path: root/Utility
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authorGravatar Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>2011-12-22 17:59:14 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>2011-12-22 17:59:14 -0400
commitcf496f09ab3777cc4ffe601e876b432dc320bd12 (patch)
treeff9aa6f2758e28688871148ef1f07e535c39cce3 /Utility
parent58956c2a9071193ac1faeaab6551a4dba12e22fd (diff)
add a text formatter
This is built for speed; a format string is parsed once, generating a Format, that can be applied repeatedly to different sets of variables to generate output.
Diffstat (limited to 'Utility')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Utility/Format.hs b/Utility/Format.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a49d95ff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utility/Format.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+{- Formatted string handling.
+ -
+ - Copyright 2011 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Utility.Format (gen, format) where
+import Text.Printf (printf)
+import Data.String.Utils (replace)
+import Data.Char (isAlphaNum)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Maybe
+import Utility.PartialPrelude
+type FormatString = String
+{- A format consists of a list of fragments, with other text suffixed to
+ - the end. -}
+data Format = Format { spans :: [Frag], suffix :: String }
+ deriving (Show)
+{- A fragment is a variable (which may be padded), prefixed by some text. -}
+data Frag = Frag { prefix :: String, varname :: String, pad :: Int }
+ deriving (Show)
+newFormat :: Format
+newFormat = Format [] ""
+{- Expands a Format using some variables, generating a formatted string.
+ - This can be repeatedly called, efficiently. -}
+format :: Format -> M.Map String String -> String
+format f vars = concat $ concat $ reverse $ [suffix f] : go (spans f) []
+ where
+ go [] c = c
+ go (s:rest) c = go rest $ [prefix s, val s]:c
+ val (Frag { varname = var, pad = p }) =
+ justify p $ fromMaybe "" $ M.lookup var vars
+ justify p v
+ | p > 0 = take (p - length v) spaces ++ v
+ | p < 0 = v ++ take (-1 * (length v + p)) spaces
+ | otherwise = v
+ spaces = repeat ' '
+{- Generates a Format that can be used to expand variables in a
+ - format string, such as "${foo} ${bar}\n"
+ -
+ - To handle \n etc, printf is used, first escaping %, to
+ - avoid it needing any printf arguments.
+ -
+ - Left padding is enabled by "${var;width}"
+ - Right padding is enabled by "${var;-width}"
+ -
+ - (This is the same type of format string used by dpkg-query.)
+ -}
+gen :: FormatString -> Format
+gen = scan newFormat . printf . escapeprintf
+ where
+ escapeprintf = replace "%" "%%"
+ -- The Format is built up with fields reversed, for
+ -- efficiency.
+ finalize f v = f
+ { suffix = (reverse $ suffix f) ++ v
+ , spans = (reverse $ spans f)
+ }
+ scan f (a:b:cs)
+ | a == '$' && b == '{' = invar f [] cs
+ | otherwise = scan f { suffix = a:suffix f } (b:cs)
+ scan f v = finalize f v
+ invar f var [] = finalize f $ novar var
+ invar f var (c:cs)
+ | c == '}' = foundvar f var 0 cs
+ | isAlphaNum c = invar f (c:var) cs
+ | c == ';' = inpad "" f var cs
+ | otherwise = scan f { suffix = (reverse $ novar $ c:var) ++ suffix f } cs
+ inpad p f var (c:cs)
+ | c == '}' = foundvar f var (readpad $ reverse p) cs
+ | otherwise = inpad (c:p) f var cs
+ inpad p f var [] = finalize f $ novar $ p++";"++var
+ readpad = fromMaybe 0 . readMaybe
+ novar v = "${" ++ reverse v
+ foundvar f v p cs = scan f' cs
+ where
+ f' = f
+ { suffix = ""
+ , spans = newspan:spans f
+ }
+ newspan = Frag
+ { prefix = reverse $ suffix f
+ , varname = reverse v
+ , pad = p
+ }