diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>2013-04-30 13:22:55 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>2013-04-30 13:22:55 -0400
commitd12b1fb179bc1744f813ea3f616d503d2b0dfe09 (patch)
parenteba8c5d2610dd916401312e590fab2dcb713548c (diff)
add uuid to all xmpp messages
(Except for the actual streaming of receive-pack through XMPP, which can only run once we've gotten an appropriate uuid in a push initiation message.) Pushes are now only initiated when the initiation message comes from a known uuid. This allows multiple distinct repositories to use the same xmpp address. Note: This probably breaks initial push after xmpp pairing, because at that point we may not know about the paired uuid, and so reject the push from it. It won't break in simple cases, because the annex-uuid of the remote is checked. However, when there are multiple clients behind a single xmpp address, only uuid of the first is recorded in annex-uuid, and so any pushes from the others will be rejected (unless the first remote pushes their uuids to us beforehand.
5 files changed, 47 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/Assistant/Sync.hs b/Assistant/Sync.hs
index 727749c4f..1b9de1656 100644
--- a/Assistant/Sync.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Sync.hs
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ pushToRemotes' now notifypushes remotes = do
let (xmppremotes, normalremotes) = partition isXMPPRemote remotes
ret <- go True branch g u normalremotes
forM_ xmppremotes $ \r ->
- sendNetMessage $ Pushing (getXMPPClientID r) CanPush
+ sendNetMessage $ Pushing (getXMPPClientID r) (CanPush u)
return ret
go _ Nothing _ _ _ = return [] -- no branch, so nothing to do
@@ -202,8 +202,9 @@ manualPull currentbranch remotes = do
haddiverged <- liftAnnex Annex.Branch.forceUpdate
forM_ normalremotes $ \r ->
liftAnnex $ Command.Sync.mergeRemote r currentbranch
+ u <- liftAnnex getUUID
forM_ xmppremotes $ \r ->
- sendNetMessage $ Pushing (getXMPPClientID r) PushRequest
+ sendNetMessage $ Pushing (getXMPPClientID r) (PushRequest u)
return (catMaybes failed, haddiverged)
{- Start syncing a remote, using a background thread. -}
diff --git a/Assistant/Types/NetMessager.hs b/Assistant/Types/NetMessager.hs
index e0dcbbb56..09a558033 100644
--- a/Assistant/Types/NetMessager.hs
+++ b/Assistant/Types/NetMessager.hs
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ type ClientID = Text
data PushStage
-- indicates that we have data to push over the out of band network
- = CanPush
+ = CanPush UUID
-- request that a git push be sent over the out of band network
- | PushRequest
+ | PushRequest UUID
-- indicates that a push is starting
- | StartingPush
+ | StartingPush UUID
-- a chunk of output of git receive-pack
| ReceivePackOutput SequenceNum ByteString
-- a chuck of output of git send-pack
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ type SequenceNum = Int
{- NetMessages that are important (and small), and should be stored to be
- resent when new clients are seen. -}
isImportantNetMessage :: NetMessage -> Maybe ClientID
-isImportantNetMessage (Pushing c CanPush) = Just c
-isImportantNetMessage (Pushing c PushRequest) = Just c
+isImportantNetMessage (Pushing c (CanPush _)) = Just c
+isImportantNetMessage (Pushing c (PushRequest _)) = Just c
isImportantNetMessage _ = Nothing
readdressNetMessage :: NetMessage -> ClientID -> NetMessage
@@ -85,18 +85,18 @@ logClientID c = T.concat [T.take 1 c, T.pack $ show $ T.length c]
{- Things that initiate either side of a push, but do not actually send data. -}
isPushInitiation :: PushStage -> Bool
-isPushInitiation CanPush = True
-isPushInitiation PushRequest = True
-isPushInitiation StartingPush = True
+isPushInitiation (CanPush _) = True
+isPushInitiation (PushRequest _) = True
+isPushInitiation (StartingPush _) = True
isPushInitiation _ = False
data PushSide = SendPack | ReceivePack
deriving (Eq, Ord)
pushDestinationSide :: PushStage -> PushSide
-pushDestinationSide CanPush = ReceivePack
-pushDestinationSide PushRequest = SendPack
-pushDestinationSide StartingPush = ReceivePack
+pushDestinationSide (CanPush _) = ReceivePack
+pushDestinationSide (PushRequest _) = SendPack
+pushDestinationSide (StartingPush _) = ReceivePack
pushDestinationSide (ReceivePackOutput _ _) = SendPack
pushDestinationSide (SendPackOutput _ _) = ReceivePack
pushDestinationSide (ReceivePackDone _) = SendPack
diff --git a/Assistant/XMPP.hs b/Assistant/XMPP.hs
index 9654fdb4b..fbc351931 100644
--- a/Assistant/XMPP.hs
+++ b/Assistant/XMPP.hs
@@ -131,9 +131,12 @@ decodePairingNotification m = parse . words . T.unpack . tagValue
pushMessage :: PushStage -> JID -> JID -> Message
pushMessage = gitAnnexMessage . encode
- encode CanPush = gitAnnexTag canPushAttr T.empty
- encode PushRequest = gitAnnexTag pushRequestAttr T.empty
- encode StartingPush = gitAnnexTag startingPushAttr T.empty
+ encode (CanPush u) =
+ gitAnnexTag canPushAttr $ T.pack $ fromUUID u
+ encode (PushRequest u) =
+ gitAnnexTag pushRequestAttr $ T.pack $ fromUUID u
+ encode (StartingPush u) =
+ gitAnnexTag startingPushAttr $ T.pack $ fromUUID u
encode (ReceivePackOutput n b) =
gitAnnexTagContent receivePackAttr (val n) $ encodeTagContent b
encode (SendPackOutput n b) =
@@ -157,11 +160,11 @@ decodeMessage m = decode =<< gitAnnexTagInfo m
, receivePackDoneAttr
[ decodePairingNotification
- , pushdecoder $ const $ Just CanPush
- , pushdecoder $ const $ Just PushRequest
- , pushdecoder $ const $ Just StartingPush
- , pushdecoder $ gen ReceivePackOutput
- , pushdecoder $ gen SendPackOutput
+ , pushdecoder $ gen CanPush
+ , pushdecoder $ gen PushRequest
+ , pushdecoder $ gen StartingPush
+ , pushdecoder $ seqgen ReceivePackOutput
+ , pushdecoder $ seqgen SendPackOutput
, pushdecoder $
fmap (ReceivePackDone . decodeExitCode) . readish .
T.unpack . tagValue
@@ -169,7 +172,8 @@ decodeMessage m = decode =<< gitAnnexTagInfo m
pushdecoder a m' i = Pushing
<$> (formatJID <$> messageFrom m')
<*> a i
- gen c i = do
+ gen c = Just . c . toUUID . T.unpack . tagValue
+ seqgen c i = do
packet <- decodeTagContent $ tagElement i
let seqnum = fromMaybe 0 $ readish $ T.unpack $ tagValue i
return $ c seqnum packet
diff --git a/Assistant/XMPP/Git.hs b/Assistant/XMPP/Git.hs
index 46c8cb173..c1605bee2 100644
--- a/Assistant/XMPP/Git.hs
+++ b/Assistant/XMPP/Git.hs
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Assistant.Sync
import qualified Command.Sync
import qualified Annex.Branch
import Annex.UUID
+import Logs.UUID
import Annex.TaggedPush
import Config
import Git
@@ -84,7 +85,8 @@ makeXMPPGitRemote buddyname jid u = do
xmppPush :: ClientID -> (Git.Repo -> IO Bool) -> (NetMessage -> Assistant ()) -> Assistant Bool
xmppPush cid gitpush handledeferred = runPush SendPack cid handledeferred $ do
- sendNetMessage $ Pushing cid StartingPush
+ u <- liftAnnex getUUID
+ sendNetMessage $ Pushing cid (StartingPush u)
(Fd inf, writepush) <- liftIO createPipe
(readpush, Fd outf) <- liftIO createPipe
@@ -247,26 +249,29 @@ xmppReceivePack cid handledeferred = runPush ReceivePack cid handledeferred $ do
hClose inh
killThread =<< myThreadId
-xmppRemotes :: ClientID -> Assistant [Remote]
-xmppRemotes cid = case baseJID <$> parseJID cid of
+xmppRemotes :: ClientID -> UUID -> Assistant [Remote]
+xmppRemotes cid theiruuid = case baseJID <$> parseJID cid of
Nothing -> return []
Just jid -> do
let loc = gitXMPPLocation jid
- filter (matching loc . Remote.repo) . syncGitRemotes
+ um <- liftAnnex uuidMap
+ filter (matching loc . Remote.repo) . filter (knownuuid um) . syncGitRemotes
<$> getDaemonStatus
matching loc r = repoIsUrl r && repoLocation r == loc
+ knownuuid um r = Remote.uuid r == theiruuid || M.member theiruuid um
handlePushInitiation :: (Remote -> Assistant ()) -> NetMessage -> Assistant ()
-handlePushInitiation _ (Pushing cid CanPush) =
- unlessM (null <$> xmppRemotes cid) $
- sendNetMessage $ Pushing cid PushRequest
-handlePushInitiation checkcloudrepos (Pushing cid PushRequest) =
+handlePushInitiation _ (Pushing cid (CanPush theiruuid)) =
+ unlessM (null <$> xmppRemotes cid theiruuid) $ do
+ u <- liftAnnex getUUID
+ sendNetMessage $ Pushing cid (PushRequest u)
+handlePushInitiation checkcloudrepos (Pushing cid (PushRequest theiruuid)) =
go =<< liftAnnex (inRepo Git.Branch.current)
go Nothing = noop
go (Just branch) = do
- rs <- xmppRemotes cid
+ rs <- xmppRemotes cid theiruuid
liftAnnex $ Annex.Branch.commit "update"
(g, u) <- liftAnnex $ (,)
<$> gitRepo
@@ -279,8 +284,8 @@ handlePushInitiation checkcloudrepos (Pushing cid PushRequest) =
(taggedPush u selfjid branch r)
(handleDeferred checkcloudrepos)
checkcloudrepos r
-handlePushInitiation checkcloudrepos (Pushing cid StartingPush) = do
- rs <- xmppRemotes cid
+handlePushInitiation checkcloudrepos (Pushing cid (StartingPush theiruuid)) = do
+ rs <- xmppRemotes cid theiruuid
unless (null rs) $ do
void $ alertWhile (syncAlert rs) $
xmppReceivePack cid (handleDeferred checkcloudrepos)
diff --git a/doc/design/assistant/xmpp.mdwn b/doc/design/assistant/xmpp.mdwn
index f132f802e..0afba9c23 100644
--- a/doc/design/assistant/xmpp.mdwn
+++ b/doc/design/assistant/xmpp.mdwn
@@ -69,18 +69,18 @@ containing:
For pairing, a chat message is sent to every known git-annex client,
- <git-annex xmlns='git-annex' pairing="PairReq|PairAck|PairDone uuid" />
+ <git-annex xmlns='git-annex' pairing="PairReq|PairAck|PairDone myuuid" />
### git push over XMPP
To indicate that we could push over XMPP, a chat message is sent,
to each known client of each XMPP remote.
- <git-annex xmlns='git-annex' canpush="" />
+ <git-annex xmlns='git-annex' canpush="myuuid" />
To request that a remote push to us, a chat message can be sent.
- <git-annex xmlns='git-annex' pushrequest="" />
+ <git-annex xmlns='git-annex' pushrequest="myuuid" />
When replying to an canpush message, this is directed at the specific
client that indicated it could push. To solicit pushes from all clients,
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ the message has to be sent directed individually to each client.
When a peer is ready to send a git push, it sends:
- <git-annex xmlns='git-annex' startingpush="" />
+ <git-annex xmlns='git-annex' startingpush="myuuid" />
The receiver runs `git receive-pack`, and sends back its output in
one or more chat messages, directed to the client that is pushing: