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2 files changed, 21 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/Crypto.hs b/Crypto.hs
index e530bd0e6..58c0e6d00 100644
--- a/Crypto.hs
+++ b/Crypto.hs
@@ -10,13 +10,12 @@
module Crypto (
+ KeyIds(..),
- storeCipher,
- extractCipher,
@@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ module Crypto (
) where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
-import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8 (fromString)
import Data.Digest.Pure.SHA
import Control.Applicative
@@ -36,8 +34,6 @@ import Control.Applicative
import Common.Annex
import qualified Utility.Gpg as Gpg
import Types.Key
-import Types.Remote
-import Utility.Base64
import Types.Crypto
{- The first half of a Cipher is used for HMAC; the remainder
@@ -90,24 +86,6 @@ describeCipher (EncryptedCipher _ (KeyIds ks)) =
keys [_] = "key"
keys _ = "keys"
-{- Stores an StorableCipher in a remote's configuration. -}
-storeCipher :: RemoteConfig -> StorableCipher -> RemoteConfig
-storeCipher c (SharedCipher t) = M.insert "cipher" (toB64 t) c
-storeCipher c (EncryptedCipher t ks) =
- M.insert "cipher" (toB64 t) $ M.insert "cipherkeys" (showkeys ks) c
- where
- showkeys (KeyIds l) = join "," l
-{- Extracts an StorableCipher from a remote's configuration. -}
-extractCipher :: RemoteConfig -> Maybe StorableCipher
-extractCipher c =
- case (M.lookup "cipher" c, M.lookup "cipherkeys" c) of
- (Just t, Just ks) -> Just $ EncryptedCipher (fromB64 t) (readkeys ks)
- (Just t, Nothing) -> Just $ SharedCipher (fromB64 t)
- _ -> Nothing
- where
- readkeys = KeyIds . split ","
{- Encrypts a Cipher to the specified KeyIds. -}
encryptCipher :: Cipher -> KeyIds -> IO StorableCipher
encryptCipher (Cipher c) (KeyIds ks) = do
@@ -160,7 +138,7 @@ withDecryptedContent = pass withDecryptedHandle
pass :: (Cipher -> IO L.ByteString -> (Handle -> IO a) -> IO a)
-> Cipher -> IO L.ByteString -> (L.ByteString -> IO a) -> IO a
-pass to c i a = to c i $ \h -> a =<< L.hGetContents h
+pass to n s a = to n s $ \h -> a =<< L.hGetContents h
hmacWithCipher :: Cipher -> String -> String
hmacWithCipher c = hmacWithCipher' (cipherHmac c)
diff --git a/Remote/Helper/Encryptable.hs b/Remote/Helper/Encryptable.hs
index a44e6e453..789a1d996 100644
--- a/Remote/Helper/Encryptable.hs
+++ b/Remote/Helper/Encryptable.hs
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Types.Remote
import Crypto
import qualified Annex
import Config
+import Utility.Base64
{- Encryption setup for a remote. The user must specify whether to use
- an encryption key, or not encrypt. An encrypted cipher is created, or is
@@ -93,3 +94,21 @@ cipherKey Nothing _ = return Nothing
cipherKey (Just c) k = maybe Nothing encrypt <$> remoteCipher c
encrypt ciphertext = Just (ciphertext, encryptKey ciphertext k)
+{- Stores an StorableCipher in a remote's configuration. -}
+storeCipher :: RemoteConfig -> StorableCipher -> RemoteConfig
+storeCipher c (SharedCipher t) = M.insert "cipher" (toB64 t) c
+storeCipher c (EncryptedCipher t ks) =
+ M.insert "cipher" (toB64 t) $ M.insert "cipherkeys" (showkeys ks) c
+ where
+ showkeys (KeyIds l) = join "," l
+{- Extracts an StorableCipher from a remote's configuration. -}
+extractCipher :: RemoteConfig -> Maybe StorableCipher
+extractCipher c =
+ case (M.lookup "cipher" c, M.lookup "cipherkeys" c) of
+ (Just t, Just ks) -> Just $ EncryptedCipher (fromB64 t) (readkeys ks)
+ (Just t, Nothing) -> Just $ SharedCipher (fromB64 t)
+ _ -> Nothing
+ where
+ readkeys = KeyIds . split ","