path: root/Dafny/Dafny.atg
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Dafny/Dafny.atg')
1 files changed, 963 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Dafny/Dafny.atg b/Dafny/Dafny.atg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d7630ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Dafny/Dafny.atg
@@ -0,0 +1,963 @@
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
+// Dafny
+// Rustan Leino, first created 25 January 2008
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using Microsoft.Boogie;
+static List<ClassDecl!>! theClasses = new List<ClassDecl!>();
+static Expression! dummyExpr = new LiteralExpr(Token.NoToken);
+static Statement! dummyStmt = new ReturnStmt(Token.NoToken);
+static Attributes.Argument! dummyAttrArg = new Attributes.Argument("dummyAttrArg");
+static Scope<string>! parseVarScope = new Scope<string>();
+/// Parses top level declarations from "filename" and appends them to "classes".
+/// Returns the number of parsing errors encountered.
+/// Note: first initialize the Scanner.
+public static int Parse (string! filename, List<ClassDecl!>! classes) /* throws System.IO.IOException */ {
+ using (System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(filename)) {
+ BoogiePL.Buffer.Fill(reader);
+ Scanner.Init(filename);
+ return Parse(classes);
+ }
+/// Parses top level declarations and appends them to "classes".
+/// Returns the number of parsing errors encountered.
+/// Note: first initialize the Scanner.
+public static int Parse (List<ClassDecl!>! classes) {
+ List<ClassDecl!> oldClasses = theClasses;
+ theClasses = classes;
+ Parse();
+ theClasses = oldClasses;
+ return Errors.count;
+ letter = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".
+ digit = "0123456789".
+ special = "'_?`\\".
+ glyph = "`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[{]}|;:',<.>/?\\".
+ cr = '\r'.
+ lf = '\n'.
+ tab = '\t'.
+ space = ' '.
+ quote = '"'.
+ nondigit = letter + special.
+ nonquote = letter + digit + space + glyph.
+ ident = nondigit {nondigit | digit}.
+ digits = digit {digit}.
+ string = quote {nonquote} quote.
+IGNORE cr + lf + tab
+= (. ClassDecl! c; .)
+ { ClassDecl<out c> (. theClasses.Add(c); .)
+ }
+ .
+ClassDecl<out ClassDecl! c>
+= (. Token! id;
+ Attributes attrs = null;
+ List<TypeParameter!> typeArgs = new List<TypeParameter!>();
+ List<MemberDecl!> members = new List<MemberDecl!>();
+ .)
+ "class"
+ { Attribute<ref attrs> }
+ Ident<out id>
+ [ GenericParameters<typeArgs> ]
+ "{"
+ { ClassMemberDecl<members>
+ }
+ "}" (. c = new ClassDecl(id, id.val, typeArgs, members, attrs); .)
+ .
+ClassMemberDecl<List<MemberDecl!\>! mm>
+= (. Method! m;
+ Function! f;
+ .)
+ ( FieldDecl<mm>
+ | FunctionDecl<out f> (. mm.Add(f); .)
+ | MethodDecl<out m> (. mm.Add(m); .)
+ | FrameDecl
+ )
+ .
+FieldDecl<List<MemberDecl!\>! mm>
+= (. Attributes attrs = null;
+ Token! id; Type! ty;
+ .)
+ "var"
+ { Attribute<ref attrs> }
+ IdentType<out id, out ty> (. mm.Add(new Field(id, id.val, ty, attrs)); .)
+ { "," IdentType<out id, out ty> (. mm.Add(new Field(id, id.val, ty, attrs)); .)
+ }
+ ";"
+ .
+IdentType<out Token! id, out Type! ty>
+= Ident<out id>
+ ":"
+ Type<out ty>
+ .
+IdentTypeOptional<out BoundVar! var>
+= (. Token! id; Type! ty; Type optType = null;
+ .)
+ Ident<out id>
+ [ ":" Type<out ty> (. optType = ty; .)
+ ]
+ (. var = new BoundVar(id, id.val, optType == null ? new InferredTypeProxy() : optType); .)
+ .
+GenericParameters<List<TypeParameter!\>! typeArgs>
+= (. Token! id; .)
+ "<"
+ Ident<out id> (. typeArgs.Add(new TypeParameter(id, id.val)); .)
+ { "," Ident<out id> (. typeArgs.Add(new TypeParameter(id, id.val)); .)
+ }
+ ">"
+ .
+= (. Token! id;
+ Attributes attrs = null;
+ .)
+ "frame"
+ { Attribute<ref attrs> }
+ Ident<out id>
+ "{"
+ /* TBD */
+ "}"
+ .
+MethodDecl<out Method! m>
+= (. Token! id;
+ Attributes attrs = null;
+ List<TypeParameter!>! typeArgs = new List<TypeParameter!>();
+ List<Formal!> ins = new List<Formal!>();
+ List<Formal!> outs = new List<Formal!>();
+ List<MaybeFreeExpression!> req = new List<MaybeFreeExpression!>();
+ List<Expression!> mod = new List<Expression!>();
+ List<MaybeFreeExpression!> ens = new List<MaybeFreeExpression!>();
+ Statement! bb; Statement body = null;
+ .)
+ "method"
+ { Attribute<ref attrs> }
+ Ident<out id>
+ [ GenericParameters<typeArgs> ]
+ (. parseVarScope.PushMarker(); .)
+ Formals<true, ins>
+ [ "returns"
+ Formals<false, outs>
+ ]
+ ( ";" { MethodSpec<req, mod, ens> }
+ | { MethodSpec<req, mod, ens> } BlockStmt<out bb> (. body = bb; .)
+ )
+ (. parseVarScope.PopMarker();
+ m = new Method(id, id.val, typeArgs, ins, outs, req, mod, ens, body, attrs);
+ .)
+ .
+MethodSpec<List<MaybeFreeExpression!\>! req, List<Expression!\>! mod, List<MaybeFreeExpression!\>! ens>
+= (. Expression! e; bool isFree = false;
+ .)
+ ( "modifies" [ Expression<out e> (. mod.Add(e); .)
+ { "," Expression<out e> (. mod.Add(e); .)
+ }
+ ] ";"
+ | [ "free" (. isFree = true; .)
+ ]
+ ( "requires" Expression<out e> ";" (. req.Add(new MaybeFreeExpression(e, isFree)); .)
+ | "ensures" Expression<out e> ";" (. ens.Add(new MaybeFreeExpression(e, isFree)); .)
+ )
+ )
+ .
+Formals<bool incoming, List<Formal!\>! formals>
+= (. Token! id; Type! ty; .)
+ "("
+ [
+ IdentType<out id, out ty> (. formals.Add(new Formal(id, id.val, ty, incoming)); parseVarScope.Push(id.val, id.val); .)
+ { "," IdentType<out id, out ty> (. formals.Add(new Formal(id, id.val, ty, incoming)); parseVarScope.Push(id.val, id.val); .)
+ }
+ ]
+ ")"
+ .
+Type<out Type! ty>
+= (. ty = new BoolType(); /*keep compiler happy*/
+ .)
+ ( "bool" (. /* yeah, that's it! */ .)
+ | "int" (. ty = new IntType(); .)
+ | ReferenceType<out ty>
+ )
+ .
+ReferenceType<out Type! ty>
+= (. Token! x;
+ ty = new BoolType(); /*keep compiler happy*/
+ List<Type!>! gt;
+ .)
+ ( "object" (. ty = new ObjectType(); .)
+ | (. gt = new List<Type!>(); .)
+ Ident<out x>
+ [ GenericInstantiation<gt> ] (. ty = new ClassType(x, x.val, gt); .)
+ | (. gt = new List<Type!>(); .)
+ "set"
+ GenericInstantiation<gt> (. if (gt.Count != 1) {
+ SemErr("set type expects exactly one type argument");
+ }
+ ty = new SetType(gt[0]);
+ .)
+ | (. gt = new List<Type!>(); .)
+ "seq"
+ GenericInstantiation<gt> (. if (gt.Count != 1) {
+ SemErr("seq type expects exactly one type argument");
+ }
+ ty = new SeqType(gt[0]);
+ .)
+ )
+ .
+GenericInstantiation<List<Type!\>! gt>
+= (. Type! ty; .)
+ "<"
+ Type<out ty> (. gt.Add(ty); .)
+ { "," Type<out ty> (. gt.Add(ty); .)
+ }
+ ">"
+ .
+FunctionDecl<out Function! f>
+= (. Attributes attrs = null;
+ Token! id;
+ List<TypeParameter!> typeArgs = new List<TypeParameter!>();
+ List<Formal!> formals = new List<Formal!>();
+ Type! returnType;
+ List<Expression!> reqs = new List<Expression!>();
+ List<Expression!> reads = new List<Expression!>();
+ Expression! bb; Expression body = null;
+ bool use = false;
+ .)
+ "function"
+ { Attribute<ref attrs> }
+ [ "use" (. use = true; .) ]
+ Ident<out id>
+ [ GenericParameters<typeArgs> ]
+ (. parseVarScope.PushMarker(); .)
+ Formals<true, formals>
+ ":"
+ Type<out returnType>
+ ( ";"
+ { FunctionSpec<reqs, reads> }
+ | { FunctionSpec<reqs, reads> }
+ ExtendedExpr<out bb> (. body = bb; .)
+ )
+ (. parseVarScope.PopMarker();
+ f = new Function(id, id.val, use, typeArgs, formals, returnType, reqs, reads, body, attrs);
+ .)
+ .
+FunctionSpec<List<Expression!\>! reqs, List<Expression!\>! reads>
+= (. Expression! e; .)
+ ( "requires" Expression<out e> ";" (. reqs.Add(e); .)
+ | ReadsClause<reads>
+ )
+ .
+ReadsClause<List<Expression!\>! reads>
+= "reads"
+ [ Expressions<reads> ]
+ ";"
+ .
+ExtendedExpr<out Expression! e>
+= (. e = dummyExpr; .)
+ "{"
+ ( IfThenElseExpr<out e>
+ | Expression<out e>
+ )
+ "}"
+ .
+IfThenElseExpr<out Expression! e>
+= (. Token! x; Expression! e0; Expression! e1 = dummyExpr; .)
+ "if" (. x = token; .)
+ "(" Expression<out e> ")"
+ ExtendedExpr<out e0>
+ "else"
+ ( IfThenElseExpr<out e1>
+ | ExtendedExpr<out e1>
+ ) (. e = new ITEExpr(x, e, e0, e1); .)
+ .
+BlockStmt<out Statement! block>
+= (. Token! x;
+ List<Statement!> body = new List<Statement!>();
+ Statement! s;
+ .)
+ (. parseVarScope.PushMarker(); .)
+ "{" (. x = token; .)
+ { Stmt<body>
+ }
+ "}" (. block = new BlockStmt(x, body); .)
+ (. parseVarScope.PopMarker(); .)
+ .
+Stmt<List<Statement!\>! ss>
+= (. Statement! s; .)
+ /* By first reading a sequence of block statements, we avoid problems in the generated parser, despite
+ the ambiguity in the grammar. See Note in ConstAtomExpression production.
+ */
+ { BlockStmt<out s> (. ss.Add(s); .)
+ }
+ ( OneStmt<out s> (. ss.Add(s); .)
+ | VarDeclStmts<ss>
+ )
+ .
+OneStmt<out Statement! s>
+= (. Token! x; Token! id; string label = null;
+ s = dummyStmt; /* to please the compiler */
+ .)
+ /* This list does not contain BlockStmt, see comment above in Stmt production. */
+ ( AssertStmt<out s>
+ | AssumeStmt<out s>
+ | UseStmt<out s>
+ | AssignStmt<out s>
+ | HavocStmt<out s>
+ | CallStmt<out s>
+ | IfStmt<out s>
+ | WhileStmt<out s>
+ | ForeachStmt<out s>
+ | "label" (. x = token; .)
+ Ident<out id> ":" (. s = new LabelStmt(x, id.val); .)
+ | "break" (. x = token; .)
+ [ Ident<out id> (. label = id.val; .)
+ ] ";" (. s = new BreakStmt(x, label); .)
+ | "return" (. x = token; .)
+ ";" (. s = new ReturnStmt(x); .)
+ )
+ .
+AssignStmt<out Statement! s>
+= (. Token! x;
+ Expression! lhs;
+ Expression rhs;
+ Type ty;
+ s = dummyStmt;
+ .)
+ LhsExpr<out lhs>
+ ":=" (. x = token; .)
+ AssignRhs<out rhs, out ty> (. if (rhs != null) {
+ s = new AssignStmt(x, lhs, rhs);
+ } else {
+ assert ty != null;
+ s = new AssignStmt(x, lhs, ty);
+ }
+ .)
+ ";"
+ .
+AssignRhs<out Expression e, out Type ty>
+/* ensures e == null <==> ty == null; */
+= (. Expression! ee; Type! tt;
+ e = null; ty = null;
+ .)
+ ( "new" ReferenceType<out tt> (. ty = tt; .)
+ | Expression<out ee> (. e = ee; .)
+ ) (. if (e == null && ty == null) { e = dummyExpr; } .)
+ .
+HavocStmt<out Statement! s>
+= (. Token! x; Expression! lhs; .)
+ "havoc" (. x = token; .)
+ LhsExpr<out lhs> ";" (. s = new AssignStmt(x, lhs); .)
+ .
+LhsExpr<out Expression! e>
+= Expression<out e> /* TODO: restrict LHS further */
+ .
+VarDeclStmts<List<Statement!\>! ss>
+= (. VarDecl! d; .)
+ "var"
+ IdentTypeRhs<out d> (. ss.Add(d); parseVarScope.Push(d.Name, d.Name); .)
+ { "," IdentTypeRhs<out d> (. ss.Add(d); parseVarScope.Push(d.Name, d.Name); .)
+ }
+ ";"
+ .
+IdentTypeRhs<out VarDecl! d>
+= (. Token! id; Type! ty; Expression! e;
+ Expression rhs = null; Type newType = null;
+ Type optionalType = null; DeterminedAssignmentRhs optionalRhs = null;
+ .)
+ Ident<out id>
+ [ ":" Type<out ty> (. optionalType = ty; .)
+ ]
+ [ ":="
+ AssignRhs<out rhs, out newType>
+ ]
+ (. if (rhs != null) {
+ assert newType == null;
+ optionalRhs = new ExprRhs(rhs);
+ } else if (newType != null) {
+ optionalRhs = new TypeRhs(newType);
+ } else if (optionalType == null) {
+ optionalType = new InferredTypeProxy();
+ }
+ d = new VarDecl(id, id.val, optionalType, optionalRhs);
+ .)
+ .
+IfStmt<out Statement! ifStmt>
+= (. Token! x;
+ Expression guard;
+ Statement! thn;
+ Statement! s;
+ Statement els = null;
+ .)
+ "if" (. x = token; .)
+ Guard<out guard>
+ BlockStmt<out thn>
+ [ "else"
+ ( IfStmt<out s> (. els = s; .)
+ | BlockStmt<out s> (. els = s; .)
+ )
+ ]
+ (. ifStmt = new IfStmt(x, guard, thn, els); .)
+ .
+WhileStmt<out Statement! stmt>
+= (. Token! x;
+ Expression guard;
+ bool isFree; Expression! e;
+ List<MaybeFreeExpression!> invariants = new List<MaybeFreeExpression!>();
+ List<Expression!> decreases = new List<Expression!>();
+ Statement! body;
+ .)
+ "while" (. x = token; .)
+ Guard<out guard> (. assume guard == null || Owner.None(guard); .)
+ {( (. isFree = false; .)
+ [ "free" (. isFree = true; .)
+ ]
+ "invariant"
+ Expression<out e> (. invariants.Add(new MaybeFreeExpression(e, isFree)); .)
+ ";"
+ )
+ |
+ (
+ "decreases"
+ Expression<out e> (. decreases.Add(e); .)
+ { "," Expression<out e> (. decreases.Add(e); .)
+ }
+ ";"
+ )
+ }
+ BlockStmt<out body> (. stmt = new WhileStmt(x, guard, invariants, decreases, body); .)
+ .
+Guard<out Expression e> /* null represents demonic-choice */
+= (. Expression! ee; e = null; .)
+ "("
+ ( "*" (. e = null; .)
+ | Expression<out ee> (. e = ee; .)
+ )
+ ")"
+ .
+CallStmt<out Statement! s>
+= (. Token! x, id;
+ Expression! e;
+ List<IdentifierExpr!> lhs = new List<IdentifierExpr!>();
+ .)
+ "call" (. x = token; .)
+ CallStmtSubExpr<out e>
+ [ "," /* call a,b,c,... := ... */
+ (. if (e is IdentifierExpr) {
+ lhs.Add((IdentifierExpr)e);
+ } else if (e is FieldSelectExpr) {
+ SemErr(e.tok, "each LHS of call statement must be a variable, not a field");
+ } else {
+ SemErr(e.tok, "each LHS of call statement must be a variable");
+ }
+ .)
+ Ident<out id> (. lhs.Add(new IdentifierExpr(id, id.val)); .)
+ { "," Ident<out id> (. lhs.Add(new IdentifierExpr(id, id.val)); .)
+ }
+ ":="
+ CallStmtSubExpr<out e>
+ | ":=" /* call a := ... */
+ (. if (e is IdentifierExpr) {
+ lhs.Add((IdentifierExpr)e);
+ } else if (e is FieldSelectExpr) {
+ SemErr(e.tok, "each LHS of call statement must be a variable, not a field");
+ } else {
+ SemErr(e.tok, "each LHS of call statement must be a variable");
+ }
+ .)
+ CallStmtSubExpr<out e>
+ ]
+ ";"
+ /* "e" has now been parsed as one of: IdentifierExpr, FunctionCallExpr, FieldSelectExpr.
+ It denotes the RHS, so to be legal it must be a FunctionCallExpr. */
+ (. if (e is FunctionCallExpr) {
+ FunctionCallExpr fce = (FunctionCallExpr)e;
+ s = new CallStmt(x, lhs, fce.Receiver, fce.Name, fce.Args); // this actually does an ownership transfer of fce.Args
+ } else {
+ SemErr("RHS of call statement must denote a method invocation");
+ s = new CallStmt(x, lhs, dummyExpr, "dummyMethodName", new List<Expression!>());
+ }
+ .)
+ .
+ForeachStmt<out Statement! s>
+= (. Token! x, boundVar;
+ Type! ty;
+ Expression! collection;
+ Expression! range;
+ List<PredicateStmt!> bodyPrefix = new List<PredicateStmt!>();
+ AssignStmt bodyAssign = null;
+ .)
+ (. parseVarScope.PushMarker(); .)
+ "foreach" (. x = token;
+ range = new LiteralExpr(x, true);
+ ty = new InferredTypeProxy();
+ .)
+ "(" Ident<out boundVar>
+ [ ":" Type<out ty> ]
+ "in" Expression<out collection>
+ (. parseVarScope.Push(boundVar.val, boundVar.val); .)
+ [ "|" Expression<out range> ]
+ ")"
+ "{"
+ { AssertStmt<out s> (. if (s is PredicateStmt) { bodyPrefix.Add((PredicateStmt)s); } .)
+ | AssumeStmt<out s> (. if (s is PredicateStmt) { bodyPrefix.Add((PredicateStmt)s); } .)
+ | UseStmt<out s> (. if (s is PredicateStmt) { bodyPrefix.Add((PredicateStmt)s); } .)
+ }
+ ( AssignStmt<out s> (. if (s is AssignStmt) { bodyAssign = (AssignStmt)s; } .)
+ | HavocStmt<out s> (. if (s is AssignStmt) { bodyAssign = (AssignStmt)s; } .)
+ )
+ "}" (. s = new ForeachStmt(x, new BoundVar(boundVar, boundVar.val, ty), collection, range, bodyPrefix, bodyAssign); .)
+ (. parseVarScope.PopMarker(); .)
+ .
+AssertStmt<out Statement! s>
+= (. Token! x; Expression! e; .)
+ "assert" (. x = token; .)
+ Expression<out e> ";" (. s = new AssertStmt(x, e); .)
+ .
+AssumeStmt<out Statement! s>
+= (. Token! x; Expression! e; .)
+ "assume" (. x = token; .)
+ Expression<out e> ";" (. s = new AssumeStmt(x, e); .)
+ .
+UseStmt<out Statement! s>
+= (. Token! x; Expression! e; .)
+ "use" (. x = token; .)
+ Expression<out e> ";" (. s = new UseStmt(x, e); .)
+ .
+Expression<out Expression! e0>
+= (. Token! x; Expression! e1; .)
+ ImpliesExpression<out e0>
+ { EquivOp (. x = token; .)
+ ImpliesExpression<out e1> (. e0 = new BinaryExpr(x, BinaryExpr.Opcode.Iff, e0, e1); .)
+ }
+ .
+EquivOp = "<==>" | '\u21d4'.
+ImpliesExpression<out Expression! e0>
+= (. Token! x; Expression! e1; .)
+ LogicalExpression<out e0>
+ [ ImpliesOp (. x = token; .)
+ ImpliesExpression<out e1> (. e0 = new BinaryExpr(x, BinaryExpr.Opcode.Imp, e0, e1); .)
+ ]
+ .
+ImpliesOp = "==>" | '\u21d2'.
+LogicalExpression<out Expression! e0>
+= (. Token! x; Expression! e1; .)
+ RelationalExpression<out e0>
+ [ AndOp (. x = token; .)
+ RelationalExpression<out e1> (. e0 = new BinaryExpr(x, BinaryExpr.Opcode.And, e0, e1); .)
+ { AndOp (. x = token; .)
+ RelationalExpression<out e1> (. e0 = new BinaryExpr(x, BinaryExpr.Opcode.And, e0, e1); .)
+ }
+ | OrOp (. x = token; .)
+ RelationalExpression<out e1> (. e0 = new BinaryExpr(x, BinaryExpr.Opcode.Or, e0, e1); .)
+ { OrOp (. x = token; .)
+ RelationalExpression<out e1> (. e0 = new BinaryExpr(x, BinaryExpr.Opcode.Or, e0, e1); .)
+ }
+ ]
+ .
+AndOp = "&&" | '\u2227'.
+OrOp = "||" | '\u2228'.
+RelationalExpression<out Expression! e0>
+= (. Token! x; Expression! e1; BinaryExpr.Opcode op; .)
+ Term<out e0>
+ [ RelOp<out x, out op>
+ Term<out e1> (. e0 = new BinaryExpr(x, op, e0, e1); .)
+ ]
+ .
+RelOp<out Token! x, out BinaryExpr.Opcode op>
+= (. x = Token.NoToken; op = BinaryExpr.Opcode.Add/*(dummy)*/; .)
+ ( "==" (. x = token; op = BinaryExpr.Opcode.Eq; .)
+ | "<" (. x = token; op = BinaryExpr.Opcode.Lt; .)
+ | ">" (. x = token; op = BinaryExpr.Opcode.Gt; .)
+ | "<=" (. x = token; op = BinaryExpr.Opcode.Le; .)
+ | ">=" (. x = token; op = BinaryExpr.Opcode.Ge; .)
+ | "!=" (. x = token; op = BinaryExpr.Opcode.Neq; .)
+ | "!!" (. x = token; op = BinaryExpr.Opcode.Disjoint; .)
+ | "in" (. x = token; op = BinaryExpr.Opcode.In; .)
+ | '\u2260' (. x = token; op = BinaryExpr.Opcode.Neq; .)
+ | '\u2264' (. x = token; op = BinaryExpr.Opcode.Le; .)
+ | '\u2265' (. x = token; op = BinaryExpr.Opcode.Ge; .)
+ )
+ .
+Term<out Expression! e0>
+= (. Token! x; Expression! e1; BinaryExpr.Opcode op; .)
+ Factor<out e0>
+ { AddOp<out x, out op>
+ Factor<out e1> (. e0 = new BinaryExpr(x, op, e0, e1); .)
+ }
+ .
+AddOp<out Token! x, out BinaryExpr.Opcode op>
+= (. x = Token.NoToken; op=BinaryExpr.Opcode.Add/*(dummy)*/; .)
+ ( "+" (. x = token; op = BinaryExpr.Opcode.Add; .)
+ | "-" (. x = token; op = BinaryExpr.Opcode.Sub; .)
+ )
+ .
+Factor<out Expression! e0>
+= (. Token! x; Expression! e1; BinaryExpr.Opcode op; .)
+ UnaryExpression<out e0>
+ { MulOp<out x, out op>
+ UnaryExpression<out e1> (. e0 = new BinaryExpr(x, op, e0, e1); .)
+ }
+ .
+MulOp<out Token! x, out BinaryExpr.Opcode op>
+= (. x = Token.NoToken; op = BinaryExpr.Opcode.Add/*(dummy)*/; .)
+ ( "*" (. x = token; op = BinaryExpr.Opcode.Mul; .)
+ | "/" (. x = token; op = BinaryExpr.Opcode.Div; .)
+ | "%" (. x = token; op = BinaryExpr.Opcode.Mod; .)
+ )
+ .
+UnaryExpression<out Expression! e>
+= (. Token! x; e = dummyExpr; .)
+ ( "-" (. x = token; .)
+ UnaryExpression<out e> (. e = new BinaryExpr(x, BinaryExpr.Opcode.Sub, new LiteralExpr(x, 0), e); .)
+ | NegOp (. x = token; .)
+ UnaryExpression<out e> (. e = new UnaryExpr(x, UnaryExpr.Opcode.Not, e); .)
+ | SelectExpression<out e>
+ | ConstAtomExpression<out e>
+ )
+ .
+NegOp = "!" | '\u00ac'.
+ConstAtomExpression<out Expression! e>
+= (. Token! x; int n; List<Expression!>! elements;
+ e = dummyExpr;
+ .)
+ ( "false" (. e = new LiteralExpr(token, false); .)
+ | "true" (. e = new LiteralExpr(token, true); .)
+ | "null" (. e = new LiteralExpr(token); .)
+ | Nat<out n> (. e = new LiteralExpr(token, n); .)
+ | "fresh" (. x = token; .)
+ "(" Expression<out e> ")" (. e = new FreshExpr(x, e); .)
+ | "|" (. x = token; .)
+ Expression<out e> (. e = new UnaryExpr(x, UnaryExpr.Opcode.SeqLength, e); .)
+ "|"
+ /* Note, the following open-curly-brace causes grammar ambiguities that result in two Coco warnings.
+ One of these is the confusion between BlockStmt and AssignStmt, the former starting with an open
+ curly brace and the latter starting with a left-hand side Expression, which syntactically can
+ start with an open curly brace. The other is the confusion between a quantifier's triggers/attributes
+ and the quantifier's body. The disamiguation I've chosen involves giving priority to BlockStmt
+ (since no semantically legal AssignStmt can have a set constructor as its left-hand side) and to
+ triggers/attributes (which, unfortunately, changes what programs are syntactically allowed, but there
+ is a simple workaround, which is for a user to put parentheses around any quantifier body that begins
+ with a set constructor.
+ */
+ | "{" (. x = token; elements = new List<Expression!>(); .)
+ [ Expressions<elements> ] (. e = new SetDisplayExpr(x, elements); .)
+ "}"
+ | "[" (. x = token; elements = new List<Expression!>(); .)
+ [ Expressions<elements> ] (. e = new SeqDisplayExpr(x, elements); .)
+ "]"
+ )
+ .
+/* returns one of:
+ -- IdentifierExpr
+ -- FunctionCallExpr
+ -- FieldSelectExpr
+CallStmtSubExpr<out Expression! e>
+= (. e = dummyExpr; .)
+ ( IdentOrFuncExpression<out e>
+ | ObjectExpression<out e>
+ SelectOrCallSuffix<ref e>
+ )
+ { SelectOrCallSuffix<ref e> }
+ .
+SelectExpression<out Expression! e>
+= (. Token! id; e = dummyExpr; .)
+ ( IdentOrFuncExpression<out e>
+ | ObjectExpression<out e>
+ )
+ { SelectOrCallSuffix<ref e> }
+ .
+IdentOrFuncExpression<out Expression! e>
+= (. Token! id; e = dummyExpr; List<Expression!>! args; .)
+ Ident<out id>
+ [ "(" (. args = new List<Expression!>(); .)
+ [ Expressions<args> ]
+ ")" (. e = new FunctionCallExpr(id, id.val, new ImplicitThisExpr(id), args); .)
+ ] (. if (e == dummyExpr) {
+ if (parseVarScope.Find(id.val) != null) {
+ e = new IdentifierExpr(id, id.val);
+ } else {
+ e = new FieldSelectExpr(id, new ImplicitThisExpr(id), id.val);
+ }
+ }
+ .)
+ .
+SelectOrCallSuffix<ref Expression! e>
+= (. Token! id, x; List<Expression!>! args;
+ Expression e0 = null; Expression e1 = null; Expression! ee; bool anyDots = false;
+ bool func = false;
+ .)
+ ( "."
+ Ident<out id>
+ [ "(" (. args = new List<Expression!>(); func = true; .)
+ [ Expressions<args> ]
+ ")" (. e = new FunctionCallExpr(id, id.val, e, args); .)
+ ] (. if (!func) { e = new FieldSelectExpr(id, e, id.val); } .)
+ | "[" (. x = token; .)
+ ( Expression<out ee> (. e0 = ee; .)
+ [ ".." (. anyDots = true; .)
+ [ Expression<out ee> (. e1 = ee; .)
+ ]
+ ]
+ | ".." Expression<out ee> (. anyDots = true; e1 = ee; .)
+ ) (. if (!anyDots) {
+ assert e1 == null;
+ e = new SeqSelectExpr(x, true, e, e0, null);
+ } else {
+ assert e0 != null || e1 != null;
+ e = new SeqSelectExpr(x, false, e, e0, e1);
+ }
+ .)
+ "]"
+ )
+ .
+/* ObjectExpression represents those expressions E that could possibly be used in E.f
+ or E(...), except Ident. Since the lookahead is just 1, quantifier expressions are also
+ parsed here. The expression returned is never an lvalue.
+ObjectExpression<out Expression! e>
+= (. Token! x; e = dummyExpr; .)
+ ( "this" (. e = new ThisExpr(token); .)
+ | "old" (. x = token; .)
+ "("
+ Expression<out e>
+ ")" (. e = new OldExpr(x, e); .)
+ | "(" ( QuantifierGuts<out e>
+ | Expression<out e>
+ )
+ ")"
+ )
+ .
+QuantifierGuts<out Expression! q>
+= (. Token! x = Token.NoToken;
+ bool univ = false;
+ BoundVar! bv;
+ List<BoundVar!> bvars = new List<BoundVar!>();
+ Token! tok; Expr! e; ExprSeq! es;
+ Attributes attrs = null;
+ Triggers trigs = null;
+ Expression! body;
+ .)
+ ( Forall (. x = token; univ = true; .)
+ | Exists (. x = token; .)
+ )
+ (. parseVarScope.PushMarker(); .)
+ IdentTypeOptional<out bv> (. bvars.Add(bv); parseVarScope.Push(bv.Name, bv.Name); .)
+ { ","
+ IdentTypeOptional<out bv> (. bvars.Add(bv); parseVarScope.Push(bv.Name, bv.Name); .)
+ }
+ QSep
+ /* The grammar is ambiguous in how to resolve triggers/attributes versus the expression body.
+ However, the loop generated by Coco for the next two lines of grammar declarations is still
+ fine--it will loop, picking up as many triggers/attributes it can before going on to parse an
+ expression. This seems good, because there's a simple workaround for quantifier bodies that
+ begin with a set constructor: simply put parentheses around the quantifier body. See also
+ the Note in production ConstAtomExpression.
+ */
+ { AttributeOrTrigger<ref attrs, ref trigs> }
+ Expression<out body>
+ (. if (univ) {
+ q = new ForallExpr(x, bvars, body, trigs, attrs);
+ } else {
+ q = new ExistsExpr(x, bvars, body, trigs, attrs);
+ }
+ parseVarScope.PopMarker();
+ .)
+ .
+Forall = "forall" | '\u2200'.
+Exists = "exists" | '\u2203'.
+QSep = "::" | '\u2022'.
+Expressions<List<Expression!\>! args>
+= (. Expression! e; .)
+ Expression<out e> (. args.Add(e); .)
+ { "," Expression<out e> (. args.Add(e); .)
+ }
+ .
+Attribute<ref Attributes attrs>
+= "{"
+ AttributeBody<ref attrs>
+ "}"
+ .
+AttributeBody<ref Attributes attrs>
+= (. string aName;
+ List<Attributes.Argument!> aArgs = new List<Attributes.Argument!>();
+ Attributes.Argument! aArg;
+ .)
+ ":" ident (. aName = token.val; .)
+ [ AttributeArg<out aArg> (. aArgs.Add(aArg); .)
+ { "," AttributeArg<out aArg> (. aArgs.Add(aArg); .)
+ }
+ ] (. attrs = new Attributes(aName, aArgs, attrs); .)
+ .
+AttributeArg<out Attributes.Argument! arg>
+= (. Expression! e; arg = dummyAttrArg; .)
+ ( string (. arg = new Attributes.Argument(token.val.Substring(1, token.val.Length-2)); .)
+ | Expression<out e> (. arg = new Attributes.Argument(e); .)
+ )
+ .
+AttributeOrTrigger<ref Attributes attrs, ref Triggers trigs>
+= (. List<Expression!> es = new List<Expression!>();
+ .)
+ "{"
+ ( AttributeBody<ref attrs>
+ | (. es = new List<Expression!>(); .)
+ Expressions<es> (. trigs = new Triggers(es, trigs); .)
+ )
+ "}"
+ .
+Ident<out Token! x>
+ ident (. x = token; .)
+ .
+Nat<out int n>
+ digits
+ (. try {
+ n = System.Convert.ToInt32(token.val);
+ } catch (System.FormatException) {
+ SemErr("incorrectly formatted number");
+ n = 0;
+ }
+ .)
+ .
+END Dafny.