path: root/src/Arithmetic/Saturated.v
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authorGravatar jadep <jadep@mit.edu>2019-03-14 14:53:38 -0400
committerGravatar jadephilipoom <jade.philipoom@gmail.com>2019-04-03 23:34:53 +0100
commit9c5a967ababd80425fe3b09f17f502ed5f0d6a11 (patch)
treeb5d491f6406311b0aa3af229015d02d9fc39e384 /src/Arithmetic/Saturated.v
parent71820cce3ba80acf0a09d7506c49ba2dd6e32d95 (diff)
update _CoqProject, fix indentations, and prune dependencies of new Arithmetic files
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Arithmetic/Saturated.v')
1 files changed, 94 insertions, 133 deletions
diff --git a/src/Arithmetic/Saturated.v b/src/Arithmetic/Saturated.v
index c0fe26a43..c82f6afa9 100644
--- a/src/Arithmetic/Saturated.v
+++ b/src/Arithmetic/Saturated.v
@@ -1,147 +1,109 @@
-(* TODO: prune these *)
-Require Import Crypto.Algebra.Nsatz.
-Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.micromega.Lia Crypto.Algebra.Nsatz.
-Require Import Coq.Sorting.Mergesort Coq.Structures.Orders.
-Require Import Coq.Sorting.Permutation.
-Require Import Coq.derive.Derive.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.MontgomeryReduction.Definition. (* For MontgomeryReduction *)
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.MontgomeryReduction.Proofs. (* For MontgomeryReduction *)
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.UniquePose Crypto.Util.Decidable.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tuple Crypto.Util.Prod Crypto.Util.LetIn.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil Coq.Lists.List Crypto.Util.NatUtil.
-Require Import QArith.QArith_base QArith.Qround Crypto.Util.QUtil.
-Require Import Crypto.Algebra.Ring Crypto.Util.Decidable.Bool2Prop.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.BarrettReduction.Generalized.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.ModularArithmeticTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.PrimeFieldTheorems.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.PullPush.Modulo.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.RunTacticAsConstr.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.Head.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Option.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.OptionList.
+Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.micromega.Lia.
+Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
+Require Import Crypto.Algebra.Ring.
+Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Core.
+Require Import Crypto.Arithmetic.Partition.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Decidable.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.LetIn.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.NatUtil.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Sum.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Bool.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Sigma.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Modulo Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Div Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Hints.Core.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.RewriteModSmall.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.PeelLe.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.LinearSubstitute.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.ZeroBounds.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Modulo.PullPush.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Opp.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Log2.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Le.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Hints.PullPush.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.AddGetCarry Crypto.Util.ZUtil.MulSplit.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.LtbToLt.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.PullPush.Modulo.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.DivModToQuotRem.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SpecializeBy.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SplitInContext.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SubstEvars.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.BreakMatch.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.UniquePose.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Definitions.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Sorting.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.CC Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Rshi.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Zselect Crypto.Util.ZUtil.AddModulo.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.AddGetCarry Crypto.Util.ZUtil.MulSplit.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Hints.Core.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Modulo Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Div.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Hints.PullPush.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.EquivModulo.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.CPSNotations.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Equality.
-Require Import Crypto.Util.Tactics.SetEvars.
-Import Coq.Lists.List ListNotations. Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Hints.Core.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.LtbToLt.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.RewriteModSmall.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.ZUtil.Tactics.PullPush.Modulo.
-Module Saturated.
- Module Associational.
- Section Associational.
+Require Import Crypto.Util.Notations.
+Import ListNotations. Local Open Scope Z_scope.
- Definition sat_multerm s (t t' : (Z * Z)) : list (Z * Z) :=
- dlet_nd xy := Z.mul_split s (snd t) (snd t') in
- [(fst t * fst t', fst xy); (fst t * fst t' * s, snd xy)].
+Module Associational.
+ Section Associational.
- Definition sat_mul s (p q : list (Z * Z)) : list (Z * Z) :=
- flat_map (fun t => flat_map (fun t' => sat_multerm s t t') q) p.
+ Definition sat_multerm s (t t' : (Z * Z)) : list (Z * Z) :=
+ dlet_nd xy := Z.mul_split s (snd t) (snd t') in
+ [(fst t * fst t', fst xy); (fst t * fst t' * s, snd xy)].
- Lemma eval_map_sat_multerm s a q (s_nonzero:s<>0):
- Associational.eval (flat_map (sat_multerm s a) q) = fst a * snd a * Associational.eval q.
- Proof using Type.
- cbv [sat_multerm Let_In]; induction q;
- repeat match goal with
- | _ => progress autorewrite with cancel_pair push_eval to_div_mod in *
- | _ => progress simpl flat_map
- | _ => rewrite IHq
- | _ => rewrite Z.mod_eq by assumption
- | _ => ring_simplify; omega
- end.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite eval_map_sat_multerm using (omega || assumption) : push_eval.
+ Definition sat_mul s (p q : list (Z * Z)) : list (Z * Z) :=
+ flat_map (fun t => flat_map (fun t' => sat_multerm s t t') q) p.
- Lemma eval_sat_mul s p q (s_nonzero:s<>0):
- Associational.eval (sat_mul s p q) = Associational.eval p * Associational.eval q.
- Proof using Type.
- cbv [sat_mul]; induction p; [reflexivity|].
+ Lemma eval_map_sat_multerm s a q (s_nonzero:s<>0):
+ Associational.eval (flat_map (sat_multerm s a) q) = fst a * snd a * Associational.eval q.
+ Proof using Type.
+ cbv [sat_multerm Let_In]; induction q;
repeat match goal with
- | _ => progress (autorewrite with push_flat_map push_eval in * )
- | _ => rewrite IHp
+ | _ => progress autorewrite with cancel_pair push_eval to_div_mod in *
+ | _ => progress simpl flat_map
+ | _ => rewrite IHq
+ | _ => rewrite Z.mod_eq by assumption
| _ => ring_simplify; omega
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite eval_sat_mul : push_eval.
- Definition sat_multerm_const s (t t' : (Z * Z)) : list (Z * Z) :=
- if snd t =? 1
- then [(fst t * fst t', snd t')]
- else if snd t =? -1
- then [(fst t * fst t', - snd t')]
- else if snd t =? 0
- then nil
- else dlet_nd xy := Z.mul_split s (snd t) (snd t') in
- [(fst t * fst t', fst xy); (fst t * fst t' * s, snd xy)].
- Definition sat_mul_const s (p q : list (Z * Z)) : list (Z * Z) :=
- flat_map (fun t => flat_map (fun t' => sat_multerm_const s t t') q) p.
- Lemma eval_map_sat_multerm_const s a q (s_nonzero:s<>0):
- Associational.eval (flat_map (sat_multerm_const s a) q) = fst a * snd a * Associational.eval q.
- Proof using Type.
- cbv [sat_multerm_const Let_In]; induction q;
- repeat match goal with
- | _ => progress autorewrite with cancel_pair push_eval to_div_mod in *
- | _ => progress simpl flat_map
- | H : _ = 1 |- _ => rewrite H
- | H : _ = -1 |- _ => rewrite H
- | H : _ = 0 |- _ => rewrite H
- | _ => progress break_match; Z.ltb_to_lt
- | _ => rewrite IHq
- | _ => rewrite Z.mod_eq by assumption
- | _ => ring_simplify; omega
- end.
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite eval_map_sat_multerm_const using (omega || assumption) : push_eval.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite eval_map_sat_multerm using (omega || assumption) : push_eval.
- Lemma eval_sat_mul_const s p q (s_nonzero:s<>0):
- Associational.eval (sat_mul_const s p q) = Associational.eval p * Associational.eval q.
- Proof using Type.
- cbv [sat_mul_const]; induction p; [reflexivity|].
+ Lemma eval_sat_mul s p q (s_nonzero:s<>0):
+ Associational.eval (sat_mul s p q) = Associational.eval p * Associational.eval q.
+ Proof using Type.
+ cbv [sat_mul]; induction p; [reflexivity|].
+ repeat match goal with
+ | _ => progress (autorewrite with push_flat_map push_eval in * )
+ | _ => rewrite IHp
+ | _ => ring_simplify; omega
+ end.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite eval_sat_mul : push_eval.
+ Definition sat_multerm_const s (t t' : (Z * Z)) : list (Z * Z) :=
+ if snd t =? 1
+ then [(fst t * fst t', snd t')]
+ else if snd t =? -1
+ then [(fst t * fst t', - snd t')]
+ else if snd t =? 0
+ then nil
+ else dlet_nd xy := Z.mul_split s (snd t) (snd t') in
+ [(fst t * fst t', fst xy); (fst t * fst t' * s, snd xy)].
+ Definition sat_mul_const s (p q : list (Z * Z)) : list (Z * Z) :=
+ flat_map (fun t => flat_map (fun t' => sat_multerm_const s t t') q) p.
+ Lemma eval_map_sat_multerm_const s a q (s_nonzero:s<>0):
+ Associational.eval (flat_map (sat_multerm_const s a) q) = fst a * snd a * Associational.eval q.
+ Proof using Type.
+ cbv [sat_multerm_const Let_In]; induction q;
repeat match goal with
- | _ => progress (autorewrite with push_flat_map push_eval in * )
- | _ => rewrite IHp
+ | _ => progress autorewrite with cancel_pair push_eval to_div_mod in *
+ | _ => progress simpl flat_map
+ | H : _ = 1 |- _ => rewrite H
+ | H : _ = -1 |- _ => rewrite H
+ | H : _ = 0 |- _ => rewrite H
+ | _ => progress break_match; Z.ltb_to_lt
+ | _ => rewrite IHq
+ | _ => rewrite Z.mod_eq by assumption
| _ => ring_simplify; omega
- Qed.
- Hint Rewrite eval_sat_mul_const : push_eval.
- End Associational.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite eval_map_sat_multerm_const using (omega || assumption) : push_eval.
+ Lemma eval_sat_mul_const s p q (s_nonzero:s<>0):
+ Associational.eval (sat_mul_const s p q) = Associational.eval p * Associational.eval q.
+ Proof using Type.
+ cbv [sat_mul_const]; induction p; [reflexivity|].
+ repeat match goal with
+ | _ => progress (autorewrite with push_flat_map push_eval in * )
+ | _ => rewrite IHp
+ | _ => ring_simplify; omega
+ end.
+ Qed.
+ Hint Rewrite eval_sat_mul_const : push_eval.
End Associational.
-End Saturated.
+End Associational.
Module Columns.
- Import Saturated. Import Partition. Import Weight.
+ Import Weight.
Section Columns.
Context weight {wprops : @weight_properties weight}.
@@ -375,10 +337,9 @@ Module Columns.
End Columns.
Module Rows.
- Import Saturated. Import Partition. Import Weight.
+ Import Weight.
Section Rows.
Context weight {wprops : @weight_properties weight}.
- Hint Resolve Z.positive_is_nonzero Z.lt_gt.
Local Notation rows := (list (list Z)) (only parsing).
Local Notation cols := (list (list Z)) (only parsing).
@@ -714,7 +675,7 @@ Module Rows.
| _ => rewrite partition_step by auto
| _ => rewrite weight_div_pull_div by auto
| _ => rewrite weight_mod_pull_div by auto
- | _ => rewrite <-Z.div_add' by auto
+ | _ => rewrite <-Z.div_add' by auto with zarith
| _ => progress push
f_equal; push; [ ].
@@ -802,9 +763,9 @@ Module Rows.
| _ => rewrite IHinp by push; clear IHinp
| |- pair _ _ = pair _ _ => f_equal
| _ => apply (@partition_eq_mod _ wprops)
- | _ => rewrite <-Z.div_add_l' by auto
+ | _ => rewrite <-Z.div_add_l' by auto with zarith
| _ => rewrite Z.mod_add'_full by omega
- | _ => rewrite Z.mul_div_eq_full by auto
+ | _ => rewrite Z.mul_div_eq_full by auto with zarith
| _ => progress (push_Zmod; pull_Zmod)
| _ => progress push
@@ -980,7 +941,7 @@ Module Rows.
rewrite Z.div_sub_small, Z.ltb_antisym by omega.
destruct (Positional.eval weight n q <=? Positional.eval weight n p);
cbn [negb]; autorewrite with zsimplify_fast;
- break_match; congruence.
+ break_match; try lia; congruence.
Let sub_then_maybe_add_Z a b c :=
@@ -1028,7 +989,7 @@ Module Rows.
cbv [adjust_s]; rewrite fold_right_map; generalize (List.rev (seq 0 fuel)); intro ls; induction ls as [|l ls IHls];
{ rewrite Z.mod_same by assumption; auto. }
- { break_match; cbn in *; auto. }
+ { break_match; cbn in *; auto with zarith. }
Lemma eval_sat_reduce base s c n p :
@@ -1064,7 +1025,7 @@ Module Rows.
Proof using wprops.
solver. cbn [fst snd].
rewrite eval_partition by auto.
- rewrite <-Z.div_mod'' by auto.
+ rewrite <-Z.div_mod'' by auto with zarith.
autorewrite with push_eval; reflexivity.