diff options
5 files changed, 180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/bugs/External_special_remote_SETURLPRESENT_doesn__39__t_seem_to_work.mdwn b/doc/bugs/External_special_remote_SETURLPRESENT_doesn__39__t_seem_to_work.mdwn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..186382fc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/bugs/External_special_remote_SETURLPRESENT_doesn__39__t_seem_to_work.mdwn
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+### Please describe the problem.
+In the external special remote protocol, SETURLPRESENT (and SETURIPRESENT) doesn't seem to work. My expectation is that it will add a public URL for a file, as with `git annex addurl`, so that clones can retrieve it without enabling the special remote. Instead, the specified URL doesn't show up under `git annex whereis` and isn't used when fetching the file in a clone. Am I misunderstanding how SETURLPRESENT is supposed to work?
+### What steps will reproduce the problem?
+See transcript below. I'm seeing this with [gcsannex](https://github.com/bgilbert/gcsannex), my external special remote.
+### What version of git-annex are you using? On what operating system?
+5.20150809-ga52b65a on Fedora 22 x86_64.
+### Please provide any additional information below.
+[[!format sh """
+# First, set up git-annex repository
+$ mkdir t
+$ cd t
+$ git init
+Initialized empty Git repository in /home/bgilbert/tmp/t/.git/
+$ git annex init
+init ok
+(recording state in git...)
+$ cp ~/sample.jpg .
+$ git annex add sample.jpg
+add sample.jpg ok
+(recording state in git...)
+$ git commit -m 'sample'
+[master (root-commit) 692e208] sample
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+ create mode 120000 sample.jpg
+$ GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=../credentials.json git annex initremote test1 type=external externaltype=gcs encryption=none project=my-project public=yes
+initremote test1 ok
+(recording state in git...)
+# Copy file to special remote. Note the SETURLPRESENT.
+$ git annex whereis sample.jpg
+whereis sample.jpg (1 copy)
+ d2ed9d95-3005-40cc-a743-227c38e0242a -- bgilbert@trumpeter:~/tmp/t [here]
+$ git annex copy -t test1 sample.jpg --debug
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] read: git ["--git-dir=.git","--work-tree=.","--literal-pathspecs","show-ref","git-annex"]
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] read: git ["--git-dir=.git","--work-tree=.","--literal-pathspecs","show-ref","--hash","refs/heads/git-annex"]
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] read: git ["--git-dir=.git","--work-tree=.","--literal-pathspecs","log","refs/heads/git-annex..a2e464a88d86394ef071cdc1af3f36856b91b0e1","-n1","--pretty=%H"]
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] chat: git ["--git-dir=.git","--work-tree=.","--literal-pathspecs","cat-file","--batch"]
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] read: git ["--git-dir=.git","--work-tree=.","--literal-pathspecs","ls-files","--cached","-z","--","sample.jpg"]
+copy sample.jpg [2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] chat: git-annex-remote-gcs []
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs --> VERSION 1
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs <-- PREPARE
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs --> GETUUID
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs <-- VALUE e49a874a-5480-4e48-aa51-c6e34ee5991c
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs --> GETCONFIG project
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs <-- VALUE my-project
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs --> GETCONFIG location
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs <-- VALUE
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs --> GETCONFIG storageclass
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs <-- VALUE
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs --> GETCONFIG name
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs <-- VALUE test1
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs --> GETCONFIG bucket
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs <-- VALUE
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs --> GETCONFIG public
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs <-- VALUE yes
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs --> GETCONFIG fileprefix
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs <-- VALUE
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs --> GETCONFIG encryption
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs <-- VALUE none
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs --> GETCREDS e49a874a-5480-4e48-aa51-c6e34ee5991c-creds-v1
+[2015-08-09 19:20:28 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs <-- CREDS [elided]
+[2015-08-09 19:20:29 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs --> PREPARE-SUCCESS
+[2015-08-09 19:20:29 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs <-- CHECKPRESENT SHA256E-s380682--"0494a188e8cb9feda674b983dc294b7992512fe56fadd040708d22b388d3c38d".jpg
+[2015-08-09 19:20:30 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs --> SETURLMISSING SHA256E-s380682--"0494a188e8cb9feda674b983dc294b7992512fe56fadd040708d22b388d3c38d".jpg https://storage-download.googleapis.com/test1-e49a874a-5480-4e48-aa51-c6e34ee5991c/SHA256E-s380682--"0494a188e8cb9feda674b983dc294b7992512fe56fadd040708d22b388d3c38d".jpg
+[2015-08-09 19:20:30 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs --> CHECKPRESENT-FAILURE SHA256E-s380682--"0494a188e8cb9feda674b983dc294b7992512fe56fadd040708d22b388d3c38d".jpg
+(to test1...)
+[2015-08-09 19:20:30 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs <-- TRANSFER STORE SHA256E-s380682--"0494a188e8cb9feda674b983dc294b7992512fe56fadd040708d22b388d3c38d".jpg .git/annex/objects/K2/7X/SHA256E-s380682--"0494a188e8cb9feda674b983dc294b7992512fe56fadd040708d22b388d3c38d".jpg/SHA256E-s380682--"0494a188e8cb9feda674b983dc294b7992512fe56fadd040708d22b388d3c38d".jpg
+[2015-08-09 19:20:32 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs --> SETURLPRESENT SHA256E-s380682--"0494a188e8cb9feda674b983dc294b7992512fe56fadd040708d22b388d3c38d".jpg https://storage-download.googleapis.com/test1-e49a874a-5480-4e48-aa51-c6e34ee5991c/SHA256E-s380682--"0494a188e8cb9feda674b983dc294b7992512fe56fadd040708d22b388d3c38d".jpg
+[2015-08-09 19:20:32 EDT] git-annex-remote-gcs --> TRANSFER-SUCCESS STORE SHA256E-s380682--"0494a188e8cb9feda674b983dc294b7992512fe56fadd040708d22b388d3c38d".jpg
+[2015-08-09 19:20:32 EDT] chat: git ["--git-dir=.git","--work-tree=.","--literal-pathspecs","hash-object","-w","--stdin-paths","--no-filters"]
+[2015-08-09 19:20:32 EDT] feed: git ["--git-dir=.git","--work-tree=.","--literal-pathspecs","update-index","-z","--index-info"]
+[2015-08-09 19:20:32 EDT] read: git ["--git-dir=.git","--work-tree=.","--literal-pathspecs","show-ref","--hash","refs/heads/git-annex"]
+(recording state in git...)
+[2015-08-09 19:20:32 EDT] read: git ["--git-dir=.git","--work-tree=.","--literal-pathspecs","write-tree"]
+[2015-08-09 19:20:32 EDT] chat: git ["--git-dir=.git","--work-tree=.","--literal-pathspecs","commit-tree","ed61e5bed8cac36eef5e3feb72c0e4165947c746","--no-gpg-sign","-p","refs/heads/git-annex"]
+[2015-08-09 19:20:32 EDT] call: git ["--git-dir=.git","--work-tree=.","--literal-pathspecs","update-ref","refs/heads/git-annex","6885483c56c1fc394b4ca518c6c5377147d4931c"]
+# The URL is not shown in whereis, but does exist (HEAD returns 200).
+$ git annex whereis sample.jpg
+whereis sample.jpg (2 copies)
+ d2ed9d95-3005-40cc-a743-227c38e0242a -- bgilbert@trumpeter:~/tmp/t [here]
+ e49a874a-5480-4e48-aa51-c6e34ee5991c -- [test1]
+$ curl -I 'https://storage-download.googleapis.com/test1-e49a874a-5480-4e48-aa51-c6e34ee5991c/SHA256E-s380682--"0494a188e8cb9feda674b983dc294b7992512fe56fadd040708d22b388d3c38d".jpg' | head -n 1
+HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+# If I drop the file from this repository, make a new clone, and then
+# try to get the file in the clone without enabling the test1 remote,
+# git-annex does not fetch from the URL.
+$ git annex drop sample.jpg
+drop sample.jpg ok
+(recording state in git...)
+$ cd ..
+$ git clone t t2
+Cloning into 't2'...
+$ cd t2
+$ git annex init
+init (merging origin/git-annex into git-annex...)
+(recording state in git...)
+(recording state in git...)
+$ git annex sync
+commit ok
+pull origin
+push origin
+Counting objects: 6, done.
+Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
+Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.
+Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 699 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
+Total 6 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
+To /home/bgilbert/tmp/t
+ * [new branch] git-annex -> synced/git-annex
+ * [new branch] master -> synced/master
+$ git annex whereis sample.jpg
+whereis sample.jpg (1 copy)
+ e49a874a-5480-4e48-aa51-c6e34ee5991c -- test1
+$ git annex get sample.jpg
+get sample.jpg (not available)
+ Try making some of these repositories available:
+ e49a874a-5480-4e48-aa51-c6e34ee5991c -- test1
+git-annex: get: 1 failed
diff --git a/doc/bugs/How_to_use_a_DRA_bucket_in_Google_cloud_storage__63__/comment_4_70c3d9014f5be74e225a241ae7bea95a._comment b/doc/bugs/How_to_use_a_DRA_bucket_in_Google_cloud_storage__63__/comment_4_70c3d9014f5be74e225a241ae7bea95a._comment
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69251c1f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/bugs/How_to_use_a_DRA_bucket_in_Google_cloud_storage__63__/comment_4_70c3d9014f5be74e225a241ae7bea95a._comment
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="bgilbert@a0c64716cf22216de5eeb15a5ca4f009164c8fb3"
+ nickname="bgilbert"
+ subject="External special remote"
+ date="2015-08-09T23:05:04Z"
+ content="""
+Rob, I have now [done so](https://github.com/bgilbert/gcsannex). Feedback welcome.
diff --git a/doc/tips/googledriveannex/comment_9_6b6009503dc08c3e33249880e76fa970._comment b/doc/tips/googledriveannex/comment_9_6b6009503dc08c3e33249880e76fa970._comment
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc0a78951
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/tips/googledriveannex/comment_9_6b6009503dc08c3e33249880e76fa970._comment
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="https://me.yahoo.com/a/EbvxpTI_xP9Aod7Mg4cwGhgjrCrdM5s-#7c0f4"
+ subject="any chance to get a native google drive annex support?"
+ date="2015-08-11T04:12:10Z"
+ content="""
+the referenced custom remote project is pretty much dead, PRs are hanging without merge, issues lists growing (https://github.com/TobiasTheViking/googledriveannex/issues) with e.g. grave ones like dropping content removed on the drive as well...
+Just wondered ;-)
diff --git a/doc/tips/using_Google_Cloud_Storage/comment_4_63f29692ef270cd4a196ec94ff97185a._comment b/doc/tips/using_Google_Cloud_Storage/comment_4_63f29692ef270cd4a196ec94ff97185a._comment
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59f63afb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/tips/using_Google_Cloud_Storage/comment_4_63f29692ef270cd4a196ec94ff97185a._comment
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="bgilbert@a0c64716cf22216de5eeb15a5ca4f009164c8fb3"
+ nickname="bgilbert"
+ subject="External special remote"
+ date="2015-08-09T22:59:16Z"
+ content="""
+I've written [an external special remote](https://github.com/bgilbert/gcsannex) for Google Cloud Storage using Google's Python bindings to the native JSON API. The special remote supports all storage classes, including Nearline, and doesn't require Interoperable Access to be enabled. Feedback welcome.
diff --git a/doc/todo/windows_support/comment_13_4dfb65242280c2e28796f1ab8f022dea._comment b/doc/todo/windows_support/comment_13_4dfb65242280c2e28796f1ab8f022dea._comment
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65b24f25f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/todo/windows_support/comment_13_4dfb65242280c2e28796f1ab8f022dea._comment
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+[[!comment format=mdwn
+ username="tomekwi"
+ subject="Linux-Windows repo"
+ date="2015-08-10T18:22:22Z"
+ content="""
+Hi, what’s the recommended way to manage a repo accessed from both a Linux and a Windows box? Has anyone had success with that?
+I’m dual-booting Fedora 22 and Windows 8.1. I do most of my work on Linux, but I need Windows programs to edit some of my files. I’ve had a go at two approaches:
+1) Have a “central” repo on an NTFS external drive which also holds the contents of files. This fails because Windows fails to check out the contents of most files. It isn’t random – specific files at specific points of the commit history fail to check out. Perhaps it has something to do with filenames? Characters in filenames?
+2) Keep a “direct” clone of my repo on a Windows NTFS partition. I do my work on Windows, and after rebooting to Linux I mount the partition and commit my changes directly in the repo. Here Windows seems to outsmart me. git-annex sometimes takes many files without content as modified – and commits them as empty.