path: root/Source/Dafny/Triggers/TriggersCollector.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Dafny/Triggers/TriggersCollector.cs')
1 files changed, 325 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/Triggers/TriggersCollector.cs b/Source/Dafny/Triggers/TriggersCollector.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4204cc29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Dafny/Triggers/TriggersCollector.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using Microsoft.Boogie;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+namespace Microsoft.Dafny.Triggers {
+ class TriggerTerm {
+ internal Expression Expr { get; set; }
+ internal Expression OriginalExpr { get; set; }
+ internal ISet<IVariable> Variables { get; set; }
+ internal IEnumerable<BoundVar> BoundVars {
+ get {
+ return Variables.Select(v => v as BoundVar).Where(v => v != null);
+ }
+ }
+ public override string ToString() {
+ return Printer.ExprToString(Expr);
+ // NOTE: Using OriginalExpr here could cause some confusion:
+ // for example, {a !in b} is a binary expression, yielding
+ // trigger {a in b}. Saying the trigger is a !in b would be
+ // rather misleading.
+ }
+ internal enum TermComparison {
+ SameStrength = 0, Stronger = 1, NotStronger = -1
+ }
+ internal TermComparison CompareTo(TriggerTerm other) {
+ if (this == other) {
+ return TermComparison.SameStrength;
+ } else if (Expr.AllSubExpressions(true, true).Any(other.Expr.ExpressionEq)) {
+ return TermComparison.Stronger;
+ } else {
+ return TermComparison.NotStronger;
+ }
+ }
+ internal static bool Eq(TriggerTerm t1, TriggerTerm t2) {
+ return ExprExtensions.ExpressionEq(t1.Expr, t2.Expr);
+ }
+ }
+ class TriggerCandidate {
+ internal List<TriggerTerm> Terms { get; set; }
+ internal string Annotation { get; set; }
+ internal TriggerCandidate(List<TriggerTerm> terms) {
+ this.Terms = terms;
+ }
+ public TriggerCandidate(TriggerCandidate candidate) {
+ this.Terms = candidate.Terms;
+ }
+ internal bool MentionsAll(List<BoundVar> vars) {
+ return vars.All(x => Terms.Any(term => term.Variables.Contains(x)));
+ }
+ internal string Repr { get { return String.Join(", ", Terms); } }
+ public override string ToString() {
+ return "{" + Repr + "}" + (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Annotation) ? "" : " (" + Annotation + ")");
+ }
+ internal IEnumerable<TriggerMatch> LoopingSubterms(QuantifierExpr quantifier) {
+ Contract.Requires(quantifier.SplitQuantifier == null); // Don't call this on a quantifier with a Split clause: it's not a real quantifier
+ var matchingSubterms = this.MatchingSubterms(quantifier);
+ var boundVars = new HashSet<BoundVar>(quantifier.BoundVars);
+ return matchingSubterms.Where(tm => tm.CouldCauseLoops(Terms, boundVars));
+ }
+ internal List<TriggerMatch> MatchingSubterms(QuantifierExpr quantifier) {
+ Contract.Requires(quantifier.SplitQuantifier == null); // Don't call this on a quantifier with a Split clause: it's not a real quantifier
+ return Terms.SelectMany(term => quantifier.SubexpressionsMatchingTrigger(term.Expr)).Deduplicate(TriggerMatch.Eq);
+ }
+ internal bool IsStrongerThan(TriggerCandidate that) {
+ if (this == that) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var hasStrictlyStrongerTerm = false;
+ foreach (var t in Terms) {
+ var comparison = that.Terms.Select(t.CompareTo).Max();
+ // All terms of `this` must be at least as strong as a term of `that`
+ if (comparison == TriggerTerm.TermComparison.NotStronger) { return false; }
+ // Did we find a strictly stronger term?
+ hasStrictlyStrongerTerm = hasStrictlyStrongerTerm || comparison == TriggerTerm.TermComparison.Stronger;
+ }
+ return hasStrictlyStrongerTerm;
+ }
+ }
+ internal class TriggerAnnotation {
+ internal bool IsTriggerKiller;
+ internal ISet<IVariable> Variables;
+ internal readonly List<TriggerTerm> PrivateTerms;
+ internal readonly List<TriggerTerm> ExportedTerms;
+ internal TriggerAnnotation(bool IsTriggerKiller, IEnumerable<IVariable> Variables, IEnumerable<TriggerTerm> AllTerms, IEnumerable<TriggerTerm> PrivateTerms = null) {
+ this.IsTriggerKiller = IsTriggerKiller;
+ this.Variables = new HashSet<IVariable>(Variables);
+ this.PrivateTerms = new List<TriggerTerm>(PrivateTerms == null ? Enumerable.Empty<TriggerTerm>() : PrivateTerms);
+ this.ExportedTerms = new List<TriggerTerm>(AllTerms == null ? Enumerable.Empty<TriggerTerm>() : AllTerms.Except(this.PrivateTerms));
+ }
+ public override string ToString() {
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ string indent = " {0}", nindent = "\n - {0}", subindent = "\n * {0}";
+ sb.AppendFormat(indent, IsTriggerKiller);
+ sb.AppendFormat(nindent, "Variables:");
+ foreach (var bv in Variables) {
+ sb.AppendFormat(subindent, bv.Name);
+ }
+ sb.AppendFormat(nindent, "Exported terms:");
+ foreach (var term in ExportedTerms) {
+ sb.AppendFormat(subindent, term);
+ }
+ if (PrivateTerms.Any()) {
+ sb.AppendFormat(nindent, "Private terms:");
+ foreach (var term in PrivateTerms) {
+ sb.AppendFormat(subindent, term);
+ }
+ }
+ return sb.ToString();
+ }
+ }
+ internal class TriggerAnnotationsCache {
+ public readonly HashSet<Expression> exprsInOldContext;
+ public readonly Dictionary<Expression, TriggerAnnotation> annotations;
+ /// <summary>
+ /// For certain operations, the TriggersCollector class needs to know whether
+ /// an particular expression is under an old(...) wrapper. This is in particular
+ /// true for generating trigger terms (but it is not for checking wehter something
+ /// is a trigger killer, so passing an empty set here for that case would be fine.
+ /// </summary>
+ public TriggerAnnotationsCache(HashSet<Expression> exprsInOldContext) {
+ this.exprsInOldContext = exprsInOldContext;
+ annotations = new Dictionary<Expression, TriggerAnnotation>();
+ }
+ }
+ internal class TriggersCollector {
+ TriggerAnnotationsCache cache;
+ internal TriggersCollector(HashSet<Expression> exprsInOldContext) {
+ this.cache = new TriggerAnnotationsCache(exprsInOldContext);
+ }
+ private T ReduceAnnotatedSubExpressions<T>(Expression expr, T seed, Func<TriggerAnnotation, T> map, Func<T, T, T> reduce) {
+ return expr.SubExpressions.Select(e => map(Annotate(e)))
+ .Aggregate(seed, (acc, e) => reduce(acc, e));
+ }
+ private List<TriggerTerm> CollectExportedCandidates(Expression expr) {
+ return ReduceAnnotatedSubExpressions<List<TriggerTerm>>(expr, new List<TriggerTerm>(), a => a.ExportedTerms, TriggerUtils.MergeAlterFirst);
+ }
+ private ISet<IVariable> CollectVariables(Expression expr) {
+ return ReduceAnnotatedSubExpressions(expr, new HashSet<IVariable>(), a => a.Variables, TriggerUtils.MergeAlterFirst);
+ }
+ private bool CollectIsKiller(Expression expr) {
+ return ReduceAnnotatedSubExpressions(expr, false, a => a.IsTriggerKiller, (a, b) => a || b);
+ }
+ private IEnumerable<TriggerTerm> OnlyPrivateCandidates(List<TriggerTerm> terms, IEnumerable<IVariable> privateVars) {
+ return terms.Where(c => privateVars.Intersect(c.Variables).Any()); //TODO Check perf
+ }
+ private TriggerAnnotation Annotate(Expression expr) {
+ TriggerAnnotation cached;
+ if (cache.annotations.TryGetValue(expr, out cached)) {
+ return cached;
+ }
+ expr.SubExpressions.Iter(e => Annotate(e));
+ TriggerAnnotation annotation; // TODO: Using ApplySuffix fixes the unresolved members problem in GenericSort
+ if (expr is FunctionCallExpr ||
+ expr is SeqSelectExpr ||
+ expr is MultiSelectExpr ||
+ expr is MemberSelectExpr ||
+ expr is OldExpr ||
+ expr is ApplyExpr ||
+ expr is DisplayExpression ||
+ TranslateToFunctionCall(expr) ||
+ (expr is UnaryOpExpr && (((UnaryOpExpr)expr).Op == UnaryOpExpr.Opcode.Cardinality)) || // FIXME || ((UnaryOpExpr)expr).Op == UnaryOpExpr.Opcode.Fresh doesn't work, as fresh is a pretty tricky predicate when it's not about datatypes. See translator.cs:10944
+ (expr is BinaryExpr && (((BinaryExpr)expr).Op == BinaryExpr.Opcode.NotIn || ((BinaryExpr)expr).Op == BinaryExpr.Opcode.In))) {
+ annotation = AnnotatePotentialCandidate(expr);
+ } else if (expr is QuantifierExpr) {
+ annotation = AnnotateQuantifier((QuantifierExpr)expr);
+ } else if (expr is LetExpr) {
+ annotation = AnnotateLetExpr((LetExpr)expr);
+ } else if (expr is IdentifierExpr) {
+ annotation = AnnotateIdentifier((IdentifierExpr)expr);
+ } else if (expr is ApplySuffix) {
+ annotation = AnnotateApplySuffix((ApplySuffix)expr);
+ } else if (expr is ComprehensionExpr) {
+ annotation = AnnotateComprehensionExpr((ComprehensionExpr)expr);
+ } else if (expr is ConcreteSyntaxExpression ||
+ expr is LiteralExpr ||
+ expr is OldExpr ||
+ expr is ThisExpr ||
+ expr is BoxingCastExpr ||
+ expr is DatatypeValue) {
+ annotation = AnnotateOther(expr, false);
+ } else {
+ annotation = AnnotateOther(expr, true);
+ }
+ TriggerUtils.DebugTriggers("{0} ({1})\n{2}", Printer.ExprToString(expr), expr.GetType(), annotation);
+ cache.annotations[expr] = annotation;
+ return annotation;
+ }
+ // math operations can be turned into a Boogie-level function as in the
+ // case with /noNLarith.
+ public bool TranslateToFunctionCall(Expression expr) {
+ if (!(expr is BinaryExpr)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ BinaryExpr e = (BinaryExpr) expr;
+ bool isReal = e.E0.Type.IsNumericBased(Type.NumericPersuation.Real);
+ switch (e.ResolvedOp) {
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Lt:
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Le:
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Ge:
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Gt:
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Add:
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Sub:
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Mul:
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Div:
+ case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Mod:
+ if (!isReal && DafnyOptions.O.DisableNLarith) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private TriggerAnnotation AnnotatePotentialCandidate(Expression expr) {
+ bool expr_is_killer = false;
+ var new_expr = TriggerUtils.MaybeWrapInOld(TriggerUtils.PrepareExprForInclusionInTrigger(expr, out expr_is_killer), cache.exprsInOldContext.Contains(expr));
+ var new_term = new TriggerTerm { Expr = new_expr, OriginalExpr = expr, Variables = CollectVariables(expr) };
+ List<TriggerTerm> collected_terms = CollectExportedCandidates(expr);
+ var children_contain_killers = CollectIsKiller(expr);
+ if (!children_contain_killers) {
+ // Add only if the children are not killers; the head has been cleaned up into non-killer form
+ collected_terms.Add(new_term);
+ }
+ // This new node is a killer if its children were killers, or if it's non-cleaned-up head is a killer
+ return new TriggerAnnotation(children_contain_killers || expr_is_killer, new_term.Variables, collected_terms);
+ }
+ private TriggerAnnotation AnnotateApplySuffix(ApplySuffix expr) {
+ // This is a bit tricky. A funcall node is generally meaningful as a trigger candidate,
+ // but when it's part of an ApplySuffix the function call itself may not resolve properly
+ // when the second round of resolving is done after modules are duplicated.
+ // Thus first we annotate expr and create a trigger candidate, and then we remove the
+ // candidate matching its direct subexpression if needed. Note that function calls are not the
+ // only possible child here; there can be DatatypeValue nodes, for example (see vstte2012/Combinators.dfy).
+ var annotation = AnnotatePotentialCandidate(expr);
+ // Comparing by reference is fine here. Using sets could yield a small speedup
+ annotation.ExportedTerms.RemoveAll(term => expr.SubExpressions.Contains(term.Expr));
+ return annotation;
+ }
+ private TriggerAnnotation AnnotateQuantifierOrLetExpr(Expression expr, IEnumerable<BoundVar> boundVars) {
+ var terms = CollectExportedCandidates(expr);
+ return new TriggerAnnotation(true, CollectVariables(expr), terms, OnlyPrivateCandidates(terms, boundVars));
+ }
+ private TriggerAnnotation AnnotateQuantifier(QuantifierExpr expr) {
+ return AnnotateQuantifierOrLetExpr(expr, expr.BoundVars);
+ }
+ private TriggerAnnotation AnnotateLetExpr(LetExpr expr) {
+ return AnnotateQuantifierOrLetExpr(expr, expr.BoundVars);
+ }
+ private TriggerAnnotation AnnotateIdentifier(IdentifierExpr expr) {
+ return new TriggerAnnotation(false, Enumerable.Repeat(expr.Var, 1), null);
+ }
+ private TriggerAnnotation AnnotateComprehensionExpr(ComprehensionExpr expr) {
+ var terms = CollectExportedCandidates(expr);
+ return new TriggerAnnotation(true, CollectVariables(expr), terms, OnlyPrivateCandidates(terms, expr.BoundVars));
+ }
+ private TriggerAnnotation AnnotateOther(Expression expr, bool isTriggerKiller) {
+ return new TriggerAnnotation(isTriggerKiller || CollectIsKiller(expr), CollectVariables(expr), CollectExportedCandidates(expr));
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Collect terms in the body of the subexpressions of the argument that look like quantifiers. The results of this function can contain duplicate terms.
+ /// </summary>
+ internal List<TriggerTerm> CollectTriggers(QuantifierExpr quantifier) {
+ Contract.Requires(quantifier.SplitQuantifier == null); // Don't call this on a quantifier with a Split clause: it's not a real quantifier
+ // NOTE: We could check for existing trigger attributes and return that instead
+ return Annotate(quantifier).PrivateTerms;
+ }
+ internal bool IsTriggerKiller(Expression expr) {
+ return Annotate(expr).IsTriggerKiller;
+ }
+ }