particular, we're still working
-on open sourcing:
-* Many of our unit and integration tests (which should make contributing patches
- easier).
-* Full IDE integration.
-Beyond code, we'd like to eventually have all code reviews, bug tracking, and
-design decisions happen publicly, with the Bazel community involved. We are not
-there yet, so some changes will simply appear in the Bazel repository without
-clear explanation. Despite this lack of transparency, we want to support
-external developers and collaborate. Thus, we are opening up the code, even
-though some of the development is still happening internal to Google. Please
-let us know if anything seems unclear or unjustified as we transition to an
-open model.
-## Are there parts of Bazel that will never be open sourced?
-Yes, some of the code base either integrates with Google-specific technology or
-we have been looking for an excuse to get rid of (or is some combination of the
-two). These parts of the code base are not available on GitHub and probably
-never will be.
-### Contact the core contributors
-<p class="lead">
-Contact the core team at <a href="mailto:bazel-core@googlegroups.com">
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-layout: home
-title: Home
-<div class="hero">
- <div class="container">
- <img src="{{site_root}}images/bazel-logo.png"
- class="img-responsive center-block" />
- <p class="lead">{Fast, Correct} - Choose two</p>
- </div>
-<div class="hero-bar">
- <div class="container">
- <a class="btn btn-success"
- href="{{ "/docs/install.html" | prepend: site_root }}">
- Get Bazel</a>
- <a class="btn btn-success"
- href="{{ "/docs/getting-started.html" | prepend: site_root }}">
- Get Started</a>
- </div>
-<div class="landing-feature-1">
- <div class="container">
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-sm-12">
- <h1>Correct, reproducible, fast builds for everyone</h1>
- <p class="lead">Build software of any size, quickly and reliably, just as engineers do at Google.</p>
- <p>Bazel is Google's own build tool, now publicly available in <a href="#beta">Beta</a>.
- Bazel has built-in support for building both client and server software, including client
- applications for both Android and iOS platforms. It also provides an extensible framework
- that you can use to develop your own build rules.
- </p>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
-<div class="landing-feature-2">
- <div class="container">
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-sm-12">
- <h1>Why Bazel?</h1>
- <p class="lead">Here's what makes Bazel great.</p>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-sm-4">
- <h3>Speed</h3>
- <p>With Bazel's optimized dependency analysis, advanced
- caching and parallel execution of build actions, you get
- fast, clean builds.
- </p>
- </div>
- <div class="col-sm-4">
- <h3>Scalability</h3>
- <p>At Google, Bazel is used by tens of
- thousands of engineers to build heavy-duty, mission-critical
- infrastructure services as well as public web applications. But it's
- great for smaller projects, too.
- </p>
- </div>
- <div class="col-sm-4">
- <h3>Flexibility</h3>
- <p>A comprehensive, built-in set of rules lets you build software for
- a wide variety of languages and platforms right out of the box.
- Skylark, Bazel's extensible rule framework, allows you to develop
- and share your own build rules for other languages and platforms.
- </p>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-sm-4">
- <h3>Correctness</h3>
- <p>Bazel examines the content of source files in your
- dependency graph, not just timestamps, to determine when to rebuild.
- Because incremental builds are virtually always correct, it's not
- necessary to run a clean build "just in case" to ensure correctness.
- </p>
- </div>
- <div class="col-sm-4">
- <h3>Reliability</h3>
- <p>When you build software with Bazel, you're running the same code
- that has been refined and tested over years of use in the
- engineering environment at Google.
- </p>
- </div>
- <div class="col-sm-4">
- <h3>Repeatability</h3>
- <p>Builds only use input files that are explicitly declared in the
- build specification. On Linux, Bazel runs tools in a sandboxed
- environment that contain only the minimum necessary files required.
- Even tests are run in sandboxes, which ensures predictable,
- environment-independent results.
- </p>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
-<div class="landing-feature-1">
- <div class="container">
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-sm-12">
- <h1 id="beta">Bazel is in Beta</h1>
- <p>Bazel is in Beta. There are still some functional limitations,
- but we believe that Bazel is stable enough for production use.
- See our <a href="docs/support.html">Support</a> page for information
- about feature status and releases. The Bazel team monitors and
- responds actively to bug reports from users.
- </p>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
-<div class="landing-feature-2">
- <div class="container">
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-sm-12">
- <h1>Get Started</h1>
- </div>
- <div class="col-sm-4">
- <h3>Install Bazel</h2>
- <p>See our <a href="docs/install.html">Installation Guide</a> to learn
- how to download and install Bazel.
- </p>
- </div>
- <div class="col-sm-4">
- <h3>Run Bazel</h2>
- <p>See our
- <a href="docs/getting-started.html">Getting Started Guide</a> to
- learn how to write a BUILD file and run Bazel.
- </p>
- </div>
- <div class="col-sm-4">
- <h3>Bazel Commands</h2>
- <p>See our <a href="docs/bazel-user-manual.html">User Manual</a> to
- learn about the Bazel command-line tool.
- </p>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-sm-12">
- <h3>Learn More</h2>
- <p>Take a look at our <a href="docs/install.html">documentation</a>
- and read our <a href="faq.html">FAQ</a>.
- </p>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
-<div class="landing-feature-1">
- <div class="container">
- <div class="row">
- <div class="col-sm-12">
- <h1>About Bazel</h1>
- <p>
- <a href="contributing.html">Contribute</a><br />
- <a href="governance.html">Governance Plan</a><br />
- <a href="roadmap.html">Roadmap</a><br />
- <a href="docs/support.html">Support</a><br />
- <a href="https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/wiki/Bazel-Users">Who's using Bazel</a>
- </p>
- </div>
- </div>
- </div>
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@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-layout: contribute
-title: Roadmap
-# Bazel Feature Roadmap
-This document describes the Bazel team's plans for introducing features that
-will be incorporated into version 1.0. Note that this roadmap only includes
-features that the Bazel team itself intends to support. We anticipate that a
-number of other features will be added by code contributors.
-For the alpha and beta releases, the Bazel team will maintain two code
-* A Google-internal repository, containing both Bazel code and
- Google-specific extensions and features
-* An external [GitHub repository](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel),
- containing only the Bazel code.
-We anticipate making the external repository *primary* in the future, that is,
-code from Google and non-Google contributors will be committed and tested in the
-external repository first, then imported into the internal repository. For
-the alpha and beta releases, however, the internal repository will be primary.
-Changes to Bazel code will be frequently pushed from the internal to
-the external repository.
-## Feature list
-In the following table, each feature is associated with a corresponding
-milestone. The convention for the priorities are:
-* P0 feature will block the milestone; we will delay the milestone date
- until the feature is shipped.
-* P1 feature can delay the milestone if the feature can be shipped with a
- reasonable delay (2 months max).
-* P2 feature will be dropped and rescheduled for later rather than delaying
- the milestone.
-We will update this list when reaching each milestone; some milestones may also
-be refined if appropriate.
-<table class="table table-condensed table-bordered">
- <colgroup>
- <col class="roadmap-col-phase"/>
- <col class="roadmap-col-milestone"/>
- <col class="roadmap-col-date"/>
- <col class="roadmap-col-features"/>
- </colgroup>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th>Phase</th>
- <th>Milestone</th>
- <th>Target date</th>
- <th>Features</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="9"><b><a name="alpha"></a>Alpha</b></td>
- <td rowspan="9"><b>Alpha</b><br/><span class="label label-default">Released</span></td>
- <td rowspan="9"><b>2015&#8209;03&#8209;24</b></td>
- <td>Linux &amp; OS X Support</td>
- </tr>
- <tr><td>C++ (<a href="http://bazel.build/docs/be/c-cpp.html#cc_binary">build</a> and <a href="http://bazel.build/docs/be/c-cpp.html#cc_test">test</a>)</td></tr>
- <tr><td>Java (<a href="http://bazel.build/docs/be/java.html#java_binary">build</a> and <a href="http://bazel.build/docs/be/java.html#java_test">test</a>)</td></tr>
- <tr><td>Objective-C for iOS (<a href="http://bazel.build/docs/be/objective-c.html#objc_binary">build</a>)</td></tr>
- <tr><td>Python (<a href="http://bazel.build/docs/be/python.html#py_binary">build</a>)</td></tr>
- <tr><td>iOS applications (<a href="http://bazel.build/docs/be/objective-c.html#ios_application">build</a>)</td></tr>
- <tr><td>Skylark extension mechanism (<a href="http://bazel.build/docs/skylark/index.html">build</a>)</td></tr>
- <tr><td>Basic test suite on GitHub</td></tr>
- <tr><td>Support for fetching dependencies from <a href="http://bazel.build/docs/be/workspace.html#maven_jar">Maven repositories</a>
- and <a href="http://bazel.build/docs/be/workspace.html#http_archive">web servers</a></td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="44"><b><a name="beta"></a>Beta</b></td>
- <td rowspan="9">
- <a href="https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/tag/0.1.0"><b>0.1</b>
- <br/><span class="label label-default">Released</span></a>
- </td>
- <td rowspan="9"><b>2015&#8209;09&#8209;01</b></td>
- <td>P0. Binary distribution for Linux & OS X</td<
- </tr>
- <tr><td>P0. Public <a href="http://ci.bazel.build">continuous integration system</a></td></tr>
- <tr><td>P0. Support for <a href="http://bazel.build/docs/external.html">fetching transitive dependencies from Maven Central</a></td></tr>
- <tr><td>P0. Android application (<a href="http://bazel.build/docs/be/android.html#android_binary">build</a>
- and <a href="http://bazel.build/docs/bazel-user-manual.html#mobile-install">install</a>)</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P1. Support for <a href="http://bazel.build/docs/external.html">prefetching and caching remote dependencies</a></td></tr>
- <tr><td>P1. Docker (<a href="http://bazel.build/docs/be/docker.html">build and load</a>)</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P2. <a href="http://bazel.build/docs/bazel-user-manual.html#sandboxing">Sandboxing of actions for Linux</a></td></tr>
- <tr><td>P2. AppEngine (<a href="http://bazel.build/docs/be/appengine.html">build and load</a>)</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P2. <a href="http://bazel.build/blog/2015/07/29/dashboard-dogfood.html">Test result dashboard</a></tr></td>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="5">
- <a href="https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/tag/0.2.0"><b>0.2</b>
- <br/><span class="label label-default">Released</span></a>
- </td>
- <td rowspan="5"><b>2016&#8209;02&#8209;18</b></td>
- <td>P0. <a href="https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/tree/master/src/test/java/com/google/devtools">Significantly increase test coverage</a></td>
- </tr>
- <tr><td>P0. Support for fetching <a href="http://bazel.build/docs/external.html">remote</a> <a href="http://bazel.build/docs/be/functions.html#load">Skylark rules</a></td></tr>
- <tr><td>P2. <a href="https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go">Go language support (build and tests)</a></td></tr>
- <tr><td>P2. <a href="https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/latest">Debian packages for Bazel</a></td></tr>
- <tr><td>P2. <a href="http://braumeister.org/formula/bazel">OS X homebrew recipe for distributing Bazel</a></td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="5">
- <a href="https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/tag/0.3.0"><b>0.3</b>
- <br/><span class="label label-default">Released</span></a>
- </td>
- <td rowspan="5"><b>2016&#8209;06&#8209;10</b></td>
- <td>P0. <a href="http://bazel.build/docs/windows.html">Bazel can bootstrap itself on Windows without requiring admin privileges</a></td></tr>
- </tr>
- <tr><td>P1. <a href="http://bazel.build/blog/2016/06/10/ide-support.html">Interface for IDE support</a></td></tr>
- <tr><td>P1. IDE support for <a href="http://tulsi.bazel.build">Xcode (stable)</a> and <a href="https://github.com/bazelbuild/e4b">Eclipse (experimental)</a></td></tr>
- <tr><td>P1. <a href="https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jKbNXOVp2T1zJD_iRnVr8k5D0xZKgO8blMVDlXOksJg">Custom remote repositories using Skylark</a></td></tr>
- <tr><td>P2. <a href="https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/commit/79adf59e2973754c8c0415fcab45cd58c7c34697">Prototype for distributed caching of build artifact</a></td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="2">
- <a href="https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/tag/0.4.0"><b>0.4</b>
- <br/><span class="label label-default">Released</span></a>
- </td>
- <td rowspan="2"><b>2016&#8209;11&#8209;02</b></td>
- <td>P0. <a href="https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/commit/490f250b27183a886cf70a5fe9e99d9428141b34">Persistent Java compiler is enabled</a></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>P2. <a href="https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/commit/7b825b8ea442246aabfa6a5a8962abd70855d0da">Sandboxing of action for OS X</a></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="5">
- <a href="https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases/tag/0.5.0"><b>0.5</b>
- <br/><span class="label label-default">Released</span></a>
- </td>
- <td rowspan="5"><b>2017&#8209;05&#8209;26</b></td>
- <td>P0. Support for building and testing Java, C++ and Python on Windows</td>
- </tr>
- <tr><td>P1. Initial API for a Build Event Protocol</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P1. Support for coverage for Java</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P1. Bazel installer optionally bundles the JDK</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P2. Repository rules no longer have invalidation issues</td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="4"><b>0.6</b></td>
- <td rowspan="4"><b>2017&#8209;06</b></td>
- <td>P0. Stable API for Remote execution including platform description</td>
- </tr>
- <tr><td>P0. List of feature to deprecate until version 1.0 are tracked in a publicly available document</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P1. Bazel on Windows does not need to install MSYS</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P2. Bazel can load workspace recursively</td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="8"><b>0.7</b></td>
- <td rowspan="8"><b>2017&#8209;09</b></td>
- <td>P0. Skylark is fully documented; strategy for user-provided Skylark rule documentation</td>
- </tr>
- <tr><td>P0. Support for Android integration testing</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P0. Support for Robolectric test for Android</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P1. The Build Event Protocol is stable</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P1. Support for coverage can be extended in Skylark and C++</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P1. Support for testing Skylark rules</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P2. All external repositories can use the local cache</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P2. Local caching of build artifacts</td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="4"><b>0.8</b></td>
- <td rowspan="4"><b>2017&#8209;12</b></td>
- <td>P0. Support for iOS integration testing</td>
- </tr>
- <tr><td>P1. Bazel can build Android application on Windows</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P1. Local caching of external repository is turned on by default and has a deletion strategy</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P1. Access to native rules functionality from Skylark (<a href="https://bazel.build/designs/2016/08/04/extensibility-for-native-rules.html">"sandwich"</a>)</td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="2"><b>0.9</b></td>
- <td rowspan="2"><b>2018&#8209;03</b></td>
- <td>P0. Full Windows support</td>
- </tr>
- <tr><td>P1. Full test suite is open-sourced</td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td rowspan="7"><b><a name="stable"></a>Stable</b></td>
- <td rowspan="7"><b>1.0</b></td>
- <td rowspan="7"><b>2018&#8209;06</b></td>
- <td>P0. APIs are versioned</td>
- </tr>
- <tr><td>P0. Github is primary</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P1. Deprecated features are removed</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P1. Support policy is defined regarding LTS release</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P1. Public review process for design documents</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P1. Bazel respects the standard for Debian packaging</td></tr>
- <tr><td>P2. Bazel is in the list of debian package for the next stable</td></tr>
- </tbody>
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-layout: contribute
-title: Bazel Users
-Find a community curated a list of Bazel users in the [Bazel GitHub wiki](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/wiki/Bazel-Users) \ No newline at end of file
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-layout: documentation
-title: Best practices
-# Best practices for Bazel
-This document assumes that you are familiar with Bazel and provides advice on structuring your
-projects to take full advantage of Bazel's features.
-The overall goals are:
-- To use fine-grained dependencies to allow parallelism and incrementality.
-- To keep dependencies well-encapsulated.
-- To make code well-structured and testable.
-- To create a build configuration that is easy to understand and maintain.
-These guidelines are not requirements: few projects will be able to adhere to all of them. As the
-man page for lint says, "A special reward will be presented to the first person to produce a real
-program that produces no errors with strict checking." However, incorporating as many of these
-principles as possible should make a project more readable, less error-prone, and faster to build.
-This document uses the requirement levels described in
-[this RFC](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt).
-## Contents
-- [General structure](#general-structure)
- - [Running builds and tests](#running-builds-and-tests)
- - [Third party dependencies](#third-party-dependencies)
- - [Depending on binaries](#depending-on-binaries)
- - [Versioning](#versioning)
- - [.bazelrc](#bazelrc)
- - [Packages](#packages)
-- [BUILD files](#build-files)
- - [BUILD file style guide](#build-file-style-guide)
- - [Formatting](#formatting)
- - [References to targets in the current package](#references-to-targets-in-the-current-package)
- - [Target naming](#target-naming)
- - [Visibility](#visibility)
- - [Dependencies](#dependencies)
- - [Globs](#globs)
-- [Skylark](#skylark)
- - [Skylark style guide](#skylark-style-guide)
- - [Packaging rules](#packaging-rules)
- - [Rule choice](#rule-choice)
-- [WORKSPACE files](#workspace-files)
- - [Repository rules](#repository-rules)
- - [Custom BUILD files](#custom-build-files)
- - [Skylark repository rules](#skylark-repository-rules)
-- [Java](#java)
- - [Directory structure](#directory-structure)
- - [BUILD files](#build-files)
-- [C++](#c)
- - [BUILD files](#build-files)
- - [Include paths](#include-paths)
-- [Protos](#protos)
- - [Recommended Code Organization](#recommended-code-organization)
-# General structure
-## Running builds and tests
-A project should always be able to run `bazel build //...` and `bazel test //...` successfully on
-its stable branch. Targets that are necessary but do not build under certain circumstances (e.g.,
-require specific build flags, do not build on a certain platform, require license agreements)
-should be tagged as specifically as possible (e.g., "`requires-osx`"). This tagging allows
-targets to be filtered at a more fine-grained level than the "manual" tag and allows someone
-inspecting the BUILD file to understand what a target's restrictions are.
-## Third party dependencies
-Prefer declaring third party dependencies as remote repositories in the WORKSPACE file. If it's
-necessary to check third party dependencies into your repository, put them in a directory called
-`third_party/` under your workspace directory. Note that all BUILD files in `third_party/` must
-include [license](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/be/functions.html#licenses)
-## Depending on binaries
-Everything should be built from source whenever possible. Generally this means that, instead of
-depending on a library `some-library.so`, you'd create a BUILD file and build `some-library.so`
-from its sources, then depend on that target.
-Building from source prevents a build from using a library that was built with incompatible flags
-or a different architecture. There are also some features like coverage, static analysis, or
-dynamic analysis that will only work on the source.
-## Versioning
-Prefer building all code from head whenever possible. When versions must be used, avoid including
-the version in the target name (e.g., `//guava`, not `//guava-20.0`). This naming makes the library
-easier to update (only one target needs to be updated). It is also more resilient to diamond
-dependency issues: if one library depends on `guava-19.0` and one depends on `guava-20.0`, you
-could end up with a library that tries to depend on two different versions. If you created a
-misleading alias to point both targets to one guava library, then the BUILD files are misleading.
-## `.bazelrc`
-For project-specific options, use the configuration file `_your-workspace_/tools/bazel.rc`.
-For options that you **do not** want to check into source control, create the configuration file
-`_your-workspace_/.bazelrc` and add `.bazelrc` to your `.gitignore`. Note that this file has a
-different name than the file above (`bazel.rc` vs `.bazelrc`).
-## Packages
-Every directory that contains buildable files should be a package. If a BUILD file refers to files
-in subdirectories (e.g., `srcs = ["a/b/C.java"]`) it is a sign that a BUILD file should be added to
-that subdirectory. The longer this structure exists, the more likely circular dependencies will be
-inadvertently created, a target's scope will creep, and an increasing number of reverse
-dependencies will have to be updated.
-# BUILD files
-## BUILD file style guide
-See the [BUILD file style
-## Formatting
-[Buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildifier) should be used to achieve the correct
-formatting for BUILD files. Editors should be configured to automatically format BUILD files on
-save. Humans should not try to format BUILD files themselves.
-If there is a question as to what the correct formatting is, the answer is "how buildifier formats
-## References to targets in the current package
-Files should be referred to by their paths relative to the package directory (without ever using
-up-references, such as `..`). Generated files should be prefixed with "`:`" to indicate that they
-are not sources. Source files should not be prefixed with `:`. Rules should be prefixed with `:`.
-For example, assuming `x.cc` is a source file:
- name = "lib",
- srcs = ["x.cc"],
- hdrs = [":gen-header"],
- name = "gen-header",
- srcs = [],
- outs = ["x.h"],
- cmd = "echo 'int x();' > $@",
-## Target naming
-Target names should be descriptive. If a target contains one source file, the target should
-generally be named after that source (e.g., a `cc_library` for `chat.cc` should be named "`chat`").
-The eponymous target for a package (the target with the same name as the containing directory)
-should provide the functionality described by the directory name. If there is no such target, do
-not create an eponymous target.
-Prefer using the short name when referring to an eponymous target (`//x` instead of `//x:x`). If
-you are in the same package, prefer the local reference (`:x` instead of `//x`).
-## Visibility
-Do not set the default visibility of a package to `//visibility:public`. `//visibility:public`
-should be individually set for targets in the project's public API. These could be libraries which
-are designed to be depended on by external projects or binaries that could be used by an external
-project's build process.
-Otherwise, visibility should be scoped as tightly as possible, while still allowing access by tests
-and reverse dependencies. Prefer using `__pkg__` to `__subpackages__`.
-## Dependencies
-Dependencies should be restricted to direct dependencies (dependencies needed by the sources listed
-in the rule). Do not list transitive dependencies.
-Package-local dependencies should be listed first and referred to in a way compatible with the
-[References to targets in the current package](#references-to-targets-in-the-current-package)
-section above (not by their absolute package name).
-## Globs
-Do not use recursive globs (e.g., `glob(["**/*.java"])`). Recursive globs make BUILD files
-difficult to read, as they skip subdirectories containing BUILD files. Non-recursive globs are
-generally acceptable, see language-specific advice below for details.
-Indicate "no targets" with `[]`. Do not use a glob that matches nothing: it is more error-prone and
-less obvious than an empty list.
-# Skylark
-## Skylark style guide
-See the [Style guide for .bzl
-files](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/skylark/bzl-style.html) for Skylark rule guidelines.
-## Packaging rules
-See [Packaging rules](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/skylark/deploying.html) for advice
-on how to structure and where to put new Skylark rules.
-## Rule choice
-When using a language for which Bazel has built-in rules (e.g., C++), prefer using these rules to
-writing your own in Skylark. These rules are documented in the [build
-# WORKSPACE files
-## Repository rules
-Prefer `http_archive` and `new_http_archive` to `git_repository`, `new_git_repository`, and
-`git_repository` depends on jGit, which has several unpleasant bugs, and `maven_jar` uses Maven's
-internal API, which generally works but is less optimized for Bazel than `http_archive`'s
-downloader logic. Track the following issues filed to remediate these problems:
-- [Use `http_archive` as `git_repository`'s
- backend.](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/2147)
-- [Improve `maven_jar`'s backend.](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/1752)
-Do not use `bind()`. See "[Consider removing
-bind](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/1952)" for a long discussion of its issues and
-## Custom BUILD files
-When using a `new_` repository rule, prefer to specify `build_file_content`, not `build_file`.
-## Skylark repository rules
-A Skylark repository rule should generally be responsible for:
-- Detecting system settings and writing them to files.
-- Finding resources elsewhere on the system.
-- Downloading resources from URLs.
-- Generating or symlinking BUILD files into the external repository directory.
-Avoid using `repository_ctx.execute` when possible. For example, when using a non-Bazel C++
-library that has a build using Make, it is preferable to use `respository_ctx.download()` and then
-write a BUILD file that builds it, instead of running `ctx.execute(["make"])`.
-# Java
-## Directory structure
-Prefer Maven's standard directory layout (sources under `src/main/java`, tests under
-## BUILD files
-Use one BUILD file per package containing Java sources. Every BUILD file should contain one
-`java_library` rule that looks like this:
- name = "directory-name",
- srcs = glob(["*.java"]),
- deps = [...],
-The name of the library should be the name of the directory containing the BUILD file. The sources
-should be a non-recursive glob of all Java files in the directory.
-Tests should be in a matching directory under `src/test` and depend on this library.
-# C++
-## BUILD files
-Each BUILD file should contain one `cc_library` rule target per compilation unit in the directory.
-C++ libraries should be as fine-grained as possible to provide as much incrementality as possible.
-If there is a single source file in `srcs`, the library should be named based on that C++ file's
-name. This library should contain a C++ file(s), any matching header file(s), and the library's
-direct dependencies. For example,
- name = "mylib",
- srcs = ["mylib.cc"],
- hdrs = ["mylib.h"],
- deps = [":lower-level-lib"]
-There should be one `cc_test` rule target per `cc_library` target in the file. The `cc_test`'s
-source should be a file named `[libname]_test.cc`. For example, a test for the target above might
-look like:
- name = "mylib_test",
- srcs = ["mylib_test.cc"],
- deps = [":mylib"]
-## Include paths
-All include paths should be relative to the workspace directory. Use `includes` only if a public
-header needs to be widely used at a non-workspace-relative path (for legacy or `third_party` code).
-Otherwise, prefer to use the `copts` attribute, not the `includes` attribute.
-Using `cc_inc_library` is discouraged, prefer `copts` or `includes`.
-See [the design document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/18qUWh0uUiJBv6ZOySvp6DEV0NjVnBoEy-r-ZHa9cmhU/edit#heading=h.kmep1cl5ym9k)
-on C++ include directories for reasoning.
-# Protos
-## Recommended Code Organization
-- One `proto_library` rule per `.proto` file.
-- A file named `foo.proto` will be in a rule named `foo_proto`, which is located in the same
- package.
-- A `[language]_proto_library` that wraps a `proto_library` named `foo_proto` should be called
- `foo_[language]_proto`, and be located in the same package.
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-layout: documentation
-title: External Dependencies
-# Working with external dependencies
-External dependencies can be specified in the `WORKSPACE` file of the
-[workspace directory](/docs/build-ref.html#workspace). This `WORKSPACE` file
-uses the same syntax as BUILD files, but allows a different set of
-rules. The full list of rules are in the Build Encyclopedia's
-[Workspace Rules](/docs/be/workspace.html).
-External dependencies are all downloaded and symlinked under a directory named
-`external`. You can see this directory by running:
-ls $(bazel info output_base)/external
-Note that running `bazel clean` will not actually delete the external
-directory. To remove all external artifacts, use `bazel clean --expunge`.
-## Supported types of external dependencies
-A few basic types of external dependencies can be used:
-- [Dependencies on other Bazel projects](#bazel-projects)
-- [Dependencies on non-Bazel projects](#non-bazel-projects)
-- [Dependencies on external packages](#external-packages)
-<a name="bazel-projects"></a>
-### Depending on other Bazel projects
-If you want to use targets from a second Bazel project, you can
-or [`http_archive`](http://bazel.build/docs/be/workspace.html#http_archive)
-to symlink it from the local filesystem, reference a git repository or download
-it (respectively).
-For example, suppose you are working on a project, `my-project/`, and you want
-to depend on targets from your coworker's project, `coworkers-project/`. Both
-projects use Bazel, so you can add your coworker's project as an external
-dependency and then use any targets your coworker has defined from your own
-BUILD files. You would add the following to `my_project/WORKSPACE`:
- name = "coworkers-project",
- path = "/path/to/coworkers-project",
-If your coworker has a target `//foo:bar`, your project can refer to it as
-<a name="non-bazel-projects"></a>
-### Depending on non-Bazel projects
-Rules prefixed with `new_` (e.g.,
-and [`new_http_archive`](http://bazel.build/docs/be/workspace.html#new_http_archive)
-) allow you to create targets from projects that do not use Bazel.
-For example, suppose you are working on a project, `my-project/`, and you want
-to depend on your coworker's project, `coworkers-project/`. Your coworker's
-project uses `make` to build, but you'd like to depend on one of the .so files
-it generates. To do so, add the following to `my_project/WORKSPACE`:
- name = "coworkers-project",
- path = "/path/to/coworkers-project",
- build_file = "coworker.BUILD",
-`build_file` specifies a BUILD file to overlay on the existing project, for
- name = "some-lib",
- srcs = glob(["**"]),
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
-You can then depend on `@coworkers-project//:some-lib` from your project's BUILD
-<a name="external-packages"></a>
-### Depending on external packages
-#### Maven repositories
-Use the rule [`maven_jar`](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/be/workspace.html#maven_jar)
-(and optionally the rule [`maven_server`](https://bazel.build/versions/master/docs/be/workspace.html#maven_server))
-to download a jar from a Maven repository and make it available as a Java
-## Fetching dependencies
-By default, external dependencies are fetched as needed during `bazel build`. If
-you would like to disable this behavior or prefetch dependencies, use
-[`bazel fetch`](http://bazel.build/docs/bazel-user-manual.html#fetch).
-## Using Proxies
-Bazel will pick up proxy addresses from the `HTTPS_PROXY` and `HTTP_PROXY`
-environment variables and use these to download HTTP/HTTPS files (if specified).
-<a name="transitive-dependencies"></a>
-## Transitive dependencies
-Bazel only reads dependencies listed in your `WORKSPACE` file. If your project
-(`A`) depends on another project (`B`) which list a dependency on a third
-project (`C`) in its `WORKSPACE` file, you'll have to add both `B`
-and `C` to your project's `WORKSPACE` file. This requirement can balloon the
-`WORKSPACE` file size, but hopefully limits the chances of having one library
-include `C` at version 1.0 and another include `C` at 2.0.
-## Generate a `WORKSPACE` file
-Bazel provides a tool to help generate these expansive `WORKSPACE` files, called
-`generate_workspace`. This tool is not included with the binary installer, so
-you'll need to clone the [GitHub repo](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel) to
-use it. We recommend using the tag corresponding to your current version of
-bazel, which you can check by running `bazel version`.
-`cd` to the GitHub clone, `git checkout` the appropriate tag, and run the
-following to build the tool and see usage:
-bazel run //src/tools/generate_workspace
-Note that you need run this command from your Bazel source folder even if you
-build your binary from source.
-You can specify directories containing Bazel projects (i.e., directories
-containing a `WORKSPACE` file), Maven projects (i.e., directories containing a
-`pom.xml` file), or Maven artifact coordinates directly. For example:
-$ bazel run //src/tools/generate_workspace -- \
-> --maven_project=/path/to/my/project \
-> --bazel_project=/path/to/skunkworks \
-> --bazel_project=/path/to/teleporter/project \
-> --artifact=groupId:artifactId:version \
-> --artifact=groupId:artifactId:version
-The `WORKSPACE` file will contain the transitive dependencies of the given
-projects and artifacts. The `BUILD` file will contain a single target,
-`transitive-deps`, that contains all of the dependencies. You can copy these
-files to your project and add `transitive-deps` as a dependency of your `java_`
-targets in `BUILD` files.
-If you specify multiple Bazel projects, Maven projects, or artifacts, they will
-all be combined into one `WORKSPACE` file (e.g., if the Bazel project depends on
-junit and the Maven project also depends on junit, junit will only appear once
-as a dependency in the output).
-You may wish to curate the generated `WORKSPACE` file to ensure it is using the
-correct version of each dependency. If several different versions of an artifact
-are requested (by different libraries that depend on it), then
-`generate_workspace` chooses a version and annotates the `maven_jar` with the
-other versions requested, for example:
-# org.springframework:spring:2.5.6
-# javax.mail:mail:1.4
-# httpunit:httpunit:1.6 wanted version 1.0.2
-# org.springframework:spring-support:2.0.2 wanted version 1.0.2
-# org.slf4j:nlog4j:1.2.24 wanted version 1.0.2
- name = "javax_activation_activation",
- artifact = "javax.activation:activation:1.1",
-The example above indicates that `org.springframework:spring:2.5.6`,
-`javax.mail:mail:1.4`, `httpunit:httpunit:1.6`,
-`org.springframework:spring-support:2.0.2`, and `org.slf4j:nlog4j:1.2.24`
-all depend on javax.activation. However, two of these libraries wanted
-version 1.1 and three of them wanted 1.0.2. The `WORKSPACE` file is using
-version 1.1, but that might not be the right version to use.
-You may also want to break `transitive-deps` into smaller targets, as it is
-unlikely that all of your targets depend on the transitive closure of your
-maven jars.
-## Caching of external dependencies
-Bazel caches external dependencies and re-downloads or updates them when
-the `WORKSPACE` file changes.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Getting Started
-# Getting Started with Bazel
-## Setup
-Use the [installation instructions](/docs/install.html) to install a copy of
-Bazel on your machine.
-## Using a Workspace
-All Bazel builds take place in a [_workspace_](/docs/build-ref.html#workspaces),
-a directory on your filesystem that contains source code for the software you
-want to build, as well symbolic links to directories that contain the build
-outputs (for example, `bazel-bin` and `bazel-out`). The location of the
-workspace directory is not significant, but it must contain a file called
-`WORKSPACE` in the top-level directory; an empty file is a valid workspace.
-The `WORKSPACE` file can be used to reference
-[external dependencies](/docs/external.html) required to build the outputs.
-One workspace can be shared among multiple projects if desired.
-## Creating a Build File
-To know which targets can be built in your project, Bazel inspects `BUILD`
-files. They are written in Bazel's build language which is syntactically
-similar to Python. Usually they are just a sequence of declarations of rules.
-Each rule specifies its inputs, outputs, and a way to compute the outputs from
-the inputs.
-The rule probably most familiar to people who have used `Makefile`s before (as
-it is the only rule available there) is the
-[genrule](/docs/be/general.html#genrule), which specifies how the output can
-be generated by invoking a shell command.
- name = "hello",
- outs = ["hello_world.txt"],
- cmd = "echo Hello World > $@",
-The shell command may contain [Make variables](/docs/be/make-variables.html).
-Using the above `BUILD` file, you can ask Bazel to generate the target.
-$ bazel build :hello
-INFO: Found 1 target...
-Target //:hello up-to-date:
- bazel-genfiles/hello_world.txt
-INFO: Elapsed time: 2.255s, Critical Path: 0.07s
-We note two things. First, targets are normally referred to by their
-[label](/docs/build-ref.html#labels), which is specified by the
-[name](/docs/be/general.html#genrule.name) attribute of the rule. (Referencing
-them by the output file name is also possible, but this is not the preferred
-way.) Second, Bazel puts the generated files into a separate directory (the
-`bazel-genfiles` directory is actually a symbolic link) so as not to pollute
-your source tree.
-Rules may use the output of other rules as input, as in the following
-example. Again, the generated sources are referred to by their label.
- name = "hello",
- outs = ["hello_world.txt"],
- cmd = "echo Hello World > $@",
- name = "double",
- srcs = [":hello"],
- outs = ["double_hello.txt"],
- cmd = "cat $< $< > $@",
-Finally, note that, while the [genrule](/docs/be/general.html#genrule) might
-seem familiar, it usually is _not_ the best rule to use. It is preferrable to
-use one of the specialized [rules](/docs/be/overview.html#rules) for various
-# Next Steps
-Next, check out the tutorial on building [Java](/docs/tutorial/java.html)
-or [C++](/docs/tutorial/cpp.html) programs.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Installing Bazel
-# Installing Bazel
-See the instructions for installing Bazel on:
-* [Ubuntu Linux (16.04, 15.10, and 14.04)](install-ubuntu.md)
-* [Mac OS X](install-os-x.md)
-* [Windows (experimental)](install-windows.md)
-For other platforms, you can try to [compile from source](install-compile-source.md).
-Required Java version:
-Java JDK 8 or later is required. To address the problem of JDK 8 not being
-available on some machines, Bazel's binary installer embeds a JDK by default.
-**Note:** Homebrew and Debian packages do not contain the embedded JDK. The
-shell installers are the only ones with an embedded JDK.
-* [Bash completion](#bash)
-* [zsh completion](#zsh)
-For more information on using Bazel, see
-[Getting Started with Bazel](getting-started.html).
-## <a name="jdk7"></a>Using Bazel with JDK 7
-Bazel version _0.5.0_ does run with JDK 7. However, starting with version
-_0.5.1_ Bazel must use JDK 8.
-The installers available for _0.5.0_ are:
-* `bazel-0.5.0-installer.sh`: default version with embedded JDK
-* `bazel-0.5.0-without-jdk-installer.sh`: version without embedded JDK
-* `bazel-0.5.0-jdk7-installer.sh`: version compatible with JDK 7, will not be
- available in later releases
-## <a name="bash"></a>Getting bash completion
-Bazel comes with a bash completion script, which the installer copies into the
-`bin` directory. If you ran the installer with `--user`, this will be
-`$HOME/.bazel/bin`. If you ran the installer as root, this will be
-Copy the `bazel-complete.bash` script to your completion folder
-(`/etc/bash_completion.d` directory under Ubuntu). If you don't have a
-completion folder, you can copy it wherever suits you and insert
-`source /path/to/bazel-complete.bash` in your `~/.bashrc` file (under OS X, put
-it in your `~/.bash_profile` file).
-If you built Bazel from source, the bash completion target is in the `//scripts`
-1. Build it with Bazel: `bazel build //scripts:bazel-complete.bash`.
-2. Copy the script `bazel-bin/scripts/bazel-complete.bash` to one of the
- locations described above.
-## <a name="zsh"></a>Getting zsh completion
-Bazel also comes with a zsh completion script. To install it:
-1. Add this script to a directory on your $fpath:
- ```
- fpath[1,0]=~/.zsh/completion/
- mkdir -p ~/.zsh/completion/
- cp scripts/zsh_completion/_bazel ~/.zsh/completion
- ```
- You may have to call `rm -f ~/.zcompdump; compinit`
- the first time to make it work.
-2. Optionally, add the following to your .zshrc.
- ```
- # This way the completion script does not have to parse Bazel's options
- # repeatedly. The directory in cache-path must be created manually.
- zstyle ':completion:*' use-cache on
- zstyle ':completion:*' cache-path ~/.zsh/cache
- ```
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-layout: documentation
-title: mobile-install
-# bazel mobile-install
-<p class="lead">Fast iterative development for Android</p>
-## TL;DR
-To install small changes to an Android app very quickly, do the following:
- 1. Find the `android_binary` rule of the app you want to install.
- 2. Disable Proguard by removing the `proguard_specs` attribute.
- 3. Set the `multidex` attribute to `native`.
- 4. Set the `dex_shards` attribute to `10`.
- 5. Connect your device running ART (not Dalvik) over USB and enable USB
- debugging on it.
- 6. Run `bazel mobile-install :your_target`. App startup will be a little
- slower than usual.
- 7. Edit the code or Android resources.
- 8. Run `bazel mobile-install --incremental :your_target`.
- 9. Enjoy not having to wait a lot.
-Some command line options to Bazel that may be useful:
- - `--adb` tells Bazel which adb binary to use
- - `--adb_arg` can be used to add extra arguments to the command line of `adb`.
- One useful application of this is to select which device you want to install
- to if you have multiple devices connected to your workstation:
- `bazel mobile-install --adb_arg=-s --adb_arg=<SERIAL> :your_target`
- - `--start_app` automatically starts the app
-When in doubt, look at the
-or [contact us](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-discuss).
-## Introduction
-One of the most important attributes of a developer's toolchain is speed: there
-is a world of difference between changing the code and seeing it run within a
-second and having to wait minutes, sometimes hours, before you get any feedback
-on whether your changes do what you expect them to.
-Unfortunately, the traditional Android toolchain for building an .apk entails
-many monolithic, sequential steps and all of these have to be done in order to
-build an Android app. At Google, waiting five minutes to build a single-line
-change was not unusual on larger projects like Google Maps.
-`bazel mobile-install` makes iterative development for Android much faster by
-using a combination of change pruning, work sharding, and clever manipulation of
-Android internals, all without changing any of your app's code.
-## Problems with traditional app installation
-We identified the following bottlenecks of building an Android app:
-- Dexing. By default, "dx" is invoked exactly once in the build and it does not
-know how to reuse work from previous builds: it dexes every method again, even
-though only one method was changed.
-- Uploading data to the device. adb does not use the full bandwidth of a USB 2.0
-connection, and larger apps can take a lot of time to upload. The entire app is
-uploaded, even if only small parts have changed, for example, a resource or a
-single method, so this can be a major bottleneck.
-- Compilation to native code. Android L introduced ART, a new Android runtime,
-which compiles apps ahead-of-time rather than compiling them just-in-time like
-Dalvik. This makes apps much faster at the cost of longer installation
-time. This is a good tradeoff for users because they typically install an app
-once and use it many times, but results in slower development where an app is
-installed many times and each version is run at most a handful of times.
-## The approach of `bazel mobile-install`
-`bazel mobile-install `makes the following improvements:
- - Sharded dexing. After building the app's Java code, Bazel shards the class
- files into approximately equal-sized parts and invokes `dx` separately on
- them. `dx` is not invoked on shards that did not change since the last build.
- - Incremental file transfer. Android resources, .dex files, and native
- libraries are removed from the main .apk and are stored in under a separate
- mobile-install directory. This makes it possible to update code and Android
- resources independently without reinstalling the whole app. Thus,
- transferring the files takes less time and only the .dex files that have
- changed are recompiled on-device.
- - Loading parts of the app from outside the .apk. A tiny stub application is
- put into the .apk that loads Android resources, Java code and native code
- from the on-device mobile-install directory, then transfers control to the
- actual app. This is all transparent to the app, except in a few corner cases
- described below.
-### Sharded Dexing
-Sharded dexing is reasonably straightforward: once the .jar files are built, a
-shards them into separate .jar files of approximately equal size, then invokes
-`dx` on those that were changed since the previous build. The logic that
-determines which shards to dex is not specific to Android: it just uses the
-general change pruning algorithm of Bazel.
-The first version of the sharding algorithm simply ordered the .class files
-alphabetically, then cut the list up into equal-sized parts, but this proved to
-be suboptimal: if a class was added or removed (even a nested or an anonymous
-one), it would cause all the classes alphabetically after it to shift by one,
-resulting in dexing those shards again. Thus, we settled upon sharding not
-individual classes, but Java packages instead. Of course, this still results in
-dexing many shards if a new package is added or removed, but that is much less
-frequent than adding or removing a single class.
-The number of shards is controlled by the BUILD file (using the
-`android_binary.dex_shards` attribute). In an ideal world, Bazel would
-automatically determine how many shards are best, but Bazel currently must know
-the set of actions (i.e. commands to be executed during the build) before
-executing any of them, so it cannot determine the optimal number of shards
-because it doesn't know how many Java classes there will eventually be in the
-app. Generally speaking, the more shards, the faster the build and the
-installation will be, but the slower app startup becomes, because the dynamic
-linker has to do more work. The sweet spot is usually between 10 and 50 shards.
-### Incremental File Transfer
-After building the app, the next step is to install it, preferably with the
-least effort possible. Installation consists of the following steps:
- 1. Installing the .apk (i.e. `adb install`)
- 2. Uploading the .dex files, Android resources, and native libraries to the
- mobile-install directory
-There is not much incrementality in the first step: the app is either installed
-or not. Bazel currently relies on the user to indicate if it should do this step
-through the `--incremental` command line option because it cannot determine in
-all cases if it is necessary.
-In the second step, the app's files from the build are compared to an on-device
-manifest file that lists which app files are on the device and their
-checksums. Any new files are uploaded to the device, any files that have changed
-are updated, and any files that have been removed are deleted from the
-device. If the manifest is not present, it is assumed that every file needs to
-be uploaded.
-Note that it is possible to fool the incremental installation algorithm by
-changing a file on the device, but not its checksum in the manifest. We could
-have safeguarded against this by computing the checksum of the files on the
-device, but this was deemed to be not worth the increase in installation time.
-### The Stub Application
-The stub application is where the magic to load the dexes, native code and
-Android resources from the on-device `mobile-install` directory happens.
-The actual loading is implemented by subclassing `BaseDexClassLoader` and is a
-reasonably well-documented technique. This happens before any of the app's
-classes are loaded, so that any application classes that are in the apk can be
-placed in the on-device `mobile-install` directory so that they can be updated
-without `adb install`.
-This needs to happen before any of the
-classes of the app are loaded, so that no application class needs to be in the
-.apk which would mean that changes to those classes would require a full
-This is accomplished by replacing the `Application` class specified in
-`AndroidManifest.xml` with the
-[stub application](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/master/src/tools/android/java/com/google/devtools/build/android/incrementaldeployment/StubApplication.java). This
-takes control when the app is started, and tweaks the class loader and the
-resource manager appropriately at the earliest moment (its constructor) using
-Java reflection on the internals of the Android framework.
-Another thing the stub application does is to copy the native libraries
-installed by mobile-install to another location. This is necessary because the
-dynamic linker needs the `X` bit to be set on the files, which is not possible to
-do for any location accessible by a non-root `adb`.
-Once all these things are done, the stub application then instantiates the
-actual `Application` class, changing all references to itself to the actual
-application within the Android framework.
-## Results
-### Performance
-In general, `bazel mobile-install` results in a 4x to 10x speedup of building
-and installing large apps after a small change. We computed the following
-numbers for a few Google products:
-<img src="/assets/mobile-install-performance.svg"/>
-This, of course, depends on the nature of the change: recompilation after
-changing a base library takes more time.
-### Limitations
-The tricks the stub application plays don't work in every case. We have
-identified the following cases where it does not work as expected:
- - When `Context` is cast to the `Application` class in
- `ContentProvider#onCreate()`. This method is called during application
- startup before we have a chance to replace the instance of the `Application`
- class, therefore, `ContentProvider` will still reference the stub application
- instead of the real one. Arguably, this is not a bug since you are not
- supposed to downcast `Context` like this, but this seems to happen in a few
- apps at Google.
- - Resources installed by `bazel mobile-install` are only available from within
- the app. If resources are accessed by other apps via
- `PackageManager#getApplicationResources()`, these resources will be from the
- last non-incremental install.
- - Devices that aren't running ART. While the stub application works well on
- Froyo and later, Dalvik has a bug that makes it think that the app is
- incorrect if its code is distributed over multiple .dex files in certain
- cases, for example, when Java annotations are used in a
- [specific](https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=78144) way. As
- long as your app doesn't tickle these bugs, it should work with Dalvik, too
- (note, however, that support for old Android versions isn't exactly our
- focus)
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-layout: documentation
-title: Output Directory Layout
-# Output Directory Layout
-## Requirements
-Requirements for an output directory layout:
-* Don't collide if multiple users are building on the same box.
-* Support building in multiple workspaces at the same time.
-* Support building for multiple target configurations in the same workspace.
-* Don't collide with any other tools.
-* Be easy to access.
-* Be easy to clean, even selectively.
-* Is unambiguous, even if the user relies on symbolic links when changing into
- his/her client directory.
-* All the build state per user should be underneath one directory ("I'd like to
- clean all the .o files from all my clients.")
-## Documentation of the current Bazel output directory layout
-The solution that's currently implemented:
-* Bazel must be invoked from a directory containing a WORKSPACE file. It reports
- an error if it is not. We call this the _workspace directory_.
-* The _outputRoot_ directory is ~/.cache/bazel. (Unless `$TEST_TMPDIR` is
- set, as in a test of bazel itself, in which case this directory is used
- instead.)
-* We stick the Bazel user's build state beneath `outputRoot/_bazel_$USER`. This
- is called the _outputUserRoot_ directory.
-* Beneath the `outputUserRoot` directory, we create an `installBase` directory
- whose name is "install" plus the MD5 hash of the Bazel installation manifest.
-* Beneath the `outputUserRoot` directory, we also create an `outputBase`
- directory whose name is the MD5 hash of the path name of the workspace
- directory. So, for example, if Bazel is running in the workspace directory
- `/home/user/src/my-project` (or in a directory symlinked to that one), then we
- create an output base directory called:
- `/home/.cache/bazel/_bazel_user/7ffd56a6e4cb724ea575aba15733d113`.
-* Users can use Bazel's `--output_base` startup option to override the default
- output base directory. For example,
- `bazel --output_base=/tmp/bazel/output build x/y:z`.
-* Users can also use Bazel's `--output_user_root` startup option to override the
- default install base and output base directories. For example:
- `bazel --output_user_root=/tmp/bazel build x/y:z`.
-We put symlinks "bazel-&lt;workspace-name&gt;" and "bazel-out", as well as
-"bazel-bin", "bazel-genfiles", and "bazel-includes" in the workspace directory;
-these symlinks points to some directories inside a target-specific directory
-inside the output directory. These symlinks are only for the user's convenience,
-as Bazel itself does not use them. Also, we only do this if the workspace
-directory is writable. The names of the "bazel-bin", "bazel-genfiles", and
-"bazel-include" symlinks are affected by the `--symlink_prefix` option to bazel,
-but "bazel-&lt;workspace-name&gt;" and "bazel-out" are not.
-## Bazel internals: Directory layout
-The directories are laid out as follows:
-&lt;workspace-name&gt;/ <== The workspace directory
- bazel-my-project => <...my-project> <== Symlink to execRoot
- bazel-out => <...bin> <== Convenience symlink to outputPath
- bazel-bin => <...bin> <== Convenience symlink to most recent written bin dir $(BINDIR)
- bazel-genfiles => <...genfiles> <== Convenience symlink to most recent written genfiles dir $(GENDIR)
-/home/user/.cache/bazel/ <== Root for all Bazel output on a machine: outputRoot
- _bazel_$USER/ <== Top level directory for a given user depends on the user name:
- outputUserRoot
- install/
- fba9a2c87ee9589d72889caf082f1029/ <== Hash of the Bazel install manifest: installBase
- _embedded_binaries/ <== Contains binaries and scripts unpacked from the data section of
- the bazel executable on first run (e.g. helper scripts and the
- main Java file BazelServer_deploy.jar)
- 7ffd56a6e4cb724ea575aba15733d113/ <== Hash of the client's workspace directory (e.g.
- /home/some-user/src/my-project): outputBase
- action_cache/ <== Action cache directory hierarchy
- This contains the persistent record of the file metadata
- (timestamps, and perhaps eventually also MD5 sums) used by the
- FilesystemValueChecker.
- action_outs/ <== Action output directory. This contains a file with the
- stdout/stderr for every action from the most recent bazel run
- that produced output.
- command.log <== A copy of the stdout/stderr output from the most recent bazel
- command.
- external/ <== The directory that remote repositories are downloaded/symlinked
- into.
- server/ <== The Bazel server puts all server-related files (such as socket
- file, logs, etc) here.
- jvm.out <== The debugging output for the server.
- &lt;workspace-name&gt;/ <== Working tree for the Bazel build & root of symlink forest: execRoot
- _bin/ <== Helper tools are linked from or copied to here.
- bazel-out/ <== All actual output of the build is under here: outputPath
- local_linux-fastbuild/ <== one subdirectory per unique target BuildConfiguration instance;
- this is currently encoded
- bin/ <== Bazel outputs binaries for target configuration here: $(BINDIR)
- foo/bar/_objs/baz/ <== Object files for a cc_* rule named //foo/bar:baz
- foo/bar/baz1.o <== Object files from source //foo/bar:baz1.cc
- other_package/other.o <== Object files from source //other_package:other.cc
- foo/bar/baz <== foo/bar/baz might be the artifact generated by a cc_binary named
- //foo/bar:baz
- foo/bar/baz.runfiles/ <== The runfiles symlink farm for the //foo/bar:baz executable.
- &lt;workspace-name&gt;/
- ...
- genfiles/ <== Bazel puts generated source for the target configuration here:
- foo/bar.h e.g. foo/bar.h might be a headerfile generated by //foo:bargen
- testlogs/ <== Bazel internal test runner puts test log files here
- foo/bartest.log e.g. foo/bar.log might be an output of the //foo:bartest test with
- foo/bartest.status foo/bartest.status containing exit status of the test (e.g.
- PASSED or FAILED (Exit 1), etc)
- include/ <== a tree with include symlinks, generated as needed. The
- bazel-include symlinks point to here. This is used for
- linkstamp stuff, etc.
- host/ <== BuildConfiguration for build host (user's workstation), for
- building prerequisite tools, that will be used in later stages
- of the build (ex: Protocol Compiler)
- &lt;packages&gt;/ <== Packages referenced in the build appear as if under a regular workspace
-The layout of the *.runfiles directories is documented in more detail in the places pointed to by RunfilesSupport.
-## `bazel clean`
-`bazel clean` does an `rm -rf` on the `outputPath` and the `action_cache`
-directory. It also removes the workspace symlinks. The `--expunge` option
-will clean the entire outputBase.
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deleted file mode 100644
index fece635b5a..0000000000
--- a/site/versions/master/docs/rule-challenges.md
+++ /dev/null
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-layout: documentation
-title: Challenges of Writing Rules.
-# Challenges of Writing Rules.
-We have heard feedback from various people that they have
-difficulty to write efficient Bazel rules. There is no single root cause, but
-it’s due to a combination of historical circumstances and intrinsic complexity
-in the problem domain. This document attempts to give a high level overview of
-the specific issues that we believe to be the main contributors.
-* Assumption: Aim for Correctness, Throughput, Ease of Use & Latency
-* Assumption: Large Scale Repositories
-* Assumption: BUILD-like Description Language
-* Intrinsic: Remote Execution and Caching are Hard
-* Historic: Hard Separation between Loading, Analysis, and Execution is
- Outdated, but still affects the API
-* Intrinsic: Using Change Information for Correct and Fast Incremental Builds
- requires Unusual Coding Patterns
-* Intrinsic: Avoiding Quadratic Time and Memory Consumption is Hard
-## Assumption: Aim for Correctness, Throughput, Ease of Use & Latency
-We assume that the build system needs to be first and foremost correct with
-respect to incremental builds, i.e., for a given source tree, the output of the
-same build should always be the same, regardless of what the output tree looks
-like. In the first approximation, this means Bazel needs to know every single
-input that goes into a given build step, such that it can rerun that step if any
-of the inputs change. There are limits to how correct Bazel can get, as it leaks
-some information such as date / time of the build, and ignores certain types of
-changes such as changes to file attributes. Sandboxing helps ensure correctness
-by preventing reads to undeclared input files. Besides the intrinsic limits of
-the system, there are a few known correctness issues, most of which are related
-to Fileset or the C++ rules, which are both hard problems. We have long-term
-efforts to fix these.
-The second goal of the build system is to have high throughput; we are
-permanently pushing the boundaries of what can be done within the current
-machine allocation for a remote execution service. If the remote execution
-service gets overloaded, nobody can get work done.
-Ease of use comes next, i.e., of multiple correct approaches with the same (or
-similar) footprint of the remote execution service, we choose the one that is
-easier to use.
-For the purpose of this document, latency denotes the time it takes from
-starting a build to getting the intended result, whether that is a test log from
-a passing or failing test, or an error message that a BUILD file has a
-Note that these goals often overlap; latency is as much a function of throughput
-of the remote execution service as is correctness relevant for ease of use.
-## Assumption: Large Scale Repositories
-The build system needs to operate at the scale of large repositories where large
-scale means that it does not fit on a single hard drive, so it is impossible to
-do a full checkout on virtually all developer machines. A medium-sized build
-will need to read and parse tens of thousands of BUILD files, and evaluate
-hundreds of thousands of globs. While it is theoretically possible to read all
-BUILD files on a single machine, we have not yet been able to do so within a
-reasonable amount of time and memory. As such, it is critical that BUILD files
-can be loaded and parsed independently.
-## Assumption: BUILD-like Description Language
-For the purpose of this document, we assume a configuration language that is
-roughly similar to BUILD files, i.e., declaration of library and binary rules
-and their interdependencies. BUILD files can be read and parsed independently,
-and we avoid even looking at source files whenever we can (except for
-## Intrinsic: Remote Execution and Caching are Hard
-Remote execution and caching improve build times in large repositories by
-roughly two orders of magnitude compared to running the build on a single
-machine. However, the scale at which it needs to perform is staggering: Google's
-remote execution service is designed to handle a huge number of requests per
-second, and the protocol carefully avoids unnecessary roundtrips as well as
-unnecessary work on the service side.
-At this time, the protocol requires that the build system knows all inputs to a
-given action ahead of time; the build system then computes a unique action
-fingerprint, and asks the scheduler for a cache hit. If a cache hit is found,
-the scheduler replies with the digests of the output files; the files itself are
-addressed by digest later on. However, this imposes restrictions on the Bazel
-rules, which need to declare all input files ahead of time.
-## Historic: Hard Separation between Loading, Analysis, and Execution is Outdated, but still affects the API
-Technically, it is sufficient for a rule to know the input and output files of
-an action just before the action is sent to remote execution. However, the
-original Bazel code base had a strict separation of loading packages, then
-analyzing rules using a configuration (command-line flags, essentially), and
-only then running any actions. This distinction is still part of the rules API
-today, even though the core of Bazel no longer requires it (more details below).
-That means that the rules API requires a declarative description of the rule
-interface (what attributes it has, types of attributes). There are some
-exceptions where the API allows custom code to run during the loading phase to
-compute implicit names of output files and implicit values of attributes. For
-example, a java_library rule named ‘foo’ implicitly generates an output named
-‘libfoo.jar’, which can be referenced from other rules in the build graph.
-Furthermore, the analysis of a rule cannot read any source files or inspect the
-output of an action; instead, it needs to generate a partial directed bipartite
-graph of build steps and output file names that is only determined from the rule
-itself and its dependencies.
-## Intrinsic: Using Change Information for Correct and Fast Incremental Builds requires Unusual Coding Patterns
-Above, we argued that in order to be correct, Bazel needs to know all the input
-files that go into a build step in order to detect whether that build step is
-still up-to-date. The same is true for package loading and rule analysis, and we
-have designed [Skyframe] (http://www.bazel.build/docs/skyframe.html) to handle this
-in general. Skyframe is a graph library and evaluation framework that takes a
-goal node (such as ‘build //foo with these options’), and breaks it down into
-its constituent parts, which are then evaluated and combined to yield this
-result. As part of this process, Skyframe reads packages, analyzes rules, and
-executes actions.
-At each node, Skyframe tracks exactly which nodes any given node used to compute
-its own output, all the way from the goal node down to the input files (which
-are also Skyframe nodes). Having this graph explicitly represented in memory
-allows the build system to identify exactly which nodes are affected by a given
-change to an input file (including creation or deletion of an input file), doing
-the minimal amount of work to restore the output tree to its intended state.
-As part of this, each node performs a dependency discovery process; i.e., each
-node can declare dependencies, and then use the contents of those dependencies
-to declare even further dependencies. In principle, this maps well to a
-thread-per-node model. However, medium-sized builds contain hundreds of
-thousands of Skyframe nodes, which isn’t easily possible with current Java
-technology (and for historical reasons, we’re currently tied to using Java, so
-no lightweight threads and no continuations).
-Instead, Bazel uses a fixed-size thread pool. However, that means that if a node
-declares a dependency that isn’t available yet, we may have to abort that
-evaluation and restart it (possibly in another thread), when the dependency is
-available. This, in turn, means that nodes should not do this excessively; a
-node that declares N dependencies serially can potentially be restarted N times,
-costing O(N^2) time. Instead, we aim for up-front bulk declaration of
-dependencies, which sometimes requires reorganizing the code, or even splitting
-a node into multiple nodes to limit the number of restarts.
-Note that this technology isn’t currently available in the rules API; instead,
-the rules API is still defined using the legacy concepts of loading, analysis,
-and execution phases. However, a fundamental restriction is that all accesses to
-other nodes have to go through the framework so that it can track the
-corresponding dependencies. Regardless of the language in which the build system
-is implemented or in which the rules are written (they don’t have to be the
-same), rule authors must not use standard libraries or patterns that bypass
-Skyframe. For Java, that means avoiding java.io.File as well as any form of
-reflection, and any library that does either. Libraries that support dependency
-injection of these low-level interfaces still need to be setup correctly for
-This strongly suggests to avoid exposing rule authors to a full language runtime
-in the first place. The danger of accidental use of such APIs is just too big -
-several Bazel bugs in the past were caused by rules using unsafe APIs, even
-though the rules were written by the Bazel team, i.e., by the domain experts.
-## Intrinsic: Avoiding Quadratic Time and Memory Consumption is Hard
-To make matters worse, apart from the requirements imposed by Skyframe, the
-historical constraints of using Java, and the outdatedness of the rules API,
-accidentally introducing quadratic time or memory consumption is a fundamental
-problem in any build system based on library and binary rules. There are two
-very common patterns that introduce quadratic memory consumption (and therefore
-quadratic time consumption).
-1. Chains of Library Rules -
-Consider the case of a chain of library rules A depends on B, depends on C, and
-so on. Then, we want to compute some property over the transitive closure of
-these rules, such as the Java runtime classpath, or the C++ linker command for
-each library. Naively, we might take a standard list implementation; however,
-this already introduces quadratic memory consumption: the first library
-contains one entry on the classpath, the second two, the third three, and so
-on, for a total of 1+2+3+...+N = O(N^2) entries.
-2. Binary Rules Depending on the Same Library Rules -
-Consider the case where a set of binaries that depend on the same library
-rules; for example, you might have a number of test rules that test the same
-library code. Let’s say out of N rules, half the rules are binary rules, and
-the other half library rules. Now consider that each binary makes a copy of
-some property computed over the transitive closure of library rules, such as
-the Java runtime classpath, or the C++ linker command line. For example, it
-could expand the command line string representation of the C++ link action. N/2
-copies of N/2 elements is O(N^2) memory.
-### Custom Collections Classes to Avoid Quadratic Complexity
-Bazel is heavily affected by both of these scenarios, so we introduced a set of
-custom collection classes that effectively compress the information in memory by
-avoiding the copy at each step. Almost all of these data structures have set
-semantics, so we called the class NestedSet. The majority of changes to reduce
-Bazel’s memory consumption over the past several years were changes to use
-NestedSet instead of whatever was previously used.
-Unfortunately, usage of NestedSet does not automatically solve all the issues;
-in particular, even just iterating over a NestedSet in each rule re-introduces
-quadratic time consumption. NestedSet also has some helper methods to facilitate
-interoperability with normal collections classes; unfortunately, accidentally
-passing a NestedSet to one of these methods leads to copying behavior, and
-reintroduces quadratic memory consumption.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Aspects
-# Aspects
-**Status: Experimental**. We may make breaking changes to the API, but we will
- help you update your code.
-Aspects allow augmenting build dependency graphs with additional information
-and actions. Some typical scenarios when aspects can be useful:
-* IDEs that integrate Bazel can use aspects to collect information about the
- project
-* Code generation tools can leverage aspects to execute on their inputs in
- "target-agnostic" manner. As an example, BUILD files can specify a hierarchy
- of [protobuf](https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/) library
- definitions, and language-specific rules can use aspects to attach
- actions generating protobuf support code for a particular language
-## Aspect basics
-Bazel BUILD files provide a description of a project’s source code: what source
-files are part of the project, what artifacts (_targets_) should be built from
-those files, what the dependencies between those files are, etc. Bazel uses
-this information to perform a build, that is, it figures out the set of actions
-needed to produce the artifacts (such as running compiler or linker) and
-executes those actions. Bazel accomplishes this by constructing a _dependency
-graph_ between targets and visiting this graph to collect those actions.
-Consider the following BUILD file:
-java_library(name = 'W', ...)
-java_library(name = 'Y', deps = [':W'], ...)
-java_library(name = 'Z', deps = [':W'], ...)
-java_library(name = 'Q', ...)
-java_library(name = 'T', deps = [':Q'], ...)
-java_library(name = 'X', deps = [':Y',':Z'], runtime_deps = [':T'], ...)
-This BUILD file defines a dependency graph shown in Fig 1.
-<img src="build-graph.png" alt="Build Graph" width="250px" />
-Bazel analyzes this dependency graph by calling implementations of
-[rules](rules.md) (in this case "java_library" starting from leaves of
-the dependency graph). These implementations generate actions that build
-artifacts (such as Jar files), and provide information (such as locations
-and names of those artifacts) to their dependencies in providers that
-they return. Their dependencies can access those providers through the
-[Target object](lib/Target.html). In other words, every target
-defined in the BUILD file generates a node in the dependency graph, and
-the appropriate rule implementation function is called for every node.
-Aspects are similar to rules in that they have an implementation function that
-generates actions and returns providers. However, their power comes from
-the way the dependency graph is built for them. An aspect has an implementation
-and a list of all attributes it propagates along. Consider an aspect A that
-propagates along attributes named "deps". This aspect can be applied to
-a target X, yielding an aspect application node A(X). During its application,
-aspect A is applied recursively to all targets that X refers to in its "deps"
-attribute (all attributes in A's propagation list). Thus a single act of
-applying aspect A to a target X yields a "shadow graph" of the original
-dependency graph of targets (see Fig.2).
-![Build Graph with Aspect](build-graph-aspects.png)
-The only edges that are shadowed are the edges along the attributes in
-the propagation set, thus the `runtime_deps` edge is not shadowed in this
-example. An aspect implementation function is then invoked on all nodes in
-the shadow graph similar to how rule implementations are invoked on the nodes
-of the original graph.
-## Defining aspects
-Aspect definitions are similiar to rule definitions. Let's take a look at
-the example:
-metal_proto_aspect = aspect(implementation = _metal_proto_aspect_impl,
- attr_aspects = ["deps"],
- attrs = {
- "_protoc" : attr.label(
- default=Label("//tools:metal_protoc"),
- executable = True
- )
- }
-Just like a rule, an aspect has an implementation function. ``attr_aspects``
-specify the aspect's propagation set: a list of attributes of rules along which
-the aspect propagates.
-``attrs`` defines a set of attributes for aspects. Aspects are only allowed
-to have private attributes of types ``label`` or ``label_list``. Attributes
-can be used to specify dependencies on tools or libraries that are needed
-for actions generated by aspects.
-### Implementation functions
-Aspect implementation functions are similiar to the rule implementation
-functions. They return [providers](rules.md#providers), can generate
-[actions](rules.md#actions) and take two arguments:
-* `target`: the [target](lib/Target.html) the aspect is being applied to.
-* `ctx`: [`ctx`](lib/ctx.html) object that can be used to access attributes and
- generate outputs and actions.
-def _metal_proto_aspect_impl(target, ctx):
- # For every `src` in proto_library, generate an output file
- proto_sources = [f for src in ctx.rule.attr.srcs
- for f in src.files]
- outputs = [ctx.new_file(f.short_path + ".metal")
- for f in proto_sources]
- ctx.action(
- executable = ctx.executable._protoc,
- argument = ...
- inputs = proto_sources
- outputs = outputs)
- transitive_outputs = depset(outputs)
- for dep in ctx.rule.attr.deps:
- transitive_outputs = transitive_outputs | dep.metal_proto.transitive_outputs
- return struct(
- metal_proto = struct(direct_outputs = outputs,
- transitive_outputs = transitive_outputs))
-The implementation function can access the attributes of the target rule via
-[`ctx.rule.attr`](lib/ctx.html#rule). It can examine providers that are
-provided by the target to which it is applied (via the `target` argument).
-Just like a rule implementation function, an aspect implementation function
-returns a struct of providers that are accessible to its dependencies.
-* The set of providers for an aspect application A(X) is the union of providers
- that come from the implementation of a rule for target X and from
- the implementation of aspect A. It is an error if a target and an aspect that
- is applied to it each provide a provider with the same name.
-* For the aspect implementation, the values of attributes along which
- the aspect is propagated (from the `attr_aspect` list) are replaced with
- the results of an application of the aspect to them. For example, if target
- X has Y and Z in its deps, `ctx.rule.attr.deps` for A(X) will be [A(Y), A(Z)].
- In the `_metal_proto_aspect_impl` function above, ctx.rule.attr.deps will be
- Target objects that are the results of applying the aspect to the 'deps'
- of the original target to which the aspect has been applied.
- That allows the aspect to examine `metal_proto` provider on them.
-## Applying aspects
-Aspect propagation can be initiated either from a rule or from the command line.
-### Applying aspects to rule attributes
-Rules can specify that they want to apply aspects to their dependencies.
-The aspects to be applied to a particular attribute can be specified
-using the `aspects` parameter to `attr.label` or `attr.label_list` function:
-metal_proto_library = rule(implementation = _impl,
- attrs = {
- 'proto_deps' : attr.label_list(aspects = [metal_proto_aspect]),
- },
-If a rule specifies an aspect on its attributes, the values of that attribute
-will be replaced by the result of aspect application to them (similar to
-what happens during aspect propagation). Thus implementation of
-`metal_proto_library` will have access to `metal_proto` providers
-on the target objects representing its `proto_deps` attribute values.
-### Applying aspects from command line.
-Aspects can also be applied on the command line, using the `--aspects` flag:
-bazel build //java/com/company/example:main \
- --aspects path/to/extension.bzl%metal_proto_aspect
-`--aspects` flag takes one argument, which is a specification of the aspect in
-the format `<extension file path>%<aspect top-level name>`.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Style guide for BUILD files
-# BUILD file style guide
-In `BUILD` files, we take the same approach as in Go: We let the machine take care
-of most formatting issues.
-[Buildifier](https://github.com/bazelbuild/buildifier) is a tool that parses and
-emits the source code in a standard style. Every `BUILD` file is therefore
-formatted in the same automated way, which makes formatting a non-issue during
-code reviews. It also makes it easier for tools to understand, edit, and
-generate `BUILD` files.
-`BUILD` file formatting must match the output of `buildifier`.
-## Formatting example
-package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
- name = "foo_test",
- srcs = glob(["*.py"]),
- data = [
- "//data/production/foo:startfoo",
- "//foo",
- "//third_party/java/jdk:jdk-k8",
- ],
- flaky = 1,
- deps = [
- ":check_bar_lib",
- ":foo_data_check",
- ":pick_foo_port",
- "//pyglib",
- "//testing/pybase",
- ],
-## File structure
-We recommend to use the following order (every element is optional):
- * Package description (a comment)
- * All `load()` statements
- * The `package()` function.
- * Calls to rules and macros
-Buildifier makes a distinction between a standalone comment and a comment
-attached to an element. If a comment is not attached to a specific element, use
-an empty line after it. The distinction is important when doing automated
-changes (e.g. to decide if we keep or remove a comment when we delete a rule).
-# Standalone comment (e.g. to make a section in a file)
-# Comment for the cc_library below
-cc_library(name = "cc")
-## Conventions
- * Use uppercase and underscores to declare constants (e.g. `GLOBAL_CONSTANT`),
- use lowercase and underscores to declare variables (e.g. `my_variable`).
- * Labels should be canonicalized. Use `//foo/bar` instead of `//foo/bar:bar`.
- Use `:bar` if it is defined in the same package. *Rationale*: It makes clear
- if a label is local to a package. Sorting a list of labels is messy if all
- labels do not use the same conventions.
- * Labels should never be split, even if they are longer than 79 characters.
- Labels should be string literals whenever possible. Rationale: It makes
- find and replace easy. It also improves readability.
- * The value of the name attribute should be a literal constant string (except
- in macros). *Rationale*: External tools use the name attribute to refer a
- rule. They need to find rules without having to interpret code.
-## Differences with Python style guide
-Although compatibility with
-[Python style guide](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/) is a goal, there
-are a few differences:
- * No strict line length limit. Long comments and long strings are often split
- to 79 columns, but it is not required. It should not be enforced in code
- reviews or presubmit scripts. *Rationale*: Labels can be long and exceed this
- limit. It is common for `BUILD` files to be generated or edited by tools, which
- does not go well with a line length limit.
- * Implicit string concatenation is not supported. Use the `+` operator.
- *Rationale*: `BUILD` files contain many string lists. It is easy to forget a
- comma, which leads to a complete different result. This has created many bugs
- in the past. [See also this discussion.](https://lwn.net/Articles/551438/)
- * Use spaces around the `=` sign for keywords arguments in rules. *Rationale*:
- Named arguments are much more frequent than in Python and are always on a
- separate line. Spaces improve readability. This convention has been around
- for a long time, and we don't think it is worth modifying all existing
- `BUILD` files.
- * By default, use double quotation marks for strings. *Rationale*: This is not
- specified in the Python style guide, but it recommends consistency. So we
- decided to use only double-quoted strings. Many languages use double-quotes
- for string literals.
- * Use a single blank line between two top-level definitions. *Rationale*: The
- structure of a `BUILD` file is not like a typical Python file. It has only
- top-level statements. Using a single-blank line makes `BUILD` files shorter.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Style guide for bzl files
-# .bzl file style guide
-## Style
-* When in doubt, follow the
- [Python style guide](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/).
-* Code should be documented using
- [docstrings](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/). Use a docstring at
- the top of the file, and a docstring for each public function.
-* Variables and function names use lowercase with words separated by underscores
- (`[a-z][a-z0-9_]*`), e.g. `cc_library`. Top-level private values start with
- one underscore. Bazel enforces that private values cannot be used from other
- files.
-* As in BUILD files, there is no strict line length limit as labels can be long.
- When possible, try to use at most 79 characters per line.
-* In keyword arguments, spaces around the equal sign are optional. In general,
- we follow the BUILD file convention when calling macros and native rules, and
- the Python convention for other functions, e.g.
-def fct(name, srcs):
- filtered_srcs = my_filter(source=srcs)
- native.cc_library(
- name = name,
- srcs = filtered_srcs,
- )
-## Macros
-A [macro](macros.md) is a function which instantiates one or many rules during
-the loading phase.
-* Macros must accept a name attribute and each invocation should specify a name.
- The generated name attribute of rules should include the name attribute as a
- prefix. For example, `my_macro(name = "foo")` can generate a rule `foo` and a
- rule `foo_gen`. *Rationale*: Users should be able to find easily which macro
- generated a rule. Also, automated refactoring tools need a way to identify a
- specific rule to edit.
-* When calling a macro, use only keyword arguments. *Rationale*: This is for
- consistency with rules, it greatly improves readability.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Extensions - Overview
-# Overview
-## Loading an extension
-Extensions are files with the `.bzl` extension. Use the `load` statement to
-import a symbol from an extension.
-load("//build_tools/rules:maprule.bzl", "maprule")
-This code will load the file `build_tools/rules/maprule.bzl` and add the
-`maprule` symbol to the environment. This can be used to load new rules,
-functions or constants (e.g. a string, a list, etc.). Multiple symbols can be
-imported by using additional arguments to the call to `load`. Arguments must
-be string literals (no variable) and `load` statements must appear at
-top-level, i.e. they cannot be in a function body.
-`load` also supports aliases, i.e. you can assign different names to the
-imported symbols.
-load("//build_tools/rules:maprule.bzl", maprule_alias = "maprule")
-You can define multiple aliases within one `load` statement. Moreover, the
-argument list can contain both aliases and regular symbol names. The following
-example is perfectly legal (please note when to use quotation marks).
-load(":my_rules.bzl", "some_rule", nice_alias = "some_other_rule")
-In a `.bzl` file, symbols starting with `_` are private and cannot be loaded
-from another file. Visibility doesn't affect loading (yet): you don't need to
-use `exports_files` to make a `.bzl` file visible.
-## Macros and rules
-A [macro](macros.md) is a function that instantiates rules. It is useful when a
-BUILD file is getting too repetitive or too complex, as it allows you to reuse
-some code. The function is evaluated as soon as the BUILD file is read. After
-the evaluation of the BUILD file, Bazel has little information about macros: if
-your macro generates a `genrule`, Bazel will behave as if you wrote the
-`genrule`. As a result, `bazel query` will only list the generated `genrule`.
-A [rule](rules.md) is more powerful than a macro. It can access Bazel internals
-and have full control over what is going on. It may for example pass information
-to other rules.
-If you want to reuse simple logic, start with a macro. If a macro becomes
-complex, it is often a good idea to make it a rule. Support for a new language
-is typically done with a rule. Rules are for advanced users: we expect that most
-people will never have to write one, they will only load and call existing
-## Evaluation model
-A build consists of three phases.
-* **Loading phase**. First, we load and evaluate all extensions and all BUILD
- files that are needed for the build. The execution of the BUILD files simply
- instantiates rules (each time a rule is called, it gets added to a graph).
- This is where macros are evaluated.
-* **Analysis phase**. The code of the rules is executed (their `implementation`
- function), and actions are instantiated. An action describes how to generate
- a set of outputs from a set of inputs, e.g. "run gcc on hello.c and get
- hello.o". It is important to note that we have to list explicitly which
- files will be generated before executing the actual commands. In other words,
- the analysis phase takes the graph generated by the loading phase and
- generates an action graph.
-* **Execution phase**. Actions are executed, when at least one of their outputs is
- required. If a file is missing or if a command fails to generate one output,
- the build fails. Tests are also run during this phase.
-Bazel uses parallelism to read, parse and evaluate the `.bzl` files and `BUILD`
-files. A file is read at most once per build and the result of the evaluation is
-cached and reused. A file is evaluated only once all its dependencies (`load()`
-statements) have been resolved. By design, loading a `.bzl` file has no visible
-side-effect, it only defines values and functions.
-Bazel tries to be clever: it uses dependency analysis to know which files must
-be loaded, which rules must be analyzed, and which actions must be executed. For
-example, if a rule generates actions that we don't need for the current build,
-they will not be executed.
-## Backward-incompatible changes
-As we make changes and polish the extension mechanism, old features may be
-removed and new features that are not backwards-compatible may be added.
-Each release, new incompatible changes will be behind a flag with its default
-value set to `false`. In later releases, the flag will be enabled by default, or
-the flag will be removed entirely.
-To check if your code will be compatible with future releases:
-* build your code with the flag `--all_incompatible_changes`, or
-* use boolean flags to enable/disable specific incompatible changes.
-This following are the planned incompatible changes that are implemented and
-guarded behind flags.
-### Set constructor
-We are removing the `set` constructor. Use `depset` instead. `set` and `depset`
-are equivalent, you just need to do search and replace to update the old code.
-We are doing this to reduce confusion between the specialized
-[depset](depsets.md) data structure and Python's set datatype.
-* Flag: `--incompatible_disallow_set_constructor=true`
-* Introduced in: 0.5.1
-### Keyword-only arguments
-Keyword-only parameters are parameters that can be called only using their name.
-``` python
-def foo(arg1, *, arg2): pass
-foo(3, arg2=3)
-``` python
-def bar(arg1, *rest, arg2): pass
-bar(3, arg2=3)
-In both examples, `arg2` must be named at the call site. To preserve syntactic
-compatibility with Python 2, we are removing this feature (which we have never
-* Flag: `--incompatible_disallow_keyword_only_args=true`
-* Introduced in: 0.5.1
-### Mutating `+=`
-We are changing `left += right` when `left` is a list. The old behavior is
-equivalent to `left = left + right`, which creates a new list and assigns it to
-`left`. The new behavior does not rebind `left`, but instead just mutates the
-list in-place.
-``` python
-def fct():
- li = [1]
- alias = li
- li += [2]
- # Old behavior: alias == [1]
- # New behavior: alias == [1, 2]
-This change makes Skylark more compatible with Python and avoids performance
-issues. The `+=` operator for tuples is unaffected.
-* Flag: `--incompatible_list_plus_equals_inplace=true`
-* Introduced in: 0.5.1
-### Dictionary concatenation
-We are removing the `+` operator on dictionaries. This includes the `+=` form
-where the left-hand side is a dictionary. This is done to improve compatibility
-with Python. A possible workaround is to use the `.update` method instead.
-* Flag: `--incompatible_disallow_dict_plus=true`
-* Introduced in: 0.5.1
-## Upcoming changes
-The following items are upcoming changes.
-* Comprehensions currently "leak" the values of their loop variables into the
- surrounding scope (Python 2 semantics). This will be changed so that
- comprehension variables are local (Python 3 semantics).
-* Previously dictionaries were guaranteed to use sorted order for their keys.
- Going forward, there is no guarantee on order besides that it is
- deterministic. As an implementation matter, some kinds of dictionaries may
- continue to use sorted order while others may use insertion order.
-These changes concern the `load()` syntax in particular.
-* Currently a `load()` statement can appear anywhere in a file so long as it is
- at the top-level (not in an indented block of code). In the future they will
- be required to appear at the beginning of the file, i.e., before any
- non-`load()` statement.
-* In BUILD files, `load()` can overwrite an existing variable with the loaded
- symbol. This will be disallowed in order to improve consistency with .bzl
- files. Use load aliases to avoid name clashes.
-* The .bzl file can be specified as either a path or a label. In the future only
- the label form will be allowed.
-* Cross-package visibility restrictions do not yet apply to loaded .bzl files.
- At some point this will change. In order to load a .bzl from another package
- it will need to be exported, such as by using an `exports_files` declaration.
- The exact syntax has not yet been decided.
-## Profiling the code
-To profile your code and analyze the performance, use the `--profile` flag:
-$ bazel build --nobuild --profile=/tmp/prof //path/to:target
-$ bazel analyze-profile /tmp/prof --html --html_details
-Then, open the generated HTML file (`/tmp/prof.html` in the example).
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-layout: documentation
-title: Extensions examples
-# Extensions examples
-## <a name="macro"></a>Macro creating a rule
-An example of a macro creating a rule.
-def _impl(ctx):
- print("This rule does nothing")
-empty = rule(implementation=_impl)
-# Loading the rule. The rule doesn't have to be in a separate file.
-load("//pkg:empty.bzl", "empty")
-def macro(name, visibility=None):
- # Creating the rule.
- empty(name = name, visibility = visibility)
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "macro")
-macro(name = "myrule")
-## <a name="macro_native"></a>Macro creating a native rule
-An example of a macro creating a native rule. Native rules are special rules
-that are automatically available (without <code>load</code>). They are
-accessed using the <a href="lib/native.html">native</a> module.
-def macro(name, visibility=None):
- # Creating a native genrule.
- native.genrule(
- name = name,
- outs = [name + '.txt'],
- cmd = 'echo hello > $@',
- visibility = visibility,
- )
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "macro")
-macro(name = "myrule")
-## <a name="macro_compound"></a>Macro multiple rules
-There's currently no easy way to create a rule that directly uses the
-action of a native rule. You can work around this using macros:
-def _impl(ctx):
- return struct([...],
- # When instrumenting this rule, again hide implementation from
- # users.
- instrumented_files(
- source_attributes = ["srcs", "csrcs"],
- dependency_attributes = ["deps", "cdeps"]))
-# This rule is private and can only be accessed from the current file.
-_cc_and_something_else_binary = rule(implementation=_impl)
-# This macro is public, it's the public interface to instantiate the rule.
-def cc_and_something_else_binary(name, srcs, deps, csrcs, cdeps):
- cc_binary_name = "%s.cc_binary" % name
- native.cc_binary(
- name = cc_binary_name,
- srcs = csrcs,
- deps = cdeps,
- visibility = ["//visibility:private"]
- )
- _cc_and_something_else_binary(
- name = name,
- srcs = srcs,
- deps = deps,
- # A label attribute so that this depends on the internal rule.
- cc_binary = cc_binary_name,
- # Redundant labels attributes so that the rule with this target name knows
- # about everything it would know about if cc_and_something_else_binary
- # were an actual rule instead of a macro.
- csrcs = csrcs,
- cdeps = cdeps)
-## <a name="conditional-instantiation"></a>Conditional instantiation
-Macros can look at previously instantiated rules. This is done with
-`native.existing_rule`, which returns information on a single rule defined in the same
-`BUILD` file, eg.,
-This is useful to avoid instantiating the same rule twice, which is an
-error. For example, the following macro will simulate a test suite,
-instantiating tests for diverse flavors of the same test.
-def system_test(name, test_file, flavor):
- n = "system_test_%s_%s_test" % (test_file, flavor)
- if native.existing_rule(n) == None:
- native.py_test(
- name = n,
- srcs = [
- "test_driver.py",
- test_file,
- ],
- args = ["--flavor=" + flavor],
- )
- return n
-def system_test_suite(name, flavors=["default"], test_files=[]):
- ts = []
- for flavor in flavors:
- for test in test_files:
- ts.append(system_test(name, test, flavor))
- native.test_suite(name = name, tests = ts)
-In the following BUILD file, note how `(basic_test.py, fast)` is emitted for
-both the `smoke` test suite and the `thorough` test suite.
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "system_test_suite")
-# Run all files through the 'fast' flavor.
- name = "smoke",
- flavors = ["fast"],
- test_files = glob(["*_test.py"]),
-# Run the basic test through all flavors.
- name = "thorough",
- flavors = [
- "fast",
- "debug",
- "opt",
- ],
- test_files = ["basic_test.py"],
-## <a name="aggregation"></a>Aggregating over the BUILD file
-Macros can collect information from the BUILD file as processed so far. We call
-this aggregation. The typical example is collecting data from all rules of a
-certain kind. This is done by calling
-<a href="lib/native.html#existing_rules">native.existing\_rules</a>, which
-returns a dictionary representing all rules defined so far in the current BUILD
-file. The dictionary has entries of the form `name` => `rule`, with the values
-using the same format as `native.existing_rule`.
-def archive_cc_src_files(tag):
- """Create an archive of all C++ sources that have the given tag."""
- all_src = []
- for r in native.existing_rules().values():
- if tag in r["tags"] and r["kind"] == "cc_library":
- all_src.append(r["srcs"])
- native.genrule(cmd = "zip $@ $^", srcs = all_src, outs = ["out.zip"])
-Since `native.existing_rules` constructs a potentially large dictionary, you should avoid
-calling it repeatedly within BUILD file.
-## <a name="empty"></a>Empty rule
-Minimalist example of a rule that does nothing. If you build it, the target will
-succeed (with no generated file).
-def _impl(ctx):
- # You may use print for debugging.
- print("This rule does nothing")
-empty = rule(implementation=_impl)
-load("//pkg:empty.bzl", "empty")
-empty(name = "nothing")
-## <a name="attr"></a>Rule with attributes
-Example of a rule that shows how to declare attributes and access them.
-def _impl(ctx):
- # You may use print for debugging.
- print("Rule name = %s, package = %s" % (ctx.label.name, ctx.label.package))
- # This prints the labels of the deps attribute.
- print("There are %d deps" % len(ctx.attr.deps))
- for i in ctx.attr.deps:
- print("- %s" % i.label)
- # A label can represent any number of files (possibly 0).
- print(" files = %s" % [f.path for f in i.files])
-printer = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- # Do not declare "name": It is added automatically.
- "number": attr.int(default = 1),
- "deps": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
- })
-load("//pkg:printer.bzl", "printer")
- name = "nothing",
- deps = [
- "BUILD",
- ":other",
- ],
-printer(name = "other")
-If you execute this file, some information is printed as a warning by the
-rule. No file is generated.
-## <a name="shell"></a>Simple shell command
-Example of a rule that runs a shell command on an input file specified by
-the user. The output has the same name as the rule, with a `.size` suffix.
-While convenient, Shell commands should be used carefully. Generating the
-command-line can lead to escaping and injection issues. It can also create
-portability problems. It is often better to declare a binary target in a
-BUILD file and execute it. See the example [executing a binary](#execute-bin).
-def _impl(ctx):
- output = ctx.outputs.out
- input = ctx.file.file
- # The command may only access files declared in inputs.
- ctx.action(
- inputs=[input],
- outputs=[output],
- progress_message="Getting size of %s" % input.short_path,
- command="stat -L -c%%s %s > %s" % (input.path, output.path))
-size = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={"file": attr.label(mandatory=True, allow_files=True, single_file=True)},
- outputs={"out": "%{name}.size"},
-load("//pkg:size.bzl", "size")
- name = "foo_size",
- file = "foo.txt",
-## <a name="file"></a>Write string to a file
-Example of a rule that writes a string to a file.
-def _impl(ctx):
- output = ctx.outputs.out
- ctx.file_action(output=output, content=ctx.attr.content)
-file = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={"content": attr.string()},
- outputs={"out": "%{name}.txt"},
-load("//pkg:file.bzl", "file")
- name = "hello",
- content = "Hello world",
-## <a name="execute-bin"></a>Execute a binary
-This rule executes an existing binary. In this particular example, the
-binary is a tool that merges files. During the analysis phase, we cannot
-access any arbitrary label: the dependency must have been previously
-declared. To do so, the rule needs a label attribute. In this example, we
-will give the label a default value and make it private (so that it is not
-visible to end users). Keeping the label private can simplify maintenance,
-since you can easily change the arguments and flags you pass to the tool.
-def _impl(ctx):
- # The list of arguments we pass to the script.
- args = [ctx.outputs.out.path] + [f.path for f in ctx.files.srcs]
- # Action to call the script.
- ctx.action(
- inputs=ctx.files.srcs,
- outputs=[ctx.outputs.out],
- arguments=args,
- progress_message="Merging into %s" % ctx.outputs.out.short_path,
- executable=ctx.executable._merge_tool)
-concat = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "srcs": attr.label_list(allow_files=True),
- "out": attr.output(mandatory=True),
- "_merge_tool": attr.label(executable=True, cfg="host", allow_files=True,
- default=Label("//pkg:merge"))
- }
-Any executable target can be used. In this example, we will use a
-`sh_binary` rule that concatenates all the inputs.
-load("execute", "concat")
- name = "sh",
- srcs = [
- "header.html",
- "body.html",
- "footer.html",
- ],
- out = "page.html",
-# This target is used by the shell rule.
- name = "merge",
- srcs = ["merge.sh"],
-cat $* > $out
-## <a name="execute"></a>Execute an input binary
-This rule has a mandatory `binary` attribute. It is a label that can refer
-only to executable rules or files.
-def _impl(ctx):
- # ctx.new_file is used for temporary files.
- # If it should be visible for user, declare it in rule.outputs instead.
- f = ctx.new_file(ctx.configuration.bin_dir, "hello")
- # As with outputs, each time you declare a file,
- # you need an action to generate it.
- ctx.file_action(output=f, content=ctx.attr.input_content)
- ctx.action(
- inputs=[f],
- outputs=[ctx.outputs.out],
- executable=ctx.executable.binary,
- progress_message="Executing %s" % ctx.executable.binary.short_path,
- arguments=[
- f.path,
- ctx.outputs.out.path, # Access the output file using
- # ctx.outputs.<attribute name>
- ]
- )
-execute = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "binary": attr.label(cfg="host", mandatory=True, allow_files=True,
- executable=True),
- "input_content": attr.string(),
- "out": attr.output(mandatory=True),
- },
-tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' < $1 > $2
-load("//pkg:execute.bzl", "execute")
- name = "e",
- input_content = "some text",
- binary = "a.sh",
- out = "foo",
-## <a name="runfiles"></a>Runfiles and location substitution
-def _impl(ctx):
- executable = ctx.outputs.executable
- command = ctx.attr.command
- # Expand the label in the command string to a runfiles-relative path.
- # The second arg is the list of labels that may be expanded.
- command = ctx.expand_location(command, ctx.attr.data)
- # Create the output executable file with command as its content.
- ctx.file_action(
- output=executable,
- content=command,
- executable=True)
- return [DefaultInfo(
- # Create runfiles from the files specified in the data attribute.
- # The shell executable - the output of this rule - can use them at runtime.
- # It is also possible to define data_runfiles and default_runfiles.
- # However if runfiles is specified it's not possible to define the above
- # ones since runfiles sets them both.
- # Remember, that the struct returned by the implementation function needs
- # to have a field named "runfiles" in order to create the actual runfiles
- # symlink tree.
- runfiles=ctx.runfiles(files=ctx.files.data)
- )]
-execute = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- executable=True,
- attrs={
- "command": attr.string(),
- "data": attr.label_list(cfg="data", allow_files=True),
- },
-Hello World!
-load("//pkg:execute.bzl", "execute")
- name = "e",
- # The location will be expanded to "pkg/data.txt", and it will reference
- # the data.txt file in runfiles when this target is invoked as
- # "bazel run //pkg:e".
- command = "cat $(location :data.txt)",
- data = [':data.txt']
-## <a name="late-bound"></a>Computed dependencies
-Bazel needs to know about all dependencies before doing the analysis phase and
-calling the implementation function. Dependencies can be computed based on the
-rule attributes: to do so, use a function as the default
-value of an attribute (the attribute must be private and have type `label` or
-`list of labels`). The parameters of this function must correspond to the
-attributes that are accessed in the function body.
-Note: For legacy reasons, the function takes the configuration as an additional
-parameter. Please do not rely on the configuration since it will be removed in
-the future.
-The example below computes the md5 sum of a file. The file can be preprocessed
-using a filter. The exact dependencies depend on the filter chosen by the user.
-_filters = {
- "comments": Label("//pkg:comments"),
- "spaces": Label("//pkg:spaces"),
- "none": None,
-def _get_filter(filter, cfg=None): # requires attribute "filter"
- # Return the value for the attribute "_filter_bin"
- # It can be a label or None.
- return _filters[filter]
-def _impl(ctx):
- src = ctx.file.src
- if not ctx.attr._filter_bin:
- # Skip the processing
- processed = src
- else:
- processed = ctx.new_file(ctx.label.name + "_processed")
- # Run the selected binary
- ctx.action(
- outputs = [processed],
- inputs = [ctx.file.src],
- progress_message="Apply filter '%s'" % ctx.attr.filter,
- arguments = [ctx.file.src.path, processed.path],
- executable = ctx.executable._filter_bin)
- # Compute the hash
- out = ctx.outputs.text
- ctx.action(
- outputs = [out],
- inputs = [processed],
- command = "md5sum < %s > %s" % (processed.path, out.path))
-md5_sum = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "filter": attr.string(values=_filters.keys(), default="none"),
- "src": attr.label(mandatory=True, single_file=True, allow_files=True),
- "_filter_bin": attr.label(default=_get_filter, executable=True),
- },
- outputs = {"text": "%{name}.txt"})
-load("//pkg:hash.bzl", "md5_sum")
- name = "hash",
- src = "hello.txt",
- filter = "spaces",
- name = "comments",
- srcs = ["comments.sh"],
- name = "spaces",
- srcs = ["spaces.sh"],
-Hello World!
-grep -v '^ *#' $1 > $2 # Remove lines with only a Python-style comment
-tr -d ' ' < $1 > $2 # Remove spaces
-## <a name="mandatory-providers"></a>Mandatory providers
-In this example, rules have a `number` attribute. Each rule adds its
-number with the numbers of its transitive dependencies, and write the
-result in a file. This shows how to transfer information from a dependency
-to its dependents.
-NumberInfo = provider()
-def _impl(ctx):
- result = ctx.attr.number
- for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
- result += dep[NumberInfo].number
- ctx.file_action(output=ctx.outputs.out, content=str(result))
- # Return the provider with result, visible to other rules.
- return [NumberInfo(number=result)]
-sum = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "number": attr.int(default=1),
- # All deps must provide all listed providers.
- "deps": attr.label_list(providers=[NumberInfo]),
- },
- outputs = {"out": "%{name}.sum"}
-load("//pkg:sum.bzl", "sum")
- name = "n",
- deps = ["n2", "n5"],
- name = "n2",
- number = 2,
- name = "n5",
- number = 5,
-## <a name="optional-providers"></a>Optional providers
-This is a similar example, but dependencies may not provide a number.
-NumberInfo = provider()
-def _impl(ctx):
- result = ctx.attr.number
- for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
- if NumberInfo in dep:
- result += dep[NumberInfo].number
- ctx.file_action(output=ctx.outputs.out, content=str(result))
- # Return the provider with result, visible to other rules.
- return [NumberInfo(number=result)]
-sum = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "number": attr.int(default=1),
- "deps": attr.label_list(),
- },
- outputs = {"out": "%{name}.sum"}
-load("//pkg:sum.bzl", "sum")
- name = "n",
- deps = ["n2", "n5"],
- name = "n2",
- number = 2,
- name = "n5",
- number = 5,
-## <a name="outputs-executable"></a>Default executable output
-This example shows how to create a default executable output.
-def _impl(ctx):
- ctx.file_action(
- # Access the executable output file using ctx.outputs.executable.
- output=ctx.outputs.executable,
- content="#!/bin/bash\necho Hello!",
- executable=True
- )
- # The executable output is added automatically to this target.
-executable_rule = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- executable=True
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "executable_rule")
-executable_rule(name = "my_rule")
-## <a name="outputs-default"></a>Default outputs
-This example shows how to create default outputs for a rule.
-def _impl(ctx):
- ctx.file_action(
- # Access the default outputs using ctx.outputs.<output name>.
- output=ctx.outputs.my_output,
- content="Hello World!"
- )
- # The default outputs are added automatically to this target.
-rule_with_outputs = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- outputs = {
- # %{name} is substituted with the rule's name
- "my_output": "%{name}.txt"
- }
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "rule_with_outputs")
-rule_with_outputs(name = "my_rule")
-## <a name="outputs-custom"></a>Custom outputs
-This example shows how to create custom (user defined) outputs for a rule.
-This rule takes a list of output file name templates from the user and
-creates each of them containing a "Hello World!" message.
-def _impl(ctx):
- # Access the custom outputs using ctx.outputs.<attribute name>.
- for output in ctx.outputs.outs:
- ctx.file_action(
- output=output,
- content="Hello World!"
- )
- # The custom outputs are added automatically to this target.
-rule_with_outputs = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "outs": attr.output_list()
- }
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "rule_with_outputs")
- name = "my_rule",
- outs = ["my_output.txt"]
-## <a name="master-rule"></a>Master rules
-This example shows how to create master rules to bind other rules together. The
-code below uses genrules for simplicity, but this technique is more useful with
-other rules. For example, if you need to compile C++ files, you can reuse
-def _impl(ctx):
- # Aggregate the output files from the depending rules
- files = depset()
- files += ctx.attr.dep_rule_1.files
- files += ctx.attr.dep_rule_2.files
- return [DefaultInfo(files=files)]
-# This rule binds the depending rules together
-master_rule = rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- attrs={
- "dep_rule_1": attr.label(),
- "dep_rule_2": attr.label()
- }
-def macro(name, cmd, input):
- # Create the depending rules
- name_1 = name + "_dep_1"
- name_2 = name + "_dep_2"
- native.genrule(
- name = name_1,
- cmd = cmd,
- outs = [name_1 + ".txt"]
- )
- native.genrule(
- name = name_2,
- cmd = "echo " + input + " >$@",
- outs = [name_2 + ".txt"]
- )
- # Create the master rule
- master_rule(
- name = name,
- dep_rule_1 = ":" + name_1,
- dep_rule_2 = ":" + name_2
- )
-load("//pkg:extension.bzl", "macro")
-# This creates the target :my_rule
- name = "my_rule",
- cmd = "echo something > $@",
- input = "Hello World"
-## <a name="debugging-tips"></a>Debugging tips
-Here are some examples on how to debug macros and rules using
-<a href="lib/globals.html#print">print</a>.
-print("print something when the module is loaded")
-def _impl(ctx):
- print("print something when the rule implementation is executed")
- print(type("abc")) # prints string, the type of "abc"
- print(dir(ctx)) # prints all the fields and methods of ctx
- print(dir(ctx.attr)) # prints all the attributes of the rule
- # prints the objects each separated with new line
- print("object1", "object2", sep="\n")
-debug = rule(implementation=_impl)
-load("//pkg:debug.bzl", "debug")
- name = "printing_rule"
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-layout: documentation
-title: Deploying new Skylark rules
-# Deploying new Skylark rules
-This documentation is for Skylark rule writers who are planning to make their
-rules available to others.
-## Where to put new rules
-In general, new rules should go into their own GitHub repository under your
-organization. Contact the [bazel-dev mailing
-list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-dev) if you feel like your
-rules belong in the bazelbuild organization.
-You can see lots of examples of what your repository should look like on GitHub:
-see all of the repositories named `rules_whatever`. In particular,
-[rules_scala](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_scala) is a nice example of
-how to set up your repo.
-Rules can be grouped either by language (e.g., Scala) or some notion of platform
-(e.g., Android).
-## What a rule repository should contain
-Every rule repository should have a certain layout so that users can quickly
-understand new rules.
-For example, suppose we are writing new Skylark rules for the (make-believe)
-chaiscript language. We would have the following structure:
- chaiscript.bzl
- some_test.sh
- another_test.py
- bin.chai
- lib.chai
- test.chai
-### README.md
-At the top level, there should be a README.md that contains (at least) what
-users will need to copy-paste into their WORKSPACE file to use your rule.
-In general, this will be a `git_repository` pointing to your GitHub repo and
-a macro call that downloads/configures any tools your rule needs. For example,
-for the [Go
-rules](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/blob/master/README.md#setup), this
-looks like:
- name = "io_bazel_rules_go",
- remote = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go.git",
- tag = "0.0.2",
-load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_repositories")
-If your rules depend on another repository's rules, specify both in the
-`README.md` (see the [Skydoc rules](https://github.com/bazelbuild/skydoc#setup),
-which depend on the Sass rules, for an example of this).
-### Tests
-There should be tests that verify that the rules are working as expected. This
-can either be in the standard location for the language the rules are for or a
-`tests/` directory at the top level.
-### Optional: Examples
-It is useful to users to have an `examples/` directory that shows users a couple
-of basic ways that the rules can be used.
-## Testing
-Set up Travis as described in their [getting started
-docs](https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/getting-started/). Then add a
-`.travis.yml` file to your repository with the following content:
- - java
- - oraclejdk8 # Building Bazel requires JDK8.
- - wget https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/archive/0.3.0.zip # Replace with desired version
- - unzip 0.3.0.zip
- - cd bazel-0.3.0
- - ./compile.sh
- - sudo cp output/bazel /usr/bin/bazel
- - cd ..
- - rm -rf bazel-0.3.0
- - bazel build //...
- - bazel test //...
-Right now Bazel has to be compiled from source, as Travis does not support a
-version of GCC that works with the precompiled Bazel binaries. Thus, the
-`before_install` steps download the Bazel source, compile it, and "install" the
-Bazel binary in /usr/bin.
-If your repository is under the [bazelbuild organization](https://github.com/bazelbuild),
-contact the [bazel-dev](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-dev) list
-to have it added to [ci.bazel.build](http://ci.bazel.build).
-## Documentation
-See the [Skydoc documentation](https://github.com/bazelbuild/skydoc) for
-instructions on how to comment your rules so that documentation can be generated
-## FAQs
-### Why can't we add our rule to the Bazel GitHub repository?
-We want to decouple rules from Bazel releases as much as possible. It's clearer
-who owns individual rules, reducing the load on Bazel developers. For our users,
-decoupling makes it easier to modify, upgrade, downgrade, and replace rules.
-Contributing to rules can be lighter weight than contributing to Bazel -
-depending on the rules -, including full submit access to the corresponding
-GitHub repository. Getting submit access to Bazel itself is a much more involved
-The downside is a more complicated one-time installation process for our users:
-they have to copy-paste a rule into their WORKSPACE file, as shown in the
-README section above.
-We used to have all of the Skylark rules in the Bazel repository (under
-`//tools/build_rules` or `//tools/build_defs`). We still have a couple rules
-there, but we are working on moving the remaining rules out.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Extensions
-# Extensions
-Skylark is the name of the extension mechanism in Bazel. It lets you add support
-for new languages and tools by writing [custom build rules](rules.md). You can
-also compose existing rules into [macros](macros.md).
-## Getting started
-Read the [concepts](concepts.md) behind Skylark and try the
-[cookbook examples](cookbook.md). To go further, read about the
-[standard library](lib/globals.html).
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-layout: documentation
-title: Macros
-# Macros
-## Macro creation
-A macro is a function called from the BUILD file that can instantiate rules.
-Macros don't give additional power, they are just used for encapsulation and
-code reuse. By the end of the [loading phase](concepts.md#evaluation-model),
-macros don't exist anymore, and Bazel sees only the set of rules they created.
-Native rules (i.e. rules that don't need a `load()` statement) can be
-instantiated from the [native](lib/native.html) module, e.g.
-def my_macro(name, visibility=None):
- native.cc_library(
- name = name,
- srcs = ["main.cc"],
- visibility = visibility,
- )
-If you need to know the package name (i.e. which BUILD file is calling the
-macro), use the constant [PACKAGE_NAME](lib/globals.html#PACKAGE_NAME).
-## Examples
-* [Macro creating rules](cookbook.md#macro).
-* [Macro creating native rules](cookbook.md#macro_native).
-* [Macro combining multiple rules](cookbook.md#macro_compound).
-## Debugging
-* `bazel query --output=build //my/path:all` will show you how the BUILD file
- looks after evaluation. All macros, globs, loops are expanded. Known
- limitation: `select` expressions are currently not shown in the output.
-* You may filter the output based on `generator_function` (which function
- generated the rules) or `generator_name` (the name attribute of the macro),
- e.g.
- ```bash
- $ bazel query --output=build 'attr(generator_function, my_macro, //my/path:all)'
- ```
-* To find out where exactly the rule `foo` is generated in a BUILD file, you
- can try the following trick. Insert this line near the top of the BUILD
- file: `cc_library(name = "foo")`. Run Bazel. You will get an exception when
- the rule `foo` is created (due to a name conflict), which will show you the
- full stack trace.
-* You can also use [print](lib/globals.html#print) for debugging. It displays
- the message as a warning during the loading phase. Except in rare cases,
- either remove `print` calls, or make them conditional under a `debugging`
- parameter that defaults to `False` before submitting the code to the depot.
-## Errors
-If you want to throw an error, use the [fail](lib/globals.html#fail) function.
-Explain clearly to the user what went wrong and how to fix their BUILD file. It
-is not possible to catch an error.
-def my_macro(name, deps, visibility=None):
- if len(deps) < 2:
- fail("Expected at least two values in deps")
- # ...
-## Conventions
-* All public functions (functions that don't start with underscore) that
- instantiate rules must have a `name` argument. This argument should not be
- optional (don't give a default value).
-* Public functions should use a docstring following [Python
- conventions](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/#one-line-docstrings).
-* In BUILD files, the `name` argument of the macros must be a keyword argument
- (not a positional argument).
-* The `name` attribute of rules generated by a macro should include the name
- argument as a prefix. For example, `macro(name = "foo")` can generate a
- `cc_library` `foo` and a genrule `foo_gen`.
-* In most cases, optional parameters should have a default value of `None`.
- `None` can be passed directly to native rules, which treat it the same as if
- you had not passed in any argument. Thus, there is no need to replace it
- with `0`, `False`, or `[]` for this purpose. Instead, the macro should defer
- to the rules it creates, as their defaults may be complex or may change over
- time. Additionally, a parameter that is explicitly set to its default value
- looks different than one that is never set (or set to `None`) when accessed
- through the query language or build-system internals.
-* Macros should have an optional `visibility` argument.
-## Full example
-The typical use-case for a macro is when you want to reuse a genrule, e.g.
- name = "file",
- outs = ["file.txt"],
- cmd = "$(location generator) some_arg > $@",
- tools = [":generator"],
-If you want to generate another file with different arguments, you may want to
-extract this code to a function.
-The BUILD file will become simply:
-load("//path:generator.bzl", "file_generator")
- name = "file",
- arg = "some_arg",
-In order to keep BUILD files clean and declarative, you must put the function in
-a separate `.bzl` file. For example, write the definition of the macro in
-def file_generator(name, arg, visibility=None):
- native.genrule(
- name = name,
- outs = [name + ".txt"],
- cmd = "$(location generator) %s > $@" % arg,
- tools = ["//test:generator"],
- visibility = visibility,
- )
-When you want to investigate what a macro does, use the following command to
-see the expanded form:
-$ bazel query --output=build :file
-# /absolute/path/test/ext.bzl:42:3
- name = "file",
- tools = ["//test:generator"],
- outs = ["//test:file.txt"],
- cmd = "$(location generator) some_arg > $@",
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-layout: documentation
-title: Repository Rules
-# Repository Rules
-**Status: Experimental**. We may make breaking changes to the API, but we will
- announce them and help you update your code.
-An [external repository](/docs/external.md) is a rule that can be used only
-in the `WORKSPACE` file and enable non-hermetic operation at the loading phase
-of Bazel. Each external repository rule creates its own workspace, with its
-own BUILD files and artifacts. They can be used to depend on third-party
-libraries (such as Maven packaged libraries) but also to generate BUILD files
-specific to the host Bazel is running on.
-## Repository Rule creation
-In a `.bzl` file, use the
-[repository_rule](lib/globals.html#repository_rule) function to create a new
-repository rule and store it in a global variable.
-A custom repository rule can be used just like a native repository rule. It
-has a mandatory `name` attribute and every target present in its build files
-can be referred as `@<name>//package:target` where `<name>` is the value of the
-`name` attribute.
-The rule is loaded when you explicitly build it, or if it is a dependency of
-the build. In this case, Bazel will execute its `implementation` function. This
-function describe how to creates the repository, its content and BUILD files.
-## Attributes
-An attribute is a rule argument, such as `url` or `sha256`. You must list
-the attributes and their types when you define a repository rule.
-local_repository = repository_rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- local=True,
- attrs={"path": attr.string(mandatory=True)})
-`name` attributes are implicitly defined for all `repository_rule`s.
-To access an attribute, use `repository_ctx.attr.<attribute_name>`.
-The name of a repository rule is accessible with `repository_ctx.name`.
-If an attribute name starts with `_` it is private and users cannot set it.
-## Implementation function
-Every repository rule requires an `implementation` function. It contains the
-actual logic of the rule and is executed strictly in the Loading Phase.
-The function has exactly one input parameter, `repository_ctx`, and should
-always returns `None`. The input parameter `repository_ctx` can be used to
-access attribute values, and non-hermetic functions (finding a binary,
-executing a binary, creating a file in the repository or downloading a file
-from the Internet). See [the library](lib/repository_ctx.html) for more
-context. Example:
-def _impl(repository_ctx):
- repository_ctx.symlink(repository_ctx.attr.path, "")
-local_repository = repository_rule(
- implementation=_impl,
- ...)
-## When is the implementation function executed?
-If the repository is declared as `local` then change in a dependency
-in the dependency graph (including the WORKSPACE file itself) will
-cause an execution of the implementation function.
-The implementation function can be _restarted_ if a dependency it
-request is _missing_. The beginning of the implementation function
-will be re-executed after the dependency has been resolved.
-File given as a label are declared as dependencies, so requesting it
-might interrupt the function and restart it later, re-executing the
-part up till there.
-Finally, for non-`local` repositories, only a change in the following
-dependencies might cause a restart:
-- Skylark files needed to define the repository rule.
-- Declaration of the repository rule in the `WORKSPACE` file.
-- Value of any environment variable declared with the `environ`
-attribute of the
-function. The value of those environment variable can be enforced from
-the command line with the
-flag (but this flag will invalidate every action of the build).
-- Content of any file used and referred to by a label (e.g.,
- `//mypkg:label.txt` not `mypkg/label.txt`).
-## Examples
-- [C++ auto-configured toolchain](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/blob/ac29b78000afdb95afc7e97efd2b1299ebea4dac/tools/cpp/cc_configure.bzl#L288):
-it uses a repository rule to automatically create the
-C++ configuration files for Bazel by looking for the local C++ compiler, the
-environment and the flags the C++ compiler supports.
- [Go repositories](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/blob/67bc217b6210a0922d76d252472b87e9a6118fdf/go/private/go_repositories.bzl#L195)
- uses several `repository_rule` to defines the list of dependencies
- needed to use the Go rules.
- [maven_jar](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/a110ac400190c90a45856f15482c8d0952c542f5/master/tools/build_defs/repo/maven_rules.bzl#L276)
- is a reimplementation of the native `maven_jar` rule using the
- `maven` tool.
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-layout: documentation
-title: Rules
-# Rules
-**Status: Experimental**. We may make breaking changes to the API, but we will
- help you update your code.
-A rule defines a series of [actions](#actions) that Bazel should perform on
-inputs to get a set of outputs. For example, a C++ binary rule might take a set
-of `.cpp` files (the inputs), run `g++` on them (the action), and return an
-executable file (the output).
-Note that, from Bazel's perspective, `g++` and the standard C++ libraries are
-also inputs to this rule. As a rule writer, you must consider not only the
-user-provided inputs to a rule, but also all of the tools and libraries required
-to execute the actions (called _implicit inputs_).
-Before creating or modifying any rule, make sure you are familiar with the
-[extensibility model](concepts.md) (understand the three phases and the
-differences between macros and rules).
-## Rule creation
-In a `.bzl` file, use the [rule](lib/globals.html#rule)
-function to create a new rule and store it in a global variable:
-my_rule = rule(...)
-See [the cookbook](cookbook.md#empty) for examples. The rule can then be
-loaded by BUILD files:
-load('//some/pkg:whatever.bzl', 'my_rule')
-A custom rule can be used just like a native rule. It has a mandatory `name`
-attribute, you can refer to it with a label, and you can see it in
-`bazel query`.
-The rule is analyzed when you explicitly build it, or if it is a dependency of
-the build. In this case, Bazel will execute its `implementation` function. This
-function decides what the outputs of the rule are and how to build them (using
-[actions](#actions)). During the [analysis phase](concepts.md#evaluation-model),
-no external command can be executed. Instead, actions are registered and
-will be run in the execution phase, if their output is needed for the build.
-## Attributes
-An attribute is a rule argument, such as `srcs` or `deps`. You must list
-the attributes and their types when you define a rule.
-sum = rule(
- implementation = _impl,
- attrs = {
- "number": attr.int(default = 1),
- "deps": attr.label_list(),
- },
-The following attributes are implicitly added to every rule: `deprecation`,
-`features`, `name`, `tags`, `testonly`, `visibility`. Test rules also have the
-following attributes: `args`, `flaky`, `local`, `shard_count`, `size`,
-Labels listed in `attr` will be inputs to the rule.
-To access an attribute in a rule's implementation, use
-`ctx.attr.<attribute_name>`. The name and the package of a rule are available
-with `ctx.label.name` and `ctx.label.package`.
-See [an example](cookbook.md#attr) of using `attr` in a rule.
-### <a name="private-attributes"></a> Private Attributes
-In Python, we use one leading underscore(`_`) for non-public methods and
-instance variables (see [PEP-8][1]).
-Similarly, if an attribute name starts with `_` it is private and users cannot
-set it.
-It is useful in particular for label attributes (your rule will have an
-implicit dependency on this label).
-metal_compile = rule(
- implementation = _impl,
- attrs = {
- "srcs": attr.label_list(),
- "_compiler": attr.label(
- default = Label("//tools:metalc"),
- allow_single_file = True,
- executable = True,
- ),
- },
-## Implementation function
-Every rule requires an `implementation` function. It contains the actual logic
-of the rule and is executed strictly in the
-[analysis phase](concepts.md#evaluation-model). The function has exactly one
-input parameter, `ctx`, and it may return the [runfiles](#runfiles)
-and [providers](#providers) of the rule. The input parameter `ctx` can be used
-to access attribute values, outputs and dependent targets, and files. It also
-has some helper functions. See [the library](lib/ctx.html) for more context.
-def _impl(ctx):
- ...
- return [DefaultInfo(runfiles=...), MyInfo(...)]
-my_rule = rule(
- implementation = _impl,
- ...
-## Files
-There are two kinds of files: files stored in the file system and generated
-files. For each generated file, there must be one and only one generating
-action, and each action must generate one or more output files. Bazel will throw
-an error otherwise.
-## Targets
-Every build rule corresponds to exactly one target. A target can create
-[actions](#actions), can have dependencies (which can be files or
-other build rules), [output files](#output-files) (generated by
-its actions), and [providers](#providers).
-A target `y` depends on target `x` if `y` has a label or label list type
-attribute where `x` is declared:
- name = "x",
- name = "y",
- deps = [":x"],
-In the above case, it's possible to access targets declared in `my_rule.deps`:
-def _impl(ctx):
- for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
- # Do something with dep
- ...
-my_rule = rule(
- implementation = _impl,
- attrs = {
- "deps": attr.label_list(),
- },
- ...
-## <a name="output-files"></a> Output files
-A target can declare output files, which must be generated by the target's
-actions. There are three ways to create output files:
-* If the rule is marked `executable`, it creates an output file of the same name
- as the rule's. [See example](cookbook.md#outputs-executable)
-* The rule can declare default `outputs`, which are always generated.
- [See example](cookbook.md#outputs-default)
-* The rule can have output or output list type attributes. In that case the
- output files come from the actual attribute values.
- [See example](cookbook.md#outputs-custom)
-Each output file must have exactly one generating action. See the
-[library](lib/ctx.html#outputs) for more context.
-## Default outputs
-Every rule has a set of default outputs. This is used:
-* When the user runs `bazel build` on your target. Bazel will build the default
- outputs of the rule.
-* When the target is used as a dependency of another rule. A rule can access
- the default outputs by using [target.files](lib/Target.html#files).
- This is the case, for example, if you use a rule in the `srcs` attribute of a
- `genrule`.
-Use the `files` provider to specify the default outputs of a rule.
-If left unspecified, it will contain all the declared outputs.
-def _impl(ctx):
- # ...
- return DefaultInfo(files=depset([file1, file2]))
-This can be useful for exposing files generated with
-[ctx.new_file](lib/ctx.html#new_file). You can also have "implicit
-outputs", i.e., files that are declared in the rule, but not in the default
-outputs (like `_deploy.jar` in `java_binary`).
-## Actions
-An action describes how to generate a set of outputs from a set of inputs, for
-example "run gcc on hello.c and get hello.o". When an action is created, Bazel
-doesn't run the command immediately. It registers it in a graph of dependencies,
-because an action can depend on the output of another action (e.g. in C,
-the linker must be called after compilation). In the execution phase, Bazel
-decides which actions must be run and in which order.
-There are three ways to create actions:
-* [ctx.action](lib/ctx.html#action), to run a command.
-* [ctx.file_action](lib/ctx.html#file_action), to write a string to a file.
-* [ctx.template_action](lib/ctx.html#template_action), to generate a file from a template.
-Actions take a set (which can be empty) of input files and generate a (non-empty)
-set of output files.
-The set of input and output files must be known during the
-[analysis phase](concepts.md#evaluation-model). It might depend on the value
-of attributes and information from dependencies, but it cannot depend on the
-result of the execution. For example, if your action runs the unzip command, you
-must specify which files you expect to be inflated (before running unzip).
-Actions are comparable to pure functions: They should depend only on the
-provided inputs, and avoid accessing computer information, username, clock,
-network, or I/O devices (except for reading inputs and writing outputs). This is
-important because the output will be cached and reused.
-**If an action generates a file that is not listed in its outputs**: This is
-fine, but the file will be ignored and cannot be used by other rules.
-**If an action does not generate a file that is listed in its outputs**: This is
-an execution error and the build will fail. This happens for instance when a
-compilation fails.
-**If an action generates an unknown number of outputs and you want to keep them
-all**, you must group them in a single file (e.g., a zip, tar, or other
-archive format). This way, you will be able to deterministically declare your
-**If an action does not list a file it uses as an input**, the action execution
-will most likely result in an error. The file is not guaranteed to be available
-to the action, so if it **is** there, it's due to coincidence or error.
-**If an action lists a file as an input, but does not use it**: This is fine.
-However, it can affect action execution order, resulting in sub-optimal
-Dependencies are resolved by Bazel, which will decide which actions are
-executed. It is an error if there is a cycle in the dependency graph. Creating
-an action does not guarantee that it will be executed: It depends on whether
-its outputs are needed for the build.
-## Configurations
-Imagine that you want to build a C++ binary and target a different architecture.
-The build can be complex and involve multiple steps. Some of the intermediate
-binaries, like the compilers and code generators, have to run on your machine
-(the host); some of the binaries such the final output must be built for the
-target architecture.
-For this reason, Bazel has a concept of "configurations" and transitions. The
-topmost targets (the ones requested on the command line) are built in the
-"target" configuration, while tools that should run locally on the host are
-built in the "host" configuration. Rules may generate different actions based on
-the configuration, for instance to change the cpu architecture that is passed to
-the compiler. In some cases, the same library may be needed for different
-configurations. If this happens, it will be analyzed and potentially built
-multiple times.
-By default, Bazel builds the dependencies of a target in the same configuration
-as the target itself, i.e. without transitioning. When a target depends on a
-tool, the label attribute will specify a transition to the host configuration.
-This causes the tool and all of its dependencies to be built for the host
-machine, assuming those dependencies do not themselves have transitions.
-For each [label attribute](lib/attr.html#label), you can decide whether the
-dependency should be built in the same configuration, or transition to the host
-configuration (using `cfg`). If a label attribute has the flag
-`executable=True`, the configuration must be set explicitly.
-[See example](cookbook.html#execute-a-binary)
-In general, sources, dependent libraries, and executables that will be needed at
-runtime can use the same configuration.
-Tools that are executed as part of the build (e.g., compilers, code generators)
-should be built for the host configuration. In this case, specify `cfg="host"`
-in the attribute.
-Otherwise, executables that are used at runtime (e.g. as part of a test) should
-be built for the target configuration. In this case, specify `cfg="target"` in
-the attribute.
-The configuration `"data"` is present for legacy reasons and should be used for
-the `data` attributes.
-## <a name="fragments"></a> Configuration Fragments
-Rules may access [configuration fragments](lib/skylark-configuration-fragment.html)
-such as `cpp`, `java` and `jvm`. However, all required fragments must be
-declared in order to avoid access errors:
-def _impl(ctx):
- # Using ctx.fragments.cpp would lead to an error since it was not declared.
- x = ctx.fragments.java
- ...
-my_rule = rule(
- implementation = _impl,
- fragments = ["java"], # Required fragments of the target configuration
- host_fragments = ["java"], # Required fragments of the host configuration
- ...
-`ctx.fragments` only provides configuration fragments for the target
-configuration. If you want to access fragments for the host configuration,
-use `ctx.host_fragments` instead.
-## Providers
-Providers are pieces of information that a rule exposes to other rules that
-depend on it. This data can include output files, libraries, parameters to pass
-on a tool's command line, or anything else the depending rule should know about.
-Providers are the only mechanism to exchange data between rules, and can be
-thought of as part of a rule's public interface (loosely analogous to a
-function's return value).
-A rule can only see the providers of its direct dependencies. If there is a rule
-`top` that depends on `middle`, and `middle` depends on `bottom`, then we say
-that `middle` is a direct dependency of `top`, while `bottom` is a transitive
-dependency of `top`. In this case, `top` can see the providers of `middle`. The
-only way for `top` to see any information from `bottom` is if `middle`
-re-exports this information in its own providers; this is how transitive
-information can be accumulated from all dependencies. In such cases, consider
-using [depsets](depsets.md) to hold the data more efficiently without excessive
-Providers can be declared using the [provider()](lib/globals.html#provider) function:
-TransitiveDataInfo = provider()
-Rule implementation function can then construct and return provider instances:
-def rule_implementation(ctx):
- ...
- return [TransitiveDataInfo(value = ["a", "b", "c"])]
-`TransitiveDataInfo` acts both as a constructor for provider instances and as a key to access them.
-A [target](lib/Target.html) serves as a map from each provider that the target supports, to the
-target's corresponding instance of that provider.
-A rule can access the providers of its dependencies using the square bracket notation (`[]`):
-def dependent_rule_implementation(ctx):
- ...
- s = depset()
- for dep_target in ctx.attr.deps:
- s += dep_target[TransitiveDataInfo].value
- ...
-All targets have a [`DefaultInfo`](lib/globals.html#DefaultInfo) provider that can be used to access
-some information relevant to all targets.
-Providers are only available during the analysis phase. Examples of usage:
-* [mandatory providers](cookbook.md#mandatory-providers)
-* [optional providers](cookbook.md#optional-providers)
-> *Note:*
-> Historically, Bazel also supported provider instances that are identified by strings and
-> accessed as fields on the `target` object instead of as keys. This style is deprecated
-> but still supported. Return legacy providers as follows:
-def rule_implementation(ctx):
- ...
- modern_provider = TransitiveDataInfo(value = ["a", "b", "c"])
- # Legacy style.
- return struct(legacy_provider = struct(...),
- another_legacy_provider = struct(...),
- # The `providers` field contains provider instances that can be accessed
- # the "modern" way.
- providers = [modern_provider])
-> To access legacy providers, use the dot notation.
-> Note that the same target can define both modern and legacy providers:
-def dependent_rule_implementation(ctx):
- ...
- s = depset()
- for dep_target in ctx.attr.deps:
- x = dep_target.legacy_provider # legacy style
- s += dep_target[TransitiveDataInfo].value # modern style
- ...
-> **We recommend using modern providers for all future code.**
-## Runfiles
-Runfiles are a set of files used by the (often executable) output of a rule
-during runtime (as opposed to build time, i.e. when the binary itself is
-During the [execution phase](concepts.md#evaluation-model), Bazel creates a
-directory tree containing symlinks pointing to the runfiles. This stages the
-environment for the binary so it can access the runfiles during runtime.
-Runfiles can be added manually during rule creation and/or collected
-transitively from the rule's dependencies:
-def _rule_implementation(ctx):
- ...
- transitive_runfiles = depset()
- for dep in ctx.attr.special_dependencies:
- transitive_runfiles += dep.transitive_runtime_files
- runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
- # Add some files manually.
- files = [ctx.file.some_data_file],
- # Add transitive files from dependencies manually.
- transitive_files = transitive_runfiles,
- # Collect runfiles from the common locations: transitively from srcs,
- # deps and data attributes.
- collect_default = True,
- )
- # Add a field named "runfiles" to the DefaultInfo provider in order to actually
- # create the symlink tree.
- return [DefaultInfo(runfiles=runfiles)]
-Note that non-executable rule outputs can also have runfiles. For example, a
-library might need some external files during runtime, and every dependent
-binary should know about them.
-Also note that if an action uses an executable, the executable's runfiles can
-be used when the action executes.
-Normally, the relative path of a file in the runfiles tree is the same as the
-relative path of that file in the source tree or generated output tree. If these
-need to be different for some reason, you can specify the `root_symlinks` or
-`symlinks` arguments. The `root_symlinks` is a dictionary mapping paths to
-files, where the paths are relative to the root of the runfiles directory. The
-`symlinks` dictionary is the same, but paths are implicitly prefixed with the
-name of the workspace.
- ...
- runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
- root_symlinks = {"some/path/here.foo": ctx.file.some_data_file2}
- symlinks = {"some/path/here.bar": ctx.file.some_data_file3}
- )
- # Creates something like:
- # sometarget.runfiles/
- # some/
- # path/
- # here.foo -> some_data_file2
- # <workspace_name>/
- # some/
- # path/
- # here.bar -> some_data_file3
-If `symlinks` or `root_symlinks` is used, be careful not to map two different
-files to the same path in the runfiles tree. This will cause the build to fail
-with an error describing the conflict. To fix, you will need to modify your
-`ctx.runfiles` arguments to remove the collision. This checking will be done for
-any targets using your rule, as well as targets of any kind that depend on those
-## Output groups
-By default Bazel builds a target's
-[default outputs](#default-outputs). However, a rule can also create
- other outputs that are not part of a typical build but might still be useful,
- such as debug information files. The facility for this is _output groups_.
-A rule can declare that a certain file belongs to a certain output group by returning
-the [OutputGroupInfo](lib/globals.html#OutputGroupInfo) provider. Fields of
-that provider are output group names:
-def _impl(ctx):
- name = ...
- binary = ctx.new_file(name)
- debug_file = ctx.new_file(name + ".pdb")
- # ... add actions to generate these files
- return [DefaultInfo(files = depset([binary])),
- OutputGroupInfo(debug_files = depset([debug_file]),
- all_files = depset([binary, debug_file]))]
-By default, only the `binary` file will be built.
-The user can specify an [`--output_groups=debug_files`](../command-line-reference.html#build)
-flag on the command line. In that case, only `debug_file` will be built. If the user
-specifies `--output_groups=all_files`, both `binary` and `debug_file` will be build.
-> Note: [OutputGroupInfo](skylark/lib/globals.html#OutputGroupInfo) is a regular
-> [provider](#providers), and dependencies of a target can examine it using
-> the `target[OutputGroupInfo]` syntax.
-## Code coverage instrumentation
-A rule can use the `instrumented_files` provider to provide information about
-which files should be measured when code coverage data collection is enabled:
-def _rule_implementation(ctx):
- ...
- return struct(instrumented_files = struct(
- # Optional: File extensions used to filter files from source_attributes.
- # If not provided, then all files from source_attributes will be
- # added to instrumented files, if an empty list is provided, then
- # no files from source attributes will be added.
- extensions = ["ext1", "ext2"],
- # Optional: Attributes that contain source files for this rule.
- source_attributes = ["srcs"],
- # Optional: Attributes for dependencies that could include instrumented
- # files.
- dependency_attributes = ["data", "deps"]))
-[ctx.config.coverage_enabled](lib/configuration.html#coverage_enabled) notes
-whether coverage data collection is enabled for the current run in general
-(but says nothing about which files specifically should be instrumented).
-If a rule implementation needs to add coverage instrumentation at
-compile-time, it can determine if its sources should be instrumented with
-# Are this rule's sources instrumented?
-if ctx.coverage_instrumented():
- # Do something to turn on coverage for this compile action
-Note that function will always return false if `ctx.config.coverage_enabled` is
-false, so you don't need to check both.
-If the rule directly includes sources from its dependencies before compilation
-(e.g. header files), it may also need to turn on compile-time instrumentation
-if the dependencies' sources should be instrumented. In this case, it may
-also be worth checking `ctx.config.coverage_enabled` so you can avoid looping
-over dependencies unnecessarily:
-# Are this rule's sources or any of the sources for its direct dependencies
-# in deps instrumented?
-if ctx.config.coverage_enabled:
- if (ctx.coverage_instrumented() or
- any(ctx.coverage_instrumented(dep) for dep in ctx.attr.deps):
- # Do something to turn on coverage for this compile action
-## Executable rules
-An executable rule is a rule that users can run using `bazel run`.
-To make a rule executable, set `executable=True` in the
-[rule function](lib/globals.html#rule). The `implementation` function of the
-rule must generate the output file `ctx.outputs.executable`.
-[See example](cookbook.md#outputs-executable)
-## Test rules
-Test rules are run using `bazel test`.
-To create a test rule, set `test=True` in the
-[rule function](lib/globals.html#rule). The name of the rule must
-also end with `_test`. Test rules are implicitly executable, which means that
-the `implementation` function of the rule must generate the output file
-Test rules inherit the following attributes: `args`, `flaky`, `local`,
-`shard_count`, `size`, `timeout`.
-[1]: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/#id46
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-layout: documentation
-title: Get Support
-# Get Support
-* Ask questions on [Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/bazel) using the
-`bazel` tag.
-* Discuss on the [User mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-discuss).
-* Report bugs or feature requests in our [GitHub issue tracker](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues).
-* Find other Bazel contributors on [IRC](http://webchat.freenode.net)
-# Support Policy
-We generally avoid making backwards-incompatible changes. We have several years of experience with
-supporting a huge code base that is concurrently worked on by thousands of engineers every day,
-and have successfully made significant changes to the core as well as to the rules without missing
-a beat. We run hundreds of thousands of tests at Google before every single release to ensure that
-it stays that way.
-That said, we occasionally have to make incompatible changes in order to fix bugs, to make further
-improvements to the system, such as improving performance or usability, or to lock down APIs that
-are known to be brittle.
-This document gives an overview of features that are widely used and that we consider stable. By
-stable, we mean that the changes we make will be backwards compatible, or that we will provide a
-migration path.
-It also covers features that are unstable. Either they are not yet widely used, or we are already
-planning to change them significantly, possibly in ways that are not backwards compatible.
-We cannot cover everything that might change, but you can reasonably expect that we provide
-advance notice on the mailing list before a major change happens. We're also happy to provide more
-details, just ask on [bazel-discuss](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-discuss).
-All undocumented features (attributes, rules, "Make" variables, and flags) are subject to change
-at any time without prior notice. Features that are documented but marked *experimental* are also
-subject to change at any time without prior notice.
-Bazel's extension language Skylark (anything you write in a `.bzl` file) is still subject to change.
-We are in the process of migrating Google to Skylark, and expect the language part to extend macros
-to stabilize as part of that process. Adding rules with skylark is still somewhat experimental.
-Help keep us honest: report bugs and regressions in the
-[GitHub bugtracker](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues). We will make an effort to triage all
-reported issues within 2 business days.
-## Releases
-We regularly publish [binary releases of Bazel](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases). To
-that end, we announce release candidates on
-[bazel-discuss](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/bazel-discuss); these are binaries that have
-passed all of our unit tests. Over the next few days, we regression test all applicable build
-targets at Google. If you have a critical project using Bazel, we recommend that you establish an
-automated testing process that tracks the current release candidate, and report any regressions.
-If no regressions are discovered, we officially release the candidate after a week. However,
-regressions can delay the release of a release candidate. If regressions are found, we apply
-corresponding cherry-picks to the release candidate to fix those regressions. If no further
-regressions are found for two business days, but not before a week has elapsed since the first
-release candidate, we release it.
-### Release versioning
-Version 0.1 is our first release marking the start of our beta phase. Until version 1.0.0, we
-increase the MINOR version every time we reach a [new milestone](http://bazel.build/roadmap.html).
-Version 1.0.0 marks the end of our beta phase; afterwards, we will label each release with a
-version number of the form MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH according to the
-[semantic version 2.0.0 document](http://semver.org).
-## Current Status
-### Built-In Rules and the Internal API For Rules ###
-We are planning a number of changes to the APIs between the core of Bazel and the built-in rules,
-in order to make it easier for us to develop openly. This has the added benefit of also making it
-easier for users to maintain their own rules (if written in Java instead of Skylark), if they don't
-want to or cannot check this code into our repository. However, it also means our internal API is
-not stable yet. In the long term, we want to move to Skylark wholesale, so we encourage contributors
-to use Skylark instead of Java when writing new rules. Rewriting all of our built-in rules is going
-to be a lengthy process however.
-1. We will fix the friction points that we know about, as well as those that we discover every time
- we make changes that span both the internal and external depots.
-2. We will drive a number of pending API cleanups to completion, as well as run anticipated cleanups
- to the APIs, such as disallowing access to the file system from rule implementations (because
- it's not hermetic).
-3. We will enumerate the internal rule APIs, and make sure that they are appropriately marked (for
- example with annotations) and documented. Just collecting a list will likely give us good
- suggestions for further improvements, as well as opportunities for a more principled API review
- process.
-4. We will automatically check rule implementations against an API whitelist, with the intention
- that API changes are implicitly flagged during code review.
-5. We will work on removing (legacy) Google-internal features to reduce the amount of differences
- between the internal and external rule sets.
-6. We will encourage our engineers to make changes in the external depot first, and migrate them to
- to the internal one afterwards.
-7. We will move more of our rule implementations into the open source repository (Android, Go,
- Python, the remaining C++ rules), even if we don't consider the code to be *ready* or if they are
- still missing tools to work properly.
-8. In order to be able to accept external contributions, our highest priority item for Skylark is a
- testing framework. We encourage to write new rules in Skylark rather than in Java.
-### Stable
-We expect the following rules and features to be stable. They are widely used within Google, so
-our internal testing should ensure that there are no major breakages.
-<table class="table table-condensed table-striped table-bordered">
- <colgroup>
- <col class="support-col-rules" />
- <col class="support-col-notes" />
- </colgroup>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th>Rules</th>
- <th>Notes</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td>C/C++ rules except <code>cc_toolchain</code> and <code>cc_toolchain_suite</code></td>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Java rules except <code>java_toolchain</code></td>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Android rules except <code>android_ndk_repository</code> and
- <code>android_sdk_repository</code></td>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>genrule</code></td>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>genquery</code></td>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>test_suite</code></td>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>filegroup</code></td>
- <td></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>config_setting</code></td>
- <td>
- <ul>
- <li>This rule is used in <code>select()</code> expressions. We have hundreds of uses, so
- we expect the basic functionality to be stable. That said, there are some common use
- cases that are not covered yet, or that require workarounds. For example, it's not
- easily possible to select on information specified in a CROSSTOOL file, such as the
- target abi. Another example is that it's not possible to OR multiple conditions,
- leading to duplicated entries in the select.
- </li>
- </ul>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
-### Unstable
-These rules and features have known limitations that we will likely address in future releases.
-<table class="table table-condensed table-striped table-bordered">
- <colgroup>
- <col class="support-col-rules" />
- <col class="support-col-notes" />
- </colgroup>
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th>Feature</th>
- <th>Notes</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td><code>cc_toolchain</code> and <code>cc_toolchain_suite</code></td>
- <td>
- <ul>
- <li>We intend to make significant changes to the way C/C++ toolchains are defined; we will
- keep our published C/C++ toolchain definition(s) up to date, but we make no guarantees for
- custom ones.</li>
- </ul>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>iOS/Objective C rules</td>
- <td>
- <ul>
- <li>We cannot vouch for changes made by Apple &reg; to the underlying tools and
- infrastructure.</li>
- <li>The rules are fairly new and still subject to change; we try to avoid breaking changes,
- but this may not always be possible.</li>
- <li>No testing support yet.</li>
- </ul>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Python rules</td>
- <td>
- <ul>
- <li>The rules support neither Python 3, C/C++ extensions, nor packaging.
- </li>
- </ul>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Extra actions (<code>extra_action</code>, <code>action_listener</code>)</td>
- <td>
- <ul>
- <li>Extra actions expose information about Bazel that we consider to be implementation
- details, such as the exact interface between Bazel and the tools we provide; as such,
- users will need to keep up with changes to tools to avoid breakage.</li>
- </ul>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>environment_group</code></td>
- <td>
- <ul>
- <li>We're planning to use it more extensively, replacing several machine-enforceable
- constraint mechanism, but there's only a handful of uses so far. We fully expect it to
- work, but there's a small chance that we have to go back to the drawing board.</li>
- </ul>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>android_ndk_repository</code> and <code>android_sdk_repository</code></td>
- <td>
- <ul>
- <li>We don't support pre-release NDKs or SDKs at this time. Furthermore, we may still
- make backwards-incompatible changes to the attributes or the semantics.</li>
- </ul>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code>Fileset</code></td>
- <td>
- <ul>
- <li>There are vestiges of Fileset / FilesetEntry in the source code, but we do not intend to
- support them in Bazel, ever.</li>
- <li>They're still widely used internally, and are therefore unlikely to go away in the near
- future.</li>
- </ul>
- </td>
- </tbody>
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-layout: documentation
-title: Tutorial - Build an Android App
-# Tutorial - Build an Android App
-The sample Android app in this tutorial is a very simple application that makes
-an HTTP connection to the [backend server](backend-server.md) and displays the
-resulting response.
-Here, you'll do the following:
-* Review the source files for the app
-* Update the `WORKSPACE` file
-* Create a `BUILD` file
-* Run the build
-* Find the build outputs
-* Run the app
-## Review the source files
-Let's take a look at the source files for the app. These are located in
-The key files and directories are:
-<table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
-<td>Manifest file</td>
-<td>Activity source file</td>
-<td>Resource file directory</td>
-Note that you're just looking at these files now to become familiar with the
-structure of the app. You don't have to edit any of the source files to complete
-this tutorial.
-## Update the WORKSPACE file
-Bazel needs to run the Android SDK
-[build tools](https://developer.android.com/tools/revisions/build-tools.html)
-and uses the SDK libraries to build the app. This means that you need to add
-some information to your `WORKSPACE` file so that Bazel knows where to find
-them. Note that this step is not required when you build for other platforms.
-For example, Bazel automatically detects the location of Java, C++ and
-Objective-C compilers from settings in your environment.
-Add the following lines to your `WORKSPACE` file:
- name = "androidsdk",
- # Replace with your installed Android SDK API level
- api_level = 25
-This will use the Android SDK specified referenced by the `ANDROID_HOME`
-environment variable, and automatically detect the latest build tools
-version installed within that location.
-Alternatively, you can explicitly specify the location of the Android
-SDK and build tools version to use by including the `path` and
-`build_tools_version` attributes:
- name = "androidsdk",
- path = "/path/to/Android/sdk",
- api_level = 25,
- build_tools_version = "25.0.1"
-**Optional:** This is not required by this tutorial, but if you want to compile
-native code into your Android app, you also need to download the
-[Android NDK](https://developer.android.com/ndk/downloads/index.html) and
-tell Bazel where to find it by adding the following rule to your `WORKSPACE`
- name = "androidndk",
- # Replace with the Android NDK API level
- api_level = 21
-`api_level` is the version of the Android API the SDK and the NDK target
-(for example, 19 for Android K and 21 for Android L). It's not necessary to set
-the API levels to the same value for the SDK and NDK.
-[This web page](https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/stable_apis.html)
-contains a map from Android releases to NDK-supported API levels.
-Similar to `android_sdk_repository`, the path to the Android NDK is inferred from
-the `ANDROID_NDK_HOME` environment variable by default. The path can also be
-explicitly specified with a `path` attribute on `android_ndk_repository`.
-## Create a BUILD file
-A [`BUILD` file](/docs/build-ref.html#BUILD_files) is a text file that describes
-the relationship between a set of build outputs -- for example, compiled
-software libraries or executables -- and their dependencies. These dependencies
-may be source files in your workspace or other build outputs. `BUILD` files are
-written in the Bazel *build language*.
-`BUILD` files are part of concept in Bazel known as the *package hierarchy*.
-The package hierarchy is a logical structure that overlays the directory
-structure in your workspace. Each [package](/docs/build-ref.html#packages) is a
-directory (and its subdirectories) that contains a related set of source files
-and a `BUILD` file. The package also includes any subdirectories, excluding
-those that contain their own `BUILD` file. The *package name* is the name of the
-directory where the `BUILD` file is located.
-Note that this package hierarchy is distinct from, but coexists with, the Java
-package hierarchy for your Android app.
-For the simple Android app in this tutorial, we'll consider all the source files
-in `$WORKSPACE/android/` to comprise a single Bazel package. A more complex
-project may have many nested packages.
-At a command-line prompt, open your new `BUILD` file for editing:
-vi $WORKSPACE/android/BUILD
-### Add an android_library rule
-A `BUILD` file contains several different types of instructions for Bazel. The
-most important type is the [build rule](/docs/build-ref.html#funcs), which tells
-Bazel how to build an intermediate or final software output from a set of source
-files or other dependencies.
-Bazel provides two build rules, `android_library` and `android_binary`, that you
-can use to build an Android app. For this tutorial, you'll first use the
-[`android_library`](/docs/be/android.html#android_library) rule to tell
-Bazel how to build an
-[Android library module](http://developer.android.com/tools/projects/index.html#LibraryProjects)
-from the app source code and resource files. Then you'll use the
-`android_binary` rule to tell it how to build the Android application package.
-Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
- name = "activities",
- srcs = glob(["src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/activities/*.java"]),
- custom_package = "com.google.bazel.example.android.activities",
- manifest = "src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/activities/AndroidManifest.xml",
- resource_files = glob(["src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/activities/res/**"]),
-As you can see, the `android_library` build rule contains a set of attributes
-that specify the information that Bazel needs to build a library module from the
-source files. Note also that the name of the rule is `activities`. You'll
-reference the rule using this name as a dependency in the `android_binary` rule.
-### Add an android_binary rule
-The [`android_binary`](/docs/be/android.html#android_binary) rule builds
-the Android application package (`.apk` file) for your app.
-Add the following to your build file:
- name = "android",
- custom_package = "com.google.bazel.example.android",
- manifest = "src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/AndroidManifest.xml",
- resource_files = glob(["src/main/java/com/google/bazel/example/android/res/**"]),
- deps = [":activities"],
-Here, the `deps` attribute references the output of the `activities` rule you
-added to the `BUILD` file above. This means that, when Bazel builds the output
-of this rule, it checks first to see if the output of the `activities` library
-rule has been built and is up-to-date. If not, it builds it and then uses that
-output to build the application package file.
-Now, save and close the file. You can compare your `BUILD` file to the
-[completed example](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/blob/master/tutorial/android/BUILD)
-in the `master` branch of the GitHub repo.
-## Run the build
-You use the
-[`bazel`](/docs/bazel-user-manual.html) command-line tool to run builds, execute
-unit tests and perform other operations in Bazel. This tool is located in the
-`output` subdirectory of the location where you installed Bazel. During
-[installation](/docs/install.md), you probably added this location to your
-Before you build the sample app, make sure that your current working directory
-is inside your Bazel workspace:
-Now, enter the following to build the sample app:
-bazel build //android:android
-The [`build`](/docs/bazel-user-manual.html#build) subcommand instructs Bazel to
-build the target that follows. The target is specified as the name of a build
-rule inside a `BUILD` file, with along with the package path relative to
-your workspace directory. Note that you can sometimes omit the package path
-or target name, depending on your current working directory at the command
-line and the name of the target. See [Labels](/docs/build-ref.html#labels) in
-*Bazel Concepts and Terminology* page for more information about target labels
-and paths.
-Bazel now launches and builds the sample app. During the build process, its
-output will appear similar to the following:
-INFO: Found 1 target...
-Target //android:android up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/android/android_deploy.jar
- bazel-bin/android/android_unsigned.apk
- bazel-bin/android/android.apk
-INFO: Elapsed time: 7.237s, Critical Path: 5.81s
-## Find the build outputs
-Bazel stores the outputs of both intermediate and final build operations in
-a set of per-user, per-workspace output directories. These directories are
-symlinked from the following locations:
-* `$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin`, which stores binary executables and other runnable
- build outputs
-* `$WORKSPACE/bazel-genfiles`, which stores intermediary source files that are
- generated by Bazel rules
-* `$WORKSPACE/bazel-out`, which stores other types of build outputs
-Bazel stores the Android `.apk` file generated using the `android_binary` rule
-in the `bazel-bin/android/` directory, where the subdirectory name `android` is
-derived from the name of the Bazel package.
-At a command prompt, list the contents of this directory and find the
-`android.apk` file:
-ls $WORKSPACE/bazel-bin/android
-## Run the app
-You can now deploy the app to a connected Android device or emulator from the
-command line using the
-[`bazel mobile-install`](http://bazel.build/docs/bazel-user-manual.html#mobile-install)
-command. This command uses the Android Debug Bridge (`adb`) to communicate with
-the device. You must set up your device to use `adb` following the instructions
-[Android Debug Bridge](http://developer.android.com/tools/help/adb.html) before
-Enter the following:
-bazel mobile-install //android:android
-Note that the `mobile-install` subcommand also supports the
-flag that can be used to deploy only those parts of the app that have changed
-since the last deployment.
-## What's next
-Now that you've built a sample app for Android, it's time to do the same for
-the [iOS app](ios-app.md).
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-layout: documentation
-title: Build Mobile Application
-# Build Mobile Application
-You can use Bazel to build a variety of software outputs, including
-Linux and macOS (OS X) applications written in Java, C++ and Objective-C. You can
-also use Bazel to build software for other platforms or written in other
-This tutorial shows how to use Bazel to build the following:
-* An Android app
-* An iOS app
-* A mobile backend server running on App Engine
-In this tutorial, you'll learn how to:
-* Set up a Bazel workspace and create a `WORKSPACE` file
-* Create `BUILD` files that contain the instructions used by Bazel to build
- the software
-* Run builds using the Bazel command line tool
-## Requirements
-You can follow the steps in this tutorial on either a Linux or Mac OS X system.
-However, you can only build the iOS app if you are running Bazel on OS X. If
-you are using Linux, you can skip the iOS instructions and still complete
-the rest of the tutorial steps.
-## Sample project
-You don't have to write your own mobile apps and backend server to use this
-tutorial. Instead, you'll use a sample project hosted on GitHub. The sample
-project is hosted at the following location:
-You'll grab the sample project files in the next step in this tutorial.
-## What's next
-Let's start off by [setting up](environment.md) the tutorial environment.
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/backend-server.md b/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/backend-server.md
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-layout: documentation
-title: Tutorial - Build the Backend Server
-# Tutorial - Build the Backend Server
-The backend server is a simple web application that runs on Google App Engine
-and responds to incoming HTTP requests from the sample Android and iOS apps.
-Here, you'll do the following:
-* Review the source files for the app
-* Update the `WORKSPACE` file
-* Create a `BUILD` file
-* Run the build
-* Find the build outputs
-* Run the application on a local development server
-* Deploy to Google App Engine
-Bazel provides a set of [App Engine build rules](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_appengine)
-written using the [Skylark](/docs/skylark/index.html) framework. You'll use
-these in the steps below to build the application.
-## Review the source files
-The source files for the backend server are located in `$WORKSPACE/backend/`.
-The key files and directories are:
-<table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
-<td>Source file directory</td>
-<td>Web application metadata directory</td>
-## Update the WORKSPACE file
-As with the Android app, you must add references to
-[external dependencies](http://bazel.build/docs/external.html) to your `WORKSPACE`
-file. For the backend server, these are references to the App Engine SDK,
-the Java Servlet SDK and other libraries needed to build the App Engine
-### Add the App Engine rule
-When you built the Android app, you added a reference to the location on your
-filesystem where you downloaded and installed the Android SDK. For the
-backend server, however, you'll give Bazel instructions for downloading the
-required App Engine SDK package from a remote server. This is optional. You
-can also download and install the SDK manually on your filesystem and reference
-it from that location as described in the
-[App Engine rule documentation](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_appengine).
-Add the following to your `WORKSPACE` file:
- name = "io_bazel_rules_appengine",
- sha256 = "f4fb98f31248fca5822a9aec37dc362105e57bc28e17c5611a8b99f1d94b37a4",
- strip_prefix = "rules_appengine-0.0.6",
- url = "https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_appengine/archive/0.0.6.tar.gz",
-load("@io_bazel_rules_appengine//appengine:appengine.bzl", "appengine_repositories")
-[`http_archive`](/docs/be/workspace.html#http_archive) downloads the
-AppEngine rules from a GitHub archive. We could also have used
-[`git_repository`](/docs/be/workspace.html#git_repository) to fetch the rules
-directly from the Git repository.
-Then the next two lines use the `appengine_repositories` function defined in
-these rules to download the libraries and SDK needed to build AppEngine
-Now, save and close the file. You can compare your `WORKSPACE` file to the
-[completed example](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples//blob/master/tutorial/WORKSPACE)
-in the `master` branch of the GitHub repo.
-## Create a BUILD file
-Now that you have set up the external dependencies, you can go ahead and create
-the `BUILD` file for the backend server, as you did previously for the sample
-Android and iOS apps.
-Open your new `BUILD` file for editing:
-vi $WORKSPACE/backend/BUILD
-### Add a java_binary rule
-Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
- name = "app",
- srcs = glob(["src/main/java/**/*.java"]),
- main_class = "does.not.exist",
- deps = [
- "@io_bazel_rules_appengine//appengine:javax.servlet.api",
- ],
-The [`java_binary`](/docs/be/java.html#java_binary) tells Bazel
-how to build a Java `.jar` library for your application, plus a wrapper shell
-script that launches the application code from the specified main class. Here,
-we're using this rule instead of the
-[`java_library`](/docs/be/java.html#java_library) because we need
-the `.jar` file to contain all the dependencies required to build the final
-App Engine `.war` file. For this reason, we specify a bogus class name
-for the `main_class` attribute.
-### Add an appengine_war rule
-Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
-load("@io_bazel_rules_appengine//appengine:appengine.bzl", "appengine_war")
- name = "backend",
- data = [":webapp"],
- data_path = "/backend/webapp",
- jars = [":app_deploy.jar"],
- name = "webapp",
- srcs = glob(["webapp/**/*"]),
-The [`appengine_war`](/docs/be/appengine.html#appengine_war)
-rule builds the final App Engine `war` file from the library `.jar` file and web
-application metadata files in the `webapp` directory.
-Save and close the file. Again, the
-[completed example](https://github.com/google/bazel-examples/blob/master/tutorial/backend/BUILD)
-is in the `master` branch of the GitHub repo.
-## Run the build
-Make sure that your current working directory is inside your Bazel workspace:
-Now, enter the following to build the sample app:
-bazel build //backend:backend
-Bazel now launches and builds the sample app. During the build process, its
-output will appear similar to the following:
-INFO: Found 1 target...
-Target //backend:backend up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/backend/backend.war
- bazel-bin/backend/backend.deploy
- bazel-bin/backend/backend
-INFO: Elapsed time: 56.867s, Critical Path: 2.72s
-## Find the build outputs
-The `.war` file and other outputs are located in the
-`$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin/backend` directory.
-In particular, the `appengine_war` rule generates scripts that you can use to
-run your backend locally or deploy it to Google App Engine:
-## Run the application on a local development server
-Here, you'll start a local App Engine development server in your environment and
-run your application on it.
-To run the application, enter the following:
-bazel-bin/backend/backend --port=12345
-Your application will be available at `http://localhost:12345`
-## Deploy to Google App Engine
-You can also deploy the application to the live App Engine serving
-environment on Google Cloud Platform. For this scenario, you must first create
-a new Cloud Platform project and App Engine application using the Google Cloud
-Platform Console.
-Follow [this link](https://console.cloud.google.com/projectselector/appengine/create?lang=java&st=true)
-to perform these actions.
-Build the target that allows to deploy to App Engine:
-bazel build --java_toolchain=@io_bazel_rules_appengine//appengine:jdk7 //backend:backend.deploy
-Then, to deploy the application, enter the following:
-bazel-bin/backend/backend.deploy <project-id>
-The deployment script prompts you to authorize access to Google Cloud Platform.
-After you have authorized access the first time, you can deploy the application
-using the `bazel` command and the following rule target:
-bazel run //backend:backend.deploy <project-id>
-Your application URL will be `http://<project-id>.appspot.com`.
-## What's next
-Now let's [review](review.md) the tutorial steps.
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/cpp.md b/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/cpp.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 23362010ef..0000000000
--- a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/cpp.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Build C++
-Build C++
-You can use Bazel to build your C++ application. In this tutorial you'll learn how to:
-* Build your first C++ target
-* Use external libraries
-* Write and run C++ tests
-* Use precompiled libraries
-## Setting up your workspace
-Suppose that you have an existing project in a directory, say,
-`~/gitroot/my-project/`. Create an empty file at
-`~/gitroot/my-project/WORKSPACE` to show Bazel where your project's root is.
-We are going to create a small hello world project with the following directory structure:
-{% highlight bash %}
-└── my-project
- ├── lib
- │   ├── BUILD
- │   ├── hello-greet.cc
- │   └── hello-greet.h
- ├── main
- │   ├── BUILD
- │   ├── hello-time.cc
- │   ├── hello-time.h
- │   └── hello-world.cc
-{% endhighlight %}
-## Creating source files
-Using the following commands to create the necessary source files:
-{% highlight bash %}
-# If you're not already there, move to your workspace directory.
-cd ~/gitroot/my-project
-mkdir ./main
-cat > main/hello-world.cc <<'EOF'
-#include "lib/hello-greet.h"
-#include "main/hello-time.h"
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- std::string who = "world";
- if (argc > 1) {
- who = argv[1];
- }
- std::cout << get_greet(who) <<std::endl;
- print_localtime();
- return 0;
-cat > main/hello-time.h <<'EOF'
-void print_localtime();
-cat > main/hello-time.cc <<'EOF'
-#include "main/hello-time.h"
-#include <ctime>
-#include <iostream>
-void print_localtime() {
- std::time_t result = std::time(nullptr);
- std::cout << std::asctime(std::localtime(&result));
-mkdir ./lib
-cat > lib/hello-greet.h <<'EOF'
-#include <string>
-std::string get_greet(const std::string &thing);
-cat > lib/hello-greet.cc <<'EOF'
-#include "lib/hello-greet.h"
-#include <string>
-std::string get_greet(const std::string& who) {
- return "Hello " + who;
-{% endhighlight %}
-## Adding BUILD files
-As you can see from the source code, `main/hello-world.cc` needs to include both `lib/hello-greet.h` and `main/hello-time.h`.
-First we create `lib/BUILD` for hello-greet.cc:
-{% highlight python %}
- name = "hello-greet",
- srcs = ["hello-greet.cc"],
- hdrs = ["hello-greet.h"],
- visibility = ["//main:__pkg__"],
-{% endhighlight %}
-Note that `visibility = ["//main:__pkg__"]` indicates `hello-greet` is visible from `main/BUILD`.
-Then we'd create the following `main/BUILD` file:
-{% highlight python %}
- name = "hello-time",
- srcs = ["hello-time.cc"],
- hdrs = ["hello-time.h"],
- name = "hello-world",
- srcs = ["hello-world.cc"],
- deps = [
- ":hello-time",
- "//lib:hello-greet",
- ],
-{% endhighlight %}
-Note when depending on a target in the same package, we can just use `:hello-time`.
-When the target is in other package, a full path from root should be used, like `//lib:hello-greet`.
-Now you are ready to build your hello world C++ binary:
-{% highlight bash %}
-bazel build main:hello-world
-{% endhighlight %}
-This produces the following output:
-{% highlight bash %}
-INFO: Found 1 target...
-Target //main:hello-world up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/main/hello-world
-INFO: Elapsed time: 2.869s, Critical Path: 1.00s
-{% endhighlight %}
-{% highlight bash %}
-{% endhighlight %}
-This produces the following output:
-{% highlight bash %}
-Hello world
-Thu Jun 23 18:51:46 2016
-{% endhighlight %}
-{% highlight bash %}
-./bazel-bin/main/hello-world Bazel
-{% endhighlight %}
-This produces the following output:
-{% highlight bash %}
-Hello Bazel
-Thu Jun 23 18:52:10 2016
-{% endhighlight %}
-Congratulations, you've just built your first Bazel target!
-## Transitive includes
-If a file includes a header, then the file's rule should depend on that header's
-library. Conversely, only direct dependencies need to be specified as
-dependencies. For example, suppose `sandwich.h` includes `bread.h` and
-`bread.h` includes `flour.h`. `sandwich.h` doesn't include `flour.h` (who wants
-flour in their sandwich?), so the BUILD file would look like:
- name = "sandwich",
- srcs = ["sandwich.cc"],
- hdrs = ["sandwich.h"],
- deps = [":bread"],
- name = "bread",
- srcs = ["bread.cc"],
- hdrs = ["bread.h"],
- deps = [":flour"],
- name = "flour",
- srcs = ["flour.cc"],
- hdrs = ["flour.h"],
-Here, the `sandwich` library depends on the `bread` library, which depends
-on the `flour` library.
-## Adding include paths
-Sometimes you cannot (or do not want to) base include paths at the workspace
-root. Existing libraries might already have a include directory that doesn't
-match its path in your workspace. For example, suppose you have the following
-directory structure:
-└── my-project
- ├── third_party
- │   └── some_lib
- │   ├── BUILD
- │   ├── include
- │   │   └── some_lib.h
- │   └── some_lib.cc
-Bazel will expect `some_lib.h` to be included as
-`third_party/some_lib/include/some_lib.h`, but suppose `some_lib.cc` includes
-`"include/some_lib.h"`. To make that include path valid,
-`third_party/some_lib/BUILD` will need to specify that the `some_lib/`
-directory is an include directory:
- name = "some_lib",
- srcs = ["some_lib.cc"],
- hdrs = ["some_lib.h"],
- copts = ["-Ithird_party/some_lib"],
-This is especially useful for external dependencies, as their header files
-must otherwise be included with an `external/[repository-name]/` prefix.
-## Including external libraries
-Suppose you are using [Google Test](https://github.com/google/googletest). You
-can use one of the `new_` repository functions in the `WORKSPACE` file to
-download Google Test and make it available in your repository:
- name = "gtest",
- url = "https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/release-1.7.0.zip",
- sha256 = "b58cb7547a28b2c718d1e38aee18a3659c9e3ff52440297e965f5edffe34b6d0",
- build_file = "gtest.BUILD",
-Then create `gtest.BUILD`, a BUILD file to use to compile Google Test.
-Google Test has several "special" requirements that make its `cc_library` rule
-more complicated:
-* `googletest-release-1.7.0/src/gtest-all.cc` `#include`s all of the other files in
- `googletest-release-1.7.0/src/`, so we need to exclude it from the compile or we'll get
- link errors for duplicate symbols.
-* It uses header files that are relative to the `googletest-release-1.7.0/include/` directory
- (`"gtest/gtest.h"`), so we must add that directory to the include paths.
-* It needs to link in pthread, so we add that as a `linkopt`.
-The final rule looks like this:
- name = "main",
- srcs = glob(
- ["googletest-release-1.7.0/src/*.cc"],
- exclude = ["googletest-release-1.7.0/src/gtest-all.cc"]
- ),
- hdrs = glob([
- "googletest-release-1.7.0/include/**/*.h",
- "googletest-release-1.7.0/src/*.h"
- ]),
- copts = [
- "-Iexternal/gtest/googletest-release-1.7.0/include"
- ],
- linkopts = ["-pthread"],
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
-This is somewhat messy: everything is prefixed with googletest-release-1.7.0 as a byproduct
-of the archive's structure. You can make `new_http_archive` strip this prefix by
-adding the `strip_prefix` attribute:
- name = "gtest",
- url = "https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/release-1.7.0.zip",
- sha256 = "b58cb7547a28b2c718d1e38aee18a3659c9e3ff52440297e965f5edffe34b6d0",
- build_file = "gtest.BUILD",
- strip_prefix = "googletest-release-1.7.0",
-Then `gtest.BUILD` would look like this:
- name = "main",
- srcs = glob(
- ["src/*.cc"],
- exclude = ["src/gtest-all.cc"]
- ),
- hdrs = glob([
- "include/**/*.h",
- "src/*.h"
- ]),
- copts = ["-Iexternal/gtest/include"],
- linkopts = ["-pthread"],
- visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
-Now `cc_` rules can depend on `@gtest//:main`.
-## Writing and running C++ tests
-For example, we could create a test `./test/hello-test.cc` such as:
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-#include "lib/hello-greet.h"
-TEST(HelloTest, GetGreet) {
- EXPECT_EQ(get_greet("Bazel"), "Hello Bazel");
-Then create `./test/BUILD` file for your tests:
- name = "hello-test",
- srcs = ["hello-test.cc"],
- copts = ["-Iexternal/gtest/include"],
- deps = [
- "@gtest//:main",
- "//lib:hello-greet",
- ],
-Note in order to make `hello-greet` visible to `hello-test`, we have to add `"//test:__pkg__",` to `visibility` attribute in `./lib/BUILD`.
-Now you can use `bazel test` to run the test.
-{% highlight bash %}
-bazel test test:hello-test
-{% endhighlight %}
-This produces the following output:
-{% highlight bash %}
-INFO: Found 1 test target...
-Target //test:hello-test up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/test/hello-test
-INFO: Elapsed time: 4.497s, Critical Path: 2.53s
-//test:hello-test PASSED in 0.3s
-Executed 1 out of 1 tests: 1 test passes.
-{% endhighlight %}
-## Adding dependencies on precompiled libraries
-If you want to use a library that you only have a compiled version of (e.g.,
-headers and a .so) wrap it in a `cc_library` rule:
- name = "mylib",
- srcs = ["mylib.so"],
- hdrs = ["mylib.h"],
-Then other C++ targets in your workspace can depend on this rule.
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/environment.md b/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/environment.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 68548dfdfc..0000000000
--- a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/environment.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Tutorial - Set Up Your Environment
-# Tutorial - Set Up Your Environment
-The first step in this tutorial is to set up your environment.
-Here, you'll do the following:
-* Install Bazel
-* Install Android Studio and the Android SDK
-* Install Xcode (macOS (OS X) only)
-* Get the sample project from the GitHub repo
-## Install Bazel
-Follow the [installation instructions](/docs/install.md) to install Bazel and
-its dependencies.
-## Install the Android SDK tools
-Do the following:
-1. Download and install the
- [Android SDK Tools](https://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html#Other).
-2. Run the Android SDK Manager and install the following packages:
- <table class="table table-condensed table-striped">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <td>Package</td>
- <td>SDK directory</td>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- <tr>
- <td>Android SDK Platform Tools</td>
- <td><code>platform-tools</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Android SDK Build Tools</td>
- <td><code>build-tools</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Android SDK Platform</td>
- <td><code>platform</code></td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
- </table>
- The SDK Manager is an executable named `android` located in the `tools`
- directory.
-## Install Xcode (OS X only)
-If you are following the steps in this tutorial on Mac OS X, download and
-install [Xcode](https://developer.apple.com/xcode/downloads/). The Xcode
-download contains the iOS libraries, Objective-C compiler other tools
-required by Bazel to build the iOS app.
-## Get the sample project
-You also need to get the sample project for the tutorial from GitHub:
-The GitHub repo has two branches: `source-only` and `master`. The `source-only`
-branch contains the source files for the project only. You'll use the files in
-this branch in this tutorial. The `master` branch contains both the source files
-and completed Bazel `WORKSPACE` and `BUILD` files. You can use the files in this
-branch to check your work when you've completed the tutorial steps.
-Enter the following at the command line to get the files in the `source-only`
-cd $HOME
-git clone -b source-only https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples
-The `git clone` command creates a directory named `$HOME/examples/`. This
-directory contains several sample projects for Bazel. The project files for this
-tutorial are in `$HOME/examples/tutorial`.
-## What's next
-Now that you have set up your environment, you can
-[set up a Bazel workspace](workspace.md).
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/ios-app.md b/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/ios-app.md
deleted file mode 100644
index abf49d27c4..0000000000
--- a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/ios-app.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Tutorial - Build an iOS App
-# Tutorial - Build an iOS App
-Like the [Android app](android-app.md) you built in the previous step, the iOS
-app is a simple mobile app that communicates with the
-[backend server](backend-server.md).
-Here, you'll do the following:
-* Review the source files for the app
-* Create a `BUILD` file
-* Build the app for the simulator
-* Find the build outputs
-* Run/Debug the app on the simulator
-* Build the app for a device
-* Install the app on a device
-Note that, unlike with the Android app, you don't have to modify your
-`WORKSPACE` file to add iOS-specific external dependencies.
-If you're following the steps in this tutorial on macOS (OS X), you can go ahead
-and build the sample iOS app as described below. If you are on Linux, skip ahead
-to the [next step](backend-server.md).
-## Review the source files
-Let's take a look at the source files for the app. These are located in
-`$WORKSPACE/ios-app/UrlGet`. Again, you're just looking at these files now to
-become familiar with the structure of the app. You don't have to edit any of the
-source files to complete this tutorial.
-## Create a BUILD file
-At a command-line prompt, open your new `BUILD` file for editing:
-vi $WORKSPACE/ios-app/BUILD
-## Add an objc_library rule
-Bazel provides several build rules that you can use to build an app for the
-iOS platform. For this tutorial, you'll first use the
-[`objc_library`](/docs/be/objective-c.html#objc_library) rule to tell Bazel
-how to build an
-[static library](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/technotes/iOSStaticLibraries/Introduction.html)
-from the app source code and Xib files. Then you'll use the
-`objc_binary` rule to tell it how to bundle the iOS application. (Note that
-this is a minimal use case of the Objective-C rules in Bazel. For example, you
-have to use the `ios_application` rule to build multi-architecture iOS
-Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
- name = "UrlGetClasses",
- srcs = [
- "UrlGet/AppDelegate.m",
- "UrlGet/UrlGetViewController.m",
- ],
- hdrs = glob(["UrlGet/*.h"]),
- xibs = ["UrlGet/UrlGetViewController.xib"],
-Note the name of the rule, `UrlGetClasses`.
-## Add an objc_binary rule
-The [`objc_binary`](/docs/be/objective-c.html#objc_binary) rule creates a
-binary to be bundled in the application.
-Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
- name = "ios-app-binary",
- srcs = [
- "UrlGet/main.m",
- ],
- deps = [
- ":UrlGetClasses",
- ],
-Note how the `deps` attribute references the output of the
-`UrlGetClasses` rule you added to the `BUILD` file above.
-## Add an ios_application rule
-The [`ios_application`](/docs/be/objective-c.html#ios_application) rule
-creates the bundled `.ipa` archive file for the application and also generates
-an Xcode project file.
-Add the following to your `BUILD` file:
- name = "ios-app",
- binary = ":ios-app-binary",
- infoplist = "UrlGet/UrlGet-Info.plist",
-Now, save and close the file. You can compare your `BUILD` file to the
-[completed example](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/blob/master/tutorial/ios-app/BUILD)
-in the `master` branch of the GitHub repo.
-## Build the app for the simulator
-Make sure that your current working directory is inside your Bazel workspace:
-Now, enter the following to build the sample app:
-bazel build //ios-app:ios-app
-Bazel now launches and builds the sample app. During the build process, its
-output will appear similar to the following:
-INFO: Found 1 target...
-Target //ios-app:ios-app up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/ios-app/ios-app.ipa
- bazel-bin/ios-app/ios-app.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
-INFO: Elapsed time: 3.765s, Critical Path: 3.44s
-## Find the build outputs
-The `.ipa` file and other outputs are located in the
-`$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin/ios-app` directory.
-## Run/Debug the app on the simulator
-You can now run the app from Xcode using the iOS Simulator. To run the app,
-open the project directory `$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin/ios-app/ios-app.xcodeproj` in
-Xcode, choose an iOS Simulator as the runtime scheme and then click the **Run**
-**Note:** If you change anything about the project file set in Xcode (for
-example, if you add or remove a file, or add or change a dependency), you must
-rebuild the app using Bazel and then re-open the project.
-## Build the app for a device
-You need to set up bazel so that it can find the appropriate provisioning
-profile for the device you want to build for. To set up the "default"
-provisioning profile for all bazel builds:
- 1. Go to [Apple Profiles](https://developer.apple.com/account/ios/profile/profileList.action)
- and download the appropriate provisioning profile for your device.
- If this is confusing, please refer to [Apple's documentation](https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppDistributionGuide/MaintainingProfiles/MaintainingProfiles.html).
- 1. Move your profile into `$WORKSPACE/tools/objc`.
- 1. Optional - You may want to add your profile to your `.gitignore`.
- 1. Edit `$WORKSPACE/tools/objc/BUILD` and add:
- ```python
- filegroup(
- name = "default_provisioning_profile",
- srcs = ["<NAME OF YOUR PROFILE>.mobileprovision"],
- )
- ```
-Now you should be able to build the app for your device:
-bazel build //ios-app:ios-app --ios_multi_cpus=armv7,arm64
-This will build the app "fat". If you would prefer just to build for
-your specific device architecture you can designate a single architecture.
-If you would like to select a specific Xcode version you can do so
-with the `--xcode_version=7.2` option. If for some reason you need to specify
-a specific SDK version you can use the `--ios_sdk_version=9.2` option, but the
-`--xcode_version` should be sufficient in most circumstances.
-If you would like to specify a minimum version of iOS to run against, you can
-do so with the `--ios_minimum_os=7.0` option.
-## Install the app on a device
-The easiest way to install the app on the device is to launch Xcode and use the
-`Windows > Devices` command. Select your plugged in device from the list on the
-left, and then add the app by clicking on the "plus" sign under installed apps
-and selecting the `.ipa` that you built.
-If your app does not launch, please make sure that your device was on your
-provisioning profile. The `View Device Logs` button on the `Devices` screen in
-Xcode may provide other information as to what has gone wrong.
-## What's next
-The next step is to build a [backend server](backend-server.md) for the two
-mobile apps you built in this tutorial.
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/java.md b/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/java.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a916aeb5be..0000000000
--- a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/java.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,576 +0,0 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Introduction to Bazel
-Introduction to Bazel: Build Java
-This tutorial is an introduction for anyone getting started with Bazel. It
-focuses on the concepts, setup, and use of Bazel using a Java sample project.
-Estimated time: 30 min
-## What you will learn
-In this tutorial you'll learn how to:
-* Build a target from source files
-* Produce a visual representation of the dependency graph
-* Break a monolithic binary into smaller libraries
-* Use multiple Bazel packages
-* Control the visibility of a target between packages
-* Use labels to reference a target
-* Deploy your target
-## Before you begin
-* [Install Bazel](/docs/install.md)
-## Create the sample Java project
-The first step in this tutorial is to create a small Java project. Even though
-the project is in Java, this tutorial will focus on concepts that are helpful
-for using Bazel in any language.
-1. Create the directory `~/my-project/`
-2. Move to this directory:
- ```
- cd ~/my-project
- ```
-3. Create the following directories under `my-project`:
- ```
- mkdir -p src/main/java/com/example
- ```
- Note that path uses conventions specific to Java programs. Programs written
- in other languages may have a different workspace path and directory
- structure.
-4. In the directory you created, add a file called `Greeting.java` with the
- following contents:
- ```java
- package com.example;
- public class Greeting {
- public static void sayHi() {
- System.out.println("Hi!");
- }
- }
- ```
-5. Add a second file `ProjectRunner.java` with the following contents:
- ```java
- package com.example;
- public class ProjectRunner {
- public static void main(String args[]) {
- Greeting.sayHi();
- }
- }
- ```
-You’ve now created a small Java project. It contains one file that will be
-compiled into a library, and another which will be an executable that uses the
-The rest of this tutorial focuses on setting up and using Bazel to build these
-source files.
-## Build with Bazel
-### Set up the workspace
-Workspaces are directories that contain the source files for one or more
-software projects, as well as a WORKSPACE file and BUILD files that contain
-the instructions that Bazel uses to build the software. The workspace may also
-contain symbolic links to output directories.
-To define the workspace, create an empty text file at the root of the project
-and name it `WORKSPACE`. You now have: `~/my-project/WORKSPACE`.
-This directory and its subdirectories are now part of the same workspace. When
-Bazel builds an output, all inputs and dependencies must be in the same
-workspace. Anything in different workspaces are independent of each other,
-though there are ways to link workspaces that are beyond the scope of this
-introduction tutorial.
-If you also do the [C++ tutorial](/docs/tutorial/cpp.md), you’ll notice it uses
-the same workspace. Bazel can understand multiple targets in multiple languages
-in a single workspace.
-### Create a BUILD file
-Bazel looks for files named `BUILD` which describe how to build the project.
-1. In the `~/my-project` directory, create a file and name it BUILD. This BUILD
- file is a sibling of the WORKSPACE file.
- In the BUILD file, you use a declarative language similar to Python to
- create instances of Bazel rules. These instances are called *rule targets*.
- In Bazel, *targets* are either files or rule targets and they are the
- elements in a workspace that you can ask Bazel to build.
- For this project, you’ll use the built-in rule `java_binary`. Bazel's
- built-in rules are all documented in the
- [Build Encyclopedia](/docs/be/overview.html). You can also create your own
- rules using the [Bazel rule extension framework](/docs/skylark/concepts.md).
-2. Add this text to the BUILD file:
- ```
- java_binary(
- name = "my-runner",
- srcs = glob(["src/main/java/com/example/*.java"]),
- main_class = "com.example.ProjectRunner",
- )
- ```
-As you can see, the text in the BUILD file doesn’t describe what Bazel does
-when it executes this rule target. The rule’s implementation handles the
-complexity of how it works (such as the compiler used).
-You can treat the rule as a black box, focusing on what inputs it needs, and
-the outputs it produces. This rule builds a Java archive ("jar file") as well
-as a wrapper shell script with the same name as the rule target.
-When you’re writing your own BUILD file, go to the
-[Build Encyclopedia](/docs/be/overview.html) for a description of what a rule
-does and for its list of possible attributes you can define. For example,
-here’s the entry for the [java_binary](/docs/be/java.html#java_binary) rule in
-the Build Encyclopedia. The Build Encyclopedia has information about all of the
-rules that are compiled into Bazel.
-Let’s take a look at the rule target that you added to the BUILD file.
-Each rule instantiation in the BUILD file creates one rule target. Here, you’ve
-instantiated the rule `java_binary`, creating the target `my-runner`.
-Different rules will require different attributes, though all must include a
-“name” attribute. You use these attributes to explicitly list all of the
-target’s dependencies and options. In the target above:
-* `my-runner` is the name of the rule target created
-* `glob(["src/main/java/com/example/*.java"])` includes every file in that
- directory that ends with .java (see the Build Encyclopedia for more
- information about [globbing](/docs/be/functions.html#glob))
-* `"com.example.ProjectRunner"` specifies the class that contains the main
- method.
-### Build with Bazel
-Now you’re ready to build the Java binary. To do so, you’ll use the command
-`bazel build` with the target label `//:my-runner`. You reference targets by
-using their label. Label syntax is described later in this tutorial.
-1. Build my-runner by using this command:
- ```
- bazel build //:my-runner
- ```
- You’ll see output similar to:
- ```
- INFO: Found 1 target...
- Target //:my-runner up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/my-runner.jar
- bazel-bin/my-runner
- INFO: Elapsed time: 1.021s, Critical Path: 0.83s
- ```
-2. Now execute the file by using this command:
- ```
- bazel-bin/my-runner
- ```
-Congratulations, you've built your first Bazel target!
-Let’s take a look at what you built. In `~/my-project`, Bazel created the
-directory `bazel-bin` as well as other directories to store information about
-the build. Open this directory to look at the files created during the build
-process. These output directories keep the outputs separate from your source
-### Review the dependency graph
-Bazel requires build dependencies to be explicitly declared in BUILD
-files. The build will fail if dependencies are missing, so when a build works
-the declared dependencies are accurate. With this explicit information about
-dependencies, Bazel creates a build graph and uses it to accurately perform
-incremental builds. Our small Java project isn’t too exciting, but let’s check
-out its build graph.
-The command `bazel query` retrieves information about the graph and the
-relationships between targets. Let’s use it to produce a visual representation
-of the build graph.
-1. From the root of the workspace (`my-project`), produce a text description
- of the graph by using the command:
- ```
- bazel query --noimplicit_deps 'deps(//:my-runner)' --output graph
- ```
-2. Then, paste the output into Graphviz
- ([http://www.webgraphviz.com/](http://www.webgraphviz.com/)) to see the
- visual representation.
- The graph for the target my-runner will look like this:
- ![Dependency graph of the target 'my-runner'](/assets/tutorial_java_01.svg)
-You can see that `my-runner` depends on the two source files in your Java
-You have now set up the workspace and BUILD file, and used Bazel to build your
-project. You have also created a visual representation of the build graph to
-see the structure of your build.
-## Refine your Bazel build
-### Add dependencies
-Creating one rule target to build your entire project may be sufficient for
-small projects. As projects get larger it's important to break up the build
-into self-contained libraries that can be assembled into a final product.
-Self-contained libraries mean that everything doesn't need to be rebuilt after
-small changes and that Bazel can parallelize more of the build steps. These
-self-contained libraries also encourages good code hygiene.
-To break up a project, create a separate rule target for the each subcomponent
-and then add the subcomponents as dependencies. For the project in this
-tutorial, create a rule target to compile the library, and make the executable
-depend on it.
-1. Replace the text in the BUILD file with the text below:
- ```
- java_binary(
- name = "my-runner",
- srcs = ["src/main/java/com/example/ProjectRunner.java"],
- main_class = "com.example.ProjectRunner",
- deps = [":greeter"],
- )
- java_library(
- name = "greeter",
- srcs = ["src/main/java/com/example/Greeting.java"],
- )
- ```
-The new `deps` attribute in `java_binary` tells Bazel that the `greeter` library
-will be needed to compile the binary. Rules for many languages support the
-`deps` attribute, though the exact semantics of the attribute will vary based
-on the language and the type of target. The rule
-[java_library](/docs/be/java.html#java_library) compiles sources into
-a .jar file. Remember to go to the [Build Encyclopedia](/docs/be/overview.html)
-for details about specific rules.
-This BUILD file builds the same files as before, but in a different way: now
-Bazel will first build the `greeter` library and then build `my-runner`.
-2. Try building //:my-runner using the command:
- ```
- bazel build //:my-runner
- ```
- You’ll see output similar to:
- ```
- INFO: Found 1 target...
- Target //:my-runner up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/my-runner.jar
- bazel-bin/my-runner
- INFO: Elapsed time: 2.454s, Critical Path: 1.58s
- ```
- 3. Execute the file by using this command::
- ```
- bazel-bin/my-runner
- ```
-If you now edit `ProjectRunner.java` and rebuild `my-runner`, the source file
-`Greeting.java` will not be recompiled. When the BUILD file had only the one
-target, both source files would be recompiled after any change.
-Looking at the dependency graph, you can see that `my-runner` depends on the
-same inputs as it did before, but the structure of the build is different.
-The original dependency graph for `my-runner` looked link this:
-![Original dependency graph of the target 'my-runner'](/assets/tutorial_java_01.svg)
-The dependency graph for `my-runner` after adding a dependency looks like this:
-![Dependency graph of the target 'my-runner' after adding a dependency](/assets/tutorial_java_02.svg)
-### Use multiple packages
-For larger projects, you will often be dealing with several directories in your
-workspace. You can organize your build process by adding a BUILD file to the
-top directory of source files that you want to organize together. A directory
-containing a BUILD file is called a package.
-Note that Bazel and Java both have the concept of a package. These are
-unrelated to each other, though both are related to the structure of the
-Let’s build the java project using multiple packages.
-1. First, let’s make the Java project a bit more complex.
- 1. Add the following directory and file:
- ```
- mkdir -p src/main/java/com/example/cmdline
- ```
- 2. In the directory cmdline, add the file Runner.java with the following
- contents:
- ```java
- package com.example.cmdline;
- import com.example.Greeting;
- public class Runner {
- public static void main(String args[]) {
- Greeting.sayHi();
- }
- }
- ```
- Now you have a slightly larger Java project that you can organize with
- multiple packages.
-2. In the directory `src/main/java/com/example/cmdline`, add an empty text
- file and name it BUILD. The structure of the Java project is now:
- ```
- ├── BUILD
- ├── src
- │ └── main
- │ └── java
- │ └── com
- │ └── example
- │ ├── cmdline
- │ │ ├── BUILD
- │ │ └── Runner.java
- │ ├── Greeting.java
- │ └── ProjectRunner.java
- ```
- Each directory in the workspace can be part of only one package. The
- workspace now has two BUILD files, and so has two packages:
- 1. The directory `my-project` and its subdirectories (but not including
- subdirectories with their own BUILD file, such as `cmdline`), and
- 2. The directory `cmdline` and any subdirectories.
-3. In the new BUILD file, add the following text:
- ```
- java_binary(
- name = "runner",
- srcs = ["Runner.java"],
- main_class = "com.example.cmdline.Runner",
- deps = ["//:greeter"]
- )
- ```
- The file `Runner.java` depends on `com.example.Greeting`. In the BUILD file
- this dependency is shown by listing the rule target `greeter` (with the
- label `//:greeter`).
- Below is what the dependency graph for runner will look like. You can see
- how `//:greeter` gives the dependency on `Greeting.java`.
- ![Dependency graph of the target 'runner'](/assets/tutorial_java_03.svg)
-4. However, if you try to build runner right now you'll get a permissions
- error. You can see the permission error by trying to build the target using
- the command:
- ```
- bazel build //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner
- ```
- By default, rule targets are private, which means that they can only be
- depended on by targets in the same BUILD file. This privacy prevents
- libraries that are implementation details from leaking into public APIs,
- but it also means that you must explicitly allow `runner` to depend on
- `//:greeter`.
-5. Make a rule target visible to rule targets in other BUILD files by adding
- a `visibility` attribute. To make the `greeter` rule target in
- `~/my-project/BUILD` visible to any rule target in the new package, add the
- following visibility attribute:
- ```
- java_library(
- name = "greeter",
- srcs = ["src/main/java/com/example/Greeting.java"],
- visibility = ["//src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:__pkg__"],
- )
- ```
- The target `//:greeter` is now visible to any target in the
- `//src/main/java/com/example/cmdline` package.
- See the Build Encyclopedia for more
- [visibility options](/docs/be/common-definitions.html#common.visibility).
-6. Now you can build the runner binary by using the command:
- ```
- bazel build //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner
- ```
- You’ll see output similar to:
- ```
- INFO: Found 1 target...
- Target //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner.jar
- bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner
- INFO: Elapsed time: 1.576s, Critical Path: 0.81s
- ```
-7. Execute the file by using this command:
- ```
- bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner
- ```
-You’ve now refined your build so that it is broken down into smaller
-self-contained libraries, and so that the explicit dependencies are more
-granular. You’ve also built the Java project using multiple packages.
-## Use labels to reference targets
-In the BUILD files and in the command line, you have been using target labels
-to reference targets. The label’s syntax is: `//path/to/package:target-name`,
-where “`//`” is the workspace’s root, and “`:`” separates the package name and
-the target name. If the target is a rule target and so defined in a BUILD file,
-“`path/to/package`” would be the path of the BUILD file itself. “`Target-name`”
-would be the same as the “`name`” attribute in the target in the BUILD file.
-The first BUILD file you created in this tutorial is in the same directory as
-the WORKSPACE file. When referencing rule targets defined in that file, nothing
-is needed for the path to the package because the workspace root and the package
-root are the same directory. Here are the labels of the two targets defined
-in that first BUILD file:
-The second BUILD file has a longer path from the workspace root to the package
-root. The label for the target in that BUILD file is:
-Target labels can be shortened in a variety of ways. Within a BUILD file, if
-you’re referencing a target from the same package, you can write the label
-starting at “`:`”. For example, the rule target `greeter` can always be written
-as `//:greeter`, and in the BUILD file where it’s defined, it can also be
-written as `:greeter`. This shortened label in a BUILD file makes it immediately
-clear which targets are in the current package.
-A rule target’s name will always be defined by its name attribute. A target’s
-name is a bit more complex when it’s in a directory other than the root
-of the package. In that case, the target’s label is:
-## Package a Java target for deployment
-To understand what you’ve built and what else can be built with Bazel, you need
-to understand the capabilities of the rules used in your BUILD files. Always go
-to the [Build Encyclopedia](/docs/be/overview.html) for this information.
-Let’s look at packaging a Java target for deployment, which requires you to
-know the capabilities of the rule `java_binary`.
-You’re able to run the Java binaries you created in this tutorial, but you
-can’t simply run it on a server, because it relies on the greeting library jar
-to actually run. "Packaging an artifact so it can be run reliably outside the
-development environment involves bundling it with all of its runtime
-dependencies. Let's see now what’s needed to package the binaries.
-The rule [java_binary](/docs/be/java.html#java_binary) produces a Java archive
-(“jar file”) and a wrapper shell script. The file `<target-name>_deploy.jar`
-is suitable for deployment, but it’s only built by this rule if explicitly
-requested. Let’s investigate.
-1. Look at the contents of the output `runner.jar` by using this command:
- ```
- jar tf bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner.jar
- ```
- You’ll see output similar to:
- ```
- com/
- com/example/
- com/example/cmdline/
- com/example/cmdline/Runner.class
- ```
- You can see that `runner.jar` contains `Runner.class`, but not its
- dependency `Greeting.class`. The `runner` script that Bazel generates adds
- the greeter jar to the classpath, so running this program works locally. It
- will not work if you want to copy `runner.jar` to another machine and use
- it as a standalone binary.
-2. The rule `java_binary` allows you to build a self-contained binary that can
- be deployed. To create this binary, build `runner_deploy.jar` (or, more
- generally, `<target-name>_deploy.jar`) by using this command:
- ```
- bazel build //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner_deploy.jar
- ```
- You’ll see output similar to:
- ```
- INFO: Found 1 target...
- Target //src/main/java/com/example/cmdline:runner_deploy.jar up-to-date:
- bazel-bin/src/main/java/com/example/cmdline/runner_deploy.jar
- INFO: Elapsed time: 1.700s, Critical Path: 0.23s
- ```
- The file runner_deploy.jar will contain all of its dependencies, and so can
- be used as a standalone binary.
-You’ve now created a Java target that you can distribute and deploy. To do so,
-you had to be aware of what outputs the Bazel Java rule `java_binary` is able to
-## Further topics
-* Try the tutorial [Build C++](/docs/tutorial/cpp.md).
-* Try the tutorial [Build Mobile Application](/docs/tutorial/app.md).
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deleted file mode 100644
index 62d4501ad4..0000000000
--- a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/review.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Tutorial - Review
-# Tutorial - Review
-In this tutorial, you used Bazel to build an [Android app](android-app.md),
-an [iOS app](ios-app.md) and a [backend server](backend-server.md) that runs on
-Google App Engine.
-To build these software outputs, you:
-* Set up a Bazel [workspace](workspace.md) that contained the source code
- for the components and a `WORKSPACE` that identifies the top level of the
- workspace directory
-* Created a `BUILD` file for each component
-* Updated the `WORKSPACE` file to contain references to the required
- external dependencies
-* Ran Bazel to build the software components
-The built mobile apps and backend server application files are located in the
-`$WORKSPACE/bazel-bin` directory.
-Note that completed `WORKSPACE` and `BUILD` files for this tutorial are located
-in the
-[master branch](https://github.com/bazelbuild/examples/tree/master/tutorial)
-of the GitHub repo. You can compare your work to the completed files for
-additional help or troubleshooting.
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/workspace.md b/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/workspace.md
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/site/versions/master/docs/tutorial/workspace.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Tutorial - Set Up a Workspace
-# Tutorial - Set Up a Workspace
-A [workspace](/docs/build-ref.html#workspaces) is a directory that contains the
-source files for one or more software projects, as well as a `WORKSPACE` file
-and `BUILD` files that contain the instructions that Bazel uses to build
-the software. The workspace may also contain symbolic links to output
-A workspace directory can be located anywhere on your filesystem. In this
-tutorial, your workspace directory is `$HOME/examples/tutorial/`, which
-contains the sample project files you cloned from the GitHub repo in the
-previous step.
-Note that Bazel itself doesn't make any requirements about how you organize
-source files in your workspace. The sample source files in this tutorial are
-organized according to common conventions for Android apps, iOS apps and App
-Engine applications.
-For your convenience, set the `$WORKSPACE` environment variable now to refer to
-your workspace directory. At the command line, enter:
-export WORKSPACE=$HOME/examples/tutorial
-## Create a WORKSPACE file
-Every workspace must have a text file named `WORKSPACE` located in the top-level
-workspace directory. This file may be empty or it may contain references
-to [external dependencies](/docs/external.html) required to build the
-For now, you'll create an empty `WORKSPACE` file, which simply serves to
-identify the workspace directory. In later steps, you'll update the file to add
-external dependency information.
-Enter the following at the command line:
-This creates the empty `WORKSPACE` file.
-## What's next
-Now that you've set up your workspace, you can
-[build the Android app](android-app.md).
diff --git a/site/versions/master/docs/windows.md b/site/versions/master/docs/windows.md
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-layout: documentation
-title: Windows
-# Using Bazel on Windows
-Windows support is experimental. Known issues are [marked with label
-on github issues.
-We currently support only 64 bit Windows 7 or higher and we compile Bazel as a
-msys2 binary.
-## <a name="install"></a>Installation
-See instructions on the [installation page](install-windows.md).
-## <a name="requirements"></a>Requirements
-Before you can compile or run Bazel, you will need to set some environment
-export JAVA_HOME="$(ls -d C:/Program\ Files/Java/jdk* | sort | tail -n 1)"
-export BAZEL_SH=c:/tools/msys64/usr/bin/bash.exe
-If you run outside of `bash`, ensure that ``msys-2.0.dll`` is in your ``PATH``
-(if you install msys2 to ``c:\tools\msys64``, just add
-``c:\tools\msys64\usr\bin`` to ``PATH``).
-If you have another tool that vendors msys2 (such as msysgit), then
-``c:\tools\msys64\usr\bin`` must appear in your ``PATH`` *before* entries for
-those tools.
-Similarly, if you have [bash on Ubuntu on
-Windows](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/commandline/wsl/about) installed, you
-should make sure ``c:\tools\msys64\usr\bin`` appears in ``PATH`` *before*
-``c:\windows\system32``, because otherwise Windows' ``bash.exe`` is used before
-Use ``where msys-2.0.dll`` to ensure your ``PATH`` is set up correctly.
-To **run** Bazel (even pre-built binaries), you will need:
-* Java JDK 8 or later
-* [msys2 shell](https://msys2.github.io/) (need to be installed at
- ``C:\tools\msys64\``).
- * We build against version
- [20160205](https://sourceforge.net/projects/msys2/files/Base/x86_64/msys2-x86_64-20160205.exe/download),
- you will need this version in order to run the pre-built
- [release Bazel binaries](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/releases).
- * You can also use newer versions or the
- [latest version](https://sourceforge.net/projects/msys2/files/latest/download?source=files),
- but then you will need to compile Bazel from the distribution archive (the
- source zip file) so that it's linked against the right version of
- ``msys-2.0.dll``. See also the
- [known issues](install-compile-source.md#known-issues-when-compiling-from-source).
-* Several msys2 packages. Use the ``pacman`` command to install them:
- ```
- pacman -Syuu gcc git curl zip unzip zlib-devel
- ```
-To **compile** Bazel, in addition to the above you will need:
-* [Visual C++ Build Tools](http://landinghub.visualstudio.com/visual-cpp-build-tools)
- or the full [Visual C++](https://www.visualstudio.com/) (as part of Visual
- Studio; Community Edition is fine) with Windows SDK installed.
-* You may need to apply some patches/workarounds, see the
- [known issues](install-compile-source.md#known-issues-when-compiling-from-source).
-## <a name="compiling"></a>Compiling Bazel on Windows
-Ensure you have the [requirements](#requirements).
-To build Bazel:
-* Open the msys2 shell.
-* Clone the Bazel git repository as normal.
-* Set the environment variables (see above)
-* Run ``compile.sh`` in Bazel directory.
-* If all works fine, bazel will be built at ``output\bazel.exe``.
-## <a name="using"></a>Using Bazel on Windows
-Bazel now supports building C++, Java and Python targets on Windows.
-### Build C++
-To build C++ targets, you will need:
-* [Visual Studio](https://www.visualstudio.com/)
-<br/>We are using MSVC as the native C++ toolchain, so please ensure you have Visual
-Studio installed with the `Visual C++ > Common Tools for Visual C++` and
-`Visual C++ > Microsoft Foundation Classes for C++` features.
-(which is NOT the default installation type of Visual Studio).
-You can set `BAZEL_VS` environment variable to tell Bazel
-where Visual Studio is, otherwise Bazel will try to find the latest version installed.
-<br/>For example: `export BAZEL_VS="C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0"`
-* [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/)
-<br/>Both Python 2 and Python 3 are supported.
-Currently, we use Python wrapper scripts to call the actual MSVC compiler, so
-please make sure Python is installed and its location is added into PATH.
-It's also a good idea to set `BAZEL_PYTHON` environment variable to tell Bazel
-where Python is.
-<br/>For example: `export BAZEL_PYTHON=C:/Python27/python.exe`
-Bazel will auto-configure the location of Visual Studio and Python at the first
-time you build any target.
-If you need to auto-configure again, just run `bazel clean` then build a target.
-If everything is set up, you can build C++ target now!
-bazel build examples/cpp:hello-world
-bazel run examples/cpp:hello-world
-However, with Bazel version prior to 0.5.0, MSVC
-toolchain is not default on Windows, you should use flag
-`--cpu=x64_windows_msvc` to enable it like this:
-bazel build --cpu=x64_windows_msvc examples/cpp:hello-world
-### Build Java
-Building Java targets works well on Windows, no special configuration is needed.
-Just try:
-bazel build examples/java-native/src/main/java/com/example/myproject:hello-world
-bazel run examples/java-native/src/main/java/com/example/myproject:hello-world
-### Build Python
-On Windows, we build a self-extracting zip file for executable Python targets, you can even use
-`python ./bazel-bin/path/to/target` to run it in native Windows command line (cmd.exe).
-See more details in this [design doc](/designs/2016/09/05/build-python-on-windows.html).
-bazel build examples/py_native:bin
-python ./bazel-bin/examples/py_native/bin # This works in both msys and cmd.exe
-bazel run examples/py_native:bin
diff --git a/site/windows-chocolatey-maintenance.md b/site/windows-chocolatey-maintenance.md
deleted file mode 100644
index fbaa93ca6c..0000000000
--- a/site/windows-chocolatey-maintenance.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-layout: contribute
-title: Windows Chocolatey maintenance
-# Maintaining Bazel Chocolatey package on Windows
-**NOTE:** The Chocolatey package is experimental; please provide feedback
-(`@petemounce` in issue tracker).
-## Prerequisites
-You need:
-* [chocolatey package manager](https://chocolatey.org) installed
-* (to publish) a chocolatey API key granting you permission to publish the
- `bazel` package
- * [@petemounce](https://github.com/petemounce) currently maintains this
- unofficial package.
-* (to publish) to have set up that API key for the chocolatey source locally
- via `choco apikey -k <your key here> -s https://chocolatey.org/`
-## Build
-Compile bazel with msys2 shell and `compile.sh`.
-pushd scripts/packages/chocolatey
- ./build.ps1 -version 0.3.2 -mode local
-Should result in `scripts/packages/chocolatey/bazel.<version>.nupkg` being
-The `build.ps1` script supports `mode` values `local`, `rc` and `release`.
-## Test
-0. Build the package (with `-mode local`)
- * run a webserver (`python -m SimpleHTTPServer` in
- `scripts/packages/chocolatey` is convenient and starts one on
- `http://localhost:8000`)
-0. Test the install
- The `test.ps1` should install the package cleanly (and error if it did not
- install cleanly), then tell you what to do next.
-0. Test the uninstall
- ```sh
- choco uninstall bazel
- # should remove bazel from the system
- ```
-Chocolatey's moderation process automates checks here as well.
-## Release
-Modify `tools/parameters.json` for the new release's URI and checksum once the
-release has been published to github releases.
-./build.ps1 -version <version> -isRelease
-./test.ps1 -version <version>
-# if the test.ps1 passes
-choco push bazel.x.y.z.nupkg --source https://chocolatey.org/
-Chocolatey.org will then run automated checks and respond to the push via email
-to the maintainers.
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/BUILD b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/BUILD
index f073b8c8a0..916a043884 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/BUILD
+++ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/BUILD
@@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ java_test(
size = "medium",
srcs = ["packages/BazelDocumentationTest.java"],
data = [
- "//site:versions/master/docs/bazel-user-manual.html",
+ "//site:docs/bazel-user-manual.html",
test_class = "com.google.devtools.build.lib.packages.BazelDocumentationTest",
deps = [
diff --git a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/packages/BazelDocumentationTest.java b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/packages/BazelDocumentationTest.java
index 9e9ddee4c3..271df6a8a7 100644
--- a/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/packages/BazelDocumentationTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/packages/BazelDocumentationTest.java
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ public class BazelDocumentationTest {
public void testBazelUserManual() throws Exception {
- String documentationFilePath = "site/versions/master/docs/bazel-user-manual.html";
+ String documentationFilePath = "site/docs/bazel-user-manual.html";
if (OS.getCurrent() == OS.WINDOWS) {
documentationFilePath = WindowsTestUtil.getRunfile("io_bazel/" + documentationFilePath);