path: root/tensorflow/core/kernels/resource_variable_ops.cc
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Gracefully disallow updating resource variables with invalid shapes.Gravatar Asim Shankar2018-10-04
* [TF] Fix incorrect type constraint on _VarHandlesOp kernel on GPU. The kernel...Gravatar Peter Hawkins2018-09-28
* [TF] Add new internal ops _VarHandlesOp and _ReadVariablesOp.Gravatar Peter Hawkins2018-09-26
* Change HandleFromInput() to return a `const ResourceHandle&` and avoid copyin...Gravatar Derek Murray2018-09-12
* Eliminate data race in ResourceVariable AssignVariableOp.Gravatar Akshay Agrawal2018-08-13
* Improving error messages for dtypes.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-08-09
* ResourceVariables shouldn't need twice the memory when initializing.Gravatar Alexandre Passos2018-07-26
* Register DestroyResourceOp for XLA devicesGravatar Igor Ganichev2018-07-12
* Don't XLA-compile naked variable readsGravatar Igor Ganichev2018-05-24
* Register bool scatter_update for resource variablesGravatar Alexandre Passos2018-05-07
* Relax the stringent memory allocator constraints in AssignOp if a Grappler gr...Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-05-01
* [TF] Add TensorListPushBackBatch.Gravatar Eugene Brevdo2018-04-12
* Improvements to ResourceVariable + Variant code.Gravatar Eugene Brevdo2018-04-06
* Also registers the gpu resourcegather kernel for half (no idea why it was mis...Gravatar Alexandre Passos2018-04-04
* Add forward_from_array to OpKernelContext::Params.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-04-03
* [TF] Copy-on-write for Resource Variant assign op.Gravatar Eugene Brevdo2018-04-02
* Missed ScopedUnref in ResourceGatherGravatar Alexandre Passos2018-03-28
* Extended scatter operations to work with a scalar update parameter and added ...Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2018-03-25
* Avoid capturing unused variables in lambda functionsGravatar Benoit Steiner2018-03-12
* ResourceScatterUpdate: Gracefully handle inconsistent indices and updates inGravatar Asim Shankar2018-03-12
* Fix subtle race condition in ResourceVariable.is_initializedGravatar Alexandre Passos2018-02-21
* Register kernels for Assign and AssignVariableOp on GPU for integer types.Gravatar Alexandre Passos2018-02-15
* TF_CALL_ALL_TYPES should include variantGravatar Alexandre Passos2018-02-02
* Register resource_scatter_update for string types.Gravatar Alexandre Passos2018-02-02
* Raise the same error for uninitialized ResourceVariables as we do for Variables.Gravatar Alexandre Passos2018-01-12
* [TF Variants] The ResourceAssignOp now supports Variants on GPU.Gravatar Eugene Brevdo2017-12-13
* Merge changes from github.Gravatar Andrew Harp2017-11-02
* scatter_update for resource variablesGravatar Alexandre Passos2017-10-30
* Variable name remapping of saver/restore.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-10-25
* Adds a host-memory GPU kernel for DestroyResourceOp.Gravatar Allen Lavoie2017-10-16
* More Variant cross-device support:Gravatar Eugene Brevdo2017-10-11
* Switch resource variables from copy-on-read to copy-on-write.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-09-11
* Unify usage of eager/graph cell and embedding_lookupGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-09-05
* Fix device for ResourceVariables, and add tape.watch on reading them.Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-08-28
* Currently, calling read_variable_op or assign_variable_op with a dtype that d...Gravatar Ali Yahya2017-08-25
* VariableShape op.Gravatar Alexandre Passos2017-08-23
* GPU registration for resource scatter addGravatar Alexandre Passos2017-07-17
* Automated g4 rollback of changelist 161781962Gravatar Eugene Brevdo2017-07-13
* Automated g4 rollback of changelist 161726749Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-07-13
* Factor out DenseUpdate ops into dense_update_functor build dep.Gravatar Eugene Brevdo2017-07-12
* Add an axis parameter to tf.gather. Fixes GitHub issue #11223.Gravatar RJ Ryan2017-07-11
* GPU-enabled WhereOp using CUB.Gravatar Eugene Brevdo2017-06-29
* Fix missing variable unrefGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-06-26
* GPU kernel for var_is_initialized_opGravatar Alexandre Passos2017-06-09
* Make single-parameter constructors explicitGravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-05-31
* Annotate overriding functions with "override" or "final" (and not with "virtu...Gravatar A. Unique TensorFlower2017-05-26
* Make the error message issued by ReadVariableOp when attempting to read an un...Gravatar Peter Hawkins2017-03-30
* Fixes broken gpu kernel registration for resource variables.Gravatar Alexandre Passos2017-03-20
* Do an aliasing read of a resource variable when fetching.Gravatar Alexandre Passos2017-02-23
* Handle different shapes for resource variable and value when assigning.Gravatar Alexandre Passos2017-02-14