path: root/src/jumper/SkJumper_generated_win.S
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/jumper/SkJumper_generated_win.S')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/jumper/SkJumper_generated_win.S b/src/jumper/SkJumper_generated_win.S
index 33d209ea38..ebdd645410 100644
--- a/src/jumper/SkJumper_generated_win.S
+++ b/src/jumper/SkJumper_generated_win.S
@@ -26262,5 +26262,274 @@ ALIGN 16
DB 170 ; stos %al,%es:(%rdi)
DB 170 ; stos %al,%es:(%rdi)
DB 190,171,170,170,190 ; mov $0xbeaaaaab,%esi
+PUBLIC _sk_start_pipeline_ssse3_lowp
+_sk_start_pipeline_ssse3_lowp LABEL PROC
+ DB 65,87 ; push %r15
+ DB 65,86 ; push %r14
+ DB 65,85 ; push %r13
+ DB 65,84 ; push %r12
+ DB 86 ; push %rsi
+ DB 87 ; push %rdi
+ DB 85 ; push %rbp
+ DB 83 ; push %rbx
+ DB 72,129,236,168,0,0,0 ; sub $0xa8,%rsp
+ DB 68,15,41,188,36,144,0,0,0 ; movaps %xmm15,0x90(%rsp)
+ DB 68,15,41,180,36,128,0,0,0 ; movaps %xmm14,0x80(%rsp)
+ DB 68,15,41,108,36,112 ; movaps %xmm13,0x70(%rsp)
+ DB 68,15,41,100,36,96 ; movaps %xmm12,0x60(%rsp)
+ DB 68,15,41,92,36,80 ; movaps %xmm11,0x50(%rsp)
+ DB 68,15,41,84,36,64 ; movaps %xmm10,0x40(%rsp)
+ DB 68,15,41,76,36,48 ; movaps %xmm9,0x30(%rsp)
+ DB 68,15,41,68,36,32 ; movaps %xmm8,0x20(%rsp)
+ DB 15,41,124,36,16 ; movaps %xmm7,0x10(%rsp)
+ DB 15,41,52,36 ; movaps %xmm6,(%rsp)
+ DB 76,137,195 ; mov %r8,%rbx
+ DB 73,137,214 ; mov %rdx,%r14
+ DB 72,137,205 ; mov %rcx,%rbp
+ DB 76,139,188,36,16,1,0,0 ; mov 0x110(%rsp),%r15
+ DB 76,137,206 ; mov %r9,%rsi
+ DB 72,173 ; lods %ds:(%rsi),%rax
+ DB 73,137,196 ; mov %rax,%r12
+ DB 73,137,245 ; mov %rsi,%r13
+ DB 72,141,69,8 ; lea 0x8(%rbp),%rax
+ DB 72,57,216 ; cmp %rbx,%rax
+ DB 118,5 ; jbe 7c <_sk_start_pipeline_ssse3_lowp+0x7c>
+ DB 72,137,234 ; mov %rbp,%rdx
+ DB 235,61 ; jmp b9 <_sk_start_pipeline_ssse3_lowp+0xb9>
+ DB 65,184,0,0,0,0 ; mov $0x0,%r8d
+ DB 15,87,192 ; xorps %xmm0,%xmm0
+ DB 15,87,201 ; xorps %xmm1,%xmm1
+ DB 15,87,210 ; xorps %xmm2,%xmm2
+ DB 15,87,219 ; xorps %xmm3,%xmm3
+ DB 15,87,228 ; xorps %xmm4,%xmm4
+ DB 15,87,237 ; xorps %xmm5,%xmm5
+ DB 15,87,246 ; xorps %xmm6,%xmm6
+ DB 15,87,255 ; xorps %xmm7,%xmm7
+ DB 76,137,255 ; mov %r15,%rdi
+ DB 76,137,238 ; mov %r13,%rsi
+ DB 72,137,234 ; mov %rbp,%rdx
+ DB 76,137,241 ; mov %r14,%rcx
+ DB 65,255,212 ; callq *%r12
+ DB 72,141,85,8 ; lea 0x8(%rbp),%rdx
+ DB 72,131,197,16 ; add $0x10,%rbp
+ DB 72,57,221 ; cmp %rbx,%rbp
+ DB 72,137,213 ; mov %rdx,%rbp
+ DB 118,195 ; jbe 7c <_sk_start_pipeline_ssse3_lowp+0x7c>
+ DB 72,41,211 ; sub %rdx,%rbx
+ DB 116,39 ; je e5 <_sk_start_pipeline_ssse3_lowp+0xe5>
+ DB 15,87,192 ; xorps %xmm0,%xmm0
+ DB 15,87,201 ; xorps %xmm1,%xmm1
+ DB 15,87,210 ; xorps %xmm2,%xmm2
+ DB 15,87,219 ; xorps %xmm3,%xmm3
+ DB 15,87,228 ; xorps %xmm4,%xmm4
+ DB 15,87,237 ; xorps %xmm5,%xmm5
+ DB 15,87,246 ; xorps %xmm6,%xmm6
+ DB 15,87,255 ; xorps %xmm7,%xmm7
+ DB 76,137,255 ; mov %r15,%rdi
+ DB 76,137,238 ; mov %r13,%rsi
+ DB 76,137,241 ; mov %r14,%rcx
+ DB 73,137,216 ; mov %rbx,%r8
+ DB 65,255,212 ; callq *%r12
+ DB 15,40,52,36 ; movaps (%rsp),%xmm6
+ DB 15,40,124,36,16 ; movaps 0x10(%rsp),%xmm7
+ DB 68,15,40,68,36,32 ; movaps 0x20(%rsp),%xmm8
+ DB 68,15,40,76,36,48 ; movaps 0x30(%rsp),%xmm9
+ DB 68,15,40,84,36,64 ; movaps 0x40(%rsp),%xmm10
+ DB 68,15,40,92,36,80 ; movaps 0x50(%rsp),%xmm11
+ DB 68,15,40,100,36,96 ; movaps 0x60(%rsp),%xmm12
+ DB 68,15,40,108,36,112 ; movaps 0x70(%rsp),%xmm13
+ DB 68,15,40,180,36,128,0,0,0 ; movaps 0x80(%rsp),%xmm14
+ DB 68,15,40,188,36,144,0,0,0 ; movaps 0x90(%rsp),%xmm15
+ DB 72,129,196,168,0,0,0 ; add $0xa8,%rsp
+ DB 91 ; pop %rbx
+ DB 93 ; pop %rbp
+ DB 95 ; pop %rdi
+ DB 94 ; pop %rsi
+ DB 65,92 ; pop %r12
+ DB 65,93 ; pop %r13
+ DB 65,94 ; pop %r14
+ DB 65,95 ; pop %r15
+ DB 195 ; retq
+PUBLIC _sk_just_return_ssse3_lowp
+_sk_just_return_ssse3_lowp LABEL PROC
+ DB 195 ; retq
+PUBLIC _sk_load_8888_ssse3_lowp
+_sk_load_8888_ssse3_lowp LABEL PROC
+ DB 72,173 ; lods %ds:(%rsi),%rax
+ DB 76,139,24 ; mov (%rax),%r11
+ DB 77,133,192 ; test %r8,%r8
+ DB 117,120 ; jne 1bb <_sk_load_8888_ssse3_lowp+0x82>
+ DB 65,15,16,76,147,16 ; movups 0x10(%r11,%rdx,4),%xmm1
+ DB 65,15,16,4,147 ; movups (%r11,%rdx,4),%xmm0
+ DB 15,40,208 ; movaps %xmm0,%xmm2
+ DB 102,15,96,209 ; punpcklbw %xmm1,%xmm2
+ DB 102,15,104,193 ; punpckhbw %xmm1,%xmm0
+ DB 102,68,15,111,194 ; movdqa %xmm2,%xmm8
+ DB 102,68,15,96,192 ; punpcklbw %xmm0,%xmm8
+ DB 102,15,104,208 ; punpckhbw %xmm0,%xmm2
+ DB 102,69,15,111,200 ; movdqa %xmm8,%xmm9
+ DB 102,68,15,96,202 ; punpcklbw %xmm2,%xmm9
+ DB 102,68,15,104,194 ; punpckhbw %xmm2,%xmm8
+ DB 102,15,239,219 ; pxor %xmm3,%xmm3
+ DB 102,15,239,192 ; pxor %xmm0,%xmm0
+ DB 102,65,15,96,193 ; punpcklbw %xmm9,%xmm0
+ DB 102,15,239,201 ; pxor %xmm1,%xmm1
+ DB 102,65,15,104,201 ; punpckhbw %xmm9,%xmm1
+ DB 102,15,239,210 ; pxor %xmm2,%xmm2
+ DB 102,65,15,96,208 ; punpcklbw %xmm8,%xmm2
+ DB 102,65,15,104,216 ; punpckhbw %xmm8,%xmm3
+ DB 102,68,15,111,5,237,1,0,0 ; movdqa 0x1ed(%rip),%xmm8 # 390 <_sk_swap_rb_ssse3_lowp+0x1c>
+ DB 102,65,15,228,192 ; pmulhuw %xmm8,%xmm0
+ DB 102,65,15,228,200 ; pmulhuw %xmm8,%xmm1
+ DB 102,65,15,228,208 ; pmulhuw %xmm8,%xmm2
+ DB 102,65,15,228,216 ; pmulhuw %xmm8,%xmm3
+ DB 72,173 ; lods %ds:(%rsi),%rax
+ DB 255,224 ; jmpq *%rax
+ DB 69,137,193 ; mov %r8d,%r9d
+ DB 65,128,225,7 ; and $0x7,%r9b
+ DB 102,15,239,201 ; pxor %xmm1,%xmm1
+ DB 102,15,239,192 ; pxor %xmm0,%xmm0
+ DB 65,254,201 ; dec %r9b
+ DB 65,128,249,6 ; cmp $0x6,%r9b
+ DB 15,135,119,255,255,255 ; ja 14e <_sk_load_8888_ssse3_lowp+0x15>
+ DB 69,15,182,201 ; movzbl %r9b,%r9d
+ DB 76,141,21,118,0,0,0 ; lea 0x76(%rip),%r10 # 258 <_sk_load_8888_ssse3_lowp+0x11f>
+ DB 75,99,4,138 ; movslq (%r10,%r9,4),%rax
+ DB 76,1,208 ; add %r10,%rax
+ DB 255,224 ; jmpq *%rax
+ DB 102,65,15,110,68,147,24 ; movd 0x18(%r11,%rdx,4),%xmm0
+ DB 102,15,112,200,69 ; pshufd $0x45,%xmm0,%xmm1
+ DB 102,15,239,192 ; pxor %xmm0,%xmm0
+ DB 243,65,15,16,84,147,20 ; movss 0x14(%r11,%rdx,4),%xmm2
+ DB 15,198,209,0 ; shufps $0x0,%xmm1,%xmm2
+ DB 15,198,209,226 ; shufps $0xe2,%xmm1,%xmm2
+ DB 15,40,202 ; movaps %xmm2,%xmm1
+ DB 243,65,15,16,84,147,16 ; movss 0x10(%r11,%rdx,4),%xmm2
+ DB 243,15,16,202 ; movss %xmm2,%xmm1
+ DB 243,65,15,16,84,147,12 ; movss 0xc(%r11,%rdx,4),%xmm2
+ DB 15,198,208,32 ; shufps $0x20,%xmm0,%xmm2
+ DB 15,198,194,36 ; shufps $0x24,%xmm2,%xmm0
+ DB 243,65,15,16,84,147,8 ; movss 0x8(%r11,%rdx,4),%xmm2
+ DB 15,198,208,48 ; shufps $0x30,%xmm0,%xmm2
+ DB 15,198,194,132 ; shufps $0x84,%xmm2,%xmm0
+ DB 243,65,15,16,84,147,4 ; movss 0x4(%r11,%rdx,4),%xmm2
+ DB 15,198,208,0 ; shufps $0x0,%xmm0,%xmm2
+ DB 15,198,208,226 ; shufps $0xe2,%xmm0,%xmm2
+ DB 15,40,194 ; movaps %xmm2,%xmm0
+ DB 243,65,15,16,20,147 ; movss (%r11,%rdx,4),%xmm2
+ DB 243,15,16,194 ; movss %xmm2,%xmm0
+ DB 233,247,254,255,255 ; jmpq 14e <_sk_load_8888_ssse3_lowp+0x15>
+ DB 144 ; nop
+ DB 240,255 ; lock (bad)
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 222,255 ; fdivrp %st,%st(7)
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255,207 ; dec %edi
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255,192 ; inc %eax
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255,181,255,255,255,163 ; pushq -0x5c000001(%rbp)
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255 ; .byte 0xff
+ DB 147 ; xchg %eax,%ebx
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255 ; .byte 0xff
+PUBLIC _sk_store_8888_ssse3_lowp
+_sk_store_8888_ssse3_lowp LABEL PROC
+ DB 72,173 ; lods %ds:(%rsi),%rax
+ DB 76,139,24 ; mov (%rax),%r11
+ DB 102,68,15,111,208 ; movdqa %xmm0,%xmm10
+ DB 102,65,15,113,210,7 ; psrlw $0x7,%xmm10
+ DB 102,68,15,111,194 ; movdqa %xmm2,%xmm8
+ DB 102,65,15,113,208,7 ; psrlw $0x7,%xmm8
+ DB 102,69,15,103,208 ; packuswb %xmm8,%xmm10
+ DB 102,68,15,111,193 ; movdqa %xmm1,%xmm8
+ DB 102,65,15,113,208,7 ; psrlw $0x7,%xmm8
+ DB 102,68,15,111,203 ; movdqa %xmm3,%xmm9
+ DB 102,65,15,113,209,7 ; psrlw $0x7,%xmm9
+ DB 102,69,15,103,193 ; packuswb %xmm9,%xmm8
+ DB 102,69,15,111,202 ; movdqa %xmm10,%xmm9
+ DB 102,69,15,96,200 ; punpcklbw %xmm8,%xmm9
+ DB 102,69,15,104,208 ; punpckhbw %xmm8,%xmm10
+ DB 102,69,15,111,193 ; movdqa %xmm9,%xmm8
+ DB 102,69,15,97,194 ; punpcklwd %xmm10,%xmm8
+ DB 102,69,15,105,202 ; punpckhwd %xmm10,%xmm9
+ DB 77,133,192 ; test %r8,%r8
+ DB 117,17 ; jne 2e3 <_sk_store_8888_ssse3_lowp+0x6f>
+ DB 243,69,15,127,76,147,16 ; movdqu %xmm9,0x10(%r11,%rdx,4)
+ DB 243,69,15,127,4,147 ; movdqu %xmm8,(%r11,%rdx,4)
+ DB 72,173 ; lods %ds:(%rsi),%rax
+ DB 255,224 ; jmpq *%rax
+ DB 69,137,193 ; mov %r8d,%r9d
+ DB 65,128,225,7 ; and $0x7,%r9b
+ DB 65,254,201 ; dec %r9b
+ DB 65,128,249,6 ; cmp $0x6,%r9b
+ DB 119,236 ; ja 2df <_sk_store_8888_ssse3_lowp+0x6b>
+ DB 69,15,182,201 ; movzbl %r9b,%r9d
+ DB 76,141,21,90,0,0,0 ; lea 0x5a(%rip),%r10 # 358 <_sk_store_8888_ssse3_lowp+0xe4>
+ DB 75,99,4,138 ; movslq (%r10,%r9,4),%rax
+ DB 76,1,208 ; add %r10,%rax
+ DB 255,224 ; jmpq *%rax
+ DB 102,69,15,112,209,78 ; pshufd $0x4e,%xmm9,%xmm10
+ DB 102,69,15,126,84,147,24 ; movd %xmm10,0x18(%r11,%rdx,4)
+ DB 102,69,15,112,209,229 ; pshufd $0xe5,%xmm9,%xmm10
+ DB 102,69,15,126,84,147,20 ; movd %xmm10,0x14(%r11,%rdx,4)
+ DB 102,69,15,126,76,147,16 ; movd %xmm9,0x10(%r11,%rdx,4)
+ DB 102,69,15,112,200,231 ; pshufd $0xe7,%xmm8,%xmm9
+ DB 102,69,15,126,76,147,12 ; movd %xmm9,0xc(%r11,%rdx,4)
+ DB 102,69,15,112,200,78 ; pshufd $0x4e,%xmm8,%xmm9
+ DB 102,69,15,126,76,147,8 ; movd %xmm9,0x8(%r11,%rdx,4)
+ DB 102,69,15,112,200,229 ; pshufd $0xe5,%xmm8,%xmm9
+ DB 102,69,15,126,76,147,4 ; movd %xmm9,0x4(%r11,%rdx,4)
+ DB 102,69,15,126,4,147 ; movd %xmm8,(%r11,%rdx,4)
+ DB 235,136 ; jmp 2df <_sk_store_8888_ssse3_lowp+0x6b>
+ DB 144 ; nop
+ DB 247,255 ; idiv %edi
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 234 ; (bad)
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 221,255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255,208 ; callq *%rax
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255,201 ; dec %ecx
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 188,255,255,255,175 ; mov $0xafffffff,%esp
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255 ; (bad)
+ DB 255 ; .byte 0xff
+PUBLIC _sk_swap_rb_ssse3_lowp
+_sk_swap_rb_ssse3_lowp LABEL PROC
+ DB 68,15,40,192 ; movaps %xmm0,%xmm8
+ DB 72,173 ; lods %ds:(%rsi),%rax
+ DB 15,40,194 ; movaps %xmm2,%xmm0
+ DB 65,15,40,208 ; movaps %xmm8,%xmm2
+ DB 255,224 ; jmpq *%rax
+ DB 129,128,129,128,129,128,129,128,129,128; addl $0x80818081,-0x7f7e7f7f(%rax)
+ DB 129 ; .byte 0x81
+ DB 128 ; .byte 0x80
+ DB 129 ; .byte 0x81
+ DB 128 ; .byte 0x80
+ DB 129 ; .byte 0x81
+ DB 128 ; .byte 0x80