path: root/Source/Dafny/Triggers/QuantifiersCollection.cs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Dafny/Triggers/QuantifiersCollection.cs')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/Triggers/QuantifiersCollection.cs b/Source/Dafny/Triggers/QuantifiersCollection.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f72dab7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Dafny/Triggers/QuantifiersCollection.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using Microsoft.Boogie;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+namespace Microsoft.Dafny.Triggers {
+ class QuantifierWithTriggers {
+ internal QuantifierExpr quantifier;
+ internal List<TriggerTerm> CandidateTerms;
+ internal List<TriggerCandidate> Candidates;
+ internal List<TriggerCandidate> RejectedCandidates;
+ internal bool AllowsLoops { get { return TriggerUtils.AllowsMatchingLoops(quantifier); } }
+ internal bool CouldSuppressLoops { get; set; }
+ internal QuantifierWithTriggers(QuantifierExpr quantifier) {
+ this.quantifier = quantifier;
+ this.RejectedCandidates = new List<TriggerCandidate>();
+ }
+ internal void TrimInvalidTriggers() {
+ Contract.Requires(CandidateTerms != null);
+ Contract.Requires(Candidates != null);
+ Candidates = TriggerUtils.Filter(Candidates, tr => tr, (tr, _) => tr.MentionsAll(quantifier.BoundVars), (tr, _) => { }).ToList();
+ }
+ }
+ class QuantifiersCollection {
+ readonly ErrorReporter reporter;
+ readonly List<QuantifierWithTriggers> quantifiers;
+ internal QuantifiersCollection(IEnumerable<QuantifierExpr> quantifiers, ErrorReporter reporter) {
+ Contract.Requires(quantifiers.All(q => q.SplitQuantifier == null));
+ this.reporter = reporter;
+ this.quantifiers = quantifiers.Select(q => new QuantifierWithTriggers(q)).ToList();
+ }
+ internal void ComputeTriggers(TriggersCollector triggersCollector) {
+ CollectAndShareTriggers(triggersCollector);
+ TrimInvalidTriggers();
+ BuildDependenciesGraph();
+ SuppressMatchingLoops();
+ SelectTriggers();
+ }
+ private bool SubsetGenerationPredicate(TriggerUtils.SetOfTerms terms, TriggerTerm additionalTerm) {
+ return true; // FIXME Remove this
+ //return additionalTerm.Variables.Where(v => v is BoundVar && !terms.Any(t => t.Variables.Contains(v))).Any();
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Collect triggers from the body of each quantifier, and share them
+ /// between all quantifiers. This method assumes that all quantifiers
+ /// actually come from the same context, and were the result of a split that
+ /// gave them all the same variables.
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="triggersCollector"></param>
+ void CollectAndShareTriggers(TriggersCollector triggersCollector) {
+ var pool = quantifiers.SelectMany(q => triggersCollector.CollectTriggers(q.quantifier));
+ var distinctPool = pool.Deduplicate(TriggerTerm.Eq);
+ foreach (var q in quantifiers) {
+ q.CandidateTerms = distinctPool; // The list of candidate terms is immutable
+ q.Candidates = TriggerUtils.AllNonEmptySubsets(distinctPool, SubsetGenerationPredicate, q.quantifier.BoundVars).Select(set => set.ToTriggerCandidate()).ToList();
+ }
+ }
+ private void TrimInvalidTriggers() {
+ foreach (var q in quantifiers) {
+ q.TrimInvalidTriggers();
+ }
+ }
+ void BuildDependenciesGraph() {
+ // The problem of finding matching loops between multiple-triggers is hard; it
+ // seems to require one to track exponentially-sized dependencies between parts
+ // of triggers and quantifiers. For now, we only do single-quantifier loop
+ // detection
+ }
+ void SuppressMatchingLoops() {
+ // NOTE: This only looks for self-loops; that is, loops involving a single
+ // quantifier.
+ // For a given quantifier q, we introduce a triggering relation between trigger
+ // candidates by writing t1 → t2 if instantiating q from t1 introduces a ground
+ // term that matches t2. Then, we notice that this relation is transitive, since
+ // all triggers yield the same set of terms. This means that any matching loop
+ // t1 → ... → t1 can be reduced to a self-loop t1 → t1. Detecting such
+ // self-loops is then only a matter of finding terms in the body of the
+ // quantifier that match a given trigger.
+ // Of course, each trigger that actually appears in the body of the quantifier
+ // yields a trivial self-loop (e.g. P(i) in [∀ i {P(i)} ⋅ P(i)]), so we
+ // ignore this type of loops. In fact, we ignore any term in the body of the
+ // quantifier that matches one of the terms of the trigger (this ensures that
+ // [∀ x {f(x), f(f(x))} ⋅ f(x) = f(f(x))] is not a loop). And we even
+ // ignore terms that almost match a trigger term, modulo a single variable
+ // (this ensures that [∀ x y {a(x, y)} ⋅ a(x, y) == a(y, x)] is not a loop).
+ // In addition, we ignore cases where the only differences between a trigger
+ // and a trigger match are places where a variable is replaced with an
+ // expression whose free variables do not intersect that of the quantifier
+ // in which that expression is found. For examples of this behavious, see
+ // triggers/literals-do-not-cause-loops.
+ // This ignoring logic is implemented by the CouldCauseLoops method.
+ foreach (var q in quantifiers) {
+ var looping = new List<TriggerCandidate>();
+ var safe = TriggerUtils.Filter(
+ q.Candidates,
+ candidate => candidate.LoopingSubterms(q.quantifier).ToList(),
+ (candidate, loopingSubterms) => !loopingSubterms.Any(),
+ (candidate, loopingSubterms) => {
+ looping.Add(candidate);
+ candidate.Annotation = "may loop with " + loopingSubterms.MapConcat(t => "\"" + Printer.ExprToString(t.OriginalExpr) + "\"", ", ");
+ }).ToList();
+ q.CouldSuppressLoops = safe.Count > 0;
+ if (!q.AllowsLoops && q.CouldSuppressLoops) {
+ q.Candidates = safe;
+ q.RejectedCandidates.AddRange(looping);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void SelectTriggers() {
+ foreach (var q in quantifiers) { //FIXME Check whether this makes verification faster
+ q.Candidates = TriggerUtils.Filter(q.Candidates,
+ candidate => q.Candidates.Where(candidate.IsStrongerThan).ToList(),
+ (candidate, weakerCandidates) => !weakerCandidates.Any(),
+ (candidate, weakerCandidates) => {
+ q.RejectedCandidates.Add(candidate);
+ candidate.Annotation = "more specific than " + String.Join(", ", weakerCandidates);
+ }).ToList();
+ }
+ }
+ private void CommitOne(QuantifierWithTriggers q, bool addHeader) {
+ var errorLevel = ErrorLevel.Info;
+ var msg = new StringBuilder();
+ var indent = addHeader ? " " : "";
+ bool suppressWarnings = Attributes.Contains(q.quantifier.Attributes, "nowarn");
+ if (!TriggerUtils.NeedsAutoTriggers(q.quantifier)) { // NOTE: split and autotriggers attributes are passed down to Boogie
+ var extraMsg = TriggerUtils.WantsAutoTriggers(q.quantifier) ? "" : " Note that {:autotriggers false} can cause instabilities. Consider using {:nowarn}, {:matchingloop} (not great either), or a manual trigger instead.";
+ msg.AppendFormat("Not generating triggers for \"{0}\".{1}", Printer.ExprToString(q.quantifier.Term), extraMsg).AppendLine();
+ } else {
+ if (addHeader) {
+ msg.AppendFormat("For expression \"{0}\":", Printer.ExprToString(q.quantifier.Term)).AppendLine();
+ }
+ foreach (var candidate in q.Candidates) {
+ q.quantifier.Attributes = new Attributes("trigger", candidate.Terms.Select(t => t.Expr).ToList(), q.quantifier.Attributes);
+ }
+ AddTriggersToMessage("Selected triggers:", q.Candidates, msg, indent);
+ AddTriggersToMessage("Rejected triggers:", q.RejectedCandidates, msg, indent, true);
+ var WARN_TAG = DafnyOptions.O.UnicodeOutput ? "⚠ " : "/!\\ ";
+ var WARN_TAG_OVERRIDE = suppressWarnings ? "(Suppressed warning) " : WARN_TAG;
+ var WARN_LEVEL = suppressWarnings ? ErrorLevel.Info : ErrorLevel.Warning;
+ var WARN = indent + WARN_TAG_OVERRIDE;
+ if (!q.CandidateTerms.Any()) {
+ errorLevel = WARN_LEVEL;
+ msg.Append(WARN).AppendLine("No terms found to trigger on.");
+ } else if (!q.Candidates.Any()) {
+ errorLevel = WARN_LEVEL;
+ msg.Append(WARN).AppendLine("No trigger covering all quantified variables found.");
+ } else if (!q.CouldSuppressLoops && !q.AllowsLoops) {
+ errorLevel = WARN_LEVEL;
+ msg.Append(WARN).AppendLine("Suppressing loops would leave this expression without triggers.");
+ } else if (suppressWarnings) {
+ errorLevel = ErrorLevel.Warning;
+ msg.Append(indent).Append(WARN_TAG).AppendLine("There is no warning here to suppress.");
+ }
+ }
+ if (msg.Length > 0) {
+ var msgStr = msg.ToString().TrimEnd("\r\n ".ToCharArray());
+ reporter.Message(MessageSource.Rewriter, errorLevel, q.quantifier.tok, msgStr);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void AddTriggersToMessage<T>(string header, List<T> triggers, StringBuilder msg, string indent, bool newlines = false) {
+ if (triggers.Any()) {
+ msg.Append(indent).Append(header);
+ if (triggers.Count == 1) {
+ msg.Append(" ");
+ } else if (triggers.Count > 1) {
+ msg.AppendLine().Append(indent).Append(" ");
+ }
+ var separator = newlines && triggers.Count > 1 ? Environment.NewLine + indent + " " : ", ";
+ msg.AppendLine(String.Join(separator, triggers));
+ }
+ }
+ internal void CommitTriggers() {
+ foreach (var q in quantifiers) {
+ CommitOne(q, quantifiers.Count > 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }