path: root/Source/Jennisys/MethodUnifier.fs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Jennisys/MethodUnifier.fs')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Jennisys/MethodUnifier.fs b/Source/Jennisys/MethodUnifier.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2b1db68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Jennisys/MethodUnifier.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+module MethodUnifier
+open Ast
+open Getters
+open AstUtils
+open FixpointSolver
+open PrintUtils
+open Resolver
+open Utils
+let TryUnify targetMthd candMethod =
+ let targetPre,targetPost = GetMethodPrePost targetMthd
+ let targetPre = BinaryAnd targetPre (GetMethodGhostPrecondition targetMthd)
+ let candPre,candPost = GetMethodPrePost candMethod
+ let candPre = BinaryAnd candPre (GetMethodGhostPrecondition candMethod)
+ let builder = new CascadingBuilder<_>(None)
+ builder {
+ let! unifs1 = UnifyImplies targetPre candPre RTL Map.empty
+ let! unifs2 = UnifyImplies candPost targetPost LTR unifs1
+ return Some(unifs2)
+ }
+let rec TryFindAMatch targetMthd candidateMethods =
+ let targetMthdName = GetMethodName targetMthd
+ match candidateMethods with
+ | candMthd :: rest ->
+ if GetMethodName candMthd = targetMthdName then
+ // skip if it is the same method
+ TryFindAMatch targetMthd rest
+ else
+ match TryUnify targetMthd candMthd with
+ | Some(unifs) -> Some(candMthd,unifs)
+ | None -> TryFindAMatch targetMthd rest
+ | [] -> None
+let TryFindExistingOpt comp targetMthd =
+ TryFindAMatch targetMthd (GetMembers comp |> FilterMethodMembers)
+let TryFindExisting comp targetMthd =
+ match TryFindAMatch targetMthd (GetMembers comp |> FilterMethodMembers) with
+ | Some(m,unifs) -> m,unifs
+ | None -> targetMthd, Map.empty
+let ApplyMethodUnifs receiver (c,m) unifs =
+ let __Apply args = args |> (fun var ->
+ let name = GetExtVarName var
+ match Map.tryFind name unifs with
+ | Some(e) -> e
+ | None -> VarLiteral(name))
+ let ins = GetMethodInArgs m |> __Apply
+ let outs = GetMethodOutArgs m |> __Apply
+ let retVars, asgs = outs |> List.fold (fun (acc1,acc2) e ->
+ let vname = SymGen.NewSymFake e
+ let v = Var(vname, None, false)
+ let acc1' = acc1 @ [v]
+ let acc2' = acc2 @ [ArbitraryStatement(Assign(VarLiteral(vname), e))]
+ acc1', acc2'
+ ) ([],[])
+ let mcallExpr = MethodCall(receiver, GetComponentName c, GetMethodName m, ins)
+ match retVars, outs with
+ | [], [] -> [ArbitraryStatement(ExprStmt(mcallExpr))]
+ | [_], [VarLiteral(vn2)] -> [ArbitraryStatement(Assign(VarDeclExpr([Var(vn2, None, false)], false), mcallExpr))]
+ | _ ->
+ let mcall = ArbitraryStatement(Assign(VarDeclExpr(retVars, true), mcallExpr))
+ mcall :: asgs
+// ====================================================
+// ====================================================
+let TryFindExistingAndConvertToSolution indent comp m cond callGraph =
+ let __Calls caller callee =
+ let keyOpt = callGraph |> Map.tryFindKey (fun (cc,mm) mset -> CheckSameMethods (comp,caller) (cc,mm))
+ match keyOpt with
+ | Some(k) -> callGraph |> Map.find k |> Set.contains ((GetComponentName comp),(GetMethodName callee))
+ | None -> false
+ (* --- function body starts here --- *)
+ if not Options.CONFIG.genMod then
+ None
+ else
+ let idt = Indent indent
+ let candidateMethods = GetMembers comp |> List.filter (fun cm ->
+ match cm with
+ | Method(mname,_,_,_,_) when not (__Calls cm m) -> true
+ | _ -> false)
+ match TryFindAMatch m candidateMethods with
+ | Some(m',unifs) ->
+ Logger.InfoLine (idt + " - substitution method found:")
+ Logger.InfoLine (Printer.PrintMethodSignFull (indent+6) comp m')
+ Logger.DebugLine (idt + " Unifications: ")
+ let idtt = idt + " "
+ unifs |> Map.fold (fun acc k v -> acc + (sprintf "%s%s -> %s%s" idtt k (Printer.PrintExpr 0 v) newline)) "" |> Logger.Debug
+ let obj = { name = "this"; objType = GetClassType comp }
+ let modObjs = if IsModifiableObj obj (comp,m) then Set.singleton obj else Set.empty
+ let body = ApplyMethodUnifs ThisLiteral (comp,m') unifs
+ let hInst = { objs = Utils.MapSingleton obj;
+ modifiableObjs = modObjs;
+ assignments = body;
+ concreteValues = body;
+ methodArgs = Map.empty;
+ methodRetVals = Map.empty;
+ concreteMethodRetVals = Map.empty;
+ globals = Map.empty }
+ Some(Map.empty |> Map.add (comp,m) [cond, hInst]
+ |> Map.add (comp,m') [])
+ | None -> None