path: root/share
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2 files changed, 56 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/share/functions/__fish_complete_pids.fish b/share/functions/__fish_complete_pids.fish
index 996f995f..b670944c 100644
--- a/share/functions/__fish_complete_pids.fish
+++ b/share/functions/__fish_complete_pids.fish
@@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
function __fish_complete_pids -d "Print a list of process identifiers along with brief descriptions"
# This may be a bit slower, but it's nice - having the tty displayed is really handy
- ps --no-heading -o pid,comm,tty --ppid %self -N | sed -r 's/ *([0-9]+) +([^ ].*[^ ]|[^ ]) +([^ ]+)$/\1'\t'\2 [\3]/' ^/dev/null
- # If the above is too slow, this is faster but a little less useful
- # pgrep -l -v -P %self | sed 's/ /'\t'/'
+ # 'tail -n +2' deletes the first line, which contains the headers
+ # 'grep -v...' removes self from the output
+ set -l SELF %self
+ # Display the tty if available
+ set -l sed_cmds 's/ *([0-9]+) +([^ ].*[^ ]|[^ ]) +([^ ]+) *$/\1'\t'\2 [\3]/'
+ # But not if it's just question marks, meaning no tty
+ set -l sed_cmds $sed_cmds 's/ *\[\?*\] *$//'
+ ps axc -o pid,ucomm,tty | grep -v '^\s*'$SELF'\s' | tail -n +2 | sed -E "-e "$sed_cmds ^/dev/null
diff --git a/share/functions/__fish_complete_proc.fish b/share/functions/__fish_complete_proc.fish
index d1c2bcff..d520a030 100644
--- a/share/functions/__fish_complete_proc.fish
+++ b/share/functions/__fish_complete_proc.fish
@@ -1,4 +1,47 @@
function __fish_complete_proc --description 'Complete by list of running processes'
- ps -A --no-headers --format comm | sort -u
+ # Our function runs ps, followed by a massive list of commands passed to sed
+ set -l ps_cmd
+ set -l sed_cmds
+ if test (uname) = Linux
+ # comm and ucomm return a truncated name, so parse it from the command line field,
+ # which means we have to trim off the arguments.
+ # Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to escape spaces - so we can't distinguish
+ # between the command name, and the first argument. Still, processes with spaces
+ # in the name seem more common on OS X than on Linux, so prefer to parse out the
+ # command line rather than using the stat data.
+ # If the command line is unavailable, you get the stat data in brackets - so
+ # parse out brackets too.
+ set ps_cmd 'ps -A -o command'
+ # Erase everything after the first space
+ set sed_cmds $sed_cmds 's/ .*//'
+ # Erases weird stuff Linux gives like kworker/0:0
+ set sed_cmds $sed_cmds 's|/[0-9]:[0-9]]$||g'
+ # Retain the last path component only
+ set sed_cmds $sed_cmds 's|.*/||g'
+ # Strip off square brackets. Cute, huh?
+ set sed_cmds $sed_cmds 's/[][]//g'
+ # Erase things that are just numbers
+ set sed_cmds $sed_cmds 's/^[0-9]*$//'
+ else
+ # OS X, BSD. Preserve leading spaces.
+ set ps_cmd 'ps axc -o comm'
+ # Delete parenthesized (zombie) processes
+ set sed_cmds $sed_cmds '/(.*)/d'
+ end
+ # Append sed command to delete first line (the header)
+ set sed_cmds $sed_cmds '1d'
+ # Append sed commands to delete leading dashes and trailing spaces
+ # In principle, commands may have trailing spaces, but ps emits space padding on OS X
+ set sed_cmds $sed_cmds 's/^-//' 's/ *$//'
+ # Run ps, pipe it through our massive set of sed commands, then sort and unique
+ eval $ps_cmd | sed '-e '$sed_cmds | sort -u