path: root/libs/graphics/sgl/SkBitmapShader.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'libs/graphics/sgl/SkBitmapShader.cpp')
1 files changed, 476 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/graphics/sgl/SkBitmapShader.cpp b/libs/graphics/sgl/SkBitmapShader.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b70f8bb587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/graphics/sgl/SkBitmapShader.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+#include "SkBitmapShader.h"
+#include "SkBitmapSampler.h"
+static SkFixed find_mip_level(SkFixed dx, SkFixed dy)
+ dx = SkAbs32(dx);
+ dy = SkAbs32(dy);
+ if (dx < dy)
+ dx = dy;
+ if (dx < SK_Fixed1)
+ return 0;
+ int clz = SkCLZ(dx);
+ SkASSERT(clz >= 1 && clz <= 15);
+ return SkIntToFixed(15 - clz) + ((unsigned)(dx << (clz + 1)) >> 16);
+SkBitmapShader::SkBitmapShader(const SkBitmap& src,
+ bool transferOwnershipOfPixels,
+ SkPaint::FilterType filterType,
+ TileMode tmx, TileMode tmy)
+ :
+ fMipLevel(0), fMipSrcBitmap(src),
+ fOrigSrcBitmap(src)
+ if (transferOwnershipOfPixels)
+ {
+ fOrigSrcBitmap.setOwnsPixels(src.getOwnsPixels());
+ ((SkBitmap*)&src)->setOwnsPixels(false);
+ // do the same for mipmap ownership???
+ }
+ fFilterType = SkToU8(filterType);
+ fTileModeX = SkToU8(tmx);
+ fTileModeY = SkToU8(tmy);
+bool SkBitmapShader::setContext(const SkBitmap& device, const SkPaint& paint, const SkMatrix& matrix)
+ // do this first, so we have a correct inverse matrix
+ if (!this->INHERITED::setContext(device, paint, matrix))
+ return false;
+ uint32_t flags = fOrigSrcBitmap.isOpaque() ? kOpaqueAlpha_Flag : 0;
+ if (flags == kOpaqueAlpha_Flag && paint.getAlpha() != 0xFF)
+ flags = kConstAlpha_Flag;
+ fFlags = SkToU8(flags);
+ if (fOrigSrcBitmap.countMipLevels())
+ {
+ const SkMatrix& inv = this->getTotalInverse();
+ fMipLevel = SkMin32(find_mip_level( SkScalarToFixed(inv.getScaleX()),
+ SkScalarToFixed(inv.getSkewY())),
+ SkIntToFixed(fOrigSrcBitmap.countMipLevels() - 1));
+// SkDEBUGF(("BitmapShader miplevel=%x\n", fMipLevel));
+ const SkBitmap::MipLevel* mm = fOrigSrcBitmap.getMipLevel(fMipLevel >> 16);
+ fMipSrcBitmap.setConfig(fOrigSrcBitmap.getConfig(),
+ mm->fWidth,
+ mm->fHeight,
+ mm->fRowBytes);
+ fMipSrcBitmap.setPixels(mm->fPixels);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fMipLevel = 0;
+ fMipSrcBitmap = fOrigSrcBitmap;
+ }
+ return true;
+#include "SkColorPriv.h"
+#include "SkBitmapSampler.h"
+class Sampler_BitmapShader : public SkBitmapShader {
+ Sampler_BitmapShader(const SkBitmap& src,
+ bool transferOwnershipOfPixels,
+ SkPaint::FilterType ftype,
+ TileMode tmx, TileMode tmy)
+ : SkBitmapShader(src, transferOwnershipOfPixels, ftype, tmx, tmy)
+ {
+ // make sure to pass our copy of the src bitmap to the sampler, and not the
+ // original parameter (which might go away).
+ fSampler = NULL;
+ }
+ virtual ~Sampler_BitmapShader()
+ {
+ SkDELETE(fSampler);
+ }
+ virtual bool setContext(const SkBitmap& device, const SkPaint& paint, const SkMatrix& matrix)
+ {
+ if (this->INHERITED::setContext(device, paint, matrix))
+ {
+ SkDELETE(fSampler);
+ fSampler = SkBitmapSampler::Create(this->getSrcBitmap(), this->getFilterType(),
+ this->getTileModeX(), this->getTileModeY());
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual void shadeSpan(int x, int y, SkPMColor dstC[], int count)
+ {
+ unsigned scale = SkAlpha255To256(this->getPaintAlpha());
+ const SkMatrix& inv = this->getTotalInverse();
+ SkMatrix::MapPtProc proc = this->getInverseMapPtProc();
+ SkBitmapSampler* sampler = fSampler;
+ MatrixClass mc = this->getInverseClass();
+ SkPoint srcPt;
+ if (mc != kPerspective_MatrixClass)
+ {
+ proc(inv, SkIntToScalar(x), SkIntToScalar(y), &srcPt);
+ SkFixed fx = SkScalarToFixed(srcPt.fX);
+ SkFixed fy = SkScalarToFixed(srcPt.fY);
+ SkFixed dx, dy;
+ if (mc == kLinear_MatrixClass)
+ {
+ dx = SkScalarToFixed(inv.getScaleX());
+ dy = SkScalarToFixed(inv.getSkewY());
+ }
+ else
+ (void)inv.fixedStepInX(SkIntToScalar(y), &dx, &dy);
+#if defined(SK_SUPPORT_MIPMAP)
+ { int level = this->getMipLevel() >> 16;
+ fx >>= level;
+ fy >>= level;
+ dx >>= level;
+ dy >>= level;
+ }
+ if (scale == 256)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ dstC[i] = sampler->sample(fx, fy);
+ fx += dx;
+ fy += dy;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ uint32_t c = sampler->sample(fx, fy);
+ dstC[i] = SkAlphaMulQ(c, scale);
+ fx += dx;
+ fy += dy;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SkScalar dstX = SkIntToScalar(x);
+ SkScalar dstY = SkIntToScalar(y);
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ proc(inv, dstX, dstY, &srcPt);
+ uint32_t c = sampler->sample(SkScalarToFixed(srcPt.fX), SkScalarToFixed(srcPt.fY));
+ if (scale != 256)
+ c = SkAlphaMulQ(c, scale);
+ dstC[i] = c;
+ dstX += SK_Scalar1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const SkMatrix& getUnitInverse() const { return fUnitInverse; }
+ SkMatrix::MapPtProc getUnitInverseProc() const { return fUnitInverseProc; }
+ /* takes computed inverse (from setContext) and computes fUnitInverse,
+ taking srcBitmap width/height into account, so that fUnitInverse
+ walks 0...1, allowing the tile modes to all operate in a fast 16bit
+ space (no need for mod). The resulting coords need to be scaled by
+ width/height to get back into src space (coord * width >> 16).
+ */
+ void computeUnitInverse()
+ {
+ const SkBitmap& src = getSrcBitmap();
+ fUnitInverse = this->getTotalInverse();
+ fUnitInverse.postScale(SK_Scalar1 / src.width(), SK_Scalar1 / src.height(), 0, 0);
+ fUnitInverseProc = fUnitInverse.getMapPtProc();
+ }
+ SkBitmapSampler* fSampler;
+ SkMatrix fUnitInverse;
+ SkMatrix::MapPtProc fUnitInverseProc;
+ typedef SkBitmapShader INHERITED;
+class HasSpan16_Sampler_BitmapShader : public Sampler_BitmapShader {
+ HasSpan16_Sampler_BitmapShader(const SkBitmap& src, bool transferOwnershipOfPixels,
+ SkPaint::FilterType ft, TileMode tmx, TileMode tmy)
+ : Sampler_BitmapShader(src, transferOwnershipOfPixels, ft, tmx, tmy)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual uint32_t getFlags()
+ {
+ uint32_t flags = this->INHERITED::getFlags();
+ if (this->getPaintAlpha() == 0xFF && this->getInverseClass() != kPerspective_MatrixClass)
+ flags |= SkShader::kHasSpan16_Flag;
+ else
+ flags &= ~SkShader::kHasSpan16_Flag;
+ return flags;
+ }
+ typedef Sampler_BitmapShader INHERITED;
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_CLASS Index8_NoFilter_ClampTile_BitmapShader
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_TILEMODE SkShader::kClamp_TileMode
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_TILEPROC(x, max) SkClampMax((x >> 16), max)
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_X(p, x) colors32[p[x]]
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_XY(p, x, y, rb) colors32[p[x + y * rb]]
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_PREAMBLE(bitmap, rb) const SkPMColor* colors32 = bitmap.getColorTable()->lockColors()
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_POSTAMBLE(bitmap) bitmap.getColorTable()->unlockColors(false)
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_X16(p, x) colors16[p[x]]
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_XY16(p, x, y, rb) colors16[p[x + y * rb]]
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_PREAMBLE16(bitmap, rb) const uint16_t* colors16 = bitmap.getColorTable()->lock16BitCache()
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_POSTAMBLE16(bitmap) bitmap.getColorTable()->unlock16BitCache()
+#include "SkBitmapShaderTemplate.h"
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_CLASS Index8_NoFilter_RepeatTile_BitmapShader
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_TILEMODE SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_TILEPROC(x, max) (fixed_repeat(x) * (max + 1) >> 16)
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_X(p, x) colors32[p[x]]
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_XY(p, x, y, rb) colors32[p[x + y * rb]]
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_PREAMBLE(bitmap, rb) const SkPMColor* colors32 = bitmap.getColorTable()->lockColors()
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_POSTAMBLE(bitmap) bitmap.getColorTable()->unlockColors(false)
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_X16(p, x) colors16[p[x]]
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_XY16(p, x, y, rb) colors16[p[x + y * rb]]
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_PREAMBLE16(bitmap, rb) const uint16_t* colors16 = bitmap.getColorTable()->lock16BitCache()
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_POSTAMBLE16(bitmap) bitmap.getColorTable()->unlock16BitCache()
+#include "SkBitmapShaderTemplate.h"
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_CLASS U16_NoFilter_ClampTile_BitmapShader
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_TILEMODE SkShader::kClamp_TileMode
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_TILEPROC(x, max) SkClampMax((x >> 16), max)
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_X(p, x) SkPixel16ToPixel32(p[x])
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_XY(p, x, y, rb) SkPixel16ToPixel32(*(const uint16_t*)((const char*)p + y * rb + (x << 1)))
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_XY16(p, x, y, rb) *(const uint16_t*)((const char*)p + y * rb + (x << 1))
+#include "SkBitmapShaderTemplate.h"
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_CLASS U16_NoFilter_RepeatTile_BitmapShader
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_TILEMODE SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_TILEPROC(x, max) (fixed_repeat(x) * (max + 1) >> 16)
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_X(p, x) SkPixel16ToPixel32(p[x])
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_XY(p, x, y, rb) SkPixel16ToPixel32(*(const uint16_t*)((const char*)p + y * rb + (x << 1)))
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_XY16(p, x, y, rb) *(const uint16_t*)((const char*)p + y * rb + (x << 1))
+#include "SkBitmapShaderTemplate.h"
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_CLASS U32_NoFilter_ClampTile_BitmapShader
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_TILEMODE SkShader::kClamp_TileMode
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_TILEPROC(x, max) SkClampMax((x >> 16), max)
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_XY(p, x, y, rb) *(const uint32_t*)((const char*)p + y * rb + (x << 2))
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_X16(p, x) SkPixel32ToPixel16_ToU16(p[x])
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_XY16(p, x, y, rb) SkPixel32ToPixel16_ToU16(*(const uint32_t*)((const char*)p + y * rb + (x << 2)))
+#include "SkBitmapShaderTemplate.h"
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_CLASS U32_NoFilter_RepeatTile_BitmapShader
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_TILEMODE SkShader::kRepeat_TileMode
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_TILEPROC(x, max) (fixed_repeat(x) * (max + 1) >> 16)
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_XY(p, x, y, rb) *(const uint32_t*)((const char*)p + y * rb + (x << 2))
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_X16(p, x) SkPixel32ToPixel16_ToU16(p[x])
+#define NOFILTER_BITMAP_SHADER_SAMPLE_XY16(p, x, y, rb) SkPixel32ToPixel16_ToU16(*(const uint32_t*)((const char*)p + y * rb + (x << 2)))
+#include "SkBitmapShaderTemplate.h"
+#define Pack4Bytes(c00, c01, c10, c11) (((c00) << 24) | ((c01) << 16) | ((c10) << 8) | (c11))
+/* Each long stores 4 coefficients, each in a byte.
+ coeff >> 24 -> [0][0]
+ coeff >> 16 -> [0][1]
+ coeff >> 8 -> [1][0]
+ coeff >> 0 -> [1][1]
+static const uint32_t gBilerpPackedCoeff[] = {
+ /* y == 0 */
+ Pack4Bytes(16, 0, 0, 0), // x == 0
+ Pack4Bytes(12, 4, 0, 0), // x == 1/4
+ Pack4Bytes( 8, 8, 0, 0), // x == 1/2
+ Pack4Bytes( 4, 12, 0, 0), // x == 3/4
+ /* y == 1/4 */
+ Pack4Bytes(12, 0, 4, 0),
+ Pack4Bytes( 9, 3, 3, 1),
+ Pack4Bytes( 6, 6, 2, 2),
+ Pack4Bytes( 3, 9, 1, 3),
+ /* y == 1/2 */
+ Pack4Bytes( 8, 0, 8, 0),
+ Pack4Bytes( 6, 2, 6, 2),
+ Pack4Bytes( 4, 4, 4, 4),
+ Pack4Bytes( 2, 6, 2, 6),
+ /* y == 3/4 */
+ Pack4Bytes( 4, 0, 12, 0),
+ Pack4Bytes( 3, 1, 9, 3),
+ Pack4Bytes( 2, 2, 6, 6),
+ Pack4Bytes( 1, 3, 3, 9)
+// extract the high two bits in the fractional part of the fixed
+#define SK_BILERP_GET_BITS(x) (((x) >> 14) & 3)
+static inline uint32_t sk_find_bilerp_coeff(const uint32_t coeff[], SkFixed fx, SkFixed fy)
+#ifdef SK_DEBUG
+ uint32_t c = coeff[(SK_BILERP_GET_BITS(fy) << 2) | SK_BILERP_GET_BITS(fx)];
+ SkASSERT((c >> 24) + ((c >> 16) & 0xFF) + ((c >> 8) & 0xFF) + (c & 0xFF) == 16);
+ return coeff[(SK_BILERP_GET_BITS(fy) << 2) | SK_BILERP_GET_BITS(fx)];
+static inline uint32_t expand_rgb_16(U16CPU c, U16CPU rbMask)
+ return ((c & SK_G16_MASK_IN_PLACE) << 16) | (c & rbMask);
+static inline U16CPU compact_rgb_16(uint32_t c, U16CPU rbMask)
+ return ((c >> 16) & SK_G16_MASK_IN_PLACE) | (c & rbMask);
+static inline U16CPU sk_bilerp16(U16CPU c00, U16CPU c01, U16CPU c10, U16CPU c11, uint32_t coeff, U16CPU rbMask)
+// U16CPU rbMask = SK_R16B16_MASK_IN_PLACE;
+ c00 = expand_rgb_16(c00, rbMask) * (coeff >> 24) +
+ expand_rgb_16(c01, rbMask) * ((coeff >> 16) & 0xFF) +
+ expand_rgb_16(c10, rbMask) * ((coeff >> 8) & 0xFF) +
+ expand_rgb_16(c11, rbMask) * (coeff & 0xFF);
+ return compact_rgb_16(c00 >> 4, rbMask);
+// this wacky line is to force the compiler to put this contant into a register
+// rather than try to construct it each time it is referenced in the inner-loop
+extern const uint16_t gRBMask_Bilerp_BitmapShader;
+#define BILERP_BITMAP16_SHADER_CLASS U16_Bilerp_BitmapShader
+#define BILERP_BITMAP16_SHADER_TYPE uint16_t
+#include "SkBitmapShader16BilerpTemplate.h"
+#define BILERP_BITMAP16_SHADER_CLASS Index8_Bilerp_BitmapShader
+#define BILERP_BITMAP16_SHADER_TYPE uint8_t
+#define BILERP_BITMAP16_SHADER_PREAMBLE(bm) SkColorTable* ctable = (bm).getColorTable(); const uint16_t* colors16 = ctable->lock16BitCache()
+#define BILERP_BITMAP16_SHADER_PIXEL(c) colors16[c]
+#define BILERP_BITMAP16_SHADER_POSTAMBLE(bm) ctable->unlock16BitCache()
+#include "SkBitmapShader16BilerpTemplate.h"
+// we define it below all the includes, so they won't try to inline the value
+// (which doesn't fit in an immediate register load)
+const uint16_t gRBMask_Bilerp_BitmapShader = SK_R16B16_MASK_IN_PLACE;
+#include "SkTemplatesPriv.h"
+SkShader* SkShader::CreateBitmapShader(const SkBitmap& src,
+ bool transferOwnershipOfPixels,
+ SkPaint::FilterType filterType,
+ TileMode tmx, TileMode tmy,
+ void* storage, size_t storageSize)
+ SkShader* shader = NULL;
+ if (filterType == SkPaint::kNo_FilterType)
+ {
+ switch (src.getConfig()) {
+ case SkBitmap::kIndex8_Config:
+ if (kClamp_TileMode == tmx && kClamp_TileMode == tmy)
+ SK_PLACEMENT_NEW_ARGS(shader, Index8_NoFilter_ClampTile_BitmapShader, storage, storageSize, (src, transferOwnershipOfPixels));
+ else if (kRepeat_TileMode == tmx && kRepeat_TileMode == tmy)
+ SK_PLACEMENT_NEW_ARGS(shader, Index8_NoFilter_RepeatTile_BitmapShader, storage, storageSize, (src, transferOwnershipOfPixels));
+ break;
+ case SkBitmap::kRGB_565_Config:
+ if (kClamp_TileMode == tmx && kClamp_TileMode == tmy)
+ SK_PLACEMENT_NEW_ARGS(shader, U16_NoFilter_ClampTile_BitmapShader, storage, storageSize, (src, transferOwnershipOfPixels));
+ else if (kRepeat_TileMode == tmx && kRepeat_TileMode == tmy)
+ SK_PLACEMENT_NEW_ARGS(shader, U16_NoFilter_RepeatTile_BitmapShader, storage, storageSize, (src, transferOwnershipOfPixels));
+ break;
+ case SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config:
+ if (kClamp_TileMode == tmx && kClamp_TileMode == tmy)
+ SK_PLACEMENT_NEW_ARGS(shader, U32_NoFilter_ClampTile_BitmapShader, storage, storageSize, (src, transferOwnershipOfPixels));
+ else if (kRepeat_TileMode == tmx && kRepeat_TileMode == tmy)
+ SK_PLACEMENT_NEW_ARGS(shader, U32_NoFilter_RepeatTile_BitmapShader, storage, storageSize, (src, transferOwnershipOfPixels));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (filterType == SkPaint::kBilinear_FilterType
+ && kClamp_TileMode == tmx
+ && kClamp_TileMode == tmy)
+ {
+ switch (src.getConfig()) {
+ case SkBitmap::kIndex8_Config:
+ SK_PLACEMENT_NEW_ARGS(shader, Index8_Bilerp_BitmapShader, storage, storageSize, (src, transferOwnershipOfPixels));
+ break;
+ case SkBitmap::kRGB_565_Config:
+ SK_PLACEMENT_NEW_ARGS(shader, U16_Bilerp_BitmapShader, storage, storageSize, (src, transferOwnershipOfPixels));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // if shader is null, then none of the special cases could handle the request
+ // so fall through to our slow-general case
+ if (shader == NULL)
+ SK_PLACEMENT_NEW_ARGS(shader, Sampler_BitmapShader, storage, storageSize,
+ (src, transferOwnershipOfPixels, filterType, tmx, tmy));
+ return shader;
+SkShader* SkShader::CreateBitmapShader(const SkBitmap& src,
+ bool transferOwnershipOfPixels,
+ SkPaint::FilterType filterType,
+ TileMode tmx, TileMode tmy)
+ return SkShader::CreateBitmapShader(src, transferOwnershipOfPixels, filterType, tmx, tmy, NULL, 0);