path: root/share/functions/umask.fish
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authorGravatar axel <axel@liljencrantz.se>2006-02-17 20:13:39 +1000
committerGravatar axel <axel@liljencrantz.se>2006-02-17 20:13:39 +1000
commit343cafef346543282b5b6e825bc8f9dd10028a48 (patch)
tree1bcf221ecb525c7aeadc8325e7b780d3656e544b /share/functions/umask.fish
parent95a01f3c8f15034433ffce368d8f2d13d925139c (diff)
Redo installation file structure, move lots of things to $PREFIX/share/fish
Diffstat (limited to 'share/functions/umask.fish')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/functions/umask.fish b/share/functions/umask.fish
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..afca8f5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/functions/umask.fish
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+function __fish_umask_parse -d "Internal umask function"
+ # Test if already a valid octal mask, and pad it with zeros
+ if echo $argv | grep -E '^(0|)[0-7]{1,3}$' >/dev/null
+ for i in (seq (echo 5-(echo $argv|wc -c)|bc)); set argv 0$argv; end
+ echo $argv
+ else
+ # Test if argument really is a valid symbolic mask
+ if not echo $argv | grep -E '^(((u|g|o|a|)(=|\+|-)|)(r|w|x)*)(,(((u|g|o|a|)(=|\+|-)|)(r|w|x)*))*$' >/dev/null
+ printf (_ "%s: Invalid mask '%s'\n") umask $argv >&2
+ return 1
+ end
+ set -l implicit_all
+ # Insert inverted umask into res variable
+ set -l mode
+ set -l val
+ set -l tmp $umask
+ set -l res
+ for i in 1 2 3
+ set tmp (echo $tmp|cut -c 2-)
+ set res[$i] (echo 7-(echo $tmp|cut -c 1)|bc)
+ end
+ set -l el (echo $argv|tr , \n)
+ for i in $el
+ switch $i
+ case 'u*'
+ set idx 1
+ set i (echo $i| cut -c 2-)
+ case 'g*'
+ set idx 2
+ set i (echo $i| cut -c 2-)
+ case 'o*'
+ set idx 3
+ set i (echo $i| cut -c 2-)
+ case 'a*'
+ set idx 1 2 3
+ set i (echo $i| cut -c 2-)
+ case '*'
+ set implicit_all 1
+ set idx 1 2 3
+ end
+ switch $i
+ case '=*'
+ set mode set
+ set i (echo $i| cut -c 2-)
+ case '+*'
+ set mode add
+ set i (echo $i| cut -c 2-)
+ case '-*'
+ set mode remove
+ set i (echo $i| cut -c 2-)
+ case '*'
+ if not count $implicit_all >/dev/null
+ printf (_ "%s: Invalid mask '%s'\n") umask $argv >&2
+ return
+ end
+ set mode set
+ end
+ if not echo $perm|grep -E '^(r|w|x)*$' >/dev/null
+ printf (_ "%s: Invalid mask '%s'\n") umask $argv >&2
+ return
+ end
+ set val 0
+ if echo $i |grep 'r' >/dev/null
+ set val 4
+ end
+ if echo $i |grep 'w' >/dev/null
+ set val (echo $val + 2|bc)
+ end
+ if echo $i |grep 'x' >/dev/null
+ set val (echo $val + 1|bc)
+ end
+ for j in $idx
+ switch $mode
+ case set
+ set res[$j] $val
+ case add
+ set res[$j] (perl -e 'print( ( '$res[$j]'|'$val[$j]' )."\n" )')
+ case remove
+ set res[$j] (perl -e 'print( ( (7-'$res[$j]')&'$val[$j]' )."\n" )')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for i in 1 2 3
+ set res[$i] (echo 7-$res[$i]|bc)
+ end
+ echo 0$res[1]$res[2]$res[3]
+ end
+function __fish_umask_print_symbolic
+ set -l res ""
+ set -l letter a u g o
+ for i in 2 3 4
+ set res $res,$letter[$i]=
+ set val (echo $umask|cut -c $i)
+ if contains $val 0 1 2 3
+ set res {$res}r
+ end
+ if contains $val 0 1 4 5
+ set res {$res}w
+ end
+ if contains $val 0 2 4 6
+ set res {$res}x
+ end
+ end
+ echo $res|cut -c 2-
+function umask -d (_ "Set default file permission mask")
+ set -l as_command 0
+ set -l symbolic 0
+ set -l shortopt -o pSh
+ set -l longopt
+ if not getopt -T >/dev/null
+ set longopt -l as-command,symbolic,help
+ end
+ if not getopt -n umask -Q $shortopt $longopt -- $argv
+ return 1
+ end
+ set -l tmp (getopt $shortopt $longopt -- $argv)
+ eval set opt $tmp
+ while count $opt >/dev/null
+ switch $opt[1]
+ case -h --help
+ help umask
+ return 0
+ case -p --as-command
+ set as_command 1
+ case -S --symbolic
+ set symbolic 1
+ case --
+ set -e opt[1]
+ break
+ end
+ set -e opt[1]
+ end
+ switch (count $opt)
+ case 0
+ if not set -q umask
+ set -g umask 113
+ end
+ if test $as_command -eq 1
+ echo umask $umask
+ else
+ if test $symbolic -eq 1
+ __fish_umask_print_symbolic $umask
+ else
+ echo $umask
+ end
+ end
+ case 1
+ set -l parsed (__fish_umask_parse $opt)
+ if test (count $parsed) -eq 1
+ set -g umask $parsed
+ return 0
+ end
+ return 1
+ case '*'
+ printf (_ '%s: Too many arguments\n') umask >&2
+ end