diff options
authorGravatar Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>2011-01-26 19:35:35 -0400
committerGravatar Joey Hess <joey@kitenet.net>2011-01-26 19:35:35 -0400
commit1a11085a50e79fbcce829d4ea89539107f5b306c (patch)
parentff3c12725502451c8ab7da72797b2d69c4a66900 (diff)
drop: suppprt untrusted repos
2 files changed, 16 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/Backend/File.hs b/Backend/File.hs
index 8c39c3f80..ab14b8233 100644
--- a/Backend/File.hs
+++ b/Backend/File.hs
@@ -96,9 +96,10 @@ checkRemoveKey key numcopiesM = do
then return True
else do
(remotes, trusteduuids) <- Remotes.keyPossibilities key
- untrusted <- reposWithoutUUID remotes trusteduuids
+ untrusteduuids <- trustGet UnTrusted
+ tocheck <- reposWithoutUUID remotes (trusteduuids++untrusteduuids)
numcopies <- getNumCopies numcopiesM
- findcopies numcopies trusteduuids untrusted []
+ findcopies numcopies trusteduuids tocheck []
findcopies need have [] bad
| length have >= need = return True
@@ -131,11 +132,18 @@ showLocations key exclude = do
g <- Annex.gitRepo
u <- getUUID g
uuids <- liftIO $ keyLocations g key
- let uuidsf = filter (\l -> l /= u && (not $ elem l exclude)) uuids
- ppuuids <- prettyPrintUUIDs uuidsf
- if null uuidsf
- then showLongNote $ "No other repository is known to contain the file."
- else showLongNote $ "Try making some of these repositories available:\n" ++ ppuuids
+ untrusteduuids <- trustGet UnTrusted
+ let uuidswanted = filteruuids uuids (u:exclude++untrusteduuids)
+ let uuidsskipped = filteruuids uuids (u:exclude++uuidswanted)
+ ppuuidswanted <- prettyPrintUUIDs uuidswanted
+ ppuuidsskipped <- prettyPrintUUIDs uuidsskipped
+ showLongNote $ message ppuuidswanted ppuuidsskipped
+ where
+ filteruuids list x = filter (\l -> not $ elem l x) list
+ message [] [] = "No other repository is known to contain the file."
+ message rs [] = "Try making some of these repositories available:\n" ++ rs
+ message [] us = "Also these untrusted repositories may contain the file:\n" ++ us
+ message rs us = message rs [] ++ message [] us
showTriedRemotes :: [Git.Repo] -> Annex ()
showTriedRemotes [] = return ()
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index fcd986e1b..c675d1456 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ git-annex (0.19) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
* There are now three levels of repository trust.
* untrust: Now marks the current repository as untrusted.
* semitrust: Now restores the default trust level. (What untrust used to do.)
- * fsck: Take untrusted repositories into account.
+ * fsck, drop: Take untrusted repositories into account.
* bugfix: Files were copied from trusted remotes first even if their
annex.cost was higher than other remotes.