path: root/tensorflow/g3doc/api_docs/python
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+<!-- This file is machine generated: DO NOT EDIT! -->
+# Tensor Transformations
+<!-- TOC-BEGIN This section is generated by neural network: DO NOT EDIT! -->
+## Contents
+* [Casting](#AUTOGENERATED-casting)
+ * [tf.string_to_number(string_tensor, out_type=None, name=None)](#string_to_number)
+ * [tf.to_double(x, name='ToDouble')](#to_double)
+ * [tf.to_float(x, name='ToFloat')](#to_float)
+ * [tf.to_bfloat16(x, name='ToBFloat16')](#to_bfloat16)
+ * [tf.to_int32(x, name='ToInt32')](#to_int32)
+ * [tf.to_int64(x, name='ToInt64')](#to_int64)
+ * [tf.cast(x, dtype, name=None)](#cast)
+* [Shapes and Shaping](#AUTOGENERATED-shapes-and-shaping)
+ * [tf.shape(input, name=None)](#shape)
+ * [tf.size(input, name=None)](#size)
+ * [tf.rank(input, name=None)](#rank)
+ * [tf.reshape(tensor, shape, name=None)](#reshape)
+ * [tf.squeeze(input, squeeze_dims=None, name=None)](#squeeze)
+ * [tf.expand_dims(input, dim, name=None)](#expand_dims)
+* [Slicing and Joining](#AUTOGENERATED-slicing-and-joining)
+ * [tf.slice(input_, begin, size, name=None)](#slice)
+ * [tf.split(split_dim, num_split, value, name='split')](#split)
+ * [tf.tile(input, multiples, name=None)](#tile)
+ * [tf.pad(input, paddings, name=None)](#pad)
+ * [tf.concat(concat_dim, values, name='concat')](#concat)
+ * [tf.pack(values, name='pack')](#pack)
+ * [tf.unpack(value, num=None, name='unpack')](#unpack)
+ * [tf.reverse_sequence(input, seq_lengths, seq_dim, name=None)](#reverse_sequence)
+ * [tf.reverse(tensor, dims, name=None)](#reverse)
+ * [tf.transpose(a, perm=None, name='transpose')](#transpose)
+ * [tf.gather(params, indices, name=None)](#gather)
+ * [tf.dynamic_partition(data, partitions, num_partitions, name=None)](#dynamic_partition)
+ * [tf.dynamic_stitch(indices, data, name=None)](#dynamic_stitch)
+<!-- TOC-END This section was generated by neural network, THANKS FOR READING! -->
+## Casting <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-casting">{#AUTOGENERATED-casting}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to cast tensor data
+types in your graph.
+- - -
+### tf.string_to_number(string_tensor, out_type=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="string_to_number">{#string_to_number}</div>
+Converts each string in the input Tensor to the specified numeric type.
+(Note that int32 overflow results in an error while float overflow
+results in a rounded value.)
+##### Args:
+* <b>string_tensor</b>: A `Tensor` of type `string`.
+* <b>out_type</b>: An optional `tf.DType` from: `tf.float32, tf.int32`. Defaults to `tf.float32`.
+ The numeric type to interpret each string in string_tensor as.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `out_type`.
+ A Tensor of the same shape as the input string_tensor.
+- - -
+### tf.to_double(x, name='ToDouble') <div class="md-anchor" id="to_double">{#to_double}</div>
+Casts a tensor to type `float64`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` with same shape as `x` with type `float64`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `x` cannot be cast to the `float64`.
+- - -
+### tf.to_float(x, name='ToFloat') <div class="md-anchor" id="to_float">{#to_float}</div>
+Casts a tensor to type `float32`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` with same shape as `x` with type `float32`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `x` cannot be cast to the `float32`.
+- - -
+### tf.to_bfloat16(x, name='ToBFloat16') <div class="md-anchor" id="to_bfloat16">{#to_bfloat16}</div>
+Casts a tensor to type `bfloat16`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` with same shape as `x` with type `bfloat16`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `x` cannot be cast to the `bfloat16`.
+- - -
+### tf.to_int32(x, name='ToInt32') <div class="md-anchor" id="to_int32">{#to_int32}</div>
+Casts a tensor to type `int32`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` with same shape as `x` with type `int32`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `x` cannot be cast to the `int32`.
+- - -
+### tf.to_int64(x, name='ToInt64') <div class="md-anchor" id="to_int64">{#to_int64}</div>
+Casts a tensor to type `int64`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` with same shape as `x` with type `int64`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `x` cannot be cast to the `int64`.
+- - -
+### tf.cast(x, dtype, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="cast">{#cast}</div>
+Casts a tensor to a new type.
+The operation casts `x` (in case of `Tensor`) or `x.values`
+(in case of `SparseTensor`) to `dtype`.
+For example:
+# tensor `a` is [1.8, 2.2], dtype=tf.float
+tf.cast(a, tf.int32) ==> [1, 2] # dtype=tf.int32
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor`.
+* <b>dtype</b>: The destination type.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor` with same shape as `x`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `x` cannot be cast to the `dtype`.
+## Shapes and Shaping <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-shapes-and-shaping">{#AUTOGENERATED-shapes-and-shaping}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to determine the shape
+of a tensor and change the shape of a tensor.
+- - -
+### tf.shape(input, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="shape">{#shape}</div>
+Returns the shape of a tensor.
+This operation returns a 1-D integer tensor representing the shape of `input`.
+For example:
+# 't' is [[[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]], [[3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4]]]
+shape(t) ==> [2, 2, 3]
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `int32`.
+- - -
+### tf.size(input, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="size">{#size}</div>
+Returns the size of a tensor.
+This operation returns an integer representing the number of elements in
+For example:
+# 't' is [[[1, 1,, 1], [2, 2, 2]], [[3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4]]]]
+size(t) ==> 12
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `int32`.
+- - -
+### tf.rank(input, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="rank">{#rank}</div>
+Returns the rank of a tensor.
+This operation returns an integer representing the rank of `input`.
+For example:
+# 't' is [[[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]], [[3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4]]]
+# shape of tensor 't' is [2, 2, 3]
+rank(t) ==> 3
+**Note**: The rank of a tensor is not the same as the rank of a matrix. The rank
+of a tensor is the number of indices required to uniquely select each element
+of the tensor. Rank is also known as "order", "degree", or "ndims."
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `int32`.
+- - -
+### tf.reshape(tensor, shape, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="reshape">{#reshape}</div>
+Reshapes a tensor.
+Given `tensor`, this operation returns a tensor that has the same values
+as `tensor` with shape `shape`.
+If `shape` is the special value `[-1]`, then `tensor` is flattened and the
+operation outputs a 1-D tensor with all elements of `tensor`.
+If `shape` is 1-D or higher, then the operation returns a tensor with shape
+`shape` filled with the values of `tensor`. In this case, the number of elements
+implied by `shape` must be the same as the number of elements in `tensor`.
+For example:
+# tensor 't' is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
+# tensor 't' has shape [9]
+reshape(t, [3, 3]) ==> [[1, 2, 3]
+ [4, 5, 6]
+ [7, 8, 9]]
+# tensor 't' is [[[1, 1], [2, 2]]
+# [[3, 3], [4, 4]]]
+# tensor 't' has shape [2, 2]
+reshape(t, [2, 4]) ==> [[1, 1, 2, 2]
+ [3, 3, 4, 4]]
+# tensor 't' is [[[1, 1, 1],
+# [2, 2, 2]],
+# [[3, 3, 3],
+# [4, 4, 4]],
+# [[5, 5, 5],
+# [6, 6, 6]]]
+# tensor 't' has shape [3, 2, 3]
+# pass '[-1]' to flatten 't'
+reshape(t, [-1]) ==> [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6]
+##### Args:
+* <b>tensor</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>shape</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`. Defines the shape of the output tensor.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `tensor`.
+- - -
+### tf.squeeze(input, squeeze_dims=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="squeeze">{#squeeze}</div>
+Removes dimensions of size 1 from the shape of a tensor.
+Given a tensor `input`, this operation returns a tensor of the same type with
+all dimensions of size 1 removed. If you don't want to remove all size 1
+dimensions, you can remove specific size 1 dimensions by specifying
+For example:
+# 't' is a tensor of shape [1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1]
+shape(squeeze(t)) ==> [2, 3]
+Or, to remove specific size 1 dimensions:
+# 't' is a tensor of shape [1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1]
+shape(squeeze(t, [2, 4])) ==> [1, 2, 3, 1]
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`. The `input` to squeeze.
+* <b>squeeze_dims</b>: An optional list of `ints`. Defaults to `[]`.
+ If specified, only squeezes the dimensions listed. The dimension
+ index starts at 0. It is an error to squeeze a dimension that is not 1.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `input`.
+ Contains the same data as `input`, but has one or more dimensions of
+ size 1 removed.
+- - -
+### tf.expand_dims(input, dim, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="expand_dims">{#expand_dims}</div>
+Inserts a dimension of 1 into a tensor's shape.
+Given a tensor `input`, this operation inserts a dimension of 1 at the
+dimension index `dim` of `input`'s shape. The dimension index `dim` starts at
+zero; if you specify a negative number for `dim` it is counted backward from
+the end.
+This operation is useful if you want to add a batch dimension to a single
+element. For example, if you have a single image of shape `[height, width,
+channels]`, you can make it a batch of 1 image with `expand_dims(image, 0)`,
+which will make the shape `[1, height, width, channels]`.
+Other examples:
+# 't' is a tensor of shape [2]
+shape(expand_dims(t, 0)) ==> [1, 2]
+shape(expand_dims(t, 1)) ==> [2, 1]
+shape(expand_dims(t, -1)) ==> [2, 1]
+# 't2' is a tensor of shape [2, 3, 5]
+shape(expand_dims(t2, 0)) ==> [1, 2, 3, 5]
+shape(expand_dims(t2, 2)) ==> [2, 3, 1, 5]
+shape(expand_dims(t2, 3)) ==> [2, 3, 5, 1]
+This operation requires that:
+`-1-input.dims() <= dim <= input.dims()`
+This operation is related to `squeeze()`, which removes dimensions of
+size 1.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>dim</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`.
+ 0-D (scalar). Specifies the dimension index at which to
+ expand the shape of `input`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `input`.
+ Contains the same data as `input`, but its shape has an additional
+ dimension of size 1 added.
+## Slicing and Joining <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-slicing-and-joining">{#AUTOGENERATED-slicing-and-joining}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several operations to slice or extract parts of a tensor,
+or join multiple tensors together.
+- - -
+### tf.slice(input_, begin, size, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="slice">{#slice}</div>
+Extracts a slice from a tensor.
+This operation extracts a slice of size `size` from a tensor `input` starting
+at the location specified by `begin`. The slice `size` is represented as a
+tensor shape, where `size[i]` is the number of elements of the 'i'th dimension
+of `input` that you want to slice. The starting location (`begin`) for the
+slice is represented as an offset in each dimension of `input`. In other
+words, `begin[i]` is the offset into the 'i'th dimension of `input` that you
+want to slice from.
+`begin` is zero-based; `size` is one-based. If `size[i]` is -1,
+all remaining elements in dimension i are included in the
+slice. In other words, this is equivalent to setting:
+`size[i] = input.dim_size(i) - begin[i]`
+This operation requires that:
+`0 <= begin[i] <= begin[i] + size[i] <= Di for i in [0, n]`
+For example:
+# 'input' is [[[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]],
+# [[3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4]],
+# [[5, 5, 5], [6, 6, 6]]]
+tf.slice(input, [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 3]) ==> [[[3, 3, 3]]]
+tf.slice(input, [1, 0, 0], [1, 2, 3]) ==> [[[3, 3, 3],
+ [4, 4, 4]]]
+tf.slice(input, [1, 0, 0], [2, 1, 3]) ==> [[[3, 3, 3]],
+ [[5, 5, 5]]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>input_</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>begin</b>: An `int32` or `int64` `Tensor`.
+* <b>size</b>: An `int32` or `int64` `Tensor`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` the same type as `input`.
+- - -
+### tf.split(split_dim, num_split, value, name='split') <div class="md-anchor" id="split">{#split}</div>
+Splits a tensor into `num_split` tensors along one dimension.
+Splits `value` along dimension `split_dim` into `num_split` smaller tensors.
+Requires that `num_split` evenly divide `value.shape[split_dim]`.
+For example:
+# 'value' is a tensor with shape [5, 30]
+# Split 'value' into 3 tensors along dimension 1
+split0, split1, split2 = tf.split(1, 3, value)
+tf.shape(split0) ==> [5, 10]
+##### Args:
+* <b>split_dim</b>: A 0-D `int32` `Tensor`. The dimension along which to split.
+ Must be in the range `[0, rank(value))`.
+* <b>num_split</b>: A 0-D `int32` `Tensor`. The number of ways to split.
+* <b>value</b>: The `Tensor` to split.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ `num_split` `Tensor` objects resulting from splitting `value`.
+- - -
+### tf.tile(input, multiples, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="tile">{#tile}</div>
+Constructs a tensor by tiling a given tensor.
+This operation creates a new tensor by replicating `input` `multiples` times.
+The output tensor's i'th dimension has `input.dims(i) * multiples[i]` elements,
+and the values of `input` are replicated `multiples[i]` times along the 'i'th
+dimension. For example, tiling `[a b c d]` by `[2]` produces
+`[a b c d a b c d]`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`. 1-D or higher.
+* <b>multiples</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`.
+ 1-D. Length must be the same as the number of dimensions in `input`
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `input`.
+- - -
+### tf.pad(input, paddings, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="pad">{#pad}</div>
+Pads a tensor with zeros.
+This operation pads a `input` with zeros according to the `paddings` you
+specify. `paddings` is an integer tensor with shape `[Dn, 2]`, where n is the
+rank of `input`. For each dimension D of `input`, `paddings[D, 0]` indicates
+how many zeros to add before the contents of `input` in that dimension, and
+`paddings[D, 1]` indicates how many zeros to add after the contents of `input`
+in that dimension.
+The padded size of each dimension D of the output is:
+`paddings(D, 0) + input.dim_size(D) + paddings(D, 1)`
+For example:
+# 't' is [[1, 1], [2, 2]]
+# 'paddings' is [[1, 1]], [2, 2]]
+# rank of 't' is 2
+pad(t, paddings) ==> [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+ [0, 1, 1, 0, 0]
+ [[0, 2, 2, 0, 0]
+ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>paddings</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `input`.
+- - -
+### tf.concat(concat_dim, values, name='concat') <div class="md-anchor" id="concat">{#concat}</div>
+Concatenates tensors along one dimension.
+Concatenates the list of tensors `values` along dimension `concat_dim`. If
+`values[i].shape = [D0, D1, ... Dconcat_dim(i), ...Dn]`, the concatenated
+result has shape
+ [D0, D1, ... Rconcat_dim, ...Dn]
+ Rconcat_dim = sum(Dconcat_dim(i))
+That is, the data from the input tensors is joined along the `concat_dim`
+The number of dimensions of the input tensors must match, and all dimensions
+except `concat_dim` must be equal.
+For example:
+t1 = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
+t2 = [[7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12]]
+tf.concat(0, [t1, t2]) ==> [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12]]
+tf.concat(1, [t1, t2]) ==> [[1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9], [4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12]]
+# tensor t3 with shape [2, 3]
+# tensor t4 with shape [2, 3]
+tf.shape(tf.concat(0, [t3, t4])) ==> [4, 3]
+tf.shape(tf.concat(1, [t3, t4])) ==> [2, 6]
+##### Args:
+* <b>concat_dim</b>: 0-D `int32` `Tensor`. Dimension along which to concatenate.
+* <b>values</b>: A list of `Tensor` objects or a single `Tensor`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` resulting from concatenation of the input tensors.
+- - -
+### tf.pack(values, name='pack') <div class="md-anchor" id="pack">{#pack}</div>
+Packs a list of rank-`R` tensors into one rank-`(R+1)` tensor.
+Packs tensors in `values` into a tensor with rank one higher than each tensor
+in `values` and shape `[len(values)] + values[0].shape`. The output satisfies
+`output[i, ...] = values[i][...]`.
+This is the opposite of unpack. The numpy equivalent is
+ tf.pack([x, y, z]) = np.asarray([x, y, z])
+##### Args:
+* <b>values</b>: A list of `Tensor` objects with the same shape and type.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for this operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+* <b>output</b>: A packed `Tensor` with the same type as `values`.
+- - -
+### tf.unpack(value, num=None, name='unpack') <div class="md-anchor" id="unpack">{#unpack}</div>
+Unpacks the outer dimension of a rank-`R` tensor into rank-`(R-1)` tensors.
+Unpacks `num` tensors from `value` along the first dimension.
+If `num` is not specified (the default), it is inferred from `value`'s shape.
+If `value.shape[0]` is not known, `ValueError` is raised.
+The ith tensor in `output` is the slice `value[i, ...]`. Each tensor in
+`output` has shape `value.shape[1:]`.
+This is the opposite of pack. The numpy equivalent is
+ tf.unpack(x, n) = list(x)
+##### Args:
+* <b>value</b>: A rank `R > 0` `Tensor` to be unpacked.
+* <b>num</b>: An `int`. The first dimension of value. Automatically inferred if
+ `None` (the default).
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The list of `Tensor` objects unpacked from `value`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If `num` is unspecified and cannot be inferred.
+- - -
+### tf.reverse_sequence(input, seq_lengths, seq_dim, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="reverse_sequence">{#reverse_sequence}</div>
+Reverses variable length slices in dimension `seq_dim`.
+This op first slices `input` along the first dimension, and for each slice `i`,
+reverses the first `seq_lengths[i]` elements along the dimension `seq_dim`.
+The elements of `seq_lengths` must obey `seq_lengths[i] < input.dims[seq_dim]`,
+and `seq_lengths` must be a vector of length `input.dims(0)`.
+The output slice `i` along dimension 0 is then given by input slice `i`, with
+the first `seq_lengths[i]` slices along dimension `seq_dim` reversed.
+For example:
+# Given this:
+seq_dim = 1
+input.dims = (4, ...)
+seq_lengths = [7, 2, 3, 5]
+# then slices of input are reversed on seq_dim, but only up to seq_lengths:
+output[0, 0:7, :, ...] = input[0, 7:0:-1, :, ...]
+output[1, 0:2, :, ...] = input[1, 2:0:-1, :, ...]
+output[2, 0:3, :, ...] = input[2, 3:0:-1, :, ...]
+output[3, 0:5, :, ...] = input[3, 5:0:-1, :, ...]
+# while entries past seq_lens are copied through:
+output[0, 7:, :, ...] = input[0, 7:, :, ...]
+output[1, 2:, :, ...] = input[1, 2:, :, ...]
+output[2, 3:, :, ...] = input[2, 3:, :, ...]
+output[3, 2:, :, ...] = input[3, 2:, :, ...]
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`. The input to reverse.
+* <b>seq_lengths</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int64`.
+ 1-D with length `input.dims(0)` and
+ `max(seq_lengths) < input.dims(seq_dim)`
+* <b>seq_dim</b>: An `int`. The dimension which is partially reversed.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `input`.
+ The partially reversed input. It has the same shape as `input`.
+- - -
+### tf.reverse(tensor, dims, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="reverse">{#reverse}</div>
+Reverses specific dimensions of a tensor.
+Given a `tensor`, and a `bool` tensor `dims` representing the dimensions
+of `tensor`, this operation reverses each dimension i of `tensor` where
+`dims[i]` is `True`.
+`tensor` can have up to 8 dimensions. The number of dimensions
+of `tensor` must equal the number of elements in `dims`. In other words:
+`rank(tensor) = size(dims)`
+For example:
+# tensor 't' is [[[[ 0, 1, 2, 3],
+# [ 4, 5, 6, 7],
+# [ 8, 9, 10, 11]],
+# [[12, 13, 14, 15],
+# [16, 17, 18, 19],
+# [20, 21, 22, 23]]]]
+# tensor 't' shape is [1, 2, 3, 4]
+# 'dims' is [False, False, False, True]
+reverse(t, dims) ==> [[[[ 3, 2, 1, 0],
+ [ 7, 6, 5, 4],
+ [ 11, 10, 9, 8]],
+ [[15, 14, 13, 12],
+ [19, 18, 17, 16],
+ [23, 22, 21, 20]]]]
+# 'dims' is [False, True, False, False]
+reverse(t, dims) ==> [[[[12, 13, 14, 15],
+ [16, 17, 18, 19],
+ [20, 21, 22, 23]
+ [[ 0, 1, 2, 3],
+ [ 4, 5, 6, 7],
+ [ 8, 9, 10, 11]]]]
+# 'dims' is [False, False, True, False]
+reverse(t, dims) ==> [[[[8, 9, 10, 11],
+ [4, 5, 6, 7],
+ [0, 1, 2, 3]]
+ [[20, 21, 22, 23],
+ [16, 17, 18, 19],
+ [12, 13, 14, 15]]]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>tensor</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `uint8`, `int8`, `int32`, `bool`, `float32`, `float64`.
+ Up to 8-D.
+* <b>dims</b>: A `Tensor` of type `bool`. 1-D. The dimensions to reverse.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `tensor`. The same shape as `tensor`.
+- - -
+### tf.transpose(a, perm=None, name='transpose') <div class="md-anchor" id="transpose">{#transpose}</div>
+Transposes `a`. Permutes the dimensions according to `perm`.
+The returned tensor's dimension i will correspond to the input dimension
+`perm[i]`. If `perm` is not given, it is set to (n-1...0), where n is
+the rank of the input tensor. Hence by default, this operation performs a
+regular matrix transpose on 2-D input Tensors.
+For example:
+# 'x' is [[1 2 3]
+# [4 5 6]]
+tf.transpose(x) ==> [[1 4]
+ [2 5]
+ [3 6]]
+# Equivalently
+tf.transpose(x perm=[0, 1]) ==> [[1 4]
+ [2 5]
+ [3 6]]
+# 'perm' is more useful for n-dimensional tensors, for n > 2
+# 'x' is [[[1 2 3]
+# [4 5 6]]
+# [[7 8 9]
+# [10 11 12]]]
+# Take the transpose of the matrices in dimension-0
+tf.transpose(b, perm=[0, 2, 1]) ==> [[[1 4]
+ [2 5]
+ [3 6]]
+ [[7 10]
+ [8 11]
+ [9 12]]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>a</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>perm</b>: A permutation of the dimensions of `a`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A transposed `Tensor`.
+- - -
+### tf.gather(params, indices, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="gather">{#gather}</div>
+Gather slices from `params` according to `indices`.
+`indices` must be an integer tensor of any dimension (usually 0-D or 1-D).
+Produces an output tensor with shape `indices.shape + params.shape[1:]` where:
+ # Scalar indices
+ output[:, ..., :] = params[indices, :, ... :]
+ # Vector indices
+ output[i, :, ..., :] = params[indices[i], :, ... :]
+ # Higher rank indices
+ output[i, ..., j, :, ... :] = params[indices[i, ..., j], :, ..., :]
+If `indices` is a permutation and `len(indices) == params.shape[0]` then
+this operation will permute `params` accordingly.
+<div style="width:70%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
+<img style="width:100%" src="../images/Gather.png" alt>
+##### Args:
+* <b>params</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>indices</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `int32`, `int64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `params`.
+- - -
+### tf.dynamic_partition(data, partitions, num_partitions, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="dynamic_partition">{#dynamic_partition}</div>
+Partitions `data` into `num_partitions` tensors using indices from `partitions`.
+For each index tuple `js` of size `partitions.ndim`, the slice `data[js, ...]`
+becomes part of `outputs[partitions[js]]`. The slices with `partitions[js] = i`
+are placed in `outputs[i]` in lexicographic order of `js`, and the first
+dimension of `outputs[i]` is the number of entries in `partitions` equal to `i`.
+In detail,
+ outputs[i].shape = [sum(partitions == i)] + data.shape[partitions.ndim:]
+ outputs[i] = pack([data[js, ...] for js if partitions[js] == i])
+`data.shape` must start with `partitions.shape`.
+For example:
+ # Scalar partitions
+ partitions = 1
+ num_partitions = 2
+ data = [10, 20]
+ outputs[0] = [] # Empty with shape [0, 2]
+ outputs[1] = [[10, 20]]
+ # Vector partitions
+ partitions = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0]
+ num_partitions = 2
+ data = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
+ outputs[0] = [10, 20, 50]
+ outputs[1] = [30, 40]
+<div style="width:70%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
+<img style="width:100%" src="../images/DynamicPartition.png" alt>
+##### Args:
+* <b>data</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>partitions</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`.
+ Any shape. Indices in the range `[0, num_partitions)`.
+* <b>num_partitions</b>: An `int` that is `>= 1`.
+ The number of partitions to output.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A list of `num_partitions` `Tensor` objects of the same type as data.
+- - -
+### tf.dynamic_stitch(indices, data, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="dynamic_stitch">{#dynamic_stitch}</div>
+Interleave the values from the `data` tensors into a single tensor.
+Builds a merged tensor such that
+ merged[indices[m][i, ..., j], ...] = data[m][i, ..., j, ...]
+For example, if each `indices[m]` is scalar or vector, we have
+ # Scalar indices
+ merged[indices[m], ...] = data[m][...]
+ # Vector indices
+ merged[indices[m][i], ...] = data[m][i, ...]
+Each `data[i].shape` must start with the corresponding `indices[i].shape`,
+and the rest of `data[i].shape` must be constant w.r.t. `i`. That is, we
+must have `data[i].shape = indices[i].shape + constant`. In terms of this
+`constant`, the output shape is
+ merged.shape = [max(indices)] + constant
+Values are merged in order, so if an index appears in both `indices[m][i]` and
+`indices[n][j]` for `(m,i) < (n,j)` the slice `data[n][j]` will appear in the
+merged result.
+For example:
+ indices[0] = 6
+ indices[1] = [4, 1]
+ indices[2] = [[5, 2], [0, 3]]
+ data[0] = [61, 62]
+ data[1] = [[41, 42], [11, 12]]
+ data[2] = [[[51, 52], [21, 22]], [[1, 2], [31, 32]]]
+ merged = [[1, 2], [11, 12], [21, 22], [31, 32], [41, 42],
+ [51, 52], [61, 62]]
+<div style="width:70%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
+<img style="width:100%" src="../images/DynamicStitch.png" alt>
+##### Args:
+* <b>indices</b>: A list of at least 2 `Tensor` objects of type `int32`.
+* <b>data</b>: A list with the same number of `Tensor` objects as `indices` of `Tensor` objects of the same type.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `data`.
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+# Running Graphs
+<!-- TOC-BEGIN This section is generated by neural network: DO NOT EDIT! -->
+## Contents
+* [Session management](#AUTOGENERATED-session-management)
+ * [class tf.Session](#Session)
+ * [tf.get_default_session()](#get_default_session)
+* [Error classes](#AUTOGENERATED-error-classes)
+ * [class tf.OpError](#OpError)
+ * [class tf.errors.CancelledError](#CancelledError)
+ * [class tf.errors.UnknownError](#UnknownError)
+ * [class tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError](#InvalidArgumentError)
+ * [class tf.errors.DeadlineExceededError](#DeadlineExceededError)
+ * [class tf.errors.NotFoundError](#NotFoundError)
+ * [class tf.errors.AlreadyExistsError](#AlreadyExistsError)
+ * [class tf.errors.PermissionDeniedError](#PermissionDeniedError)
+ * [class tf.errors.UnauthenticatedError](#UnauthenticatedError)
+ * [class tf.errors.ResourceExhaustedError](#ResourceExhaustedError)
+ * [class tf.errors.FailedPreconditionError](#FailedPreconditionError)
+ * [class tf.errors.AbortedError](#AbortedError)
+ * [class tf.errors.OutOfRangeError](#OutOfRangeError)
+ * [class tf.errors.UnimplementedError](#UnimplementedError)
+ * [class tf.errors.InternalError](#InternalError)
+ * [class tf.errors.UnavailableError](#UnavailableError)
+ * [class tf.errors.DataLossError](#DataLossError)
+<!-- TOC-END This section was generated by neural network, THANKS FOR READING! -->
+This library contains classes for launching graphs and executing operations.
+The [basic usage](../../get_started/index.md#basic-usage) guide has
+examples of how a graph is launched in a [`tf.Session`](#Session).
+## Session management <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-session-management">{#AUTOGENERATED-session-management}</div>
+- - -
+### class tf.Session <div class="md-anchor" id="Session">{#Session}</div>
+A class for running TensorFlow operations.
+A `Session` object encapsulates the environment in which `Operation`
+objects are executed, and `Tensor` objects are evaluated. For
+# Build a graph.
+a = tf.constant(5.0)
+b = tf.constant(6.0)
+c = a * b
+# Launch the graph in a session.
+sess = tf.Session()
+# Evaluate the tensor `c`.
+print sess.run(c)
+A session may own resources, such as
+[variables](state_ops.md#Variable), [queues](io_ops.md#QueueBase),
+and [readers](io_ops.md#ReaderBase). It is important to release
+these resources when they are no longer required. To do this, either
+invoke the [`close()`](#Session.close) method on the session, or use
+the session as a context manager. The following two examples are
+# Using the `close()` method.
+sess = tf.Session()
+# Using the context manager.
+with tf.Session() as sess:
+ sess.run(...)
+The [`ConfigProto`]
+protocol buffer exposes various configuration options for a
+session. For example, to create a session that uses soft constraints
+for device placement, and log the resulting placement decisions,
+create a session as follows:
+# Launch the graph in a session that allows soft device placement and
+# logs the placement decisions.
+sess = tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True,
+ log_device_placement=True))
+- - -
+#### tf.Session.__init__(target='', graph=None, config=None) {#Session.__init__}
+Creates a new TensorFlow session.
+If no `graph` argument is specified when constructing the session,
+the default graph will be launched in the session. If you are
+using more than one graph (created with `tf.Graph()` in the same
+process, you will have to use different sessions for each graph,
+but each graph can be used in multiple sessions. In this case, it
+is often clearer to pass the graph to be launched explicitly to
+the session constructor.
+##### Args:
+* <b>target</b>: (Optional.) The execution engine to connect to.
+ Defaults to using an in-process engine. At present, no value
+ other than the empty string is supported.
+* <b>graph</b>: (Optional.) The `Graph` to be launched (described above).
+* <b>config</b>: (Optional.) A [`ConfigProto`](https://tensorflow.googlesource.com/tensorflow/+/master/tensorflow/core/framework/config.proto)
+ protocol buffer with configuration options for the session.
+- - -
+#### tf.Session.run(fetches, feed_dict=None) {#Session.run}
+Runs the operations and evaluates the tensors in `fetches`.
+This method runs one "step" of TensorFlow computation, by
+running the necessary graph fragment to execute every `Operation`
+and evaluate every `Tensor` in `fetches`, substituting the values in
+`feed_dict` for the corresponding input values.
+The `fetches` argument may be a list of graph elements or a single
+graph element, and these determine the return value of this
+method. A graph element can be one of the following types:
+* If the *i*th element of `fetches` is an
+ [`Operation`](framework.md#Operation), the *i*th return value
+ will be `None`.
+* If the *i*th element of `fetches` is a
+ [`Tensor`](framework.md#Tensor), the *i*th return value will
+ be a numpy ndarray containing the value of that tensor.
+* If the *i*th element of `fetches` is a
+ [`SparseTensor`](sparse_ops.md#SparseTensor), the *i*th
+ return value will be a
+ [`SparseTensorValue`](sparse_ops.md#SparseTensorValue)
+ containing the value of that sparse tensor.
+The optional `feed_dict` argument allows the caller to override
+the value of tensors in the graph. Each key in `feed_dict` can be
+one of the following types:
+* If the key is a [`Tensor`](framework.md#Tensor), the
+ value may be a Python scalar, string, list, or numpy ndarray
+ that can be converted to the same `dtype` as that
+ tensor. Additionally, if the key is a
+ [placeholder](io_ops.md#placeholder), the shape of the value
+ will be checked for compatibility with the placeholder.
+* If the key is a [`SparseTensor`](sparse_ops.md#SparseTensor),
+ the value should be a
+ [`SparseTensorValue`](sparse_ops.md#SparseTensorValue).
+##### Args:
+* <b>fetches</b>: A single graph element, or a list of graph elements
+ (described above).
+* <b>feed_dict</b>: A dictionary that maps graph elements to values
+ (described above).
+##### Returns:
+ Either a single value if `fetches` is a single graph element, or
+ a list of values if `fetches` is a list (described above).
+##### Raises:
+* <b>RuntimeError</b>: If this `Session` is in an invalid state (e.g. has been
+ closed).
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `fetches` or `feed_dict` keys are of an inappropriate type.
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If `fetches` or `feed_dict` keys are invalid or refer to a
+ `Tensor` that doesn't exist.
+- - -
+#### tf.Session.close() {#Session.close}
+Closes this session.
+Calling this method frees all resources associated with the session.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>RuntimeError</b>: If an error occurs while closing the session.
+- - -
+#### tf.Session.graph {#Session.graph}
+The graph that was launched in this session.
+- - -
+#### tf.Session.as_default() {#Session.as_default}
+Returns a context manager that makes this object the default session.
+Use with the `with` keyword to specify that calls to
+[`Operation.run()`](framework.md#Operation.run) or
+[`Tensor.run()`](framework.md#Tensor.run) should be executed in
+this session.
+c = tf.constant(..)
+sess = tf.Session()
+with sess.as_default():
+ assert tf.get_default_session() is sess
+ print c.eval()
+To get the current default session, use
+*N.B.* The `as_default` context manager *does not* close the
+session when you exit the context, and you must close the session
+c = tf.constant(...)
+sess = tf.Session()
+with sess.as_default():
+ print c.eval()
+# ...
+with sess.as_default():
+ print c.eval()
+Alternatively, you can use `with tf.Session():` to create a
+session that is automatically closed on exiting the context,
+including when an uncaught exception is raised.
+*N.B.* The default graph is a property of the current thread. If you
+create a new thread, and wish to use the default session in that
+thread, you must explicitly add a `with sess.as_default():` in that
+thread's function.
+##### Returns:
+ A context manager using this session as the default session.
+- - -
+### tf.get_default_session() <div class="md-anchor" id="get_default_session">{#get_default_session}</div>
+Returns the default session for the current thread.
+The returned `Session` will be the innermost session on which a
+`Session` or `Session.as_default()` context has been entered.
+*N.B.* The default session is a property of the current thread. If you
+create a new thread, and wish to use the default session in that
+thread, you must explicitly add a `with sess.as_default():` in that
+thread's function.
+##### Returns:
+ The default `Session` being used in the current thread.
+## Error classes <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-error-classes">{#AUTOGENERATED-error-classes}</div>
+- - -
+### class tf.OpError <div class="md-anchor" id="OpError">{#OpError}</div>
+A generic error that is raised when TensorFlow execution fails.
+Whenever possible, the session will raise a more specific subclass
+of `OpError` from the `tf.errors` module.
+- - -
+#### tf.OpError.op {#OpError.op}
+The operation that failed, if known.
+*N.B.* If the failed op was synthesized at runtime, e.g. a `Send`
+or `Recv` op, there will be no corresponding
+[`Operation`](framework.md#Operation) object. In that case, this
+will return `None`, and you should instead use the
+[`node_def`](OpError.node_def) to discover information about the op.
+##### Returns:
+ The `Operation` that failed, or None.
+- - -
+#### tf.OpError.node_def {#OpError.node_def}
+The `NodeDef` proto representing the op that failed.
+#### Other Methods
+- - -
+#### tf.OpError.__init__(node_def, op, message, error_code) {#OpError.__init__}
+Creates a new OpError indicating that a particular op failed.
+##### Args:
+* <b>node_def</b>: The graph_pb2.NodeDef proto representing the op that failed.
+* <b>op</b>: The ops.Operation that failed, if known; otherwise None.
+* <b>message</b>: The message string describing the failure.
+* <b>error_code</b>: The error_codes_pb2.Code describing the error.
+- - -
+#### tf.OpError.error_code {#OpError.error_code}
+The integer error code that describes the error.
+- - -
+#### tf.OpError.message {#OpError.message}
+The error message that describes the error.
+- - -
+### class tf.errors.CancelledError <div class="md-anchor" id="CancelledError">{#CancelledError}</div>
+Raised when an operation or step is cancelled.
+For example, a long-running operation (e.g.
+[`queue.enqueue()`](io_ops.md#QueueBase.enqueue) may be cancelled by
+running another operation (e.g.
+or by [closing the session](client.md#Session.close). A step that is
+running such a long-running operation will fail by raising `CancelledError`.
+- - -
+#### tf.errors.CancelledError.__init__(node_def, op, message) {#CancelledError.__init__}
+Creates a `CancelledError`.
+- - -
+### class tf.errors.UnknownError <div class="md-anchor" id="UnknownError">{#UnknownError}</div>
+Unknown error.
+An example of where this error may be returned is if a Status value
+received from another address space belongs to an error-space that
+is not known to this address space. Also errors raised by APIs that
+do not return enough error information may be converted to this
+- - -
+#### tf.errors.UnknownError.__init__(node_def, op, message, error_code=2) {#UnknownError.__init__}
+Creates an `UnknownError`.
+- - -
+### class tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError <div class="md-anchor" id="InvalidArgumentError">{#InvalidArgumentError}</div>
+Raised when an operation receives an invalid argument.
+This may occur, for example, if an operation is receives an input
+tensor that has an invalid value or shape. For example, the
+[`tf.matmul()`](math_ops.md#matmul) op will raise this error if it
+receives an input that is not a matrix, and the
+[`tf.reshape()`](array_ops.md#reshape) op will raise this error if
+the new shape does not match the number of elements in the input
+- - -
+#### tf.errors.InvalidArgumentError.__init__(node_def, op, message) {#InvalidArgumentError.__init__}
+Creates an `InvalidArgumentError`.
+- - -
+### class tf.errors.DeadlineExceededError <div class="md-anchor" id="DeadlineExceededError">{#DeadlineExceededError}</div>
+Raised when a deadline expires before an operation could complete.
+This exception is not currently used.
+- - -
+#### tf.errors.DeadlineExceededError.__init__(node_def, op, message) {#DeadlineExceededError.__init__}
+Creates a `DeadlineExceededError`.
+- - -
+### class tf.errors.NotFoundError <div class="md-anchor" id="NotFoundError">{#NotFoundError}</div>
+Raised when a requested entity (e.g., a file or directory) was not found.
+For example, running the
+[`tf.WholeFileReader.read()`](io_ops.md#WholeFileReader) operation
+could raise `NotFoundError` if it receives the name of a file that
+does not exist.
+- - -
+#### tf.errors.NotFoundError.__init__(node_def, op, message) {#NotFoundError.__init__}
+Creates a `NotFoundError`.
+- - -
+### class tf.errors.AlreadyExistsError <div class="md-anchor" id="AlreadyExistsError">{#AlreadyExistsError}</div>
+Raised when an entity that we attempted to create already exists.
+For example, running an operation that saves a file
+(e.g. [`tf.train.Saver.save()`](train.md#Saver.save)) could
+potentially raise this exception if an explicit filename for an
+existing file was passed.
+- - -
+#### tf.errors.AlreadyExistsError.__init__(node_def, op, message) {#AlreadyExistsError.__init__}
+Creates an `AlreadyExistsError`.
+- - -
+### class tf.errors.PermissionDeniedError <div class="md-anchor" id="PermissionDeniedError">{#PermissionDeniedError}</div>
+Raised when the caller does not have permission to run an operation.
+For example, running the
+[`tf.WholeFileReader.read()`](io_ops.md#WholeFileReader) operation
+could raise `PermissionDeniedError` if it receives the name of a
+file for which the user does not have the read file permission.
+- - -
+#### tf.errors.PermissionDeniedError.__init__(node_def, op, message) {#PermissionDeniedError.__init__}
+Creates a `PermissionDeniedError`.
+- - -
+### class tf.errors.UnauthenticatedError <div class="md-anchor" id="UnauthenticatedError">{#UnauthenticatedError}</div>
+The request does not have valid authentication credentials.
+This exception is not currently used.
+- - -
+#### tf.errors.UnauthenticatedError.__init__(node_def, op, message) {#UnauthenticatedError.__init__}
+Creates an `UnauthenticatedError`.
+- - -
+### class tf.errors.ResourceExhaustedError <div class="md-anchor" id="ResourceExhaustedError">{#ResourceExhaustedError}</div>
+Some resource has been exhausted.
+For example, this error might be raised if a per-user quota is
+exhausted, or perhaps the entire file system is out of space.
+- - -
+#### tf.errors.ResourceExhaustedError.__init__(node_def, op, message) {#ResourceExhaustedError.__init__}
+Creates a `ResourceExhaustedError`.
+- - -
+### class tf.errors.FailedPreconditionError <div class="md-anchor" id="FailedPreconditionError">{#FailedPreconditionError}</div>
+Operation was rejected because the system is not in a state to execute it.
+This exception is most commonly raised when running an operation
+that reads a [`tf.Variable`](state_ops.md#Variable) before it has
+been initialized.
+- - -
+#### tf.errors.FailedPreconditionError.__init__(node_def, op, message) {#FailedPreconditionError.__init__}
+Creates a `FailedPreconditionError`.
+- - -
+### class tf.errors.AbortedError <div class="md-anchor" id="AbortedError">{#AbortedError}</div>
+The operation was aborted, typically due to a concurrent action.
+For example, running a [`queue.enqueue()`](io_ops.md#QueueBase.enqueue)
+operation may raise `AbortedError` if a
+[`queue.close()`](io_ops.md@QueueBase.close) operation previously ran.
+- - -
+#### tf.errors.AbortedError.__init__(node_def, op, message) {#AbortedError.__init__}
+Creates an `AbortedError`.
+- - -
+### class tf.errors.OutOfRangeError <div class="md-anchor" id="OutOfRangeError">{#OutOfRangeError}</div>
+Raised when an operation executed past the valid range.
+This exception is raised in "end-of-file" conditions, such as when a
+[`queue.dequeue()`](io_ops.md#QueueBase.dequeue) operation is
+blocked on an empty queue, and a
+[`queue.close()`](io_ops.md#QueueBase.close) operation executes.
+- - -
+#### tf.errors.OutOfRangeError.__init__(node_def, op, message) {#OutOfRangeError.__init__}
+Creates an `OutOfRangeError`.
+- - -
+### class tf.errors.UnimplementedError <div class="md-anchor" id="UnimplementedError">{#UnimplementedError}</div>
+Raised when an operation has not been implemented.
+Some operations may raise this error when passed otherwise-valid
+arguments that it does not currently support. For example, running
+the [`tf.nn.max_pool()`](nn.md#max_pool) operation would raise this
+error if pooling was requested on the batch dimension, because this
+is not yet supported.
+- - -
+#### tf.errors.UnimplementedError.__init__(node_def, op, message) {#UnimplementedError.__init__}
+Creates an `UnimplementedError`.
+- - -
+### class tf.errors.InternalError <div class="md-anchor" id="InternalError">{#InternalError}</div>
+Raised when the system experiences an internal error.
+This exception is raised when some invariant expected by the runtime
+has been broken. Catching this exception is not recommended.
+- - -
+#### tf.errors.InternalError.__init__(node_def, op, message) {#InternalError.__init__}
+Creates an `InternalError`.
+- - -
+### class tf.errors.UnavailableError <div class="md-anchor" id="UnavailableError">{#UnavailableError}</div>
+Raised when the runtime is currently unavailable.
+This exception is not currently used.
+- - -
+#### tf.errors.UnavailableError.__init__(node_def, op, message) {#UnavailableError.__init__}
+Creates an `UnavailableError`.
+- - -
+### class tf.errors.DataLossError <div class="md-anchor" id="DataLossError">{#DataLossError}</div>
+Raised when unrecoverable data loss or corruption is encountered.
+For example, this may be raised by running a
+[`tf.WholeFileReader.read()`](io_ops.md#WholeFileReader) operation,
+if the file is truncated while it is being read.
+- - -
+#### tf.errors.DataLossError.__init__(node_def, op, message) {#DataLossError.__init__}
+Creates a `DataLossError`.
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+# Constants, Sequences, and Random Values
+<!-- TOC-BEGIN This section is generated by neural network: DO NOT EDIT! -->
+## Contents
+* [Constant Value Tensors](#AUTOGENERATED-constant-value-tensors)
+ * [tf.zeros(shape, dtype=tf.float32, name=None)](#zeros)
+ * [tf.zeros_like(tensor, dtype=None, name=None)](#zeros_like)
+ * [tf.ones(shape, dtype=tf.float32, name=None)](#ones)
+ * [tf.ones_like(tensor, dtype=None, name=None)](#ones_like)
+ * [tf.fill(dims, value, name=None)](#fill)
+ * [tf.constant(value, dtype=None, shape=None, name='Const')](#constant)
+* [Sequences](#AUTOGENERATED-sequences)
+ * [tf.linspace(start, stop, num, name=None)](#linspace)
+ * [tf.range(start, limit, delta=1, name='range')](#range)
+* [Random Tensors](#AUTOGENERATED-random-tensors)
+ * [Examples:](#AUTOGENERATED-examples-)
+ * [tf.random_normal(shape, mean=0.0, stddev=1.0, dtype=tf.float32, seed=None, name=None)](#random_normal)
+ * [tf.truncated_normal(shape, mean=0.0, stddev=1.0, dtype=tf.float32, seed=None, name=None)](#truncated_normal)
+ * [tf.random_uniform(shape, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, dtype=tf.float32, seed=None, name=None)](#random_uniform)
+ * [tf.random_shuffle(value, seed=None, name=None)](#random_shuffle)
+ * [tf.set_random_seed(seed)](#set_random_seed)
+<!-- TOC-END This section was generated by neural network, THANKS FOR READING! -->
+## Constant Value Tensors <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-constant-value-tensors">{#AUTOGENERATED-constant-value-tensors}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to generate constants.
+- - -
+### tf.zeros(shape, dtype=tf.float32, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="zeros">{#zeros}</div>
+Creates a tensor with all elements set to zero.
+This operation returns a tensor of type `dtype` with shape `shape` and
+all elements set to zero.
+For example:
+tf.zeros([3, 4], int32) ==> [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>shape</b>: Either a list of integers, or a 1-D `Tensor` of type `int32`.
+* <b>dtype</b>: The type of an element in the resulting `Tensor`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` with all elements set to zero.
+- - -
+### tf.zeros_like(tensor, dtype=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="zeros_like">{#zeros_like}</div>
+Creates a tensor with all elements set to zero.
+Given a single tensor (`tensor`), this operation returns a tensor of the
+same type and shape as `tensor` with all elements set to zero. Optionally,
+you can use `dtype` to specify a new type for the returned tensor.
+For example:
+# 'tensor' is [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
+tf.zeros_like(tensor) ==> [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>tensor</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>dtype</b>: A type for the returned `Tensor`. Must be `float32`, `float64`,
+ `int8`, `int16`, `int32`, `int64`, `uint8`, or `complex64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` with all elements set to zero.
+- - -
+### tf.ones(shape, dtype=tf.float32, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="ones">{#ones}</div>
+Creates a tensor with all elements set to 1.
+This operation returns a tensor of type `dtype` with shape `shape` and all
+elements set to 1.
+For example:
+tf.ones([2, 3], int32) ==> [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>shape</b>: Either a list of integers, or a 1-D `Tensor` of type `int32`.
+* <b>dtype</b>: The type of an element in the resulting `Tensor`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` with all elements set to 1.
+- - -
+### tf.ones_like(tensor, dtype=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="ones_like">{#ones_like}</div>
+Creates a tensor with all elements set to 1.
+Given a single tensor (`tensor`), this operation returns a tensor of the same
+type and shape as `tensor` with all elements set to 1. Optionally, you can
+specify a new type (`dtype`) for the returned tensor.
+For example:
+# 'tensor' is [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
+tf.ones_like(tensor) ==> [[1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>tensor</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>dtype</b>: A type for the returned `Tensor`. Must be `float32`, `float64`,
+ `int8`, `int16`, `int32`, `int64`, `uint8`, or `complex64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` with all elements set to 1.
+- - -
+### tf.fill(dims, value, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="fill">{#fill}</div>
+Creates a tensor filled with a scalar value.
+This operation creates a tensor of shape `dims` and fills it with `value`.
+For example:
+# output tensor shape needs to be [2, 3]
+# so 'dims' is [2, 3]
+fill(dims, 9) ==> [[9, 9, 9]
+ [9, 9, 9]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>dims</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`.
+ 1-D. Represents the shape of the output tensor.
+* <b>value</b>: A `Tensor`. 0-D (scalar). Value to fill the returned tensor.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `value`.
+- - -
+### tf.constant(value, dtype=None, shape=None, name='Const') <div class="md-anchor" id="constant">{#constant}</div>
+Creates a constant tensor.
+ The resulting tensor is populated with values of type `dtype`, as
+ specified by arguments `value` and (optionally) `shape` (see examples
+ below).
+ The argument `value` can be a constant value, or a list of values of type
+ `dtype`. If `value` is a list, then the length of the list must be less
+ than or equal to the number of elements implied by the `shape` argument (if
+ specified). In the case where the list length is less than the number of
+ elements specified by `shape`, the last element in the list will be used
+ to fill the remaining entries.
+ The argument `shape` is optional. If present, it specifies the dimensions
+ of the resulting tensor. If not present, then the tensor is a scalar (0-D)
+ if `value` is a scalar, or 1-D otherwise.
+ If the argument `dtype` is not specified, then the type is inferred from
+ the type of `value`.
+ For example:
+ ```python
+ # Constant 1-D Tensor populated with value list.
+ tensor = tf.constant([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) => [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]
+ # Constant 2-D tensor populated with scalar value -1.
+ tensor = tf.constant(-1.0, shape=[2, 3]) => [[-1. -1. -1.]
+ [-1. -1. -1.]]
+ ```
+##### Args:
+* <b>value</b>: A constant value (or list) of output type `dtype`.
+* <b>dtype</b>: The type of the elements of the resulting tensor.
+* <b>shape</b>: Optional dimensions of resulting tensor.
+* <b>name</b>: Optional name for the tensor.
+##### Returns:
+ A Constant Tensor.
+## Sequences <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-sequences">{#AUTOGENERATED-sequences}</div>
+- - -
+### tf.linspace(start, stop, num, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="linspace">{#linspace}</div>
+Generates values in an interval.
+A sequence of `num` evenly-spaced values are generated beginning at `start`.
+If `num > 1`, the values in the sequence increase by `stop - start / num - 1`,
+so that the last one is exactly `stop`.
+For example:
+tf.linspace(10.0, 12.0, 3, name="linspace") => [ 10.0 11.0 12.0]
+##### Args:
+* <b>start</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`.
+ First entry in the range.
+* <b>stop</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `start`.
+ Last entry in the range.
+* <b>num</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`. Number of values to generate.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `start`. 1-D. The generated values.
+- - -
+### tf.range(start, limit, delta=1, name='range') <div class="md-anchor" id="range">{#range}</div>
+Creates a sequence of integers.
+This operation creates a sequence of integers that begins at `start` and
+extends by increments of `delta` up to but not including `limit`.
+For example:
+# 'start' is 3
+# 'limit' is 18
+# 'delta' is 3
+tf.range(start, limit, delta) ==> [3, 6, 9, 12, 15]
+##### Args:
+* <b>start</b>: A 0-D (scalar) of type `int32`. First entry in sequence.
+* <b>limit</b>: A 0-D (scalar) of type `int32`. Upper limit of sequence,
+ exclusive.
+* <b>delta</b>: A 0-D `Tensor` (scalar) of type `int32`. Optional. Default is 1.
+ Number that increments `start`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ An 1-D `int32` `Tensor`.
+## Random Tensors <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-random-tensors">{#AUTOGENERATED-random-tensors}</div>
+TensorFlow has several ops that create random tensors with different
+distributions. The random ops are stateful, and create new random values each
+time they are evaluated.
+The `seed` keyword argument in these functions acts in conjunction with
+the graph-level random seed. Changing either the graph-level seed using
+[`set_random_seed`](constant_op.md#set_random_seed) or the op-level seed
+will change the underlying seed of these operations. Setting neither graph-level
+nor op-level seed, results in a random seed for all operations.
+See [`set_random_seed`](constant_op.md#set_random_seed) for details on the
+interaction between operation-level and graph-level random seeds.
+### Examples: <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-examples-">{#AUTOGENERATED-examples-}</div>
+# Create a tensor of shape [2, 3] consisting of random normal values, with mean
+# -1 and standard deviation 4.
+norm = tf.random_normal([2, 3], mean=-1, stddev=4)
+# Shuffle the first dimension of a tensor
+c = tf.constant([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
+shuff = tf.random_shuffle(c)
+# Each time we run these ops, different results are generated
+sess = tf.Session()
+print sess.run(norm)
+print sess.run(norm)
+# Set an op-level seed to generate repeatable sequences across sessions.
+c = tf.constant([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
+sess = tf.Session()
+norm = tf.random_normal(c, seed=1234)
+print sess.run(norm)
+print sess.run(norm)
+Another common use of random values is the intialization of variables. Also see
+the [Variables How To](../../how_tos/variables/index.md).
+# Use random uniform values in [0, 1) as the initializer for a variable of shape
+# [2, 3]. The default type is float32.
+var = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([2, 3]), name="var")
+init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
+sess = tf.Session()
+print sess.run(var)
+- - -
+### tf.random_normal(shape, mean=0.0, stddev=1.0, dtype=tf.float32, seed=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="random_normal">{#random_normal}</div>
+Outputs random values from a normal distribution.
+##### Args:
+* <b>shape</b>: A 1-D integer Tensor or Python array. The shape of the output tensor.
+* <b>mean</b>: A 0-D Tensor or Python value of type `dtype`. The mean of the normal
+ distribution.
+* <b>stddev</b>: A 0-D Tensor or Python value of type `dtype`. The standard deviation
+ of the normal distribution.
+* <b>dtype</b>: The type of the output.
+* <b>seed</b>: A Python integer. Used to create a random seed for the distribution.
+ See [`set_random_seed`](constant_op.md#set_random_seed) for behavior.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A tensor of the specified shape filled with random normal values.
+- - -
+### tf.truncated_normal(shape, mean=0.0, stddev=1.0, dtype=tf.float32, seed=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="truncated_normal">{#truncated_normal}</div>
+Outputs random values from a truncated normal distribution.
+The generated values follow a normal distribution with specified mean and
+standard deviation, except that values whose magnitude is more than 2 standard
+deviations from the mean are dropped and re-picked.
+##### Args:
+* <b>shape</b>: A 1-D integer Tensor or Python array. The shape of the output tensor.
+* <b>mean</b>: A 0-D Tensor or Python value of type `dtype`. The mean of the
+ truncated normal distribution.
+* <b>stddev</b>: A 0-D Tensor or Python value of type `dtype`. The standard deviation
+ of the truncated normal distribution.
+* <b>dtype</b>: The type of the output.
+* <b>seed</b>: A Python integer. Used to create a random seed for the distribution.
+ See [`set_random_seed`](constant_op.md#set_random_seed) for behavior.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A tensor of the specified shape filled with random truncated normal values.
+- - -
+### tf.random_uniform(shape, minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, dtype=tf.float32, seed=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="random_uniform">{#random_uniform}</div>
+Outputs random values from a uniform distribution.
+The generated values follow a uniform distribution in the range
+`[minval, maxval)`. The lower bound `minval` is included in the range, while
+the upper bound `maxval` is excluded.
+##### Args:
+* <b>shape</b>: A 1-D integer Tensor or Python array. The shape of the output tensor.
+* <b>minval</b>: A 0-D Tensor or Python value of type `dtype`. The lower bound on the
+ range of random values to generate.
+* <b>maxval</b>: A 0-D Tensor or Python value of type `dtype`. The upper bound on
+ the range of random values to generate.
+* <b>dtype</b>: The type of the output.
+* <b>seed</b>: A Python integer. Used to create a random seed for the distribution.
+ See [`set_random_seed`](constant_op.md#set_random_seed) for behavior.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A tensor of the specified shape filled with random uniform values.
+- - -
+### tf.random_shuffle(value, seed=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="random_shuffle">{#random_shuffle}</div>
+Randomly shuffles a tensor along its first dimension.
+The tensor is shuffled along dimension 0, such that each `value[j]` is mapped
+to one and only one `output[i]`. For example, a mapping that might occur for a
+3x2 tensor is:
+[[1, 2], [[5, 6],
+ [3, 4], ==> [1, 2],
+ [5, 6]] [3, 4]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>value</b>: A Tensor to be shuffled.
+* <b>seed</b>: A Python integer. Used to create a random seed for the distribution.
+ See [`set_random_seed`](constant_op.md#set_random_seed) for behavior.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A tensor of same shape and type as `value`, shuffled along its first
+ dimension.
+- - -
+### tf.set_random_seed(seed) <div class="md-anchor" id="set_random_seed">{#set_random_seed}</div>
+Sets the graph-level random seed.
+Operations that rely on a random seed actually derive it from two seeds:
+the graph-level and operation-level seeds. This sets the graph-level seed.
+Its interactions with operation-level seeds is as follows:
+ 1. If neither the graph-level nor the operation seed is set:
+ A random seed is used for this op.
+ 2. If the graph-level seed is set, but the operation seed is not:
+ The system deterministically picks an operation seed in conjunction
+ with the graph-level seed so that it gets a unique random sequence.
+ 3. If the graph-level seed is not set, but the operation seed is set:
+ A default graph-level seed and the specified operation seed are used to
+ determine the random sequence.
+ 4. If both the graph-level and the operation seed are set:
+ Both seeds are used in conjunction to determine the random sequence.
+To illustrate the user-visible effects, consider these examples:
+To generate different sequences across sessions, set neither
+graph-level nor op-level seeds:
+a = tf.random_uniform([1])
+b = tf.random_normal([1])
+print "Session 1"
+with tf.Session() as sess1:
+ print sess1.run(a) # generates 'A1'
+ print sess1.run(a) # generates 'A2'
+ print sess1.run(b) # generates 'B1'
+ print sess1.run(b) # generates 'B2'
+print "Session 2"
+with tf.Session() as sess2:
+ print sess2.run(a) # generates 'A3'
+ print sess2.run(a) # generates 'A4'
+ print sess2.run(b) # generates 'B3'
+ print sess2.run(b) # generates 'B4'
+To generate the same repeatable sequence for an op across sessions, set the
+seed for the op:
+a = tf.random_uniform([1], seed=1)
+b = tf.random_normal([1])
+# Repeatedly running this block with the same graph will generate the same
+# sequence of values for 'a', but different sequences of values for 'b'.
+print "Session 1"
+with tf.Session() as sess1:
+ print sess1.run(a) # generates 'A1'
+ print sess1.run(a) # generates 'A2'
+ print sess1.run(b) # generates 'B1'
+ print sess1.run(b) # generates 'B2'
+print "Session 2"
+with tf.Session() as sess2:
+ print sess2.run(a) # generates 'A1'
+ print sess2.run(a) # generates 'A2'
+ print sess2.run(b) # generates 'B3'
+ print sess2.run(b) # generates 'B4'
+To make the random sequences generated by all ops be repeatable across
+sessions, set a graph-level seed:
+a = tf.random_uniform([1])
+b = tf.random_normal([1])
+# Repeatedly running this block with the same graph will generate different
+# sequences of 'a' and 'b'.
+print "Session 1"
+with tf.Session() as sess1:
+ print sess1.run(a) # generates 'A1'
+ print sess1.run(a) # generates 'A2'
+ print sess1.run(b) # generates 'B1'
+ print sess1.run(b) # generates 'B2'
+print "Session 2"
+with tf.Session() as sess2:
+ print sess2.run(a) # generates 'A1'
+ print sess2.run(a) # generates 'A2'
+ print sess2.run(b) # generates 'B1'
+ print sess2.run(b) # generates 'B2'
+##### Args:
+* <b>seed</b>: integer.
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+# Control Flow
+<!-- TOC-BEGIN This section is generated by neural network: DO NOT EDIT! -->
+## Contents
+* [Control Flow Operations](#AUTOGENERATED-control-flow-operations)
+ * [tf.identity(input, name=None)](#identity)
+ * [tf.tuple(tensors, name=None, control_inputs=None)](#tuple)
+ * [tf.group(*inputs, **kwargs)](#group)
+ * [tf.no_op(name=None)](#no_op)
+ * [tf.count_up_to(ref, limit, name=None)](#count_up_to)
+* [Logical Operators](#AUTOGENERATED-logical-operators)
+ * [tf.logical_and(x, y, name=None)](#logical_and)
+ * [tf.logical_not(x, name=None)](#logical_not)
+ * [tf.logical_or(x, y, name=None)](#logical_or)
+ * [tf.logical_xor(x, y, name='LogicalXor')](#logical_xor)
+* [Comparison Operators](#AUTOGENERATED-comparison-operators)
+ * [tf.equal(x, y, name=None)](#equal)
+ * [tf.not_equal(x, y, name=None)](#not_equal)
+ * [tf.less(x, y, name=None)](#less)
+ * [tf.less_equal(x, y, name=None)](#less_equal)
+ * [tf.greater(x, y, name=None)](#greater)
+ * [tf.greater_equal(x, y, name=None)](#greater_equal)
+ * [tf.select(condition, t, e, name=None)](#select)
+ * [tf.where(input, name=None)](#where)
+* [Debugging Operations](#AUTOGENERATED-debugging-operations)
+ * [tf.is_finite(x, name=None)](#is_finite)
+ * [tf.is_inf(x, name=None)](#is_inf)
+ * [tf.is_nan(x, name=None)](#is_nan)
+ * [tf.verify_tensor_all_finite(t, msg, name=None)](#verify_tensor_all_finite)
+ * [tf.check_numerics(tensor, message, name=None)](#check_numerics)
+ * [tf.add_check_numerics_ops()](#add_check_numerics_ops)
+ * [tf.Assert(condition, data, summarize=None, name=None)](#Assert)
+ * [tf.Print(input_, data, message=None, first_n=None, summarize=None, name=None)](#Print)
+<!-- TOC-END This section was generated by neural network, THANKS FOR READING! -->
+## Control Flow Operations <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-control-flow-operations">{#AUTOGENERATED-control-flow-operations}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several operations and classes that you can use to control
+the execution of operations and add conditional dependencies to your graph.
+- - -
+### tf.identity(input, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="identity">{#identity}</div>
+Return a tensor with the same shape and contents as the input tensor or value.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `input`.
+- - -
+### tf.tuple(tensors, name=None, control_inputs=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="tuple">{#tuple}</div>
+Group tensors together.
+This creates a tuple of tensors with the same values as the `tensors`
+argument, except that the value of each tensor is only returned after the
+values of all tensors have been computed.
+`control_inputs` contains additional ops that have to finish before this op
+finishes, but whose outputs are not returned.
+This can be used as a "join" mechanism for parallel computations: all the
+argument tensors can be computed in parallel, but the values of any tensor
+returned by `tuple` are only available after all the parallel computations
+are done.
+See also `group` and `with_dependencies`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>tensors</b>: A list of `Tensor`s or `IndexedSlices`, some entries can be `None`.
+* <b>name</b>: (optional) A name to use as a `name_scope` for the operation.
+* <b>control_inputs</b>: List of additional ops to finish before returning.
+##### Returns:
+ Same as `tensors`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If `tensors` does not contain any `Tensor` or `IndexedSlices`.
+- - -
+### tf.group(*inputs, **kwargs) <div class="md-anchor" id="group">{#group}</div>
+Create an op that groups multiple operations.
+When this op finishes, all ops in `input` have finished. This op has no
+See also `tuple` and `with_dependencies`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>*inputs</b>: One or more tensors to group.
+* <b>**kwargs</b>: Optional parameters to pass when constructing the NodeDef.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for this operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ An Operation that executes all its inputs.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If an unknown keyword argument is provided, or if there are
+ no inputs.
+- - -
+### tf.no_op(name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="no_op">{#no_op}</div>
+Does nothing. Only useful as a placeholder for control edges.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The created Operation.
+- - -
+### tf.count_up_to(ref, limit, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="count_up_to">{#count_up_to}</div>
+Increments 'ref' until it reaches 'limit'.
+This operation outputs "ref" after the update is done. This makes it
+easier to chain operations that need to use the updated value.
+##### Args:
+* <b>ref</b>: A mutable `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `int32`, `int64`.
+ Should be from a scalar `Variable` node.
+* <b>limit</b>: An `int`.
+ If incrementing ref would bring it above limit, instead generates an
+ 'OutOfRange' error.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `ref`.
+ A copy of the input before increment. If nothing else modifies the
+ input, the values produced will all be distinct.
+## Logical Operators <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-logical-operators">{#AUTOGENERATED-logical-operators}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to add logical operators
+to your graph.
+- - -
+### tf.logical_and(x, y, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="logical_and">{#logical_and}</div>
+Returns the truth value of x AND y element-wise.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+* <b>y</b>: A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+- - -
+### tf.logical_not(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="logical_not">{#logical_not}</div>
+Returns the truth value of NOT x element-wise.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+- - -
+### tf.logical_or(x, y, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="logical_or">{#logical_or}</div>
+Returns the truth value of x OR y element-wise.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+* <b>y</b>: A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+- - -
+### tf.logical_xor(x, y, name='LogicalXor') <div class="md-anchor" id="logical_xor">{#logical_xor}</div>
+x ^ y = (x | y) & ~(x & y).
+## Comparison Operators <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-comparison-operators">{#AUTOGENERATED-comparison-operators}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to add comparison
+operators to your graph.
+- - -
+### tf.equal(x, y, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="equal">{#equal}</div>
+Returns the truth value of (x == y) element-wise.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`, `complex64`, `quint8`, `qint8`, `qint32`.
+* <b>y</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `x`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+- - -
+### tf.not_equal(x, y, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="not_equal">{#not_equal}</div>
+Returns the truth value of (x != y) element-wise.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`, `complex64`, `quint8`, `qint8`, `qint32`.
+* <b>y</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `x`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+- - -
+### tf.less(x, y, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="less">{#less}</div>
+Returns the truth value of (x < y) element-wise.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`.
+* <b>y</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `x`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+- - -
+### tf.less_equal(x, y, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="less_equal">{#less_equal}</div>
+Returns the truth value of (x <= y) element-wise.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`.
+* <b>y</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `x`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+- - -
+### tf.greater(x, y, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="greater">{#greater}</div>
+Returns the truth value of (x > y) element-wise.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`.
+* <b>y</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `x`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+- - -
+### tf.greater_equal(x, y, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="greater_equal">{#greater_equal}</div>
+Returns the truth value of (x >= y) element-wise.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`.
+* <b>y</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `x`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+- - -
+### tf.select(condition, t, e, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="select">{#select}</div>
+Selects elements from `t` or `e`, depending on `condition`.
+The `condition`, `t`, and `e` tensors must all have the same shape,
+and the output will also have that shape. The `condition` tensor acts
+as an element-wise mask that chooses, based on the value at each
+element, whether the corresponding element in the output should be
+taken from `t` (if true) or `e` (if false). For example:
+For example:
+# 'condition' tensor is [[True, False]
+# [True, False]]
+# 't' is [[1, 1],
+# [1, 1]]
+# 'e' is [[2, 2],
+# [2, 2]]
+select(condition, t, e) ==> [[1, 2],
+ [1, 2]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>condition</b>: A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+* <b>t</b>: A `Tensor` with the same shape as `condition`.
+* <b>e</b>: A `Tensor` with the same type and shape as `t`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` with the same type and shape as `t` and `e`.
+- - -
+### tf.where(input, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="where">{#where}</div>
+Returns locations of true values in a boolean tensor.
+This operation returns the coordinates of true elements in `input`. The
+coordinates are returned in a 2-D tensor where the first dimension (rows)
+represents the number of true elements, and the second dimension (columns)
+represents the coordinates of the true elements. Keep in mind, the shape of
+the output tensor can vary depending on how many true values there are in
+`input`. Indices are output in row-major order.
+For example:
+# 'input' tensor is [[True, False]
+# [True, False]]
+# 'input' has two true values, so output has two coordinates.
+# 'input' has rank of 2, so coordinates have two indices.
+where(input) ==> [[0, 0],
+ [1, 0]]
+# `input` tensor is [[[True, False]
+# [True, False]]
+# [[False, True]
+# [False, True]]
+# [[False, False]
+# [False, True]]]
+# 'input' has 5 true values, so output has 5 coordinates.
+# 'input' has rank of 3, so coordinates have three indices.
+where(input) ==> [[0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 1, 0],
+ [1, 0, 1],
+ [1, 1, 1],
+ [2, 1, 1]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `int64`.
+## Debugging Operations <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-debugging-operations">{#AUTOGENERATED-debugging-operations}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to validate values and
+debug your graph.
+- - -
+### tf.is_finite(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="is_finite">{#is_finite}</div>
+Returns which elements of x are finite.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+- - -
+### tf.is_inf(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="is_inf">{#is_inf}</div>
+Returns which elements of x are Inf.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+- - -
+### tf.is_nan(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="is_nan">{#is_nan}</div>
+Returns which elements of x are NaN.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+- - -
+### tf.verify_tensor_all_finite(t, msg, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="verify_tensor_all_finite">{#verify_tensor_all_finite}</div>
+Assert that the tensor does not contain any NaN's or Inf's.
+##### Args:
+* <b>t</b>: Tensor to check.
+* <b>msg</b>: Message to log on failure.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for this operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ Same tensor as `t`.
+- - -
+### tf.check_numerics(tensor, message, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="check_numerics">{#check_numerics}</div>
+Checks a tensor for NaN and Inf values.
+When run, reports an `InvalidArgument` error if `tensor` has any values
+that are not a number (NaN) or infinity (Inf). Otherwise, passes `tensor` as-is.
+##### Args:
+* <b>tensor</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`.
+* <b>message</b>: A `string`. Prefix of the error message.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `tensor`.
+- - -
+### tf.add_check_numerics_ops() <div class="md-anchor" id="add_check_numerics_ops">{#add_check_numerics_ops}</div>
+Connect a check_numerics to every floating point tensor.
+`check_numerics` operations themselves are added for each `float` or `double`
+tensor in the graph. For all ops in the graph, the `check_numerics` op for
+all of its (`float` or `double`) inputs is guaranteed to run before the
+`check_numerics` op on any of its outputs.
+##### Returns:
+ A `group` op depending on all `check_numerics` ops added.
+- - -
+### tf.Assert(condition, data, summarize=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="Assert">{#Assert}</div>
+Asserts that the given condition is true.
+If `condition` evaluates to false, print the list of tensors in `data`.
+`summarize` determines how many entries of the tensors to print.
+##### Args:
+* <b>condition</b>: The condition to evaluate.
+* <b>data</b>: The tensors to print out when condition is false.
+* <b>summarize</b>: Print this many entries of each tensor.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for this operation (optional).
+- - -
+### tf.Print(input_, data, message=None, first_n=None, summarize=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="Print">{#Print}</div>
+Prints a list of tensors.
+This is an identity op with the side effect of printing `data` when
+##### Args:
+* <b>input_</b>: A tensor passed through this op.
+* <b>data</b>: A list of tensors to print out when op is evaluated.
+* <b>message</b>: A string, prefix of the error message.
+* <b>first_n</b>: Only log `first_n` number of times. Negative numbers log always;
+ this is the default.
+* <b>summarize</b>: Only print this many entries of each tensor.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ Same tensor as `input_`.
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+# Building Graphs
+<!-- TOC-BEGIN This section is generated by neural network: DO NOT EDIT! -->
+## Contents
+* [Core graph data structures](#AUTOGENERATED-core-graph-data-structures)
+ * [class tf.Graph](#Graph)
+ * [class tf.Operation](#Operation)
+ * [class tf.Tensor](#Tensor)
+* [Tensor types](#AUTOGENERATED-tensor-types)
+ * [class tf.DType](#DType)
+ * [tf.as_dtype(type_value)](#as_dtype)
+* [Utility functions](#AUTOGENERATED-utility-functions)
+ * [tf.device(dev)](#device)
+ * [tf.name_scope(name)](#name_scope)
+ * [tf.control_dependencies(control_inputs)](#control_dependencies)
+ * [tf.convert_to_tensor(value, dtype=None, name=None)](#convert_to_tensor)
+ * [tf.get_default_graph()](#get_default_graph)
+ * [tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, input_map=None, return_elements=None, name=None, op_dict=None)](#import_graph_def)
+* [Graph collections](#AUTOGENERATED-graph-collections)
+ * [tf.add_to_collection(name, value)](#add_to_collection)
+ * [tf.get_collection(key, scope=None)](#get_collection)
+ * [class tf.GraphKeys](#GraphKeys)
+* [Defining new operations](#AUTOGENERATED-defining-new-operations)
+ * [class tf.RegisterGradient](#RegisterGradient)
+ * [tf.NoGradient(op_type)](#NoGradient)
+ * [class tf.RegisterShape](#RegisterShape)
+ * [class tf.TensorShape](#TensorShape)
+ * [class tf.Dimension](#Dimension)
+ * [tf.op_scope(*args, **kwds)](#op_scope)
+ * [tf.get_seed(op_seed)](#get_seed)
+<!-- TOC-END This section was generated by neural network, THANKS FOR READING! -->
+Import names from the framework library.
+## Core graph data structures <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-core-graph-data-structures">{#AUTOGENERATED-core-graph-data-structures}</div>
+- - -
+### class tf.Graph <div class="md-anchor" id="Graph">{#Graph}</div>
+A TensorFlow computation, represented as a dataflow graph.
+A `Graph` contains a set of [`Operation`](framework.md#Operation) objects,
+which represent units of computation; and [`Tensor`](framework.md#Tensor)
+objects, which represent the units of data that flow between operations.
+A default `Graph` is always registered, and accessible by calling
+[`tf.get_default_graph()`](framework.md#get_default_graph). To add an
+operation to the default graph, simply call one of the functions that defines
+a new `Operation`:
+c = tf.constant(4.0)
+assert c.graph is tf.get_default_graph()
+Another typical usage involves the
+context manager, which overrides the current default graph for the
+lifetime of the context:
+g = tf.Graph()
+with g.as_default():
+ # Define operations and tensors in `g`.
+ c = tf.constant(30.0)
+ assert c.graph is g
+Important note: This class *is not* thread-safe for graph construction. All
+operations should be created from a single thread, or external
+synchronization must be provided. Unless otherwise specified, all methods
+are not thread-safe.
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.__init__() {#Graph.__init__}
+Creates a new, empty Graph.
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.as_default() {#Graph.as_default}
+Returns a context manager that makes this `Graph` the default graph.
+This method should be used if you want to create multiple graphs
+in the same process. For convenience, a global default graph is
+provided, and all ops will be added to this graph if you do not
+create a new graph explicitly. Use this method the `with` keyword
+to specify that ops created within the scope of a block should be
+added to this graph.
+The default graph is a property of the current thread. If you
+create a new thread, and wish to use the default graph in that
+thread, you must explicitly add a `with g.as_default():` in that
+thread's function.
+The following code examples are equivalent:
+# 1. Using Graph.as_default():
+g = tf.Graph()
+with g.as_default():
+ c = tf.constant(5.0)
+ assert c.graph is g
+# 2. Constructing and making default:
+with tf.Graph().as_default() as g:
+ c = tf.constant(5.0)
+ assert c.graph is g
+##### Returns:
+ A context manager for using this graph as the default graph.
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.as_graph_def(from_version=None) {#Graph.as_graph_def}
+Returns a serialized `GraphDef` representation of this graph.
+This method is thread-safe.
+##### Args:
+* <b>from_version</b>: Optional. If this is set, returns a `GraphDef`
+ containing only the nodes that were added to this graph since
+ its `version` property had the given value.
+##### Returns:
+ A
+ [`GraphDef`](https://tensorflow.googlesource.com/tensorflow/+/master/tensorflow/core/framework/graph.proto)
+ protocol buffer.
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.finalize() {#Graph.finalize}
+Finalizes this graph, making it read-only.
+After calling `g.finalize()`, no new operations can be added to
+`g`. This method is used to ensure that no operations are added
+to a graph when it is shared between multiple threads, for example
+when using a [`QueueRunner`](train.md#QueueRunner).
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.finalized {#Graph.finalized}
+True if this graph has been finalized.
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.control_dependencies(control_inputs) {#Graph.control_dependencies}
+Returns a context manager that specifies control dependencies.
+Use with the `with` keyword to specify that all operations constructed
+within the context should have control dependencies on
+`control_inputs`. For example:
+with g.control_dependencies([a, b, c]):
+ # `d` and `e` will only run after `a`, `b`, and `c` have executed.
+ d = ...
+ e = ...
+Multiple calls to `control_dependencies()` can be nested, and in
+that case a new `Operation` will have control dependencies on the union
+of `control_inputs` from all active contexts.
+with g.control_dependencies([a, b]):
+ # Ops declared here run after `a` and `b`.
+ with g.control_dependencies([c, d]):
+ # Ops declared here run after `a`, `b`, `c`, and `d`.
+*N.B.* The control dependencies context applies *only* to ops that
+are constructed within the context. Merely using an op or tensor
+in the context does not add a control dependency. The following
+example illustrates this point:
+def my_func(pred, tensor):
+ t = tf.matmul(tensor, tensor)
+ with tf.control_dependencies([pred]):
+ # The matmul op is created outside the context, so no control
+ # dependency will be added.
+ return t
+def my_func(pred, tensor):
+ with tf.control_dependencies([pred]):
+ # The matmul op is created in the context, so a control dependency
+ # will be added.
+ return tf.matmul(tensor, tensor)
+##### Args:
+* <b>control_inputs</b>: A list of `Operation` or `Tensor` objects, which
+ must be executed or computed before running the operations
+ defined in the context.
+##### Returns:
+ A context manager that specifies control dependencies for all
+ operations constructed within the context.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `control_inputs` is not a list of `Operation` or
+ `Tensor` objects.
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.device(*args, **kwds) {#Graph.device}
+Returns a context manager that specifies the default device to use.
+The `device_name_or_function` argument may either be a device name
+string, a device function, or None:
+* If it is a device name string, all operations constructed in
+ this context will be assigned to the device with that name.
+* If it is a function, it will be treated as function from
+ Operation objects to device name strings, and invoked each time
+ a new Operation is created. The Operation will be assigned to
+ the device with the returned name.
+* If it is None, the default device will be cleared.
+For example:
+with g.device('/gpu:0'):
+ # All operations constructed in this context will be placed
+ # on GPU 0.
+ with g.device(None):
+ # All operations constructed in this context will have no
+ # assigned device.
+# Defines a function from `Operation` to device string.
+def matmul_on_gpu(n):
+ if n.type == "MatMul":
+ return "/gpu:0"
+ else:
+ return "/cpu:0"
+with g.device(matmul_on_gpu):
+ # All operations of type "MatMul" constructed in this context
+ # will be placed on GPU 0; all other operations will be placed
+ # on CPU 0.
+##### Args:
+* <b>device_name_or_function</b>: The device name or function to use in
+ the context.
+##### Returns:
+ A context manager that specifies the default device to use for newly
+ created ops.
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.name_scope(*args, **kwds) {#Graph.name_scope}
+Returns a context manager that creates hierarchical names for operations.
+A graph maintains a stack of name scopes. A `with name_scope(...):`
+statement pushes a new name onto the stack for the lifetime of the context.
+The `name` argument will be interpreted as follows:
+* A string (not ending with '/') will create a new name scope, in which
+ `name` is appended to the prefix of all operations created in the
+ context. If `name` has been used before, it will be made unique by
+ calling `self.unique_name(name)`.
+* A scope previously captured from a `with g.name_scope(...) as
+ scope:` statement will be treated as an "absolute" name scope, which
+ makes it possible to re-enter existing scopes.
+* A value of `None` or the empty string will reset the current name scope
+ to the top-level (empty) name scope.
+For example:
+with tf.Graph().as_default() as g:
+ c = tf.constant(5.0, name="c")
+ assert c_1.name == "c"
+ c_1 = tf.constant(6.0, name="c")
+ assert c_1.name == "c_1"
+ # Creates a scope called "nested"
+ with g.name_scope("nested") as scope:
+ nested_c = tf.constant(10.0, name="c")
+ assert nested_c.name == "nested/c"
+ # Creates a nested scope called "inner".
+ with g.name_scope("inner"):
+ nested_inner_c = tf.constant(20.0, name="c")
+ assert nested_inner_c.name == "nested/inner/c"
+ # Create a nested scope called "inner_1".
+ with g.name_scope("inner"):
+ nested_inner_1_c = tf.constant(30.0, name="c")
+ assert nested_inner_1_c.name == "nested/inner_1/c"
+ # Treats `scope` as an absolute name scope, and
+ # switches to the "nested/" scope.
+ with g.name_scope(scope):
+ nested_d = tf.constant(40.0, name="d")
+ assert nested_d.name == "nested/d"
+ with g.name_scope(""):
+ e = tf.constant(50.0, name="e")
+ assert e.name == "e"
+The name of the scope itself can be captured by `with
+g.name_scope(...) as scope:`, which stores the name of the scope
+in the variable `scope`. This value can be used to name an
+operation that represents the overall result of executing the ops
+in a scope. For example:
+inputs = tf.constant(...)
+with g.name_scope('my_layer') as scope:
+ weights = tf.Variable(..., name="weights")
+ biases = tf.Variable(..., name="biases")
+ affine = tf.matmul(inputs, weights) + biases
+ output = tf.nn.relu(affine, name=scope)
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the scope.
+##### Returns:
+ A context manager that installs `name` as a new name scope.
+A `Graph` instance supports an arbitrary number of "collections"
+that are identified by name. For convenience when building a large
+graph, collections can store groups of related objects: for
+example, the `tf.Variable` uses a collection (named
+[`tf.GraphKeys.VARIABLES`](framework.md#GraphKeys)) for all variables that are
+created during the construction of a graph. The caller may define
+additional collections by specifying a new name.
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.add_to_collection(name, value) {#Graph.add_to_collection}
+Stores `value` in the collection with the given `name`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: The key for the collection. For example, the `GraphKeys` class
+ contains many standard names for collections.
+* <b>value</b>: The value to add to the collection.
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.get_collection(name, scope=None) {#Graph.get_collection}
+Returns a list of values in the collection with the given `name`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>key</b>: The key for the collection. For example, the `GraphKeys` class
+ contains many standard names for collections.
+* <b>scope</b>: (Optional.) If supplied, the resulting list is filtered to include
+ only items whose name begins with this string.
+##### Returns:
+ The list of values in the collection with the given `name`, or
+ an empty list if no value has been added to that collection. The
+ list contains the values in the order under which they were
+ collected.
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.as_graph_element(obj, allow_tensor=True, allow_operation=True) {#Graph.as_graph_element}
+Returns the object referred to by `obj`, as an `Operation` or `Tensor`.
+This function validates that `obj` represents an element of this
+graph, and gives an informative error message if it is not.
+This function is the canonical way to get/validate an object of
+one of the allowed types from an external argument reference in the
+Session API.
+This method may be called concurrently from multiple threads.
+##### Args:
+* <b>obj</b>: A `Tensor`, an `Operation`, or the name of a tensor or operation.
+ Can also be any object with an `_as_graph_element()` method that returns
+ a value of one of these types.
+* <b>allow_tensor</b>: If true, `obj` may refer to a `Tensor`.
+* <b>allow_operation</b>: If true, `obj` may refer to an `Operation`.
+##### Returns:
+ The `Tensor` or `Operation` in the Graph corresponding to `obj`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `obj` is not a type we support attempting to convert
+ to types.
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If `obj` is of an appropriate type but invalid. For
+ example, an invalid string.
+* <b>KeyError</b>: If `obj` is not an object in the graph.
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.get_operation_by_name(name) {#Graph.get_operation_by_name}
+Returns the `Operation` with the given `name`.
+This method may be called concurrently from multiple threads.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: The name of the `Operation` to return.
+##### Returns:
+ The `Operation` with the given `name`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `name` is not a string.
+* <b>KeyError</b>: If `name` does not correspond to an operation in this graph.
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.get_tensor_by_name(name) {#Graph.get_tensor_by_name}
+Returns the `Tensor` with the given `name`.
+This method may be called concurrently from multiple threads.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: The name of the `Tensor` to return.
+##### Returns:
+ The `Tensor` with the given `name`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `name` is not a string.
+* <b>KeyError</b>: If `name` does not correspond to a tensor in this graph.
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.get_operations() {#Graph.get_operations}
+Return the list of operations in the graph.
+You can modify the operations in place, but modifications
+to the list such as inserts/delete have no effect on the
+list of operations known to the graph.
+This method may be called concurrently from multiple threads.
+##### Returns:
+ A list of Operations.
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.get_default_device() {#Graph.get_default_device}
+Returns the default device.
+##### Returns:
+ A string.
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.seed {#Graph.seed}
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.unique_name(name) {#Graph.unique_name}
+Return a unique Operation name for "name".
+Note: You rarely need to call unique_name() directly. Most of the time you
+just need to create "with g.name_scope()" blocks to generate structured
+`unique_name` is used to generate structured names, separated by "/",
+to help identify Operations when debugging a Graph. Operation names
+are displayed in error messages reported by the TensorFlow runtime,
+and in various visualization tools such as TensorBoard.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: The name for an `Operation`.
+##### Returns:
+ A string to be passed to `create_op()` that will be used
+ to name the operation being created.
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.version {#Graph.version}
+Returns a version number that increases as ops are added to the graph.
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.create_op(op_type, inputs, dtypes, input_types=None, name=None, attrs=None, op_def=None, compute_shapes=True) {#Graph.create_op}
+Creates an `Operation` in this graph.
+This is a low-level interface for creating an `Operation`. Most
+programs will not call this method directly, and instead use the
+Python op constructors, such as `tf.constant()`, which add ops to
+the default graph.
+##### Args:
+* <b>op_type</b>: The `Operation` type to create. This corresponds to the
+ `OpDef.name` field for the proto that defines the operation.
+* <b>inputs</b>: A list of `Tensor` objects that will be inputs to the `Operation`.
+* <b>dtypes</b>: A list of `DType` objects that will be the types of the tensors
+ that the operation produces.
+* <b>input_types</b>: (Optional.) A list of `DType`s that will be the types of
+ the tensors that the operation consumes. By default, uses the base
+ `DType` of each input in `inputs`. Operations that expect
+ reference-typed inputs must specify `input_types` explicitly.
+* <b>name</b>: (Optional.) A string name for the operation. If not specified, a
+ name is generated based on `op_type`.
+* <b>attrs</b>: (Optional.) A list of `AttrValue` protos for the `attr` field of
+ the `NodeDef` proto that will represent the operation.
+* <b>op_def</b>: (Optional.) The `OpDef` proto that describes the `op_type` that
+ the operation will have.
+* <b>compute_shapes</b>: (Optional.) If True, shape inference will be performed
+ to compute the shapes of the outputs.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: if any of the inputs is not a `Tensor`.
+##### Returns:
+ An `Operation` object.
+- - -
+#### tf.Graph.gradient_override_map(*args, **kwds) {#Graph.gradient_override_map}
+EXPERIMENTAL: A context manager for overriding gradient functions.
+This context manager can be used to override the gradient function
+that will be used for ops within the scope of the context.
+For example:
+def _custom_square_grad(op, inputs):
+ # ...
+with tf.Graph().as_default() as g:
+ c = tf.constant(5.0)
+ s_1 = tf.square(c) # Uses the default gradient for tf.square.
+ with g.gradient_override_map({"Square": "CustomSquare"}):
+ s_2 = tf.square(s_2) # Uses _custom_square_grad to compute the
+ # gradient of s_2.
+##### Args:
+* <b>op_type_map</b>: A dictionary mapping op type strings to alternative op
+ type strings.
+##### Returns:
+ A context manager that sets the alternative op type to be used for one
+ or more ops created in that context.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `op_type_map` is not a dictionary mapping strings to
+ strings.
+- - -
+### class tf.Operation <div class="md-anchor" id="Operation">{#Operation}</div>
+Represents a graph node that performs computation on tensors.
+An `Operation` is a node in a TensorFlow `Graph` that takes zero or
+more `Tensor` objects as input, and produces zero or more `Tensor`
+objects as output. Objects of type `Operation` are created by
+calling a Python op constructor (such as [`tf.matmul()`](math_ops.md#matmul))
+or [`Graph.create_op()`](framework.md#Graph.create_op).
+For example `c = tf.matmul(a, b)` creates an `Operation` of type
+"MatMul" that takes tensors `a` and `b` as input, and produces `c`
+as output.
+After the graph has been launched in a session, an `Operation` can
+be executed by passing it to [`Session.run()`](client.md#Session.run).
+`op.run()` is a shortcut for calling `tf.get_default_session().run(op)`.
+- - -
+#### tf.Operation.name {#Operation.name}
+The full name of this operation.
+- - -
+#### tf.Operation.type {#Operation.type}
+The type of the op (e.g. `"MatMul"`).
+- - -
+#### tf.Operation.inputs {#Operation.inputs}
+The list of `Tensor` objects representing the data inputs of this op.
+- - -
+#### tf.Operation.control_inputs {#Operation.control_inputs}
+The `Operation` objects on which this op has a control dependency.
+Before this op is executed, TensorFlow will ensure that the
+operations in `self.control_inputs` have finished executing. This
+mechanism can be used to run ops sequentially for performance
+reasons, or to ensure that the side effects of an op are observed
+in the correct order.
+##### Returns:
+ A list of `Operation` objects.
+- - -
+#### tf.Operation.outputs {#Operation.outputs}
+The list of `Tensor` objects representing the outputs of this op.
+- - -
+#### tf.Operation.device {#Operation.device}
+The name of the device to which this op has been assigned, if any.
+##### Returns:
+ The string name of the device to which this op has been
+ assigned, or None if it has not been assigned to a device.
+- - -
+#### tf.Operation.graph {#Operation.graph}
+The `Graph` that contains this operation.
+- - -
+#### tf.Operation.run(feed_dict=None, session=None) {#Operation.run}
+Runs this operation in a `Session`.
+Calling this method will execute all preceding operations that
+produce the inputs needed for this operation.
+*N.B.* Before invoking `Operation.run()`, its graph must have been
+launched in a session, and either a default session must be
+available, or `session` must be specified explicitly.
+##### Args:
+* <b>feed_dict</b>: A dictionary that maps `Tensor` objects to feed values.
+ See [`Session.run()`](client.md#Session.run) for a description of the
+ valid feed values.
+* <b>session</b>: (Optional.) The `Session` to be used to run to this operation. If
+ none, the default session will be used.
+- - -
+#### tf.Operation.get_attr(name) {#Operation.get_attr}
+Returns the value of the attr of this op with the given `name`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: The name of the attr to fetch.
+##### Returns:
+ The value of the attr, as a Python object.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If this op does not have an attr with the given `name`.
+- - -
+#### tf.Operation.traceback {#Operation.traceback}
+Returns the call stack from when this operation was constructed.
+#### Other Methods
+- - -
+#### tf.Operation.__init__(node_def, g, inputs=None, output_types=None, control_inputs=None, input_types=None, original_op=None, op_def=None) {#Operation.__init__}
+Creates an `Operation`.
+NOTE: This constructor validates the name of the Operation (passed
+as "node_def.name"). Valid Operation names match the following
+regular expression:
+ [A-Za-z0-9.][A-Za-z0-9_.\-/]*
+##### Args:
+* <b>node_def</b>: graph_pb2.NodeDef. NodeDef for the Operation.
+ Used for attributes of graph_pb2.NodeDef, typically "name",
+ "op", and "device". The "input" attribute is irrelevant here
+ as it will be computed when generating the model.
+* <b>g</b>: Graph. The parent graph.
+* <b>inputs</b>: list of Tensor objects. The inputs to this Operation.
+* <b>output_types</b>: list of types_pb2.DataType. List of the types of the
+ Tensors computed by this operation. The length of this list indicates
+ the number of output endpoints of the Operation.
+* <b>control_inputs</b>: list of operations or tensors from which to have a
+ control dependency.
+* <b>input_types</b>: List of types_pb2.DataType representing the
+ types of the Tensors accepted by the Operation. By default
+ uses [x.dtype.base_dtype for x in inputs]. Operations that expect
+ reference-typed inputs must specify these explicitly.
+* <b>original_op</b>: Optional. Used to associate the new Operation with an
+ existing Operation (for example, a replica with the op that was
+ replicated).
+* <b>op_def</b>: Optional. The op_def_pb2.OpDef proto that describes the
+ op type that this Operation represents.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: if control inputs are not Operations or Tensors,
+ or if node_def is not a NodeDef,
+ or if g is not a Graph,
+ or if inputs are not Tensors,
+ or if inputs and input_types are incompatible.
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if the node_def name is not valid.
+- - -
+#### tf.Operation.node_def {#Operation.node_def}
+Returns a serialized `NodeDef` representation of this operation.
+##### Returns:
+ A
+ [`NodeDef`](https://tensorflow.googlesource.com/tensorflow/+/master/tensorflow/core/framework/graph.proto)
+ protocol buffer.
+- - -
+#### tf.Operation.op_def {#Operation.op_def}
+Returns the `OpDef` proto that represents the type of this op.
+##### Returns:
+ An
+ [`OpDef`](https://tensorflow.googlesource.com/tensorflow/+/master/tensorflow/core/framework/op_def.proto)
+ protocol buffer.
+- - -
+#### tf.Operation.values() {#Operation.values}
+DEPRECATED: Use outputs.
+- - -
+### class tf.Tensor <div class="md-anchor" id="Tensor">{#Tensor}</div>
+Represents a value produced by an `Operation`.
+A `Tensor` is a symbolic handle to one of the outputs of an
+`Operation`. It does not hold the values of that operation's output,
+but instead provides a means of computing those values in a
+TensorFlow [`Session`](client.md#Session).
+This class has two primary purposes:
+1. A `Tensor` can be passed as an input to another `Operation`.
+ This builds a dataflow connection between operations, which
+ enables TensorFlow to execute an entire `Graph` that represents a
+ large, multi-step computation.
+2. After the graph has been launched in a session, the value of the
+ `Tensor` can be computed by passing it to
+ [`Session.run()`](client.md#Session.run).
+ `t.eval()` is a shortcut for calling
+ `tf.get_default_session().run(t)`.
+In the following example, `c`, `d`, and `e` are symbolic `Tensor`
+objects, whereas `result` is a numpy array that stores a concrete
+# Build a dataflow graph.
+c = tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]])
+d = tf.constant([[1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0]])
+e = tf.matmul(c, d)
+# Construct a `Session` to execut the graph.
+sess = tf.Session()
+# Execute the graph and store the value that `e` represents in `result`.
+result = sess.run(e)
+- - -
+#### tf.Tensor.dtype {#Tensor.dtype}
+The `DType` of elements in this tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.Tensor.name {#Tensor.name}
+The string name of this tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.Tensor.value_index {#Tensor.value_index}
+The index of this tensor in the outputs of its `Operation`.
+- - -
+#### tf.Tensor.graph {#Tensor.graph}
+The `Graph` that contains this tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.Tensor.op {#Tensor.op}
+The `Operation` that produces this tensor as an output.
+- - -
+#### tf.Tensor.consumers() {#Tensor.consumers}
+Returns a list of `Operation`s that consume this tensor.
+##### Returns:
+ A list of `Operation`s.
+- - -
+#### tf.Tensor.eval(feed_dict=None, session=None) {#Tensor.eval}
+Evaluates this tensor in a `Session`.
+Calling this method will execute all preceding operations that
+produce the inputs needed for the operation that produces this
+*N.B.* Before invoking `Tensor.eval()`, its graph must have been
+launched in a session, and either a default session must be
+available, or `session` must be specified explicitly.
+##### Args:
+* <b>feed_dict</b>: A dictionary that maps `Tensor` objects to feed values.
+ See [`Session.run()`](client.md#Session.run) for a description of
+ the valid feed values.
+* <b>session</b>: (Optional.) The `Session` to be used to evaluate this tensor. If
+ none, the default session will be used.
+##### Returns:
+ A numpy array corresponding to the value of this tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.Tensor.get_shape() {#Tensor.get_shape}
+Returns the `TensorShape` that represents the shape of this tensor.
+The shape is computed using shape inference functions that are
+registered for each `Operation` type using `tf.RegisterShape`.
+See [`TensorShape`](framework.md#TensorShape) for more details of what a shape
+The inferred shape of a tensor is used to provide shape
+information without having to launch the graph in a session. This
+can be used for debugging, and providing early error messages. For
+c = tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]])
+print c.get_shape()
+==> TensorShape([Dimension(2), Dimension(3)])
+d = tf.constant([[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0], [1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0]])
+print d.get_shape()
+==> TensorShape([Dimension(4), Dimension(2)])
+# Raises a ValueError, because `c` and `d` do not have compatible
+# inner dimensions.
+e = tf.matmul(c, d)
+f = tf.matmul(c, d, transpose_a=True, transpose_b=True)
+print f.get_shape()
+==> TensorShape([Dimension(3), Dimension(4)])
+In some cases, the inferred shape may have unknown dimensions. If
+the caller has additional information about the values of these
+dimensions, `Tensor.set_shape()` can be used to augment the
+inferred shape.
+##### Returns:
+ A `TensorShape` representing the shape of this tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.Tensor.set_shape(shape) {#Tensor.set_shape}
+Updates the shape of this tensor.
+This method can be called multiple times, and will merge the given
+`shape` with the current shape of this tensor. It can be used to
+provide additional information about the shape of this tensor that
+cannot be inferred from the graph alone. For example, this can be used
+to provide additional information about the shapes of images:
+_, image_data = tf.TFRecordReader(...).read(...)
+image = tf.image.decode_png(image_data, channels=3)
+# The height and width dimensions of `image` are data dependent, and
+# cannot be computed without executing the op.
+print image.get_shape()
+==> TensorShape([Dimension(None), Dimension(None), Dimension(3)])
+# We know that each image in this dataset is 28 x 28 pixels.
+image.set_shape([28, 28, 3])
+print image.get_shape()
+==> TensorShape([Dimension(28), Dimension(28), Dimension(3)])
+##### Args:
+* <b>shape</b>: A `TensorShape` representing the shape of this tensor.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If `shape` is not compatible with the current shape of
+ this tensor.
+#### Other Methods
+- - -
+#### tf.Tensor.__init__(op, value_index, dtype) {#Tensor.__init__}
+Creates a new `Tensor`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>op</b>: An `Operation`. `Operation` that computes this tensor.
+* <b>value_index</b>: An `int`. Index of the operation's endpoint that produces
+ this tensor.
+* <b>dtype</b>: A `types.DType`. Type of data stored in this tensor.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If the op is not an `Operation`.
+- - -
+#### tf.Tensor.device {#Tensor.device}
+The name of the device on which this tensor will be produced, or None.
+## Tensor types <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-tensor-types">{#AUTOGENERATED-tensor-types}</div>
+- - -
+### class tf.DType <div class="md-anchor" id="DType">{#DType}</div>
+Represents the type of the elements in a `Tensor`.
+The following `DType` objects are defined:
+* `tf.float32`: 32-bit single-precision floating-point.
+* `tf.float64`: 64-bit double-precision floating-point.
+* `tf.bfloat16`: 16-bit truncated floating-point.
+* `tf.complex64`: 64-bit single-precision complex.
+* `tf.int8`: 8-bit signed integer.
+* `tf.uint8`: 8-bit unsigned integer.
+* `tf.int32`: 32-bit signed integer.
+* `tf.int64`: 64-bit signed integer.
+* `tf.bool`: Boolean.
+* `tf.string`: String.
+* `tf.qint8`: Quantized 8-bit signed integer.
+* `tf.quint8`: Quantized 8-bit unsigned integer.
+* `tf.qint32`: Quantized 32-bit signed integer.
+In addition, variants of these types with the `_ref` suffix are
+defined for reference-typed tensors.
+The `tf.as_dtype()` function converts numpy types and string type
+names to a `DType` object.
+- - -
+#### tf.DType.is_compatible_with(other) {#DType.is_compatible_with}
+Returns True if the `other` DType will be converted to this DType.
+The conversion rules are as follows:
+DType(T) .is_compatible_with(DType(T)) == True
+DType(T) .is_compatible_with(DType(T).as_ref) == True
+DType(T).as_ref.is_compatible_with(DType(T)) == False
+DType(T).as_ref.is_compatible_with(DType(T).as_ref) == True
+##### Args:
+* <b>other</b>: A `DType` (or object that may be converted to a `DType`).
+##### Returns:
+ True if a Tensor of the `other` `DType` will be implicitly converted to
+ this `DType`.
+- - -
+#### tf.DType.name {#DType.name}
+Returns the string name for this `DType`.
+- - -
+#### tf.DType.base_dtype {#DType.base_dtype}
+Returns a non-reference `DType` based on this `DType`.
+- - -
+#### tf.DType.is_ref_dtype {#DType.is_ref_dtype}
+Returns `True` if this `DType` represents a reference type.
+- - -
+#### tf.DType.as_ref {#DType.as_ref}
+Returns a reference `DType` based on this `DType`.
+- - -
+#### tf.DType.is_integer {#DType.is_integer}
+Returns whether this is a (non-quantized) integer type.
+- - -
+#### tf.DType.is_quantized {#DType.is_quantized}
+Returns whether this is a quantized data type.
+- - -
+#### tf.DType.as_numpy_dtype {#DType.as_numpy_dtype}
+Returns a `numpy.dtype` based on this `DType`.
+- - -
+#### tf.DType.as_datatype_enum {#DType.as_datatype_enum}
+Returns a `types_pb2.DataType` enum value based on this `DType`.
+#### Other Methods
+- - -
+#### tf.DType.__init__(type_enum) {#DType.__init__}
+Creates a new `DataType`.
+NOTE(mrry): In normal circumstances, you should not need to
+construct a DataType object directly. Instead, use the
+types.as_dtype() function.
+##### Args:
+* <b>type_enum</b>: A `types_pb2.DataType` enum value.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `type_enum` is not a value `types_pb2.DataType`.
+- - -
+#### tf.DType.max {#DType.max}
+Returns the maximum representable value in this data type.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: if this is a non-numeric, unordered, or quantized type.
+- - -
+#### tf.DType.min {#DType.min}
+Returns the minimum representable value in this data type.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: if this is a non-numeric, unordered, or quantized type.
+- - -
+### tf.as_dtype(type_value) <div class="md-anchor" id="as_dtype">{#as_dtype}</div>
+Converts the given `type_value` to a `DType`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>type_value</b>: A value that can be converted to a `tf.DType`
+ object. This may currently be a `tf.DType` object, a
+ [`DataType` enum](https://tensorflow.googlesource.com/tensorflow/+/master/tensorflow/core/framework/types.proto),
+ a string type name, or a `numpy.dtype`.
+##### Returns:
+ A `DType` corresponding to `type_value`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `type_value` cannot be converted to a `DType`.
+## Utility functions <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-utility-functions">{#AUTOGENERATED-utility-functions}</div>
+- - -
+### tf.device(dev) <div class="md-anchor" id="device">{#device}</div>
+Wrapper for `Graph.device()` using the default graph.
+See [`Graph.name_scope()`](framework.md#Graph.name_scope) for more details.
+##### Args:
+* <b>device_name_or_function</b>: The device name or function to use in
+ the context.
+##### Returns:
+ A context manager that specifies the default device to use for newly
+ created ops.
+- - -
+### tf.name_scope(name) <div class="md-anchor" id="name_scope">{#name_scope}</div>
+Wrapper for `Graph.name_scope()` using the default graph.
+See [`Graph.name_scope()`](framework.md#Graph.name_scope) for more details.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the scope.
+##### Returns:
+ A context manager that installs `name` as a new name scope in the
+ default graph.
+- - -
+### tf.control_dependencies(control_inputs) <div class="md-anchor" id="control_dependencies">{#control_dependencies}</div>
+Wrapper for `Graph.control_dependencies()` using the default graph.
+See [`Graph.control_dependencies()`](framework.md#Graph.control_dependencies)
+for more details.
+##### Args:
+* <b>control_inputs</b>: A list of `Operation` or `Tensor` objects, which
+ must be executed or computed before running the operations
+ defined in the context.
+##### Returns:
+ A context manager that specifies control dependencies for all
+ operations constructed within the context.
+- - -
+### tf.convert_to_tensor(value, dtype=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="convert_to_tensor">{#convert_to_tensor}</div>
+Converts the given `value` to a `Tensor`.
+This function converts Python objects of various types to `Tensor`
+objects. It accepts `Tensor` objects, numpy arrays, Python lists,
+and Python scalars. For example:
+import numpy as np
+array = np.random.rand((32, 100, 100))
+def my_func(arg):
+ arg = tf.convert_to_tensor(arg, dtype=tf.float32)
+ return tf.matmul(arg, arg) + arg
+# The following calls are equivalent.
+value_1 = my_func(tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]))
+value_2 = my_func([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]])
+value_3 = my_func(numpy.array([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]], dtype=numpy.float32))
+This function can be useful when composing a new operation in Python
+(such as `my_func` in the example above). All standard Python op
+constructors apply this function to each of their Tensor-valued
+inputs, which allows those ops to accept numpy arrays, Python lists,
+and scalars in addition to `Tensor` objects.
+##### Args:
+* <b>value</b>: An object whose type has a registered `Tensor` conversion function.
+* <b>dtype</b>: Optional element type for the returned tensor. If missing, the
+ type is inferred from the type of `value`.
+* <b>name</b>: Optional name to use if a new `Tensor` is created.
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` based on `value`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If no conversion function is registered for `value`.
+* <b>RuntimeError</b>: If a registered conversion function returns an invalid value.
+- - -
+### tf.get_default_graph() <div class="md-anchor" id="get_default_graph">{#get_default_graph}</div>
+Returns the default graph for the current thread.
+The returned graph will be the innermost graph on which a
+`Graph.as_default()` context has been entered, or a global default
+graph if none has been explicitly created.
+*N.B.* The default graph is a property of the current thread. If you
+create a new thread, and wish to use the default graph in that
+thread, you must explicitly add a `with g.as_default():` in that
+thread's function.
+##### Returns:
+ The default `Graph` being used in the current thread.
+- - -
+### tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, input_map=None, return_elements=None, name=None, op_dict=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="import_graph_def">{#import_graph_def}</div>
+Imports the TensorFlow graph in `graph_def` into the Python `Graph`.
+This function provides a way to import a serialized TensorFlow
+protocol buffer, and extract individual objects in the `GraphDef` as
+[`Tensor`](#Tensor) and [`Operation`](#Operation) objects. See
+[`Graph.as_graph_def()`](#Graph.as_graph_def) for a way to create a
+`GraphDef` proto.
+##### Args:
+* <b>graph_def</b>: A `GraphDef` proto containing operations to be imported into
+ the default graph.
+* <b>input_map</b>: A dictionary mapping input names (as strings) in `graph_def`
+ to `Tensor` objects. The values of the named input tensors in the
+ imported graph will be re-mapped to the respective `Tensor` values.
+* <b>return_elements</b>: A list of strings containing operation names in
+ `graph_def` that will be returned as `Operation` objects; and/or
+ tensor names in `graph_def` that will be returned as `Tensor` objects.
+* <b>name</b>: (Optional.) A prefix that will be prepended to the names in
+ `graph_def`. Defaults to `"import"`.
+* <b>op_dict</b>: (Optional.) A dictionary mapping op type names to `OpDef` protos.
+ Must contain an `OpDef` proto for each op type named in `graph_def`.
+ If omitted, uses the `OpDef` protos registered in the global registry.
+##### Returns:
+ A list of `Operation` and/or `Tensor` objects from the imported graph,
+ corresponding to the names in `return_elements'.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `graph_def` is not a `GraphDef` proto,
+ `input_map' is not a dictionary mapping strings to `Tensor` objects,
+ or `return_elements` is not a list of strings.
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If `input_map`, or `return_elements` contains names that
+ do not appear in `graph_def`, or `graph_def` is not well-formed (e.g.
+ it refers to an unknown tensor).
+## Graph collections <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-graph-collections">{#AUTOGENERATED-graph-collections}</div>
+- - -
+### tf.add_to_collection(name, value) <div class="md-anchor" id="add_to_collection">{#add_to_collection}</div>
+Wrapper for `Graph.add_to_collection()` using the default graph.
+See [`Graph.add_to_collection()`](framework.md#Graph.add_to_collection)
+for more details.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: The key for the collection. For example, the `GraphKeys` class
+ contains many standard names for collections.
+* <b>value</b>: The value to add to the collection.
+- - -
+### tf.get_collection(key, scope=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="get_collection">{#get_collection}</div>
+Wrapper for `Graph.get_collection()` using the default graph.
+See [`Graph.get_collection()`](framework.md#Graph.get_collection)
+for more details.
+##### Args:
+* <b>key</b>: The key for the collection. For example, the `GraphKeys` class
+ contains many standard names for collections.
+* <b>scope</b>: (Optional.) If supplied, the resulting list is filtered to include
+ only items whose name begins with this string.
+##### Returns:
+ The list of values in the collection with the given `name`, or
+ an empty list if no value has been added to that collection. The
+ list contains the values in the order under which they were
+ collected.
+- - -
+### class tf.GraphKeys <div class="md-anchor" id="GraphKeys">{#GraphKeys}</div>
+Standard names to use for graph collections.
+The standard library uses various well-known names to collect and
+retrieve values associated with a graph. For example, the
+`tf.Optimizer` subclasses default to optimizing the variables
+collected under `tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES` if none is
+specified, but it is also possible to pass an explicit list of
+The following standard keys are defined:
+* `VARIABLES`: the `Variable` objects that comprise a model, and
+ must be saved and restored together. See
+ [`tf.all_variables()`](state_ops.md#all_variables) for more details.
+* `TRAINABLE_VARIABLES`: the subset of `Variable` objects that will
+ be trained by an optimizer. See
+ [`tf.trainable_variables()`](state_ops.md#trainable_variables)
+ for more details.
+* `SUMMARIES`: the summary `Tensor` objects that have been created
+ in the graph. See [`tf.merge_all_summaries()`](train.md#merge_all_summaries)
+ for more details.
+* `QUEUE_RUNNERS`: the `QueueRunner` objects that are used to
+ produce input for a computation. See
+ [`tf.start_queue_runners()`](train.md#start_queue_runners) for more details.
+## Defining new operations <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-defining-new-operations">{#AUTOGENERATED-defining-new-operations}</div>
+- - -
+### class tf.RegisterGradient <div class="md-anchor" id="RegisterGradient">{#RegisterGradient}</div>
+A decorator for registering the gradient function for an op type.
+This decorator is only used when defining a new op type. For an op
+with `m` inputs and `n` inputs, the gradient function is a function
+that takes the original `Operation` and `n` `Tensor` objects
+(representing the gradients with respect to each output of the op),
+and returns `m` `Tensor` objects (representing the partial gradients
+with respect to each input of the op).
+For example, assuming that operations of type `"Sub"` take two
+inputs `x` and `y`, and return a single output `x - y`, the
+following gradient function would be registered:
+def _sub_grad(unused_op, grad):
+ return grad, tf.Neg(grad)
+The decorator argument `op_type` is the string type of an
+operation. This corresponds to the `OpDef.name` field for the proto
+that defines the operation.
+- - -
+#### tf.RegisterGradient.__init__(op_type) {#RegisterGradient.__init__}
+Creates a new decorator with `op_type` as the Operation type.
+##### Args:
+* <b>op_type</b>: The string type of an operation. This corresponds to the
+ `OpDef.name` field for the proto that defines the operation.
+- - -
+### tf.NoGradient(op_type) <div class="md-anchor" id="NoGradient">{#NoGradient}</div>
+Specifies that ops of type `op_type` do not have a defined gradient.
+This function is only used when defining a new op type. It may be
+used for ops such as `tf.size()` that are not differentiable. For
+##### Args:
+* <b>op_type</b>: The string type of an operation. This corresponds to the
+ `OpDef.name` field for the proto that defines the operation.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `op_type` is not a string.
+- - -
+### class tf.RegisterShape <div class="md-anchor" id="RegisterShape">{#RegisterShape}</div>
+A decorator for registering the shape function for an op type.
+This decorator is only used when defining a new op type. A shape
+function is a function from an `Operation` object to a list of
+`TensorShape` objects, with one `TensorShape` for each output of the
+For example, assuming that operations of type `"Sub"` take two
+inputs `x` and `y`, and return a single output `x - y`, all with the
+same shape, the following shape function would be registered:
+def _sub_shape(op):
+ return [op.inputs[0].get_shape().merge_with(op.inputs[1].get_shape())]
+The decorator argument `op_type` is the string type of an
+operation. This corresponds to the `OpDef.name` field for the proto
+that defines the operation.
+- - -
+#### tf.RegisterShape.__init__(op_type) {#RegisterShape.__init__}
+Saves the "op_type" as the Operation type.
+- - -
+### class tf.TensorShape <div class="md-anchor" id="TensorShape">{#TensorShape}</div>
+Represents the shape of a `Tensor`.
+A `TensorShape` represents a possibly-partial shape specification for a
+`Tensor`. It may be one of the following:
+* *Fully-known shape:* has a known number of dimensions and a known size
+ for each dimension.
+* *Partially-known shape:* has a known number of dimensions, and an unknown
+ size for one or more dimension.
+* *Unknown shape:* has an unknown number of dimensions, and an unknown
+ size in all dimensions.
+If a tensor is produced by an operation of type `"Foo"`, its shape
+may be inferred if there is a registered shape function for
+`"Foo"`. See [`tf.RegisterShape()`](framework.md#RegisterShape)
+for details of shape
+functions and how to register them. Alternatively, the shape may be set
+explicitly using [`Tensor.set_shape()`](framework.md#Tensor.set_shape).
+- - -
+#### tf.TensorShape.merge_with(other) {#TensorShape.merge_with}
+Returns a `TensorShape` combining the information in `self` and `other`.
+The dimensions in `self` and `other` are merged elementwise,
+according to the rules defined for `Dimension.merge_with()`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>other</b>: Another `TensorShape`.
+##### Returns:
+ A `TensorShape` containing the combined information of `self` and
+ `other`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If `self` and `other` are not compatible.
+- - -
+#### tf.TensorShape.concatenate(other) {#TensorShape.concatenate}
+Returns the concatenation of the dimension in `self` and `other`.
+*N.B.* If either `self` or `other` is completely unknown,
+concatenation will discard information about the other shape. In
+future, we might support concatenation that preserves this
+information for use with slicing.
+##### Args:
+* <b>other</b>: Another `TensorShape`.
+##### Returns:
+ A `TensorShape` whose dimensions are the concatenation of the
+ dimensions in `self` and `other`.
+- - -
+#### tf.TensorShape.ndims {#TensorShape.ndims}
+Returns the rank of this shape, or None if it is unspecified.
+- - -
+#### tf.TensorShape.dims {#TensorShape.dims}
+Returns a list of Dimensions, or None if the shape is unspecified.
+- - -
+#### tf.TensorShape.as_list() {#TensorShape.as_list}
+Returns a list of integers or None for each dimension.
+- - -
+#### tf.TensorShape.is_compatible_with(other) {#TensorShape.is_compatible_with}
+Returns True iff `self` is compatible with `other`.
+Two possibly-partially-defined shapes are compatible if there
+exists a fully-defined shape that both shapes can represent. Thus,
+compatibility allows the shape inference code to reason about
+partially-defined shapes. For example:
+* TensorShape(None) is compatible with all shapes.
+* TensorShape([None, None]) is compatible with all two-dimensional
+ shapes, such as TensorShape([32, 784]), and also TensorShape(None). It is
+ not compatible with, for example, TensorShape([None]) or
+ TensorShape([None, None, None]).
+* TensorShape([32, None]) is compatible with all two-dimensional shapes
+ with size 32 in the 0th dimension, and also TensorShape([None, None])
+ and TensorShape(None). It is not compatible with, for example,
+ TensorShape([32]), TensorShape([32, None, 1]) or TensorShape([64, None]).
+* TensorShape([32, 784]) is compatible with itself, and also
+ TensorShape([32, None]), TensorShape([None, 784]), TensorShape([None,
+ None]) and TensorShape(None). It is not compatible with, for example,
+ TensorShape([32, 1, 784]) or TensorShape([None]).
+The compatibility relation is reflexive and symmetric, but not
+transitive. For example, TensorShape([32, 784]) is compatible with
+TensorShape(None), and TensorShape(None) is compatible with
+TensorShape([4, 4]), but TensorShape([32, 784]) is not compatible with
+TensorShape([4, 4]).
+##### Args:
+* <b>other</b>: Another TensorShape.
+##### Returns:
+ True iff `self` is compatible with `other`.
+- - -
+#### tf.TensorShape.is_fully_defined() {#TensorShape.is_fully_defined}
+Returns True iff `self` is fully defined in every dimension.
+- - -
+#### tf.TensorShape.with_rank(rank) {#TensorShape.with_rank}
+Returns a shape based on `self` with the given rank.
+This method promotes a completely unknown shape to one with a
+known rank.
+##### Args:
+* <b>rank</b>: An integer.
+##### Returns:
+ A shape that is at least as specific as `self` with the given rank.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If `self` does not represent a shape with the given `rank`.
+- - -
+#### tf.TensorShape.with_rank_at_least(rank) {#TensorShape.with_rank_at_least}
+Returns a shape based on `self` with at least the given rank.
+##### Args:
+* <b>rank</b>: An integer.
+##### Returns:
+ A shape that is at least as specific as `self` with at least the given
+ rank.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If `self` does not represent a shape with at least the given
+ `rank`.
+- - -
+#### tf.TensorShape.with_rank_at_most(rank) {#TensorShape.with_rank_at_most}
+Returns a shape based on `self` with at most the given rank.
+##### Args:
+* <b>rank</b>: An integer.
+##### Returns:
+ A shape that is at least as specific as `self` with at most the given
+ rank.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If `self` does not represent a shape with at most the given
+ `rank`.
+- - -
+#### tf.TensorShape.assert_has_rank(rank) {#TensorShape.assert_has_rank}
+Raises an exception if `self` is not compatible with the given `rank`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>rank</b>: An integer.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If `self` does not represent a shape with the given `rank`.
+- - -
+#### tf.TensorShape.assert_same_rank(other) {#TensorShape.assert_same_rank}
+Raises an exception if `self` and `other` do not have compatible ranks.
+##### Args:
+* <b>other</b>: Another `TensorShape`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If `self` and `other` do not represent shapes with the
+ same rank.
+- - -
+#### tf.TensorShape.assert_is_compatible_with(other) {#TensorShape.assert_is_compatible_with}
+Raises exception if `self` and `other` do not represent the same shape.
+This method can be used to assert that there exists a shape that both
+`self` and `other` represent.
+##### Args:
+* <b>other</b>: Another TensorShape.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If `self` and `other` do not represent the same shape.
+- - -
+#### tf.TensorShape.assert_is_fully_defined() {#TensorShape.assert_is_fully_defined}
+Raises an exception if `self` is not fully defined in every dimension.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If `self` does not have a known value for every dimension.
+#### Other Methods
+- - -
+#### tf.TensorShape.__init__(dims) {#TensorShape.__init__}
+Creates a new TensorShape with the given dimensions.
+##### Args:
+* <b>dims</b>: A list of Dimensions, or None if the shape is unspecified.
+* <b>DEPRECATED</b>: A single integer is treated as a singleton list.
+- - -
+#### tf.TensorShape.as_dimension_list() {#TensorShape.as_dimension_list}
+DEPRECATED: use as_list().
+- - -
+#### tf.TensorShape.num_elements() {#TensorShape.num_elements}
+Returns the total number of elements, or none for incomplete shapes.
+- - -
+### class tf.Dimension <div class="md-anchor" id="Dimension">{#Dimension}</div>
+Represents the value of one dimension in a TensorShape.
+- - -
+#### tf.Dimension.__init__(value) {#Dimension.__init__}
+Creates a new Dimension with the given value.
+- - -
+#### tf.Dimension.assert_is_compatible_with(other) {#Dimension.assert_is_compatible_with}
+Raises an exception if `other` is not compatible with this Dimension.
+##### Args:
+* <b>other</b>: Another Dimension.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If `self` and `other` are not compatible (see
+ is_compatible_with).
+- - -
+#### tf.Dimension.is_compatible_with(other) {#Dimension.is_compatible_with}
+Returns true if `other` is compatible with this Dimension.
+Two known Dimensions are compatible if they have the same value.
+An unknown Dimension is compatible with all other Dimensions.
+##### Args:
+* <b>other</b>: Another Dimension.
+##### Returns:
+ True if this Dimension and `other` are compatible.
+- - -
+#### tf.Dimension.merge_with(other) {#Dimension.merge_with}
+Returns a Dimension that combines the information in `self` and `other`.
+Dimensions are combined as follows:
+ Dimension(n) .merge_with(Dimension(n)) == Dimension(n)
+ Dimension(n) .merge_with(Dimension(None)) == Dimension(n)
+ Dimension(None).merge_with(Dimension(n)) == Dimension(n)
+ Dimension(None).merge_with(Dimension(None)) == Dimension(None)
+ Dimension(n) .merge_with(Dimension(m)) raises ValueError for n != m
+##### Args:
+* <b>other</b>: Another Dimension.
+##### Returns:
+ A Dimension containing the combined information of `self` and
+ `other`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If `self` and `other` are not compatible (see
+ is_compatible_with).
+- - -
+#### tf.Dimension.value {#Dimension.value}
+The value of this dimension, or None if it is unknown.
+- - -
+### tf.op_scope(*args, **kwds) <div class="md-anchor" id="op_scope">{#op_scope}</div>
+Returns a context manager for use when defining a Python op.
+This context manager validates that the given `values` are from the
+same graph, ensures that that graph is the default graph, and pushes a
+name scope.
+For example, to define a new Python op called `my_op`:
+def my_op(a, b, c, name=None):
+ with tf.op_scope([a, b, c], name, "MyOp") as scope:
+ a = tf.convert_to_tensor(a, name="a")
+ b = tf.convert_to_tensor(b, name="b")
+ c = tf.convert_to_tensor(c, name="c")
+ # Define some computation that uses `a`, `b`, and `c`.
+ return foo_op(..., name=scope)
+##### Args:
+* <b>values</b>: The list of `Tensor` arguments that are passed to the op function.
+* <b>name</b>: The name argument that is passed to the op function.
+* <b>default_name</b>: The default name to use if the `name` argument is `None`.
+##### Returns:
+ A context manager for use in defining a Python op.
+- - -
+### tf.get_seed(op_seed) <div class="md-anchor" id="get_seed">{#get_seed}</div>
+Returns the local seeds an operation should use given an op-specific seed.
+Given operation-specific seed, `op_seed`, this helper function returns two
+seeds derived from graph-level and op-level seeds. Many random operations
+internally use the two seeds to allow user to change the seed globally for a
+graph, or for only specific operations.
+For details on how the graph-level seed interacts with op seeds, see
+##### Args:
+* <b>op_seed</b>: integer.
+##### Returns:
+ A tuple of two integers that should be used for the local seed of this
+ operation.
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+<!-- This file is machine generated: DO NOT EDIT! -->
+# Images
+<!-- TOC-BEGIN This section is generated by neural network: DO NOT EDIT! -->
+## Contents
+* [Encoding and Decoding.](#AUTOGENERATED-encoding-and-decoding.)
+ * [tf.image.decode_jpeg(contents, channels=None, ratio=None, fancy_upscaling=None, try_recover_truncated=None, acceptable_fraction=None, name=None)](#decode_jpeg)
+ * [tf.image.encode_jpeg(image, format=None, quality=None, progressive=None, optimize_size=None, chroma_downsampling=None, density_unit=None, x_density=None, y_density=None, xmp_metadata=None, name=None)](#encode_jpeg)
+ * [tf.image.decode_png(contents, channels=None, name=None)](#decode_png)
+ * [tf.image.encode_png(image, compression=None, name=None)](#encode_png)
+* [Resizing.](#AUTOGENERATED-resizing.)
+ * [tf.image.resize_images(images, new_height, new_width, method=0)](#resize_images)
+ * [tf.image.resize_area(images, size, name=None)](#resize_area)
+ * [tf.image.resize_bicubic(images, size, name=None)](#resize_bicubic)
+ * [tf.image.resize_bilinear(images, size, name=None)](#resize_bilinear)
+ * [tf.image.resize_nearest_neighbor(images, size, name=None)](#resize_nearest_neighbor)
+* [Cropping.](#AUTOGENERATED-cropping.)
+ * [tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(image, target_height, target_width)](#resize_image_with_crop_or_pad)
+ * [tf.image.pad_to_bounding_box(image, offset_height, offset_width, target_height, target_width)](#pad_to_bounding_box)
+ * [tf.image.crop_to_bounding_box(image, offset_height, offset_width, target_height, target_width)](#crop_to_bounding_box)
+ * [tf.image.random_crop(image, size, seed=None, name=None)](#random_crop)
+ * [tf.image.extract_glimpse(input, size, offsets, centered=None, normalized=None, uniform_noise=None, name=None)](#extract_glimpse)
+* [Flipping and Transposing.](#AUTOGENERATED-flipping-and-transposing.)
+ * [tf.image.flip_up_down(image)](#flip_up_down)
+ * [tf.image.random_flip_up_down(image, seed=None)](#random_flip_up_down)
+ * [tf.image.flip_left_right(image)](#flip_left_right)
+ * [tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image, seed=None)](#random_flip_left_right)
+ * [tf.image.transpose_image(image)](#transpose_image)
+* [Image Adjustments.](#AUTOGENERATED-image-adjustments.)
+ * [tf.image.adjust_brightness(image, delta, min_value=None, max_value=None)](#adjust_brightness)
+ * [tf.image.random_brightness(image, max_delta, seed=None)](#random_brightness)
+ * [tf.image.adjust_contrast(images, contrast_factor, min_value=None, max_value=None)](#adjust_contrast)
+ * [tf.image.random_contrast(image, lower, upper, seed=None)](#random_contrast)
+ * [tf.image.per_image_whitening(image)](#per_image_whitening)
+<!-- TOC-END This section was generated by neural network, THANKS FOR READING! -->
+## Encoding and Decoding. <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-encoding-and-decoding.">{#AUTOGENERATED-encoding-and-decoding.}</div>
+TensorFlow provides Ops to decode and encode JPEG and PNG formats. Encoded
+images are represented by scalar string Tensors, decoded images by 3-D uint8
+tensors of shape `[height, width, channels]`.
+The encode and decode Ops apply to one image at a time. Their input and output
+are all of variable size. If you need fixed size images, pass the output of
+the decode Ops to one of the cropping and resizing Ops.
+Note: The PNG encode and decode Ops support RGBA, but the conversions Ops
+presently only support RGB, HSV, and GrayScale.
+- - -
+### tf.image.decode_jpeg(contents, channels=None, ratio=None, fancy_upscaling=None, try_recover_truncated=None, acceptable_fraction=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="decode_jpeg">{#decode_jpeg}</div>
+Decode a JPEG-encoded image to a uint8 tensor.
+The attr `channels` indicates the desired number of color channels for the
+decoded image.
+Accepted values are:
+* 0: Use the number of channels in the JPEG-encoded image.
+* 1: output a grayscale image.
+* 3: output an RGB image.
+If needed, the JPEG-encoded image is transformed to match the requested number
+of color channels.
+The attr `ratio` allows downscaling the image by an integer factor during
+decoding. Allowed values are: 1, 2, 4, and 8. This is much faster than
+downscaling the image later.
+##### Args:
+* <b>contents</b>: A `Tensor` of type `string`. 0-D. The JPEG-encoded image.
+* <b>channels</b>: An optional `int`. Defaults to `0`.
+ Number of color channels for the decoded image.
+* <b>ratio</b>: An optional `int`. Defaults to `1`. Downscaling ratio.
+* <b>fancy_upscaling</b>: An optional `bool`. Defaults to `True`.
+ If true use a slower but nicer upscaling of the
+ chroma planes (yuv420/422 only).
+* <b>try_recover_truncated</b>: An optional `bool`. Defaults to `False`.
+ If true try to recover an image from truncated input.
+* <b>acceptable_fraction</b>: An optional `float`. Defaults to `1`.
+ The minimum required fraction of lines before a truncated
+ input is accepted.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `uint8`. 3-D with shape `[height, width, channels]`..
+- - -
+### tf.image.encode_jpeg(image, format=None, quality=None, progressive=None, optimize_size=None, chroma_downsampling=None, density_unit=None, x_density=None, y_density=None, xmp_metadata=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="encode_jpeg">{#encode_jpeg}</div>
+JPEG-encode an image.
+`image` is a 3-D uint8 Tensor of shape `[height, width, channels]`.
+The attr `format` can be used to override the color format of the encoded
+output. Values can be:
+* `''`: Use a default format based on the number of channels in the image.
+* `grayscale`: Output a grayscale JPEG image. The `channels` dimension
+ of `image` must be 1.
+* `rgb`: Output an RGB JPEG image. The `channels` dimension
+ of `image` must be 3.
+If `format` is not specified or is the empty string, a default format is picked
+in function of the number of channels in `image`:
+* 1: Output a grayscale image.
+* 3: Output an RGB image.
+##### Args:
+* <b>image</b>: A `Tensor` of type `uint8`.
+ 3-D with shape `[height, width, channels]`.
+* <b>format</b>: An optional `string` from: `"", "grayscale", "rgb"`. Defaults to `""`.
+ Per pixel image format.
+* <b>quality</b>: An optional `int`. Defaults to `95`.
+ Quality of the compression from 0 to 100 (higher is better and slower).
+* <b>progressive</b>: An optional `bool`. Defaults to `False`.
+ If True, create a JPEG that loads progressively (coarse to fine).
+* <b>optimize_size</b>: An optional `bool`. Defaults to `False`.
+ If True, spend CPU/RAM to reduce size with no quality change.
+* <b>chroma_downsampling</b>: An optional `bool`. Defaults to `True`.
+ See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chroma_subsampling.
+* <b>density_unit</b>: An optional `string` from: `"in", "cm"`. Defaults to `"in"`.
+ Unit used to specify `x_density` and `y_density`:
+ pixels per inch (`'in'`) or centimeter (`'cm'`).
+* <b>x_density</b>: An optional `int`. Defaults to `300`.
+ Horizontal pixels per density unit.
+* <b>y_density</b>: An optional `int`. Defaults to `300`.
+ Vertical pixels per density unit.
+* <b>xmp_metadata</b>: An optional `string`. Defaults to `""`.
+ If not empty, embed this XMP metadata in the image header.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `string`. 0-D. JPEG-encoded image.
+- - -
+### tf.image.decode_png(contents, channels=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="decode_png">{#decode_png}</div>
+Decode a PNG-encoded image to a uint8 tensor.
+The attr `channels` indicates the desired number of color channels for the
+decoded image.
+Accepted values are:
+* 0: Use the number of channels in the PNG-encoded image.
+* 1: output a grayscale image.
+* 3: output an RGB image.
+* 4: output an RGBA image.
+If needed, the PNG-encoded image is transformed to match the requested number
+of color channels.
+##### Args:
+* <b>contents</b>: A `Tensor` of type `string`. 0-D. The PNG-encoded image.
+* <b>channels</b>: An optional `int`. Defaults to `0`.
+ Number of color channels for the decoded image.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `uint8`. 3-D with shape `[height, width, channels]`.
+- - -
+### tf.image.encode_png(image, compression=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="encode_png">{#encode_png}</div>
+PNG-encode an image.
+`image` is a 3-D uint8 Tensor of shape `[height, width, channels]` where
+`channels` is:
+* 1: for grayscale.
+* 3: for RGB.
+* 4: for RGBA.
+The ZLIB compression level, `compression`, can be -1 for the PNG-encoder
+default or a value from 0 to 9. 9 is the highest compression level, generating
+the smallest output, but is slower.
+##### Args:
+* <b>image</b>: A `Tensor` of type `uint8`.
+ 3-D with shape `[height, width, channels]`.
+* <b>compression</b>: An optional `int`. Defaults to `-1`. Compression level.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `string`. 0-D. PNG-encoded image.
+## Resizing. <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-resizing.">{#AUTOGENERATED-resizing.}</div>
+The resizing Ops accept input images as tensors of several types. They always
+output resized images as float32 tensors.
+The convenience function [resize_images()](#resize_images) supports both 4-D
+and 3-D tensors as input and output. 4-D tensors are for batches of images,
+3-D tensors for individual images.
+Other resizing Ops only support 3-D individual images as input:
+[resize_area](#resize_area), [resize_bicubic](#resize_bicubic),
+# Decode a JPG image and resize it to 299 by 299.
+image = tf.image.decode_jpeg(...)
+resized_image = tf.image.resize_bilinear(image, [299, 299])
+<i>Maybe refer to the Queue examples that show how to add images to a Queue
+after resizing them to a fixed size, and how to dequeue batches of resized
+images from the Queue.</i>
+- - -
+### tf.image.resize_images(images, new_height, new_width, method=0) <div class="md-anchor" id="resize_images">{#resize_images}</div>
+Resize `images` to `new_width`, `new_height` using the specified `method`.
+Resized images will be distorted if their original aspect ratio is not
+the same as `new_width`, `new_height`. To avoid distortions see
+`method` can be one of:
+* <b>ResizeMethod.BILINEAR</b>: [Bilinear interpolation.]
+ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilinear_interpolation)
+* <b>ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR</b>: [Nearest neighbor interpolation.]
+ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nearest-neighbor_interpolation)
+* <b>ResizeMethod.BICUBIC</b>: [Bicubic interpolation.]
+ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicubic_interpolation)
+* <b>ResizeMethod.AREA</b>: Area interpolation.
+##### Args:
+* <b>images</b>: 4-D Tensor of shape `[batch, height, width, channels]` or
+ 3-D Tensor of shape `[height, width, channels]`.
+* <b>new_height</b>: integer.
+* <b>new_width</b>: integer.
+* <b>method</b>: ResizeMethod. Defaults to `ResizeMethod.BILINEAR`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if the shape of `images` is incompatible with the
+ shape arguments to this function
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if an unsupported resize method is specified.
+##### Returns:
+ If `images` was 4-D, a 4-D float Tensor of shape
+ `[batch, new_height, new_width, channels]`.
+ If `images` was 3-D, a 3-D float Tensor of shape
+ `[new_height, new_width, channels]`.
+- - -
+### tf.image.resize_area(images, size, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="resize_area">{#resize_area}</div>
+Resize `images` to `size` using area interpolation.
+Input images can be of different types but output images are always float.
+##### Args:
+* <b>images</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `uint8`, `int8`, `int32`, `float32`, `float64`.
+ 4-D with shape `[batch, height, width, channels]`.
+* <b>size</b>: A 1-D int32 Tensor of 2 elements: `new_height, new_width`. The
+ new size for the images.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `float32`. 4-D with shape
+ `[batch, new_height, new_width, channels]`.
+- - -
+### tf.image.resize_bicubic(images, size, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="resize_bicubic">{#resize_bicubic}</div>
+Resize `images` to `size` using bicubic interpolation.
+Input images can be of different types but output images are always float.
+##### Args:
+* <b>images</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `uint8`, `int8`, `int32`, `float32`, `float64`.
+ 4-D with shape `[batch, height, width, channels]`.
+* <b>size</b>: A 1-D int32 Tensor of 2 elements: `new_height, new_width`. The
+ new size for the images.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `float32`. 4-D with shape
+ `[batch, new_height, new_width, channels]`.
+- - -
+### tf.image.resize_bilinear(images, size, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="resize_bilinear">{#resize_bilinear}</div>
+Resize `images` to `size` using bilinear interpolation.
+Input images can be of different types but output images are always float.
+##### Args:
+* <b>images</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `uint8`, `int8`, `int32`, `float32`, `float64`.
+ 4-D with shape `[batch, height, width, channels]`.
+* <b>size</b>: A 1-D int32 Tensor of 2 elements: `new_height, new_width`. The
+ new size for the images.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `float32`. 4-D with shape
+ `[batch, new_height, new_width, channels]`.
+- - -
+### tf.image.resize_nearest_neighbor(images, size, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="resize_nearest_neighbor">{#resize_nearest_neighbor}</div>
+Resize `images` to `size` using nearest neighbor interpolation.
+Input images can be of different types but output images are always float.
+##### Args:
+* <b>images</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `uint8`, `int8`, `int32`, `float32`, `float64`.
+ 4-D with shape `[batch, height, width, channels]`.
+* <b>size</b>: A 1-D int32 Tensor of 2 elements: `new_height, new_width`. The
+ new size for the images.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `images`. 4-D with shape
+ `[batch, new_height, new_width, channels]`.
+## Cropping. <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-cropping.">{#AUTOGENERATED-cropping.}</div>
+- - -
+### tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(image, target_height, target_width) <div class="md-anchor" id="resize_image_with_crop_or_pad">{#resize_image_with_crop_or_pad}</div>
+Crops and/or pads an image to a target width and height.
+Resizes an image to a target width and height by either centrally
+cropping the image or padding it evenly with zeros.
+If `width` or `height` is greater than the specified `target_width` or
+`target_height` respectively, this op centrally crops along that dimension.
+If `width` or `height` is smaller than the specified `target_width` or
+`target_height` respectively, this op centrally pads with 0 along that
+##### Args:
+* <b>image</b>: 3-D tensor of shape [height, width, channels]
+* <b>target_height</b>: Target height.
+* <b>target_width</b>: Target width.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if `target_height` or `target_width` are zero or negative.
+##### Returns:
+ Cropped and/or padded image of shape
+ `[target_height, target_width, channels]`
+- - -
+### tf.image.pad_to_bounding_box(image, offset_height, offset_width, target_height, target_width) <div class="md-anchor" id="pad_to_bounding_box">{#pad_to_bounding_box}</div>
+Pad `image` with zeros to the specified `height` and `width`.
+Adds `offset_height` rows of zeros on top, `offset_width` columns of
+zeros on the left, and then pads the image on the bottom and right
+with zeros until it has dimensions `target_height`, `target_width`.
+This op does nothing if `offset_*` is zero and the image already has size
+`target_height` by `target_width`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>image</b>: 3-D tensor with shape `[height, width, channels]`
+* <b>offset_height</b>: Number of rows of zeros to add on top.
+* <b>offset_width</b>: Number of columns of zeros to add on the left.
+* <b>target_height</b>: Height of output image.
+* <b>target_width</b>: Width of output image.
+##### Returns:
+ 3-D tensor of shape `[target_height, target_width, channels]`
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If the shape of `image` is incompatible with the `offset_*` or
+ `target_*` arguments
+- - -
+### tf.image.crop_to_bounding_box(image, offset_height, offset_width, target_height, target_width) <div class="md-anchor" id="crop_to_bounding_box">{#crop_to_bounding_box}</div>
+Crops an image to a specified bounding box.
+This op cuts a rectangular part out of `image`. The top-left corner of the
+returned image is at `offset_height, offset_width` in `image`, and its
+lower-right corner is at
+`offset_height + target_height, offset_width + target_width'.
+##### Args:
+* <b>image</b>: 3-D tensor with shape `[height, width, channels]`
+* <b>offset_height</b>: Vertical coordinate of the top-left corner of the result in
+ the input.
+* <b>offset_width</b>: Horizontal coordinate of the top-left corner of the result in
+ the input.
+* <b>target_height</b>: Height of the result.
+* <b>target_width</b>: Width of the result.
+##### Returns:
+ 3-D tensor of image with shape `[target_height, target_width, channels]`
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If the shape of `image` is incompatible with the `offset_*` or
+ `target_*` arguments
+- - -
+### tf.image.random_crop(image, size, seed=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="random_crop">{#random_crop}</div>
+Randomly crops `image` to size `[target_height, target_width]`.
+The offset of the output within `image` is uniformly random. `image` always
+fully contains the result.
+##### Args:
+* <b>image</b>: 3-D tensor of shape `[height, width, channels]`
+* <b>size</b>: 1-D tensor with two elements, specifying target `[height, width]`
+* <b>seed</b>: A Python integer. Used to create a random seed.
+ See [`set_random_seed`](constant_op.md#set_random_seed) for behavior.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for this operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A cropped 3-D tensor of shape `[target_height, target_width, channels]`.
+- - -
+### tf.image.extract_glimpse(input, size, offsets, centered=None, normalized=None, uniform_noise=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="extract_glimpse">{#extract_glimpse}</div>
+Extracts a glimpse from the input tensor.
+Returns a set of windows called glimpses extracted at location `offsets`
+from the input tensor. If the windows only partially overlaps the inputs, the
+non overlapping areas will be filled with random noise.
+The result is a 4-D tensor of shape `[batch_size, glimpse_height,
+glimpse_width, channels]`. The channels and batch dimensions are the same as that
+of the input tensor. The height and width of the output windows are
+specified in the `size` parameter.
+The argument `normalized` and `centered` controls how the windows are built:
+* If the coordinates are normalized but not centered, 0.0 and 1.0
+ correspond to the minimum and maximum of each height and width dimension.
+* If the coordinates are both normalized and centered, they range from -1.0 to
+ 1.0. The coordinates (-1.0, -1.0) correspond to the upper left corner, the
+ lower right corner is located at (1.0, 1.0) and the center is at (0, 0).
+* If the coordinates are not normalized they are interpreted as numbers of pixels.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor` of type `float32`.
+ A 4-D float tensor of shape `[batch_size, height, width, channels]`.
+* <b>size</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`.
+ A 1-D tensor of 2 elements containing the size of the glimpses to extract.
+ The glimpse height must be specified first, following by the glimpse width.
+* <b>offsets</b>: A `Tensor` of type `float32`.
+ A 2-D integer tensor of shape `[batch_size, 2]` containing the x, y
+ locations of the center of each window.
+* <b>centered</b>: An optional `bool`. Defaults to `True`.
+ indicates if the offset coordinates are centered relative to
+ the image, in which case the (0, 0) offset is relative to the center of the
+ input images. If false, the (0,0) offset corresponds to the upper left corner
+ of the input images.
+* <b>normalized</b>: An optional `bool`. Defaults to `True`.
+ indicates if the offset coordinates are normalized.
+* <b>uniform_noise</b>: An optional `bool`. Defaults to `True`.
+ indicates if the noise should be generated using a
+ uniform distribution or a gaussian distribution.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `float32`.
+ A tensor representing the glimpses `[batch_size, glimpse_height,
+ glimpse_width, channels]`.
+## Flipping and Transposing. <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-flipping-and-transposing.">{#AUTOGENERATED-flipping-and-transposing.}</div>
+- - -
+### tf.image.flip_up_down(image) <div class="md-anchor" id="flip_up_down">{#flip_up_down}</div>
+Flip an image horizontally (upside down).
+Outputs the contents of `image` flipped along the first dimension, which is
+See also `reverse()`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>image</b>: A 3-D tensor of shape `[height, width, channels].`
+##### Returns:
+ A 3-D tensor of the same type and shape as `image`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if the shape of `image` not supported.
+- - -
+### tf.image.random_flip_up_down(image, seed=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="random_flip_up_down">{#random_flip_up_down}</div>
+Randomly flips an image vertically (upside down).
+With a 1 in 2 chance, outputs the contents of `image` flipped along the first
+dimension, which is `height`. Otherwise output the image as-is.
+##### Args:
+* <b>image</b>: A 3-D tensor of shape `[height, width, channels].`
+* <b>seed</b>: A Python integer. Used to create a random seed.
+ See [`set_random_seed`](constant_op.md#set_random_seed) for behavior.
+##### Returns:
+ A 3-D tensor of the same type and shape as `image`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if the shape of `image` not supported.
+- - -
+### tf.image.flip_left_right(image) <div class="md-anchor" id="flip_left_right">{#flip_left_right}</div>
+Flip an image horizontally (left to right).
+Outputs the contents of `image` flipped along the second dimension, which is
+See also `reverse()`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>image</b>: A 3-D tensor of shape `[height, width, channels].`
+##### Returns:
+ A 3-D tensor of the same type and shape as `image`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if the shape of `image` not supported.
+- - -
+### tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image, seed=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="random_flip_left_right">{#random_flip_left_right}</div>
+Randomly flip an image horizontally (left to right).
+With a 1 in 2 chance, outputs the contents of `image` flipped along the
+second dimension, which is `width`. Otherwise output the image as-is.
+##### Args:
+* <b>image</b>: A 3-D tensor of shape `[height, width, channels].`
+* <b>seed</b>: A Python integer. Used to create a random seed.
+ See [`set_random_seed`](constant_op.md#set_random_seed) for behavior.
+##### Returns:
+ A 3-D tensor of the same type and shape as `image`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if the shape of `image` not supported.
+- - -
+### tf.image.transpose_image(image) <div class="md-anchor" id="transpose_image">{#transpose_image}</div>
+Transpose an image by swapping the first and second dimension.
+See also `transpose()`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>image</b>: 3-D tensor of shape `[height, width, channels]`
+##### Returns:
+ A 3-D tensor of shape `[width, height, channels]`
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if the shape of `image` not supported.
+## Image Adjustments. <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-image-adjustments.">{#AUTOGENERATED-image-adjustments.}</div>
+TensorFlow provides functions to adjust images in various ways: brightness,
+contrast, hue, and saturation. Each adjustment can be done with predefined
+parameters or with random parameters picked from predefined intervals. Random
+adjustments are often useful to expand a training set and reduce overfitting.
+- - -
+### tf.image.adjust_brightness(image, delta, min_value=None, max_value=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="adjust_brightness">{#adjust_brightness}</div>
+Adjust the brightness of RGB or Grayscale images.
+The value `delta` is added to all components of the tensor `image`. `image`
+and `delta` are cast to `float` before adding, and the resulting values are
+clamped to `[min_value, max_value]`. Finally, the result is cast back to
+If `min_value` or `max_value` are not given, they are set to the minimum and
+maximum allowed values for `image.dtype` respectively.
+##### Args:
+* <b>image</b>: A tensor.
+* <b>delta</b>: A scalar. Amount to add to the pixel values.
+* <b>min_value</b>: Minimum value for output.
+* <b>max_value</b>: Maximum value for output.
+##### Returns:
+ A tensor of the same shape and type as `image`.
+- - -
+### tf.image.random_brightness(image, max_delta, seed=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="random_brightness">{#random_brightness}</div>
+Adjust the brightness of images by a random factor.
+Equivalent to `adjust_brightness()` using a `delta` randomly picked in the
+interval `[-max_delta, max_delta)`.
+Note that `delta` is picked as a float. Because for integer type images,
+the brightness adjusted result is rounded before casting, integer images may
+have modifications in the range `[-max_delta,max_delta]`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>image</b>: 3-D tensor of shape `[height, width, channels]`.
+* <b>max_delta</b>: float, must be non-negative.
+* <b>seed</b>: A Python integer. Used to create a random seed.
+ See [`set_random_seed`](constant_op.md#set_random_seed) for behavior.
+##### Returns:
+ 3-D tensor of images of shape `[height, width, channels]`
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if max_delta is negative.
+- - -
+### tf.image.adjust_contrast(images, contrast_factor, min_value=None, max_value=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="adjust_contrast">{#adjust_contrast}</div>
+Adjust contrast of RGB or grayscale images.
+`images` is a tensor of at least 3 dimensions. The last 3 dimensions are
+interpreted as `[height, width, channels]`. The other dimensions only
+represent a collection of images, such as `[batch, height, width, channels].`
+Contrast is adjusted independently for each channel of each image.
+For each channel, this Op first computes the mean of the image pixels in the
+channel and then adjusts each component `x` of each pixel to
+`(x - mean) * contrast_factor + mean`.
+The adjusted values are then clipped to fit in the `[min_value, max_value]`
+interval. If `min_value` or `max_value` is not given, it is replaced with the
+minimum and maximum values for the data type of `images` respectively.
+The contrast-adjusted image is always computed as `float`, and it is
+cast back to its original type after clipping.
+##### Args:
+* <b>images</b>: Images to adjust. At least 3-D.
+* <b>contrast_factor</b>: A float multiplier for adjusting contrast.
+* <b>min_value</b>: Minimum value for clipping the adjusted pixels.
+* <b>max_value</b>: Maximum value for clipping the adjusted pixels.
+##### Returns:
+ The constrast-adjusted image or images.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if the arguments are invalid.
+- - -
+### tf.image.random_contrast(image, lower, upper, seed=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="random_contrast">{#random_contrast}</div>
+Adjust the contrase of an image by a random factor.
+Equivalent to `adjust_constrast()` but uses a `contrast_factor` randomly
+picked in the interval `[lower, upper]`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>image</b>: 3-D tensor of shape `[height, width, channels]`.
+* <b>lower</b>: float. Lower bound for the random contrast factor.
+* <b>upper</b>: float. Upper bound for the random contrast factor.
+* <b>seed</b>: A Python integer. Used to create a random seed.
+ See [`set_random_seed`](constant_op.md#set_random_seed) for behavior.
+##### Returns:
+ 3-D tensor of shape `[height, width, channels]`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if `upper <= lower` or if `lower < 0`.
+- - -
+### tf.image.per_image_whitening(image) <div class="md-anchor" id="per_image_whitening">{#per_image_whitening}</div>
+Linearly scales `image` to have zero mean and unit norm.
+This op computes `(x - mean) / adjusted_stddev`, where `mean` is the average
+of all values in image, and
+`adjusted_stddev = max(stddev, 1.0/srqt(image.NumElements()))`.
+`stddev` is the standard deviation of all values in `image`. It is capped
+away from zero to protect against division by 0 when handling uniform images.
+Note that this implementation is limited:
+* It only whitens based on the statistics of an individual image.
+* It does not take into account the covariance structure.
+##### Args:
+* <b>image</b>: 3-D tensor of shape `[height, width, channels]`.
+##### Returns:
+ The whitened image with same shape as `image`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if the shape of 'image' is incompatible with this function.
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+# TensorFlow Python reference documentation
+* <b>[Building Graphs](framework.md)</b>: [class DType](framework.md#DType),
+ [class Dimension](framework.md#Dimension),
+ [class Graph](framework.md#Graph),
+ [class GraphKeys](framework.md#GraphKeys),
+ [NoGradient](framework.md#NoGradient),
+ [class Operation](framework.md#Operation),
+ [class RegisterGradient](framework.md#RegisterGradient),
+ [class RegisterShape](framework.md#RegisterShape),
+ [class Tensor](framework.md#Tensor),
+ [class TensorShape](framework.md#TensorShape),
+ [add_to_collection](framework.md#add_to_collection),
+ [as_dtype](framework.md#as_dtype),
+ [control_dependencies](framework.md#control_dependencies),
+ [convert_to_tensor](framework.md#convert_to_tensor),
+ [device](framework.md#device),
+ [get_collection](framework.md#get_collection),
+ [get_default_graph](framework.md#get_default_graph),
+ [get_seed](framework.md#get_seed),
+ [import_graph_def](framework.md#import_graph_def),
+ [name_scope](framework.md#name_scope),
+ [op_scope](framework.md#op_scope)
+* <b>[Constants, Sequences, and Random Values](constant_op.md)</b>: [constant](constant_op.md#constant),
+ [fill](constant_op.md#fill),
+ [linspace](constant_op.md#linspace),
+ [ones](constant_op.md#ones),
+ [ones_like](constant_op.md#ones_like),
+ [random_normal](constant_op.md#random_normal),
+ [random_shuffle](constant_op.md#random_shuffle),
+ [random_uniform](constant_op.md#random_uniform),
+ [range](constant_op.md#range),
+ [set_random_seed](constant_op.md#set_random_seed),
+ [truncated_normal](constant_op.md#truncated_normal),
+ [zeros](constant_op.md#zeros),
+ [zeros_like](constant_op.md#zeros_like)
+* <b>[Variables](state_ops.md)</b>: [class IndexedSlices](state_ops.md#IndexedSlices),
+ [class Saver](state_ops.md#Saver),
+ [class Variable](state_ops.md#Variable),
+ [all_variables](state_ops.md#all_variables),
+ [assert_variables_initialized](state_ops.md#assert_variables_initialized),
+ [assign](state_ops.md#assign),
+ [assign_add](state_ops.md#assign_add),
+ [assign_sub](state_ops.md#assign_sub),
+ [constant_initializer](state_ops.md#constant_initializer),
+ [count_up_to](state_ops.md#count_up_to),
+ [device](state_ops.md#device),
+ [get_checkpoint_state](state_ops.md#get_checkpoint_state),
+ [get_variable](state_ops.md#get_variable),
+ [get_variable_scope](state_ops.md#get_variable_scope),
+ [initialize_all_variables](state_ops.md#initialize_all_variables),
+ [initialize_variables](state_ops.md#initialize_variables),
+ [latest_checkpoint](state_ops.md#latest_checkpoint),
+ [random_normal_initializer](state_ops.md#random_normal_initializer),
+ [random_uniform_initializer](state_ops.md#random_uniform_initializer),
+ [scatter_add](state_ops.md#scatter_add),
+ [scatter_sub](state_ops.md#scatter_sub),
+ [scatter_update](state_ops.md#scatter_update),
+ [sparse_mask](state_ops.md#sparse_mask),
+ [trainable_variables](state_ops.md#trainable_variables),
+ [truncated_normal_initializer](state_ops.md#truncated_normal_initializer),
+ [uniform_unit_scaling_initializer](state_ops.md#uniform_unit_scaling_initializer),
+ [update_checkpoint_state](state_ops.md#update_checkpoint_state),
+ [variable_scope](state_ops.md#variable_scope),
+ [zeros_initializer](state_ops.md#zeros_initializer)
+* <b>[Tensor Transformations](array_ops.md)</b>: [cast](array_ops.md#cast),
+ [concat](array_ops.md#concat),
+ [dynamic_partition](array_ops.md#dynamic_partition),
+ [dynamic_stitch](array_ops.md#dynamic_stitch),
+ [expand_dims](array_ops.md#expand_dims),
+ [gather](array_ops.md#gather),
+ [pack](array_ops.md#pack),
+ [pad](array_ops.md#pad),
+ [rank](array_ops.md#rank),
+ [reshape](array_ops.md#reshape),
+ [reverse](array_ops.md#reverse),
+ [reverse_sequence](array_ops.md#reverse_sequence),
+ [shape](array_ops.md#shape),
+ [size](array_ops.md#size),
+ [slice](array_ops.md#slice),
+ [split](array_ops.md#split),
+ [squeeze](array_ops.md#squeeze),
+ [string_to_number](array_ops.md#string_to_number),
+ [tile](array_ops.md#tile),
+ [to_bfloat16](array_ops.md#to_bfloat16),
+ [to_double](array_ops.md#to_double),
+ [to_float](array_ops.md#to_float),
+ [to_int32](array_ops.md#to_int32),
+ [to_int64](array_ops.md#to_int64),
+ [transpose](array_ops.md#transpose),
+ [unpack](array_ops.md#unpack)
+* <b>[Math](math_ops.md)</b>: [abs](math_ops.md#abs),
+ [accumulate_n](math_ops.md#accumulate_n),
+ [add](math_ops.md#add),
+ [add_n](math_ops.md#add_n),
+ [argmax](math_ops.md#argmax),
+ [argmin](math_ops.md#argmin),
+ [batch_cholesky](math_ops.md#batch_cholesky),
+ [batch_matmul](math_ops.md#batch_matmul),
+ [batch_matrix_determinant](math_ops.md#batch_matrix_determinant),
+ [batch_matrix_inverse](math_ops.md#batch_matrix_inverse),
+ [ceil](math_ops.md#ceil),
+ [cholesky](math_ops.md#cholesky),
+ [complex](math_ops.md#complex),
+ [complex_abs](math_ops.md#complex_abs),
+ [conj](math_ops.md#conj),
+ [cos](math_ops.md#cos),
+ [diag](math_ops.md#diag),
+ [div](math_ops.md#div),
+ [edit_distance](math_ops.md#edit_distance),
+ [exp](math_ops.md#exp),
+ [floor](math_ops.md#floor),
+ [imag](math_ops.md#imag),
+ [inv](math_ops.md#inv),
+ [invert_permutation](math_ops.md#invert_permutation),
+ [listdiff](math_ops.md#listdiff),
+ [log](math_ops.md#log),
+ [matmul](math_ops.md#matmul),
+ [matrix_determinant](math_ops.md#matrix_determinant),
+ [matrix_inverse](math_ops.md#matrix_inverse),
+ [maximum](math_ops.md#maximum),
+ [minimum](math_ops.md#minimum),
+ [mod](math_ops.md#mod),
+ [mul](math_ops.md#mul),
+ [neg](math_ops.md#neg),
+ [pow](math_ops.md#pow),
+ [real](math_ops.md#real),
+ [reduce_all](math_ops.md#reduce_all),
+ [reduce_any](math_ops.md#reduce_any),
+ [reduce_max](math_ops.md#reduce_max),
+ [reduce_mean](math_ops.md#reduce_mean),
+ [reduce_min](math_ops.md#reduce_min),
+ [reduce_prod](math_ops.md#reduce_prod),
+ [reduce_sum](math_ops.md#reduce_sum),
+ [round](math_ops.md#round),
+ [rsqrt](math_ops.md#rsqrt),
+ [segment_max](math_ops.md#segment_max),
+ [segment_mean](math_ops.md#segment_mean),
+ [segment_min](math_ops.md#segment_min),
+ [segment_prod](math_ops.md#segment_prod),
+ [segment_sum](math_ops.md#segment_sum),
+ [sign](math_ops.md#sign),
+ [sin](math_ops.md#sin),
+ [sparse_segment_mean](math_ops.md#sparse_segment_mean),
+ [sparse_segment_sum](math_ops.md#sparse_segment_sum),
+ [sqrt](math_ops.md#sqrt),
+ [square](math_ops.md#square),
+ [sub](math_ops.md#sub),
+ [transpose](math_ops.md#transpose),
+ [unique](math_ops.md#unique),
+ [unsorted_segment_sum](math_ops.md#unsorted_segment_sum),
+ [where](math_ops.md#where)
+* <b>[Control Flow](control_flow_ops.md)</b>: [Assert](control_flow_ops.md#Assert),
+ [Print](control_flow_ops.md#Print),
+ [add_check_numerics_ops](control_flow_ops.md#add_check_numerics_ops),
+ [check_numerics](control_flow_ops.md#check_numerics),
+ [count_up_to](control_flow_ops.md#count_up_to),
+ [equal](control_flow_ops.md#equal),
+ [greater](control_flow_ops.md#greater),
+ [greater_equal](control_flow_ops.md#greater_equal),
+ [group](control_flow_ops.md#group),
+ [identity](control_flow_ops.md#identity),
+ [is_finite](control_flow_ops.md#is_finite),
+ [is_inf](control_flow_ops.md#is_inf),
+ [is_nan](control_flow_ops.md#is_nan),
+ [less](control_flow_ops.md#less),
+ [less_equal](control_flow_ops.md#less_equal),
+ [logical_and](control_flow_ops.md#logical_and),
+ [logical_not](control_flow_ops.md#logical_not),
+ [logical_or](control_flow_ops.md#logical_or),
+ [logical_xor](control_flow_ops.md#logical_xor),
+ [no_op](control_flow_ops.md#no_op),
+ [not_equal](control_flow_ops.md#not_equal),
+ [select](control_flow_ops.md#select),
+ [tuple](control_flow_ops.md#tuple),
+ [verify_tensor_all_finite](control_flow_ops.md#verify_tensor_all_finite),
+ [where](control_flow_ops.md#where)
+* <b>[Images](image.md)</b>: [adjust_brightness](image.md#adjust_brightness),
+ [adjust_contrast](image.md#adjust_contrast),
+ [crop_to_bounding_box](image.md#crop_to_bounding_box),
+ [decode_jpeg](image.md#decode_jpeg),
+ [decode_png](image.md#decode_png),
+ [encode_jpeg](image.md#encode_jpeg),
+ [encode_png](image.md#encode_png),
+ [extract_glimpse](image.md#extract_glimpse),
+ [flip_left_right](image.md#flip_left_right),
+ [flip_up_down](image.md#flip_up_down),
+ [pad_to_bounding_box](image.md#pad_to_bounding_box),
+ [per_image_whitening](image.md#per_image_whitening),
+ [random_brightness](image.md#random_brightness),
+ [random_contrast](image.md#random_contrast),
+ [random_crop](image.md#random_crop),
+ [random_flip_left_right](image.md#random_flip_left_right),
+ [random_flip_up_down](image.md#random_flip_up_down),
+ [resize_area](image.md#resize_area),
+ [resize_bicubic](image.md#resize_bicubic),
+ [resize_bilinear](image.md#resize_bilinear),
+ [resize_image_with_crop_or_pad](image.md#resize_image_with_crop_or_pad),
+ [resize_images](image.md#resize_images),
+ [resize_nearest_neighbor](image.md#resize_nearest_neighbor),
+ [transpose_image](image.md#transpose_image)
+* <b>[Sparse Tensors](sparse_ops.md)</b>: [class SparseTensor](sparse_ops.md#SparseTensor),
+ [class SparseTensorValue](sparse_ops.md#SparseTensorValue),
+ [shape](sparse_ops.md#shape),
+ [sparse_concat](sparse_ops.md#sparse_concat),
+ [sparse_fill_empty_rows](sparse_ops.md#sparse_fill_empty_rows),
+ [sparse_reorder](sparse_ops.md#sparse_reorder),
+ [sparse_retain](sparse_ops.md#sparse_retain),
+ [sparse_tensor_to_dense](sparse_ops.md#sparse_tensor_to_dense),
+ [sparse_to_dense](sparse_ops.md#sparse_to_dense),
+ [sparse_to_indicator](sparse_ops.md#sparse_to_indicator)
+* <b>[Inputs and Readers](io_ops.md)</b>: [class FIFOQueue](io_ops.md#FIFOQueue),
+ [class FixedLengthRecordReader](io_ops.md#FixedLengthRecordReader),
+ [class IdentityReader](io_ops.md#IdentityReader),
+ [class QueueBase](io_ops.md#QueueBase),
+ [class RandomShuffleQueue](io_ops.md#RandomShuffleQueue),
+ [class ReaderBase](io_ops.md#ReaderBase),
+ [class TFRecordReader](io_ops.md#TFRecordReader),
+ [class TextLineReader](io_ops.md#TextLineReader),
+ [class WholeFileReader](io_ops.md#WholeFileReader),
+ [batch](io_ops.md#batch),
+ [batch_join](io_ops.md#batch_join),
+ [decode_csv](io_ops.md#decode_csv),
+ [decode_raw](io_ops.md#decode_raw),
+ [limit_epochs](io_ops.md#limit_epochs),
+ [match_filenames_once](io_ops.md#match_filenames_once),
+ [matching_files](io_ops.md#matching_files),
+ [parse_example](io_ops.md#parse_example),
+ [parse_single_example](io_ops.md#parse_single_example),
+ [placeholder](io_ops.md#placeholder),
+ [range_input_producer](io_ops.md#range_input_producer),
+ [read_file](io_ops.md#read_file),
+ [shuffle_batch](io_ops.md#shuffle_batch),
+ [shuffle_batch_join](io_ops.md#shuffle_batch_join),
+ [size](io_ops.md#size),
+ [slice_input_producer](io_ops.md#slice_input_producer),
+ [string_input_producer](io_ops.md#string_input_producer)
+* <b>[Data IO (Python functions)](python_io.md)</b>: [class TFRecordWriter](python_io.md#TFRecordWriter),
+ [tf_record_iterator](python_io.md#tf_record_iterator)
+* <b>[Neural Network](nn.md)</b>: [avg_pool](nn.md#avg_pool),
+ [bias_add](nn.md#bias_add),
+ [compute_accidental_hits](nn.md#compute_accidental_hits),
+ [conv2d](nn.md#conv2d),
+ [depthwise_conv2d](nn.md#depthwise_conv2d),
+ [dropout](nn.md#dropout),
+ [embedding_lookup](nn.md#embedding_lookup),
+ [embedding_lookup_sparse](nn.md#embedding_lookup_sparse),
+ [fixed_unigram_candidate_sampler](nn.md#fixed_unigram_candidate_sampler),
+ [in_top_k](nn.md#in_top_k),
+ [l2_loss](nn.md#l2_loss),
+ [l2_normalize](nn.md#l2_normalize),
+ [learned_unigram_candidate_sampler](nn.md#learned_unigram_candidate_sampler),
+ [local_response_normalization](nn.md#local_response_normalization),
+ [log_uniform_candidate_sampler](nn.md#log_uniform_candidate_sampler),
+ [max_pool](nn.md#max_pool),
+ [max_pool_with_argmax](nn.md#max_pool_with_argmax),
+ [moments](nn.md#moments),
+ [nce_loss](nn.md#nce_loss),
+ [relu](nn.md#relu),
+ [relu6](nn.md#relu6),
+ [sampled_softmax_loss](nn.md#sampled_softmax_loss),
+ [separable_conv2d](nn.md#separable_conv2d),
+ [sigmoid](nn.md#sigmoid),
+ [sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits](nn.md#sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits),
+ [softmax](nn.md#softmax),
+ [softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits](nn.md#softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits),
+ [softplus](nn.md#softplus),
+ [tanh](nn.md#tanh),
+ [top_k](nn.md#top_k),
+ [uniform_candidate_sampler](nn.md#uniform_candidate_sampler)
+* <b>[Running Graphs](client.md)</b>: [class AbortedError](client.md#AbortedError),
+ [class AlreadyExistsError](client.md#AlreadyExistsError),
+ [class CancelledError](client.md#CancelledError),
+ [class DataLossError](client.md#DataLossError),
+ [class DeadlineExceededError](client.md#DeadlineExceededError),
+ [class FailedPreconditionError](client.md#FailedPreconditionError),
+ [class InternalError](client.md#InternalError),
+ [class InvalidArgumentError](client.md#InvalidArgumentError),
+ [class NotFoundError](client.md#NotFoundError),
+ [class OpError](client.md#OpError),
+ [class OutOfRangeError](client.md#OutOfRangeError),
+ [class PermissionDeniedError](client.md#PermissionDeniedError),
+ [class ResourceExhaustedError](client.md#ResourceExhaustedError),
+ [class Session](client.md#Session),
+ [class UnauthenticatedError](client.md#UnauthenticatedError),
+ [class UnavailableError](client.md#UnavailableError),
+ [class UnimplementedError](client.md#UnimplementedError),
+ [class UnknownError](client.md#UnknownError),
+ [get_default_session](client.md#get_default_session)
+* <b>[Training](train.md)</b>: [class AdagradOptimizer](train.md#AdagradOptimizer),
+ [class AdamOptimizer](train.md#AdamOptimizer),
+ [class AggregationMethod](train.md#AggregationMethod),
+ [class Coordinator](train.md#Coordinator),
+ [class ExponentialMovingAverage](train.md#ExponentialMovingAverage),
+ [class FtrlOptimizer](train.md#FtrlOptimizer),
+ [class GradientDescentOptimizer](train.md#GradientDescentOptimizer),
+ [class MomentumOptimizer](train.md#MomentumOptimizer),
+ [class Optimizer](train.md#Optimizer),
+ [class QueueRunner](train.md#QueueRunner),
+ [class RMSPropOptimizer](train.md#RMSPropOptimizer),
+ [class SummaryWriter](train.md#SummaryWriter),
+ [add_queue_runner](train.md#add_queue_runner),
+ [clip_by_average_norm](train.md#clip_by_average_norm),
+ [clip_by_global_norm](train.md#clip_by_global_norm),
+ [clip_by_norm](train.md#clip_by_norm),
+ [clip_by_value](train.md#clip_by_value),
+ [exponential_decay](train.md#exponential_decay),
+ [global_norm](train.md#global_norm),
+ [global_step](train.md#global_step),
+ [gradients](train.md#gradients),
+ [histogram_summary](train.md#histogram_summary),
+ [image_summary](train.md#image_summary),
+ [merge_all_summaries](train.md#merge_all_summaries),
+ [merge_summary](train.md#merge_summary),
+ [scalar_summary](train.md#scalar_summary),
+ [start_queue_runners](train.md#start_queue_runners),
+ [stop_gradient](train.md#stop_gradient),
+ [summary_iterator](train.md#summary_iterator),
+ [write_graph](train.md#write_graph),
+ [zero_fraction](train.md#zero_fraction)
+<div class="sections-order" style="display: none;">
+<!-- framework.md -->
+<!-- constant_op.md -->
+<!-- state_ops.md -->
+<!-- array_ops.md -->
+<!-- math_ops.md -->
+<!-- control_flow_ops.md -->
+<!-- image.md -->
+<!-- sparse_ops.md -->
+<!-- io_ops.md -->
+<!-- python_io.md -->
+<!-- nn.md -->
+<!-- client.md -->
+<!-- train.md -->
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+<!-- This file is machine generated: DO NOT EDIT! -->
+# Inputs and Readers
+<!-- TOC-BEGIN This section is generated by neural network: DO NOT EDIT! -->
+## Contents
+* [Placeholders](#AUTOGENERATED-placeholders)
+ * [tf.placeholder(dtype, shape=None, name=None)](#placeholder)
+* [Readers](#AUTOGENERATED-readers)
+ * [class tf.ReaderBase](#ReaderBase)
+ * [class tf.TextLineReader](#TextLineReader)
+ * [class tf.WholeFileReader](#WholeFileReader)
+ * [class tf.IdentityReader](#IdentityReader)
+ * [class tf.TFRecordReader](#TFRecordReader)
+ * [class tf.FixedLengthRecordReader](#FixedLengthRecordReader)
+* [Converting](#AUTOGENERATED-converting)
+ * [tf.decode_csv(records, record_defaults, field_delim=None, name=None)](#decode_csv)
+ * [tf.decode_raw(bytes, out_type, little_endian=None, name=None)](#decode_raw)
+ * [tf.parse_example(serialized, names=None, sparse_keys=None, sparse_types=None, dense_keys=None, dense_types=None, dense_defaults=None, dense_shapes=None, name='ParseExample')](#parse_example)
+ * [tf.parse_single_example(serialized, names=None, sparse_keys=None, sparse_types=None, dense_keys=None, dense_types=None, dense_defaults=None, dense_shapes=None, name='ParseSingleExample')](#parse_single_example)
+* [Queues](#AUTOGENERATED-queues)
+ * [class tf.QueueBase](#QueueBase)
+ * [class tf.FIFOQueue](#FIFOQueue)
+ * [class tf.RandomShuffleQueue](#RandomShuffleQueue)
+* [Dealing with the filesystem](#AUTOGENERATED-dealing-with-the-filesystem)
+ * [tf.matching_files(pattern, name=None)](#matching_files)
+ * [tf.read_file(filename, name=None)](#read_file)
+* [Input pipeline](#AUTOGENERATED-input-pipeline)
+ * [Beginning of an input pipeline](#AUTOGENERATED-beginning-of-an-input-pipeline)
+ * [tf.train.match_filenames_once(pattern, name=None)](#match_filenames_once)
+ * [tf.train.limit_epochs(tensor, num_epochs=None, name=None)](#limit_epochs)
+ * [tf.train.range_input_producer(limit, num_epochs=None, shuffle=True, seed=None, capacity=32, name=None)](#range_input_producer)
+ * [tf.train.slice_input_producer(tensor_list, num_epochs=None, shuffle=True, seed=None, capacity=32, name=None)](#slice_input_producer)
+ * [tf.train.string_input_producer(string_tensor, num_epochs=None, shuffle=True, seed=None, capacity=32, name=None)](#string_input_producer)
+ * [Batching at the end of an input pipeline](#AUTOGENERATED-batching-at-the-end-of-an-input-pipeline)
+ * [tf.train.batch(tensor_list, batch_size, num_threads=1, capacity=32, enqueue_many=False, shapes=None, name=None)](#batch)
+ * [tf.train.batch_join(tensor_list_list, batch_size, capacity=32, enqueue_many=False, shapes=None, name=None)](#batch_join)
+ * [tf.train.shuffle_batch(tensor_list, batch_size, capacity, min_after_dequeue, num_threads=1, seed=None, enqueue_many=False, shapes=None, name=None)](#shuffle_batch)
+ * [tf.train.shuffle_batch_join(tensor_list_list, batch_size, capacity, min_after_dequeue, seed=None, enqueue_many=False, shapes=None, name=None)](#shuffle_batch_join)
+<!-- TOC-END This section was generated by neural network, THANKS FOR READING! -->
+## Placeholders <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-placeholders">{#AUTOGENERATED-placeholders}</div>
+TensorFlow provides a placeholder operation that must be fed with data
+on execution. For more info, see the section on [Feeding
+- - -
+### tf.placeholder(dtype, shape=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="placeholder">{#placeholder}</div>
+Inserts a placeholder for a tensor that will be always fed.
+**Important**: This tensor will produce an error if evaluated. Its value must
+be fed using the `feed_dict` optional argument to `Session.run()`,
+`Tensor.eval()`, or `Operation.run()`.
+For example:
+x = tf.placeholder(float, shape=(1024, 1024))
+y = tf.matmul(x, x)
+with tf.Session() as sess:
+ print sess.run(y) # ERROR: will fail because x was not fed.
+ rand_array = np.random.rand(1024, 1024)
+ print sess.run(y, feed_dict={x: rand_array}) # Will succeed.
+##### Args:
+* <b>dtype</b>: The type of elements in the tensor to be fed.
+* <b>shape</b>: The shape of the tensor to be fed (optional). If the shape is not
+ specified, you can feed a tensor of any shape.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` that may be used as a handle for feeding a value, but not
+ evaluated directly.
+## Readers <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-readers">{#AUTOGENERATED-readers}</div>
+TensorFlow provides a set of Reader classes for reading data formats.
+For more information on inputs and readers, see [Reading
+- - -
+### class tf.ReaderBase <div class="md-anchor" id="ReaderBase">{#ReaderBase}</div>
+Base class for different Reader types, that produce a record every step.
+Conceptually, Readers convert string 'work units' into records (key,
+value pairs). Typically the 'work units' are filenames and the
+records are extracted from the contents of those files. We want a
+single record produced per step, but a work unit can correspond to
+many records.
+Therefore we introduce some decoupling using a queue. The queue
+contains the work units and the Reader dequeues from the queue when
+it is asked to produce a record (via Read()) but it has finished the
+last work unit.
+- - -
+#### tf.ReaderBase.__init__(reader_ref, supports_serialize=False) {#ReaderBase.__init__}
+Creates a new ReaderBase.
+##### Args:
+* <b>reader_ref</b>: The operation that implements the reader.
+* <b>supports_serialize</b>: True if the reader implementation can
+ serialize its state.
+- - -
+#### tf.ReaderBase.num_records_produced(name=None) {#ReaderBase.num_records_produced}
+Returns the number of records this reader has produced.
+This is the same as the number of Read executions that have
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ An int64 Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.ReaderBase.num_work_units_completed(name=None) {#ReaderBase.num_work_units_completed}
+Returns the number of work units this reader has finished processing.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ An int64 Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.ReaderBase.read(queue, name=None) {#ReaderBase.read}
+Returns the next record (key, value pair) produced by a reader.
+Will dequeue a work unit from queue if necessary (e.g. when the
+Reader needs to start reading from a new file since it has
+finished with the previous file).
+##### Args:
+* <b>queue</b>: A Queue or a mutable string Tensor representing a handle
+ to a Queue, with string work items.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A tuple of Tensors (key, value).
+* <b>key</b>: A string scalar Tensor.
+* <b>value</b>: A string scalar Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.ReaderBase.reader_ref {#ReaderBase.reader_ref}
+Op that implements the reader.
+- - -
+#### tf.ReaderBase.reset(name=None) {#ReaderBase.reset}
+Restore a reader to its initial clean state.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The created Operation.
+- - -
+#### tf.ReaderBase.restore_state(state, name=None) {#ReaderBase.restore_state}
+Restore a reader to a previously saved state.
+Not all Readers support being restored, so this can produce an
+Unimplemented error.
+##### Args:
+* <b>state</b>: A string Tensor.
+ Result of a SerializeState of a Reader with matching type.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The created Operation.
+- - -
+#### tf.ReaderBase.serialize_state(name=None) {#ReaderBase.serialize_state}
+Produce a string tensor that encodes the state of a reader.
+Not all Readers support being serialized, so this can produce an
+Unimplemented error.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A string Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.ReaderBase.supports_serialize {#ReaderBase.supports_serialize}
+Whether the Reader implementation can serialize its state.
+- - -
+### class tf.TextLineReader <div class="md-anchor" id="TextLineReader">{#TextLineReader}</div>
+A Reader that outputs the lines of a file delimited by newlines.
+Newlines are stripped from the output.
+See ReaderBase for supported methods.
+- - -
+#### tf.TextLineReader.__init__(skip_header_lines=None, name=None) {#TextLineReader.__init__}
+Create a TextLineReader.
+##### Args:
+* <b>skip_header_lines</b>: An optional int. Defaults to 0. Number of lines
+ to skip from the beginning of every file.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+- - -
+#### tf.TextLineReader.num_records_produced(name=None) {#TextLineReader.num_records_produced}
+Returns the number of records this reader has produced.
+This is the same as the number of Read executions that have
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ An int64 Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.TextLineReader.num_work_units_completed(name=None) {#TextLineReader.num_work_units_completed}
+Returns the number of work units this reader has finished processing.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ An int64 Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.TextLineReader.read(queue, name=None) {#TextLineReader.read}
+Returns the next record (key, value pair) produced by a reader.
+Will dequeue a work unit from queue if necessary (e.g. when the
+Reader needs to start reading from a new file since it has
+finished with the previous file).
+##### Args:
+* <b>queue</b>: A Queue or a mutable string Tensor representing a handle
+ to a Queue, with string work items.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A tuple of Tensors (key, value).
+* <b>key</b>: A string scalar Tensor.
+* <b>value</b>: A string scalar Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.TextLineReader.reader_ref {#TextLineReader.reader_ref}
+Op that implements the reader.
+- - -
+#### tf.TextLineReader.reset(name=None) {#TextLineReader.reset}
+Restore a reader to its initial clean state.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The created Operation.
+- - -
+#### tf.TextLineReader.restore_state(state, name=None) {#TextLineReader.restore_state}
+Restore a reader to a previously saved state.
+Not all Readers support being restored, so this can produce an
+Unimplemented error.
+##### Args:
+* <b>state</b>: A string Tensor.
+ Result of a SerializeState of a Reader with matching type.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The created Operation.
+- - -
+#### tf.TextLineReader.serialize_state(name=None) {#TextLineReader.serialize_state}
+Produce a string tensor that encodes the state of a reader.
+Not all Readers support being serialized, so this can produce an
+Unimplemented error.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A string Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.TextLineReader.supports_serialize {#TextLineReader.supports_serialize}
+Whether the Reader implementation can serialize its state.
+- - -
+### class tf.WholeFileReader <div class="md-anchor" id="WholeFileReader">{#WholeFileReader}</div>
+A Reader that outputs the entire contents of a file as a value.
+To use, enqueue filenames in a Queue. The output of Read will
+be a filename (key) and the contents of that file (value).
+See ReaderBase for supported methods.
+- - -
+#### tf.WholeFileReader.__init__(name=None) {#WholeFileReader.__init__}
+Create a WholeFileReader.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+- - -
+#### tf.WholeFileReader.num_records_produced(name=None) {#WholeFileReader.num_records_produced}
+Returns the number of records this reader has produced.
+This is the same as the number of Read executions that have
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ An int64 Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.WholeFileReader.num_work_units_completed(name=None) {#WholeFileReader.num_work_units_completed}
+Returns the number of work units this reader has finished processing.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ An int64 Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.WholeFileReader.read(queue, name=None) {#WholeFileReader.read}
+Returns the next record (key, value pair) produced by a reader.
+Will dequeue a work unit from queue if necessary (e.g. when the
+Reader needs to start reading from a new file since it has
+finished with the previous file).
+##### Args:
+* <b>queue</b>: A Queue or a mutable string Tensor representing a handle
+ to a Queue, with string work items.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A tuple of Tensors (key, value).
+* <b>key</b>: A string scalar Tensor.
+* <b>value</b>: A string scalar Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.WholeFileReader.reader_ref {#WholeFileReader.reader_ref}
+Op that implements the reader.
+- - -
+#### tf.WholeFileReader.reset(name=None) {#WholeFileReader.reset}
+Restore a reader to its initial clean state.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The created Operation.
+- - -
+#### tf.WholeFileReader.restore_state(state, name=None) {#WholeFileReader.restore_state}
+Restore a reader to a previously saved state.
+Not all Readers support being restored, so this can produce an
+Unimplemented error.
+##### Args:
+* <b>state</b>: A string Tensor.
+ Result of a SerializeState of a Reader with matching type.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The created Operation.
+- - -
+#### tf.WholeFileReader.serialize_state(name=None) {#WholeFileReader.serialize_state}
+Produce a string tensor that encodes the state of a reader.
+Not all Readers support being serialized, so this can produce an
+Unimplemented error.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A string Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.WholeFileReader.supports_serialize {#WholeFileReader.supports_serialize}
+Whether the Reader implementation can serialize its state.
+- - -
+### class tf.IdentityReader <div class="md-anchor" id="IdentityReader">{#IdentityReader}</div>
+A Reader that outputs the queued work as both the key and value.
+To use, enqueue strings in a Queue. Read will take the front
+work string and output (work, work).
+See ReaderBase for supported methods.
+- - -
+#### tf.IdentityReader.__init__(name=None) {#IdentityReader.__init__}
+Create a IdentityReader.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+- - -
+#### tf.IdentityReader.num_records_produced(name=None) {#IdentityReader.num_records_produced}
+Returns the number of records this reader has produced.
+This is the same as the number of Read executions that have
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ An int64 Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.IdentityReader.num_work_units_completed(name=None) {#IdentityReader.num_work_units_completed}
+Returns the number of work units this reader has finished processing.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ An int64 Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.IdentityReader.read(queue, name=None) {#IdentityReader.read}
+Returns the next record (key, value pair) produced by a reader.
+Will dequeue a work unit from queue if necessary (e.g. when the
+Reader needs to start reading from a new file since it has
+finished with the previous file).
+##### Args:
+* <b>queue</b>: A Queue or a mutable string Tensor representing a handle
+ to a Queue, with string work items.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A tuple of Tensors (key, value).
+* <b>key</b>: A string scalar Tensor.
+* <b>value</b>: A string scalar Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.IdentityReader.reader_ref {#IdentityReader.reader_ref}
+Op that implements the reader.
+- - -
+#### tf.IdentityReader.reset(name=None) {#IdentityReader.reset}
+Restore a reader to its initial clean state.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The created Operation.
+- - -
+#### tf.IdentityReader.restore_state(state, name=None) {#IdentityReader.restore_state}
+Restore a reader to a previously saved state.
+Not all Readers support being restored, so this can produce an
+Unimplemented error.
+##### Args:
+* <b>state</b>: A string Tensor.
+ Result of a SerializeState of a Reader with matching type.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The created Operation.
+- - -
+#### tf.IdentityReader.serialize_state(name=None) {#IdentityReader.serialize_state}
+Produce a string tensor that encodes the state of a reader.
+Not all Readers support being serialized, so this can produce an
+Unimplemented error.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A string Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.IdentityReader.supports_serialize {#IdentityReader.supports_serialize}
+Whether the Reader implementation can serialize its state.
+- - -
+### class tf.TFRecordReader <div class="md-anchor" id="TFRecordReader">{#TFRecordReader}</div>
+A Reader that outputs the records from a TFRecords file.
+See ReaderBase for supported methods.
+- - -
+#### tf.TFRecordReader.__init__(name=None) {#TFRecordReader.__init__}
+Create a TFRecordReader.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+- - -
+#### tf.TFRecordReader.num_records_produced(name=None) {#TFRecordReader.num_records_produced}
+Returns the number of records this reader has produced.
+This is the same as the number of Read executions that have
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ An int64 Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.TFRecordReader.num_work_units_completed(name=None) {#TFRecordReader.num_work_units_completed}
+Returns the number of work units this reader has finished processing.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ An int64 Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.TFRecordReader.read(queue, name=None) {#TFRecordReader.read}
+Returns the next record (key, value pair) produced by a reader.
+Will dequeue a work unit from queue if necessary (e.g. when the
+Reader needs to start reading from a new file since it has
+finished with the previous file).
+##### Args:
+* <b>queue</b>: A Queue or a mutable string Tensor representing a handle
+ to a Queue, with string work items.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A tuple of Tensors (key, value).
+* <b>key</b>: A string scalar Tensor.
+* <b>value</b>: A string scalar Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.TFRecordReader.reader_ref {#TFRecordReader.reader_ref}
+Op that implements the reader.
+- - -
+#### tf.TFRecordReader.reset(name=None) {#TFRecordReader.reset}
+Restore a reader to its initial clean state.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The created Operation.
+- - -
+#### tf.TFRecordReader.restore_state(state, name=None) {#TFRecordReader.restore_state}
+Restore a reader to a previously saved state.
+Not all Readers support being restored, so this can produce an
+Unimplemented error.
+##### Args:
+* <b>state</b>: A string Tensor.
+ Result of a SerializeState of a Reader with matching type.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The created Operation.
+- - -
+#### tf.TFRecordReader.serialize_state(name=None) {#TFRecordReader.serialize_state}
+Produce a string tensor that encodes the state of a reader.
+Not all Readers support being serialized, so this can produce an
+Unimplemented error.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A string Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.TFRecordReader.supports_serialize {#TFRecordReader.supports_serialize}
+Whether the Reader implementation can serialize its state.
+- - -
+### class tf.FixedLengthRecordReader <div class="md-anchor" id="FixedLengthRecordReader">{#FixedLengthRecordReader}</div>
+A Reader that outputs fixed-length records from a file.
+See ReaderBase for supported methods.
+- - -
+#### tf.FixedLengthRecordReader.__init__(record_bytes, header_bytes=None, footer_bytes=None, name=None) {#FixedLengthRecordReader.__init__}
+Create a FixedLengthRecordReader.
+##### Args:
+* <b>record_bytes</b>: An int.
+* <b>header_bytes</b>: An optional int. Defaults to 0.
+* <b>footer_bytes</b>: An optional int. Defaults to 0.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+- - -
+#### tf.FixedLengthRecordReader.num_records_produced(name=None) {#FixedLengthRecordReader.num_records_produced}
+Returns the number of records this reader has produced.
+This is the same as the number of Read executions that have
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ An int64 Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.FixedLengthRecordReader.num_work_units_completed(name=None) {#FixedLengthRecordReader.num_work_units_completed}
+Returns the number of work units this reader has finished processing.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ An int64 Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.FixedLengthRecordReader.read(queue, name=None) {#FixedLengthRecordReader.read}
+Returns the next record (key, value pair) produced by a reader.
+Will dequeue a work unit from queue if necessary (e.g. when the
+Reader needs to start reading from a new file since it has
+finished with the previous file).
+##### Args:
+* <b>queue</b>: A Queue or a mutable string Tensor representing a handle
+ to a Queue, with string work items.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A tuple of Tensors (key, value).
+* <b>key</b>: A string scalar Tensor.
+* <b>value</b>: A string scalar Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.FixedLengthRecordReader.reader_ref {#FixedLengthRecordReader.reader_ref}
+Op that implements the reader.
+- - -
+#### tf.FixedLengthRecordReader.reset(name=None) {#FixedLengthRecordReader.reset}
+Restore a reader to its initial clean state.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The created Operation.
+- - -
+#### tf.FixedLengthRecordReader.restore_state(state, name=None) {#FixedLengthRecordReader.restore_state}
+Restore a reader to a previously saved state.
+Not all Readers support being restored, so this can produce an
+Unimplemented error.
+##### Args:
+* <b>state</b>: A string Tensor.
+ Result of a SerializeState of a Reader with matching type.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The created Operation.
+- - -
+#### tf.FixedLengthRecordReader.serialize_state(name=None) {#FixedLengthRecordReader.serialize_state}
+Produce a string tensor that encodes the state of a reader.
+Not all Readers support being serialized, so this can produce an
+Unimplemented error.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A string Tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.FixedLengthRecordReader.supports_serialize {#FixedLengthRecordReader.supports_serialize}
+Whether the Reader implementation can serialize its state.
+## Converting <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-converting">{#AUTOGENERATED-converting}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to convert various data
+formats into tensors.
+- - -
+### tf.decode_csv(records, record_defaults, field_delim=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="decode_csv">{#decode_csv}</div>
+Convert CSV records to tensors. Each column maps to one tensor.
+RFC 4180 format is expected for the CSV records.
+Note that we allow leading and trailing spaces with int or float field.
+##### Args:
+* <b>records</b>: A `Tensor` of type `string`.
+ Each string is a record/row in the csv and all records should have
+ the same format.
+* <b>record_defaults</b>: A list of `Tensor` objects with types from: `float32`, `int32`, `int64`, `string`.
+ One tensor per column of the input record, with either a
+ scalar default value for that column or empty if the column is required.
+* <b>field_delim</b>: An optional `string`. Defaults to `","`.
+ delimiter to separate fields in a record.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A list of `Tensor` objects. Has the same type as `record_defaults`.
+ Each tensor will have the same shape as records.
+- - -
+### tf.decode_raw(bytes, out_type, little_endian=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="decode_raw">{#decode_raw}</div>
+Reinterpret the bytes of a string as a vector of numbers.
+##### Args:
+* <b>bytes</b>: A `Tensor` of type `string`.
+ All the elements must have the same length.
+* <b>out_type</b>: A `tf.DType` from: `tf.float32, tf.float64, tf.int32, tf.uint8, tf.int16, tf.int8, tf.int64`.
+* <b>little_endian</b>: An optional `bool`. Defaults to `True`.
+ Whether the input bytes are in little-endian order.
+ Ignored for out_types that are stored in a single byte like uint8.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `out_type`.
+ A Tensor with one more dimension than the input bytes. The
+ added dimension will have size equal to the length of the elements
+ of bytes divided by the number of bytes to represent out_type.
+- - -
+### tf.parse_example(serialized, names=None, sparse_keys=None, sparse_types=None, dense_keys=None, dense_types=None, dense_defaults=None, dense_shapes=None, name='ParseExample') <div class="md-anchor" id="parse_example">{#parse_example}</div>
+Parse Example protos.
+##### Args:
+* <b>serialized</b>: string vector, a batch of binary serialized Example protos.
+* <b>names</b>: A string vector, the names of the serialized protos.
+ "names" may contain, e.g., table key (descriptive) names for the
+ corresponding serialized protos. These are purely useful for debugging
+ purposes, and the presence of values here has no effect on the output.
+ "names" may be an empty vector, if no names are available.
+ If non-empty, this vector must be the same length as "serialized".
+* <b>sparse_keys</b>: A string list of keys in the Examples' features.
+ These keys are associated with sparse values.
+* <b>sparse_types</b>: A list of DTypes.
+ This list's length must match that of sparse_keys. Currently
+ parse_example supports tf.float32 (FloatList), tf.int64 (Int64List),
+ and tf.string (BytesList).
+* <b>dense_keys</b>: A string list of keys in the Examples' features.
+ These keys are associated with dense values.
+* <b>dense_types</b>: A list of DTypes.
+ This list's length must match that of dense_keys. Currently
+ parse_example supports tf.float32 (FloatList), tf.int64 (Int64List),
+ and tf.string (BytesList).
+* <b>dense_defaults</b>: A dict of {key:Tensor} (some may be missing).
+ The keys of the dict must match the dense_keys of the feature.
+ If a key is not present in this dictionary, the corresponding dense
+ Feature is required in all elements of serialized.
+* <b>dense_shapes</b>: A list of tuples.
+ Entries provide the shape of data in each dense Feature in features.
+ The length of dense_shapes must be the same as the length of dense_keys.
+ The number of elements in the Feature corresponding to dense_key[j]
+ must always have np.prod(dense_shapes[j]) entries.
+ If dense_shapes[j] == (D0, D1, ..., DN) then the the shape of output
+ Tensor dense_values[j] will be (|serialized|, D0, D1, ..., DN):
+ The dense outputs are just the inputs row-stacked by batch.
+* <b>name</b>: (Optional) Name of Op in the graph.
+##### Returns:
+ A dictionary mapping keys to Tensors and SparseTensors.
+ The key dense_keys[j] is mapped to a tensor of type dense_types[j] and
+ of shape (serialized.size(),) + dense_shapes[j] (i.e., the dense outputs are
+ inputs, reshaped in row-major format and then row-stacked by batch).
+ The key sparse_keys[j] is mapped to a SparseTensor of type sparse_types[j].
+ The SparseTensor represents a ragged matrix. Its indices are [batch, index]
+ where "batch" is is the batch entry the value is from, and "index" is the
+ value's index in the list of values associated with that feature
+ and example. For example, if one expects a tf.float32 sparse feature "ft"
+ and three serialized examples are provided:
+ serialized = [
+* <b>features</b>:
+ { feature: [ key: { "ft" value: float_list: { value: [1.0, 2.0] } } ] },
+* <b>features</b>:
+ { feature: [] },
+* <b>features</b>:
+ { feature: [ key: { "ft" value: float_list: { value: [3.0] } } ] }
+ ]
+ then the output will look like:
+ {"ft": SparseTensor(indices=[[0, 0], [0, 1], [2, 0]],
+ values=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0],
+ shape=(3, 2)) }
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If sparse and dense keys intersect, or input lengths do not
+ match up for sparse_* (similarly for dense_*).
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If an input is malformed.
+Example input, format, and output: Just Sparse Inputs
+Given two brain.Example input protos:
+* <b>serialized</b>: // serialized versions of the protos below
+ [features: {
+* <b>feature</b>: { key: "kw" value: { bytes_list: { value: [ "knit", "big" ] } } }
+* <b>feature</b>: { key: "gps" value: { float_list: { value: [] } } }
+ },
+* <b>features</b>: {
+* <b>feature</b>: { key: "kw" value: { bytes_list: { value: [ "emmy" ] } } }
+* <b>feature</b>: { key: "dank" value: { int64_list: { value: [ 42 ] } } }
+* <b>feature</b>: { key: "gps" value: { } }
+ }]
+* <b>names</b>: ["input0", "input1"],
+* <b>sparse_keys</b>: ["kw", "dank", "gps"]
+* <b>sparse_types</b>: [DT_STRING, DT_INT64, DT_FLOAT]
+Then the expected output is a dictionary:
+ "kw": SparseTensor(
+ indices=[[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0]],
+ values=["knit", "big", "emmy"]
+ shape=[2, 2]),
+ "dank": SparseTensor(
+ indices=[[1, 0]],
+ values=[42],
+ shape=[2, 1]),
+ "gps": SparseTensor(
+ indices=[],
+ values=[],
+ shape=[2, 0]),
+Example input, format, and output: Dense Inputs (without defaults)
+Given two brain.Example input protos:
+* <b>serialized</b>: // serialized versions of the protos below
+ [features: {
+* <b>feature</b>: { key: "age" value: { int64_list: { value: [ 0 ] } } }
+* <b>feature</b>: { key: "gender" value: { bytes_list: { value: [ "f" ] } } }
+ },
+* <b>features</b>: {
+* <b>feature</b>: { key: "age" value: { int64_list: { value: [] } } }
+* <b>feature</b>: { key: "gender" value: { bytes_list: { value: [ "f" ] } } }
+ }]
+* <b>names</b>: ["input0", "input1"],
+* <b>dense_keys</b>: np.array(["age", "gender"])
+* <b>dense_types</b>: [tf.int64, tf.string]
+* <b>dense_defaults</b>: {
+ "age": -1 # defaults to -1 if missing
+ # "gender" has no specified default so it's required
+* <b>dense_shapes</b>: [(1,), (1,)] # age, gender, label, weight
+Then the expected output is a dictionary:
+ "age": [[0], [-1]],
+ "gender": [["f"], ["f"]],
+Example input, format, and output: Dense Inputs (with defaults)
+Given two brain.Example input protos:
+* <b>serialized</b>: // serialized versions of the protos below
+ [features: {
+* <b>feature</b>: { key: "weight" value: { float_list: { value: [ 1.0 ] } } }
+ },
+* <b>features</b>: {
+* <b>feature</b>: { key: "label" value: { float_list: { value: [ -1.0, 0.0 ] } } }
+ }]
+* <b>names</b>: ["input0", "input1"],
+* <b>dense_keys</b>: np.array(["label", "weight"])
+* <b>dense_defaults</b>: {
+ "label": [1.0, 2.0], # float (default: vector)
+ "weight": 5.0 # float (default: scalar, 5.0)
+* <b>dense_shapes</b>: [(2,), (1,)] # age, gender, label, weight
+Then the expected output is a dictionary:
+ "label": [[1.0, 2.0], [-1.0, 0.0]],
+ "weight": [[1.0], [5.0]],
+- - -
+### tf.parse_single_example(serialized, names=None, sparse_keys=None, sparse_types=None, dense_keys=None, dense_types=None, dense_defaults=None, dense_shapes=None, name='ParseSingleExample') <div class="md-anchor" id="parse_single_example">{#parse_single_example}</div>
+Identical to parse_example but for scalar serialized and names.
+##### Args:
+* <b>serialized</b>: A scalar string, a single serialized Example.
+ See parse_example documentation for more details.
+* <b>names</b>: (Optional) A scalar string, the associated name.
+ See parse_example documentation for more details.
+* <b>sparse_keys</b>: See parse_example documentation for more details.
+* <b>sparse_types</b>: See parse_example documentation for more details.
+* <b>dense_keys</b>: See parse_example documentation for more details.
+* <b>dense_types</b>: See parse_example documentation for more details.
+* <b>dense_defaults</b>: See parse_example documentation for more details.
+* <b>dense_shapes</b>: See parse_example documentation for more details.
+* <b>name</b>: Optional op name.
+##### Returns:
+ A dictionary mapping keys to Tensors and SparseTensors.
+ For dense tensors, the Tensor is identical to the output of parse_example,
+ except it is one less dimension (the first, batch, dimension is removed).
+ For SparseTensors:
+ The first (batch) column of the indices matrix is removed
+ (it is now a column vector).
+ The values vector is unchanged.
+ The first (batch_size) entry of the shape vector is removed
+ (it is now a single element vector).
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if "scalar" or "names" have known shapes, and are not scalars.
+## Queues <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-queues">{#AUTOGENERATED-queues}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several implementations of 'Queues', which are
+structures within the TensorFlow computation graph to stage pipelines
+of tensors together. The following describe the basic Queue interface
+and some implementations. To see an example use, see [Threading and
+- - -
+### class tf.QueueBase <div class="md-anchor" id="QueueBase">{#QueueBase}</div>
+Base class for queue implementations.
+A queue is a TensorFlow data structure that stores tensors across
+multiple steps, and exposes operations that enqueue and dequeue
+Each queue element is a tuple of one or more tensors, where each
+tuple component has a static dtype, and may have a static shape. The
+queue implementations support versions of enqueue and dequeue that
+handle single elements, versions that support enqueuing and
+dequeuing a batch of elements at once.
+See [`tf.FIFOQueue`](#FIFOQueue) and
+[`tf.RandomShuffleQueue`](#RandomShuffleQueue) for concrete
+implementations of this class, and instructions on how to create
+- - -
+#### tf.QueueBase.enqueue(vals, name=None) {#QueueBase.enqueue}
+Enqueues one element to this queue.
+If the queue is full when this operation executes, it will block
+until the element has been enqueued.
+##### Args:
+* <b>vals</b>: The tuple of `Tensor` objects to be enqueued.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The operation that enqueues a new tuple of tensors to the queue.
+- - -
+#### tf.QueueBase.enqueue_many(vals, name=None) {#QueueBase.enqueue_many}
+Enqueues zero or elements to this queue.
+This operation slices each component tensor along the 0th dimension to
+make multiple queue elements. All of the tensors in `vals` must have the
+same size in the 0th dimension.
+If the queue is full when this operation executes, it will block
+until all of the elements have been enqueued.
+##### Args:
+* <b>vals</b>: The tensor or tuple of tensors from which the queue elements
+ are taken.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The operation that enqueues a batch of tuples of tensors to the queue.
+- - -
+#### tf.QueueBase.dequeue(name=None) {#QueueBase.dequeue}
+Dequeues one element from this queue.
+If the queue is empty when this operation executes, it will block
+until there is an element to dequeue.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The tuple of tensors that was dequeued.
+- - -
+#### tf.QueueBase.dequeue_many(n, name=None) {#QueueBase.dequeue_many}
+Dequeues and concatenates `n` elements from this queue.
+This operation concatenates queue-element component tensors along
+the 0th dimension to make a single component tensor. All of the
+components in the dequeued tuple will have size `n` in the 0th dimension.
+If the queue contains fewer than `n` elements when this operation
+executes, it will block until `n` elements have been dequeued.
+##### Args:
+* <b>n</b>: A scalar `Tensor` containing the number of elements to dequeue.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The tuple of concatenated tensors that was dequeued.
+- - -
+#### tf.QueueBase.size(name=None) {#QueueBase.size}
+Compute the number of elements in this queue.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A scalar tensor containing the number of elements in this queue.
+- - -
+#### tf.QueueBase.close(cancel_pending_enqueues=False, name=None) {#QueueBase.close}
+Closes this queue.
+This operation signals that no more elements will be enqueued in
+the given queue. Subsequent `enqueue` and `enqueue_many`
+operations will fail. Subsequent `dequeue` and `dequeue_many`
+operations will continue to succeed if sufficient elements remain
+in the queue. Subsequent `dequeue` and `dequeue_many` operations
+that would block will fail immediately.
+If `cancel_pending_enqueues` is `True`, all pending requests will also
+be cancelled.
+##### Args:
+* <b>cancel_pending_enqueues</b>: (Optional.) A boolean, defaulting to
+ `False` (described above).
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The operation that closes the queue.
+#### Other Methods
+- - -
+#### tf.QueueBase.__init__(dtypes, shapes, queue_ref) {#QueueBase.__init__}
+Constructs a queue object from a queue reference.
+##### Args:
+* <b>dtypes</b>: A list of types. The length of dtypes must equal the number
+ of tensors in each element.
+* <b>shapes</b>: Constraints on the shapes of tensors in an element:
+ A list of shape tuples or None. This list is the same length
+ as dtypes. If the shape of any tensors in the element are constrained,
+ all must be; shapes can be None if the shapes should not be constrained.
+* <b>queue_ref</b>: The queue reference, i.e. the output of the queue op.
+- - -
+#### tf.QueueBase.dtypes {#QueueBase.dtypes}
+The list of dtypes for each component of a queue element.
+- - -
+#### tf.QueueBase.name {#QueueBase.name}
+The name of the underlying queue.
+- - -
+#### tf.QueueBase.queue_ref {#QueueBase.queue_ref}
+The underlying queue reference.
+- - -
+### class tf.FIFOQueue <div class="md-anchor" id="FIFOQueue">{#FIFOQueue}</div>
+A queue implementation that dequeues elements in first-in-first out order.
+See [`tf.QueueBase`](#QueueBase) for a description of the methods on
+this class.
+- - -
+#### tf.FIFOQueue.__init__(capacity, dtypes, shapes=None, shared_name=None, name='fifo_queue') {#FIFOQueue.__init__}
+Creates a queue that dequeues elements in a first-in first-out order.
+A `FIFOQueue` has bounded capacity; supports multiple concurrent
+producers and consumers; and provides exactly-once delivery.
+A `FIFOQueue` holds a list of up to `capacity` elements. Each
+element is a fixed-length tuple of tensors whose dtypes are
+described by `dtypes`, and whose shapes are optionally described
+by the `shapes` argument.
+If the `shapes` argument is specified, each component of a queue
+element must have the respective fixed shape. If it is
+unspecified, different queue elements may have different shapes,
+but the use of `dequeue_many` is disallowed.
+##### Args:
+* <b>capacity</b>: An integer. The upper bound on the number of elements
+ that may be stored in this queue.
+* <b>dtypes</b>: A list of `DType` objects. The length of `dtypes` must equal
+ the number of tensors in each queue element.
+* <b>shapes</b>: (Optional.) A list of fully-defined `TensorShape` objects,
+ with the same length as `dtypes` or `None`.
+* <b>shared_name</b>: (Optional.) If non-empty, this queue will be shared under
+ the given name across multiple sessions.
+* <b>name</b>: Optional name for the queue operation.
+- - -
+### class tf.RandomShuffleQueue <div class="md-anchor" id="RandomShuffleQueue">{#RandomShuffleQueue}</div>
+A queue implementation that dequeues elements in a random order.
+See [`tf.QueueBase`](#QueueBase) for a description of the methods on
+this class.
+- - -
+#### tf.RandomShuffleQueue.__init__(capacity, min_after_dequeue, dtypes, shapes=None, seed=None, shared_name=None, name='random_shuffle_queue') {#RandomShuffleQueue.__init__}
+Create a queue that dequeues elements in a random order.
+A `RandomShuffleQueue` has bounded capacity; supports multiple
+concurrent producers and consumers; and provides exactly-once
+A `RandomShuffleQueue` holds a list of up to `capacity`
+elements. Each element is a fixed-length tuple of tensors whose
+dtypes are described by `dtypes`, and whose shapes are optionally
+described by the `shapes` argument.
+If the `shapes` argument is specified, each component of a queue
+element must have the respective fixed shape. If it is
+unspecified, different queue elements may have different shapes,
+but the use of `dequeue_many` is disallowed.
+The `min_after_dequeue` argument allows the caller to specify a
+minimum number of elements that will remain in the queue after a
+`dequeue` or `dequeue_many` operation completes, to ensure a
+minimum level of mixing of elements. This invariant is maintained
+by blocking those operations until sufficient elements have been
+enqueued. The `min_after_dequeue` argument is ignored after the
+queue has been closed.
+##### Args:
+* <b>capacity</b>: An integer. The upper bound on the number of elements
+ that may be stored in this queue.
+* <b>min_after_dequeue</b>: An integer (described above).
+* <b>dtypes</b>: A list of `DType` objects. The length of `dtypes` must equal
+ the number of tensors in each queue element.
+* <b>shapes</b>: (Optional.) A list of fully-defined `TensorShape` objects,
+ with the same length as `dtypes` or `None`.
+* <b>seed</b>: A Python integer. Used to create a random seed.
+ See [`set_random_seed`](constant_op.md#set_random_seed) for behavior.
+* <b>shared_name</b>: (Optional.) If non-empty, this queue will be shared under
+ the given name across multiple sessions.
+* <b>name</b>: Optional name for the queue operation.
+## Dealing with the filesystem <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-dealing-with-the-filesystem">{#AUTOGENERATED-dealing-with-the-filesystem}</div>
+- - -
+### tf.matching_files(pattern, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="matching_files">{#matching_files}</div>
+Returns the set of files matching a pattern.
+Note that this routine only supports wildcard characters in the
+basename portion of the pattern, not in the directory portion.
+##### Args:
+* <b>pattern</b>: A `Tensor` of type `string`. A (scalar) shell wildcard pattern.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `string`. A vector of matching filenames.
+- - -
+### tf.read_file(filename, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="read_file">{#read_file}</div>
+Reads and outputs the entire contents of the input filename.
+##### Args:
+* <b>filename</b>: A `Tensor` of type `string`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `string`.
+## Input pipeline <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-input-pipeline">{#AUTOGENERATED-input-pipeline}</div>
+TensorFlow functions for setting up an input-prefetching pipeline.
+Please see the [reading data how-to](../../how_tos/reading_data.md)
+for context.
+### Beginning of an input pipeline <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-beginning-of-an-input-pipeline">{#AUTOGENERATED-beginning-of-an-input-pipeline}</div>
+The "producer" functions add a queue to the graph and a corresponding
+`QueueRunner` for running the subgraph that fills that queue.
+- - -
+### tf.train.match_filenames_once(pattern, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="match_filenames_once">{#match_filenames_once}</div>
+Save the list of files matching pattern, so it is only computed once.
+##### Args:
+* <b>pattern</b>: A file pattern (glob).
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operations (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A variable that is initialized to the list of files matching pattern.
+- - -
+### tf.train.limit_epochs(tensor, num_epochs=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="limit_epochs">{#limit_epochs}</div>
+Returns tensor num_epochs times and then raises an OutOfRange error.
+##### Args:
+* <b>tensor</b>: Any Tensor.
+* <b>num_epochs</b>: An integer (optional). If specified, limits the number
+ of steps the output tensor may be evaluated.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operations (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ tensor or OutOfRange.
+- - -
+### tf.train.range_input_producer(limit, num_epochs=None, shuffle=True, seed=None, capacity=32, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="range_input_producer">{#range_input_producer}</div>
+Produces the integers from 0 to limit-1 in a queue.
+##### Args:
+* <b>limit</b>: An int32 scalar tensor.
+* <b>num_epochs</b>: An integer (optional). If specified, `range_input_producer`
+ produces each integer `num_epochs` times before generating an
+ OutOfRange error. If not specified, `range_input_producer` can cycle
+ through the integers an unlimited number of times.
+* <b>shuffle</b>: Boolean. If true, the integers are randomly shuffled within each
+ epoch.
+* <b>seed</b>: An integer (optional). Seed used if shuffle == True.
+* <b>capacity</b>: An integer. Sets the queue capacity.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operations (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A Queue with the output integers. A QueueRunner for the Queue
+ is added to the current Graph's QUEUE_RUNNER collection.
+- - -
+### tf.train.slice_input_producer(tensor_list, num_epochs=None, shuffle=True, seed=None, capacity=32, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="slice_input_producer">{#slice_input_producer}</div>
+Produces a slice of each Tensor in tensor_list.
+Implemented using a Queue -- a QueueRunner for the Queue
+is added to the current Graph's QUEUE_RUNNER collection.
+##### Args:
+* <b>tensor_list</b>: A list of Tensors. Every Tensor in tensor_list must
+ have the same size in the first dimension.
+* <b>num_epochs</b>: An integer (optional). If specified, `slice_input_producer`
+ produces each slice `num_epochs` times before generating
+ an OutOfRange error. If not specified, `slice_input_producer` can cycle
+ through the slices an unlimited number of times.
+* <b>seed</b>: An integer (optional). Seed used if shuffle == True.
+* <b>capacity</b>: An integer. Sets the queue capacity.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operations (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A list of tensors, one for each element of tensor_list. If the tensor
+ in tensor_list has shape [N, a, b, .., z], then the corresponding output
+ tensor will have shape [a, b, ..., z].
+- - -
+### tf.train.string_input_producer(string_tensor, num_epochs=None, shuffle=True, seed=None, capacity=32, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="string_input_producer">{#string_input_producer}</div>
+Output strings (e.g. filenames) to a queue for an input pipeline.
+##### Args:
+* <b>string_tensor</b>: A 1-D string tensor with the strings to produce.
+* <b>num_epochs</b>: An integer (optional). If specified, `string_input_producer`
+ produces each string from `string_tensor` `num_epochs` times before
+ generating an OutOfRange error. If not specified, `string_input_producer`
+ can cycle through the strings in `string_tensor` an unlimited number of
+ times.
+* <b>shuffle</b>: Boolean. If true, the strings are randomly shuffled within each
+ epoch.
+* <b>seed</b>: An integer (optional). Seed used if shuffle == True.
+* <b>capacity</b>: An integer. Sets the queue capacity.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operations (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A queue with the output strings. A QueueRunner for the Queue
+ is added to the current Graph's QUEUE_RUNNER collection.
+### Batching at the end of an input pipeline <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-batching-at-the-end-of-an-input-pipeline">{#AUTOGENERATED-batching-at-the-end-of-an-input-pipeline}</div>
+These functions add a queue to the graph to assemble a batch of examples, with
+possible shuffling. They also add a `QueueRunner` for running the subgraph
+that fills that queue.
+Use [batch](#batch) or [batch_join](#batch_join) for batching examples that have
+already been well shuffled. Use [shuffle_batch](#shuffle_batch) or
+[shuffle_batch_join](#shuffle_batch_join) for examples that
+would benefit from additional shuffling.
+Use [batch](#batch) or [shuffle_batch](#shuffle_batch) if you want a
+single thread producing examples to batch, or if you have a
+single subgraph producing examples but you want to run it in N threads
+(where you increase N until it can keep the queue full). Use
+[batch_join](#batch_join) or [shuffle_batch_join](#shuffle_batch_join)
+if you have N different subgraphs producing examples to batch and you
+want them run by N threads.
+- - -
+### tf.train.batch(tensor_list, batch_size, num_threads=1, capacity=32, enqueue_many=False, shapes=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="batch">{#batch}</div>
+Run tensor_list to fill a queue to create batches.
+Implemented using a queue -- a QueueRunner for the queue
+is added to the current Graph's QUEUE_RUNNER collection.
+##### Args:
+* <b>tensor_list</b>: The list of tensors to enqueue.
+* <b>batch_size</b>: The new batch size pulled from the queue.
+* <b>num_threads</b>: The number of threads enqueuing tensor_list.
+* <b>capacity</b>: Maximum number of elements in the queue, controls the
+ how far ahead the prefetching allowed is allowed to get and
+ memory usage.
+* <b>enqueue_many</b>: If False, tensor_list is assumed to represent a
+ single example. If True, tensor_list is assumed to represent
+ a batch of examples, where the first dimension is indexed by
+ example, and all members of tensor_list should have the same
+ size in the first dimension.
+* <b>shapes</b>: Optional. The shapes for each example. Defaults to the
+ inferred shapes for tensor_list (leaving off the first dimension
+ if enqueue_many is True).
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operations (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A list of tensors with the same number and types as tensor_list.
+ If enqueue_many is false, then an input tensor with shape
+ `[x, y, z]` will be output as a tensor with shape
+ `[batch_size, x, y, z]`. If enqueue_many is True, and an
+ input tensor has shape `[*, x, y, z]`, the the output will have
+ shape `[batch_size, x, y, z]`.
+- - -
+### tf.train.batch_join(tensor_list_list, batch_size, capacity=32, enqueue_many=False, shapes=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="batch_join">{#batch_join}</div>
+Run a list of tensors to fill a queue to create batches of examples.
+This version enqueues a different list of tensors in different threads.
+Implemented using a queue -- a QueueRunner for the queue
+is added to the current Graph's QUEUE_RUNNER collection.
+##### Args:
+* <b>tensor_list_list</b>: A list of tuples of tensors to enqueue.
+ len(tensor_list_list) threads will be started, with the i-th
+ thread enqueuing the tensors from tensor_list[i].
+ tensor_list[i1][j] must match tensor_list[i2][j] in type and
+ shape (except in the first dimension if enqueue_many is true).
+* <b>batch_size</b>: The new batch size pulled from the queue.
+* <b>capacity</b>: Maximum number of elements in the queue, controls the
+ how far ahead the prefetching allowed is allowed to get and
+ memory usage.
+* <b>enqueue_many</b>: If False, each tensor_list_list[i] is assumed to
+ represent a single example. If True, tensor_list_list[i] is
+ assumed to represent a batch of examples, where the first
+ dimension is indexed by example, and all members of
+ tensor_list_list[i] should have the same size in the first
+ dimension.
+* <b>shapes</b>: Optional. The shapes for each example. Defaults to the
+ inferred shapes for tensor_list_list[i] (which must match, after
+ leaving off the first dimension if enqueue_many is True).
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operations (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A list of tensors with the same number and types as
+ tensor_list_list[i]. If enqueue_many is false, then an input
+ tensor with shape `[x, y, z]` will be output as a tensor with
+ shape `[batch_size, x, y, z]`. If enqueue_many is True, and an
+ input tensor has shape `[*, x, y, z]`, the the output will have
+ shape `[batch_size, x, y, z]`.
+- - -
+### tf.train.shuffle_batch(tensor_list, batch_size, capacity, min_after_dequeue, num_threads=1, seed=None, enqueue_many=False, shapes=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="shuffle_batch">{#shuffle_batch}</div>
+Create batches by randomly shuffling tensors.
+This adds:
+* a shuffling queue into which tensors from tensor_list are enqueued.
+* a dequeue many operation to create batches from the queue,
+* and a QueueRunner is added to the current Graph's QUEUE_RUNNER collection,
+ to enqueue the tensors from tensor_list.
+##### Args:
+* <b>tensor_list</b>: The list of tensors to enqueue.
+* <b>batch_size</b>: The new batch size pulled from the queue.
+* <b>capacity</b>: Maximum number of elements in the queue, controls the
+ how far ahead the prefetching allowed is allowed to get and
+ memory usage.
+* <b>min_after_dequeue</b>: Minimum number elements in the queue after a
+ dequeue, used to ensure a level of mixing of elements.
+* <b>num_threads</b>: The number of threads enqueuing tensor_list.
+* <b>seed</b>: Seed for the random shuffling within the queue.
+* <b>enqueue_many</b>: If False, tensor_list is assumed to represent a
+ single example. If True, tensor_list is assumed to represent
+ a batch of examples, where the first dimension is indexed by
+ example, and all members of tensor_list should have the same
+ size in the first dimension.
+* <b>shapes</b>: Optional. The shapes for each example. Defaults to the
+ inferred shapes for tensor_list (leaving off the first dimension
+ if enqueue_many is True).
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operations (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A list of tensors with the same number and types as tensor_list.
+ If enqueue_many is false, then an input tensor with shape
+ `[x, y, z]` will be output as a tensor with shape
+ `[batch_size, x, y, z]`. If enqueue_many is True, and an
+ input tensor has shape `[*, x, y, z]`, the the output will have
+ shape `[batch_size, x, y, z]`.
+- - -
+### tf.train.shuffle_batch_join(tensor_list_list, batch_size, capacity, min_after_dequeue, seed=None, enqueue_many=False, shapes=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="shuffle_batch_join">{#shuffle_batch_join}</div>
+Create batches by randomly shuffling tensors.
+This version enqueues a different list of tensors in different threads.
+It adds:
+* a shuffling queue into which tensors from tensor_list_list are enqueued.
+* a dequeue many operation to create batches from the queue,
+* and a QueueRunner is added to the current Graph's QUEUE_RUNNER collection,
+ to enqueue the tensors from tensor_list_list.
+##### Args:
+* <b>tensor_list_list</b>: A list of tuples of tensors to enqueue.
+ len(tensor_list_list) threads will be started, with the i-th
+ thread enqueuing the tensors from tensor_list[i].
+ tensor_list[i1][j] must match tensor_list[i2][j] in type and
+ shape (except in the first dimension if enqueue_many is true).
+* <b>batch_size</b>: The new batch size pulled from the queue.
+* <b>capacity</b>: Maximum number of elements in the queue, controls the
+ how far ahead the prefetching allowed is allowed to get and
+ memory usage.
+* <b>min_after_dequeue</b>: Minimum number elements in the queue after a
+ dequeue, used to ensure a level of mixing of elements.
+* <b>seed</b>: Seed for the random shuffling within the queue.
+* <b>enqueue_many</b>: If False, each tensor_list_list[i] is assumed to
+ represent a single example. If True, tensor_list_list[i] is
+ assumed to represent a batch of examples, where the first
+ dimension is indexed by example, and all members of
+ tensor_list_list[i] should have the same size in the first
+ dimension.
+* <b>shapes</b>: Optional. The shapes for each example. Defaults to the
+ inferred shapes for tensor_list_list[i] (which must match, after
+ leaving off the first dimension if enqueue_many is True).
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operations (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A list of tensors with the same number and types as
+ tensor_list_list[i]. If enqueue_many is false, then an input
+ tensor with shape `[x, y, z]` will be output as a tensor with
+ shape `[batch_size, x, y, z]`. If enqueue_many is True, and an
+ input tensor has shape `[*, x, y, z]`, the the output will have
+ shape `[batch_size, x, y, z]`.
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+<!-- This file is machine generated: DO NOT EDIT! -->
+# Math
+<!-- TOC-BEGIN This section is generated by neural network: DO NOT EDIT! -->
+## Contents
+* [Arithmetic Operators](#AUTOGENERATED-arithmetic-operators)
+ * [tf.add(x, y, name=None)](#add)
+ * [tf.sub(x, y, name=None)](#sub)
+ * [tf.mul(x, y, name=None)](#mul)
+ * [tf.div(x, y, name=None)](#div)
+ * [tf.mod(x, y, name=None)](#mod)
+* [Basic Math Functions](#AUTOGENERATED-basic-math-functions)
+ * [tf.add_n(inputs, name=None)](#add_n)
+ * [tf.abs(x, name=None)](#abs)
+ * [tf.neg(x, name=None)](#neg)
+ * [tf.sign(x, name=None)](#sign)
+ * [tf.inv(x, name=None)](#inv)
+ * [tf.square(x, name=None)](#square)
+ * [tf.round(x, name=None)](#round)
+ * [tf.sqrt(x, name=None)](#sqrt)
+ * [tf.rsqrt(x, name=None)](#rsqrt)
+ * [tf.pow(x, y, name=None)](#pow)
+ * [tf.exp(x, name=None)](#exp)
+ * [tf.log(x, name=None)](#log)
+ * [tf.ceil(x, name=None)](#ceil)
+ * [tf.floor(x, name=None)](#floor)
+ * [tf.maximum(x, y, name=None)](#maximum)
+ * [tf.minimum(x, y, name=None)](#minimum)
+ * [tf.cos(x, name=None)](#cos)
+ * [tf.sin(x, name=None)](#sin)
+* [Matrix Math Functions](#AUTOGENERATED-matrix-math-functions)
+ * [tf.diag(diagonal, name=None)](#diag)
+ * [tf.transpose(a, perm=None, name='transpose')](#transpose)
+ * [tf.matmul(a, b, transpose_a=False, transpose_b=False, a_is_sparse=False, b_is_sparse=False, name=None)](#matmul)
+ * [tf.batch_matmul(x, y, adj_x=None, adj_y=None, name=None)](#batch_matmul)
+ * [tf.matrix_determinant(input, name=None)](#matrix_determinant)
+ * [tf.batch_matrix_determinant(input, name=None)](#batch_matrix_determinant)
+ * [tf.matrix_inverse(input, name=None)](#matrix_inverse)
+ * [tf.batch_matrix_inverse(input, name=None)](#batch_matrix_inverse)
+ * [tf.cholesky(input, name=None)](#cholesky)
+ * [tf.batch_cholesky(input, name=None)](#batch_cholesky)
+* [Complex Number Functions](#AUTOGENERATED-complex-number-functions)
+ * [tf.complex(real, imag, name=None)](#complex)
+ * [tf.complex_abs(x, name=None)](#complex_abs)
+ * [tf.conj(in_, name=None)](#conj)
+ * [tf.imag(in_, name=None)](#imag)
+ * [tf.real(in_, name=None)](#real)
+* [Reduction](#AUTOGENERATED-reduction)
+ * [tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor, reduction_indices=None, keep_dims=False, name=None)](#reduce_sum)
+ * [tf.reduce_prod(input_tensor, reduction_indices=None, keep_dims=False, name=None)](#reduce_prod)
+ * [tf.reduce_min(input_tensor, reduction_indices=None, keep_dims=False, name=None)](#reduce_min)
+ * [tf.reduce_max(input_tensor, reduction_indices=None, keep_dims=False, name=None)](#reduce_max)
+ * [tf.reduce_mean(input_tensor, reduction_indices=None, keep_dims=False, name=None)](#reduce_mean)
+ * [tf.reduce_all(input_tensor, reduction_indices=None, keep_dims=False, name=None)](#reduce_all)
+ * [tf.reduce_any(input_tensor, reduction_indices=None, keep_dims=False, name=None)](#reduce_any)
+ * [tf.accumulate_n(inputs, shape=None, tensor_dtype=None, name=None)](#accumulate_n)
+* [Segmentation](#AUTOGENERATED-segmentation)
+ * [tf.segment_sum(data, segment_ids, name=None)](#segment_sum)
+ * [tf.segment_prod(data, segment_ids, name=None)](#segment_prod)
+ * [tf.segment_min(data, segment_ids, name=None)](#segment_min)
+ * [tf.segment_max(data, segment_ids, name=None)](#segment_max)
+ * [tf.segment_mean(data, segment_ids, name=None)](#segment_mean)
+ * [tf.unsorted_segment_sum(data, segment_ids, num_segments, name=None)](#unsorted_segment_sum)
+ * [tf.sparse_segment_sum(data, indices, segment_ids, name=None)](#sparse_segment_sum)
+ * [tf.sparse_segment_mean(data, indices, segment_ids, name=None)](#sparse_segment_mean)
+* [Sequence Comparison and Indexing](#AUTOGENERATED-sequence-comparison-and-indexing)
+ * [tf.argmin(input, dimension, name=None)](#argmin)
+ * [tf.argmax(input, dimension, name=None)](#argmax)
+ * [tf.listdiff(x, y, name=None)](#listdiff)
+ * [tf.where(input, name=None)](#where)
+ * [tf.unique(x, name=None)](#unique)
+ * [tf.edit_distance(hypothesis, truth, normalize=True, name='edit_distance')](#edit_distance)
+ * [tf.invert_permutation(x, name=None)](#invert_permutation)
+<!-- TOC-END This section was generated by neural network, THANKS FOR READING! -->
+## Arithmetic Operators <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-arithmetic-operators">{#AUTOGENERATED-arithmetic-operators}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to add basic arithmetic
+operators to your graph.
+- - -
+### tf.add(x, y, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="add">{#add}</div>
+Returns x + y element-wise.
+*NOTE*: Add supports broadcasting. AddN does not.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int8`, `int16`, `int32`, `complex64`, `int64`.
+* <b>y</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `x`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+- - -
+### tf.sub(x, y, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="sub">{#sub}</div>
+Returns x - y element-wise.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `complex64`, `int64`.
+* <b>y</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `x`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+- - -
+### tf.mul(x, y, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="mul">{#mul}</div>
+Returns x * y element-wise.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int8`, `int16`, `int32`, `complex64`, `int64`.
+* <b>y</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `x`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+- - -
+### tf.div(x, y, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="div">{#div}</div>
+Returns x / y element-wise.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `complex64`, `int64`.
+* <b>y</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `x`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+- - -
+### tf.mod(x, y, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="mod">{#mod}</div>
+Returns element-wise remainder of division.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `int32`, `int64`, `float32`, `float64`.
+* <b>y</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `x`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+## Basic Math Functions <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-basic-math-functions">{#AUTOGENERATED-basic-math-functions}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to add basic
+mathematical functions to your graph.
+- - -
+### tf.add_n(inputs, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="add_n">{#add_n}</div>
+Add all input tensors element wise.
+##### Args:
+* <b>inputs</b>: A list of at least 1 `Tensor` objects of the same type in: `float32`, `float64`, `int64`, `int32`, `uint8`, `int16`, `int8`, `complex64`, `qint8`, `quint8`, `qint32`.
+ Must all be the same size and shape.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `inputs`.
+- - -
+### tf.abs(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="abs">{#abs}</div>
+Computes the absolute value of a tensor.
+Given a tensor of real numbers `x`, this operation returns a tensor
+containing the absolute value of each element in `x`. For example, if x is
+an input element and y is an output element, this operation computes
+\\(y = |x|\\).
+See [`tf.complex_abs()`](#tf_complex_abs) to compute the absolute value of a complex
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor` of type `float`, `double`, `int32`, or `int64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` the same size and type as `x` with absolute values.
+- - -
+### tf.neg(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="neg">{#neg}</div>
+Computes numerical negative value element-wise.
+I.e., \\(y = -x\\).
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `complex64`, `int64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+- - -
+### tf.sign(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="sign">{#sign}</div>
+Returns an element-wise indication of the sign of a number.
+y = sign(x) = -1 if x < 0; 0 if x == 0; 1 if x > 0.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+- - -
+### tf.inv(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="inv">{#inv}</div>
+Computes the reciprocal of x element-wise.
+I.e., \\(y = 1 / x\\).
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `complex64`, `int64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+- - -
+### tf.square(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="square">{#square}</div>
+Computes square of x element-wise.
+I.e., \\(y = x * x = x^2\\).
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `complex64`, `int64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+- - -
+### tf.round(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="round">{#round}</div>
+Rounds the values of a tensor to the nearest integer, element-wise.
+For example:
+# 'a' is [0.9, 2.5, 2.3, -4.4]
+tf.round(a) ==> [ 1.0, 3.0, 2.0, -4.0 ]
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor` of type `float` or `double`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of same shape and type as `x`.
+- - -
+### tf.sqrt(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="sqrt">{#sqrt}</div>
+Computes square root of x element-wise.
+I.e., \\(y = \sqrt{x} = x^{1/2}\\).
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `complex64`, `int64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+- - -
+### tf.rsqrt(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="rsqrt">{#rsqrt}</div>
+Computes reciprocal of square root of x element-wise.
+I.e., \\(y = 1 / \sqrt{x}\\).
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `complex64`, `int64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+- - -
+### tf.pow(x, y, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="pow">{#pow}</div>
+Computes the power of one value to another.
+Given a tensor `x` and a tensor `y`, this operation computes \\(x^y\\) for
+corresponding elements in `x` and `y`. For example:
+# tensor 'x' is [[2, 2]], [3, 3]]
+# tensor 'y' is [[8, 16], [2, 3]]
+tf.pow(x, y) ==> [[256, 65536], [9, 27]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor` of type `float`, `double`, `int32`, `complex64`, or `int64`.
+* <b>y</b>: A `Tensor` of type `float`, `double`, `int32`, `complex64`, or `int64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`.
+- - -
+### tf.exp(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="exp">{#exp}</div>
+Computes exponential of x element-wise. \\(y = e^x\\).
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `complex64`, `int64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+- - -
+### tf.log(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="log">{#log}</div>
+Computes natural logrithm of x element-wise.
+I.e., \\(y = \log_e x\\).
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `complex64`, `int64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+- - -
+### tf.ceil(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="ceil">{#ceil}</div>
+Returns element-wise smallest integer in not less than x.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+- - -
+### tf.floor(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="floor">{#floor}</div>
+Returns element-wise largest integer not greater than x.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+- - -
+### tf.maximum(x, y, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="maximum">{#maximum}</div>
+Returns the max of x and y (i.e. x > y ? x : y) element-wise, broadcasts.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`.
+* <b>y</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `x`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+- - -
+### tf.minimum(x, y, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="minimum">{#minimum}</div>
+Returns the min of x and y (i.e. x < y ? x : y) element-wise, broadcasts.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`.
+* <b>y</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `x`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+- - -
+### tf.cos(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="cos">{#cos}</div>
+Computes cos of x element-wise.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `complex64`, `int64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+- - -
+### tf.sin(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="sin">{#sin}</div>
+Computes sin of x element-wise.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `complex64`, `int64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+## Matrix Math Functions <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-matrix-math-functions">{#AUTOGENERATED-matrix-math-functions}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to add basic
+mathematical functions for matrices to your graph.
+- - -
+### tf.diag(diagonal, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="diag">{#diag}</div>
+Returns a diagonal tensor with a given diagonal values.
+Given a `diagonal`, this operation returns a tensor with the `diagonal` and
+everything else padded with zeros. The diagonal is computed as follows:
+Assume `diagonal` has dimensions [D1,..., Dk], then the output is a tensor of
+rank 2k with dimensions [D1,..., Dk, D1,..., Dk] where:
+`output[i1,..., ik, i1,..., ik] = diagonal[i1, ..., ik]` and 0 everywhere else.
+For example:
+# 'diagonal' is [1, 2, 3, 4]
+tf.diag(diagonal) ==> [[1, 0, 0, 0]
+ [0, 2, 0, 0]
+ [0, 0, 3, 0]
+ [0, 0, 0, 4]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>diagonal</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`.
+ Rank k tensor where k is at most 3.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `diagonal`.
+- - -
+### tf.transpose(a, perm=None, name='transpose') <div class="md-anchor" id="transpose">{#transpose}</div>
+Transposes `a`. Permutes the dimensions according to `perm`.
+The returned tensor's dimension i will correspond to the input dimension
+`perm[i]`. If `perm` is not given, it is set to (n-1...0), where n is
+the rank of the input tensor. Hence by default, this operation performs a
+regular matrix transpose on 2-D input Tensors.
+For example:
+# 'x' is [[1 2 3]
+# [4 5 6]]
+tf.transpose(x) ==> [[1 4]
+ [2 5]
+ [3 6]]
+# Equivalently
+tf.transpose(x perm=[0, 1]) ==> [[1 4]
+ [2 5]
+ [3 6]]
+# 'perm' is more useful for n-dimensional tensors, for n > 2
+# 'x' is [[[1 2 3]
+# [4 5 6]]
+# [[7 8 9]
+# [10 11 12]]]
+# Take the transpose of the matrices in dimension-0
+tf.transpose(b, perm=[0, 2, 1]) ==> [[[1 4]
+ [2 5]
+ [3 6]]
+ [[7 10]
+ [8 11]
+ [9 12]]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>a</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>perm</b>: A permutation of the dimensions of `a`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A transposed `Tensor`.
+- - -
+### tf.matmul(a, b, transpose_a=False, transpose_b=False, a_is_sparse=False, b_is_sparse=False, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="matmul">{#matmul}</div>
+Multiplies matrix `a` by matrix `b`, producing `a` * `b`.
+The inputs must be two-dimensional matrices, with matching inner dimensions,
+possibly after transposition.
+Both matrices must be of the same type. The supported types are:
+`float`, `double`, `int32`, `complex64`.
+Either matrix can be transposed on the fly by setting the corresponding flag
+to `True`. This is `False` by default.
+If one or both of the matrices contain a lot of zeros, a more efficient
+multiplication algorithm can be used by setting the corresponding
+`a_is_sparse` or `b_is_sparse` flag to `True`. These are `False` by default.
+For example:
+# 2-D tensor `a`
+a = tf.constant([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], shape=[2, 3]) => [[1. 2. 3.]
+ [4. 5. 6.]]
+# 2-D tensor `b`
+b = tf.constant([7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12], shape=[3, 2]) => [[7. 8.]
+ [9. 10.]
+ [11. 12.]]
+c = tf.matmul(a, b) => [[58 64]
+ [139 154]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>a</b>: `Tensor` of type `float`, `double`, `int32` or `complex64`.
+* <b>b</b>: `Tensor` with same type as `a`.
+* <b>transpose_a</b>: If `True`, `a` is transposed before multiplication.
+* <b>transpose_b</b>: If `True`, `b` is transposed before multiplication.
+* <b>a_is_sparse</b>: If `True`, `a` is treated as a sparse matrix.
+* <b>b_is_sparse</b>: If `True`, `b` is treated as a sparse matrix.
+* <b>name</b>: Name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of the same type as `a`.
+- - -
+### tf.batch_matmul(x, y, adj_x=None, adj_y=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="batch_matmul">{#batch_matmul}</div>
+Multiplies slices of two tensors in batches.
+Multiplies all slices of `Tensor` `x` and `y` (each slice can be
+viewed as an element of a batch), and arranges the individual results
+in a single output tensor of the same batch size. Each of the
+individual slices can optionally be adjointed (to adjoint a matrix
+means to transpose and conjugate it) before multiplication by setting
+the `adj_x` or `adj_y` flag to `True`, which are by default `False`.
+The input tensors `x` and `y` are 3-D or higher with shape `[..., r_x, c_x]`
+and `[..., r_y, c_y]`.
+The output tensor is 3-D or higher with shape `[..., r_o, c_o]`, where:
+ r_o = c_x if adj_x else r_x
+ c_o = r_y if adj_y else c_y
+It is computed as:
+ out[..., :, :] = matrix(x[..., :, :]) * matrix(y[..., :, :])
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `complex64`.
+ 3-D or higher with shape `[..., r_x, c_x]`.
+* <b>y</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `x`.
+ 3-D or higher with shape `[..., r_y, c_y]`.
+* <b>adj_x</b>: An optional `bool`. Defaults to `False`.
+ If `True`, adjoint the slices of `x`. Defaults to `False`.
+* <b>adj_y</b>: An optional `bool`. Defaults to `False`.
+ If `True`, adjoint the slices of `y`. Defaults to `False`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`.
+ 3-D or higher with shape `[..., r_o, c_o]`
+- - -
+### tf.matrix_determinant(input, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="matrix_determinant">{#matrix_determinant}</div>
+Calculates the determinant of a square matrix.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`.
+ A tensor of shape `[M, M]`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `input`.
+ A scalar, equal to the determinant of the input.
+- - -
+### tf.batch_matrix_determinant(input, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="batch_matrix_determinant">{#batch_matrix_determinant}</div>
+Calculates the determinants for a batch of square matrices.
+The input is a tensor of shape `[..., M, M]` whose inner-most 2 dimensions
+form square matrices. The output is a 1-D tensor containing the determinants
+for all input submatrices `[..., :, :]`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`.
+ Shape is `[..., M, M]`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `input`. Shape is `[...]`.
+- - -
+### tf.matrix_inverse(input, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="matrix_inverse">{#matrix_inverse}</div>
+Calculates the inverse of a square invertible matrix. Checks for invertibility.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`.
+ Shape is `[M, M]`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `input`.
+ Shape is `[M, M]` containing the matrix inverse of the input.
+- - -
+### tf.batch_matrix_inverse(input, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="batch_matrix_inverse">{#batch_matrix_inverse}</div>
+Calculates the inverse of square invertible matrices. Checks for invertibility.
+The input is a tensor of shape `[..., M, M]` whose inner-most 2 dimensions
+form square matrices. The output is a tensor of the same shape as the input
+containing the inverse for all input submatrices `[..., :, :]`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`.
+ Shape is `[..., M, M]`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `input`. Shape is `[..., M, M]`.
+- - -
+### tf.cholesky(input, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="cholesky">{#cholesky}</div>
+Calculates the Cholesky decomposition of a square matrix.
+The input has to be symmetric and positive definite. Only the lower-triangular
+part of the input will be used for this operation. The upper-triangular part
+will not be read.
+The result is the lower-triangular matrix of the Cholesky decomposition of the
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float64`, `float32`.
+ Shape is `[M, M]`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `input`. Shape is `[M, M]`.
+- - -
+### tf.batch_cholesky(input, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="batch_cholesky">{#batch_cholesky}</div>
+Calculates the Cholesky decomposition of a batch of square matrices.
+The input is a tensor of shape `[..., M, M]` whose inner-most 2 dimensions
+form square matrices, with the same constraints as the single matrix Cholesky
+decomposition above. The output is a tensor of the same shape as the input
+containing the Cholesky decompositions for all input submatrices `[..., :, :]`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float64`, `float32`.
+ Shape is `[..., M, M]`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `input`. Shape is `[..., M, M]`.
+## Complex Number Functions <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-complex-number-functions">{#AUTOGENERATED-complex-number-functions}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to add complex number
+functions to your graph.
+- - -
+### tf.complex(real, imag, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="complex">{#complex}</div>
+Converts two real numbers to a complex number.
+Given a tensor `real` representing the real part of a complex number, and a
+tensor `imag` representing the imaginary part of a complex number, this
+operation computes complex numbers elementwise of the form \\(a + bj\\),
+where *a* represents the `real` part and *b* represents the `imag` part.
+The input tensors `real` and `imag` must be the same shape.
+For example:
+# tensor 'real' is [2.25, 3.25]
+# tensor `imag` is [4.75, 5.75]
+tf.complex(real, imag) ==> [[2.25 + 4.74j], [3.25 + 5.75j]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>real</b>: A `Tensor` of type `float`.
+* <b>imag</b>: A `Tensor` of type `float`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `complex64`.
+- - -
+### tf.complex_abs(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="complex_abs">{#complex_abs}</div>
+Computes the complex absolute value of a tensor.
+Given a tensor `x` of complex numbers, this operation returns a tensor of type
+`float` that is the absolute value of each element in `x`. All elements in `x`
+must be complex numbers of the form \\(a + bj\\). The absolute value is
+computed as \\( \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}\\).
+For example:
+# tensor 'x' is [[-2.25 + 4.75j], [-3.25 + 5.75j]]
+tf.complex_abs(x) ==> [5.25594902, 6.60492229]
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor` of type `complex64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `float32`.
+- - -
+### tf.conj(in_, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="conj">{#conj}</div>
+Returns the complex conjugate of a complex number.
+Given a tensor `in` of complex numbers, this operation returns a tensor of
+complex numbers that are the complex conjugate of each element in `in`. The
+complex numbers in `in` must be of the form \\(a + bj\\), where *a* is the real
+part and *b* is the imaginary part.
+The complex conjugate returned by this operation is of the form \\(a - bj\\).
+For example:
+# tensor 'in' is [-2.25 + 4.75j, 3.25 + 5.75j]
+tf.conj(in) ==> [-2.25 - 4.75j, 3.25 - 5.75j]
+##### Args:
+* <b>in_</b>: A `Tensor` of type `complex64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `complex64`.
+- - -
+### tf.imag(in_, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="imag">{#imag}</div>
+Returns the imaginary part of a complex number.
+Given a tensor `in` of complex numbers, this operation returns a tensor of type
+`float` that is the imaginary part of each element in `in`. All elements in `in`
+must be complex numbers of the form \\(a + bj\\), where *a* is the real part
+and *b* is the imaginary part returned by this operation.
+For example:
+# tensor 'in' is [-2.25 + 4.75j, 3.25 + 5.75j]
+tf.imag(in) ==> [4.75, 5.75]
+##### Args:
+* <b>in_</b>: A `Tensor` of type `complex64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `float32`.
+- - -
+### tf.real(in_, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="real">{#real}</div>
+Returns the real part of a complex number.
+Given a tensor `in` of complex numbers, this operation returns a tensor of type
+`float` that is the real part of each element in `in`. All elements in `in`
+must be complex numbers of the form \\(a + bj\\), where *a* is the real part
+returned by this operation and *b* is the imaginary part.
+For example:
+# tensor 'in' is [-2.25 + 4.75j, 3.25 + 5.75j]
+tf.real(in) ==> [-2.25, 3.25]
+##### Args:
+* <b>in_</b>: A `Tensor` of type `complex64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `float32`.
+## Reduction <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-reduction">{#AUTOGENERATED-reduction}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to perform
+common math computations that reduce various dimensions of a tensor.
+- - -
+### tf.reduce_sum(input_tensor, reduction_indices=None, keep_dims=False, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="reduce_sum">{#reduce_sum}</div>
+Computes the sum of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
+Reduces `input_tensor` along the dimensions given in `reduction_indices`.
+Unless `keep_dims` is true, the rank of the tensor is reduced by 1 for each
+entry in `reduction_indices`. If `keep_dims` is true, the reduced dimensions
+are retained with length 1.
+If `reduction_indices` has no entries, all dimensions are reduced, and a
+tensor with a single element is returned.
+For example:
+# 'x' is [[1, 1, 1]]
+# [1, 1, 1]]
+tf.reduce_sum(x) ==> 6
+tf.reduce_sum(x, 0) ==> [2, 2, 2]
+tf.reduce_sum(x, 1) ==> [3, 3]
+tf.reduce_sum(x, 1, keep_dims=True) ==> [[3], [3]]
+tf.reduce_sum(x, [0, 1]) ==> 6
+##### Args:
+* <b>input_tensor</b>: The tensor to reduce. Should have numeric type.
+* <b>reduction_indices</b>: The dimensions to reduce. If `None` (the defaut),
+ reduces all dimensions.
+* <b>keep_dims</b>: If true, retains reduced dimensions with length 1.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The reduced tensor.
+- - -
+### tf.reduce_prod(input_tensor, reduction_indices=None, keep_dims=False, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="reduce_prod">{#reduce_prod}</div>
+Computes the product of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
+Reduces `input_tensor` along the dimensions given in `reduction_indices`.
+Unless `keep_dims` is true, the rank of the tensor is reduced by 1 for each
+entry in `reduction_indices`. If `keep_dims` is true, the reduced dimensions
+are retained with length 1.
+If `reduction_indices` has no entries, all dimensions are reduced, and a
+tensor with a single element is returned.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input_tensor</b>: The tensor to reduce. Should have numeric type.
+* <b>reduction_indices</b>: The dimensions to reduce. If `None` (the defaut),
+ reduces all dimensions.
+* <b>keep_dims</b>: If true, retains reduced dimensions with length 1.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The reduced tensor.
+- - -
+### tf.reduce_min(input_tensor, reduction_indices=None, keep_dims=False, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="reduce_min">{#reduce_min}</div>
+Computes the minimum of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
+Reduces `input_tensor` along the dimensions given in `reduction_indices`.
+Unless `keep_dims` is true, the rank of the tensor is reduced by 1 for each
+entry in `reduction_indices`. If `keep_dims` is true, the reduced dimensions
+are retained with length 1.
+If `reduction_indices` has no entries, all dimensions are reduced, and a
+tensor with a single element is returned.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input_tensor</b>: The tensor to reduce. Should have numeric type.
+* <b>reduction_indices</b>: The dimensions to reduce. If `None` (the defaut),
+ reduces all dimensions.
+* <b>keep_dims</b>: If true, retains reduced dimensions with length 1.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The reduced tensor.
+- - -
+### tf.reduce_max(input_tensor, reduction_indices=None, keep_dims=False, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="reduce_max">{#reduce_max}</div>
+Computes the maximum of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
+Reduces `input_tensor` along the dimensions given in `reduction_indices`.
+Unless `keep_dims` is true, the rank of the tensor is reduced by 1 for each
+entry in `reduction_indices`. If `keep_dims` is true, the reduced dimensions
+are retained with length 1.
+If `reduction_indices` has no entries, all dimensions are reduced, and a
+tensor with a single element is returned.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input_tensor</b>: The tensor to reduce. Should have numeric type.
+* <b>reduction_indices</b>: The dimensions to reduce. If `None` (the defaut),
+ reduces all dimensions.
+* <b>keep_dims</b>: If true, retains reduced dimensions with length 1.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The reduced tensor.
+- - -
+### tf.reduce_mean(input_tensor, reduction_indices=None, keep_dims=False, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="reduce_mean">{#reduce_mean}</div>
+Computes the mean of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
+Reduces `input_tensor` along the dimensions given in `reduction_indices`.
+Unless `keep_dims` is true, the rank of the tensor is reduced by 1 for each
+entry in `reduction_indices`. If `keep_dims` is true, the reduced dimensions
+are retained with length 1.
+If `reduction_indices` has no entries, all dimensions are reduced, and a
+tensor with a single element is returned.
+For example:
+# 'x' is [[1., 1. ]]
+# [2., 2.]]
+tf.reduce_mean(x) ==> 1.5
+tf.reduce_mean(x, 0) ==> [1.5, 1.5]
+tf.reduce_mean(x, 1) ==> [1., 2.]
+##### Args:
+* <b>input_tensor</b>: The tensor to reduce. Should have numeric type.
+* <b>reduction_indices</b>: The dimensions to reduce. If `None` (the defaut),
+ reduces all dimensions.
+* <b>keep_dims</b>: If true, retains reduced dimensions with length 1.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The reduced tensor.
+- - -
+### tf.reduce_all(input_tensor, reduction_indices=None, keep_dims=False, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="reduce_all">{#reduce_all}</div>
+Computes the "logical and" of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
+Reduces `input_tensor` along the dimensions given in `reduction_indices`.
+Unless `keep_dims` is true, the rank of the tensor is reduced by 1 for each
+entry in `reduction_indices`. If `keep_dims` is true, the reduced dimensions
+are retained with length 1.
+If `reduction_indices` has no entries, all dimensions are reduced, and a
+tensor with a single element is returned.
+For example:
+# 'x' is [[True, True]]
+# [False, False]]
+tf.reduce_all(x) ==> False
+tf.reduce_all(x, 0) ==> [False, False]
+tf.reduce_all(x, 1) ==> [True, False]
+##### Args:
+* <b>input_tensor</b>: The boolean tensor to reduce.
+* <b>reduction_indices</b>: The dimensions to reduce. If `None` (the defaut),
+ reduces all dimensions.
+* <b>keep_dims</b>: If true, retains reduced dimensions with length 1.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The reduced tensor.
+- - -
+### tf.reduce_any(input_tensor, reduction_indices=None, keep_dims=False, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="reduce_any">{#reduce_any}</div>
+Computes the "logical or" of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
+Reduces `input_tensor` along the dimensions given in `reduction_indices`.
+Unless `keep_dims` is true, the rank of the tensor is reduced by 1 for each
+entry in `reduction_indices`. If `keep_dims` is true, the reduced dimensions
+are retained with length 1.
+If `reduction_indices` has no entries, all dimensions are reduced, and a
+tensor with a single element is returned.
+For example:
+# 'x' is [[True, True]]
+# [False, False]]
+tf.reduce_any(x) ==> True
+tf.reduce_any(x, 0) ==> [True, True]
+tf.reduce_any(x, 1) ==> [True, False]
+##### Args:
+* <b>input_tensor</b>: The boolean tensor to reduce.
+* <b>reduction_indices</b>: The dimensions to reduce. If `None` (the defaut),
+ reduces all dimensions.
+* <b>keep_dims</b>: If true, retains reduced dimensions with length 1.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The reduced tensor.
+- - -
+### tf.accumulate_n(inputs, shape=None, tensor_dtype=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="accumulate_n">{#accumulate_n}</div>
+Returns the element-wise sum of a list of tensors.
+Optionally, pass `shape` and `tensor_dtype` for shape and type checking,
+otherwise, these are inferred.
+For example:
+# tensor 'a' is [[1, 2], [3, 4]
+# tensor `b` is [[5, 0], [0, 6]]
+tf.accumulate_n([a, b, a]) ==> [[7, 4], [6, 14]]
+# Explicitly pass shape and type
+tf.accumulate_n([a, b, a], shape=[2, 2], tensor_dtype=tf.int32)
+ ==> [[7, 4], [6, 14]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>inputs</b>: A list of `Tensor` objects, each with same shape and type.
+* <b>shape</b>: Shape of elements of `inputs`.
+* <b>tensor_dtype</b>: The type of `inputs`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of same shape and type as the elements of `inputs`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If `inputs` don't all have same shape and dtype or the shape
+ cannot be inferred.
+## Segmentation <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-segmentation">{#AUTOGENERATED-segmentation}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to perform common
+math computations on tensor segments.
+Here a segmentation is a partitioning of a tensor along
+the first dimension, i.e. it defines a mapping from the first dimension onto
+`segment_ids`. The `segment_ids` tensor should be the size of
+the first dimension, `d0`, with consecutive IDs in the range `0` to `k`,
+where `k<d0`.
+In particular, a segmentation of a matrix tensor is a mapping of rows to
+For example:
+c = tf.constant([[1,2,3,4], [-1,-2,-3,-4], [5,6,7,8]])
+tf.segment_sum(c, tf.constant([0, 0, 1]))
+ ==> [[0 0 0 0]
+ [5 6 7 8]]
+- - -
+### tf.segment_sum(data, segment_ids, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="segment_sum">{#segment_sum}</div>
+Computes the sum along segments of a tensor.
+Read [the section on Segmentation](../python/math_ops.md#segmentation)
+for an explanation of segments.
+Computes a tensor such that
+\\(output_i = \sum_j data_j\\) where sum is over `j` such
+that `segment_ids[j] == i`.
+<div style="width:70%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
+<img style="width:100%" src="../images/SegmentSum.png" alt>
+##### Args:
+* <b>data</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`, `uint8`, `int16`, `int8`.
+* <b>segment_ids</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `int32`, `int64`.
+ A 1-D tensor whose rank is equal to the rank of `data`'s
+ first dimension. Values should be sorted and can be repeated.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `data`.
+ Has same shape as data, except for dimension_0 which
+ has size `k`, the number of segments.
+- - -
+### tf.segment_prod(data, segment_ids, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="segment_prod">{#segment_prod}</div>
+Computes the product along segments of a tensor.
+Read [the section on Segmentation](../python/math_ops.md#segmentation)
+for an explanation of segments.
+Computes a tensor such that
+\\(output_i = \prod_j data_j\\) where the product is over `j` such
+that `segment_ids[j] == i`.
+<div style="width:70%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
+<img style="width:100%" src="../images/SegmentProd.png" alt>
+##### Args:
+* <b>data</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`, `uint8`, `int16`, `int8`.
+* <b>segment_ids</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `int32`, `int64`.
+ A 1-D tensor whose rank is equal to the rank of `data`'s
+ first dimension. Values should be sorted and can be repeated.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `data`.
+ Has same shape as data, except for dimension_0 which
+ has size `k`, the number of segments.
+- - -
+### tf.segment_min(data, segment_ids, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="segment_min">{#segment_min}</div>
+Computes the minimum along segments of a tensor.
+Read [the section on Segmentation](../python/math_ops.md#segmentation)
+for an explanation of segments.
+Computes a tensor such that
+\\(output_i = \min_j(data_j)\\) where `min` is over `j` such
+that `segment_ids[j] == i`.
+<div style="width:70%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
+<img style="width:100%" src="../images/SegmentMin.png" alt>
+##### Args:
+* <b>data</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`, `uint8`, `int16`, `int8`.
+* <b>segment_ids</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `int32`, `int64`.
+ A 1-D tensor whose rank is equal to the rank of `data`'s
+ first dimension. Values should be sorted and can be repeated.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `data`.
+ Has same shape as data, except for dimension_0 which
+ has size `k`, the number of segments.
+- - -
+### tf.segment_max(data, segment_ids, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="segment_max">{#segment_max}</div>
+Computes the maximum along segments of a tensor.
+Read [the section on Segmentation](../python/math_ops.md#segmentation)
+for an explanation of segments.
+Computes a tensor such that
+\\(output_i = \max_j(data_j)\\) where `max` is over `j` such
+that `segment_ids[j] == i`.
+<div style="width:70%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
+<img style="width:100%" src="../images/SegmentMax.png" alt>
+##### Args:
+* <b>data</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`, `uint8`, `int16`, `int8`.
+* <b>segment_ids</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `int32`, `int64`.
+ A 1-D tensor whose rank is equal to the rank of `data`'s
+ first dimension. Values should be sorted and can be repeated.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `data`.
+ Has same shape as data, except for dimension_0 which
+ has size `k`, the number of segments.
+- - -
+### tf.segment_mean(data, segment_ids, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="segment_mean">{#segment_mean}</div>
+Computes the mean along segments of a tensor.
+Read [the section on Segmentation](../python/math_ops.md#segmentation)
+for an explanation of segments.
+Computes a tensor such that
+\\(output_i = \frac{\sum_j data_j}{N}\\) where `mean` is
+over `j` such that `segment_ids[j] == i` and `N` is the total number of
+values summed.
+<div style="width:70%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
+<img style="width:100%" src="../images/SegmentMean.png" alt>
+##### Args:
+* <b>data</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`, `uint8`, `int16`, `int8`.
+* <b>segment_ids</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `int32`, `int64`.
+ A 1-D tensor whose rank is equal to the rank of `data`'s
+ first dimension. Values should be sorted and can be repeated.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `data`.
+ Has same shape as data, except for dimension_0 which
+ has size `k`, the number of segments.
+- - -
+### tf.unsorted_segment_sum(data, segment_ids, num_segments, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="unsorted_segment_sum">{#unsorted_segment_sum}</div>
+Computes the sum along segments of a tensor.
+Read [the section on Segmentation](../python/math_ops.md#segmentation)
+for an explanation of segments.
+Computes a tensor such that
+\\(output_i = \sum_j data_j\\) where sum is over `j` such
+that `segment_ids[j] == i`. Unlike `SegmentSum`, `segment_ids`
+need not be sorted and need not cover all values in the full
+ range of valid values.
+If the sum is empty for a given segment ID `i`, `output[i] = 0`.
+`num_segments` should equal the number of distinct segment IDs.
+<div style="width:70%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
+<img style="width:100%" src="../images/UnsortedSegmentSum.png" alt>
+##### Args:
+* <b>data</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`, `uint8`, `int16`, `int8`.
+* <b>segment_ids</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `int32`, `int64`.
+ A 1-D tensor whose rank is equal to the rank of `data`'s
+ first dimension.
+* <b>num_segments</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `data`.
+ Has same shape as data, except for dimension_0 which
+ has size `num_segments`.
+- - -
+### tf.sparse_segment_sum(data, indices, segment_ids, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="sparse_segment_sum">{#sparse_segment_sum}</div>
+Computes the sum along sparse segments of a tensor.
+Read [the section on Segmentation](../python/math_ops.md#segmentation)
+for an explanation of segments.
+Like `SegmentSum`, but `segment_ids` can have rank less than `data`'s first
+dimension, selecting a subset of dimension_0, specified by `indices`.
+For example:
+c = tf.constant([[1,2,3,4], [-1,-2,-3,-4], [5,6,7,8]])
+# Select two rows, one segment.
+tf.sparse_segment_sum(c, tf.constant([0, 1]), tf.constant([0, 0]))
+ ==> [[0 0 0 0]]
+# Select two rows, two segment.
+tf.sparse_segment_sum(c, tf.constant([0, 1]), tf.constant([0, 1]))
+ ==> [[ 1 2 3 4]
+ [-1 -2 -3 -4]]
+# Select all rows, two segments.
+tf.sparse_segment_sum(c, tf.constant([0, 1, 2]), tf.constant([0, 0, 1]))
+ ==> [[0 0 0 0]
+ [5 6 7 8]]
+# Which is equivalent to:
+tf.segment_sum(c, tf.constant([0, 0, 1]))
+##### Args:
+* <b>data</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`, `uint8`, `int16`, `int8`.
+* <b>indices</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`.
+ A 1-D tensor. Has same rank as `segment_ids`.
+* <b>segment_ids</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`.
+ A 1-D tensor. Values should be sorted and can be repeated.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `data`.
+ Has same shape as data, except for dimension_0 which
+ has size `k`, the number of segments.
+- - -
+### tf.sparse_segment_mean(data, indices, segment_ids, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="sparse_segment_mean">{#sparse_segment_mean}</div>
+Computes the mean along sparse segments of a tensor.
+Read [the section on Segmentation](../python/math_ops.md#segmentation)
+for an explanation of segments.
+Like `SegmentMean`, but `segment_ids` can have rank less than `data`'s first
+dimension, selecting a subset of dimension_0, specified by `indices`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>data</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`.
+* <b>indices</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`.
+ A 1-D tensor. Has same rank as `segment_ids`.
+* <b>segment_ids</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`.
+ A 1-D tensor. Values should be sorted and can be repeated.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `data`.
+ Has same shape as data, except for dimension_0 which
+ has size `k`, the number of segments.
+## Sequence Comparison and Indexing <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-sequence-comparison-and-indexing">{#AUTOGENERATED-sequence-comparison-and-indexing}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to add sequence
+comparison and index extraction to your graph. You can use these operations to
+determine sequence differences and determine the indexes of specific values in
+a tensor.
+- - -
+### tf.argmin(input, dimension, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="argmin">{#argmin}</div>
+Returns the index with the smallest value across dimensions of a tensor.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int64`, `int32`, `uint8`, `int16`, `int8`, `complex64`, `qint8`, `quint8`, `qint32`.
+* <b>dimension</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`.
+ int32, 0 <= dimension < rank(input). Describes which dimension
+ of the input Tensor to reduce across. For vectors, use dimension = 0.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `int64`.
+- - -
+### tf.argmax(input, dimension, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="argmax">{#argmax}</div>
+Returns the index with the largest value across dimensions of a tensor.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int64`, `int32`, `uint8`, `int16`, `int8`, `complex64`, `qint8`, `quint8`, `qint32`.
+* <b>dimension</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`.
+ int32, 0 <= dimension < rank(input). Describes which dimension
+ of the input Tensor to reduce across. For vectors, use dimension = 0.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `int64`.
+- - -
+### tf.listdiff(x, y, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="listdiff">{#listdiff}</div>
+Computes the difference between two lists of numbers.
+Given a list `x` and a list `y`, this operation returns a list `out` that
+represents all numbers that are in `x` but not in `y`. The returned list `out`
+is sorted in the same order that the numbers appear in `x` (duplicates are
+preserved). This operation also returns a list `idx` that represents the
+position of each `out` element in `x`. In other words:
+`out[i] = x[idx[i]] for i in [0, 1, ..., len(out) - 1]`
+For example, given this input:
+x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+y = [1, 3, 5]
+This operation would return:
+out ==> [2, 4, 6]
+idx ==> [1, 3, 5]
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. 1-D. Values to keep.
+* <b>y</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `x`. 1-D. Values to remove.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A tuple of `Tensor` objects (out, idx).
+* <b>out</b>: A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`. 1-D. Values present in `x` but not in `y`.
+* <b>idx</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`. 1-D. Positions of `x` values preserved in `out`.
+- - -
+### tf.where(input, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="where">{#where}</div>
+Returns locations of true values in a boolean tensor.
+This operation returns the coordinates of true elements in `input`. The
+coordinates are returned in a 2-D tensor where the first dimension (rows)
+represents the number of true elements, and the second dimension (columns)
+represents the coordinates of the true elements. Keep in mind, the shape of
+the output tensor can vary depending on how many true values there are in
+`input`. Indices are output in row-major order.
+For example:
+# 'input' tensor is [[True, False]
+# [True, False]]
+# 'input' has two true values, so output has two coordinates.
+# 'input' has rank of 2, so coordinates have two indices.
+where(input) ==> [[0, 0],
+ [1, 0]]
+# `input` tensor is [[[True, False]
+# [True, False]]
+# [[False, True]
+# [False, True]]
+# [[False, False]
+# [False, True]]]
+# 'input' has 5 true values, so output has 5 coordinates.
+# 'input' has rank of 3, so coordinates have three indices.
+where(input) ==> [[0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 1, 0],
+ [1, 0, 1],
+ [1, 1, 1],
+ [2, 1, 1]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor` of type `bool`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `int64`.
+- - -
+### tf.unique(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="unique">{#unique}</div>
+Finds unique elements in a 1-D tensor.
+This operation returns a tensor `y` containing all of the unique elements of `x`
+sorted in the same order that they occur in `x`. This operation also returns a
+tensor `idx` the same size as `x` that contains the index of each value of `x`
+in the unique output `y`. In other words:
+`y[idx[i]] = x[i] for i in [0, 1,...,rank(x) - 1]`
+For example:
+# tensor 'x' is [1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 4, 7, 8, 8]
+y, idx = unique(x)
+y ==> [1, 2, 4, 7, 8]
+idx ==> [0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4]
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`. 1-D.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A tuple of `Tensor` objects (y, idx).
+* <b>y</b>: A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `x`. 1-D.
+* <b>idx</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`. 1-D.
+- - -
+### tf.edit_distance(hypothesis, truth, normalize=True, name='edit_distance') <div class="md-anchor" id="edit_distance">{#edit_distance}</div>
+Computes the Levenshtein distance between sequences.
+This operation takes variable-length sequences (`hypothesis` and `truth`),
+each provided as a `SparseTensor`, and computes the Levenshtein distance.
+You can normalize the edit distance by length of `truth` by setting
+`normalize` to true.
+For example, given the following input:
+# 'hypothesis' is a tensor of shape `[2, 1]` with variable-length values:
+# (0,0) = ["a"]
+# (1,0) = ["b"]
+hypothesis = tf.SparseTensor(
+ [[0, 0, 0],
+ [1, 0, 0]],
+ ["a", "b"]
+ (2, 1, 1))
+# 'truth' is a tensor of shape `[2, 2]` with variable-length values:
+# (0,0) = []
+# (0,1) = ["a"]
+# (1,0) = ["b", "c"]
+# (1,1) = ["a"]
+truth = tf.SparseTensor(
+ [[0, 1, 0],
+ [1, 0, 0],
+ [1, 0, 1],
+ [1, 1, 0]]
+ ["a", "b", "c", "a"],
+ (2, 2, 2))
+normalize = True
+This operation would return the following:
+# 'output' is a tensor of shape `[2, 2]` with edit distances normalized
+# by 'truth' lengths.
+output ==> [[inf, 1.0], # (0,0): no truth, (0,1): no hypothesis
+ [0.5, 1.0]] # (1,0): addition, (1,1): no hypothesis
+##### Args:
+* <b>hypothesis</b>: A `SparseTensor` containing hypothesis sequences.
+* <b>truth</b>: A `SparseTensor` containing truth sequences.
+* <b>normalize</b>: A `bool`. If `True`, normalizes the Levenshtein distance by
+ length of `truth.`
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A dense `Tensor` with rank `R - 1`, where R is the rank of the
+ `SparseTensor` inputs `hypothesis` and `truth`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If either `hypothesis` or `truth` are not a `SparseTensor`.
+- - -
+### tf.invert_permutation(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="invert_permutation">{#invert_permutation}</div>
+Computes the inverse permutation of a tensor.
+This operation computes the inverse of an index permutation. It takes a 1-D
+integer tensor `x`, which represents the indices of a zero-based array, and
+swaps each value with its index position. In other words, for an ouput tensor
+`y` and an input tensor `x`, this operation computes the following:
+`y[x[i]] = i for i in [0, 1, ..., len(x) - 1]`
+The values must include 0. There can be no duplicate values or negative values.
+For example:
+# tensor `x` is [3, 4, 0, 2, 1]
+invert_permutation(x) ==> [2, 4, 3, 0, 1]
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`. 1-D.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `int32`. 1-D.
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+# Neural Network
+<!-- TOC-BEGIN This section is generated by neural network: DO NOT EDIT! -->
+## Contents
+* [Activation Functions](#AUTOGENERATED-activation-functions)
+ * [tf.nn.relu(features, name=None)](#relu)
+ * [tf.nn.relu6(features, name=None)](#relu6)
+ * [tf.nn.softplus(features, name=None)](#softplus)
+ * [tf.nn.dropout(x, keep_prob, noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None)](#dropout)
+ * [tf.nn.bias_add(value, bias, name=None)](#bias_add)
+ * [tf.sigmoid(x, name=None)](#sigmoid)
+ * [tf.tanh(x, name=None)](#tanh)
+* [Convolution](#AUTOGENERATED-convolution)
+ * [tf.nn.conv2d(input, filter, strides, padding, use_cudnn_on_gpu=None, name=None)](#conv2d)
+ * [tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d(input, filter, strides, padding, name=None)](#depthwise_conv2d)
+ * [tf.nn.separable_conv2d(input, depthwise_filter, pointwise_filter, strides, padding, name=None)](#separable_conv2d)
+* [Pooling](#AUTOGENERATED-pooling)
+ * [tf.nn.avg_pool(value, ksize, strides, padding, name=None)](#avg_pool)
+ * [tf.nn.max_pool(value, ksize, strides, padding, name=None)](#max_pool)
+ * [tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(input, ksize, strides, padding, Targmax=None, name=None)](#max_pool_with_argmax)
+* [Normalization](#AUTOGENERATED-normalization)
+ * [tf.nn.l2_normalize(x, dim, epsilon=1e-12, name=None)](#l2_normalize)
+ * [tf.nn.local_response_normalization(input, depth_radius=None, bias=None, alpha=None, beta=None, name=None)](#local_response_normalization)
+ * [tf.nn.moments(x, axes, name=None)](#moments)
+* [Losses](#AUTOGENERATED-losses)
+ * [tf.nn.l2_loss(t, name=None)](#l2_loss)
+* [Classification](#AUTOGENERATED-classification)
+ * [tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, targets, name=None)](#sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits)
+ * [tf.nn.softmax(logits, name=None)](#softmax)
+ * [tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, labels, name=None)](#softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits)
+* [Embeddings](#AUTOGENERATED-embeddings)
+ * [tf.nn.embedding_lookup(params, ids, name=None)](#embedding_lookup)
+ * [tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse(params, sp_ids, sp_weights, name=None, combiner='mean')](#embedding_lookup_sparse)
+* [Evaluation](#AUTOGENERATED-evaluation)
+ * [tf.nn.top_k(input, k, name=None)](#top_k)
+ * [tf.nn.in_top_k(predictions, targets, k, name=None)](#in_top_k)
+* [Candidate Sampling](#AUTOGENERATED-candidate-sampling)
+ * [Sampled Loss Functions](#AUTOGENERATED-sampled-loss-functions)
+ * [tf.nn.nce_loss(weights, biases, inputs, labels, num_sampled, num_classes, num_true=1, sampled_values=None, remove_accidental_hits=False, name='nce_loss')](#nce_loss)
+ * [tf.nn.sampled_softmax_loss(weights, biases, inputs, labels, num_sampled, num_classes, num_true=1, sampled_values=None, remove_accidental_hits=True, name='sampled_softmax_loss')](#sampled_softmax_loss)
+ * [Candidate Samplers](#AUTOGENERATED-candidate-samplers)
+ * [tf.nn.uniform_candidate_sampler(true_classes, num_true, num_sampled, unique, range_max, seed=None, name=None)](#uniform_candidate_sampler)
+ * [tf.nn.log_uniform_candidate_sampler(true_classes, num_true, num_sampled, unique, range_max, seed=None, name=None)](#log_uniform_candidate_sampler)
+ * [tf.nn.learned_unigram_candidate_sampler(true_classes, num_true, num_sampled, unique, range_max, seed=None, name=None)](#learned_unigram_candidate_sampler)
+ * [tf.nn.fixed_unigram_candidate_sampler(true_classes, num_true, num_sampled, unique, range_max, vocab_file='', distortion=0.0, num_reserved_ids=0, num_shards=1, shard=0, unigrams=[], seed=None, name=None)](#fixed_unigram_candidate_sampler)
+ * [Miscellaneous candidate sampling utilities](#AUTOGENERATED-miscellaneous-candidate-sampling-utilities)
+ * [tf.nn.compute_accidental_hits(true_classes, sampled_candidates, num_true, seed=None, name=None)](#compute_accidental_hits)
+<!-- TOC-END This section was generated by neural network, THANKS FOR READING! -->
+## Activation Functions <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-activation-functions">{#AUTOGENERATED-activation-functions}</div>
+The activation ops provide different types of nonlinearities for use in
+neural networks. These include smooth nonlinearities (`sigmoid`,
+`tanh`, and `softplus`), continuous but not everywhere differentiable
+functions (`relu`, `relu6`, and `relu_x`), and random regularization
+All activation ops apply componentwise, and produce a tensor of the same
+shape as the input tensor.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.relu(features, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="relu">{#relu}</div>
+Computes rectified linear: `max(features, 0)`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>features</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`, `uint8`, `int16`, `int8`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `features`.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.relu6(features, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="relu6">{#relu6}</div>
+Computes Rectified Linear 6: `min(max(features, 0), 6)`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>features</b>: A `Tensor` with type `float`, `double`, `int32`, `int64`, `uint8`,
+ `int16`, or `int8`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` with the same type as `features`.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.softplus(features, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="softplus">{#softplus}</div>
+Computes softplus: `log(exp(features) + 1)`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>features</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`, `uint8`, `int16`, `int8`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `features`.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.dropout(x, keep_prob, noise_shape=None, seed=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="dropout">{#dropout}</div>
+Computes dropout.
+With probability `keep_prob`, outputs the input element scaled up by
+`1 / keep_prob`, otherwise outputs `0`. The scaling is so that the expected
+sum is unchanged.
+By default, each element is kept or dropped independently. If `noise_shape`
+is specified, it must be
+to the shape of `x`, and only dimensions with `noise_shape[i] == x.shape[i]`
+will make independent decisions. For example, if `x.shape = [b, x, y, c]` and
+`noise_shape = [b, 1, 1, c]`, each batch and channel component will be
+kept independently and each row and column will be kept or not kept together.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A tensor.
+* <b>keep_prob</b>: Float probability that each element is kept.
+* <b>noise_shape</b>: Shape for randomly generated keep/drop flags.
+* <b>seed</b>: A Python integer. Used to create a random seed.
+ See [`set_random_seed`](constant_op.md#set_random_seed) for behavior.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for this operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A Tensor of the same shape of `x`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If `keep_prob` is not in `(0, 1]`.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.bias_add(value, bias, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="bias_add">{#bias_add}</div>
+Adds `bias` to `value`.
+This is (mostly) a special case of `tf.add` where `bias` is restricted to 1-D.
+Broadcasting is supported, so `value` may have any number of dimensions.
+Unlike `tf.add`, the type of `bias` is allowed to differ from `value` in the
+case where both types are quantized.
+##### Args:
+* <b>value</b>: A `Tensor` with type `float`, `double`, `int64`, `int32`, `uint8`,
+ `int16`, `int8`, or `complex64`.
+* <b>bias</b>: A 1-D `Tensor` with size matching the last dimension of `value`.
+ Must be the same type as `value` unless `value` is a quantized type,
+ in which case a different quantized type may be used.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` with the same type as `value`.
+- - -
+### tf.sigmoid(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="sigmoid">{#sigmoid}</div>
+Computes sigmoid of `x` element-wise.
+Specifically, `y = 1 / (1 + exp(-x))`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A Tensor with type `float`, `double`, `int32`, `complex64`, `int64`,
+ or `qint32`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A Tensor with the same type as `x` if `x.dtype != qint32`
+ otherwise the return type is `quint8`.
+- - -
+### tf.tanh(x, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="tanh">{#tanh}</div>
+Computes hyperbolic tangent of `x` element-wise.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A Tensor with type `float`, `double`, `int32`, `complex64`, `int64`,
+ or `qint32`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A Tensor with the same type as `x` if `x.dtype != qint32` otherwise
+ the return type is `quint8`.
+## Convolution <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-convolution">{#AUTOGENERATED-convolution}</div>
+The convolution ops sweep a 2-D filter over a batch of images, applying the
+filter to each window of each image of the appropriate size. The different
+ops trade off between generic vs. specific filters:
+* `conv2d`: Arbitrary filters that can mix channels together.
+* `depthwise_conv2d`: Filters that operate on each channel independently.
+* `separable_conv2d`: A depthwise spatial filter followed by a pointwise filter.
+Note that although these ops are called "convolution", they are strictly
+speaking "cross-correlation" since the filter is combined with an input window
+without reversing the filter. For details, see [the properties of
+The filter is applied to image patches of the same size as the filter and
+strided according to the `strides` argument. `strides = [1, 1, 1, 1]` applies
+the filter to a patch at every offset, `strides = [1, 2, 2, 1]` applies the
+filter to every other image patch in each dimension, etc.
+Ignoring channels for the moment, the spatial semantics of the convolution ops
+are as follows. If the 4-D `input` has shape
+`[batch, in_height, in_width, ...]` and the 4-D `filter` has shape
+`[filter_height, filter_width, ...]`, then
+ output.shape = [batch,
+ (in_height - filter_height + 1) / strides[1],
+ (in_width - filter_width + 1) / strides[2],
+ ...]
+ output[b, i, j, :] =
+ sum_{di, dj} input[b, strides[1] * i + di, strides[2] * j + dj, ...] *
+ filter[di, dj, ...]
+Since `input` is 4-D, each `input[b, i, j, :]` is a vector. For `conv2d`, these
+vectors are multiplied by the `filter[di, dj, :, :]` matrices to produce new
+vectors. For `depthwise_conv_2d`, each scalar component `input[b, i, j, k]`
+is multiplied by a vector `filter[di, dj, k]`, and all the vectors are
+In the formula for `output.shape`, the rounding direction depends on padding:
+* `padding = 'SAME'`: Round down (only full size windows are considered).
+* `padding = 'VALID'`: Round up (partial windows are included).
+- - -
+### tf.nn.conv2d(input, filter, strides, padding, use_cudnn_on_gpu=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="conv2d">{#conv2d}</div>
+Computes a 2-D convolution given 4-D `input` and `filter` tensors.
+Given an input tensor of shape `[batch, in_height, in_width, in_channels]`
+and a filter / kernel tensor of shape
+`[filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, out_channels]`, this op
+performs the following:
+1. Flattens the filter to a 2-D matrix with shape
+ `[filter_height * filter_width * in_channels, output_channels]`.
+2. Extracts image patches from the the input tensor to form a *virtual*
+ tensor of shape `[batch, out_height, out_width,
+ filter_height * filter_width * in_channels]`.
+3. For each patch, right-multiplies the filter matrix and the image patch
+ vector.
+In detail,
+ output[b, i, j, k] =
+ sum_{di, dj, q} input[b, strides[1] * i + di, strides[2] * j + dj, q] *
+ filter[di, dj, q, k]
+Must have `strides[0] = strides[3] = 1`. For the most common case of the same
+horizontal and vertices strides, `strides = [1, stride, stride, 1]`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`.
+* <b>filter</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `input`.
+* <b>strides</b>: A list of `ints`.
+ 1-D of length 4. The stride of the sliding window for each dimension
+ of `input`.
+* <b>padding</b>: A `string` from: `"SAME", "VALID"`.
+ The type of padding algorithm to use.
+* <b>use_cudnn_on_gpu</b>: An optional `bool`. Defaults to `True`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `input`.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d(input, filter, strides, padding, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="depthwise_conv2d">{#depthwise_conv2d}</div>
+Depthwise 2-D convolution.
+Given an input tensor of shape `[batch, in_height, in_width, in_channels]`
+and a filter tensor of shape
+`[filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, channel_multiplier]`
+containing `in_channels` convolutional filters of depth 1, `depthwise_conv2d`
+applies a different filter to each input channel (expanding from 1 channel
+to `channel_multiplier` channels for each), then concatenates the results
+together. The output has `in_channels * channel_multiplier` channels.
+In detail,
+ output[b, i, j, k * channel_multiplier + q] =
+ sum_{di, dj} input[b, strides[1] * i + di, strides[2] * j + dj, k] *
+ filter[di, dj, k, q]
+Must have `strides[0] = strides[3] = 1`. For the most common case of the
+same horizontal and vertical strides, `strides = [1, stride, stride, 1]`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: 4-D with shape `[batch, in_height, in_width, in_channels]`.
+* <b>filter</b>: 4-D with shape
+ `[filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, channel_multiplier]`.
+* <b>strides</b>: 1-D of size 4. The stride of the sliding window for each
+ dimension of `input`.
+* <b>padding</b>: A string, either `'VALID'` or `'SAME'`. The padding algorithm.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for this operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A 4-D `Tensor` of shape
+ `[batch, out_height, out_width, in_channels * channel_multiplier].`
+- - -
+### tf.nn.separable_conv2d(input, depthwise_filter, pointwise_filter, strides, padding, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="separable_conv2d">{#separable_conv2d}</div>
+2-D convolution with separable filters.
+Performs a depthwise convolution that acts separately on channels followed by
+a pointwise convolution that mixes channels. Note that this is separability
+between dimensions `[1, 2]` and `3`, not spatial separability between
+dimensions `1` and `2`.
+In detail,
+ output[b, i, j, k] = sum_{di, dj, q, r]
+ input[b, strides[1] * i + di, strides[2] * j + dj, q] *
+ depthwise_filter[di, dj, q, r] *
+ pointwise_filter[0, 0, q * channel_multiplier + r, k]
+`strides` controls the strides for the depthwise convolution only, since
+the pointwise convolution has implicit strides of `[1, 1, 1, 1]`. Must have
+`strides[0] = strides[3] = 1`. For the most common case of the same
+horizontal and vertical strides, `strides = [1, stride, stride, 1]`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: 4-D `Tensor` with shape `[batch, in_height, in_width, in_channels]`.
+* <b>depthwise_filter</b>: 4-D `Tensor` with shape
+ `[filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, channel_multiplier]`.
+ Contains `in_channels` convolutional filters of depth 1.
+* <b>pointwise_filter</b>: 4-D `Tensor` with shape
+ `[1, 1, channel_multiplier * in_channels, out_channels]`. Pointwise
+ filter to mix channels after `depthwise_filter` has convolved spatially.
+* <b>strides</b>: 1-D of size 4. The strides for the depthwise convolution for
+ each dimension of `input`.
+* <b>padding</b>: A string, either `'VALID'` or `'SAME'`. The padding algorithm.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for this operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A 4-D `Tensor` of shape `[batch, out_height, out_width, out_channels]`.
+## Pooling <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-pooling">{#AUTOGENERATED-pooling}</div>
+The pooling ops sweep a rectangular window over the input tensor, computing a
+reduction operation for each window (average, max, or max with argmax). Each
+pooling op uses rectangular windows of size `ksize` separated by offset
+`strides`. For example, if `strides` is all ones every window is used, if
+`strides` is all twos every other window is used in each dimension, etc.
+In detail, the output is
+ output[i] = reduce(value[strides * i:strides * i + ksize])
+for each tuple of indices `i`. The output shape is
+ output.shape = (value.shape - ksize + 1) / strides
+where the rounding direction depends on padding:
+* `padding = 'SAME'`: Round down (only full size windows are considered).
+* `padding = 'VALID'`: Round up (partial windows are included).
+- - -
+### tf.nn.avg_pool(value, ksize, strides, padding, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="avg_pool">{#avg_pool}</div>
+Performs the average pooling on the input.
+Each entry in `output` is the mean of the corresponding size `ksize`
+window in `value`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>value</b>: A 4-D `Tensor` of shape `[batch, height, width, channels]` and type
+ `float32`, `float64`, `qint8`, `quint8`, or `qint32`.
+* <b>ksize</b>: A list of ints that has length >= 4.
+ The size of the window for each dimension of the input tensor.
+* <b>strides</b>: A list of ints that has length >= 4.
+ The stride of the sliding window for each dimension of the
+ input tensor.
+* <b>padding</b>: A string, either `'VALID'` or `'SAME'`. The padding algorithm.
+* <b>name</b>: Optional name for the operation.
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` with the same type as `value`. The average pooled output tensor.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.max_pool(value, ksize, strides, padding, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="max_pool">{#max_pool}</div>
+Performs the max pooling on the input.
+##### Args:
+* <b>value</b>: A 4-D `Tensor` with shape `[batch, height, width, channels]` and
+ type `float32`, `float64`, `qint8`, `quint8`, `qint32`.
+* <b>ksize</b>: A list of ints that has length >= 4. The size of the window for
+ each dimension of the input tensor.
+* <b>strides</b>: A list of ints that has length >= 4. The stride of the sliding
+ window for each dimension of the input tensor.
+* <b>padding</b>: A string, either `'VALID'` or `'SAME'`. The padding algorithm.
+* <b>name</b>: Optional name for the operation.
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` with the same type as `value`. The max pooled output tensor.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.max_pool_with_argmax(input, ksize, strides, padding, Targmax=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="max_pool_with_argmax">{#max_pool_with_argmax}</div>
+Performs max pooling on the input and outputs both max values and indices.
+The indices in `argmax` are flattened, so that a maximum value at position
+`[b, y, x, c]` becomes flattened index
+`((b * height + y) * width + x) * channels + c`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor` of type `float32`.
+ 4-D with shape `[batch, height, width, channels]`. Input to pool over.
+* <b>ksize</b>: A list of `ints` that has length `>= 4`.
+ The size of the window for each dimension of the input tensor.
+* <b>strides</b>: A list of `ints` that has length `>= 4`.
+ The stride of the sliding window for each dimension of the
+ input tensor.
+* <b>padding</b>: A `string` from: `"SAME", "VALID"`.
+ The type of padding algorithm to use.
+* <b>Targmax</b>: An optional `tf.DType` from: `tf.int32, tf.int64`. Defaults to `tf.int64`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A tuple of `Tensor` objects (output, argmax).
+* <b>output</b>: A `Tensor` of type `float32`. The max pooled output tensor.
+* <b>argmax</b>: A `Tensor` of type `Targmax`. 4-D. The flattened indices of the max values chosen for each output.
+## Normalization <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-normalization">{#AUTOGENERATED-normalization}</div>
+Normalization is useful to prevent neurons from saturating when inputs may
+have varying scale, and to aid generalization.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.l2_normalize(x, dim, epsilon=1e-12, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="l2_normalize">{#l2_normalize}</div>
+Normalizes along dimension `dim` using an L2 norm.
+For a 1-D tensor with `dim = 0`, computes
+ output = x / sqrt(max(sum(x**2), epsilon))
+For `x` with more dimensions, independently normalizes each 1-D slice along
+dimension `dim`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>dim</b>: Dimension along which to normalize.
+* <b>epsilon</b>: A lower bound value for the norm. Will use `sqrt(epsilon)` as the
+ divisor if `norm < sqrt(epsilon)`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for this operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` with the same shape as `x`.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.local_response_normalization(input, depth_radius=None, bias=None, alpha=None, beta=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="local_response_normalization">{#local_response_normalization}</div>
+Local Response Normalization.
+The 4-D `input` tensor is treated as a 3-D array of 1-D vectors (along the last
+dimension), and each vector is normalized independently. Within a given vector,
+each component is divided by the weighted, squared sum of inputs within
+`depth_radius`. In detail,
+ sqr_sum[a, b, c, d] =
+ sum(input[a, b, c, d - depth_radius : d + depth_radius + 1] ** 2)
+ output = input / (bias + alpha * sqr_sum ** beta)
+For details, see [Krizhevsky et al., ImageNet classification with deep
+convolutional neural networks (NIPS 2012)]
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor` of type `float32`. 4-D.
+* <b>depth_radius</b>: An optional `int`. Defaults to `5`.
+ 0-D. Half-width of the 1-D normalization window.
+* <b>bias</b>: An optional `float`. Defaults to `1`.
+ An offset (usually positive to avoid dividing by 0).
+* <b>alpha</b>: An optional `float`. Defaults to `1`.
+ A scale factor, usually positive.
+* <b>beta</b>: An optional `float`. Defaults to `0.5`. An exponent.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `float32`.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.moments(x, axes, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="moments">{#moments}</div>
+Calculate the mean and variance of `x`.
+The mean and variance are calculated by aggregating the contents of `x`
+across `axes`. If `x` is 1-D and `axes = [0]` this is just the mean
+and variance of a vector.
+For so-called "global normalization" needed for convolutional filters pass
+`axes=[0, 1, 2]` (batch, height, width). For batch normalization pass
+`axes=[0]` (batch).
+##### Args:
+* <b>x</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>axes</b>: array of ints. Axes along which to compute mean and
+ variance.
+* <b>name</b>: Name used to scope the operations that compute the moments.
+##### Returns:
+ Two `Tensors`: `mean` and `variance`.
+## Losses <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-losses">{#AUTOGENERATED-losses}</div>
+The loss ops measure error between two tensors, or between a tensor and zero.
+These can be used for measuring accuracy of a network in a regression task
+or for regularization purposes (weight decay).
+- - -
+### tf.nn.l2_loss(t, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="l2_loss">{#l2_loss}</div>
+L2 Loss.
+Computes half the L2 norm of a tensor without the `sqrt`:
+ output = sum(t ** 2) / 2
+##### Args:
+* <b>t</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int64`, `int32`, `uint8`, `int16`, `int8`, `complex64`, `qint8`, `quint8`, `qint32`.
+ Typically 2-D, but may have any dimensions.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `t`. 0-D.
+## Classification <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-classification">{#AUTOGENERATED-classification}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several operations that help you perform classification.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, targets, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits">{#sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits}</div>
+Computes sigmoid cross entropy given `logits`.
+Measures the probability error in discrete classification tasks in which each
+class is independent and not mutually exclusive. For instance, one could
+perform multilabel classification where a picture can contain both an elephant
+and a dog at the same time.
+For brevity, let `x = logits`, `z = targets`. The logistic loss is
+ x - x * z + log(1 + exp(-x))
+To ensure stability and avoid overflow, the implementation uses
+ max(x, 0) - x * z + log(1 + exp(-abs(x)))
+`logits` and `targets` must have the same type and shape.
+##### Args:
+* <b>logits</b>: A `Tensor` of type `float32` or `float64`.
+* <b>targets</b>: A `Tensor` of the same type and shape as `logits`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of the same shape as `logits` with the componentwise
+ logistic losses.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.softmax(logits, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="softmax">{#softmax}</div>
+Computes softmax activations.
+For each batch `i` and class `j` we have
+ softmax[i, j] = exp(logits[i, j]) / sum(exp(logits[i]))
+##### Args:
+* <b>logits</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`.
+ 2-D with shape `[batch_size, num_classes]`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `logits`. Same shape as `logits`.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits, labels, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits">{#softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits}</div>
+Computes softmax cross entropy between `logits` and `labels`.
+Measures the probability error in discrete classification tasks in which the
+classes are mutually exclusive (each entry is in exactly one class). For
+example, each CIFAR-10 image is labeled with one and only one label: an image
+can be a dog or a truck, but not both.
+**WARNING:** This op expects unscaled logits, since it performs a `softmax`
+on `logits` internally for efficiency. Do not call this op with the
+output of `softmax`, as it will produce incorrect results.
+`logits` and `labels` must have the same shape `[batch_size, num_classes]`
+and the same dtype (either `float32` or `float64`).
+##### Args:
+* <b>logits</b>: Unscaled log probabilities.
+* <b>labels</b>: Each row `labels[i]` must be a valid probability distribution.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A 1-D `Tensor` of length `batch_size` of the same type as `logits` with the
+ softmax cross entropy loss.
+## Embeddings <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-embeddings">{#AUTOGENERATED-embeddings}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several operations that help you compute embeddings.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.embedding_lookup(params, ids, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="embedding_lookup">{#embedding_lookup}</div>
+Return a tensor of embedding values by looking up "ids" in "params".
+##### Args:
+* <b>params</b>: List of tensors of the same shape. A single tensor is
+ treated as a singleton list.
+* <b>ids</b>: Tensor of integers containing the ids to be looked up in
+ 'params'. Let P be len(params). If P > 1, then the ids are
+ partitioned by id % P, and we do separate lookups in params[p]
+ for 0 <= p < P, and then stitch the results back together into
+ a single result tensor.
+* <b>name</b>: Optional name for the op.
+##### Returns:
+ A tensor of shape ids.shape + params[0].shape[1:] containing the
+ values params[i % P][i] for each i in ids.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if some parameters are invalid.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.embedding_lookup_sparse(params, sp_ids, sp_weights, name=None, combiner='mean') <div class="md-anchor" id="embedding_lookup_sparse">{#embedding_lookup_sparse}</div>
+Computes embeddings for the given ids and weights.
+This op assumes that there is at least one id for each row in the dense tensor
+represented by sp_ids (i.e. there are no rows with empty features), and that
+all the indices of sp_ids are in canonical row-major order.
+It also assumes that all id values lie in the range [0, p0), where p0
+is the sum of the size of params along dimension 0.
+##### Args:
+* <b>params</b>: A single tensor representing the complete embedding tensor,
+ or a list of P tensors all of same shape except for the first dimension,
+ representing sharded embedding tensors. In the latter case, the ids are
+ partitioned by id % P, and we do separate lookups in params[p] for
+ 0 <= p < P, and then stitch the results back together into a single
+ result tensor. The first dimension is allowed to vary as the vocab
+ size is not necessarily a multiple of P.
+* <b>sp_ids</b>: N x M SparseTensor of int64 ids (typically from FeatureValueToId),
+ where N is typically batch size and M is arbitrary.
+* <b>sp_weights</b>: either a SparseTensor of float / double weights, or None to
+ indicate all weights should be taken to be 1. If specified, sp_weights
+ must have exactly the same shape and indices as sp_ids.
+* <b>name</b>: Optional name for the op.
+* <b>combiner</b>: A string specifying the reduction op. Currently "mean" and "sum"
+ are supported.
+ "sum" computes the weighted sum of the embedding results for each row.
+ "mean" is the weighted sum divided by the total weight.
+##### Returns:
+ A dense tensor representing the combined embeddings for the
+ sparse ids. For each row in the dense tensor represented by sp_ids, the op
+ looks up the embeddings for all ids in that row, multiplies them by the
+ corresponding weight, and combines these embeddings as specified.
+ In other words, if
+ shape(combined params) = [p0, p1, ..., pm]
+ and
+ shape(sp_ids) = shape(sp_weights) = [d0, d1, ..., dn]
+ then
+ shape(output) = [d0, d1, ..., dn-1, p1, ..., pm].
+ For instance, if params is a 10x20 matrix, and sp_ids / sp_weights are
+ [0, 0]: id 1, weight 2.0
+ [0, 1]: id 3, weight 0.5
+ [1, 0]: id 0, weight 1.0
+ [2, 3]: id 1, weight 3.0
+ with combiner="mean", then the output will be a 3x20 matrix where
+ output[0, :] = (params[1, :] * 2.0 + params[3, :] * 0.5) / (2.0 + 0.5)
+ output[1, :] = params[0, :] * 1.0
+ output[2, :] = params[1, :] * 3.0
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If sp_ids is not a SparseTensor, or if sp_weights is neither
+ None nor SparseTensor.
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If combiner is not one of {"mean", "sum"}.
+## Evaluation <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-evaluation">{#AUTOGENERATED-evaluation}</div>
+The evaluation ops are useful for measuring the performance of a network.
+Since they are nondifferentiable, they are typically used at evaluation time.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.top_k(input, k, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="top_k">{#top_k}</div>
+Returns the values and indices of the k largest elements for each row.
+\\(values_{i, j}\\) represents the j-th largest element in \\(input_i\\).
+\\(indices_{i, j}\\) gives the column index of the corresponding element,
+such that \\(input_{i, indices_{i, j}} = values_{i, j}\\). If two
+elements are equal, the lower-index element appears first.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int32`, `int64`, `uint8`, `int16`, `int8`.
+ A batch_size x classes tensor
+* <b>k</b>: An `int` that is `>= 1`.
+ Number of top elements to look for within each row
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A tuple of `Tensor` objects (values, indices).
+* <b>values</b>: A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `input`. A batch_size x k tensor with the k largest elements for each row,
+ sorted in descending order
+* <b>indices</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`. A batch_size x k tensor with the index of each value within each row
+- - -
+### tf.nn.in_top_k(predictions, targets, k, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="in_top_k">{#in_top_k}</div>
+Says whether the targets are in the top K predictions.
+This outputs a batch_size bool array, an entry out[i] is true if the
+prediction for the target class is among the top k predictions among
+all predictions for example i. Note that the behavior of InTopK differs
+from the TopK op in its handling of ties; if multiple classes have the
+same prediction value and straddle the top-k boundary, all of those
+classes are considered to be in the top k.
+More formally, let
+ \\(predictions_i\\) be the predictions for all classes for example i,
+ \\(targets_i\\) be the target class for example i,
+ \\(out_i\\) be the output for example i,
+$$out_i = predictions_{i, targets_i} \in TopKIncludingTies(predictions_i)$$
+##### Args:
+* <b>predictions</b>: A `Tensor` of type `float32`. A batch_size x classes tensor
+* <b>targets</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32`. A batch_size vector of class ids
+* <b>k</b>: An `int`. Number of top elements to look at for computing precision
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` of type `bool`. Computed Precision at k as a bool Tensor
+## Candidate Sampling <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-candidate-sampling">{#AUTOGENERATED-candidate-sampling}</div>
+Do you want to train a multiclass or multilabel model with thousands
+or millions of output classes (for example, a language model with a
+large vocabulary)? Training with a full Softmax is slow in this case,
+since all of the classes are evaluated for every training example.
+Candidate Sampling training algorithms can speed up your step times by
+only considering a small randomly-chosen subset of contrastive classes
+(called candidates) for each batch of training examples.
+See our [Candidate Sampling Algorithms Reference]
+### Sampled Loss Functions <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-sampled-loss-functions">{#AUTOGENERATED-sampled-loss-functions}</div>
+TensorFlow provides the following sampled loss functions for faster training.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.nce_loss(weights, biases, inputs, labels, num_sampled, num_classes, num_true=1, sampled_values=None, remove_accidental_hits=False, name='nce_loss') <div class="md-anchor" id="nce_loss">{#nce_loss}</div>
+Computes and returns the noise-contrastive estimation training loss.
+See [Noise-contrastive estimation: A new estimation principle for
+unnormalized statistical models]
+Also see our [Candidate Sampling Algorithms Reference]
+Note: In the case where num_true > 1, we assign to each target class
+the target probability 1 / num_true so that the target probabilities
+sum to 1 per-example.
+Note: It would be useful to allow a variable number of target classes per
+example. We hope to provide this functionality in a future release.
+For now, if you have a variable number of target classes, you can pad them
+out to a constant number by either repeating them or by padding
+with an otherwise unused class.
+##### Args:
+* <b>weights</b>: A `Tensor` of shape [num_classes, dim]. The class embeddings.
+* <b>biases</b>: A `Tensor` of shape [num_classes]. The class biases.
+* <b>inputs</b>: A `Tensor` of shape [batch_size, dim]. The forward
+ activations of the input network.
+* <b>labels</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int64` and shape `[batch_size,
+ num_true]`. The target classes.
+* <b>num_sampled</b>: An `int`. The number of classes to randomly sample per batch.
+* <b>num_classes</b>: An `int`. The number of possible classes.
+* <b>num_true</b>: An `int`. The number of target classes per training example.
+* <b>sampled_values</b>: a tuple of `(sampled_candidates, true_expected_count,
+ sampled_expected_count)` returned by a *_candidate_sampler function.
+ (if None, we default to LogUniformCandidateSampler)
+* <b>remove_accidental_hits</b>: A `bool`. Whether to remove "accidental hits"
+ where a sampled class equals one of the target classes. If set to
+ `True`, this is a "Sampled Logistic" loss instead of NCE, and we are
+ learning to generate log-odds instead of log probabilities. See
+ our [Candidate Sampling Algorithms Reference]
+ (http://www.tensorflow.org/extras/candidate_sampling.pdf).
+ Default is False.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A batch_size 1-D tensor of per-example NCE losses.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.sampled_softmax_loss(weights, biases, inputs, labels, num_sampled, num_classes, num_true=1, sampled_values=None, remove_accidental_hits=True, name='sampled_softmax_loss') <div class="md-anchor" id="sampled_softmax_loss">{#sampled_softmax_loss}</div>
+Computes and returns the sampled softmax training loss.
+This is a faster way to train a softmax classifier over a huge number of
+This operation is for training only. It is generally an underestimate of
+the full softmax loss.
+At inference time, you can compute full softmax probabilities with the
+expression `tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(inputs, weights) + biases)`.
+See our [Candidate Sampling Algorithms Reference]
+Also see Section 3 of http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.2007 for the math.
+##### Args:
+* <b>weights</b>: A `Tensor` of shape [num_classes, dim]. The class embeddings.
+* <b>biases</b>: A `Tensor` of shape [num_classes]. The class biases.
+* <b>inputs</b>: A `Tensor` of shape [batch_size, dim]. The forward
+ activations of the input network.
+* <b>labels</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int64` and shape `[batch_size,
+ num_true]`. The target classes. Note that this format differs from
+ the `labels` argument of `nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits`.
+* <b>num_sampled</b>: An `int`. The number of classes to randomly sample per batch.
+* <b>num_classes</b>: An `int`. The number of possible classes.
+* <b>num_true</b>: An `int`. The number of target classes per training example.
+* <b>sampled_values</b>: a tuple of `(sampled_candidates, true_expected_count,
+ sampled_expected_count)` returned by a *_candidate_sampler function.
+ (if None, we default to LogUniformCandidateSampler)
+* <b>remove_accidental_hits</b>: A `bool`. whether to remove "accidental hits"
+ where a sampled class equals one of the target classes. Default is
+ True.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A batch_size 1-D tensor of per-example sampled softmax losses.
+### Candidate Samplers <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-candidate-samplers">{#AUTOGENERATED-candidate-samplers}</div>
+TensorFlow provides the following samplers for randomly sampling candidate
+classes when using one of the sampled loss functions above.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.uniform_candidate_sampler(true_classes, num_true, num_sampled, unique, range_max, seed=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="uniform_candidate_sampler">{#uniform_candidate_sampler}</div>
+Samples a set of classes using a uniform base distribution.
+This operation randomly samples a tensor of sampled classes
+(`sampled_candidates`) from the range of integers `[0, range_max]`.
+The elements of `sampled_candidates` are drawn without replacement
+(if `unique=True`) or with replacement (if `unique=False`) from
+the base distribution.
+The base distribution for this operation is the uniform distribution
+over the range of integers `[0, range_max]`.
+In addition, this operation returns tensors `true_expected_count`
+and `sampled_expected_count` representing the number of times each
+of the target classes (`true_classes`) and the sampled
+classes (`sampled_candidates`) is expected to occur in an average
+tensor of sampled classes. These values correspond to `Q(y|x)`
+defined in [this
+If `unique=True`, then these are post-rejection probabilities and we
+compute them approximately.
+##### Args:
+* <b>true_classes</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int64` and shape `[batch_size,
+ num_true]`. The target classes.
+* <b>num_true</b>: An `int`. The number of target classes per training example.
+* <b>num_sampled</b>: An `int`. The number of classes to randomly sample per batch.
+* <b>unique</b>: A `bool`. Determines whether all sampled classes in a batch are
+ unique.
+* <b>range_max</b>: An `int`. The number of possible classes.
+* <b>seed</b>: An `int`. An operation-specific seed. Default is 0.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+* <b>sampled_candidates</b>: A tensor of type `int64` and shape `[num_sampled]`.
+ The sampled classes.
+* <b>true_expected_count</b>: A tensor of type `float`. Same shape as
+ `true_classes`. The expected counts under the sampling distribution
+ of each of `true_classes`.
+* <b>sampled_expected_count</b>: A tensor of type `float`. Same shape as
+ `sampled_candidates`. The expected counts under the sampling distribution
+ of each of `sampled_candidates`.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.log_uniform_candidate_sampler(true_classes, num_true, num_sampled, unique, range_max, seed=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="log_uniform_candidate_sampler">{#log_uniform_candidate_sampler}</div>
+Samples a set of classes using a log-uniform (Zipfian) base distribution.
+This operation randomly samples a tensor of sampled classes
+(`sampled_candidates`) from the range of integers `[0, range_max]`.
+The elements of `sampled_candidates` are drawn without replacement
+(if `unique=True`) or with replacement (if `unique=False`) from
+the base distribution.
+The base distribution for this operation is an approximately log-uniform
+or Zipfian distribution:
+`P(class) = (log(class + 2) - log(class + 1)) / log(range_max + 1)`
+This sampler is useful when the target classes approximately follow such
+a distribution - for example, if the classes represent words in a lexicon
+sorted in decreasing order of frequency. If your classes are not ordered by
+decreasing frequency, do not use this op.
+In addition, this operation returns tensors `true_expected_count`
+and `sampled_expected_count` representing the number of times each
+of the target classes (`true_classes`) and the sampled
+classes (`sampled_candidates`) is expected to occur in an average
+tensor of sampled classes. These values correspond to `Q(y|x)`
+defined in [this
+If `unique=True`, then these are post-rejection probabilities and we
+compute them approximately.
+##### Args:
+* <b>true_classes</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int64` and shape `[batch_size,
+ num_true]`. The target classes.
+* <b>num_true</b>: An `int`. The number of target classes per training example.
+* <b>num_sampled</b>: An `int`. The number of classes to randomly sample per batch.
+* <b>unique</b>: A `bool`. Determines whether all sampled classes in a batch are
+ unique.
+* <b>range_max</b>: An `int`. The number of possible classes.
+* <b>seed</b>: An `int`. An operation-specific seed. Default is 0.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+* <b>sampled_candidates</b>: A tensor of type `int64` and shape `[num_sampled]`.
+ The sampled classes.
+* <b>true_expected_count</b>: A tensor of type `float`. Same shape as
+ `true_classes`. The expected counts under the sampling distribution
+ of each of `true_classes`.
+* <b>sampled_expected_count</b>: A tensor of type `float`. Same shape as
+ `sampled_candidates`. The expected counts under the sampling distribution
+ of each of `sampled_candidates`.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.learned_unigram_candidate_sampler(true_classes, num_true, num_sampled, unique, range_max, seed=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="learned_unigram_candidate_sampler">{#learned_unigram_candidate_sampler}</div>
+Samples a set of classes from a distribution learned during training.
+This operation randomly samples a tensor of sampled classes
+(`sampled_candidates`) from the range of integers `[0, range_max]`.
+The elements of `sampled_candidates` are drawn without replacement
+(if `unique=True`) or with replacement (if `unique=False`) from
+the base distribution.
+The base distribution for this operation is constructed on the fly
+during training. It is a unigram distribution over the target
+classes seen so far during training. Every integer in `[0, range_max]`
+begins with a weight of 1, and is incremented by 1 each time it is
+seen as a target class. The base distribution is not saved to checkpoints,
+so it is reset when the model is reloaded.
+In addition, this operation returns tensors `true_expected_count`
+and `sampled_expected_count` representing the number of times each
+of the target classes (`true_classes`) and the sampled
+classes (`sampled_candidates`) is expected to occur in an average
+tensor of sampled classes. These values correspond to `Q(y|x)`
+defined in [this
+If `unique=True`, then these are post-rejection probabilities and we
+compute them approximately.
+##### Args:
+* <b>true_classes</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int64` and shape `[batch_size,
+ num_true]`. The target classes.
+* <b>num_true</b>: An `int`. The number of target classes per training example.
+* <b>num_sampled</b>: An `int`. The number of classes to randomly sample per batch.
+* <b>unique</b>: A `bool`. Determines whether all sampled classes in a batch are
+ unique.
+* <b>range_max</b>: An `int`. The number of possible classes.
+* <b>seed</b>: An `int`. An operation-specific seed. Default is 0.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+* <b>sampled_candidates</b>: A tensor of type `int64` and shape `[num_sampled]`.
+ The sampled classes.
+* <b>true_expected_count</b>: A tensor of type `float`. Same shape as
+ `true_classes`. The expected counts under the sampling distribution
+ of each of `true_classes`.
+* <b>sampled_expected_count</b>: A tensor of type `float`. Same shape as
+ `sampled_candidates`. The expected counts under the sampling distribution
+ of each of `sampled_candidates`.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.fixed_unigram_candidate_sampler(true_classes, num_true, num_sampled, unique, range_max, vocab_file='', distortion=0.0, num_reserved_ids=0, num_shards=1, shard=0, unigrams=[], seed=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="fixed_unigram_candidate_sampler">{#fixed_unigram_candidate_sampler}</div>
+Samples a set of classes using the provided (fixed) base distribution.
+This operation randomly samples a tensor of sampled classes
+(`sampled_candidates`) from the range of integers `[0, range_max]`.
+The elements of `sampled_candidates` are drawn without replacement
+(if `unique=True`) or with replacement (if `unique=False`) from
+the base distribution.
+The base distribution is read from a file or passed in as an
+in-memory array. There is also an option to skew the distribution by
+applying a distortion power to the weights.
+In addition, this operation returns tensors `true_expected_count`
+and `sampled_expected_count` representing the number of times each
+of the target classes (`true_classes`) and the sampled
+classes (`sampled_candidates`) is expected to occur in an average
+tensor of sampled classes. These values correspond to `Q(y|x)`
+defined in [this
+If `unique=True`, then these are post-rejection probabilities and we
+compute them approximately.
+##### Args:
+* <b>true_classes</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int64` and shape `[batch_size,
+ num_true]`. The target classes.
+* <b>num_true</b>: An `int`. The number of target classes per training example.
+* <b>num_sampled</b>: An `int`. The number of classes to randomly sample per batch.
+* <b>unique</b>: A `bool`. Determines whether all sampled classes in a batch are
+ unique.
+* <b>range_max</b>: An `int`. The number of possible classes.
+* <b>vocab_file</b>: Each valid line in this file (which should have a CSV-like
+ format) corresponds to a valid word ID. IDs are in sequential order,
+ starting from num_reserved_ids. The last entry in each line is expected
+ to be a value corresponding to the count or relative probability. Exactly
+ one of `vocab_file` and `unigrams` needs to be passed to this operation.
+* <b>distortion</b>: The distortion is used to skew the unigram probability
+ distribution. Each weight is first raised to the distortion's power
+ before adding to the internal unigram distribution. As a result,
+ `distortion = 1.0` gives regular unigram sampling (as defined by the vocab
+ file), and `distortion = 0.0` gives a uniform distribution.
+* <b>num_reserved_ids</b>: Optionally some reserved IDs can be added in the range
+ `[0, num_reserved_ids]` by the users. One use case is that a special
+ unknown word token is used as ID 0. These IDs will have a sampling
+ probability of 0.
+* <b>num_shards</b>: A sampler can be used to sample from a subset of the original
+ range in order to speed up the whole computation through parallelism. This
+ parameter (together with `shard`) indicates the number of partitions that
+ are being used in the overall computation.
+* <b>shard</b>: A sampler can be used to sample from a subset of the original range
+ in order to speed up the whole computation through parallelism. This
+ parameter (together with `num_shards`) indicates the particular partition
+ number of the operation, when partitioning is being used.
+* <b>unigrams</b>: A list of unigram counts or probabilities, one per ID in
+ sequential order. Exactly one of `vocab_file` and `unigrams` should be
+ passed to this operation.
+* <b>seed</b>: An `int`. An operation-specific seed. Default is 0.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+* <b>sampled_candidates</b>: A tensor of type `int64` and shape `[num_sampled]`.
+ The sampled classes.
+* <b>true_expected_count</b>: A tensor of type `float`. Same shape as
+ `true_classes`. The expected counts under the sampling distribution
+ of each of `true_classes`.
+* <b>sampled_expected_count</b>: A tensor of type `float`. Same shape as
+ `sampled_candidates`. The expected counts under the sampling distribution
+ of each of `sampled_candidates`.
+### Miscellaneous candidate sampling utilities <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-miscellaneous-candidate-sampling-utilities">{#AUTOGENERATED-miscellaneous-candidate-sampling-utilities}</div>
+- - -
+### tf.nn.compute_accidental_hits(true_classes, sampled_candidates, num_true, seed=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="compute_accidental_hits">{#compute_accidental_hits}</div>
+Compute the ids of positions in sampled_candidates matching true_classes.
+In Candidate Sampling, this operation facilitates virtually removing
+sampled classes which happen to match target classes. This is done
+in Sampled Softmax and Sampled Logistic.
+See our [Candidate Sampling Algorithms
+We presuppose that the `sampled_candidates` are unique.
+We call it an 'accidental hit' when one of the target classes
+matches one of the sampled classes. This operation reports
+accidental hits as triples `(index, id, weight)`, where `index`
+represents the row number in `true_classes`, `id` represents the
+position in `sampled_candidates`, and weight is `-FLOAT_MAX`.
+The result of this op should be passed through a `sparse_to_dense`
+operation, then added to the logits of the sampled classes. This
+removes the contradictory effect of accidentally sampling the true
+target classes as noise classes for the same example.
+##### Args:
+* <b>true_classes</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int64` and shape `[batch_size,
+ num_true]`. The target classes.
+* <b>sampled_candidates</b>: A tensor of type `int64` and shape `[num_sampled]`.
+ The sampled_candidates output of CandidateSampler.
+* <b>num_true</b>: An `int`. The number of target classes per training example.
+* <b>seed</b>: An `int`. An operation-specific seed. Default is 0.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+* <b>indices</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int32` and shape `[num_accidental_hits]`.
+ Values indicate rows in `true_classes`.
+* <b>ids</b>: A `Tensor` of type `int64` and shape `[num_accidental_hits]`.
+ Values indicate positions in `sampled_candidates`.
+* <b>weights</b>: A `Tensor` of type `float` and shape `[num_accidental_hits]`.
+ Each value is `-FLOAT_MAX`.
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+# Leftovers, should be empty and removed
+<!-- TOC-BEGIN This section is generated by neural network: DO NOT EDIT! -->
+## Contents
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+# Data IO (Python functions)
+<!-- TOC-BEGIN This section is generated by neural network: DO NOT EDIT! -->
+## Contents
+* [Data IO (Python Functions)](#AUTOGENERATED-data-io--python-functions-)
+ * [class tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter](#TFRecordWriter)
+ * [tf.python_io.tf_record_iterator(path)](#tf_record_iterator)
+ * [TFRecords Format Details](#AUTOGENERATED-tfrecords-format-details)
+<!-- TOC-END This section was generated by neural network, THANKS FOR READING! -->
+## Data IO (Python Functions) <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-data-io--python-functions-">{#AUTOGENERATED-data-io--python-functions-}</div>
+A TFRecords file represents a sequence of (binary) strings. The format is not
+random access, so it is suitable for streaming large amounts of data but not
+suitable if fast sharding or other non-sequential access is desired.
+- - -
+### class tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter <div class="md-anchor" id="TFRecordWriter">{#TFRecordWriter}</div>
+A class to write records to a TFRecords file.
+This class implements `__enter__` and `__exit__`, and can be used
+in `with` blocks like a normal file.
+- - -
+#### tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter.__init__(path) {#TFRecordWriter.__init__}
+Opens file `path` and creates a `TFRecordWriter` writing to it.
+##### Args:
+* <b>path</b>: The path to the TFRecords file.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>IOError</b>: If `path` cannot be opened for writing.
+- - -
+#### tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter.write(record) {#TFRecordWriter.write}
+Write a string record to the file.
+##### Args:
+* <b>record</b>: str
+- - -
+#### tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter.close() {#TFRecordWriter.close}
+Close the file.
+- - -
+### tf.python_io.tf_record_iterator(path) <div class="md-anchor" id="tf_record_iterator">{#tf_record_iterator}</div>
+An iterator that read the records from a TFRecords file.
+##### Args:
+* <b>path</b>: The path to the TFRecords file.
+##### Yields:
+ Strings.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>IOError</b>: If `path` cannot be opened for reading.
+- - -
+### TFRecords Format Details <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-tfrecords-format-details">{#AUTOGENERATED-tfrecords-format-details}</div>
+A TFRecords file contains a sequence of strings with CRC hashes. Each record
+has the format
+ uint64 length
+ uint32 masked_crc32_of_length
+ byte data[length]
+ uint32 masked_crc32_of_data
+and the records are concatenated together to produce the file. The CRC32s
+are [described here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclic_redundancy_check),
+and the mask of a CRC is
+ masked_crc = ((crc >> 15) | (crc << 17)) + 0xa282ead8ul
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+# Sparse Tensors
+<!-- TOC-BEGIN This section is generated by neural network: DO NOT EDIT! -->
+## Contents
+* [Sparse Tensor Representation.](#AUTOGENERATED-sparse-tensor-representation.)
+ * [class tf.SparseTensor](#SparseTensor)
+ * [class tf.SparseTensorValue](#SparseTensorValue)
+* [Sparse to Dense Conversion.](#AUTOGENERATED-sparse-to-dense-conversion.)
+ * [tf.sparse_to_dense(sparse_indices, output_shape, sparse_values, default_value, name=None)](#sparse_to_dense)
+ * [tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(sp_input, default_value, name=None)](#sparse_tensor_to_dense)
+ * [tf.sparse_to_indicator(sp_input, vocab_size, name=None)](#sparse_to_indicator)
+* [Manipulation.](#AUTOGENERATED-manipulation.)
+ * [tf.sparse_concat(concat_dim, sp_inputs, name=None)](#sparse_concat)
+ * [tf.sparse_reorder(sp_input, name=None)](#sparse_reorder)
+ * [tf.sparse_retain(sp_input, to_retain)](#sparse_retain)
+ * [tf.sparse_fill_empty_rows(sp_input, default_value, name=None)](#sparse_fill_empty_rows)
+<!-- TOC-END This section was generated by neural network, THANKS FOR READING! -->
+## Sparse Tensor Representation. <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-sparse-tensor-representation.">{#AUTOGENERATED-sparse-tensor-representation.}</div>
+Tensorflow supports a `SparseTensor` representation for data that is sparse
+in multiple dimensions. Contrast this representation with `IndexedSlices`,
+which is efficient for representing tensors that are sparse in their first
+dimension, and dense along all other dimensions.
+- - -
+### class tf.SparseTensor <div class="md-anchor" id="SparseTensor">{#SparseTensor}</div>
+Represents a sparse tensor.
+Tensorflow represents a sparse tensor as three separate dense tensors:
+`indices`, `values`, and `dense_shape`. In Python, the three tensors are
+collected into a `SparseTensor` class for ease of use. If you have separate
+`indices`, `values`, and `dense_shape` tensors, wrap them in a `SparseTensor`
+object before passing to the Ops below.
+Concretely, the sparse tensor `SparseTensor(values, indices, dense_shape)` is
+* `indices`: A 2-D int64 tensor of shape `[N, ndims]`.
+* `values`: A 1-D tensor of any type and shape `[N]`.
+* `dense_shape`: A 1-D int64 tensor of shape `[ndims]`.
+where `N` and `ndims` are the number of values, and number of dimensions in
+the `SparseTensor` respectively.
+The corresponding dense tensor satisfies
+dense.shape = dense_shape
+dense[tuple(indices[i])] = values[i]
+By convention, `indices` should be sorted in row-major order (or equivalently
+lexigraphic order on the tuples `indices[i]`). This is not enforced when
+`SparseTensor` objects are constructed, but most Ops assume correct ordering.
+If the ordering is wrong, it can be fixed by calling `sparse_reorder` on the
+misordered `SparseTensor`.
+Example: The sparse tensor
+ SparseTensor(values=[1, 2], indices=[[0, 0], [1, 2]], shape=[3, 4])
+represents the dense tensor
+ [[1, 0, 0, 0]
+ [0, 0, 2, 0]
+ [0, 0, 0, 0]]
+- - -
+#### tf.SparseTensor.__init__(indices, values, shape) {#SparseTensor.__init__}
+Creates a `SparseTensor`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>indices</b>: A 2-D int64 tensor of shape `[N, ndims]`.
+* <b>values</b>: A 1-D tensor of any type and shape `[N]`.
+* <b>dense_shape</b>: A 1-D int64 tensor of shape `[ndims]`.
+##### Returns:
+ A `SparseTensor`
+- - -
+#### tf.SparseTensor.indices {#SparseTensor.indices}
+The indices of non-zero values in the represented dense tensor.
+##### Returns:
+ A 2-D Tensor of int64 with shape `[N, ndims]`, where `N` is the
+ number of non-zero values in the tensor, and `ndims` is the rank.
+- - -
+#### tf.SparseTensor.values {#SparseTensor.values}
+The non-zero values in the represented dense tensor.
+##### Returns:
+ A 1-D Tensor of any data type.
+- - -
+#### tf.SparseTensor.dtype {#SparseTensor.dtype}
+The `DType` of elements in this tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.SparseTensor.shape {#SparseTensor.shape}
+A 1-D Tensor of int64 representing the shape of the dense tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.SparseTensor.graph {#SparseTensor.graph}
+The `Graph` that contains the index, value, and shape tensors.
+- - -
+### class tf.SparseTensorValue <div class="md-anchor" id="SparseTensorValue">{#SparseTensorValue}</div>
+SparseTensorValue(indices, values, shape)
+- - -
+#### tf.SparseTensorValue.indices {#SparseTensorValue.indices}
+Alias for field number 0
+- - -
+#### tf.SparseTensorValue.shape {#SparseTensorValue.shape}
+Alias for field number 2
+- - -
+#### tf.SparseTensorValue.values {#SparseTensorValue.values}
+Alias for field number 1
+## Sparse to Dense Conversion. <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-sparse-to-dense-conversion.">{#AUTOGENERATED-sparse-to-dense-conversion.}</div>
+- - -
+### tf.sparse_to_dense(sparse_indices, output_shape, sparse_values, default_value, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="sparse_to_dense">{#sparse_to_dense}</div>
+Converts a sparse representation into a dense tensor.
+Builds an array `dense` with shape `output_shape` such that
+# If sparse_indices is scalar
+dense[i] = (i == sparse_indices ? sparse_values : default_value)
+# If sparse_indices is a vector, then for each i
+dense[sparse_indices[i]] = sparse_values[i]
+# If sparse_indices is an n by d matrix, then for each i in [0, n)
+dense[sparse_indices[i][0], ..., sparse_indices[i][d-1]] = sparse_values[i]
+All other values in `dense` are set to `default_value`. If `sparse_values` is a
+scalar, all sparse indices are set to this single value.
+##### Args:
+* <b>sparse_indices</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `int32`, `int64`.
+ 0-D, 1-D, or 2-D. `sparse_indices[i]` contains the complete
+ index where `sparse_values[i]` will be placed.
+* <b>output_shape</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `sparse_indices`.
+ 1-D. Shape of the dense output tensor.
+* <b>sparse_values</b>: A `Tensor`.
+ 1-D. Values corresponding to each row of `sparse_indices`,
+ or a scalar value to be used for all sparse indices.
+* <b>default_value</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `sparse_values`.
+ Scalar value to set for indices not specified in
+ `sparse_indices`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `sparse_values`.
+ Dense output tensor of shape `output_shape`.
+- - -
+### tf.sparse_tensor_to_dense(sp_input, default_value, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="sparse_tensor_to_dense">{#sparse_tensor_to_dense}</div>
+Converts a `SparseTensor` into a dense tensor.
+This op is a convenience wrapper around `sparse_to_dense` for `SparseTensor`s.
+For example, if `sp_input` has shape `[3, 5]` and non-empty string values:
+ [0, 1]: a
+ [0, 3]: b
+ [2, 0]: c
+and `default_value` is `x`, then the output will be a dense `[3, 5]`
+string tensor with values:
+ [[x a x b x]
+ [x x x x x]
+ [c x x x x]]
+##### Args:
+* <b>sp_input</b>: The input `SparseTensor`.
+* <b>default_value</b>: Scalar value to set for indices not specified in
+ `sp_input`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name prefix for the returned tensors (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A dense tensor with shape `sp_input.shape` and values specified by
+ the non-empty values in `sp_input`. Indices not in `sp_input` are assigned
+ `default_value`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `sp_input` is not a `SparseTensor`.
+- - -
+### tf.sparse_to_indicator(sp_input, vocab_size, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="sparse_to_indicator">{#sparse_to_indicator}</div>
+Converts a `SparseTensor` of ids into a dense bool indicator tensor.
+The last dimension of `sp_input` is discarded and replaced with the values of
+`sp_input`. If `sp_input.shape = [D0, D1, ..., Dn, K]`, then
+`output.shape = [D0, D1, ..., Dn, vocab_size]`, where
+ output[d_0, d_1, ..., d_n, sp_input[d_0, d_1, ..., d_n, k]] = True
+and False elsewhere in `output`.
+For example, if `sp_input.shape = [2, 3, 4]` with non-empty values:
+ [0, 0, 0]: 0
+ [0, 1, 0]: 10
+ [1, 0, 3]: 103
+ [1, 1, 2]: 112
+ [1, 1, 3]: 113
+ [1, 2, 1]: 121
+and `vocab_size = 200`, then the output will be a `[2, 3, 200]` dense bool
+tensor with False everywhere except at positions
+ (0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 10), (1, 0, 103), (1, 1, 112), (1, 1, 113), (1, 2, 121).
+This op is useful for converting `SparseTensor`s into dense formats for
+compatibility with ops that expect dense tensors.
+The input `SparseTensor` must be in row-major order.
+##### Args:
+* <b>sp_input</b>: A `SparseTensor` of type `int32` or `int64`.
+* <b>vocab_size</b>: The new size of the last dimension, with
+ `all(0 <= sp_input.values < vocab_size)`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name prefix for the returned tensors (optional)
+##### Returns:
+ A dense bool indicator tensor representing the indices with specified value.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `sp_input` is not a `SparseTensor`.
+## Manipulation. <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-manipulation.">{#AUTOGENERATED-manipulation.}</div>
+- - -
+### tf.sparse_concat(concat_dim, sp_inputs, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="sparse_concat">{#sparse_concat}</div>
+Concatenates a list of `SparseTensor` along the specified dimension.
+Concatenation is with respect to the dense versions of each sparse input.
+It is assumed that each inputs is a `SparseTensor` whose elements are ordered
+along increasing dimension number.
+All inputs' shapes must match, except for the concat dimension. The
+`indices`, `values`, and `shapes` lists must have the same length.
+The output shape is identical to the inputs', except along the concat
+dimension, where it is the sum of the inputs' sizes along that dimension.
+The output elements will be resorted to preserve the sort order along
+increasing dimension number.
+This op runs in `O(M log M)` time, where `M` is the total number of non-empty
+values across all inputs. This is due to the need for an internal sort in
+order to concatenate efficiently across an arbitrary dimension.
+For example, if `concat_dim = 1` and the inputs are
+ sp_inputs[0]: shape = [2, 3]
+ [0, 2]: "a"
+ [1, 0]: "b"
+ [1, 1]: "c"
+ sp_inputs[1]: shape = [2, 4]
+ [0, 1]: "d"
+ [0, 2]: "e"
+then the output will be
+ shape = [2, 7]
+ [0, 2]: "a"
+ [0, 4]: "d"
+ [0, 5]: "e"
+ [1, 0]: "b"
+ [1, 1]: "c"
+Graphically this is equivalent to doing
+ [ a] concat [ d e ] = [ a d e ]
+ [b c ] [ ] [b c ]
+##### Args:
+* <b>concat_dim</b>: Dimension to concatenate along.
+* <b>sp_inputs</b>: List of `SparseTensor` to concatenate.
+* <b>name</b>: A name prefix for the returned tensors (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `SparseTensor` with the concatenated output.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `sp_inputs` is not a list of `SparseTensor`.
+- - -
+### tf.sparse_reorder(sp_input, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="sparse_reorder">{#sparse_reorder}</div>
+Reorders a `SparseTensor` into the canonical, row-major ordering.
+Note that by convention, all sparse ops preserve the canonical ordering
+along increasing dimension number. The only time ordering can be violated
+is during manual manipulation of the indices and values to add entries.
+Reordering does not affect the shape of the `SparseTensor`.
+For example, if sp_input has shape `[4, 5]` and `indices` / `values`:
+ [0, 3]: b
+ [0, 1]: a
+ [3, 1]: d
+ [2, 0]: c
+then the output will be a `SparseTensor` of shape `[4, 5]` and
+`indices` / `values`:
+ [0, 1]: a
+ [0, 3]: b
+ [2, 0]: c
+ [3, 1]: d
+##### Args:
+* <b>sp_input</b>: The input `SparseTensor`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name prefix for the returned tensors (optional)
+##### Returns:
+ A `SparseTensor` with the same shape and non-empty values, but in
+ canonical ordering.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `sp_input` is not a `SparseTensor`.
+- - -
+### tf.sparse_retain(sp_input, to_retain) <div class="md-anchor" id="sparse_retain">{#sparse_retain}</div>
+Retains specified non-empty values within a `SparseTensor`.
+For example, if `sp_input` has shape `[4, 5]` and 4 non-empty string values:
+ [0, 1]: a
+ [0, 3]: b
+ [2, 0]: c
+ [3, 1]: d
+and `to_retain = [True, False, False, True]`, then the output will
+be a `SparseTensor` of shape `[4, 5]` with 2 non-empty values:
+ [0, 1]: a
+ [3, 1]: d
+##### Args:
+* <b>sp_input</b>: The input `SparseTensor` with `N` non-empty elements.
+* <b>to_retain</b>: A bool vector of length `N` with `M` true values.
+##### Returns:
+ A `SparseTensor` with the same shape as the input and `M` non-empty
+ elements corresponding to the true positions in `to_retain`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `sp_input` is not a `SparseTensor`.
+- - -
+### tf.sparse_fill_empty_rows(sp_input, default_value, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="sparse_fill_empty_rows">{#sparse_fill_empty_rows}</div>
+Fills empty rows in the input 2-D `SparseTensor` with a default value.
+This op adds entries with the specified `default_value` at index
+`[row, 0]` for any row in the input that does not already have a value.
+For example, suppose `sp_input` has shape `[5, 6]` and non-empty values:
+ [0, 1]: a
+ [0, 3]: b
+ [2, 0]: c
+ [3, 1]: d
+Rows 1 and 4 are empty, so the output will be of shape `[5, 6]` with values:
+ [0, 1]: a
+ [0, 3]: b
+ [1, 0]: default_value
+ [2, 0]: c
+ [3, 1]: d
+ [4, 0]: default_value
+Note that the input may have empty columns at the end, with no effect on
+this op.
+The output `SparseTensor` will be in row-major order and will have the
+same shape as the input.
+This op also returns an indicator vector such that
+ empty_row_indicator[i] = True iff row i was an empty row.
+##### Args:
+* <b>sp_input</b>: A `SparseTensor` with shape `[N, M]`.
+* <b>default_value</b>: The value to fill for empty rows, with the same type as
+ `sp_input.`
+* <b>name</b>: A name prefix for the returned tensors (optional)
+##### Returns:
+* <b>sp_ordered_output</b>: A `SparseTensor` with shape `[N, M]`, and with all empty
+ rows filled in with `default_value`.
+* <b>empty_row_indicator</b>: A bool vector of length `N` indicating whether each
+ input row was empty.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `sp_input` is not a `SparseTensor`.
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+# Variables
+<!-- TOC-BEGIN This section is generated by neural network: DO NOT EDIT! -->
+## Contents
+* [Variables](#AUTOGENERATED-variables)
+ * [class tf.Variable](#Variable)
+* [Variable helper functions](#AUTOGENERATED-variable-helper-functions)
+ * [tf.all_variables()](#all_variables)
+ * [tf.trainable_variables()](#trainable_variables)
+ * [tf.initialize_all_variables()](#initialize_all_variables)
+ * [tf.initialize_variables(var_list, name='init')](#initialize_variables)
+ * [tf.assert_variables_initialized(var_list=None)](#assert_variables_initialized)
+* [Saving and Restoring Variables.](#AUTOGENERATED-saving-and-restoring-variables.)
+ * [class tf.train.Saver](#Saver)
+ * [tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir, latest_filename=None)](#latest_checkpoint)
+ * [tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(checkpoint_dir, latest_filename=None)](#get_checkpoint_state)
+ * [tf.train.update_checkpoint_state(save_dir, model_checkpoint_path, all_model_checkpoint_paths=None, latest_filename=None)](#update_checkpoint_state)
+* [Sharing Variables](#AUTOGENERATED-sharing-variables)
+ * [tf.get_variable(name, shape=None, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=None, trainable=True, collections=None)](#get_variable)
+ * [tf.get_variable_scope()](#get_variable_scope)
+ * [tf.variable_scope(*args, **kwds)](#variable_scope)
+ * [tf.constant_initializer(value=0.0)](#constant_initializer)
+ * [tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=1.0, seed=None)](#random_normal_initializer)
+ * [tf.truncated_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=1.0, seed=None)](#truncated_normal_initializer)
+ * [tf.random_uniform_initializer(minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, seed=None)](#random_uniform_initializer)
+ * [tf.uniform_unit_scaling_initializer(factor=1.0, seed=None)](#uniform_unit_scaling_initializer)
+ * [tf.zeros_initializer(shape, dtype=tf.float32)](#zeros_initializer)
+* [Sparse Variable Updates](#AUTOGENERATED-sparse-variable-updates)
+ * [tf.scatter_update(ref, indices, updates, use_locking=None, name=None)](#scatter_update)
+ * [tf.scatter_add(ref, indices, updates, use_locking=None, name=None)](#scatter_add)
+ * [tf.scatter_sub(ref, indices, updates, use_locking=None, name=None)](#scatter_sub)
+ * [tf.sparse_mask(a, mask_indices, name=None)](#sparse_mask)
+ * [class tf.IndexedSlices](#IndexedSlices)
+<!-- TOC-END This section was generated by neural network, THANKS FOR READING! -->
+## Variables <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-variables">{#AUTOGENERATED-variables}</div>
+- - -
+### class tf.Variable <div class="md-anchor" id="Variable">{#Variable}</div>
+See the [Variables How To](../../how_tos/variables/index.md) for a high
+level overview.
+A variable maintains state in the graph across calls to `run()`. You add a
+variable to the graph by constructing an instance of the class `Variable`.
+The `Variable()` constructor requires an initial value for the variable,
+which can be a `Tensor` of any type and shape. The initial value defines the
+type and shape of the variable. After construction, the type and shape of
+the variable are fixed. The value can be changed using one of the assign
+If you want to change the shape of a variable later you have to use an
+`assign` Op with `validate_shape=False`.
+Just like any `Tensor`, variables created with `Variable()` can be used as
+inputs for other Ops in the graph. Additionally, all the operators
+overloaded for the `Tensor` class are carried over to variables, so you can
+also add nodes to the graph by just doing arithmetic on variables.
+import tensorflow as tf
+# Create a variable.
+w = tf.Variable(<initial-value>, name=<optional-name>)
+# Use the variable in the graph like any Tensor.
+y = tf.matmul(w, ...another variable or tensor...)
+# The overloaded operators are available too.
+z = tf.sigmoid(w + b)
+# Assign a new value to the variable with `assign()` or a related method.
+w.assign(w + 1.0)
+When you launch the graph, variables have to be explicitly initialized before
+you can run Ops that use their value. You can initialize a variable by
+running its *initializer op*, restoring the variable from a save file, or
+simply running an `assign` Op that assigns a value to the variable. In fact,
+the variable *initializer op* is just an `assign` Op that assigns the
+variable's initial value to the variable itself.
+# Launch the graph in a session.
+with tf.Session() as sess:
+ # Run the variable initializer.
+ sess.run(w.initializer)
+ # ...you now can run ops that use the value of 'w'...
+The most common initialization pattern is to use the convenience function
+`initialize_all_variables()` to add an Op to the graph that initializes
+all the variables. You then run that Op after launching the graph.
+# Add an Op to initialize all variables.
+init_op = tf.initialize_all_variables()
+# Launch the graph in a session.
+with tf.Session() as sess:
+ # Run the Op that initializes all variables.
+ sess.run(init_op)
+ # ...you can now run any Op that uses variable values...
+If you need to create a variable with an initial value dependent on another
+variable, use the other variable's `initialized_value()`. This ensures that
+variables are initialized in the right order.
+All variables are automatically collected in the graph where they are
+created. By default, the constructor adds the new variable to the graph
+collection `GraphKeys.VARIABLES`. The convenience function
+`all_variables()` returns the contents of that collection.
+When building a machine learning model it is often convenient to distinguish
+betwen variables holding the trainable model parameters and other variables
+such as a `global step` variable used to count training steps. To make this
+easier, the variable constructor supports a `trainable=<bool>` parameter. If
+`True`, the new variable is also added to the graph collection
+`GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES`. The convenience function
+`trainable_variables()` returns the contents of this collection. The
+various `Optimizer` classes use this collection as the default list of
+variables to optimize.
+Creating a variable.
+- - -
+#### tf.Variable.__init__(initial_value, trainable=True, collections=None, validate_shape=True, name=None) {#Variable.__init__}
+Creates a new variable with value `initial_value`.
+The new variable is added to the graph collections listed in `collections`,
+which defaults to `[GraphKeys.VARIABLES]`.
+If `trainable` is `True` the variable is also added to the graph collection
+This constructor creates both a `variable` Op and an `assign` Op to set the
+variable to its initial value.
+##### Args:
+* <b>initial_value</b>: A `Tensor`, or Python object convertible to a `Tensor`.
+ The initial value for the Variable. Must have a shape specified unless
+ `validate_shape` is set to False.
+* <b>trainable</b>: If `True`, the default, also adds the variable to the graph
+ collection `GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES`. This collection is used as
+ the default list of variables to use by the `Optimizer` classes.
+* <b>collections</b>: List of graph collections keys. The new variable is added to
+ these collections. Defaults to `[GraphKeys.VARIABLES]`.
+* <b>validate_shape</b>: If `False`, allows the variable to be initialized with a
+ value of unknown shape. If `True`, the default, the shape of
+ `initial_value` must be known.
+* <b>name</b>: Optional name for the variable. Defaults to `'Variable'` and gets
+ uniquified automatically.
+##### Returns:
+ A Variable.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If the initial value does not have a shape and
+ `validate_shape` is `True`.
+- - -
+#### tf.Variable.initialized_value() {#Variable.initialized_value}
+Returns the value of the initialized variable.
+You should use this instead of the variable itself to initialize another
+variable with a value that depends on the value of this variable.
+# Initialize 'v' with a random tensor.
+v = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([10, 40]))
+# Use `initialized_value` to guarantee that `v` has been
+# initialized before its value is used to initialize `w`.
+# The random values are picked only once.
+w = tf.Variable(v.initialized_value() * 2.0)
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` holding the value of this variable after its initializer
+ has run.
+Changing a variable value.
+- - -
+#### tf.Variable.assign(value, use_locking=False) {#Variable.assign}
+Assigns a new value to the variable.
+This is essentially a shortcut for `assign(self, value)`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>value</b>: A `Tensor`. The new value for this variable.
+* <b>use_locking</b>: If `True`, use locking during the assignment.
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` that will hold the new value of this variable after
+ the assignment has completed.
+- - -
+#### tf.Variable.assign_add(delta, use_locking=False) {#Variable.assign_add}
+Adds a value to this variable.
+ This is essentially a shortcut for `assign_add(self, delta)`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>delta</b>: A `Tensor`. The value to add to this variable.
+* <b>use_locking</b>: If `True`, use locking during the operation.
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` that will hold the new value of this variable after
+ the addition has completed.
+- - -
+#### tf.Variable.assign_sub(delta, use_locking=False) {#Variable.assign_sub}
+Subtracts a value from this variable.
+This is essentially a shortcut for `assign_sub(self, delta)`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>delta</b>: A `Tensor`. The value to subtract from this variable.
+* <b>use_locking</b>: If `True`, use locking during the operation.
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` that will hold the new value of this variable after
+ the subtraction has completed.
+- - -
+#### tf.Variable.scatter_sub(sparse_delta, use_locking=False) {#Variable.scatter_sub}
+Subtracts `IndexedSlices` from this variable.
+This is essentially a shortcut for `scatter_sub(self, sparse_delta.indices,
+##### Args:
+* <b>sparse_delta</b>: `IndexedSlices` to be subtracted from this variable.
+* <b>use_locking</b>: If `True`, use locking during the operation.
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` that will hold the new value of this variable after
+ the scattered subtraction has completed.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if `sparse_delta` is not an `IndexedSlices`.
+- - -
+#### tf.Variable.count_up_to(limit) {#Variable.count_up_to}
+Increments this variable until it reaches `limit`.
+When that Op is run it tries to increment the variable by `1`. If
+incrementing the variable would bring it above `limit` then the Op raises
+the exception `OutOfRangeError`.
+If no error is raised, the Op outputs the value of the variable before
+the increment.
+This is essentially a shortcut for `count_up_to(self, limit)`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>limit</b>: value at which incrementing the variable raises an error.
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor` that will hold the variable value before the increment. If no
+ other Op modifies this variable, the values produced will all be
+ distinct.
+- - -
+#### tf.Variable.eval(session=None) {#Variable.eval}
+In a session, computes and returns the value of this variable.
+This is not a graph construction method, it does not add ops to the graph.
+This convenience method requires a session where the graph containing this
+variable has been launched. If no session is passed, the default session is
+used. See the [Session class](../client.md#Session) for more information on
+launching a graph and on sessions.
+v = tf.Variable([1, 2])
+init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
+with tf.Session() as sess:
+ sess.run(init)
+ # Usage passing the session explicitly.
+ print v.eval(sess)
+ # Usage with the default session. The 'with' block
+ # above makes 'sess' the default session.
+ print v.eval()
+##### Args:
+* <b>session</b>: The session to use to evaluate this variable. If
+ none, the default session is used.
+##### Returns:
+ A numpy `ndarray` with a copy of the value of this variable.
+- - -
+#### tf.Variable.name {#Variable.name}
+The name of this variable.
+- - -
+#### tf.Variable.dtype {#Variable.dtype}
+The `DType` of this variable.
+- - -
+#### tf.Variable.get_shape() {#Variable.get_shape}
+The `TensorShape` of this variable.
+##### Returns:
+ A `TensorShape`.
+- - -
+#### tf.Variable.device {#Variable.device}
+The device of this variable.
+- - -
+#### tf.Variable.initializer {#Variable.initializer}
+The initializer operation for this variable.
+- - -
+#### tf.Variable.graph {#Variable.graph}
+The `Graph` of this variable.
+- - -
+#### tf.Variable.op {#Variable.op}
+The `Operation` of this variable.
+## Variable helper functions <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-variable-helper-functions">{#AUTOGENERATED-variable-helper-functions}</div>
+TensorFlow provides a set of functions to help manage the set of variables
+collected in the graph.
+- - -
+### tf.all_variables() <div class="md-anchor" id="all_variables">{#all_variables}</div>
+Returns all variables collected in the graph.
+The `Variable()` constructor automatically adds new variables to the graph
+collection `GraphKeys.VARIABLES`. This convenience function returns the
+contents of that collection.
+##### Returns:
+ A list of `Variable` objects.
+- - -
+### tf.trainable_variables() <div class="md-anchor" id="trainable_variables">{#trainable_variables}</div>
+Returns all variables created with `trainable=True`.
+When passed `trainable=True`, the `Variable()` constructor automatically
+adds new variables to the graph collection
+`GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES`. This convenience function returns the
+contents of that collection.
+##### Returns:
+ A list of Variable objects.
+- - -
+### tf.initialize_all_variables() <div class="md-anchor" id="initialize_all_variables">{#initialize_all_variables}</div>
+Returns an Op that initializes all variables.
+This is just a shortcut for `initialize_variables(all_variables())`
+##### Returns:
+ An Op that initializes all variables in the graph.
+- - -
+### tf.initialize_variables(var_list, name='init') <div class="md-anchor" id="initialize_variables">{#initialize_variables}</div>
+Returns an Op that initializes a list of variables.
+After you launch the graph in a session, you can run the returned Op to
+initialize all the variables in `var_list`. This Op runs all the
+initializers of the variables in `var_list` in parallel.
+Calling `initialize_variables()` is equivalent to passing the list of
+initializers to `Group()`.
+If `var_list` is empty, however, the function still returns an Op that can
+be run. That Op just has no effect.
+##### Args:
+* <b>var_list</b>: List of `Variable` objects to initialize.
+* <b>name</b>: Optional name for the returned operation.
+##### Returns:
+ An Op that run the initializers of all the specified variables.
+- - -
+### tf.assert_variables_initialized(var_list=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="assert_variables_initialized">{#assert_variables_initialized}</div>
+Returns an Op to check if variables are initialized.
+When run, the returned Op will raise the exception `FailedPreconditionError`
+if any of the variables has not yet been initialized.
+Note: This function is implemented by trying to fetch the values of the
+variables. If one of the variables is not initialized a message may be
+logged by the C++ runtime. This is expected.
+##### Args:
+* <b>var_list</b>: List of `Variable` objects to check. Defaults to the
+ value of `all_variables().`
+##### Returns:
+ An Op, or None if there are no variables.
+## Saving and Restoring Variables. <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-saving-and-restoring-variables.">{#AUTOGENERATED-saving-and-restoring-variables.}</div>
+- - -
+### class tf.train.Saver <div class="md-anchor" id="Saver">{#Saver}</div>
+Saves and restores variables.
+See [Variables](../../how_tos/variables/index.md)
+for an overview of variables, saving and restoring.
+The `Saver` class adds ops to save and restore variables to and from
+*checkpoints*. It also provides convenience methods to run these ops.
+Checkpoints are binary files in a proprietary format which map variable names
+to tensor values. The best way to examine the contents of a checkpoint is to
+load it using a `Saver`.
+Savers can automatically number checkpoint filenames with a provided counter.
+This lets you keep multiple checkpoints at different steps while training a
+model. For example you can number the checkpoint filenames with the training
+step number. To avoid filling up disks, savers manage checkpoint files
+automatically. For example, they can keep only the N most recent files, or
+one checkpoint for every N hours of training.
+You number checkpoint filenames by passing a value to the optional
+`global_step` argument to `save()`:
+saver.save('my-model', global_step=0) ==> filename: 'my-model-0'
+saver.save('my-model', global_step=1000) ==> filename: 'my-model-1000'
+Additionally, optional arguments to the `Saver()` constructor let you control
+the proliferation of checkpoint files on disk:
+* `max_to_keep` indicates the maximum number of recent checkpoint files to
+ keep. As new files are created, older files are deleted. If None or 0,
+ all checkpoint files are kept. Defaults to 5 (that is, the 5 most recent
+ checkpoint files are kept.)
+* `keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours`: In addition to keeping the most recent
+ `max_to_keep` checkpoint files, you might want to keep one checkpoint file
+ for every N hours of training. This can be useful if you want to later
+ analyze how a model progressed during a long training session. For
+ example, passing `keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=2` ensures that you keep
+ one checkpoint file for every 2 hours of training. The default value of
+ 10,000 hours effectively disables the feature.
+Note that you still have to call the `save()` method to save the model.
+Passing these arguments to the constructor will not save variables
+automatically for you.
+A training program that saves regularly looks like:
+# Create a saver.
+saver = tf.train.Saver(...variables...)
+# Launch the graph and train, saving the model every 1,000 steps.
+sess = tf.Session()
+for step in xrange(1000000):
+ sess.run(..training_op..)
+ if step % 1000 == 0:
+ # Append the step number to the checkpoint name:
+ saver.save(sess, 'my-model', global_step=step)
+In addition to checkpoint files, savers keep a protocol buffer on disk with
+the list of recent checkpoints. This is used to manage numbered checkpoint
+files and by `latest_checkpoint()`, which makes it easy to discover the path
+to the most recent checkpoint. That protocol buffer is stored in a file named
+'checkpoint' next to the checkpoint files.
+If you create several savers, you can specify a different filename for the
+protocol buffer file in the call to `save()`.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.Saver.__init__(var_list=None, reshape=False, sharded=False, max_to_keep=5, keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=10000.0, name=None, restore_sequentially=False, saver_def=None, builder=None) {#Saver.__init__}
+Creates a `Saver`.
+The constructor adds ops to save and restore variables.
+`var_list` specifies the variables that will be saved and restored. It can
+be passed as a `dict` or a list:
+* A `dict` of names to variables: The keys are the names that will be
+ used to save or restore the variables in the checkpoint files.
+* A list of variables: The variables will be keyed with their op name in
+ the checkpoint files.
+For example:
+v1 = tf.Variable(..., name='v1')
+v2 = tf.Variable(..., name='v2')
+# Pass the variables as a dict:
+saver = tf.train.Saver({'v1': v1, 'v2': v2})
+# Or pass them as a list.
+saver = tf.train.Saver([v1, v2])
+# Passing a list is equivalent to passing a dict with the variable op names
+# as keys:
+saver = tf.train.Saver({v.op.name: v for v in [v1, v2]})
+The optional `reshape` argument, if True, allows restoring a variable from
+a save file where the variable had a different shape, but the same number
+of elements and type. This is useful if you have reshaped a variable and
+want to reload it from an older checkpoint.
+The optional `sharded` argument, if True, instructs the saver to shard
+checkpoints per device.
+##### Args:
+* <b>var_list</b>: A list of Variables or a dictionary mapping names to
+ Variables. If None, defaults to the list of all variables.
+* <b>reshape</b>: If True, allows restoring parameters from a checkpoint
+ where the variables have a different shape.
+* <b>sharded</b>: If True, shard the checkpoints, one per device.
+* <b>max_to_keep</b>: maximum number of recent checkpoints to keep.
+ Defaults to 10,000 hours.
+* <b>keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours</b>: How often to keep checkpoints.
+ Defaults to 10,000 hours.
+* <b>name</b>: string. Optional name to use as a prefix when adding operations.
+* <b>restore_sequentially</b>: A Bool, which if true, causes restore of different
+ variables to happen sequentially within each device. This can lower
+ memory usage when restoring very large models.
+* <b>saver_def</b>: Optional SaverDef proto to use instead of running the builder.
+ This is only useful for specialty code that wants to recreate a Saver
+ object for a previously built Graph that had a Saver. The saver_def
+ proto should be the one returned by the as_saver_def() call of the
+ Saver that was created for that Graph.
+* <b>builder</b>: Optional SaverBuilder to use if a saver_def was not provided.
+ Defaults to BaseSaverBuilder().
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `var_list` is invalid.
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If any of the keys or values in `var_list` is not unique.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.Saver.save(sess, save_path, global_step=None, latest_filename=None) {#Saver.save}
+Saves variables.
+This method runs the ops added by the constructor for saving variables.
+It requires a session in which the graph was launched. The variables to
+save must also have been initialized.
+The method returns the path of the newly created checkpoint file. This
+path can be passed directly to a call to `restore()`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>sess</b>: A Session to use to save the variables..
+* <b>save_path</b>: string. Path to the checkpoint filename. If the saver is
+ `sharded`, this is the prefix of the sharded checkpoint filename.
+* <b>global_step</b>: If provided the global step number is appended to
+ `save_path` to create the checkpoint filename. The optional argument
+ can be a Tensor, a Tensor name or an integer.
+* <b>latest_filename</b>: Optional name for the protocol buffer file that will
+ contains the list of most recent checkpoint filenames. That file,
+ kept in the same directory as the checkpoint files, is automatically
+ managed by the saver to keep track of recent checkpoints. Defaults to
+ 'checkpoint'.
+##### Returns:
+ A string: path at which the variables were saved. If the saver is
+ sharded, this string ends with: '-?????-of-nnnnn' where 'nnnnn'
+ is the number of shards created.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `sess` is not a Session.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.Saver.restore(sess, save_path) {#Saver.restore}
+Restores previously saved variables.
+This method runs the ops added by the constructor for restoring variables.
+It requires a session in which the graph was launched. The variables to
+restore do not have to have been initialized, as restoring is itself a way
+to initialize variables.
+The `save_path` argument is typically a value previously returned from a
+`save()` call, or a call to `latest_checkpoint()`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>sess</b>: A Session to use to restore the parameters.
+* <b>save_path</b>: Path where parameters were previously saved.
+Other utility methods.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.Saver.last_checkpoints {#Saver.last_checkpoints}
+List of not-yet-deleted checkpoint filenames.
+You can pass any of the returned values to `restore()`.
+##### Returns:
+ A list of checkpoint filenames, sorted from oldest to newest.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.Saver.set_last_checkpoints(last_checkpoints) {#Saver.set_last_checkpoints}
+Sets the list of not-yet-deleted checkpoint filenames.
+##### Args:
+* <b>last_checkpoints</b>: a list of checkpoint filenames.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>AssertionError</b>: if the list of checkpoint filenames has already been set.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.Saver.as_saver_def() {#Saver.as_saver_def}
+Generates a `SaverDef` representation of this saver.
+##### Returns:
+ A `SaverDef` proto.
+- - -
+### tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir, latest_filename=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="latest_checkpoint">{#latest_checkpoint}</div>
+Finds the filename of latest saved checkpoint file.
+##### Args:
+* <b>checkpoint_dir</b>: Directory where the variables were saved.
+* <b>latest_filename</b>: Optional name for the protocol buffer file that
+ contains the list of most recent checkpoint filenames.
+ See the corresponding argument to `Saver.save()`.
+##### Returns:
+ The full path to the latest checkpoint or None if no checkpoint was found.
+- - -
+### tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(checkpoint_dir, latest_filename=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="get_checkpoint_state">{#get_checkpoint_state}</div>
+Returns CheckpointState proto from the "checkpoint" file.
+If the "checkpoint" file contains a valid CheckpointState
+proto, returns it.
+##### Args:
+* <b>checkpoint_dir</b>: The directory of checkpoints.
+* <b>latest_filename</b>: Optional name of the checkpoint file. Default to
+ 'checkpoint'.
+##### Returns:
+ A CheckpointState if the state was available, None
+ otherwise.
+- - -
+### tf.train.update_checkpoint_state(save_dir, model_checkpoint_path, all_model_checkpoint_paths=None, latest_filename=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="update_checkpoint_state">{#update_checkpoint_state}</div>
+Updates the content of the 'checkpoint' file.
+This updates the checkpoint file containing a CheckpointState
+##### Args:
+* <b>save_dir</b>: Directory where the model was saved.
+* <b>model_checkpoint_path</b>: The checkpoint file.
+* <b>all_model_checkpoint_paths</b>: list of strings. Paths to all not-yet-deleted
+ checkpoints, sorted from oldest to newest. If this is a non-empty list,
+ the last element must be equal to model_checkpoint_path. These paths
+ are also saved in the CheckpointState proto.
+* <b>latest_filename</b>: Optional name of the checkpoint file. Default to
+ 'checkpoint'.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>RuntimeError</b>: If the save paths conflict.
+## Sharing Variables <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-sharing-variables">{#AUTOGENERATED-sharing-variables}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several classes and operations that you can use to
+create variables contingent on certain conditions.
+- - -
+### tf.get_variable(name, shape=None, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=None, trainable=True, collections=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="get_variable">{#get_variable}</div>
+Gets an existing variable with these parameters or create a new one.
+This function prefixes the name with the current variable scope
+and performs reuse checks. See the
+[Variable Scope How To](../../how_tos/variable_scope/index.md)
+for an extensive description of how reusing works. Here is a basic example:
+with tf.variable_scope("foo"):
+ v = get_variable("v", [1]) # v.name == "foo/v:0"
+ w = get_variable("w", [1]) # w.name == "foo/w:0"
+with tf.variable_scope("foo", reuse=True)
+ v1 = get_variable("v") # The same as v above.
+If initializer is `None` (the default), the default initializer passed in
+the constructor is used. If that one is `None` too, a
+`UniformUnitScalingInitializer` will be used.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name</b>: the name of the new or existing variable.
+* <b>shape</b>: shape of the new or existing variable.
+* <b>dtype</b>: type of the new or existing variable (defaults to `DT_FLOAT`).
+* <b>initializer</b>: initializer for the variable if one is created.
+* <b>trainable</b>: If `True` also add the variable to the graph collection
+ `GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES` (see variables.Variable).
+* <b>collections</b>: List of graph collections keys to add the Variable to.
+ Defaults to `[GraphKeys.VARIABLES]` (see variables.Variable).
+##### Returns:
+ The created or existing variable.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: when creating a new variable and shape is not declared,
+ or when violating reuse during variable creation. Reuse is set inside
+ `variable_scope`.
+- - -
+### tf.get_variable_scope() <div class="md-anchor" id="get_variable_scope">{#get_variable_scope}</div>
+Returns the current variable scope.
+- - -
+### tf.variable_scope(*args, **kwds) <div class="md-anchor" id="variable_scope">{#variable_scope}</div>
+Returns a context for variable scope.
+Variable scope allows to create new variables and to share already created
+ones while providing checks to not create or share by accident. For details,
+see the [Variable Scope How To](../../how_tos/variable_scope/index.md),
+here we present only a few basic examples.
+Simple example of how to create a new variable:
+with tf.variable_scope("foo"):
+ with tf.variable_scope("bar"):
+ v = tf.get_variable("v", [1])
+ assert v.name == "foo/bar/v:0"
+Basic example of sharing a variable:
+with tf.variable_scope("foo"):
+ v = get_variable("v", [1])
+with tf.variable_scope("foo", reuse=True):
+ v1 = tf.get_variable("v", [1])
+assert v1 == v
+Sharing a variable by capturing a scope and setting reuse:
+with tf.variable_scope("foo") as scope.
+ v = get_variable("v", [1])
+ scope.reuse_variables()
+ v1 = tf.get_variable("v", [1])
+assert v1 == v
+To prevent accidental sharing of variables, we raise an exception when
+getting an existing variable in a non-reusing scope.
+with tf.variable_scope("foo") as scope.
+ v = get_variable("v", [1])
+ v1 = tf.get_variable("v", [1])
+ # Raises ValueError("... v already exists ...").
+Similarly, we raise an exception when trying to get a variable that
+does not exist in reuse mode.
+with tf.variable_scope("foo", reuse=True):
+ v = get_variable("v", [1])
+ # Raises ValueError("... v does not exists ...").
+Note that the `reuse` flag is inherited: if we open a reusing scope,
+then all its sub-scopes become reusing as well.
+##### Args:
+* <b>name_or_scope</b>: `string` or `VariableScope`: the scope to open.
+* <b>reuse</b>: `True` or `None`; if `True`, we go into reuse mode for this scope as
+ well as all sub-scopes; if `None`, we just inherit the parent scope reuse.
+* <b>initializer</b>: default initializer for variables within this scope.
+##### Yields:
+ A scope that can be to captured and reused.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: when trying to reuse within a create scope, or create within
+ a reuse scope, or if reuse is not `None` or `True`.
+* <b>TypeError</b>: when the types of some arguments are not appropriate.
+- - -
+### tf.constant_initializer(value=0.0) <div class="md-anchor" id="constant_initializer">{#constant_initializer}</div>
+Returns an initializer that generates Tensors with a single value.
+##### Args:
+* <b>value</b>: A Python scalar. All elements of the initialized variable
+ will be set to this value.
+##### Returns:
+ An initializer that generates Tensors with a single value.
+- - -
+### tf.random_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=1.0, seed=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="random_normal_initializer">{#random_normal_initializer}</div>
+Returns an initializer that generates Tensors with a normal distribution.
+##### Args:
+* <b>mean</b>: a python scalar or a scalar tensor. Mean of the random values
+ to generate.
+* <b>stddev</b>: a python scalar or a scalar tensor. Standard deviation of the
+ random values to generate.
+* <b>seed</b>: A Python integer. Used to create random seeds.
+ See [`set_random_seed`](constant_op.md#set_random_seed) for behavior.
+##### Returns:
+ An initializer that generates Tensors with a normal distribution.
+- - -
+### tf.truncated_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=1.0, seed=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="truncated_normal_initializer">{#truncated_normal_initializer}</div>
+Returns an initializer that generates a truncated normal distribution.
+These values are similar to values from a random_normal_initializer
+except that values more than two standard deviations from the mean
+are discarded and re-drawn. This is the recommended initializer for
+neural network weights and filters.
+##### Args:
+* <b>mean</b>: a python scalar or a scalar tensor. Mean of the random values
+ to generate.
+* <b>stddev</b>: a python scalar or a scalar tensor. Standard deviation of the
+ random values to generate.
+* <b>seed</b>: A Python integer. Used to create random seeds.
+ See [`set_random_seed`](constant_op.md#set_random_seed) for behavior.
+##### Returns:
+ An initializer that generates Tensors with a truncated normal
+ distribution.
+- - -
+### tf.random_uniform_initializer(minval=0.0, maxval=1.0, seed=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="random_uniform_initializer">{#random_uniform_initializer}</div>
+Returns an initializer that generates Tensors with a uniform distribution.
+##### Args:
+* <b>minval</b>: a python scalar or a scalar tensor. lower bound of the range
+ of random values to generate.
+* <b>maxval</b>: a python scalar or a scalar tensor. upper bound of the range
+ of random values to generate.
+* <b>seed</b>: A Python integer. Used to create random seeds.
+ See [`set_random_seed`](constant_op.md#set_random_seed) for behavior.
+##### Returns:
+ An initializer that generates Tensors with a uniform distribution.
+- - -
+### tf.uniform_unit_scaling_initializer(factor=1.0, seed=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="uniform_unit_scaling_initializer">{#uniform_unit_scaling_initializer}</div>
+Returns an initializer that generates tensors without scaling variance.
+When initializing a deep network, it is in principle advantageous to keep
+the scale of the input variance constant, so it does not explode or diminish
+by reaching the final layer. If the input is `x` and the operation `x * W`,
+and we want to initialize `W` uniformly at random, we need to pick `W` from
+ [-sqrt(3) / sqrt(dim), sqrt(3) / sqrt(dim)]
+to keep the scale intact, where `dim = W.shape[0]` (the size of the input).
+A similar calculation for convolutional networks gives an analogous result
+with `dim` equal to the product of the first 3 dimensions. When
+nonlinearities are present, we need to multiply this by a constant `factor`.
+See <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6558v3.pdf> for deeper motivation, experiments
+and the calculation of constants. In section 2.3 there, the constants were
+numerically computed: for a linear layer it's 1.0, relu: ~1.43, tanh: ~1.15.
+##### Args:
+* <b>factor</b>: Float. A multiplicative factor by which the values will be scaled.
+* <b>seed</b>: A Python integer. Used to create random seeds.
+ See [`set_random_seed`](constant_op.md#set_random_seed) for behavior.
+##### Returns:
+ An initializer that generates tensors with unit variance.
+- - -
+### tf.zeros_initializer(shape, dtype=tf.float32) <div class="md-anchor" id="zeros_initializer">{#zeros_initializer}</div>
+An adaptor for zeros() to match the Initializer spec.
+## Sparse Variable Updates <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-sparse-variable-updates">{#AUTOGENERATED-sparse-variable-updates}</div>
+The sparse update ops modify a subset of the entries in a dense `Variable`,
+either overwriting the entries or adding / subtracting a delta. These are
+useful for training embedding models and similar lookup-based networks, since
+only a small subset of embedding vectors change in any given step.
+Since a sparse update of a large tensor may be generated automatically during
+gradient computation (as in the gradient of [`tf.gather`](array_ops.md#gather)),
+an [`IndexedSlices`](#IndexedSlices) class is provided that encapsulates a set
+of sparse indices and values. `IndexedSlices` objects are detected and handled
+automatically by the optimizers in most cases.
+- - -
+### tf.scatter_update(ref, indices, updates, use_locking=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="scatter_update">{#scatter_update}</div>
+Applies sparse updates to a variable reference.
+This operation computes
+ # Scalar indices
+ ref[indices, ...] = updates[...]
+ # Vector indices (for each i)
+ ref[indices[i], ...] = updates[i, ...]
+ # High rank indices (for each i, ..., j)
+ ref[indices[i, ..., j], ...] = updates[i, ..., j, ...]
+This operation outputs `ref` after the update is done.
+This makes it easier to chain operations that need to use the reset value.
+If `indices` contains duplicate entries, lexicographically later entries
+override earlier entries.
+Requires `updates.shape = indices.shape + ref.shape[1:]`.
+<div style="width:70%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
+<img style="width:100%" src="../images/ScatterUpdate.png" alt>
+##### Args:
+* <b>ref</b>: A mutable `Tensor`. Should be from a `Variable` node.
+* <b>indices</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `int32`, `int64`.
+ A tensor of indices into the first dimension of `ref`.
+* <b>updates</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `ref`.
+ A tensor of updated values to store in `ref`.
+* <b>use_locking</b>: An optional `bool`. Defaults to `True`.
+ If True, the assignment will be protected by a lock;
+ otherwise the behavior is undefined, but may exhibit less contention.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ Same as `ref`. Returned as a convenience for operations that want
+ to use the updated values after the update is done.
+- - -
+### tf.scatter_add(ref, indices, updates, use_locking=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="scatter_add">{#scatter_add}</div>
+Adds sparse updates to a variable reference.
+This operation computes
+ # Scalar indices
+ ref[indices, ...] += updates[...]
+ # Vector indices (for each i)
+ ref[indices[i], ...] += updates[i, ...]
+ # High rank indices (for each i, ..., j)
+ ref[indices[i, ..., j], ...] += updates[i, ..., j, ...]
+This operation outputs `ref` after the update is done.
+This makes it easier to chain operations that need to use the reset value.
+Duplicate entries are handled correctly: if multiple `indices` reference
+the same location, their contributions add.
+Requires `updates.shape = indices.shape + ref.shape[1:]`.
+<div style="width:70%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
+<img style="width:100%" src="../images/ScatterAdd.png" alt>
+##### Args:
+* <b>ref</b>: A mutable `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int64`, `int32`, `uint8`, `int16`, `int8`, `complex64`, `qint8`, `quint8`, `qint32`.
+ Should be from a `Variable` node.
+* <b>indices</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `int32`, `int64`.
+ A tensor of indices into the first dimension of `ref`.
+* <b>updates</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `ref`.
+ A tensor of updated values to add to `ref`.
+* <b>use_locking</b>: An optional `bool`. Defaults to `False`.
+ If True, the addition will be protected by a lock;
+ otherwise the behavior is undefined, but may exhibit less contention.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ Same as `ref`. Returned as a convenience for operations that want
+ to use the updated values after the update is done.
+- - -
+### tf.scatter_sub(ref, indices, updates, use_locking=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="scatter_sub">{#scatter_sub}</div>
+Subtracts sparse updates to a variable reference.
+ # Scalar indices
+ ref[indices, ...] -= updates[...]
+ # Vector indices (for each i)
+ ref[indices[i], ...] -= updates[i, ...]
+ # High rank indices (for each i, ..., j)
+ ref[indices[i, ..., j], ...] -= updates[i, ..., j, ...]
+This operation outputs `ref` after the update is done.
+This makes it easier to chain operations that need to use the reset value.
+Duplicate entries are handled correctly: if multiple `indices` reference
+the same location, their (negated) contributions add.
+Requires `updates.shape = indices.shape + ref.shape[1:]`.
+<div style="width:70%; margin:auto; margin-bottom:10px; margin-top:20px;">
+<img style="width:100%" src="../images/ScatterSub.png" alt>
+##### Args:
+* <b>ref</b>: A mutable `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `float32`, `float64`, `int64`, `int32`, `uint8`, `int16`, `int8`, `complex64`, `qint8`, `quint8`, `qint32`.
+ Should be from a `Variable` node.
+* <b>indices</b>: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `int32`, `int64`.
+ A tensor of indices into the first dimension of `ref`.
+* <b>updates</b>: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `ref`.
+ A tensor of updated values to subtract from `ref`.
+* <b>use_locking</b>: An optional `bool`. Defaults to `False`.
+ If True, the subtraction will be protected by a lock;
+ otherwise the behavior is undefined, but may exhibit less contention.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ Same as `ref`. Returned as a convenience for operations that want
+ to use the updated values after the update is done.
+- - -
+### tf.sparse_mask(a, mask_indices, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="sparse_mask">{#sparse_mask}</div>
+Masks elements of `IndexedSlices`.
+Given an `IndexedSlices` instance `a`, returns another `IndexedSlices` that
+contains a subset of the slices of `a`. Only the slices at indices specified
+in `mask_indices` are returned.
+This is useful when you need to extract a subset of slices in an
+`IndexedSlices` object.
+For example:
+# `a` contains slices at indices [12, 26, 37, 45] from a large tensor
+# with shape [1000, 10]
+a.indices => [12, 26, 37, 45]
+tf.shape(a.values) => [4, 10]
+# `b` will be the subset of `a` slices at its second and third indices, so
+# we want to mask of its first and last indices (which are at absolute
+# indices 12, 45)
+b = tf.sparse_mask(a, [12, 45])
+b.indices => [26, 37]
+tf.shape(b.values) => [2, 10]
+##### Args:
+ * `a`: An `IndexedSlices` instance.
+ * `mask_indices`: Indices of elements to mask.
+ * `name`: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The masked `IndexedSlices` instance.
+- - -
+### class tf.IndexedSlices <div class="md-anchor" id="IndexedSlices">{#IndexedSlices}</div>
+A sparse representation of a set of tensor slices at given indices.
+This class is a simple wrapper for a pair of `Tensor` objects:
+* `values`: A `Tensor` of any dtype with shape `[D0, D1, ..., Dn]`.
+* `indices`: A 1-D integer `Tensor` with shape `[D0]`.
+An `IndexedSlices` is typically used to represent a subset of a larger
+tensor `dense` of shape `[LARGE0, D1, .. , DN]` where `LARGE0 >> D0`.
+The values in `indices` are the indices in the first dimension of
+the slices that have been extracted from the larger tensor.
+The dense tensor `dense` represented by an `IndexedSlices` `slices` has
+dense[slices.indices[i], :, :, :, ...] = slices.values[i, :, :, :, ...]
+The `IndexedSlices` class is used principally in the definition of
+gradients for operations that have sparse gradients
+(e.g. [`tf.gather`](array_ops.md#gather)).
+Contrast this representation with
+which uses multi-dimensional indices and scalar values.
+- - -
+#### tf.IndexedSlices.__init__(values, indices, dense_shape=None) {#IndexedSlices.__init__}
+Creates an `IndexedSlices`.
+- - -
+#### tf.IndexedSlices.values {#IndexedSlices.values}
+A `Tensor` containing the values of the slices.
+- - -
+#### tf.IndexedSlices.indices {#IndexedSlices.indices}
+A 1-D `Tensor` containing the indices of the slices.
+- - -
+#### tf.IndexedSlices.dense_shape {#IndexedSlices.dense_shape}
+A 1-D `Tensor` containing the shape of the corresponding dense tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.IndexedSlices.name {#IndexedSlices.name}
+The name of this `IndexedSlices`.
+- - -
+#### tf.IndexedSlices.dtype {#IndexedSlices.dtype}
+The `DType` of elements in this tensor.
+- - -
+#### tf.IndexedSlices.device {#IndexedSlices.device}
+The name of the device on which `values` will be produced, or `None`.
+- - -
+#### tf.IndexedSlices.op {#IndexedSlices.op}
+The `Operation` that produces `values` as an output.
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+# Training
+<!-- TOC-BEGIN This section is generated by neural network: DO NOT EDIT! -->
+## Contents
+* [Optimizers.](#AUTOGENERATED-optimizers.)
+ * [class tf.train.Optimizer](#Optimizer)
+ * [Usage](#AUTOGENERATED-usage)
+ * [Processing gradients before applying them.](#AUTOGENERATED-processing-gradients-before-applying-them.)
+ * [Gating Gradients](#AUTOGENERATED-gating-gradients)
+ * [Slots](#AUTOGENERATED-slots)
+ * [class tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer](#GradientDescentOptimizer)
+ * [class tf.train.AdagradOptimizer](#AdagradOptimizer)
+ * [class tf.train.MomentumOptimizer](#MomentumOptimizer)
+ * [class tf.train.AdamOptimizer](#AdamOptimizer)
+ * [class tf.train.FtrlOptimizer](#FtrlOptimizer)
+ * [class tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer](#RMSPropOptimizer)
+* [Gradient Computation.](#AUTOGENERATED-gradient-computation.)
+ * [tf.gradients(ys, xs, grad_ys=None, name='gradients', colocate_gradients_with_ops=False, gate_gradients=False, aggregation_method=None)](#gradients)
+ * [class tf.AggregationMethod](#AggregationMethod)
+ * [tf.stop_gradient(input, name=None)](#stop_gradient)
+* [Gradient Clipping](#AUTOGENERATED-gradient-clipping)
+ * [tf.clip_by_value(t, clip_value_min, clip_value_max, name=None)](#clip_by_value)
+ * [tf.clip_by_norm(t, clip_norm, name=None)](#clip_by_norm)
+ * [tf.clip_by_average_norm(t, clip_norm, name=None)](#clip_by_average_norm)
+ * [tf.clip_by_global_norm(t_list, clip_norm, use_norm=None, name=None)](#clip_by_global_norm)
+ * [tf.global_norm(t_list, name=None)](#global_norm)
+* [Decaying the learning rate.](#AUTOGENERATED-decaying-the-learning-rate.)
+ * [tf.train.exponential_decay(learning_rate, global_step, decay_steps, decay_rate, staircase=False, name=None)](#exponential_decay)
+* [Moving Averages.](#AUTOGENERATED-moving-averages.)
+ * [class tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage](#ExponentialMovingAverage)
+* [Coordinator and QueueRunner.](#AUTOGENERATED-coordinator-and-queuerunner.)
+ * [class tf.train.Coordinator](#Coordinator)
+ * [class tf.train.QueueRunner](#QueueRunner)
+ * [tf.train.add_queue_runner(qr, collection='queue_runners')](#add_queue_runner)
+ * [tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=None, coord=None, daemon=True, start=True, collection='queue_runners')](#start_queue_runners)
+* [Summary Operations.](#AUTOGENERATED-summary-operations.)
+ * [tf.scalar_summary(tags, values, collections=None, name=None)](#scalar_summary)
+ * [tf.image_summary(tag, tensor, max_images=None, collections=None, name=None)](#image_summary)
+ * [tf.histogram_summary(tag, values, collections=None, name=None)](#histogram_summary)
+ * [tf.nn.zero_fraction(value, name=None)](#zero_fraction)
+ * [tf.merge_summary(inputs, collections=None, name=None)](#merge_summary)
+ * [tf.merge_all_summaries(key='summaries')](#merge_all_summaries)
+* [Adding Summaries to Event Files.](#AUTOGENERATED-adding-summaries-to-event-files.)
+ * [class tf.train.SummaryWriter](#SummaryWriter)
+ * [tf.train.summary_iterator(path)](#summary_iterator)
+* [Training utilities.](#AUTOGENERATED-training-utilities.)
+ * [tf.train.global_step(sess, global_step_tensor)](#global_step)
+ * [tf.train.write_graph(graph_def, logdir, name, as_text=True)](#write_graph)
+<!-- TOC-END This section was generated by neural network, THANKS FOR READING! -->
+This library provides a set of classes and functions that helps train models.
+## Optimizers. <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-optimizers.">{#AUTOGENERATED-optimizers.}</div>
+The Optimizer base class provides methods to compute gradients for a loss and
+apply gradients to variables. A collection of subclasses implement classic
+optimization algorithms such as GradientDescent and Adagrad.
+You never instantiate the Optimizer class itself, but instead instantiate one
+of the subclasses.
+- - -
+### class tf.train.Optimizer <div class="md-anchor" id="Optimizer">{#Optimizer}</div>
+Base class for optimizers.
+This class defines the API to add Ops to train a model. You never use this
+class directly, but instead instantiate one of its subclasses such as
+`GradientDescentOptimizer`, `AdagradOptimizer`, or `MomentumOptimizer`.
+### Usage <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-usage">{#AUTOGENERATED-usage}</div>
+# Create an optimizer with the desired parameters.
+opt = GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1)
+# Add Ops to the graph to minimize a cost by updating a list of variables.
+# "cost" is a Tensor, and the list of variables contains variables.Variable
+# objects.
+opt_op = opt.minimize(cost, <list of variables>)
+In the training program you will just have to run the returned Op.
+# Execute opt_op to do one step of training:
+### Processing gradients before applying them. <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-processing-gradients-before-applying-them.">{#AUTOGENERATED-processing-gradients-before-applying-them.}</div>
+Calling `minimize()` takes care of both computing the gradients and
+applying them to the variables. If you want to process the gradients
+before applying them you can instead use the optimizer in three steps:
+1. Compute the gradients with `compute_gradients()`.
+2. Process the gradients as you wish.
+3. Apply the processed gradients with `apply_gradients()`.
+# Create an optimizer.
+opt = GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1)
+# Compute the gradients for a list of variables.
+grads_and_vars = opt.compute_gradients(loss, <list of variables>)
+# grads_and_vars is a list of tuples (gradient, variable). Do whatever you
+# need to the 'gradient' part, for example cap them, etc.
+capped_grads_and_vars = [(MyCapper(gv[0]), gv[1])) for gv in grads_and_vars]
+# Ask the optimizer to apply the capped gradients.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.Optimizer.__init__(use_locking, name) {#Optimizer.__init__}
+Create a new Optimizer.
+This must be called by the constructors of subclasses.
+##### Args:
+* <b>use_locking</b>: Bool. If True apply use locks to prevent concurrent updates
+ to variables.
+* <b>name</b>: A non-empty string. The name to use for accumulators created
+ for the optimizer.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if name is malformed.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.Optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=None, var_list=None, gate_gradients=1, name=None) {#Optimizer.minimize}
+Add operations to minimize 'loss' by updating 'var_list'.
+This method simply combines calls compute_gradients() and
+apply_gradients(). If you want to process the gradient before applying them
+call compute_gradients() and apply_gradients() explicitly instead of using
+this function.
+##### Args:
+* <b>loss</b>: A Tensor containing the value to minimize.
+* <b>global_step</b>: Optional Variable to increment by one after the
+ variables have been updated.
+* <b>var_list</b>: Optional list of variables.Variable to update to minimize
+ 'loss'. Defaults to the list of variables collected in the graph
+ under the key GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES.
+* <b>gate_gradients</b>: How to gate the computation of gradients. Can be
+* <b>name</b>: Optional name for the returned operation.
+##### Returns:
+ An Operation that updates the variables in 'var_list'. If 'global_step'
+ was not None, that operation also increments global_step.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if some of the variables are not variables.Variable objects.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.Optimizer.compute_gradients(loss, var_list=None, gate_gradients=1) {#Optimizer.compute_gradients}
+Compute gradients of "loss" for the variables in "var_list".
+This is the first part of minimize(). It returns a list
+of (gradient, variable) pairs where "gradient" is the gradient
+for "variable". Note that "gradient" can be a Tensor, a
+IndexedSlices, or None if there is no gradient for the
+given variable.
+##### Args:
+* <b>loss</b>: A Tensor containing the value to minimize.
+* <b>var_list</b>: Optional list of variables.Variable to update to minimize
+ "loss". Defaults to the list of variables collected in the graph
+ under the key GraphKey.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES.
+* <b>gate_gradients</b>: How to gate the computation of gradients. Can be
+##### Returns:
+ A list of (gradient, variable) pairs.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If var_list contains anything else than variables.Variable.
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If some arguments are invalid.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.Optimizer.apply_gradients(grads_and_vars, global_step=None, name=None) {#Optimizer.apply_gradients}
+Apply gradients to variables.
+This is the second part of minimize(). It returns an Operation that
+applies gradients.
+##### Args:
+* <b>grads_and_vars</b>: List of (gradient, variable) pairs as returned by
+ compute_gradients().
+* <b>global_step</b>: Optional Variable to increment by one after the
+ variables have been updated.
+* <b>name</b>: Optional name for the returned operation. Default to the
+ name passed to the Optimizer constructor.
+##### Returns:
+ An Operation that applies the specified gradients. If 'global_step'
+ was not None, that operation also increments global_step.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: if grads_and_vars is malformed.
+### Gating Gradients <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-gating-gradients">{#AUTOGENERATED-gating-gradients}</div>
+Both `minimize()` and `compute_gradients()` accept a `gate_gradient` argument
+that controls the degree of parallelism during the application of the
+The possible values are: `GATE_NONE`, `GATE_OP`, and `GATE_GRAPH`.
+<b>GATE_NONE</b>: Compute and apply gradients in parallel. This provides the
+maximum parallelism in execution, at the cost of some non-reproducibility in
+the results. For example the two gradients of MatMul depend on the input
+values: With `GATE_NONE` one of the gradients could be applied to one of the
+inputs _before_ the other gradient is computed resulting in non-reproducible
+<b>GATE_OP</b>: For each Op, make sure all gradients are computed before they
+are used. This prevents race conditions for Ops that generate gradients for
+multiple inputs where the gradients depend on the inputs.
+<b>GATE_GRAPH</b>: Make sure all gradients for all variables are computed
+before any one of them is used. This provides the least parallelism but can
+be useful if you want to process all gradients before applying any of them.
+### Slots <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-slots">{#AUTOGENERATED-slots}</div>
+Some optimizer subclasses, such as `MomentumOptimizer` and `AdagradOptimizer`
+allocate and manage additional variables associated with the variables to
+train. These are called <i>Slots</i>. Slots have names and you can ask the
+optimizer for the names of the slots that it uses. Once you have a slot name
+you can ask the optimizer for the variable it created to hold the slot value.
+This can be useful if you want to log debug a training algorithm, report stats
+about the slots, etc.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.Optimizer.get_slot_names() {#Optimizer.get_slot_names}
+Return a list of the names of slots created by the Optimizer.
+See get_slot().
+##### Returns:
+ A list of strings.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.Optimizer.get_slot(var, name) {#Optimizer.get_slot}
+Return a slot named "name" created for "var" by the Optimizer.
+Some Optimizer subclasses use additional variables. For example
+Momentum and Adagrad use variables to accumulate updates. This method
+gives access to these Variables if for some reason you need them.
+Use get_slot_names() to get the list of slot names created by the Optimizer.
+##### Args:
+* <b>var</b>: A variable passed to minimize() or apply_gradients().
+* <b>name</b>: A string.
+##### Returns:
+ The Variable for the slot if it was created, None otherwise.
+- - -
+### class tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer <div class="md-anchor" id="GradientDescentOptimizer">{#GradientDescentOptimizer}</div>
+Optimizer that implements the gradient descent algorithm.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer.__init__(learning_rate, use_locking=False, name='GradientDescent') {#GradientDescentOptimizer.__init__}
+Construct a new gradient descent optimizer.
+##### Args:
+* <b>learning_rate</b>: A Tensor or a floating point value. The learning
+ rate to use.
+* <b>use_locking</b>: If True use locks for update operation.s
+* <b>name</b>: Optional name prefix for the operations created when applying
+ gradients. Defaults to "GradientDescent".
+- - -
+### class tf.train.AdagradOptimizer <div class="md-anchor" id="AdagradOptimizer">{#AdagradOptimizer}</div>
+Optimizer that implements the Adagrad algorithm.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.AdagradOptimizer.__init__(learning_rate, initial_accumulator_value=0.1, use_locking=False, name='Adagrad') {#AdagradOptimizer.__init__}
+Construct a new Adagrad optimizer.
+##### Args:
+* <b>learning_rate</b>: A `Tensor` or a floating point value. The learning rate.
+* <b>initial_accumulator_value</b>: A floating point value.
+ Starting value for the accumulators, must be positive.
+* <b>use_locking</b>: If `True` use locks for update operations.
+* <b>name</b>: Optional name prefix for the operations created when applying
+ gradients. Defaults to "Adagrad".
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If the initial_accumulator_value is invalid.
+- - -
+### class tf.train.MomentumOptimizer <div class="md-anchor" id="MomentumOptimizer">{#MomentumOptimizer}</div>
+Optimizer that implements the Momentum algorithm.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.MomentumOptimizer.__init__(learning_rate, momentum, use_locking=False, name='Momentum') {#MomentumOptimizer.__init__}
+Construct a new Momentum optimizer.
+##### Args:
+* <b>learning_rate</b>: A `Tensor` or a floating point value. The learning rate.
+* <b>momentum</b>: A `Tensor` or a floating point value. The momentum.
+* <b>use_locking</b>: If `True` use locks for update operations.
+* <b>name</b>: Optional name prefix for the operations created when applying
+ gradients. Defaults to "Momentum".
+- - -
+### class tf.train.AdamOptimizer <div class="md-anchor" id="AdamOptimizer">{#AdamOptimizer}</div>
+Optimizer that implements the Adam algorithm.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.AdamOptimizer.__init__(learning_rate=0.001, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-08, use_locking=False, name='Adam') {#AdamOptimizer.__init__}
+Construct a new Adam optimizer.
+Implementation is based on: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.6980v7.pdf
+m_0 <- 0 (Initialize initial 1st moment vector)
+v_0 <- 0 (Initialize initial 2nd moment vector)
+t <- 0 (Initialize timestep)
+The update rule for `variable` with gradient `g` uses an optimization
+described at the end of section2 of the paper:
+t <- t + 1
+lr_t <- learning_rate * sqrt(1 - beta2^t) / (1 - beta1^t)
+m_t <- beta1 * m_{t-1} + (1 - beta1) * g
+v_t <- beta2 * v_{t-1} + (1 - beta2) * g * g
+variable <- variable - lr_t * m_t / (sqrt(v_t) + epsilon)
+The default value of 1e-8 for epsilon might not be a good default in
+general. For example, when training an Inception network on ImageNet a
+current good choice is 1.0 or 0.1.
+##### Args:
+* <b>learning_rate</b>: A Tensor or a floating point value. The learning rate.
+* <b>beta1</b>: A float value or a constant float tensor.
+ The exponential decay rate for the 1st moment estimates.
+* <b>beta2</b>: A float value or a constant float tensor.
+ The exponential decay rate for the 2st moment estimates.
+* <b>epsilon</b>: A small constant for numerical stability.
+* <b>use_locking</b>: If True use locks for update operation.s
+* <b>name</b>: Optional name for the operations created when applying gradients.
+ Defaults to "Adam".
+- - -
+### class tf.train.FtrlOptimizer <div class="md-anchor" id="FtrlOptimizer">{#FtrlOptimizer}</div>
+Optimizer that implements the FTRL algorithm.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.FtrlOptimizer.__init__(learning_rate, learning_rate_power=-0.5, initial_accumulator_value=0.1, l1_regularization_strength=0.0, l2_regularization_strength=0.0, use_locking=False, name='Ftrl') {#FtrlOptimizer.__init__}
+Construct a new FTRL optimizer.
+The Ftrl-proximal algorithm, abbreviated for Follow-the-regularized-leader,
+is described in the paper [Ad Click Prediction: a View from the Trenches](
+It can give a good performance vs. sparsity tradeoff.
+Ftrl-proximal uses its own global base learning rate and can behave like
+Adagrad with `learning_rate_power=-0.5`, or like gradient descent with
+The effective learning rate is adjusted per parameter, relative to this
+base learning rate as:
+effective_learning_rate_i = (learning_rate /
+ pow(k + summed_squared_gradients_for_i, learning_rate_power));
+where k is the small constant `initial_accumulator_value`.
+Note that the real regularization coefficient of `|w|^2` for objective
+function is `1 / lambda_2` if specifying `l2 = lambda_2` as argument when
+using this function.
+##### Args:
+* <b>learning_rate</b>: A float value or a constant float `Tensor`.
+* <b>learning_rate_power</b>: A float value, must be less or equal to zero.
+* <b>initial_accumulator_value</b>: The starting value for accumulators.
+ Only positive values are allowed.
+* <b>l1_regularization_strength</b>: A float value, must be greater than or
+ equal to zero.
+* <b>l2_regularization_strength</b>: A float value, must be greater than or
+ equal to zero.
+* <b>use_locking</b>: If `True` use locks for update operations.
+* <b>name</b>: Optional name prefix for the operations created when applying
+ gradients. Defaults to "Ftrl".
+##### Raises:
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if one of the arguments is invalid.
+- - -
+### class tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer <div class="md-anchor" id="RMSPropOptimizer">{#RMSPropOptimizer}</div>
+Optimizer that implements the RMSProp algorithm.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer.__init__(learning_rate, decay, momentum=0.0, epsilon=1e-10, use_locking=False, name='RMSProp') {#RMSPropOptimizer.__init__}
+Construct a new RMSProp optimizer.
+##### Args:
+* <b>learning_rate</b>: A Tensor or a floating point value. The learning rate.
+* <b>decay</b>: discounting factor for the history/coming gradient
+* <b>momentum</b>: a scalar tensor.
+* <b>epsilon</b>: small value to avoid zero denominator.
+* <b>use_locking</b>: If True use locks for update operation.
+* <b>name</b>: Optional name prefic for the operations created when applying
+ gradients. Defaults to "RMSProp".
+## Gradient Computation. <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-gradient-computation.">{#AUTOGENERATED-gradient-computation.}</div>
+TensorFlow provides functions to compute the derivatives for a given
+TensorFlow computation graph, adding operations to the graph. The
+optimizer classes automatically compute derivatives on your graph, but
+creators of new Optimizers or expert users can call the lower-level
+functions below.
+- - -
+### tf.gradients(ys, xs, grad_ys=None, name='gradients', colocate_gradients_with_ops=False, gate_gradients=False, aggregation_method=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="gradients">{#gradients}</div>
+Constructs symbolic partial derivatives of `ys` w.r.t. x in `xs`.
+`ys` and `xs` are each a `Tensor` or a list of tensors. `grad_ys`
+is a list of `Tensor`, holding the gradients received by the
+`ys`. The list must be the same length as `ys`.
+`gradients()` adds ops to the graph to output the partial
+derivatives of `ys` with respect to `xs`. It returns a list of
+`Tensor` of length `len(xs)` where each tensor is the `sum(dy/dx)`
+for y in `ys`.
+`grad_ys` is a list of tensors of the same length as `ys` that holds
+the initial gradients for each y in `ys`. When `grad_ys` is None,
+we fill in a tensor of '1's of the shape of y for each y in `ys`. A
+user can provide their own initial 'grad_ys` to compute the
+derivatives using a different initial gradient for each y (e.g., if
+one wanted to weight the gradient differently for each value in
+each y).
+##### Args:
+* <b>ys</b>: A `Tensor` or list of tensors to be differentiated.
+* <b>xs</b>: A `Tensor` or list of tensors to be used for differentiation.
+* <b>grad_ys</b>: Optional. A `Tensor` or list of tensors the same size as
+ `ys` and holding the gradients computed for each y in `ys`.
+* <b>name</b>: Optional name to use for grouping all the gradient ops together.
+ defaults to 'gradients'.
+* <b>colocate_gradients_with_ops</b>: If True, try colocating gradients with
+ the corresponding op.
+* <b>gate_gradients</b>: If True, add a tuple around the gradients returned
+ for an operations. This avoids some race conditions.
+* <b>aggregation_method</b>: Specifies the method used to combine gradient terms.
+ Accepted values are constants defined in the class `AggregationMethod`.
+##### Returns:
+ A list of `sum(dy/dx)` for each x in `xs`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>LookupError</b>: if one of the operations between `x` and `y` does not
+ have a registered gradient function.
+* <b>ValueError</b>: if the arguments are invalid.
+- - -
+### class tf.AggregationMethod <div class="md-anchor" id="AggregationMethod">{#AggregationMethod}</div>
+A class listing aggregation methods used to combine gradients.
+Computing partial derivatives can require aggregating gradient
+contributions. This class lists the various methods that can
+be used to combine gradients in the graph:
+* `ADD_N`: All of the gradient terms are summed as part of one
+ operation using the "AddN" op. It has the property that all
+ gradients must be ready before any aggregation is performed.
+* `DEFAULT`: The system-chosen default aggregation method.
+- - -
+### tf.stop_gradient(input, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="stop_gradient">{#stop_gradient}</div>
+Stops gradient computation.
+When executed in a graph, this op outputs its input tensor as-is.
+When building ops to compute gradients, this op prevents the contribution of
+its inputs to be taken into account. Normally, the gradient generator adds ops
+to a graph to compute the derivatives of a specified 'loss' by recursively
+finding out inputs that contributed to its computation. If you insert this op
+in the graph it inputs are masked from the gradient generator. They are not
+taken into account for computing gradients.
+This is useful any time you want to compute a value with TensorFlow but need
+to pretend that the value was a constant. Some examples include:
+* The *EM* algorithm where the *M-step* should not involve backpropagation
+ through the output of the *E-step*.
+* Contrastive divergence training of Boltzmann machines where, when
+ differentiating the energy function, the training must not backpropagate
+ through the graph that generated the samples from the model.
+* Adversarial training, where no backprop should happen through the adversarial
+ example generation process.
+##### Args:
+* <b>input</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A `Tensor`. Has the same type as `input`.
+## Gradient Clipping <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-gradient-clipping">{#AUTOGENERATED-gradient-clipping}</div>
+TensorFlow provides several operations that you can use to add clipping
+functions to your graph. You can use these functions to perform general data
+clipping, but they're particularly useful for handling exploding or vanishing
+- - -
+### tf.clip_by_value(t, clip_value_min, clip_value_max, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="clip_by_value">{#clip_by_value}</div>
+Clips tensor values to a specified min and max.
+Given a tensor `t`, this operation returns a tensor of the same type and
+shape as `t` with its values clipped to `clip_value_min` and `clip_value_max`.
+Any values less than `clip_value_min` are set to `clip_value_min`. Any values
+greater than `clip_value_max` are set to `clip_value_max`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>t</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>clip_value_min</b>: A 0-D (scalar) `Tensor`. The minimum value to clip by.
+* <b>clip_value_max</b>: A 0-D (scalar) `Tensor`. The maximum value to clip by.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A clipped `Tensor`.
+- - -
+### tf.clip_by_norm(t, clip_norm, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="clip_by_norm">{#clip_by_norm}</div>
+Clips tensor values to a maximum L2-norm.
+Given a tensor `t`, and a maximum clip value `clip_norm`, this operation
+normalizes `t` so that its L2-norm is less than or equal to `clip_norm'.
+Specifically, if the L2-norm is already less than or equal to `clip_norm`,
+then `t` is not modified. If the L2-norm is greater than `clip_norm`, then
+this operation returns a tensor of the same type and shape as `t` with its
+values set to:
+`t * clip_norm / l2norm(t)`
+In this case, the L2-norm of the output tensor is `clip_norm`.
+This operation is typically used to clip gradients before applying them with
+an optimizer.
+##### Args:
+* <b>t</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>clip_norm</b>: A 0-D (scalar) `Tensor` > 0. A maximum clipping value.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A clipped `Tensor`.
+- - -
+### tf.clip_by_average_norm(t, clip_norm, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="clip_by_average_norm">{#clip_by_average_norm}</div>
+Clips tensor values to a maximum average L2-norm.
+Given a tensor `t`, and a maximum clip value `clip_norm`, this operation
+normalizes `t` so that its average L2-norm is less than or equal to
+`clip_norm'. Specifically, if the average L2-norm is already less than or
+equal to `clip_norm`, then `t` is not modified. If the average L2-norm is
+greater than `clip_norm`, then this operation returns a tensor of the same
+type and shape as `t` with its values set to:
+`t * clip_norm / l2norm_avg(t)`
+In this case, the average L2-norm of the output tensor is `clip_norm`.
+This operation is typically used to clip gradients before applying them with
+an optimizer.
+##### Args:
+* <b>t</b>: A `Tensor`.
+* <b>clip_norm</b>: A 0-D (scalar) `Tensor` > 0. A maximum clipping value.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A clipped `Tensor`.
+- - -
+### tf.clip_by_global_norm(t_list, clip_norm, use_norm=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="clip_by_global_norm">{#clip_by_global_norm}</div>
+Clips values of multiple tensors by the ratio of the sum of their norms.
+Given a tuple or list of tensors `t_list`, and a clipping ratio `clip_norm`,
+this operation returns a list of clipped tensors `list_clipped`
+and the global norm (`global_norm`) of all tensors in `t_list`. Optionally,
+if you've already computed the global norm for `t_list`, you can specify
+the global norm with `use_norm`.
+To perform the clipping, the values t_list[i] are set to:
+`t_list[i] * clip_norm / max(global_norm, clip_norm)`
+`global_norm = sqrt(sum([l2norm(t)**2 for t in t_list]))`
+If `clip_norm > global_norm` then the entries in `t_list` remain as they are,
+otherwise they're all shrunk by the global ratio.
+Any of the entries of `t_list` that are of type None are ignored.
+This is the correct way to perform gradient clipping (for example, see
+R. Pascanu, T. Mikolov, and Y. Bengio, "On the difficulty of training
+Recurrent Neural Networks". http://arxiv.org/abs/1211.5063)
+However, it is slower than `clip_by_norm()` because all the parameters must be
+ready before the clipping operation can be performed.
+##### Args:
+* <b>t_list</b>: A tuple or list of mixed `Tensors`, `IndexedSlices`, or None.
+* <b>clip_norm</b>: A 0-D (scalar) `Tensor` > 0. The clipping ratio.
+* <b>use_norm</b>: A 0-D (scalar) `Tensor` of type `float` (optional). The global
+ norm to use. If not provided, `global_norm()` is used to compute the norm.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+* <b>list_clipped</b>: A list of `Tensors` of the same type as `list_t`.
+* <b>global_norm</b>: A 0-D (scalar) `Tensor` representing the global norm.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `t_list` is not a sequence.
+- - -
+### tf.global_norm(t_list, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="global_norm">{#global_norm}</div>
+Computes the global norm of multiple tensors.
+Given a tuple or list of tensors `t_list`, this operation returns the
+global norm of the elements in all tensors in `t_list`. The global norm is
+computed as:
+`global_norm = sqrt(sum([l2norm(t)**2 for t in t_list]))`
+Any entries in `t_list` that are of type None are ignored.
+##### Args:
+* <b>t_list</b>: A tuple or list of mixed `Tensors`, `IndexedSlices`, or None.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A 0-D (scalar) `Tensor` of type `float`.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If `t_list` is not a sequence.
+## Decaying the learning rate. <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-decaying-the-learning-rate.">{#AUTOGENERATED-decaying-the-learning-rate.}</div>
+- - -
+### tf.train.exponential_decay(learning_rate, global_step, decay_steps, decay_rate, staircase=False, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="exponential_decay">{#exponential_decay}</div>
+Applies exponential decay to the learning rate.
+When training a model, it is often recommended to lower the learning rate as
+the training progresses. This function applies an exponential decay function
+to a provided initial learning rate. It requires a `global_step` value to
+compute the decayed learning rate. You can just pass a TensorFlow variable
+that you increment at each training step.
+The function returns the decayed learning rate. It is computed as:
+decayed_learning_rate = learning_rate *
+ decay_rate ^ (global_step / decay_steps)
+If the argument `staircase` is `True`, then `global_step /decay_steps` is an
+integer division and the decayed learning rate follows a staircase function.
+Example: decay every 100000 steps with a base of 0.96:
+global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
+starter_learning_rate = 0.1
+learning_rate = tf.exponential_decay(starter_learning_rate, global_step,
+ 100000, 0.96, staircase=True)
+optimizer = tf.GradientDescent(learning_rate)
+# Passing global_step to minimize() will increment it at each step.
+optimizer.minimize(...my loss..., global_step=global_step)
+##### Args:
+* <b>learning_rate</b>: A scalar `float32` or `float64` `Tensor` or a
+ Python number. The initial learning rate.
+* <b>global_step</b>: A scalar `int32` or `int64` `Tensor` or a Python number.
+ Global step to use for the decay computation. Must not be negative.
+* <b>decay_steps</b>: A scalar `int32` or `int64` `Tensor` or a Python number.
+ Must be positive. See the decay computation above.
+* <b>decay_rate</b>: A scalar `float32` or `float64` `Tensor` or a
+ Python number. The decay rate.
+* <b>staircase</b>: Boolean. It `True` decay the learning rate at discrete intervals.
+* <b>name</b>: string. Optional name of the operation. Defaults to 'ExponentialDecay'
+##### Returns:
+ A scalar `Tensor` of the same type as `learning_rate`. The decayed
+ learning rate.
+## Moving Averages. <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-moving-averages.">{#AUTOGENERATED-moving-averages.}</div>
+Some training algorithms, such as GradientDescent and Momentum often benefit
+from maintaining a moving average of variables during optimization. Using the
+moving averages for evaluations often improve results significantly.
+- - -
+### class tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage <div class="md-anchor" id="ExponentialMovingAverage">{#ExponentialMovingAverage}</div>
+Maintains moving averages of variables by employing and exponential decay.
+When training a model, it is often beneficial to maintain moving averages of
+the trained parameters. Evaluations that use averaged parameters sometimes
+produce significantly better results than the final trained values.
+The `apply()` method adds shadow copies of trained variables and add ops that
+maintain a moving average of the trained variables in their shadow copies.
+It is used when building the training model. The ops that maintain moving
+averages are typically run after each training step.
+The `average()` and `average_name()` methods give access to the shadow
+variables and their names. They are useful when building an evaluation
+model, or when restoring a model from a checkpoint file. They help use the
+moving averages in place of the last trained values for evaluations.
+The moving averages are computed using exponential decay. You specify the
+decay value when creating the `ExponentialMovingAverage` object. The shadow
+variables are initialized with the same initial values as the trained
+variables. When you run the ops to maintain the moving averages, each
+shadow variable is updated with the formula:
+ `shadow_variable -= (1 - decay) * (shadow_variable - variable)`
+This is mathematically equivalent to the classic formula below, but the use
+of an `assign_sub` op (the `"-="` in the formula) allows concurrent lockless
+updates to the variables:
+ `shadow_variable = decay * shadow_variable + (1 - decay) * variable`
+Reasonable values for `decay` are close to 1.0, typically in the
+multiple-nines range: 0.999, 0.9999, etc.
+Example usage when creating a training model:
+# Create variables.
+var0 = tf.Variable(...)
+var1 = tf.Variable(...)
+# ... use the variables to build a training model...
+# Create an op that applies the optimizer. This is what we usually
+# would use as a training op.
+opt_op = opt.minimize(my_loss, [var0, var1])
+# Create an ExponentialMovingAverage object
+ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(decay=0.9999)
+# Create the shadow variables, and add ops to maintain moving averages
+# of var0 and var1.
+maintain_averages_op = ema.apply([var0, var1])
+# Create an op that will update the moving averages after each training
+# step. This is what we will use in place of the usuall trainig op.
+with tf.control_dependencies([opt_op]):
+ training_op = tf.group(maintain_averages_op)
+...train the model by running training_op...
+There are two ways to use the moving averages for evaluations:
+* Build a model that uses the shadow variables instead of the variables.
+ For this, use the `average()` method which returns the shadow variable
+ for a given variable.
+* Build a model normally but load the checkpoint files to evaluate by using
+ the shadow variable names. For this use the `average_name()` method. See
+ the [Saver class](train.md#Saver) for more information on restoring saved
+ variables.
+Example of restoring the shadow variable values:
+# Create a Saver that loads variables from their saved shadow values.
+shadow_var0_name = ema.average_name(var0)
+shadow_var1_name = ema.average_name(var1)
+saver = tf.train.Saver({shadow_var0_name: var0, shadow_var1_name: var1})
+saver.restore(...checkpoint filename...)
+# var0 and var1 now hold the moving average values
+- - -
+#### tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage.__init__(decay, num_updates=None, name='ExponentialMovingAverage') {#ExponentialMovingAverage.__init__}
+Creates a new ExponentialMovingAverage object.
+The `Apply()` method has to be called to create shadow variables and add
+ops to maintain moving averages.
+The optional `num_updates` parameter allows one to tweak the decay rate
+dynamically. . It is typical to pass the count of training steps, usually
+kept in a variable that is incremented at each step, in which case the
+decay rate is lower at the start of training. This makes moving averages
+move faster. If passed, the actual decay rate used is:
+ `min(decay, (1 + num_updates) / (10 + num_updates))`
+##### Args:
+* <b>decay</b>: Float. The decay to use.
+* <b>num_updates</b>: Optional count of number of updates applied to variables.
+* <b>name</b>: String. Optional prefix name to use for the name of ops added in
+ `Apply()`.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage.apply(var_list=None) {#ExponentialMovingAverage.apply}
+Maintains moving averages of variables.
+`var_list` must be a list of `Variable` or `Tensor` objects. This method
+creates shadow variables for all elements of `var_list`. Shadow variables
+for `Variable` objects are initialized to the variable's initial value.
+For `Tensor` objects, the shadow variables are initialized to 0.
+shadow variables are created with `trainable=False` and added to the
+`GraphKeys.ALL_VARIABLES` collection. They will be returned by calls to
+Returns an op that updates all shadow variables as described above.
+Note that `apply()` can be called multiple times with different lists of
+##### Args:
+* <b>var_list</b>: A list of Variable or Tensor objects. The variables
+ and Tensors must be of types float32 or float64.
+##### Returns:
+ An Operation that updates the moving averages.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>TypeError</b>: If the arguments are not all float32 or float64.
+* <b>ValueError</b>: If the moving average of one of the variables is already
+ being computed.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage.average_name(var) {#ExponentialMovingAverage.average_name}
+Returns the name of the `Variable` holding the average for `var`.
+The typical scenario for `ExponentialMovingAverage` is to compute moving
+averages of variables during training, and restore the variables from the
+computed moving averages during evaluations.
+To restore variables, you have to know the name of the shadow variables.
+That name and the original variable can then be passed to a `Saver()` object
+to restore the variable from the moving average value with:
+ `saver = tf.train.Saver({ema.average_name(var): var})`
+`average_name()` can be called whether or not `apply()` has been called.
+##### Args:
+* <b>var</b>: A `Variable` object.
+##### Returns:
+ A string: the name of the variable that will be used or was used
+ by the `ExponentialMovingAverage class` to hold the moving average of
+ `var`.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage.average(var) {#ExponentialMovingAverage.average}
+Returns the `Variable` holding the average of `var`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>var</b>: A `Variable` object.
+##### Returns:
+ A `Variable` object or `None` if the moving average of `var`
+ is not maintained..
+## Coordinator and QueueRunner. <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-coordinator-and-queuerunner.">{#AUTOGENERATED-coordinator-and-queuerunner.}</div>
+See [Threading and Queues](../../how_tos/threading_and_queues/index.md)
+for how to use threads and queues. For documentation on the Queue API,
+see [Queues](../../api_docs/python/io_ops.md#queues).
+- - -
+### class tf.train.Coordinator <div class="md-anchor" id="Coordinator">{#Coordinator}</div>
+A coordinator for threads.
+This class implements a simple mechanism to coordinate the termination of a
+set of threads.
+#### Usage:
+# Create a coordinator.
+coord = Coordinator()
+# Start a number of threads, passing the coordinator to each of them.
+...start thread 1...(coord, ...)
+...start thread N...(coord, ...)
+# Wait for all the threads to terminate.
+Any of the threads can call `coord.request_stop()` to ask for all the threads
+to stop. To cooperate with the requests, each thread must check for
+`coord.should_stop()` on a regular basis. `coord.should_stop()` returns
+`True` as soon as `coord.request_stop()` has been called.
+A typical thread running with a Coordinator will do something like:
+while not coord.should_stop():
+ ...do some work...
+#### Exception handling:
+A thread can report an exception to the Coordinator as part of the
+`should_stop()` call. The exception will be re-raised from the
+`coord.join()` call.
+Thread code:
+ while not coord.should_stop():
+ ...do some work...
+except Exception, e:
+ coord.request_stop(e)
+Main code:
+ ...
+ coord = Coordinator()
+ # Start a number of threads, passing the coordinator to each of them.
+ ...start thread 1...(coord, ...)
+ ...start thread N...(coord, ...)
+ # Wait for all the threads to terminate.
+ coord.join(threads)
+except Exception, e:
+ ...exception that was passed to coord.request_stop()
+#### Grace period for stopping:
+After a thread has called `coord.request_stop()` the other threads have a
+fixed time to stop, this is called the 'stop grace period' and defaults to 2
+minutes. If any of the threads is still alive after the grace period expires
+`coord.join()` raises a RuntimeException reporting the laggards.
+ ...
+ coord = Coordinator()
+ # Start a number of threads, passing the coordinator to each of them.
+ ...start thread 1...(coord, ...)
+ ...start thread N...(coord, ...)
+ # Wait for all the threads to terminate, give them 10s grace period
+ coord.join(threads, stop_grace_period_secs=10)
+except RuntimeException:
+ ...one of the threads took more than 10s to stop after request_stop()
+ ...was called.
+except Exception:
+ ...exception that was passed to coord.request_stop()
+- - -
+#### tf.train.Coordinator.__init__() {#Coordinator.__init__}
+Create a new Coordinator.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.Coordinator.join(threads, stop_grace_period_secs=120) {#Coordinator.join}
+Wait for threads to terminate.
+Blocks until all 'threads' have terminated or request_stop() is called.
+After the threads stop, if an 'exc_info' was passed to request_stop, that
+exception is re-reaised.
+Grace period handling: When request_stop() is called, threads are given
+'stop_grace_period_secs' seconds to terminate. If any of them is still
+alive after that period expires, a RuntimeError is raised. Note that if
+an 'exc_info' was passed to request_stop() then it is raised instead of
+that RuntimeError.
+##### Args:
+* <b>threads</b>: List threading.Threads. The started threads to join.
+* <b>stop_grace_period_secs</b>: Number of seconds given to threads to stop after
+ request_stop() has been called.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>RuntimeError</b>: If any thread is still alive after request_stop()
+ is called and the grace period expires.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.Coordinator.request_stop(ex=None) {#Coordinator.request_stop}
+Request that the threads stop.
+After this is called, calls to should_stop() will return True.
+##### Args:
+* <b>ex</b>: Optional Exception, or Python 'exc_info' tuple as returned by
+ sys.exc_info(). If this is the first call to request_stop() the
+ corresponding exception is recorded and re-raised from join().
+- - -
+#### tf.train.Coordinator.should_stop() {#Coordinator.should_stop}
+Check if stop was requested.
+##### Returns:
+ True if a stop was requested.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.Coordinator.wait_for_stop(timeout=None) {#Coordinator.wait_for_stop}
+Wait till the Coordinator is told to stop.
+##### Args:
+* <b>timeout</b>: float. Sleep for up to that many seconds waiting for
+ should_stop() to become True.
+##### Returns:
+ True if the Coordinator is told stop, False if the timeout expired.
+- - -
+### class tf.train.QueueRunner <div class="md-anchor" id="QueueRunner">{#QueueRunner}</div>
+Holds a list of enqueue operations for a queue, each to be run in a thread.
+Queues are a convenient TensorFlow mechanism to compute tensors
+asynchronously using multiple threads. For example in the canonical 'Input
+Reader' setup one set of threads generates filenames in a queue; a second set
+of threads read records from the files, processes them, and enqueues tensors
+on a second queue; a third set of threads dequeues these input records to
+construct batches and runs them through training operations.
+There are several delicate issues when running multiple threads that way:
+closing the queues in sequence as the input is exhausted, correctly catching
+and reporting exceptions, etc.
+The `QueueRunner`, combined with the `Coordinator`, helps handle these issues.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.QueueRunner.__init__(queue, enqueue_ops) {#QueueRunner.__init__}
+Create a QueueRunner.
+On construction the `QueueRunner` adds an op to close the queue. That op
+will be run if the enqueue ops raise exceptions.
+When you later call the `create_threads()` method, the `QueueRunner` will
+create one thread for each op in `enqueue_ops`. Each thread will run its
+enqueue op in parallel with the other threads. The enqueue ops do not have
+to all be the same op, but it is expected that they all enqueue tensors in
+##### Args:
+* <b>queue</b>: A `Queue`.
+* <b>enqueue_ops</b>: List of enqueue ops to run in threads later.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.QueueRunner.create_threads(sess, coord=None, daemon=False, start=False) {#QueueRunner.create_threads}
+Create threads to run the enqueue ops.
+This method requires a session in which the graph was launched. It creates
+a list of threads, optionally starting them. There is one thread for each
+op passed in `enqueue_ops`.
+The `coord` argument is an optional coordinator, that the threads will use
+to terminate together and report exceptions. If a coordinator is given,
+this method starts an additional thread to close the queue when the
+coordinator requests a stop.
+This method may be called again as long as all threads from a previous call
+have stopped.
+##### Args:
+* <b>sess</b>: A `Session`.
+* <b>coord</b>: Optional `Coordinator` object for reporting errors and checking
+ stop conditions.
+* <b>daemon</b>: Boolean. If `True` make the threads daemon threads.
+* <b>start</b>: Boolean. If `True` starts the threads. If `False` the
+ caller must call the `start()` method of the returned threads.
+##### Returns:
+ A list of threads.
+##### Raises:
+* <b>RuntimeError</b>: If threads from a previous call to `create_threads()` are
+ still running.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.QueueRunner.exceptions_raised {#QueueRunner.exceptions_raised}
+Exceptions raised but not handled by the `QueueRunner` threads.
+Exceptions raised in queue runner threads are handled in one of two ways
+depending on whether or not a `Coordinator` was passed to
+* With a `Coordinator`, exceptions are reported to the coordinator and
+ forgotten by the `QueueRunner`.
+* Without a `Coordinator`, exceptions are captured by the `QueueRunner` and
+ made available in this `exceptions_raised` property.
+##### Returns:
+ A list of Python `Exception` objects. The list is empty if no exception
+ was captured. (No exceptions are captured when using a Coordinator.)
+- - -
+### tf.train.add_queue_runner(qr, collection='queue_runners') <div class="md-anchor" id="add_queue_runner">{#add_queue_runner}</div>
+Adds a `QueueRunner` to a collection in the graph.
+When building a complex model that uses many queues it is often difficult to
+gather all the queue runners that need to be run. This convenience function
+allows you to add a queue runner to a well known collection in the graph.
+The companion method `start_queue_runners()` can be used to start threads for
+all the collected queue runners.
+##### Args:
+* <b>qr</b>: A `QueueRunner`.
+* <b>collection</b>: A `GraphKey` specifying the graph collection to add
+ the queue runner to. Defaults to `GraphKeys.QUEUE_RUNNERS`.
+- - -
+### tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=None, coord=None, daemon=True, start=True, collection='queue_runners') <div class="md-anchor" id="start_queue_runners">{#start_queue_runners}</div>
+Starts all queue runners collected in the graph.
+This is a companion method to `add_queue_runner()`. It just starts
+threads for all queue runners collected in the graph. It returns
+the list of all threads.
+##### Args:
+* <b>sess</b>: `Session` used to run the queue ops. Defaults to the
+ default session.
+* <b>coord</b>: Optional `Coordinator` for coordinating the started threads.
+* <b>daemon</b>: Whether the threads should be marked as `daemons`, meaning
+ they don't block program exit.
+* <b>start</b>: Set to `False` to only create the threads, not start them.
+* <b>collection</b>: A `GraphKey` specifying the graph collection to
+ get the queue runners from. Defaults to `GraphKeys.QUEUE_RUNNERS`.
+##### Returns:
+ A list of threads.
+## Summary Operations. <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-summary-operations.">{#AUTOGENERATED-summary-operations.}</div>
+The following ops output
+protocol buffers as serialized string tensors.
+You can fetch the output of a summary op in a session, and pass it to a
+[SummaryWriter](train.md#SummaryWriter) to append it to an event file. You can
+then use TensorBoard to visualize the contents of the event files. See
+[TensorBoard and Summaries](../../how_tos/summaries_and_tensorboard/index.md)
+for more details.
+- - -
+### tf.scalar_summary(tags, values, collections=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="scalar_summary">{#scalar_summary}</div>
+Outputs a `Summary` protocol buffer with scalar values.
+The input `tags` and `values` must have the same shape. The generated
+summary has a summary value for each tag-value pair in `tags` and `values`.
+##### Args:
+* <b>tags</b>: A 1-D `string` `Tensor`. Tags for the summaries.
+* <b>values</b>: A 1-D `float32` or `float64` Tensor. Values for the summaries.
+* <b>collections</b>: Optional list of graph collections keys. The new summary op is
+ added to these collections. Defaults to `[GraphKeys.SUMMARIES]`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A scalar `Tensor` of type `string`. The serialized `Summary` protocol
+ buffer.
+- - -
+### tf.image_summary(tag, tensor, max_images=None, collections=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="image_summary">{#image_summary}</div>
+Outputs a `Summary` protocol buffer with images.
+The summary has up to `max_images` summary values containing images. The
+images are built from `tensor` which must be 4-D with shape `[batch_size,
+height, width, channels]` and where `channels` can be:
+* 1: `tensor` is interpreted as Grayscale.
+* 3: `tensor` is interpreted as RGB.
+* 4: `tensor` is interpreted as RGBA.
+The images have the same number of channels as the input tensor. Their values
+are normalized, one image at a time, to fit in the range `[0, 255]`. The
+op uses two different normalization algorithms:
+* If the input values are all positive, they are rescaled so the largest one
+ is 255.
+* If any input value is negative, the values are shifted so input value 0.0
+ is at 127. They are then rescaled so that either the smallest value is 0,
+ or the largest one is 255.
+The `tag` argument is a scalar `Tensor` of type `string`. It is used to
+build the `tag` of the summary values:
+* If `max_images` is 1, the summary value tag is '*tag*/image'.
+* If `max_images` is greater than 1, the summary value tags are
+ generated sequentially as '*tag*/image/0', '*tag*/image/1', etc.
+##### Args:
+* <b>tag</b>: A scalar `Tensor` of type `string`. Used to build the `tag`
+ of the summary values.
+* <b>tensor</b>: A 4-D `float32` `Tensor` of shape `[batch_size, height, width,
+ channels]` where `channels` is 1, 3, or 4.
+* <b>max_images</b>: Max number of batch elements to generate images for.
+* <b>collections</b>: Optional list of ops.GraphKeys. The collections to add the
+ summary to. Defaults to [ops.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES]
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A scalar `Tensor` of type `string`. The serialized `Summary` protocol
+ buffer.
+- - -
+### tf.histogram_summary(tag, values, collections=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="histogram_summary">{#histogram_summary}</div>
+Outputs a `Summary` protocol buffer with a histogram.
+The generated
+has one summary value containing a histogram for `values`.
+This op reports an `OutOfRange` error if any value is not finite.
+##### Args:
+* <b>tag</b>: A `string` `Tensor`. 0-D. Tag to use for the summary value.
+* <b>values</b>: A `float32` `Tensor`. Any shape. Values to use to build the
+ histogram.
+* <b>collections</b>: Optional list of graph collections keys. The new summary op is
+ added to these collections. Defaults to `[GraphKeys.SUMMARIES]`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A scalar `Tensor` of type `string`. The serialized `Summary` protocol
+ buffer.
+- - -
+### tf.nn.zero_fraction(value, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="zero_fraction">{#zero_fraction}</div>
+Returns the fraction of zeros in `value`.
+If `value` is empty, the result is `nan`.
+This is useful in summaries to measure and report sparsity. For example,
+ z = tf.Relu(...)
+ summ = tf.scalar_summary('sparsity', tf.zero_fraction(z))
+##### Args:
+* <b>value</b>: A tensor of numeric type.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ The fraction of zeros in `value`, with type `float32`.
+- - -
+### tf.merge_summary(inputs, collections=None, name=None) <div class="md-anchor" id="merge_summary">{#merge_summary}</div>
+Merges summaries.
+This op creates a
+protocol buffer that contains the union of all the values in the input
+When the Op is run, it reports an `InvalidArgument` error if multiple values
+in the summaries to merge use the same tag.
+##### Args:
+* <b>inputs</b>: A list of `string` `Tensor` objects containing serialized `Summary`
+ protocol buffers.
+* <b>collections</b>: Optional list of graph collections keys. The new summary op is
+ added to these collections. Defaults to `[GraphKeys.SUMMARIES]`.
+* <b>name</b>: A name for the operation (optional).
+##### Returns:
+ A scalar `Tensor` of type `string`. The serialized `Summary` protocol
+ buffer resulting from the merging.
+- - -
+### tf.merge_all_summaries(key='summaries') <div class="md-anchor" id="merge_all_summaries">{#merge_all_summaries}</div>
+Merges all summaries collected in the default graph.
+##### Args:
+* <b>key</b>: `GraphKey` used to collect the summaries. Defaults to
+ `GraphKeys.SUMMARIES`.
+##### Returns:
+ If no summaries were collected, returns None. Otherwise returns a scalar
+ `Tensor` of type`string` containing the serialized `Summary` protocol
+ buffer resulting from the merging.
+## Adding Summaries to Event Files. <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-adding-summaries-to-event-files.">{#AUTOGENERATED-adding-summaries-to-event-files.}</div>
+See [Summaries and
+TensorBoard](../../how_tos/summaries_and_tensorboard/index.md) for an
+overview of summaries, event files, and visualization in TensorBoard.
+- - -
+### class tf.train.SummaryWriter <div class="md-anchor" id="SummaryWriter">{#SummaryWriter}</div>
+Writes `Summary` protocol buffers to event files.
+The `SummaryWriter` class provides a mechanism to create an event file in a
+given directory and add summaries and events to it. The class updates the
+file contents asynchronously. This allows a training program to call methods
+to add data to the file directly from the training loop, without slowing down
+- - -
+#### tf.train.SummaryWriter.__init__(logdir, graph_def=None, max_queue=10, flush_secs=120) {#SummaryWriter.__init__}
+Creates a `SummaryWriter` and an event file.
+On construction the summary writer creates a new event file in `logdir`.
+This event file will contain `Event` protocol buffers constructed when you
+call one of the following functions: `add_summary()`, `add_event()`, or
+If you pass a `graph_def` protocol buffer to the constructor it is added to
+the event file. (This is equivalent to calling `add_graph()` later).
+TensorBoard will pick the graph from the file and display it graphically so
+you can interactively explore the graph you built. You will usually pass
+the graph from the session in which you launched it:
+...create a graph...
+# Launch the graph in a session.
+sess = tf.Session()
+# Create a summary writer, add the 'graph_def' to the event file.
+writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(<some-directory>, sess.graph_def)
+The other arguments to the constructor control the asynchronous writes to
+the event file:
+* `flush_secs`: How often, in seconds, to flush the added summaries
+ and events to disk.
+* `max_queue`: Maximum number of summaries or events pending to be
+ written to disk before one of the 'add' calls block.
+##### Args:
+* <b>logdir</b>: A string. Directory where event file will be written.
+* <b>graph_def</b>: A `GraphDef` protocol buffer.
+* <b>max_queue</b>: Integer. Size of the queue for pending events and summaries.
+* <b>flush_secs</b>: Number. How often, in seconds, to flush the
+ pending events and summaries to disk.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.SummaryWriter.add_summary(summary, global_step=None) {#SummaryWriter.add_summary}
+Adds a `Summary` protocol buffer to the event file.
+This method wraps the provided summary in an `Event` procotol buffer
+and adds it to the event file.
+You can pass the output of any summary op, as-is, to this function. You
+can also pass a `Summary` procotol buffer that you manufacture with your
+own data. This is commonly done to report evaluation results in event
+##### Args:
+* <b>summary</b>: A `Summary` protocol buffer, optionally serialized as a string.
+* <b>global_step</b>: Number. Optional global step value to record with the
+ summary.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.SummaryWriter.add_event(event) {#SummaryWriter.add_event}
+Adds an event to the event file.
+##### Args:
+* <b>event</b>: An `Event` protocol buffer.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.SummaryWriter.add_graph(graph_def, global_step=None) {#SummaryWriter.add_graph}
+Adds a `GraphDef` protocol buffer to the event file.
+The graph described by the protocol buffer will be displayed by
+TensorBoard. Most users pass a graph in the constructor instead.
+##### Args:
+* <b>graph_def</b>: A `GraphDef` protocol buffer.
+* <b>global_step</b>: Number. Optional global step counter to record with the
+ graph.
+- - -
+#### tf.train.SummaryWriter.flush() {#SummaryWriter.flush}
+Flushes the event file to disk.
+Call this method to make sure that all pending events have been written to
+- - -
+#### tf.train.SummaryWriter.close() {#SummaryWriter.close}
+Flushes the event file to disk and close the file.
+Call this method when you do not need the summary writer anymore.
+- - -
+### tf.train.summary_iterator(path) <div class="md-anchor" id="summary_iterator">{#summary_iterator}</div>
+An iterator for reading `Event` protocol buffers from an event file.
+You can use this function to read events written to an event file. It returns
+a Python iterator that yields `Event` protocol buffers.
+Example: Print the contents of an events file.
+for e in tf.summary_iterator(path to events file):
+ print e
+Example: Print selected summary values.
+# This example supposes that the events file contains summaries with a
+# summary value tag 'loss'. These could have been added by calling
+# `add_summary()`, passing the output of a scalar summary op created with
+# with: `tf.scalar_summary(['loss'], loss_tensor)`.
+for e in tf.summary_iterator(path to events file):
+ for v in e.summary.value:
+ if v.tag == 'loss':
+ print v.simple_value
+See the protocol buffer definitions of
+for more information about their attributes.
+##### Args:
+* <b>path</b>: The path to an event file created by a `SummaryWriter`.
+##### Yields:
+ `Event` protocol buffers.
+## Training utilities. <div class="md-anchor" id="AUTOGENERATED-training-utilities.">{#AUTOGENERATED-training-utilities.}</div>
+- - -
+### tf.train.global_step(sess, global_step_tensor) <div class="md-anchor" id="global_step">{#global_step}</div>
+Small helper to get the global step.
+# Creates a variable to hold the global_step.
+global_step_tensor = tf.Variable(10, trainable=False, name='global_step')
+# Creates a session.
+sess = tf.Session()
+# Initializes the variable.
+print 'global_step:', tf.train.global_step(sess, global_step_tensor)
+global_step: 10
+##### Args:
+* <b>sess</b>: A brain `Session` object.
+* <b>global_step_tensor</b>: `Tensor` or the `name` of the operation that contains
+ the global step.
+##### Returns:
+ The global step value.
+- - -
+### tf.train.write_graph(graph_def, logdir, name, as_text=True) <div class="md-anchor" id="write_graph">{#write_graph}</div>
+Writes a graph proto on disk.
+The graph is written as a binary proto unless as_text is `True`.
+v = tf.Variable(0, name='my_variable')
+sess = tf.Session()
+tf.train.write_graph(sess.graph_def, '/tmp/my-model', 'train.pbtxt')
+##### Args:
+* <b>graph_def</b>: A `GraphDef` protocol buffer.
+* <b>logdir</b>: Directory where to write the graph.
+* <b>name</b>: Filename for the graph.
+* <b>as_text</b>: If `True`, writes the graph as an ASCII proto.