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diff --git a/doc_src/fish_mode_prompt.txt b/doc_src/fish_mode_prompt.txt
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index 00000000..b35d4ce4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc_src/fish_mode_prompt.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+\section fish_mode_prompt fish_mode_prompt - define the appearance of the mode indicator
+\subsection fish_mode_prompt-synopsis Synopsis
+fish_mode_prompt will output the mode indicator for use in vi-mode.
+\subsection fish_mode_prompt-description Description
+The output of `fish_mode_prompt` will be displayed in the mode indicator position to the left of the regular prompt.
+Multiple lines are not supported in `fish_mode_prompt`.
diff --git a/doc_src/index.hdr.in b/doc_src/index.hdr.in
index a25bf4c5..49d8552d 100644
--- a/doc_src/index.hdr.in
+++ b/doc_src/index.hdr.in
@@ -1012,6 +1012,8 @@ You can change these key bindings using the <a href="commands.html#bind">bind</a
Vi mode allows for the use of Vi-like commands at the prompt. Initially, <a href="#vi-mode-insert">insert mode</a> is active. @key{Escape} enters <a href="#vi-mode-command">command mode</a>. The commands available in command, insert and visual mode are described below. Vi mode builds on top of <a href="#emacs-mode">Emacs mode</a>, so all keybindings mentioned there that do not contradict the ones mentioned here also work.
+When in vi-mode, the <a href="fish_mode_prompt.html">`fish_mode_prompt`</a> function will display a mode indicator to the left of the prompt. The `fish_vi_cursor` function is available to change the cursor's shape depending on the mode in supported terminals.
\subsubsection vi-mode-command Command mode
Command mode is also known as normal mode.
@@ -1200,6 +1202,10 @@ function fish_title
+\subsection prompt Programmable prompt
+When fish waits for input, it will display a prompt by evaluating the `fish_prompt` and `fish_right_prompt` functions. The output of the former is displayed on the left and the latter's output on the right side of the terminal. The output of `fish_mode_prompt` will be prepended on the left, though the default function only does this when in <a href="index.html#vi-mode">vi-mode</a>.
\subsection greeting Configurable greeting
If a function named `fish_greeting` exists, it will be run when entering interactive mode. Otherwise, if an environment variable named `fish_greeting` exists, it will be printed.