path: root/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/node.ts
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authorGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
committerGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
commitf41959ccb2d9d4c722fe8fc3351401d53bcf4900 (patch)
treeef0ca22cb2a5ac4bdec9d080d8e0788a53ed496d /tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/node.ts
TensorFlow: Initial commit of TensorFlow library.
TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Base CL: 107276108
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/node.ts')
1 files changed, 525 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/node.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/node.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c74b37e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/node.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+/// <reference path="../graph.ts" />
+/// <reference path="scene.ts" />
+/// <reference path="annotation.ts" />
+module tf.graph.scene.node {
+ * Select or Create a "g.nodes" group to a given sceneGroup
+ * and builds a number of "g.node" groups inside the group.
+ *
+ * Structure Pattern:
+ *
+ * <g class="nodes">
+ * <g class="node">
+ * <g class="in-annotations">
+ * ...
+ * </g>
+ * <g class="out-annotations">
+ * ...
+ * </g>
+ * <g class="nodeshape">
+ * <!--
+ * Content of the node shape should be for the node itself. For example a
+ * Metanode would have a <rect> with rounded edges, an op would have an
+ * <ellipse>. More complex nodes like series may contain multiple elements
+ * which are conditionally visible based on whether the node is expanded.
+ * -->
+ * </g>
+ * <text class="label">node name</text>
+ * <g class="subscene">
+ * <!--
+ * Content of the subscene (only for metanode and series node).
+ *
+ * Subscene is a svg group that contains content of the
+ * metanode's metagraph that is recursively generated by Scene.build().
+ *
+ * When the graph is expanded multiple times, a subscene can contain
+ * nested subscenes inside.
+ * -->
+ * </g>
+ * </g>
+ * ...
+ * </g>
+ *
+ *
+ * @param sceneGroup selection of the container
+ * @param nodeData array of render node information to map
+ * @param sceneBehavior parent scene module
+ * @return selection of the created nodeGroups
+ */
+export function buildGroup(sceneGroup,
+ nodeData: render.RenderNodeInformation[], sceneBehavior) {
+ let container = scene.selectOrCreateChild(sceneGroup, "g",
+ Class.Node.CONTAINER);
+ // Select all children and join with data.
+ // (Note that all children of g.nodes are g.node)
+ let nodeGroups = container.selectAll(function() {
+ // using d3's selector function
+ // See https://github.com/mbostock/d3/releases/tag/v2.0.0
+ // (It's not listed in the d3 wiki.)
+ return this.childNodes; // this here refers to container.node()
+ })
+ .data(nodeData, (d: any) => {
+ // make sure that we don't have to swap shape type
+ return d.node.name + ":" + d.node.type;
+ });
+ // ENTER
+ nodeGroups.enter()
+ .append("g")
+ .attr("data-name", d => { return d.node.name; })
+ .each(function(d) {
+ let nodeGroup = d3.select(this);
+ // index node group for quick stylizing
+ sceneBehavior.addNodeGroup(d.node.name, nodeGroup);
+ });
+ nodeGroups
+ .attr("class", d => {
+ return Class.Node.GROUP + " " + nodeClass(d);
+ })
+ .each(function(d) {
+ let nodeGroup = d3.select(this);
+ // add g.in-annotations (always add -- to keep layer order consistent.)
+ let inAnnotationBox = scene.selectOrCreateChild(nodeGroup, "g",
+ Class.Annotation.INBOX);
+ annotation.buildGroup(inAnnotationBox, d.inAnnotations, d,
+ sceneBehavior);
+ // add g.out-annotations (always add -- to keep layer order consistent.)
+ let outAnnotationBox = scene.selectOrCreateChild(nodeGroup, "g",
+ Class.Annotation.OUTBOX);
+ annotation.buildGroup(outAnnotationBox, d.outAnnotations, d,
+ sceneBehavior);
+ // label
+ let label = labelBuild(nodeGroup, d, sceneBehavior);
+ // Do not add interaction to metanode labels as they live inside the
+ // metanode shape which already has the same interactions.
+ addInteraction(label, d, sceneBehavior, d.node.type === NodeType.META);
+ // build .shape below label
+ let shape = buildShape(nodeGroup, d, Class.Node.SHAPE, label.node());
+ if (d.node.isGroupNode) {
+ addButton(shape, d, sceneBehavior);
+ }
+ addInteraction(shape, d, sceneBehavior);
+ // build subscene on the top
+ subsceneBuild(nodeGroup, d, sceneBehavior);
+ stylize(nodeGroup, d, sceneBehavior);
+ position(nodeGroup, d, sceneBehavior);
+ });
+ // EXIT
+ nodeGroups.exit()
+ .each(function(d) {
+ // remove all indices on remove
+ sceneBehavior.removeNodeGroup(d.node.name);
+ let nodeGroup = d3.select(this);
+ if (d.inAnnotations.list.length > 0) {
+ nodeGroup.select("." + Class.Annotation.INBOX)
+ .selectAll("." + Class.Annotation.GROUP)
+ .each(a => {
+ sceneBehavior.removeAnnotationGroup(a, d);
+ });
+ }
+ if (d.outAnnotations.list.length > 0) {
+ nodeGroup.select("." + Class.Annotation.OUTBOX)
+ .selectAll("." + Class.Annotation.GROUP)
+ .each(a => {
+ sceneBehavior.removeAnnotationGroup(a, d);
+ });
+ }
+ })
+ .remove();
+ return nodeGroups;
+ * Update or remove the subscene of a render group node depending on whether it
+ * is a expanded. If the node is not a group node, this method has no effect.
+ *
+ * @param nodeGroup selection of the container
+ * @param renderNodeInfo the render information for the node.
+ * @param sceneBehavior parent scene module
+ * @return Selection of the subscene group, or null if node group does not have
+ * a subscene. Op nodes, bridge nodes and unexpanded group nodes will
+ * not have a subscene.
+ */
+function subsceneBuild(nodeGroup,
+ renderNodeInfo: render.RenderGroupNodeInformation, sceneBehavior) {
+ if (renderNodeInfo.node.isGroupNode) {
+ if (renderNodeInfo.expanded) {
+ // Recursively build the subscene.
+ return scene.buildGroup(nodeGroup, renderNodeInfo, sceneBehavior,
+ Class.Subscene.GROUP);
+ }
+ // Clean out existing subscene if the node is not expanded.
+ scene.selectChild(nodeGroup, "g", Class.Subscene.GROUP).remove();
+ }
+ return null;
+ * Translate the subscene of the given node group
+ */
+function subscenePosition(nodeGroup, d: render.RenderNodeInformation) {
+ let x0 = d.x - d.width / 2.0 + d.paddingLeft;
+ let y0 = d.y - d.height / 2.0 + d.paddingTop;
+ let subscene = scene.selectChild(nodeGroup, "g", Class.Subscene.GROUP);
+ scene.translate(subscene, x0, y0);
+ * Add an expand/collapse button to a group node
+ *
+ * @param selection The group node selection.
+ * @param d Info about the node being rendered.
+ * @param sceneBehavior parent scene module.
+ */
+function addButton(selection, d: render.RenderNodeInformation, sceneBehavior) {
+ let group = scene.selectOrCreateChild(
+ selection, "g", Class.Node.BUTTON_CONTAINER);
+ scene.selectOrCreateChild(group, "circle", Class.Node.BUTTON_CIRCLE);
+ scene.selectOrCreateChild(group, "path", Class.Node.EXPAND_BUTTON).attr(
+ "d", "M0,-2.2 V2.2 M-2.2,0 H2.2");
+ scene.selectOrCreateChild(group, "path", Class.Node.COLLAPSE_BUTTON).attr(
+ "d", "M-2.2,0 H2.2");
+ group.on("click", d => {
+ // Stop this event's propagation so that it isn't also considered a
+ // node-select.
+ (<Event>d3.event).stopPropagation();
+ sceneBehavior.fire("node-toggle-expand", { name: d.node.name });
+ });
+ scene.positionButton(group, d);
+ * Fire node-* events when the selection is interacted.
+ *
+ * @param disableInteraction When true, have the provided selection
+ * ignore all pointer events. Used for text labels inside of metanodes, which
+ * don't need interaction as their surrounding shape has interaction, and if
+ * given interaction would cause conflicts with the expand/collapse button.
+ */
+function addInteraction(selection, d: render.RenderNodeInformation,
+ sceneBehavior, disableInteraction?: boolean) {
+ if (disableInteraction) {
+ selection.attr("pointer-events", "none");
+ return;
+ }
+ selection.on("dblclick", d => {
+ sceneBehavior.fire("node-toggle-expand", { name: d.node.name });
+ })
+ .on("mouseover", d => {
+ // don't send mouseover over expanded group,
+ // otherwise it is causing too much glitches
+ if (sceneBehavior.isNodeExpanded(d)) { return; }
+ sceneBehavior.fire("node-highlight", { name: d.node.name });
+ })
+ .on("mouseout", d => {
+ // don't send mouseover over expanded group,
+ // otherwise it is causing too much glitches
+ if (sceneBehavior.isNodeExpanded(d)) { return; }
+ sceneBehavior.fire("node-unhighlight", { name: d.node.name });
+ })
+ .on("click", d => {
+ // Stop this event's propagation so that it isn't also considered
+ // a graph-select.
+ (<Event>d3.event).stopPropagation();
+ sceneBehavior.fire("node-select", { name: d.node.name });
+ });
+ * Append svg text for label and assign data.
+ * @param nodeGroup
+ * @param renderNodeInfo The render node information for the label.
+ * @param sceneBehavior parent scene module.
+ */
+function labelBuild(nodeGroup, renderNodeInfo: render.RenderNodeInformation,
+ sceneBehavior) {
+ let namePath = renderNodeInfo.node.name.split("/");
+ let text = namePath[namePath.length - 1];
+ // Truncate long labels for unexpanded Metanodes.
+ let useFontScale = renderNodeInfo.node.type === NodeType.META &&
+ !renderNodeInfo.expanded;
+ let label = scene.selectOrCreateChild(nodeGroup, "text", Class.Node.LABEL);
+ label.attr("dy", ".35em")
+ .attr("text-anchor", "middle");
+ if (useFontScale) {
+ if (text.length > sceneBehavior.maxMetanodeLabelLength) {
+ text = text.substr(0, sceneBehavior.maxMetanodeLabelLength - 2) + "...";
+ }
+ let scale = getLabelFontScale(sceneBehavior);
+ label.attr("font-size", scale(text.length) + "px");
+ }
+ label.text(text);
+ return label;
+ * d3 scale used for sizing font of labels, used by labelBuild,
+ * initialized once by getLabelFontScale.
+ */
+let fontScale = null;
+function getLabelFontScale(sceneBehavior) {
+ if (!fontScale) {
+ fontScale = d3.scale.linear()
+ .domain([sceneBehavior.maxMetanodeLabelLengthLargeFont,
+ sceneBehavior.maxMetanodeLabelLength])
+ .range([sceneBehavior.maxMetanodeLabelLengthFontSize,
+ sceneBehavior.minMetanodeLabelLengthFontSize]).clamp(true);
+ }
+ return fontScale;
+ * Set label position of a given node group
+ */
+function labelPosition(nodeGroup, d: render.RenderNodeInformation,
+ yOffset: number) {
+ scene.selectChild(nodeGroup, "text", Class.Node.LABEL).transition()
+ .attr("x", d.x)
+ .attr("y", d.y + yOffset);
+ * Select or append/insert shape for a node and assign renderNode
+ * as the shape's data.
+ *
+ * @param nodeGroup
+ * @param d RenderNodeInformation
+ * @param nodeClass class for the element.
+ * @param before Reference DOM node for insertion.
+ * @return Selection of the shape.
+ */
+export function buildShape(nodeGroup, d, nodeClass: string, before?) {
+ // Create a group to house the underlying visual elements.
+ let shapeGroup = scene.selectOrCreateChild(nodeGroup, "g", nodeClass,
+ before);
+ // TODO(jimbo): DOM structure should be templated in HTML somewhere, not JS.
+ switch (d.node.type) {
+ case NodeType.OP:
+ scene.selectOrCreateChild(shapeGroup, "ellipse",
+ Class.Node.COLOR_TARGET);
+ break;
+ case NodeType.SERIES:
+ // Choose the correct stamp to use to represent this series.
+ let stampType = "annotation";
+ let groupNodeInfo = <render.RenderGroupNodeInformation>d;
+ if (groupNodeInfo.coreGraph) {
+ stampType = groupNodeInfo.node.hasNonControlEdges
+ ? "vertical" : "horizontal";
+ }
+ scene.selectOrCreateChild(shapeGroup, "use", Class.Node.COLOR_TARGET)
+ .attr("xlink:href", "#op-series-" + stampType + "-stamp");
+ scene.selectOrCreateChild(shapeGroup, "rect", Class.Node.COLOR_TARGET)
+ .attr({ rx: d.radius, ry: d.radius });
+ break;
+ case NodeType.BRIDGE:
+ scene.selectOrCreateChild(shapeGroup, "rect", Class.Node.COLOR_TARGET)
+ .attr({ rx: d.radius, ry: d.radius });
+ break;
+ case NodeType.META:
+ scene.selectOrCreateChild(shapeGroup, "rect", Class.Node.COLOR_TARGET)
+ .attr({ rx: d.radius, ry: d.radius });
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw Error("Unrecognized node type: " + d.node.type);
+ }
+ return shapeGroup;
+export function nodeClass(d: render.RenderNodeInformation) {
+ switch (d.node.type) {
+ case NodeType.OP:
+ return Class.OPNODE;
+ case NodeType.META:
+ return Class.METANODE;
+ case NodeType.SERIES:
+ return Class.SERIESNODE;
+ case NodeType.BRIDGE:
+ return Class.BRIDGENODE;
+ case NodeType.ELLIPSIS:
+ return Class.ELLIPSISNODE;
+ };
+ throw Error("Unrecognized node type: " + d.node.type);
+/** Modify node and its subscene and its label's positional attributes */
+function position(nodeGroup, d: render.RenderNodeInformation, sceneBehavior) {
+ let shapeGroup = scene.selectChild(nodeGroup, "g", Class.Node.SHAPE);
+ switch (d.node.type) {
+ case NodeType.OP: {
+ // position shape
+ let shape = scene.selectChild(shapeGroup, "ellipse");
+ scene.positionEllipse(shape, d.x, d.y, d.width, d.height);
+ labelPosition(nodeGroup, d, d.labelOffset);
+ break;
+ }
+ case NodeType.META: {
+ // position shape
+ let shape = scene.selectChild(shapeGroup, "rect");
+ scene.positionRect(shape, d.x, d.y, d.width, d.height);
+ if (d.expanded) {
+ subscenePosition(nodeGroup, d);
+ // put label on top
+ labelPosition(nodeGroup, d,
+ - d.height / 2 + d.labelHeight / 2);
+ } else {
+ labelPosition(nodeGroup, d, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case NodeType.SERIES: {
+ let shape = scene.selectChild(shapeGroup, "use");
+ scene.positionRect(shape, d.x, d.y, d.width, d.height);
+ if (d.expanded) {
+ subscenePosition(nodeGroup, d);
+ // put label on top
+ labelPosition(nodeGroup, d,
+ - d.height / 2 + d.labelHeight / 2);
+ } else {
+ labelPosition(nodeGroup, d, d.labelOffset);
+ }
+ }
+ case NodeType.BRIDGE: {
+ // position shape
+ // NOTE: In reality, these will not be visible, but it helps to put them
+ // in the correct position for debugging purposes.
+ let shape = scene.selectChild(shapeGroup, "rect");
+ scene.positionRect(shape, d.x, d.y, d.width, d.height);
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ throw Error("Unrecognized node type: " + d.node.type);
+ }
+ }
+/** Enum specifying the options to color nodes by */
+let ColorBy = {
+ DEVICE: 1,
+ * Returns the fill color for the node given its state and the "color by"
+ * option.
+ */
+function getFillForNode(sceneBehavior, colorBy,
+ renderInfo: render.RenderNodeInformation, isExpanded: boolean): string {
+ let colorParams = tf.graph.render.MetanodeColors;
+ switch (colorBy) {
+ case ColorBy.STRUCTURE:
+ if (renderInfo.node.type === tf.graph.NodeType.META) {
+ let tid = (<Metanode>renderInfo.node).templateId;
+ return tid === null ? colorParams.UNKNOWN : colorParams.STRUCTURE_PALETTE(
+ sceneBehavior.templateIndex(tid), renderInfo.expanded);
+ } else if (renderInfo.node.type === tf.graph.NodeType.SERIES) {
+ // If expanded, we're showing the background rect, which we want to
+ // appear gray. Otherwise we're showing a stack of ellipses which we
+ // want to show white.
+ return renderInfo.expanded ? colorParams.EXPANDED_COLOR : "white";
+ } else if (renderInfo.node.type === NodeType.BRIDGE) {
+ return renderInfo.structural ? "#f0e" :
+ (<BridgeNode>renderInfo.node).inbound ? "#0ef" : "#fe0";
+ } else {
+ // Op nodes are white.
+ return "white";
+ }
+ case ColorBy.DEVICE:
+ if (renderInfo.deviceColors == null) {
+ // Return the hue for unknown device.
+ return colorParams.UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ let id = renderInfo.node.name;
+ let escapedId = tf.escapeQuerySelector(id);
+ let gradientDefs = d3.select("svg#svg defs #linearGradients");
+ let linearGradient =
+ gradientDefs.select("linearGradient#" + escapedId);
+ // If the linear gradient is not there yet, create it.
+ if (linearGradient.size() === 0) {
+ linearGradient = gradientDefs.append("linearGradient").attr("id", id);
+ // Re-create the stops of the linear gradient.
+ linearGradient.selectAll("*").remove();
+ let cumulativeProportion = 0;
+ // For each device, create a stop using the proportion of that device.
+ _.each(renderInfo.deviceColors, (d: any) => {
+ let color = d.color;
+ linearGradient.append("stop")
+ .attr("offset", cumulativeProportion)
+ .attr("stop-color", color);
+ linearGradient.append("stop")
+ .attr("offset", cumulativeProportion + d.proportion)
+ .attr("stop-color", color);
+ cumulativeProportion += d.proportion;
+ });
+ }
+ return isExpanded ? colorParams.EXPANDED_COLOR : `url(#${escapedId})`;
+ case ColorBy.COMPUTE_TIME:
+ return isExpanded ?
+ colorParams.EXPANDED_COLOR : renderInfo.computeTimeColor ||
+ colorParams.UNKNOWN;
+ case ColorBy.MEMORY:
+ return isExpanded ?
+ colorParams.EXPANDED_COLOR : renderInfo.memoryColor ||
+ colorParams.UNKNOWN;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Unknown case to color nodes by");
+ }
+ * Modify node style by toggling class and assign attributes (only for things
+ * that can't be done in css).
+ */
+export function stylize(nodeGroup, renderInfo: render.RenderNodeInformation,
+ sceneBehavior, nodeClass?) {
+ nodeClass = nodeClass || Class.Node.SHAPE;
+ let isHighlighted = sceneBehavior.isNodeHighlighted(renderInfo.node.name);
+ let isSelected = sceneBehavior.isNodeSelected(renderInfo.node.name);
+ let isExtract = renderInfo.isInExtract || renderInfo.isOutExtract;
+ let isExpanded = renderInfo.expanded;
+ nodeGroup.classed("highlighted", isHighlighted);
+ nodeGroup.classed("selected", isSelected);
+ nodeGroup.classed("extract", isExtract);
+ nodeGroup.classed("expanded", isExpanded);
+ // Main node always exists here and it will be reached before subscene,
+ // so d3 selection is fine here.
+ let node = nodeGroup.select("." + nodeClass + " ." + Class.Node.COLOR_TARGET);
+ let fillColor = getFillForNode(sceneBehavior,
+ ColorBy[sceneBehavior.colorBy.toUpperCase()],
+ renderInfo, isExpanded);
+ node.style("fill", fillColor);
+ // Choose outline to be darker version of node color if the node is a single
+ // color and is not selected.
+ if (isSelected) {
+ node.style("stroke", null);
+ } else {
+ // If node is colored by a gradient, then use a dark gray outline.
+ let outlineColor = fillColor.substring(0, 3) === "url" ?
+ tf.graph.render.MetanodeColors.GRADIENT_OUTLINE :
+ d3.rgb(fillColor).darker().toString();
+ node.style("stroke", outlineColor);
+ }
+} // close module