path: root/src
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authorGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2016-06-10 13:00:24 -0400
committerGravatar Andres Erbsen <andreser@mit.edu>2016-06-10 13:00:24 -0400
commit6823b63275333ebb11c7f84068894f76cdb06068 (patch)
tree3f1cec6162a73ff37c3bb023a4f7dd6cff3144e8 /src
parent54a15629802a7da5f4538675d449859a792fd3c5 (diff)
improved generic field library
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/src/Field.v b/src/Field.v
index e1859b39c..a324e842c 100644
--- a/src/Field.v
+++ b/src/Field.v
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Class Field_ops (F:Type)
`{Ring_ops F}
{inv:F->F} := {}.
-Class Division (A B:Type) := division : A -> B -> A.
+Class Division (A B C:Type) := division : A -> B -> C.
Notation "_/_" := division.
Notation "n / d" := (division n d).
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Notation "n / d" := (division n d).
Module F.
Definition div `{Field_ops F} n d := n * (inv d).
- Global Instance div_notation `{Field_ops F} : @Division F F := div.
+ Global Instance div_notation `{Field_ops F} : @Division F F F := div.
Class Field {F inv} `{FieldCring:Cring (R:=F)} {Fo:Field_ops F (inv:=inv)} :=
@@ -116,15 +116,39 @@ Module F.
constructor; intros; eauto using mul_zero_why, field_one_neq_zero.
+ Tactic Notation (at level 0) "field_simplify_eq" "in" hyp(H) :=
+ let t := type of H in
+ generalize H;
+ field_lookup (PackField FIELD_SIMPL_EQ) [] t;
+ try (exact I);
+ try (idtac; []; clear H;intro H).
+ Require Import Util.Tactics.
+ Inductive field_simplify_done {x y:F} : (x==y) -> Type :=
+ Field_simplify_done : forall (H:x==y), field_simplify_done H.
+ Ltac field_nsatz :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ [ H: (_:F) == _ |- _ ] =>
+ match goal with
+ | [ Ha : Field_simplify_done H |- _ ] => fail
+ | _ => idtac
+ end;
+ field_simplify_eq in H;
+ unique pose proof (Field_simplify_done H)
+ end;
+ repeat match goal with [ H: field_simplify_done _ |- _] => clear H end;
+ try field_simplify_eq;
+ try nsatz.
Create HintDb field discriminated.
- Hint Extern 5 (_ == _) => field_simplify_eq; nsatz : field.
+ Hint Extern 5 (_ == _) => field_nsatz : field.
Hint Extern 5 (_ <-> _) => split.
Lemma mul_inv_l : forall x, not (x == 0) -> inv x * x == 1. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
Lemma mul_inv_r : forall x, not (x == 0) -> x * inv x == 1. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
- Lemma mul_cancel_r (x y z:F) : not (z == 0) -> x * z == y * z -> x == y.
+ Lemma mul_cancel_r' (x y z:F) : not (z == 0) -> x * z == y * z -> x == y.
assert (x * z * inv z == y * z * inv z) by
@@ -134,8 +158,20 @@ Module F.
rewrite mul_inv_r, @ring_mul_1_r in *; auto with field.
- Lemma mul_cancel_l (x y z:F) : not (z == 0) -> z * x == z * y -> x == y.
- Proof. intros. eauto using mul_cancel_r with field. Qed.
+ Lemma mul_cancel_r (x y z:F) : not (z == 0) -> (x * z == y * z <-> x == y).
+ Proof. intros;split;intros Heq; try eapply mul_cancel_r' in Heq; eauto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma mul_cancel_l (x y z:F) : not (z == 0) -> (z * x == z * y <-> x == y).
+ Proof. intros;split;intros; try eapply mul_cancel_r; eauto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma mul_cancel_r_eq : forall x z:F, not(z==0) -> (x*z == z <-> x == 1).
+ Proof.
+ intros;split;intros Heq; [|nsatz].
+ pose proof ring_mul_1_l z as Hz; rewrite <- Hz in Heq at 2; rewrite mul_cancel_r in Heq; eauto.
+ Qed.
+ Lemma mul_cancel_l_eq : forall x z:F, not(z==0) -> (z*x == z <-> x == 1).
+ Proof. intros;split;intros Heq; try eapply mul_cancel_r_eq; eauto with field. Qed.
Lemma inv_unique (a:F) : forall x y, x * a == 1 -> y * a == 1 -> x == y. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
@@ -171,7 +207,10 @@ Module F.
Lemma inv_mul (x y:F) : not(x==0) -> not (y==0) -> inv (x*y) == inv x * inv y.
Proof. intros;field;intuition. Qed.
- Lemma pow_0_r (x:F) : x^0 == 1. Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+ Lemma pow_0_r (x:F) : x^0 == 1. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma pow_1_r : forall x:F, x^1%Z == x. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma pow_2_r : forall x:F, x^2%Z == x*x. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma pow_3_r : forall x:F, x^3%Z == x*x*x. Proof. auto with field. Qed.
Lemma pow_succ_r (x:F) (n:Z) : not (x==0)\/(n>=0)%Z -> x^(n+1) == x * x^n.
@@ -200,7 +239,7 @@ Module F.
- rewrite Z_pred_neg, Ncring.pow_pos_succ; field; auto with field_nonzero.
- Ltac pow_peano :=
+ Local Ltac pow_peano :=
repeat (setoid_rewrite pow_0_r
|| setoid_rewrite pow_succ_r
|| setoid_rewrite pow_pred_r).
@@ -250,4 +289,48 @@ Module F.
Proof. intros. rewrite pow_div by (auto with field_nonzero); auto with field. Qed.
Lemma issquare_mul_sub (x y z:F) : 0 == z*y^2%Z - x^2%Z -> (x/y)^2%Z == z \/ x == 0.
- Proof. destruct (eq_dec y 0); [right|left]; auto using issquare_mul with field. Qed. \ No newline at end of file
+ Proof. destruct (eq_dec y 0); [right|left]; auto using issquare_mul with field. Qed.
+ Lemma div_mul : forall x y z : F, not(y==0) -> (z == (x / y) <-> z * y == x).
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma div_1_r : forall x : F, x/1 == x.
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma div_1_l : forall x : F, not(x==0) -> 1/x == inv x.
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma div_opp_l : forall x y, not (y==0) -> (-_ x) / y == -_ (x / y).
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma div_opp_r : forall x y, not (y==0) -> x / (-_ y) == -_ (x / y).
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma eq_opp_zero : forall x : F, (~ 1 + 1 == (0:F)) -> (x == -_ x <-> x == 0).
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma add_cancel_l : forall x y z:F, z+x == z+y <-> x == y.
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma add_cancel_r : forall x y z:F, x+z == y+z <-> x == y.
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma add_cancel_r_eq : forall x z:F, x+z == z <-> x == 0.
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma add_cancel_l_eq : forall x z:F, z+x == z <-> x == 0.
+ Proof. auto with field. Qed.
+ Lemma sqrt_solutions : forall x y:F, y ^ 2%Z == x ^ 2%Z -> y == x \/ y == -_ x.
+ Proof.
+ intros ? ? squares_eq.
+ remember (y - x) as z eqn:Heqz.
+ assert (y == x + z) as Heqy by (subst; ring); rewrite Heqy in *; clear Heqy Heqz.
+ assert (Hw:(x + z)^2%Z == z * (x + (x + z)) + x^2%Z)
+ by (auto with field); rewrite Hw in squares_eq; clear Hw.
+ rewrite add_cancel_r_eq in squares_eq.
+ apply mul_zero_why in squares_eq; destruct squares_eq; auto with field.
+ Qed.