path: root/Test/cloudmake/CloudMake-ParallelBuilds.dfy
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1 files changed, 835 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Test/cloudmake/CloudMake-ParallelBuilds.dfy b/Test/cloudmake/CloudMake-ParallelBuilds.dfy
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+++ b/Test/cloudmake/CloudMake-ParallelBuilds.dfy
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+// This module proves the correctness of the algorithms. It leaves a number of things undefined.
+// They are defined in refinement modules below.
+abstract module M0 {
+ /******* State *******/
+ type State
+ function DomSt(st: State): set<Path>
+ function GetSt(p: Path, st: State): Artifact
+ requires p in DomSt(st);
+ predicate ValidState(st: State)
+ {
+ forall p :: p in DomSt(st) ==> WellFounded(p)
+ }
+ predicate WellFounded(p: Path)
+ // The specification given for this Union is liberal enough to allow incompatible
+ // states, that is, st and st' are allowed to disagree on some paths. Any such disagreement
+ // will be resolved in favor of st. For the purpose of supporting function Combine, we are
+ // only ever interested in combining/unioning compatible states anyhow.
+ function Union(st: State, st': State): State
+ ensures
+ var result := Union(st, st');
+ DomSt(result) == DomSt(st) + DomSt(st') &&
+ forall p :: p in DomSt(result) ==>
+ GetSt(p, result) == GetSt(p, if p in DomSt(st) then st else st');
+ predicate Compatible(sts: set<State>)
+ {
+ forall st, st', p :: st in sts && st' in sts && p in DomSt(st) && p in DomSt(st') ==>
+ GetSt(p, st) == GetSt(p, st')
+ }
+ function Combine(sts: set<State>): State
+ requires sts != {};
+ {
+ var st :| st in sts;
+ if sts == {st} then
+ st
+ else
+ Union(st, Combine(sts - {st}))
+ }
+ lemma Lemma_Combine(sts: set<State>, parent: State)
+ requires sts != {};
+ requires forall st :: st in sts ==> ValidState(st) && Extends(parent, st);
+ ensures ValidState(Combine(sts)) && Extends(parent, Combine(sts));
+ {
+ forall st | st in sts && (sts == {st} || Combine(sts) == Union(st, Combine(sts - {st})))
+ ensures Extends(parent, Combine(sts));
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ /******* Environment *******/
+ type Env
+ predicate ValidEnv(env: Env)
+ function EmptyEnv(): Env
+ ensures ValidEnv(EmptyEnv());
+ function GetEnv(id: Identifier, env: Env): Expression
+ requires ValidEnv(env);
+ ensures Value(GetEnv(id, env));
+ function SetEnv(id: Identifier, expr: Expression, env: Env): Env
+ requires ValidEnv(env) && Value(expr);
+ ensures ValidEnv(SetEnv(id, expr, env));
+ /******* Primitive function 'exec' *******/
+ function exec(cmd: string, deps: set<Path>, exps: set<string>, st: State): Tuple<set<Path>, State>
+ lemma ExecProperty(cmd: string, deps: set<Path>, exps: set<string>, st: State)
+ requires
+ ValidState(st) &&
+ deps <= DomSt(st) &&
+ Pre(cmd, deps, exps, st);
+ ensures
+ var Pair(paths, st') := exec(cmd, deps, exps, st);
+ ValidState(st') &&
+ Extends(st, st') &&
+ OneToOne(cmd, deps, exps, paths) &&
+ Post(cmd, deps, exps, st');
+ predicate Pre(cmd: string, deps: set<Path>, exps: set<string>, st: State)
+ {
+ forall e :: e in exps ==>
+ Loc(cmd, deps, e) in DomSt(st) ==> GetSt(Loc(cmd, deps, e), st) == Oracle(Loc(cmd, deps, e), st)
+ }
+ predicate OneToOne(cmd: string, deps: set<Path>, exps: set<string>, paths: set<Path>)
+ {
+ forall e :: e in exps ==> Loc(cmd, deps, e) in paths
+ }
+ predicate Post(cmd: string, deps: set<Path>, exps: set<string>, st: State)
+ {
+ forall e :: e in exps ==>
+ Loc(cmd, deps, e) in DomSt(st) && GetSt(Loc(cmd, deps, e), st) == Oracle(Loc(cmd, deps, e), st)
+ }
+ // Oracle is like an oracle, because for a given path and state, it flawlessly predicts the unique artifact
+ // that may live at that path. This is less magical than it seems, because Loc is injective,
+ // and therefore one can extract a unique (cmd,deps,exp) from p, and it's not so hard to see
+ // how the oracle may "know" the artifact that results from that.
+ function Oracle(p: Path, st: State): Artifact
+ // The oracle never changes its mind. Therefore, if st0 is extended into st1 only by following
+ // what the oracle predicts, then no predictions change.
+ lemma OracleProperty(p: Path, st0: State, st1: State)
+ requires Extends(st0, st1);
+ ensures Oracle(p, st0) == Oracle(p, st1);
+ predicate Extends(st: State, st': State)
+ {
+ DomSt(st) <= DomSt(st') &&
+ (forall p :: p in DomSt(st) ==> GetSt(p, st') == GetSt(p, st)) &&
+ (forall p :: p !in DomSt(st) && p in DomSt(st') ==> GetSt(p, st') == Oracle(p, st))
+ }
+ lemma Lemma_ExtendsTransitive(st0: State, st1: State, st2: State)
+ requires Extends(st0, st1) && Extends(st1, st2);
+ ensures Extends(st0, st2);
+ {
+ forall p { OracleProperty(p, st0, st1); }
+ }
+ /******* Grammar *******/
+ datatype Program = Program(stmts: seq<Statement>)
+ datatype Statement = stmtVariable(id: Identifier, expr: Expression) |
+ stmtReturn(ret: Expression)
+ datatype Expression = exprLiteral(lit: Literal) | exprIdentifier(id: Identifier) |
+ exprIf(cond: Expression, ifTrue: Expression, ifFalse: Expression) |
+ exprAnd(conj0: Expression, conj1: Expression) |
+ exprOr(disj0: Expression, disj1: Expression) |
+ exprInvocation(fun: Expression, args: seq<Expression>) |
+ exprError(r: Reason)
+ datatype Literal = litTrue | litFalse | litUndefined | litNull |
+ litNumber(num: int) | litString(str: string) |
+ litPrimitive(prim: Primitive) |
+ // Q(rustan): How can I check the type of elems?
+ // Q(rustan): What happens with the sets?
+ litArrOfPaths(paths: set<Path>) |
+ litArrOfStrings(strs: set<string>) |
+ litArray(arr: seq<Expression>)
+ datatype Primitive = primCreatePath | primExec
+ datatype Reason = rCompatibility | rValidity
+ type Path(==)
+ function Loc(cmd: string, deps: set<Path>, exp: string): Path
+ type string(==)
+ type Artifact
+ type Identifier
+ datatype Tuple<A, B> = Pair(fst: A, snd: B)
+ /******* Values *******/
+ predicate Value(expr: Expression)
+ {
+ expr.exprLiteral?
+ }
+ /******* Semantics *******/
+ /******* Function 'build' *******/
+ function build(prog: Program, st: State): Tuple<Expression, State>
+ requires Legal(prog.stmts);
+ {
+ do(prog.stmts, st, EmptyEnv())
+ }
+ /******* Function 'do' *******/
+ function do(stmts: seq<Statement>, st: State, env: Env): Tuple<Expression, State>
+ requires Legal(stmts) && ValidEnv(env);
+ {
+ var stmt := stmts[0];
+ if stmt.stmtVariable? then
+ var Pair(expr', st') := eval(stmt.expr, st, env);
+ if Value(expr') then
+ var env' := SetEnv(, expr', env);
+ if Legal(stmts[1..]) then
+ do(stmts[1..], st', env')
+ else
+ Pair(expr', st')
+ else
+ Pair(exprError(rValidity), st)
+ // todo(maria): Add the recursive case.
+ else
+ eval(stmt.ret, st, env)
+ }
+ predicate Legal(stmts: seq<Statement>)
+ {
+ |stmts| != 0
+ }
+ /******* Function 'eval' *******/
+ function eval(expr: Expression, st: State, env: Env): Tuple<Expression, State>
+ requires ValidEnv(env);
+ decreases expr;
+ {
+ if Value(expr) then
+ Pair(expr, st)
+ // identifier
+ else if expr.exprIdentifier? then
+ Pair(GetEnv(, env), st)
+ // if-expression
+ else if expr.exprIf? then
+ var Pair(cond', st') := eval(expr.cond, st, env);
+ if cond'.exprLiteral? && cond'.lit == litTrue then
+ eval(expr.ifTrue, st', env)
+ else if cond'.exprLiteral? && cond'.lit == litFalse then
+ eval(expr.ifFalse, st', env)
+ else
+ Pair(exprError(rValidity), st) // todo: should this be st' (and same for the error cases below)?
+ // and-expression
+ else if expr.exprAnd? then
+ var Pair(conj0', st') := eval(expr.conj0, st, env);
+ if conj0'.exprLiteral? && conj0'.lit == litTrue then
+ eval(expr.conj1, st', env)
+ else if conj0'.exprLiteral? && conj0'.lit == litFalse then
+ Pair(exprLiteral(litFalse), st')
+ else
+ Pair(exprError(rValidity), st)
+ // or-expression
+ else if expr.exprOr? then
+ var Pair(disj0', st') := eval(expr.disj0, st, env);
+ if disj0'.exprLiteral? && disj0'.lit == litTrue then
+ Pair(exprLiteral(litTrue), st')
+ else if disj0'.exprLiteral? && disj0'.lit == litFalse then
+ eval(expr.disj1, st', env)
+ else
+ Pair(exprError(rValidity), st)
+ // invocation
+ else if expr.exprInvocation? then
+ var Pair(fun', st') := eval(, st, env);
+ var Pair(args', sts') := evalArgs(expr, expr.args, st, env);
+ var sts'' := {st'} + sts';
+ if !Compatible(sts'') then
+ Pair(exprError(rCompatibility), st)
+ else
+ var stCombined := Combine(sts'');
+ // primitive functions
+ if fun'.exprLiteral? && fun'.lit.litPrimitive? then
+ // primitive function 'exec'
+ if fun'.lit.prim.primExec? then
+ if |args'| == Arity(primExec) && ValidArgs(primExec, args', stCombined) then
+ var ps := exec(args'[0].lit.str, args'[1].lit.paths, args'[2].lit.strs, stCombined);
+ Pair(exprLiteral(litArrOfPaths(ps.fst)), ps.snd)
+ else
+ Pair(exprError(rValidity), st)
+ else
+ // primitive function 'createPath'
+ // todo(maria): Add primitive function 'createPath'.
+ Pair(exprError(rValidity), st)
+ // todo(maria): Add non-primitive invocations.
+ else
+ Pair(exprError(rValidity), st)
+ // error
+ else
+ Pair(exprError(rValidity), st)
+ }
+ function evalArgs(context: Expression, args: seq<Expression>, stOrig: State, env: Env): Tuple<seq<Expression>, set<State>>
+ requires
+ ValidEnv(env) &&
+ forall arg :: arg in args ==> arg < context;
+ decreases context, |args|;
+ {
+ if args == [] then
+ Pair([], {})
+ else
+ var r := eval(args[0], stOrig, env);
+ var rr := evalArgs(context, args[1..], stOrig, env);
+ Pair([r.fst] + rr.fst, {r.snd} + rr.snd)
+ }
+ function Arity(prim: Primitive): nat
+ {
+ match prim
+ case primCreatePath => 1
+ case primExec => 3
+ }
+ predicate ValidArgs(prim: Primitive, args: seq<Expression>, st: State)
+ requires prim.primExec? ==> |args| == 3;
+ requires prim.primCreatePath? ==> |args| == 1;
+ {
+ match prim
+ case primCreatePath => false
+ case primExec =>
+ var cmd, deps, exps := args[0], args[1], args[2];
+ cmd.exprLiteral? && cmd.lit.litString? &&
+ deps.exprLiteral? && deps.lit.litArrOfPaths? &&
+ exps.exprLiteral? && exps.lit.litArrOfStrings? &&
+ deps.lit.paths <= DomSt(st) &&
+ Pre(cmd.lit.str, deps.lit.paths, exps.lit.strs, st)
+ }
+ /******* Parallel builds are race-free *******/
+ lemma ParallelBuildsTheorem(prog: Program, st: State)
+ requires Legal(prog.stmts) && ValidState(st);
+ ensures
+ var Pair(expr', st') := build(prog, st);
+ ValidState(st') &&
+ (expr'.exprError? ==> expr'.r == rValidity);
+ {
+ var _, _ := BuildLemma(prog, st);
+ }
+ lemma BuildLemma(prog: Program, st: State) returns (expr': Expression, st': State)
+ requires Legal(prog.stmts) && ValidState(st);
+ ensures
+ build(prog, st) == Pair(expr', st') &&
+ ValidState(st') &&
+ Extends(st, st') &&
+ (expr'.exprError? ==> expr'.r == rValidity);
+ {
+ var result := build(prog, st);
+ expr', st' := result.fst, result.snd;
+ var _, _ := DoLemma(prog.stmts, st, EmptyEnv());
+ }
+ lemma DoLemma(stmts: seq<Statement>, st: State, env: Env) returns (expr': Expression, st': State)
+ requires Legal(stmts) && ValidState(st) && ValidEnv(env);
+ ensures
+ Pair(expr', st') == do(stmts, st, env) &&
+ ValidState(st') &&
+ Extends(st, st') &&
+ (expr'.exprError? ==> expr'.r == rValidity);
+ {
+ var result := do(stmts, st, env);
+ expr', st' := result.fst, result.snd;
+ var stmt := stmts[0];
+ if stmt.stmtVariable? {
+ var expr', st' := EvalLemma(stmt.expr, st, env);
+ if Value(expr') {
+ var env' := SetEnv(, expr', env);
+ if Legal(stmts[1..]) {
+ var _, st'' := DoLemma(stmts[1..], st', env');
+ Lemma_ExtendsTransitive(st, st', st'');
+ } else {
+ }
+ } else { }
+ } else {
+ assert stmt.stmtVariable? || stmt.stmtReturn?;
+ var _, _ := EvalLemma(stmt.ret, st, env);
+ }
+ }
+ lemma EvalLemma(expr: Expression, st: State, env: Env) returns (expr': Expression, st': State)
+ requires ValidState(st) && ValidEnv(env);
+ ensures
+ Pair(expr', st') == eval(expr, st, env) &&
+ ValidState(st') &&
+ Extends(st, st') &&
+ (expr'.exprError? ==> expr'.r == rValidity);
+ decreases expr;
+ {
+ var result := eval(expr, st, env);
+ expr', st' := result.fst, result.snd;
+ if Value(expr) {
+ } else if expr.exprIdentifier? {
+ } else if expr.exprIf? {
+ var cond', st' := EvalLemma(expr.cond, st, env);
+ if cond'.exprLiteral? && cond'.lit == litTrue {
+ var _, st'' := EvalLemma(expr.ifTrue, st', env);
+ Lemma_ExtendsTransitive(st, st', st'');
+ } else if cond'.exprLiteral? && cond'.lit == litFalse {
+ var _, st'' := EvalLemma(expr.ifFalse, st', env);
+ Lemma_ExtendsTransitive(st, st', st'');
+ } else { }
+ } else if expr.exprAnd? {
+ var conj0', st' := EvalLemma(expr.conj0, st, env);
+ if conj0'.exprLiteral? && conj0'.lit == litTrue {
+ var _, st'' := EvalLemma(expr.conj1, st', env);
+ Lemma_ExtendsTransitive(st, st', st'');
+ } else if conj0'.exprLiteral? && conj0'.lit == litFalse {
+ } else { }
+ } else if expr.exprOr? {
+ var disj0', st' := EvalLemma(expr.disj0, st, env);
+ if disj0'.exprLiteral? && disj0'.lit == litTrue {
+ } else if disj0'.exprLiteral? && disj0'.lit == litFalse {
+ var _, st'' := EvalLemma(expr.disj1, st', env);
+ Lemma_ExtendsTransitive(st, st', st'');
+ } else { }
+ } else if expr.exprInvocation? {
+ var fun', st' := EvalLemma(, st, env);
+ var args', sts' := EvalArgsLemma(expr, expr.args, st, env);
+ var sts'' := {st'} + sts';
+ if Compatible(sts'') {
+ var stCombined := Combine(sts'');
+ Lemma_Combine(sts'', st);
+ if fun'.exprLiteral? && fun'.lit.litPrimitive? {
+ if fun'.lit.prim.primExec? {
+ if |args'| == Arity(primExec) && ValidArgs(primExec, args', stCombined) {
+ var cmd, deps, exp := args'[0].lit.str, args'[1].lit.paths, args'[2].lit.strs;
+ ExecProperty(cmd, deps, exp, stCombined);
+ var resultExec := exec(cmd, deps, exp, stCombined);
+ var stExec := resultExec.snd;
+ Lemma_ExtendsTransitive(st, stCombined, stExec);
+ } else { }
+ } else { }
+ } else { }
+ } else { }
+ } else { }
+ }
+ lemma EvalArgsLemma(context: Expression, args: seq<Expression>, stOrig: State, env: Env) returns (args': seq<Expression>, sts': set<State>)
+ requires
+ ValidState(stOrig) && ValidEnv(env) &&
+ forall arg :: arg in args ==> arg < context;
+ ensures
+ Pair(args', sts') == evalArgs(context, args, stOrig, env) &&
+ forall st' :: st' in sts' ==> ValidState(st') && Extends(stOrig, st');
+ decreases context, |args|;
+ {
+ if args == [] {
+ args', sts' := [], {};
+ } else {
+ var rArg, rSts := EvalLemma(args[0], stOrig, env);
+ var rrArg, rrSts := EvalArgsLemma(context, args[1..], stOrig, env);
+ args', sts' := [rArg] + rrArg, {rSts} + rrSts;
+ }
+ }
+} // module M0
+abstract module M1 refines M0 {
+ datatype State = StateCons(m: map<Path, Artifact>)
+ function GetSt(p: Path, st: State): Artifact
+ {
+ st.m[p]
+ }
+ function DomSt(st: State): set<Path>
+ ensures forall p :: p in DomSt(st) ==> p in st.m;
+ {
+ set p | p in st.m
+ }
+ // A tiny test harness, just to show that it is possible to call build(...)
+ ghost method Main()
+ {
+ var calcC: string, calcH: Path, calcObj: string;
+ var cmd := exprLiteral(litString(calcC));
+ var deps := exprLiteral(litArrOfPaths({calcH}));
+ var exps := exprLiteral(litArrOfStrings({calcObj}));
+ var exec := exprInvocation(exprLiteral(litPrimitive(primExec)), [cmd, deps, exps]);
+ var h;
+ var st := StateCons(map[calcH := h]);
+ assert calcH != Loc(calcC, {calcH}, calcObj) ==> ValidArgs(primExec, exec.args, st);
+ var program := Program.Program([stmtReturn(exec)]);
+ var result := build(program, st);
+ var e, st' := result.fst, result.snd;
+ }
+// This module does the heavy lifting of the consistency proof.
+abstract module M2 refines M1 {
+ function SetSt(p: Path, a: Artifact, st: State): State
+ {
+ StateCons(st.m[p := a])
+ }
+ function Restrict(paths: set<Path>, st: State): map<Path, Artifact>
+ {
+ map p | p in paths && p in DomSt(st) :: GetSt(p, st)
+ }
+ lemma RestrictMonotonicity(paths: set<Path>, st0: State, st1: State)
+ requires paths <= DomSt(st0) && Extends(st0, st1);
+ ensures Restrict(paths, st0) == Restrict(paths, st1);
+ {
+ }
+ function PickOne<T>(s: set<T>): T
+ requires s != {};
+ {
+ var x :| x in s; x
+ }
+ predicate WellFounded(p: Path)
+ {
+ exists cert :: CheckWellFounded(p, cert)
+ }
+ predicate CheckWellFounded(p: Path, cert: WFCertificate)
+ decreases cert;
+ {
+ cert.p == p &&
+ (forall d :: d in LocInv_Deps(p) ==> exists c :: c in cert.certs && c.p == d) &&
+ (forall c :: c in cert.certs ==> CheckWellFounded(c.p, c))
+ }
+ datatype WFCertificate = Cert(p: Path, certs: set<WFCertificate>)
+ // We take as a given the existence of a function that carries out the work of "exec".
+ // Instead of reading the system state directly and restricting such reads to the
+ // given set of dependencies, "RunTool" is not given the whole system state but only
+ // a part of it, namely the part that has artifacts for the declared dependencies.
+ function RunTool(cmd: string, deps: map<Path, Artifact>, exp: string): Artifact
+ function exec(cmd: string, deps: set<Path>, exps: set<string>, st: State): Tuple<set<Path>, State>
+ {
+ execOne(cmd, deps, Restrict(deps, st), exps, st)
+ }
+ function execOne(cmd: string, deps: set<Path>, restrictedState: map<Path, Artifact>, exps: set<string>, st: State): Tuple<set<Path>, State>
+ {
+ if exps == {} then
+ Pair({}, st)
+ else
+ var exp := PickOne(exps);
+ var Pair(paths, st') := execOne(cmd, deps, restrictedState, exps - {exp}, st);
+ var p := Loc(cmd, deps, exp);
+ Pair(paths + {p}, if p in DomSt(st') then st' else SetSt(p, RunTool(cmd, restrictedState, exp), st'))
+ }
+ lemma ExecProperty(cmd: string, deps: set<Path>, exps: set<string>, st: State)
+ {
+ ExecOneProperty(cmd, deps, Restrict(deps, st), exps, st);
+ }
+ lemma ExecOneProperty(cmd: string, deps: set<Path>, restrictedState: map<Path, Artifact>, exps: set<string>, st: State)
+ requires
+ ValidState(st) &&
+ deps <= DomSt(st) &&
+ Pre(cmd, deps, exps, st) &&
+ restrictedState == Restrict(deps, st);
+ ensures
+ var result'' := execOne(cmd, deps, restrictedState, exps, st);
+ var paths'', st'' := result''.fst, result''.snd;
+ ValidState(st'') &&
+ Extends(st, st'') &&
+ OneToOne(cmd, deps, exps, paths'') &&
+ Post(cmd, deps, exps, st'');
+ {
+ if exps == {} {
+ } else {
+ var exp := PickOne(exps);
+ var rest := execOne(cmd, deps, restrictedState, exps - {exp}, st);
+ var paths, st' := rest.fst, rest.snd;
+ var p := Loc(cmd, deps, exp);
+ var a := RunTool(cmd, restrictedState, exp);
+ var paths'', st'' := paths + {p}, if p in DomSt(st') then st' else SetSt(p, a, st');
+ ExecOneProperty(cmd, deps, restrictedState, exps - {exp}, st);
+ assert execOne(cmd, deps, restrictedState, exps, st).snd == st'';
+ calc ==> {
+ true;
+ { LocInjectivity(cmd, deps, exp); }
+ LocInv_Deps(p) == deps;
+ { ExecOne_Lemma0(p); }
+ WellFounded(p);
+ ValidState(st'');
+ }
+ forall
+ ensures Extends(st', st'') && Extends(st, st'');
+ {
+ LocInjectivity(cmd, deps, exp);
+ if p !in DomSt(st') {
+ calc {
+ a;
+ // def. a
+ RunTool(cmd, restrictedState, exp);
+ // def. restrictedState
+ RunTool(cmd, Restrict(deps, st), exp);
+ { RestrictMonotonicity(deps, st, st'); }
+ RunTool(cmd, Restrict(deps, st'), exp);
+ { CollectRestrict_Lemma(p, GetCert(p), deps, st'); }
+ RunTool(cmd, CollectDependencies(p, GetCert(p), deps, st'), exp);
+ // we use LocInjectivity here
+ RunTool(LocInv_Cmd(p), CollectDependencies(p, GetCert(p), LocInv_Deps(p), st'), LocInv_Exp(p));
+ // def. OracleWF
+ OracleWF(p, GetCert(p), st');
+ { assert WellFounded(p); }
+ Oracle(p, st');
+ }
+ }
+ assert Extends(st', st'');
+ Lemma_ExtendsTransitive(st, st', st'');
+ }
+ assert OneToOne(cmd, deps, exps, paths'');
+ forall e | e in exps
+ ensures Loc(cmd, deps, e) in DomSt(st'') && GetSt(Loc(cmd, deps, e), st'') == Oracle(Loc(cmd, deps, e), st'');
+ {
+ var p := Loc(cmd, deps, e);
+ assert p in DomSt(st'');
+ if p in DomSt(st') {
+ calc {
+ GetSt(p, st'');
+ { assert p in DomSt(st') && Extends(st', st''); }
+ GetSt(p, st');
+ // (I don't fully understand this step, but evidently Dafny can do it)
+ Oracle(p, st);
+ { OracleProperty(p, st, st''); }
+ Oracle(p, st'');
+ }
+ } else {
+ calc {
+ GetSt(p, st'');
+ RunTool(cmd, restrictedState, exp);
+ RunTool(cmd, Restrict(deps, st), exp);
+ // ? -- I'm amazed! How can it prove this step automatically?
+ Oracle(p, st);
+ { OracleProperty(p, st, st''); }
+ Oracle(p, st'');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lemma ExecOne_Lemma0(p: Path)
+ requires forall d :: d in LocInv_Deps(p) ==> WellFounded(d);
+ ensures WellFounded(p);
+ {
+ var certs := set d | d in LocInv_Deps(p) :: GetCert(d);
+ assert CheckWellFounded(p, Cert(p, certs));
+ }
+ function GetCert(p: Path): WFCertificate
+ requires WellFounded(p);
+ ensures CheckWellFounded(p, GetCert(p));
+ {
+ var c :| CheckWellFounded(p, c);
+ c
+ }
+ // Loc is injective. Here are its inverse functions:
+ function LocInv_Cmd(p: Path): string
+ function LocInv_Deps(p: Path): set<Path>
+ function LocInv_Exp(p: Path): string
+ lemma LocInjectivity(cmd: string, deps: set<Path>, exp: string)
+ ensures LocInv_Cmd(Loc(cmd, deps, exp)) == cmd;
+ ensures LocInv_Deps(Loc(cmd, deps, exp)) == deps;
+ ensures LocInv_Exp(Loc(cmd, deps, exp)) == exp;
+ function Oracle(p: Path, st: State): Artifact
+ {
+ if WellFounded(p) then OracleWF(p, GetCert(p), st) else OracleArbitrary(p)
+ }
+ function OracleArbitrary(p: Path): Artifact
+ {
+ var a :| true;
+ a // return an arbitrary artifact (note, the same "a" will be used for every call to function OracleArbitrary(p) for the same "p")
+ }
+ function OracleWF(p: Path, cert: WFCertificate, st: State): Artifact
+ requires CheckWellFounded(p, cert);
+ decreases cert, 1;
+ {
+ var cmd, deps, e := LocInv_Cmd(p), LocInv_Deps(p), LocInv_Exp(p);
+ RunTool(cmd, CollectDependencies(p, cert, deps, st), e)
+ }
+ function CollectDependencies(p: Path, cert: WFCertificate, deps: set<Path>, st: State): map<Path, Artifact>
+ requires CheckWellFounded(p, cert) && deps == LocInv_Deps(p);
+ decreases cert, 0;
+ {
+ map d | d in deps :: if d in DomSt(st) then GetSt(d, st) else OracleWF(d, FindCert(d, cert.certs), st)
+ }
+ function FindCert(d: Path, certs: set<WFCertificate>): WFCertificate
+ requires exists c :: c in certs && c.p == d;
+ {
+ var c :| c in certs && c.p == d;
+ c
+ }
+ // A well-founded path has a certificate, but certificates are not unique. However, OracleWF gives the same value
+ // for any cerificate for the path.
+ lemma OracleWF_CertificateInsensitivity(p: Path, cert0: WFCertificate, cert1: WFCertificate, st: State)
+ requires CheckWellFounded(p, cert0) && CheckWellFounded(p, cert1);
+ ensures OracleWF(p, cert0, st) == OracleWF(p, cert1, st);
+ decreases cert0, 1;
+ {
+ Collect_CertificateInsensitivity(p, cert0, cert1, LocInv_Deps(p), st);
+ }
+ lemma Collect_CertificateInsensitivity(p: Path, cert0: WFCertificate, cert1: WFCertificate, deps: set<Path>, st: State)
+ requires CheckWellFounded(p, cert0) && CheckWellFounded(p, cert1) && deps == LocInv_Deps(p);
+ ensures CollectDependencies(p, cert0, deps, st) == CollectDependencies(p, cert1, deps, st);
+ decreases cert0, 0;
+ {
+ forall d | d in deps { OracleWF_CertificateInsensitivity(d, FindCert(d, cert0.certs), FindCert(d, cert1.certs), st); }
+ }
+ lemma CollectRestrict_Lemma(p: Path, cert: WFCertificate, deps: set<Path>, st: State)
+ requires ValidState(st) && deps <= DomSt(st);
+ requires CheckWellFounded(p, cert) && deps == LocInv_Deps(p);
+ ensures CollectDependencies(p, cert, deps, st) == Restrict(deps, st);
+ {
+ var a, b := CollectDependencies(p, cert, deps, st), Restrict(deps, st);
+ assert (set q | q in a) == deps == (set q | q in b);
+ forall d | d in deps
+ ensures a[d] == b[d];
+ {
+ calc {
+ a[d];
+ if d in DomSt(st) then GetSt(d, st) else OracleWF(d, FindCert(d, cert.certs), st);
+ { assert d in DomSt(st); }
+ GetSt(d, st);
+ b[d];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lemma OracleProperty(p: Path, st0: State, st1: State)
+ // This is the inherited specification:
+ // requires Extends(st0, st1);
+ // ensures Oracle(p, st0) == Oracle(p, st1);
+ {
+ if !WellFounded(p) {
+ // trivial
+ } else {
+ var cert := GetCert(p);
+ OracleWF_Property(p, cert, st0, st1);
+ }
+ }
+ lemma OracleWF_Property(p: Path, cert: WFCertificate, st0: State, st1: State)
+ requires Extends(st0, st1) && CheckWellFounded(p, cert);
+ ensures OracleWF(p, cert, st0) == OracleWF(p, cert, st1);
+ decreases cert, 1;
+ {
+ var cmd, deps, e := LocInv_Cmd(p), LocInv_Deps(p), LocInv_Exp(p);
+ CollectProperty(p, cert, deps, st0, st1);
+ }
+ lemma CollectProperty(p: Path, cert: WFCertificate, deps: set<Path>, st0: State, st1: State)
+ requires Extends(st0, st1) && CheckWellFounded(p, cert) && deps == LocInv_Deps(p);
+ ensures CollectDependencies(p, cert, deps, st0) == CollectDependencies(p, cert, deps, st1);
+ decreases cert, 0;
+ {
+ forall d | d in deps
+ ensures (if d in DomSt(st0) then GetSt(d, st0) else OracleWF(d, FindCert(d, cert.certs), st0)) ==
+ (if d in DomSt(st1) then GetSt(d, st1) else OracleWF(d, FindCert(d, cert.certs), st1));
+ {
+ if d in DomSt(st0) {
+ assert d in DomSt(st1);
+ } else if d in DomSt(st1) {
+ calc {
+ if d in DomSt(st0) then GetSt(d, st0) else OracleWF(d, FindCert(d, cert.certs), st0);
+ OracleWF(d, FindCert(d, cert.certs), st0);
+ { // any certificate is as good as any other
+ OracleWF_CertificateInsensitivity(d, FindCert(d, cert.certs), GetCert(d), st0);
+ }
+ OracleWF(d, GetCert(d), st0);
+ { assert WellFounded(d); }
+ if WellFounded(d) then OracleWF(d, GetCert(d), st0) else OracleArbitrary(d);
+ Oracle(d, st0);
+ { assert Extends(st0, st1); }
+ GetSt(d, st1);
+ if d in DomSt(st1) then GetSt(d, st1) else OracleWF(d, FindCert(d, cert.certs), st1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ OracleWF_Property(d, FindCert(d, cert.certs), st0, st1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Finally, this module defines any remaining arbitrary types and function bodies and proves any
+// remaining lemmas about these. The actual definitions are not so interesting and are not meant
+// to suggest that a deployed CloudMake use these definitions. Rather, these definitions are here
+// only to establish mathematical feasibility of previously axiomatized properties.
+module M3 refines M2 {
+ function Union(st: State, st': State): State
+ {
+ StateCons(map p | p in DomSt(st) + DomSt(st') :: GetSt(p, if p in DomSt(st) then st else st'))
+ }
+ function RunTool(cmd: string, deps: map<Path, Artifact>, exp: string): Artifact
+ {
+ // return an arbitrary artifact
+ var a :| true;
+ a
+ }
+ datatype string = stringCons(int)
+ datatype Artifact = ArtifactCons(int)
+ datatype Identifier = IdentifierCons(int)
+ datatype Path =
+ InternalPath(cmd: string, deps: set<Path>, exp: string) |
+ ExternalPath(string)
+ function createPath(fn: string): Path
+ {
+ ExternalPath(fn)
+ }
+ lemma PathProperty(fn: string, fn': string)
+ {
+ }
+ function Loc(cmd: string, deps: set<Path>, exp: string): Path
+ {
+ InternalPath(cmd, deps, exp)
+ }
+ function LocInv_Cmd(p: Path): string
+ {
+ match p
+ case InternalPath(cmd, deps, exp) => cmd
+ case ExternalPath(_) => var cmd :| true; cmd
+ }
+ function LocInv_Deps(p: Path): set<Path>
+ {
+ match p
+ case InternalPath(cmd, deps, exp) => deps
+ case ExternalPath(_) => var deps :| true; deps
+ }
+ function LocInv_Exp(p: Path): string
+ {
+ match p
+ case InternalPath(cmd, deps, exp) => exp
+ case ExternalPath(_) => var exp :| true; exp
+ }
+ lemma LocInjectivity(cmd: string, deps: set<Path>, exp: string)
+ {
+ }
+ datatype Env = EnvCons(m: map<Identifier, Expression>)
+ function EmptyEnv(): Env
+ {
+ EnvCons(map[])
+ }
+ function GetEnv(id: Identifier, env: Env): Expression
+ {
+ if id in env.m then env.m[id] else var lit :| true; exprLiteral(lit)
+ }
+ function SetEnv(id: Identifier, expr: Expression, env: Env): Env
+ {
+ EnvCons(env.m[id := expr])
+ }
+ predicate ValidEnv(env: Env)
+ {
+ forall id :: id in env.m ==> Value(env.m[id])
+ }