path: root/Assistant
diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>2013-11-27 18:41:44 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>2013-11-27 18:41:44 -0400
commit2e6d39d426f6b08f236d6071e671a9dcfc799d91 (patch)
tree1618fd9e34a30409ee0937cb4b3861ec3b5e7bba /Assistant
git-annex (5.20131127) unstable; urgency=low
* webapp: Detect when upgrades are available, and upgrade if the user desires. (Only when git-annex is installed using the prebuilt binaries from git-annex upstream, not from eg Debian.) * assistant: Detect when the git-annex binary is modified or replaced, and either prompt the user to restart the program, or automatically restart it. * annex.autoupgrade configures both the above upgrade behaviors. * Added support for quvi 0.9. Slightly suboptimal due to limitations in its interface compared with the old version. * Bug fix: annex.version did not get set on automatic upgrade to v5 direct mode repo, so the upgrade was performed repeatedly, slowing commands down. * webapp: Fix bug that broke switching between local repositories that use the new guarded direct mode. * Android: Fix stripping of the git-annex binary. * Android: Make terminal app show git-annex version number. * Android: Re-enable XMPP support. * reinject: Allow to be used in direct mode. * Futher improvements to git repo repair. Has now been tested in tens of thousands of intentionally damaged repos, and successfully repaired them all. * Allow use of --unused in bare repository. # imported from the archive
Diffstat (limited to 'Assistant')
70 files changed, 8469 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Assistant/Alert.hs b/Assistant/Alert.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c767d429d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Alert.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+{- git-annex assistant alerts
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012, 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, CPP #-}
+module Assistant.Alert where
+import Common.Annex
+import Assistant.Types.Alert
+import Assistant.Alert.Utility
+import qualified Remote
+import Utility.Tense
+import Logs.Transfer
+import Types.Distribution
+import Data.String
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Control.Exception as E
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.WebApp.Types
+import Assistant.WebApp (renderUrl)
+import Yesod
+import Assistant.Monad
+import Assistant.Types.UrlRenderer
+{- Makes a button for an alert that opens a Route.
+ -
+ - If autoclose is set, the button will close the alert it's
+ - attached to when clicked. -}
+mkAlertButton :: Bool -> T.Text -> UrlRenderer -> Route WebApp -> Assistant AlertButton
+mkAlertButton autoclose label urlrenderer route = do
+ close <- asIO1 removeAlert
+ url <- liftIO $ renderUrl urlrenderer route []
+ return $ AlertButton
+ { buttonLabel = label
+ , buttonUrl = url
+ , buttonAction = if autoclose then Just close else Nothing
+ , buttonPrimary = True
+ }
+renderData :: Alert -> TenseText
+renderData = tenseWords . alertData
+baseActivityAlert :: Alert
+baseActivityAlert = Alert
+ { alertClass = Activity
+ , alertHeader = Nothing
+ , alertMessageRender = renderData
+ , alertData = []
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = False
+ , alertClosable = False
+ , alertPriority = Medium
+ , alertIcon = Just ActivityIcon
+ , alertCombiner = Nothing
+ , alertName = Nothing
+ , alertButtons = []
+ }
+warningAlert :: String -> String -> Alert
+warningAlert name msg = Alert
+ { alertClass = Warning
+ , alertHeader = Just $ tenseWords ["warning"]
+ , alertMessageRender = renderData
+ , alertData = [UnTensed $ T.pack msg]
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = True
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertIcon = Just ErrorIcon
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner $ \_old new -> new
+ , alertName = Just $ WarningAlert name
+ , alertButtons = []
+ }
+errorAlert :: String -> [AlertButton] -> Alert
+errorAlert msg buttons = Alert
+ { alertClass = Error
+ , alertHeader = Nothing
+ , alertMessageRender = renderData
+ , alertData = [UnTensed $ T.pack msg]
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = True
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertPriority = Pinned
+ , alertIcon = Just ErrorIcon
+ , alertCombiner = Nothing
+ , alertName = Nothing
+ , alertButtons = buttons
+ }
+activityAlert :: Maybe TenseText -> [TenseChunk] -> Alert
+activityAlert header dat = baseActivityAlert
+ { alertHeader = header
+ , alertData = dat
+ }
+startupScanAlert :: Alert
+startupScanAlert = activityAlert Nothing
+ [Tensed "Performing" "Performed", "startup scan"]
+{- Displayed when a shutdown is occurring, so will be seen after shutdown
+ - has happened. -}
+shutdownAlert :: Alert
+shutdownAlert = warningAlert "shutdown" "git-annex has been shut down"
+commitAlert :: Alert
+commitAlert = activityAlert Nothing
+ [Tensed "Committing" "Committed", "changes to git"]
+showRemotes :: [Remote] -> TenseChunk
+showRemotes = UnTensed . T.intercalate ", " . map (T.pack . Remote.name)
+syncAlert :: [Remote] -> Alert
+syncAlert rs = baseActivityAlert
+ { alertName = Just SyncAlert
+ , alertHeader = Just $ tenseWords
+ [Tensed "Syncing" "Synced", "with", showRemotes rs]
+ , alertPriority = Low
+ , alertIcon = Just SyncIcon
+ }
+syncResultAlert :: [Remote] -> [Remote] -> Alert
+syncResultAlert succeeded failed = makeAlertFiller (not $ null succeeded) $
+ baseActivityAlert
+ { alertName = Just SyncAlert
+ , alertHeader = Just $ tenseWords msg
+ }
+ where
+ msg
+ | null succeeded = ["Failed to sync with", showRemotes failed]
+ | null failed = ["Synced with", showRemotes succeeded]
+ | otherwise =
+ [ "Synced with", showRemotes succeeded
+ , "but not with", showRemotes failed
+ ]
+sanityCheckAlert :: Alert
+sanityCheckAlert = activityAlert
+ (Just $ tenseWords [Tensed "Running" "Ran", "daily sanity check"])
+ ["to make sure everything is ok."]
+sanityCheckFixAlert :: String -> Alert
+sanityCheckFixAlert msg = Alert
+ { alertClass = Warning
+ , alertHeader = Just $ tenseWords ["Fixed a problem"]
+ , alertMessageRender = render
+ , alertData = [UnTensed $ T.pack msg]
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = True
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertIcon = Just ErrorIcon
+ , alertName = Just SanityCheckFixAlert
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner (++)
+ , alertButtons = []
+ }
+ where
+ render alert = tenseWords $ alerthead : alertData alert ++ [alertfoot]
+ alerthead = "The daily sanity check found and fixed a problem:"
+ alertfoot = "If these problems persist, consider filing a bug report."
+fsckingAlert :: AlertButton -> Maybe Remote -> Alert
+fsckingAlert button mr = baseActivityAlert
+ { alertData = case mr of
+ Nothing -> [ UnTensed $ T.pack $ "Consistency check in progress" ]
+ Just r -> [ UnTensed $ T.pack $ "Consistency check of " ++ Remote.name r ++ " in progress"]
+ , alertButtons = [button]
+ }
+showFscking :: UrlRenderer -> Maybe Remote -> IO (Either E.SomeException a) -> Assistant a
+showFscking urlrenderer mr a = do
+ button <- mkAlertButton False (T.pack "Configure") urlrenderer ConfigFsckR
+ r <- alertDuring (fsckingAlert button mr) $
+ liftIO a
+ r <- liftIO a
+ either (liftIO . E.throwIO) return r
+notFsckedNudge :: UrlRenderer -> Maybe Remote -> Assistant ()
+notFsckedNudge urlrenderer mr = do
+ button <- mkAlertButton True (T.pack "Configure") urlrenderer ConfigFsckR
+ void $ addAlert (notFsckedAlert mr button)
+notFsckedNudge _ _ = noop
+notFsckedAlert :: Maybe Remote -> AlertButton -> Alert
+notFsckedAlert mr button = Alert
+ { alertHeader = Just $ fromString $ concat
+ [ "You should enable consistency checking to protect your data"
+ , maybe "" (\r -> " in " ++ Remote.name r) mr
+ , "."
+ ]
+ , alertIcon = Just InfoIcon
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertButtons = [button]
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertClass = Message
+ , alertMessageRender = renderData
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = True
+ , alertName = Just NotFsckedAlert
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner $ \_old new -> new
+ , alertData = []
+ }
+baseUpgradeAlert :: [AlertButton] -> TenseText -> Alert
+baseUpgradeAlert buttons message = Alert
+ { alertHeader = Just message
+ , alertIcon = Just UpgradeIcon
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertButtons = buttons
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertClass = Message
+ , alertMessageRender = renderData
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = True
+ , alertName = Just UpgradeAlert
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ fullCombiner $ \new _old -> new
+ , alertData = []
+ }
+canUpgradeAlert :: AlertPriority -> GitAnnexVersion -> AlertButton -> Alert
+canUpgradeAlert priority version button =
+ (baseUpgradeAlert [button] $ fromString msg)
+ { alertPriority = priority
+ , alertData = [fromString $ " (version " ++ version ++ ")"]
+ }
+ where
+ msg = if priority >= High
+ then "An important upgrade of git-annex is available!"
+ else "An upgrade of git-annex is available."
+upgradeReadyAlert :: AlertButton -> Alert
+upgradeReadyAlert button = baseUpgradeAlert [button] $
+ fromString "A new version of git-annex has been installed."
+upgradingAlert :: Alert
+upgradingAlert = activityAlert Nothing [ fromString "Upgrading git-annex" ]
+upgradeFinishedAlert :: Maybe AlertButton -> GitAnnexVersion -> Alert
+upgradeFinishedAlert button version =
+ baseUpgradeAlert (maybe [] (:[]) button) $ fromString $
+ "Finished upgrading git-annex to version " ++ version
+upgradeFailedAlert :: String -> Alert
+upgradeFailedAlert msg = (errorAlert msg [])
+ { alertHeader = Just $ fromString "Upgrade failed." }
+brokenRepositoryAlert :: [AlertButton] -> Alert
+brokenRepositoryAlert = errorAlert "Serious problems have been detected with your repository. This needs your immediate attention!"
+repairingAlert :: String -> Alert
+repairingAlert repodesc = activityAlert Nothing
+ [ Tensed "Attempting to repair" "Repaired"
+ , UnTensed $ T.pack repodesc
+ ]
+pairingAlert :: AlertButton -> Alert
+pairingAlert button = baseActivityAlert
+ { alertData = [ UnTensed "Pairing in progress" ]
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertButtons = [button]
+ }
+pairRequestReceivedAlert :: String -> AlertButton -> Alert
+pairRequestReceivedAlert who button = Alert
+ { alertClass = Message
+ , alertHeader = Nothing
+ , alertMessageRender = renderData
+ , alertData = [UnTensed $ T.pack $ who ++ " is sending a pair request."]
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = False
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertIcon = Just InfoIcon
+ , alertName = Just $ PairAlert who
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner $ \_old new -> new
+ , alertButtons = [button]
+ }
+pairRequestAcknowledgedAlert :: String -> Maybe AlertButton -> Alert
+pairRequestAcknowledgedAlert who button = baseActivityAlert
+ { alertData = ["Pairing with", UnTensed (T.pack who), Tensed "in progress" "complete"]
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertName = Just $ PairAlert who
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner $ \_old new -> new
+ , alertButtons = maybe [] (:[]) button
+ }
+xmppNeededAlert :: AlertButton -> Alert
+xmppNeededAlert button = Alert
+ { alertHeader = Just "Share with friends, and keep your devices in sync across the cloud."
+ , alertIcon = Just TheCloud
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertButtons = [button]
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertClass = Message
+ , alertMessageRender = renderData
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = True
+ , alertName = Just $ XMPPNeededAlert
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner $ \_old new -> new
+ , alertData = []
+ }
+cloudRepoNeededAlert :: Maybe String -> AlertButton -> Alert
+cloudRepoNeededAlert friendname button = Alert
+ { alertHeader = Just $ fromString $ unwords
+ [ "Unable to download files from"
+ , (fromMaybe "your other devices" friendname) ++ "."
+ ]
+ , alertIcon = Just ErrorIcon
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertButtons = [button]
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertClass = Message
+ , alertMessageRender = renderData
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = True
+ , alertName = Just $ CloudRepoNeededAlert
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner $ \_old new -> new
+ , alertData = []
+ }
+remoteRemovalAlert :: String -> AlertButton -> Alert
+remoteRemovalAlert desc button = Alert
+ { alertHeader = Just $ fromString $
+ "The repository \"" ++ desc ++
+ "\" has been emptied, and can now be removed."
+ , alertIcon = Just InfoIcon
+ , alertPriority = High
+ , alertButtons = [button]
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertClass = Message
+ , alertMessageRender = renderData
+ , alertCounter = 0
+ , alertBlockDisplay = True
+ , alertName = Just $ RemoteRemovalAlert desc
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ dataCombiner $ \_old new -> new
+ , alertData = []
+ }
+{- Show a message that relates to a list of files.
+ -
+ - The most recent several files are shown, and a count of any others. -}
+fileAlert :: TenseChunk -> [FilePath] -> Alert
+fileAlert msg files = (activityAlert Nothing shortfiles)
+ { alertName = Just $ FileAlert msg
+ , alertMessageRender = renderer
+ , alertCounter = counter
+ , alertCombiner = Just $ fullCombiner combiner
+ }
+ where
+ maxfilesshown = 10
+ (somefiles, counter) = splitcounter (dedupadjacent files)
+ shortfiles = map (fromString . shortFile . takeFileName) somefiles
+ renderer alert = tenseWords $ msg : alertData alert ++ showcounter
+ where
+ showcounter = case alertCounter alert of
+ 0 -> []
+ _ -> [fromString $ "and " ++ show (alertCounter alert) ++ " other files"]
+ dedupadjacent (x:y:rest)
+ | x == y = dedupadjacent (y:rest)
+ | otherwise = x : dedupadjacent (y:rest)
+ dedupadjacent (x:[]) = [x]
+ dedupadjacent [] = []
+ {- Note that this ensures the counter is never 1; no need to say
+ - "1 file" when the filename could be shown. -}
+ splitcounter l
+ | length l <= maxfilesshown = (l, 0)
+ | otherwise =
+ let (keep, rest) = splitAt (maxfilesshown - 1) l
+ in (keep, length rest)
+ combiner new old =
+ let (fs, n) = splitcounter $
+ dedupadjacent $ alertData new ++ alertData old
+ cnt = n + alertCounter new + alertCounter old
+ in old
+ { alertData = fs
+ , alertCounter = cnt
+ }
+addFileAlert :: [FilePath] -> Alert
+addFileAlert = fileAlert (Tensed "Adding" "Added")
+{- This is only used as a success alert after a transfer, not during it. -}
+transferFileAlert :: Direction -> Bool -> FilePath -> Alert
+transferFileAlert direction True file
+ | direction == Upload = fileAlert "Uploaded" [file]
+ | otherwise = fileAlert "Downloaded" [file]
+transferFileAlert direction False file
+ | direction == Upload = fileAlert "Upload failed" [file]
+ | otherwise = fileAlert "Download failed" [file]
+dataCombiner :: ([TenseChunk] -> [TenseChunk] -> [TenseChunk]) -> AlertCombiner
+dataCombiner combiner = fullCombiner $
+ \new old -> old { alertData = alertData new `combiner` alertData old }
+fullCombiner :: (Alert -> Alert -> Alert) -> AlertCombiner
+fullCombiner combiner new old
+ | alertClass new /= alertClass old = Nothing
+ | alertName new == alertName old =
+ Just $! new `combiner` old
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+shortFile :: FilePath -> String
+shortFile f
+ | len < maxlen = f
+ | otherwise = take half f ++ ".." ++ drop (len - half) f
+ where
+ len = length f
+ maxlen = 20
+ half = (maxlen - 2) `div` 2
diff --git a/Assistant/Alert/Utility.hs b/Assistant/Alert/Utility.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db2ea1925
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Alert/Utility.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+{- git-annex assistant alert utilities
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012, 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Alert.Utility where
+import Common.Annex
+import Assistant.Types.Alert
+import Utility.Tense
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+{- This is as many alerts as it makes sense to display at a time.
+ - A display might be smaller, or larger, the point is to not overwhelm the
+ - user with a ton of alerts. -}
+displayAlerts :: Int
+displayAlerts = 6
+{- This is not a hard maximum, but there's no point in keeping a great
+ - many filler alerts in an AlertMap, so when there's more than this many,
+ - they start being pruned, down toward displayAlerts. -}
+maxAlerts :: Int
+maxAlerts = displayAlerts * 2
+type AlertPair = (AlertId, Alert)
+{- The desired order is the reverse of:
+ -
+ - - Pinned alerts
+ - - High priority alerts, newest first
+ - - Medium priority Activity, newest first (mostly used for Activity)
+ - - Low priority alerts, newest first
+ - - Filler priorty alerts, newest first
+ - - Ties are broken by the AlertClass, with Errors etc coming first.
+ -}
+compareAlertPairs :: AlertPair -> AlertPair -> Ordering
+ (aid, Alert { alertClass = aclass, alertPriority = aprio })
+ (bid, Alert { alertClass = bclass, alertPriority = bprio })
+ = compare aprio bprio
+ `thenOrd` compare aid bid
+ `thenOrd` compare aclass bclass
+sortAlertPairs :: [AlertPair] -> [AlertPair]
+sortAlertPairs = sortBy compareAlertPairs
+{- Renders an alert's header for display, if it has one. -}
+renderAlertHeader :: Alert -> Maybe Text
+renderAlertHeader alert = renderTense (alertTense alert) <$> alertHeader alert
+{- Renders an alert's message for display. -}
+renderAlertMessage :: Alert -> Text
+renderAlertMessage alert = renderTense (alertTense alert) $
+ (alertMessageRender alert) alert
+showAlert :: Alert -> String
+showAlert alert = T.unpack $ T.unwords $ catMaybes
+ [ renderAlertHeader alert
+ , Just $ renderAlertMessage alert
+ ]
+alertTense :: Alert -> Tense
+alertTense alert
+ | alertClass alert == Activity = Present
+ | otherwise = Past
+{- Checks if two alerts display the same. -}
+effectivelySameAlert :: Alert -> Alert -> Bool
+effectivelySameAlert x y = all id
+ [ alertClass x == alertClass y
+ , alertHeader x == alertHeader y
+ , alertData x == alertData y
+ , alertBlockDisplay x == alertBlockDisplay y
+ , alertClosable x == alertClosable y
+ , alertPriority x == alertPriority y
+ ]
+makeAlertFiller :: Bool -> Alert -> Alert
+makeAlertFiller success alert
+ | isFiller alert = alert
+ | otherwise = alert
+ { alertClass = if c == Activity then c' else c
+ , alertPriority = Filler
+ , alertClosable = True
+ , alertButtons = []
+ , alertIcon = Just $ if success then SuccessIcon else ErrorIcon
+ }
+ where
+ c = alertClass alert
+ c'
+ | success = Success
+ | otherwise = Error
+isFiller :: Alert -> Bool
+isFiller alert = alertPriority alert == Filler
+{- Updates the Alertmap, adding or updating an alert.
+ -
+ - Any old filler that looks the same as the alert is removed.
+ -
+ - Or, if the alert has an alertCombiner that combines it with
+ - an old alert, the old alert is replaced with the result, and the
+ - alert is removed.
+ -
+ - Old filler alerts are pruned once maxAlerts is reached.
+ -}
+mergeAlert :: AlertId -> Alert -> AlertMap -> AlertMap
+mergeAlert i al m = maybe updatePrune updateCombine (alertCombiner al)
+ where
+ pruneSame k al' = k == i || not (effectivelySameAlert al al')
+ pruneBloat m'
+ | bloat > 0 = M.fromList $ pruneold $ M.toList m'
+ | otherwise = m'
+ where
+ bloat = M.size m' - maxAlerts
+ pruneold l =
+ let (f, rest) = partition (\(_, a) -> isFiller a) l
+ in drop bloat f ++ rest
+ updatePrune = pruneBloat $ M.filterWithKey pruneSame $
+ M.insertWith' const i al m
+ updateCombine combiner =
+ let combined = M.mapMaybe (combiner al) m
+ in if M.null combined
+ then updatePrune
+ else M.delete i $ M.union combined m
diff --git a/Assistant/BranchChange.hs b/Assistant/BranchChange.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c9354544a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/BranchChange.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+{- git-annex assistant git-annex branch change tracking
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.BranchChange where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Types.BranchChange
+import Control.Concurrent.MSampleVar
+branchChanged :: Assistant ()
+branchChanged = flip writeSV () <<~ (fromBranchChangeHandle . branchChangeHandle)
+waitBranchChange :: Assistant ()
+waitBranchChange = readSV <<~ (fromBranchChangeHandle . branchChangeHandle)
diff --git a/Assistant/Changes.hs b/Assistant/Changes.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ecd2036c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Changes.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+{- git-annex assistant change tracking
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012-2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Changes where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Types.Changes
+import Utility.TList
+import Data.Time.Clock
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+{- Handlers call this when they made a change that needs to get committed. -}
+madeChange :: FilePath -> ChangeInfo -> Assistant (Maybe Change)
+madeChange f t = Just <$> (Change <$> liftIO getCurrentTime <*> pure f <*> pure t)
+noChange :: Assistant (Maybe Change)
+noChange = return Nothing
+{- Indicates an add needs to be done, but has not started yet. -}
+pendingAddChange :: FilePath -> Assistant (Maybe Change)
+pendingAddChange f = Just <$> (PendingAddChange <$> liftIO getCurrentTime <*> pure f)
+{- Gets all unhandled changes.
+ - Blocks until at least one change is made. -}
+getChanges :: Assistant [Change]
+getChanges = (atomically . getTList) <<~ changePool
+{- Gets all unhandled changes, without blocking. -}
+getAnyChanges :: Assistant [Change]
+getAnyChanges = (atomically . takeTList) <<~ changePool
+{- Puts unhandled changes back into the pool.
+ - Note: Original order is not preserved. -}
+refillChanges :: [Change] -> Assistant ()
+refillChanges cs = (atomically . flip appendTList cs) <<~ changePool
+{- Records a change to the pool. -}
+recordChange :: Change -> Assistant ()
+recordChange c = (atomically . flip snocTList c) <<~ changePool
+recordChanges :: [Change] -> Assistant ()
+recordChanges = refillChanges
diff --git a/Assistant/Commits.hs b/Assistant/Commits.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d1d3780f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Commits.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+{- git-annex assistant commit tracking
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Commits where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Types.Commits
+import Utility.TList
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+{- Gets all unhandled commits.
+ - Blocks until at least one commit is made. -}
+getCommits :: Assistant [Commit]
+getCommits = (atomically . getTList) <<~ commitChan
+{- Records a commit in the channel. -}
+recordCommit :: Assistant ()
+recordCommit = (atomically . flip consTList Commit) <<~ commitChan
diff --git a/Assistant/Common.hs b/Assistant/Common.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9719422d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Common.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+{- Common infrastructure for the git-annex assistant.
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Common (module X) where
+import Common.Annex as X
+import Assistant.Monad as X
+import Assistant.Types.DaemonStatus as X
+import Assistant.Types.NamedThread as X
+import Assistant.Types.Alert as X
diff --git a/Assistant/DaemonStatus.hs b/Assistant/DaemonStatus.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7268bbbfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/DaemonStatus.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+{- git-annex assistant daemon status
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.DaemonStatus where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Alert.Utility
+import Utility.Tmp
+import Assistant.Types.NetMessager
+import Utility.NotificationBroadcaster
+import Logs.Transfer
+import Logs.Trust
+import qualified Remote
+import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
+import qualified Git
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import System.Posix.Types
+import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
+import Data.Time
+import System.Locale
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+getDaemonStatus :: Assistant DaemonStatus
+getDaemonStatus = (atomically . readTMVar) <<~ daemonStatusHandle
+modifyDaemonStatus_ :: (DaemonStatus -> DaemonStatus) -> Assistant ()
+modifyDaemonStatus_ a = modifyDaemonStatus $ \s -> (a s, ())
+modifyDaemonStatus :: (DaemonStatus -> (DaemonStatus, b)) -> Assistant b
+modifyDaemonStatus a = do
+ dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
+ liftIO $ do
+ (s, b) <- atomically $ do
+ r@(s, _) <- a <$> takeTMVar dstatus
+ putTMVar dstatus s
+ return r
+ sendNotification $ changeNotifier s
+ return b
+{- Returns a function that updates the lists of syncable remotes
+ - and other associated information. -}
+calcSyncRemotes :: Annex (DaemonStatus -> DaemonStatus)
+calcSyncRemotes = do
+ rs <- filter (remoteAnnexSync . Remote.gitconfig) .
+ concat . Remote.byCost <$> Remote.remoteList
+ alive <- trustExclude DeadTrusted (map Remote.uuid rs)
+ let good r = Remote.uuid r `elem` alive
+ let syncable = filter good rs
+ let syncdata = filter (not . remoteAnnexIgnore . Remote.gitconfig) $
+ filter (not . isXMPPRemote) syncable
+ return $ \dstatus -> dstatus
+ { syncRemotes = syncable
+ , syncGitRemotes = filter Remote.syncableRemote syncable
+ , syncDataRemotes = syncdata
+ , syncingToCloudRemote = any iscloud syncdata
+ }
+ where
+ iscloud r = not (Remote.readonly r) && Remote.globallyAvailable r
+{- Updates the syncRemotes list from the list of all remotes in Annex state. -}
+updateSyncRemotes :: Assistant ()
+updateSyncRemotes = do
+ modifyDaemonStatus_ =<< liftAnnex calcSyncRemotes
+ status <- getDaemonStatus
+ liftIO $ sendNotification $ syncRemotesNotifier status
+ when (syncingToCloudRemote status) $
+ updateAlertMap $
+ M.filter $ \alert ->
+ alertName alert /= Just CloudRepoNeededAlert
+updateScheduleLog :: Assistant ()
+updateScheduleLog =
+ liftIO . sendNotification =<< scheduleLogNotifier <$> getDaemonStatus
+{- Load any previous daemon status file, and store it in a MVar for this
+ - process to use as its DaemonStatus. Also gets current transfer status. -}
+startDaemonStatus :: Annex DaemonStatusHandle
+startDaemonStatus = do
+ file <- fromRepo gitAnnexDaemonStatusFile
+ status <- liftIO $
+ flip catchDefaultIO (readDaemonStatusFile file) =<< newDaemonStatus
+ transfers <- M.fromList <$> getTransfers
+ addsync <- calcSyncRemotes
+ liftIO $ atomically $ newTMVar $ addsync $ status
+ { scanComplete = False
+ , sanityCheckRunning = False
+ , currentTransfers = transfers
+ }
+{- Don't just dump out the structure, because it will change over time,
+ - and parts of it are not relevant. -}
+writeDaemonStatusFile :: FilePath -> DaemonStatus -> IO ()
+writeDaemonStatusFile file status =
+ viaTmp writeFile file =<< serialized <$> getPOSIXTime
+ where
+ serialized now = unlines
+ [ "lastRunning:" ++ show now
+ , "scanComplete:" ++ show (scanComplete status)
+ , "sanityCheckRunning:" ++ show (sanityCheckRunning status)
+ , "lastSanityCheck:" ++ maybe "" show (lastSanityCheck status)
+ ]
+readDaemonStatusFile :: FilePath -> IO DaemonStatus
+readDaemonStatusFile file = parse <$> newDaemonStatus <*> readFile file
+ where
+ parse status = foldr parseline status . lines
+ parseline line status
+ | key == "lastRunning" = parseval readtime $ \v ->
+ status { lastRunning = Just v }
+ | key == "scanComplete" = parseval readish $ \v ->
+ status { scanComplete = v }
+ | key == "sanityCheckRunning" = parseval readish $ \v ->
+ status { sanityCheckRunning = v }
+ | key == "lastSanityCheck" = parseval readtime $ \v ->
+ status { lastSanityCheck = Just v }
+ | otherwise = status -- unparsable line
+ where
+ (key, value) = separate (== ':') line
+ parseval parser a = maybe status a (parser value)
+ readtime s = do
+ d <- parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%s%Qs" s
+ Just $ utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds d
+{- Checks if a time stamp was made after the daemon was lastRunning.
+ -
+ - Some slop is built in; this really checks if the time stamp was made
+ - at least ten minutes after the daemon was lastRunning. This is to
+ - ensure the daemon shut down cleanly, and deal with minor clock skew.
+ -
+ - If the daemon has never ran before, this always returns False.
+ -}
+afterLastDaemonRun :: EpochTime -> DaemonStatus -> Bool
+afterLastDaemonRun timestamp status = maybe False (< t) (lastRunning status)
+ where
+ t = realToFrac (timestamp + slop) :: POSIXTime
+ slop = fromIntegral tenMinutes
+tenMinutes :: Int
+tenMinutes = 10 * 60
+{- Mutates the transfer map. Runs in STM so that the transfer map can
+ - be modified in the same transaction that modifies the transfer queue.
+ - Note that this does not send a notification of the change; that's left
+ - to the caller. -}
+adjustTransfersSTM :: DaemonStatusHandle -> (TransferMap -> TransferMap) -> STM ()
+adjustTransfersSTM dstatus a = do
+ s <- takeTMVar dstatus
+ putTMVar dstatus $ s { currentTransfers = a (currentTransfers s) }
+{- Checks if a transfer is currently running. -}
+checkRunningTransferSTM :: DaemonStatusHandle -> Transfer -> STM Bool
+checkRunningTransferSTM dstatus t = M.member t . currentTransfers
+ <$> readTMVar dstatus
+{- Alters a transfer's info, if the transfer is in the map. -}
+alterTransferInfo :: Transfer -> (TransferInfo -> TransferInfo) -> Assistant ()
+alterTransferInfo t a = updateTransferInfo' $ M.adjust a t
+{- Updates a transfer's info. Adds the transfer to the map if necessary,
+ - or if already present, updates it while preserving the old transferTid,
+ - transferPaused, and bytesComplete values, which are not written to disk. -}
+updateTransferInfo :: Transfer -> TransferInfo -> Assistant ()
+updateTransferInfo t info = updateTransferInfo' $ M.insertWith' merge t info
+ where
+ merge new old = new
+ { transferTid = maybe (transferTid new) Just (transferTid old)
+ , transferPaused = transferPaused new || transferPaused old
+ , bytesComplete = maybe (bytesComplete new) Just (bytesComplete old)
+ }
+updateTransferInfo' :: (TransferMap -> TransferMap) -> Assistant ()
+updateTransferInfo' a = notifyTransfer `after` modifyDaemonStatus_ update
+ where
+ update s = s { currentTransfers = a (currentTransfers s) }
+{- Removes a transfer from the map, and returns its info. -}
+removeTransfer :: Transfer -> Assistant (Maybe TransferInfo)
+removeTransfer t = notifyTransfer `after` modifyDaemonStatus remove
+ where
+ remove s =
+ let (info, ts) = M.updateLookupWithKey
+ (\_k _v -> Nothing)
+ t (currentTransfers s)
+ in (s { currentTransfers = ts }, info)
+{- Send a notification when a transfer is changed. -}
+notifyTransfer :: Assistant ()
+notifyTransfer = do
+ dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
+ liftIO $ sendNotification
+ =<< transferNotifier <$> atomically (readTMVar dstatus)
+{- Send a notification when alerts are changed. -}
+notifyAlert :: Assistant ()
+notifyAlert = do
+ dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
+ liftIO $ sendNotification
+ =<< alertNotifier <$> atomically (readTMVar dstatus)
+{- Returns the alert's identifier, which can be used to remove it. -}
+addAlert :: Alert -> Assistant AlertId
+addAlert alert = do
+ notice [showAlert alert]
+ notifyAlert `after` modifyDaemonStatus add
+ where
+ add s = (s { lastAlertId = i, alertMap = m }, i)
+ where
+ i = nextAlertId $ lastAlertId s
+ m = mergeAlert i alert (alertMap s)
+removeAlert :: AlertId -> Assistant ()
+removeAlert i = updateAlert i (const Nothing)
+updateAlert :: AlertId -> (Alert -> Maybe Alert) -> Assistant ()
+updateAlert i a = updateAlertMap $ \m -> M.update a i m
+updateAlertMap :: (AlertMap -> AlertMap) -> Assistant ()
+updateAlertMap a = notifyAlert `after` modifyDaemonStatus_ update
+ where
+ update s = s { alertMap = a (alertMap s) }
+{- Displays an alert while performing an activity that returns True on
+ - success.
+ -
+ - The alert is left visible afterwards, as filler.
+ - Old filler is pruned, to prevent the map growing too large. -}
+alertWhile :: Alert -> Assistant Bool -> Assistant Bool
+alertWhile alert a = alertWhile' alert $ do
+ r <- a
+ return (r, r)
+{- Like alertWhile, but allows the activity to return a value too. -}
+alertWhile' :: Alert -> Assistant (Bool, a) -> Assistant a
+alertWhile' alert a = do
+ let alert' = alert { alertClass = Activity }
+ i <- addAlert alert'
+ (ok, r) <- a
+ updateAlertMap $ mergeAlert i $ makeAlertFiller ok alert'
+ return r
+{- Displays an alert while performing an activity, then removes it. -}
+alertDuring :: Alert -> Assistant a -> Assistant a
+alertDuring alert a = do
+ i <- addAlert $ alert { alertClass = Activity }
+ removeAlert i `after` a
+{- Remotes using the XMPP transport have urls like xmpp::user@host -}
+isXMPPRemote :: Remote -> Bool
+isXMPPRemote remote = Git.repoIsUrl r && "xmpp::" `isPrefixOf` Git.repoLocation r
+ where
+ r = Remote.repo remote
+getXMPPClientID :: Remote -> ClientID
+getXMPPClientID r = T.pack $ drop (length "xmpp::") (Git.repoLocation (Remote.repo r))
diff --git a/Assistant/DeleteRemote.hs b/Assistant/DeleteRemote.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc05786e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/DeleteRemote.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+{- git-annex assistant remote deletion utilities
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.DeleteRemote where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Types.UrlRenderer
+import Assistant.TransferQueue
+import Logs.Transfer
+import Logs.Location
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import qualified Remote
+import Remote.List
+import qualified Git.Remote
+import Logs.Trust
+import qualified Annex
+import Assistant.WebApp.Types
+import Assistant.Alert
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+{- Removes a remote (but leave the repository as-is), and returns the old
+ - Remote data. -}
+disableRemote :: UUID -> Assistant Remote
+disableRemote uuid = do
+ remote <- fromMaybe (error "unknown remote")
+ <$> liftAnnex (Remote.remoteFromUUID uuid)
+ liftAnnex $ do
+ inRepo $ Git.Remote.remove (Remote.name remote)
+ void $ remoteListRefresh
+ updateSyncRemotes
+ return remote
+{- Removes a remote, marking it dead .-}
+removeRemote :: UUID -> Assistant Remote
+removeRemote uuid = do
+ liftAnnex $ trustSet uuid DeadTrusted
+ disableRemote uuid
+{- Called when a Remote is probably empty, to remove it.
+ -
+ - This does one last check for any objects remaining in the Remote,
+ - and if there are any, queues Downloads of them, and defers removing
+ - the remote for later. This is to catch any objects not referred to
+ - in keys in the current branch.
+ -}
+removableRemote :: UrlRenderer -> UUID -> Assistant ()
+removableRemote urlrenderer uuid = do
+ keys <- getkeys
+ if null keys
+ then finishRemovingRemote urlrenderer uuid
+ else do
+ r <- fromMaybe (error "unknown remote")
+ <$> liftAnnex (Remote.remoteFromUUID uuid)
+ mapM_ (queueremaining r) keys
+ where
+ queueremaining r k =
+ queueTransferWhenSmall "remaining object in unwanted remote"
+ Nothing (Transfer Download uuid k) r
+ {- Scanning for keys can take a long time; do not tie up
+ - the Annex monad while doing it, so other threads continue to
+ - run. -}
+ getkeys = do
+ a <- liftAnnex $ Annex.withCurrentState $ loggedKeysFor uuid
+ liftIO a
+{- With the webapp, this asks the user to click on a button to finish
+ - removing the remote.
+ -
+ - Without the webapp, just do the removal now.
+ -}
+finishRemovingRemote :: UrlRenderer -> UUID -> Assistant ()
+finishRemovingRemote urlrenderer uuid = do
+ desc <- liftAnnex $ Remote.prettyUUID uuid
+ button <- mkAlertButton True (T.pack "Finish deletion process") urlrenderer $
+ FinishDeleteRepositoryR uuid
+ void $ addAlert $ remoteRemovalAlert desc button
+finishRemovingRemote _ uuid = void $ removeRemote uuid
diff --git a/Assistant/Drop.hs b/Assistant/Drop.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d677a69c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Drop.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+{- git-annex assistant dropping of unwanted content
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Drop where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Logs.Location
+import Logs.Trust
+import Types.Remote (uuid)
+import qualified Remote
+import qualified Command.Drop
+import Command
+import Annex.Wanted
+import Annex.Exception
+import Config
+import Annex.Content.Direct
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+type Reason = String
+{- Drop from local and/or remote when allowed by the preferred content and
+ - numcopies settings. -}
+handleDrops :: Reason -> Bool -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Maybe Remote -> Assistant ()
+handleDrops _ _ _ Nothing _ = noop
+handleDrops reason fromhere key f knownpresentremote = do
+ syncrs <- syncDataRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
+ locs <- liftAnnex $ loggedLocations key
+ handleDropsFrom locs syncrs reason fromhere key f knownpresentremote
+{- The UUIDs are ones where the content is believed to be present.
+ - The Remote list can include other remotes that do not have the content;
+ - only ones that match the UUIDs will be dropped from.
+ - If allowed to drop fromhere, that drop will be tried first.
+ -
+ - In direct mode, all associated files are checked, and only if all
+ - of them are unwanted are they dropped.
+ -}
+handleDropsFrom :: [UUID] -> [Remote] -> Reason -> Bool -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Maybe Remote -> Assistant ()
+handleDropsFrom _ _ _ _ _ Nothing _ = noop
+handleDropsFrom locs rs reason fromhere key (Just afile) knownpresentremote = do
+ fs <- liftAnnex $ ifM isDirect
+ ( do
+ l <- associatedFilesRelative key
+ if null l
+ then return [afile]
+ else return l
+ , return [afile]
+ )
+ n <- getcopies fs
+ if fromhere && checkcopies n Nothing
+ then go fs rs =<< dropl fs n
+ else go fs rs n
+ where
+ getcopies fs = liftAnnex $ do
+ (untrusted, have) <- trustPartition UnTrusted locs
+ numcopies <- maximum <$> mapM (getNumCopies <=< numCopies) fs
+ return (length have, numcopies, S.fromList untrusted)
+ {- Check that we have enough copies still to drop the content.
+ - When the remote being dropped from is untrusted, it was not
+ - counted as a copy, so having only numcopies suffices. Otherwise,
+ - we need more than numcopies to safely drop. -}
+ checkcopies (have, numcopies, _untrusted) Nothing = have > numcopies
+ checkcopies (have, numcopies, untrusted) (Just u)
+ | S.member u untrusted = have >= numcopies
+ | otherwise = have > numcopies
+ decrcopies (have, numcopies, untrusted) Nothing =
+ (have - 1, numcopies, untrusted)
+ decrcopies v@(_have, _numcopies, untrusted) (Just u)
+ | S.member u untrusted = v
+ | otherwise = decrcopies v Nothing
+ go _ [] _ = noop
+ go fs (r:rest) n
+ | uuid r `S.notMember` slocs = go fs rest n
+ | checkcopies n (Just $ Remote.uuid r) =
+ dropr fs r n >>= go fs rest
+ | otherwise = noop
+ checkdrop fs n@(have, numcopies, _untrusted) u a =
+ ifM (liftAnnex $ allM (wantDrop True u . Just) fs)
+ ( ifM (liftAnnex $ safely $ doCommand $ a (Just numcopies))
+ ( do
+ debug
+ [ "dropped"
+ , afile
+ , "(from " ++ maybe "here" show u ++ ")"
+ , "(copies now " ++ show (have - 1) ++ ")"
+ , ": " ++ reason
+ ]
+ return $ decrcopies n u
+ , return n
+ )
+ , return n
+ )
+ dropl fs n = checkdrop fs n Nothing $ \numcopies ->
+ Command.Drop.startLocal afile numcopies key knownpresentremote
+ dropr fs r n = checkdrop fs n (Just $ Remote.uuid r) $ \numcopies ->
+ Command.Drop.startRemote afile numcopies key r
+ safely a = either (const False) id <$> tryAnnex a
+ slocs = S.fromList locs
diff --git a/Assistant/Install.hs b/Assistant/Install.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dee1b5be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Install.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+{- Assistant installation
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Install where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Install.AutoStart
+import Assistant.Install.Menu
+import Assistant.Ssh
+import Config.Files
+import Utility.FileMode
+import Utility.Shell
+import Utility.Tmp
+import Utility.Env
+#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
+import Utility.OSX
+import Utility.FreeDesktop
+standaloneAppBase :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
+standaloneAppBase = getEnv "GIT_ANNEX_APP_BASE"
+{- The standalone app does not have an installation process.
+ - So when it's run, it needs to set up autostarting of the assistant
+ - daemon, as well as writing the programFile, and putting a
+ - git-annex-shell wrapper into ~/.ssh
+ -
+ - Note that this is done every time it's started, so if the user moves
+ - it around, the paths this sets up won't break.
+ -}
+ensureInstalled :: IO ()
+ensureInstalled = go =<< standaloneAppBase
+ where
+ go Nothing = noop
+ go (Just base) = do
+ let program = base </> "git-annex"
+ programfile <- programFile
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir programfile)
+ writeFile programfile program
+#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
+ autostartfile <- userAutoStart osxAutoStartLabel
+ menufile <- desktopMenuFilePath "git-annex" <$> userDataDir
+ icondir <- iconDir <$> userDataDir
+ installMenu program menufile base icondir
+ autostartfile <- autoStartPath "git-annex" <$> userConfigDir
+ installAutoStart program autostartfile
+ {- This shim is only updated if it doesn't
+ - already exist with the right content. -}
+ sshdir <- sshDir
+ let shim = sshdir </> "git-annex-shell"
+ let runshell var = "exec " ++ base </> "runshell" ++
+ " git-annex-shell -c \"" ++ var ++ "\""
+ let content = unlines
+ [ shebang_local
+ , "set -e"
+ , "if [ \"x$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND\" != \"x\" ]; then"
+ , runshell "$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND"
+ , "else"
+ , runshell "$@"
+ , "fi"
+ ]
+ curr <- catchDefaultIO "" $ readFileStrict shim
+ when (curr /= content) $ do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir shim)
+ viaTmp writeFile shim content
+ modifyFileMode shim $ addModes [ownerExecuteMode]
+{- Returns a cleaned up environment that lacks settings used to make the
+ - standalone builds use their bundled libraries and programs.
+ - Useful when calling programs not included in the standalone builds.
+ -
+ - For a non-standalone build, returns Nothing.
+ -}
+cleanEnvironment :: IO (Maybe [(String, String)])
+cleanEnvironment = clean <$> getEnvironment
+ where
+ clean env
+ | null vars = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just $ catMaybes $ map (restoreorig env) env
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ vars = words $ fromMaybe "" $
+ restoreorig oldenv p@(k, _v)
+ | k `elem` vars = case lookup ("ORIG_" ++ k) oldenv of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ (Just v') -> Just (k, v')
+ | otherwise = Just p
diff --git a/Assistant/Install/AutoStart.hs b/Assistant/Install/AutoStart.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b03d20224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Install/AutoStart.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+{- Assistant autostart file installation
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Install.AutoStart where
+import Utility.FreeDesktop
+#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
+import Utility.OSX
+import Utility.Path
+import System.Directory
+installAutoStart :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+installAutoStart command file = do
+#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir file)
+ writeFile file $ genOSXAutoStartFile osxAutoStartLabel command
+ ["assistant", "--autostart"]
+ writeDesktopMenuFile (fdoAutostart command) file
+osxAutoStartLabel :: String
+osxAutoStartLabel = "com.branchable.git-annex.assistant"
+fdoAutostart :: FilePath -> DesktopEntry
+fdoAutostart command = genDesktopEntry
+ "Git Annex Assistant"
+ "Autostart"
+ False
+ (command ++ " assistant --autostart")
+ Nothing
+ []
diff --git a/Assistant/Install/Menu.hs b/Assistant/Install/Menu.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..41ec855b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Install/Menu.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+{- Assistant menu installation.
+ -
+ - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Install.Menu where
+import Common
+import Utility.FreeDesktop
+installMenu :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+installMenu command menufile iconsrcdir icondir = do
+#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
+ return ()
+ writeDesktopMenuFile (fdoDesktopMenu command) menufile
+ installIcon (iconsrcdir </> "logo.svg") $
+ iconFilePath (iconBaseName ++ ".svg") "scalable" icondir
+ installIcon (iconsrcdir </> "favicon.png") $
+ iconFilePath (iconBaseName ++ ".png") "16x16" icondir
+{- The command can be either just "git-annex", or the full path to use
+ - to run it. -}
+fdoDesktopMenu :: FilePath -> DesktopEntry
+fdoDesktopMenu command = genDesktopEntry
+ "Git Annex"
+ "Track and sync the files in your Git Annex"
+ False
+ (command ++ " webapp")
+ (Just iconBaseName)
+ ["Network", "FileTransfer"]
+installIcon :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+installIcon src dest = do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (parentDir dest)
+ withBinaryFile src ReadMode $ \hin ->
+ withBinaryFile dest WriteMode $ \hout ->
+ hGetContents hin >>= hPutStr hout
+iconBaseName :: String
+iconBaseName = "git-annex"
diff --git a/Assistant/MakeRemote.hs b/Assistant/MakeRemote.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf316e49d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/MakeRemote.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+{- git-annex assistant remote creation utilities
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012, 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.MakeRemote where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Ssh
+import qualified Types.Remote as R
+import qualified Remote
+import Remote.List
+import qualified Remote.Rsync as Rsync
+import qualified Remote.GCrypt as GCrypt
+import qualified Git
+import qualified Git.Command
+import qualified Command.InitRemote
+import Logs.UUID
+import Logs.Remote
+import Git.Remote
+import Git.Types (RemoteName)
+import Creds
+import Assistant.Gpg
+import Utility.Gpg (KeyId)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+{- Sets up a new git or rsync remote, accessed over ssh. -}
+makeSshRemote :: SshData -> Annex RemoteName
+makeSshRemote sshdata = maker (sshRepoName sshdata) (genSshUrl sshdata)
+ where
+ maker
+ | onlyCapability sshdata RsyncCapable = makeRsyncRemote
+ | otherwise = makeGitRemote
+{- Runs an action that returns a name of the remote, and finishes adding it. -}
+addRemote :: Annex RemoteName -> Annex Remote
+addRemote a = do
+ name <- a
+ void remoteListRefresh
+ maybe (error "failed to add remote") return
+ =<< Remote.byName (Just name)
+{- Inits a rsync special remote, and returns its name. -}
+makeRsyncRemote :: RemoteName -> String -> Annex String
+makeRsyncRemote name location = makeRemote name location $ const $ void $
+ go =<< Command.InitRemote.findExisting name
+ where
+ go Nothing = setupSpecialRemote name Rsync.remote config
+ (Nothing, Command.InitRemote.newConfig name)
+ go (Just (u, c)) = setupSpecialRemote name Rsync.remote config (Just u, c)
+ config = M.fromList
+ [ ("encryption", "shared")
+ , ("rsyncurl", location)
+ , ("type", "rsync")
+ ]
+{- Inits a gcrypt special remote, and returns its name. -}
+makeGCryptRemote :: RemoteName -> String -> KeyId -> Annex RemoteName
+makeGCryptRemote remotename location keyid =
+ initSpecialRemote remotename GCrypt.remote $ M.fromList
+ [ ("type", "gcrypt")
+ , ("gitrepo", location)
+ , configureEncryption HybridEncryption
+ , ("keyid", keyid)
+ ]
+type SpecialRemoteMaker = RemoteName -> RemoteType -> R.RemoteConfig -> Annex RemoteName
+{- Inits a new special remote. The name is used as a suggestion, but
+ - will be changed if there is already a special remote with that name. -}
+initSpecialRemote :: SpecialRemoteMaker
+initSpecialRemote name remotetype config = go 0
+ where
+ go :: Int -> Annex RemoteName
+ go n = do
+ let fullname = if n == 0 then name else name ++ show n
+ r <- Command.InitRemote.findExisting fullname
+ case r of
+ Nothing -> setupSpecialRemote fullname remotetype config
+ (Nothing, Command.InitRemote.newConfig fullname)
+ Just _ -> go (n + 1)
+{- Enables an existing special remote. -}
+enableSpecialRemote :: SpecialRemoteMaker
+enableSpecialRemote name remotetype config = do
+ r <- Command.InitRemote.findExisting name
+ case r of
+ Nothing -> error $ "Cannot find a special remote named " ++ name
+ Just (u, c) -> setupSpecialRemote name remotetype config (Just u, c)
+setupSpecialRemote :: RemoteName -> RemoteType -> R.RemoteConfig -> (Maybe UUID, R.RemoteConfig) -> Annex RemoteName
+setupSpecialRemote name remotetype config (mu, c) = do
+ {- Currently, only 'weak' ciphers can be generated from the
+ - assistant, because otherwise GnuPG may block once the entropy
+ - pool is drained, and as of now there's no way to tell the user
+ - to perform IO actions to refill the pool. -}
+ (c', u) <- R.setup remotetype mu $
+ M.insert "highRandomQuality" "false" $ M.union config c
+ describeUUID u name
+ configSet u c'
+ return name
+{- Returns the name of the git remote it created. If there's already a
+ - remote at the location, returns its name. -}
+makeGitRemote :: String -> String -> Annex RemoteName
+makeGitRemote basename location = makeRemote basename location $ \name ->
+ void $ inRepo $ Git.Command.runBool
+ [Param "remote", Param "add", Param name, Param location]
+{- If there's not already a remote at the location, adds it using the
+ - action, which is passed the name of the remote to make.
+ -
+ - Returns the name of the remote. -}
+makeRemote :: String -> String -> (RemoteName -> Annex ()) -> Annex RemoteName
+makeRemote basename location a = do
+ g <- gitRepo
+ if not (any samelocation $ Git.remotes g)
+ then do
+ let name = uniqueRemoteName basename 0 g
+ a name
+ return name
+ else return basename
+ where
+ samelocation x = Git.repoLocation x == location
+{- Generate an unused name for a remote, adding a number if
+ - necessary.
+ -
+ - Ensures that the returned name is a legal git remote name. -}
+uniqueRemoteName :: String -> Int -> Git.Repo -> RemoteName
+uniqueRemoteName basename n r
+ | null namecollision = name
+ | otherwise = uniqueRemoteName legalbasename (succ n) r
+ where
+ namecollision = filter samename (Git.remotes r)
+ samename x = Git.remoteName x == Just name
+ name
+ | n == 0 = legalbasename
+ | otherwise = legalbasename ++ show n
+ legalbasename = makeLegalName basename
+{- Finds a CredPair belonging to any Remote that is of a given type
+ - and matches some other criteria.
+ -
+ - This can be used as a default when another repository is being set up
+ - using the same service.
+ -
+ - A function must be provided that returns the CredPairStorage
+ - to use for a particular Remote's uuid.
+ -}
+ :: (UUID -> CredPairStorage)
+ -> RemoteType
+ -> (Remote -> Bool)
+ -> Annex (Maybe CredPair)
+previouslyUsedCredPair getstorage remotetype criteria =
+ getM fromstorage =<< filter criteria . filter sametype <$> remoteList
+ where
+ sametype r = R.typename (R.remotetype r) == R.typename remotetype
+ fromstorage r = do
+ let storage = getstorage (R.uuid r)
+ getRemoteCredPair (R.config r) storage
diff --git a/Assistant/Monad.hs b/Assistant/Monad.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b843ea88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Monad.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+{- git-annex assistant monad
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+module Assistant.Monad (
+ Assistant,
+ AssistantData(..),
+ newAssistantData,
+ runAssistant,
+ getAssistant,
+ LiftAnnex,
+ liftAnnex,
+ (<~>),
+ (<<~),
+ asIO,
+ asIO1,
+ asIO2,
+ ThreadName,
+ debug,
+ notice
+) where
+import "mtl" Control.Monad.Reader
+import System.Log.Logger
+import Common.Annex
+import Assistant.Types.ThreadedMonad
+import Assistant.Types.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.Types.ScanRemotes
+import Assistant.Types.TransferQueue
+import Assistant.Types.TransferSlots
+import Assistant.Types.TransferrerPool
+import Assistant.Types.Pushes
+import Assistant.Types.BranchChange
+import Assistant.Types.Commits
+import Assistant.Types.Changes
+import Assistant.Types.RepoProblem
+import Assistant.Types.Buddies
+import Assistant.Types.NetMessager
+import Assistant.Types.ThreadName
+newtype Assistant a = Assistant { mkAssistant :: ReaderT AssistantData IO a }
+ deriving (
+ Monad,
+ MonadIO,
+ MonadReader AssistantData,
+ Functor,
+ Applicative
+ )
+data AssistantData = AssistantData
+ { threadName :: ThreadName
+ , threadState :: ThreadState
+ , daemonStatusHandle :: DaemonStatusHandle
+ , scanRemoteMap :: ScanRemoteMap
+ , transferQueue :: TransferQueue
+ , transferSlots :: TransferSlots
+ , transferrerPool :: TransferrerPool
+ , failedPushMap :: FailedPushMap
+ , commitChan :: CommitChan
+ , changePool :: ChangePool
+ , repoProblemChan :: RepoProblemChan
+ , branchChangeHandle :: BranchChangeHandle
+ , buddyList :: BuddyList
+ , netMessager :: NetMessager
+ }
+newAssistantData :: ThreadState -> DaemonStatusHandle -> IO AssistantData
+newAssistantData st dstatus = AssistantData
+ <$> pure (ThreadName "main")
+ <*> pure st
+ <*> pure dstatus
+ <*> newScanRemoteMap
+ <*> newTransferQueue
+ <*> newTransferSlots
+ <*> newTransferrerPool
+ <*> newFailedPushMap
+ <*> newCommitChan
+ <*> newChangePool
+ <*> newRepoProblemChan
+ <*> newBranchChangeHandle
+ <*> newBuddyList
+ <*> newNetMessager
+runAssistant :: AssistantData -> Assistant a -> IO a
+runAssistant d a = runReaderT (mkAssistant a) d
+getAssistant :: (AssistantData -> a) -> Assistant a
+getAssistant = reader
+{- Using a type class for lifting into the annex monad allows
+ - easily lifting to it from multiple different monads. -}
+class LiftAnnex m where
+ liftAnnex :: Annex a -> m a
+{- Runs an action in the git-annex monad. Note that the same monad state
+ - is shared amoung all assistant threads, so only one of these can run at
+ - a time. Therefore, long-duration actions should be avoided. -}
+instance LiftAnnex Assistant where
+ liftAnnex a = do
+ st <- reader threadState
+ liftIO $ runThreadState st a
+{- Runs an IO action, passing it an IO action that runs an Assistant action. -}
+(<~>) :: (IO a -> IO b) -> Assistant a -> Assistant b
+io <~> a = do
+ d <- reader id
+ liftIO $ io $ runAssistant d a
+{- Creates an IO action that will run an Assistant action when run. -}
+asIO :: Assistant a -> Assistant (IO a)
+asIO a = do
+ d <- reader id
+ return $ runAssistant d a
+asIO1 :: (a -> Assistant b) -> Assistant (a -> IO b)
+asIO1 a = do
+ d <- reader id
+ return $ \v -> runAssistant d $ a v
+asIO2 :: (a -> b -> Assistant c) -> Assistant (a -> b -> IO c)
+asIO2 a = do
+ d <- reader id
+ return $ \v1 v2 -> runAssistant d (a v1 v2)
+{- Runs an IO action on a selected field of the AssistantData. -}
+(<<~) :: (a -> IO b) -> (AssistantData -> a) -> Assistant b
+io <<~ v = reader v >>= liftIO . io
+debug :: [String] -> Assistant ()
+debug = logaction debugM
+notice :: [String] -> Assistant ()
+notice = logaction noticeM
+logaction :: (String -> String -> IO ()) -> [String] -> Assistant ()
+logaction a ws = do
+ ThreadName name <- getAssistant threadName
+ liftIO $ a name $ unwords $ (name ++ ":") : ws
diff --git a/Assistant/NamedThread.hs b/Assistant/NamedThread.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1b3983f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/NamedThread.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+{- git-annex assistant named threads.
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.NamedThread where
+import Common.Annex
+import Assistant.Types.NamedThread
+import Assistant.Types.ThreadName
+import Assistant.Types.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.Types.UrlRenderer
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.Monad
+import Utility.NotificationBroadcaster
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Concurrent.Async
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Control.Exception as E
+import Assistant.WebApp.Types
+import Assistant.Types.Alert
+import Assistant.Alert
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+{- Starts a named thread, if it's not already running.
+ -
+ - Named threads are run by a management thread, so if they crash
+ - an alert is displayed, allowing the thread to be restarted. -}
+startNamedThread :: UrlRenderer -> NamedThread -> Assistant ()
+startNamedThread urlrenderer (NamedThread afterstartupsanitycheck name a) = do
+ m <- startedThreads <$> getDaemonStatus
+ case M.lookup name m of
+ Nothing -> start
+ Just (aid, _) -> do
+ r <- liftIO (E.try (poll aid) :: IO (Either E.SomeException (Maybe (Either E.SomeException ()))))
+ case r of
+ Right Nothing -> noop
+ _ -> start
+ where
+ start
+ | afterstartupsanitycheck = do
+ status <- getDaemonStatus
+ h <- liftIO $ newNotificationHandle False $
+ startupSanityCheckNotifier status
+ startwith $ runmanaged $
+ liftIO $ waitNotification h
+ | otherwise = startwith $ runmanaged noop
+ startwith runner = do
+ d <- getAssistant id
+ aid <- liftIO $ runner $ d { threadName = name }
+ restart <- asIO $ startNamedThread urlrenderer (NamedThread False name a)
+ modifyDaemonStatus_ $ \s -> s
+ { startedThreads = M.insertWith' const name (aid, restart) (startedThreads s) }
+ runmanaged first d = do
+ aid <- async $ runAssistant d $ do
+ void first
+ a
+ void $ forkIO $ manager d aid
+ return aid
+ manager d aid = do
+ r <- E.try (wait aid) :: IO (Either E.SomeException ())
+ case r of
+ Right _ -> noop
+ Left e -> do
+ let msg = unwords
+ [ fromThreadName $ threadName d
+ , "crashed:", show e
+ ]
+ hPutStrLn stderr msg
+ button <- runAssistant d $ mkAlertButton True
+ (T.pack "Restart Thread")
+ urlrenderer
+ (RestartThreadR name)
+ runAssistant d $ void $ addAlert $
+ (warningAlert (fromThreadName name) msg)
+ { alertButtons = [button] }
+namedThreadId :: NamedThread -> Assistant (Maybe ThreadId)
+namedThreadId (NamedThread _ name _) = do
+ m <- startedThreads <$> getDaemonStatus
+ return $ asyncThreadId . fst <$> M.lookup name m
+{- Waits for all named threads that have been started to finish.
+ -
+ - Note that if a named thread crashes, it will probably
+ - cause this to crash as well. Also, named threads that are started
+ - after this is called will not be waited on. -}
+waitNamedThreads :: Assistant ()
+waitNamedThreads = do
+ m <- startedThreads <$> getDaemonStatus
+ liftIO $ mapM_ (wait . fst) $ M.elems m
diff --git a/Assistant/NetMessager.hs b/Assistant/NetMessager.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..acb18b648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/NetMessager.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+{- git-annex assistant out of band network messager interface
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012-2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+module Assistant.NetMessager where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Types.NetMessager
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Control.Concurrent.MSampleVar
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.DList as D
+sendNetMessage :: NetMessage -> Assistant ()
+sendNetMessage m =
+ (atomically . flip writeTChan m) <<~ (netMessages . netMessager)
+waitNetMessage :: Assistant (NetMessage)
+waitNetMessage = (atomically . readTChan) <<~ (netMessages . netMessager)
+notifyNetMessagerRestart :: Assistant ()
+notifyNetMessagerRestart =
+ flip writeSV () <<~ (netMessagerRestart . netMessager)
+{- This can be used to get an early indication if the network has
+ - changed, to immediately restart a connection. However, that is not
+ - available on all systems, so clients also need to deal with
+ - restarting dropped connections in the usual way. -}
+waitNetMessagerRestart :: Assistant ()
+waitNetMessagerRestart = readSV <<~ (netMessagerRestart . netMessager)
+{- Store a new important NetMessage for a client, and if an equivilant
+ - older message is already stored, remove it from both importantNetMessages
+ - and sentImportantNetMessages. -}
+storeImportantNetMessage :: NetMessage -> ClientID -> (ClientID -> Bool) -> Assistant ()
+storeImportantNetMessage m client matchingclient = go <<~ netMessager
+ where
+ go nm = atomically $ do
+ q <- takeTMVar $ importantNetMessages nm
+ sent <- takeTMVar $ sentImportantNetMessages nm
+ putTMVar (importantNetMessages nm) $
+ M.alter (Just . maybe (S.singleton m) (S.insert m)) client $
+ M.mapWithKey removematching q
+ putTMVar (sentImportantNetMessages nm) $
+ M.mapWithKey removematching sent
+ removematching someclient s
+ | matchingclient someclient = S.filter (not . equivilantImportantNetMessages m) s
+ | otherwise = s
+{- Indicates that an important NetMessage has been sent to a client. -}
+sentImportantNetMessage :: NetMessage -> ClientID -> Assistant ()
+sentImportantNetMessage m client = go <<~ (sentImportantNetMessages . netMessager)
+ where
+ go v = atomically $ do
+ sent <- takeTMVar v
+ putTMVar v $
+ M.alter (Just . maybe (S.singleton m) (S.insert m)) client sent
+{- Checks for important NetMessages that have been stored for a client, and
+ - sent to a client. Typically the same client for both, although
+ - a modified or more specific client may need to be used. -}
+checkImportantNetMessages :: (ClientID, ClientID) -> Assistant (S.Set NetMessage, S.Set NetMessage)
+checkImportantNetMessages (storedclient, sentclient) = go <<~ netMessager
+ where
+ go nm = atomically $ do
+ stored <- M.lookup storedclient <$> (readTMVar $ importantNetMessages nm)
+ sent <- M.lookup sentclient <$> (readTMVar $ sentImportantNetMessages nm)
+ return (fromMaybe S.empty stored, fromMaybe S.empty sent)
+{- Queues a push initiation message in the queue for the appropriate
+ - side of the push but only if there is not already an initiation message
+ - from the same client in the queue. -}
+queuePushInitiation :: NetMessage -> Assistant ()
+queuePushInitiation msg@(Pushing clientid stage) = do
+ tv <- getPushInitiationQueue side
+ liftIO $ atomically $ do
+ r <- tryTakeTMVar tv
+ case r of
+ Nothing -> putTMVar tv [msg]
+ Just l -> do
+ let !l' = msg : filter differentclient l
+ putTMVar tv l'
+ where
+ side = pushDestinationSide stage
+ differentclient (Pushing cid _) = cid /= clientid
+ differentclient _ = True
+queuePushInitiation _ = noop
+{- Waits for a push inititation message to be received, and runs
+ - function to select a message from the queue. -}
+waitPushInitiation :: PushSide -> ([NetMessage] -> (NetMessage, [NetMessage])) -> Assistant NetMessage
+waitPushInitiation side selector = do
+ tv <- getPushInitiationQueue side
+ liftIO $ atomically $ do
+ q <- takeTMVar tv
+ if null q
+ then retry
+ else do
+ let (msg, !q') = selector q
+ unless (null q') $
+ putTMVar tv q'
+ return msg
+{- Stores messages for a push into the appropriate inbox.
+ -
+ - To avoid overflow, only 1000 messages max are stored in any
+ - inbox, which should be far more than necessary.
+ -
+ - TODO: If we have more than 100 inboxes for different clients,
+ - discard old ones that are not currently being used by any push.
+ -}
+storeInbox :: NetMessage -> Assistant ()
+storeInbox msg@(Pushing clientid stage) = do
+ inboxes <- getInboxes side
+ stored <- liftIO $ atomically $ do
+ m <- readTVar inboxes
+ let update = \v -> do
+ writeTVar inboxes $
+ M.insertWith' const clientid v m
+ return True
+ case M.lookup clientid m of
+ Nothing -> update (1, tostore)
+ Just (sz, l)
+ | sz > 1000 -> return False
+ | otherwise ->
+ let !sz' = sz + 1
+ !l' = D.append l tostore
+ in update (sz', l')
+ if stored
+ then netMessagerDebug clientid ["stored", logNetMessage msg, "in", show side, "inbox"]
+ else netMessagerDebug clientid ["discarded", logNetMessage msg, "; ", show side, "inbox is full"]
+ where
+ side = pushDestinationSide stage
+ tostore = D.singleton msg
+storeInbox _ = noop
+{- Gets the new message for a push from its inbox.
+ - Blocks until a message has been received. -}
+waitInbox :: ClientID -> PushSide -> Assistant (NetMessage)
+waitInbox clientid side = do
+ inboxes <- getInboxes side
+ liftIO $ atomically $ do
+ m <- readTVar inboxes
+ case M.lookup clientid m of
+ Nothing -> retry
+ Just (sz, dl)
+ | sz < 1 -> retry
+ | otherwise -> do
+ let msg = D.head dl
+ let dl' = D.tail dl
+ let !sz' = sz - 1
+ writeTVar inboxes $
+ M.insertWith' const clientid (sz', dl') m
+ return msg
+emptyInbox :: ClientID -> PushSide -> Assistant ()
+emptyInbox clientid side = do
+ inboxes <- getInboxes side
+ liftIO $ atomically $
+ modifyTVar' inboxes $
+ M.delete clientid
+getInboxes :: PushSide -> Assistant Inboxes
+getInboxes side =
+ getSide side . netMessagerInboxes <$> getAssistant netMessager
+getPushInitiationQueue :: PushSide -> Assistant (TMVar [NetMessage])
+getPushInitiationQueue side =
+ getSide side . netMessagerPushInitiations <$> getAssistant netMessager
+netMessagerDebug :: ClientID -> [String] -> Assistant ()
+netMessagerDebug clientid l = debug $
+ "NetMessager" : l ++ [show $ logClientID clientid]
diff --git a/Assistant/Pairing.hs b/Assistant/Pairing.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb1384a15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Pairing.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+{- git-annex assistant repo pairing, core data types
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Pairing where
+import Common.Annex
+import Utility.Verifiable
+import Assistant.Ssh
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Network.Socket
+import Data.Char
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+data PairStage
+ {- "I'll pair with anybody who shares the secret that can be used
+ - to verify this request." -}
+ = PairReq
+ {- "I've verified your request, and you can verify this to see
+ - that I know the secret. I set up your ssh key already.
+ - Here's mine for you to set up." -}
+ | PairAck
+ {- "I saw your PairAck; you can stop sending them." -}
+ | PairDone
+ deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Ord, Enum)
+newtype PairMsg = PairMsg (Verifiable (PairStage, PairData, SomeAddr))
+ deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
+verifiedPairMsg :: PairMsg -> PairingInProgress -> Bool
+verifiedPairMsg (PairMsg m) pip = verify m $ inProgressSecret pip
+fromPairMsg :: PairMsg -> Verifiable (PairStage, PairData, SomeAddr)
+fromPairMsg (PairMsg m) = m
+pairMsgStage :: PairMsg -> PairStage
+pairMsgStage (PairMsg (Verifiable (s, _, _) _)) = s
+pairMsgData :: PairMsg -> PairData
+pairMsgData (PairMsg (Verifiable (_, d, _) _)) = d
+pairMsgAddr :: PairMsg -> SomeAddr
+pairMsgAddr (PairMsg (Verifiable (_, _, a) _)) = a
+data PairData = PairData
+ -- uname -n output, not a full domain name
+ { remoteHostName :: Maybe HostName
+ , remoteUserName :: UserName
+ , remoteDirectory :: FilePath
+ , remoteSshPubKey :: SshPubKey
+ , pairUUID :: UUID
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
+type UserName = String
+{- A pairing that is in progress has a secret, a thread that is
+ - broadcasting pairing messages, and a SshKeyPair that has not yet been
+ - set up on disk. -}
+data PairingInProgress = PairingInProgress
+ { inProgressSecret :: Secret
+ , inProgressThreadId :: Maybe ThreadId
+ , inProgressSshKeyPair :: SshKeyPair
+ , inProgressPairData :: PairData
+ , inProgressPairStage :: PairStage
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+data SomeAddr = IPv4Addr HostAddress
+{- My Android build of the Network library does not currently have IPV6
+ - support. -}
+#ifndef __ANDROID__
+ | IPv6Addr HostAddress6
+ deriving (Ord, Eq, Read, Show)
+{- This contains the whole secret, just lightly obfuscated to make it not
+ - too obvious. It's only displayed in the user's web browser. -}
+newtype SecretReminder = SecretReminder [Int]
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Read)
+toSecretReminder :: T.Text -> SecretReminder
+toSecretReminder = SecretReminder . map ord . T.unpack
+fromSecretReminder :: SecretReminder -> T.Text
+fromSecretReminder (SecretReminder s) = T.pack $ map chr s
diff --git a/Assistant/Pairing/MakeRemote.hs b/Assistant/Pairing/MakeRemote.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..144b236a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Pairing/MakeRemote.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+{- git-annex assistant pairing remote creation
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Pairing.MakeRemote where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Ssh
+import Assistant.Pairing
+import Assistant.Pairing.Network
+import Assistant.MakeRemote
+import Assistant.Sync
+import Config.Cost
+import Config
+import Network.Socket
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+{- Authorized keys are set up before pairing is complete, so that the other
+ - side can immediately begin syncing. -}
+setupAuthorizedKeys :: PairMsg -> FilePath -> IO ()
+setupAuthorizedKeys msg repodir = do
+ validateSshPubKey pubkey
+ unlessM (liftIO $ addAuthorizedKeys True repodir pubkey) $
+ error "failed setting up ssh authorized keys"
+ where
+ pubkey = remoteSshPubKey $ pairMsgData msg
+{- When local pairing is complete, this is used to set up the remote for
+ - the host we paired with. -}
+finishedLocalPairing :: PairMsg -> SshKeyPair -> Assistant ()
+finishedLocalPairing msg keypair = do
+ sshdata <- liftIO $ setupSshKeyPair keypair =<< pairMsgToSshData msg
+ {- Ensure that we know the ssh host key for the host we paired with.
+ - If we don't, ssh over to get it. -}
+ liftIO $ unlessM (knownHost $ sshHostName sshdata) $
+ void $ sshTranscript
+ [ sshOpt "StrictHostKeyChecking" "no"
+ , sshOpt "NumberOfPasswordPrompts" "0"
+ , "-n"
+ , genSshHost (sshHostName sshdata) (sshUserName sshdata)
+ , "git-annex-shell -c configlist " ++ T.unpack (sshDirectory sshdata)
+ ]
+ Nothing
+ r <- liftAnnex $ addRemote $ makeSshRemote sshdata
+ liftAnnex $ setRemoteCost r semiExpensiveRemoteCost
+ syncRemote r
+{- Mostly a straightforward conversion. Except:
+ - * Determine the best hostname to use to contact the host.
+ - * Strip leading ~/ from the directory name.
+ -}
+pairMsgToSshData :: PairMsg -> IO SshData
+pairMsgToSshData msg = do
+ let d = pairMsgData msg
+ hostname <- liftIO $ bestHostName msg
+ let dir = case remoteDirectory d of
+ ('~':'/':v) -> v
+ v -> v
+ return SshData
+ { sshHostName = T.pack hostname
+ , sshUserName = Just (T.pack $ remoteUserName d)
+ , sshDirectory = T.pack dir
+ , sshRepoName = genSshRepoName hostname dir
+ , sshPort = 22
+ , needsPubKey = True
+ , sshCapabilities = [GitAnnexShellCapable, GitCapable, RsyncCapable]
+ }
+{- Finds the best hostname to use for the host that sent the PairMsg.
+ -
+ - If remoteHostName is set, tries to use a .local address based on it.
+ - That's the most robust, if this system supports .local.
+ - Otherwise, looks up the hostname in the DNS for the remoteAddress,
+ - if any. May fall back to remoteAddress if there's no DNS. Ugh. -}
+bestHostName :: PairMsg -> IO HostName
+bestHostName msg = case remoteHostName $ pairMsgData msg of
+ Just h -> do
+ let localname = h ++ ".local"
+ addrs <- catchDefaultIO [] $
+ getAddrInfo Nothing (Just localname) Nothing
+ maybe fallback (const $ return localname) (headMaybe addrs)
+ Nothing -> fallback
+ where
+ fallback = do
+ let a = pairMsgAddr msg
+ let sockaddr = case a of
+ IPv4Addr addr -> SockAddrInet (PortNum 0) addr
+ IPv6Addr addr -> SockAddrInet6 (PortNum 0) 0 addr 0
+ fromMaybe (showAddr a)
+ <$> catchDefaultIO Nothing
+ (fst <$> getNameInfo [] True False sockaddr)
diff --git a/Assistant/Pairing/Network.hs b/Assistant/Pairing/Network.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6c625f881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Pairing/Network.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+{- git-annex assistant pairing network code
+ -
+ - All network traffic is sent over multicast UDP. For reliability,
+ - each message is repeated until acknowledged. This is done using a
+ - thread, that gets stopped before the next message is sent.
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Pairing.Network where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Pairing
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import Utility.Verifiable
+import Network.Multicast
+import Network.Info
+import Network.Socket
+import Control.Exception (bracket)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Control.Concurrent
+{- This is an arbitrary port in the dynamic port range, that could
+ - conceivably be used for some other broadcast messages.
+ - If so, hope they ignore the garbage from us; we'll certianly
+ - ignore garbage from them. Wild wild west. -}
+pairingPort :: PortNumber
+pairingPort = 55556
+{- Goal: Reach all hosts on the same network segment.
+ - Method: Use same address that avahi uses. Other broadcast addresses seem
+ - to not be let through some routers. -}
+multicastAddress :: SomeAddr -> HostName
+multicastAddress (IPv4Addr _) = ""
+multicastAddress (IPv6Addr _) = "ff02::fb"
+{- Multicasts a message repeatedly on all interfaces, with a 2 second
+ - delay between each transmission. The message is repeated forever
+ - unless a number of repeats is specified.
+ -
+ - The remoteHostAddress is set to the interface's IP address.
+ -
+ - Note that new sockets are opened each time. This is hardly efficient,
+ - but it allows new network interfaces to be used as they come up.
+ - On the other hand, the expensive DNS lookups are cached.
+ -}
+multicastPairMsg :: Maybe Int -> Secret -> PairData -> PairStage -> IO ()
+multicastPairMsg repeats secret pairdata stage = go M.empty repeats
+ where
+ go _ (Just 0) = noop
+ go cache n = do
+ addrs <- activeNetworkAddresses
+ let cache' = updatecache cache addrs
+ mapM_ (sendinterface cache') addrs
+ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 2)
+ go cache' $ pred <$> n
+ {- The multicast library currently chokes on ipv6 addresses. -}
+ sendinterface _ (IPv6Addr _) = noop
+ sendinterface cache i = void $ tryIO $
+ withSocketsDo $ bracket setup cleanup use
+ where
+ setup = multicastSender (multicastAddress i) pairingPort
+ cleanup (sock, _) = sClose sock -- FIXME does not work
+ use (sock, addr) = do
+ setInterface sock (showAddr i)
+ maybe noop (\s -> void $ sendTo sock s addr)
+ (M.lookup i cache)
+ updatecache cache [] = cache
+ updatecache cache (i:is)
+ | M.member i cache = updatecache cache is
+ | otherwise = updatecache (M.insert i (show $ mkmsg i) cache) is
+ mkmsg addr = PairMsg $
+ mkVerifiable (stage, pairdata, addr) secret
+startSending :: PairingInProgress -> PairStage -> (PairStage -> IO ()) -> Assistant ()
+startSending pip stage sender = do
+ a <- asIO start
+ void $ liftIO $ forkIO a
+ where
+ start = do
+ tid <- liftIO myThreadId
+ let pip' = pip { inProgressPairStage = stage, inProgressThreadId = Just tid }
+ oldpip <- modifyDaemonStatus $
+ \s -> (s { pairingInProgress = Just pip' }, pairingInProgress s)
+ maybe noop stopold oldpip
+ liftIO $ sender stage
+ stopold = maybe noop (liftIO . killThread) . inProgressThreadId
+stopSending :: PairingInProgress -> Assistant ()
+stopSending pip = do
+ maybe noop (liftIO . killThread) $ inProgressThreadId pip
+ modifyDaemonStatus_ $ \s -> s { pairingInProgress = Nothing }
+class ToSomeAddr a where
+ toSomeAddr :: a -> SomeAddr
+instance ToSomeAddr IPv4 where
+ toSomeAddr (IPv4 a) = IPv4Addr a
+instance ToSomeAddr IPv6 where
+ toSomeAddr (IPv6 o1 o2 o3 o4) = IPv6Addr (o1, o2, o3, o4)
+showAddr :: SomeAddr -> HostName
+showAddr (IPv4Addr a) = show $ IPv4 a
+showAddr (IPv6Addr (o1, o2, o3, o4)) = show $ IPv6 o1 o2 o3 o4
+activeNetworkAddresses :: IO [SomeAddr]
+activeNetworkAddresses = filter (not . all (`elem` "0.:") . showAddr)
+ . concatMap (\ni -> [toSomeAddr $ ipv4 ni, toSomeAddr $ ipv6 ni])
+ <$> getNetworkInterfaces
+{- A human-visible description of the repository being paired with.
+ - Note that the repository's description is not shown to the user, because
+ - it could be something like "my repo", which is confusing when pairing
+ - with someone else's repo. However, this has the same format as the
+ - default decription of a repo. -}
+pairRepo :: PairMsg -> String
+pairRepo msg = concat
+ [ remoteUserName d
+ , "@"
+ , fromMaybe (showAddr $ pairMsgAddr msg) (remoteHostName d)
+ , ":"
+ , remoteDirectory d
+ ]
+ where
+ d = pairMsgData msg
diff --git a/Assistant/Pushes.hs b/Assistant/Pushes.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54f31a84b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Pushes.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+{- git-annex assistant push tracking
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Pushes where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Types.Pushes
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Data.Time.Clock
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+{- Blocks until there are failed pushes.
+ - Returns Remotes whose pushes failed a given time duration or more ago.
+ - (This may be an empty list.) -}
+getFailedPushesBefore :: NominalDiffTime -> Assistant [Remote]
+getFailedPushesBefore duration = do
+ v <- getAssistant failedPushMap
+ liftIO $ do
+ m <- atomically $ readTMVar v
+ now <- getCurrentTime
+ return $ M.keys $ M.filter (not . toorecent now) m
+ where
+ toorecent now time = now `diffUTCTime` time < duration
+{- Modifies the map. -}
+changeFailedPushMap :: (PushMap -> PushMap) -> Assistant ()
+changeFailedPushMap a = do
+ v <- getAssistant failedPushMap
+ liftIO $ atomically $ store v . a . fromMaybe M.empty =<< tryTakeTMVar v
+ where
+ {- tryTakeTMVar empties the TMVar; refill it only if
+ - the modified map is not itself empty -}
+ store v m
+ | m == M.empty = noop
+ | otherwise = putTMVar v $! m
diff --git a/Assistant/RepoProblem.hs b/Assistant/RepoProblem.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6913fefc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/RepoProblem.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+{- git-annex assistant remote problem handling
+ -
+ - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.RepoProblem where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Types.RepoProblem
+import Utility.TList
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+{- Gets all repositories that have problems. Blocks until there is at
+ - least one. -}
+getRepoProblems :: Assistant [RepoProblem]
+getRepoProblems = nubBy sameRepoProblem
+ <$> (atomically . getTList) <<~ repoProblemChan
+{- Indicates that there was a problem with a repository, and the problem
+ - appears to not be a transient (eg network connection) problem.
+ -
+ - If the problem is able to be repaired, the passed action will be run.
+ - (However, if multiple problems are reported with a single repository,
+ - only a single action will be run.)
+ -}
+repoHasProblem :: UUID -> Assistant () -> Assistant ()
+repoHasProblem u afterrepair = do
+ rp <- RepoProblem
+ <$> pure u
+ <*> asIO afterrepair
+ (atomically . flip consTList rp) <<~ repoProblemChan
diff --git a/Assistant/ScanRemotes.hs b/Assistant/ScanRemotes.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2743c0f36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/ScanRemotes.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+{- git-annex assistant remotes needing scanning
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.ScanRemotes where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Types.ScanRemotes
+import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
+import Data.Function
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+{- Blocks until there is a remote or remotes that need to be scanned.
+ -
+ - The list has higher priority remotes listed first. -}
+getScanRemote :: Assistant [(Remote, ScanInfo)]
+getScanRemote = do
+ v <- getAssistant scanRemoteMap
+ liftIO $ atomically $
+ reverse . sortBy (compare `on` scanPriority . snd) . M.toList
+ <$> takeTMVar v
+{- Adds new remotes that need scanning. -}
+addScanRemotes :: Bool -> [Remote] -> Assistant ()
+addScanRemotes _ [] = noop
+addScanRemotes full rs = do
+ v <- getAssistant scanRemoteMap
+ liftIO $ atomically $ do
+ m <- fromMaybe M.empty <$> tryTakeTMVar v
+ putTMVar v $ M.unionWith merge (M.fromList $ zip rs (map info rs)) m
+ where
+ info r = ScanInfo (-1 * Remote.cost r) full
+ merge x y = ScanInfo
+ { scanPriority = max (scanPriority x) (scanPriority y)
+ , fullScan = fullScan x || fullScan y
+ }
diff --git a/Assistant/Ssh.hs b/Assistant/Ssh.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1dc982ba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Ssh.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+{- git-annex assistant ssh utilities
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012-2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Ssh where
+import Common.Annex
+import Utility.Tmp
+import Utility.UserInfo
+import Utility.Shell
+import Utility.Rsync
+import Utility.FileMode
+import Git.Remote
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Char
+import Network.URI
+data SshData = SshData
+ { sshHostName :: Text
+ , sshUserName :: Maybe Text
+ , sshDirectory :: Text
+ , sshRepoName :: String
+ , sshPort :: Int
+ , needsPubKey :: Bool
+ , sshCapabilities :: [SshServerCapability]
+ }
+ deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
+data SshServerCapability = GitAnnexShellCapable | GitCapable | RsyncCapable
+ deriving (Read, Show, Eq)
+hasCapability :: SshData -> SshServerCapability -> Bool
+hasCapability d c = c `elem` sshCapabilities d
+onlyCapability :: SshData -> SshServerCapability -> Bool
+onlyCapability d c = all (== c) (sshCapabilities d)
+data SshKeyPair = SshKeyPair
+ { sshPubKey :: String
+ , sshPrivKey :: String
+ }
+instance Show SshKeyPair where
+ show = sshPubKey
+type SshPubKey = String
+{- ssh -ofoo=bar command-line option -}
+sshOpt :: String -> String -> String
+sshOpt k v = concat ["-o", k, "=", v]
+sshDir :: IO FilePath
+sshDir = do
+ home <- myHomeDir
+ return $ home </> ".ssh"
+{- user@host or host -}
+genSshHost :: Text -> Maybe Text -> String
+genSshHost host user = maybe "" (\v -> T.unpack v ++ "@") user ++ T.unpack host
+{- Generates a ssh or rsync url from a SshData. -}
+genSshUrl :: SshData -> String
+genSshUrl sshdata = addtrailingslash $ T.unpack $ T.concat $
+ if (onlyCapability sshdata RsyncCapable)
+ then [u, h, T.pack ":", sshDirectory sshdata]
+ else [T.pack "ssh://", u, h, d]
+ where
+ u = maybe (T.pack "") (\v -> T.concat [v, T.pack "@"]) $ sshUserName sshdata
+ h = sshHostName sshdata
+ d
+ | T.pack "/" `T.isPrefixOf` sshDirectory sshdata = sshDirectory sshdata
+ | T.pack "~/" `T.isPrefixOf` sshDirectory sshdata = T.concat [T.pack "/", sshDirectory sshdata]
+ | otherwise = T.concat [T.pack "/~/", sshDirectory sshdata]
+ addtrailingslash s
+ | "/" `isSuffixOf` s = s
+ | otherwise = s ++ "/"
+{- Reverses genSshUrl -}
+parseSshUrl :: String -> Maybe SshData
+parseSshUrl u
+ | "ssh://" `isPrefixOf` u = fromssh (drop (length "ssh://") u)
+ | otherwise = fromrsync u
+ where
+ mkdata (userhost, dir) = Just $ SshData
+ { sshHostName = T.pack host
+ , sshUserName = if null user then Nothing else Just $ T.pack user
+ , sshDirectory = T.pack dir
+ , sshRepoName = genSshRepoName host dir
+ -- dummy values, cannot determine from url
+ , sshPort = 22
+ , needsPubKey = True
+ , sshCapabilities = []
+ }
+ where
+ (user, host) = if '@' `elem` userhost
+ then separate (== '@') userhost
+ else ("", userhost)
+ fromrsync s
+ | not (rsyncUrlIsShell u) = Nothing
+ | otherwise = mkdata $ separate (== ':') s
+ fromssh = mkdata . break (== '/')
+{- Generates a git remote name, like host_dir or host -}
+genSshRepoName :: String -> FilePath -> String
+genSshRepoName host dir
+ | null dir = makeLegalName host
+ | otherwise = makeLegalName $ host ++ "_" ++ dir
+{- The output of ssh, including both stdout and stderr. -}
+sshTranscript :: [String] -> (Maybe String) -> IO (String, Bool)
+sshTranscript opts input = processTranscript "ssh" opts input
+{- Ensure that the ssh public key doesn't include any ssh options, like
+ - command=foo, or other weirdness -}
+validateSshPubKey :: SshPubKey -> IO ()
+validateSshPubKey pubkey
+ | length (lines pubkey) == 1 =
+ either error return $ check $ words pubkey
+ | otherwise = error "too many lines in ssh public key"
+ where
+ check [prefix, _key, comment] = do
+ checkprefix prefix
+ checkcomment comment
+ check [prefix, _key] =
+ checkprefix prefix
+ check _ = err "wrong number of words in ssh public key"
+ ok = Right ()
+ err msg = Left $ unwords [msg, pubkey]
+ checkprefix prefix
+ | ssh == "ssh" && all isAlphaNum keytype = ok
+ | otherwise = err "bad ssh public key prefix"
+ where
+ (ssh, keytype) = separate (== '-') prefix
+ checkcomment comment = case filter (not . safeincomment) comment of
+ [] -> ok
+ badstuff -> err $ "bad comment in ssh public key (contains: \"" ++ badstuff ++ "\")"
+ safeincomment c = isAlphaNum c || c == '@' || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '.'
+addAuthorizedKeys :: Bool -> FilePath -> SshPubKey -> IO Bool
+addAuthorizedKeys gitannexshellonly dir pubkey = boolSystem "sh"
+ [ Param "-c" , Param $ addAuthorizedKeysCommand gitannexshellonly dir pubkey ]
+removeAuthorizedKeys :: Bool -> FilePath -> SshPubKey -> IO ()
+removeAuthorizedKeys gitannexshellonly dir pubkey = do
+ let keyline = authorizedKeysLine gitannexshellonly dir pubkey
+ sshdir <- sshDir
+ let keyfile = sshdir </> "authorized_keys"
+ ls <- lines <$> readFileStrict keyfile
+ writeFile keyfile $ unlines $ filter (/= keyline) ls
+{- Implemented as a shell command, so it can be run on remote servers over
+ - ssh.
+ -
+ - The ~/.ssh/git-annex-shell wrapper script is created if not already
+ - present.
+ -}
+addAuthorizedKeysCommand :: Bool -> FilePath -> SshPubKey -> String
+addAuthorizedKeysCommand gitannexshellonly dir pubkey = intercalate "&&"
+ [ "mkdir -p ~/.ssh"
+ , intercalate "; "
+ [ "if [ ! -e " ++ wrapper ++ " ]"
+ , "then (" ++ intercalate ";" (map echoval script) ++ ") > " ++ wrapper
+ , "fi"
+ ]
+ , "chmod 700 " ++ wrapper
+ , "touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
+ , "chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
+ , unwords
+ [ "echo"
+ , shellEscape $ authorizedKeysLine gitannexshellonly dir pubkey
+ , ">>~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
+ ]
+ ]
+ where
+ echoval v = "echo " ++ shellEscape v
+ wrapper = "~/.ssh/git-annex-shell"
+ script =
+ [ shebang_portable
+ , "set -e"
+ , "if [ \"x$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND\" != \"x\" ]; then"
+ , runshell "$SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND"
+ , "else"
+ , runshell "$@"
+ , "fi"
+ ]
+ runshell var = "exec git-annex-shell -c \"" ++ var ++ "\""
+authorizedKeysLine :: Bool -> FilePath -> SshPubKey -> String
+authorizedKeysLine gitannexshellonly dir pubkey
+ | gitannexshellonly = limitcommand ++ pubkey
+ {- TODO: Locking down rsync is difficult, requiring a rather
+ - long perl script. -}
+ | otherwise = pubkey
+ where
+ limitcommand = "command=\"GIT_ANNEX_SHELL_DIRECTORY="++shellEscape dir++" ~/.ssh/git-annex-shell\",no-agent-forwarding,no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding "
+{- Generates a ssh key pair. -}
+genSshKeyPair :: IO SshKeyPair
+genSshKeyPair = withTmpDir "git-annex-keygen" $ \dir -> do
+ ok <- boolSystem "ssh-keygen"
+ [ Param "-P", Param "" -- no password
+ , Param "-f", File $ dir </> "key"
+ ]
+ unless ok $
+ error "ssh-keygen failed"
+ SshKeyPair
+ <$> readFile (dir </> "key.pub")
+ <*> readFile (dir </> "key")
+{- Installs a ssh key pair, and sets up ssh config with a mangled hostname
+ - that will enable use of the key. This way we avoid changing the user's
+ - regular ssh experience at all. Returns a modified SshData containing the
+ - mangled hostname.
+ -
+ - Note that the key files are put in ~/.ssh/git-annex/, rather than directly
+ - in ssh because of an **INSANE** behavior of gnome-keyring: It loads
+ - ~/.ssh/ANYTHING.pub, and uses them indiscriminately. But using this key
+ - for a normal login to the server will force git-annex-shell to run,
+ - and locks the user out. Luckily, it does not recurse into subdirectories.
+ -
+ - Similarly, IdentitiesOnly is set in the ssh config to prevent the
+ - ssh-agent from forcing use of a different key.
+ -}
+setupSshKeyPair :: SshKeyPair -> SshData -> IO SshData
+setupSshKeyPair sshkeypair sshdata = do
+ sshdir <- sshDir
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True $ parentDir $ sshdir </> sshprivkeyfile
+ unlessM (doesFileExist $ sshdir </> sshprivkeyfile) $
+ writeFileProtected (sshdir </> sshprivkeyfile) (sshPrivKey sshkeypair)
+ unlessM (doesFileExist $ sshdir </> sshpubkeyfile) $
+ writeFile (sshdir </> sshpubkeyfile) (sshPubKey sshkeypair)
+ setSshConfig sshdata
+ [ ("IdentityFile", "~/.ssh/" ++ sshprivkeyfile)
+ , ("IdentitiesOnly", "yes")
+ ]
+ where
+ sshprivkeyfile = "git-annex" </> "key." ++ mangleSshHostName sshdata
+ sshpubkeyfile = sshprivkeyfile ++ ".pub"
+{- Fixes git-annex ssh key pairs configured in .ssh/config
+ - by old versions to set IdentitiesOnly. -}
+fixSshKeyPair :: IO ()
+fixSshKeyPair = do
+ sshdir <- sshDir
+ let configfile = sshdir </> "config"
+ whenM (doesFileExist configfile) $ do
+ ls <- lines <$> readFileStrict configfile
+ let ls' = fixSshKeyPair' ls
+ when (ls /= ls') $
+ viaTmp writeFile configfile $ unlines ls'
+{- Strategy: Search for IdentityFile lines in for files with key.git-annex
+ - in their names. These are for git-annex ssh key pairs.
+ - Add the IdentitiesOnly line immediately after them, if not already
+ - present. -}
+fixSshKeyPair' :: [String] -> [String]
+fixSshKeyPair' = go []
+ where
+ go c [] = reverse c
+ go c (l:[])
+ | all (`isInfixOf` l) indicators = go (fixedline l:l:c) []
+ | otherwise = go (l:c) []
+ go c (l:next:rest)
+ | all (`isInfixOf` l) indicators && not ("IdentitiesOnly" `isInfixOf` next) =
+ go (fixedline l:l:c) (next:rest)
+ | otherwise = go (l:c) (next:rest)
+ indicators = ["IdentityFile", "key.git-annex"]
+ fixedline tmpl = takeWhile isSpace tmpl ++ "IdentitiesOnly yes"
+{- Setups up a ssh config with a mangled hostname.
+ - Returns a modified SshData containing the mangled hostname. -}
+setSshConfig :: SshData -> [(String, String)] -> IO SshData
+setSshConfig sshdata config = do
+ sshdir <- sshDir
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True sshdir
+ let configfile = sshdir </> "config"
+ unlessM (catchBoolIO $ isInfixOf mangledhost <$> readFile configfile) $
+ appendFile configfile $ unlines $
+ [ ""
+ , "# Added automatically by git-annex"
+ , "Host " ++ mangledhost
+ ] ++ map (\(k, v) -> "\t" ++ k ++ " " ++ v)
+ (settings ++ config)
+ return $ sshdata { sshHostName = T.pack mangledhost }
+ where
+ mangledhost = mangleSshHostName sshdata
+ settings =
+ [ ("Hostname", T.unpack $ sshHostName sshdata)
+ , ("Port", show $ sshPort sshdata)
+ ]
+{- This hostname is specific to a given repository on the ssh host,
+ - so it is based on the real hostname, the username, and the directory.
+ -
+ - The mangled hostname has the form "git-annex-realhostname-username_dir".
+ - The only use of "-" is to separate the parts shown; this is necessary
+ - to allow unMangleSshHostName to work. Any unusual characters in the
+ - username or directory are url encoded, except using "." rather than "%"
+ - (the latter has special meaning to ssh).
+ -}
+mangleSshHostName :: SshData -> String
+mangleSshHostName sshdata = "git-annex-" ++ T.unpack (sshHostName sshdata)
+ ++ "-" ++ escape extra
+ where
+ extra = intercalate "_" $ map T.unpack $ catMaybes
+ [ sshUserName sshdata
+ , Just $ sshDirectory sshdata
+ ]
+ safe c
+ | isAlphaNum c = True
+ | c == '_' = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ escape s = replace "%" "." $ escapeURIString safe s
+{- Extracts the real hostname from a mangled ssh hostname. -}
+unMangleSshHostName :: String -> String
+unMangleSshHostName h = case split "-" h of
+ ("git":"annex":rest) -> intercalate "-" (beginning rest)
+ _ -> h
+{- Does ssh have known_hosts data for a hostname? -}
+knownHost :: Text -> IO Bool
+knownHost hostname = do
+ sshdir <- sshDir
+ ifM (doesFileExist $ sshdir </> "known_hosts")
+ ( not . null <$> checkhost
+ , return False
+ )
+ where
+ {- ssh-keygen -F can crash on some old known_hosts file -}
+ checkhost = catchDefaultIO "" $
+ readProcess "ssh-keygen" ["-F", T.unpack hostname]
diff --git a/Assistant/Sync.hs b/Assistant/Sync.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f7656f52d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Sync.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+{- git-annex assistant repo syncing
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Sync where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Pushes
+import Assistant.NetMessager
+import Assistant.Types.NetMessager
+import Assistant.Alert
+import Assistant.Alert.Utility
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.ScanRemotes
+import qualified Command.Sync
+import Utility.Parallel
+import qualified Git
+import qualified Git.Branch
+import qualified Git.Command
+import qualified Git.Ref
+import qualified Remote
+import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
+import qualified Remote.List as Remote
+import qualified Annex.Branch
+import Annex.UUID
+import Annex.TaggedPush
+import qualified Config
+import Git.Config
+import Assistant.NamedThread
+import Assistant.Threads.Watcher (watchThread, WatcherControl(..))
+import Assistant.TransferSlots
+import Assistant.TransferQueue
+import Assistant.RepoProblem
+import Logs.Transfer
+import Data.Time.Clock
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Control.Concurrent
+{- Syncs with remotes that may have been disconnected for a while.
+ -
+ - First gets git in sync, and then prepares any necessary file transfers.
+ -
+ - An expensive full scan is queued when the git-annex branches of some of
+ - the remotes have diverged from the local git-annex branch. Otherwise,
+ - it's sufficient to requeue failed transfers.
+ -
+ - XMPP remotes are also signaled that we can push to them, and we request
+ - they push to us. Since XMPP pushes run ansynchronously, any scan of the
+ - XMPP remotes has to be deferred until they're done pushing to us, so
+ - all XMPP remotes are marked as possibly desynced.
+ -
+ - Also handles signaling any connectRemoteNotifiers, after the syncing is
+ - done.
+ -}
+reconnectRemotes :: Bool -> [Remote] -> Assistant ()
+reconnectRemotes _ [] = noop
+reconnectRemotes notifypushes rs = void $ do
+ rs' <- liftIO $ filterM (Remote.checkAvailable True) rs
+ unless (null rs') $ do
+ modifyDaemonStatus_ $ \s -> s
+ { desynced = S.union (S.fromList $ map Remote.uuid xmppremotes) (desynced s) }
+ failedrs <- syncAction rs' (const go)
+ forM_ failedrs $ \r ->
+ whenM (liftIO $ Remote.checkAvailable False r) $
+ repoHasProblem (Remote.uuid r) (syncRemote r)
+ mapM_ signal $ filter (`notElem` failedrs) rs'
+ where
+ gitremotes = filter (notspecialremote . Remote.repo) rs
+ (xmppremotes, nonxmppremotes) = partition isXMPPRemote rs
+ notspecialremote r
+ | Git.repoIsUrl r = True
+ | Git.repoIsLocal r = True
+ | Git.repoIsLocalUnknown r = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ sync (Just branch) = do
+ (failedpull, diverged) <- manualPull (Just branch) gitremotes
+ now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
+ failedpush <- pushToRemotes' now notifypushes gitremotes
+ return (nub $ failedpull ++ failedpush, diverged)
+ {- No local branch exists yet, but we can try pulling. -}
+ sync Nothing = manualPull Nothing gitremotes
+ go = do
+ (failed, diverged) <- sync
+ =<< liftAnnex (inRepo Git.Branch.current)
+ addScanRemotes diverged $
+ filter (not . remoteAnnexIgnore . Remote.gitconfig)
+ nonxmppremotes
+ return failed
+ signal r = liftIO . mapM_ (flip tryPutMVar ())
+ =<< fromMaybe [] . M.lookup (Remote.uuid r) . connectRemoteNotifiers
+ <$> getDaemonStatus
+{- Updates the local sync branch, then pushes it to all remotes, in
+ - parallel, along with the git-annex branch. This is the same
+ - as "git annex sync", except in parallel, and will co-exist with use of
+ - "git annex sync".
+ -
+ - After the pushes to normal git remotes, also signals XMPP clients that
+ - they can request an XMPP push.
+ -
+ - Avoids running possibly long-duration commands in the Annex monad, so
+ - as not to block other threads.
+ -
+ - This can fail, when the remote's sync branch (or git-annex branch) has
+ - been updated by some other remote pushing into it, or by the remote
+ - itself. To handle failure, a manual pull and merge is done, and the push
+ - is retried.
+ -
+ - When there's a lot of activity, we may fail more than once.
+ - On the other hand, we may fail because the remote is not available.
+ - Rather than retrying indefinitely, after the first retry we enter a
+ - fallback mode, where our push is guarenteed to succeed if the remote is
+ - reachable. If the fallback fails, the push is queued to be retried
+ - later.
+ -
+ - Returns any remotes that it failed to push to.
+ -}
+pushToRemotes :: Bool -> [Remote] -> Assistant [Remote]
+pushToRemotes notifypushes remotes = do
+ now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
+ syncAction remotes (pushToRemotes' now notifypushes)
+pushToRemotes' :: UTCTime -> Bool -> [Remote] -> Assistant [Remote]
+pushToRemotes' now notifypushes remotes = do
+ (g, branch, u) <- liftAnnex $ do
+ Annex.Branch.commit "update"
+ (,,)
+ <$> gitRepo
+ <*> inRepo Git.Branch.current
+ <*> getUUID
+ let (xmppremotes, normalremotes) = partition isXMPPRemote remotes
+ ret <- go True branch g u normalremotes
+ unless (null xmppremotes) $ do
+ shas <- liftAnnex $ map fst <$>
+ inRepo (Git.Ref.matchingWithHEAD
+ [Annex.Branch.fullname, Git.Ref.headRef])
+ forM_ xmppremotes $ \r -> sendNetMessage $
+ Pushing (getXMPPClientID r) (CanPush u shas)
+ return ret
+ where
+ go _ Nothing _ _ _ = return [] -- no branch, so nothing to do
+ go _ _ _ _ [] = return [] -- no remotes, so nothing to do
+ go shouldretry (Just branch) g u rs = do
+ debug ["pushing to", show rs]
+ liftIO $ Command.Sync.updateBranch (Command.Sync.syncBranch branch) g
+ (succeeded, failed) <- liftIO $ inParallel (push g branch) rs
+ updatemap succeeded []
+ if null failed
+ then do
+ when notifypushes $
+ sendNetMessage $ NotifyPush $
+ map Remote.uuid succeeded
+ return failed
+ else if shouldretry
+ then retry branch g u failed
+ else fallback branch g u failed
+ updatemap succeeded failed = changeFailedPushMap $ \m ->
+ M.union (makemap failed) $
+ M.difference m (makemap succeeded)
+ makemap l = M.fromList $ zip l (repeat now)
+ retry branch g u rs = do
+ debug ["trying manual pull to resolve failed pushes"]
+ void $ manualPull (Just branch) rs
+ go False (Just branch) g u rs
+ fallback branch g u rs = do
+ debug ["fallback pushing to", show rs]
+ (succeeded, failed) <- liftIO $
+ inParallel (\r -> taggedPush u Nothing branch r g) rs
+ updatemap succeeded failed
+ when (notifypushes && (not $ null succeeded)) $
+ sendNetMessage $ NotifyPush $
+ map Remote.uuid succeeded
+ return failed
+ push g branch remote = Command.Sync.pushBranch remote branch g
+{- Displays an alert while running an action that syncs with some remotes,
+ - and returns any remotes that it failed to sync with.
+ -
+ - XMPP remotes are handled specially; since the action can only start
+ - an async process for them, they are not included in the alert, but are
+ - still passed to the action.
+ -
+ - Readonly remotes are also hidden (to hide the web special remote).
+ -}
+syncAction :: [Remote] -> ([Remote] -> Assistant [Remote]) -> Assistant [Remote]
+syncAction rs a
+ | null visibleremotes = a rs
+ | otherwise = do
+ i <- addAlert $ syncAlert visibleremotes
+ failed <- a rs
+ let failed' = filter (not . Git.repoIsLocalUnknown . Remote.repo) failed
+ let succeeded = filter (`notElem` failed) visibleremotes
+ if null succeeded && null failed'
+ then removeAlert i
+ else updateAlertMap $ mergeAlert i $
+ syncResultAlert succeeded failed'
+ return failed
+ where
+ visibleremotes = filter (not . Remote.readonly) $
+ filter (not . isXMPPRemote) rs
+{- Manually pull from remotes and merge their branches. Returns any
+ - remotes that it failed to pull from, and a Bool indicating
+ - whether the git-annex branches of the remotes and local had
+ - diverged before the pull.
+ -
+ - After pulling from the normal git remotes, requests pushes from any
+ - XMPP remotes. However, those pushes will run asynchronously, so their
+ - results are not included in the return data.
+ -}
+manualPull :: Maybe Git.Ref -> [Remote] -> Assistant ([Remote], Bool)
+manualPull currentbranch remotes = do
+ g <- liftAnnex gitRepo
+ let (xmppremotes, normalremotes) = partition isXMPPRemote remotes
+ failed <- liftIO $ forM normalremotes $ \r ->
+ ifM (Git.Command.runBool [Param "fetch", Param $ Remote.name r] g)
+ ( return Nothing
+ , return $ Just r
+ )
+ haddiverged <- liftAnnex Annex.Branch.forceUpdate
+ forM_ normalremotes $ \r ->
+ liftAnnex $ Command.Sync.mergeRemote r currentbranch
+ u <- liftAnnex getUUID
+ forM_ xmppremotes $ \r ->
+ sendNetMessage $ Pushing (getXMPPClientID r) (PushRequest u)
+ return (catMaybes failed, haddiverged)
+{- Start syncing a remote, using a background thread. -}
+syncRemote :: Remote -> Assistant ()
+syncRemote remote = do
+ updateSyncRemotes
+ thread <- asIO $ do
+ reconnectRemotes False [remote]
+ addScanRemotes True [remote]
+ void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ thread
+{- Use Nothing to change autocommit setting; or a remote to change
+ - its sync setting. -}
+changeSyncable :: Maybe Remote -> Bool -> Assistant ()
+changeSyncable Nothing enable = do
+ liftAnnex $ Config.setConfig key (boolConfig enable)
+ liftIO . maybe noop (`throwTo` signal)
+ =<< namedThreadId watchThread
+ where
+ key = Config.annexConfig "autocommit"
+ signal
+ | enable = ResumeWatcher
+ | otherwise = PauseWatcher
+changeSyncable (Just r) True = do
+ liftAnnex $ changeSyncFlag r True
+ syncRemote r
+changeSyncable (Just r) False = do
+ liftAnnex $ changeSyncFlag r False
+ updateSyncRemotes
+ {- Stop all transfers to or from this remote.
+ - XXX Can't stop any ongoing scan, or git syncs. -}
+ void $ dequeueTransfers tofrom
+ mapM_ (cancelTransfer False) =<<
+ filter tofrom . M.keys . currentTransfers <$> getDaemonStatus
+ where
+ tofrom t = transferUUID t == Remote.uuid r
+changeSyncFlag :: Remote -> Bool -> Annex ()
+changeSyncFlag r enabled = do
+ Config.setConfig key (boolConfig enabled)
+ void Remote.remoteListRefresh
+ where
+ key = Config.remoteConfig (Remote.repo r) "sync"
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/Committer.hs b/Assistant/Threads/Committer.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..695703e22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/Committer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+{- git-annex assistant commit thread
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Threads.Committer where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Changes
+import Assistant.Types.Changes
+import Assistant.Commits
+import Assistant.Alert
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.TransferQueue
+import Assistant.Drop
+import Logs.Transfer
+import Logs.Location
+import qualified Annex.Queue
+import qualified Git.Command
+import qualified Git.LsFiles
+import qualified Git.BuildVersion
+import qualified Command.Add
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import qualified Utility.Lsof as Lsof
+import qualified Utility.DirWatcher as DirWatcher
+import Types.KeySource
+import Config
+import Annex.Exception
+import Annex.Content
+import Annex.Link
+import Annex.CatFile
+import qualified Annex
+import Utility.InodeCache
+import Annex.Content.Direct
+import Data.Time.Clock
+import Data.Tuple.Utils
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Either
+import Control.Concurrent
+{- This thread makes git commits at appropriate times. -}
+commitThread :: NamedThread
+commitThread = namedThread "Committer" $ do
+ delayadd <- liftAnnex $
+ maybe delayaddDefault (return . Just . Seconds)
+ =<< annexDelayAdd <$> Annex.getGitConfig
+ waitChangeTime $ \(changes, time) -> do
+ readychanges <- handleAdds delayadd changes
+ if shouldCommit time (length readychanges) readychanges
+ then do
+ debug
+ [ "committing"
+ , show (length readychanges)
+ , "changes"
+ ]
+ void $ alertWhile commitAlert $
+ liftAnnex commitStaged
+ recordCommit
+ let numchanges = length readychanges
+ mapM_ checkChangeContent readychanges
+ return numchanges
+ else do
+ refill readychanges
+ return 0
+refill :: [Change] -> Assistant ()
+refill [] = noop
+refill cs = do
+ debug ["delaying commit of", show (length cs), "changes"]
+ refillChanges cs
+{- Wait for one or more changes to arrive to be committed, and then
+ - runs an action to commit them. If more changes arrive while this is
+ - going on, they're handled intelligently, batching up changes into
+ - large commits where possible, doing rename detection, and
+ - commiting immediately otherwise. -}
+waitChangeTime :: (([Change], UTCTime) -> Assistant Int) -> Assistant ()
+waitChangeTime a = waitchanges 0
+ where
+ waitchanges lastcommitsize = do
+ -- Wait one one second as a simple rate limiter.
+ liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 1)
+ -- Now, wait until at least one change is available for
+ -- processing.
+ cs <- getChanges
+ handlechanges cs lastcommitsize
+ handlechanges changes lastcommitsize = do
+ let len = length changes
+ -- See if now's a good time to commit.
+ now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
+ case (lastcommitsize >= maxCommitSize, shouldCommit now len changes, possiblyrename changes) of
+ (True, True, _)
+ | len > maxCommitSize ->
+ waitchanges =<< a (changes, now)
+ | otherwise -> aftermaxcommit changes
+ (_, True, False) ->
+ waitchanges =<< a (changes, now)
+ (_, True, True) -> do
+ morechanges <- getrelatedchanges changes
+ waitchanges =<< a (changes ++ morechanges, now)
+ _ -> do
+ refill changes
+ waitchanges lastcommitsize
+ {- Did we perhaps only get one of the AddChange and RmChange pair
+ - that make up a file rename? Or some of the pairs that make up
+ - a directory rename?
+ -}
+ possiblyrename = all renamepart
+ renamepart (PendingAddChange _ _) = True
+ renamepart c = isRmChange c
+ {- Gets changes related to the passed changes, without blocking
+ - very long.
+ -
+ - If there are multiple RmChanges, this is probably a directory
+ - rename, in which case it may be necessary to wait longer to get
+ - all the Changes involved.
+ -}
+ getrelatedchanges oldchanges
+ | length (filter isRmChange oldchanges) > 1 =
+ concat <$> getbatchchanges []
+ | otherwise = do
+ liftIO humanImperceptibleDelay
+ getAnyChanges
+ getbatchchanges cs = do
+ liftIO $ threadDelay $ fromIntegral $ oneSecond `div` 10
+ cs' <- getAnyChanges
+ if null cs'
+ then return cs
+ else getbatchchanges (cs':cs)
+ {- The last commit was maximum size, so it's very likely there
+ - are more changes and we'd like to ensure we make another commit
+ - of maximum size if possible.
+ -
+ - But, it can take a while for the Watcher to wake back up
+ - after a commit. It can get blocked by another thread
+ - that is using the Annex state, such as a git-annex branch
+ - commit. Especially after such a large commit, this can
+ - take several seconds. When this happens, it defeats the
+ - normal commit batching, which sees some old changes the
+ - Watcher found while the commit was being prepared, and sees
+ - no recent ones, and wants to commit immediately.
+ -
+ - All that we need to do, then, is wait for the Watcher to
+ - wake up, and queue up one more change.
+ -
+ - However, it's also possible that we're at the end of changes for
+ - now. So to avoid waiting a really long time before committing
+ - those changes we have, poll for up to 30 seconds, and then
+ - commit them.
+ -
+ - Also, try to run something in Annex, to ensure we block
+ - longer if the Annex state is indeed blocked.
+ -}
+ aftermaxcommit oldchanges = loop (30 :: Int)
+ where
+ loop 0 = continue oldchanges
+ loop n = do
+ liftAnnex noop -- ensure Annex state is free
+ liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 1)
+ changes <- getAnyChanges
+ if null changes
+ then loop (n - 1)
+ else continue (oldchanges ++ changes)
+ continue cs
+ | null cs = waitchanges 0
+ | otherwise = handlechanges cs 0
+isRmChange :: Change -> Bool
+isRmChange (Change { changeInfo = i }) | i == RmChange = True
+isRmChange _ = False
+{- An amount of time that is hopefully imperceptably short for humans,
+ - while long enough for a computer to get some work done.
+ - Note that 0.001 is a little too short for rename change batching to
+ - work. -}
+humanImperceptibleInterval :: NominalDiffTime
+humanImperceptibleInterval = 0.01
+humanImperceptibleDelay :: IO ()
+humanImperceptibleDelay = threadDelay $
+ truncate $ humanImperceptibleInterval * fromIntegral oneSecond
+maxCommitSize :: Int
+maxCommitSize = 5000
+{- Decide if now is a good time to make a commit.
+ - Note that the list of changes has an undefined order.
+ -
+ - Current strategy: If there have been 10 changes within the past second,
+ - a batch activity is taking place, so wait for later.
+ -}
+shouldCommit :: UTCTime -> Int -> [Change] -> Bool
+shouldCommit now len changes
+ | len == 0 = False
+ | len >= maxCommitSize = True
+ | length recentchanges < 10 = True
+ | otherwise = False -- batch activity
+ where
+ thissecond c = timeDelta c <= 1
+ recentchanges = filter thissecond changes
+ timeDelta c = now `diffUTCTime` changeTime c
+commitStaged :: Annex Bool
+commitStaged = do
+ {- This could fail if there's another commit being made by
+ - something else. -}
+ v <- tryAnnex Annex.Queue.flush
+ case v of
+ Left _ -> return False
+ Right _ -> do
+ {- Empty commits may be made if tree changes cancel
+ - each other out, etc. Git returns nonzero on those,
+ - so don't propigate out commit failures. -}
+ void $ inRepo $ catchMaybeIO .
+ Git.Command.runQuiet
+ (Param "commit" : nomessage params)
+ return True
+ where
+ params =
+ [ Param "--quiet"
+ {- Avoid running the usual pre-commit hook;
+ - the Watcher does the same symlink fixing,
+ - and direct mode bookkeeping updating. -}
+ , Param "--no-verify"
+ ]
+ nomessage ps
+ | Git.BuildVersion.older "1.7.2" =
+ Param "-m" : Param "autocommit" : ps
+ | Git.BuildVersion.older "1.7.8" =
+ Param "--allow-empty-message" :
+ Param "-m" : Param "" : ps
+ | otherwise =
+ Param "--allow-empty-message" :
+ Param "--no-edit" : Param "-m" : Param "" : ps
+{- OSX needs a short delay after a file is added before locking it down,
+ - when using a non-direct mode repository, as pasting a file seems to
+ - try to set file permissions or otherwise access the file after closing
+ - it. -}
+delayaddDefault :: Annex (Maybe Seconds)
+#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
+delayaddDefault = ifM isDirect
+ ( return Nothing
+ , return $ Just $ Seconds 1
+ )
+delayaddDefault = return Nothing
+{- If there are PendingAddChanges, or InProcessAddChanges, the files
+ - have not yet actually been added to the annex, and that has to be done
+ - now, before committing.
+ -
+ - Deferring the adds to this point causes batches to be bundled together,
+ - which allows faster checking with lsof that the files are not still open
+ - for write by some other process, and faster checking with git-ls-files
+ - that the files are not already checked into git.
+ -
+ - When a file is added, Inotify will notice the new symlink. So this waits
+ - for additional Changes to arrive, so that the symlink has hopefully been
+ - staged before returning, and will be committed immediately.
+ -
+ - OTOH, for kqueue, eventsCoalesce, so instead the symlink is directly
+ - created and staged.
+ -
+ - Returns a list of all changes that are ready to be committed.
+ - Any pending adds that are not ready yet are put back into the ChangeChan,
+ - where they will be retried later.
+ -}
+handleAdds :: Maybe Seconds -> [Change] -> Assistant [Change]
+handleAdds delayadd cs = returnWhen (null incomplete) $ do
+ let (pending, inprocess) = partition isPendingAddChange incomplete
+ direct <- liftAnnex isDirect
+ (pending', cleanup) <- if direct
+ then return (pending, noop)
+ else findnew pending
+ (postponed, toadd) <- partitionEithers <$> safeToAdd delayadd pending' inprocess
+ cleanup
+ unless (null postponed) $
+ refillChanges postponed
+ returnWhen (null toadd) $ do
+ added <- addaction toadd $
+ catMaybes <$> if direct
+ then adddirect toadd
+ else forM toadd add
+ if DirWatcher.eventsCoalesce || null added || direct
+ then return $ added ++ otherchanges
+ else do
+ r <- handleAdds delayadd =<< getChanges
+ return $ r ++ added ++ otherchanges
+ where
+ (incomplete, otherchanges) = partition (\c -> isPendingAddChange c || isInProcessAddChange c) cs
+ findnew [] = return ([], noop)
+ findnew pending@(exemplar:_) = do
+ (newfiles, cleanup) <- liftAnnex $
+ inRepo (Git.LsFiles.notInRepo False $ map changeFile pending)
+ -- note: timestamp info is lost here
+ let ts = changeTime exemplar
+ return (map (PendingAddChange ts) newfiles, void $ liftIO cleanup)
+ returnWhen c a
+ | c = return otherchanges
+ | otherwise = a
+ add :: Change -> Assistant (Maybe Change)
+ add change@(InProcessAddChange { keySource = ks }) =
+ catchDefaultIO Nothing <~> doadd
+ where
+ doadd = sanitycheck ks $ do
+ (mkey, mcache) <- liftAnnex $ do
+ showStart "add" $ keyFilename ks
+ Command.Add.ingest $ Just ks
+ maybe (failedingest change) (done change mcache $ keyFilename ks) mkey
+ add _ = return Nothing
+ {- In direct mode, avoid overhead of re-injesting a renamed
+ - file, by examining the other Changes to see if a removed
+ - file has the same InodeCache as the new file. If so,
+ - we can just update bookkeeping, and stage the file in git.
+ -}
+ adddirect :: [Change] -> Assistant [Maybe Change]
+ adddirect toadd = do
+ ct <- liftAnnex compareInodeCachesWith
+ m <- liftAnnex $ removedKeysMap ct cs
+ if M.null m
+ then forM toadd add
+ else forM toadd $ \c -> do
+ mcache <- liftIO $ genInodeCache $ changeFile c
+ case mcache of
+ Nothing -> add c
+ Just cache ->
+ case M.lookup (inodeCacheToKey ct cache) m of
+ Nothing -> add c
+ Just k -> fastadd c k
+ fastadd :: Change -> Key -> Assistant (Maybe Change)
+ fastadd change key = do
+ let source = keySource change
+ liftAnnex $ Command.Add.finishIngestDirect key source
+ done change Nothing (keyFilename source) key
+ removedKeysMap :: InodeComparisonType -> [Change] -> Annex (M.Map InodeCacheKey Key)
+ removedKeysMap ct l = do
+ mks <- forM (filter isRmChange l) $ \c ->
+ catKeyFile $ changeFile c
+ M.fromList . concat <$> mapM mkpairs (catMaybes mks)
+ where
+ mkpairs k = map (\c -> (inodeCacheToKey ct c, k)) <$>
+ recordedInodeCache k
+ failedingest change = do
+ refill [retryChange change]
+ liftAnnex showEndFail
+ return Nothing
+ done change mcache file key = liftAnnex $ do
+ logStatus key InfoPresent
+ link <- ifM isDirect
+ ( inRepo $ gitAnnexLink file key
+ , Command.Add.link file key mcache
+ )
+ whenM (pure DirWatcher.eventsCoalesce <||> isDirect) $
+ stageSymlink file =<< hashSymlink link
+ showEndOk
+ return $ Just $ finishedChange change key
+ {- Check that the keysource's keyFilename still exists,
+ - and is still a hard link to its contentLocation,
+ - before ingesting it. -}
+ sanitycheck keysource a = do
+ fs <- liftIO $ getSymbolicLinkStatus $ keyFilename keysource
+ ks <- liftIO $ getSymbolicLinkStatus $ contentLocation keysource
+ if deviceID ks == deviceID fs && fileID ks == fileID fs
+ then a
+ else do
+ -- remove the hard link
+ when (contentLocation keysource /= keyFilename keysource) $
+ void $ liftIO $ tryIO $ removeFile $ contentLocation keysource
+ return Nothing
+ {- Shown an alert while performing an action to add a file or
+ - files. When only a few files are added, their names are shown
+ - in the alert. When it's a batch add, the number of files added
+ - is shown.
+ -
+ - Add errors tend to be transient and will be
+ - automatically dealt with, so the alert is always told
+ - the add succeeded.
+ -}
+ addaction [] a = a
+ addaction toadd a = alertWhile' (addFileAlert $ map changeFile toadd) $
+ (,)
+ <$> pure True
+ <*> a
+{- Files can Either be Right to be added now,
+ - or are unsafe, and must be Left for later.
+ -
+ - Check by running lsof on the repository.
+ -}
+safeToAdd :: Maybe Seconds -> [Change] -> [Change] -> Assistant [Either Change Change]
+safeToAdd _ [] [] = return []
+safeToAdd delayadd pending inprocess = do
+ maybe noop (liftIO . threadDelaySeconds) delayadd
+ liftAnnex $ do
+ keysources <- forM pending $ Command.Add.lockDown . changeFile
+ let inprocess' = inprocess ++ mapMaybe mkinprocess (zip pending keysources)
+ openfiles <- S.fromList . map fst3 . filter openwrite <$>
+ findopenfiles (map keySource inprocess')
+ let checked = map (check openfiles) inprocess'
+ {- If new events are received when files are closed,
+ - there's no need to retry any changes that cannot
+ - be done now. -}
+ if DirWatcher.closingTracked
+ then do
+ mapM_ canceladd $ lefts checked
+ allRight $ rights checked
+ else return checked
+ where
+ check openfiles change@(InProcessAddChange { keySource = ks })
+ | S.member (contentLocation ks) openfiles = Left change
+ check _ change = Right change
+ mkinprocess (c, Just ks) = Just InProcessAddChange
+ { changeTime = changeTime c
+ , keySource = ks
+ }
+ mkinprocess (_, Nothing) = Nothing
+ canceladd (InProcessAddChange { keySource = ks }) = do
+ warning $ keyFilename ks
+ ++ " still has writers, not adding"
+ -- remove the hard link
+ when (contentLocation ks /= keyFilename ks) $
+ void $ liftIO $ tryIO $ removeFile $ contentLocation ks
+ canceladd _ = noop
+ openwrite (_file, mode, _pid)
+ | mode == Lsof.OpenWriteOnly = True
+ | mode == Lsof.OpenReadWrite = True
+ | mode == Lsof.OpenUnknown = True
+ | otherwise = False
+ allRight = return . map Right
+ {- Normally the KeySources are locked down inside the temp directory,
+ - so can just lsof that, which is quite efficient.
+ -
+ - In crippled filesystem mode, there is no lock down, so must run lsof
+ - on each individual file.
+ -}
+ findopenfiles keysources = ifM crippledFileSystem
+ ( liftIO $ do
+ let segments = segmentXargs $ map keyFilename keysources
+ concat <$> forM segments (\fs -> Lsof.query $ "--" : fs)
+ , do
+ tmpdir <- fromRepo gitAnnexTmpDir
+ liftIO $ Lsof.queryDir tmpdir
+ )
+{- After a Change is committed, queue any necessary transfers or drops
+ - of the content of the key.
+ -
+ - This is not done during the startup scan, because the expensive
+ - transfer scan does the same thing then.
+ -}
+checkChangeContent :: Change -> Assistant ()
+checkChangeContent change@(Change { changeInfo = i }) =
+ case changeInfoKey i of
+ Nothing -> noop
+ Just k -> whenM (scanComplete <$> getDaemonStatus) $ do
+ present <- liftAnnex $ inAnnex k
+ if present
+ then queueTransfers "new file created" Next k (Just f) Upload
+ else queueTransfers "new or renamed file wanted" Next k (Just f) Download
+ handleDrops "file renamed" present k (Just f) Nothing
+ where
+ f = changeFile change
+checkChangeContent _ = noop
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/ConfigMonitor.hs b/Assistant/Threads/ConfigMonitor.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c180c4da9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/ConfigMonitor.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+{- git-annex assistant config monitor thread
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Threads.ConfigMonitor where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.BranchChange
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.Commits
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import Logs
+import Logs.UUID
+import Logs.Trust
+import Logs.PreferredContent
+import Logs.Group
+import Remote.List (remoteListRefresh)
+import qualified Git.LsTree as LsTree
+import Git.FilePath
+import qualified Annex.Branch
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+{- This thread detects when configuration changes have been made to the
+ - git-annex branch and reloads cached configuration.
+ -
+ - If the branch is frequently changing, it's checked for configuration
+ - changes no more often than once every 60 seconds. On the other hand,
+ - if the branch has not changed in a while, configuration changes will
+ - be detected immediately.
+ -}
+configMonitorThread :: NamedThread
+configMonitorThread = namedThread "ConfigMonitor" $ loop =<< getConfigs
+ where
+ loop old = do
+ waitBranchChange
+ new <- getConfigs
+ when (old /= new) $ do
+ let changedconfigs = new `S.difference` old
+ debug $ "reloading config" :
+ map fst (S.toList changedconfigs)
+ reloadConfigs new
+ {- Record a commit to get this config
+ - change pushed out to remotes. -}
+ recordCommit
+ liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 60)
+ loop new
+{- Config files, and their checksums. -}
+type Configs = S.Set (FilePath, String)
+{- All git-annex's config files, and actions to run when they change. -}
+configFilesActions :: [(FilePath, Assistant ())]
+configFilesActions =
+ [ (uuidLog, void $ liftAnnex uuidMapLoad)
+ , (remoteLog, void $ liftAnnex remoteListRefresh)
+ , (trustLog, void $ liftAnnex trustMapLoad)
+ , (groupLog, void $ liftAnnex groupMapLoad)
+ , (scheduleLog, void updateScheduleLog)
+ -- Preferred content settings depend on most of the other configs,
+ -- so will be reloaded whenever any configs change.
+ , (preferredContentLog, noop)
+ ]
+reloadConfigs :: Configs -> Assistant ()
+reloadConfigs changedconfigs = do
+ sequence_ as
+ void $ liftAnnex preferredContentMapLoad
+ {- Changes to the remote log, or the trust log, can affect the
+ - syncRemotes list. Changes to the uuid log may affect its
+ - display so are also included. -}
+ when (any (`elem` fs) [remoteLog, trustLog, uuidLog])
+ updateSyncRemotes
+ where
+ (fs, as) = unzip $ filter (flip S.member changedfiles . fst)
+ configFilesActions
+ changedfiles = S.map fst changedconfigs
+getConfigs :: Assistant Configs
+getConfigs = S.fromList . map extract
+ <$> liftAnnex (inRepo $ LsTree.lsTreeFiles Annex.Branch.fullname files)
+ where
+ files = map fst configFilesActions
+ extract treeitem = (getTopFilePath $ LsTree.file treeitem, LsTree.sha treeitem)
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/Cronner.hs b/Assistant/Threads/Cronner.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..55b3ca2f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/Cronner.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+{- git-annex assistant sceduled jobs runner
+ -
+ - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+module Assistant.Threads.Cronner (
+ cronnerThread
+) where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Utility.NotificationBroadcaster
+import Annex.UUID
+import Config.Files
+import Logs.Schedule
+import Utility.Scheduled
+import Types.ScheduledActivity
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import Utility.HumanTime
+import Utility.Batch
+import Assistant.TransferQueue
+import Annex.Content
+import Logs.Transfer
+import Assistant.Types.UrlRenderer
+import Assistant.Alert
+import Remote
+import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
+import qualified Git
+import qualified Git.Fsck
+import Assistant.Fsck
+import Assistant.Repair
+import Control.Concurrent.Async
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Data.Time.LocalTime
+import Data.Time.Clock
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+{- Loads schedules for this repository, and fires off one thread for each
+ - scheduled event that runs on this repository. Each thread sleeps until
+ - its event is scheduled to run.
+ -
+ - To handle events that run on remotes, which need to only run when
+ - their remote gets connected, threads are also started, and are passed
+ - a MVar to wait on, which is stored in the DaemonStatus's
+ - connectRemoteNotifiers.
+ -
+ - In the meantime the main thread waits for any changes to the
+ - schedules. When there's a change, compare the old and new list of
+ - schedules to find deleted and added ones. Start new threads for added
+ - ones, and kill the threads for deleted ones. -}
+cronnerThread :: UrlRenderer -> NamedThread
+cronnerThread urlrenderer = namedThreadUnchecked "Cronner" $ do
+ fsckNudge urlrenderer Nothing
+ dstatus <- getDaemonStatus
+ h <- liftIO $ newNotificationHandle False (scheduleLogNotifier dstatus)
+ go h M.empty M.empty
+ where
+ go h amap nmap = do
+ activities <- liftAnnex $ scheduleGet =<< getUUID
+ let addedactivities = activities `S.difference` M.keysSet amap
+ let removedactivities = M.keysSet amap `S.difference` activities
+ forM_ (S.toList removedactivities) $ \activity ->
+ case M.lookup activity amap of
+ Just a -> do
+ debug ["stopping removed job for", fromScheduledActivity activity, show (asyncThreadId a)]
+ liftIO $ cancel a
+ Nothing -> noop
+ lastruntimes <- liftAnnex getLastRunTimes
+ started <- startactivities (S.toList addedactivities) lastruntimes
+ let addedamap = M.fromList $ map fst started
+ let addednmap = M.fromList $ catMaybes $ map snd started
+ let removefiltered = M.filterWithKey (\k _ -> S.member k removedactivities)
+ let amap' = M.difference (M.union addedamap amap) (removefiltered amap)
+ let nmap' = M.difference (M.union addednmap nmap) (removefiltered nmap)
+ modifyDaemonStatus_ $ \s -> s { connectRemoteNotifiers = M.fromListWith (++) (M.elems nmap') }
+ liftIO $ waitNotification h
+ debug ["reloading changed activities"]
+ go h amap' nmap'
+ startactivities as lastruntimes = forM as $ \activity ->
+ case connectActivityUUID activity of
+ Nothing -> do
+ runner <- asIO2 (sleepingActivityThread urlrenderer)
+ a <- liftIO $ async $
+ runner activity (M.lookup activity lastruntimes)
+ return ((activity, a), Nothing)
+ Just u -> do
+ mvar <- liftIO newEmptyMVar
+ runner <- asIO2 (remoteActivityThread urlrenderer mvar)
+ a <- liftIO $ async $
+ runner activity (M.lookup activity lastruntimes)
+ return ((activity, a), Just (activity, (u, [mvar])))
+{- Calculate the next time the activity is scheduled to run, then
+ - sleep until that time, and run it. Then call setLastRunTime, and
+ - loop.
+ -}
+sleepingActivityThread :: UrlRenderer -> ScheduledActivity -> Maybe LocalTime -> Assistant ()
+sleepingActivityThread urlrenderer activity lasttime = go lasttime =<< getnexttime lasttime
+ where
+ getnexttime = liftIO . nextTime schedule
+ go _ Nothing = debug ["no scheduled events left for", desc]
+ go l (Just (NextTimeExactly t)) = waitrun l t Nothing
+ go l (Just (NextTimeWindow windowstart windowend)) =
+ waitrun l windowstart (Just windowend)
+ desc = fromScheduledActivity activity
+ schedule = getSchedule activity
+ waitrun l t mmaxt = do
+ seconds <- liftIO $ secondsUntilLocalTime t
+ when (seconds > Seconds 0) $ do
+ debug ["waiting", show seconds, "for next scheduled", desc]
+ liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds seconds
+ now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
+ tz <- liftIO $ getTimeZone now
+ let nowt = utcToLocalTime tz now
+ if tolate nowt tz
+ then do
+ debug ["too late to run scheduled", desc]
+ go l =<< getnexttime l
+ else run nowt
+ where
+ tolate nowt tz = case mmaxt of
+ Just maxt -> nowt > maxt
+ -- allow the job to start 10 minutes late
+ Nothing ->diffUTCTime
+ (localTimeToUTC tz nowt)
+ (localTimeToUTC tz t) > 600
+ run nowt = do
+ runActivity urlrenderer activity nowt
+ go (Just nowt) =<< getnexttime (Just nowt)
+{- Wait for the remote to become available by waiting on the MVar.
+ - Then check if the time is within a time window when activity
+ - is scheduled to run, and if so run it.
+ - Otherwise, just wait again on the MVar.
+ -}
+remoteActivityThread :: UrlRenderer -> MVar () -> ScheduledActivity -> Maybe LocalTime -> Assistant ()
+remoteActivityThread urlrenderer mvar activity lasttime = do
+ liftIO $ takeMVar mvar
+ go =<< liftIO (nextTime (getSchedule activity) lasttime)
+ where
+ go (Just (NextTimeWindow windowstart windowend)) = do
+ now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
+ tz <- liftIO $ getTimeZone now
+ if now >= localTimeToUTC tz windowstart && now <= localTimeToUTC tz windowend
+ then do
+ let nowt = utcToLocalTime tz now
+ runActivity urlrenderer activity nowt
+ loop (Just nowt)
+ else loop lasttime
+ go _ = noop -- running at exact time not handled here
+ loop = remoteActivityThread urlrenderer mvar activity
+secondsUntilLocalTime :: LocalTime -> IO Seconds
+secondsUntilLocalTime t = do
+ now <- getCurrentTime
+ tz <- getTimeZone now
+ let secs = truncate $ diffUTCTime (localTimeToUTC tz t) now
+ return $ if secs > 0
+ then Seconds secs
+ else Seconds 0
+runActivity :: UrlRenderer -> ScheduledActivity -> LocalTime -> Assistant ()
+runActivity urlrenderer activity nowt = do
+ debug ["starting", desc]
+ runActivity' urlrenderer activity
+ debug ["finished", desc]
+ liftAnnex $ setLastRunTime activity nowt
+ where
+ desc = fromScheduledActivity activity
+runActivity' :: UrlRenderer -> ScheduledActivity -> Assistant ()
+runActivity' urlrenderer (ScheduledSelfFsck _ d) = do
+ program <- liftIO $ readProgramFile
+ g <- liftAnnex gitRepo
+ fsckresults <- showFscking urlrenderer Nothing $ tryNonAsync $ do
+ void $ batchCommand program (Param "fsck" : annexFsckParams d)
+ Git.Fsck.findBroken True g
+ u <- liftAnnex getUUID
+ void $ repairWhenNecessary urlrenderer u Nothing fsckresults
+ mapM_ reget =<< liftAnnex (dirKeys gitAnnexBadDir)
+ where
+ reget k = queueTransfers "fsck found bad file; redownloading" Next k Nothing Download
+runActivity' urlrenderer (ScheduledRemoteFsck u s d) = handle =<< liftAnnex (remoteFromUUID u)
+ where
+ handle Nothing = debug ["skipping remote fsck of uuid without a configured remote", fromUUID u, fromSchedule s]
+ handle (Just rmt) = void $ case Remote.remoteFsck rmt of
+ Nothing -> go rmt $ do
+ program <- readProgramFile
+ void $ batchCommand program $
+ [ Param "fsck"
+ -- avoid downloading files
+ , Param "--fast"
+ , Param "--from"
+ , Param $ Remote.name rmt
+ ] ++ annexFsckParams d
+ Just mkfscker -> do
+ {- Note that having mkfsker return an IO action
+ - avoids running a long duration fsck in the
+ - Annex monad. -}
+ go rmt =<< liftAnnex (mkfscker (annexFsckParams d))
+ go rmt annexfscker = do
+ fsckresults <- showFscking urlrenderer (Just rmt) $ tryNonAsync $ do
+ void annexfscker
+ let r = Remote.repo rmt
+ if Git.repoIsLocal r && not (Git.repoIsLocalUnknown r)
+ then Just <$> Git.Fsck.findBroken True r
+ else pure Nothing
+ maybe noop (void . repairWhenNecessary urlrenderer u (Just rmt)) fsckresults
+annexFsckParams :: Duration -> [CommandParam]
+annexFsckParams d =
+ [ Param "--incremental-schedule=1d"
+ , Param $ "--time-limit=" ++ fromDuration d
+ ]
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/DaemonStatus.hs b/Assistant/Threads/DaemonStatus.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5bbb15acb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/DaemonStatus.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+{- git-annex assistant daemon status thread
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Threads.DaemonStatus where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import Utility.NotificationBroadcaster
+{- This writes the daemon status to disk, when it changes, but no more
+ - frequently than once every ten minutes.
+ -}
+daemonStatusThread :: NamedThread
+daemonStatusThread = namedThread "DaemonStatus" $ do
+ notifier <- liftIO . newNotificationHandle False
+ =<< changeNotifier <$> getDaemonStatus
+ checkpoint
+ runEvery (Seconds tenMinutes) <~> do
+ liftIO $ waitNotification notifier
+ checkpoint
+ where
+ checkpoint = do
+ file <- liftAnnex $ fromRepo gitAnnexDaemonStatusFile
+ liftIO . writeDaemonStatusFile file =<< getDaemonStatus
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/Glacier.hs b/Assistant/Threads/Glacier.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c4012a67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/Glacier.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+{- git-annex assistant Amazon Glacier retrieval
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Assistant.Threads.Glacier where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
+import qualified Remote.Glacier as Glacier
+import Logs.Transfer
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.TransferQueue
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+{- Wakes up every half hour and checks if any glacier remotes have failed
+ - downloads. If so, runs glacier-cli to check if the files are now
+ - available, and queues the downloads. -}
+glacierThread :: NamedThread
+glacierThread = namedThread "Glacier" $ runEvery (Seconds 3600) <~> go
+ where
+ isglacier r = Remote.remotetype r == Glacier.remote
+ go = do
+ rs <- filter isglacier . syncDataRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
+ forM_ rs $ \r ->
+ check r =<< liftAnnex (getFailedTransfers $ Remote.uuid r)
+ check _ [] = noop
+ check r l = do
+ let keys = map getkey l
+ (availkeys, failedkeys) <- liftAnnex $ Glacier.jobList r keys
+ let s = S.fromList (failedkeys ++ availkeys)
+ let l' = filter (\p -> S.member (getkey p) s) l
+ forM_ l' $ \(t, info) -> do
+ liftAnnex $ removeFailedTransfer t
+ queueTransferWhenSmall "object available from glacier" (associatedFile info) t r
+ getkey = transferKey . fst
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/Merger.hs b/Assistant/Threads/Merger.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f4fcb0cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/Merger.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+{- git-annex assistant git merge thread
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Threads.Merger where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.TransferQueue
+import Assistant.BranchChange
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.ScanRemotes
+import Utility.DirWatcher
+import Utility.DirWatcher.Types
+import qualified Annex.Branch
+import qualified Git
+import qualified Git.Branch
+import qualified Command.Sync
+import Annex.TaggedPush
+import Remote (remoteFromUUID)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+{- This thread watches for changes to .git/refs/, and handles incoming
+ - pushes. -}
+mergeThread :: NamedThread
+mergeThread = namedThread "Merger" $ do
+ g <- liftAnnex gitRepo
+ let dir = Git.localGitDir g </> "refs"
+ liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
+ let hook a = Just <$> asIO2 (runHandler a)
+ changehook <- hook onChange
+ errhook <- hook onErr
+ let hooks = mkWatchHooks
+ { addHook = changehook
+ , modifyHook = changehook
+ , errHook = errhook
+ }
+ void $ liftIO $ watchDir dir (const False) hooks id
+ debug ["watching", dir]
+type Handler = FilePath -> Assistant ()
+{- Runs an action handler.
+ -
+ - Exceptions are ignored, otherwise a whole thread could be crashed.
+ -}
+runHandler :: Handler -> FilePath -> Maybe FileStatus -> Assistant ()
+runHandler handler file _filestatus =
+ either (liftIO . print) (const noop) =<< tryIO <~> handler file
+{- Called when there's an error with inotify. -}
+onErr :: Handler
+onErr = error
+{- Called when a new branch ref is written, or a branch ref is modified.
+ -
+ - At startup, synthetic add events fire, causing this to run, but that's
+ - ok; it ensures that any changes pushed since the last time the assistant
+ - ran are merged in.
+ -}
+onChange :: Handler
+onChange file
+ | ".lock" `isSuffixOf` file = noop
+ | isAnnexBranch file = do
+ branchChanged
+ diverged <- liftAnnex Annex.Branch.forceUpdate
+ when diverged $
+ unlessM handleDesynced $
+ queueDeferredDownloads "retrying deferred download" Later
+ | "/synced/" `isInfixOf` file =
+ mergecurrent =<< liftAnnex (inRepo Git.Branch.current)
+ | otherwise = noop
+ where
+ changedbranch = fileToBranch file
+ mergecurrent (Just current)
+ | equivBranches changedbranch current = do
+ debug
+ [ "merging", show changedbranch
+ , "into", show current
+ ]
+ void $ liftAnnex $ Command.Sync.mergeFrom changedbranch
+ mergecurrent _ = noop
+ handleDesynced = case fromTaggedBranch changedbranch of
+ Nothing -> return False
+ Just (u, info) -> do
+ mr <- liftAnnex $ remoteFromUUID u
+ case mr of
+ Nothing -> return False
+ Just r -> do
+ s <- desynced <$> getDaemonStatus
+ if S.member u s || Just (T.unpack $ getXMPPClientID r) == info
+ then do
+ modifyDaemonStatus_ $ \st -> st
+ { desynced = S.delete u s }
+ addScanRemotes True [r]
+ return True
+ else return False
+equivBranches :: Git.Ref -> Git.Ref -> Bool
+equivBranches x y = base x == base y
+ where
+ base = takeFileName . show
+isAnnexBranch :: FilePath -> Bool
+isAnnexBranch f = n `isSuffixOf` f
+ where
+ n = '/' : show Annex.Branch.name
+fileToBranch :: FilePath -> Git.Ref
+fileToBranch f = Git.Ref $ "refs" </> base
+ where
+ base = Prelude.last $ split "/refs/" f
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/MountWatcher.hs b/Assistant/Threads/MountWatcher.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..39ae67537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/MountWatcher.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+{- git-annex assistant mount watcher, using either dbus or mtab polling
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Assistant.Threads.MountWatcher where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.Sync
+import qualified Annex
+import qualified Git
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import Utility.Mounts
+import Remote.List
+import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
+import Assistant.Types.UrlRenderer
+import Assistant.Fsck
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Utility.DBus
+import DBus.Client
+import DBus
+import Data.Word (Word32)
+import Control.Concurrent
+import qualified Control.Exception as E
+#warning Building without dbus support; will use mtab polling
+mountWatcherThread :: UrlRenderer -> NamedThread
+mountWatcherThread urlrenderer = namedThread "MountWatcher" $
+ dbusThread urlrenderer
+ pollingThread urlrenderer
+dbusThread :: UrlRenderer -> Assistant ()
+dbusThread urlrenderer = do
+ runclient <- asIO1 go
+ r <- liftIO $ E.try $ runClient getSessionAddress runclient
+ either onerr (const noop) r
+ where
+ go client = ifM (checkMountMonitor client)
+ ( do
+ {- Store the current mount points in an MVar, to be
+ - compared later. We could in theory work out the
+ - mount point from the dbus message, but this is
+ - easier. -}
+ mvar <- liftIO $ newMVar =<< currentMountPoints
+ handleevent <- asIO1 $ \_event -> do
+ nowmounted <- liftIO $ currentMountPoints
+ wasmounted <- liftIO $ swapMVar mvar nowmounted
+ handleMounts urlrenderer wasmounted nowmounted
+ liftIO $ forM_ mountChanged $ \matcher ->
+ listen client matcher handleevent
+ , do
+ liftAnnex $
+ warning "No known volume monitor available through dbus; falling back to mtab polling"
+ pollingThread urlrenderer
+ )
+ onerr :: E.SomeException -> Assistant ()
+ onerr e = do
+ {- If the session dbus fails, the user probably
+ - logged out of their desktop. Even if they log
+ - back in, we won't have access to the dbus
+ - session key, so polling is the best that can be
+ - done in this situation. -}
+ liftAnnex $
+ warning $ "dbus failed; falling back to mtab polling (" ++ show e ++ ")"
+ pollingThread urlrenderer
+{- Examine the list of services connected to dbus, to see if there
+ - are any we can use to monitor mounts. If not, will attempt to start one. -}
+checkMountMonitor :: Client -> Assistant Bool
+checkMountMonitor client = do
+ running <- filter (`elem` usableservices)
+ <$> liftIO (listServiceNames client)
+ case running of
+ [] -> startOneService client startableservices
+ (service:_) -> do
+ debug [ "Using running DBUS service"
+ , service
+ , "to monitor mount events."
+ ]
+ return True
+ where
+ startableservices = [gvfs, gvfsgdu]
+ usableservices = startableservices ++ [kde]
+ gvfs = "org.gtk.Private.UDisks2VolumeMonitor"
+ gvfsgdu = "org.gtk.Private.GduVolumeMonitor"
+ kde = "org.kde.DeviceNotifications"
+startOneService :: Client -> [ServiceName] -> Assistant Bool
+startOneService _ [] = return False
+startOneService client (x:xs) = do
+ _ <- liftIO $ tryNonAsync $ callDBus client "StartServiceByName"
+ [toVariant x, toVariant (0 :: Word32)]
+ ifM (liftIO $ elem x <$> listServiceNames client)
+ ( do
+ debug
+ [ "Started DBUS service", x
+ , "to monitor mount events."
+ ]
+ return True
+ , startOneService client xs
+ )
+{- Filter matching events recieved when drives are mounted and unmounted. -}
+mountChanged :: [MatchRule]
+mountChanged = [gvfs True, gvfs False, kde, kdefallback]
+ where
+ {- gvfs reliably generates this event whenever a
+ - drive is mounted/unmounted, whether automatically, or manually -}
+ gvfs mount = matchAny
+ { matchInterface = Just "org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor"
+ , matchMember = Just $ if mount then "MountAdded" else "MountRemoved"
+ }
+ {- This event fires when KDE prompts the user what to do with a drive,
+ - but maybe not at other times. And it's not received -}
+ kde = matchAny
+ { matchInterface = Just "org.kde.Solid.Device"
+ , matchMember = Just "setupDone"
+ }
+ {- This event may not be closely related to mounting a drive, but it's
+ - observed reliably when a drive gets mounted or unmounted. -}
+ kdefallback = matchAny
+ { matchInterface = Just "org.kde.KDirNotify"
+ , matchMember = Just "enteredDirectory"
+ }
+pollingThread :: UrlRenderer -> Assistant ()
+pollingThread urlrenderer = go =<< liftIO currentMountPoints
+ where
+ go wasmounted = do
+ liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 10)
+ nowmounted <- liftIO currentMountPoints
+ handleMounts urlrenderer wasmounted nowmounted
+ go nowmounted
+handleMounts :: UrlRenderer -> MountPoints -> MountPoints -> Assistant ()
+handleMounts urlrenderer wasmounted nowmounted =
+ mapM_ (handleMount urlrenderer . mnt_dir) $
+ S.toList $ newMountPoints wasmounted nowmounted
+handleMount :: UrlRenderer -> FilePath -> Assistant ()
+handleMount urlrenderer dir = do
+ debug ["detected mount of", dir]
+ rs <- filter (Git.repoIsLocal . Remote.repo) <$> remotesUnder dir
+ mapM_ (fsckNudge urlrenderer . Just) rs
+ reconnectRemotes True rs
+{- Finds remotes located underneath the mount point.
+ -
+ - Updates state to include the remotes.
+ -
+ - The config of git remotes is re-read, as it may not have been available
+ - at startup time, or may have changed (it could even be a different
+ - repository at the same remote location..)
+ -}
+remotesUnder :: FilePath -> Assistant [Remote]
+remotesUnder dir = do
+ repotop <- liftAnnex $ fromRepo Git.repoPath
+ rs <- liftAnnex remoteList
+ pairs <- liftAnnex $ mapM (checkremote repotop) rs
+ let (waschanged, rs') = unzip pairs
+ when (or waschanged) $ do
+ liftAnnex $ Annex.changeState $ \s -> s { Annex.remotes = catMaybes rs' }
+ updateSyncRemotes
+ return $ mapMaybe snd $ filter fst pairs
+ where
+ checkremote repotop r = case Remote.localpath r of
+ Just p | dirContains dir (absPathFrom repotop p) ->
+ (,) <$> pure True <*> updateRemote r
+ _ -> return (False, Just r)
+type MountPoints = S.Set Mntent
+currentMountPoints :: IO MountPoints
+currentMountPoints = S.fromList <$> getMounts
+newMountPoints :: MountPoints -> MountPoints -> MountPoints
+newMountPoints old new = S.difference new old
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/NetWatcher.hs b/Assistant/Threads/NetWatcher.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7124fa01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/NetWatcher.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+{- git-annex assistant network connection watcher, using dbus
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Assistant.Threads.NetWatcher where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Sync
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Utility.NotificationBroadcaster
+import Utility.DBus
+import DBus.Client
+import DBus
+import Data.Word (Word32)
+import Assistant.NetMessager
+#warning Building without dbus support; will poll for network connection changes
+netWatcherThread :: NamedThread
+netWatcherThread = thread dbusThread
+netWatcherThread = thread noop
+ where
+ thread = namedThread "NetWatcher"
+{- This is a fallback for when dbus cannot be used to detect
+ - network connection changes, but it also ensures that
+ - any networked remotes that may have not been routable for a
+ - while (despite the local network staying up), are synced with
+ - periodically.
+ -
+ - Note that it does not call notifyNetMessagerRestart, because
+ - it doesn't know that the network has changed.
+ -}
+netWatcherFallbackThread :: NamedThread
+netWatcherFallbackThread = namedThread "NetWatcherFallback" $
+ runEvery (Seconds 3600) <~> handleConnection
+dbusThread :: Assistant ()
+dbusThread = do
+ handleerr <- asIO2 onerr
+ runclient <- asIO1 go
+ liftIO $ persistentClient getSystemAddress () handleerr runclient
+ where
+ go client = ifM (checkNetMonitor client)
+ ( do
+ listenNMConnections client <~> handleconn
+ listenWicdConnections client <~> handleconn
+ , do
+ liftAnnex $
+ warning "No known network monitor available through dbus; falling back to polling"
+ )
+ handleconn = do
+ debug ["detected network connection"]
+ notifyNetMessagerRestart
+ handleConnection
+ onerr e _ = do
+ liftAnnex $
+ warning $ "lost dbus connection; falling back to polling (" ++ show e ++ ")"
+ {- Wait, in hope that dbus will come back -}
+ liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 60)
+{- Examine the list of services connected to dbus, to see if there
+ - are any we can use to monitor network connections. -}
+checkNetMonitor :: Client -> Assistant Bool
+checkNetMonitor client = do
+ running <- liftIO $ filter (`elem` [networkmanager, wicd])
+ <$> listServiceNames client
+ case running of
+ [] -> return False
+ (service:_) -> do
+ debug [ "Using running DBUS service"
+ , service
+ , "to monitor network connection events."
+ ]
+ return True
+ where
+ networkmanager = "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager"
+ wicd = "org.wicd.daemon"
+{- Listens for new NetworkManager connections. -}
+listenNMConnections :: Client -> IO () -> IO ()
+listenNMConnections client callback =
+ listen client matcher $ \event ->
+ when (Just True == anyM activeconnection (signalBody event)) $
+ callback
+ where
+ matcher = matchAny
+ { matchInterface = Just "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.Connection.Active"
+ , matchMember = Just "PropertiesChanged"
+ }
+ nm_connection_activated = toVariant (2 :: Word32)
+ nm_state_key = toVariant ("State" :: String)
+ activeconnection v = do
+ m <- fromVariant v
+ vstate <- lookup nm_state_key $ dictionaryItems m
+ state <- fromVariant vstate
+ return $ state == nm_connection_activated
+{- Listens for new Wicd connections. -}
+listenWicdConnections :: Client -> IO () -> IO ()
+listenWicdConnections client callback =
+ listen client matcher $ \event ->
+ when (any (== wicd_success) (signalBody event)) $
+ callback
+ where
+ matcher = matchAny
+ { matchInterface = Just "org.wicd.daemon"
+ , matchMember = Just "ConnectResultsSent"
+ }
+ wicd_success = toVariant ("success" :: String)
+handleConnection :: Assistant ()
+handleConnection = do
+ liftIO . sendNotification . networkConnectedNotifier =<< getDaemonStatus
+ reconnectRemotes True =<< networkRemotes
+{- Network remotes to sync with. -}
+networkRemotes :: Assistant [Remote]
+networkRemotes = filter (isNothing . Remote.localpath) . syncRemotes
+ <$> getDaemonStatus
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/PairListener.hs b/Assistant/Threads/PairListener.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd95ab5a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/PairListener.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+{- git-annex assistant thread to listen for incoming pairing traffic
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Threads.PairListener where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Pairing
+import Assistant.Pairing.Network
+import Assistant.Pairing.MakeRemote
+import Assistant.WebApp (UrlRenderer)
+import Assistant.WebApp.Types
+import Assistant.Alert
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import Utility.Format
+import Git
+import Network.Multicast
+import Network.Socket
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Char
+pairListenerThread :: UrlRenderer -> NamedThread
+pairListenerThread urlrenderer = namedThread "PairListener" $ do
+ listener <- asIO1 $ go [] []
+ liftIO $ withSocketsDo $
+ runEvery (Seconds 60) $ void $ tryIO $
+ listener =<< getsock
+ where
+ {- Note this can crash if there's no network interface,
+ - or only one like lo that doesn't support multicast. -}
+ getsock = multicastReceiver (multicastAddress $ IPv4Addr undefined) pairingPort
+ go reqs cache sock = liftIO (getmsg sock []) >>= \msg -> case readish msg of
+ Nothing -> go reqs cache sock
+ Just m -> do
+ debug ["received", show msg]
+ sane <- checkSane msg
+ (pip, verified) <- verificationCheck m
+ =<< (pairingInProgress <$> getDaemonStatus)
+ let wrongstage = maybe False (\p -> pairMsgStage m <= inProgressPairStage p) pip
+ let fromus = maybe False (\p -> remoteSshPubKey (pairMsgData m) == remoteSshPubKey (inProgressPairData p)) pip
+ case (wrongstage, fromus, sane, pairMsgStage m) of
+ (_, True, _, _) -> do
+ debug ["ignoring message that looped back"]
+ go reqs cache sock
+ (_, _, False, _) -> go reqs cache sock
+ -- PairReq starts a pairing process, so a
+ -- new one is always heeded, even if
+ -- some other pairing is in process.
+ (_, _, _, PairReq) -> if m `elem` reqs
+ then go reqs (invalidateCache m cache) sock
+ else do
+ pairReqReceived verified urlrenderer m
+ go (m:take 10 reqs) (invalidateCache m cache) sock
+ (True, _, _, _) -> do
+ debug
+ ["ignoring out of order message"
+ , show (pairMsgStage m)
+ , "expected"
+ , show (succ . inProgressPairStage <$> pip)
+ ]
+ go reqs cache sock
+ (_, _, _, PairAck) -> do
+ cache' <- pairAckReceived verified pip m cache
+ go reqs cache' sock
+ (_,_ , _, PairDone) -> do
+ pairDoneReceived verified pip m
+ go reqs cache sock
+ {- As well as verifying the message using the shared secret,
+ - check its UUID against the UUID we have stored. If
+ - they're the same, someone is sending bogus messages,
+ - which could be an attempt to brute force the shared secret. -}
+ verificationCheck _ Nothing = return (Nothing, False)
+ verificationCheck m (Just pip)
+ | not verified && sameuuid = do
+ liftAnnex $ warning
+ "detected possible pairing brute force attempt; disabled pairing"
+ stopSending pip
+ return (Nothing, False)
+ |otherwise = return (Just pip, verified && sameuuid)
+ where
+ verified = verifiedPairMsg m pip
+ sameuuid = pairUUID (inProgressPairData pip) == pairUUID (pairMsgData m)
+ checkSane msg
+ {- Control characters could be used in a
+ - console poisoning attack. -}
+ | any isControl (filter (/= '\n') (decode_c msg)) = do
+ liftAnnex $ warning
+ "illegal control characters in pairing message; ignoring"
+ return False
+ | otherwise = return True
+ {- PairReqs invalidate the cache of recently finished pairings.
+ - This is so that, if a new pairing is started with the
+ - same secret used before, a bogus PairDone is not sent. -}
+ invalidateCache msg = filter (not . verifiedPairMsg msg)
+ getmsg sock c = do
+ (msg, n, _) <- recvFrom sock chunksz
+ if n < chunksz
+ then return $ c ++ msg
+ else getmsg sock $ c ++ msg
+ where
+ chunksz = 1024
+{- Show an alert when a PairReq is seen. -}
+pairReqReceived :: Bool -> UrlRenderer -> PairMsg -> Assistant ()
+pairReqReceived True _ _ = noop -- ignore our own PairReq
+pairReqReceived False urlrenderer msg = do
+ button <- mkAlertButton True (T.pack "Respond") urlrenderer (FinishLocalPairR msg)
+ void $ addAlert $ pairRequestReceivedAlert repo button
+ where
+ repo = pairRepo msg
+{- When a verified PairAck is seen, a host is ready to pair with us, and has
+ - already configured our ssh key. Stop sending PairReqs, finish the pairing,
+ - and send a single PairDone. -}
+pairAckReceived :: Bool -> Maybe PairingInProgress -> PairMsg -> [PairingInProgress] -> Assistant [PairingInProgress]
+pairAckReceived True (Just pip) msg cache = do
+ stopSending pip
+ repodir <- repoPath <$> liftAnnex gitRepo
+ liftIO $ setupAuthorizedKeys msg repodir
+ finishedLocalPairing msg (inProgressSshKeyPair pip)
+ startSending pip PairDone $ multicastPairMsg
+ (Just 1) (inProgressSecret pip) (inProgressPairData pip)
+ return $ pip : take 10 cache
+{- A stale PairAck might also be seen, after we've finished pairing.
+ - Perhaps our PairDone was not received. To handle this, we keep
+ - a cache of recently finished pairings, and re-send PairDone in
+ - response to stale PairAcks for them. -}
+pairAckReceived _ _ msg cache = do
+ let pips = filter (verifiedPairMsg msg) cache
+ unless (null pips) $
+ forM_ pips $ \pip ->
+ startSending pip PairDone $ multicastPairMsg
+ (Just 1) (inProgressSecret pip) (inProgressPairData pip)
+ return cache
+{- If we get a verified PairDone, the host has accepted our PairAck, and
+ - has paired with us. Stop sending PairAcks, and finish pairing with them.
+ -
+ - TODO: Should third-party hosts remove their pair request alert when they
+ - see a PairDone?
+ - Complication: The user could have already clicked on the alert and be
+ - entering the secret. Would be better to start a fresh pair request in this
+ - situation.
+ -}
+pairDoneReceived :: Bool -> Maybe PairingInProgress -> PairMsg -> Assistant ()
+pairDoneReceived False _ _ = noop -- not verified
+pairDoneReceived True Nothing _ = noop -- not in progress
+pairDoneReceived True (Just pip) msg = do
+ stopSending pip
+ finishedLocalPairing msg (inProgressSshKeyPair pip)
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/ProblemFixer.hs b/Assistant/Threads/ProblemFixer.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8095581a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/ProblemFixer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+{- git-annex assistant thread to handle fixing problems with repositories
+ -
+ - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Threads.ProblemFixer (
+ problemFixerThread
+) where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Types.RepoProblem
+import Assistant.RepoProblem
+import Assistant.Types.UrlRenderer
+import Assistant.Alert
+import Remote
+import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
+import qualified Git.Fsck
+import Assistant.Repair
+import qualified Git
+import Annex.UUID
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+{- Waits for problems with a repo, and tries to fsck the repo and repair
+ - the problem. -}
+problemFixerThread :: UrlRenderer -> NamedThread
+problemFixerThread urlrenderer = namedThread "ProblemFixer" $
+ go =<< getRepoProblems
+ where
+ go problems = do
+ mapM_ (handleProblem urlrenderer) problems
+ liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 60)
+ -- Problems may have been re-reported while they were being
+ -- fixed, so ignore those. If a new unique problem happened
+ -- 60 seconds after the last was fixed, we're unlikely
+ -- to do much good anyway.
+ go =<< filter (\p -> not (any (sameRepoProblem p) problems))
+ <$> getRepoProblems
+handleProblem :: UrlRenderer -> RepoProblem -> Assistant ()
+handleProblem urlrenderer repoproblem = do
+ fixed <- ifM ((==) (problemUUID repoproblem) <$> liftAnnex getUUID)
+ ( handleLocalRepoProblem urlrenderer
+ , maybe (return False) (handleRemoteProblem urlrenderer)
+ =<< liftAnnex (remoteFromUUID $ problemUUID repoproblem)
+ )
+ when fixed $
+ liftIO $ afterFix repoproblem
+handleRemoteProblem :: UrlRenderer -> Remote -> Assistant Bool
+handleRemoteProblem urlrenderer rmt
+ | Git.repoIsLocal r && not (Git.repoIsLocalUnknown r) =
+ ifM (liftIO $ checkAvailable True rmt)
+ ( do
+ fixedlocks <- repairStaleGitLocks r
+ fsckresults <- showFscking urlrenderer (Just rmt) $ tryNonAsync $
+ Git.Fsck.findBroken True r
+ repaired <- repairWhenNecessary urlrenderer (Remote.uuid rmt) (Just rmt) fsckresults
+ return $ fixedlocks || repaired
+ , return False
+ )
+ | otherwise = return False
+ where
+ r = Remote.repo rmt
+{- This is not yet used, and should probably do a fsck. -}
+handleLocalRepoProblem :: UrlRenderer -> Assistant Bool
+handleLocalRepoProblem _urlrenderer = do
+ repairStaleGitLocks =<< liftAnnex gitRepo
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/Pusher.hs b/Assistant/Threads/Pusher.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ec922fe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/Pusher.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+{- git-annex assistant git pushing thread
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Threads.Pusher where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Commits
+import Assistant.Pushes
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.Sync
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import qualified Remote
+import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
+{- This thread retries pushes that failed before. -}
+pushRetryThread :: NamedThread
+pushRetryThread = namedThread "PushRetrier" $ runEvery (Seconds halfhour) <~> do
+ -- We already waited half an hour, now wait until there are failed
+ -- pushes to retry.
+ topush <- getFailedPushesBefore (fromIntegral halfhour)
+ unless (null topush) $ do
+ debug ["retrying", show (length topush), "failed pushes"]
+ void $ pushToRemotes True topush
+ where
+ halfhour = 1800
+{- This thread pushes git commits out to remotes soon after they are made. -}
+pushThread :: NamedThread
+pushThread = namedThread "Pusher" $ runEvery (Seconds 2) <~> do
+ -- We already waited two seconds as a simple rate limiter.
+ -- Next, wait until at least one commit has been made
+ void getCommits
+ -- Now see if now's a good time to push.
+ void $ pushToRemotes True =<< pushTargets
+{- We want to avoid pushing to remotes that are marked readonly.
+ -
+ - Also, avoid pushing to local remotes we can easily tell are not available,
+ - to avoid ugly messages when a removable drive is not attached.
+ -}
+pushTargets :: Assistant [Remote]
+pushTargets = liftIO . filterM (Remote.checkAvailable True)
+ =<< candidates <$> getDaemonStatus
+ where
+ candidates = filter (not . Remote.readonly) . syncGitRemotes
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/SanityChecker.hs b/Assistant/Threads/SanityChecker.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6946e8b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/SanityChecker.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+{- git-annex assistant sanity checker
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012, 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Threads.SanityChecker (
+ sanityCheckerStartupThread,
+ sanityCheckerDailyThread,
+ sanityCheckerHourlyThread
+) where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.Alert
+import Assistant.Repair
+import qualified Git.LsFiles
+import qualified Git.Command
+import qualified Git.Config
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import qualified Assistant.Threads.Watcher as Watcher
+import Utility.LogFile
+import Utility.Batch
+import Utility.NotificationBroadcaster
+import Config
+import Utility.HumanTime
+import Git.Repair
+import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+{- This thread runs once at startup, and most other threads wait for it
+ - to finish. (However, the webapp thread does not, to prevent the UI
+ - being nonresponsive.) -}
+sanityCheckerStartupThread :: Maybe Duration -> NamedThread
+sanityCheckerStartupThread startupdelay = namedThreadUnchecked "SanityCheckerStartup" $ do
+ {- Stale git locks can prevent commits from happening, etc. -}
+ void $ repairStaleGitLocks =<< liftAnnex gitRepo
+ {- A corrupt index file can prevent the assistant from working at
+ - all, so detect and repair. -}
+ ifM (not <$> liftAnnex (inRepo (checkIndex S.empty)))
+ ( do
+ notice ["corrupt index file found at startup; removing and restaging"]
+ liftAnnex $ inRepo nukeIndex
+ {- Normally the startup scan avoids re-staging files,
+ - but with the index deleted, everything needs to be
+ - restaged. -}
+ modifyDaemonStatus_ $ \s -> s { forceRestage = True }
+ , whenM (liftAnnex $ inRepo missingIndex) $ do
+ debug ["no index file; restaging"]
+ modifyDaemonStatus_ $ \s -> s { forceRestage = True }
+ )
+ {- If there's a startup delay, it's done here. -}
+ liftIO $ maybe noop (threadDelaySeconds . Seconds . fromIntegral . durationSeconds) startupdelay
+ {- Notify other threads that the startup sanity check is done. -}
+ status <- getDaemonStatus
+ liftIO $ sendNotification $ startupSanityCheckNotifier status
+{- This thread wakes up hourly for inxepensive frequent sanity checks. -}
+sanityCheckerHourlyThread :: NamedThread
+sanityCheckerHourlyThread = namedThread "SanityCheckerHourly" $ forever $ do
+ liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds $ Seconds oneHour
+ hourlyCheck
+{- This thread wakes up daily to make sure the tree is in good shape. -}
+sanityCheckerDailyThread :: NamedThread
+sanityCheckerDailyThread = namedThread "SanityCheckerDaily" $ forever $ do
+ waitForNextCheck
+ debug ["starting sanity check"]
+ void $ alertWhile sanityCheckAlert go
+ debug ["sanity check complete"]
+ where
+ go = do
+ modifyDaemonStatus_ $ \s -> s { sanityCheckRunning = True }
+ now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime -- before check started
+ r <- either showerr return =<< (tryIO . batch) <~> dailyCheck
+ modifyDaemonStatus_ $ \s -> s
+ { sanityCheckRunning = False
+ , lastSanityCheck = Just now
+ }
+ return r
+ showerr e = do
+ liftAnnex $ warning $ show e
+ return False
+{- Only run one check per day, from the time of the last check. -}
+waitForNextCheck :: Assistant ()
+waitForNextCheck = do
+ v <- lastSanityCheck <$> getDaemonStatus
+ now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
+ liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds $ Seconds $ calcdelay now v
+ where
+ calcdelay _ Nothing = oneDay
+ calcdelay now (Just lastcheck)
+ | lastcheck < now = max oneDay $
+ oneDay - truncate (now - lastcheck)
+ | otherwise = oneDay
+{- It's important to stay out of the Annex monad as much as possible while
+ - running potentially expensive parts of this check, since remaining in it
+ - will block the watcher. -}
+dailyCheck :: Assistant Bool
+dailyCheck = do
+ g <- liftAnnex gitRepo
+ -- Find old unstaged symlinks, and add them to git.
+ (unstaged, cleanup) <- liftIO $ Git.LsFiles.notInRepo False ["."] g
+ now <- liftIO getPOSIXTime
+ forM_ unstaged $ \file -> do
+ ms <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $ getSymbolicLinkStatus file
+ case ms of
+ Just s | toonew (statusChangeTime s) now -> noop
+ | isSymbolicLink s -> addsymlink file ms
+ _ -> noop
+ liftIO $ void cleanup
+ {- Allow git-gc to run once per day. More frequent gc is avoided
+ - by default to avoid slowing things down. Only run repacks when 100x
+ - the usual number of loose objects are present; we tend
+ - to have a lot of small objects and they should not be a
+ - significant size. -}
+ when (Git.Config.getMaybe "gc.auto" g == Just "0") $
+ liftIO $ void $ Git.Command.runBool
+ [ Param "-c", Param "gc.auto=670000"
+ , Param "gc"
+ , Param "--auto"
+ ] g
+ return True
+ where
+ toonew timestamp now = now < (realToFrac (timestamp + slop) :: POSIXTime)
+ slop = fromIntegral tenMinutes
+ insanity msg = do
+ liftAnnex $ warning msg
+ void $ addAlert $ sanityCheckFixAlert msg
+ addsymlink file s = do
+ isdirect <- liftAnnex isDirect
+ Watcher.runHandler (Watcher.onAddSymlink isdirect) file s
+ insanity $ "found unstaged symlink: " ++ file
+hourlyCheck :: Assistant ()
+hourlyCheck = checkLogSize 0
+{- Rotate logs until log file size is < 1 mb. -}
+checkLogSize :: Int -> Assistant ()
+checkLogSize n = do
+ f <- liftAnnex $ fromRepo gitAnnexLogFile
+ logs <- liftIO $ listLogs f
+ totalsize <- liftIO $ sum <$> mapM filesize logs
+ when (totalsize > oneMegabyte) $ do
+ notice ["Rotated logs due to size:", show totalsize]
+ liftIO $ openLog f >>= redirLog
+ when (n < maxLogs + 1) $
+ checkLogSize $ n + 1
+ where
+ filesize f = fromIntegral . fileSize <$> liftIO (getFileStatus f)
+oneMegabyte :: Int
+oneMegabyte = 1000000
+oneHour :: Int
+oneHour = 60 * 60
+oneDay :: Int
+oneDay = 24 * oneHour
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/TransferPoller.hs b/Assistant/Threads/TransferPoller.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..68075cac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/TransferPoller.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+{- git-annex assistant transfer polling thread
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Threads.TransferPoller where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Logs.Transfer
+import Utility.NotificationBroadcaster
+import qualified Assistant.Threads.TransferWatcher as TransferWatcher
+import Control.Concurrent
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+{- This thread polls the status of ongoing transfers, determining how much
+ - of each transfer is complete. -}
+transferPollerThread :: NamedThread
+transferPollerThread = namedThread "TransferPoller" $ do
+ g <- liftAnnex gitRepo
+ tn <- liftIO . newNotificationHandle True =<<
+ transferNotifier <$> getDaemonStatus
+ forever $ do
+ liftIO $ threadDelay 500000 -- 0.5 seconds
+ ts <- currentTransfers <$> getDaemonStatus
+ if M.null ts
+ -- block until transfers running
+ then liftIO $ waitNotification tn
+ else mapM_ (poll g) $ M.toList ts
+ where
+ poll g (t, info)
+ {- Downloads are polled by checking the size of the
+ - temp file being used for the transfer. -}
+ | transferDirection t == Download = do
+ let f = gitAnnexTmpLocation (transferKey t) g
+ sz <- liftIO $ catchMaybeIO $
+ fromIntegral . fileSize <$> getFileStatus f
+ newsize t info sz
+ {- Uploads don't need to be polled for when the TransferWatcher
+ - thread can track file modifications. -}
+ | TransferWatcher.watchesTransferSize = noop
+ {- Otherwise, this code polls the upload progress
+ - by reading the transfer info file. -}
+ | otherwise = do
+ let f = transferFile t g
+ mi <- liftIO $ catchDefaultIO Nothing $
+ readTransferInfoFile Nothing f
+ maybe noop (newsize t info . bytesComplete) mi
+ newsize t info sz
+ | bytesComplete info /= sz && isJust sz =
+ alterTransferInfo t $ \i -> i { bytesComplete = sz }
+ | otherwise = noop
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/TransferScanner.hs b/Assistant/Threads/TransferScanner.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ba302d6bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/TransferScanner.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+{- git-annex assistant thread to scan remotes to find needed transfers
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Threads.TransferScanner where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Types.ScanRemotes
+import Assistant.ScanRemotes
+import Assistant.TransferQueue
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.Drop
+import Assistant.Sync
+import Assistant.DeleteRemote
+import Assistant.Types.UrlRenderer
+import Logs.Transfer
+import Logs.Location
+import Logs.Group
+import Logs.Web (webUUID)
+import qualified Remote
+import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import Utility.NotificationBroadcaster
+import Utility.Batch
+import qualified Git.LsFiles as LsFiles
+import qualified Backend
+import Annex.Content
+import Annex.Wanted
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+{- This thread waits until a remote needs to be scanned, to find transfers
+ - that need to be made, to keep data in sync.
+ -}
+transferScannerThread :: UrlRenderer -> NamedThread
+transferScannerThread urlrenderer = namedThread "TransferScanner" $ do
+ startupScan
+ go S.empty
+ where
+ go scanned = do
+ scanrunning False
+ liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 2)
+ (rs, infos) <- unzip <$> getScanRemote
+ scanrunning True
+ if any fullScan infos || any (`S.notMember` scanned) rs
+ then do
+ expensiveScan urlrenderer rs
+ go $ scanned `S.union` S.fromList rs
+ else do
+ mapM_ failedTransferScan rs
+ go scanned
+ scanrunning b = do
+ ds <- modifyDaemonStatus $ \s ->
+ (s { transferScanRunning = b }, s)
+ liftIO $ sendNotification $ transferNotifier ds
+ {- All git remotes are synced, and all available remotes
+ - are scanned in full on startup, for multiple reasons, including:
+ -
+ - * This may be the first run, and there may be remotes
+ - already in place, that need to be synced.
+ - * Changes may have been made last time we run, but remotes were
+ - not available to be synced with.
+ - * Changes may have been made to remotes while we were down.
+ - * We may have run before, and scanned a remote, but
+ - only been in a subdirectory of the git remote, and so
+ - not synced it all.
+ - * We may have run before, and had transfers queued,
+ - and then the system (or us) crashed, and that info was
+ - lost.
+ - * A remote may be in the unwanted group, and this is a chance
+ - to determine if the remote has been emptied.
+ -}
+ startupScan = do
+ reconnectRemotes True =<< syncGitRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
+ addScanRemotes True =<< syncDataRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
+{- This is a cheap scan for failed transfers involving a remote. -}
+failedTransferScan :: Remote -> Assistant ()
+failedTransferScan r = do
+ failed <- liftAnnex $ clearFailedTransfers (Remote.uuid r)
+ mapM_ retry failed
+ where
+ retry (t, info)
+ | transferDirection t == Download =
+ {- Check if the remote still has the key.
+ - If not, relies on the expensiveScan to
+ - get it queued from some other remote. -}
+ whenM (liftAnnex $ remoteHas r $ transferKey t) $
+ requeue t info
+ | otherwise =
+ {- The Transferrer checks when uploading
+ - that the remote doesn't already have the
+ - key, so it's not redundantly checked here. -}
+ requeue t info
+ requeue t info = queueTransferWhenSmall "retrying failed transfer" (associatedFile info) t r
+{- This is a expensive scan through the full git work tree, finding
+ - files to transfer. The scan is blocked when the transfer queue gets
+ - too large.
+ -
+ - This also finds files that are present either here or on a remote
+ - but that are not preferred content, and drops them. Searching for files
+ - to drop is done concurrently with the scan for transfers.
+ -
+ - TODO: It would be better to first drop as much as we can, before
+ - transferring much, to minimise disk use.
+ -
+ - During the scan, we'll also check if any unwanted repositories are empty,
+ - and can be removed. While unrelated, this is a cheap place to do it,
+ - since we need to look at the locations of all keys anyway.
+ -}
+expensiveScan :: UrlRenderer -> [Remote] -> Assistant ()
+expensiveScan urlrenderer rs = unless onlyweb $ batch <~> do
+ debug ["starting scan of", show visiblers]
+ let us = map Remote.uuid rs
+ mapM_ (liftAnnex . clearFailedTransfers) us
+ unwantedrs <- liftAnnex $ S.fromList
+ <$> filterM inUnwantedGroup us
+ g <- liftAnnex gitRepo
+ (files, cleanup) <- liftIO $ LsFiles.inRepo [] g
+ removablers <- scan unwantedrs files
+ void $ liftIO cleanup
+ debug ["finished scan of", show visiblers]
+ remove <- asIO1 $ removableRemote urlrenderer
+ liftIO $ mapM_ (void . tryNonAsync . remove) $ S.toList removablers
+ where
+ onlyweb = all (== webUUID) $ map Remote.uuid rs
+ visiblers = let rs' = filter (not . Remote.readonly) rs
+ in if null rs' then rs else rs'
+ scan unwanted [] = return unwanted
+ scan unwanted (f:fs) = do
+ (unwanted', ts) <- maybe
+ (return (unwanted, []))
+ (findtransfers f unwanted)
+ =<< liftAnnex (Backend.lookupFile f)
+ mapM_ (enqueue f) ts
+ scan unwanted' fs
+ enqueue f (r, t) =
+ queueTransferWhenSmall "expensive scan found missing object"
+ (Just f) t r
+ findtransfers f unwanted (key, _) = do
+ {- The syncable remotes may have changed since this
+ - scan began. -}
+ syncrs <- syncDataRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
+ locs <- liftAnnex $ loggedLocations key
+ present <- liftAnnex $ inAnnex key
+ handleDropsFrom locs syncrs
+ "expensive scan found too many copies of object"
+ present key (Just f) Nothing
+ liftAnnex $ do
+ let slocs = S.fromList locs
+ let use a = return $ mapMaybe (a key slocs) syncrs
+ ts <- if present
+ then filterM (wantSend True (Just f) . Remote.uuid . fst)
+ =<< use (genTransfer Upload False)
+ else ifM (wantGet True $ Just f)
+ ( use (genTransfer Download True) , return [] )
+ let unwanted' = S.difference unwanted slocs
+ return (unwanted', ts)
+genTransfer :: Direction -> Bool -> Key -> S.Set UUID -> Remote -> Maybe (Remote, Transfer)
+genTransfer direction want key slocs r
+ | direction == Upload && Remote.readonly r = Nothing
+ | S.member (Remote.uuid r) slocs == want = Just
+ (r, Transfer direction (Remote.uuid r) key)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+remoteHas :: Remote -> Key -> Annex Bool
+remoteHas r key = elem
+ <$> pure (Remote.uuid r)
+ <*> loggedLocations key
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/TransferWatcher.hs b/Assistant/Threads/TransferWatcher.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd7282865
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/TransferWatcher.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+{- git-annex assistant transfer watching thread
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Threads.TransferWatcher where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.TransferSlots
+import Logs.Transfer
+import Utility.DirWatcher
+import Utility.DirWatcher.Types
+import qualified Remote
+import Control.Concurrent
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+{- This thread watches for changes to the gitAnnexTransferDir,
+ - and updates the DaemonStatus's map of ongoing transfers. -}
+transferWatcherThread :: NamedThread
+transferWatcherThread = namedThread "TransferWatcher" $ do
+ dir <- liftAnnex $ gitAnnexTransferDir <$> gitRepo
+ liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
+ let hook a = Just <$> asIO2 (runHandler a)
+ addhook <- hook onAdd
+ delhook <- hook onDel
+ modifyhook <- hook onModify
+ errhook <- hook onErr
+ let hooks = mkWatchHooks
+ { addHook = addhook
+ , delHook = delhook
+ , modifyHook = modifyhook
+ , errHook = errhook
+ }
+ void $ liftIO $ watchDir dir (const False) hooks id
+ debug ["watching for transfers"]
+type Handler = FilePath -> Assistant ()
+{- Runs an action handler.
+ -
+ - Exceptions are ignored, otherwise a whole thread could be crashed.
+ -}
+runHandler :: Handler -> FilePath -> Maybe FileStatus -> Assistant ()
+runHandler handler file _filestatus =
+ either (liftIO . print) (const noop) =<< tryIO <~> handler file
+{- Called when there's an error with inotify. -}
+onErr :: Handler
+onErr = error
+{- Called when a new transfer information file is written. -}
+onAdd :: Handler
+onAdd file = case parseTransferFile file of
+ Nothing -> noop
+ Just t -> go t =<< liftAnnex (checkTransfer t)
+ where
+ go _ Nothing = noop -- transfer already finished
+ go t (Just info) = do
+ debug [ "transfer starting:", describeTransfer t info ]
+ r <- liftAnnex $ Remote.remoteFromUUID $ transferUUID t
+ updateTransferInfo t info { transferRemote = r }
+{- Called when a transfer information file is updated.
+ -
+ - The only thing that should change in the transfer info is the
+ - bytesComplete, so that's the only thing updated in the DaemonStatus. -}
+onModify :: Handler
+onModify file = case parseTransferFile file of
+ Nothing -> noop
+ Just t -> go t =<< liftIO (readTransferInfoFile Nothing file)
+ where
+ go _ Nothing = noop
+ go t (Just newinfo) = alterTransferInfo t $
+ \i -> i { bytesComplete = bytesComplete newinfo }
+{- This thread can only watch transfer sizes when the DirWatcher supports
+ - tracking modificatons to files. -}
+watchesTransferSize :: Bool
+watchesTransferSize = modifyTracked
+{- Called when a transfer information file is removed. -}
+onDel :: Handler
+onDel file = case parseTransferFile file of
+ Nothing -> noop
+ Just t -> do
+ debug [ "transfer finishing:", show t]
+ minfo <- removeTransfer t
+ -- Run transfer hook.
+ m <- transferHook <$> getDaemonStatus
+ maybe noop (\hook -> void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ hook t)
+ (M.lookup (transferKey t) m)
+ finished <- asIO2 finishedTransfer
+ void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ do
+ {- XXX race workaround delay. The location
+ - log needs to be updated before finishedTransfer
+ - runs. -}
+ threadDelay 10000000 -- 10 seconds
+ finished t minfo
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/Transferrer.hs b/Assistant/Threads/Transferrer.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bc419e15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/Transferrer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+{- git-annex assistant data transferrer thread
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Threads.Transferrer where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.TransferQueue
+import Assistant.TransferSlots
+import Logs.Transfer
+import Config.Files
+{- Dispatches transfers from the queue. -}
+transfererThread :: NamedThread
+transfererThread = namedThread "Transferrer" $ do
+ program <- liftIO readProgramFile
+ forever $ inTransferSlot program $
+ maybe (return Nothing) (uncurry genTransfer)
+ =<< getNextTransfer notrunning
+ where
+ {- Skip transfers that are already running. -}
+ notrunning = isNothing . startedTime
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/UpgradeWatcher.hs b/Assistant/Threads/UpgradeWatcher.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80f2040a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/UpgradeWatcher.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+{- git-annex assistant thread to detect when git-annex is upgraded
+ -
+ - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Threads.UpgradeWatcher (
+ upgradeWatcherThread
+) where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Upgrade
+import Utility.DirWatcher
+import Utility.DirWatcher.Types
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import Assistant.Types.UrlRenderer
+import Assistant.Alert
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.WebApp.Types
+import qualified Build.SysConfig
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+data WatcherState = InStartupScan | Started | Upgrading
+ deriving (Eq)
+upgradeWatcherThread :: UrlRenderer -> NamedThread
+upgradeWatcherThread urlrenderer = namedThread "UpgradeWatcher" $ do
+ whenM (liftIO checkSuccessfulUpgrade) $
+ showSuccessfulUpgrade urlrenderer
+ go =<< liftIO upgradeFlagFile
+ where
+ go Nothing = debug [ "cannot determine program path" ]
+ go (Just flagfile) = do
+ mvar <- liftIO $ newMVar InStartupScan
+ changed <- Just <$> asIO2 (changedFile urlrenderer mvar flagfile)
+ let hooks = mkWatchHooks
+ { addHook = changed
+ , delHook = changed
+ , addSymlinkHook = changed
+ , modifyHook = changed
+ , delDirHook = changed
+ }
+ let dir = parentDir flagfile
+ let depth = length (splitPath dir) + 1
+ let nosubdirs f = length (splitPath f) == depth
+ void $ liftIO $ watchDir dir nosubdirs hooks (startup mvar)
+ -- Ignore bogus events generated during the startup scan.
+ startup mvar scanner = do
+ r <- scanner
+ void $ swapMVar mvar Started
+ return r
+changedFile :: UrlRenderer -> MVar WatcherState -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe FileStatus -> Assistant ()
+changedFile urlrenderer mvar flagfile file _status
+ | flagfile /= file = noop
+ | otherwise = do
+ state <- liftIO $ readMVar mvar
+ when (state == Started) $ do
+ setstate Upgrading
+ ifM (liftIO upgradeSanityCheck)
+ ( handleUpgrade urlrenderer
+ , do
+ debug ["new version failed sanity check; not using"]
+ setstate Started
+ )
+ where
+ setstate = void . liftIO . swapMVar mvar
+handleUpgrade :: UrlRenderer -> Assistant ()
+handleUpgrade urlrenderer = do
+ -- Wait 2 minutes for any final upgrade changes to settle.
+ -- (For example, other associated files may be being put into
+ -- place.) Not needed when using a distribution bundle, because
+ -- in that case git-annex handles the upgrade in a non-racy way.
+ liftIO $ unlessM usingDistribution $
+ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 120)
+ ifM autoUpgradeEnabled
+ ( do
+ debug ["starting automatic upgrade"]
+ unattendedUpgrade
+ , do
+ button <- mkAlertButton True (T.pack "Finish Upgrade") urlrenderer ConfigFinishUpgradeR
+ void $ addAlert $ upgradeReadyAlert button
+ , noop
+ )
+showSuccessfulUpgrade :: UrlRenderer -> Assistant ()
+showSuccessfulUpgrade urlrenderer = do
+ button <- ifM autoUpgradeEnabled
+ ( pure Nothing
+ , Just <$> mkAlertButton True
+ (T.pack "Enable Automatic Upgrades")
+ urlrenderer ConfigEnableAutomaticUpgradeR
+ )
+ void $ addAlert $ upgradeFinishedAlert button Build.SysConfig.packageversion
+ noop
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/Upgrader.hs b/Assistant/Threads/Upgrader.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0c47e844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/Upgrader.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+{- git-annex assistant thread to detect when upgrade is available
+ -
+ - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Threads.Upgrader (
+ upgraderThread
+) where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Upgrade
+import Assistant.Types.UrlRenderer
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.Alert
+import Utility.NotificationBroadcaster
+import Utility.Tmp
+import qualified Annex
+import qualified Build.SysConfig
+import qualified Utility.Url as Url
+import qualified Annex.Url as Url
+import qualified Git.Version
+import Types.Distribution
+import Assistant.WebApp.Types
+import Data.Time.Clock
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+upgraderThread :: UrlRenderer -> NamedThread
+upgraderThread urlrenderer = namedThread "Upgrader" $
+ when (isJust Build.SysConfig.upgradelocation) $ do
+ {- Check for upgrade on startup, unless it was just
+ - upgraded. -}
+ unlessM (liftIO checkSuccessfulUpgrade) $
+ checkUpgrade urlrenderer
+ h <- liftIO . newNotificationHandle False . networkConnectedNotifier =<< getDaemonStatus
+ go h =<< liftIO getCurrentTime
+ where
+ {- Wait for a network connection event. Then see if it's been
+ - half a day since the last upgrade check. If so, proceed with
+ - check. -}
+ go h lastchecked = do
+ liftIO $ waitNotification h
+ autoupgrade <- liftAnnex $ annexAutoUpgrade <$> Annex.getGitConfig
+ if autoupgrade == NoAutoUpgrade
+ then go h lastchecked
+ else do
+ now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
+ if diffUTCTime now lastchecked > halfday
+ then do
+ checkUpgrade urlrenderer
+ go h =<< liftIO getCurrentTime
+ else go h lastchecked
+ halfday = 12 * 60 * 60
+checkUpgrade :: UrlRenderer -> Assistant ()
+checkUpgrade urlrenderer = do
+ debug [ "Checking if an upgrade is available." ]
+ go =<< getDistributionInfo
+ where
+ go Nothing = debug [ "Failed to check if upgrade is available." ]
+ go (Just d) = do
+ let installed = Git.Version.normalize Build.SysConfig.packageversion
+ let avail = Git.Version.normalize $ distributionVersion d
+ let old = Git.Version.normalize <$> distributionUrgentUpgrade d
+ if Just installed <= old
+ then canUpgrade High urlrenderer d
+ else if installed < avail
+ then canUpgrade Low urlrenderer d
+ else debug [ "No new version found." ]
+canUpgrade :: AlertPriority -> UrlRenderer -> GitAnnexDistribution -> Assistant ()
+canUpgrade urgency urlrenderer d = ifM autoUpgradeEnabled
+ ( startDistributionDownload d
+ , do
+ button <- mkAlertButton True (T.pack "Upgrade") urlrenderer (ConfigStartUpgradeR d)
+ void $ addAlert (canUpgradeAlert urgency (distributionVersion d) button)
+ noop
+ )
+getDistributionInfo :: Assistant (Maybe GitAnnexDistribution)
+getDistributionInfo = do
+ ua <- liftAnnex Url.getUserAgent
+ liftIO $ withTmpFile "git-annex.tmp" $ \tmpfile h -> do
+ hClose h
+ ifM (Url.downloadQuiet distributionInfoUrl [] [] tmpfile ua)
+ ( readish <$> readFileStrict tmpfile
+ , return Nothing
+ )
+distributionInfoUrl :: String
+distributionInfoUrl = fromJust Build.SysConfig.upgradelocation ++ ".info"
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/Watcher.hs b/Assistant/Threads/Watcher.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a56eadbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/Watcher.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
+{- git-annex assistant tree watcher
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012-2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, CPP #-}
+module Assistant.Threads.Watcher (
+ watchThread,
+ WatcherControl(..),
+ checkCanWatch,
+ needLsof,
+ onAddSymlink,
+ runHandler,
+) where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.Changes
+import Assistant.Types.Changes
+import Assistant.Alert
+import Utility.DirWatcher
+import Utility.DirWatcher.Types
+import qualified Utility.Lsof as Lsof
+import qualified Annex
+import qualified Annex.Queue
+import qualified Git
+import qualified Git.UpdateIndex
+import qualified Git.LsFiles as LsFiles
+import qualified Backend
+import Annex.Direct
+import Annex.Content.Direct
+import Annex.CatFile
+import Annex.CheckIgnore
+import Annex.Link
+import Annex.FileMatcher
+import Annex.ReplaceFile
+import Git.Types
+import Config
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import Data.Bits.Utils
+import Data.Typeable
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
+import qualified Control.Exception as E
+import Data.Time.Clock
+checkCanWatch :: Annex ()
+ | canWatch = do
+ liftIO Lsof.setup
+ unlessM (liftIO (inPath "lsof") <||> Annex.getState Annex.force)
+ needLsof
+ | otherwise = error "watch mode is not available on this system"
+needLsof :: Annex ()
+needLsof = error $ unlines
+ [ "The lsof command is needed for watch mode to be safe, and is not in PATH."
+ , "To override lsof checks to ensure that files are not open for writing"
+ , "when added to the annex, you can use --force"
+ , "Be warned: This can corrupt data in the annex, and make fsck complain."
+ ]
+{- A special exception that can be thrown to pause or resume the watcher. -}
+data WatcherControl = PauseWatcher | ResumeWatcher
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
+instance E.Exception WatcherControl
+watchThread :: NamedThread
+watchThread = namedThread "Watcher" $
+ ifM (liftAnnex $ annexAutoCommit <$> Annex.getGitConfig)
+ ( runWatcher
+ , waitFor ResumeWatcher runWatcher
+ )
+runWatcher :: Assistant ()
+runWatcher = do
+ startup <- asIO1 startupScan
+ matcher <- liftAnnex largeFilesMatcher
+ direct <- liftAnnex isDirect
+ symlinkssupported <- liftAnnex $ coreSymlinks <$> Annex.getGitConfig
+ addhook <- hook $ if direct
+ then onAddDirect symlinkssupported matcher
+ else onAdd matcher
+ delhook <- hook onDel
+ addsymlinkhook <- hook $ onAddSymlink direct
+ deldirhook <- hook onDelDir
+ errhook <- hook onErr
+ let hooks = mkWatchHooks
+ { addHook = addhook
+ , delHook = delhook
+ , addSymlinkHook = addsymlinkhook
+ , delDirHook = deldirhook
+ , errHook = errhook
+ }
+ handle <- liftIO $ watchDir "." ignored hooks startup
+ debug [ "watching", "."]
+ {- Let the DirWatcher thread run until signalled to pause it,
+ - then wait for a resume signal, and restart. -}
+ waitFor PauseWatcher $ do
+ liftIO $ stopWatchDir handle
+ waitFor ResumeWatcher runWatcher
+ where
+ hook a = Just <$> asIO2 (runHandler a)
+waitFor :: WatcherControl -> Assistant () -> Assistant ()
+waitFor sig next = do
+ r <- liftIO (E.try pause :: IO (Either E.SomeException ()))
+ case r of
+ Left e -> case E.fromException e of
+ Just s
+ | s == sig -> next
+ _ -> noop
+ _ -> noop
+ where
+ pause = runEvery (Seconds 86400) noop
+{- Initial scartup scan. The action should return once the scan is complete. -}
+startupScan :: IO a -> Assistant a
+startupScan scanner = do
+ liftAnnex $ showAction "scanning"
+ alertWhile' startupScanAlert $ do
+ r <- liftIO scanner
+ -- Notice any files that were deleted before
+ -- watching was started.
+ top <- liftAnnex $ fromRepo Git.repoPath
+ (fs, cleanup) <- liftAnnex $ inRepo $ LsFiles.deleted [top]
+ forM_ fs $ \f -> do
+ liftAnnex $ onDel' f
+ maybe noop recordChange =<< madeChange f RmChange
+ void $ liftIO cleanup
+ liftAnnex $ showAction "started"
+ liftIO $ putStrLn ""
+ modifyDaemonStatus_ $ \s -> s { scanComplete = True }
+ return (True, r)
+{- Hardcoded ignores, passed to the DirWatcher so it can avoid looking
+ - at the entire .git directory. Does not include .gitignores. -}
+ignored :: FilePath -> Bool
+ignored = ig . takeFileName
+ where
+ ig ".git" = True
+ ig ".gitignore" = True
+ ig ".gitattributes" = True
+#ifdef darwin_HOST_OS
+ ig ".DS_Store" = True
+ ig _ = False
+unlessIgnored :: FilePath -> Assistant (Maybe Change) -> Assistant (Maybe Change)
+unlessIgnored file a = ifM (liftAnnex $ checkIgnored file)
+ ( noChange
+ , a
+ )
+type Handler = FilePath -> Maybe FileStatus -> Assistant (Maybe Change)
+{- Runs an action handler, and if there was a change, adds it to the ChangeChan.
+ -
+ - Exceptions are ignored, otherwise a whole watcher thread could be crashed.
+ -}
+runHandler :: Handler -> FilePath -> Maybe FileStatus -> Assistant ()
+runHandler handler file filestatus = void $ do
+ r <- tryIO <~> handler (normalize file) filestatus
+ case r of
+ Left e -> liftIO $ print e
+ Right Nothing -> noop
+ Right (Just change) -> do
+ -- Just in case the commit thread is not
+ -- flushing the queue fast enough.
+ liftAnnex Annex.Queue.flushWhenFull
+ recordChange change
+ where
+ normalize f
+ | "./" `isPrefixOf` file = drop 2 f
+ | otherwise = f
+{- Small files are added to git as-is, while large ones go into the annex. -}
+add :: FileMatcher -> FilePath -> Assistant (Maybe Change)
+add bigfilematcher file = ifM (liftAnnex $ checkFileMatcher bigfilematcher file)
+ ( pendingAddChange file
+ , do
+ liftAnnex $ Annex.Queue.addCommand "add"
+ [Params "--force --"] [file]
+ madeChange file AddFileChange
+ )
+onAdd :: FileMatcher -> Handler
+onAdd matcher file filestatus
+ | maybe False isRegularFile filestatus =
+ unlessIgnored file $
+ add matcher file
+ | otherwise = noChange
+shouldRestage :: DaemonStatus -> Bool
+shouldRestage ds = scanComplete ds || forceRestage ds
+{- In direct mode, add events are received for both new files, and
+ - modified existing files.
+ -}
+onAddDirect :: Bool -> FileMatcher -> Handler
+onAddDirect symlinkssupported matcher file fs = do
+ v <- liftAnnex $ catKeyFile file
+ case (v, fs) of
+ (Just key, Just filestatus) ->
+ ifM (liftAnnex $ sameFileStatus key filestatus)
+ {- It's possible to get an add event for
+ - an existing file that is not
+ - really modified, but it might have
+ - just been deleted and been put back,
+ - so it symlink is restaged to make sure. -}
+ ( ifM (shouldRestage <$> getDaemonStatus)
+ ( do
+ link <- liftAnnex $ inRepo $ gitAnnexLink file key
+ addLink file link (Just key)
+ , noChange
+ )
+ , guardSymlinkStandin (Just key) $ do
+ debug ["changed direct", file]
+ liftAnnex $ changedDirect key file
+ add matcher file
+ )
+ _ -> unlessIgnored file $
+ guardSymlinkStandin Nothing $ do
+ debug ["add direct", file]
+ add matcher file
+ where
+ {- On a filesystem without symlinks, we'll get changes for regular
+ - files that git uses to stand-in for symlinks. Detect when
+ - this happens, and stage the symlink, rather than annexing the
+ - file. -}
+ guardSymlinkStandin mk a
+ | symlinkssupported = a
+ | otherwise = do
+ linktarget <- liftAnnex $ getAnnexLinkTarget file
+ case linktarget of
+ Nothing -> a
+ Just lt -> do
+ case fileKey $ takeFileName lt of
+ Nothing -> noop
+ Just key -> void $ liftAnnex $
+ addAssociatedFile key file
+ onAddSymlink' linktarget mk True file fs
+{- A symlink might be an arbitrary symlink, which is just added.
+ - Or, if it is a git-annex symlink, ensure it points to the content
+ - before adding it.
+ -}
+onAddSymlink :: Bool -> Handler
+onAddSymlink isdirect file filestatus = unlessIgnored file $ do
+ linktarget <- liftIO (catchMaybeIO $ readSymbolicLink file)
+ kv <- liftAnnex (Backend.lookupFile file)
+ onAddSymlink' linktarget (fmap fst kv) isdirect file filestatus
+onAddSymlink' :: Maybe String -> Maybe Key -> Bool -> Handler
+onAddSymlink' linktarget mk isdirect file filestatus = go mk
+ where
+ go (Just key) = do
+ when isdirect $
+ liftAnnex $ void $ addAssociatedFile key file
+ link <- liftAnnex $ inRepo $ gitAnnexLink file key
+ if linktarget == Just link
+ then ensurestaged (Just link) =<< getDaemonStatus
+ else do
+ unless isdirect $
+ liftAnnex $ replaceFile file $
+ makeAnnexLink link
+ addLink file link (Just key)
+ -- other symlink, not git-annex
+ go Nothing = ensurestaged linktarget =<< getDaemonStatus
+ {- This is often called on symlinks that are already
+ - staged correctly. A symlink may have been deleted
+ - and being re-added, or added when the watcher was
+ - not running. So they're normally restaged to make sure.
+ -
+ - As an optimisation, during the startup scan, avoid
+ - restaging everything. Only links that were created since
+ - the last time the daemon was running are staged.
+ - (If the daemon has never ran before, avoid staging
+ - links too.)
+ -}
+ ensurestaged (Just link) daemonstatus
+ | shouldRestage daemonstatus = addLink file link mk
+ | otherwise = case filestatus of
+ Just s
+ | not (afterLastDaemonRun (statusChangeTime s) daemonstatus) -> noChange
+ _ -> addLink file link mk
+ ensurestaged Nothing _ = noChange
+{- For speed, tries to reuse the existing blob for symlink target. -}
+addLink :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe Key -> Assistant (Maybe Change)
+addLink file link mk = do
+ debug ["add symlink", file]
+ liftAnnex $ do
+ v <- catObjectDetails $ Ref $ ':':file
+ case v of
+ Just (currlink, sha, _type)
+ | s2w8 link == L.unpack currlink ->
+ stageSymlink file sha
+ _ -> stageSymlink file =<< hashSymlink link
+ madeChange file $ LinkChange mk
+onDel :: Handler
+onDel file _ = do
+ debug ["file deleted", file]
+ liftAnnex $ onDel' file
+ madeChange file RmChange
+onDel' :: FilePath -> Annex ()
+onDel' file = do
+ whenM isDirect $ do
+ mkey <- catKeyFile file
+ case mkey of
+ Nothing -> noop
+ Just key -> void $ removeAssociatedFile key file
+ Annex.Queue.addUpdateIndex =<<
+ inRepo (Git.UpdateIndex.unstageFile file)
+{- A directory has been deleted, or moved, so tell git to remove anything
+ - that was inside it from its cache. Since it could reappear at any time,
+ - use --cached to only delete it from the index.
+ -
+ - This queues up a lot of RmChanges, which assists the Committer in
+ - pairing up renamed files when the directory was renamed. -}
+onDelDir :: Handler
+onDelDir dir _ = do
+ debug ["directory deleted", dir]
+ (fs, clean) <- liftAnnex $ inRepo $ LsFiles.deleted [dir]
+ liftAnnex $ mapM_ onDel' fs
+ -- Get the events queued up as fast as possible, so the
+ -- committer sees them all in one block.
+ now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
+ recordChanges $ map (\f -> Change now f RmChange) fs
+ void $ liftIO clean
+ liftAnnex Annex.Queue.flushWhenFull
+ noChange
+{- Called when there's an error with inotify or kqueue. -}
+onErr :: Handler
+onErr msg _ = do
+ liftAnnex $ warning msg
+ void $ addAlert $ warningAlert "watcher" msg
+ noChange
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/WebApp.hs b/Assistant/Threads/WebApp.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2ad61168e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/WebApp.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+{- git-annex assistant webapp thread
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
+module Assistant.Threads.WebApp where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.WebApp
+import Assistant.WebApp.Types
+import Assistant.WebApp.DashBoard
+import Assistant.WebApp.SideBar
+import Assistant.WebApp.Notifications
+import Assistant.WebApp.RepoList
+import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators
+import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Local
+import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Ssh
+import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Pairing
+import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.AWS
+import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.IA
+import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.WebDAV
+import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.XMPP
+import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Preferences
+import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Edit
+import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Delete
+import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Fsck
+import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.Upgrade
+import Assistant.WebApp.Documentation
+import Assistant.WebApp.Control
+import Assistant.WebApp.OtherRepos
+import Assistant.WebApp.Repair
+import Assistant.Types.ThreadedMonad
+import Utility.WebApp
+import Utility.Tmp
+import Utility.FileMode
+import Git
+import Yesod
+import Network.Socket (SockAddr, HostName)
+import Data.Text (pack, unpack)
+mkYesodDispatch "WebApp" $(parseRoutesFile "Assistant/WebApp/routes")
+type Url = String
+ :: AssistantData
+ -> UrlRenderer
+ -> Bool
+ -> Maybe String
+ -> Maybe HostName
+ -> Maybe (IO Url)
+ -> Maybe (Url -> FilePath -> IO ())
+ -> NamedThread
+webAppThread assistantdata urlrenderer noannex cannotrun listenhost postfirstrun onstartup = thread $ liftIO $ do
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+ when (isJust listenhost) $
+ -- See Utility.WebApp
+ error "Sorry, --listen is not currently supported on Android"
+ webapp <- WebApp
+ <$> pure assistantdata
+ <*> (pack <$> genRandomToken)
+ <*> getreldir
+ <*> pure staticRoutes
+ <*> pure postfirstrun
+ <*> pure cannotrun
+ <*> pure noannex
+ <*> pure listenhost
+ setUrlRenderer urlrenderer $ yesodRender webapp (pack "")
+ app <- toWaiAppPlain webapp
+ app' <- ifM debugEnabled
+ ( return $ httpDebugLogger app
+ , return app
+ )
+ runWebApp listenhost app' $ \addr -> if noannex
+ then withTmpFile "webapp.html" $ \tmpfile _ ->
+ go addr webapp tmpfile Nothing
+ else do
+ let st = threadState assistantdata
+ htmlshim <- runThreadState st $ fromRepo gitAnnexHtmlShim
+ urlfile <- runThreadState st $ fromRepo gitAnnexUrlFile
+ go addr webapp htmlshim (Just urlfile)
+ where
+ -- The webapp thread does not wait for the startupSanityCheckThread
+ -- to finish, so that the user interface remains responsive while
+ -- that's going on.
+ thread = namedThreadUnchecked "WebApp"
+ getreldir
+ | noannex = return Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just <$>
+ (relHome =<< absPath
+ =<< runThreadState (threadState assistantdata) (fromRepo repoPath))
+ go addr webapp htmlshim urlfile = do
+ let url = myUrl webapp addr
+ maybe noop (`writeFileProtected` url) urlfile
+ writeHtmlShim "Starting webapp..." url htmlshim
+ maybe noop (\a -> a url htmlshim) onstartup
+myUrl :: WebApp -> SockAddr -> Url
+myUrl webapp addr = unpack $ yesodRender webapp urlbase DashboardR []
+ where
+ urlbase = pack $ "http://" ++ show addr
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/XMPPClient.hs b/Assistant/Threads/XMPPClient.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8eb469939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/XMPPClient.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+{- git-annex XMPP client
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012, 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Threads.XMPPClient where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.XMPP
+import Assistant.XMPP.Client
+import Assistant.NetMessager
+import Assistant.Types.NetMessager
+import Assistant.Types.Buddies
+import Assistant.XMPP.Buddies
+import Assistant.Sync
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import qualified Remote
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import Assistant.WebApp (UrlRenderer)
+import Assistant.WebApp.Types hiding (liftAssistant)
+import Assistant.Alert
+import Assistant.Pairing
+import Assistant.XMPP.Git
+import Annex.UUID
+import Logs.UUID
+import Network.Protocol.XMPP
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMVar
+import Control.Concurrent.STM (atomically)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Git.Branch
+import Data.Time.Clock
+import Control.Concurrent.Async
+xmppClientThread :: UrlRenderer -> NamedThread
+xmppClientThread urlrenderer = namedThread "XMPPClient" $
+ restartableClient . xmppClient urlrenderer =<< getAssistant id
+{- Runs the client, handing restart events. -}
+restartableClient :: (XMPPCreds -> IO ()) -> Assistant ()
+restartableClient a = forever $ go =<< liftAnnex getXMPPCreds
+ where
+ go Nothing = waitNetMessagerRestart
+ go (Just creds) = do
+ tid <- liftIO $ forkIO $ a creds
+ waitNetMessagerRestart
+ liftIO $ killThread tid
+xmppClient :: UrlRenderer -> AssistantData -> XMPPCreds -> IO ()
+xmppClient urlrenderer d creds =
+ retry (runclient creds) =<< getCurrentTime
+ where
+ liftAssistant = runAssistant d
+ inAssistant = liftIO . liftAssistant
+ {- When the client exits, it's restarted;
+ - if it keeps failing, back off to wait 5 minutes before
+ - trying it again. -}
+ retry client starttime = do
+ {- The buddy list starts empty each time
+ - the client connects, so that stale info
+ - is not retained. -}
+ liftAssistant $
+ updateBuddyList (const noBuddies) <<~ buddyList
+ void client
+ liftAssistant $ modifyDaemonStatus_ $ \s -> s
+ { xmppClientID = Nothing }
+ now <- getCurrentTime
+ if diffUTCTime now starttime > 300
+ then do
+ liftAssistant $ debug ["connection lost; reconnecting"]
+ retry client now
+ else do
+ liftAssistant $ debug ["connection failed; will retry"]
+ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 300)
+ retry client =<< getCurrentTime
+ runclient c = liftIO $ connectXMPP c $ \jid -> do
+ selfjid <- bindJID jid
+ putStanza gitAnnexSignature
+ inAssistant $ do
+ modifyDaemonStatus_ $ \s -> s
+ { xmppClientID = Just $ xmppJID creds }
+ debug ["connected", logJid selfjid]
+ lasttraffic <- liftIO $ atomically . newTMVar =<< getCurrentTime
+ sender <- xmppSession $ sendnotifications selfjid
+ receiver <- xmppSession $ receivenotifications selfjid lasttraffic
+ pinger <- xmppSession $ sendpings selfjid lasttraffic
+ {- Run all 3 threads concurrently, until
+ - any of them throw an exception.
+ - Then kill all 3 threads, and rethrow the
+ - exception.
+ -
+ - If this thread gets an exception, the 3 threads
+ - will also be killed. -}
+ liftIO $ pinger `concurrently` sender `concurrently` receiver
+ sendnotifications selfjid = forever $
+ join $ inAssistant $ relayNetMessage selfjid
+ receivenotifications selfjid lasttraffic = forever $ do
+ l <- decodeStanza selfjid <$> getStanza
+ void $ liftIO $ atomically . swapTMVar lasttraffic =<< getCurrentTime
+ inAssistant $ debug
+ ["received:", show $ map logXMPPEvent l]
+ mapM_ (handle selfjid) l
+ sendpings selfjid lasttraffic = forever $ do
+ putStanza pingstanza
+ startping <- liftIO getCurrentTime
+ liftIO $ threadDelaySeconds (Seconds 120)
+ t <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTMVar lasttraffic
+ when (t < startping) $ do
+ inAssistant $ debug ["ping timeout"]
+ error "ping timeout"
+ where
+ {- XEP-0199 says that the server will respond with either
+ - a ping response or an error message. Either will
+ - cause traffic, so good enough. -}
+ pingstanza = xmppPing selfjid
+ handle selfjid (PresenceMessage p) = do
+ void $ inAssistant $
+ updateBuddyList (updateBuddies p) <<~ buddyList
+ resendImportantMessages selfjid p
+ handle _ (GotNetMessage QueryPresence) = putStanza gitAnnexSignature
+ handle _ (GotNetMessage (NotifyPush us)) = void $ inAssistant $ pull us
+ handle selfjid (GotNetMessage (PairingNotification stage c u)) =
+ maybe noop (inAssistant . pairMsgReceived urlrenderer stage u selfjid) (parseJID c)
+ handle _ (GotNetMessage m@(Pushing _ pushstage))
+ | isPushNotice pushstage = inAssistant $ handlePushNotice m
+ | isPushInitiation pushstage = inAssistant $ queuePushInitiation m
+ | otherwise = inAssistant $ storeInbox m
+ handle _ (Ignorable _) = noop
+ handle _ (Unknown _) = noop
+ handle _ (ProtocolError _) = noop
+ resendImportantMessages selfjid (Presence { presenceFrom = Just jid }) = do
+ let c = formatJID jid
+ (stored, sent) <- inAssistant $
+ checkImportantNetMessages (formatJID (baseJID jid), c)
+ forM_ (S.toList $ S.difference stored sent) $ \msg -> do
+ let msg' = readdressNetMessage msg c
+ inAssistant $ debug
+ [ "sending to new client:"
+ , logJid jid
+ , show $ logNetMessage msg'
+ ]
+ join $ inAssistant $ convertNetMsg msg' selfjid
+ inAssistant $ sentImportantNetMessage msg c
+ resendImportantMessages _ _ = noop
+data XMPPEvent
+ = GotNetMessage NetMessage
+ | PresenceMessage Presence
+ | Ignorable ReceivedStanza
+ | Unknown ReceivedStanza
+ | ProtocolError ReceivedStanza
+ deriving Show
+logXMPPEvent :: XMPPEvent -> String
+logXMPPEvent (GotNetMessage m) = logNetMessage m
+logXMPPEvent (PresenceMessage p) = logPresence p
+logXMPPEvent (Ignorable (ReceivedPresence p)) = "Ignorable " ++ logPresence p
+logXMPPEvent (Ignorable _) = "Ignorable message"
+logXMPPEvent (Unknown _) = "Unknown message"
+logXMPPEvent (ProtocolError _) = "Protocol error message"
+logPresence :: Presence -> String
+logPresence (p@Presence { presenceFrom = Just jid }) = unwords
+ [ "Presence from"
+ , logJid jid
+ , show $ extractGitAnnexTag p
+ ]
+logPresence _ = "Presence from unknown"
+logJid :: JID -> String
+logJid jid =
+ let name = T.unpack (buddyName jid)
+ resource = maybe "" (T.unpack . strResource) (jidResource jid)
+ in take 1 name ++ show (length name) ++ "/" ++ resource
+logClient :: Client -> String
+logClient (Client jid) = logJid jid
+{- Decodes an XMPP stanza into one or more events. -}
+decodeStanza :: JID -> ReceivedStanza -> [XMPPEvent]
+decodeStanza selfjid s@(ReceivedPresence p)
+ | presenceType p == PresenceError = [ProtocolError s]
+ | isNothing (presenceFrom p) = [Ignorable s]
+ | presenceFrom p == Just selfjid = [Ignorable s]
+ | otherwise = maybe [PresenceMessage p] decode (gitAnnexTagInfo p)
+ where
+ decode i
+ | tagAttr i == pushAttr = impliedp $ GotNetMessage $ NotifyPush $
+ decodePushNotification (tagValue i)
+ | tagAttr i == queryAttr = impliedp $ GotNetMessage QueryPresence
+ | otherwise = [Unknown s]
+ {- Things sent via presence imply a presence message,
+ - along with their real meaning. -}
+ impliedp v = [PresenceMessage p, v]
+decodeStanza selfjid s@(ReceivedMessage m)
+ | isNothing (messageFrom m) = [Ignorable s]
+ | messageFrom m == Just selfjid = [Ignorable s]
+ | messageType m == MessageError = [ProtocolError s]
+ | otherwise = [fromMaybe (Unknown s) (GotNetMessage <$> decodeMessage m)]
+decodeStanza _ s = [Unknown s]
+{- Waits for a NetMessager message to be sent, and relays it to XMPP.
+ -
+ - Chat messages must be directed to specific clients, not a base
+ - account JID, due to git-annex clients using a negative presence priority.
+ - PairingNotification messages are always directed at specific
+ - clients, but Pushing messages are sometimes not, and need to be exploded
+ - out to specific clients.
+ -
+ - Important messages, not directed at any specific client,
+ - are cached to be sent later when additional clients connect.
+ -}
+relayNetMessage :: JID -> Assistant (XMPP ())
+relayNetMessage selfjid = do
+ msg <- waitNetMessage
+ debug ["sending:", logNetMessage msg]
+ a1 <- handleImportant msg
+ a2 <- convert msg
+ return (a1 >> a2)
+ where
+ handleImportant msg = case parseJID =<< isImportantNetMessage msg of
+ Just tojid
+ | tojid == baseJID tojid -> do
+ storeImportantNetMessage msg (formatJID tojid) $
+ \c -> (baseJID <$> parseJID c) == Just tojid
+ return $ putStanza presenceQuery
+ _ -> return noop
+ convert (Pushing c pushstage) = withOtherClient selfjid c $ \tojid ->
+ if tojid == baseJID tojid
+ then do
+ clients <- maybe [] (S.toList . buddyAssistants)
+ <$> getBuddy (genBuddyKey tojid) <<~ buddyList
+ debug ["exploded undirected message to clients", unwords $ map logClient clients]
+ return $ forM_ clients $ \(Client jid) ->
+ putStanza $ pushMessage pushstage jid selfjid
+ else do
+ debug ["to client:", logJid tojid]
+ return $ putStanza $ pushMessage pushstage tojid selfjid
+ convert msg = convertNetMsg msg selfjid
+{- Converts a NetMessage to an XMPP action. -}
+convertNetMsg :: NetMessage -> JID -> Assistant (XMPP ())
+convertNetMsg msg selfjid = convert msg
+ where
+ convert (NotifyPush us) = return $ putStanza $ pushNotification us
+ convert QueryPresence = return $ putStanza presenceQuery
+ convert (PairingNotification stage c u) = withOtherClient selfjid c $ \tojid -> do
+ changeBuddyPairing tojid True
+ return $ putStanza $ pairingNotification stage u tojid selfjid
+ convert (Pushing c pushstage) = withOtherClient selfjid c $ \tojid ->
+ return $ putStanza $ pushMessage pushstage tojid selfjid
+withOtherClient :: JID -> ClientID -> (JID -> Assistant (XMPP ())) -> Assistant (XMPP ())
+withOtherClient selfjid c a = case parseJID c of
+ Nothing -> return noop
+ Just tojid
+ | tojid == selfjid -> return noop
+ | otherwise -> a tojid
+withClient :: ClientID -> (JID -> XMPP ()) -> XMPP ()
+withClient c a = maybe noop a $ parseJID c
+{- Returns an IO action that runs a XMPP action in a separate thread,
+ - using a session to allow it to access the same XMPP client. -}
+xmppSession :: XMPP () -> XMPP (IO ())
+xmppSession a = do
+ s <- getSession
+ return $ void $ runXMPP s a
+{- We only pull from one remote out of the set listed in the push
+ - notification, as an optimisation.
+ -
+ - Note that it might be possible (though very unlikely) for the push
+ - notification to take a while to be sent, and multiple pushes happen
+ - before it is sent, so it includes multiple remotes that were pushed
+ - to at different times.
+ -
+ - It could then be the case that the remote we choose had the earlier
+ - push sent to it, but then failed to get the later push, and so is not
+ - fully up-to-date. If that happens, the pushRetryThread will come along
+ - and retry the push, and we'll get another notification once it succeeds,
+ - and pull again. -}
+pull :: [UUID] -> Assistant ()
+pull [] = noop
+pull us = do
+ rs <- filter matching . syncGitRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
+ debug $ "push notification for" : map (fromUUID . Remote.uuid ) rs
+ pullone rs =<< liftAnnex (inRepo Git.Branch.current)
+ where
+ matching r = Remote.uuid r `S.member` s
+ s = S.fromList us
+ pullone [] _ = noop
+ pullone (r:rs) branch =
+ unlessM (null . fst <$> manualPull branch [r]) $
+ pullone rs branch
+{- PairReq from another client using our JID is automatically
+ - accepted. This is so pairing devices all using the same XMPP
+ - account works without confirmations.
+ -
+ - Also, autoaccept PairReq from the same JID of any repo we've
+ - already paired with, as long as the UUID in the PairReq is
+ - one we know about.
+pairMsgReceived :: UrlRenderer -> PairStage -> UUID -> JID -> JID -> Assistant ()
+pairMsgReceived urlrenderer PairReq theiruuid selfjid theirjid
+ | baseJID selfjid == baseJID theirjid = autoaccept
+ | otherwise = do
+ knownjids <- mapMaybe (parseJID . getXMPPClientID)
+ . filter isXMPPRemote . syncRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
+ um <- liftAnnex uuidMap
+ if elem (baseJID theirjid) knownjids && M.member theiruuid um
+ then autoaccept
+ else showalert
+ where
+ autoaccept = do
+ selfuuid <- liftAnnex getUUID
+ sendNetMessage $
+ PairingNotification PairAck (formatJID theirjid) selfuuid
+ finishXMPPPairing theirjid theiruuid
+ -- Show an alert to let the user decide if they want to pair.
+ showalert = do
+ button <- mkAlertButton True (T.pack "Respond") urlrenderer $
+ ConfirmXMPPPairFriendR $
+ PairKey theiruuid $ formatJID theirjid
+ void $ addAlert $ pairRequestReceivedAlert
+ (T.unpack $ buddyName theirjid)
+ button
+{- PairAck must come from one of the buddies we are pairing with;
+ - don't pair with just anyone. -}
+pairMsgReceived _ PairAck theiruuid _selfjid theirjid =
+ whenM (isBuddyPairing theirjid) $ do
+ changeBuddyPairing theirjid False
+ selfuuid <- liftAnnex getUUID
+ sendNetMessage $
+ PairingNotification PairDone (formatJID theirjid) selfuuid
+ finishXMPPPairing theirjid theiruuid
+pairMsgReceived _ PairDone _theiruuid _selfjid theirjid =
+ changeBuddyPairing theirjid False
+isBuddyPairing :: JID -> Assistant Bool
+isBuddyPairing jid = maybe False buddyPairing <$>
+ getBuddy (genBuddyKey jid) <<~ buddyList
+changeBuddyPairing :: JID -> Bool -> Assistant ()
+changeBuddyPairing jid ispairing =
+ updateBuddyList (M.adjust set key) <<~ buddyList
+ where
+ key = genBuddyKey jid
+ set b = b { buddyPairing = ispairing }
diff --git a/Assistant/Threads/XMPPPusher.hs b/Assistant/Threads/XMPPPusher.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30c91c7f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Threads/XMPPPusher.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+{- git-annex XMPP pusher threads
+ -
+ - This is a pair of threads. One handles git send-pack,
+ - and the other git receive-pack. Each thread can be running at most
+ - one such operation at a time.
+ -
+ - Why not use a single thread? Consider two clients A and B.
+ - If both decide to run a receive-pack at the same time to the other,
+ - they would deadlock with only one thread. For larger numbers of
+ - clients, the two threads are also sufficient.
+ -
+ - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Threads.XMPPPusher where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.NetMessager
+import Assistant.Types.NetMessager
+import Assistant.WebApp (UrlRenderer)
+import Assistant.WebApp.Configurators.XMPP (checkCloudRepos)
+import Assistant.XMPP.Git
+import Control.Exception as E
+xmppSendPackThread :: UrlRenderer -> NamedThread
+xmppSendPackThread = pusherThread "XMPPSendPack" SendPack
+xmppReceivePackThread :: UrlRenderer -> NamedThread
+xmppReceivePackThread = pusherThread "XMPPReceivePack" ReceivePack
+pusherThread :: String -> PushSide -> UrlRenderer -> NamedThread
+pusherThread threadname side urlrenderer = namedThread threadname $ go Nothing
+ where
+ go lastpushedto = do
+ msg <- waitPushInitiation side $ selectNextPush lastpushedto
+ debug ["started running push", logNetMessage msg]
+ runpush <- asIO $ runPush checker msg
+ r <- liftIO (E.try runpush :: IO (Either SomeException (Maybe ClientID)))
+ let successful = case r of
+ Right (Just _) -> True
+ _ -> False
+ {- Empty the inbox, because stuff may have
+ - been left in it if the push failed. -}
+ let justpushedto = getclient msg
+ maybe noop (`emptyInbox` side) justpushedto
+ debug ["finished running push", logNetMessage msg, show successful]
+ go $ if successful then justpushedto else lastpushedto
+ checker = checkCloudRepos urlrenderer
+ getclient (Pushing cid _) = Just cid
+ getclient _ = Nothing
+{- Select the next push to run from the queue.
+ - The queue cannot be empty!
+ -
+ - We prefer to select the most recently added push, because its requestor
+ - is more likely to still be connected.
+ -
+ - When passed the ID of a client we just pushed to, we prefer to not
+ - immediately push again to that same client. This avoids one client
+ - drowing out others. So pushes from the client we just pushed to are
+ - relocated to the beginning of the list, to be processed later.
+ -}
+selectNextPush :: Maybe ClientID -> [NetMessage] -> (NetMessage, [NetMessage])
+selectNextPush _ (m:[]) = (m, []) -- common case
+selectNextPush _ [] = error "selectNextPush: empty list"
+selectNextPush lastpushedto l = go [] l
+ where
+ go (r:ejected) [] = (r, ejected)
+ go rejected (m:ms) = case m of
+ (Pushing clientid _)
+ | Just clientid /= lastpushedto -> (m, rejected ++ ms)
+ _ -> go (m:rejected) ms
+ go [] [] = undefined
diff --git a/Assistant/TransferQueue.hs b/Assistant/TransferQueue.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f94e73c2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/TransferQueue.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+{- git-annex assistant pending transfer queue
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.TransferQueue (
+ TransferQueue,
+ Schedule(..),
+ newTransferQueue,
+ getTransferQueue,
+ queueTransfers,
+ queueTransfersMatching,
+ queueDeferredDownloads,
+ queueTransfer,
+ queueTransferAt,
+ queueTransferWhenSmall,
+ getNextTransfer,
+ getMatchingTransfers,
+ dequeueTransfers,
+) where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.Types.TransferQueue
+import Logs.Transfer
+import Types.Remote
+import qualified Remote
+import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
+import Annex.Wanted
+import Utility.TList
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+type Reason = String
+{- Reads the queue's content without blocking or changing it. -}
+getTransferQueue :: Assistant [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
+getTransferQueue = (atomically . readTList . queuelist) <<~ transferQueue
+stubInfo :: AssociatedFile -> Remote -> TransferInfo
+stubInfo f r = stubTransferInfo
+ { transferRemote = Just r
+ , associatedFile = f
+ }
+{- Adds transfers to queue for some of the known remotes.
+ - Honors preferred content settings, only transferring wanted files. -}
+queueTransfers :: Reason -> Schedule -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Direction -> Assistant ()
+queueTransfers = queueTransfersMatching (const True)
+{- Adds transfers to queue for some of the known remotes, that match a
+ - condition. Honors preferred content settings. -}
+queueTransfersMatching :: (UUID -> Bool) -> Reason -> Schedule -> Key -> AssociatedFile -> Direction -> Assistant ()
+queueTransfersMatching matching reason schedule k f direction
+ | direction == Download = whenM (liftAnnex $ wantGet True f) go
+ | otherwise = go
+ where
+ go = do
+ rs <- liftAnnex . selectremotes
+ =<< syncDataRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
+ let matchingrs = filter (matching . Remote.uuid) rs
+ if null matchingrs
+ then defer
+ else forM_ matchingrs $ \r ->
+ enqueue reason schedule (gentransfer r) (stubInfo f r)
+ selectremotes rs
+ {- Queue downloads from all remotes that
+ - have the key. The list of remotes is ordered with
+ - cheapest first. More expensive ones will only be tried
+ - if downloading from a cheap one fails. -}
+ | direction == Download = do
+ s <- locs
+ return $ filter (inset s) rs
+ {- Upload to all remotes that want the content and don't
+ - already have it. -}
+ | otherwise = do
+ s <- locs
+ filterM (wantSend True f . Remote.uuid) $
+ filter (\r -> not (inset s r || Remote.readonly r)) rs
+ where
+ locs = S.fromList <$> Remote.keyLocations k
+ inset s r = S.member (Remote.uuid r) s
+ gentransfer r = Transfer
+ { transferDirection = direction
+ , transferKey = k
+ , transferUUID = Remote.uuid r
+ }
+ defer
+ {- Defer this download, as no known remote has the key. -}
+ | direction == Download = do
+ q <- getAssistant transferQueue
+ void $ liftIO $ atomically $
+ consTList (deferreddownloads q) (k, f)
+ | otherwise = noop
+{- Queues any deferred downloads that can now be accomplished, leaving
+ - any others in the list to try again later. -}
+queueDeferredDownloads :: Reason -> Schedule -> Assistant ()
+queueDeferredDownloads reason schedule = do
+ q <- getAssistant transferQueue
+ l <- liftIO $ atomically $ readTList (deferreddownloads q)
+ rs <- syncDataRemotes <$> getDaemonStatus
+ left <- filterM (queue rs) l
+ unless (null left) $
+ liftIO $ atomically $ appendTList (deferreddownloads q) left
+ where
+ queue rs (k, f) = do
+ uuids <- liftAnnex $ Remote.keyLocations k
+ let sources = filter (\r -> uuid r `elem` uuids) rs
+ unless (null sources) $
+ forM_ sources $ \r ->
+ enqueue reason schedule
+ (gentransfer r) (stubInfo f r)
+ return $ null sources
+ where
+ gentransfer r = Transfer
+ { transferDirection = Download
+ , transferKey = k
+ , transferUUID = Remote.uuid r
+ }
+enqueue :: Reason -> Schedule -> Transfer -> TransferInfo -> Assistant ()
+enqueue reason schedule t info
+ | schedule == Next = go consTList
+ | otherwise = go snocTList
+ where
+ go modlist = whenM (add modlist) $ do
+ debug [ "queued", describeTransfer t info, ": " ++ reason ]
+ notifyTransfer
+ add modlist = do
+ q <- getAssistant transferQueue
+ dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
+ liftIO $ atomically $ ifM (checkRunningTransferSTM dstatus t)
+ ( return False
+ , do
+ l <- readTList (queuelist q)
+ if (t `notElem` map fst l)
+ then do
+ void $ modifyTVar' (queuesize q) succ
+ void $ modlist (queuelist q) (t, info)
+ return True
+ else return False
+ )
+{- Adds a transfer to the queue. -}
+queueTransfer :: Reason -> Schedule -> AssociatedFile -> Transfer -> Remote -> Assistant ()
+queueTransfer reason schedule f t remote =
+ enqueue reason schedule t (stubInfo f remote)
+{- Blocks until the queue is no larger than a given size, and then adds a
+ - transfer to the queue. -}
+queueTransferAt :: Int -> Reason -> Schedule -> AssociatedFile -> Transfer -> Remote -> Assistant ()
+queueTransferAt wantsz reason schedule f t remote = do
+ q <- getAssistant transferQueue
+ liftIO $ atomically $ do
+ sz <- readTVar (queuesize q)
+ unless (sz <= wantsz) $
+ retry -- blocks until queuesize changes
+ enqueue reason schedule t (stubInfo f remote)
+queueTransferWhenSmall :: Reason -> AssociatedFile -> Transfer -> Remote -> Assistant ()
+queueTransferWhenSmall reason = queueTransferAt 10 reason Later
+{- Blocks until a pending transfer is available in the queue,
+ - and removes it.
+ -
+ - Checks that it's acceptable, before adding it to the
+ - currentTransfers map. If it's not acceptable, it's discarded.
+ -
+ - This is done in a single STM transaction, so there is no window
+ - where an observer sees an inconsistent status. -}
+getNextTransfer :: (TransferInfo -> Bool) -> Assistant (Maybe (Transfer, TransferInfo))
+getNextTransfer acceptable = do
+ q <- getAssistant transferQueue
+ dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
+ liftIO $ atomically $ do
+ sz <- readTVar (queuesize q)
+ if sz < 1
+ then retry -- blocks until queuesize changes
+ else do
+ (r@(t,info):rest) <- readTList (queuelist q)
+ void $ modifyTVar' (queuesize q) pred
+ setTList (queuelist q) rest
+ if acceptable info
+ then do
+ adjustTransfersSTM dstatus $
+ M.insertWith' const t info
+ return $ Just r
+ else return Nothing
+{- Moves transfers matching a condition from the queue, to the
+ - currentTransfers map. -}
+getMatchingTransfers :: (Transfer -> Bool) -> Assistant [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
+getMatchingTransfers c = do
+ q <- getAssistant transferQueue
+ dstatus <- getAssistant daemonStatusHandle
+ liftIO $ atomically $ do
+ ts <- dequeueTransfersSTM q c
+ unless (null ts) $
+ adjustTransfersSTM dstatus $ \m -> M.union m $ M.fromList ts
+ return ts
+{- Removes transfers matching a condition from the queue, and returns the
+ - removed transfers. -}
+dequeueTransfers :: (Transfer -> Bool) -> Assistant [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
+dequeueTransfers c = do
+ q <- getAssistant transferQueue
+ removed <- liftIO $ atomically $ dequeueTransfersSTM q c
+ unless (null removed) $
+ notifyTransfer
+ return removed
+dequeueTransfersSTM :: TransferQueue -> (Transfer -> Bool) -> STM [(Transfer, TransferInfo)]
+dequeueTransfersSTM q c = do
+ (removed, ts) <- partition (c . fst) <$> readTList (queuelist q)
+ void $ writeTVar (queuesize q) (length ts)
+ setTList (queuelist q) ts
+ return removed
diff --git a/Assistant/TransferSlots.hs b/Assistant/TransferSlots.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb66e845a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/TransferSlots.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+{- git-annex assistant transfer slots
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.TransferSlots where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Utility.ThreadScheduler
+import Assistant.Types.TransferSlots
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.TransferrerPool
+import Assistant.Types.TransferrerPool
+import Assistant.Types.TransferQueue
+import Assistant.TransferQueue
+import Assistant.Alert
+import Assistant.Alert.Utility
+import Assistant.Commits
+import Assistant.Drop
+import Logs.Transfer
+import Logs.Location
+import qualified Git
+import qualified Remote
+import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
+import Annex.Content
+import Annex.Wanted
+import Config.Files
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Control.Exception as E
+import Control.Concurrent
+import qualified Control.Concurrent.MSemN as MSemN
+#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
+import System.Posix.Process (getProcessGroupIDOf)
+import System.Posix.Signals (signalProcessGroup, sigTERM, sigKILL)
+type TransferGenerator = Assistant (Maybe (Transfer, TransferInfo, Transferrer -> Assistant ()))
+{- Waits until a transfer slot becomes available, then runs a
+ - TransferGenerator, and then runs the transfer action in its own thread.
+ -}
+inTransferSlot :: FilePath -> TransferGenerator -> Assistant ()
+inTransferSlot program gen = do
+ flip MSemN.wait 1 <<~ transferSlots
+ runTransferThread program =<< gen
+{- Runs a TransferGenerator, and its transfer action,
+ - without waiting for a slot to become available. -}
+inImmediateTransferSlot :: FilePath -> TransferGenerator -> Assistant ()
+inImmediateTransferSlot program gen = do
+ flip MSemN.signal (-1) <<~ transferSlots
+ runTransferThread program =<< gen
+{- Runs a transfer action, in an already allocated transfer slot.
+ - Once it finishes, frees the transfer slot.
+ -
+ - Note that the action is subject to being killed when the transfer
+ - is canceled or paused.
+ -
+ - A PauseTransfer exception is handled by letting the action be killed,
+ - then pausing the thread until a ResumeTransfer exception is raised,
+ - then rerunning the action.
+ -}
+runTransferThread :: FilePath -> Maybe (Transfer, TransferInfo, Transferrer -> Assistant ()) -> Assistant ()
+runTransferThread _ Nothing = flip MSemN.signal 1 <<~ transferSlots
+runTransferThread program (Just (t, info, a)) = do
+ d <- getAssistant id
+ aio <- asIO1 a
+ tid <- liftIO $ forkIO $ runTransferThread' program d aio
+ updateTransferInfo t $ info { transferTid = Just tid }
+runTransferThread' :: FilePath -> AssistantData -> (Transferrer -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+runTransferThread' program d run = go
+ where
+ go = catchPauseResume $
+ withTransferrer program (transferrerPool d)
+ run
+ pause = catchPauseResume $
+ runEvery (Seconds 86400) noop
+ {- Note: This must use E.try, rather than E.catch.
+ - When E.catch is used, and has called go in its exception
+ - handler, Control.Concurrent.throwTo will block sometimes
+ - when signaling. Using E.try avoids the problem. -}
+ catchPauseResume a' = do
+ r <- E.try a' :: IO (Either E.SomeException ())
+ case r of
+ Left e -> case E.fromException e of
+ Just PauseTransfer -> pause
+ Just ResumeTransfer -> go
+ _ -> done
+ _ -> done
+ done = runAssistant d $
+ flip MSemN.signal 1 <<~ transferSlots
+{- By the time this is called, the daemonstatus's currentTransfers map should
+ - already have been updated to include the transfer. -}
+genTransfer :: Transfer -> TransferInfo -> TransferGenerator
+genTransfer t info = case (transferRemote info, associatedFile info) of
+ (Just remote, Just file)
+ | Git.repoIsLocalUnknown (Remote.repo remote) -> do
+ -- optimisation for removable drives not plugged in
+ liftAnnex $ recordFailedTransfer t info
+ void $ removeTransfer t
+ return Nothing
+ | otherwise -> ifM (liftAnnex $ shouldTransfer t info)
+ ( do
+ debug [ "Transferring:" , describeTransfer t info ]
+ notifyTransfer
+ return $ Just (t, info, go remote file)
+ , do
+ debug [ "Skipping unnecessary transfer:",
+ describeTransfer t info ]
+ void $ removeTransfer t
+ finishedTransfer t (Just info)
+ return Nothing
+ )
+ _ -> return Nothing
+ where
+ direction = transferDirection t
+ isdownload = direction == Download
+ {- Alerts are only shown for successful transfers.
+ - Transfers can temporarily fail for many reasons,
+ - so there's no point in bothering the user about
+ - those. The assistant should recover.
+ -
+ - After a successful upload, handle dropping it from
+ - here, if desired. In this case, the remote it was
+ - uploaded to is known to have it.
+ -
+ - Also, after a successful transfer, the location
+ - log has changed. Indicate that a commit has been
+ - made, in order to queue a push of the git-annex
+ - branch out to remotes that did not participate
+ - in the transfer.
+ -
+ - If the process failed, it could have crashed,
+ - so remove the transfer from the list of current
+ - transfers, just in case it didn't stop
+ - in a way that lets the TransferWatcher do its
+ - usual cleanup. However, first check if something else is
+ - running the transfer, to avoid removing active transfers.
+ -}
+ go remote file transferrer = ifM (liftIO $ performTransfer transferrer t $ associatedFile info)
+ ( do
+ void $ addAlert $ makeAlertFiller True $
+ transferFileAlert direction True file
+ unless isdownload $
+ handleDrops
+ ("object uploaded to " ++ show remote)
+ True (transferKey t)
+ (associatedFile info)
+ (Just remote)
+ void recordCommit
+ , whenM (liftAnnex $ isNothing <$> checkTransfer t) $
+ void $ removeTransfer t
+ )
+{- Called right before a transfer begins, this is a last chance to avoid
+ - unnecessary transfers.
+ -
+ - For downloads, we obviously don't need to download if the already
+ - have the object.
+ -
+ - Smilarly, for uploads, check if the remote is known to already have
+ - the object.
+ -
+ - Also, uploads get queued to all remotes, in order of cost.
+ - This may mean, for example, that an object is uploaded over the LAN
+ - to a locally paired client, and once that upload is done, a more
+ - expensive transfer remote no longer wants the object. (Since
+ - all the clients have it already.) So do one last check if this is still
+ - preferred content.
+ -
+ - We'll also do one last preferred content check for downloads. An
+ - example of a case where this could be needed is if a download is queued
+ - for a file that gets moved out of an archive directory -- but before
+ - that download can happen, the file is put back in the archive.
+ -}
+shouldTransfer :: Transfer -> TransferInfo -> Annex Bool
+shouldTransfer t info
+ | transferDirection t == Download =
+ (not <$> inAnnex key) <&&> wantGet True file
+ | transferDirection t == Upload = case transferRemote info of
+ Nothing -> return False
+ Just r -> notinremote r
+ <&&> wantSend True file (Remote.uuid r)
+ | otherwise = return False
+ where
+ key = transferKey t
+ file = associatedFile info
+ {- Trust the location log to check if the remote already has
+ - the key. This avoids a roundtrip to the remote. -}
+ notinremote r = notElem (Remote.uuid r) <$> loggedLocations key
+{- Queue uploads of files downloaded to us, spreading them
+ - out to other reachable remotes.
+ -
+ - Downloading a file may have caused a remote to not want it;
+ - so check for drops from remotes.
+ -
+ - Uploading a file may cause the local repo, or some other remote to not
+ - want it; handle that too.
+ -}
+finishedTransfer :: Transfer -> Maybe TransferInfo -> Assistant ()
+finishedTransfer t (Just info)
+ | transferDirection t == Download =
+ whenM (liftAnnex $ inAnnex $ transferKey t) $ do
+ dodrops False
+ queueTransfersMatching (/= transferUUID t)
+ "newly received object"
+ Later (transferKey t) (associatedFile info) Upload
+ | otherwise = dodrops True
+ where
+ dodrops fromhere = handleDrops
+ ("drop wanted after " ++ describeTransfer t info)
+ fromhere (transferKey t) (associatedFile info) Nothing
+finishedTransfer _ _ = noop
+{- Pause a running transfer. -}
+pauseTransfer :: Transfer -> Assistant ()
+pauseTransfer = cancelTransfer True
+{- Cancel a running transfer. -}
+cancelTransfer :: Bool -> Transfer -> Assistant ()
+cancelTransfer pause t = do
+ m <- getCurrentTransfers
+ unless pause $
+ {- remove queued transfer -}
+ void $ dequeueTransfers $ equivilantTransfer t
+ {- stop running transfer -}
+ maybe noop stop (M.lookup t m)
+ where
+ stop info = do
+ {- When there's a thread associated with the
+ - transfer, it's signaled first, to avoid it
+ - displaying any alert about the transfer having
+ - failed when the transfer process is killed. -}
+ liftIO $ maybe noop signalthread $ transferTid info
+ liftIO $ maybe noop killproc $ transferPid info
+ if pause
+ then void $ alterTransferInfo t $
+ \i -> i { transferPaused = True }
+ else void $ removeTransfer t
+ signalthread tid
+ | pause = throwTo tid PauseTransfer
+ | otherwise = killThread tid
+ killproc pid = void $ tryIO $ do
+#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
+ {- In order to stop helper processes like rsync,
+ - kill the whole process group of the process
+ - running the transfer. -}
+ g <- getProcessGroupIDOf pid
+ void $ tryIO $ signalProcessGroup sigTERM g
+ threadDelay 50000 -- 0.05 second grace period
+ void $ tryIO $ signalProcessGroup sigKILL g
+ error "TODO: cancelTransfer not implemented on Windows"
+{- Start or resume a transfer. -}
+startTransfer :: Transfer -> Assistant ()
+startTransfer t = do
+ m <- getCurrentTransfers
+ maybe startqueued go (M.lookup t m)
+ where
+ go info = maybe (start info) resume $ transferTid info
+ startqueued = do
+ is <- map snd <$> getMatchingTransfers (== t)
+ maybe noop start $ headMaybe is
+ resume tid = do
+ alterTransferInfo t $ \i -> i { transferPaused = False }
+ liftIO $ throwTo tid ResumeTransfer
+ start info = do
+ program <- liftIO readProgramFile
+ inImmediateTransferSlot program $
+ genTransfer t info
+getCurrentTransfers :: Assistant TransferMap
+getCurrentTransfers = currentTransfers <$> getDaemonStatus
diff --git a/Assistant/TransferrerPool.hs b/Assistant/TransferrerPool.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb4648731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/TransferrerPool.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+{- A pool of "git-annex transferkeys" processes
+ -
+ - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.TransferrerPool where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Types.TransferrerPool
+import Logs.Transfer
+#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
+import qualified Command.TransferKeys as T
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import System.Process (create_group)
+import Control.Exception (throw)
+import Control.Concurrent
+{- Runs an action with a Transferrer from the pool. -}
+withTransferrer :: FilePath -> TransferrerPool -> (Transferrer -> IO a) -> IO a
+withTransferrer program pool a = do
+ t <- maybe (mkTransferrer program) (checkTransferrer program)
+ =<< atomically (tryReadTChan pool)
+ v <- tryNonAsync $ a t
+ unlessM (putback t) $
+ void $ forkIO $ stopTransferrer t
+ either throw return v
+ where
+ putback t = atomically $ ifM (isEmptyTChan pool)
+ ( do
+ writeTChan pool t
+ return True
+ , return False
+ )
+{- Requests that a Transferrer perform a Transfer, and waits for it to
+ - finish. -}
+performTransfer :: Transferrer -> Transfer -> AssociatedFile -> IO Bool
+performTransfer transferrer t f = catchBoolIO $ do
+#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
+ T.sendRequest t f (transferrerWrite transferrer)
+ T.readResponse (transferrerRead transferrer)
+ error "TODO performTransfer not implemented on Windows"
+{- Starts a new git-annex transferkeys process, setting up a pipe
+ - that will be used to communicate with it. -}
+mkTransferrer :: FilePath -> IO Transferrer
+mkTransferrer program = do
+#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
+ (myread, twrite) <- createPipe
+ (tread, mywrite) <- createPipe
+ mapM_ (\fd -> setFdOption fd CloseOnExec True) [myread, mywrite]
+ let params =
+ [ Param "transferkeys"
+ , Param "--readfd", Param $ show tread
+ , Param "--writefd", Param $ show twrite
+ ]
+ {- It's put into its own group so that the whole group can be
+ - killed to stop a transfer. -}
+ (_, _, _, pid) <- createProcess (proc program $ toCommand params)
+ { create_group = True }
+ closeFd twrite
+ closeFd tread
+ myreadh <- fdToHandle myread
+ mywriteh <- fdToHandle mywrite
+ fileEncoding myreadh
+ fileEncoding mywriteh
+ return $ Transferrer
+ { transferrerRead = myreadh
+ , transferrerWrite = mywriteh
+ , transferrerHandle = pid
+ }
+ error "TODO mkTransferrer not implemented on Windows"
+{- Checks if a Transferrer is still running. If not, makes a new one. -}
+checkTransferrer :: FilePath -> Transferrer -> IO Transferrer
+checkTransferrer program t = maybe (return t) (const $ mkTransferrer program)
+ =<< getProcessExitCode (transferrerHandle t)
+{- Closing the fds will stop the transferrer. -}
+stopTransferrer :: Transferrer -> IO ()
+stopTransferrer t = do
+ hClose $ transferrerRead t
+ hClose $ transferrerWrite t
+ void $ waitForProcess $ transferrerHandle t
diff --git a/Assistant/Types/Alert.hs b/Assistant/Types/Alert.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6fbe86d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Types/Alert.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+{- git-annex assistant alert types
+ -
+ - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Types.Alert where
+import Utility.Tense
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+{- Different classes of alerts are displayed differently. -}
+data AlertClass = Success | Message | Activity | Warning | Error
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+data AlertPriority = Filler | Low | Medium | High | Pinned
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+{- An alert can have an name, which is used to combine it with other similar
+ - alerts. -}
+data AlertName
+ = FileAlert TenseChunk
+ | SanityCheckFixAlert
+ | WarningAlert String
+ | PairAlert String
+ | XMPPNeededAlert
+ | RemoteRemovalAlert String
+ | CloudRepoNeededAlert
+ | SyncAlert
+ | NotFsckedAlert
+ | UpgradeAlert
+ deriving (Eq)
+{- The first alert is the new alert, the second is an old alert.
+ - Should return a modified version of the old alert. -}
+type AlertCombiner = Alert -> Alert -> Maybe Alert
+data Alert = Alert
+ { alertClass :: AlertClass
+ , alertHeader :: Maybe TenseText
+ , alertMessageRender :: Alert -> TenseText
+ , alertData :: [TenseChunk]
+ , alertCounter :: Int
+ , alertBlockDisplay :: Bool
+ , alertClosable :: Bool
+ , alertPriority :: AlertPriority
+ , alertIcon :: Maybe AlertIcon
+ , alertCombiner :: Maybe AlertCombiner
+ , alertName :: Maybe AlertName
+ , alertButtons :: [AlertButton]
+ }
+data AlertIcon = ActivityIcon | SyncIcon | SuccessIcon | ErrorIcon | InfoIcon | UpgradeIcon | TheCloud
+type AlertMap = M.Map AlertId Alert
+{- Higher AlertId indicates a more recent alert. -}
+newtype AlertId = AlertId Integer
+ deriving (Read, Show, Eq, Ord)
+firstAlertId :: AlertId
+firstAlertId = AlertId 0
+nextAlertId :: AlertId -> AlertId
+nextAlertId (AlertId i) = AlertId $ succ i
+{- When clicked, a button always redirects to a URL
+ - It may also run an IO action in the background, which is useful
+ - to make the button close or otherwise change the alert. -}
+data AlertButton = AlertButton
+ { buttonLabel :: Text
+ , buttonUrl :: Text
+ , buttonAction :: Maybe (AlertId -> IO ())
+ , buttonPrimary :: Bool
+ }
diff --git a/Assistant/Types/BranchChange.hs b/Assistant/Types/BranchChange.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..399abee54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Types/BranchChange.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+{- git-annex assistant git-annex branch change tracking
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Types.BranchChange where
+import Control.Concurrent.MSampleVar
+import Common.Annex
+newtype BranchChangeHandle = BranchChangeHandle (MSampleVar ())
+newBranchChangeHandle :: IO BranchChangeHandle
+newBranchChangeHandle = BranchChangeHandle <$> newEmptySV
+fromBranchChangeHandle :: BranchChangeHandle -> MSampleVar ()
+fromBranchChangeHandle (BranchChangeHandle v) = v
diff --git a/Assistant/Types/Buddies.hs b/Assistant/Types/Buddies.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36d8a4fed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Types/Buddies.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+{- git-annex assistant buddies
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Types.Buddies where
+import Common.Annex
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Utility.NotificationBroadcaster
+import Data.Text as T
+{- For simplicity, dummy types are defined even when XMPP is disabled. -}
+#ifdef WITH_XMPP
+import Network.Protocol.XMPP
+import Data.Set as S
+import Data.Ord
+newtype Client = Client JID
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+instance Ord Client where
+ compare = comparing show
+data Buddy = Buddy
+ { buddyPresent :: S.Set Client
+ , buddyAway :: S.Set Client
+ , buddyAssistants :: S.Set Client
+ , buddyPairing :: Bool
+ }
+data Buddy = Buddy
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+data BuddyKey = BuddyKey T.Text
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
+data PairKey = PairKey UUID T.Text
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
+type Buddies = M.Map BuddyKey Buddy
+{- A list of buddies, and a way to notify when it changes. -}
+type BuddyList = (TMVar Buddies, NotificationBroadcaster)
+noBuddies :: Buddies
+noBuddies = M.empty
+newBuddyList :: IO BuddyList
+newBuddyList = (,)
+ <$> atomically (newTMVar noBuddies)
+ <*> newNotificationBroadcaster
+getBuddyList :: BuddyList -> IO [Buddy]
+getBuddyList (v, _) = M.elems <$> atomically (readTMVar v)
+getBuddy :: BuddyKey -> BuddyList -> IO (Maybe Buddy)
+getBuddy k (v, _) = M.lookup k <$> atomically (readTMVar v)
+getBuddyBroadcaster :: BuddyList -> NotificationBroadcaster
+getBuddyBroadcaster (_, h) = h
+{- Applies a function to modify the buddy list, and if it's changed,
+ - sends notifications to any listeners. -}
+updateBuddyList :: (Buddies -> Buddies) -> BuddyList -> IO ()
+updateBuddyList a (v, caster) = do
+ changed <- atomically $ do
+ buds <- takeTMVar v
+ let buds' = a buds
+ putTMVar v buds'
+ return $ buds /= buds'
+ when changed $
+ sendNotification caster
diff --git a/Assistant/Types/Changes.hs b/Assistant/Types/Changes.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8ecc6e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Types/Changes.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+{- git-annex assistant change tracking
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012-2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Types.Changes where
+import Types.KeySource
+import Types.Key
+import Utility.TList
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Data.Time.Clock
+{- An un-ordered pool of Changes that have been noticed and should be
+ - staged and committed. Changes will typically be in order, but ordering
+ - may be lost. In any case, order should not matter, as any given Change
+ - may later be reverted by a later Change (ie, a file is added and then
+ - deleted). Code that processes the changes needs to deal with such
+ - scenarios.
+ -}
+type ChangePool = TList Change
+newChangePool :: IO ChangePool
+newChangePool = atomically newTList
+data Change
+ = Change
+ { changeTime :: UTCTime
+ , _changeFile :: FilePath
+ , changeInfo :: ChangeInfo
+ }
+ | PendingAddChange
+ { changeTime ::UTCTime
+ , _changeFile :: FilePath
+ }
+ | InProcessAddChange
+ { changeTime ::UTCTime
+ , keySource :: KeySource
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
+data ChangeInfo = AddKeyChange Key | AddFileChange | LinkChange (Maybe Key) | RmChange
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+changeInfoKey :: ChangeInfo -> Maybe Key
+changeInfoKey (AddKeyChange k) = Just k
+changeInfoKey (LinkChange (Just k)) = Just k
+changeInfoKey _ = Nothing
+changeFile :: Change -> FilePath
+changeFile (Change _ f _) = f
+changeFile (PendingAddChange _ f) = f
+changeFile (InProcessAddChange _ ks) = keyFilename ks
+isPendingAddChange :: Change -> Bool
+isPendingAddChange (PendingAddChange {}) = True
+isPendingAddChange _ = False
+isInProcessAddChange :: Change -> Bool
+isInProcessAddChange (InProcessAddChange {}) = True
+isInProcessAddChange _ = False
+retryChange :: Change -> Change
+retryChange (InProcessAddChange time ks) =
+ PendingAddChange time (keyFilename ks)
+retryChange c = c
+finishedChange :: Change -> Key -> Change
+finishedChange c@(InProcessAddChange { keySource = ks }) k = Change
+ { changeTime = changeTime c
+ , _changeFile = keyFilename ks
+ , changeInfo = AddKeyChange k
+ }
+finishedChange c _ = c
diff --git a/Assistant/Types/Commits.hs b/Assistant/Types/Commits.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..500faa901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Types/Commits.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+{- git-annex assistant commit tracking
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Types.Commits where
+import Utility.TList
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+type CommitChan = TList Commit
+data Commit = Commit
+newCommitChan :: IO CommitChan
+newCommitChan = atomically newTList
diff --git a/Assistant/Types/DaemonStatus.hs b/Assistant/Types/DaemonStatus.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a618c700d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Types/DaemonStatus.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+{- git-annex assistant daemon status
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Types.DaemonStatus where
+import Common.Annex
+import Assistant.Pairing
+import Utility.NotificationBroadcaster
+import Logs.Transfer
+import Assistant.Types.ThreadName
+import Assistant.Types.NetMessager
+import Assistant.Types.Alert
+import Utility.Url
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar
+import Control.Concurrent.Async
+import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+data DaemonStatus = DaemonStatus
+ -- All the named threads that comprise the daemon,
+ -- and actions to run to restart them.
+ { startedThreads :: M.Map ThreadName (Async (), IO ())
+ -- False when the daemon is performing its startup scan
+ , scanComplete :: Bool
+ -- True when all files should be restaged.
+ , forceRestage :: Bool
+ -- Time when a previous process of the daemon was running ok
+ , lastRunning :: Maybe POSIXTime
+ -- True when the daily sanity checker is running
+ , sanityCheckRunning :: Bool
+ -- Last time the daily sanity checker ran
+ , lastSanityCheck :: Maybe POSIXTime
+ -- True when a scan for file transfers is running
+ , transferScanRunning :: Bool
+ -- Currently running file content transfers
+ , currentTransfers :: TransferMap
+ -- Messages to display to the user.
+ , alertMap :: AlertMap
+ , lastAlertId :: AlertId
+ -- Ordered list of all remotes that can be synced with
+ , syncRemotes :: [Remote]
+ -- Ordered list of remotes to sync git with
+ , syncGitRemotes :: [Remote]
+ -- Ordered list of remotes to sync data with
+ , syncDataRemotes :: [Remote]
+ -- Are we syncing to any cloud remotes?
+ , syncingToCloudRemote :: Bool
+ -- List of uuids of remotes that we may have gotten out of sync with.
+ , desynced :: S.Set UUID
+ -- Pairing request that is in progress.
+ , pairingInProgress :: Maybe PairingInProgress
+ -- Broadcasts notifications about all changes to the DaemonStatus.
+ , changeNotifier :: NotificationBroadcaster
+ -- Broadcasts notifications when queued or current transfers change.
+ , transferNotifier :: NotificationBroadcaster
+ -- Broadcasts notifications when there's a change to the alerts.
+ , alertNotifier :: NotificationBroadcaster
+ -- Broadcasts notifications when the syncRemotes change.
+ , syncRemotesNotifier :: NotificationBroadcaster
+ -- Broadcasts notifications when the scheduleLog changes.
+ , scheduleLogNotifier :: NotificationBroadcaster
+ -- Broadcasts a notification once the startup sanity check has run.
+ , startupSanityCheckNotifier :: NotificationBroadcaster
+ -- Broadcasts notifications when the network is connected.
+ , networkConnectedNotifier :: NotificationBroadcaster
+ -- Broadcasts notifications when a global redirect is needed.
+ , globalRedirNotifier :: NotificationBroadcaster
+ , globalRedirUrl :: Maybe URLString
+ -- Actions to run after a Key is transferred.
+ , transferHook :: M.Map Key (Transfer -> IO ())
+ -- When the XMPP client is connected, this will contain the XMPP
+ -- address.
+ , xmppClientID :: Maybe ClientID
+ -- MVars to signal when a remote gets connected.
+ , connectRemoteNotifiers :: M.Map UUID [MVar ()]
+ }
+type TransferMap = M.Map Transfer TransferInfo
+{- This TMVar is never left empty, so accessing it will never block. -}
+type DaemonStatusHandle = TMVar DaemonStatus
+newDaemonStatus :: IO DaemonStatus
+newDaemonStatus = DaemonStatus
+ <$> pure M.empty
+ <*> pure False
+ <*> pure False
+ <*> pure Nothing
+ <*> pure False
+ <*> pure Nothing
+ <*> pure False
+ <*> pure M.empty
+ <*> pure M.empty
+ <*> pure firstAlertId
+ <*> pure []
+ <*> pure []
+ <*> pure []
+ <*> pure False
+ <*> pure S.empty
+ <*> pure Nothing
+ <*> newNotificationBroadcaster
+ <*> newNotificationBroadcaster
+ <*> newNotificationBroadcaster
+ <*> newNotificationBroadcaster
+ <*> newNotificationBroadcaster
+ <*> newNotificationBroadcaster
+ <*> newNotificationBroadcaster
+ <*> newNotificationBroadcaster
+ <*> pure Nothing
+ <*> pure M.empty
+ <*> pure Nothing
+ <*> pure M.empty
diff --git a/Assistant/Types/NamedThread.hs b/Assistant/Types/NamedThread.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5dd1364ad
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+++ b/Assistant/Types/NamedThread.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+{- named threads
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Types.NamedThread where
+import Assistant.Monad
+import Assistant.Types.ThreadName
+{- Information about a named thread that can be run. -}
+data NamedThread = NamedThread Bool ThreadName (Assistant ())
+namedThread :: String -> Assistant () -> NamedThread
+namedThread = NamedThread True . ThreadName
+{- A named thread that can start running before the startup sanity check. -}
+namedThreadUnchecked :: String -> Assistant () -> NamedThread
+namedThreadUnchecked = NamedThread False . ThreadName
diff --git a/Assistant/Types/NetMessager.hs b/Assistant/Types/NetMessager.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0af262e9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Types/NetMessager.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+{- git-annex assistant out of band network messager types
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Types.NetMessager where
+import Common.Annex
+import Assistant.Pairing
+import Git.Types
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.DList as D
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Control.Concurrent.MSampleVar
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
+import Data.Text (Text)
+{- Messages that can be sent out of band by a network messager. -}
+data NetMessage
+ -- indicate that pushes have been made to the repos with these uuids
+ = NotifyPush [UUID]
+ -- requests other clients to inform us of their presence
+ | QueryPresence
+ -- notification about a stage in the pairing process,
+ -- involving a client, and a UUID.
+ | PairingNotification PairStage ClientID UUID
+ -- used for git push over the network messager
+ | Pushing ClientID PushStage
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+{- Something used to identify the client, or clients to send the message to. -}
+type ClientID = Text
+data PushStage
+ -- indicates that we have data to push over the out of band network
+ = CanPush UUID [Sha]
+ -- request that a git push be sent over the out of band network
+ | PushRequest UUID
+ -- indicates that a push is starting
+ | StartingPush UUID
+ -- a chunk of output of git receive-pack
+ | ReceivePackOutput SequenceNum ByteString
+ -- a chuck of output of git send-pack
+ | SendPackOutput SequenceNum ByteString
+ -- sent when git receive-pack exits, with its exit code
+ | ReceivePackDone ExitCode
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+{- A sequence number. Incremented by one per packet in a sequence,
+ - starting with 1 for the first packet. 0 means sequence numbers are
+ - not being used. -}
+type SequenceNum = Int
+{- NetMessages that are important (and small), and should be stored to be
+ - resent when new clients are seen. -}
+isImportantNetMessage :: NetMessage -> Maybe ClientID
+isImportantNetMessage (Pushing c (CanPush _ _)) = Just c
+isImportantNetMessage (Pushing c (PushRequest _)) = Just c
+isImportantNetMessage _ = Nothing
+{- Checks if two important NetMessages are equivilant.
+ - That is to say, assuming they were sent to the same client,
+ - would it do the same thing for one as for the other? -}
+equivilantImportantNetMessages :: NetMessage -> NetMessage -> Bool
+equivilantImportantNetMessages (Pushing _ (CanPush _ _)) (Pushing _ (CanPush _ _)) = True
+equivilantImportantNetMessages (Pushing _ (PushRequest _)) (Pushing _ (PushRequest _)) = True
+equivilantImportantNetMessages _ _ = False
+readdressNetMessage :: NetMessage -> ClientID -> NetMessage
+readdressNetMessage (PairingNotification stage _ uuid) c = PairingNotification stage c uuid
+readdressNetMessage (Pushing _ stage) c = Pushing c stage
+readdressNetMessage m _ = m
+{- Convert a NetMessage to something that can be logged. -}
+logNetMessage :: NetMessage -> String
+logNetMessage (Pushing c stage) = show $ Pushing (logClientID c) $
+ case stage of
+ ReceivePackOutput n _ -> ReceivePackOutput n elided
+ SendPackOutput n _ -> SendPackOutput n elided
+ s -> s
+ where
+ elided = B8.pack "<elided>"
+logNetMessage (PairingNotification stage c uuid) =
+ show $ PairingNotification stage (logClientID c) uuid
+logNetMessage m = show m
+logClientID :: ClientID -> ClientID
+logClientID c = T.concat [T.take 1 c, T.pack $ show $ T.length c]
+{- Things that initiate either side of a push, but do not actually send data. -}
+isPushInitiation :: PushStage -> Bool
+isPushInitiation (PushRequest _) = True
+isPushInitiation (StartingPush _) = True
+isPushInitiation _ = False
+isPushNotice :: PushStage -> Bool
+isPushNotice (CanPush _ _) = True
+isPushNotice _ = False
+data PushSide = SendPack | ReceivePack
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+pushDestinationSide :: PushStage -> PushSide
+pushDestinationSide (CanPush _ _) = ReceivePack
+pushDestinationSide (PushRequest _) = SendPack
+pushDestinationSide (StartingPush _) = ReceivePack
+pushDestinationSide (ReceivePackOutput _ _) = SendPack
+pushDestinationSide (SendPackOutput _ _) = ReceivePack
+pushDestinationSide (ReceivePackDone _) = SendPack
+type SideMap a = PushSide -> a
+mkSideMap :: STM a -> IO (SideMap a)
+mkSideMap gen = do
+ (sp, rp) <- atomically $ (,) <$> gen <*> gen
+ return $ lookupside sp rp
+ where
+ lookupside sp _ SendPack = sp
+ lookupside _ rp ReceivePack = rp
+getSide :: PushSide -> SideMap a -> a
+getSide side m = m side
+type Inboxes = TVar (M.Map ClientID (Int, D.DList NetMessage))
+data NetMessager = NetMessager
+ -- outgoing messages
+ { netMessages :: TChan NetMessage
+ -- important messages for each client
+ , importantNetMessages :: TMVar (M.Map ClientID (S.Set NetMessage))
+ -- important messages that are believed to have been sent to a client
+ , sentImportantNetMessages :: TMVar (M.Map ClientID (S.Set NetMessage))
+ -- write to this to restart the net messager
+ , netMessagerRestart :: MSampleVar ()
+ -- queue of incoming messages that request the initiation of pushes
+ , netMessagerPushInitiations :: SideMap (TMVar [NetMessage])
+ -- incoming messages containing data for a running
+ -- (or not yet started) push
+ , netMessagerInboxes :: SideMap Inboxes
+ }
+newNetMessager :: IO NetMessager
+newNetMessager = NetMessager
+ <$> atomically newTChan
+ <*> atomically (newTMVar M.empty)
+ <*> atomically (newTMVar M.empty)
+ <*> newEmptySV
+ <*> mkSideMap newEmptyTMVar
+ <*> mkSideMap (newTVar M.empty)
diff --git a/Assistant/Types/Pushes.hs b/Assistant/Types/Pushes.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..99e0ee162
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+++ b/Assistant/Types/Pushes.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+{- git-annex assistant push tracking
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Types.Pushes where
+import Common.Annex
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Data.Time.Clock
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+{- Track the most recent push failure for each remote. -}
+type PushMap = M.Map Remote UTCTime
+type FailedPushMap = TMVar PushMap
+{- The TMVar starts empty, and is left empty when there are no
+ - failed pushes. This way we can block until there are some failed pushes.
+ -}
+newFailedPushMap :: IO FailedPushMap
+newFailedPushMap = atomically newEmptyTMVar
diff --git a/Assistant/Types/RepoProblem.hs b/Assistant/Types/RepoProblem.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ece5a5286
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+++ b/Assistant/Types/RepoProblem.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+{- git-annex assistant repository problem tracking
+ -
+ - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Types.RepoProblem where
+import Types
+import Utility.TList
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Data.Function
+data RepoProblem = RepoProblem
+ { problemUUID :: UUID
+ , afterFix :: IO ()
+ }
+{- The afterFix actions are assumed to all be equivilant. -}
+sameRepoProblem :: RepoProblem -> RepoProblem -> Bool
+sameRepoProblem = (==) `on` problemUUID
+type RepoProblemChan = TList RepoProblem
+newRepoProblemChan :: IO RepoProblemChan
+newRepoProblemChan = atomically newTList
diff --git a/Assistant/Types/ScanRemotes.hs b/Assistant/Types/ScanRemotes.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8219f9baf
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+++ b/Assistant/Types/ScanRemotes.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+{- git-annex assistant remotes needing scanning
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Types.ScanRemotes where
+import Common.Annex
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+data ScanInfo = ScanInfo
+ { scanPriority :: Float
+ , fullScan :: Bool
+ }
+type ScanRemoteMap = TMVar (M.Map Remote ScanInfo)
+{- The TMVar starts empty, and is left empty when there are no remotes
+ - to scan. -}
+newScanRemoteMap :: IO ScanRemoteMap
+newScanRemoteMap = atomically newEmptyTMVar
diff --git a/Assistant/Types/ThreadName.hs b/Assistant/Types/ThreadName.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8d264a38
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+++ b/Assistant/Types/ThreadName.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+{- name of a thread
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Types.ThreadName where
+newtype ThreadName = ThreadName String
+ deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Ord)
+fromThreadName :: ThreadName -> String
+fromThreadName (ThreadName n) = n
diff --git a/Assistant/Types/ThreadedMonad.hs b/Assistant/Types/ThreadedMonad.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a2aa7eb7
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+++ b/Assistant/Types/ThreadedMonad.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+{- making the Annex monad available across threads
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Types.ThreadedMonad where
+import Common.Annex
+import qualified Annex
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Data.Tuple
+{- The Annex state is stored in a MVar, so that threaded actions can access
+ - it. -}
+type ThreadState = MVar Annex.AnnexState
+{- Stores the Annex state in a MVar.
+ -
+ - Once the action is finished, retrieves the state from the MVar.
+ -}
+withThreadState :: (ThreadState -> Annex a) -> Annex a
+withThreadState a = do
+ state <- Annex.getState id
+ mvar <- liftIO $ newMVar state
+ r <- a mvar
+ newstate <- liftIO $ takeMVar mvar
+ Annex.changeState (const newstate)
+ return r
+{- Runs an Annex action, using the state from the MVar.
+ -
+ - This serializes calls by threads; only one thread can run in Annex at a
+ - time. -}
+runThreadState :: ThreadState -> Annex a -> IO a
+runThreadState mvar a = modifyMVar mvar $ \state -> swap <$> Annex.run state a
diff --git a/Assistant/Types/TransferQueue.hs b/Assistant/Types/TransferQueue.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e4bf2ae92
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+++ b/Assistant/Types/TransferQueue.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+{- git-annex assistant pending transfer queue
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Types.TransferQueue where
+import Common.Annex
+import Logs.Transfer
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Utility.TList
+data TransferQueue = TransferQueue
+ { queuesize :: TVar Int
+ , queuelist :: TList (Transfer, TransferInfo)
+ , deferreddownloads :: TList (Key, AssociatedFile)
+ }
+data Schedule = Next | Later
+ deriving (Eq)
+newTransferQueue :: IO TransferQueue
+newTransferQueue = atomically $ TransferQueue
+ <$> newTVar 0
+ <*> newTList
+ <*> newTList
diff --git a/Assistant/Types/TransferSlots.hs b/Assistant/Types/TransferSlots.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5140995a3
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+++ b/Assistant/Types/TransferSlots.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+{- git-annex assistant transfer slots
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
+module Assistant.Types.TransferSlots where
+import qualified Control.Exception as E
+import qualified Control.Concurrent.MSemN as MSemN
+import Data.Typeable
+type TransferSlots = MSemN.MSemN Int
+{- A special exception that can be thrown to pause or resume a transfer, while
+ - keeping its slot in use. -}
+data TransferException = PauseTransfer | ResumeTransfer
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
+instance E.Exception TransferException
+{- Number of concurrent transfers allowed to be run from the assistant.
+ -
+ - Transfers launched by other means, including by remote assistants,
+ - do not currently take up slots.
+ -}
+numSlots :: Int
+numSlots = 1
+newTransferSlots :: IO TransferSlots
+newTransferSlots = MSemN.new numSlots
diff --git a/Assistant/Types/TransferrerPool.hs b/Assistant/Types/TransferrerPool.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2727a6919
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/Types/TransferrerPool.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+{- A pool of "git-annex transferkeys" processes
+ -
+ - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Types.TransferrerPool where
+import Common.Annex
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+type TransferrerPool = TChan Transferrer
+data Transferrer = Transferrer
+ { transferrerRead :: Handle
+ , transferrerWrite :: Handle
+ , transferrerHandle :: ProcessHandle
+ }
+newTransferrerPool :: IO TransferrerPool
+newTransferrerPool = newTChanIO
diff --git a/Assistant/Types/UrlRenderer.hs b/Assistant/Types/UrlRenderer.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..521905bf3
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+++ b/Assistant/Types/UrlRenderer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+{- webapp url renderer access from the assistant
+ -
+ - Copyright 2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.Types.UrlRenderer (
+ UrlRenderer,
+ newUrlRenderer
+) where
+import Assistant.WebApp (UrlRenderer, newUrlRenderer)
+data UrlRenderer = UrlRenderer -- dummy type
+newUrlRenderer :: IO UrlRenderer
+newUrlRenderer = return UrlRenderer
diff --git a/Assistant/XMPP.hs b/Assistant/XMPP.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09b7daf4e
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+++ b/Assistant/XMPP.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+{- core xmpp support
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012-2013 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Assistant.XMPP where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.Types.NetMessager
+import Assistant.Pairing
+import Git.Sha (extractSha)
+import Network.Protocol.XMPP hiding (Node)
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import Data.XML.Types
+import qualified "dataenc" Codec.Binary.Base64 as B64
+{- Name of the git-annex tag, in our own XML namespace.
+ - (Not using a namespace URL to avoid unnecessary bloat.) -}
+gitAnnexTagName :: Name
+gitAnnexTagName = "{git-annex}git-annex"
+{- Creates a git-annex tag containing a particular attribute and value. -}
+gitAnnexTag :: Name -> Text -> Element
+gitAnnexTag attr val = gitAnnexTagContent attr val []
+{- Also with some content. -}
+gitAnnexTagContent :: Name -> Text -> [Node] -> Element
+gitAnnexTagContent attr val = Element gitAnnexTagName [(attr, [ContentText val])]
+isGitAnnexTag :: Element -> Bool
+isGitAnnexTag t = elementName t == gitAnnexTagName
+{- Things that a git-annex tag can inserted into. -}
+class GitAnnexTaggable a where
+ insertGitAnnexTag :: a -> Element -> a
+ extractGitAnnexTag :: a -> Maybe Element
+ hasGitAnnexTag :: a -> Bool
+ hasGitAnnexTag = isJust . extractGitAnnexTag
+instance GitAnnexTaggable Message where
+ insertGitAnnexTag m elt = m { messagePayloads = elt : messagePayloads m }
+ extractGitAnnexTag = headMaybe . filter isGitAnnexTag . messagePayloads
+instance GitAnnexTaggable Presence where
+ -- always mark extended away and set presence priority to negative
+ insertGitAnnexTag p elt = p
+ { presencePayloads = extendedAway : negativePriority : elt : presencePayloads p }
+ extractGitAnnexTag = headMaybe . filter isGitAnnexTag . presencePayloads
+data GitAnnexTagInfo = GitAnnexTagInfo
+ { tagAttr :: Name
+ , tagValue :: Text
+ , tagElement :: Element
+ }
+type Decoder = Message -> GitAnnexTagInfo -> Maybe NetMessage
+gitAnnexTagInfo :: GitAnnexTaggable a => a -> Maybe GitAnnexTagInfo
+gitAnnexTagInfo v = case extractGitAnnexTag v of
+ {- Each git-annex tag has a single attribute. -}
+ Just (tag@(Element _ [(attr, _)] _)) -> GitAnnexTagInfo
+ <$> pure attr
+ <*> attributeText attr tag
+ <*> pure tag
+ _ -> Nothing
+{- A presence with a git-annex tag in it.
+ - Also includes a status tag, which may be visible in XMPP clients. -}
+gitAnnexPresence :: Element -> Presence
+gitAnnexPresence = insertGitAnnexTag $ addStatusTag $ emptyPresence PresenceAvailable
+ where
+ addStatusTag p = p
+ { presencePayloads = status : presencePayloads p }
+ status = Element "status" [] [statusMessage]
+ statusMessage = NodeContent $ ContentText $ T.pack "git-annex"
+{- A presence with an empty git-annex tag in it, used for letting other
+ - clients know we're around and are a git-annex client. -}
+gitAnnexSignature :: Presence
+gitAnnexSignature = gitAnnexPresence $ Element gitAnnexTagName [] []
+{- XMPP client to server ping -}
+xmppPing :: JID -> IQ
+xmppPing selfjid = (emptyIQ IQGet)
+ { iqID = Just "c2s1"
+ , iqFrom = Just selfjid
+ , iqTo = Just $ JID Nothing (jidDomain selfjid) Nothing
+ , iqPayload = Just $ Element xmppPingTagName [] []
+ }
+xmppPingTagName :: Name
+xmppPingTagName = "{urn:xmpp}ping"
+{- A message with a git-annex tag in it. -}
+gitAnnexMessage :: Element -> JID -> JID -> Message
+gitAnnexMessage elt tojid fromjid = (insertGitAnnexTag silentMessage elt)
+ { messageTo = Just tojid
+ , messageFrom = Just fromjid
+ }
+{- A notification that we've pushed to some repositories, listing their
+ - UUIDs. -}
+pushNotification :: [UUID] -> Presence
+pushNotification = gitAnnexPresence . gitAnnexTag pushAttr . encodePushNotification
+encodePushNotification :: [UUID] -> Text
+encodePushNotification = T.intercalate uuidSep . map (T.pack . fromUUID)
+decodePushNotification :: Text -> [UUID]
+decodePushNotification = map (toUUID . T.unpack) . T.splitOn uuidSep
+uuidSep :: Text
+uuidSep = ","
+{- A request for other git-annex clients to send presence. -}
+presenceQuery :: Presence
+presenceQuery = gitAnnexPresence $ gitAnnexTag queryAttr T.empty
+{- A notification about a stage of pairing. -}
+pairingNotification :: PairStage -> UUID -> JID -> JID -> Message
+pairingNotification pairstage u = gitAnnexMessage $
+ gitAnnexTag pairAttr $ encodePairingNotification pairstage u
+encodePairingNotification :: PairStage -> UUID -> Text
+encodePairingNotification pairstage u = T.unwords $ map T.pack
+ [ show pairstage
+ , fromUUID u
+ ]
+decodePairingNotification :: Decoder
+decodePairingNotification m = parse . words . T.unpack . tagValue
+ where
+ parse [stage, u] = PairingNotification
+ <$> readish stage
+ <*> (formatJID <$> messageFrom m)
+ <*> pure (toUUID u)
+ parse _ = Nothing
+pushMessage :: PushStage -> JID -> JID -> Message
+pushMessage = gitAnnexMessage . encode
+ where
+ encode (CanPush u shas) =
+ gitAnnexTag canPushAttr $ T.pack $ unwords $
+ fromUUID u : map show shas
+ encode (PushRequest u) =
+ gitAnnexTag pushRequestAttr $ T.pack $ fromUUID u
+ encode (StartingPush u) =
+ gitAnnexTag startingPushAttr $ T.pack $ fromUUID u
+ encode (ReceivePackOutput n b) =
+ gitAnnexTagContent receivePackAttr (val n) $ encodeTagContent b
+ encode (SendPackOutput n b) =
+ gitAnnexTagContent sendPackAttr (val n) $ encodeTagContent b
+ encode (ReceivePackDone code) =
+ gitAnnexTag receivePackDoneAttr $ val $ encodeExitCode code
+ val = T.pack . show
+decodeMessage :: Message -> Maybe NetMessage
+decodeMessage m = decode =<< gitAnnexTagInfo m
+ where
+ decode i = M.lookup (tagAttr i) decoders >>= rundecoder i
+ rundecoder i d = d m i
+ decoders = M.fromList $ zip
+ [ pairAttr
+ , canPushAttr
+ , pushRequestAttr
+ , startingPushAttr
+ , receivePackAttr
+ , sendPackAttr
+ , receivePackDoneAttr
+ ]
+ [ decodePairingNotification
+ , pushdecoder $ shasgen CanPush
+ , pushdecoder $ gen PushRequest
+ , pushdecoder $ gen StartingPush
+ , pushdecoder $ seqgen ReceivePackOutput
+ , pushdecoder $ seqgen SendPackOutput
+ , pushdecoder $
+ fmap (ReceivePackDone . decodeExitCode) . readish .
+ T.unpack . tagValue
+ ]
+ pushdecoder a m' i = Pushing
+ <$> (formatJID <$> messageFrom m')
+ <*> a i
+ gen c i = c . toUUID <$> headMaybe (words (T.unpack (tagValue i)))
+ seqgen c i = do
+ packet <- decodeTagContent $ tagElement i
+ let seqnum = fromMaybe 0 $ readish $ T.unpack $ tagValue i
+ return $ c seqnum packet
+ shasgen c i = do
+ let (u:shas) = words $ T.unpack $ tagValue i
+ return $ c (toUUID u) (mapMaybe extractSha shas)
+decodeExitCode :: Int -> ExitCode
+decodeExitCode 0 = ExitSuccess
+decodeExitCode n = ExitFailure n
+encodeExitCode :: ExitCode -> Int
+encodeExitCode ExitSuccess = 0
+encodeExitCode (ExitFailure n) = n
+{- Base 64 encoding a ByteString to use as the content of a tag. -}
+encodeTagContent :: ByteString -> [Node]
+encodeTagContent b = [NodeContent $ ContentText $ T.pack $ B64.encode $ B.unpack b]
+decodeTagContent :: Element -> Maybe ByteString
+decodeTagContent elt = B.pack <$> B64.decode s
+ where
+ s = T.unpack $ T.concat $ elementText elt
+{- The JID without the client part. -}
+baseJID :: JID -> JID
+baseJID j = JID (jidNode j) (jidDomain j) Nothing
+{- An XMPP chat message with an empty body. This should not be displayed
+ - by clients, but can be used for communications. -}
+silentMessage :: Message
+silentMessage = (emptyMessage MessageChat)
+ { messagePayloads = [ emptybody ] }
+ where
+ emptybody = Element
+ { elementName = "body"
+ , elementAttributes = []
+ , elementNodes = []
+ }
+{- Add to a presence to mark its client as extended away. -}
+extendedAway :: Element
+extendedAway = Element "show" [] [NodeContent $ ContentText "xa"]
+{- Add to a presence to give it a negative priority. -}
+negativePriority :: Element
+negativePriority = Element "priority" [] [NodeContent $ ContentText "-1"]
+pushAttr :: Name
+pushAttr = "push"
+queryAttr :: Name
+queryAttr = "query"
+pairAttr :: Name
+pairAttr = "pair"
+canPushAttr :: Name
+canPushAttr = "canpush"
+pushRequestAttr :: Name
+pushRequestAttr = "pushrequest"
+startingPushAttr :: Name
+startingPushAttr = "startingpush"
+receivePackAttr :: Name
+receivePackAttr = "rp"
+sendPackAttr :: Name
+sendPackAttr = "sp"
+receivePackDoneAttr :: Name
+receivePackDoneAttr = "rpdone"
+shasAttr :: Name
+shasAttr = "shas"
diff --git a/Assistant/XMPP/Buddies.hs b/Assistant/XMPP/Buddies.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c466e51c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/XMPP/Buddies.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+{- xmpp buddies
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.XMPP.Buddies where
+import Assistant.XMPP
+import Common.Annex
+import Assistant.Types.Buddies
+import Network.Protocol.XMPP
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+genBuddyKey :: JID -> BuddyKey
+genBuddyKey j = BuddyKey $ formatJID $ baseJID j
+buddyName :: JID -> Text
+buddyName j = maybe (T.pack "") strNode (jidNode j)
+ucFirst :: Text -> Text
+ucFirst s = let (first, rest) = T.splitAt 1 s
+ in T.concat [T.toUpper first, rest]
+{- Summary of info about a buddy.
+ -
+ - If the buddy has no clients at all anymore, returns Nothing. -}
+buddySummary :: [JID] -> Buddy -> Maybe (Text, Bool, Bool, Bool, BuddyKey)
+buddySummary pairedwith b = case clients of
+ ((Client j):_) -> Just (buddyName j, away, canpair, alreadypaired j, genBuddyKey j)
+ [] -> Nothing
+ where
+ away = S.null (buddyPresent b) && S.null (buddyAssistants b)
+ canpair = not $ S.null (buddyAssistants b)
+ clients = S.toList $ buddyPresent b `S.union` buddyAway b `S.union` buddyAssistants b
+ alreadypaired j = baseJID j `elem` pairedwith
+{- Updates the buddies with XMPP presence info. -}
+updateBuddies :: Presence -> Buddies -> Buddies
+updateBuddies p@(Presence { presenceFrom = Just jid }) = M.alter update key
+ where
+ key = genBuddyKey jid
+ update (Just b) = Just $ applyPresence p b
+ update Nothing = newBuddy p
+updateBuddies _ = id
+{- Creates a new buddy based on XMPP presence info. -}
+newBuddy :: Presence -> Maybe Buddy
+newBuddy p
+ | presenceType p == PresenceAvailable = go
+ | presenceType p == PresenceUnavailable = go
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ go = make <$> presenceFrom p
+ make _jid = applyPresence p $ Buddy
+ { buddyPresent = S.empty
+ , buddyAway = S.empty
+ , buddyAssistants = S.empty
+ , buddyPairing = False
+ }
+applyPresence :: Presence -> Buddy -> Buddy
+applyPresence p b = fromMaybe b $! go <$> presenceFrom p
+ where
+ go jid
+ | presenceType p == PresenceUnavailable = b
+ { buddyAway = addto $ buddyAway b
+ , buddyPresent = removefrom $ buddyPresent b
+ , buddyAssistants = removefrom $ buddyAssistants b
+ }
+ | hasGitAnnexTag p = b
+ { buddyAssistants = addto $ buddyAssistants b
+ , buddyAway = removefrom $ buddyAway b }
+ | presenceType p == PresenceAvailable = b
+ { buddyPresent = addto $ buddyPresent b
+ , buddyAway = removefrom $ buddyAway b
+ }
+ | otherwise = b
+ where
+ client = Client jid
+ removefrom = S.filter (/= client)
+ addto = S.insert client
diff --git a/Assistant/XMPP/Client.hs b/Assistant/XMPP/Client.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..677bb2ff3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/XMPP/Client.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+{- xmpp client support
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.XMPP.Client where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Utility.SRV
+import Creds
+import Network.Protocol.XMPP
+import Network
+import Control.Concurrent
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Control.Exception (SomeException)
+{- Everything we need to know to connect to an XMPP server. -}
+data XMPPCreds = XMPPCreds
+ { xmppUsername :: T.Text
+ , xmppPassword :: T.Text
+ , xmppHostname :: HostName
+ , xmppPort :: Int
+ , xmppJID :: T.Text
+ }
+ deriving (Read, Show)
+connectXMPP :: XMPPCreds -> (JID -> XMPP a) -> IO [(HostPort, Either SomeException ())]
+connectXMPP c a = case parseJID (xmppJID c) of
+ Nothing -> error "bad JID"
+ Just jid -> connectXMPP' jid c a
+{- Do a SRV lookup, but if it fails, fall back to the cached xmppHostname. -}
+connectXMPP' :: JID -> XMPPCreds -> (JID -> XMPP a) -> IO [(HostPort, Either SomeException ())]
+connectXMPP' jid c a = reverse <$> (handle =<< lookupSRV srvrecord)
+ where
+ srvrecord = mkSRVTcp "xmpp-client" $
+ T.unpack $ strDomain $ jidDomain jid
+ serverjid = JID Nothing (jidDomain jid) Nothing
+ handle [] = do
+ let h = xmppHostname c
+ let p = PortNumber $ fromIntegral $ xmppPort c
+ r <- run h p $ a jid
+ return [r]
+ handle srvs = go [] srvs
+ go l [] = return l
+ go l ((h,p):rest) = do
+ {- Try each SRV record in turn, until one connects,
+ - at which point the MVar will be full. -}
+ mv <- newEmptyMVar
+ r <- run h p $ do
+ liftIO $ putMVar mv ()
+ a jid
+ ifM (isEmptyMVar mv)
+ ( go (r : l) rest
+ , return (r : l)
+ )
+ {- Async exceptions are let through so the XMPP thread can
+ - be killed. -}
+ run h p a' = do
+ r <- tryNonAsync $
+ runClientError (Server serverjid h p) jid
+ (xmppUsername c) (xmppPassword c) (void a')
+ return ((h, p), r)
+{- XMPP runClient, that throws errors rather than returning an Either -}
+runClientError :: Server -> JID -> T.Text -> T.Text -> XMPP a -> IO a
+runClientError s j u p x = either (error . show) return =<< runClient s j u p x
+getXMPPCreds :: Annex (Maybe XMPPCreds)
+getXMPPCreds = parse <$> readCacheCreds xmppCredsFile
+ where
+ parse s = readish =<< s
+setXMPPCreds :: XMPPCreds -> Annex ()
+setXMPPCreds creds = writeCacheCreds (show creds) xmppCredsFile
+xmppCredsFile :: FilePath
+xmppCredsFile = "xmpp"
diff --git a/Assistant/XMPP/Git.hs b/Assistant/XMPP/Git.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..97b974f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Assistant/XMPP/Git.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+{- git over XMPP
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012 Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>
+ -
+ - Licensed under the GNU GPL version 3 or higher.
+ -}
+module Assistant.XMPP.Git where
+import Assistant.Common
+import Assistant.NetMessager
+import Assistant.Types.NetMessager
+import Assistant.XMPP
+import Assistant.XMPP.Buddies
+import Assistant.DaemonStatus
+import Assistant.Alert
+import Assistant.MakeRemote
+import Assistant.Sync
+import qualified Command.Sync
+import qualified Annex.Branch
+import Annex.UUID
+import Logs.UUID
+import Annex.TaggedPush
+import Annex.CatFile
+import Config
+import Git
+import qualified Git.Branch
+import Config.Files
+import qualified Types.Remote as Remote
+import qualified Remote as Remote
+import Remote.List
+import Utility.FileMode
+import Utility.Shell
+import Utility.Env
+import Network.Protocol.XMPP
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import System.Posix.Types
+import System.Process (std_in, std_out, std_err)
+import Control.Concurrent
+import System.Timeout
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+{- Largest chunk of data to send in a single XMPP message. -}
+chunkSize :: Int
+chunkSize = 4096
+{- How long to wait for an expected message before assuming the other side
+ - has gone away and canceling a push.
+ -
+ - This needs to be long enough to allow a message of up to 2+ times
+ - chunkSize to propigate up to a XMPP server, perhaps across to another
+ - server, and back down to us. On the other hand, other XMPP pushes can be
+ - delayed for running until the timeout is reached, so it should not be
+ - excessive.
+ -}
+xmppTimeout :: Int
+xmppTimeout = 120000000 -- 120 seconds
+finishXMPPPairing :: JID -> UUID -> Assistant ()
+finishXMPPPairing jid u = void $ alertWhile alert $
+ makeXMPPGitRemote buddy (baseJID jid) u
+ where
+ buddy = T.unpack $ buddyName jid
+ alert = pairRequestAcknowledgedAlert buddy Nothing
+gitXMPPLocation :: JID -> String
+gitXMPPLocation jid = "xmpp::" ++ T.unpack (formatJID $ baseJID jid)
+makeXMPPGitRemote :: String -> JID -> UUID -> Assistant Bool
+makeXMPPGitRemote buddyname jid u = do
+ remote <- liftAnnex $ addRemote $
+ makeGitRemote buddyname $ gitXMPPLocation jid
+ liftAnnex $ storeUUID (remoteConfig (Remote.repo remote) "uuid") u
+ liftAnnex $ void remoteListRefresh
+ remote' <- liftAnnex $ fromMaybe (error "failed to add remote")
+ <$> Remote.byName (Just buddyname)
+ syncRemote remote'
+ return True
+{- Pushes over XMPP, communicating with a specific client.
+ - Runs an arbitrary IO action to push, which should run git-push with
+ - an xmpp:: url.
+ -
+ - To handle xmpp:: urls, git push will run git-remote-xmpp, which is
+ - injected into its PATH, and in turn runs git-annex xmppgit. The
+ - dataflow them becomes:
+ -
+ - git push <--> git-annex xmppgit <--> xmppPush <-------> xmpp
+ - |
+ - git receive-pack <--> xmppReceivePack <---------------> xmpp
+ -
+ - The pipe between git-annex xmppgit and us is set up and communicated
+ - using two environment variables, relayIn and relayOut, that are set
+ - to the file descriptors to use. Another, relayControl, is used to
+ - propigate the exit status of git receive-pack.
+ -
+ - We listen at the other end of the pipe and relay to and from XMPP.
+ -}
+xmppPush :: ClientID -> (Git.Repo -> IO Bool) -> Assistant Bool
+xmppPush cid gitpush = do
+ u <- liftAnnex getUUID
+ sendNetMessage $ Pushing cid (StartingPush u)
+ (Fd inf, writepush) <- liftIO createPipe
+ (readpush, Fd outf) <- liftIO createPipe
+ (Fd controlf, writecontrol) <- liftIO createPipe
+ tmpdir <- gettmpdir
+ installwrapper tmpdir
+ env <- liftIO getEnvironment
+ path <- liftIO getSearchPath
+ let myenv = M.fromList
+ [ ("PATH", intercalate [searchPathSeparator] $ tmpdir:path)
+ , (relayIn, show inf)
+ , (relayOut, show outf)
+ , (relayControl, show controlf)
+ ]
+ `M.union` M.fromList env
+ inh <- liftIO $ fdToHandle readpush
+ outh <- liftIO $ fdToHandle writepush
+ controlh <- liftIO $ fdToHandle writecontrol
+ t1 <- forkIO <~> toxmpp 0 inh
+ t2 <- forkIO <~> fromxmpp outh controlh
+ {- This can take a long time to run, so avoid running it in the
+ - Annex monad. Also, override environment. -}
+ g <- liftAnnex gitRepo
+ r <- liftIO $ gitpush $ g { gitEnv = Just $ M.toList myenv }
+ liftIO $ do
+ mapM_ killThread [t1, t2]
+ mapM_ hClose [inh, outh, controlh]
+ mapM_ closeFd [Fd inf, Fd outf, Fd controlf]
+ return r
+ where
+ toxmpp seqnum inh = do
+ b <- liftIO $ B.hGetSome inh chunkSize
+ if B.null b
+ then liftIO $ killThread =<< myThreadId
+ else do
+ let seqnum' = succ seqnum
+ sendNetMessage $ Pushing cid $
+ SendPackOutput seqnum' b
+ toxmpp seqnum' inh
+ fromxmpp outh controlh = withPushMessagesInSequence cid SendPack handle
+ where
+ handle (Just (Pushing _ (ReceivePackOutput _ b))) =
+ liftIO $ writeChunk outh b
+ handle (Just (Pushing _ (ReceivePackDone exitcode))) =
+ liftIO $ do
+ hPrint controlh exitcode
+ hFlush controlh
+ handle (Just _) = noop
+ handle Nothing = do
+ debug ["timeout waiting for git receive-pack output via XMPP"]
+ -- Send a synthetic exit code to git-annex
+ -- xmppgit, which will exit and cause git push
+ -- to die.
+ liftIO $ do
+ hPrint controlh (ExitFailure 1)
+ hFlush controlh
+ killThread =<< myThreadId
+ installwrapper tmpdir = liftIO $ do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True tmpdir
+ let wrapper = tmpdir </> "git-remote-xmpp"
+ program <- readProgramFile
+ writeFile wrapper $ unlines
+ [ shebang_local
+ , "exec " ++ program ++ " xmppgit"
+ ]
+ modifyFileMode wrapper $ addModes executeModes
+ {- Use GIT_ANNEX_TMP_DIR if set, since that may be a better temp
+ - dir (ie, not on a crippled filesystem where we can't make
+ - the wrapper executable). -}
+ gettmpdir = do
+ v <- liftIO $ getEnv "GIT_ANNEX_TMP_DIR"
+ case v of
+ Nothing -> do
+ tmp <- liftAnnex $ fromRepo gitAnnexTmpDir
+ return $ tmp </> "xmppgit"
+ Just d -> return $ d </> "xmppgit"
+type EnvVar = String
+envVar :: String -> EnvVar
+envVar s = "GIT_ANNEX_XMPPGIT_" ++ s
+relayIn :: EnvVar
+relayIn = envVar "IN"
+relayOut :: EnvVar
+relayOut = envVar "OUT"
+relayControl :: EnvVar
+relayControl = envVar "CONTROL"
+relayHandle :: EnvVar -> IO Handle
+relayHandle var = do
+ v <- getEnv var
+ case readish =<< v of
+ Nothing -> error $ var ++ " not set"
+ Just n -> fdToHandle $ Fd n
+{- Called by git-annex xmppgit.
+ -
+ - git-push is talking to us on stdin
+ - we're talking to git-push on stdout
+ - git-receive-pack is talking to us on relayIn (via XMPP)
+ - we're talking to git-receive-pack on relayOut (via XMPP)
+ - git-receive-pack's exit code will be passed to us on relayControl
+ -}
+xmppGitRelay :: IO ()
+xmppGitRelay = do
+ flip relay stdout =<< relayHandle relayIn
+ relay stdin =<< relayHandle relayOut
+ code <- hGetLine =<< relayHandle relayControl
+ exitWith $ fromMaybe (ExitFailure 1) $ readish code
+ where
+ {- Is it possible to set up pipes and not need to copy the data
+ - ourselves? See splice(2) -}
+ relay fromh toh = void $ forkIO $ forever $ do
+ b <- B.hGetSome fromh chunkSize
+ when (B.null b) $ do
+ hClose fromh
+ hClose toh
+ killThread =<< myThreadId
+ writeChunk toh b
+{- Relays git receive-pack stdin and stdout via XMPP, as well as propigating
+ - its exit status to XMPP. -}
+xmppReceivePack :: ClientID -> Assistant Bool
+xmppReceivePack cid = do
+ repodir <- liftAnnex $ fromRepo repoPath
+ let p = (proc "git" ["receive-pack", repodir])
+ { std_in = CreatePipe
+ , std_out = CreatePipe
+ , std_err = Inherit
+ }
+ (Just inh, Just outh, _, pid) <- liftIO $ createProcess p
+ readertid <- forkIO <~> relayfromxmpp inh
+ relaytoxmpp 0 outh
+ code <- liftIO $ waitForProcess pid
+ void $ sendNetMessage $ Pushing cid $ ReceivePackDone code
+ liftIO $ do
+ killThread readertid
+ hClose inh
+ hClose outh
+ return $ code == ExitSuccess
+ where
+ relaytoxmpp seqnum outh = do
+ b <- liftIO $ B.hGetSome outh chunkSize
+ -- empty is EOF, so exit
+ unless (B.null b) $ do
+ let seqnum' = succ seqnum
+ sendNetMessage $ Pushing cid $ ReceivePackOutput seqnum' b
+ relaytoxmpp seqnum' outh
+ relayfromxmpp inh = withPushMessagesInSequence cid ReceivePack handle
+ where
+ handle (Just (Pushing _ (SendPackOutput _ b))) =
+ liftIO $ writeChunk inh b
+ handle (Just _) = noop
+ handle Nothing = do
+ debug ["timeout waiting for git send-pack output via XMPP"]
+ -- closing the handle will make git receive-pack exit
+ liftIO $ do
+ hClose inh
+ killThread =<< myThreadId
+xmppRemotes :: ClientID -> UUID -> Assistant [Remote]
+xmppRemotes cid theiruuid = case baseJID <$> parseJID cid of
+ Nothing -> return []
+ Just jid -> do
+ let loc = gitXMPPLocation jid
+ um <- liftAnnex uuidMap
+ filter (matching loc . Remote.repo) . filter (knownuuid um) . syncGitRemotes
+ <$> getDaemonStatus
+ where
+ matching loc r = repoIsUrl r && repoLocation r == loc
+ knownuuid um r = Remote.uuid r == theiruuid || M.member theiruuid um
+{- Returns the ClientID that it pushed to. -}
+runPush :: (Remote -> Assistant ()) -> NetMessage -> Assistant (Maybe ClientID)
+runPush checkcloudrepos (Pushing cid (PushRequest theiruuid)) =
+ go =<< liftAnnex (inRepo Git.Branch.current)
+ where
+ go Nothing = return Nothing
+ go (Just branch) = do
+ rs <- xmppRemotes cid theiruuid
+ liftAnnex $ Annex.Branch.commit "update"
+ (g, u) <- liftAnnex $ (,)
+ <$> gitRepo
+ <*> getUUID
+ liftIO $ Command.Sync.updateBranch (Command.Sync.syncBranch branch) g
+ selfjid <- ((T.unpack <$>) . xmppClientID) <$> getDaemonStatus
+ if null rs
+ then return Nothing
+ else do
+ forM_ rs $ \r -> do
+ void $ alertWhile (syncAlert [r]) $
+ xmppPush cid (taggedPush u selfjid branch r)
+ checkcloudrepos r
+ return $ Just cid
+runPush checkcloudrepos (Pushing cid (StartingPush theiruuid)) = do
+ rs <- xmppRemotes cid theiruuid
+ if null rs
+ then return Nothing
+ else do
+ void $ alertWhile (syncAlert rs) $
+ xmppReceivePack cid
+ mapM_ checkcloudrepos rs
+ return $ Just cid
+runPush _ _ = return Nothing
+{- Check if any of the shas that can be pushed are ones we do not
+ - have.
+ -
+ - (Older clients send no shas, so when there are none, always
+ - request a push.)
+ -}
+handlePushNotice :: NetMessage -> Assistant ()
+handlePushNotice (Pushing cid (CanPush theiruuid shas)) =
+ unlessM (null <$> xmppRemotes cid theiruuid) $
+ if null shas
+ then go
+ else ifM (haveall shas)
+ ( debug ["ignoring CanPush with known shas"]
+ , go
+ )
+ where
+ go = do
+ u <- liftAnnex getUUID
+ sendNetMessage $ Pushing cid (PushRequest u)
+ haveall l = liftAnnex $ not <$> anyM donthave l
+ donthave sha = isNothing <$> catObjectDetails sha
+handlePushNotice _ = noop
+writeChunk :: Handle -> B.ByteString -> IO ()
+writeChunk h b = do
+ B.hPut h b
+ hFlush h
+{- Gets NetMessages for a PushSide, ensures they are in order,
+ - and runs an action to handle each in turn. The action will be passed
+ - Nothing on timeout.
+ -
+ - Does not currently reorder messages, but does ensure that any
+ - duplicate messages, or messages not in the sequence, are discarded.
+ -}
+withPushMessagesInSequence :: ClientID -> PushSide -> (Maybe NetMessage -> Assistant ()) -> Assistant ()
+withPushMessagesInSequence cid side a = loop 0
+ where
+ loop seqnum = do
+ m <- timeout xmppTimeout <~> waitInbox cid side
+ let go s = a m >> loop s
+ let next = seqnum + 1
+ case extractSequence =<< m of
+ Just seqnum'
+ | seqnum' == next -> go next
+ | seqnum' == 0 -> go seqnum
+ | seqnum' == seqnum -> do
+ debug ["ignoring duplicate sequence number", show seqnum]
+ loop seqnum
+ | otherwise -> do
+ debug ["ignoring out of order sequence number", show seqnum', "expected", show next]
+ loop seqnum
+ Nothing -> go seqnum
+extractSequence :: NetMessage -> Maybe Int
+extractSequence (Pushing _ (ReceivePackOutput seqnum _)) = Just seqnum
+extractSequence (Pushing _ (SendPackOutput seqnum _)) = Just seqnum
+extractSequence _ = Nothing