path: root/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib
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authorGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
committerGravatar Manjunath Kudlur <keveman@gmail.com>2015-11-06 16:27:58 -0800
commitf41959ccb2d9d4c722fe8fc3351401d53bcf4900 (patch)
treeef0ca22cb2a5ac4bdec9d080d8e0788a53ed496d /tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib
TensorFlow: Initial commit of TensorFlow library.
TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Base CL: 107276108
Diffstat (limited to 'tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib')
13 files changed, 6035 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/colors.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/colors.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8912483c09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/colors.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+module tf {
+ * Mapping from color palette name to color pallette, which contains
+ * exact colors for multiple states of a single color pallette.
+ */
+export let COLORS = [
+ {
+ "name": "Google Blue",
+ "color": "#4184f3",
+ "active": "#3a53c5",
+ "disabled": "#cad8fc"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Google Red",
+ "color": "#db4437",
+ "active": "#8f2a0c",
+ "disabled": "#e8c6c1"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Google Yellow",
+ "color": "#f4b400",
+ "active": "#db9200",
+ "disabled": "#f7e8b0"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Google Green",
+ "color": "#0f9d58",
+ "active": "#488046",
+ "disabled": "#c2e1cc"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Purple",
+ "color": "#aa46bb",
+ "active": "#5c1398",
+ "disabled": "#d7bce6"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Teal",
+ "color": "#00abc0",
+ "active": "#47828e",
+ "disabled": "#c2eaf2"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Deep Orange",
+ "color": "#ff6f42",
+ "active": "#ca4a06",
+ "disabled": "#f2cbba"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Lime",
+ "color": "#9d9c23",
+ "active": "#7f771d",
+ "disabled": "#f1f4c2"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Indigo",
+ "color": "#5b6abf",
+ "active": "#3e47a9",
+ "disabled": "#c5c8e8"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Pink",
+ "color": "#ef6191",
+ "active": "#ca1c60",
+ "disabled": "#e9b9ce"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Deep Teal",
+ "color": "#00786a",
+ "active": "#2b4f43",
+ "disabled": "#bededa"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Deep Pink",
+ "color": "#c1175a",
+ "active": "#75084f",
+ "disabled": "#de8cae"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Gray",
+ "color": "#9E9E9E", // 500
+ "active": "#424242", // 800
+ "disabled": "F5F5F5" // 100
+ }
+].reduce((m, c) => {
+ m[c.name] = c;
+ return m;
+}, {});
+ * Mapping from op category to color palette name
+ * e.g., OP_GROUP_COLORS["state_ops"] = "Google Blue";
+ */
+export let OP_GROUP_COLORS = [
+ {
+ color: "Google Red",
+ groups: ["gen_legacy_ops", "legacy_ops", "legacy_flogs_input",
+ "legacy_image_input", "legacy_input_example_input",
+ "legacy_sequence_input", "legacy_seti_input_input"]
+ }, {
+ color: "Deep Orange",
+ groups: ["constant_ops"]
+ }, {
+ color: "Indigo",
+ groups: ["state_ops"]
+ }, {
+ color: "Purple",
+ groups: ["nn_ops", "nn"]
+ }, {
+ color: "Google Green",
+ groups: ["math_ops"]
+ }, {
+ color: "Lime",
+ groups: ["array_ops"]
+ }, {
+ color: "Teal",
+ groups: ["control_flow_ops", "data_flow_ops"]
+ }, {
+ color: "Pink",
+ groups: ["summary_ops"]
+ }, {
+ color: "Deep Pink",
+ groups: ["io_ops"]
+ }
+].reduce((m, c) => {
+ c.groups.forEach(function(group) {
+ m[group] = c.color;
+ });
+ return m;
+}, {});
diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/common.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/common.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed148bf719
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/common.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+/// <reference path="../../../typings/tsd.d.ts" />
+declare module graphlib {
+ interface GraphOptions {
+ name: string;
+ /**
+ * Direction for rank nodes. Can be TB, BT, LR, or RL, where T = top,
+ * B = bottom, L = left, and R = right.
+ */
+ rankdir: string;
+ type: string|number;
+ /** Number of pixels between each rank in the layout. */
+ ranksep?: number;
+ /** Number of pixels that separate nodes horizontally in the layout. */
+ nodesep?: number;
+ }
+ export interface EdgeObject {
+ v: string;
+ w: string;
+ name?: string;
+ }
+ export class Graph<N, E> {
+ constructor(opt?: Object);
+ setNode(name: string, value?: N): void;
+ hasNode(name: string): boolean;
+ setEdge(fromName: string, toName: string, value?: E): void;
+ hasEdge(fromName: string, toName: string): boolean;
+ edge(fromName: string, toName: string): E;
+ edge(edgeObject: EdgeObject): E;
+ removeEdge(v: string, w: string): void;
+ nodes(): string[];
+ node(name: string): N;
+ removeNode(name: string): void;
+ setGraph(graphOptions: GraphOptions): void;
+ graph(): GraphOptions;
+ nodeCount(): number;
+ neighbors(name: string): string[];
+ successors(name: string): string[];
+ predecessors(name: string): string[];
+ edges(): EdgeObject[];
+ outEdges(name: string): E[];
+ inEdges(name: string): E[];
+ /** Returns those nodes in the graph that have no in-edges. Takes O(|V|) time. */
+ sources(): string[];
+ /**
+ * Remove the node with the id v in the graph or do nothing if
+ * the node is not in the graph. If the node was removed this
+ * function also removes any incident edges. Returns the graph,
+ * allowing this to be chained with other functions. Takes O(|E|) time.
+ */
+ removeNode(name: string): Graph<N, E>;
+ setParent(name: string, parentName: string): void;
+ }
+module tf {
+ * Recommended delay (ms) when running an expensive task asynchronously
+ * that gives enough time for the progress bar to update its UI.
+ */
+const ASYNC_TASK_DELAY = 20;
+export function time<T>(msg: string, task: () => T) {
+ let start = Date.now();
+ let result = task();
+ /* tslint:disable */
+ console.log(msg, ":", Date.now() - start, "ms");
+ /* tslint:enable */
+ return result;
+ * Tracks task progress. Each task being passed a progress tracker needs
+ * to call the below-defined methods to notify the caller about the gradual
+ * progress of the task.
+ */
+export interface ProgressTracker {
+ updateProgress(incrementValue: number): void;
+ setMessage(msg: string): void;
+ reportError(msg: string): void;
+ * Creates a tracker for a subtask given the parent tracker, the total progress
+ * of the subtask and the subtask message. The parent task should pass a
+ * subtracker to its subtasks. The subtask reports its own progress which
+ * becames relative to the main task.
+ */
+export function getSubtaskTracker(parentTracker: ProgressTracker,
+ impactOnTotalProgress: number, subtaskMsg: string): ProgressTracker {
+ return {
+ setMessage: function(progressMsg) {
+ // The parent should show a concatenation of its message along with
+ // its subtask tracker message.
+ parentTracker.setMessage(subtaskMsg + " : " + progressMsg);
+ },
+ updateProgress: function(incrementValue) {
+ // Update the parent progress relative to the child progress.
+ // For example, if the sub-task progresses by 30%, and the impact on the
+ // total progress is 50%, then the task progresses by 30% * 50% = 15%.
+ parentTracker
+ .updateProgress(incrementValue * impactOnTotalProgress / 100);
+ },
+ reportError: function(errorMsg) {
+ // The parent should show a concatenation of its message along with
+ // its subtask error message.
+ parentTracker.reportError(subtaskMsg + " : " + errorMsg);
+ }
+ };
+ * Runs an expensive task asynchronously and returns a promise of the result.
+ */
+export function runAsyncTask<T>(msg: string, incProgressValue: number,
+ task: () => T, tracker: ProgressTracker): Promise<T> {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ // Update the progress message to say the current running task.
+ tracker.setMessage(msg);
+ // Run the expensive task with a delay that gives enough time for the
+ // UI to update.
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ try {
+ var result = tf.time(msg, task);
+ // Update the progress value.
+ tracker.updateProgress(incProgressValue);
+ // Return the result to be used by other tasks.
+ resolve(result);
+ } catch (e) {
+ reject(result);
+ }
+ });
+ * Returns a query selector with escaped special characters that are not
+ * allowed in a query selector.
+ */
+export function escapeQuerySelector(querySelector: string): string {
+ return querySelector.replace( /([:.\[\],/\\\(\)])/g, "\\$1" );
+ * TensorFlow node definition as definied in the graph proto file.
+ */
+export interface TFNode {
+ /** Name of the node */
+ name: string;
+ /** List of nodes that are inputs for this node. */
+ input: string[];
+ /** The name of the device where the computation will run. */
+ device: string;
+ /** The name of the operation associated with this node. */
+ op: string;
+ /** List of attributes that describe/modify the operation. */
+ attr: {key: string, value: Object}[];
+ * TensorFlow stats file definition as defined in the stats proto file.
+ */
+export interface TFStats {
+ devStats: {device: string, nodeStats: TFNodeStats[]}[];
+ * TensorFlow stats for a node as defined in the stats proto file.
+ */
+export interface TFNodeStats {
+ nodeName: string;
+ // The next 4 properties are currently stored as string in json
+ // and must be parsed.
+ allStartMicros: number;
+ opStartRelMicros: number;
+ opEndRelMicros: number;
+ allEndRelMicros: number;
+ memory: {
+ allocatorName: string;
+ totalBytes: number; // Stored as string in json and should be parsed.
+ peakBytes: number; // Stored as string in json and should be parsed.
+ }[];
+ /** Output sizes recorded for a single execution of a graph node */
+ output: TFNodeOutput[];
+ timelineLabel: string;
+ scheduledMicros: string;
+ threadId: string;
+ * Description for the output tensor(s) of an operation in the graph.
+ */
+export interface TFNodeOutput {
+ slot: number; // Stored as string in json and should be parsed.
+ /** Was the tensor allocated by this Op or a previous computation */
+ allocationType: string;
+ tensorDescription: {
+ /** Data type of tensor elements */
+ dtype: string;
+ /** Shape of the tensor */
+ shape: {
+ /**
+ * Dimensions of the tensor, such as [{name: "input", size: 30},
+ * {name: "output", size: 40}] for a 30 x 40 2D tensor. The names
+ * are optional. The order of entries in "dim" matters: It indicates
+ * the layout of the values in the tensor in-memory representation.
+ */
+ dim: {
+ /** Size of the tensor in that dimension */
+ size: number, // Stored as string in json and should be parsed.
+ /** Optional name of the tensor dimension */
+ name?: string
+ }[];
+ };
+ /** Information about the size and allocator used for the data */
+ allocationDescription: {
+ // The next 2 properties are stored as string in json and
+ // should be parsed.
+ /** Total number of bytes requested */
+ requestedBytes: number;
+ /** Total number of bytes allocated, if known */
+ allocatedBytes?: number;
+ /** Name of the allocator used */
+ allocatorName: string;
+ };
+ };
+} // close module tf
+ * Declaring dagre var used for dagre layout.
+ */
+declare var dagre: { layout(graph: graphlib.Graph<any, any>): void; };
diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/graph.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/graph.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64e537154b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/graph.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,889 @@
+/// <reference path="../../../typings/tsd.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="common.ts" />
+module tf.graph {
+/** Delimiter used in node names to denote namespaces. */
+export const NAMESPACE_DELIM = "/";
+const FULL_GRAPH_NAME = "fullGraph";
+export const ROOT_NAME = "__root__";
+// Separator between the source and the destination name of the edge.
+export const EDGE_KEY_DELIM = "--";
+ EDGE};
+export enum NodeType {META, OP, SERIES, BRIDGE, ELLIPSIS};
+ * A BaseEdge is the label object (in the graphlib sense) for an edge in the
+ * original, full graph produced after parsing. Subsequent graphs, like those
+ * which belong to Metanodes, should not use BaseEdge objects, but instead
+ * contain Metaedges (which in turn may contain any number of BaseEdges).
+ */
+export interface BaseEdge extends graphlib.EdgeObject {
+ isControlDependency: boolean;
+ isReferenceEdge: boolean;
+ * A SlimGraph is inspired by graphlib.Graph, but having only the functionality
+ * that we need.
+ */
+export class SlimGraph {
+ nodes: { [nodeName: string]: OpNode };
+ edges: BaseEdge[];
+ constructor() {
+ this.nodes = {};
+ this.edges = [];
+ }
+interface NormalizedInput {
+ name: string;
+ hasNumberPart: boolean;
+ isControlDependency: boolean;
+interface BuildParams {
+ enableEmbedding: boolean;
+ inEmbeddingTypes: string[];
+ outEmbeddingTypes: string[];
+ refEdges: { [inputEdge: string]: boolean };
+ * The most basic information about a node in the hierarchical graph.
+ */
+export interface Node {
+ /** The name of the node, used frequently to look up nodes by name. */
+ name: string;
+ /** Which type of node this is. */
+ type: NodeType;
+ /**
+ * Whether this node is a type that may contain other nodes. Those types
+ * should extend from GroupNode.
+ *
+ * For an OpNode, isGroupNode will be false, even though it may have
+ * embeddings. These embedding Nodes will have their parentNode set to the
+ * OpNode. However, embeddings are later rendered as annotations, not as
+ * children to be made visible on expansion (like a Metanode or SeriesNode).
+ */
+ isGroupNode: boolean;
+ /**
+ * The number of nodes this node represents. For OpNodes, this will be 1, and
+ * for GroupNodes it will be a count of the total number of descendents it
+ * contains.
+ */
+ cardinality: number;
+ /**
+ * The Node which is this Node's parent. This is of type Node and not
+ * GroupNode because of embeddings, which will have a parent OpNode.
+ */
+ parentNode: Node;
+ /** Runtime execution stats for this node, if available */
+ stats: NodeStats;
+export interface OpNode extends Node {
+ op: string;
+ device: string;
+ attr: {key: string, value: Object}[];
+ inputs: NormalizedInput[];
+ inEmbeddings: OpNode[];
+ outEmbeddings: OpNode[];
+export interface BridgeNode extends Node {
+ /**
+ * Whether this bridge node represents edges coming into its parent node.
+ */
+ inbound: boolean;
+ * A node that is used when there are more than the maximum number of allowed
+ * annotations hanging off of a node. This node represents an ellipsis
+ * annotation, indicating a number of additional annotations.
+ */
+export interface EllipsisNode extends Node {
+ /**
+ * The number of nodes this ellipsis represents.
+ */
+ numMoreNodes: number;
+ /**
+ * Sets the number of nodes this ellipsis represents and changes the node
+ * name accordingly.
+ */
+ setNumMoreNodes(numNodes: number);
+export interface GroupNode extends Node {
+ /**
+ * The metagraph contains nodes and metaedges between the immediate children
+ * of this group. The node label objects may be other GroupNodes (like
+ * SeriesNodes and Metanodes) or individual OpNodes. All edge label objects
+ * are Metaedges, each of which contains references to the original
+ * BaseEdge(s) from which it was created.
+ */
+ metagraph: graphlib.Graph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge>;
+ /**
+ * The bridgegraph contains only edges which link immediate children of this
+ * group with nodes outside of the metagraph. As in the metagraph, all edge
+ * label objects are Metaedges which contain references to the original
+ * BaseEdge(s) that contribute to it.
+ *
+ * For a Metaedge in the bridgegraph, its external endpoint will be the same
+ * as the metagraph edge from which it came. This is most easily explained
+ * by example.
+ *
+ * Consider an original graph that contains a BaseEdge A/B/C->Z/Y/X.
+ *
+ * +-------+ (BaseEdge) +-------+
+ * | A/B/C |>----------------->| Z/Y/X |
+ * +-------+ +-------+
+ *
+ * When we construct the Root's metagraph, it will contain nodes for A and Z,
+ * and a Metaedge A->Z. The A->Z Metaedge will contain the original BaseEdge
+ * A/B/C->Z/Y/X in its baseEdgeGraph. The Root's bridgegraph will always be
+ * empty.
+ *
+ * +---+ (Root.metagraph edge) +---+
+ * | A |>--------------------------->| Z |
+ * +---+ +---+
+ *
+ * Now consider the Metanode A. Its metagraph will contain a Metanode for A/B
+ * and no edges. A's bridgegraph will have one Metaedge from A/B->Z, which
+ * was derived from the Root's Metaedge A->Z. That Metaedge will contain the
+ * original BaseEdge in its baseEdgeGraph.
+ *
+ * +---------+
+ * | A |
+ * | +---+ | (A.bridgegraph edge) +---+
+ * | | B |>---------------------------->| Z |
+ * | +---+ | +---+
+ * +---------+
+ *
+ * Finally, consider the Metanode A/B. Its metagraph will contain a Metanode
+ * for A/B/C and again no edges. A/B's bridgegraph will have one Metaedge
+ * from A/B/C->Z, which was derived from A's bridgegraph Metaedge A/B->Z.
+ * As before, the A/B/C->Z Metaedge will contain the original BaseEdge in its
+ * baseEdgeGraph.
+ *
+ * +---------------+
+ * | A |
+ * | +---------+ |
+ * | | B | |
+ * | | +---+ | | (A/B.bridgegraph edge) +---+
+ * | | | C |>----------------------------------->| Z |
+ * | | +---+ | | +---+
+ * | +---------+ |
+ * +---------------+
+ *
+ * Likewise, under the Metanode Z and Z/Y, to compute the bridgegraph, we'll
+ * end up with Metaedges A->Z/Y and A->Z/Y/X respectively. So the original
+ * BaseEdge A/B/C->Z/Y/X becomes four different Metaedges in four different
+ * bridgegraphs:
+ *
+ * + A/B->Z in GroupNode A's bridgegraph,
+ * + A/B/C->Z in GroupNode A/B's bridgegraph,
+ * + A->Z/Y in GroupNode Z's bridgegraph, and
+ * + A->Z/Y/X in GroupNode Z/Y's bridgegraph.
+ *
+ * Considering any BaseEdge then, if N is the number of path segments in the
+ * source and M is the number of path semgents in the destination, then the
+ * total number of bridgegraph edges you could create would be (N-1)(M-1).
+ *
+ * For this reason, it is computationally expensive to generate all the
+ * bridgegraphs for all the Metanodes, and instead they should be computed
+ * on demand as needed.
+ */
+ bridgegraph: graphlib.Graph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge>;
+ /**
+ * Stores how many times each device name appears in its children
+ * op nodes. Used to color group nodes by devices.
+ */
+ deviceHistogram: {[device: string]: number};
+ /**
+ * Flag indicating whether this GroupNode's metagraph contains any edges that
+ * are not control edges. Used to quickly determine how to draw a collapsed
+ * series (vertically or horizontally).
+ */
+ hasNonControlEdges: boolean;
+export interface Metanode extends GroupNode {
+ depth: number;
+ templateId: string;
+ opHistogram: {[op: string]: number};
+ getFirstChild(): GroupNode|OpNode;
+ getRootOp(): OpNode;
+ /** Return name of all leaves inside a metanode. */
+ leaves(): string[];
+export interface SeriesNode extends GroupNode {
+ hasLoop: boolean;
+ prefix: string;
+ suffix: string;
+ clusterId: number;
+ ids: number[];
+ parent: string;
+export class EllipsisNodeImpl implements EllipsisNode {
+ name: string;
+ numMoreNodes: number;
+ stats: NodeStats;
+ type: NodeType;
+ isGroupNode: boolean;
+ cardinality: number;
+ parentNode: Node;
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new ellipsis annotation node.
+ *
+ * @param numNodes The number of additional annotations this node represents.
+ */
+ constructor(numNodes: number) {
+ this.type = NodeType.ELLIPSIS;
+ this.isGroupNode = false;
+ this.cardinality = 1;
+ this.parentNode = null;
+ this.stats = null;
+ this.setNumMoreNodes(numNodes);
+ }
+ setNumMoreNodes(numNodes: number) {
+ this.numMoreNodes = numNodes;
+ this.name = "... " + numNodes + " more";
+ }
+ * A label object for nodes in the full graph and leaf nodes in the render
+ * graph.
+ */
+class OpNodeImpl implements OpNode {
+ name: string;
+ op: string;
+ device: string;
+ stats: NodeStats;
+ attr: {key: string, value: Object}[];
+ inputs: NormalizedInput[];
+ type: NodeType;
+ isGroupNode: boolean;
+ cardinality: number;
+ inEmbeddings: OpNode[];
+ outEmbeddings: OpNode[];
+ parentNode: Node;
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new Op node.
+ *
+ * @param rawNode The raw node.
+ * @param normalizedInputs An array of normalized
+ * inputs that denote the incoming edges to the current node. Each input
+ * contains the normalized name of the source node, whether it has a number
+ * part and whether it is a control dependency.
+ */
+ constructor(rawNode: tf.TFNode, normalizedInputs: NormalizedInput[]) {
+ this.op = rawNode.op;
+ this.name = rawNode.name;
+ this.device = rawNode.device;
+ this.attr = rawNode.attr;
+ this.inputs = normalizedInputs;
+ // additional properties
+ this.type = NodeType.OP;
+ this.isGroupNode = false;
+ this.cardinality = 1;
+ this.inEmbeddings = [];
+ this.outEmbeddings = [];
+ this.parentNode = null;
+ }
+export function createMetanode(name: string, opt = {}): Metanode {
+ return new MetanodeImpl(name, opt);
+ * Joins the information from the stats file (memory, compute time) with the graph
+ * information.
+ */
+export function joinStatsInfoWithGraph(graph: SlimGraph,
+ statsJson: TFStats): void {
+ _.each(statsJson.devStats, stats => {
+ _.each(stats.nodeStats, nodeStats => {
+ // Lookup the node in the graph by its original name, e.g. A. If not
+ // found, lookup by the rewritten name A/(A) in case the name is both
+ // a namespace and a node name.
+ let nodeName = nodeStats.nodeName in graph.nodes ?
+ nodeStats.nodeName :
+ nodeStats.nodeName + NAMESPACE_DELIM + "(" + nodeStats.nodeName + ")";
+ if (nodeName in graph.nodes) {
+ // Compute the total bytes used.
+ let totalBytes = 0;
+ if (nodeStats.memory) {
+ _.each(nodeStats.memory, alloc => {
+ if (alloc.totalBytes) {
+ totalBytes += Number(alloc.totalBytes);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ let outputSize: number[][] = null;
+ if (nodeStats.output) {
+ outputSize = _.map(nodeStats.output, output => {
+ return _.map(output.tensorDescription.shape.dim,
+ dim => Number(dim.size));
+ });
+ }
+ graph.nodes[nodeName].stats = new NodeStats(totalBytes,
+ Number(nodeStats.allEndRelMicros), outputSize);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ * Execution stats for the node.
+ */
+class NodeStats {
+ constructor(totalBytes: number, totalMicros: number, outputSize: number[][]) {
+ this.totalBytes = totalBytes;
+ this.totalMicros = totalMicros;
+ this.outputSize = outputSize;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Total number of bytes used for the node. Sum of all childen
+ * if it is a Group node.
+ */
+ totalBytes: number;
+ /**
+ * Total number of compute time in microseconds used for the node.
+ * Sum of all children if it is a Group node.
+ */
+ totalMicros: number;
+ /**
+ * The shape of each output tensors, if there are any.
+ * Empty if it is a Group node.
+ */
+ outputSize: number[][];
+ /**
+ * Combines the specified stats with the current stats.
+ * Modifies the current object. This methos is used to
+ * compute aggregate stats for group nodes.
+ */
+ combine(stats: NodeStats): void {
+ if (stats.totalBytes != null) {
+ this.totalBytes += stats.totalBytes;
+ }
+ if (stats.totalMicros != null) {
+ this.totalMicros += stats.totalMicros;
+ }
+ }
+class MetanodeImpl implements Metanode {
+ name: string;
+ stats: NodeStats;
+ type: NodeType;
+ depth: number;
+ isGroupNode: boolean;
+ cardinality: number;
+ metagraph: graphlib.Graph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge>;
+ bridgegraph: graphlib.Graph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge>;
+ templateId: string;
+ opHistogram: {[op: string]: number};
+ deviceHistogram: {[op: string]: number};
+ parentNode: Node;
+ hasNonControlEdges: boolean;
+ /** A label object for meta-nodes in the graph hierarchy */
+ constructor(name: string, opt = {}) {
+ this.name = name;
+ this.type = NodeType.META;
+ /** number of levels under this group */
+ this.depth = 1;
+ this.isGroupNode = true;
+ /** # of leaf nodes (including embedded ones) */
+ this.cardinality = 0;
+ /** graph contains metanodes, nodes, edges
+ * and metaedges for main items within this metanode
+ */
+ this.metagraph =
+ createGraph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge>(name, GraphType.META, opt);
+ /** bridgegraph must be constructed lazily-see hierarchy.getBridgegraph() */
+ this.bridgegraph = null;
+ /**
+ * A dictionary that count ops type of nodes in this metanode
+ * (op type => count).
+ */
+ this.opHistogram = {};
+ this.deviceHistogram = {};
+ /** unique id for a metanode of similar subgraph */
+ this.templateId = null;
+ /** Metanode which contains this node, if any */
+ this.parentNode = null;
+ this.stats = new NodeStats(0, 0, null);
+ this.hasNonControlEdges = false;
+ }
+ getFirstChild(): GroupNode|OpNode {
+ return this.metagraph.node(this.metagraph.nodes()[0]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the op node associated with the metanode.
+ * For example, if the metanode is "sgd", the associated
+ * op node is sgd/(sgd).
+ */
+ getRootOp(): OpNode {
+ let nameSplit = this.name.split("/");
+ let rootOpName = this.name + "/(" + nameSplit[nameSplit.length - 1] + ")";
+ return <OpNode>this.metagraph.node(rootOpName);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return an array of the names of all the leaves (non-GroupNodes) inside
+ * this metanode. This performs a breadth-first search of the tree, so
+ * immediate child leaves will appear earlier in the output array than
+ * descendant leaves.
+ */
+ leaves(): string[] {
+ let leaves = [];
+ let queue = [<Node> this];
+ let metagraph; // Defined here due to a limitation of ES6->5 compilation.
+ while (queue.length) {
+ let node = queue.shift();
+ if (node.isGroupNode) {
+ metagraph = (<GroupNode> node).metagraph;
+ _.each(metagraph.nodes(), name => queue.push(metagraph.node(name)));
+ } else {
+ leaves.push(node.name);
+ }
+ }
+ return leaves;
+ }
+export interface Metaedge extends graphlib.EdgeObject {
+ /**
+ * Stores the original BaseEdges represented by this Metaedge.
+ */
+ baseEdgeList: BaseEdge[];
+ /**
+ * Whether this edge represents a relationship that is inbound (or outbound)
+ * to the object which contains this information. For example, in a Metanode's
+ * bridgegraph, each edge connects an immediate child to something outside
+ * the Metanode. If the destination of the edge is inside the Metanode, then
+ * its inbound property should be true. If the destination is outside the
+ * Metanode, then its inbound property should be false.
+ *
+ * The property is optional because not all edges can be described as
+ * inbound/outbound. For example, in a Metanode's metagraph, all of the edges
+ * connect immediate children of the Metanode. None should have an inbound
+ * property, or they should be null/undefined.
+ */
+ inbound?: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Number of regular edges (not control dependency edges).
+ */
+ numRegularEdges: number;
+ /**
+ * Number of control dependency edges.
+ */
+ numControlEdges: number;
+ /**
+ * Number of reference edges, which is an edge to an operation
+ * that takes a reference to its input and changes its value.
+ */
+ numRefEdges: number;
+ addBaseEdge(edge: BaseEdge): void;
+export function createMetaedge(v: string, w: string): Metaedge {
+ return new MetaedgeImpl(v, w);
+ * A label object for edges between metanodes of subgraphs in the render graph.
+ */
+class MetaedgeImpl implements Metaedge {
+ v: string;
+ w: string;
+ baseEdgeList: BaseEdge[];
+ inbound: boolean;
+ numRegularEdges: number;
+ numControlEdges: number;
+ numRefEdges: number;
+ constructor(v: string, w: string) {
+ this.v = v;
+ this.w = w;
+ this.baseEdgeList = [];
+ this.inbound = null;
+ this.numRegularEdges = 0;
+ this.numControlEdges = 0;
+ this.numRefEdges = 0;
+ }
+ addBaseEdge(edge: BaseEdge): void {
+ this.baseEdgeList.push(edge);
+ if (edge.isControlDependency) {
+ this.numControlEdges += 1;
+ } else {
+ this.numRegularEdges += 1;
+ }
+ if (edge.isReferenceEdge) {
+ this.numRefEdges += 1;
+ }
+ }
+export function createSeriesNode(prefix: string, suffix: string,
+ parent: string, clusterId: number, name: string): SeriesNode {
+ return new SeriesNodeImpl(prefix, suffix, parent, clusterId, name);
+export function getSeriesNodeName(prefix: string, suffix: string,
+ parent: string, startId?: number, endId?: number): string {
+ let numRepresentation =
+ (typeof startId !== "undefined" && typeof endId !== "undefined") ?
+ "[" + startId + "-" + endId + "]" : "#";
+ let pattern = prefix + numRepresentation + suffix;
+ return (parent ? parent + "/" : "") + pattern;
+class SeriesNodeImpl implements SeriesNode {
+ name: string;
+ type: NodeType;
+ stats: NodeStats;
+ hasLoop: boolean;
+ prefix: string;
+ suffix: string;
+ clusterId: number;
+ ids: number[];
+ parent: string;
+ isGroupNode: boolean;
+ cardinality: number;
+ metagraph: graphlib.Graph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge>;
+ bridgegraph: graphlib.Graph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge>;
+ parentNode: Node;
+ deviceHistogram: {[op: string]: number};
+ hasNonControlEdges: boolean;
+ constructor(prefix: string, suffix: string, parent: string,
+ clusterId: number, name: string) {
+ this.name = name || getSeriesNodeName(prefix, suffix, parent);
+ this.type = NodeType.SERIES;
+ this.hasLoop = false;
+ this.prefix = prefix;
+ this.suffix = suffix;
+ this.clusterId = clusterId;
+ this.ids = [];
+ this.parent = parent;
+ this.isGroupNode = true;
+ this.cardinality = 0;
+ this.metagraph = createGraph<Metanode, Metaedge>(name, GraphType.SERIES);
+ // bridgegraph must be constructed lazily-see hierarchy.getBridgegraph()
+ this.bridgegraph = null;
+ this.parentNode = null;
+ this.deviceHistogram = {};
+ this.hasNonControlEdges = false;
+ this.stats = new NodeStats(0, 0, null);
+ }
+ * Normalizes the inputs and extracts associated metadata:
+ * 1) Inputs can contain a colon followed by a number at the end
+ * (e.g. inputName:1) and we remove this from the input name, and take note
+ * that the input was numbered.
+ * 2) Control dependency inputs contain caret at the beginning and we
+ * remove this and annotate the edge as a control dependency.
+ * @param inputs Array of unnormalized names of input nodes.
+ */
+function normalizeInputs(inputs: string[]): NormalizedInput[] {
+ return _.reduce(inputs, function(normalizedInputs, inputName) {
+ let start = inputName[0] === "^";
+ let colon = inputName.lastIndexOf(":");
+ let end = colon !== -1 &&
+ inputName.length - colon > 1 &&
+ !(/\D/).test(inputName.substring(colon + 1)) ?
+ colon : inputName.length;
+ let name = inputName.substring(start ? 1 : 0, end);
+ if (normalizedInputs.length === 0 ||
+ name !== normalizedInputs[normalizedInputs.length - 1].name) {
+ normalizedInputs.push({
+ name: name,
+ hasNumberPart: end !== inputName.length,
+ isControlDependency: start
+ });
+ }
+ return normalizedInputs;
+ }, []);
+export function build(rawNodes: tf.TFNode[], params: BuildParams,
+ tracker: ProgressTracker): Promise<SlimGraph|void> {
+ /**
+ * A dictionary that maps each in-embedding node name to its host node label
+ * object.
+ */
+ let inEmbedding: {[nodeName: string]: OpNode} = {};
+ /**
+ * A dictionary that maps each node name to an array of the node's
+ * out-embedding node label objects.
+ */
+ let outEmbeddings: {[inputName: string]: OpNode[]} = {};
+ let isInEmbeddedPred = getEmbedPredicate(params.inEmbeddingTypes);
+ let isOutEmbeddedPred = getEmbedPredicate(params.outEmbeddingTypes);
+ let embeddingNodeNames: string[] = [];
+ /**
+ * A list of all the non-embedding node names which appear in the processed
+ * list of raw nodes. Here we pre-allocate enough room for all the rawNodes,
+ * even though there will some number of embeddings. The excess array length
+ * is spliced off later.
+ *
+ * Experimentation shows that around 30% of the array will go unused, and
+ * even for very large networks that amounts to less than 10k spaces.
+ */
+ let nodeNames = new Array<string>(rawNodes.length);
+ return runAsyncTask("Normalizing names", 30, () => {
+ let opNodes = new Array<OpNode>(rawNodes.length);
+ let index = 0;
+ _.each(rawNodes, rawNode => {
+ let normalizedInputs = normalizeInputs(rawNode.input);
+ let opNode = new OpNodeImpl(rawNode, normalizedInputs);
+ if (isInEmbeddedPred(opNode)) {
+ embeddingNodeNames.push(opNode.name);
+ inEmbedding[opNode.name] = opNode;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (isOutEmbeddedPred(opNode)) {
+ embeddingNodeNames.push(opNode.name);
+ _.each(opNode.inputs, input => {
+ let inputName = input.name;
+ outEmbeddings[inputName] = outEmbeddings[inputName] || [];
+ outEmbeddings[inputName].push(opNode);
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ // The node is not an embedding, so add it to the names and nodes lists.
+ opNodes[index] = opNode;
+ nodeNames[index] = opNode.name;
+ index++;
+ });
+ opNodes.splice(index);
+ nodeNames.splice(index);
+ return opNodes;
+ }, tracker)
+ .then((opNodes) => {
+ // Create the graph data structure from the graphlib library.
+ return runAsyncTask("Building the data structure", 70, () => {
+ let normalizedNameDict = mapStrictHierarchy(nodeNames,
+ embeddingNodeNames);
+ let graph = new SlimGraph;
+ // Add the nodes to the graph.
+ _.each(opNodes, opNode => {
+ let normalizedName = normalizedNameDict[opNode.name] || opNode.name;
+ graph.nodes[normalizedName] = opNode;
+ // Check if the node has out-embeddings. If yes, add them to to the
+ // node.
+ if (opNode.name in outEmbeddings) {
+ opNode.outEmbeddings = outEmbeddings[opNode.name];
+ // Normalize the names of the out-embeddings.
+ _.each(opNode.outEmbeddings, node => {
+ node.name = normalizedNameDict[node.name] || node.name;
+ });
+ }
+ // Update the name of the node.
+ opNode.name = normalizedName;
+ });
+ // Visit each node's inputs to add the edges to the graph. If the input
+ // is an in-embedding, then add it to the node's in-embeddings instead.
+ _.each(opNodes, opNode => {
+ _.each(opNode.inputs, (input, i) => {
+ let inputName = input.name;
+ if (inputName in inEmbedding) {
+ opNode.inEmbeddings.push(inEmbedding[inputName]);
+ } else {
+ graph.edges.push({
+ v: normalizedNameDict[inputName] || inputName,
+ w: opNode.name,
+ isControlDependency: input.isControlDependency,
+ // Check if this op type and input number corresponds to a
+ // reference edge using the refEdges dictionary in the params.
+ isReferenceEdge: (params.refEdges[opNode.op + " " + i] === true)
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ // Normalize the names of in-embeddings.
+ _.each(inEmbedding, (node, name) => {
+ node.name = normalizedNameDict[node.name] || node.name;
+ });
+ return graph;
+ }, tracker);
+ })
+ .catch(function(reason) {
+ throw new Error("Failure creating graph");
+ });
+ * Create a new graphlib.Graph() instance with default parameters
+ */
+export function createGraph<N, E>(name: string, type, opt = {}):
+ graphlib.Graph<N, E> {
+ let graph = new graphlib.Graph<N, E>(opt);
+ graph.setGraph({
+ name: name,
+ rankdir: "BT", // BT,TB,LR,RL
+ type: type
+ });
+ return graph;
+ * Create a predicate for checking whether a node should be embedded based on
+ * the specified types.
+ */
+function getEmbedPredicate(types: string[]) {
+ return function(node) {
+ // check types
+ for (let i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
+ let regExp = new RegExp(types[i]);
+ if (node.op.match(regExp)) { return true; }
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ * Returns a strict node name (name => name/(name)) to avoid conflicts
+ * where the node name is also a namespace.
+ */
+function getStrictName(name: string): string {
+ let parts = name.split(NAMESPACE_DELIM);
+ return name + NAMESPACE_DELIM + "(" + parts[parts.length - 1] + ")";
+ * For each op node (embedding or non-embedding), rename it if there is a
+ * non-embedding node under its namespace. For example, assume node name "A".
+ * If there is a non-embedding node under its namespace (e.g. "A/B"), "A" will
+ * be renamed to "A/(A)". Then the namespace "A" will contain 2 nodes: "(A)"
+ * and "B". If all the nodes under "A" are embedding nodes (e.g. constant and
+ * summary), keep "A" as an Op node and don't create a namespace.
+ *
+ * @param nodeNames An array of regular (non-embedding) node names.
+ * @param embeddingNodeNames An array of embedding node names.
+ * @return Dictionary object mapping names that need to be renamed to
+ * new names.
+ */
+function mapStrictHierarchy(nodeNames: string[],
+ embeddingNodeNames: string[]): {[oldName: string]: string} {
+ /** Dictionary that maps the old new to the new name */
+ let newNameDictionary: {[oldName: string]: string} = {};
+ /** Set used to store all namespaces. */
+ let namespaceSet: {[namespace: string]: boolean} = {};
+ // sort the nodes to make prefix check faster
+ nodeNames.sort();
+ // look for nodes with a prefix a,a/b -> a/(a),a/b
+ for (let i = 0; i < nodeNames.length - 1; ++i) {
+ let a = nodeNames[i];
+ // Get all the parent namespaces of the current node
+ // and add them in the namespace set.
+ _.each(getHierarchicalPath(a).slice(0, -1), ns => {
+ namespaceSet[ns] = true;
+ });
+ let b = nodeNames[i + 1];
+ if (_.startsWith(b, a + NAMESPACE_DELIM)) {
+ newNameDictionary[a] = getStrictName(a);
+ }
+ }
+ // Go through all the embedding node names and rename them in case they
+ // collide with namespaces.
+ _.each(embeddingNodeNames, embeddingName => {
+ if (embeddingName in namespaceSet) {
+ // Rename to follow strict hierarchy.
+ newNameDictionary[embeddingName] = getStrictName(embeddingName);
+ }
+ });
+ return newNameDictionary;
+ * Returns a list of the degrees of each node in the graph.
+ */
+function degreeSequence(graph: graphlib.Graph<any, any>): number[] {
+ let degrees = graph.nodes().map(function(name) {
+ return graph.neighbors(name).length;
+ });
+ degrees.sort();
+ return degrees;
+ * Returns if the degree sequence of the two graphs is the same.
+ */
+export function hasSimilarDegreeSequence(graph1: graphlib.Graph<any, any>,
+ graph2: graphlib.Graph<any, any>): boolean {
+ let dg1 = degreeSequence(graph1);
+ let dg2 = degreeSequence(graph2);
+ for (let i = 0; i < dg1.length; i++) {
+ if (dg1[i] !== dg2[i]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ * Returns the hierarchical path of the current node, based on the node's name.
+ * For example, if the name is 'a/b/c', the returned path is ['a', 'a/b', 'a/b/c'].
+ */
+export function getHierarchicalPath(name: string,
+ seriesNames?: { [name: string]: string }): string[] {
+ let path: string[] = [];
+ let i = name.indexOf(NAMESPACE_DELIM);
+ // Push all parent portions of the path.
+ while (i >= 0) {
+ path.push(name.substring(0, i));
+ i = name.indexOf(NAMESPACE_DELIM, i + 1);
+ }
+ // If the node's path is under a series, then add the series node name to the
+ // hierarchical path as the parent of the leaf.
+ if (seriesNames) {
+ let seriesName = seriesNames[name];
+ if (seriesName) {
+ path.push(seriesName);
+ }
+ }
+ // Push the leaf of the path.
+ path.push(name);
+ return path;
+} // close module tf.graph
diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/hierarchy.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/hierarchy.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c9333de4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/hierarchy.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
+/// <reference path="graph.ts" />
+/// <reference path="template.ts" />
+ * Package for the Graph Hierarchy for TensorFlow graph.
+ */
+module tf.graph.hierarchy {
+const LOG_PREFIX_MSG = "Graph hierarchy: ";
+ * Class used as output for getPredecessors and getSuccessors methods
+ */
+interface Edges {
+ control: string[];
+ regular: string[];
+export interface Hierarchy {
+ root: Metanode;
+ templates: {[templateId: string]: string[]};
+ /** List of all device names */
+ devices: string[];
+ getNodeMap(): {[nodeName: string]: GroupNode|OpNode};
+ node(name: string): GroupNode|OpNode;
+ setNode(name: string, node: GroupNode|OpNode): void;
+ getBridgegraph(nodeName: string): graphlib.Graph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge>;
+ getPredecessors(nodeName: string): Edges;
+ getSuccessors(nodeName: string): Edges;
+ getTopologicalOrdering(nodeName: string): { [childName: string]: number };
+ * Class for the Graph Hierarchy for TensorFlow graph.
+ */
+class HierarchyImpl implements Hierarchy {
+ root: Metanode;
+ templates: {[templateId: string]: string[]};
+ private index: {[nodeName: string]: GroupNode|OpNode};
+ devices: string[];
+ orderings: { [nodeName: string]: { [childName: string]: number } };
+ constructor() {
+ this.root = createMetanode(ROOT_NAME, {compound: true});
+ this.templates = null;
+ this.devices = null;
+ /**
+ * @type {Object} Dictionary object that maps node name to the node
+ * (could be op-node, metanode, or series-node)
+ */
+ this.index = {};
+ this.index[ROOT_NAME] = this.root;
+ this.orderings = {};
+ }
+ getNodeMap(): {[nodeName: string]: GroupNode|OpNode} {
+ return this.index;
+ }
+ node(name: string): GroupNode|OpNode {
+ return this.index[name];
+ }
+ setNode(name: string, node: GroupNode|OpNode): void {
+ this.index[name] = node;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Given the name of a node in this hierarchy, get its bridgegraph, creating
+ * it on the fly if necessary. If the node is not a GroupNode, then this
+ * method returns null. If the provided name does not map to a node in the
+ * hierarchy, an error will be thrown.
+ */
+ getBridgegraph(nodeName: string): graphlib.Graph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge> {
+ let node = this.index[nodeName];
+ if (!node) {
+ throw Error("Could not find node in hierarchy: " + nodeName);
+ }
+ if (!("metagraph" in node)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ let groupNode = <GroupNode> node;
+ if (groupNode.bridgegraph) {
+ return groupNode.bridgegraph;
+ }
+ let bridgegraph = groupNode.bridgegraph =
+ createGraph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge>(
+ if (!node.parentNode || !("metagraph" in node.parentNode)) {
+ return bridgegraph;
+ }
+ let parentNode = <GroupNode>node.parentNode;
+ let parentMetagraph = parentNode.metagraph;
+ let parentBridgegraph = this.getBridgegraph(parentNode.name);
+ // For each of the parent node's two Metaedge containing graphs, process
+ // each Metaedge involving this node.
+ _.each([parentMetagraph, parentBridgegraph], parentGraph => {
+ _(parentGraph.edges())
+ .filter(e => e.v === nodeName || e.w === nodeName)
+ .each(parentEdgeObj => {
+ let inbound = parentEdgeObj.w === nodeName;
+ let parentMetaedge = parentGraph.edge(parentEdgeObj);
+ // The parent's Metaedge represents some number of underlying
+ // BaseEdges from the original full graph. For each of those, we need
+ // to determine which immediate child is involved and make sure
+ // there's a Metaedge in the bridgegraph that covers it.
+ _.each(parentMetaedge.baseEdgeList, baseEdge => {
+ // Based on the direction, figure out which is the descendant node
+ // and which is the "other" node (sibling of parent or ancestor).
+ let [descendantName, otherName] =
+ inbound ?
+ [baseEdge.w, parentEdgeObj.v] :
+ [baseEdge.v, parentEdgeObj.w];
+ // Determine the immediate child containing this descendant node.
+ let childName = this.getChildName(nodeName, descendantName);
+ // Look for an existing Metaedge in the bridgegraph (or create a
+ // new one) that covers the relationship between child and other.
+ let bridgeEdgeObj = <graphlib.EdgeObject> {
+ v: inbound ? otherName : childName,
+ w: inbound ? childName : otherName,
+ };
+ let bridgeMetaedge = bridgegraph.edge(bridgeEdgeObj);
+ if (!bridgeMetaedge) {
+ bridgeMetaedge = createMetaedge(bridgeEdgeObj.v, bridgeEdgeObj.w);
+ bridgeMetaedge.inbound = inbound;
+ bridgegraph.setEdge(bridgeEdgeObj.v, bridgeEdgeObj.w,
+ bridgeMetaedge);
+ }
+ // Copy the BaseEdge from the parent's Metaedge into this
+ // bridgegraph Metaedge.
+ bridgeMetaedge.addBaseEdge(baseEdge);
+ });
+ })
+ .value(); // force lodash chain execution.
+ });
+ return bridgegraph;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Utility function for determining the name of the immediate child under a
+ * node for a given descendant path. If the descendant corresponds to no
+ * immediate child, an error is thrown.
+ */
+ getChildName(nodeName: string, descendantName: string): string {
+ // Walk up the hierarchy from the descendant to find the child.
+ let currentNode: Node = this.index[descendantName];
+ while (currentNode) {
+ if (currentNode.parentNode && currentNode.parentNode.name === nodeName) {
+ return currentNode.name;
+ }
+ currentNode = currentNode.parentNode;
+ }
+ throw Error("Could not find immediate child for descendant: " +
+ descendantName);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Given the name of a node, return the names of its predecssors.
+ * For an OpNode, this will contain the targets from the underlying BaseEdges.
+ * For a GroupNode, this will contain the targets truncated to siblings of
+ * the shared ancestor.
+ *
+ * For example, consider an original non-control BaseEdge A/B/C->Z/Y/X. Their
+ * shared ancestor is the ROOT node. A and Z are the highest siblings. Here
+ * are the results of calling getPredecessors():
+ *
+ * - getPredecessors("Z/Y/X") === {regular: ["A/B/C"], control: []};
+ * - getPredecessors("Z/Y") === {regular: ["A"], control: []};
+ * - getPredecessors("Z") === {regular: ["A"], control: []};
+ *
+ * The reason getPredecessors("Z/Y") returns ["A"] (and not ["A/B"] as you
+ * might intuitively expect) is because it's not clear how far down the
+ * other end of the hierarchy to traverse in the general case.
+ *
+ * Continuing this example, say there was another BaseEdge A/K->Z/Y/W. When
+ * we look at Z/Y's predecessors, the best we can say is ["A"] without getting
+ * into the details of which of of Z/Y's descendant nodes have predecessors to
+ * which of A's descendants.
+ *
+ * On the other hand, for an OpNode it's clear what the final predecssors
+ * ought to be. There is no ambiguity.
+ */
+ getPredecessors(nodeName: string): Edges {
+ let node = this.index[nodeName];
+ if (!node) {
+ throw Error("Could not find node with name: " + nodeName);
+ }
+ let predecessors = this.getOneWayEdges(node, true);
+ // Add embedded predecessors, such as constants.
+ if (!node.isGroupNode) {
+ _.each((<OpNode>node).inEmbeddings, embeddedNode => {
+ predecessors.regular.push(embeddedNode.name);
+ });
+ }
+ return predecessors;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Given the name of a node, return an array of the names of its successors.
+ * For an OpNode, this will contain the targets from the underlying BaseEdges.
+ * For a GroupNode, this will contain the targets truncated to sibling of
+ * the shared ancestor.
+ *
+ * This is the inverse of getPredecessors(). See that method's documentation
+ * for an in-depth example.
+ */
+ getSuccessors(nodeName: string): Edges {
+ let node = this.index[nodeName];
+ if (!node) {
+ throw Error("Could not find node with name: " + nodeName);
+ }
+ let successors = this.getOneWayEdges(node, false);
+ // Add embedded successors, such as summaries.
+ if (!node.isGroupNode) {
+ _.each((<OpNode>node).outEmbeddings, embeddedNode => {
+ successors.regular.push(embeddedNode.name);
+ });
+ }
+ return successors;
+ }
+ /** Helper method for getPredeccessors and getSuccessors */
+ getOneWayEdges(node: GroupNode|OpNode, inEdges: boolean) {
+ let edges = { control: [], regular: [] };
+ // A node with no parent cannot have any edges.
+ if (!node.parentNode) {
+ return edges;
+ }
+ if (node.parentNode.isGroupNode) {
+ let parentNode = <GroupNode>node.parentNode;
+ let metagraph = parentNode.metagraph;
+ let bridgegraph = this.getBridgegraph(parentNode.name);
+ findEdgeTargetsInGraph(metagraph, node, inEdges, edges);
+ findEdgeTargetsInGraph(bridgegraph, node, inEdges, edges);
+ }
+ return edges;
+ }
+ /**
+ * For a given GroupNode, get or calculate an object which describes a
+ * topological ordering of child nodes within that GroupNode's metagraph.
+ *
+ * This ordering is used when rendering bridge control edges which are
+ * sometimes backwards relative to the dataflow.
+ *
+ * For example, say we have a graph with two edges A->B and A->C, and we're
+ * interested in the ordering under ROOT. In this case, any of the following
+ * would be legitimate return values:
+ *
+ * - { "A": 0, "B": 1, "C": 2 } -- most likely
+ * - { "A": 0, "B": 2, "C": 1 } -- less likely
+ * - { "A": 12, "B": 100, "C": 99 } -- unlikely, but still OK
+ *
+ * The algorithm does not guarantee that all numbers from 0-N (where N is
+ * the number of nodes) appear exactly once. Rather it guarantees that if
+ * there is a path between two nodes, the earlier one will have a lower
+ * number in the ordering hash.
+ *
+ * When generating the ordering, we ignore control Metaedges (those which
+ * represent only BaseEdges that have isControlDependency set to true).
+ *
+ * If there is no node with the specified name, an error is thrown. If the
+ * node with the specified name is not a group node, null is returned.
+ */
+ getTopologicalOrdering(nodeName: string): { [childName: string]: number } {
+ let node = this.index[nodeName];
+ if (!node) {
+ throw Error("Could not find node with name: " + nodeName);
+ }
+ if (!node.isGroupNode) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (nodeName in this.orderings) {
+ return this.orderings[nodeName];
+ }
+ // Mapping of a child node names to lists of their successors.
+ let successors: { [childName: string]: string[] } = {};
+ // Set of node names which have appeared as a destination.
+ let destinations: { [childName: string]: boolean } = {};
+ let metagraph = (<GroupNode> node).metagraph;
+ _.each(metagraph.edges(), (e: graphlib.EdgeObject) => {
+ if (!metagraph.edge(e).numRegularEdges) {
+ return; // Skip control edges.
+ }
+ // Keep track of successors and destinations.
+ if (!(e.v in successors)) {
+ successors[e.v] = [];
+ }
+ successors[e.v].push(e.w);
+ destinations[e.w] = true;
+ });
+ // Seed the queue with true sources (those that are not destinations).
+ let queue: string[] =
+ _.difference(_.keys(successors), _.keys(destinations));
+ // Produce an ordering by traversing the graph breadth first.
+ let ordering = this.orderings[nodeName] = {};
+ let index = 0;
+ while (queue.length) {
+ let childName = queue.shift();
+ ordering[childName] = index++;
+ _.each(successors[childName], succName => queue.push(succName));
+ delete successors[childName]; // Prevent cycles from infinite looping.
+ }
+ return ordering;
+ }
+ * Internal utility function - given a graph (should be either a metagraph or a
+ * bridgegraph) and a node which is known to be in that graph, determine
+ * the other ends of edges that involve that node in the direction specified
+ * by whether it's inbound.
+ *
+ * For example if you wanted to find the predecessors of a node, you'd call
+ * this method for the parent's metagraph and bridgegraph, specifying inbound
+ * as true (look at the source of inbound edges to the specified node).
+ *
+ * Discovered target names are appended to the targets array.
+ */
+function findEdgeTargetsInGraph(
+ graph: graphlib.Graph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge>,
+ node: Node, inbound: boolean, targets: Edges): void {
+ _.each(<Metaedge[]> graph.edges(), e => {
+ let [selfName, otherName] = inbound ? [e.w, e.v] : [e.v, e.w];
+ if (selfName === node.name) {
+ if (node.isGroupNode) {
+ let targetList = graph.edge(e).numRegularEdges
+ ? targets.regular : targets.control;
+ targetList.push(otherName);
+ } else {
+ _.each(graph.edge(e).baseEdgeList, baseEdge => {
+ let targetList = baseEdge.isControlDependency
+ ? targets.control : targets.regular;
+ targetList.push(inbound ? baseEdge.v : baseEdge.w);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+interface HierarchyParams {
+ verifyTemplate: boolean;
+ groupSeries: boolean;
+ * @param graph The raw graph.
+ * @param params Parameters used when building a hierarchy.
+ */
+export function build(graph: tf.graph.SlimGraph, params: HierarchyParams,
+ tracker: ProgressTracker): Promise<Hierarchy|void> {
+ let h = new HierarchyImpl();
+ let seriesNames: { [name: string]: string } = {};
+ return runAsyncTask("Adding nodes", 20, () => {
+ // Get all the possible device names.
+ let deviceNames = {};
+ _.each(graph.nodes, (node, nodeName) => {
+ if (node.device != null) {
+ deviceNames[node.device] = true;
+ }
+ });
+ h.devices = _.keys(deviceNames);
+ addNodes(h, graph);
+ }, tracker)
+ .then(() => {
+ return runAsyncTask("Detect series", 20, () => {
+ if (params.groupSeries) {
+ groupSeries(h.root, h, seriesNames);
+ }
+ }, tracker);
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ return runAsyncTask("Adding edges", 30, () => {
+ addEdges(h, graph, seriesNames);
+ }, tracker);
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ return runAsyncTask("Finding similar subgraphs", 30, () => {
+ h.templates = template.detect(h, params.verifyTemplate);
+ }, tracker);
+ })
+ .then(() => {
+ return h;
+ }).catch(function(reason) {
+ throw new Error("Failure creating graph hierarchy");
+ });
+ * Creates the metanodes in the hierarchical graph and assigns parent-child
+ * relationship between them.
+ */
+function addNodes(h: Hierarchy, graph: SlimGraph) {
+ _.each(graph.nodes, (node, nodeName) => {
+ let path = getHierarchicalPath(node.name);
+ let parent: Metanode = h.root;
+ parent.depth = Math.max(path.length, parent.depth);
+ // Create parent metanodes for each depth. For example if the node name
+ // is 'a/b/c', then create metanodes 'a' and 'a/b', where 'a/b' is a child
+ // of a.
+ for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
+ parent.depth = Math.max(parent.depth, path.length - i);
+ parent.cardinality += node.cardinality;
+ parent.opHistogram[node.op] = (parent.opHistogram[node.op] || 0) + 1;
+ if (node.stats) {
+ parent.stats.combine(node.stats);
+ }
+ if (node.device != null) {
+ parent.deviceHistogram[node.device] =
+ (parent.deviceHistogram[node.device] || 0) + 1;
+ }
+ if (i === path.length - 1) { break; }
+ let name = path[i];
+ let child = <Metanode>h.node(name);
+ if (!child) {
+ child = createMetanode(name);
+ child.parentNode = parent;
+ h.setNode(name, child);
+ parent.metagraph.setNode(name, child);
+ }
+ parent = child;
+ }
+ // Assuming node name is 'a/b/c', assign the OpNode as a child of the metanode 'a/b'.
+ h.setNode(node.name, node);
+ node.parentNode = parent;
+ parent.metagraph.setNode(node.name, node);
+ // Add each of the in-embeddings and out-embeddings in the hierarchy.
+ _.each(node.inEmbeddings, function(embedding) {
+ h.setNode(embedding.name, embedding);
+ embedding.parentNode = node;
+ });
+ _.each(node.outEmbeddings, function(embedding) {
+ h.setNode(embedding.name, embedding);
+ embedding.parentNode = node;
+ });
+ });
+ * For each metanode in the hierarchical graph, this method adds:
+ * the edges in the metagraph. These are edges between nodes
+ * that share the same parent.
+ */
+function addEdges(h: Hierarchy, graph: SlimGraph,
+ seriesNames: { [name: string]: string }) {
+ let nodeIndex = h.getNodeMap();
+ // Ancestor paths for the source and destination nodes of an edge. These are
+ // reused for each edge rather than allocating new ones. It's about 10% faster
+ // than allocating new ones on each pass through the loop.
+ let sourcePath: string[] = [];
+ let destPath: string[] = [];
+ // Insert the ancestor path for a node into the provided array, including the
+ // node itself. Return the index of the last node inserted (always ROOT).
+ let getPath = (node: Node, path: string[]): number => {
+ let i = 0;
+ while (node) {
+ path[i++] = node.name;
+ node = node.parentNode;
+ }
+ return i - 1;
+ };
+ _.each(graph.edges, baseEdge => {
+ // Get the hierarchical paths for the source and destination of the edge.
+ let sourceAncestorIndex = getPath(graph.nodes[baseEdge.v], sourcePath);
+ let destAncestorIndex = getPath(graph.nodes[baseEdge.w], destPath);
+ // Find the lowest shared ancestor between source and dest by looking for
+ // the highest nodes that differ between their ancestor paths.
+ while (sourcePath[sourceAncestorIndex] === destPath[destAncestorIndex]) {
+ sourceAncestorIndex--;
+ destAncestorIndex--;
+ if (sourceAncestorIndex < 0 || destAncestorIndex < 0) {
+ // This would only occur if the two nodes were the same (a cycle in the
+ // graph), or if one endpoint was a strict ancestor of the other. The
+ // latter shouldn't happen because we rename nodes which are both
+ // metanodes and op nodes. E.g. "A/B" becomes "A/B/(B)".
+ throw Error("No difference found between ancestor paths.");
+ }
+ }
+ let sharedAncestorNode =
+ <GroupNode>nodeIndex[sourcePath[sourceAncestorIndex + 1]];
+ let sourceAncestorName = sourcePath[sourceAncestorIndex];
+ let destAncestorName = destPath[destAncestorIndex];
+ // Find or create the Metaedge which should contain this BaseEdge inside
+ // the shared ancestor.
+ let metaedge =
+ sharedAncestorNode.metagraph.edge(sourceAncestorName, destAncestorName);
+ if (!metaedge) {
+ metaedge = createMetaedge(sourceAncestorName, destAncestorName);
+ sharedAncestorNode.metagraph
+ .setEdge(sourceAncestorName, destAncestorName, metaedge);
+ }
+ if (!sharedAncestorNode.hasNonControlEdges &&
+ !baseEdge.isControlDependency) {
+ sharedAncestorNode.hasNonControlEdges = true;
+ }
+ metaedge.addBaseEdge(baseEdge);
+ });
+ * Using the hierarchy template information, detect series in the provided
+ * metanode. For each detected series, create a new SeriesNode
+ * and remove series members from the metanode's metagraph and move them to
+ * the new series node's metagraph.
+ *
+ * @param metanode
+ * @param hierarchy
+ * @return A dictionary from node name to series node name that contains the node
+ */
+function groupSeries(metanode: Metanode, hierarchy: Hierarchy,
+ seriesNames: { [name: string]: string }) {
+ let metagraph = metanode.metagraph;
+ _.each(metagraph.nodes(), n => {
+ let child = metagraph.node(n);
+ if (child.type === tf.graph.NodeType.META) {
+ groupSeries(<Metanode>child, hierarchy, seriesNames);
+ }
+ });
+ let clusters = clusterNodes(metagraph);
+ let seriesDict = detectSeries(clusters, metagraph);
+ // Add each series node to the graph and add its grouped children to its own
+ // metagraph.
+ _.each(seriesDict, function(seriesNode: SeriesNode, seriesName: string) {
+ let nodeMemberNames = seriesNode.metagraph.nodes();
+ let firstMember = seriesNode.metagraph.node(nodeMemberNames[0]);
+ let seriesType = firstMember.type;
+ hierarchy.setNode(seriesName, seriesNode); // add to the index
+ metagraph.setNode(seriesName, seriesNode);
+ _.each(nodeMemberNames, n => {
+ let child = <OpNode> metagraph.node(n);
+ seriesNode.metagraph.setNode(n, child);
+ seriesNode.parentNode = child.parentNode;
+ seriesNode.cardinality++;
+ if (child.device != null) {
+ seriesNode.deviceHistogram[child.device] =
+ (seriesNode.deviceHistogram[child.device] || 0) + 1;
+ }
+ child.parentNode = seriesNode;
+ seriesNames[n] = seriesName;
+ if (child.stats) {
+ seriesNode.stats.combine(child.stats);
+ }
+ // Remove now-grouped node from its original parent's metagraph.
+ metagraph.removeNode(n);
+ });
+ });
+/** cluster op-nodes with similar op */
+function clusterNodes(metagraph: graphlib.Graph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge>):
+ {[clusterId: string]: string[]} {
+ let result: {[clusterId: string]: string[]} = {};
+ return _.reduce(metagraph.nodes(), function(clusters: {[clusterId: string]: string[]}, n: string) {
+ let child = metagraph.node(n);
+ if (child.type === NodeType.META) {
+ // skip metanodes
+ return clusters;
+ }
+ let template = (<OpNode>child).op;
+ if (template) {
+ clusters[template] = clusters[template] || [];
+ clusters[template].push(child.name);
+ }
+ return clusters;
+ }, result);
+ * For each cluster of op-nodes based op type, try to detect groupings.
+ * Infer series name using by trying to find pattern "<number>" in the node
+ * name.
+ *
+ * @param clusters Dictionary output from clusterNodes().
+ * @param metagraph
+ * @return A dictionary from series name => seriesNode
+ */
+function detectSeries(clusters: {[clusterId: string]: string[]},
+ metagraph: graphlib.Graph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge>):
+ {[seriesName: string]: SeriesNode} {
+ let seriesDict: {[seriesName: string]: SeriesNode} = {};
+ _.each(clusters, function(members, clusterId: string) {
+ if (members.length <= 1) { return; } // isolated clusters can't make series
+ /** @type {Object} A dictionary mapping seriesName to seriesInfoArray,
+ * which is an array that contains objects with name, id, prefix, suffix,
+ * and parent properties.
+ */
+ let candidatesDict = {};
+ // Group all nodes that have the same name, with the exception of a
+ // number at the end of the name after an underscore, which is allowed to
+ // vary.
+ _.each(members, function(name: string) {
+ let isGroup = name.charAt(name.length - 1) === "*";
+ let namepath = name.split("/");
+ let leaf = namepath[namepath.length - 1];
+ let parent = namepath.slice(0, namepath.length - 1).join("/");
+ let matches = leaf.match(/^(\D*)_(\d+)$/);
+ let prefix;
+ let id;
+ let suffix = "";
+ if (matches) { // if found "<number>" in the name, assign id.
+ prefix = matches[1]; // the front non-numeric characters
+ id = matches[2]; // the digits
+ } else { // for node without "_<number>", make them zero-th items.
+ prefix = isGroup ? leaf.substr(0, leaf.length - 1) : leaf;
+ if (prefix.charAt(prefix.length - 1) !== "_") {
+ prefix += "_";
+ }
+ id = 0;
+ suffix = isGroup ? "*" : "";
+ }
+ let seriesName = getSeriesNodeName(prefix, suffix, parent);
+ candidatesDict[seriesName] = candidatesDict[seriesName] || [];
+ let seriesNode = createSeriesNode(prefix, suffix, parent, +id, name);
+ candidatesDict[seriesName].push(seriesNode);
+ });
+ // In each group of nodes, group nodes in bunches that have monotonically
+ // increasing numbers in their names. Each of these bunches is a series.
+ _.each(candidatesDict, function(seriesInfoArray: SeriesNode[], seriesName) {
+ if (seriesInfoArray.length < 2) {
+ return;
+ }
+ seriesInfoArray.sort(function(a, b) {
+ return (+a.clusterId) - (+b.clusterId);
+ });
+ // Loop through the nodes sorted by its detected series number, grouping
+ // all nodes with monotonically-increasing series numbers.
+ let seriesNodes = [seriesInfoArray[0]];
+ for (let index = 1; index < seriesInfoArray.length; index++) {
+ let nextNode = seriesInfoArray[index];
+ if (nextNode.clusterId === seriesNodes[seriesNodes.length - 1].clusterId + 1) {
+ seriesNodes.push(nextNode);
+ continue;
+ }
+ addSeriesToDict(seriesNodes, seriesDict, +clusterId, metagraph);
+ seriesNodes = [nextNode];
+ }
+ addSeriesToDict(seriesNodes, seriesDict, +clusterId, metagraph);
+ });
+ });
+ return seriesDict;
+ * Add a series to the provided dictionary mapping series names to series.
+ *
+ * @param seriesNodes the nodes in the series. Contains
+ * name, id, prefix, suffix and parent properties of the node.
+ * @param seriesDict the dictionary of series
+ * @param clusterId ID of the template of the nodes of the series
+ * @param metagraph
+ */
+function addSeriesToDict(seriesNodes: SeriesNode[],
+ seriesDict: {[seriesName: string] : SeriesNode},
+ clusterId: number,
+ metagraph: graphlib.Graph<GroupNode|OpNode, Metaedge>) {
+ if (seriesNodes.length > 1) {
+ let curSeriesName = getSeriesNodeName(
+ seriesNodes[0].prefix, seriesNodes[0].suffix,
+ seriesNodes[0].parent, seriesNodes[0].clusterId,
+ seriesNodes[seriesNodes.length - 1].clusterId);
+ let curSeriesNode = createSeriesNode(seriesNodes[0].prefix,
+ seriesNodes[0].suffix, seriesNodes[0].parent, clusterId,
+ curSeriesName);
+ _.each(seriesNodes, function(node) {
+ curSeriesNode.ids.push(node.clusterId);
+ curSeriesNode.metagraph.setNode(node.name, metagraph.node(node.name));
+ });
+ seriesDict[curSeriesName] = curSeriesNode;
+ }
+} // close module tf.graph.hierarchy
diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/layout.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/layout.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4eb3cab011
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/layout.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+/// <reference path="graph.ts" />
+/// <reference path="render.ts" />
+module tf.graph.layout {
+/** Set of parameters that define the look and feel of the graph. */
+export const PARAMS = {
+ animation: {
+ /** Default duration for graph animations in ms. */
+ duration: 250
+ },
+ graph: {
+ /** Graph parameter for metanode. */
+ meta: {
+ /**
+ * Dagre's nodesep param - number of pixels that
+ * separate nodes horizontally in the layout.
+ *
+ * See https://github.com/cpettitt/dagre/wiki#configuring-the-layout
+ */
+ nodeSep: 110,
+ /**
+ * Dagre's ranksep param - number of pixels
+ * between each rank in the layout.
+ *
+ * See https://github.com/cpettitt/dagre/wiki#configuring-the-layout
+ */
+ rankSep: 25
+ },
+ /** Graph parameter for metanode. */
+ series: {
+ /**
+ * Dagre's nodesep param - number of pixels that
+ * separate nodes horizontally in the layout.
+ *
+ * See https://github.com/cpettitt/dagre/wiki#configuring-the-layout
+ */
+ nodeSep: 90,
+ /**
+ * Dagre's ranksep param - number of pixels
+ * between each rank in the layout.
+ *
+ * See https://github.com/cpettitt/dagre/wiki#configuring-the-layout
+ */
+ rankSep: 25,
+ },
+ /**
+ * Padding is used to correctly position the graph SVG inside of its parent
+ * element. The padding amounts are applied using an SVG transform of X and
+ * Y coordinates.
+ */
+ padding: {
+ paddingTop: 40,
+ paddingLeft: 20
+ }
+ },
+ subscene: {
+ meta: {
+ paddingTop: 10,
+ paddingBottom: 10,
+ paddingLeft: 10,
+ paddingRight: 10,
+ /**
+ * Used to leave room for the label on top of the highest node in
+ * the core graph.
+ */
+ labelHeight: 20,
+ /** X-space between each extracted node and the core graph. */
+ extractXOffset: 50,
+ /** Y-space between each extracted node. */
+ extractYOffset: 20
+ },
+ series: {
+ paddingTop: 10,
+ paddingBottom: 10,
+ paddingLeft: 10,
+ paddingRight: 10,
+ labelHeight: 10
+ }
+ },
+ nodeSize: {
+ /** Size of meta nodes. */
+ meta: {
+ radius: 5,
+ width: 60,
+ /** A scale for the node's height based on number of nodes inside */
+ height: d3.scale.linear().domain([1, 200]).range([15, 60]).clamp(true),
+ /** The radius of the circle denoting the expand button. */
+ expandButtonRadius: 3
+ },
+ /** Size of op nodes. */
+ op: {
+ width: 15,
+ height: 6,
+ radius: 3, // for making annotation touching ellipse
+ labelOffset: -8
+ },
+ /** Size of series nodes. */
+ series: {
+ expanded: {
+ // For expanded series nodes, width and height will be
+ // computed to account for the subscene.
+ radius: 10,
+ labelOffset: 0,
+ },
+ vertical: {
+ // When unexpanded, series whose underlying metagraphs contain
+ // one or more non-control edges will show as a vertical stack
+ // of ellipses.
+ width: 16,
+ height: 13,
+ labelOffset: -13,
+ },
+ horizontal: {
+ // When unexpanded, series whose underlying metagraphs contain
+ // no non-control edges will show as a horizontal stack of
+ // ellipses.
+ width: 24,
+ height: 8,
+ radius: 10, // Forces annotations to center line.
+ labelOffset: -10,
+ },
+ },
+ /** Size of bridge nodes. */
+ bridge: {
+ // NOTE: bridge nodes will normally be invisible, but they must
+ // take up some space so that the layout step leaves room for
+ // their edges.
+ width: 20,
+ height: 20,
+ radius: 2,
+ labelOffset: 0
+ }
+ },
+ shortcutSize: {
+ /** Size of shortcuts for op nodes */
+ op: {
+ width: 10,
+ height: 4
+ },
+ /** Size of shortcuts for meta nodes */
+ meta: {
+ width: 12,
+ height: 4,
+ radius: 1
+ },
+ /** Size of shortcuts for series nodes */
+ series: {
+ width: 14,
+ height: 4,
+ }
+ },
+ annotations: {
+ /** X-space between the shape and each annotation-node. */
+ xOffset: 10,
+ /** Y-space between each annotation-node. */
+ yOffset: 3,
+ /** X-space between each annotation-node and its label. */
+ labelOffset: 2,
+ /** Estimate max width for annotation label */
+ labelWidth: 35
+ },
+ constant: {
+ size: {
+ width: 4,
+ height: 4
+ }
+ },
+ series: {
+ /** Maximum number of repeated item for unexpanded series node. */
+ maxStackCount: 3,
+ /**
+ * Positioning offset ratio for collapsed stack
+ * of parallel series (series without edges between its members).
+ */
+ parallelStackOffsetRatio: 0.2,
+ /**
+ * Positioning offset ratio for collapsed stack
+ * of tower series (series with edges between its members).
+ */
+ towerStackOffsetRatio: 0.5
+ },
+ minimap : {
+ /** The maximum width/height the minimap can have. */
+ size: 150
+ }
+/** Calculate layout for a scene of a group node. */
+export function scene(renderNodeInfo: render.RenderGroupNodeInformation)
+ : void {
+ // Update layout, size, and annotations of its children nodes and edges.
+ if (renderNodeInfo.node.isGroupNode) {
+ layoutChildren(renderNodeInfo);
+ }
+ // Update position of its children nodes and edges
+ if (renderNodeInfo.node.type === NodeType.META) {
+ layoutMetanode(renderNodeInfo);
+ } else if (renderNodeInfo.node.type === NodeType.SERIES) {
+ layoutSeriesNode(renderNodeInfo);
+ }
+ * Update layout, size, and annotations of its children nodes and edges.
+ */
+function layoutChildren(renderNodeInfo: render.RenderGroupNodeInformation)
+ : void {
+ let children = renderNodeInfo.coreGraph.nodes().map(n => {
+ return renderNodeInfo.coreGraph.node(n);
+ }).concat(renderNodeInfo.isolatedInExtract,
+ renderNodeInfo.isolatedOutExtract);
+ _.each(children, childNodeInfo => {
+ // Set size of each child
+ switch (childNodeInfo.node.type) {
+ case NodeType.OP:
+ _.extend(childNodeInfo, PARAMS.nodeSize.op);
+ break;
+ case NodeType.BRIDGE:
+ _.extend(childNodeInfo, PARAMS.nodeSize.bridge);
+ break;
+ case NodeType.META:
+ if (!childNodeInfo.expanded) {
+ // set fixed width and scalable height based on cardinality
+ _.extend(childNodeInfo, PARAMS.nodeSize.meta);
+ childNodeInfo.height =
+ PARAMS.nodeSize.meta.height(childNodeInfo.node.cardinality);
+ } else {
+ let childGroupNodeInfo =
+ <render.RenderGroupNodeInformation>childNodeInfo;
+ scene(childGroupNodeInfo); // Recursively layout its subscene.
+ }
+ break;
+ case NodeType.SERIES:
+ if (childNodeInfo.expanded) {
+ _.extend(childNodeInfo, PARAMS.nodeSize.series.expanded);
+ let childGroupNodeInfo =
+ <render.RenderGroupNodeInformation>childNodeInfo;
+ scene(childGroupNodeInfo); // Recursively layout its subscene.
+ } else {
+ let childGroupNodeInfo =
+ <render.RenderGroupNodeInformation>childNodeInfo;
+ let seriesParams =
+ childGroupNodeInfo.node.hasNonControlEdges ?
+ PARAMS.nodeSize.series.vertical :
+ PARAMS.nodeSize.series.horizontal;
+ _.extend(childNodeInfo, seriesParams);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw Error("Unrecognized node type: " + childNodeInfo.node.type);
+ }
+ // Layout each child's annotations
+ layoutAnnotation(childNodeInfo);
+ });
+ * Calculate layout for a graph using dagre
+ * @param graph the graph to be laid out
+ * @param params layout parameters
+ * @return width and height of the core graph
+ */
+function dagreLayout(graph: graphlib.Graph<any, any>, params)
+ : {height: number, width: number} {
+ _.extend(graph.graph(), {
+ nodeSep: params.nodeSep,
+ rankSep: params.rankSep
+ });
+ let bridgeNodeNames = [];
+ let nonBridgeNodeNames = [];
+ // Split out nodes into bridge and non-bridge nodes, and calculate the total
+ // width we should use for bridge nodes.
+ _.each(graph.nodes(), nodeName => {
+ let nodeInfo = graph.node(nodeName);
+ if (nodeInfo.node.type === NodeType.BRIDGE) {
+ bridgeNodeNames.push(nodeName);
+ } else {
+ nonBridgeNodeNames.push(nodeName);
+ }
+ });
+ // If there are no non-bridge nodes, then the graph has zero size.
+ if (!nonBridgeNodeNames.length) {
+ return {
+ width: 0,
+ height: 0,
+ };
+ }
+ dagre.layout(graph);
+ let graphLabel = graph.graph();
+ // Calculate the true bounding box of the graph by iterating over nodes and
+ // edges rather than accepting dagre's word for it. In particular, we should
+ // ignore the extra-wide bridge nodes and bridge edges, and allow for
+ // annotation boxes and labels.
+ let minX = Infinity;
+ let minY = Infinity;
+ let maxX = -Infinity;
+ let maxY = -Infinity;
+ _.each(nonBridgeNodeNames, nodeName => {
+ let nodeInfo = graph.node(nodeName);
+ let w = 0.5 * nodeInfo.width;
+ let x1 = nodeInfo.x - w - nodeInfo.inboxWidth;
+ let x2 = nodeInfo.x + w + nodeInfo.outboxWidth;
+ minX = x1 < minX ? x1 : minX;
+ maxX = x2 > maxX ? x2 : maxX;
+ let labelLength =
+ nodeName.length - nodeName.lastIndexOf(NAMESPACE_DELIM);
+ // TODO(jimbo): Account for font width rather than using a magic number.
+ let charWidth = 3; // 3 pixels per character.
+ let lw = 0.5 * labelLength * charWidth;
+ let lx1 = nodeInfo.x - lw;
+ let lx2 = nodeInfo.x + lw;
+ minX = lx1 < minX ? lx1 : minX;
+ maxX = lx2 > maxX ? lx2 : maxX;
+ // TODO(jimbo): Account for the height of labels above op nodes here.
+ let h = 0.5 * nodeInfo.outerHeight;
+ let y1 = nodeInfo.y - h;
+ let y2 = nodeInfo.y + h;
+ minY = y1 < minY ? y1 : minY;
+ maxY = y2 > maxY ? y2 : maxY;
+ });
+ _.each(graph.edges(), edgeObj => {
+ let renderMetaedgeInfo = graph.edge(edgeObj);
+ if (renderMetaedgeInfo.structural) {
+ return; // Skip structural edges from min/max calculations.
+ }
+ _.each(renderMetaedgeInfo.points,
+ (point: { x: number, y: number }) => {
+ minX = point.x < minX ? point.x : minX;
+ maxX = point.x > maxX ? point.x : maxX;
+ minY = point.y < minY ? point.y : minY;
+ maxY = point.y > maxY ? point.y : maxY;
+ });
+ });
+ // Shift all nodes and edge points to account for the left-padding amount,
+ // and the invisble bridge nodes.
+ _.each(graph.nodes(), nodeName => {
+ let nodeInfo = graph.node(nodeName);
+ nodeInfo.x -= minX;
+ nodeInfo.y -= minY;
+ });
+ _.each(graph.edges(), edgeObj => {
+ _.each(graph.edge(edgeObj).points,
+ (point: { x: number, y: number }) => {
+ point.x -= minX;
+ point.y -= minY;
+ });
+ });
+ return {
+ width: maxX - minX,
+ height: maxY - minY,
+ };
+/** Layout a metanode. */
+function layoutMetanode(renderNodeInfo): void {
+ // First, copy params specific to meta nodes onto this render info object.
+ let params = PARAMS.subscene.meta;
+ renderNodeInfo = _.extend(renderNodeInfo, params);
+ // Invoke dagre.layout() on the core graph and record the bounding box
+ // dimensions.
+ _.extend(renderNodeInfo.coreBox,
+ dagreLayout(renderNodeInfo.coreGraph, PARAMS.graph.meta));
+ // Calculate the position of nodes in isolatedInExtract relative to the
+ // top-left corner of inExtractBox (the bounding box for all inExtract nodes)
+ // and calculate the size of the inExtractBox.
+ let hasInExtract = renderNodeInfo.isolatedInExtract.length > 0;
+ renderNodeInfo.inExtractBox.width = hasInExtract ?
+ _(renderNodeInfo.isolatedInExtract).pluck("outerWidth").max() : 0;
+ renderNodeInfo.inExtractBox.height =
+ _.reduce(renderNodeInfo.isolatedInExtract, (height, child: any, i) => {
+ let yOffset = i > 0 ? params.extractYOffset : 0;
+ // use outerWidth/Height here to avoid overlaps between extracts
+ child.x = renderNodeInfo.inExtractBox.width / 2;
+ child.y = height + yOffset + child.outerHeight / 2;
+ return height + yOffset + child.outerHeight;
+ }, 0);
+ // Calculate the position of nodes in isolatedOutExtract relative to the
+ // top-left corner of outExtractBox (the bounding box for all outExtract
+ // nodes) and calculate the size of the outExtractBox.
+ let hasOutExtract = renderNodeInfo.isolatedOutExtract.length > 0;
+ renderNodeInfo.outExtractBox.width = hasOutExtract ?
+ _(renderNodeInfo.isolatedOutExtract).pluck("outerWidth").max() : 0;
+ renderNodeInfo.outExtractBox.height =
+ _.reduce(renderNodeInfo.isolatedOutExtract, (height, child: any, i) => {
+ let yOffset = i > 0 ? params.extractYOffset : 0;
+ // use outerWidth/Height here to avoid overlaps between extracts
+ child.x = renderNodeInfo.outExtractBox.width / 2;
+ child.y = height + yOffset + child.outerHeight / 2;
+ return height + yOffset + child.outerHeight;
+ }, 0);
+ // Determine the whole metanode's width (from left to right).
+ renderNodeInfo.width =
+ params.paddingLeft + renderNodeInfo.coreBox.width + params.paddingRight +
+ (hasInExtract ?
+ renderNodeInfo.inExtractBox.width + params.extractXOffset : 0) +
+ (hasOutExtract ?
+ params.extractXOffset + renderNodeInfo.outExtractBox.width : 0);
+ // TODO(jimbo): Remove labelHeight and instead incorporate into box sizes.
+ // Determine the whole metanode's height (from top to bottom).
+ renderNodeInfo.height =
+ renderNodeInfo.labelHeight +
+ params.paddingTop +
+ Math.max(
+ renderNodeInfo.inExtractBox.height,
+ renderNodeInfo.coreBox.height,
+ renderNodeInfo.outExtractBox.height
+ ) +
+ params.paddingBottom;
+ * Calculate layout for series node's core graph. Only called for an expanded
+ * series.
+ */
+function layoutSeriesNode(node: render.RenderGroupNodeInformation): void {
+ let graph = node.coreGraph;
+ let params = PARAMS.subscene.series;
+ _.extend(node, params);
+ // Layout the core.
+ _.extend(node.coreBox,
+ dagreLayout(node.coreGraph, PARAMS.graph.series));
+ _.each(graph.nodes(), nodeName => {
+ graph.node(nodeName).excluded = false;
+ });
+ // Series do not have in/outExtractBox so no need to include them here.
+ node.width = node.coreBox.width + params.paddingLeft + params.paddingRight;
+ node.height = node.coreBox.height + params.paddingTop + params.paddingBottom;
+ * Calculate layout for annotations of a given node.
+ * This will modify positions of the the given node and its annotations.
+ *
+ * @see tf.graph.render.Node and tf.graph.render.Annotation
+ * for description of each property of each render node.
+ *
+ */
+ function layoutAnnotation(renderNodeInfo: render.RenderNodeInformation): void {
+ // If the render node is an expanded metanode, then its annotations will not
+ // be visible and we should skip the annotation calculations.
+ if (renderNodeInfo.expanded) {
+ _.extend(renderNodeInfo, {
+ inboxWidth: 0,
+ inboxHeight: 0,
+ outboxWidth: 0,
+ outboxHeight: 0,
+ outerWidth: renderNodeInfo.width,
+ outerHeight: renderNodeInfo.height
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ let inAnnotations = renderNodeInfo.inAnnotations.list;
+ let outAnnotations = renderNodeInfo.outAnnotations.list;
+ // Calculate size for in-annotations
+ _.each(inAnnotations, a => sizeAnnotation(a));
+ // Calculate size for out-annotations
+ _.each(outAnnotations, a => sizeAnnotation(a));
+ let params = PARAMS.annotations;
+ renderNodeInfo.inboxWidth =
+ inAnnotations.length > 0 ?
+ (<any>_(inAnnotations).pluck("width").max()) +
+ params.xOffset + params.labelWidth + params.labelOffset :
+ 0;
+ renderNodeInfo.outboxWidth =
+ outAnnotations.length > 0 ?
+ (<any>_(outAnnotations).pluck("width").max()) +
+ params.xOffset + params.labelWidth + params.labelOffset :
+ 0;
+ // Calculate annotation node position (a.dx, a.dy)
+ // and total height for in-annotations
+ // After this chunk of code:
+ // inboxHeight = sum of annotation heights+ (annotation.length - 1 * yOffset)
+ let inboxHeight = _.reduce(inAnnotations,
+ (height, a: any, i) => {
+ let yOffset = i > 0 ? params.yOffset : 0;
+ a.dx = -(renderNodeInfo.width + a.width) / 2 - params.xOffset;
+ a.dy = height + yOffset + a.height / 2;
+ return height + yOffset + a.height;
+ }, 0);
+ _.each(inAnnotations, (a: any) => {
+ a.dy -= inboxHeight / 2;
+ a.labelOffset = params.labelOffset;
+ });
+ // Calculate annotation node position position (a.dx, a.dy)
+ // and total height for out-annotations
+ // After this chunk of code:
+ // outboxHeight = sum of annotation heights +
+ // (annotation.length - 1 * yOffset)
+ let outboxHeight = _.reduce(outAnnotations,
+ (height, a: any, i) => {
+ let yOffset = i > 0 ? params.yOffset : 0;
+ a.dx = (renderNodeInfo.width + a.width) / 2 + params.xOffset;
+ a.dy = height + yOffset + a.height / 2;
+ return height + yOffset + a.height;
+ }, 0);
+ _.each(outAnnotations, (a: any) => {
+ // adjust by (half of ) the total height
+ // so dy is relative to the host node's center.
+ a.dy -= outboxHeight / 2;
+ a.labelOffset = params.labelOffset;
+ });
+ // Creating scales for touch point between the in-annotation edges
+ // and their hosts.
+ let inTouchHeight =
+ Math.min(renderNodeInfo.height / 2 - renderNodeInfo.radius,
+ inboxHeight / 2);
+ inTouchHeight = inTouchHeight < 0 ? 0 : inTouchHeight;
+ let inY = d3.scale.linear()
+ .domain([0, inAnnotations.length - 1])
+ .range([-inTouchHeight, inTouchHeight]);
+ // Calculate annotation edge position
+ _.each(inAnnotations, (a: any, i) => {
+ a.points = [
+ // The annotation node end
+ {
+ dx: a.dx + a.width / 2,
+ dy: a.dy
+ },
+ // The host node end
+ {
+ dx: - renderNodeInfo.width / 2,
+ // only use scale if there are more than one,
+ // otherwise center it vertically
+ dy: inAnnotations.length > 1 ? inY(i) : 0
+ }
+ ];
+ });
+ // Creating scales for touch point between the out-annotation edges
+ // and their hosts.
+ let outTouchHeight =
+ Math.min(renderNodeInfo.height / 2 - renderNodeInfo.radius,
+ outboxHeight / 2);
+ outTouchHeight = outTouchHeight < 0 ? 0 : outTouchHeight;
+ let outY = d3.scale.linear()
+ .domain([0, outAnnotations.length - 1])
+ .range([-outTouchHeight, outTouchHeight]);
+ _.each(outAnnotations, (a: any, i) => {
+ // Add point from the border of the annotation node
+ a.points = [
+ // The host node end
+ {
+ dx: renderNodeInfo.width / 2,
+ // only use scale if there are more than one,
+ // otherwise center it vertically
+ dy: outAnnotations.length > 1 ? outY(i) : 0
+ },
+ // The annotation node end
+ {
+ dx: a.dx - a.width / 2,
+ dy: a.dy
+ }
+ ];
+ });
+ renderNodeInfo.outerWidth = renderNodeInfo.width + renderNodeInfo.inboxWidth +
+ renderNodeInfo.outboxWidth;
+ renderNodeInfo.outerHeight =
+ Math.max(renderNodeInfo.height, inboxHeight, outboxHeight);
+ * Set size of an annotation node.
+ */
+function sizeAnnotation(a: render.Annotation): void {
+ switch (a.annotationType) {
+ case render.AnnotationType.CONSTANT:
+ _.extend(a, PARAMS.constant.size);
+ break;
+ case render.AnnotationType.SHORTCUT:
+ if (a.node.type === NodeType.OP) {
+ _.extend(a, PARAMS.shortcutSize.op);
+ } else if (a.node.type === NodeType.META) {
+ _.extend(a, PARAMS.shortcutSize.meta);
+ } else if (a.node.type === NodeType.SERIES) {
+ _.extend(a, PARAMS.shortcutSize.series);
+ } else {
+ throw Error("Invalid node type: " + a.node.type);
+ }
+ break;
+ case render.AnnotationType.SUMMARY:
+ _.extend(a, PARAMS.constant.size);
+ break;
+ }
+} // close module
diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/parser.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/parser.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4864738a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/parser.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+/// <reference path="../../../typings/tsd.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="common.ts" />
+module tf.graph.parser {
+ * Parses a native js value, which can be either a string, boolean or number.
+ *
+ * @param value The value to be parsed.
+ */
+function parseValue(value: string): string|number|boolean {
+ if (value === "true") {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (value === "false") {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let firstChar = value[0];
+ if (firstChar === "\"") {
+ return value.substring(1, value.length - 1);
+ }
+ let num = parseFloat(value);
+ return isNaN(num) ? value : num;
+ * Fetches a text file and returns a promise of the result.
+ */
+export function readPbTxt(filepath: string): Promise<string> {
+ return new Promise<string>(function(resolve, reject) {
+ d3.text(filepath, function(error, text) {
+ if (error) {
+ reject(error);
+ return;
+ }
+ resolve(text);
+ });
+ });
+ * Fetches and parses a json file and returns a promise of the result.
+ */
+export function readJson(filepath: string): Promise<Object> {
+ return new Promise<Object>(function(resolve, reject) {
+ d3.json(filepath, function(error, text) {
+ if (error) {
+ reject(error);
+ return;
+ }
+ resolve(text);
+ });
+ });
+ * Reads the graph and stats file (if available), parses them and returns a
+ * promise of the result.
+ */
+export function readAndParseData(dataset: {path: string, statsPath: string},
+ pbTxtContent: string, tracker: ProgressTracker):
+ Promise<{ nodes: TFNode[], statsJson: Object }|void> {
+ let graphPbTxt;
+ let statsJson;
+ return runAsyncTask("Reading graph.pbtxt", 20, () => {
+ return pbTxtContent || readPbTxt(dataset.path);
+ }, tracker)
+ .then(function(text) {
+ graphPbTxt = text;
+ return runAsyncTask("Reading stats.pbtxt", 20, () => {
+ return (dataset != null && dataset.statsPath != null) ?
+ readJson(dataset.statsPath) : null;
+ }, tracker);
+ })
+ .then(function(json) {
+ statsJson = json;
+ return runAsyncTask("Parsing graph.pbtxt", 60, () => {
+ return parsePbtxt(graphPbTxt);
+ }, tracker);
+ })
+ .then(function(nodes) {
+ return {
+ nodes: nodes,
+ statsJson: statsJson
+ };
+ })
+ .catch(function(reason) {
+ throw new Error("Failure parsing graph definition");
+ });
+ * Parses a proto txt file into a javascript object.
+ *
+ * @param input The string contents of the proto txt file.
+ * @return The parsed object.
+ */
+export function parsePbtxt(input: string): TFNode[] {
+ let output: { [name: string]: any; } = { node: [] };
+ let stack = [];
+ let path: string[] = [];
+ let current: { [name: string]: any; } = output;
+ function splitNameAndValueInAttribute(line: string) {
+ let colonIndex = line.indexOf(":");
+ let name = line.substring(0, colonIndex).trim();
+ let value = parseValue(line.substring(colonIndex + 2).trim());
+ return {
+ name: name,
+ value: value
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Since proto-txt doesn't explicitly say whether an attribute is repeated
+ * (an array) or not, we keep a hard-coded list of attributes that are known
+ * to be repeated. This list is used in parsing time to convert repeated
+ * attributes into arrays even when the attribute only shows up once in the
+ * object.
+ */
+ let ARRAY_ATTRIBUTES: {[attrPath: string] : boolean} = {
+ "node": true,
+ "node.input": true,
+ "node.attr": true,
+ "node.attr.value.list.type": true,
+ "node.attr.value.shape.dim": true,
+ "node.attr.value.tensor.string_val": true,
+ "node.attr.value.tensor.tensor_shape.dim": true
+ };
+ /**
+ * Adds a value, given the attribute name and the host object. If the
+ * attribute already exists, but is not an array, it will convert it to an
+ * array of values.
+ *
+ * @param obj The host object that holds the attribute.
+ * @param name The attribute name (key).
+ * @param value The attribute value.
+ * @param path A path that identifies the attribute. Used to check if
+ * an attribute is an array or not.
+ */
+ function addAttribute(obj: Object, name: string,
+ value: Object|string|number|boolean, path: string[]): void {
+ // We treat "node" specially since it is done so often.
+ let existingValue = obj[name];
+ if (existingValue == null) {
+ obj[name] = path.join(".") in ARRAY_ATTRIBUTES ? [value] : value;
+ } else if (Array.isArray(existingValue)) {
+ existingValue.push(value);
+ } else {
+ obj[name] = [existingValue, value];
+ }
+ }
+ // Run through the file a line at a time.
+ let startPos = 0;
+ while (startPos < input.length) {
+ let endPos = input.indexOf("\n", startPos);
+ if (endPos === -1) {
+ endPos = input.length;
+ }
+ let line = input.substring(startPos, endPos);
+ startPos = endPos + 1;
+ if (!line) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch (line[line.length - 1]) {
+ case "{": // create new object
+ let name = line.substring(0, line.length - 2).trim();
+ let newValue: { [name: string]: any; } = {};
+ stack.push(current);
+ path.push(name);
+ addAttribute(current, name, newValue, path);
+ current = newValue;
+ break;
+ case "}":
+ current = stack.pop();
+ path.pop();
+ break;
+ default:
+ let x = splitNameAndValueInAttribute(line);
+ addAttribute(current, x.name, x.value, path.concat(x.name));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return output["node"];
+} // Close module tf.graph.parser.
diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/render.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/render.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..363f006fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/render.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1360 @@
+/// <reference path="graph.ts" />
+/// <reference path="hierarchy.ts" />
+ * Package for the Render Hierarchy for TensorFlow graph.
+ */
+module tf.graph.render {
+ * Color parameters for node encoding.
+ * @type {Object}
+ */
+export let MetanodeColors = {
+ LIGHTNESS: 0.85,
+ /**
+ * Neutral color to use when the node is expanded (used when coloring by
+ * compute time, memory and device).
+ */
+ EXPANDED_COLOR: "#f0f0f0",
+ /**
+ * Standard hue values for node color palette.
+ */
+ HUES: [220, 100, 180, 40, 20, 340, 260, 300, 140, 60],
+ STRUCTURE_PALETTE: function(id: number, lightened? : boolean) {
+ // The code below is a flexible way to computationally create a set
+ // of colors that go well together.
+ let hues = MetanodeColors.HUES;
+ let n = hues.length;
+ let hue = hues[id % n];
+ let m = Math.sin(hue * Math.PI / 360);
+ let sat = lightened ? 30 : 90 - 60 * m;
+ let light = lightened ? 95 : 80;
+ return d3.hsl(hue, .01 * sat, .01 * light).toString();
+ },
+ DEVICE_PALETTE: function (index: number): string {
+ return MetanodeColors.STRUCTURE_PALETTE(index);
+ },
+ UNKNOWN: "#eee",
+ * Parameters that affect how the graph is rendered on the screen.
+ */
+interface RenderGraphParams {
+ /**
+ * Whether to extract high degree nodes from the core part of the graph.
+ */
+ enableExtraction: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Maximum in-degree that a node can have without being considered as
+ * high in-degree node.
+ */
+ maxInDegree: number;
+ /**
+ * Maximum out-degree that a node can have without being considered as
+ * high out-degree node.
+ */
+ maxOutDegree: number;
+ /**
+ * Maximum number of control edges a node can have before they aren't
+ * displayed.
+ */
+ maxControlDegree: number;
+ /**
+ * Types patterns for predefined out-extract nodes, which are
+ * sink-like nodes that will be extracted from the main graph.
+ */
+ outExtractTypes: string[];
+ /**
+ * Types patterns for predefined in-extract nodes, which are
+ * source-like nodes that will be extracted from the main graph.
+ */
+ inExtractTypes: string[];
+ /**
+ * When removing edges from a high degree node, remove all of its edges if
+ * detachAllEdgesForHighDegree is true. Otherwise remove all in-edges if
+ * the node has high in-degree, or all out-edges if the node has high
+ * out-degree.
+ */
+ detachAllEdgesForHighDegree: boolean;
+ /**
+ * After extracting high in/out degree nodes and predefined
+ * source-like/sink-like, extract isolated nodes to the side
+ * if this extractIsolatedNodesWithAnnotationsOnOneSide is true.
+ */
+ extractIsolatedNodesWithAnnotationsOnOneSide: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Whether to add bridge nodes and edges to the core when building the
+ * subhierarchy of an expanded metanode. See buildSubhierarchy().
+ */
+ enableBridgegraph: boolean;
+ /**
+ * 2 colors, for the minimum and maximum value respectively, whenever we
+ * have a gradient scale.
+ */
+ minMaxColors: string[];
+ /**
+ * Maximum number of annotations to be displayed on a node.
+ */
+ maxAnnotations: number;
+ * Stores the rendering information, such as x and y coordinates,
+ * for each node in the graph.
+ */
+export class RenderGraphInformation {
+ private hierarchy: hierarchy.Hierarchy;
+ private index: {[nodeName: string]: RenderNodeInformation};
+ private params: RenderGraphParams;
+ private deviceColorMap: d3.scale.Ordinal<string, string>;
+ private memoryUsageScale: d3.scale.Linear<string, string>;
+ private computeTimeScale: d3.scale.Linear<string, string>;
+ // Since the rendering information for each node is constructed lazily,
+ // upon node's expansion by the user, we keep a map between the node's name and
+ // whether the rendering information was already constructed for that node.
+ private hasSubhierarchy: {[nodeName: string]: boolean};
+ root: RenderGroupNodeInformation;
+ constructor(hierarchy: hierarchy.Hierarchy, params: RenderGraphParams) {
+ this.hierarchy = hierarchy;
+ this.index = {};
+ this.deviceColorMap = d3.scale.ordinal<string>()
+ .domain(hierarchy.devices)
+ .range(_.map(d3.range(hierarchy.devices.length),
+ MetanodeColors.DEVICE_PALETTE));
+ let topLevelGraph = hierarchy.root.metagraph;
+ // Find the maximum and minimum memory usage.
+ let memoryExtent = d3.extent(topLevelGraph.nodes(),
+ (nodeName, index) => {
+ let node = topLevelGraph.node(nodeName);
+ // Some ops don't have stats at all.
+ if (node.stats != null) {
+ return node.stats.totalBytes;
+ }
+ });
+ this.memoryUsageScale = d3.scale.linear<string, string>()
+ .domain(memoryExtent)
+ .range(params.minMaxColors);
+ // Find also the minimum and maximum compute time.
+ let computeTimeExtent = d3.extent(topLevelGraph.nodes(), (nodeName, index) => {
+ let node = topLevelGraph.node(nodeName);
+ // Some ops don't have stats at all.
+ if (node.stats != null) {
+ return node.stats.totalMicros;
+ }
+ });
+ this.computeTimeScale = d3.scale.linear<string, string>()
+ .domain(computeTimeExtent)
+ .range(params.minMaxColors);
+ // Maps node name to whether the rendering hierarchy was already constructed.
+ this.hasSubhierarchy = {};
+ this.params = params;
+ this.root = new RenderGroupNodeInformation(hierarchy.root);
+ this.index[hierarchy.root.name] = this.root;
+ this.buildSubhierarchy(hierarchy.root.name);
+ this.root.expanded = true;
+ }
+ getRenderNodeByName(nodeName: string): RenderNodeInformation {
+ return this.index[nodeName];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the nearest ancestor node, including itself, that is visible
+ * in the visualization. This method is used so that we can select
+ * (highlight) a node that isn't drawn yet, by selecting (highlighting)
+ * its nearest ancestor that has been drawn.
+ */
+ getNearestVisibleAncestor(name: string): string {
+ let path = getHierarchicalPath(name);
+ for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
+ let nodeName = path[i];
+ // Op nodes have expanded set to false by default.
+ if (!this.getRenderNodeByName(nodeName).expanded) {
+ return nodeName;
+ }
+ }
+ // Fallthrough. If everything was expanded return the node.
+ return name;
+ }
+ // TODO(jimbo): Delete this an any code it touches (all deprecated).
+ setDepth(depth: number): void {
+ setGroupNodeDepth(this.root, +depth);
+ }
+ buildSubhierarchy(nodeName: string): void {
+ // Terminate if the rendering hierarchy was already constructed
+ // for this node.
+ if (nodeName in this.hasSubhierarchy) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let renderNodeInfo = this.index[nodeName];
+ // If it is not a meta node or a series node, don't do anything.
+ if (renderNodeInfo.node.type !== NodeType.META &&
+ renderNodeInfo.node.type !== NodeType.SERIES) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // At this point we know the rendering information is about a group node.
+ let renderGroupNodeInfo = <RenderGroupNodeInformation> renderNodeInfo;
+ let metagraph = renderGroupNodeInfo.node.metagraph;
+ let coreGraph = renderGroupNodeInfo.coreGraph;
+ // Create render nodes to represent each child from the metagraph. Although
+ // these will initially be added to the coreGraph, they may later be
+ // extracted. Also, due to extraction, the coreGraph may contain disjoint
+ // groups between which there is no visible path (other than annotations).
+ _.each(metagraph.nodes(), childName => {
+ let childNode = metagraph.node(childName);
+ let childRenderInfo = childNode.isGroupNode ?
+ new RenderGroupNodeInformation(<GroupNode>childNode) :
+ new RenderNodeInformation(childNode);
+ this.index[childName] = childRenderInfo;
+ coreGraph.setNode(childName, childRenderInfo);
+ if (childRenderInfo.node.stats != null) {
+ childRenderInfo.memoryColor =
+ this.memoryUsageScale(childRenderInfo.node.stats.totalBytes);
+ childRenderInfo.computeTimeColor =
+ this.computeTimeScale(childRenderInfo.node.stats.totalMicros);
+ }
+ if (!childNode.isGroupNode) {
+ _.each((<OpNode>childNode).inEmbeddings, embedding => {
+ let renderMetaedgeInfo = new RenderMetaedgeInformation(null);
+ addInAnnotation(childRenderInfo, embedding, null, renderMetaedgeInfo,
+ AnnotationType.CONSTANT, this.params);
+ this.index[embedding.name] = new RenderNodeInformation(embedding);
+ });
+ _.each((<OpNode>childNode).outEmbeddings, embedding => {
+ let renderMetaedgeInfo = new RenderMetaedgeInformation(null);
+ addOutAnnotation(childRenderInfo, embedding, null, renderMetaedgeInfo,
+ AnnotationType.SUMMARY, this.params);
+ this.index[embedding.name] = new RenderNodeInformation(embedding);
+ });
+ let device = (<OpNode>childRenderInfo.node).device;
+ if (device != null) {
+ childRenderInfo.deviceColors = [{
+ color: this.deviceColorMap(device),
+ proportion: 1.0
+ }];
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Make a list of tuples (device, proportion), where proportion
+ // is the fraction of op nodes that have that device.
+ let pairs = _.pairs((<GroupNode> childNode).deviceHistogram);
+ if (pairs.length > 0) {
+ // Compute the total # of devices.
+ let numDevices = _.sum(pairs, _.last);
+ childRenderInfo.deviceColors = _.map(pairs, pair => {
+ return {
+ color: this.deviceColorMap(pair[0]),
+ // Normalize to a proportion of total # of devices.
+ proportion: pair[1] / numDevices
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // Add render metaedge info for edges in the metagraph.
+ _.each(metagraph.edges(), edgeObj => {
+ let metaedge = metagraph.edge(edgeObj);
+ let renderMetaedgeInfo = new RenderMetaedgeInformation(metaedge);
+ coreGraph.setEdge(edgeObj.v, edgeObj.w, renderMetaedgeInfo);
+ });
+ if (this.params.enableExtraction &&
+ renderGroupNodeInfo.node.type === NodeType.META) {
+ extractHighDegrees(renderGroupNodeInfo, this.params);
+ }
+ // Record that we constructed the rendering hierarchy for this node, so we
+ // don't construct it another time.
+ this.hasSubhierarchy[nodeName] = true;
+ // Look up the parent node's render information and short circuit if none.
+ let parentNode = renderGroupNodeInfo.node.parentNode;
+ if (!parentNode) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let parentNodeInfo =
+ <RenderGroupNodeInformation> this.index[parentNode.name];
+ // Utility function for computing the name of a bridge node.
+ let getBridgeNodeName = (inbound, ...rest) =>
+ rest.concat([inbound ? "IN" : "OUT"]).join("~~");
+ // Build out the bridgegraph.
+ let bridgegraph = this.hierarchy.getBridgegraph(nodeName);
+ // Look for popular nodes so we can make annotations instead of paths.
+ let otherCounts = {
+ // Counts of edges coming INTO other nodes by name (outgoing from self).
+ in: <{[nodeName: string]: number}> {},
+ // Counts of edges going OUT from other nodes by name (coming into self).
+ out: <{[nodeName: string]: number}> {},
+ // Counts of all control edges involving other nodes by name.
+ control: <{[nodeName: string]: number}> {},
+ };
+ _.each(bridgegraph.edges(), e => {
+ // An edge is inbound if its destination node is in the metagraph.
+ let inbound = !!metagraph.node(e.w);
+ let otherName = inbound ? e.v : e.w;
+ let metaedge = bridgegraph.edge(e);
+ if (!metaedge.numRegularEdges) {
+ otherCounts.control[otherName] =
+ (otherCounts.control[otherName] || 0) + 1;
+ } else if (inbound) {
+ otherCounts.out[otherName] = (otherCounts.out[otherName] || 0) + 1;
+ } else {
+ otherCounts.in[otherName] = (otherCounts.in[otherName] || 0) + 1;
+ }
+ });
+ // Add annotations and edges for bridgegraph relationships.
+ let hierarchyNodeMap = this.hierarchy.getNodeMap();
+ _.each(bridgegraph.edges(), bridgeEdgeObj => {
+ let bridgeMetaedge = bridgegraph.edge(bridgeEdgeObj);
+ // Determine whether this bridge edge is incoming by checking the
+ // metagraph for a node that matches the destination end.
+ let inbound = !!metagraph.node(bridgeEdgeObj.w);
+ // Based on the direction of the edge, one endpoint will be an immediate
+ // child of this renderNodeInfo, and the other endpoint will be a sibling
+ // of the parent (or an ancestor further up).
+ let [childName, otherName] =
+ inbound ?
+ [bridgeEdgeObj.w, bridgeEdgeObj.v] :
+ [bridgeEdgeObj.v, bridgeEdgeObj.w];
+ let childRenderInfo = this.index[childName];
+ let otherRenderInfo = this.index[otherName];
+ let otherNode =
+ otherRenderInfo ?
+ otherRenderInfo.node :
+ hierarchyNodeMap[otherName];
+ // Determine whether this edge is a control edge between nodes where
+ // either node is high-degree with respect to control edges. This will
+ // be a signal to show it as an annotation instead of a bridge edge.
+ let isHighDegreeControlEdge = !bridgeMetaedge.numRegularEdges &&
+ otherCounts.control[otherName] > this.params.maxControlDegree;
+ let [annotations, childAnnotations] =
+ inbound ?
+ [renderNodeInfo.inAnnotations, childRenderInfo.inAnnotations] :
+ [renderNodeInfo.outAnnotations, childRenderInfo.outAnnotations];
+ let isOtherHighDegree =
+ inbound ?
+ otherCounts.out[otherName] > this.params.maxOutDegree :
+ otherCounts.in[otherName] > this.params.maxInDegree;
+ // The adjoining render metaedge info from the parent's coreGraph, if any.
+ // It will either be a Metaedge involving this node directly, if it
+ // previously came from a metagraph, or it'll be a Metaedge involving
+ // a previously created bridge node standing in for the other node.
+ let adjoiningMetaedge = null;
+ // We can only hope to render a bridge path if:
+ // - bridgegraph paths are enabled,
+ // - the other node is not too high-degree,
+ // - the child is in the core (not extracted for being high-degree), and
+ // - there's a path (in the traversal sense) between child and other.
+ let canDrawBridgePath = false;
+ if (this.params.enableBridgegraph &&
+ !isOtherHighDegree &&
+ !isHighDegreeControlEdge &&
+ childRenderInfo.isInCore()) {
+ // Utility function for finding an adjoining metaedge.
+ let findAdjoiningMetaedge = targetName => {
+ let adjoiningEdgeObj: graphlib.EdgeObject =
+ inbound ?
+ { v: targetName, w: nodeName } :
+ { v: nodeName, w: targetName };
+ return <RenderMetaedgeInformation>
+ parentNodeInfo.coreGraph.edge(adjoiningEdgeObj);
+ };
+ adjoiningMetaedge = findAdjoiningMetaedge(otherName);
+ if (!adjoiningMetaedge) {
+ adjoiningMetaedge = findAdjoiningMetaedge(
+ getBridgeNodeName(inbound, otherName, parentNode.name));
+ }
+ canDrawBridgePath = !!adjoiningMetaedge;
+ }
+ // Although dataflow edges are acyclic, control dependency edges may
+ // actually point "backwards" in the graph. If this bridgeMetaedge is
+ // a control dependency, we need to determine whether it's backwards
+ // pointing so that we render it appropriately.
+ //
+ // For instance, say we're rendering a graph with nodes named A/B and Z/Y,
+ // and we're currently rendering the bridgegraph for A. Further, let's say
+ // that there was an original BaseEdge from A/B->Z/Y and a CONTROL EDGE
+ // from Z/Y=>A/B.
+ //
+ // +----------------+
+ // | A |
+ // | +-----+ | +------+
+ // | | B |>----->|>------->| Z |
+ // | | | | | |
+ // | | | * | | |
+ // | | |<=====<|<=======<| |
+ // | +-----+ | +------+
+ // +----------------+
+ //
+ // When we render the subhierarchy for Metanode A, we'll come across a
+ // control-only Metaedge in the bridgegraph from Z=>A/B (*). The question
+ // is whether this edge is backwards.
+ //
+ // To answer that question, we follow the chain of adjoining metaedges
+ // until we reach the topmost one. In this case, that's the control-only
+ // Metaedge Z=>A in the ROOT's metagraph. We determine that this edge
+ // is backwards by looking at the topological ordering of ROOT's metagraph
+ // (which ignores control edges) and seeing that Z comes AFTER A.
+ //
+ // The property of being backwards is independent of whether the edge
+ // is inbound or outbound. In the preceeding example, if we were building
+ // the subhierarchy for Z, we'd find bridge edge Z/Y=>A, walk to its
+ // topmost adjoining metaedge Z=>A and discover that it's backwards.
+ let backwards = false;
+ if (adjoiningMetaedge && !bridgeMetaedge.numRegularEdges) {
+ // Find the top-most adjoining render metaedge information, and the
+ // GroupNode whose metagraph must contain the associated metaedge.
+ let topAdjoiningMetaedge = adjoiningMetaedge;
+ let topGroupNode = parentNodeInfo.node;
+ while (topAdjoiningMetaedge.adjoiningMetaedge) {
+ topAdjoiningMetaedge = topAdjoiningMetaedge.adjoiningMetaedge;
+ topGroupNode = <GroupNode>topGroupNode.parentNode;
+ }
+ // Check against the topological ordering for the top node. The current
+ // bridge metaedge we're evaluating is backwards if its source comes
+ // after its destination.
+ let ordering = this.hierarchy.getTopologicalOrdering(topGroupNode.name);
+ let e = topAdjoiningMetaedge.metaedge;
+ backwards = ordering[e.v] > ordering[e.w];
+ }
+ // Render backwards control edges as annotations.
+ canDrawBridgePath = canDrawBridgePath && !backwards;
+ // If we can't make a bridge path for any reason, then we add an
+ // annotation instead.
+ if (!canDrawBridgePath) {
+ childAnnotations.push(new Annotation(
+ otherNode,
+ otherRenderInfo,
+ new RenderMetaedgeInformation(bridgeMetaedge),
+ AnnotationType.SHORTCUT,
+ inbound), this.params);
+ return;
+ }
+ // At this point, all conditions have been met for drawing a bridge path.
+ // Find or create the IN/OUT node representing otherNode.
+ let bridgeContainerName = getBridgeNodeName(inbound, nodeName);
+ let bridgeNodeName = getBridgeNodeName(inbound, otherName, nodeName);
+ let bridgeNodeRenderInfo = coreGraph.node(bridgeNodeName);
+ if (!bridgeNodeRenderInfo) {
+ // Find or create the directional container for the bridge node.
+ let bridgeContainerInfo = coreGraph.node(bridgeContainerName);
+ if (!bridgeContainerInfo) {
+ let bridgeContainerNode: BridgeNode = {
+ // Important node properties.
+ name: bridgeContainerName,
+ type: NodeType.BRIDGE,
+ // Unused node properties.
+ isGroupNode: false,
+ cardinality: 0,
+ parentNode: null,
+ stats: null,
+ // BridgeNode properties.
+ inbound: inbound,
+ };
+ bridgeContainerInfo =
+ new RenderNodeInformation(bridgeContainerNode);
+ this.index[bridgeContainerName] = bridgeContainerInfo;
+ coreGraph.setNode(bridgeContainerName, bridgeContainerInfo);
+ }
+ let bridgeNode: BridgeNode = {
+ // Important node properties.
+ name: bridgeNodeName,
+ type: NodeType.BRIDGE,
+ // Unimportant node properties.
+ isGroupNode: false,
+ cardinality: 1,
+ parentNode: null,
+ stats: null,
+ // BridgeNode properties.
+ inbound: inbound,
+ };
+ bridgeNodeRenderInfo = new RenderNodeInformation(bridgeNode);
+ this.index[bridgeNodeName] = bridgeNodeRenderInfo;
+ coreGraph.setNode(bridgeNodeName, bridgeNodeRenderInfo);
+ // Set bridgeNode to be a graphlib child of the container node.
+ coreGraph.setParent(bridgeNodeName, bridgeContainerName);
+ bridgeContainerInfo.node.cardinality++;
+ }
+ // Create and add a bridge render metaedge.
+ let bridgeRenderMetaedge =
+ new RenderMetaedgeInformation(bridgeMetaedge);
+ bridgeRenderMetaedge.adjoiningMetaedge = adjoiningMetaedge;
+ inbound ?
+ coreGraph.setEdge(bridgeNodeName, childName, bridgeRenderMetaedge) :
+ coreGraph.setEdge(childName, bridgeNodeName, bridgeRenderMetaedge);
+ }); // End _.each(bridgegraph.edges).
+ // For each bridge container (IN and/or OUT), add structural edges between
+ // terminal nodes and that container. A terminal node is one which has no
+ // non-bridge edges in the direction of the container.
+ //
+ // For example, consider a Metanode A which contains two child nodes A/B
+ // and A/C. Let's say it has one edge in the metagraph from A/B->A/C, and
+ // one edge in the bridgegraph from Z->A/C.
+ //
+ // At this point, we've added a container bridge node IN to house all
+ // incoming bridge nodes. We'v alse added a bridge node Z' (with parent IN)
+ // to A, and a bridge edge from Z'->C.
+ //
+ // +----------------------+
+ // | A +---+ |
+ // | +------>| C | |
+ // | | +---+ |
+ // | | ^ |
+ // | | | |
+ // | | +----|----+ |
+ // | | | IN | | |
+ // | +---+ | +---+ | |
+ // | | B | | | Z'| | |
+ // | +---+ | +---+ | |
+ // | +---------+ |
+ // +----------------------+
+ //
+ // With no other help, dagre would lay out B and Z' on the same level,
+ // because both of them have no incoming edges. In other words, B is a
+ // terminal node in the INCOMING direction.
+ //
+ // But we want to force dagre to lay out Z' (and everything in IN) lower
+ // than all non-bridge nodes, so that there's enough room for the bridge
+ // edges after they've been adjusted to meet up with paths coming in from
+ // outside.
+ //
+ // To force Z' (and all other bridge nodes) to be lowest in the graph, we
+ // identify terminal nodes like B and give them structural edges to
+ // a new structural bridge node S which we add to IN.
+ //
+ // +----------------------+
+ // | A +---+ |
+ // | +--->| C | |
+ // | | +---+ |
+ // | +---+ ^ |
+ // | | B | | |
+ // | +---+ | |
+ // | ^ | |
+ // | | | |
+ // | +----|------|----+ |
+ // | |IN | | | |
+ // | | +---+ +---+ | |
+ // | | | S | | Z'| | |
+ // | | +---+ +---+ | |
+ // | +----------------+ |
+ // +----------------------+
+ //
+ // This ensures that dagre will lay out the bridge containers strictly at
+ // the ends of the graph. The structural edges will never be seen in the
+ // visualization except as a debugging aid.
+ _.each([true, false], inbound => {
+ let bridgeContainerName = getBridgeNodeName(inbound, nodeName);
+ let bridgeContainerInfo = coreGraph.node(bridgeContainerName);
+ if (!bridgeContainerInfo) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _.each(coreGraph.nodes(), childName => {
+ // Short-circuit if this child is a bridge node or it's not a terminal
+ // node in the direction we're interested in.
+ let childNodeInfo = coreGraph.node(childName);
+ if (childNodeInfo.node.type === NodeType.BRIDGE) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let isTerminal = inbound ?
+ !coreGraph.predecessors(childName).length :
+ !coreGraph.successors(childName).length;
+ if (!isTerminal) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Find or create a bridge node in the container for all structural
+ // metaedges. It would have been nice to skip this step and simply
+ // set a metaedge between the terminal node and the container node, but
+ // in that case, something about the graph upsets dagre.layout()'s
+ // longestPath algorithm (was getting errors due to an undefined).
+ let structuralNodeName =
+ getBridgeNodeName(inbound, nodeName, "STRUCTURAL_TARGET");
+ let structuralRenderInfo = coreGraph.node(structuralNodeName);
+ if (!structuralRenderInfo) {
+ let bridgeNode: BridgeNode = {
+ // Important Node properties.
+ name: structuralNodeName,
+ type: NodeType.BRIDGE,
+ // Unimportant Node properties.
+ isGroupNode: false,
+ cardinality: 1,
+ parentNode: null,
+ stats: null,
+ // BridgeNode properties.
+ inbound: inbound,
+ };
+ structuralRenderInfo = new RenderNodeInformation(bridgeNode);
+ structuralRenderInfo.structural = true;
+ this.index[structuralNodeName] = structuralRenderInfo;
+ coreGraph.setNode(structuralNodeName, structuralRenderInfo);
+ bridgeContainerInfo.node.cardinality++;
+ coreGraph.setParent(structuralNodeName, bridgeContainerName);
+ }
+ // Create the structural Metaedge and insert it.
+ let structuralMetaedgeInfo = new RenderMetaedgeInformation(null);
+ structuralMetaedgeInfo.structural = true;
+ structuralMetaedgeInfo.weight--; // Reduce weight for dagre layout.
+ inbound ?
+ coreGraph.setEdge(
+ structuralNodeName, childName, structuralMetaedgeInfo) :
+ coreGraph.setEdge(
+ childName, structuralNodeName, structuralMetaedgeInfo);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ * A class for rendering annotation object which contains label
+ * about the node embedded as annotation, type of annotation and the location
+ * of both the annotation's node and edge.
+ *
+ * Annotation objects include embedded constants, embedded summary, and
+ * edge shortcuts.
+ */
+export class Annotation {
+ node: Node;
+ renderNodeInfo: RenderNodeInformation;
+ renderMetaedgeInfo: RenderMetaedgeInformation;
+ annotationType: AnnotationType;
+ /**
+ * Center position of annotation relative to the host
+ * node's center x.
+ */
+ dx: number;
+ /**
+ * Center position of annotation relative to the host
+ * node's center y.
+ */
+ dy: number;
+ width: number;
+ height: number;
+ /**
+ * A flag whether it is an in-annotation (if true) or
+ * out-annotation (if false).
+ */
+ isIn: boolean;
+ /** Label horizontal offset from the end of the node shape */
+ labelOffset: number;
+ /**
+ * Array of points for edges from the annotation to its host
+ * node. Each point contains the point location, relative to
+ * the host node's center.
+ */
+ points: {dx: number, dy: number}[];
+ /**
+ * Creates a new Annotation.
+ *
+ * @param node The underlying node this annotation points to.
+ * @param renderNodeInfo The render information for the underlying node
+ * this annotation points to. This can be null if the annotation
+ * denotes an embedding (constant, summary), in which case we
+ * use the node property.
+ * @param renderMetaedgeInfo The render information for the edge associated
+ * with the annotation.
+ * @param type The type of the annotation.
+ * @param isIn True if it is an in-annotation. False if it is an
+ * out-annotation.
+ */
+ constructor(node: Node, renderNodeInfo: RenderNodeInformation,
+ renderMetaedgeInfo: RenderMetaedgeInformation, type: AnnotationType,
+ isIn: boolean) {
+ this.node = node;
+ this.renderNodeInfo = renderNodeInfo;
+ this.renderMetaedgeInfo = renderMetaedgeInfo;
+ this.annotationType = type;
+ // Properties specified by layout
+ this.dx = 0;
+ this.dy = 0;
+ this.width = 0;
+ this.height = 0;
+ this.isIn = isIn;
+ this.points = [];
+ }
+export enum AnnotationType {SHORTCUT, CONSTANT, SUMMARY, ELLIPSIS};
+ * Manages a list of annotations. Two will be used for each
+ * RenderNodeInformation, one for in annotations and one for out annotations.
+ */
+export class AnnotationList {
+ /**
+ * List of visually drawable annotations, may include an ellipses annotation
+ * if the number added exceeds the number specified by maxAnnotations.
+ */
+ list: Annotation[];
+ /**
+ * Set of nodes which have been added as annotations to this list, so we can
+ * prevent duplicates.
+ */
+ nodeNames: { [nodeName: string]: boolean };
+ constructor() {
+ this.list = [];
+ this.nodeNames = {};
+ }
+ /**
+ * Append an annotation to the list, or a stand-in ellipsis annotation instead
+ * if this would make it too many.
+ */
+ push(annotation: Annotation, params: RenderGraphParams): void {
+ if (annotation.node.name in this.nodeNames) {
+ return; // Skip duplicate annotation.
+ }
+ this.nodeNames[annotation.node.name] = true;
+ if (this.list.length < params.maxAnnotations) {
+ this.list.push(annotation);
+ return;
+ }
+ let lastAnnotation = this.list[this.list.length - 1];
+ if (lastAnnotation.annotationType === AnnotationType.ELLIPSIS) {
+ let ellipsisNode = <EllipsisNode>lastAnnotation.node;
+ ellipsisNode.setNumMoreNodes(++ellipsisNode.numMoreNodes);
+ return;
+ }
+ let ellipsisNode = new tf.graph.EllipsisNodeImpl(1);
+ this.list.push(new Annotation(ellipsisNode,
+ new RenderNodeInformation(ellipsisNode), null,
+ AnnotationType.ELLIPSIS, annotation.isIn));
+ }
+ * Contains rendering information about a node in the hierarchical graph.
+ */
+export class RenderNodeInformation {
+ /** Reference to the original underlying Node from the hierarchical graph. */
+ node: Node;
+ /** Whether the node is expanded or not. */
+ expanded: boolean;
+ /**
+ * List of rendering information about in-annotations like constants and
+ * shortcuts to high-degree nodes.
+ */
+ inAnnotations: AnnotationList;
+ /** List of rendering information about out-annotations (e.g. summary nodes) */
+ outAnnotations: AnnotationList;
+ // --- Params specified by layout --- //
+ /** Center x position */
+ x: number;
+ /** Center y position */
+ y: number;
+ /** Width of the node's shape */
+ width: number;
+ /** Height of the node's shape. */
+ height: number;
+ /** Width of the bounding box for all in-annotations. */
+ inboxWidth: number;
+ /** Width of the bounding box for all out-annotations. */
+ outboxWidth: number;
+ /**
+ * Whether the node should be excluded from the scene.
+ * This is only used when there are too many items in a series so we only
+ * want to include top N ones.
+ */
+ // TODO(jimbo): Now that series rendering is non-recursive, remove this and
+ // all its uses from the code base.
+ excluded: boolean;
+ // --- Params used in drawing the bridge paths --- //
+ /**
+ * All bridge nodes are meant to be invisible, but whereas most represent a
+ * relationship from the underlying graph hierarchy, some exist solely for
+ * layout reasons. Specifically, those bridge nodes which have only structural
+ * rendering metaedges.
+ */
+ structural: boolean;
+ // --- Params for the size of the node box --- //
+ /** Label vertical offset from the center of node shape */
+ labelOffset: number;
+ /** X-space between each extracted node and the core graph. */
+ extractXOffset: number;
+ /** Rectangle radius (for making rounded rectangle) */
+ radius: number;
+ // --- Params for expanded node --- //
+ /** Label height for expanded node. */
+ labelHeight: number;
+ // Paddings between inner subscene and the border of the expanded node.
+ paddingTop: number;
+ paddingLeft: number;
+ paddingRight: number;
+ paddingBottom: number;
+ /** Width of the whole node including its shape and its annotations */
+ outerWidth: number;
+ /** Height of the whole node including its shape and its annotations */
+ outerHeight: number;
+ /**
+ * Whether a node is extracted as source-like (having high out-degree or matching
+ * predefined in-extract pattern.)
+ */
+ isInExtract: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Whether a node is extracted as sink-like (having high in-degree or matching
+ * predefined out-extract pattern.)
+ */
+ isOutExtract: boolean;
+ /**
+ * List of (color, proportion) tuples based on the proportion of devices of
+ * its children. If this node is an op node, this list will have only one
+ * color with proportion 1.0.
+ */
+ deviceColors: {color: string, proportion: number}[];
+ /**
+ * Color according to the memory usage of this node.
+ */
+ memoryColor: string;
+ /**
+ * Color according to the compute time of this node.
+ */
+ computeTimeColor: string;
+ constructor(node: Node) {
+ this.node = node;
+ this.expanded = false;
+ this.inAnnotations = new AnnotationList();
+ this.outAnnotations = new AnnotationList();
+ // Params specified by layout
+ this.x = 0;
+ this.y = 0;
+ this.width = 0;
+ this.height = 0;
+ this.inboxWidth = 0;
+ this.outboxWidth = 0;
+ this.excluded = false;
+ // Params for bridge paths.
+ this.structural = false;
+ // Params for node box.
+ this.labelOffset = 0;
+ this.extractXOffset = 0;
+ this.radius = 0;
+ // Params for expanded node
+ this.labelHeight = 0;
+ this.paddingTop = 0;
+ this.paddingLeft = 0;
+ this.paddingRight = 0;
+ this.paddingBottom = 0;
+ this.outerWidth = 0;
+ this.outerHeight = 0;
+ this.isInExtract = false;
+ this.isOutExtract = false;
+ }
+ isInCore(): boolean {
+ return !this.isInExtract && !this.isOutExtract;
+ }
+ * Contains rendering information about a Metaedge from the underlying
+ * hierarchical graph. It may be from either a metagraph or a bridgegraph.
+ */
+export class RenderMetaedgeInformation {
+ /**
+ * Reference to the original underlying Metaedge from the hierarchical graph,
+ * if any. This will be null for the edges which connect OpNodes to their
+ * embeddings, for example.
+ */
+ metaedge: Metaedge;
+ /**
+ * Reference to the adjoining RenderMeteaedgeInformation from the parent's
+ * coreGraph. This is used during layout to determine the point at which this
+ * edge should touch the node's bounding box. This property will be null for
+ * edges which terminate at a node on both ends (all non-bridge edges).
+ */
+ adjoiningMetaedge: RenderMetaedgeInformation;
+ /**
+ * Most of the time, a RenderMetaedgeInformation object represents a real
+ * edge between nodes in the underlying graph structure. But sometimes, an
+ * edge only exsts for layout purposes. These structural edges are added
+ * during buildSubhierarchy() to force dagre.layout() to put bridge nodes
+ * at the ends of the flow.
+ * @see buildSubhierarchy()
+ */
+ structural: boolean;
+ /**
+ * Weight of the edge, used by dagre when deciding how important an edge is.
+ * Edges with higher weight are made shorter and straighter. The default
+ * dagre uses is 1.
+ */
+ weight: number;
+ /**
+ * X and Y coordinate pairs of the points in the path of the edge.
+ * @see tf.graph.node.subsceneAdjustPaths
+ */
+ points: any[];
+ /**
+ * D3 selection of the group containing the path that displays this edge.
+ */
+ edgeGroup: d3.Selection<RenderMetaedgeInformation>;
+ constructor(metaedge: Metaedge) {
+ this.metaedge = metaedge;
+ this.adjoiningMetaedge = null;
+ this.structural = false;
+ this.weight = 1;
+ }
+function addInAnnotation(node: RenderNodeInformation, predecessor: Node,
+ predecessorRenderInfo: RenderNodeInformation, edge: any,
+ type: AnnotationType, params: RenderGraphParams): void {
+ let annotation = new Annotation(predecessor, predecessorRenderInfo, edge,
+ type, true);
+ node.inAnnotations.push(annotation, params);
+function addOutAnnotation(node: RenderNodeInformation, successor: Node,
+ successorRenderInfo: RenderNodeInformation, edge: any,
+ type: AnnotationType, params: RenderGraphParams): void {
+ let annotation = new Annotation(successor, successorRenderInfo, edge,
+ type, false);
+ node.outAnnotations.push(annotation, params);
+function setGraphDepth(graph: graphlib.Graph<RenderNodeInformation, any>,
+ depth: number) {
+ _.each(graph.nodes(), nodeName => {
+ let child = graph.node(nodeName);
+ child.expanded = depth > 1; // set all child of depth 1 to collapsed
+ if (depth > 0) {
+ switch (child.node.type) {
+ case NodeType.META:
+ case NodeType.SERIES:
+ setGroupNodeDepth(<RenderGroupNodeInformation>child, depth - 1);
+ break;
+ // Do nothing for leaf
+ }
+ }
+ });
+export class RenderGroupNodeInformation extends RenderNodeInformation {
+ node: GroupNode;
+ /**
+ * The core graph is derived from the underlying node's metagraph, minus
+ * the extracted source-like and sink-like nodes.
+ */
+ coreGraph: graphlib.Graph<RenderNodeInformation, RenderMetaedgeInformation>;
+ /** Size of the bounding box for a metanode's core graph. */
+ coreBox: {
+ width: number,
+ height: number,
+ };
+ /** Size of the bounding box for a metanode's isolated in-extract children. */
+ inExtractBox: {width: number, height: number};
+ /** Size of the bounding box for a metanode's isolated out-extract children. */
+ outExtractBox: {width: number, height: number};
+ /** Array of isolated in-extract nodes. */
+ isolatedInExtract: RenderNodeInformation[];
+ /** Array of isolated out-extract nodes. */
+ isolatedOutExtract: RenderNodeInformation[];
+ constructor(groupNode: GroupNode) {
+ super(groupNode);
+ let metagraph = groupNode.metagraph;
+ let gl = metagraph.graph();
+ this.coreGraph =
+ createGraph<RenderNodeInformation, RenderMetaedgeInformation>(
+ gl.name, GraphType.CORE, { compound: true });
+ this.coreBox = {width: 0, height: 0};
+ this.inExtractBox = {width: 0, height: 0};
+ this.outExtractBox = {width: 0, height: 0};
+ this.isolatedInExtract = [];
+ this.isolatedOutExtract = [];
+ }
+function setGroupNodeDepth(renderInfo: RenderGroupNodeInformation,
+ depth: number): void {
+ if (renderInfo.coreGraph) {
+ setGraphDepth(renderInfo.coreGraph, depth);
+ }
+ * Remove an edge from the graph and add annotations to both ends of the edge.
+ *
+ * @param The core graph.
+ * @param v Source name.
+ * @param w Sink name.
+ */
+function createShortcut(graph: graphlib.Graph<RenderNodeInformation, {}>,
+ v: string, w: string, params: RenderGraphParams) {
+ let src = graph.node(v);
+ let sink = graph.node(w);
+ let edge = graph.edge(v, w);
+ // Add each annotation.
+ addOutAnnotation(src, sink.node, sink, edge, AnnotationType.SHORTCUT, params);
+ addInAnnotation(sink, src.node, src, edge, AnnotationType.SHORTCUT, params);
+ // Remove the edge from the core graph.
+ graph.removeEdge(v, w);
+ * Remove edges from a node, and set its isOutExtract property to true,
+ * and remove the node and move it to isolatedOutExtract.
+ *
+ * If detachAllEdgesForHighDegree is true, extract all of its edges.
+ * Otherwise, only extract all in-edges.
+ */
+function makeOutExtract(renderNode: RenderGroupNodeInformation, n: string,
+ params: RenderGraphParams) {
+ let graph = renderNode.coreGraph;
+ graph.node(n).isOutExtract = true;
+ _.each(graph.predecessors(n), (p, index) => {
+ createShortcut(graph, p, n, params);
+ });
+ if (params.detachAllEdgesForHighDegree) {
+ _.each(graph.successors(n), (s, index) => {
+ createShortcut(graph, n, s, params);
+ });
+ }
+ if (params.detachAllEdgesForHighDegree || graph.neighbors(n).length === 0) {
+ renderNode.isolatedOutExtract.push(graph.node(n));
+ graph.removeNode(n);
+ }
+ * Remove edges from a node, set its isInExtract property to true,
+ * and remove the node and move it to isolatedInExtract.
+ * If detachAllEdgesForHighDegree is true, extract all of its edges.
+ * Otherwise, only remove all out-edges.
+ */
+function makeInExtract(renderNode: RenderGroupNodeInformation, n: string,
+ params: RenderGraphParams) {
+ let graph = renderNode.coreGraph;
+ graph.node(n).isInExtract = true;
+ _.each(graph.successors(n), (s, index) => {
+ createShortcut(graph, n, s, params);
+ });
+ if (params.detachAllEdgesForHighDegree) {
+ _.each(graph.predecessors(n), (p, index) => {
+ createShortcut(graph, p, n, params);
+ });
+ }
+ // Remove the node from the core graph if conditions are met.
+ if (params.detachAllEdgesForHighDegree || graph.neighbors(n).length === 0) {
+ renderNode.isolatedInExtract.push(graph.node(n));
+ graph.removeNode(n);
+ }
+ * Check whether the node's type is a member of the given list of types.
+ *
+ * @param node Node.
+ * @param types List of type to match.
+ */
+function hasTypeIn(node: Node, types: string[]): boolean {
+ if (node.type === NodeType.OP) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
+ if ((<OpNode>node).op === types[i]) { return true; }
+ }
+ } else if (node.type === NodeType.META) {
+ let rootOpNode = (<Metanode>node).getRootOp();
+ if (rootOpNode) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
+ if (rootOpNode.op === types[i]) { return true; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+/** Remove edges from pre-defined out-extract patterns */
+function extractPredefinedSink(renderNode: RenderGroupNodeInformation,
+ params: RenderGraphParams) {
+ let graph = renderNode.coreGraph;
+ _.each(graph.nodes(), n => {
+ let renderInfo = graph.node(n);
+ if (hasTypeIn(renderInfo.node, params.outExtractTypes)) {
+ makeOutExtract(renderNode, n, params);
+ }
+ });
+/** Remove edges from pre-defined in-extract patterns */
+function extractPredefinedSource(renderNode: RenderGroupNodeInformation,
+ params: RenderGraphParams) {
+ let graph = renderNode.coreGraph;
+ _.each(graph.nodes(), n => {
+ let renderInfo = graph.node(n);
+ if (hasTypeIn(renderInfo.node, params.inExtractTypes)) {
+ makeInExtract(renderNode, n, params);
+ }
+ });
+/** Extract from nodes with in-degree > maxInDegree */
+function extractHighInDegree(renderNode: RenderGroupNodeInformation,
+ params: RenderGraphParams) {
+ let graph = renderNode.coreGraph;
+ let maxInDegree = params.maxInDegree;
+ // detect first so degrees don't get affected by other removal
+ let highInDegreeNames = _.filter(graph.nodes(), n => {
+ // Count the in-degree based on only regular edges, unless there are
+ // no regular edges, in which case use the number of control edges.
+ // This is done so that control edges don't effect if nodes are extracted
+ // from the core graph, unless the node is only used for control.
+ let numEdgesToCount = _.reduce(graph.predecessors(n), (numEdgesToCount, pred) => {
+ let metaedge = graph.edge(pred, n).metaedge;
+ return numEdgesToCount + (metaedge.numRegularEdges ? 1 : 0);
+ }, 0);
+ if (numEdgesToCount === 0 && graph.predecessors(n).length > 0) {
+ numEdgesToCount = graph.predecessors(n).length;
+ }
+ return numEdgesToCount > maxInDegree;
+ });
+ _.each(highInDegreeNames, n => {
+ makeOutExtract(renderNode, n, params);
+ });
+/** Extract nodes with out-degree > maxOutDegree */
+function extractHighOutDegree(renderNode: RenderGroupNodeInformation,
+ params: RenderGraphParams) {
+ let graph = renderNode.coreGraph;
+ let maxOutDegree = params.maxOutDegree;
+ // detect first so degrees don't get affected by other removal
+ let highOutDegreeNames = _.filter(graph.nodes(), n => {
+ // Count the out-degree based on only regular edges, unless there are
+ // no regular edges, in which case use the number of control edges.
+ // This is done so that control edges don't effect if nodes are extracted
+ // from the core graph, unless the node is only used for control.
+ let numEdgesToCount = _.reduce(graph.successors(n), (numEdgesToCount, succ) => {
+ let metaedge = graph.edge(n, succ).metaedge;
+ return numEdgesToCount + (metaedge.numRegularEdges ? 1 : 0);
+ }, 0);
+ if (numEdgesToCount === 0 && graph.successors(n).length > 0) {
+ numEdgesToCount = graph.successors(n).length;
+ }
+ return numEdgesToCount > maxOutDegree;
+ });
+ _.each(highOutDegreeNames, n => {
+ makeInExtract(renderNode, n, params);
+ });
+/** Remove control edges from nodes that have too many control edges */
+function removeControlEdges(renderNode: RenderGroupNodeInformation,
+ params: RenderGraphParams) {
+ let graph = renderNode.coreGraph;
+ // Collect control edges into a map by node name.
+ let map = <{[nodeName: string]: graphlib.EdgeObject[]}>{};
+ _.each(graph.edges(), e => {
+ if (!graph.edge(e).metaedge.numRegularEdges) {
+ (map[e.v] = map[e.v] || []).push(e);
+ (map[e.w] = map[e.w] || []).push(e);
+ }
+ });
+ // For each node with too many control edges, turn them into annotations.
+ _.each(map, (edges, nodeName) => {
+ if (edges.length > params.maxControlDegree) {
+ _.each(edges, e => createShortcut(graph, e.v, e.w, params));
+ }
+ });
+ * Given an integer, picks a hue that is far apart from other colors.
+ * The formula for picking color that avoid collision is:
+ * hue = (color range * golden ratio * index) % color range
+ */
+export function mapIndexToHue(id: number): number {
+ let GOLDEN_RATIO = 1.61803398875;
+ // Hue of 0 is reserved for the gray nodes.
+ let MIN_HUE = 1;
+ let MAX_HUE = 359;
+ * Remove edges and add to annotation instead.
+ *
+ * For root node, consider predefined types for source and sink.
+ * We do not extract predefined type from non-root so that Variables and the
+ * sgd node (op type = "NoOp") do not get extract from inside own group.
+ *
+ * The order of extraction is important here as swapping the order can totally
+ * screw up the graph layout.
+ *
+ * @param {Render.Node} renderNode Node to manipulate.
+ * @param {Object} params render Graph construction parameters. See
+ * <tf-graph-params>'s output
+ */
+function extractHighDegrees(renderNode: RenderGroupNodeInformation,
+ params: RenderGraphParams) {
+ if (params.outExtractTypes) {
+ extractPredefinedSink(renderNode, params);
+ }
+ // This has to come before extract high in-degree to protect the core part
+ // that takes many variables.
+ if (params.inExtractTypes) {
+ extractPredefinedSource(renderNode, params);
+ }
+ // This has to come before extract high out-degree to protect the core part
+ // that output to many places as there are more high-degree sinks than
+ // sources.
+ if (params.maxInDegree) {
+ extractHighInDegree(renderNode, params);
+ }
+ if (params.maxOutDegree) {
+ extractHighOutDegree(renderNode, params);
+ }
+ if (params.maxControlDegree) {
+ removeControlEdges(renderNode, params);
+ }
+ // Extract isolated nodes, which can be
+ // (1) source-like and sink-like nodes that are not originally isolated but
+ // become isolated after further removal.
+ // (2) isolated nodes with annotations on one-side. These might be either
+ // - nodes that originally have high out-degree but because we remove
+ // high in-degree nodes first, they no longer have high in-degree when
+ // we check. (Detecting all high-degree before removing also leads to
+ // another problem.)
+ // - nodes that do not have high degree, but their neighbors are all
+ // extracted, so it might make sense to extract them too.
+ let graph = renderNode.coreGraph;
+ _.each(graph.nodes(), n => {
+ let child = graph.node(n);
+ let degree = graph.neighbors(n).length;
+ if (degree === 0) {
+ let hasOutAnnotations = child.outAnnotations.list.length > 0;
+ let hasInAnnotations = child.inAnnotations.list.length > 0;
+ if (child.isInExtract) { // Is source-like.
+ // This case only happens if detachAllEdgesForHighDegree is false.
+ // (Otherwise all source-like nodes are all isolated already.)
+ renderNode.isolatedInExtract.push(child);
+ graph.removeNode(n);
+ } else if (child.isOutExtract) { // Is sink-like.
+ // This case only happens if detachAllEdgesForHighDegree is false.
+ // // (Otherwise all sink-like nodes are all isolated already.)
+ renderNode.isolatedOutExtract.push(child);
+ graph.removeNode(n);
+ } else if (params.extractIsolatedNodesWithAnnotationsOnOneSide) {
+ if (hasOutAnnotations && !hasInAnnotations) {
+ child.isInExtract = true; // for ones with high out-annotations
+ renderNode.isolatedInExtract.push(child);
+ graph.removeNode(n);
+ } else if (hasInAnnotations && !hasOutAnnotations) {
+ child.isOutExtract = true; // for ones with high in-annotations
+ renderNode.isolatedOutExtract.push(child);
+ graph.removeNode(n);
+ } else {
+ // if a low degree node has both in- & out- annotations, do nothing
+ // because it is unclear which side it should go to.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+} // close module tf.graph.render
diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/annotation.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/annotation.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82609e8652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/annotation.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+/// <reference path="../graph.ts" />
+/// <reference path="../render.ts" />
+/// <reference path="scene.ts" />
+/// <reference path="edge.ts" />
+module tf.graph.scene.annotation {
+ * Populate a given annotation container group
+ *
+ * <g class="{in|out}-annotations"></g>
+ *
+ * with annotation group of the following structure:
+ *
+ * <g class="annotation">
+ * <g class="annotation-node">
+ * <!--
+ * Content here determined by Scene.node.buildGroup.
+ * -->
+ * </g>
+ * </g>
+ *
+ * @param container selection of the container.
+ * @param annotationData node.{in|out}Annotations
+ * @param d node to build group for.
+ * @param sceneBehavior polymer scene element.
+ * @return selection of appended objects
+ */
+export function buildGroup(container, annotationData: render.AnnotationList,
+ d: render.RenderNodeInformation, sceneBehavior) {
+ // Select all children and join with data.
+ let annotationGroups = container.selectAll(function() {
+ // using d3's selector function
+ // See https://github.com/mbostock/d3/releases/tag/v2.0.0
+ // (It's not listed in the d3 wiki.)
+ return this.childNodes;
+ })
+ .data(annotationData.list, d => { return d.node.name; });
+ annotationGroups.enter()
+ .append("g")
+ .attr("data-name", a => { return a.node.name; })
+ .each(function(a) {
+ let aGroup = d3.select(this);
+ // Add annotation to the index in the scene
+ sceneBehavior.addAnnotationGroup(a, d, aGroup);
+ // Append annotation edge
+ let edgeType = Class.Annotation.EDGE;
+ let metaedge = a.renderMetaedgeInfo && a.renderMetaedgeInfo.metaedge;
+ if (metaedge && !metaedge.numRegularEdges) {
+ edgeType += " " + Class.Annotation.CONTROL_EDGE;
+ }
+ // If any edges are reference edges, add the reference edge class.
+ if (metaedge && metaedge.numRefEdges) {
+ edgeType += " " + Class.Edge.REF_LINE;
+ }
+ edge.appendEdge(aGroup, a, sceneBehavior, edgeType);
+ if (a.annotationType !== tf.graph.render.AnnotationType.ELLIPSIS) {
+ addAnnotationLabelFromNode(aGroup, a);
+ buildShape(aGroup, a, sceneBehavior);
+ } else {
+ addAnnotationLabel(aGroup, a.node.name, a, Class.Annotation.ELLIPSIS);
+ }
+ });
+ annotationGroups
+ .attr("class", a => {
+ return Class.Annotation.GROUP + " " +
+ annotationToClassName(a.annotationType) +
+ " " + node.nodeClass(a);
+ })
+ .each(function(a) {
+ let aGroup = d3.select(this);
+ update(aGroup, d, a, sceneBehavior);
+ if (a.annotationType !== tf.graph.render.AnnotationType.ELLIPSIS) {
+ addInteraction(aGroup, d, sceneBehavior);
+ }
+ });
+ annotationGroups.exit()
+ .each(function(a) {
+ let aGroup = d3.select(this);
+ // Remove annotation from the index in the scene
+ sceneBehavior.removeAnnotationGroup(a, d, aGroup);
+ })
+ .remove();
+ return annotationGroups;
+ * Maps an annotation enum to a class name used in css rules.
+ */
+function annotationToClassName(annotationType: render.AnnotationType) {
+ return (tf.graph.render.AnnotationType[annotationType] || "")
+ .toLowerCase() || null;
+function buildShape(aGroup, a: render.Annotation, sceneBehavior) {
+ if (a.annotationType === tf.graph.render.AnnotationType.SUMMARY) {
+ let image = scene.selectOrCreateChild(aGroup, "image");
+ image.attr({
+ "xlink:href": sceneBehavior.resolveUrl("../../lib/svg/summary-icon.svg"),
+ "height": "12px",
+ "width": "12px",
+ "cursor": "pointer"
+ });
+ } else {
+ let shape = node.buildShape(aGroup, a, Class.Annotation.NODE);
+ // add title tag to get native tooltips
+ scene.selectOrCreateChild(shape, "title").text(a.node.name);
+ }
+function addAnnotationLabelFromNode(aGroup, a: render.Annotation) {
+ let namePath = a.node.name.split("/");
+ let text = namePath[namePath.length - 1];
+ let shortenedText = text.length > 8 ? text.substring(0, 8) + "..." : text;
+ return addAnnotationLabel(aGroup, shortenedText, a, null, text);
+function addAnnotationLabel(aGroup, label, a, additionalClassNames,
+ fullLabel?) {
+ let classNames = Class.Annotation.LABEL;
+ if (additionalClassNames) {
+ classNames += " " + additionalClassNames;
+ }
+ let titleText = fullLabel ? fullLabel : label;
+ return aGroup.append("text")
+ .attr("class", classNames)
+ .attr("dy", ".35em")
+ .attr("text-anchor", a.isIn ? "end" : "start")
+ .text(label)
+ .append("title").text(titleText);
+function addInteraction(selection, d: render.RenderNodeInformation,
+ sceneBehavior) {
+ selection
+ .on("mouseover", a => {
+ sceneBehavior.fire("annotation-highlight", {
+ name: a.node.name,
+ hostName: d.node.name
+ });
+ })
+ .on("mouseout", a => {
+ sceneBehavior.fire("annotation-unhighlight", {
+ name: a.node.name,
+ hostName: d.node.name
+ });
+ })
+ .on("click", a => {
+ // Stop this event"s propagation so that it isn't also considered a
+ // graph-select.
+ (<Event>d3.event).stopPropagation();
+ sceneBehavior.fire("annotation-select", {
+ name: a.node.name,
+ hostName: d.node.name
+ });
+ });
+ * Adjust annotation's position.
+ *
+ * @param aGroup selection of a "g.annotation" element.
+ * @param d Host node data.
+ * @param a annotation node data.
+ * @param scene Polymer scene element.
+ */
+function update(aGroup, d: render.RenderNodeInformation, a: render.Annotation,
+ sceneBehavior) {
+ // Annotations that point to embedded nodes (constants,summary)
+ // don't have a render information attached so we don't stylize these.
+ // Also we don't stylize ellipsis annotations (the string "... and X more").
+ if (a.renderNodeInfo &&
+ a.annotationType !== tf.graph.render.AnnotationType.ELLIPSIS) {
+ node.stylize(aGroup, a.renderNodeInfo, sceneBehavior,
+ Class.Annotation.NODE);
+ }
+ if (a.annotationType === tf.graph.render.AnnotationType.SUMMARY) {
+ // Update the width of the annotation to give space for the image.
+ a.width += 10;
+ }
+ // label position
+ aGroup.select("text." + Class.Annotation.LABEL).transition().attr({
+ x: d.x + a.dx + (a.isIn ? -1 : 1) * (a.width / 2 + a.labelOffset),
+ y: d.y + a.dy
+ });
+ // Some annotations (such as summary) are represented using a 12x12 image tag.
+ // Purposely ommited units (e.g. pixels) since the images are vector graphics.
+ // If there is an image, we adjust the location of the image to be vertically
+ // centered with the node and horizontally centered between the arrow and the
+ // text label.
+ aGroup.select("image").transition().attr({
+ x: d.x + a.dx - 3,
+ y: d.y + a.dy - 6
+ });
+ // Node position (only one of the shape selection will be non-empty.)
+ scene.positionEllipse(aGroup.select("." + Class.Annotation.NODE + " ellipse"),
+ d.x + a.dx, d.y + a.dy, a.width, a.height);
+ scene.positionRect(aGroup.select("." + Class.Annotation.NODE + " rect"),
+ d.x + a.dx, d.y + a.dy, a.width, a.height);
+ scene.positionRect(aGroup.select("." + Class.Annotation.NODE + " use"),
+ d.x + a.dx, d.y + a.dy, a.width, a.height);
+ // Edge position
+ aGroup.select("path." + Class.Annotation.EDGE).transition().attr("d", a => {
+ // map relative position to absolute position
+ let points = a.points.map(p => {
+ return {x: p.dx + d.x, y: p.dy + d.y};
+ });
+ return edge.interpolate(points);
+ });
+} // close module
diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/edge.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/edge.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e11ec97f80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/edge.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+/// <reference path="../graph.ts" />
+/// <reference path="../render.ts" />
+/// <reference path="scene.ts" />
+module tf.graph.scene.edge {
+let Scene = tf.graph.scene; // Aliased
+export function getEdgeKey(edgeObj) {
+ return edgeObj.v + tf.graph.EDGE_KEY_DELIM + edgeObj.w;
+ * Select or Create a "g.edges" group to a given sceneGroup
+ * and builds a number of "g.edge" groups inside the group.
+ *
+ * Structure Pattern:
+ *
+ * <g class="edges">
+ * <g class="edge">
+ * <path class="edgeline"/>
+ * </g>
+ * ...
+ * </g>
+ *
+ *
+ * @param sceneGroup container
+ * @param graph
+ * @param sceneBehavior Parent scene module.
+ * @return selection of the created nodeGroups
+ */
+export function buildGroup(sceneGroup,
+ graph: graphlib.Graph<tf.graph.render.RenderNodeInformation,
+ tf.graph.render.RenderMetaedgeInformation>, sceneBehavior) {
+ let edgeData = _.reduce(graph.edges(), (edges, edgeObj) => {
+ let edgeLabel = graph.edge(edgeObj);
+ edges.push({
+ v: edgeObj.v,
+ w: edgeObj.w,
+ label: edgeLabel
+ });
+ return edges;
+ }, []);
+ let container = scene.selectOrCreateChild(sceneGroup, "g",
+ Class.Edge.CONTAINER);
+ let containerNode = container.node();
+ // Select all children and join with data.
+ // (Note that all children of g.edges are g.edge)
+ let edgeGroups = container.selectAll(function() {
+ // using d3's selector function
+ // See https://github.com/mbostock/d3/releases/tag/v2.0.0
+ // (It's not listed in the d3 wiki.)
+ return this.childNodes;
+ })
+ .data(edgeData, getEdgeKey);
+ // Make edges a group to support rendering multiple lines for metaedge
+ edgeGroups.enter()
+ .append("g")
+ .attr("class", Class.Edge.GROUP)
+ .attr("data-edge", getEdgeKey)
+ .each(function(d) {
+ let edgeGroup = d3.select(this);
+ d.label.edgeGroup = edgeGroup;
+ // index node group for quick highlighting
+ sceneBehavior._edgeGroupIndex[getEdgeKey(d)] = edgeGroup;
+ // If any edges are reference edges, add the reference edge class.
+ let extraEdgeClass = d.label.metaedge && d.label.metaedge.numRefEdges
+ ? Class.Edge.REF_LINE + " " + Class.Edge.LINE
+ : undefined;
+ // Add line during enter because we're assuming that type of line
+ // normally does not change.
+ appendEdge(edgeGroup, d, scene, extraEdgeClass);
+ });
+ edgeGroups.each(position);
+ edgeGroups.each(function(d) {
+ stylize(d3.select(this), d, sceneBehavior);
+ });
+ edgeGroups.exit()
+ .each(d => {
+ delete sceneBehavior._edgeGroupIndex[getEdgeKey(d)];
+ })
+ .remove();
+ return edgeGroups;
+ * For a given d3 selection and data object, create a path to represent the
+ * edge described in d.label.
+ *
+ * If d.label is defined, it will be a RenderMetaedgeInformation instance. It
+ * will sometimes be undefined, for example for some Annotation edges for which
+ * there is no underlying Metaedge in the hierarchical graph.
+ */
+export function appendEdge(edgeGroup, d, sceneBehavior, edgeClass?) {
+ edgeClass = edgeClass || Class.Edge.LINE; // set default type
+ if (d.label && d.label.structural) {
+ edgeClass += " " + Class.Edge.STRUCTURAL;
+ }
+ edgeGroup.append("path")
+ .attr("class", edgeClass);
+ * Returns a tween interpolator for the endpoint of an edge path.
+ */
+function getEdgePathInterpolator(d, i, a) {
+ let renderMetaedgeInfo = d.label;
+ let adjoiningMetaedge = renderMetaedgeInfo.adjoiningMetaedge;
+ if (!adjoiningMetaedge) {
+ return d3.interpolate(a, interpolate(renderMetaedgeInfo.points));
+ }
+ let renderPath = this;
+ // Get the adjoining path that matches the adjoining metaedge.
+ let adjoiningPath =
+ <SVGPathElement>((<HTMLElement>adjoiningMetaedge.edgeGroup.node())
+ .firstChild);
+ // Find the desired SVGPoint along the adjoining path, then convert those
+ // coordinates into the space of the renderPath using its Current
+ // Transformation Matrix (CTM).
+ let inbound = renderMetaedgeInfo.metaedge.inbound;
+ return function(t) {
+ let adjoiningPoint = adjoiningPath
+ .getPointAtLength(inbound ? adjoiningPath.getTotalLength() : 0)
+ .matrixTransform(adjoiningPath.getCTM())
+ .matrixTransform(renderPath.getCTM().inverse());
+ // Update the relevant point in the renderMetaedgeInfo's points list, then
+ // re-interpolate the path.
+ let points = renderMetaedgeInfo.points;
+ let index = inbound ? 0 : points.length - 1;
+ points[index].x = adjoiningPoint.x;
+ points[index].y = adjoiningPoint.y;
+ let dPath = interpolate(points);
+ return dPath;
+ };
+export let interpolate = d3.svg.line()
+ .interpolate("basis")
+ .x((d: any) => { return d.x; })
+ .y((d: any) => { return d.y; });
+function position(d) {
+ d3.select(this).select("path." + Class.Edge.LINE)
+ .each(function(d) {
+ let path = d3.select(this);
+ path.transition().attrTween("d", getEdgePathInterpolator);
+ });
+ * For a given d3 selection and data object, mark the edge as a control
+ * dependency if it contains only control edges.
+ *
+ * d's label property will be a RenderMetaedgeInformation object.
+ */
+function stylize(edgeGroup, d, stylize) {
+ let a;
+ let metaedge = d.label.metaedge;
+ edgeGroup
+ .select("path." + Class.Edge.LINE)
+ .classed("control-dep", metaedge && !metaedge.numRegularEdges);
+} // close module
diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/minimap.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/minimap.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a34132765
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/minimap.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+/// <reference path="../../../../typings/tsd.d.ts" />
+/// <reference path="../common.ts" />
+module tf.scene {
+/** Show minimap when the viewpoint area is less than X% of the whole area. */
+const FRAC_VIEWPOINT_AREA: number = 0.8;
+export class Minimap {
+ /** The minimap container. */
+ private minimap: HTMLElement;
+ /** The canvas used for drawing the mini version of the svg. */
+ private canvas: HTMLCanvasElement;
+ /** A buffer canvas used for temporary drawing to avoid flickering. */
+ private canvasBuffer: HTMLCanvasElement;
+ /** The minimap svg used for holding the viewpoint rectangle. */
+ private minimapSvg: SVGSVGElement;
+ /** The rectangle showing the current viewpoint. */
+ private viewpoint: SVGRectElement;
+ /**
+ * The scale factor for the minimap. The factor is determined automatically
+ * so that the minimap doesn't violate the maximum width/height specified
+ * in the constructor. The minimap maintains the same aspect ratio as the
+ * original svg.
+ */
+ private scaleMinimap: number;
+ /** The main svg element. */
+ private svg: SVGSVGElement;
+ /** The svg group used for panning and zooming the main svg. */
+ private zoomG: SVGGElement;
+ /** The zoom behavior of the main svg. */
+ private mainZoom: d3.behavior.Zoom<any>;
+ /** The maximum width and height for the minimap. */
+ private maxWandH: number;
+ /** The last translation vector used in the main svg. */
+ private translate: [number, number];
+ /** The last scaling factor used in the main svg. */
+ private scaleMain: number;
+ /** The coordinates of the viewpoint rectangle. */
+ private viewpointCoord: {x: number, y: number};
+ /** The current size of the minimap */
+ private minimapSize: {width: number, height: number};
+ /** Padding (px) due to the main labels of the graph. */
+ private labelPadding: number;
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new minimap.
+ *
+ * @param svg The main svg element.
+ * @param zoomG The svg group used for panning and zooming the main svg.
+ * @param mainZoom The main zoom behavior.
+ * @param minimap The minimap container.
+ * @param maxWandH The maximum width/height for the minimap.
+ * @param labelPadding Padding in pixels due to the main graph labels.
+ */
+ constructor(svg: SVGSVGElement, zoomG: SVGGElement,
+ mainZoom: d3.behavior.Zoom<any>, minimap: HTMLElement,
+ maxWandH: number, labelPadding: number) {
+ this.svg = svg;
+ this.labelPadding = labelPadding;
+ this.zoomG = zoomG;
+ this.mainZoom = mainZoom;
+ this.maxWandH = maxWandH;
+ let $minimap = d3.select(minimap);
+ // The minimap will have 2 main components: the canvas showing the content
+ // and an svg showing a rectangle of the currently zoomed/panned viewpoint.
+ let $minimapSvg = $minimap.select("svg");
+ // Make the viewpoint rectangle draggable.
+ let $viewpoint = $minimapSvg.select("rect");
+ let dragmove = (d) => {
+ this.viewpointCoord.x = (<DragEvent>d3.event).x;
+ this.viewpointCoord.y = (<DragEvent>d3.event).y;
+ this.updateViewpoint();
+ };
+ this.viewpointCoord = {x: 0, y: 0};
+ let drag = d3.behavior.drag().origin(Object).on("drag", dragmove);
+ $viewpoint.datum(this.viewpointCoord).call(drag);
+ // Make the minimap clickable.
+ $minimapSvg.on("click", () => {
+ if ((<Event>d3.event).defaultPrevented) {
+ // This click was part of a drag event, so suppress it.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Update the coordinates of the viewpoint.
+ let width = Number($viewpoint.attr("width"));
+ let height = Number($viewpoint.attr("height"));
+ let clickCoords = d3.mouse($minimapSvg.node());
+ this.viewpointCoord.x = clickCoords[0] - width / 2;
+ this.viewpointCoord.y = clickCoords[1] - height / 2;
+ this.updateViewpoint();
+ });
+ this.viewpoint = <SVGRectElement> $viewpoint.node();
+ this.minimapSvg = <SVGSVGElement> $minimapSvg.node();
+ this.minimap = minimap;
+ this.canvas = <HTMLCanvasElement> $minimap.select("canvas.first").node();
+ this.canvasBuffer =
+ <HTMLCanvasElement> $minimap.select("canvas.second").node();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the position and the size of the viewpoint rectangle.
+ * It also notifies the main svg about the new panned position.
+ */
+ private updateViewpoint(): void {
+ // Update the coordinates of the viewpoint rectangle.
+ d3.select(this.viewpoint)
+ .attr("x", this.viewpointCoord.x)
+ .attr("y", this.viewpointCoord.y);
+ // Update the translation vector of the main svg to reflect the
+ // new viewpoint.
+ let mainX = - this.viewpointCoord.x * this.scaleMain / this.scaleMinimap;
+ let mainY = - this.viewpointCoord.y * this.scaleMain / this.scaleMinimap;
+ let zoomEvent = this.mainZoom.translate([mainX, mainY]).event;
+ d3.select(this.zoomG).call(zoomEvent);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Redraws the minimap. Should be called whenever the main svg
+ * was updated (e.g. when a node was expanded).
+ */
+ update(): void {
+ let $svg = d3.select(this.svg);
+ // Read all the style rules in the document and embed them into the svg.
+ // The svg needs to be self contained, i.e. all the style rules need to be
+ // embedded so the canvas output matches the origin.
+ let stylesText = "";
+ for (let k = 0; k < document.styleSheets.length; k++) {
+ try {
+ let cssRules = (<any>document.styleSheets[k]).cssRules ||
+ (<any>document.styleSheets[k]).rules;
+ if (cssRules == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < cssRules.length; i++) {
+ stylesText += cssRules[i].cssText + "\n";
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (e.name !== "SecurityError") {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Temporarily add the css rules to the main svg.
+ let svgStyle = $svg.append("style");
+ svgStyle.text(stylesText);
+ // Temporarily remove the zoom/pan transform from the main svg since we
+ // want the minimap to show a zoomed-out and centered view.
+ let $zoomG = d3.select(this.zoomG);
+ let zoomTransform = $zoomG.attr("transform");
+ $zoomG.attr("transform", null);
+ // Get the size of the entire scene.
+ let sceneSize = this.zoomG.getBBox();
+ // Since we add padding, account for that here.
+ sceneSize.height += this.labelPadding;
+ // Temporarily assign an explicit width/height to the main svg, since
+ // it doesn't have one (uses flex-box), but we need it for the canvas
+ // to work.
+ $svg.attr({
+ width: sceneSize.width,
+ height: sceneSize.height,
+ });
+ // Since the content inside the svg changed (e.g. a node was expanded),
+ // the aspect ratio have also changed. Thus, we need to update the scale
+ // factor of the minimap. The scale factor is determined such that both
+ // the width and height of the minimap are <= maximum specified w/h.
+ this.scaleMinimap =
+ this.maxWandH / Math.max(sceneSize.width, sceneSize.height);
+ this.minimapSize = {
+ width: sceneSize.width * this.scaleMinimap,
+ height: sceneSize.height * this.scaleMinimap
+ };
+ // Update the size of the minimap's svg, the buffer canvas and the
+ // viewpoint rect.
+ d3.select(this.minimapSvg).attr(<any>this.minimapSize);
+ d3.select(this.canvasBuffer).attr(<any>this.minimapSize);
+ if (this.translate != null && this.zoom != null) {
+ // Update the viewpoint rectangle shape since the aspect ratio of the
+ // map has changed.
+ requestAnimationFrame(() => this.zoom());
+ }
+ // Serialize the main svg to a string which will be used as the rendering
+ // content for the canvas.
+ let svgXml = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(this.svg);
+ // Now that the svg is serialized for rendering, remove the temporarily
+ // assigned styles, explicit width and height and bring back the pan/zoom
+ // transform.
+ svgStyle.remove();
+ $svg.attr({
+ width: null,
+ height: null
+ });
+ $zoomG.attr("transform", zoomTransform);
+ let image = new Image();
+ image.onload = () => {
+ // Draw the svg content onto the buffer canvas.
+ let context = this.canvasBuffer.getContext("2d");
+ context.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasBuffer.width,
+ this.canvasBuffer.height);
+ context.drawImage(image, 0, 0,
+ this.minimapSize.width, this.minimapSize.height);
+ requestAnimationFrame(() => {
+ // Hide the old canvas and show the new buffer canvas.
+ d3.select(this.canvasBuffer).style("display", null);
+ d3.select(this.canvas).style("display", "none");
+ // Swap the two canvases.
+ [this.canvas, this.canvasBuffer] = [this.canvasBuffer, this.canvas];
+ });
+ };
+ image.src = "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa(svgXml);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles changes in zooming/panning. Should be called from the main svg
+ * to notify that a zoom/pan was performed and this minimap will update it's
+ * viewpoint rectangle.
+ *
+ * @param translate The translate vector, or none to use the last used one.
+ * @param scale The scaling factor, or none to use the last used one.
+ */
+ zoom(translate?: [number, number], scale?: number): void {
+ // Update the new translate and scale params, only if specified.
+ this.translate = translate || this.translate;
+ this.scaleMain = scale || this.scaleMain;
+ // Update the location of the viewpoint rectangle.
+ let svgRect = this.svg.getBoundingClientRect();
+ let $viewpoint = d3.select(this.viewpoint);
+ this.viewpointCoord.x = -this.translate[0] * this.scaleMinimap /
+ this.scaleMain;
+ this.viewpointCoord.y = -this.translate[1] * this.scaleMinimap /
+ this.scaleMain;
+ let viewpointWidth = svgRect.width * this.scaleMinimap / this.scaleMain;
+ let viewpointHeight = svgRect.height * this.scaleMinimap / this.scaleMain;
+ $viewpoint.attr({
+ x: this.viewpointCoord.x,
+ y: this.viewpointCoord.y,
+ width: viewpointWidth,
+ height: viewpointHeight
+ });
+ // Show/hide the minimap depending on the viewpoint area as fraction of the
+ // whole minimap.
+ let mapWidth = this.minimapSize.width;
+ let mapHeight = this.minimapSize.height;
+ let x = this.viewpointCoord.x;
+ let y = this.viewpointCoord.y;
+ let w = Math.min(Math.max(0, x + viewpointWidth), mapWidth) -
+ Math.min(Math.max(0, x), mapWidth);
+ let h = Math.min(Math.max(0, y + viewpointHeight), mapHeight) -
+ Math.min(Math.max(0, y), mapHeight);
+ let fracIntersect = (w * h) / (mapWidth * mapHeight);
+ if (fracIntersect < FRAC_VIEWPOINT_AREA) {
+ this.minimap.classList.remove("hidden");
+ } else {
+ this.minimap.classList.add("hidden");
+ }
+ }
+} // close module tf.scene
diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/node.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/node.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c74b37e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/node.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+/// <reference path="../graph.ts" />
+/// <reference path="scene.ts" />
+/// <reference path="annotation.ts" />
+module tf.graph.scene.node {
+ * Select or Create a "g.nodes" group to a given sceneGroup
+ * and builds a number of "g.node" groups inside the group.
+ *
+ * Structure Pattern:
+ *
+ * <g class="nodes">
+ * <g class="node">
+ * <g class="in-annotations">
+ * ...
+ * </g>
+ * <g class="out-annotations">
+ * ...
+ * </g>
+ * <g class="nodeshape">
+ * <!--
+ * Content of the node shape should be for the node itself. For example a
+ * Metanode would have a <rect> with rounded edges, an op would have an
+ * <ellipse>. More complex nodes like series may contain multiple elements
+ * which are conditionally visible based on whether the node is expanded.
+ * -->
+ * </g>
+ * <text class="label">node name</text>
+ * <g class="subscene">
+ * <!--
+ * Content of the subscene (only for metanode and series node).
+ *
+ * Subscene is a svg group that contains content of the
+ * metanode's metagraph that is recursively generated by Scene.build().
+ *
+ * When the graph is expanded multiple times, a subscene can contain
+ * nested subscenes inside.
+ * -->
+ * </g>
+ * </g>
+ * ...
+ * </g>
+ *
+ *
+ * @param sceneGroup selection of the container
+ * @param nodeData array of render node information to map
+ * @param sceneBehavior parent scene module
+ * @return selection of the created nodeGroups
+ */
+export function buildGroup(sceneGroup,
+ nodeData: render.RenderNodeInformation[], sceneBehavior) {
+ let container = scene.selectOrCreateChild(sceneGroup, "g",
+ Class.Node.CONTAINER);
+ // Select all children and join with data.
+ // (Note that all children of g.nodes are g.node)
+ let nodeGroups = container.selectAll(function() {
+ // using d3's selector function
+ // See https://github.com/mbostock/d3/releases/tag/v2.0.0
+ // (It's not listed in the d3 wiki.)
+ return this.childNodes; // this here refers to container.node()
+ })
+ .data(nodeData, (d: any) => {
+ // make sure that we don't have to swap shape type
+ return d.node.name + ":" + d.node.type;
+ });
+ // ENTER
+ nodeGroups.enter()
+ .append("g")
+ .attr("data-name", d => { return d.node.name; })
+ .each(function(d) {
+ let nodeGroup = d3.select(this);
+ // index node group for quick stylizing
+ sceneBehavior.addNodeGroup(d.node.name, nodeGroup);
+ });
+ nodeGroups
+ .attr("class", d => {
+ return Class.Node.GROUP + " " + nodeClass(d);
+ })
+ .each(function(d) {
+ let nodeGroup = d3.select(this);
+ // add g.in-annotations (always add -- to keep layer order consistent.)
+ let inAnnotationBox = scene.selectOrCreateChild(nodeGroup, "g",
+ Class.Annotation.INBOX);
+ annotation.buildGroup(inAnnotationBox, d.inAnnotations, d,
+ sceneBehavior);
+ // add g.out-annotations (always add -- to keep layer order consistent.)
+ let outAnnotationBox = scene.selectOrCreateChild(nodeGroup, "g",
+ Class.Annotation.OUTBOX);
+ annotation.buildGroup(outAnnotationBox, d.outAnnotations, d,
+ sceneBehavior);
+ // label
+ let label = labelBuild(nodeGroup, d, sceneBehavior);
+ // Do not add interaction to metanode labels as they live inside the
+ // metanode shape which already has the same interactions.
+ addInteraction(label, d, sceneBehavior, d.node.type === NodeType.META);
+ // build .shape below label
+ let shape = buildShape(nodeGroup, d, Class.Node.SHAPE, label.node());
+ if (d.node.isGroupNode) {
+ addButton(shape, d, sceneBehavior);
+ }
+ addInteraction(shape, d, sceneBehavior);
+ // build subscene on the top
+ subsceneBuild(nodeGroup, d, sceneBehavior);
+ stylize(nodeGroup, d, sceneBehavior);
+ position(nodeGroup, d, sceneBehavior);
+ });
+ // EXIT
+ nodeGroups.exit()
+ .each(function(d) {
+ // remove all indices on remove
+ sceneBehavior.removeNodeGroup(d.node.name);
+ let nodeGroup = d3.select(this);
+ if (d.inAnnotations.list.length > 0) {
+ nodeGroup.select("." + Class.Annotation.INBOX)
+ .selectAll("." + Class.Annotation.GROUP)
+ .each(a => {
+ sceneBehavior.removeAnnotationGroup(a, d);
+ });
+ }
+ if (d.outAnnotations.list.length > 0) {
+ nodeGroup.select("." + Class.Annotation.OUTBOX)
+ .selectAll("." + Class.Annotation.GROUP)
+ .each(a => {
+ sceneBehavior.removeAnnotationGroup(a, d);
+ });
+ }
+ })
+ .remove();
+ return nodeGroups;
+ * Update or remove the subscene of a render group node depending on whether it
+ * is a expanded. If the node is not a group node, this method has no effect.
+ *
+ * @param nodeGroup selection of the container
+ * @param renderNodeInfo the render information for the node.
+ * @param sceneBehavior parent scene module
+ * @return Selection of the subscene group, or null if node group does not have
+ * a subscene. Op nodes, bridge nodes and unexpanded group nodes will
+ * not have a subscene.
+ */
+function subsceneBuild(nodeGroup,
+ renderNodeInfo: render.RenderGroupNodeInformation, sceneBehavior) {
+ if (renderNodeInfo.node.isGroupNode) {
+ if (renderNodeInfo.expanded) {
+ // Recursively build the subscene.
+ return scene.buildGroup(nodeGroup, renderNodeInfo, sceneBehavior,
+ Class.Subscene.GROUP);
+ }
+ // Clean out existing subscene if the node is not expanded.
+ scene.selectChild(nodeGroup, "g", Class.Subscene.GROUP).remove();
+ }
+ return null;
+ * Translate the subscene of the given node group
+ */
+function subscenePosition(nodeGroup, d: render.RenderNodeInformation) {
+ let x0 = d.x - d.width / 2.0 + d.paddingLeft;
+ let y0 = d.y - d.height / 2.0 + d.paddingTop;
+ let subscene = scene.selectChild(nodeGroup, "g", Class.Subscene.GROUP);
+ scene.translate(subscene, x0, y0);
+ * Add an expand/collapse button to a group node
+ *
+ * @param selection The group node selection.
+ * @param d Info about the node being rendered.
+ * @param sceneBehavior parent scene module.
+ */
+function addButton(selection, d: render.RenderNodeInformation, sceneBehavior) {
+ let group = scene.selectOrCreateChild(
+ selection, "g", Class.Node.BUTTON_CONTAINER);
+ scene.selectOrCreateChild(group, "circle", Class.Node.BUTTON_CIRCLE);
+ scene.selectOrCreateChild(group, "path", Class.Node.EXPAND_BUTTON).attr(
+ "d", "M0,-2.2 V2.2 M-2.2,0 H2.2");
+ scene.selectOrCreateChild(group, "path", Class.Node.COLLAPSE_BUTTON).attr(
+ "d", "M-2.2,0 H2.2");
+ group.on("click", d => {
+ // Stop this event's propagation so that it isn't also considered a
+ // node-select.
+ (<Event>d3.event).stopPropagation();
+ sceneBehavior.fire("node-toggle-expand", { name: d.node.name });
+ });
+ scene.positionButton(group, d);
+ * Fire node-* events when the selection is interacted.
+ *
+ * @param disableInteraction When true, have the provided selection
+ * ignore all pointer events. Used for text labels inside of metanodes, which
+ * don't need interaction as their surrounding shape has interaction, and if
+ * given interaction would cause conflicts with the expand/collapse button.
+ */
+function addInteraction(selection, d: render.RenderNodeInformation,
+ sceneBehavior, disableInteraction?: boolean) {
+ if (disableInteraction) {
+ selection.attr("pointer-events", "none");
+ return;
+ }
+ selection.on("dblclick", d => {
+ sceneBehavior.fire("node-toggle-expand", { name: d.node.name });
+ })
+ .on("mouseover", d => {
+ // don't send mouseover over expanded group,
+ // otherwise it is causing too much glitches
+ if (sceneBehavior.isNodeExpanded(d)) { return; }
+ sceneBehavior.fire("node-highlight", { name: d.node.name });
+ })
+ .on("mouseout", d => {
+ // don't send mouseover over expanded group,
+ // otherwise it is causing too much glitches
+ if (sceneBehavior.isNodeExpanded(d)) { return; }
+ sceneBehavior.fire("node-unhighlight", { name: d.node.name });
+ })
+ .on("click", d => {
+ // Stop this event's propagation so that it isn't also considered
+ // a graph-select.
+ (<Event>d3.event).stopPropagation();
+ sceneBehavior.fire("node-select", { name: d.node.name });
+ });
+ * Append svg text for label and assign data.
+ * @param nodeGroup
+ * @param renderNodeInfo The render node information for the label.
+ * @param sceneBehavior parent scene module.
+ */
+function labelBuild(nodeGroup, renderNodeInfo: render.RenderNodeInformation,
+ sceneBehavior) {
+ let namePath = renderNodeInfo.node.name.split("/");
+ let text = namePath[namePath.length - 1];
+ // Truncate long labels for unexpanded Metanodes.
+ let useFontScale = renderNodeInfo.node.type === NodeType.META &&
+ !renderNodeInfo.expanded;
+ let label = scene.selectOrCreateChild(nodeGroup, "text", Class.Node.LABEL);
+ label.attr("dy", ".35em")
+ .attr("text-anchor", "middle");
+ if (useFontScale) {
+ if (text.length > sceneBehavior.maxMetanodeLabelLength) {
+ text = text.substr(0, sceneBehavior.maxMetanodeLabelLength - 2) + "...";
+ }
+ let scale = getLabelFontScale(sceneBehavior);
+ label.attr("font-size", scale(text.length) + "px");
+ }
+ label.text(text);
+ return label;
+ * d3 scale used for sizing font of labels, used by labelBuild,
+ * initialized once by getLabelFontScale.
+ */
+let fontScale = null;
+function getLabelFontScale(sceneBehavior) {
+ if (!fontScale) {
+ fontScale = d3.scale.linear()
+ .domain([sceneBehavior.maxMetanodeLabelLengthLargeFont,
+ sceneBehavior.maxMetanodeLabelLength])
+ .range([sceneBehavior.maxMetanodeLabelLengthFontSize,
+ sceneBehavior.minMetanodeLabelLengthFontSize]).clamp(true);
+ }
+ return fontScale;
+ * Set label position of a given node group
+ */
+function labelPosition(nodeGroup, d: render.RenderNodeInformation,
+ yOffset: number) {
+ scene.selectChild(nodeGroup, "text", Class.Node.LABEL).transition()
+ .attr("x", d.x)
+ .attr("y", d.y + yOffset);
+ * Select or append/insert shape for a node and assign renderNode
+ * as the shape's data.
+ *
+ * @param nodeGroup
+ * @param d RenderNodeInformation
+ * @param nodeClass class for the element.
+ * @param before Reference DOM node for insertion.
+ * @return Selection of the shape.
+ */
+export function buildShape(nodeGroup, d, nodeClass: string, before?) {
+ // Create a group to house the underlying visual elements.
+ let shapeGroup = scene.selectOrCreateChild(nodeGroup, "g", nodeClass,
+ before);
+ // TODO(jimbo): DOM structure should be templated in HTML somewhere, not JS.
+ switch (d.node.type) {
+ case NodeType.OP:
+ scene.selectOrCreateChild(shapeGroup, "ellipse",
+ Class.Node.COLOR_TARGET);
+ break;
+ case NodeType.SERIES:
+ // Choose the correct stamp to use to represent this series.
+ let stampType = "annotation";
+ let groupNodeInfo = <render.RenderGroupNodeInformation>d;
+ if (groupNodeInfo.coreGraph) {
+ stampType = groupNodeInfo.node.hasNonControlEdges
+ ? "vertical" : "horizontal";
+ }
+ scene.selectOrCreateChild(shapeGroup, "use", Class.Node.COLOR_TARGET)
+ .attr("xlink:href", "#op-series-" + stampType + "-stamp");
+ scene.selectOrCreateChild(shapeGroup, "rect", Class.Node.COLOR_TARGET)
+ .attr({ rx: d.radius, ry: d.radius });
+ break;
+ case NodeType.BRIDGE:
+ scene.selectOrCreateChild(shapeGroup, "rect", Class.Node.COLOR_TARGET)
+ .attr({ rx: d.radius, ry: d.radius });
+ break;
+ case NodeType.META:
+ scene.selectOrCreateChild(shapeGroup, "rect", Class.Node.COLOR_TARGET)
+ .attr({ rx: d.radius, ry: d.radius });
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw Error("Unrecognized node type: " + d.node.type);
+ }
+ return shapeGroup;
+export function nodeClass(d: render.RenderNodeInformation) {
+ switch (d.node.type) {
+ case NodeType.OP:
+ return Class.OPNODE;
+ case NodeType.META:
+ return Class.METANODE;
+ case NodeType.SERIES:
+ return Class.SERIESNODE;
+ case NodeType.BRIDGE:
+ return Class.BRIDGENODE;
+ case NodeType.ELLIPSIS:
+ return Class.ELLIPSISNODE;
+ };
+ throw Error("Unrecognized node type: " + d.node.type);
+/** Modify node and its subscene and its label's positional attributes */
+function position(nodeGroup, d: render.RenderNodeInformation, sceneBehavior) {
+ let shapeGroup = scene.selectChild(nodeGroup, "g", Class.Node.SHAPE);
+ switch (d.node.type) {
+ case NodeType.OP: {
+ // position shape
+ let shape = scene.selectChild(shapeGroup, "ellipse");
+ scene.positionEllipse(shape, d.x, d.y, d.width, d.height);
+ labelPosition(nodeGroup, d, d.labelOffset);
+ break;
+ }
+ case NodeType.META: {
+ // position shape
+ let shape = scene.selectChild(shapeGroup, "rect");
+ scene.positionRect(shape, d.x, d.y, d.width, d.height);
+ if (d.expanded) {
+ subscenePosition(nodeGroup, d);
+ // put label on top
+ labelPosition(nodeGroup, d,
+ - d.height / 2 + d.labelHeight / 2);
+ } else {
+ labelPosition(nodeGroup, d, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case NodeType.SERIES: {
+ let shape = scene.selectChild(shapeGroup, "use");
+ scene.positionRect(shape, d.x, d.y, d.width, d.height);
+ if (d.expanded) {
+ subscenePosition(nodeGroup, d);
+ // put label on top
+ labelPosition(nodeGroup, d,
+ - d.height / 2 + d.labelHeight / 2);
+ } else {
+ labelPosition(nodeGroup, d, d.labelOffset);
+ }
+ }
+ case NodeType.BRIDGE: {
+ // position shape
+ // NOTE: In reality, these will not be visible, but it helps to put them
+ // in the correct position for debugging purposes.
+ let shape = scene.selectChild(shapeGroup, "rect");
+ scene.positionRect(shape, d.x, d.y, d.width, d.height);
+ break;
+ }
+ default: {
+ throw Error("Unrecognized node type: " + d.node.type);
+ }
+ }
+/** Enum specifying the options to color nodes by */
+let ColorBy = {
+ DEVICE: 1,
+ * Returns the fill color for the node given its state and the "color by"
+ * option.
+ */
+function getFillForNode(sceneBehavior, colorBy,
+ renderInfo: render.RenderNodeInformation, isExpanded: boolean): string {
+ let colorParams = tf.graph.render.MetanodeColors;
+ switch (colorBy) {
+ case ColorBy.STRUCTURE:
+ if (renderInfo.node.type === tf.graph.NodeType.META) {
+ let tid = (<Metanode>renderInfo.node).templateId;
+ return tid === null ? colorParams.UNKNOWN : colorParams.STRUCTURE_PALETTE(
+ sceneBehavior.templateIndex(tid), renderInfo.expanded);
+ } else if (renderInfo.node.type === tf.graph.NodeType.SERIES) {
+ // If expanded, we're showing the background rect, which we want to
+ // appear gray. Otherwise we're showing a stack of ellipses which we
+ // want to show white.
+ return renderInfo.expanded ? colorParams.EXPANDED_COLOR : "white";
+ } else if (renderInfo.node.type === NodeType.BRIDGE) {
+ return renderInfo.structural ? "#f0e" :
+ (<BridgeNode>renderInfo.node).inbound ? "#0ef" : "#fe0";
+ } else {
+ // Op nodes are white.
+ return "white";
+ }
+ case ColorBy.DEVICE:
+ if (renderInfo.deviceColors == null) {
+ // Return the hue for unknown device.
+ return colorParams.UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ let id = renderInfo.node.name;
+ let escapedId = tf.escapeQuerySelector(id);
+ let gradientDefs = d3.select("svg#svg defs #linearGradients");
+ let linearGradient =
+ gradientDefs.select("linearGradient#" + escapedId);
+ // If the linear gradient is not there yet, create it.
+ if (linearGradient.size() === 0) {
+ linearGradient = gradientDefs.append("linearGradient").attr("id", id);
+ // Re-create the stops of the linear gradient.
+ linearGradient.selectAll("*").remove();
+ let cumulativeProportion = 0;
+ // For each device, create a stop using the proportion of that device.
+ _.each(renderInfo.deviceColors, (d: any) => {
+ let color = d.color;
+ linearGradient.append("stop")
+ .attr("offset", cumulativeProportion)
+ .attr("stop-color", color);
+ linearGradient.append("stop")
+ .attr("offset", cumulativeProportion + d.proportion)
+ .attr("stop-color", color);
+ cumulativeProportion += d.proportion;
+ });
+ }
+ return isExpanded ? colorParams.EXPANDED_COLOR : `url(#${escapedId})`;
+ case ColorBy.COMPUTE_TIME:
+ return isExpanded ?
+ colorParams.EXPANDED_COLOR : renderInfo.computeTimeColor ||
+ colorParams.UNKNOWN;
+ case ColorBy.MEMORY:
+ return isExpanded ?
+ colorParams.EXPANDED_COLOR : renderInfo.memoryColor ||
+ colorParams.UNKNOWN;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Unknown case to color nodes by");
+ }
+ * Modify node style by toggling class and assign attributes (only for things
+ * that can't be done in css).
+ */
+export function stylize(nodeGroup, renderInfo: render.RenderNodeInformation,
+ sceneBehavior, nodeClass?) {
+ nodeClass = nodeClass || Class.Node.SHAPE;
+ let isHighlighted = sceneBehavior.isNodeHighlighted(renderInfo.node.name);
+ let isSelected = sceneBehavior.isNodeSelected(renderInfo.node.name);
+ let isExtract = renderInfo.isInExtract || renderInfo.isOutExtract;
+ let isExpanded = renderInfo.expanded;
+ nodeGroup.classed("highlighted", isHighlighted);
+ nodeGroup.classed("selected", isSelected);
+ nodeGroup.classed("extract", isExtract);
+ nodeGroup.classed("expanded", isExpanded);
+ // Main node always exists here and it will be reached before subscene,
+ // so d3 selection is fine here.
+ let node = nodeGroup.select("." + nodeClass + " ." + Class.Node.COLOR_TARGET);
+ let fillColor = getFillForNode(sceneBehavior,
+ ColorBy[sceneBehavior.colorBy.toUpperCase()],
+ renderInfo, isExpanded);
+ node.style("fill", fillColor);
+ // Choose outline to be darker version of node color if the node is a single
+ // color and is not selected.
+ if (isSelected) {
+ node.style("stroke", null);
+ } else {
+ // If node is colored by a gradient, then use a dark gray outline.
+ let outlineColor = fillColor.substring(0, 3) === "url" ?
+ tf.graph.render.MetanodeColors.GRADIENT_OUTLINE :
+ d3.rgb(fillColor).darker().toString();
+ node.style("stroke", outlineColor);
+ }
+} // close module
diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/scene.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/scene.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e2467f039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/scene/scene.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+/// <reference path="../graph.ts" />
+/// <reference path="edge.ts" />
+/// <reference path="node.ts" />
+/// <reference path="../layout.ts" />
+module tf.graph.scene {
+/** Enums element class of objects in the scene */
+export let Class = {
+ Node: {
+ // <g> element that contains nodes.
+ CONTAINER: "nodes",
+ // <g> element that contains detail about a node.
+ GROUP: "node",
+ // <g> element that contains visual elements (like rect, ellipse).
+ SHAPE: "nodeshape",
+ // <*> element(s) under SHAPE that should receive color updates.
+ COLOR_TARGET: "nodecolortarget",
+ // <text> element showing the node's label.
+ LABEL: "nodelabel",
+ // <g> element that contains all visuals for the expand/collapse
+ // button for expandable group nodes.
+ BUTTON_CONTAINER: "buttoncontainer",
+ // <circle> element that surrounds expand/collapse buttons.
+ BUTTON_CIRCLE: "buttoncircle",
+ // <path> element of the expand button.
+ EXPAND_BUTTON: "expandbutton",
+ // <path> element of the collapse button.
+ COLLAPSE_BUTTON: "collapsebutton"
+ },
+ Edge: {
+ CONTAINER: "edges",
+ GROUP: "edge",
+ LINE: "edgeline",
+ REF_LINE: "refline",
+ STRUCTURAL: "structural"
+ },
+ Annotation: {
+ OUTBOX: "out-annotations",
+ INBOX: "in-annotations",
+ GROUP: "annotation",
+ NODE: "annotation-node",
+ EDGE: "annotation-edge",
+ CONTROL_EDGE: "annotation-control-edge",
+ LABEL: "annotation-label",
+ ELLIPSIS: "annotation-ellipsis"
+ },
+ Scene: {
+ GROUP: "scene",
+ CORE: "core",
+ INEXTRACT: "in-extract",
+ OUTEXTRACT: "out-extract"
+ },
+ Subscene: {
+ GROUP: "subscene"
+ },
+ OPNODE: "op",
+ METANODE: "meta",
+ SERIESNODE: "series",
+ BRIDGENODE: "bridge",
+ ELLIPSISNODE: "ellipsis"
+ * Helper method for fitting the graph in the svg view.
+ *
+ * @param svg The main svg.
+ * @param zoomG The svg group used for panning and zooming.
+ * @param d3zoom The zoom behavior.
+ * @param callback Called when the fitting is done.
+ */
+export function fit(svg, zoomG, d3zoom, callback) {
+ let svgRect = svg.getBoundingClientRect();
+ let sceneSize = zoomG.getBBox();
+ let scale = 0.9 * Math.min(
+ svgRect.width / sceneSize.width,
+ svgRect.height / sceneSize.height,
+ 2
+ );
+ let params = layout.PARAMS.graph;
+ let zoomEvent = d3zoom.scale(scale)
+ .on("zoomend.fitted", () => {
+ // Remove the listener for the zoomend event,
+ // so we don't get called at the end of regular zoom events,
+ // just those that fit the graph to screen.
+ d3zoom.on("zoomend.fitted", null);
+ callback();
+ })
+ .translate([params.padding.paddingLeft, params.padding.paddingTop])
+ .event;
+ d3.select(zoomG).transition().duration(500).call(zoomEvent);
+ * Helper method for panning the graph to center on the provided node,
+ * if the node is currently off-screen.
+ *
+ * @param nodeName The node to center the graph on
+ * @param svg The root SVG element for the graph
+ * @param zoomG The svg group used for panning and zooming.
+ * @param d3zoom The zoom behavior.
+ * @return True if the graph had to be panned to display the
+ * provided node.
+ */
+export function panToNode(nodeName: String, svg, zoomG, d3zoom): boolean {
+ let node: any = d3.selectAll("[data-name='" + nodeName + "']."
+ + Class.Node.GROUP)[0][0];
+ if (!node) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let translate = d3zoom.translate();
+ // Check if the selected node is off-screen in either
+ // X or Y dimension in either direction.
+ let nodeBox = node.getBBox();
+ let nodeCtm = node.getScreenCTM();
+ let pointTL = svg.createSVGPoint();
+ let pointBR = svg.createSVGPoint();
+ pointTL.x = nodeBox.x;
+ pointTL.y = nodeBox.y;
+ pointBR.x = nodeBox.x + nodeBox.width;
+ pointBR.y = nodeBox.y + nodeBox.height;
+ pointTL = pointTL.matrixTransform(nodeCtm);
+ pointBR = pointBR.matrixTransform(nodeCtm);
+ let isOutsideOfBounds = (start, end, bound) => {
+ return end < 0 || start > bound;
+ };
+ let svgRect = svg.getBoundingClientRect();
+ if (isOutsideOfBounds(pointTL.x, pointBR.x, svgRect.width) ||
+ isOutsideOfBounds(pointTL.y, pointBR.y, svgRect.height)) {
+ // Determine the amount to transform the graph in both X and Y
+ // dimensions in order to center the selected node. This takes into
+ // acount the position of the node, the size of the svg scene, the
+ // amount the scene has been scaled by through zooming, and any previous
+ // transform already performed by this logic.
+ let centerX = (pointTL.x + pointBR.x) / 2;
+ let centerY = (pointTL.y + pointBR.y) / 2;
+ let dx = ((svgRect.width / 2) - centerX);
+ let dy = ((svgRect.height / 2) - centerY);
+ let zoomEvent = d3zoom.translate([translate[0] + dx, translate[1] + dy])
+ .event;
+ d3.select(zoomG).transition().duration(500).call(zoomEvent);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Given a container d3 selection, select a child svg element of a given tag
+ * and class if exists or append / insert one otherwise. If multiple children
+ * matches the tag and class name, returns only the first one.
+ *
+ * @param container
+ * @param tagName tag name.
+ * @param className (optional) Class name.
+ * @param before (optional) reference DOM node for insertion.
+ * @return selection of the element
+ */
+export function selectOrCreateChild(container, tagName: string,
+ className?: string, before?) {
+ let child = selectChild(container, tagName, className);
+ if (!child.empty()) {
+ return child;
+ }
+ let newElement = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
+ tagName);
+ if (className) {
+ newElement.classList.add(className);
+ }
+ if (before) { // if before exists, insert
+ container.node().insertBefore(newElement, before);
+ } else { // otherwise, append
+ container.node().appendChild(newElement);
+ }
+ return d3.select(newElement)
+ // need to bind data to emulate d3_selection.append
+ .datum(container.datum());
+ * Given a container d3 selection, select a child element of a given tag and
+ * class. If multiple children matches the tag and class name, returns only
+ * the first one.
+ *
+ * @param container
+ * @param tagName tag name.
+ * @param className (optional) Class name.
+ * @return selection of the element, or an empty selection
+ */
+export function selectChild(container, tagName: string, className?: string) {
+ let children = container.node().childNodes;
+ for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+ let child = children[i];
+ if (child.tagName === tagName &&
+ (!className || child.classList.contains(className))
+ ) {
+ return d3.select(child);
+ }
+ }
+ return d3.select(null);
+ * Select or create a sceneGroup and build/update its nodes and edges.
+ *
+ * Structure Pattern:
+ *
+ * <g class="scene">
+ * <g class="core">
+ * <g class="edges">
+ * ... stuff from tf.graph.scene.edges.build ...
+ * </g>
+ * <g class="nodes">
+ * ... stuff from tf.graph.scene.nodes.build ...
+ * </g>
+ * </g>
+ * <g class="in-extract">
+ * <g class="nodes">
+ * ... stuff from tf.graph.scene.nodes.build ...
+ * </g>
+ * </g>
+ * <g class="out-extract">
+ * <g class="nodes">
+ * ... stuff from tf.graph.scene.nodes.build ...
+ * </g>
+ * </g>
+ * </g>
+ *
+ * @param container D3 selection of the parent.
+ * @param renderNode render node of a metanode or series node.
+ * @param sceneBehavior Parent scene module.
+ * @param sceneClass class attribute of the scene (default="scene").
+ */
+export function buildGroup(container,
+ renderNode: render.RenderGroupNodeInformation,
+ sceneBehavior,
+ sceneClass: string) {
+ sceneClass = sceneClass || Class.Scene.GROUP;
+ let isNewSceneGroup = selectChild(container, "g", sceneClass).empty();
+ let sceneGroup = selectOrCreateChild(container, "g", sceneClass);
+ // core
+ let coreGroup = selectOrCreateChild(sceneGroup, "g", Class.Scene.CORE);
+ let coreNodes = _.reduce(renderNode.coreGraph.nodes(), (nodes, name) => {
+ let node = renderNode.coreGraph.node(name);
+ if (!node.excluded) {
+ nodes.push(node);
+ }
+ return nodes;
+ }, []);
+ if (renderNode.node.type === NodeType.SERIES) {
+ // For series, we want the first item on top, so reverse the array so
+ // the first item in the series becomes last item in the top, and thus
+ // is rendered on the top.
+ coreNodes.reverse();
+ }
+ // Create the layer of edges for this scene (paths).
+ edge.buildGroup(coreGroup, renderNode.coreGraph, sceneBehavior);
+ // Create the layer of nodes for this scene (ellipses, rects etc).
+ node.buildGroup(coreGroup, coreNodes, sceneBehavior);
+ // In-extract
+ if (renderNode.isolatedInExtract.length > 0) {
+ let inExtractGroup = selectOrCreateChild(sceneGroup, "g",
+ Class.Scene.INEXTRACT);
+ node.buildGroup(inExtractGroup, renderNode.isolatedInExtract,
+ sceneBehavior);
+ } else {
+ selectChild(sceneGroup, "g", Class.Scene.INEXTRACT).remove();
+ }
+ // Out-extract
+ if (renderNode.isolatedOutExtract.length > 0) {
+ let outExtractGroup = selectOrCreateChild(sceneGroup, "g",
+ Class.Scene.OUTEXTRACT);
+ node.buildGroup(outExtractGroup, renderNode.isolatedOutExtract,
+ sceneBehavior);
+ } else {
+ selectChild(sceneGroup, "g", Class.Scene.OUTEXTRACT).remove();
+ }
+ position(sceneGroup, renderNode);
+ // Fade in the scene group if it didn't already exist.
+ if (isNewSceneGroup) {
+ sceneGroup.attr("opacity", 0)
+ .transition().attr("opacity", 1);
+ }
+ return sceneGroup;
+ * Given a scene's svg group, set g.in-extract, g.coreGraph, g.out-extract svg
+ * groups' position relative to the scene.
+ *
+ * @param sceneGroup
+ * @param renderNode render node of a metanode or series node.
+ */
+function position(sceneGroup, renderNode: render.RenderGroupNodeInformation) {
+ // Translate scenes down by the label height so that when showing graphs in
+ // expanded metanodes, the graphs are below the labels. Do not shift them
+ // down for series nodes as series nodes don't have labels inside of their
+ // bounding boxes.
+ let yTranslate = renderNode.node.type === NodeType.SERIES ?
+ 0 : layout.PARAMS.subscene.meta.labelHeight;
+ // core
+ translate(selectChild(sceneGroup, "g", Class.Scene.CORE),
+ 0, yTranslate);
+ // in-extract
+ let inExtractX = renderNode.coreBox.width === 0 ?
+ 0 : renderNode.coreBox.width;
+ let hasInExtract = renderNode.isolatedInExtract.length > 0;
+ if (hasInExtract) {
+ translate(selectChild(sceneGroup, "g", Class.Scene.INEXTRACT),
+ inExtractX, yTranslate);
+ }
+ // out-extract
+ let hasOutExtract = renderNode.isolatedOutExtract.length > 0;
+ if (hasOutExtract) {
+ let outExtractX = inExtractX + renderNode.inExtractBox.width
+ + renderNode.extractXOffset;
+ translate(selectChild(sceneGroup, "g", Class.Scene.OUTEXTRACT),
+ outExtractX, yTranslate);
+ }
+/** Adds a click listener to a group that fires a graph-select event */
+export function addGraphClickListener(graphGroup, sceneBehavior) {
+ d3.select(graphGroup).on("click", () => {
+ sceneBehavior.fire("graph-select");
+ });
+/** Helper for adding transform: translate(x0, y0) */
+export function translate(selection, x0: number, y0: number) {
+ selection.attr("transform", "translate(" + x0 + "," + y0 + ")");
+ * Helper for setting position of a svg rect
+ * @param rect rect to set position of.
+ * @param cx Center x.
+ * @param cy Center x.
+ * @param width Width to set.
+ * @param height Height to set.
+ */
+export function positionRect(rect, cx: number, cy: number, width: number,
+ height: number) {
+ rect.transition().attr({
+ x: cx - width / 2,
+ y: cy - height / 2,
+ width: width,
+ height: height
+ });
+ * Helper for setting position of a svg expand/collapse button
+ * @param button container group
+ * @param renderNode the render node of the group node to position
+ * the button on.
+ */
+export function positionButton(button,
+ renderNode: render.RenderNodeInformation) {
+ // Position the button in the top-right corner of the group node,
+ // with space given the draw the button inside of the corner.
+ let x = renderNode.x + renderNode.width / 2 - 6;
+ let y = renderNode.y - renderNode.height / 2 + 6;
+ // For unexpanded series nodes, the button has special placement due
+ // to the unique visuals of this group node.
+ if (renderNode.node.type === NodeType.SERIES && !renderNode.expanded) {
+ x += 10;
+ y -= 2;
+ }
+ let translateStr = "translate(" + x + "," + y + ")";
+ button.selectAll("path").transition().attr("transform", translateStr);
+ button.select("circle").transition().attr({
+ cx: x,
+ cy: y,
+ r: layout.PARAMS.nodeSize.meta.expandButtonRadius
+ });
+ * Helper for setting position of a svg ellipse
+ * @param ellipse ellipse to set position of.
+ * @param cx Center x.
+ * @param cy Center x.
+ * @param width Width to set.
+ * @param height Height to set.
+ */
+export function positionEllipse(ellipse, cx: number, cy: number,
+ width: number, height: number) {
+ ellipse.transition().attr({
+ cx: cx,
+ cy: cy,
+ rx: width / 2,
+ ry: height / 2
+ });
+} // close module
diff --git a/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/template.ts b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/template.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5aafc55e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tensorflow/tensorboard/components/tf-graph-common/lib/template.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+/// <reference path="graph.ts" />
+/// <reference path="hierarchy.ts" />
+module tf.graph.template {
+ * Detect repeating patterns of subgraphs.
+ * Assign templateId to each subgraph if it belongs to a template.
+ * Returns clusters of similar subgraphs .
+ *
+ * @param graph
+ * @param verifyTemplate whether to run the template verification algorithm
+ * @return a dict (template id => Array of node names)
+ */
+export function detect(h, verifyTemplate): {[templateId: string]: string[]} {
+ // In any particular subgraph, there are either
+ // - leaf nodes (which do not have subgraph)
+ // - metanode nodes - some of them have only one member (singular metanode)
+ // and some have multiple members (non-singular metanode)
+ // First, generate a nearest neighbor hash of metanode nodes.
+ let nnGroups = clusterSimilarSubgraphs(h);
+ // For each metanode, compare its subgraph (starting from shallower groups)
+ // and assign template id.
+ let templates = groupTemplateAndAssignId(nnGroups, verifyTemplate);
+ // Sort the templates by minimum level in the graph at which they appear,
+ // as this leads to optimal setting of the colors of each template for
+ // maximum differentiation.
+ return _(templates).pairs()
+ .sortBy(function(pair) {
+ return pair[1].level;
+ })
+ .map(function(pair) {
+ return [pair[0], pair[1].nodes];
+ })
+ .object().value();
+ * @return Unique string for a metanode based on depth, |V|, |E| and
+ * op type histogram.
+ */
+ function getSignature(metanode) {
+ // depth=<number> |V|=<number> |E|=<number>
+ let props = _.map({
+ "depth": metanode.depth,
+ "|V|": metanode.metagraph.nodes().length,
+ "|E|": metanode.metagraph.edges().length
+ }, function(v, k) { return k + "=" + v; }).join(" ");
+ // optype1=count1,optype2=count2
+ let ops = _.map(metanode.opHistogram, function(count, op) {
+ return op + "=" + count;
+ }).join(",");
+ return props + " [ops] " + ops;
+ * Generate a nearest neighbor hash of metanodes
+ * based on depth, |V|, |E|, and opHistogram of their subgraph
+ * (excluding leaf nodes and singular metanodes).
+ * @param graph The graph
+ * @return Array of pairs of [signature,
+ * Object with min level of the template and an Array of tf.graph.Group]
+ * sort by ascending order of minimum depth at which metanode appears.
+ */
+function clusterSimilarSubgraphs(h: hierarchy.Hierarchy) {
+ /** a dict from metanode.signature() => Array of tf.graph.Groups */
+ let hashDict = _(h.getNodeMap()).reduce(function(hash, node: OpNode|Metanode, name) {
+ if (node.type !== NodeType.META) {
+ return hash;
+ }
+ let levelOfMetaNode = name.split("/").length - 1;
+ let signature = getSignature(node);
+ let templateInfo = hash[signature] ||
+ {nodes: [], level: levelOfMetaNode};
+ hash[signature] = templateInfo;
+ templateInfo.nodes.push(node);
+ if (templateInfo.level > levelOfMetaNode) {
+ templateInfo.level = levelOfMetaNode;
+ }
+ return hash;
+ }, {});
+ return _(hashDict).pairs()
+ // filter nn metanode with only one member
+ .filter(function(pair) {
+ return pair[1].nodes.length > 1;
+ })
+ .sortBy(function(pair) {
+ // sort by depth
+ // (all members in the same nnGroup has equal depth)
+ return pair[1].nodes[0].depth;
+ })
+ .value();
+function groupTemplateAndAssignId(nnGroups, verifyTemplate) {
+ // For each metanode, compare its subgraph (starting from shallower groups)
+ // and assign template id.
+ return _.reduce(nnGroups, function(templates, nnGroupPair) {
+ let signature = nnGroupPair[0],
+ nnGroup = nnGroupPair[1].nodes,
+ clusters = [];
+ nnGroup.forEach(function(metanode) {
+ // check with each existing cluster
+ for (let i = 0; i < clusters.length; i++) {
+ let similar = !verifyTemplate ||
+ isSimilarSubgraph(
+ clusters[i].metanode.metagraph,
+ metanode.metagraph
+ );
+ // if similar, just add this metanode to the cluster
+ if (similar) {
+ // get template from the first one
+ metanode.templateId = clusters[i].metanode.templateId;
+ clusters[i].members.push(metanode.name);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // otherwise create a new cluster with id "signature [count] "
+ metanode.templateId = signature + "[" + clusters.length + "]";
+ clusters.push({
+ metanode: metanode,
+ members: [metanode.name]
+ });
+ });
+ clusters.forEach(function(c) {
+ templates[c.metanode.templateId] = {
+ level: nnGroupPair[1].level,
+ nodes: c.members
+ };
+ });
+ return templates;
+ }, {});
+function sortNodes(names: string[], graph: graphlib.Graph<Metanode|OpNode, Metaedge>,
+ prefix: string) {
+ return _.sortByAll(names,
+ function(name) {
+ let node = graph.node(name);
+ return (<OpNode>node).op;
+ },
+ function(name) {
+ let node = graph.node(name);
+ return (<Metanode>node).templateId;
+ },
+ function(name) {
+ return graph.neighbors(name).length;
+ },
+ function(name) {
+ return graph.predecessors(name).length;
+ },
+ function(name) {
+ return graph.successors(name).length;
+ },
+ function(name) {
+ return name.substr(prefix.length);
+ });
+function isSimilarSubgraph(g1: graphlib.Graph<any, any>, g2: graphlib.Graph<any, any>) {
+ if (!tf.graph.hasSimilarDegreeSequence(g1, g2)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // if we want to skip, just return true here.
+ // return true;
+ // Verify sequence by running DFS
+ let g1prefix = g1.graph().name;
+ let g2prefix = g2.graph().name;
+ let visited1 = {};
+ let visited2 = {};
+ let stack = [];
+ /**
+ * push sources or successors into the stack
+ * if the visiting pattern has been similar.
+ */
+ function stackPushIfNotDifferent(n1, n2) {
+ let sub1 = n1.substr(g1prefix.length),
+ sub2 = n2.substr(g2prefix.length);
+ /* tslint:disable */
+ if (visited1[sub1] ^ visited2[sub1]) {
+ console.warn("different visit pattern", "[" + g1prefix + "]", sub1,
+ "[" + g2prefix + "]", sub2);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* tslint:enable */
+ if (!visited1[sub1]) { // implied && !visited2[sub2]
+ visited1[sub1] = visited2[sub2] = true;
+ stack.push({n1: n1, n2: n2});
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // check if have same # of sources then sort and push
+ let sources1 = g1.sources();
+ let sources2 = g2.sources();
+ if (sources1.length !== sources2.length) {
+ /* tslint:disable */
+ console.log("different source length");
+ /* tslint:enable */
+ return false;
+ }
+ sources1 = sortNodes(sources1, g1, g1prefix);
+ sources2 = sortNodes(sources2, g2, g2prefix);
+ for (let i = 0; i < sources1.length; i++) {
+ let different = stackPushIfNotDifferent(sources1[i], sources2[i]);
+ if (different) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ while (stack.length > 0) {
+ let cur = stack.pop();
+ // check node
+ let similar = isSimilarNode(g1.node(cur.n1), g2.node(cur.n2));
+ if (!similar) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // check if have same # of successors then sort and push
+ let succ1 = g1.successors(cur.n1), succ2 = g2.successors(cur.n2);
+ if (succ1.length !== succ2.length) {
+ /* tslint:disable */
+ console.log("# of successors mismatch", succ1, succ2);
+ /* tslint:enable */
+ return false;
+ }
+ succ1 = sortNodes(succ1, g1, g1prefix);
+ succ2 = sortNodes(succ2, g2, g2prefix);
+ for (let j = 0; j < succ1.length; j++) {
+ let different = stackPushIfNotDifferent(succ1[j], succ2[j]);
+ if (different) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ * Returns if two nodes have identical structure.
+ */
+ function isSimilarNode(n1: OpNode|Metanode|SeriesNode, n2: OpNode|Metanode|SeriesNode): boolean {
+ if (n1.type === NodeType.META) {
+ // compare metanode
+ let metanode1 = <Metanode> n1;
+ let metanode2 = <Metanode> n2;
+ return metanode1.templateId && metanode2.templateId && metanode1.templateId === metanode2.templateId;
+ } else if (n1.type === NodeType.OP && n2.type === NodeType.OP) {
+ // compare leaf node
+ return (<OpNode>n1).op === (<OpNode>n2).op;
+ } else if (n1.type === NodeType.SERIES && n2.type === NodeType.SERIES) {
+ // compare series node sizes and operations
+ // (only need to check one op as all op nodes are identical in series)
+ let seriesnode1 = <SeriesNode> n1;
+ let seriesnode2 = <SeriesNode> n2;
+ let seriesnode1Count = seriesnode1.metagraph.nodeCount();
+ return (seriesnode1Count === seriesnode2.metagraph.nodeCount() &&
+ (seriesnode1Count === 0 ||
+ ((<OpNode>seriesnode1.metagraph.node(seriesnode1.metagraph.nodes()[0])).op ===
+ (<OpNode>seriesnode2.metagraph.node(seriesnode2.metagraph.nodes()[0])).op)));
+ }
+ return false;