path: root/src/mono_reduce.sml
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mono_reduce.sml')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/src/mono_reduce.sml b/src/mono_reduce.sml
index e97f3461..f88bea8f 100644
--- a/src/mono_reduce.sml
+++ b/src/mono_reduce.sml
@@ -275,123 +275,134 @@ fun summarize d (e, _) =
| ENextval e => summarize d e @ [WriteDb]
fun exp env e =
- case e of
- ERel n =>
- (case E.lookupERel env n of
- (_, _, SOME e') => #1 e'
- | _ => e)
- | ENamed n =>
- (case E.lookupENamed env n of
- (_, _, SOME e', _) => #1 e'
- | _ => e)
- | EApp ((EAbs (x, t, _, e1), loc), e2) =>
- ((*Print.prefaces "Considering" [("e1", MonoPrint.p_exp env e1),
- ("e2", MonoPrint.p_exp env e2)];*)
- if impure e2 then
- #1 (reduceExp env (ELet (x, t, e2, e1), loc))
- else
- #1 (reduceExp env (subExpInExp (0, e2) e1)))
- | ECase (e', pes, {disc, result}) =>
- let
- fun push () =
- case result of
- (TFun (dom, result), loc) =>
- if List.all (fn (_, (EAbs _, _)) => true | _ => false) pes then
- EAbs ("_", dom, result,
- (ECase (liftExpInExp 0 e',
- map (fn (p, (EAbs (_, _, _, e), _)) =>
- (p, swapExpVarsPat (0, patBinds p) e)
- | _ => raise Fail "MonoReduce ECase") pes,
- {disc = disc, result = result}), loc))
- else
- e
- | _ => e
- fun search pes =
- case pes of
- [] => push ()
- | (p, body) :: pes =>
- case match (env, p, e') of
- No => search pes
- | Maybe => push ()
- | Yes env => #1 (reduceExp env body)
- in
- search pes
- end
- | EField ((ERecord xes, _), x) =>
- (case List.find (fn (x', _, _) => x' = x) xes of
- SOME (_, e, _) => #1 e
- | NONE => e)
- | ELet (x1, t1, (ELet (x2, t2, e1, b1), loc), b2) =>
- let
- val e' = (ELet (x2, t2, e1,
- (ELet (x1, t1, b1,
- liftExpInExp 1 b2), loc)), loc)
- in
- (*Print.prefaces "ELet commute" [("e", MonoPrint.p_exp env (e, loc)),
- ("e'", MonoPrint.p_exp env e')];*)
- #1 (reduceExp env e')
- end
- | EApp ((ELet (x, t, e, b), loc), e') =>
- #1 (reduceExp env (ELet (x, t, e,
- (EApp (b, liftExpInExp 0 e'), loc)), loc))
- | ELet (x, t, e, (EAbs (x', t' as (TRecord [], _), ran, e'), loc)) =>
- EAbs (x', t', ran, (ELet (x, t, liftExpInExp 0 e, swapExpVars 0 e'), loc))
- | ELet (x, t, e', b) =>
- if impure e' then
- let
- val effs_e' = summarize 0 e'
- val effs_b = summarize 0 b
- fun does eff = List.exists (fn eff' => eff' = eff) effs_e'
- val writesPage = does WritePage
- val readsDb = does ReadDb
- val writesDb = does WriteDb
- fun verifyUnused eff =
- case eff of
- UseRel r => r <> 0
- | Unsure => false
- | _ => true
- fun verifyCompatible effs =
- case effs of
- [] => false
- | eff :: effs =>
- case eff of
- Unsure => false
- | UseRel r =>
- if r = 0 then
- List.all verifyUnused effs
+ let
+ (*val () = Print.prefaces "exp" [("e", MonoPrint.p_exp env (e, ErrorMsg.dummySpan))]*)
+ val r =
+ case e of
+ ERel n =>
+ (case E.lookupERel env n of
+ (_, _, SOME e') => #1 e'
+ | _ => e)
+ | ENamed n =>
+ (case E.lookupENamed env n of
+ (_, _, SOME e', _) => ((*Print.prefaces "Switch" [("n", Print.PD.string (Int.toString n)),
+ ("e'", MonoPrint.p_exp env e')];*)
+ #1 e')
+ | _ => e)
+ | EApp ((EAbs (x, t, _, e1), loc), e2) =>
+ ((*Print.prefaces "Considering" [("e1", MonoPrint.p_exp (E.pushERel env x t NONE) e1),
+ ("e2", MonoPrint.p_exp env e2),
+ ("sub", MonoPrint.p_exp env (reduceExp env (subExpInExp (0, e2) e1)))];*)
+ if impure e2 then
+ #1 (reduceExp env (ELet (x, t, e2, e1), loc))
+ else
+ #1 (reduceExp env (subExpInExp (0, e2) e1)))
+ | ECase (e', pes, {disc, result}) =>
+ let
+ fun push () =
+ case result of
+ (TFun (dom, result), loc) =>
+ if List.all (fn (_, (EAbs _, _)) => true | _ => false) pes then
+ EAbs ("_", dom, result,
+ (ECase (liftExpInExp 0 e',
+ map (fn (p, (EAbs (_, _, _, e), _)) =>
+ (p, swapExpVarsPat (0, patBinds p) e)
+ | _ => raise Fail "MonoReduce ECase") pes,
+ {disc = disc, result = result}), loc))
- verifyCompatible effs
- | WritePage => not writesPage andalso verifyCompatible effs
- | ReadDb => not writesDb andalso verifyCompatible effs
- | WriteDb => not writesDb andalso not readsDb andalso verifyCompatible effs
- in
- (*Print.prefaces "verifyCompatible"
- [("e'", MonoPrint.p_exp env e'),
- ("b", MonoPrint.p_exp (E.pushERel env x t NONE) b),
- ("effs_e'", Print.p_list p_event effs_e'),
- ("effs_b", Print.p_list p_event effs_b)];*)
- if verifyCompatible effs_b then
- #1 (reduceExp env (subExpInExp (0, e') b))
+ e
+ | _ => e
+ fun search pes =
+ case pes of
+ [] => push ()
+ | (p, body) :: pes =>
+ case match (env, p, e') of
+ No => search pes
+ | Maybe => push ()
+ | Yes env => #1 (reduceExp env body)
+ in
+ search pes
+ end
+ | EField ((ERecord xes, _), x) =>
+ (case List.find (fn (x', _, _) => x' = x) xes of
+ SOME (_, e, _) => #1 e
+ | NONE => e)
+ | ELet (x1, t1, (ELet (x2, t2, e1, b1), loc), b2) =>
+ let
+ val e' = (ELet (x2, t2, e1,
+ (ELet (x1, t1, b1,
+ liftExpInExp 1 b2), loc)), loc)
+ in
+ (*Print.prefaces "ELet commute" [("e", MonoPrint.p_exp env (e, loc)),
+ ("e'", MonoPrint.p_exp env e')];*)
+ #1 (reduceExp env e')
+ end
+ | EApp ((ELet (x, t, e, b), loc), e') =>
+ #1 (reduceExp env (ELet (x, t, e,
+ (EApp (b, liftExpInExp 0 e'), loc)), loc))
+ | ELet (x, t, e, (EAbs (x', t' as (TRecord [], _), ran, e'), loc)) =>
+ EAbs (x', t', ran, (ELet (x, t, liftExpInExp 0 e, swapExpVars 0 e'), loc))
+ | ELet (x, t, e', b) =>
+ if impure e' then
+ let
+ val effs_e' = summarize 0 e'
+ val effs_b = summarize 0 b
+ fun does eff = List.exists (fn eff' => eff' = eff) effs_e'
+ val writesPage = does WritePage
+ val readsDb = does ReadDb
+ val writesDb = does WriteDb
+ fun verifyUnused eff =
+ case eff of
+ UseRel r => r <> 0
+ | Unsure => false
+ | _ => true
+ fun verifyCompatible effs =
+ case effs of
+ [] => false
+ | eff :: effs =>
+ case eff of
+ Unsure => false
+ | UseRel r =>
+ if r = 0 then
+ List.all verifyUnused effs
+ else
+ verifyCompatible effs
+ | WritePage => not writesPage andalso verifyCompatible effs
+ | ReadDb => not writesDb andalso verifyCompatible effs
+ | WriteDb => not writesDb andalso not readsDb andalso verifyCompatible effs
+ in
+ (*Print.prefaces "verifyCompatible"
+ [("e'", MonoPrint.p_exp env e'),
+ ("b", MonoPrint.p_exp (E.pushERel env x t NONE) b),
+ ("effs_e'", Print.p_list p_event effs_e'),
+ ("effs_b", Print.p_list p_event effs_b)];*)
+ if verifyCompatible effs_b then
+ #1 (reduceExp env (subExpInExp (0, e') b))
+ else
+ e
+ end
- e
- end
- else
- #1 (reduceExp env (subExpInExp (0, e') b))
+ #1 (reduceExp env (subExpInExp (0, e') b))
- | EStrcat ((EPrim (Prim.String s1), _), (EPrim (Prim.String s2), _)) =>
- EPrim (Prim.String (s1 ^ s2))
+ | EStrcat ((EPrim (Prim.String s1), _), (EPrim (Prim.String s2), _)) =>
+ EPrim (Prim.String (s1 ^ s2))
- | _ => e
+ | _ => e
+ in
+ (*Print.prefaces "exp'" [("r", MonoPrint.p_exp env (r, ErrorMsg.dummySpan))];*)
+ r
+ end
and bind (env, b) =
case b of