path: root/Source
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source')
2 files changed, 589 insertions, 566 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/Compiler.cs b/Source/Dafny/Compiler.cs
index aa4ca3ec..f992d6c0 100644
--- a/Source/Dafny/Compiler.cs
+++ b/Source/Dafny/Compiler.cs
@@ -14,18 +14,11 @@ using System.Text;
namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
public class Compiler {
- public Compiler(TextWriter wr) {
- Contract.Requires(wr != null);
- this.wr = wr;
+ public Compiler() {
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
- void ObjectInvariant()
- {
- Contract.Invariant(wr!=null);
- }
- TextWriter wr;
+ StringBuilder copyInstrWriter = new StringBuilder(); // a buffer that stores copy instructions generated by letExpr that uses out param.
Method enclosingMethod; // non-null when a method body is being translated
FreshIdGenerator idGenerator = new FreshIdGenerator();
@@ -50,7 +43,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
public int ErrorCount;
public TextWriter ErrorWriter = Console.Out;
- void Error(string msg, params object[] args) {
+ void Error(string msg, TextWriter wr, params object[] args) {
Contract.Requires(msg != null);
Contract.Requires(args != null);
@@ -60,7 +53,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
- void ReadRuntimeSystem() {
+ void ReadRuntimeSystem(TextWriter wr) {
string codebase = cce.NonNull( System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(cce.NonNull(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)));
string path = System.IO.Path.Combine(codebase, "DafnyRuntime.cs");
using (TextReader rd = new StreamReader(new FileStream(path, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read)))
@@ -75,16 +68,16 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
readonly int IndentAmount = 2;
- void Indent(int ind) {
+ void Indent(int ind, TextWriter wr) {
Contract.Requires(0 <= ind);
string spaces = " ";
for (; spaces.Length < ind; ind -= spaces.Length) {
- wr.Write(spaces.Substring(0, ind));
+ wr.Write(spaces.Substring(0, ind));
- public void Compile(Program program) {
+ public void Compile(Program program, TextWriter wr) {
Contract.Requires(program != null);
wr.WriteLine("// Dafny program {0} compiled into C#", program.Name);
wr.WriteLine("// To recompile, use 'csc' with: /r:System.Numerics.dll");
@@ -92,8 +85,8 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
wr.WriteLine("// You might also want to include compiler switches like:");
wr.WriteLine("// /debug /nowarn:0164 /nowarn:0219");
- ReadRuntimeSystem();
- CompileBuiltIns(program.BuiltIns);
+ ReadRuntimeSystem(wr);
+ CompileBuiltIns(program.BuiltIns, wr);
foreach (ModuleDefinition m in program.CompileModules) {
if (m.IsAbstract) {
@@ -117,33 +110,33 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (d is OpaqueTypeDecl) {
var at = (OpaqueTypeDecl)d;
- Error("Opaque type ('{0}') cannot be compiled", at.FullName);
+ Error("Opaque type ('{0}') cannot be compiled", wr, at.FullName);
} else if (d is TypeSynonymDecl) {
// do nothing, just bypass type synonyms in the compiler
} else if (d is NewtypeDecl) {
var nt = (NewtypeDecl)d;
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("public class @{0} {{", nt.CompileName);
if (nt.NativeType != null) {
- Indent(indent + IndentAmount);
+ Indent(indent + IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<{0}> IntegerRange(BigInteger lo, BigInteger hi) {{", nt.NativeType.Name);
- Indent(indent + 2 * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(indent + 2 * IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("for (var j = lo; j < hi; j++) {{ yield return ({0})j; }}", nt.NativeType.Name);
- Indent(indent + IndentAmount);
+ Indent(indent + IndentAmount, wr);
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
} else if (d is DatatypeDecl) {
var dt = (DatatypeDecl)d;
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("public abstract class Base_{0}", dt.CompileName);
if (dt.TypeArgs.Count != 0) {
wr.Write("<{0}>", TypeParameters(dt.TypeArgs));
wr.WriteLine(" { }");
- CompileDatatypeConstructors(dt, indent);
- CompileDatatypeStruct(dt, indent);
+ CompileDatatypeConstructors(dt, indent, wr);
+ CompileDatatypeStruct(dt, indent, wr);
} else if (d is IteratorDecl) {
var iter = (IteratorDecl)d;
// An iterator is compiled as follows:
@@ -169,7 +162,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
// }
// }
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("public class @{0}", iter.CompileName);
if (iter.TypeArgs.Count != 0) {
wr.Write("<{0}>", TypeParameters(iter.TypeArgs));
@@ -181,58 +174,58 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
foreach (var member in iter.Members) {
var f = member as Field;
if (f != null && !f.IsGhost) {
- Indent(ind);
- wr.WriteLine("public {0} @{1} = {2};", TypeName(f.Type), f.CompileName, DefaultValue(f.Type));
+ Indent(ind, wr);
+ wr.WriteLine("public {0} @{1} = {2};", TypeName(f.Type, wr), f.CompileName, DefaultValue(f.Type, wr));
} else if (member is Constructor) {
Contract.Assert(ct == null); // we're expecting just one constructor
ct = (Constructor)member;
Contract.Assert(ct != null); // we do expect a constructor
- Indent(ind); wr.WriteLine("System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<object> __iter;");
+ Indent(ind, wr); wr.WriteLine("System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<object> __iter;");
// here's the initializer method
- Indent(ind); wr.Write("public void @{0}(", ct.CompileName);
+ Indent(ind, wr); wr.Write("public void @{0}(", ct.CompileName);
string sep = "";
foreach (var p in ct.Ins) {
if (!p.IsGhost) {
// here we rely on the parameters and the corresponding fields having the same names
- wr.Write("{0}{1} @{2}", sep, TypeName(p.Type), p.CompileName);
+ wr.Write("{0}{1} @{2}", sep, TypeName(p.Type, wr), p.CompileName);
sep = ", ";
wr.WriteLine(") {");
foreach (var p in ct.Ins) {
if (!p.IsGhost) {
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("this.@{0} = @{0};", p.CompileName);
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount); wr.WriteLine("__iter = TheIterator();");
- Indent(ind); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr); wr.WriteLine("__iter = TheIterator();");
+ Indent(ind, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
// here are the enumerator methods
- Indent(ind); wr.WriteLine("public void MoveNext(out bool more) { more = __iter.MoveNext(); }");
- Indent(ind); wr.WriteLine("private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<object> TheIterator() {");
+ Indent(ind, wr); wr.WriteLine("public void MoveNext(out bool more) { more = __iter.MoveNext(); }");
+ Indent(ind, wr); wr.WriteLine("private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<object> TheIterator() {");
if (iter.Body == null) {
- Error("Iterator {0} has no body", iter.FullName);
+ Error("Iterator {0} has no body", wr, iter.FullName);
} else {
- TrStmt(iter.Body, ind + IndentAmount);
+ wr.Write(TrStmt(iter.Body, ind + IndentAmount).ToString());
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount); wr.WriteLine("yield break;");
- Indent(ind); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr); wr.WriteLine("yield break;");
+ Indent(ind, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
// end of the class
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ Indent(indent, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
else if (d is TraitDecl)
//writing the trait
var trait = (TraitDecl)d;
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("public interface @{0}", trait.CompileName);
wr.WriteLine(" {");
- CompileClassMembers(trait, false, indent + IndentAmount);
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ CompileClassMembers(trait, false, indent + IndentAmount, wr);
+ Indent(indent, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
//writing the _Companion class
List<MemberDecl> members = new List<MemberDecl>();
@@ -252,27 +245,27 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("public class @_Companion_{0}", trait.CompileName);
wr.WriteLine(" {");
- CompileClassMembers(trait, true, indent + IndentAmount);
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ CompileClassMembers(trait, true, indent + IndentAmount, wr);
+ Indent(indent, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
else if (d is ClassDecl) {
var cl = (ClassDecl)d;
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("public class @{0}", cl.CompileName);
if (cl.TypeArgs.Count != 0) {
wr.Write("<{0}>", TypeParameters(cl.TypeArgs));
string sep = " : ";
foreach (var trait in cl.TraitsTyp) {
- wr.Write("{0}{1}", sep, TypeName(trait));
+ wr.Write("{0}{1}", sep, TypeName(trait, wr));
sep = ", ";
wr.WriteLine(" {");
- CompileClassMembers(cl, false, indent+IndentAmount);
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ CompileClassMembers(cl, false, indent+IndentAmount, wr);
+ Indent(indent, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
} else if (d is ModuleDecl) {
// nop
} else { Contract.Assert(false); }
@@ -283,15 +276,15 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
- void CompileBuiltIns(BuiltIns builtIns) {
+ void CompileBuiltIns(BuiltIns builtIns, TextWriter wr) {
wr.WriteLine("namespace Dafny {");
- Indent(IndentAmount);
+ Indent(IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("public partial class Helpers {");
foreach (var decl in builtIns.SystemModule.TopLevelDecls) {
if (decl is ArrayClassDecl) {
int dims = ((ArrayClassDecl)decl).Dims;
// public static T[,] InitNewArray2<T>(BigInteger size0, BigInteger size1) {
- Indent(3 * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(3 * IndentAmount, wr);
wr.Write("public static T[");
RepeatWrite(wr, dims, "", ",");
wr.Write("] InitNewArray{0}<T>(", dims);
@@ -299,52 +292,52 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
wr.WriteLine(") {");
// int s0 = (int)size0;
for (int i = 0; i < dims; i++) {
- Indent(4 * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(4 * IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("int s{0} = (int)size{0};", i);
// T[,] a = new T[s0, s1];
- Indent(4 * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(4 * IndentAmount, wr);
RepeatWrite(wr, dims, "", ",");
wr.Write("] a = new T[");
RepeatWrite(wr, dims, "s{0}", ",");
// BigInteger[,] b = a as BigInteger[,];
- Indent(4 * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(4 * IndentAmount, wr);
RepeatWrite(wr, dims, "", ",");
wr.Write("] b = a as BigInteger[");
RepeatWrite(wr, dims, "", ",");
// if (b != null) {
- Indent(4 * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(4 * IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("if (b != null) {");
// BigInteger z = new BigInteger(0);
- Indent(5 * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(5 * IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("BigInteger z = new BigInteger(0);");
// for (int i0 = 0; i0 < s0; i0++)
// for (int i1 = 0; i1 < s1; i1++)
for (int i = 0; i < dims; i++) {
- Indent((5+i) * IndentAmount);
+ Indent((5+i) * IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("for (int i{0} = 0; i{0} < s{0}; i{0}++)", i);
// b[i0,i1] = z;
- Indent((5+dims) * IndentAmount);
+ Indent((5+dims) * IndentAmount, wr);
RepeatWrite(wr, dims, "i{0}", ",");
wr.WriteLine("] = z;");
// }
- Indent(4 * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(4 * IndentAmount, wr);
// return a;
- Indent(4 * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(4 * IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("return a;");
// }
- Indent(3 * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(3 * IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("}"); // end of method
- Indent(IndentAmount);
+ Indent(IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("}"); // end of class Helpers
wr.WriteLine("}"); // end of namespace
@@ -359,7 +352,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
- void CompileDatatypeConstructors(DatatypeDecl dt, int indent)
+ void CompileDatatypeConstructors(DatatypeDecl dt, int indent, TextWriter wr)
Contract.Requires(dt != null);
@@ -372,20 +365,20 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
// public Dt__Lazy(Computer c) { this.c = c; }
// public Base_Dt<T> Get() { return c(); }
// }
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("public class {0}__Lazy{1} : Base_{0}{1} {{", dt.CompileName, typeParams);
int ind = indent + IndentAmount;
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.WriteLine("public delegate Base_{0}{1} Computer();", dt.CompileName, typeParams);
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.WriteLine("public delegate Computer ComputerComputer();");
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.WriteLine("Computer c;");
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.WriteLine("public {0}__Lazy(Computer c) {{ this.c = c; }}", dt.CompileName);
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.WriteLine("public Base_{0}{1} Get() {{ return c(); }}", dt.CompileName, typeParams);
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
@@ -407,7 +400,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
// // ...
// }
// }
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("public class {0}", DtCtorDeclarationName(ctor, dt.TypeArgs));
wr.WriteLine(" : Base_{0}{1} {{", dt.CompileName, typeParams);
int ind = indent + IndentAmount;
@@ -415,32 +408,32 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
int i = 0;
foreach (Formal arg in ctor.Formals) {
if (!arg.IsGhost) {
- Indent(ind);
- wr.WriteLine("public readonly {0} @{1};", TypeName(arg.Type), FormalName(arg, i));
+ Indent(ind, wr);
+ wr.WriteLine("public readonly {0} @{1};", TypeName(arg.Type, wr), FormalName(arg, i));
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.Write("public {0}(", DtCtorDeclartionName(ctor));
- WriteFormals("", ctor.Formals);
+ WriteFormals("", ctor.Formals, wr);
wr.WriteLine(") {");
i = 0;
foreach (Formal arg in ctor.Formals) {
if (!arg.IsGhost) {
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("this.@{0} = @{0};", FormalName(arg, i));
- Indent(ind); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ Indent(ind, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
// Equals method
- Indent(ind); wr.WriteLine("public override bool Equals(object other) {");
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind, wr); wr.WriteLine("public override bool Equals(object other) {");
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr);
wr.Write("var oth = other as {0}", DtCtorName(ctor, dt.TypeArgs));
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr);
wr.Write("return oth != null");
i = 0;
foreach (Formal arg in ctor.Formals) {
@@ -455,56 +448,56 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
- Indent(ind); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ Indent(ind, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
// GetHashCode method (Uses the djb2 algorithm)
- Indent(ind); wr.WriteLine("public override int GetHashCode() {");
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount); wr.WriteLine("ulong hash = 5381;");
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount); wr.WriteLine("hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + {0};", constructorIndex);
+ Indent(ind, wr); wr.WriteLine("public override int GetHashCode() {");
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr); wr.WriteLine("ulong hash = 5381;");
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr); wr.WriteLine("hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + {0};", constructorIndex);
i = 0;
foreach (Formal arg in ctor.Formals) {
if (!arg.IsGhost) {
string nm = FormalName(arg, i);
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount); wr.WriteLine("hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + ((ulong)this.@{0}.GetHashCode());", nm);
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr); wr.WriteLine("hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + ((ulong)this.@{0}.GetHashCode());", nm);
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount); wr.WriteLine("return (int) hash;");
- Indent(ind); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr); wr.WriteLine("return (int) hash;");
+ Indent(ind, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
if (dt is IndDatatypeDecl) {
- Indent(ind); wr.WriteLine("public override string ToString() {");
+ Indent(ind, wr); wr.WriteLine("public override string ToString() {");
string nm;
if (dt is TupleTypeDecl) {
nm = "";
} else {
nm = (dt.Module.IsDefaultModule ? "" : dt.Module.CompileName + ".") + dt.CompileName + "." + ctor.CompileName;
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount); wr.WriteLine("string s = \"{0}\";", nm);
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr); wr.WriteLine("string s = \"{0}\";", nm);
if (ctor.Formals.Count != 0) {
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount); wr.WriteLine("s += \"(\";");
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr); wr.WriteLine("s += \"(\";");
i = 0;
foreach (var arg in ctor.Formals) {
if (!arg.IsGhost) {
if (i != 0) {
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount); wr.WriteLine("s += \", \";");
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr); wr.WriteLine("s += \", \";");
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount); wr.WriteLine("s += @{0}.ToString();", FormalName(arg, i));
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr); wr.WriteLine("s += @{0}.ToString();", FormalName(arg, i));
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount); wr.WriteLine("s += \")\";");
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr); wr.WriteLine("s += \")\";");
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount); wr.WriteLine("return s;");
- Indent(ind); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr); wr.WriteLine("return s;");
+ Indent(ind, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ Indent(indent, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
- void CompileDatatypeStruct(DatatypeDecl dt, int indent) {
+ void CompileDatatypeStruct(DatatypeDecl dt, int indent, TextWriter wr) {
Contract.Requires(dt != null);
// public struct Dt<T> : IDatatype{
@@ -548,46 +541,46 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
DtT += DtT_TypeArgs;
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("public struct @{0} {{", DtT);
int ind = indent + IndentAmount;
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.WriteLine("Base_{0} _d;", DtT);
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.WriteLine("public Base_{0} _D {{", DtT);
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("get {");
- Indent(ind + 2 * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind + 2 * IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("if (_d == null) {");
- Indent(ind + 3 * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind + 3 * IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("_d = Default;");
if (dt is CoDatatypeDecl) {
string typeParams = dt.TypeArgs.Count == 0 ? "" : string.Format("<{0}>", TypeParameters(dt.TypeArgs));
- Indent(ind + 2 * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind + 2 * IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("}} else if (_d is {0}__Lazy{1}) {{", dt.CompileName, typeParams);
- Indent(ind + 3 * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind + 3 * IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("_d = (({0}__Lazy{1})_d).Get();", dt.CompileName, typeParams);
- Indent(ind + 2 * IndentAmount); wr.WriteLine("}");
- Indent(ind + 2 * IndentAmount); wr.WriteLine("return _d;");
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount); wr.WriteLine("}");
- Indent(ind); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ Indent(ind + 2 * IndentAmount, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ Indent(ind + 2 * IndentAmount, wr); wr.WriteLine("return _d;");
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ Indent(ind, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.WriteLine("public @{0}(Base_{1} d) {{ this._d = d; }}", dt.CompileName, DtT);
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.WriteLine("static Base_{0} theDefault;", DtT);
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.WriteLine("public static Base_{0} Default {{", DtT);
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("get {");
- Indent(ind + 2 * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind + 2 * IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("if (theDefault == null) {");
- Indent(ind + 3 * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind + 3 * IndentAmount, wr);
wr.Write("theDefault = ");
DatatypeCtor defaultCtor;
@@ -601,55 +594,55 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
string sep = "";
foreach (Formal f in defaultCtor.Formals) {
if (!f.IsGhost) {
- wr.Write("{0}{1}", sep, DefaultValue(f.Type));
+ wr.Write("{0}{1}", sep, DefaultValue(f.Type, wr));
sep = ", ";
- Indent(ind + 2 * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind + 2 * IndentAmount, wr);
- Indent(ind + 2 * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind + 2 * IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("return theDefault;");
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
- Indent(ind); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ Indent(ind, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
- Indent(ind); wr.WriteLine("public override bool Equals(object other) {");
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind, wr); wr.WriteLine("public override bool Equals(object other) {");
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("return other is @{0} && _D.Equals(((@{0})other)._D);", DtT);
- Indent(ind); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ Indent(ind, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.WriteLine("public override int GetHashCode() { return _D.GetHashCode(); }");
if (dt is IndDatatypeDecl) {
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.WriteLine("public override string ToString() { return _D.ToString(); }");
// query properties
foreach (var ctor in dt.Ctors) {
// public bool is_Ctor0 { get { return _D is Dt_Ctor0; } }
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.WriteLine("public bool is_{0} {{ get {{ return _D is {1}_{0}{2}; }} }}", ctor.CompileName, dt.CompileName, DtT_TypeArgs);
if (dt.HasFinitePossibleValues) {
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.WriteLine("public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<@{0}> AllSingletonConstructors {{", DtT);
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("get {");
foreach (var ctr in dt.Ctors) {
if (ctr.Formals.Count == 0) {
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount + IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount + IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("yield return new @{0}(new {2}_{1}());", DtT, ctr.CompileName, dt.CompileName);
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount + IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount + IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("yield break;");
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr);
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
@@ -658,17 +651,17 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
foreach (var arg in ctor.Formals) {
if (!arg.IsGhost && arg.HasName) {
// public T0 @Dtor0 { get { return ((DT_Ctor)_D).@Dtor0; } }
- Indent(ind);
- wr.WriteLine("public {0} dtor_{1} {{ get {{ return (({2}_{3}{4})_D).@{1}; }} }}", TypeName(arg.Type), arg.CompileName, dt.CompileName, ctor.CompileName, DtT_TypeArgs);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
+ wr.WriteLine("public {0} dtor_{1} {{ get {{ return (({2}_{3}{4})_D).@{1}; }} }}", TypeName(arg.Type, wr), arg.CompileName, dt.CompileName, ctor.CompileName, DtT_TypeArgs);
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
- int WriteFormals(string sep, List<Formal/*!*/>/*!*/ formals)
+ int WriteFormals(string sep, List<Formal/*!*/>/*!*/ formals, TextWriter wr)
Contract.Requires(sep != null);
@@ -676,7 +669,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
foreach (Formal arg in formals) {
if (!arg.IsGhost) {
string name = FormalName(arg, i);
- wr.Write("{0}{1}{2} @{3}", sep, arg.InParam ? "" : "out ", TypeName(arg.Type), name);
+ wr.Write("{0}{1}{2} @{3}", sep, arg.InParam ? "" : "out ", TypeName(arg.Type, wr), name);
sep = ", ";
@@ -732,13 +725,13 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
return s;
- string DtCtorName(DatatypeCtor ctor, List<Type> typeArgs) {
+ string DtCtorName(DatatypeCtor ctor, List<Type> typeArgs, TextWriter wr) {
Contract.Requires(ctor != null);
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
var s = DtCtorName(ctor);
if (typeArgs != null && typeArgs.Count != 0) {
- s += "<" + TypeNames(typeArgs) + ">";
+ s += "<" + TypeNames(typeArgs, wr) + ">";
return s;
@@ -776,7 +769,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
- void CompileClassMembers(ClassDecl c, bool forCompanionClass, int indent) {
+ void CompileClassMembers(ClassDecl c, bool forCompanionClass, int indent, TextWriter wr) {
Contract.Requires(c != null);
Contract.Requires(!forCompanionClass || c is TraitDecl);
Contract.Requires(0 <= indent);
@@ -785,9 +778,9 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (member is Field) {
var f = (Field)member;
// every field is inherited
- Indent(indent);
- wr.WriteLine("public {0} @_{1};", TypeName(f.Type), f.CompileName);
- wr.Write("public {0} @{1}", TypeName(f.Type), f.CompileName);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
+ wr.WriteLine("public {0} @_{1};", TypeName(f.Type, wr), f.CompileName);
+ wr.Write("public {0} @{1}", TypeName(f.Type, wr), f.CompileName);
wr.WriteLine(" {");
wr.WriteLine(" get { ");
wr.Write("return this.@_{0};", f.CompileName);
@@ -799,11 +792,11 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
} else if (member is Function) {
var f = (Function)member;
Contract.Assert(f.Body != null);
- CompileFunction(indent, f);
+ CompileFunction(indent, f, wr);
} else if (member is Method) {
var method = (Method)member;
Contract.Assert(method.Body != null);
- CompileMethod(c, indent, method);
+ CompileMethod(c, indent, method, wr);
} else {
Contract.Assert(false); // unexpected member
@@ -814,12 +807,12 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (f.IsGhost || forCompanionClass) {
// emit nothing
} else if (c is TraitDecl) {
- Indent(indent);
- wr.Write("{0} @{1}", TypeName(f.Type), f.CompileName);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
+ wr.Write("{0} @{1}", TypeName(f.Type, wr), f.CompileName);
wr.WriteLine(" { get; set; }");
} else {
- Indent(indent);
- wr.WriteLine("public {0} @{1} = {2};", TypeName(f.Type), f.CompileName, DefaultValue(f.Type));
+ Indent(indent, wr);
+ wr.WriteLine("public {0} @{1} = {2};", TypeName(f.Type, wr), f.CompileName, DefaultValue(f.Type, wr));
} else if (member is Function) {
var f = (Function)member;
@@ -828,29 +821,29 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (forCompanionClass || Attributes.Contains(f.Attributes, "axiom")) {
// suppress error message (in the case of "forCompanionClass", the non-forCompanionClass call will produce the error message)
} else {
- Error("Function {0} has no body", f.FullName);
+ Error("Function {0} has no body", wr, f.FullName);
} else if (f.IsGhost) {
// nothing to compile, but we do check for assumes
if (f.Body == null) {
Contract.Assert(c is TraitDecl && !f.IsStatic);
} else {
- var v = new CheckHasNoAssumes_Visitor(this);
+ var v = new CheckHasNoAssumes_Visitor(this, wr);
} else if (c is TraitDecl && !forCompanionClass) {
// include it, unless it's static
if (!f.IsStatic) {
- Indent(indent);
- wr.Write("{0} @{1}", TypeName(f.ResultType), f.CompileName);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
+ wr.Write("{0} @{1}", TypeName(f.ResultType, wr), f.CompileName);
- WriteFormals("", f.Formals);
+ WriteFormals("", f.Formals, wr);
} else if (forCompanionClass && !f.IsStatic) {
// companion classes only has static members
} else {
- CompileFunction(indent, f);
+ CompileFunction(indent, f, wr);
} else if (member is Method) {
var m = (Method)member;
@@ -859,30 +852,30 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (forCompanionClass || Attributes.Contains(m.Attributes, "axiom")) {
// suppress error message (in the case of "forCompanionClass", the non-forCompanionClass call will produce the error message)
} else {
- Error("Method {0} has no body", m.FullName);
+ Error("Method {0} has no body", wr, m.FullName);
} else if (m.IsGhost) {
// nothing to compile, but we do check for assumes
if (m.Body == null) {
Contract.Assert(c is TraitDecl && !m.IsStatic);
} else {
- var v = new CheckHasNoAssumes_Visitor(this);
+ var v = new CheckHasNoAssumes_Visitor(this, wr);
} else if (c is TraitDecl && !forCompanionClass) {
// include it, unless it's static
if (!m.IsStatic) {
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("void @{0}", m.CompileName);
- int nIns = WriteFormals("", m.Ins);
- WriteFormals(nIns == 0 ? "" : ", ", m.Outs);
+ int nIns = WriteFormals("", m.Ins, wr);
+ WriteFormals(nIns == 0 ? "" : ", ", m.Outs, wr);
} else if (forCompanionClass && !m.IsStatic) {
// companion classes only has static members
} else {
- CompileMethod(c, indent, m);
+ CompileMethod(c, indent, m, wr);
} else {
Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected member
@@ -890,59 +883,59 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
- private void CompileFunction(int indent, Function f) {
- Indent(indent);
- wr.Write("public {0}{1} @{2}", f.IsStatic ? "static " : "", TypeName(f.ResultType), f.CompileName);
+ private void CompileFunction(int indent, Function f, TextWriter wr) {
+ Indent(indent, wr);
+ wr.Write("public {0}{1} @{2}", f.IsStatic ? "static " : "", TypeName(f.ResultType, wr), f.CompileName);
if (f.TypeArgs.Count != 0) {
wr.Write("<{0}>", TypeParameters(f.TypeArgs));
- WriteFormals("", f.Formals);
+ WriteFormals("", f.Formals, wr);
wr.WriteLine(") {");
- CompileReturnBody(f.Body, indent + IndentAmount);
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ CompileReturnBody(f.Body, indent + IndentAmount, wr);
+ Indent(indent, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
- private void CompileMethod(ClassDecl c, int indent, Method m) {
- Indent(indent);
+ private void CompileMethod(ClassDecl c, int indent, Method m, TextWriter wr) {
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("public {0}void @{1}", m.IsStatic ? "static " : "", m.CompileName);
if (m.TypeArgs.Count != 0) {
wr.Write("<{0}>", TypeParameters(m.TypeArgs));
- int nIns = WriteFormals("", m.Ins);
- WriteFormals(nIns == 0 ? "" : ", ", m.Outs);
+ int nIns = WriteFormals("", m.Ins, wr);
+ WriteFormals(nIns == 0 ? "" : ", ", m.Outs, wr);
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("{");
+ Indent(indent, wr); wr.WriteLine("{");
foreach (Formal p in m.Outs) {
if (!p.IsGhost) {
- Indent(indent + IndentAmount);
- wr.WriteLine("@{0} = {1};", p.CompileName, DefaultValue(p.Type));
+ Indent(indent + IndentAmount, wr);
+ wr.WriteLine("@{0} = {1};", p.CompileName, DefaultValue(p.Type, wr));
if (m.Body == null) {
- Error("Method {0} has no body", m.FullName);
+ Error("Method {0} has no body", wr, m.FullName);
} else {
if (m.IsTailRecursive) {
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("TAIL_CALL_START: ;");
+ Indent(indent, wr); wr.WriteLine("TAIL_CALL_START: ;");
if (!m.IsStatic) {
- Indent(indent + IndentAmount); wr.WriteLine("var _this = this;");
+ Indent(indent + IndentAmount, wr); wr.WriteLine("var _this = this;");
Contract.Assert(enclosingMethod == null);
enclosingMethod = m;
- TrStmtList(m.Body.Body, indent);
+ TrStmtList(m.Body.Body, indent, wr);
Contract.Assert(enclosingMethod == m);
enclosingMethod = null;
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ Indent(indent, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
// allow the Main method to be an instance method
if (!m.IsStatic && IsMain(m)) {
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("public static void Main(string[] args) {");
Contract.Assert(m.EnclosingClass == c);
- Indent(indent + IndentAmount);
+ Indent(indent + IndentAmount, wr);
wr.Write("@{0} b = new @{0}", c.CompileName);
if (c.TypeArgs.Count != 0) {
// instantiate every parameter, it doesn't particularly matter how
@@ -955,12 +948,12 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
- Indent(indent + IndentAmount); wr.WriteLine("b.@Main();");
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ Indent(indent + IndentAmount, wr); wr.WriteLine("b.@Main();");
+ Indent(indent, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
- void TrCasePatternOpt(CasePattern pat, Expression rhs, string rhs_string, int indent) {
+ void TrCasePatternOpt(CasePattern pat, Expression rhs, string rhs_string, int indent, TextWriter wr, bool inLetExprBody) {
Contract.Requires(pat != null);
Contract.Requires(pat.Var != null || rhs != null);
if (pat.Var != null) {
@@ -970,10 +963,10 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
// var x := G;
var bv = pat.Var;
if (!bv.IsGhost) {
- Indent(indent);
- wr.Write("{0} {1} = ", TypeName(bv.Type), "@" + bv.CompileName);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
+ wr.Write("{0} {1} = ", TypeName(bv.Type, wr), "@" + bv.CompileName);
if (rhs != null) {
- TrExpr(rhs);
+ TrExpr(rhs, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else {
@@ -992,9 +985,9 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
// Create the temporary variable to hold G
var tmp_name = idGenerator.FreshId("_let_tmp_rhs");
- Indent(indent);
- wr.Write("{0} {1} = ", TypeName(rhs.Type), tmp_name);
- TrExpr(rhs);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
+ wr.Write("{0} {1} = ", TypeName(rhs.Type, wr), tmp_name);
+ TrExpr(rhs, wr, inLetExprBody);
var k = 0; // number of non-ghost formals processed
@@ -1005,21 +998,21 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
// nothing to compile, but do a sanity check
Contract.Assert(!Contract.Exists(arg.Vars, bv => !bv.IsGhost));
} else {
- TrCasePatternOpt(arg, null, string.Format("(({0})({1})._D).@{2}", DtCtorName(ctor, ((DatatypeValue)pat.Expr).InferredTypeArgs), tmp_name, FormalName(formal, k)), indent);
+ TrCasePatternOpt(arg, null, string.Format("(({0})({1})._D).@{2}", DtCtorName(ctor, ((DatatypeValue)pat.Expr).InferredTypeArgs, wr), tmp_name, FormalName(formal, k)), indent, wr, inLetExprBody);
- void ReturnExpr(Expression expr, int indent) {
- Indent(indent);
+ void ReturnExpr(Expression expr, int indent, TextWriter wr, bool inLetExprBody) {
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("return ");
- TrExpr(expr);
+ TrExpr(expr, wr, inLetExprBody);
- void TrExprOpt(Expression expr, int indent) {
+ void TrExprOpt(Expression expr, int indent, TextWriter wr, bool inLetExprBody) {
Contract.Requires(expr != null);
if (expr is LetExpr) {
var e = (LetExpr)expr;
@@ -1027,25 +1020,25 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
for (int i = 0; i < e.LHSs.Count; i++) {
var lhs = e.LHSs[i];
if (Contract.Exists(lhs.Vars, bv => !bv.IsGhost)) {
- TrCasePatternOpt(lhs, e.RHSs[i], null, indent);
+ TrCasePatternOpt(lhs, e.RHSs[i], null, indent, wr, inLetExprBody);
- TrExprOpt(e.Body, indent);
+ TrExprOpt(e.Body, indent, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else {
// We haven't optimized the other cases, so fallback to normal compilation
- ReturnExpr(e, indent);
+ ReturnExpr(e, indent, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else if (expr is ITEExpr) {
ITEExpr e = (ITEExpr)expr;
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("if (");
- TrExpr(e.Test);
+ TrExpr(e.Test, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(") {\n");
- TrExprOpt(e.Thn, indent + IndentAmount);
- Indent(indent);
+ TrExprOpt(e.Thn, indent + IndentAmount, wr, inLetExprBody);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("} else {");
- TrExprOpt(e.Els, indent + IndentAmount);
- Indent(indent);
+ TrExprOpt(e.Els, indent + IndentAmount, wr, inLetExprBody);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
} else if (expr is MatchExpr) {
var e = (MatchExpr)expr;
@@ -1060,9 +1053,9 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
// ...
// }
string source = idGenerator.FreshId("_source");
- Indent(indent);
- wr.Write("{0} {1} = ", TypeName(e.Source.Type), source);
- TrExpr(e.Source);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
+ wr.Write("{0} {1} = ", TypeName(e.Source.Type, wr), source);
+ TrExpr(e.Source, wr, inLetExprBody);
if (e.Cases.Count == 0) {
@@ -1073,28 +1066,28 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
var sourceType = (UserDefinedType)e.Source.Type.NormalizeExpand();
foreach (MatchCaseExpr mc in e.Cases) {
- MatchCasePrelude(source, sourceType, cce.NonNull(mc.Ctor), mc.Arguments, i, e.Cases.Count, indent);
- TrExprOpt(mc.Body, indent + IndentAmount);
+ MatchCasePrelude(source, sourceType, cce.NonNull(mc.Ctor), mc.Arguments, i, e.Cases.Count, indent, wr);
+ TrExprOpt(mc.Body, indent + IndentAmount, wr, inLetExprBody);
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
} else if (expr is StmtExpr) {
var e = (StmtExpr)expr;
- TrExprOpt(e.E, indent);
+ TrExprOpt(e.E, indent, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else {
// We haven't optimized any other cases, so fallback to normal compilation
- ReturnExpr(expr, indent);
+ ReturnExpr(expr, indent, wr, inLetExprBody);
- void CompileReturnBody(Expression body, int indent) {
+ void CompileReturnBody(Expression body, int indent, TextWriter wr) {
Contract.Requires(0 <= indent);
body = body.Resolved;
//wr.Write("return ");
- TrExprOpt(body, indent);
+ TrExprOpt(body, indent, wr, false);
@@ -1113,23 +1106,23 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
return null;
- string TypeName_Companion(Type type) {
+ string TypeName_Companion(Type type, TextWriter wr) {
Contract.Requires(type != null);
var udt = type as UserDefinedType;
if (udt != null && udt.ResolvedClass is TraitDecl) {
string s = udt.FullCompanionCompileName;
if (udt.TypeArgs.Count != 0) {
if (udt.TypeArgs.Exists(argType => argType is ObjectType)) {
- Error("compilation does not support type 'object' as a type parameter; consider introducing a ghost");
+ Error("compilation does not support type 'object' as a type parameter; consider introducing a ghost", wr);
- s += "<" + TypeNames(udt.TypeArgs) + ">";
+ s += "<" + TypeNames(udt.TypeArgs, wr) + ">";
return s;
} else {
- return TypeName(type);
+ return TypeName(type, wr);
- string TypeName(Type type)
+ string TypeName(Type type, TextWriter wr)
Contract.Requires(type != null);
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
@@ -1153,14 +1146,14 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (nativeType != null) {
return nativeType.Name;
- return TypeName(xType.AsNewtype.BaseType);
+ return TypeName(xType.AsNewtype.BaseType, wr);
} else if (xType is ObjectType) {
return "object";
} else if (xType.IsArrayType) {
ArrayClassDecl at = xType.AsArrayType;
Contract.Assert(at != null); // follows from type.IsArrayType
Type elType = UserDefinedType.ArrayElementType(xType);
- string name = TypeName(elType) + "[";
+ string name = TypeName(elType, wr) + "[";
for (int i = 1; i < at.Dims; i++) {
name += ",";
@@ -1184,54 +1177,60 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
s = rc.FullCompileName;
- return TypeName_UDT(s, udt.TypeArgs);
+ return TypeName_UDT(s, udt.TypeArgs, wr);
} else if (xType is SetType) {
Type argType = ((SetType)xType).Arg;
if (argType is ObjectType) {
- Error("compilation of set<object> is not supported; consider introducing a ghost");
+ Error("compilation of set<object> is not supported; consider introducing a ghost", wr);
- return DafnySetClass + "<" + TypeName(argType) + ">";
+ return DafnySetClass + "<" + TypeName(argType, wr) + ">";
} else if (xType is SeqType) {
Type argType = ((SeqType)xType).Arg;
if (argType is ObjectType) {
- Error("compilation of seq<object> is not supported; consider introducing a ghost");
+ Error("compilation of seq<object> is not supported; consider introducing a ghost", wr);
- return DafnySeqClass + "<" + TypeName(argType) + ">";
+ return DafnySeqClass + "<" + TypeName(argType, wr) + ">";
} else if (xType is MultiSetType) {
Type argType = ((MultiSetType)xType).Arg;
if (argType is ObjectType) {
- Error("compilation of seq<object> is not supported; consider introducing a ghost");
+ Error("compilation of seq<object> is not supported; consider introducing a ghost", wr);
- return DafnyMultiSetClass + "<" + TypeName(argType) + ">";
+ return DafnyMultiSetClass + "<" + TypeName(argType, wr) + ">";
} else if (xType is MapType) {
Type domType = ((MapType)xType).Domain;
Type ranType = ((MapType)xType).Range;
if (domType is ObjectType || ranType is ObjectType) {
- Error("compilation of map<object, _> or map<_, object> is not supported; consider introducing a ghost");
+ Error("compilation of map<object, _> or map<_, object> is not supported; consider introducing a ghost", wr);
- return DafnyMapClass + "<" + TypeName(domType) + "," + TypeName(ranType) + ">";
+ return DafnyMapClass + "<" + TypeName(domType, wr) + "," + TypeName(ranType, wr) + ">";
} else {
Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected type
- string TypeName_UDT(string fullCompileName, List<Type> typeArgs) {
+ string TypeName_UDT(string fullCompileName, List<Type> typeArgs, TextWriter wr) {
Contract.Requires(fullCompileName != null);
Contract.Requires(typeArgs != null);
string s = "@" + fullCompileName;
if (typeArgs.Count != 0) {
if (typeArgs.Exists(argType => argType is ObjectType)) {
- Error("compilation does not support type 'object' as a type parameter; consider introducing a ghost");
+ Error("compilation does not support type 'object' as a type parameter; consider introducing a ghost", wr);
- s += "<" + TypeNames(typeArgs) + ">";
+ s += "<" + TypeNames(typeArgs, wr) + ">";
return s;
- string/*!*/ TypeNames(List<Type/*!*/>/*!*/ types) {
+ string/*!*/ TypeNames(List<Type/*!*/>/*!*/ types, TextWriter wr) {
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
- return Util.Comma(types, TypeName);
+ string res = "";
+ string c = "";
+ foreach (var t in types) {
+ res += c + TypeName(t, wr);
+ c = ",";
+ }
+ return res;
string/*!*/ TypeParameters(List<TypeParameter/*!*/>/*!*/ targs) {
@@ -1241,7 +1240,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
return Util.Comma(targs, tp => "@" + tp.CompileName);
- string DefaultValue(Type type)
+ string DefaultValue(Type type, TextWriter wr)
Contract.Requires(type != null);
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<string>() != null);
@@ -1264,9 +1263,9 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (xType.AsNewtype.NativeType != null) {
return "0";
- return DefaultValue(xType.AsNewtype.BaseType);
+ return DefaultValue(xType.AsNewtype.BaseType, wr);
} else if (xType.IsRefType) {
- return string.Format("({0})null", TypeName(xType));
+ return string.Format("({0})null", TypeName(xType, wr));
} else if (xType.IsDatatype) {
var udt = (UserDefinedType)xType;
var s = "@" + udt.FullCompileName;
@@ -1287,7 +1286,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
s = "@" + rc.FullCompileName;
if (udt.TypeArgs.Count != 0) {
- s += "<" + TypeNames(udt.TypeArgs) + ">";
+ s += "<" + TypeNames(udt.TypeArgs, wr) + ">";
return string.Format("new {0}()", s);
} else if (xType.IsTypeParameter) {
@@ -1295,18 +1294,18 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
string s = "default(@" + udt.FullCompileName;
if (udt.TypeArgs.Count != 0)
- s += "<" + TypeNames(udt.TypeArgs) + ">";
+ s += "<" + TypeNames(udt.TypeArgs, wr) + ">";
s += ")";
return s;
} else if (xType is SetType) {
- return DafnySetClass + "<" + TypeName(((SetType)xType).Arg) + ">.Empty";
+ return DafnySetClass + "<" + TypeName(((SetType)xType).Arg, wr) + ">.Empty";
} else if (xType is MultiSetType) {
- return DafnyMultiSetClass + "<" + TypeName(((MultiSetType)xType).Arg) + ">.Empty";
+ return DafnyMultiSetClass + "<" + TypeName(((MultiSetType)xType).Arg, wr) + ">.Empty";
} else if (xType is SeqType) {
- return DafnySeqClass + "<" + TypeName(((SeqType)xType).Arg) + ">.Empty";
+ return DafnySeqClass + "<" + TypeName(((SeqType)xType).Arg, wr) + ">.Empty";
} else if (xType is MapType) {
- return TypeName(xType)+".Empty";
+ return TypeName(xType, wr) + ".Empty";
} else if (xType is ArrowType) {
return "null";
} else {
@@ -1319,59 +1318,61 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
public class CheckHasNoAssumes_Visitor : BottomUpVisitor
readonly Compiler compiler;
- public CheckHasNoAssumes_Visitor(Compiler c) {
+ TextWriter wr;
+ public CheckHasNoAssumes_Visitor(Compiler c, TextWriter wr) {
Contract.Requires(c != null);
compiler = c;
+ this.wr = wr;
protected override void VisitOneStmt(Statement stmt) {
if (stmt is AssumeStmt) {
- compiler.Error("an assume statement cannot be compiled (line {0})", stmt.Tok.line);
+ compiler.Error("an assume statement cannot be compiled (line {0})", wr, stmt.Tok.line);
} else if (stmt is AssignSuchThatStmt) {
var s = (AssignSuchThatStmt)stmt;
if (s.AssumeToken != null) {
- compiler.Error("an assume statement cannot be compiled (line {0})", s.AssumeToken.line);
+ compiler.Error("an assume statement cannot be compiled (line {0})", wr, s.AssumeToken.line);
} else if (stmt is ForallStmt) {
var s = (ForallStmt)stmt;
if (s.Body == null) {
- compiler.Error("a forall statement without a body cannot be compiled (line {0})", stmt.Tok.line);
+ compiler.Error("a forall statement without a body cannot be compiled (line {0})", wr, stmt.Tok.line);
} else if (stmt is WhileStmt) {
var s = (WhileStmt)stmt;
if (s.Body == null) {
- compiler.Error("a while statement without a body cannot be compiled (line {0})", stmt.Tok.line);
+ compiler.Error("a while statement without a body cannot be compiled (line {0})", wr, stmt.Tok.line);
- void TrStmt(Statement stmt, int indent)
+ TextWriter TrStmt(Statement stmt, int indent)
Contract.Requires(stmt != null);
+ TextWriter wr = new StringWriter();
if (stmt.IsGhost) {
- var v = new CheckHasNoAssumes_Visitor(this);
+ var v = new CheckHasNoAssumes_Visitor(this, wr);
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("{ }");
- return;
+ Indent(indent, wr); wr.WriteLine("{ }");
+ return wr;
if (stmt is PrintStmt) {
PrintStmt s = (PrintStmt)stmt;
foreach (var arg in s.Args) {
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
- TrExpr(arg);
+ TrExpr(arg, wr, false);
} else if (stmt is BreakStmt) {
var s = (BreakStmt)stmt;
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("goto after_{0};", s.TargetStmt.Labels.Data.AssignUniqueId("after_", idGenerator));
} else if (stmt is ProduceStmt) {
var s = (ProduceStmt)stmt;
if (s.hiddenUpdate != null)
- TrStmt(s.hiddenUpdate, indent);
- Indent(indent);
+ wr.Write(TrStmt(s.hiddenUpdate, indent).ToString());
+ Indent(indent, wr);
if (s is YieldStmt) {
wr.WriteLine("yield return null;");
} else {
@@ -1381,7 +1382,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
var s = (UpdateStmt)stmt;
var resolved = s.ResolvedStatements;
if (resolved.Count == 1) {
- TrStmt(resolved[0], indent);
+ wr.Write(TrStmt(resolved[0], indent).ToString());
} else {
// multi-assignment
Contract.Assert(s.Lhss.Count == resolved.Count);
@@ -1393,17 +1394,17 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
var lhs = s.Lhss[i];
var rhs = s.Rhss[i];
if (!(rhs is HavocRhs)) {
- lvalues.Add(CreateLvalue(lhs, indent));
+ lvalues.Add(CreateLvalue(lhs, indent, wr));
string target = idGenerator.FreshId("_rhs");
- TrRhs("var " + target, null, rhs, indent);
+ TrRhs("var " + target, null, rhs, indent, wr);
Contract.Assert(lvalues.Count == rhss.Count);
for (int i = 0; i < lvalues.Count; i++) {
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("{0} = {1};", lvalues[i], rhss[i]);
@@ -1411,32 +1412,32 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
} else if (stmt is AssignStmt) {
AssignStmt s = (AssignStmt)stmt;
Contract.Assert(!(s.Lhs is SeqSelectExpr) || ((SeqSelectExpr)s.Lhs).SelectOne); // multi-element array assignments are not allowed
- TrRhs(null, s.Lhs, s.Rhs, indent);
+ TrRhs(null, s.Lhs, s.Rhs, indent, wr);
} else if (stmt is AssignSuchThatStmt) {
var s = (AssignSuchThatStmt)stmt;
if (s.AssumeToken != null) {
// Note, a non-ghost AssignSuchThatStmt may contain an assume
- Error("an assume statement cannot be compiled (line {0})", s.AssumeToken.line);
+ Error("an assume statement cannot be compiled (line {0})", wr, s.AssumeToken.line);
} else if (s.MissingBounds != null) {
foreach (var bv in s.MissingBounds) {
- Error("this assign-such-that statement is too advanced for the current compiler; Dafny's heuristics cannot find any bound for variable '{0}' (line {1})", bv.Name, s.Tok.line);
+ Error("this assign-such-that statement is too advanced for the current compiler; Dafny's heuristics cannot find any bound for variable '{0}' (line {1})", wr, bv.Name, s.Tok.line);
} else {
Contract.Assert(s.Bounds != null); // follows from s.MissingBounds == null
s.Lhss.ConvertAll(lhs => ((IdentifierExpr)lhs.Resolved).Var), // the resolver allows only IdentifierExpr left-hand sides
- s.Expr, s.Bounds, s.Tok.line);
+ s.Expr, s.Bounds, s.Tok.line, wr, false);
} else if (stmt is CallStmt) {
CallStmt s = (CallStmt)stmt;
- TrCallStmt(s, null, indent);
+ wr.Write(TrCallStmt(s, null, indent).ToString());
} else if (stmt is BlockStmt) {
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("{");
- TrStmtList(((BlockStmt)stmt).Body, indent);
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ Indent(indent, wr); wr.WriteLine("{");
+ TrStmtList(((BlockStmt)stmt).Body, indent, wr);
+ Indent(indent, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
} else if (stmt is IfStmt) {
IfStmt s = (IfStmt)stmt;
@@ -1445,45 +1446,45 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (s.Els == null) {
// let's compile the "else" branch, since that involves no work
// (still, let's leave a marker in the source code to indicate that this is what we did)
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("if (!false) { }");
} else {
// let's compile the "then" branch
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("if (true)");
- TrStmt(s.Thn, indent);
+ wr.Write(TrStmt(s.Thn, indent).ToString());
} else {
- Indent(indent); wr.Write("if (");
- TrExpr(s.IsExistentialGuard ? Translator.AlphaRename((ExistsExpr)s.Guard, "eg_d", new Translator(null)) : s.Guard);
+ Indent(indent, wr); wr.Write("if (");
+ TrExpr(s.IsExistentialGuard ? Translator.AlphaRename((ExistsExpr)s.Guard, "eg_d", new Translator(null)) : s.Guard, wr, false);
// We'd like to do "TrStmt(s.Thn, indent)", except we want the scope of any existential variables to come inside the block
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("{");
+ Indent(indent, wr); wr.WriteLine("{");
if (s.IsExistentialGuard) {
- IntroduceAndAssignBoundVars(indent + IndentAmount, (ExistsExpr)s.Guard);
+ IntroduceAndAssignBoundVars(indent + IndentAmount, (ExistsExpr)s.Guard, wr);
- TrStmtList(s.Thn.Body, indent);
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ TrStmtList(s.Thn.Body, indent, wr);
+ Indent(indent, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
if (s.Els != null) {
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("else");
- TrStmt(s.Els, indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr); wr.WriteLine("else");
+ wr.Write(TrStmt(s.Els, indent).ToString());
} else if (stmt is AlternativeStmt) {
var s = (AlternativeStmt)stmt;
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
foreach (var alternative in s.Alternatives) {
wr.Write("if (");
- TrExpr(alternative.IsExistentialGuard ? Translator.AlphaRename((ExistsExpr)alternative.Guard, "eg_d", new Translator(null)) : alternative.Guard);
+ TrExpr(alternative.IsExistentialGuard ? Translator.AlphaRename((ExistsExpr)alternative.Guard, "eg_d", new Translator(null)) : alternative.Guard, wr, false);
wr.WriteLine(") {");
if (alternative.IsExistentialGuard) {
- IntroduceAndAssignBoundVars(indent + IndentAmount, (ExistsExpr)alternative.Guard);
+ IntroduceAndAssignBoundVars(indent + IndentAmount, (ExistsExpr)alternative.Guard, wr);
- TrStmtList(alternative.Body, indent);
- Indent(indent);
+ TrStmtList(alternative.Body, indent, wr);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("} else ");
wr.WriteLine("{ /*unreachable alternative*/ }");
@@ -1491,38 +1492,38 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
} else if (stmt is WhileStmt) {
WhileStmt s = (WhileStmt)stmt;
if (s.Body == null) {
- return;
+ return wr;
if (s.Guard == null) {
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("while (false) { }");
} else {
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("while (");
- TrExpr(s.Guard);
+ TrExpr(s.Guard, wr, false);
- TrStmt(s.Body, indent);
+ wr.Write(TrStmt(s.Body, indent).ToString());
} else if (stmt is AlternativeLoopStmt) {
var s = (AlternativeLoopStmt)stmt;
if (s.Alternatives.Count != 0) {
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("while (true) {");
int ind = indent + IndentAmount;
foreach (var alternative in s.Alternatives) {
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
foreach (var alternative in s.Alternatives) {
wr.Write("if (");
- TrExpr(alternative.Guard);
+ TrExpr(alternative.Guard, wr, false);
wr.WriteLine(") {");
- TrStmtList(alternative.Body, ind);
- Indent(ind);
+ TrStmtList(alternative.Body, ind, wr);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.Write("} else ");
wr.WriteLine("{ break; }");
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
@@ -1530,17 +1531,17 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
var s = (ForallStmt)stmt;
if (s.Kind != ForallStmt.ParBodyKind.Assign) {
// Call and Proof have no side effects, so they can simply be optimized away.
- return;
+ return wr;
} else if (s.BoundVars.Count == 0) {
// the bound variables just spell out a single point, so the forall statement is equivalent to one execution of the body
- TrStmt(s.Body, indent);
- return;
+ wr.Write(TrStmt(s.Body, indent).ToString());
+ return wr;
var s0 = (AssignStmt)s.S0;
if (s0.Rhs is HavocRhs) {
// The forall statement says to havoc a bunch of things. This can be efficiently compiled
// into doing nothing.
- return;
+ return wr;
var rhs = ((ExprRhs)s0.Rhs).Expr;
@@ -1584,29 +1585,29 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (s0.Lhs is MemberSelectExpr) {
var lhs = (MemberSelectExpr)s0.Lhs;
L = 2;
- tupleTypeArgs = TypeName(lhs.Obj.Type);
+ tupleTypeArgs = TypeName(lhs.Obj.Type, wr);
} else if (s0.Lhs is SeqSelectExpr) {
var lhs = (SeqSelectExpr)s0.Lhs;
L = 3;
// note, we might as well do the BigInteger-to-int cast for array indices here, before putting things into the Tuple rather than when they are extracted from the Tuple
- tupleTypeArgs = TypeName(lhs.Seq.Type) + ",int";
+ tupleTypeArgs = TypeName(lhs.Seq.Type, wr) + ",int";
} else {
var lhs = (MultiSelectExpr)s0.Lhs;
L = 2 + lhs.Indices.Count;
if (8 < L) {
- Error("compiler currently does not support assignments to more-than-6-dimensional arrays in forall statements");
- return;
+ Error("compiler currently does not support assignments to more-than-6-dimensional arrays in forall statements", wr);
+ return wr;
- tupleTypeArgs = TypeName(lhs.Array.Type);
+ tupleTypeArgs = TypeName(lhs.Array.Type, wr);
for (int i = 0; i < lhs.Indices.Count; i++) {
// note, we might as well do the BigInteger-to-int cast for array indices here, before putting things into the Tuple rather than when they are extracted from the Tuple
tupleTypeArgs += ",int";
- tupleTypeArgs += "," + TypeName(rhs.Type);
+ tupleTypeArgs += "," + TypeName(rhs.Type, wr);
// declare and construct "ingredients"
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("var {0} = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Tuple<{1}>>();", ingredients, tupleTypeArgs);
var n = s.BoundVars.Count;
@@ -1616,38 +1617,38 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
var bound = s.Bounds[i];
var bv = s.BoundVars[i];
if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.BoolBoundedPool) {
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.Write("foreach (var @{0} in Dafny.Helpers.AllBooleans) {{ ", bv.CompileName);
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.CharBoundedPool) {
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.Write("foreach (var @{0} in Dafny.Helpers.AllChars) {{ ", bv.CompileName);
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.IntBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.IntBoundedPool)bound;
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
if (AsNativeType(bv.Type) != null) {
wr.Write("foreach (var @{0} in @{1}.IntegerRange(", bv.CompileName, bv.Type.AsNewtype.FullCompileName);
} else {
wr.Write("foreach (var @{0} in Dafny.Helpers.IntegerRange(", bv.CompileName);
- TrExpr(b.LowerBound);
+ TrExpr(b.LowerBound, wr, false);
wr.Write(", ");
- TrExpr(b.UpperBound);
+ TrExpr(b.UpperBound, wr, false);
wr.Write(")) { ");
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.SetBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.SetBoundedPool)bound;
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.Write("foreach (var @{0} in (", bv.CompileName);
- TrExpr(b.Set);
+ TrExpr(b.Set, wr, false);
wr.Write(").Elements) { ");
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.SeqBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.SeqBoundedPool)bound;
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.Write("foreach (var @{0} in (", bv.CompileName);
- TrExpr(b.Seq);
+ TrExpr(b.Seq, wr, false);
wr.Write(").UniqueElements) { ");
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.DatatypeBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.DatatypeBoundedPool)bound;
- wr.Write("foreach (var @{0} in {1}.AllSingletonConstructors) {{", bv.CompileName, TypeName(bv.Type));
+ wr.Write("foreach (var @{0} in {1}.AllSingletonConstructors) {{", bv.CompileName, TypeName(bv.Type, wr));
} else {
Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected BoundedPool type
@@ -1657,55 +1658,55 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
// if (range) {
// ingredients.Add(new L-Tuple( LHS0(w,x,y,z), LHS1(w,x,y,z), ..., RHS(w,x,y,z) ));
// }
- Indent(indent + n * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(indent + n * IndentAmount, wr);
wr.Write("if (");
foreach (var bv in s.BoundVars) {
if (bv.Type.NormalizeExpand() is NatType) {
wr.Write("0 <= {0} && ", bv.CompileName);
- TrExpr(s.Range);
+ TrExpr(s.Range, wr, false);
wr.WriteLine(") {");
var indFinal = indent + (n + 1) * IndentAmount;
- Indent(indFinal);
+ Indent(indFinal, wr);
wr.Write("{0}.Add(new System.Tuple<{1}>(", ingredients, tupleTypeArgs);
if (s0.Lhs is MemberSelectExpr) {
var lhs = (MemberSelectExpr)s0.Lhs;
- TrExpr(lhs.Obj);
+ TrExpr(lhs.Obj, wr, false);
} else if (s0.Lhs is SeqSelectExpr) {
var lhs = (SeqSelectExpr)s0.Lhs;
- TrExpr(lhs.Seq);
+ TrExpr(lhs.Seq, wr, false);
wr.Write(", (int)(");
- TrExpr(lhs.E0);
+ TrExpr(lhs.E0, wr, false);
} else {
var lhs = (MultiSelectExpr)s0.Lhs;
- TrExpr(lhs.Array);
+ TrExpr(lhs.Array, wr, false);
for (int i = 0; i < lhs.Indices.Count; i++) {
wr.Write(", (int)(");
- TrExpr(lhs.Indices[i]);
+ TrExpr(lhs.Indices[i], wr, false);
wr.Write(", ");
- TrExpr(rhs);
+ TrExpr(rhs, wr, false);
- Indent(indent + n * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(indent + n * IndentAmount, wr);
for (int i = n; 0 <= --i; ) {
- Indent(indent + i * IndentAmount);
+ Indent(indent + i * IndentAmount, wr);
// foreach (L-Tuple l in ingredients) {
// LHS[ l0, l1, l2, ..., l(L-2) ] = l(L-1);
// }
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("foreach (var {0} in {1}) {{", tup, ingredients);
- Indent(indent + IndentAmount);
+ Indent(indent + IndentAmount, wr);
if (s0.Lhs is MemberSelectExpr) {
var lhs = (MemberSelectExpr)s0.Lhs;
wr.WriteLine("{0}.Item1.@{1} = {0}.Item2;", tup, lhs.MemberName);
@@ -1722,7 +1723,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
wr.WriteLine("] = {0}.Item{1};", tup, L);
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
} else if (stmt is MatchStmt) {
@@ -1739,54 +1740,56 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
// }
if (s.Cases.Count != 0) {
string source = idGenerator.FreshId("_source");
- Indent(indent);
- wr.Write("{0} {1} = ", TypeName(cce.NonNull(s.Source.Type)), source);
- TrExpr(s.Source);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
+ wr.Write("{0} {1} = ", TypeName(cce.NonNull(s.Source.Type), wr), source);
+ TrExpr(s.Source, wr, false);
int i = 0;
var sourceType = (UserDefinedType)s.Source.Type.NormalizeExpand();
foreach (MatchCaseStmt mc in s.Cases) {
- MatchCasePrelude(source, sourceType, cce.NonNull(mc.Ctor), mc.Arguments, i, s.Cases.Count, indent);
- TrStmtList(mc.Body, indent);
+ MatchCasePrelude(source, sourceType, cce.NonNull(mc.Ctor), mc.Arguments, i, s.Cases.Count, indent, wr);
+ TrStmtList(mc.Body, indent, wr);
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ Indent(indent, wr); wr.WriteLine("}");
} else if (stmt is VarDeclStmt) {
var s = (VarDeclStmt)stmt;
foreach (var local in s.Locals) {
- TrLocalVar(local, true, indent);
+ TrLocalVar(local, true, indent, wr);
if (s.Update != null) {
- TrStmt(s.Update, indent);
+ wr.Write(TrStmt(s.Update, indent).ToString());
} else if (stmt is ModifyStmt) {
var s = (ModifyStmt)stmt;
if (s.Body != null) {
- TrStmt(s.Body, indent);
+ wr.Write(TrStmt(s.Body, indent).ToString());
} else {
Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected statement
+ return wr;
- private void IntroduceAndAssignBoundVars(int indent, ExistsExpr exists) {
+ private void IntroduceAndAssignBoundVars(int indent, ExistsExpr exists, TextWriter wr) {
Contract.Requires(0 <= indent);
Contract.Requires(exists != null);
Contract.Assume(exists.Bounds != null); // follows from successful resolution
Contract.Assert(exists.Range == null); // follows from invariant of class IfStmt
foreach (var bv in exists.BoundVars) {
- TrLocalVar(bv, false, indent);
+ TrLocalVar(bv, false, indent, wr);
var ivars = exists.BoundVars.ConvertAll(bv => (IVariable)bv);
- TrAssignSuchThat(indent, ivars, exists.Term, exists.Bounds, exists.tok.line);
+ TrAssignSuchThat(indent, ivars, exists.Term, exists.Bounds, exists.tok.line, wr, false);
- private void TrAssignSuchThat(int indent, List<IVariable> lhss, Expression constraint, List<ComprehensionExpr.BoundedPool> bounds, int debuginfoLine) {
+ private void TrAssignSuchThat(int indent, List<IVariable> lhss, Expression constraint, List<ComprehensionExpr.BoundedPool> bounds, int debuginfoLine, TextWriter wr, bool inLetExprBody) {
Contract.Requires(0 <= indent);
Contract.Requires(lhss != null);
Contract.Requires(constraint != null);
@@ -1828,7 +1831,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
int ind = indent;
bool needIterLimit = lhss.Count != 1 && bounds.Exists(bnd => !bnd.IsFinite);
if (needIterLimit) {
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("for (var {0} = new BigInteger(5); ; {0} *= 2) {{", iterLimit);
ind += IndentAmount;
@@ -1837,11 +1840,11 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
var bound = bounds[i];
var bv = lhss[i];
if (needIterLimit) {
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.WriteLine("var {0}_{1} = {0};", iterLimit, i);
var tmpVar = idGenerator.FreshId("_assign_such_that_");
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.BoolBoundedPool) {
wr.WriteLine("foreach (var {0} in Dafny.Helpers.AllBooleans) {{ @{1} = {0};", tmpVar, bv.CompileName);
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.CharBoundedPool) {
@@ -1856,13 +1859,13 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (b.LowerBound == null) {
} else {
- TrExpr(b.LowerBound);
+ TrExpr(b.LowerBound, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(", ");
if (b.UpperBound == null) {
} else {
- TrExpr(b.UpperBound);
+ TrExpr(b.UpperBound, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.WriteLine(")) {{ @{1} = {0};", tmpVar, bv.CompileName);
} else if (bound is AssignSuchThatStmt.WiggleWaggleBound) {
@@ -1870,54 +1873,54 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.SetBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.SetBoundedPool)bound;
wr.Write("foreach (var {0} in (", tmpVar);
- TrExpr(b.Set);
+ TrExpr(b.Set, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.WriteLine(").Elements) {{ @{0} = {1};", bv.CompileName, tmpVar);
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.SubSetBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.SubSetBoundedPool)bound;
wr.Write("foreach (var {0} in (", tmpVar);
- TrExpr(b.UpperBound);
+ TrExpr(b.UpperBound, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.WriteLine(").AllSubsets) {{ @{0} = {1};", bv.CompileName, tmpVar);
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.MapBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.MapBoundedPool)bound;
wr.Write("foreach (var {0} in (", tmpVar);
- TrExpr(b.Map);
+ TrExpr(b.Map, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.WriteLine(").Domain) {{ @{0} = {1};", bv.CompileName, tmpVar);
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.SeqBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.SeqBoundedPool)bound;
wr.Write("foreach (var {0} in (", tmpVar);
- TrExpr(b.Seq);
+ TrExpr(b.Seq, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.WriteLine(").Elements) {{ @{0} = {1};", bv.CompileName, tmpVar);
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.DatatypeBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.DatatypeBoundedPool)bound;
- wr.WriteLine("foreach (var {0} in {1}.AllSingletonConstructors) {{ @{2} = {0};", tmpVar, TypeName(bv.Type), bv.CompileName);
+ wr.WriteLine("foreach (var {0} in {1}.AllSingletonConstructors) {{ @{2} = {0};", tmpVar, TypeName(bv.Type, wr), bv.CompileName);
} else {
Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected BoundedPool type
if (needIterLimit) {
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("if ({0}_{1} == 0) {{ break; }} {0}_{1}--;", iterLimit, i);
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
wr.Write("if (");
- TrExpr(constraint);
+ TrExpr(constraint, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.WriteLine(") {");
- Indent(ind + IndentAmount);
+ Indent(ind + IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("goto {0};", doneLabel);
- Indent(ind);
+ Indent(ind, wr);
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
wr.Write(i == 0 ? "}" : " }");
wr.WriteLine(needIterLimit ? " }" : "");
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("throw new System.Exception(\"assign-such-that search produced no value (line {0})\");", debuginfoLine);
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("{0}: ;", doneLabel);
- string CreateLvalue(Expression lhs, int indent) {
+ string CreateLvalue(Expression lhs, int indent, TextWriter wr) {
lhs = lhs.Resolved;
if (lhs is IdentifierExpr) {
var ll = (IdentifierExpr)lhs;
@@ -1925,9 +1928,9 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
} else if (lhs is MemberSelectExpr) {
var ll = (MemberSelectExpr)lhs;
string obj = idGenerator.FreshId("_obj");
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("var {0} = ", obj);
- TrExpr(ll.Obj);
+ TrExpr(ll.Obj, wr, false);
return string.Format("{0}.@{1}", obj, ll.Member.CompileName);
} else if (lhs is SeqSelectExpr) {
@@ -1935,31 +1938,31 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
var c = idGenerator.FreshNumericId("_arr+_index");
string arr = "_arr" + c;
string index = "_index" + c;
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("var {0} = ", arr);
- TrExpr(ll.Seq);
+ TrExpr(ll.Seq, wr, false);
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("var {0} = ", index);
- TrExpr(ll.E0);
+ TrExpr(ll.E0, wr, false);
return string.Format("{0}[(int){1}]", arr, index);
} else {
var ll = (MultiSelectExpr)lhs;
var c = idGenerator.FreshNumericId("_arr+_index");
string arr = "_arr" + c;
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("var {0} = ", arr);
- TrExpr(ll.Array);
+ TrExpr(ll.Array, wr, false);
string fullString = arr + "[";
string sep = "";
int i = 0;
foreach (var idx in ll.Indices) {
string index = "_index" + i + "_" + c;
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("var {0} = ", index);
- TrExpr(idx);
+ TrExpr(idx, wr, false);
fullString += sep + "(int)" + index;
sep = ", ";
@@ -1969,21 +1972,21 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
- void TrRhs(string target, Expression targetExpr, AssignmentRhs rhs, int indent) {
+ void TrRhs(string target, Expression targetExpr, AssignmentRhs rhs, int indent, TextWriter wr) {
Contract.Requires((target == null) != (targetExpr == null));
var tRhs = rhs as TypeRhs;
if (tRhs != null && tRhs.InitCall != null) {
string nw = idGenerator.FreshId("_nw");
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("var {0} = ", nw);
- TrAssignmentRhs(rhs); // in this case, this call will not require us to spill any let variables first
+ TrAssignmentRhs(rhs, wr); // in this case, this call will not require us to spill any let variables first
- TrCallStmt(tRhs.InitCall, nw, indent);
- Indent(indent);
+ wr.Write(TrCallStmt(tRhs.InitCall, nw, indent).ToString());
+ Indent(indent, wr);
if (target != null) {
} else {
- TrExpr(targetExpr);
+ TrExpr(targetExpr, wr, false);
wr.WriteLine(" = {0};", nw);
} else if (rhs is HavocRhs) {
@@ -1994,22 +1997,23 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
foreach (Expression dim in tRhs.ArrayDimensions) {
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
if (target != null) {
} else {
- TrExpr(targetExpr);
+ TrExpr(targetExpr, wr, false);
wr.Write(" = ");
- TrAssignmentRhs(rhs);
+ TrAssignmentRhs(rhs, wr);
- void TrCallStmt(CallStmt s, string receiverReplacement, int indent) {
+ TextWriter TrCallStmt(CallStmt s, string receiverReplacement, int indent) {
Contract.Requires(s != null);
Contract.Assert(s.Method != null); // follows from the fact that stmt has been successfully resolved
+ StringWriter wr = new StringWriter();
if (s.Method == enclosingMethod && enclosingMethod.IsTailRecursive) {
// compile call as tail-recursive
@@ -2026,9 +2030,9 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
string inTmp = idGenerator.FreshId("_in");
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("var {0} = ", inTmp);
- TrExpr(s.Receiver);
+ TrExpr(s.Receiver, wr, false);
for (int i = 0; i < s.Method.Ins.Count; i++) {
@@ -2036,29 +2040,29 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (!p.IsGhost) {
string inTmp = idGenerator.FreshId("_in");
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("var {0} = ", inTmp);
- TrExpr(s.Args[i]);
+ TrExpr(s.Args[i], wr, false);
// Now, assign to the formals
int n = 0;
if (!s.Method.IsStatic) {
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("_this = {0};", inTmps[n]);
foreach (var p in s.Method.Ins) {
if (!p.IsGhost) {
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("{0} = {1};", p.CompileName, inTmps[n]);
Contract.Assert(n == inTmps.Count);
// finally, the jump back to the head of the method
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("goto TAIL_CALL_START;");
} else {
@@ -2069,7 +2073,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
for (int i = 0; i < s.Method.Outs.Count; i++) {
Formal p = s.Method.Outs[i];
if (!p.IsGhost) {
- lvalues.Add(CreateLvalue(s.Lhs[i], indent));
+ lvalues.Add(CreateLvalue(s.Lhs[i], indent, wr));
var outTmps = new List<string>();
@@ -2078,8 +2082,8 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (!p.IsGhost) {
string target = idGenerator.FreshId("_out");
- Indent(indent);
- wr.WriteLine("{0} {1};", TypeName(s.Lhs[i].Type), target);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
+ wr.WriteLine("{0} {1};", TypeName(s.Lhs[i].Type, wr), target);
Contract.Assert(lvalues.Count == outTmps.Count);
@@ -2090,14 +2094,14 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (receiverReplacement != null) {
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("@" + receiverReplacement);
} else if (s.Method.IsStatic) {
- Indent(indent);
- wr.Write(TypeName_Companion(s.Receiver.Type));
+ Indent(indent, wr);
+ wr.Write(TypeName_Companion(s.Receiver.Type, wr));
} else {
- Indent(indent);
- TrParenExpr(s.Receiver);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
+ TrParenExpr(s.Receiver, wr, false);
wr.Write(".@{0}(", s.Method.CompileName);
@@ -2106,7 +2110,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
Formal p = s.Method.Ins[i];
if (!p.IsGhost) {
- TrExpr(s.Args[i]);
+ TrExpr(s.Args[i], wr, false);
sep = ", ";
@@ -2119,44 +2123,45 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
// assign to the actual LHSs
for (int j = 0; j < lvalues.Count; j++) {
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.WriteLine("{0} = {1};", lvalues[j], outTmps[j]);
+ return wr;
/// <summary>
/// Before calling TrAssignmentRhs(rhs), the caller must have spilled the let variables declared in "rhs".
/// </summary>
- void TrAssignmentRhs(AssignmentRhs rhs) {
+ void TrAssignmentRhs(AssignmentRhs rhs, TextWriter wr) {
Contract.Requires(rhs != null);
Contract.Requires(!(rhs is HavocRhs));
if (rhs is ExprRhs) {
ExprRhs e = (ExprRhs)rhs;
- TrExpr(e.Expr);
+ TrExpr(e.Expr, wr, false);
} else {
TypeRhs tp = (TypeRhs)rhs;
if (tp.ArrayDimensions == null) {
- wr.Write("new {0}()", TypeName(tp.EType));
+ wr.Write("new {0}()", TypeName(tp.EType, wr));
} else {
if (tp.EType.IsIntegerType || tp.EType.IsTypeParameter) {
// Because the default constructor for BigInteger does not generate a valid BigInteger, we have
// to excplicitly initialize the elements of an integer array. This is all done in a helper routine.
- wr.Write("Dafny.Helpers.InitNewArray{0}<{1}>", tp.ArrayDimensions.Count, TypeName(tp.EType));
+ wr.Write("Dafny.Helpers.InitNewArray{0}<{1}>", tp.ArrayDimensions.Count, TypeName(tp.EType, wr));
string prefix = "(";
foreach (Expression dim in tp.ArrayDimensions) {
- TrParenExpr(dim);
+ TrParenExpr(dim, wr, false);
prefix = ", ";
} else {
- wr.Write("new {0}", TypeName(tp.EType));
+ wr.Write("new {0}", TypeName(tp.EType, wr));
string prefix = "[";
foreach (Expression dim in tp.ArrayDimensions) {
wr.Write("{0}(int)", prefix);
- TrParenExpr(dim);
+ TrParenExpr(dim, wr, false);
prefix = ", ";
@@ -2165,34 +2170,43 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
- void TrStmtList(List<Statement/*!*/>/*!*/ stmts, int indent) {Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(stmts));
+ void TrStmtList(List<Statement/*!*/>/*!*/ stmts, int indent, TextWriter writer) {Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(stmts));
foreach (Statement ss in stmts) {
- TrStmt(ss, indent + IndentAmount);
+ copyInstrWriter.Clear();
+ TextWriter wr = TrStmt(ss, indent + IndentAmount);
+ // write out any copy instructions that copies the out param
+ // used in letexpr to a local
+ string copyInstr = copyInstrWriter.ToString();
+ if (copyInstr != "") {
+ Indent(indent + IndentAmount, writer);
+ writer.Write(copyInstrWriter.ToString());
+ }
+ writer.Write(wr.ToString());
if (ss.Labels != null) {
- Indent(indent); // labels are not indented as much as the statements
- wr.WriteLine("after_{0}: ;", ss.Labels.Data.AssignUniqueId("after_", idGenerator));
+ Indent(indent, writer); // labels are not indented as much as the statements
+ writer.WriteLine("after_{0}: ;", ss.Labels.Data.AssignUniqueId("after_", idGenerator));
- void TrLocalVar(IVariable v, bool alwaysInitialize, int indent) {
+ void TrLocalVar(IVariable v, bool alwaysInitialize, int indent, TextWriter wr) {
Contract.Requires(v != null);
if (v.IsGhost) {
// only emit non-ghosts (we get here only for local variables introduced implicitly by call statements)
- Indent(indent);
- wr.Write("{0} @{1}", TypeName(v.Type), v.CompileName);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
+ wr.Write("{0} @{1}", TypeName(v.Type, wr), v.CompileName);
if (alwaysInitialize) {
// produce a default value
- wr.WriteLine(" = {0};", DefaultValue(v.Type));
+ wr.WriteLine(" = {0};", DefaultValue(v.Type, wr));
} else {
- void MatchCasePrelude(string source, UserDefinedType sourceType, DatatypeCtor ctor, List<BoundVar/*!*/>/*!*/ arguments, int caseIndex, int caseCount, int indent) {
+ void MatchCasePrelude(string source, UserDefinedType sourceType, DatatypeCtor ctor, List<BoundVar/*!*/>/*!*/ arguments, int caseIndex, int caseCount, int indent, TextWriter wr) {
Contract.Requires(source != null);
Contract.Requires(sourceType != null);
Contract.Requires(ctor != null);
@@ -2201,7 +2215,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
// if (source.is_Ctor0) {
// FormalType f0 = ((Dt_Ctor0)source._D).a0;
// ...
- Indent(indent);
+ Indent(indent, wr);
wr.Write("{0}if (", caseIndex == 0 ? "" : "} else ");
if (caseIndex == caseCount - 1) {
@@ -2216,9 +2230,9 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (!arg.IsGhost) {
BoundVar bv = arguments[m];
// FormalType f0 = ((Dt_Ctor0)source._D).a0;
- Indent(indent + IndentAmount);
+ Indent(indent + IndentAmount, wr);
wr.WriteLine("{0} @{1} = (({2}){3}._D).@{4};",
- TypeName(bv.Type), bv.CompileName, DtCtorName(ctor, sourceType.TypeArgs), source, FormalName(arg, k));
+ TypeName(bv.Type, wr), bv.CompileName, DtCtorName(ctor, sourceType.TypeArgs, wr), source, FormalName(arg, k));
@@ -2229,51 +2243,51 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
/// <summary>
/// Before calling TrParenExpr(expr), the caller must have spilled the let variables declared in "expr".
/// </summary>
- void TrParenExpr(string prefix, Expression expr) {
+ void TrParenExpr(string prefix, Expression expr, TextWriter wr, bool inLetExprBody) {
Contract.Requires(prefix != null);
Contract.Requires(expr != null);
- TrParenExpr(expr);
+ TrParenExpr(expr, wr, inLetExprBody);
/// <summary>
/// Before calling TrParenExpr(expr), the caller must have spilled the let variables declared in "expr".
/// </summary>
- void TrParenExpr(Expression expr) {
+ void TrParenExpr(Expression expr, TextWriter wr, bool inLetExprBody) {
Contract.Requires(expr != null);
- TrExpr(expr);
+ TrExpr(expr, wr, inLetExprBody);
/// <summary>
/// Before calling TrExprList(exprs), the caller must have spilled the let variables declared in expressions in "exprs".
/// </summary>
- void TrExprList(List<Expression/*!*/>/*!*/ exprs) {
+ void TrExprList(List<Expression/*!*/>/*!*/ exprs, TextWriter wr, bool inLetExprBody) {
string sep = "";
foreach (Expression e in exprs) {
- TrExpr(e);
+ TrExpr(e, wr, inLetExprBody);
sep = ", ";
- void TrExprPairList(List<ExpressionPair/*!*/>/*!*/ exprs) {
+ void TrExprPairList(List<ExpressionPair/*!*/>/*!*/ exprs, TextWriter wr, bool inLetExprBody) {
string sep = "";
foreach (ExpressionPair p in exprs) {
wr.Write("new Dafny.Pair<");
- wr.Write(TypeName(p.A.Type));
+ wr.Write(TypeName(p.A.Type, wr));
- wr.Write(TypeName(p.B.Type));
+ wr.Write(TypeName(p.B.Type, wr));
- TrExpr(p.A);
+ TrExpr(p.A, wr, inLetExprBody);
- TrExpr(p.B);
+ TrExpr(p.B, wr, inLetExprBody);
sep = ", ";
@@ -2283,13 +2297,13 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
/// <summary>
/// Before calling TrExpr(expr), the caller must have spilled the let variables declared in "expr".
/// </summary>
- void TrExpr(Expression expr)
+ void TrExpr(Expression expr, TextWriter wr, bool inLetExprBody)
Contract.Requires(expr != null);
if (expr is LiteralExpr) {
LiteralExpr e = (LiteralExpr)expr;
if (e.Value == null) {
- wr.Write("({0})null", TypeName(e.Type));
+ wr.Write("({0})null", TypeName(e.Type, wr));
} else if (e.Value is bool) {
wr.Write((bool)e.Value ? "true" : "false");
} else if (e is CharLiteralExpr) {
@@ -2330,41 +2344,49 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
} else if (expr is IdentifierExpr) {
var e = (IdentifierExpr)expr;
- wr.Write("@" + e.Var.CompileName);
+ if (e.Var is Formal && inLetExprBody && !((Formal)e.Var).InParam) {
+ // out param in letExpr body, need to copy it to a temp since
+ // letExpr body is translated to an anonymous function that doesn't
+ // allow out parameters
+ var name = string.Format("_pat_let_tv{0}", GetUniqueAstNumber(e));
+ wr.Write("@" + name);
+ copyInstrWriter.Append("var @" + name + "= @" + e.Var.CompileName + ";\n");
+ } else {
+ wr.Write("@" + e.Var.CompileName);
+ }
} else if (expr is SetDisplayExpr) {
var e = (SetDisplayExpr)expr;
var elType = e.Type.AsSetType.Arg;
- wr.Write("{0}<{1}>.FromElements", DafnySetClass, TypeName(elType));
- TrExprList(e.Elements);
+ wr.Write("{0}<{1}>.FromElements", DafnySetClass, TypeName(elType, wr));
+ TrExprList(e.Elements, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else if (expr is MultiSetDisplayExpr) {
var e = (MultiSetDisplayExpr)expr;
var elType = e.Type.AsMultiSetType.Arg;
- wr.Write("{0}<{1}>.FromElements", DafnyMultiSetClass, TypeName(elType));
- TrExprList(e.Elements);
+ wr.Write("{0}<{1}>.FromElements", DafnyMultiSetClass, TypeName(elType, wr));
+ TrExprList(e.Elements, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else if (expr is SeqDisplayExpr) {
var e = (SeqDisplayExpr)expr;
var elType = e.Type.AsSeqType.Arg;
- wr.Write("{0}<{1}>.FromElements", DafnySeqClass, TypeName(elType));
- TrExprList(e.Elements);
+ wr.Write("{0}<{1}>.FromElements", DafnySeqClass, TypeName(elType, wr));
+ TrExprList(e.Elements, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else if (expr is MapDisplayExpr) {
MapDisplayExpr e = (MapDisplayExpr)expr;
- wr.Write("{0}.FromElements", TypeName(e.Type));
- TrExprPairList(e.Elements);
+ wr.Write("{0}.FromElements", TypeName(e.Type, wr));
+ TrExprPairList(e.Elements, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else if (expr is MemberSelectExpr) {
MemberSelectExpr e = (MemberSelectExpr)expr;
SpecialField sf = e.Member as SpecialField;
if (sf != null) {
- TrParenExpr(e.Obj);
+ TrParenExpr(e.Obj, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(".@{0}", sf.CompiledName);
} else {
- TrParenExpr(e.Obj);
+ TrParenExpr(e.Obj, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(".@{0}", e.Member.CompileName);
@@ -2374,50 +2396,50 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (e.Seq.Type.IsArrayType) {
if (e.SelectOne) {
Contract.Assert(e.E0 != null && e.E1 == null);
- TrParenExpr(e.Seq);
+ TrParenExpr(e.Seq, wr, inLetExprBody);
- TrParenExpr(e.E0);
+ TrParenExpr(e.E0, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else {
- TrParenExpr("Dafny.Helpers.SeqFromArray", e.Seq);
+ TrParenExpr("Dafny.Helpers.SeqFromArray", e.Seq, wr, inLetExprBody);
if (e.E1 != null) {
- TrParenExpr(".Take", e.E1);
+ TrParenExpr(".Take", e.E1, wr, inLetExprBody);
if (e.E0 != null) {
- TrParenExpr(".Drop", e.E0);
+ TrParenExpr(".Drop", e.E0, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else if (e.SelectOne) {
Contract.Assert(e.E0 != null && e.E1 == null);
- TrParenExpr(e.Seq);
- TrParenExpr(".Select", e.E0);
+ TrParenExpr(e.Seq, wr, inLetExprBody);
+ TrParenExpr(".Select", e.E0, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else {
- TrParenExpr(e.Seq);
+ TrParenExpr(e.Seq, wr, inLetExprBody);
if (e.E1 != null) {
- TrParenExpr(".Take", e.E1);
+ TrParenExpr(".Take", e.E1, wr, inLetExprBody);
if (e.E0 != null) {
- TrParenExpr(".Drop", e.E0);
+ TrParenExpr(".Drop", e.E0, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else if (expr is MultiSetFormingExpr) {
var e = (MultiSetFormingExpr)expr;
- wr.Write("{0}<{1}>", DafnyMultiSetClass, TypeName(e.E.Type.AsCollectionType.Arg));
+ wr.Write("{0}<{1}>", DafnyMultiSetClass, TypeName(e.E.Type.AsCollectionType.Arg, wr));
var eeType = e.E.Type.NormalizeExpand();
if (eeType is SeqType) {
- TrParenExpr(".FromSeq", e.E);
+ TrParenExpr(".FromSeq", e.E, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else if (eeType is SetType) {
- TrParenExpr(".FromSet", e.E);
+ TrParenExpr(".FromSet", e.E, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else {
Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException();
} else if (expr is MultiSelectExpr) {
MultiSelectExpr e = (MultiSelectExpr)expr;
- TrParenExpr(e.Array);
+ TrParenExpr(e.Array, wr, inLetExprBody);
string prefix = "[";
foreach (Expression idx in e.Indices) {
wr.Write("{0}(int)", prefix);
- TrParenExpr(idx);
+ TrParenExpr(idx, wr, inLetExprBody);
prefix = ", ";
@@ -2426,47 +2448,47 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
SeqUpdateExpr e = (SeqUpdateExpr)expr;
if (e.ResolvedUpdateExpr != null)
- TrExpr(e.ResolvedUpdateExpr);
+ TrExpr(e.ResolvedUpdateExpr, wr, inLetExprBody);
- TrParenExpr(e.Seq);
+ TrParenExpr(e.Seq, wr, inLetExprBody);
- TrExpr(e.Index);
+ TrExpr(e.Index, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(", ");
- TrExpr(e.Value);
+ TrExpr(e.Value, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else if (expr is FunctionCallExpr) {
FunctionCallExpr e = (FunctionCallExpr)expr;
- CompileFunctionCallExpr(e, wr, TrExpr);
+ CompileFunctionCallExpr(e, wr, wr, inLetExprBody, TrExpr);
} else if (expr is ApplyExpr) {
var e = expr as ApplyExpr;
- wr.Write(TypeName(e.Function.Type));
+ wr.Write(TypeName(e.Function.Type, wr));
- TrExpr(e.Function);
+ TrExpr(e.Function, wr, inLetExprBody);
- TrExprList(e.Args);
+ TrExprList(e.Args, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else if (expr is DatatypeValue) {
DatatypeValue dtv = (DatatypeValue)expr;
Contract.Assert(dtv.Ctor != null); // since dtv has been successfully resolved
- var typeParams = dtv.InferredTypeArgs.Count == 0 ? "" : string.Format("<{0}>", TypeNames(dtv.InferredTypeArgs));
+ var typeParams = dtv.InferredTypeArgs.Count == 0 ? "" : string.Format("<{0}>", TypeNames(dtv.InferredTypeArgs, wr));
wr.Write("new {0}{1}(", DtName(dtv.Ctor.EnclosingDatatype), typeParams);
if (!dtv.IsCoCall) {
// For an ordinary constructor (that is, one that does not guard any co-recursive calls), generate:
// new Dt_Cons<T>( args )
- wr.Write("new {0}(", DtCtorName(dtv.Ctor, dtv.InferredTypeArgs));
+ wr.Write("new {0}(", DtCtorName(dtv.Ctor, dtv.InferredTypeArgs, wr));
string sep = "";
for (int i = 0; i < dtv.Arguments.Count; i++) {
Formal formal = dtv.Ctor.Formals[i];
if (!formal.IsGhost) {
- TrExpr(dtv.Arguments[i]);
+ TrExpr(dtv.Arguments[i], wr, inLetExprBody);
sep = ", ";
@@ -2495,17 +2517,17 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
arg = varName;
wr.Write("var {0} = ", varName);
- TrExpr(actual);
+ TrExpr(actual, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write("; ");
} else {
var sw = new StringWriter();
- CompileFunctionCallExpr(fce, sw, (exp) => {
+ CompileFunctionCallExpr(fce, sw, wr, inLetExprBody, (exp, wrr, inLetExpr) => {
string varName = idGenerator.FreshId("_ac");
- wr.Write("var {0} = ", varName);
- TrExpr(exp);
- wr.Write("; ");
+ wrr.Write("var {0} = ", varName);
+ TrExpr(exp, wrr, inLetExpr);
+ wrr.Write("; ");
arg = sw.ToString();
@@ -2517,7 +2539,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
wr.Write("return () => { return ");
- wr.Write("new {0}({1}", DtCtorName(dtv.Ctor, dtv.InferredTypeArgs), args);
+ wr.Write("new {0}({1}", DtCtorName(dtv.Ctor, dtv.InferredTypeArgs, wr), args);
wr.Write("); }; })())");
@@ -2530,11 +2552,11 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
switch (e.Op) {
case UnaryOpExpr.Opcode.Not:
- TrParenExpr(e.E);
+ TrParenExpr(e.E, wr, inLetExprBody);
case UnaryOpExpr.Opcode.Cardinality:
wr.Write("new BigInteger(");
- TrParenExpr(e.E);
+ TrParenExpr(e.E, wr, inLetExprBody);
@@ -2552,7 +2574,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (AsNativeType(e.E.Type) != null) {
wr.Write("new BigInteger");
- TrParenExpr(e.E);
+ TrParenExpr(e.E, wr, inLetExprBody);
Action toIntCast = () => {
@@ -2568,7 +2590,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
} else if (!fromInt && toInt) {
// real -> int
- TrParenExpr(e.E);
+ TrParenExpr(e.E, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else if (AsNativeType(e.ToType) != null) {
@@ -2580,14 +2602,14 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
wr.Write("(" + (BigInteger)lit.Value + AsNativeType(e.ToType).Suffix + ")");
} else if ((u != null && u.Op == UnaryOpExpr.Opcode.Cardinality) || (m != null && m.MemberName == "Length" && m.Obj.Type.IsArrayType)) {
// Optimize .Length to avoid intermediate BigInteger
- TrParenExpr((u != null) ? u.E : m.Obj);
+ TrParenExpr((u != null) ? u.E : m.Obj, wr, inLetExprBody);
if (AsNativeType(e.ToType).UpperBound <= new BigInteger(0x80000000U)) {
} else {
} else {
- TrParenExpr(e.E);
+ TrParenExpr(e.E, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else if (e.ToType.IsIntegerType && AsNativeType(e.E.Type) != null) {
@@ -2595,7 +2617,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
Contract.Assert(fromInt == toInt);
Contract.Assert(AsNativeType(e.ToType) == null);
Contract.Assert(AsNativeType(e.E.Type) == null);
- TrParenExpr(e.E);
+ TrParenExpr(e.E, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else if (expr is BinaryExpr) {
@@ -2664,9 +2686,9 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (expr.Type.IsIntegerType || (AsNativeType(expr.Type) != null && AsNativeType(expr.Type).LowerBound < BigInteger.Zero)) {
string suffix = AsNativeType(expr.Type) != null ? ("_" + AsNativeType(expr.Type).Name) : "";
wr.Write("Dafny.Helpers.EuclideanDivision" + suffix + "(");
- TrParenExpr(e.E0);
+ TrParenExpr(e.E0, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(", ");
- TrExpr(e.E1);
+ TrExpr(e.E1, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else {
opString = "/"; // for reals
@@ -2676,9 +2698,9 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (expr.Type.IsIntegerType || (AsNativeType(expr.Type) != null && AsNativeType(expr.Type).LowerBound < BigInteger.Zero)) {
string suffix = AsNativeType(expr.Type) != null ? ("_" + AsNativeType(expr.Type).Name) : "";
wr.Write("Dafny.Helpers.EuclideanModulus" + suffix + "(");
- TrParenExpr(e.E0);
+ TrParenExpr(e.E0, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(", ");
- TrExpr(e.E1);
+ TrExpr(e.E1, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else {
opString = "%"; // for reals
@@ -2713,18 +2735,18 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.InSet:
case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.InMultiSet:
case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.InMap:
- TrParenExpr(e.E1);
+ TrParenExpr(e.E1, wr, inLetExprBody);
- TrExpr(e.E0);
+ TrExpr(e.E0, wr, inLetExprBody);
case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.NotInSet:
case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.NotInMultiSet:
case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.NotInMap:
- TrParenExpr(e.E1);
+ TrParenExpr(e.E1, wr, inLetExprBody);
- TrExpr(e.E0);
+ TrExpr(e.E0, wr, inLetExprBody);
case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Union:
@@ -2744,16 +2766,16 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Concat:
callString = "Concat"; break;
case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.InSeq:
- TrParenExpr(e.E1);
+ TrParenExpr(e.E1, wr, inLetExprBody);
- TrExpr(e.E0);
+ TrExpr(e.E0, wr, inLetExprBody);
case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.NotInSeq:
- TrParenExpr(e.E1);
+ TrParenExpr(e.E1, wr, inLetExprBody);
- TrExpr(e.E0);
+ TrExpr(e.E0, wr, inLetExprBody);
@@ -2767,17 +2789,17 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
wr.Write("(" + nativeType.Name + ")(");
- TrParenExpr(e.E0);
+ TrParenExpr(e.E0, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(" {0} ", opString);
- TrParenExpr(e.E1);
+ TrParenExpr(e.E1, wr, inLetExprBody);
if (needsCast) {
} else if (callString != null) {
- TrParenExpr(e.E0);
+ TrParenExpr(e.E0, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(".@{0}(", callString);
- TrExpr(e.E1);
+ TrExpr(e.E1, wr, inLetExprBody);
@@ -2800,17 +2822,18 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (Contract.Exists(lhs.Vars, bv => !bv.IsGhost)) {
var rhsName = string.Format("_pat_let{0}_{1}", GetUniqueAstNumber(e), i);
- wr.Write(TypeName(e.RHSs[i].Type) + "," + TypeName(e.Body.Type));
+ wr.Write(TypeName(e.RHSs[i].Type, wr) + "," + TypeName(e.Body.Type, wr));
- TrExpr(e.RHSs[i]);
+ TrExpr(e.RHSs[i], wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(", " + rhsName + " => ");
- var c = TrCasePattern(lhs, rhsName, e.Body.Type);
+ var c = TrCasePattern(lhs, rhsName, e.Body.Type, wr);
Contract.Assert(c != 0); // we already checked that there's at least one non-ghost
neededCloseParens += c;
- TrExpr(e.Body);
+ TrExpr(e.Body, wr, true);
for (int i = 0; i < neededCloseParens; i++) {
@@ -2819,7 +2842,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
// ghost var x,y :| Constraint; E
// is compiled just like E is, because the resolver has already checked that x,y (or other ghost variables, for that matter) don't
// occur in E (moreover, the verifier has checked that values for x,y satisfying Constraint exist).
- TrExpr(e.Body);
+ TrExpr(e.Body, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else {
// The Dafny "let" expression
// var x,y :| Constraint; E
@@ -2834,17 +2857,17 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
Contract.Assert(e.RHSs.Count == 1); // checked by resolution
if (e.Constraint_MissingBounds != null) {
foreach (var bv in e.Constraint_MissingBounds) {
- Error("this let-such-that expression is too advanced for the current compiler; Dafny's heuristics cannot find any bound for variable '{0}' (line {1})", bv.Name, e.tok.line);
+ Error("this let-such-that expression is too advanced for the current compiler; Dafny's heuristics cannot find any bound for variable '{0}' (line {1})", wr, bv.Name, e.tok.line);
} else {
- wr.Write("Dafny.Helpers.Let<int," + TypeName(e.Body.Type) + ">(0, _let_dummy_" + GetUniqueAstNumber(e) + " => {");
+ wr.Write("Dafny.Helpers.Let<int," + TypeName(e.Body.Type, wr) + ">(0, _let_dummy_" + GetUniqueAstNumber(e) + " => {");
foreach (var bv in e.BoundVars) {
- wr.Write("{0} @{1}", TypeName(bv.Type), bv.CompileName);
- wr.WriteLine(" = {0};", DefaultValue(bv.Type));
+ wr.Write("{0} @{1}", TypeName(bv.Type, wr), bv.CompileName);
+ wr.WriteLine(" = {0};", DefaultValue(bv.Type, wr));
- TrAssignSuchThat(0, new List<IVariable>(e.BoundVars).ConvertAll(bv => (IVariable)bv), e.RHSs[0], e.Constraint_Bounds, e.tok.line);
+ TrAssignSuchThat(0, new List<IVariable>(e.BoundVars).ConvertAll(bv => (IVariable)bv), e.RHSs[0], e.Constraint_Bounds, e.tok.line, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(" return ");
- TrExpr(e.Body);
+ TrExpr(e.Body, wr, true);
wr.Write("; })");
@@ -2864,7 +2887,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
// }(src)
string source = idGenerator.FreshId("_source");
- wr.Write("new Dafny.Helpers.Function<{0}, {1}>(delegate ({0} {2}) {{ ", TypeName(e.Source.Type), TypeName(e.Type), source);
+ wr.Write("new Dafny.Helpers.Function<{0}, {1}>(delegate ({0} {2}) {{ ", TypeName(e.Source.Type, wr), TypeName(e.Type, wr), source);
if (e.Cases.Count == 0) {
// the verifier would have proved we never get here; still, we need some code that will compile
@@ -2873,9 +2896,9 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
int i = 0;
var sourceType = (UserDefinedType)e.Source.Type.NormalizeExpand();
foreach (MatchCaseExpr mc in e.Cases) {
- MatchCasePrelude(source, sourceType, cce.NonNull(mc.Ctor), mc.Arguments, i, e.Cases.Count, 0);
+ MatchCasePrelude(source, sourceType, cce.NonNull(mc.Ctor), mc.Arguments, i, e.Cases.Count, 0, wr);
wr.Write("return ");
- TrExpr(mc.Body);
+ TrExpr(mc.Body, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write("; ");
@@ -2883,7 +2906,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
// We end with applying the source expression to the delegate we just built
- TrExpr(e.Source);
+ TrExpr(e.Source, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else if (expr is QuantifierExpr) {
@@ -2905,24 +2928,24 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.IntBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.IntBoundedPool)bound;
- TrExpr(b.LowerBound);
+ TrExpr(b.LowerBound, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(", ");
- TrExpr(b.UpperBound);
+ TrExpr(b.UpperBound, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(", ");
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.SetBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.SetBoundedPool)bound;
- TrExpr(b.Set);
+ TrExpr(b.Set, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(", ");
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.MapBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.MapBoundedPool)bound;
- TrExpr(b.Map);
+ TrExpr(b.Map, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(", ");
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.SeqBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.SeqBoundedPool)bound;
- TrExpr(b.Seq);
+ TrExpr(b.Seq, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(", ");
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.DatatypeBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.DatatypeBoundedPool)bound;
@@ -2935,7 +2958,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
wr.Write("{0}, ", expr is ForallExpr ? "true" : "false");
wr.Write("@{0} => ", bv.CompileName);
- TrExpr(e.LogicalBody(true));
+ TrExpr(e.LogicalBody(true), wr, inLetExprBody);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
@@ -2959,7 +2982,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
// return Dafny.Set<G>.FromCollection(_coll);
// })()
Contract.Assert(e.Bounds != null); // the resolver would have insisted on finding bounds
- var typeName = TypeName(e.Type.AsSetType.Arg);
+ var typeName = TypeName(e.Type.AsSetType.Arg, wr);
wr.Write("((Dafny.Helpers.ComprehensionDelegate<{0}>)delegate() {{ ", typeName);
wr.Write("var _coll = new System.Collections.Generic.List<{0}>(); ", typeName);
var n = e.BoundVars.Count;
@@ -2978,36 +3001,36 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
} else {
wr.Write("foreach (var @{0} in Dafny.Helpers.IntegerRange(", bv.CompileName);
- TrExpr(b.LowerBound);
+ TrExpr(b.LowerBound, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(", ");
- TrExpr(b.UpperBound);
+ TrExpr(b.UpperBound, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(")) { ");
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.SetBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.SetBoundedPool)bound;
wr.Write("foreach (var @{0} in (", bv.CompileName);
- TrExpr(b.Set);
+ TrExpr(b.Set, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(").Elements) { ");
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.MapBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.MapBoundedPool)bound;
wr.Write("foreach (var @{0} in (", bv.CompileName);
- TrExpr(b.Map);
+ TrExpr(b.Map, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(").Domain) { ");
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.SeqBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.SeqBoundedPool)bound;
wr.Write("foreach (var @{0} in (", bv.CompileName);
- TrExpr(b.Seq);
+ TrExpr(b.Seq, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(").Elements) { ");
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.DatatypeBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.DatatypeBoundedPool)bound;
- wr.Write("foreach (var @{0} in {1}.AllSingletonConstructors) {{", bv.CompileName, TypeName(bv.Type));
+ wr.Write("foreach (var @{0} in {1}.AllSingletonConstructors) {{", bv.CompileName, TypeName(bv.Type, wr));
} else {
Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected BoundedPool type
wr.Write("if (");
- TrExpr(e.Range);
+ TrExpr(e.Range, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(") { _coll.Add(");
- TrExpr(e.Term);
+ TrExpr(e.Term, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write("); }");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
@@ -3034,8 +3057,8 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
// return Dafny.Map<U, V>.FromElements(_coll);
// })()
Contract.Assert(e.Bounds != null); // the resolver would have insisted on finding bounds
- var domtypeName = TypeName(e.Type.AsMapType.Domain);
- var rantypeName = TypeName(e.Type.AsMapType.Range);
+ var domtypeName = TypeName(e.Type.AsMapType.Domain, wr);
+ var rantypeName = TypeName(e.Type.AsMapType.Range, wr);
wr.Write("((Dafny.Helpers.MapComprehensionDelegate<{0},{1}>)delegate() {{ ", domtypeName, rantypeName);
wr.Write("var _coll = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Dafny.Pair<{0},{1}>>(); ", domtypeName, rantypeName);
var n = e.BoundVars.Count;
@@ -3053,34 +3076,34 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
} else {
wr.Write("foreach (var @{0} in Dafny.Helpers.IntegerRange(", bv.CompileName);
- TrExpr(b.LowerBound);
+ TrExpr(b.LowerBound, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(", ");
- TrExpr(b.UpperBound);
+ TrExpr(b.UpperBound, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(")) { ");
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.SetBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.SetBoundedPool)bound;
wr.Write("foreach (var @{0} in (", bv.CompileName);
- TrExpr(b.Set);
+ TrExpr(b.Set, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(").Elements) { ");
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.MapBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.MapBoundedPool)bound;
wr.Write("foreach (var @{0} in (", bv.CompileName);
- TrExpr(b.Map);
+ TrExpr(b.Map, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(").Domain) { ");
} else if (bound is ComprehensionExpr.SeqBoundedPool) {
var b = (ComprehensionExpr.SeqBoundedPool)bound;
wr.Write("foreach (var @{0} in (", bv.CompileName);
- TrExpr(b.Seq);
+ TrExpr(b.Seq, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(").Elements) { ");
} else {
// TODO: handle ComprehensionExpr.SubSetBoundedPool
Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected BoundedPool type
wr.Write("if (");
- TrExpr(e.Range);
+ TrExpr(e.Range, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(") { ");
wr.Write("_coll.Add(new Dafny.Pair<{0},{1}>(@{2},", domtypeName, rantypeName, bv.CompileName);
- TrExpr(e.Term);
+ TrExpr(e.Term, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(")); }");
wr.Write("return Dafny.Map<{0},{1}>.FromCollection(_coll); ", domtypeName, rantypeName);
@@ -3109,46 +3132,46 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
var su = new Translator.Substituter(null, sm, new Dictionary<TypeParameter, Type>(), null);
- BetaRedex(bvars, fexprs, expr.Type, () => {
+ BetaRedex(bvars, fexprs, expr.Type, wr, inLetExprBody, () => {
wr.Write(Util.Comma(e.BoundVars, bv => "@" + bv.CompileName));
wr.Write(") => ");
- TrExpr(su.Substitute(e.Body));
+ TrExpr(su.Substitute(e.Body), wr, inLetExprBody);
} else if (expr is StmtExpr) {
var e = (StmtExpr)expr;
- TrExpr(e.E);
+ TrExpr(e.E, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else if (expr is ITEExpr) {
ITEExpr e = (ITEExpr)expr;
- TrExpr(e.Test);
+ TrExpr(e.Test, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(") ? (");
- TrExpr(e.Thn);
+ TrExpr(e.Thn, wr, inLetExprBody);
wr.Write(") : (");
- TrExpr(e.Els);
+ TrExpr(e.Els, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else if (expr is ConcreteSyntaxExpression) {
var e = (ConcreteSyntaxExpression)expr;
- TrExpr(e.ResolvedExpression);
+ TrExpr(e.ResolvedExpression, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else if (expr is NamedExpr) {
- TrExpr(((NamedExpr)expr).Body);
+ TrExpr(((NamedExpr)expr).Body, wr, inLetExprBody);
} else {
Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected expression
- int TrCasePattern(CasePattern pat, string rhsString, Type bodyType) {
+ int TrCasePattern(CasePattern pat, string rhsString, Type bodyType, TextWriter wr) {
Contract.Requires(pat != null);
Contract.Requires(rhsString != null);
int c = 0;
if (pat.Var != null) {
var bv = pat.Var;
if (!bv.IsGhost) {
- wr.Write("Dafny.Helpers.Let<" + TypeName(bv.Type) + "," + TypeName(bodyType) + ">");
+ wr.Write("Dafny.Helpers.Let<" + TypeName(bv.Type, wr) + "," + TypeName(bodyType, wr) + ">");
wr.Write("(" + rhsString + ", @" + bv.CompileName + " => ");
@@ -3164,7 +3187,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
// nothing to compile, but do a sanity check
Contract.Assert(!Contract.Exists(arg.Vars, bv => !bv.IsGhost));
} else {
- c += TrCasePattern(arg, string.Format("(({0})({1})._D).@{2}", DtCtorName(ctor, ((DatatypeValue)pat.Expr).InferredTypeArgs), rhsString, FormalName(formal, k)), bodyType);
+ c += TrCasePattern(arg, string.Format("(({0})({1})._D).@{2}", DtCtorName(ctor, ((DatatypeValue)pat.Expr).InferredTypeArgs, wr), rhsString, FormalName(formal, k)), bodyType, wr);
@@ -3172,40 +3195,40 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
return c;
- delegate void FCE_Arg_Translator(Expression e);
+ delegate void FCE_Arg_Translator(Expression e, TextWriter wr, bool inLetExpr=false);
- void CompileFunctionCallExpr(FunctionCallExpr e, TextWriter twr, FCE_Arg_Translator tr) {
+ void CompileFunctionCallExpr(FunctionCallExpr e, TextWriter twr, TextWriter wr, bool inLetExprBody, FCE_Arg_Translator tr) {
Function f = cce.NonNull(e.Function);
if (f.IsStatic) {
- twr.Write(TypeName_Companion(e.Receiver.Type));
+ twr.Write(TypeName_Companion(e.Receiver.Type, wr));
} else {
- tr(e.Receiver);
+ tr(e.Receiver, wr, inLetExprBody);
twr.Write(".@{0}", f.CompileName);
if (f.TypeArgs.Count != 0) {
List<Type> typeArgs = f.TypeArgs.ConvertAll(ta => e.TypeArgumentSubstitutions[ta]);
- twr.Write("<" + TypeNames(typeArgs) + ">");
+ twr.Write("<" + TypeNames(typeArgs, wr) + ">");
string sep = "";
for (int i = 0; i < e.Args.Count; i++) {
if (!e.Function.Formals[i].IsGhost) {
- tr(e.Args[i]);
+ tr(e.Args[i], wr);
sep = ", ";
- void BetaRedex(List<BoundVar> bvars, List<Expression> exprs, Type bodyType, Action makeBody) {
+ void BetaRedex(List<BoundVar> bvars, List<Expression> exprs, Type bodyType, TextWriter wr, bool inLetExprBody, Action makeBody) {
Contract.Requires(bvars != null);
Contract.Requires(exprs != null);
Contract.Requires(bvars.Count == exprs.Count);
- wr.Write(TypeName_UDT(ArrowType.Arrow_FullCompileName, Util.Snoc(bvars.ConvertAll(bv => bv.Type), bodyType)));
+ wr.Write(TypeName_UDT(ArrowType.Arrow_FullCompileName, Util.Snoc(bvars.ConvertAll(bv => bv.Type), bodyType), wr));
wr.Write(Util.Comma(bvars, bv => "@" + bv.CompileName));
wr.Write(") => ");
@@ -3213,7 +3236,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
- TrExprList(exprs);
+ TrExprList(exprs, wr, inLetExprBody);
diff --git a/Source/DafnyDriver/DafnyDriver.cs b/Source/DafnyDriver/DafnyDriver.cs
index 8282edc7..6cfbe7e1 100644
--- a/Source/DafnyDriver/DafnyDriver.cs
+++ b/Source/DafnyDriver/DafnyDriver.cs
@@ -300,14 +300,14 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny
// Compile the Dafny program into a string that contains the C# program
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
- Dafny.Compiler compiler = new Dafny.Compiler(sw);
+ Dafny.Compiler compiler = new Dafny.Compiler();
compiler.ErrorWriter = outputWriter;
var hasMain = compiler.HasMain(dafnyProgram);
if (DafnyOptions.O.RunAfterCompile && !hasMain) {
// do no more
- compiler.Compile(dafnyProgram);
+ compiler.Compile(dafnyProgram, sw);
var csharpProgram = sw.ToString();
bool completeProgram = compiler.ErrorCount == 0;