path: root/src/sha1.sml
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/sha1.sml')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/sha1.sml b/src/sha1.sml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d962c4e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/sha1.sml
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+(* RFC-3174 (SHA-1) hashing function.
+ By Tom 7, 2004: Code placed in the public domain.
+structure SHA1 :> SHA1 =
+ exception Unimplemented
+ val xorb = Word32.xorb
+ val andb = Word32.andb
+ val orb = Word32.orb
+ val << = Word32.<<
+ val >> = Word32.>>
+ val notb = Word32.notb
+ val ++ = Word32.+
+ type w32 = word
+ infix xorb andb orb << >> ++
+ (* workaround for andb bug in MLton 20010706 *)
+ fun mkbyte w = Word32.mod (w, 0w256)
+ fun ROL(X, N : Word.word) = (X << N) orb (X >> (0w32-N))
+ fun wc hi lo = (hi << 0w16) orb lo
+ fun w2b w = map chr
+ [Word32.toInt (mkbyte (w >> 0w24)),
+ Word32.toInt (mkbyte (w >> 0w16)),
+ Word32.toInt (mkbyte (w >> 0w8)),
+ Word32.toInt (mkbyte w)]
+ (* the length (arg in bytes, output in bits)
+ as a 64-bit quantity, big-endian *)
+ fun lenbits l =
+ implode (List.tabulate (4, fn _ => chr 0)) ^
+ implode (w2b (Word32.fromInt (l * 8)))
+ (* executes f for each index lo..hi-1 inclusive *)
+ fun for lo hi f =
+ if lo >= hi then ()
+ else (ignore (f lo); for (lo + 1) hi f)
+ fun ford lo hi b f =
+ if lo >= hi then b
+ else
+ let
+ val b = f (lo, b)
+ in
+ (ford (lo + 1) hi b f)
+ end
+ fun doblock (aa, bb, cc, dd, ee) msg =
+ let
+ val K0 = wc 0wx5A82 0wx7999
+ val K1 = wc 0wx6ED9 0wxEBA1
+ val K2 = wc 0wx8F1B 0wxBCDC
+ val K3 = wc 0wxCA62 0wxC1D6
+ fun mb n = Word32.fromInt (ord (CharVector.sub(msg, n)))
+ val W = Array.array(80, 0w0)
+ fun Ws x = Array.sub(W, x)
+ val _ =
+ for 0 16
+ (fn t =>
+ let in
+ Array.update(W, t,
+ (mb (t * 4 ) << 0w24) orb
+ (mb (t * 4 + 1) << 0w16) orb
+ (mb (t * 4 + 2) << 0w8) orb
+ (mb (t * 4 + 3)))
+ end)
+ val _ =
+ for 16 80
+ (fn t =>
+ let
+ val n =
+ Ws (t-3) xorb
+ Ws (t-8) xorb
+ Ws (t-14) xorb
+ Ws (t-16)
+ val zz = ROL(n, 0w1)
+ in
+ Array.update(W, t, zz)
+ end)
+ val (A, B, C, D, E) = (aa, bb, cc, dd, ee)
+ fun round lo hi f k ctxt =
+ ford lo hi ctxt
+ (fn (t, ctxt as (A, B, C, D, E)) =>
+ let
+ val temp = ROL(A, 0w5) ++ (f ctxt) ++ E ++ Ws t ++ k
+ val E = D;
+ val D = C;
+ val C = ROL(B, 0w30)
+ val B = A
+ val A = temp
+ in
+ (A, B, C, D, E)
+ end)
+ val (A, B, C, D, E) =
+ round 0 20 (fn (A, B, C, D, E) =>
+ ((B andb C) orb ((notb B) andb D)))
+ K0 (A, B, C, D, E)
+ val (A, B, C, D, E) =
+ round 20 40 (fn (A, B, C, D, E) =>
+ (B xorb C xorb D))
+ K1 (A, B, C, D, E)
+ val (A, B, C, D, E) =
+ round 40 60 (fn (A, B, C, D, E) =>
+ ((B andb C) orb (B andb D) orb (C andb D)))
+ K2 (A, B, C, D, E)
+ val (A, B, C, D, E) =
+ round 60 80 (fn (A, B, C, D, E) =>
+ (B xorb C xorb D))
+ K3 (A, B, C, D, E)
+ in
+ (aa ++ A, bb ++ B, cc ++ C, dd ++ D, ee ++ E)
+ end
+ datatype 'a stream =
+ Cons of ('a * (unit -> 'a stream))
+ | Nil
+ (* turn a stream of oddly chunked strings into
+ one with 512-bit blocks *)
+ fun chunk_512 s =
+ let
+ (* the padding required to make a message of length l (bytes)
+ a proper SHA-1 input. Returns either one or two Cons cells.
+ tail is the end of the input (63 bytes or less)
+ l is the total length of the input, *including* the length of the
+ tail end *)
+ fun padding tail l =
+ let val v = l mod 64 in
+ if v < 56 then
+ let val p = 56 - v
+ val padding = implode (List.tabulate (p - 1, fn _ => chr 0))
+ in Cons (tail ^ str (chr 0x80) ^ padding ^ lenbits l,
+ fn _ => Nil)
+ end
+ else if v < 64 then
+ let val p = 64 - v
+ val padding1 = implode (List.tabulate (p - 1, fn _ => chr 0))
+ val padding2 = implode (List.tabulate (56, fn _ => chr 0))
+ in Cons (tail ^ str (chr 0x80) ^ padding1,
+ fn _ => Cons (padding2 ^ lenbits l, fn _ => Nil))
+ end
+ else raise Unimplemented (* Impossible? *)
+ end
+ (* n is the bytes we've already output.
+ cur is a string (of 64 bytes or less) that will
+ be our next chunk.
+ rest,sofar is a string and index indicating the
+ next bit of data. *)
+ (* PERF Could be more efficient by using an
+ accumulating array instead of a string for cur *)
+ fun ch n cur sofar startat () =
+ (* if we already have 64 bytes, return it *)
+ if size cur = 64
+ then
+ let in
+ Cons(cur, ch (n + 64) "" sofar startat)
+ end
+ else
+ (* do we have any in 'sofar'? *)
+ if startat < size sofar
+ then let
+ val get = Int.min(size sofar - startat,
+ 64 - size cur)
+ in
+ (* be eager, since we need to return something now *)
+ ch n (cur ^ String.substring(sofar, startat, get))
+ sofar (startat + get) ()
+ end
+ else
+ (* sofar has been exhausted,
+ so get some from input stream *)
+ (case s () of
+ (* eager, again *)
+ SOME ss => ch n cur ss 0 ()
+ | NONE =>
+ (* no more data. *)
+ padding cur (n + size cur))
+ in
+ ch 0 "" "" 0
+ end
+ fun hash_stream orig_stream =
+ let
+ val stream512 = chunk_512 orig_stream
+ (* gets hash context, length of string so far (bytes),
+ and tail of stream *)
+ fun hash_rest stream ctxt =
+ (case stream() of
+ Cons (s, stream) =>
+ let val ctxt = doblock ctxt s
+ in hash_rest stream ctxt
+ end
+ | Nil => ctxt)
+ val init =
+ (wc 0wx6745 0wx2301,
+ wc 0wxefcd 0wxab89,
+ wc 0wx98ba 0wxdcfe,
+ wc 0wx1032 0wx5476,
+ wc 0wxc3d2 0wxe1f0)
+ val (a, b, c, d, e) = hash_rest stream512 init
+ in
+ implode (w2b a @ w2b b @ w2b c @ w2b d @ w2b e)
+ end
+ fun hash m =
+ hash_stream
+ (let val r = ref true
+ in (fn () =>
+ if !r
+ then (r := false; SOME m)
+ else NONE)
+ end)
+ val digits = "0123456789ABCDEF"
+ fun bintohex s =
+ String.translate (fn c =>
+ implode [CharVector.sub (digits, ord c div 16),
+ CharVector.sub (digits, ord c mod 16)]) s
+ (* ASCII trick: (ch | 4400) % 55 *)
+ fun hexvalue ch =
+ SysWord.toInt (SysWord.orb(SysWord.fromInt(ord ch), SysWord.fromInt 4400)) mod 55
+ fun parse_hex s =
+ if size s <> 40
+ orelse not (CharVector.all (fn c => (ord c >= ord #"0" andalso
+ ord c <= ord #"9") orelse
+ (ord c >= ord #"a" andalso
+ ord c <= ord #"f") orelse
+ (ord c >= ord #"A" andalso
+ ord c <= ord #"F")) s)
+ then NONE
+ else SOME (CharVector.tabulate(20,
+ (fn i =>
+ chr(hexvalue (String.sub(s, i * 2)) * 16 +
+ hexvalue (String.sub(s, i * 2 + 1))))))