path: root/src
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authorGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2016-10-25 10:56:03 -0400
committerGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2016-10-25 11:04:50 -0400
commitf0f58eb6fda6eeb55118dd5088187729071c81d0 (patch)
tree6631a70ad749ab70e11dfc545d2507f665fcbb64 /src
parent02000afe08d190910064cb10dd6a645b0b8c8aeb (diff)
prove SRepMul admit
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 169 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/src/EdDSARepChange.v b/src/EdDSARepChange.v
index ec8de3e78..7a91e4a95 100644
--- a/src/EdDSARepChange.v
+++ b/src/EdDSARepChange.v
@@ -11,6 +11,11 @@ Import NPeano.
Import Notations.
+Module F.
+ Lemma to_nat_mod {m} (x:F m) : F.to_nat x mod (Z.to_nat m) = F.to_nat x.
+ Admitted.
+End F.
Section EdDSA.
Context `{prm:EdDSA}.
Local Infix "==" := Eeq. Local Infix "+" := Eadd. Local Infix "*" := EscalarMult.
@@ -113,12 +118,12 @@ Section EdDSA.
Context {SRepDecModL} {SRepDecModL_correct: forall (w:word (b+b)), SRepEq (S2Rep (F.of_nat _ (wordToNat w))) (SRepDecModL w)}.
Context {SRepERepMul:SRep->Erep->Erep}
- {SRepERepMul_correct:forall n P, ErepEq (EToRep (n*P)) (SRepERepMul (S2Rep (F.of_nat _ n)) (EToRep P))}
+ {SRepERepMul_correct:forall n P, ErepEq (EToRep ((n mod Z.to_nat l)*P)) (SRepERepMul (S2Rep (F.of_nat _ n)) (EToRep P))}
{Proper_SRepERepMul: Proper (SRepEq==>ErepEq==>ErepEq) SRepERepMul}.
Context {SRepDec: word b -> option SRep}
{SRepDec_correct : forall w, option_eq SRepEq (option_map S2Rep (Sdec w)) (SRepDec w)}.
Definition verify_using_representation
{mlen} (message:word mlen) (pk:word b) (sig:word (b+b))
: { answer | answer = verify' message pk sig }.
@@ -131,6 +136,7 @@ Section EdDSA.
etransitivity. Focus 2. {
eapply Proper_option_rect_nd_changebody; [intro|reflexivity].
eapply Proper_option_rect_nd_changebody; [intro|reflexivity].
+ rewrite <-F.to_nat_mod.
repeat (
rewrite ERepEnc_correct
|| rewrite homomorphism
@@ -250,6 +256,11 @@ Section EdDSA.
dlet S := SRepAdd r (SRepMul (SRepDecModL (H _ (ERepEnc R ++ pk ++ msg))) s) in
ERepEnc R ++ SRepEnc S.
+ Lemma to_nat_l_nonzero : Z.to_nat l <> 0.
+ intro Hx; change 0 with (Z.to_nat 0) in Hx.
+ destruct prm; rewrite Z2Nat.inj_iff in Hx; omega.
+ Qed.
Lemma sign_correct (pk sk : word b) {mlen} (msg:word mlen)
: sign pk sk msg = EdDSA.sign pk sk msg.
@@ -275,6 +286,7 @@ Section EdDSA.
|| rewrite <-curveKey_correct
|| eapply (f_equal2 (fun a b => a ++ b))
|| f_equiv
+ || rewrite <-(@scalarmult_mod_order _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B to_nat_l_nonzero EdDSA_l_order_B)
End ChangeRep.
diff --git a/src/Experiments/Ed25519.v b/src/Experiments/Ed25519.v
index 46421320f..315565a50 100644
--- a/src/Experiments/Ed25519.v
+++ b/src/Experiments/Ed25519.v
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ Require Import Crypto.EdDSARepChange.
Require Import Crypto.Spec.Ed25519.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Option.
Require Crypto.Specific.GF25519.
Require Crypto.Specific.SC25519.
Require Crypto.CompleteEdwardsCurve.ExtendedCoordinates.
@@ -28,7 +30,6 @@ Definition d : GF25519.fe25519 :=
Eval vm_compute in ModularBaseSystem.encode d.
Definition twice_d : GF25519.fe25519 :=
Eval vm_compute in (GF25519.add d d).
-Locate a.
Lemma phi_a : ModularBaseSystem.eq (ModularBaseSystem.encode Spec.Ed25519.a) a.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma phi_d : ModularBaseSystem.eq (ModularBaseSystem.encode Spec.Ed25519.d) d.
@@ -164,35 +165,103 @@ Proof.
apply ModularBaseSystemProofs.encode_rep.
-About ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.add.
Let ErepAdd :=
(@ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.add _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
a d GF25519.field25519 twedprm_ERep _
eq_a_minus1 twice_d (eq_refl _) ).
Local Coercion Z.of_nat : nat >-> Z.
-Let SRep_testbit : SRep -> nat -> bool := Z.testbit.
-Let ERepSel : bool -> Erep -> Erep -> Erep := fun b x y => if b then x else y.
-Let ll := Eval vm_compute in (BinInt.Z.to_nat (BinInt.Z.log2_up l)).
-Let SRepERepMul : SRep -> Erep -> Erep :=
- IterAssocOp.iter_op
- (op:=ErepAdd)
- (id:=ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.zero(field:=GF25519.field25519)(prm:=twedprm_ERep))
- (scalar:=SRep)
- SRep_testbit
- (sel:=ERepSel)
- ll
+Let ERepSel : bool -> Erep -> Erep -> Erep := fun b x y => if b then y else x.
+Local Existing Instance ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.extended_group.
-Lemma SRepERepMul_correct n P :
- ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq (field:=GF25519.field25519)
- (EToRep (CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.mul n P))
- (SRepERepMul (S2Rep (ModularArithmetic.F.of_nat l n)) (EToRep P)).
+Local Instance Ahomom :
+ @Algebra.Monoid.is_homomorphism E
+ CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.eq
+ CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.add Erep
+ (ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq
+ (field := GF25519.field25519)) ErepAdd EToRep.
- pose proof @IterAssocOp.iter_op_correct.
- pose proof @Algebra.ScalarMult.homomorphism_scalarmult.
+ eapply (Algebra.Group.is_homomorphism_compose
+ (Hphi := CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.lift_homomorphism
+ (field := PrimeFieldTheorems.F.field_modulo GF25519.modulus)
+ (Ha := phi_a) (Hd := phi_d)
+ (Kprm := twedprm_ERep)
+ (point_phi := CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.ref_phi
+ (Ha := phi_a) (Hd := phi_d)
+ (fieldK := GF25519.field25519))
+ (fieldK := GF25519.field25519))
+ (Hphi' := ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.homomorphism_from_twisted)).
+ cbv [EToRep PointEncoding.point_phi].
+ reflexivity.
+ Grab Existential Variables.
+ cbv [CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.eq].
+ intros.
+ match goal with |- @Tuple.fieldwise _ _ ?n ?R _ _ =>
+ let A := fresh "H" in
+ assert (Equivalence R) as A by (exact _);
+ pose proof (@Tuple.Equivalence_fieldwise _ R A n)
+ end.
+ reflexivity.
+Section SRepERepMul.
+ Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid Coq.Classes.Morphisms Coq.Classes.Equivalence.
+ Import Coq.NArith.NArith Coq.PArith.BinPosDef.
+ Import Coq.Numbers.Natural.Peano.NPeano.
+ Import Crypto.Algebra.
+ Import Crypto.Util.IterAssocOp.
+ Let ll := Eval vm_compute in (BinInt.Z.to_nat (BinInt.Z.log2_up l)).
+ Definition SRepERepMul : SRep -> Erep -> Erep := fun x =>
+ IterAssocOp.iter_op
+ (op:=ErepAdd)
+ (id:=ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.zero(field:=GF25519.field25519)(prm:=twedprm_ERep))
+ (fun i => N.testbit_nat (Z.to_N x) i)
+ (sel:=ERepSel)
+ ll
+ .
+ Lemma SRepERepMul_correct n P :
+ ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq (field:=GF25519.field25519)
+ (EToRep (CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.mul (n mod (Z.to_nat l))%nat P))
+ (SRepERepMul (S2Rep (ModularArithmetic.F.of_nat l n)) (EToRep P)).
+ Proof.
+ rewrite ScalarMult.scalarmult_ext.
+ unfold SRepERepMul.
+ etransitivity; [|symmetry; eapply iter_op_correct].
+ 3: intros; reflexivity.
+ 2: intros; reflexivity.
+ { etransitivity.
+ apply (@Group.homomorphism_scalarmult _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EToRep Ahomom ScalarMult.scalarmult_ref _ ScalarMult.scalarmult_ref _ _ _).
+ unfold S2Rep, SC25519.S2Rep, ModularArithmetic.F.of_nat.
+ f_equiv.
+ rewrite ModularArithmeticTheorems.F.to_Z_of_Z.
+ apply Nat2Z.inj_iff.
+ rewrite N_nat_Z, Z2N.id by (refine (proj1 (Zdiv.Z_mod_lt _ _ _)); vm_decide).
+ rewrite Zdiv.mod_Zmod by (intro Hx; inversion Hx).
+ rewrite Z2Nat.id by vm_decide; reflexivity. }
+ { (* this could be made a lemma with some effort *)
+ unfold S2Rep, SC25519.S2Rep, ModularArithmetic.F.of_nat;
+ rewrite ModularArithmeticTheorems.F.to_Z_of_Z.
+ destruct (Z.mod_pos_bound (Z.of_nat n) l) as [Hl Hu];
+ try (eauto || vm_decide); [].
+ generalize dependent (Z.of_nat n mod l)%Z; intros; [].
+ apply Z2N.inj_lt in Hu; try (eauto || vm_decide); [];
+ apply Z2N.inj_le in Hl; try (eauto || vm_decide); [].
+ clear Hl; generalize dependent (Z.to_N z); intro x; intros.
+ rewrite Nsize_nat_equiv.
+ destruct (dec (x = 0%N)); subst; try vm_decide; [];
+ rewrite N.size_log2 by assumption.
+ rewrite N2Nat.inj_succ; assert (N.to_nat (N.log2 x) < ll); try omega.
+ change ll with (N.to_nat (N.of_nat ll)).
+ apply Nomega.Nlt_out; eapply N.le_lt_trans.
+ eapply N.log2_le_mono; eapply N.lt_succ_r.
+ rewrite N.succ_pred; try eassumption.
+ vm_decide.
+ vm_compute. reflexivity. }
+ Qed.
+End SRepERepMul.
(* TODO : unclear what we're doing with the placeholder [feEnc] at the moment, so
leaving this admitted for now *)
@@ -241,11 +310,6 @@ Proof.
Lemma ERepEnc_correct P : Eenc P = ERepEnc (EToRep P).
cbv [Eenc ERepEnc EToRep sign Fencode].
- Check (PointEncoding.Kencode_point_correct
- (Ksign_correct := feSign_correct)
- (Kenc_correct := feEnc_correct)
- (Proper_Ksign := Proper_feSign)
- (Proper_Kenc := Proper_feEnc)).
transitivity (PointEncoding.encode_point (b := 255) P);
[ | eapply (PointEncoding.Kencode_point_correct
(Ksign_correct := feSign_correct)
@@ -279,11 +343,6 @@ Qed.
Let SRepEnc : SRep -> Word.word b := (fun x => Word.NToWord _ (Z.to_N x)).
-Axiom SRepERepMul_correct:
-forall (n : nat) (P : E),
- ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq (field:=GF25519.field25519) (EToRep (CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.mul n P))
- (SRepERepMul (S2Rep (ModularArithmetic.F.of_nat l n)) (EToRep P)).
Axiom Proper_SRepERepMul : Proper (SC25519.SRepEq ==> ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq (field:=GF25519.field25519) ==> ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq (field:=GF25519.field25519)) SRepERepMul.
Lemma SRepEnc_correct : forall x : ModularArithmetic.F.F l, Senc x = SRepEnc (S2Rep x).
@@ -346,6 +405,7 @@ Let sign_correct : forall pk sk {mlen} (msg:Word.word mlen), sign pk sk _ msg =
(* ErepOpp := *) ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.opp
(* Agroup := *) ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.extended_group
(* EToRep := *) EToRep
+ (* Ahomom := *) Ahomom
(* ERepEnc := *) ERepEnc
(* ERepEnc_correct := *) ERepEnc_correct
(* Proper_ERepEnc := *) (PointEncoding.Proper_Kencode_point (Kpoint_eq_correct := ext_eq_correct) (Proper_Kenc := Proper_feEnc))
@@ -372,7 +432,6 @@ Let sign_correct : forall pk sk {mlen} (msg:Word.word mlen), sign pk sk _ msg =
(* SRepDecModLShort := *) SC25519.SRepDecModLShort
(* SRepDecModLShort_correct := *) SC25519.SRepDecModLShort_Correct
-Print Assumptions sign_correct.
Definition Fsqrt_minus1 := Eval vm_compute in ModularBaseSystem.decode (GF25519.sqrt_m1).
Definition Fsqrt := PrimeFieldTheorems.F.sqrt_5mod8 Fsqrt_minus1.
Lemma bound_check_255_helper x y : (0 <= x)%Z -> (BinInt.Z.to_nat x < 2^y <-> (x < 2^(Z.of_nat y))%Z).
@@ -416,6 +475,25 @@ Let Sdec : Word.word b -> option (ModularArithmetic.F.F l) :=
if ZArith_dec.Z_lt_dec z l
then Some (ModularArithmetic.F.of_Z l z) else None.
+Lemma eq_enc_S_iff : forall (n_ : Word.word b) (n : ModularArithmetic.F.F l),
+ Senc n = n_ <-> Sdec n_ = Some n.
+ (*
+ unfold Senc, Fencode, Sdec; intros;
+ split; break_match; intros; inversion_option; subst; f_equal.
+ *)
+Let SRepDec : Word.word b -> option SRep := fun w => option_map ModularArithmetic.F.to_Z (Sdec w).
+Lemma SRepDec_correct : forall w : Word.word b,
+ @Option.option_eq SRep SC25519.SRepEq
+ (@option_map (ModularArithmetic.F.F l) SRep S2Rep (Sdec w))
+ (SRepDec w).
+ unfold SRepDec, S2Rep, SC25519.S2Rep; intros; reflexivity.
Let ERepDec :=
@@ -436,38 +514,16 @@ Let ERepDec :=
feDec GF25519.sqrt
-Lemma Ahomom :
- @Algebra.Monoid.is_homomorphism E
- CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.eq
- CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.add Erep
- (ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq
- (field := GF25519.field25519)) ErepAdd EToRep.
- eapply (Algebra.Group.is_homomorphism_compose
- (Hphi := CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.lift_homomorphism
- (field := PrimeFieldTheorems.F.field_modulo GF25519.modulus)
- (Ha := phi_a) (Hd := phi_d)
- (Kprm := twedprm_ERep)
- (point_phi := CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.ref_phi
- (Ha := phi_a) (Hd := phi_d)
- (fieldK := GF25519.field25519))
- (fieldK := GF25519.field25519))
- (Hphi' := ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.homomorphism_from_twisted)).
- cbv [EToRep PointEncoding.point_phi].
- reflexivity.
- Grab Existential Variables.
- cbv [CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.eq].
- intros.
- match goal with |- @Tuple.fieldwise _ _ ?n ?R _ _ =>
- let A := fresh "H" in
- assert (Equivalence R) as A by (exact _);
- pose proof (@Tuple.Equivalence_fieldwise _ R A n)
- end.
- reflexivity.
+Axiom ERepDec_correct : forall w : Word.word b, ERepDec w = @option_map E Erep EToRep (Edec w).
-Check verify_correct.
-Check @verify_correct
+Axiom eq_enc_E_iff : forall (P_ : Word.word b) (P : E),
+ Eenc P = P_ <->
+ Option.option_eq CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.eq (Edec P_) (Some P).
+Let verify_correct :
+ forall {mlen : nat} (msg : Word.word mlen) (pk : Word.word b)
+ (sig : Word.word (b + b)), verify msg pk sig = true <-> EdDSA.valid msg pk sig :=
+ @verify_correct
(* E := *) E
(* Eeq := *) CompleteEdwardsCurveTheorems.E.eq
(* Eadd := *) CompleteEdwardsCurve.E.add
@@ -485,9 +541,9 @@ Check @verify_correct
(* prm := *) ed25519
(* Proper_Eenc := *) PointEncoding.Proper_encode_point
(* Edec := *) Edec
- (* eq_enc_E_iff := *) _
+ (* eq_enc_E_iff := *) eq_enc_E_iff
(* Sdec := *) Sdec
- (* eq_enc_S_iff := *) _
+ (* eq_enc_S_iff := *) eq_enc_S_iff
(* Erep := *) Erep
(* ErepEq := *) ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.eq
(* ErepAdd := *) ErepAdd
@@ -500,7 +556,7 @@ Check @verify_correct
(* ERepEnc_correct := *) ERepEnc_correct
(* Proper_ERepEnc := *) (PointEncoding.Proper_Kencode_point (Kpoint_eq_correct := ext_eq_correct) (Proper_Kenc := Proper_feEnc))
(* ERepDec := *) ERepDec
- (* ERepDec_correct := *) _
+ (* ERepDec_correct := *) ERepDec_correct
(* SRep := *) SRep (*(Tuple.tuple (Word.word 32) 8)*)
(* SRepEq := *) SC25519.SRepEq (* (Tuple.fieldwise Logic.eq)*)
(* H0 := *) SC25519.SRepEquiv (* Tuple.Equivalence_fieldwise*)
@@ -508,12 +564,13 @@ Check @verify_correct
(* SRepDecModL := *) SC25519.SRepDecModL
(* SRepDecModL_correct := *) SC25519.SRepDecModL_Correct
(* SRepERepMul := *) SRepERepMul
- (* SRepERepMul_correct := *) _
+ (* SRepERepMul_correct := *) SRepERepMul_correct
(* Proper_SRepERepMul := *) _
- (* SRepDec := *) _
- (* SRepDec_correct := *) _
- (* mlen := *) _
+ (* SRepDec := *) SRepDec
+ (* SRepDec_correct := *) SRepDec_correct
+Let both_correct := (@sign_correct, @verify_correct).
+Print Assumptions both_correct.
@@ -763,7 +820,6 @@ Extraction Inline dec_eq_Z dec_eq_N dec_eq_sig_hprop.
Extraction Inline Erep SRep ZNWord WordNZ.
Extraction Inline GF25519.fe25519.
Extraction Inline EdDSARepChange.sign EdDSARepChange.splitSecretPrngCurve.
-Extraction Inline SRep_testbit.
Extraction Inline Crypto.Util.IterAssocOp.iter_op Crypto.Util.IterAssocOp.test_and_op.
Extraction Inline PointEncoding.Kencode_point.
Extraction Inline ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.point ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.coordinates ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.to_twisted ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.from_twisted ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.add_coordinates ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.add ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.opp ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.zero. (* ExtendedCoordinates.Extended.zero could be precomputed *)
diff --git a/src/Util/IterAssocOp.v b/src/Util/IterAssocOp.v
index 53d3a14d5..e520ca9f9 100644
--- a/src/Util/IterAssocOp.v
+++ b/src/Util/IterAssocOp.v
@@ -8,10 +8,7 @@ Local Open Scope equiv_scope.
Generalizable All Variables.
Section IterAssocOp.
- Context {T eq op id} {moinoid : @monoid T eq op id}
- {scalar : Type} (scToN : scalar -> N)
- (testbit : scalar -> nat -> bool)
- (testbit_correct : forall x i, testbit x i = N.testbit_nat (scToN x) i).
+ Context {T eq op id} {moinoid : @monoid T eq op id} (testbit : nat -> bool).
Local Infix "===" := eq. Local Infix "===" := eq : type_scope.
Local Notation nat_iter_op := (ScalarMult.scalarmult_ref (add:=op) (zero:=id)).
@@ -49,20 +46,23 @@ Section IterAssocOp.
| S exp' => f (funexp f a exp')
- Definition test_and_op sc a (state : nat * T) :=
+ Definition test_and_op a (state : nat * T) :=
let '(i, acc) := state in
let acc2 := op acc acc in
let acc2a := op a acc2 in
match i with
| O => (0, acc)
- | S i' => (i', sel (testbit sc i') acc2 acc2a)
+ | S i' => (i', sel (testbit i') acc2 acc2a)
- Definition iter_op bound sc a : T :=
- snd (funexp (test_and_op sc a) (bound, id) bound).
+ Definition iter_op bound a : T :=
+ snd (funexp (test_and_op a) (bound, id) bound).
- Definition test_and_op_inv sc a (s : nat * T) :=
- snd s === nat_iter_op (N.to_nat (N.shiftr_nat (scToN sc) (fst s))) a.
+ (* correctness reference *)
+ Context {x:N} {testbit_correct : forall i, testbit i = N.testbit_nat x i}.
+ Definition test_and_op_inv a (s : nat * T) :=
+ snd s === nat_iter_op (N.to_nat (N.shiftr_nat x (fst s))) a.
Hint Rewrite
@@ -114,9 +114,9 @@ Section IterAssocOp.
apply N2Nat.id.
- Lemma test_and_op_inv_step : forall sc a s,
- test_and_op_inv sc a s ->
- test_and_op_inv sc a (test_and_op sc a s).
+ Lemma test_and_op_inv_step : forall a s,
+ test_and_op_inv a s ->
+ test_and_op_inv a (test_and_op a s).
destruct s as [i acc].
unfold test_and_op_inv, test_and_op; simpl; intro Hpre.
@@ -124,20 +124,20 @@ Section IterAssocOp.
rewrite Nshiftr_succ.
rewrite sel_correct.
- case_eq (testbit sc i); intro testbit_eq; simpl;
+ case_eq (testbit i); intro testbit_eq; simpl;
rewrite testbit_correct in testbit_eq; rewrite testbit_eq;
rewrite Hpre, <- plus_n_O, nat_iter_op_plus; reflexivity.
- Lemma test_and_op_inv_holds : forall sc a i s,
- test_and_op_inv sc a s ->
- test_and_op_inv sc a (funexp (test_and_op sc a) s i).
+ Lemma test_and_op_inv_holds : forall a i s,
+ test_and_op_inv a s ->
+ test_and_op_inv a (funexp (test_and_op a) s i).
induction i; intros; auto; simpl; apply test_and_op_inv_step; auto.
- Lemma funexp_test_and_op_index : forall n a x acc y,
- fst (funexp (test_and_op n a) (x, acc) y) = x - y.
+ Lemma funexp_test_and_op_index : forall a x acc y,
+ fst (funexp (test_and_op a) (x, acc) y) = x - y.
induction y; simpl; rewrite <- ?Minus.minus_n_O; try reflexivity.
match goal with |- context[funexp ?a ?b ?c] => destruct (funexp a b c) as [i acc'] end.
@@ -146,13 +146,13 @@ Section IterAssocOp.
destruct i; rewrite Nat.sub_succ_r; subst; rewrite <- IHy; simpl; reflexivity.
- Lemma iter_op_termination : forall sc a bound,
- N.size_nat (scToN sc) <= bound ->
- test_and_op_inv sc a
- (funexp (test_and_op sc a) (bound, id) bound) ->
- iter_op bound sc a === nat_iter_op (N.to_nat (scToN sc)) a.
+ Lemma iter_op_termination : forall a bound,
+ N.size_nat x <= bound ->
+ test_and_op_inv a
+ (funexp (test_and_op a) (bound, id) bound) ->
+ iter_op bound a === nat_iter_op (N.to_nat x) a.
- unfold test_and_op_inv, iter_op; simpl; intros ? ? ? ? Hinv.
+ unfold test_and_op_inv, iter_op; simpl; intros ? ? ? Hinv.
rewrite Hinv, funexp_test_and_op_index, Minus.minus_diag.
@@ -180,8 +180,8 @@ Section IterAssocOp.
- Lemma iter_op_correct : forall sc a bound, N.size_nat (scToN sc) <= bound ->
- iter_op bound sc a === nat_iter_op (N.to_nat (scToN sc)) a.
+ Lemma iter_op_correct : forall a bound, N.size_nat x <= bound ->
+ iter_op bound a === nat_iter_op (N.to_nat x) a.
apply iter_op_termination; auto.