diff options
authorGravatar Clément Martinez <clementmartinezdev@gmail.com>2016-06-08 13:40:27 +0200
committerGravatar Clément Martinez <clementmartinezdev@gmail.com>2016-06-08 13:40:27 +0200
commit10575d895d6f92f5b023d8be57589139f6d1d841 (patch)
parent67f3c01396a5eab70f00ef223465c99d367524f4 (diff)
Add lscpu completions
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/share/completions/lscpu.fish b/share/completions/lscpu.fish
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fade5138
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/completions/lscpu.fish
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+set __fish_lscpu_columns CPU\tLogical\ CPU\ number\ of\ a\ CPU\nCORE\tLogical\ core\ number\nSOCKET\tLogical\ socket\ number\nBOOK\tLogical\ book\ number\nNODE\tLogical\ NUMA\ node\ number\nCACHE\tInformation\ about\ how\ caches\ are\ shared\nPOLARIZATION\tCPU\ dispatching\ mode\ on\ virtual\ hardware\nADDRESS\tPhysical\ address\nCONFIGURED\tShows\ if\ the\ hypervisor\ has\ allocated\ the\ CPU\nONLINE\tShows\ if\ Linux\ currently\ use\ the\ CPU\nMAXMHZ\tShows\ the\ maximum\ MHz\nMINMHZ\tShows\ the\ minimum\ MHz
+complete -c lscpu -l all -s a -d "Print both online and offline CPUs"
+complete -c lscpu -l online -s b -d "Print online CPUs only"
+complete -c lscpu -l offline -s c -d "Print offline CPUs only"
+complete -c lscpu -l extended -s e -x -a '(__fish_append , $__fish_lscpu_columns)' -d "Print out an extended readable format"
+complete -c lscpu -l parse -s p -x -a '(__fish_append , $__fish_lscpu_columns)' -d "Print out a parseble format"
+complete -c lscpu -l sysroot -s s -r -d "Use specified directory as system root"
+complete -c lscpu -l hex -s x -d "Print hexadecimal masks rather thans lists of CPUs"
+complete -c lscpu -l help -s h -d "Display help"
+complete -c lscpu -l version -s V -d "Display version"