path: root/Assistant
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authorGravatar Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>2012-08-26 14:01:43 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>2012-08-26 14:09:02 -0400
commitae52efc673ee79119baacf401c54d38290d1369b (patch)
tree88a8d634d94cde295dcdd31c494e04d9609e0eb9 /Assistant
parentc9b3b8829dc3f106583fb933808179ec02773790 (diff)
scan multiple remotes in one pass
The expensive transfer scan now scans a whole set of remotes in one pass. So at startup, or when network comes up, it will run only once. Note that this can result in transfers from/to higher cost remotes being queued before other transfers of other content from/to lower cost remotes. Before, low cost remotes were scanned first and all their transfers came first. When multiple transfers are queued for a key, the lower cost ones are still queued first. However, this could result in transfers from slow remotes running for a long time while transfers of other data from faster remotes waits. I expect to make the transfer queue smarter about ordering and/or make it allow multiple transfers at a time, which should eliminate this annoyance. (Also, it was already possible to get into that situation, for example if the network was up, lots of transfers from slow remotes might be queued, and then a disk is mounted and its faster transfers have to wait.) Also note that this means I don't need to improve the code in Assistant.Sync that currently checks if any of the reconnected remotes have diverged, and if so, queues scans of all of them. That had been very innefficient, but now doesn't matter.
Diffstat (limited to 'Assistant')
4 files changed, 42 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/Assistant/Alert.hs b/Assistant/Alert.hs
index bc20b59ff..c66621836 100644
--- a/Assistant/Alert.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Alert.hs
@@ -214,10 +214,10 @@ syncAlert rs = baseActivityAlert
, alertPriority = Low
-scanAlert :: Remote -> Alert
-scanAlert r = baseActivityAlert
+scanAlert :: [Remote] -> Alert
+scanAlert rs = baseActivityAlert
{ alertHeader = Just $ tenseWords
- [Tensed "Scanning" "Scanned", showRemotes [r]]
+ [Tensed "Scanning" "Scanned", showRemotes rs]
, alertBlockDisplay = True
, alertPriority = Low
diff --git a/Assistant/ScanRemotes.hs b/Assistant/ScanRemotes.hs
index bfe953803..661c98095 100644
--- a/Assistant/ScanRemotes.hs
+++ b/Assistant/ScanRemotes.hs
@@ -26,21 +26,15 @@ type ScanRemoteMap = TMVar (M.Map Remote ScanInfo)
newScanRemoteMap :: IO ScanRemoteMap
newScanRemoteMap = atomically newEmptyTMVar
-{- Blocks until there is a remote that needs to be scanned.
- - Processes higher priority remotes first. -}
-getScanRemote :: ScanRemoteMap -> IO (Remote, ScanInfo)
-getScanRemote v = atomically $ do
- m <- takeTMVar v
- let l = reverse $ sortBy (compare `on` scanPriority . snd) $ M.toList m
- case l of
- [] -> retry -- should never happen
- (ret@(r, _):_) -> do
- let m' = M.delete r m
- unless (M.null m') $
- putTMVar v m'
- return ret
-{- Adds new remotes that need scanning to the map. -}
+{- Blocks until there is a remote or remotes that need to be scanned.
+ -
+ - The list has higher priority remotes listed first. -}
+getScanRemote :: ScanRemoteMap -> IO [(Remote, ScanInfo)]
+getScanRemote v = atomically $
+ reverse . sortBy (compare `on` scanPriority . snd) . M.toList
+ <$> takeTMVar v
+{- Adds new remotes that need scanning. -}
addScanRemotes :: ScanRemoteMap -> Bool -> [Remote] -> IO ()
addScanRemotes _ _ [] = noop
addScanRemotes v full rs = atomically $ do
diff --git a/Assistant/Sync.hs b/Assistant/Sync.hs
index 35b300f39..499fc960c 100644
--- a/Assistant/Sync.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Sync.hs
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
- First gets git in sync, and then prepares any necessary file transfers.
- - An expensive full scan is queued when the git-annex branches of the
- - remotes have diverged from the local git-annex branch. Otherwise,
+ - An expensive full scan is queued when the git-annex branches of some of
+ - the remotes have diverged from the local git-annex branch. Otherwise,
- it's sufficient to requeue failed transfers.
reconnectRemotes :: ThreadName -> ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> ScanRemoteMap -> [Remote] -> IO ()
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/TransferScanner.hs b/Assistant/Threads/TransferScanner.hs
index e5191956e..b4ceac17d 100644
--- a/Assistant/Threads/TransferScanner.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/TransferScanner.hs
@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ transferScannerThread st dstatus scanremotes transferqueue = do
go scanned = do
threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 2)
- (r, info) <- getScanRemote scanremotes
- if fullScan info || not (S.member r scanned)
+ (rs, infos) <- unzip <$> getScanRemote scanremotes
+ if any fullScan infos || any (`S.notMember` scanned) rs
then do
- expensiveScan st dstatus transferqueue r
- go (S.insert r scanned)
+ expensiveScan st dstatus transferqueue rs
+ go (S.union scanned (S.fromList rs))
else do
- failedTransferScan st dstatus transferqueue r
+ mapM_ (failedTransferScan st dstatus transferqueue) rs
go scanned
{- All available remotes are scanned in full on startup,
- for multiple reasons, including:
@@ -92,39 +92,39 @@ failedTransferScan st dstatus transferqueue r = do
dequeue t = void $ runThreadState st $ inRepo $
liftIO . tryIO . removeFile . failedTransferFile t
-{- This is a expensive scan through the full git work tree.
+{- This is a expensive scan through the full git work tree, finding
+ - files to download from or upload to any of the remotes.
- The scan is blocked when the transfer queue gets too large. -}
-expensiveScan :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> TransferQueue -> Remote -> IO ()
-expensiveScan st dstatus transferqueue r = do
- liftIO $ debug thisThread ["starting scan of", show r]
- void $ alertWhile dstatus (scanAlert r) $ do
+expensiveScan :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> TransferQueue -> [Remote] -> IO ()
+expensiveScan st dstatus transferqueue rs = do
+ liftIO $ debug thisThread ["starting scan of", show rs]
+ void $ alertWhile dstatus (scanAlert rs) $ do
g <- runThreadState st $ fromRepo id
files <- LsFiles.inRepo [] g
go files
return True
- liftIO $ debug thisThread ["finished scan of", show r]
+ liftIO $ debug thisThread ["finished scan of", show rs]
go [] = noop
go (f:fs) = do
- v <- runThreadState st $ whenAnnexed check f
- case v of
- Nothing -> noop
- Just t -> do
- debug thisThread ["queuing", show t]
- enqueue f t
+ mapM_ (enqueue f) =<< catMaybes <$> runThreadState st
+ (ifAnnexed f findtransfers $ return [])
go fs
- where
- check _ (key, _) = ifM (inAnnex key)
- ( helper key Upload False =<< remoteHas r key
- , helper key Download True =<< remoteHas r key
- )
- helper key direction x y
- | x == y = return $ Just $
- Transfer direction (Remote.uuid r) key
- | otherwise = return Nothing
- enqueue f t = queueTransferWhenSmall transferqueue dstatus (Just f) t r
+ enqueue f (r, t) = do
+ debug thisThread ["queuing", show t]
+ queueTransferWhenSmall transferqueue dstatus (Just f) t r
+ findtransfers (key, _) = do
+ locs <- loggedLocations key
+ let use a = return $ map (a key locs) rs
+ ifM (inAnnex key)
+ ( use $ check Upload False
+ , use $ check Download True
+ )
+ check direction want key locs r
+ | (Remote.uuid r `elem` locs) == want = Just $
+ (r, Transfer direction (Remote.uuid r) key)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
remoteHas :: Remote -> Key -> Annex Bool
remoteHas r key = elem