diff options
authorGravatar Kevin Ballard <kevin@sb.org>2012-06-20 14:04:43 -0700
committerGravatar ridiculousfish <corydoras@ridiculousfish.com>2012-06-21 11:03:15 -0700
commitae593decfc5aa93fbc5531f206b3a84780711bf1 (patch)
parenteea62125a14164f29f2b1daff8a049582745ac48 (diff)
Replace __fish_git_branch_prompt.fish with __fish_git_prompt.fish
__fish_git_prompt.fish is a complete port of the __git_ps1 function from git-completion.bash, with the relevant configuration variables changed and some extra configuration added (namely, control over individual colors and the status indicator characters).
2 files changed, 521 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/share/functions/__fish_git_branch_prompt.fish b/share/functions/__fish_git_branch_prompt.fish
deleted file mode 100644
index f4d41f01..00000000
--- a/share/functions/__fish_git_branch_prompt.fish
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Prints the current git branch, if any
-function __fish_git_branch_prompt
- set gitdir (git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null)
- if [ -z $gitdir ]
- return 0
- end
- set branch (git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null| cut -d / -f 3)
- # check for rebase, bisect, etc
- # TODO
- # no branch, print hash of HEAD
- if [ -z $branch ]
- set branch (git log HEAD\^..HEAD --pretty=format:%h 2>/dev/null)
- end
- if [ ! -z $branch ]
- echo " ($branch) "
- end
diff --git a/share/functions/__fish_git_prompt.fish b/share/functions/__fish_git_prompt.fish
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ffb1ef3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/functions/__fish_git_prompt.fish
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+# based off of the git-completion script that ships with git
+# Written by Kevin Ballard <kevin@sb.org>
+# This is heavily based off of the git-completion.bash script that ships with
+# git, which is Copyright (C) 2006,2007 Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>.
+# The act of porting the code, along with any new code, are Copyright (C) 2012
+# Kevin Ballard <kevin@sb.org>.
+# By virtue of being based on the git-completion.bash script, this script is
+# distributed under the GNU General Public License, version 2.0.
+# This script vends a function __fish_git_prompt which takes a format string,
+# exactly how the bash script works. This can be used in your fish_prompt
+# function.
+# The behavior of __fish_git_prompt is very heavily based off of the bash
+# script's __fish_git_prompt function. As such, usage and customization is very
+# similar, although some extra flexibility is provided in this script.
+# The argument to __fish_git_prompt will be displayed only if you are currently
+# in a git repository. The %s token will be the name of the branch. If HEAD is
+# not a branch, it attempts to show the relevant tag. The tag search is
+# controlled by the __fish_git_prompt_describe_style variable, with the
+# following values:
+# default (or unset) Any tag that exactly matches HEAD
+# contains Nearest annotated tag that contains HEAD
+# branch Nearest tag/branch that contains HEAD
+# describe Output of `git describe`
+# In addition, if you set __fish_git_prompt_showdirtystate to a nonempty value,
+# unstaged (*) and staged (+) changes will be shown next to the branch name.
+# You can configure this per-repository with the bash.showDirtyState variable,
+# which defaults to true once __fish_git_prompt_showdirtystate is enabled. The
+# choice to leave the variable as 'bash' instead of renaming to 'fish' is done
+# to preserve compatibility with existing configured repositories.
+# You can also see if currently something is stashed, by setting
+# __fish_git_prompt_showstashstate to a nonempty value. If something is
+# stashed, then a '$' will be shown next to the branch name.
+# If you would like to see if there're untracked files, then you can set
+# __fish_git_prompt_showuntrackedfiles to a nonempty value. If there're
+# untracked files, then a '%' will be shown next to the branch name.
+# If you would like to see the difference between HEAD and its upstream, set
+# __fish_git_prompt_showupstream to 'auto'. A "<" indicates you are behind, ">"
+# indicates you are ahead, and "<>" indicates you have diverged. You can
+# further control behavior by setting __fish_git_prompt_showupstream to a
+# space-separated list of values:
+# verbose show number of commits head/behind (+/-) upstream
+# legacy don't use the '--count' option available in recent versions
+# of git-rev-list
+# git always compare HEAD to @{upstream}
+# svn always compare HEAD to your SVN upstream
+# By default, __fish_git_prompt will compare HEAD to your SVN upstream if it
+# can find one, or @{upstream} otherwise. Once you have set
+# __fish_git_prompt_showupstream, you can override it on a per-repository basis
+# by setting the bash.showUpstream config variable. As before, this variable
+# remains named 'bash' to preserve compatibility.
+# This fish-compatible version of __fish_git_prompt includes some additional
+# features on top of the above-documented bash-compatible features:
+# The color for the branch name and each individual optional component can be
+# specified using __fish_git_prompt_color_<name>, where <name> is 'prefix',
+# 'suffix', 'bare', 'merging', 'branch', 'dirtystate', 'stagedstate',
+# 'invalidstate', 'stashstate', 'untrackedfiles', and 'upstream'. Colors are
+# specified as arguments to `set_color`.
+# The characters used for the optional features can be configured using
+# __fish_git_prompt_char_<token>, where <token> is one of 'dirtystate',
+# 'stagedstate', 'invalidstate', 'stashstate', 'untrackedfiles',
+# 'upstream_equal', 'upstream_behind', 'upstream_ahead', and
+# 'upstream_diverged'.
+function __fish_git_prompt_show_upstream --description "Helper function for __fish_git_prompt"
+ # Ask git-config for some config options
+ set -l svn_remote
+ set -l upstream git
+ set -l legacy
+ set -l verbose
+ set -l svn_url_pattern
+ set -l __fish_git_prompt_show_upstream $__fish_git_prompt_show_upstream
+ git config -z --get-regexp '^(svn-remote\..*\.url|bash\.showupstream)$' ^/dev/null | tr '\0\n' '\n ' | while read -l key value
+ switch $key
+ case bash.showUpstream
+ set __fish_git_prompt_show_upstream $value
+ test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_showupstream"; or return
+ case svn-remote.'*'.url
+ set svn_remote $svn_remote $value
+ if test -n "$svn_url_pattern"
+ set svn_url_pattern $svn_url_pattern"\|$value"
+ else
+ set svn_url_pattern $value
+ end
+ set upstream svn+git # default upstream is SVN if available, else git
+ end
+ end
+ # parse configuration variables
+ for option in $__fish_git_prompt_showupstream
+ switch $option
+ case git svn
+ set upstream $option
+ case verbose
+ set verbose 1
+ case legacy
+ set legacy 1
+ end
+ end
+ # Find our upstream
+ switch $upstream
+ case git
+ set upstream '@{upstream}'
+ case svn\*
+ # get the upstream from the 'git-svn-id: ...' in a commit message
+ # (git-svn uses essentially the same procedure internally)
+ set -l svn_upstream (git log --first-parent -1 --grep="^git-svn-id: \($svn_url_pattern\)" ^/dev/null)
+ if test (count $svn_upstream) -ne 0
+ echo $svn_upstream[-1] | read -l _ svn_upstream _
+ set svn_upstream (echo $svn_upstream | sed 's/@.*//')
+ for remote in $svn_remote
+ set svn_upstream (/bin/sh -c 'echo "${1#$2}"' -- $svn_upstream $remote)
+ end
+ if test -z "$svn_upstream"
+ # default branch name for checkouts with no layout:
+ if test -n "$GIT_SVN_ID"
+ set upstream $GIT_SVN_ID
+ else
+ set upstream git-svn
+ end
+ else
+ if test (echo $svn_upstream | cut -c 1) = /
+ set upstream (echo $svn_upstream | cut -c 2-)
+ else
+ set upstream $svn_upstream
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ if test $upstream = svn+git
+ set upstream '@{upstream}'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Find how many commits we are ahead/behind our upstream
+ set -l count
+ if test -z "$legacy"
+ set count (git rev-list --count --left-right $upstream...HEAD ^/dev/null)
+ else
+ # produce equivalent output to --count for older versions of git
+ set -l os
+ set -l commits (git rev-list --left-right $upstream...HEAD ^/dev/null; set os $status)
+ if test $os -eq 0
+ set -l behind (count (for arg in $commits; echo $arg; end | grep '^<'))
+ set -l ahead (count (for arg in $commits; echo $arg; end | grep -v '^<'))
+ set count "$behind $ahead"
+ else
+ set count
+ end
+ end
+ # calculate the result
+ if test -z "$verbose"
+ switch "$count"
+ case '' # no upstream
+ case "0 0" # equal to upstream
+ echo $___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_equal
+ case "0 *" # ahead of upstream
+ echo $___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_ahead
+ case "* 0" # behind upstream
+ echo $___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_behind
+ case '*' # diverged from upstream
+ echo $___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_diverged
+ end
+ else
+ echo $count | read -l behind ahead
+ switch "$count"
+ case '' # no upstream
+ case "0 0" # equal to upstream
+ echo " u="
+ case "0 *" # ahead of upstream
+ echo " u+$ahead"
+ case "* 0" # behind upstream
+ echo " u-$behind"
+ case '*' # diverged from upstream
+ echo " u+$ahead-$behind"
+ end
+ end
+function __fish_git_prompt --description "Prompt function for Git"
+ # find the enclosing git dir
+ set -l git_dir
+ if test -d .git
+ set git_dir .git
+ else
+ set git_dir (git rev-parse --git-dir ^/dev/null)
+ end
+ test -n "$git_dir"; or return
+ set -l r
+ set -l b
+ if test -f $git_dir/rebase-merge/interactive
+ set r "|REBASE-i"
+ set b (cat $git_dir/rebase-merge/head-name)
+ else; if test -d $git_dir/rebase-merge
+ set r "|REBASE-m"
+ set b (cat $git_dir/rebase-merge/head-name)
+ else
+ if test -d $git_dir/rebase-apply
+ if test -f $git_dir/rebase-apply/rebasing
+ set r "|REBASE"
+ else; if test -f $git_dir/rebase-apply/applying
+ set r "|AM"
+ else
+ set r "|AM/REBASE"
+ end
+ end
+ else; if test -f $git_dir/MERGE_HEAD
+ set r "|MERGING"
+ else; if test -f $git_dir/CHERRY_PICK_HEAD
+ else; if test -f $git_dir/BISECT_LOG
+ set r "|BISECTING"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ set -l os
+ set b (git symbolic-ref HEAD ^/dev/null; set os $status)
+ if test $os -ne 0
+ set b (switch "$__fish_git_prompt_describe_style"
+ case contains
+ git describe --contains HEAD; set os $status
+ case branch
+ git describe --contains --all HEAD; set os $status
+ case describe
+ git describe HEAD; set os $status
+ case default '*'
+ git describe --tags --exact-match HEAD; set os $status
+ end ^/dev/null)
+ if test $os -ne 0
+ set b (cut -c1-7 $git_dir/HEAD ^/dev/null; set os $status)
+ if test $os -ne 0
+ set b unknown
+ end
+ end
+ set b "($b)"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ set -l w
+ set -l i
+ set -l s
+ set -l u
+ set -l c
+ set -l p
+ __fish_git_prompt_validate_chars
+ if test "true" = (git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir ^/dev/null)
+ if test "true" = (git rev-parse --is-bare-repository ^/dev/null)
+ set c "BARE:"
+ else
+ set b "GIT_DIR!"
+ end
+ else; if test "true" = (git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree ^/dev/null)
+ if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_showdirtystate"
+ set -l config (git config --bool bash.showDirtyState)
+ if test "$config" != "false"
+ git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code; or set w $___fish_git_prompt_char_dirtystate
+ if git rev-parse --quiet --verify HEAD >/dev/null
+ git diff-index --cached --quiet HEAD --; or set i $___fish_git_prompt_char_stagedstate
+ else
+ set i $___fish_git_prompt_char_invalidstate
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_showstashstate"
+ git rev-parse --verify refs/stash >/dev/null ^&1; and set s $___fish_git_prompt_char_stashstate
+ end
+ if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_showuntrackedfiles"
+ set -l files (git ls-files --others --exclude-standard)
+ if test -n "$files"
+ set u $___fish_git_prompt_char_untrackedfiles
+ end
+ end
+ if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_showupstream"
+ set p (__fish_git_prompt_show_upstream)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ __fish_git_prompt_validate_colors
+ if test -n "$w"
+ set w "$___fish_git_prompt_color_dirtystate$w$___fish_git_prompt_color_dirtystate_done"
+ end
+ if test -n "$i"
+ set i "$___fish_git_prompt_color_stagedstate$i$___fish_git_prompt_color_stagedstate_done"
+ end
+ if test -n "$s"
+ set s "$___fish_git_prompt_color_stashstate$s$___fish_git_prompt_color_stashstate_done"
+ end
+ if test -n "$u"
+ set u "$___fish_git_prompt_color_untrackedfiles$u$___fish_git_prompt_color_untrackedfiles_done"
+ end
+ set -l f "$w$i$s$u"
+ set -l format $args[1]
+ if test -z "$format"
+ set format " (%s)"
+ end
+ if test -n "$f"
+ set f " $f"
+ end
+ set b (/bin/sh -c 'echo "${1#refs/heads/}"' -- $b)
+ if test -n "$b"
+ set b "$___fish_git_prompt_color_branch$b$___fish_git_prompt_color_branch_done"
+ end
+ if test -n "$c"
+ set c "$___fish_git_prompt_color_bare$c$___fish_git_prompt_color_bare_done"
+ end
+ if test -n "$r"
+ set r "$___fish_git_prompt_color_merging$r$___fish_git_prompt_color_merging_done"
+ end
+ if test -n "$p"
+ set p "$___fish_git_prompt_color_upstream$p$___fish_git_prompt_color_upstream_done"
+ end
+ printf "%s$format%s" "$___fish_git_prompt_color_prefix" "$___fish_git_prompt_color_prefix_done$c$b$f$r$p$___fish_git_prompt_color_suffix" "$___git_ps_color_suffix_done"
+### helper functions
+function __fish_git_prompt_validate_chars --description "__fish_git_prompt helper, checks char variables"
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_char_dirtystate
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_char_dirtystate (set -q __fish_git_prompt_char_dirtystate; and echo $__fish_git_prompt_char_dirtystate; or echo '*')
+ end
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_char_stagedstate
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_char_stagedstate (set -q __fish_git_prompt_char_stagedstate; and echo $__fish_git_prompt_char_stagedstate; or echo '+')
+ end
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_char_invalidstate
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_char_invalidstate (set -q __fish_git_prompt_char_invalidstate; and echo $__fish_git_prompt_char_invalidstate; or echo '#')
+ end
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_char_stashstate
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_char_stashstate (set -q __fish_git_prompt_char_stashstate; and echo $__fish_git_prompt_char_stashstate; or echo '$')
+ end
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_char_untrackedfiles
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_char_untrackedfiles (set -q __fish_git_prompt_char_untrackedfiles; and echo $__fish_git_prompt_char_untrackedfiles; or echo '%')
+ end
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_equal
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_equal (set -q __fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_equal; and echo $__fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_equal; or echo '=')
+ end
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_behind
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_behind (set -q __fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_behind; and echo $__fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_behind; or echo '<')
+ end
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_ahead
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_ahead (set -q __fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_ahead; and echo $__fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_ahead; or echo '>')
+ end
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_diverged
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_diverged (set -q __fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_diverged; and echo $__fish_git_prompt_char_upstream_diverged; or echo '<>')
+ end
+function __fish_git_prompt_validate_colors --description "__fish_git_prompt helper, checks color variables"
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_color
+ if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_color"
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color (set_color $__fish_git_prompt_color)
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_done (set_color normal)
+ else
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color ''
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_done ''
+ end
+ end
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_color_prefix
+ if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_color_prefix"
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_prefix (set_color $__fish_git_prompt_color_prefix)
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_prefix_done (set_color normal)
+ else
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_prefix $___fish_git_prompt_color
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_prefix_done $___fish_git_prompt_color_done
+ end
+ end
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_color_suffix
+ if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_color_suffix"
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_suffix (set_color $__fish_git_prompt_color_suffix)
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_suffix_done (set_color normal)
+ else
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_suffix $___fish_git_prompt_color
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_suffix_done $___fish_git_prompt_color_done
+ end
+ end
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_color_bare
+ if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_color_bare"
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_bare (set_color $__fish_git_prompt_color_bare)
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_bare_done (set_color normal)
+ else
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_bare $___fish_git_prompt_color
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_bare_done $___fish_git_prompt_color_done
+ end
+ end
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_color_merging
+ if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_color_merging"
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_merging (set_color $__fish_git_prompt_color_merging)
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_merging_done (set_color normal)
+ else
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_merging $___fish_git_prompt_color
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_merging_done $___fish_git_prompt_color_done
+ end
+ end
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_color_branch
+ if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_color_branch"
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_branch (set_color $__fish_git_prompt_color_branch)
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_branch_done (set_color normal)
+ else
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_branch $___fish_git_prompt_color
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_branch_done $___fish_git_prompt_color_done
+ end
+ end
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_color_dirtystate
+ if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_color_dirtystate"
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_dirtystate (set_color $__fish_git_prompt_color_dirtystate)
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_dirtystate_done (set_color normal)
+ else
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_dirtystate $___fish_git_prompt_color
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_dirtystate_done $___fish_git_prompt_color_done
+ end
+ end
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_color_stagedstate
+ if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_color_stagedstate"
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_stagedstate (set_color $__fish_git_prompt_color_stagedstate)
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_stagedstate_done (set_color normal)
+ else
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_stagedstate $___fish_git_prompt_color
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_stagedstate_done $___fish_git_prompt_color_done
+ end
+ end
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_color_invalidstate
+ if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_color_invalidstate"
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_invalidstate (set_color $__fish_git_prompt_color_invalidstate)
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_invalidstate_done (set_color normal)
+ else
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_invalidstate $___fish_git_prompt_color
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_invalidstate_done $___fish_git_prompt_color_done
+ end
+ end
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_color_stashstate
+ if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_color_stashstate"
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_stashstate (set_color $__fish_git_prompt_color_stashstate)
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_stashstate_done (set_color normal)
+ else
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_stashstate $___fish_git_prompt_color
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_stashstate_done $___fish_git_prompt_color_done
+ end
+ end
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_color_untrackedfiles
+ if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_color_untrackedfiles"
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_untrackedfiles (set_color $__fish_git_prompt_color_untrackedfiles)
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_untrackedfiles_done (set_color normal)
+ else
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_untrackedfiles $___fish_git_prompt_color
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_untrackedfiles_done $___fish_git_prompt_color_done
+ end
+ end
+ if not set -q ___fish_git_prompt_color_upstream
+ if test -n "$__fish_git_prompt_color_upstream"
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_upstream (set_color $__fish_git_prompt_color_upstream)
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_upstream_done (set_color normal)
+ else
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_upstream $___fish_git_prompt_color
+ set -g ___fish_git_prompt_color_upstream_done $___fish_git_prompt_color_done
+ end
+ end
+set -l varargs
+for var in repaint describe_style showdirtystate showstashstate showuntrackedfiles showupstream
+ set varargs $varargs --on-variable __fish_git_prompt_$var
+function __fish_git_prompt_repaint $varargs --description "Event handler, repaints prompt when functionality changes"
+ if status --is-interactive
+ commandline -f repaint ^/dev/null
+ end
+set -l varargs
+for var in '' _prefix _suffix _bare _merging _branch _dirtystate _stagedstate _invalidstate _stashstate _untrackedfiles _upstream
+ set varargs $varargs --on-variable __fish_git_prompt_color$var
+function __fish_git_prompt_repaint_color $varargs --description "Event handler, repaints prompt when any color changes"
+ if status --is-interactive
+ set -l var $argv[3]
+ set -e _$var
+ set -e _{$var}_done
+ if test $var = __fish_git_prompt_color
+ # reset all the other colors too
+ for name in prefix suffix bare merging branch dirtystate stagedstate invalidstate stashstate untrackedfiles upstream
+ set -e ___fish_git_prompt_color_$name
+ set -e ___fish_git_prompt_color_{$name}_done
+ end
+ end
+ commandline -f repaint ^/dev/null
+ end
+set -l varargs
+for var in dirtystate stagedstate invalidstate stashstate untrackedfiles upstream_equal upstream_behind upstream_ahead upstream_diverged
+ set varargs $varargs --on-variable __fish_git_prompt_char_$var
+function __fish_git_prompt_repaint_char $varargs --description "Event handler, repaints prompt when any char changes"
+ if status --is-interactive
+ set -e _$argv[3]
+ commandline -f repaint ^/dev/null
+ end