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1 files changed, 2 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/share/functions/fish_default_key_bindings.fish b/share/functions/fish_default_key_bindings.fish
index daaea646..e29a5f85 100644
--- a/share/functions/fish_default_key_bindings.fish
+++ b/share/functions/fish_default_key_bindings.fish
@@ -121,7 +121,8 @@ function fish_default_key_bindings -d "Default (Emacs-like) key bindings for fis
bind $argv -k f1 __fish_man_page
bind $argv \eh __fish_man_page
- # This will make sure the output of the current command is paged using the less pager when you press Meta-p
+ # This will make sure the output of the current command is paged using the default pager when you press Meta-p
+ # If none is set, less will be used
bind $argv \ep '__fish_paginate'
# shift-tab does a tab complete followed by a search