diff options
2 files changed, 2403 insertions, 2402 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/DafnyOptions.cs b/Source/Dafny/DafnyOptions.cs
index 08e53d5c..dd25e3c4 100644
--- a/Source/Dafny/DafnyOptions.cs
+++ b/Source/Dafny/DafnyOptions.cs
@@ -1,392 +1,393 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using Bpl = Microsoft.Boogie;
-namespace Microsoft.Dafny
- public class DafnyOptions : Bpl.CommandLineOptions
- {
- private ErrorReporter errorReporter;
- public DafnyOptions(ErrorReporter errorReporter = null)
- : base("Dafny", "Dafny program verifier") {
- this.errorReporter = errorReporter;
- SetZ3ExecutableName();
- }
- public override string VersionNumber {
- get {
- return System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).FileVersion
- + "[IronDafny]"
- ;
- }
- }
- public override string VersionSuffix {
- get {
- return " version " + VersionNumber + ", Copyright (c) 2003-2015, Microsoft.";
- }
- }
- private static DafnyOptions clo;
- public static DafnyOptions O {
- get { return clo; }
- }
- public static void Install(DafnyOptions options) {
- Contract.Requires(options != null);
- clo = options;
- Bpl.CommandLineOptions.Install(options);
- }
- public bool UnicodeOutput = false;
- public bool DisallowSoundnessCheating = false;
- public bool Dafnycc = false;
- public int Induction = 3;
- public int InductionHeuristic = 6;
- public string DafnyPrelude = null;
- public string DafnyPrintFile = null;
- public enum PrintModes { Everything, NoIncludes, NoGhost };
- public PrintModes PrintMode;
- public bool DafnyVerify = true;
- public string DafnyPrintResolvedFile = null;
- public bool Compile = true;
- public bool ForceCompile = false;
- public bool RunAfterCompile = false;
- public bool SpillTargetCode = false;
- public bool DisallowIncludes = false;
- public bool DisableNLarith = false;
- public string AutoReqPrintFile = null;
- public bool ignoreAutoReq = false;
- public bool AllowGlobals = false;
- public bool CountVerificationErrors = true;
- public bool Optimize = false;
- public bool AutoTriggers = false;
- public bool PrintTooltips = false;
- public bool PrintStats = false;
- public bool PrintFunctionCallGraph = false;
- public bool WarnShadowing = false;
- public bool IronDafny =
- true
- false
- ;
- protected override bool ParseOption(string name, Bpl.CommandLineOptionEngine.CommandLineParseState ps) {
- var args = ps.args; // convenient synonym
- switch (name) {
- case "dprelude":
- if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) {
- DafnyPrelude = args[ps.i];
- }
- return true;
- case "dprint":
- if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) {
- DafnyPrintFile = args[ps.i];
- }
- return true;
- case "printMode":
- if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) {
- if (args[ps.i].Equals("Everything")) {
- PrintMode = PrintModes.Everything;
- }
- else if (args[ps.i].Equals("NoIncludes"))
- {
- PrintMode = PrintModes.NoIncludes;
- }
- else if (args[ps.i].Equals("NoGhost"))
- {
- PrintMode = PrintModes.NoGhost;
- }
- else
- {
- throw new Exception("Invalid value for printMode");
- }
- }
- return true;
- case "rprint":
- if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) {
- DafnyPrintResolvedFile = args[ps.i];
- }
- return true;
- case "compile": {
- int compile = 0;
- if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref compile, 4)) {
- // convert option to two booleans
- Compile = compile != 0;
- ForceCompile = compile == 2;
- RunAfterCompile = compile == 3;
- }
- return true;
- }
- case "dafnyVerify":
- {
- int verify = 0;
- if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref verify, 2)) {
- DafnyVerify = verify != 0; // convert to boolean
- }
- return true;
- }
- case "spillTargetCode": {
- int spill = 0;
- if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref spill, 2)) {
- SpillTargetCode = spill != 0; // convert to a boolean
- }
- return true;
- }
- case "dafnycc":
- Dafnycc = true;
- Induction = 0;
- Compile = false;
- UseAbstractInterpretation = false; // /noinfer
- return true;
- case "noCheating": {
- int cheat = 0; // 0 is default, allows cheating
- if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref cheat, 2)) {
- DisallowSoundnessCheating = cheat == 1;
- }
- return true;
- }
- case "induction":
- ps.GetNumericArgument(ref Induction, 4);
- return true;
- case "inductionHeuristic":
- ps.GetNumericArgument(ref InductionHeuristic, 7);
- return true;
- case "noIncludes":
- DisallowIncludes = true;
- return true;
- case "noNLarith":
- DisableNLarith = true;
- this.AddZ3Option("NL_ARITH=false");
- return true;
- case "autoReqPrint":
- if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) {
- AutoReqPrintFile = args[ps.i];
- }
- return true;
- case "noAutoReq":
- ignoreAutoReq = true;
- return true;
- case "allowGlobals":
- AllowGlobals = true;
- return true;
- case "stats":
- PrintStats = true;
- return true;
- case "funcCallGraph":
- PrintFunctionCallGraph = true;
- return true;
- case "warnShadowing":
- WarnShadowing = true;
- return true;
- case "countVerificationErrors": {
- int countErrors = 1; // defaults to reporting verification errors
- if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref countErrors, 2)) {
- CountVerificationErrors = countErrors == 1;
- }
- return true;
- }
- case "printTooltips":
- PrintTooltips = true;
- return true;
- case "autoTriggers": {
- int autoTriggers = 0;
- if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref autoTriggers, 2)) {
- AutoTriggers = autoTriggers == 1;
- }
- return true;
- }
- case "optimize": {
- Optimize = true;
- return true;
- }
- case "noIronDafny": {
- IronDafny = false;
- return true;
- }
- case "ironDafny": {
- IronDafny = true;
- return true;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- // not a Dafny-specific option, so defer to superclass
- return base.ParseOption(name, ps);
- }
- public override void ApplyDefaultOptions() {
- base.ApplyDefaultOptions();
- // expand macros in filenames, now that LogPrefix is fully determined
- ExpandFilename(ref DafnyPrelude, LogPrefix, FileTimestamp);
- ExpandFilename(ref DafnyPrintFile, LogPrefix, FileTimestamp);
- }
- public override void AttributeUsage() {
- // TODO: provide attribute help here
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Dafny comes with it's own copy of z3, to save new users the trouble of having to install extra dependency.
- /// For this to work, Dafny makes the Z3ExecutablePath point to the path were Z3 is put by our release script.
- /// For developers though (and people getting this from source), it's convenient to be able to run right away,
- /// so we vendor a Windows version.
- /// </summary>
- private void SetZ3ExecutableName() {
- var platform = (int)System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
- //
- var isUnix = platform == 4 || platform == 128;
- var z3binName = isUnix ? "z3" : "z3.exe";
- var dafnyBinDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
- var z3BinDir = System.IO.Path.Combine(dafnyBinDir, "z3", "bin");
- var z3BinPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(z3BinDir, z3binName);
- if (!System.IO.File.Exists(z3BinPath) && !isUnix) {
- // This is most likely a Windows user running from source without downloading z3
- // separately; this is ok, since we vendor z3.exe.
- z3BinPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(dafnyBinDir, z3binName);
- }
- if (!System.IO.File.Exists(z3BinPath) && errorReporter != null) {
- var tok = new Bpl.Token(1, 1) { filename = "*** " };
- errorReporter.Warning(MessageSource.Other, tok, "Could not find '{0}' in '{1}'.{2}Downloading and extracting a Z3 distribution to Dafny's 'Binaries' folder would solve this issue; for now, we'll rely on Boogie to find Z3.",
- z3binName, z3BinDir, System.Environment.NewLine);
- } else {
- Z3ExecutablePath = z3BinPath;
- }
- }
- public override void Usage() {
- Console.WriteLine(@" ---- Dafny options ---------------------------------------------------------
- Multiple .dfy files supplied on the command line are concatenated into one
- Dafny program.
- /dprelude:<file>
- choose Dafny prelude file
- /dprint:<file>
- print Dafny program after parsing it
- (use - as <file> to print to console)
- /printMode:<Everything|NoIncludes|NoGhost>
- NoIncludes disables printing of {:verify false} methods incorporated via the
- include mechanism, as well as datatypes and fields included from other files.
- NoGhost disables printing of functions, ghost methods, and proof statements in
- implementation methods. It also disables anything NoIncludes disables.
- /rprint:<file>
- print Dafny program after resolving it
- (use - as <file> to print to console)
- /dafnyVerify:<n>
- 0 - stop after typechecking
- 1 - continue on to translation, verification, and compilation
- /compile:<n> 0 - do not compile Dafny program
- 1 (default) - upon successful verification of the Dafny
- program, compile Dafny program to .NET assembly
- Program.exe (if the program has a Main method) or
- Program.dll (othewise), where Program.dfy is the name
- of the last .dfy file on the command line
- 2 - always attempt to compile Dafny program to C# program
- out.cs, regardless of verification outcome
- 3 - if there is a Main method and there are no verification
- errors, compiles program in memory (i.e., does not write
- an output file) and runs it
- /spillTargetCode:<n>
- 0 (default) - don't write the compiled Dafny program (but
- still compile it, if /compile indicates to do so)
- 1 - write the compiled Dafny program as a .cs file
- /dafnycc Disable features not supported by DafnyCC
- /noCheating:<n>
- 0 (default) - allow assume statements and free invariants
- 1 - treat all assumptions as asserts, and drop free.
- /induction:<n>
- 0 - never do induction, not even when attributes request it
- 1 - only apply induction when attributes request it
- 2 - apply induction as requested (by attributes) and also
- for heuristically chosen quantifiers
- 3 (default) - apply induction as requested, and for
- heuristically chosen quantifiers and lemmas
- /inductionHeuristic:<n>
- 0 - least discriminating induction heuristic (that is, lean
- toward applying induction more often)
- 1,2,3,4,5 - levels in between, ordered as follows as far as
- how discriminating they are: 0 < 1 < 2 < (3,4) < 5 < 6
- 6 (default) - most discriminating
- /noIncludes Ignore include directives
- /noNLarith Reduce Z3's knowledge of non-linear arithmetic (*,/,%).
- Results in more manual work, but also produces more predictable behavior.
- /autoReqPrint:<file>
- Print out requirements that were automatically generated by autoReq.
- /noAutoReq Ignore autoReq attributes
- /allowGlobals Allow the implicit class '_default' to contain fields, instance functions,
- and instance methods. These class members are declared at the module scope,
- outside of explicit classes. This command-line option is provided to simplify
- a transition from the behavior in the language prior to version 1.9.3, from
- which point onward all functions and methods declared at the module scope are
- implicitly static and fields declarations are not allowed at the module scope.
- /countVerificationErrors:<n>
- 0 - If preprocessing succeeds, set exit code to 0 regardless of the number
- of verification errors.
- 1 (default) - If preprocessing succeeds, set exit code to the number of
- verification errors.
- /autoTriggers:<n>
- 0 (default) - Do not generate {:trigger} annotations for user-level quantifiers.
- 1 - Add a {:trigger} to each user-level quantifier. Existing
- annotations are preserved.
- /optimize Produce optimized C# code, meaning:
- - selects optimized C# prelude by passing
- /define:DAFNY_USE_SYSTEM_COLLECTIONS_IMMUTABLE to csc.exe (requires
- System.Collections.Immutable.dll in the source directory to successfully
- compile).
- - passes /optimize flag to csc.exe.
- /stats Print interesting statistics about the Dafny files supplied.
- /funcCallGraph Print out the function call graph. Format is: func,mod=callee*
- /warnShadowing Emits a warning if the name of a declared variable caused another variable
- to be shadowed
- /ironDafny Enable experimental features needed to support Ironclad/Ironfleet. Use of
- these features may cause your code to become incompatible with future
- releases of Dafny.
- /noIronDafny Disable Ironclad/Ironfleet features, if enabled by default.
- /printTooltips
- Dump additional positional information (displayed as mouse-over tooltips by
- the VS plugin) to stdout as 'Info' messages.
- base.Usage(); // also print the Boogie options
- }
- }
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using Bpl = Microsoft.Boogie;
+namespace Microsoft.Dafny
+ public class DafnyOptions : Bpl.CommandLineOptions
+ {
+ private ErrorReporter errorReporter;
+ public DafnyOptions(ErrorReporter errorReporter = null)
+ : base("Dafny", "Dafny program verifier") {
+ this.errorReporter = errorReporter;
+ SetZ3ExecutableName();
+ }
+ public override string VersionNumber {
+ get {
+ return System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).FileVersion
+ + "[IronDafny]"
+ ;
+ }
+ }
+ public override string VersionSuffix {
+ get {
+ return " version " + VersionNumber + ", Copyright (c) 2003-2015, Microsoft.";
+ }
+ }
+ private static DafnyOptions clo;
+ public static DafnyOptions O {
+ get { return clo; }
+ }
+ public static void Install(DafnyOptions options) {
+ Contract.Requires(options != null);
+ clo = options;
+ Bpl.CommandLineOptions.Install(options);
+ }
+ public bool UnicodeOutput = false;
+ public bool DisallowSoundnessCheating = false;
+ public bool Dafnycc = false;
+ public int Induction = 3;
+ public int InductionHeuristic = 6;
+ public string DafnyPrelude = null;
+ public string DafnyPrintFile = null;
+ public enum PrintModes { Everything, NoIncludes, NoGhost };
+ public PrintModes PrintMode = PrintModes.Everything; // Default to printing everything
+ public bool DafnyVerify = true;
+ public string DafnyPrintResolvedFile = null;
+ public bool Compile = true;
+ public bool ForceCompile = false;
+ public bool RunAfterCompile = false;
+ public bool SpillTargetCode = false;
+ public bool DisallowIncludes = false;
+ public bool DisableNLarith = false;
+ public string AutoReqPrintFile = null;
+ public bool ignoreAutoReq = false;
+ public bool AllowGlobals = false;
+ public bool CountVerificationErrors = true;
+ public bool Optimize = false;
+ public bool AutoTriggers = false;
+ public bool PrintTooltips = false;
+ public bool PrintStats = false;
+ public bool PrintFunctionCallGraph = false;
+ public bool WarnShadowing = false;
+ public bool IronDafny =
+ true
+ false
+ ;
+ protected override bool ParseOption(string name, Bpl.CommandLineOptionEngine.CommandLineParseState ps) {
+ var args = ps.args; // convenient synonym
+ switch (name) {
+ case "dprelude":
+ if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) {
+ DafnyPrelude = args[ps.i];
+ }
+ return true;
+ case "dprint":
+ if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) {
+ DafnyPrintFile = args[ps.i];
+ }
+ return true;
+ case "printMode":
+ if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) {
+ if (args[ps.i].Equals("Everything")) {
+ PrintMode = PrintModes.Everything;
+ }
+ else if (args[ps.i].Equals("NoIncludes"))
+ {
+ PrintMode = PrintModes.NoIncludes;
+ }
+ else if (args[ps.i].Equals("NoGhost"))
+ {
+ PrintMode = PrintModes.NoGhost;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new Exception("Invalid value for printMode");
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ case "rprint":
+ if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) {
+ DafnyPrintResolvedFile = args[ps.i];
+ }
+ return true;
+ case "compile": {
+ int compile = 0;
+ if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref compile, 4)) {
+ // convert option to two booleans
+ Compile = compile != 0;
+ ForceCompile = compile == 2;
+ RunAfterCompile = compile == 3;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ case "dafnyVerify":
+ {
+ int verify = 0;
+ if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref verify, 2)) {
+ DafnyVerify = verify != 0; // convert to boolean
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ case "spillTargetCode": {
+ int spill = 0;
+ if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref spill, 2)) {
+ SpillTargetCode = spill != 0; // convert to a boolean
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ case "dafnycc":
+ Dafnycc = true;
+ Induction = 0;
+ Compile = false;
+ UseAbstractInterpretation = false; // /noinfer
+ return true;
+ case "noCheating": {
+ int cheat = 0; // 0 is default, allows cheating
+ if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref cheat, 2)) {
+ DisallowSoundnessCheating = cheat == 1;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ case "induction":
+ ps.GetNumericArgument(ref Induction, 4);
+ return true;
+ case "inductionHeuristic":
+ ps.GetNumericArgument(ref InductionHeuristic, 7);
+ return true;
+ case "noIncludes":
+ DisallowIncludes = true;
+ return true;
+ case "noNLarith":
+ DisableNLarith = true;
+ this.AddZ3Option("NL_ARITH=false");
+ return true;
+ case "autoReqPrint":
+ if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) {
+ AutoReqPrintFile = args[ps.i];
+ }
+ return true;
+ case "noAutoReq":
+ ignoreAutoReq = true;
+ return true;
+ case "allowGlobals":
+ AllowGlobals = true;
+ return true;
+ case "stats":
+ PrintStats = true;
+ return true;
+ case "funcCallGraph":
+ PrintFunctionCallGraph = true;
+ return true;
+ case "warnShadowing":
+ WarnShadowing = true;
+ return true;
+ case "countVerificationErrors": {
+ int countErrors = 1; // defaults to reporting verification errors
+ if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref countErrors, 2)) {
+ CountVerificationErrors = countErrors == 1;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ case "printTooltips":
+ PrintTooltips = true;
+ return true;
+ case "autoTriggers": {
+ int autoTriggers = 0;
+ if (ps.GetNumericArgument(ref autoTriggers, 2)) {
+ AutoTriggers = autoTriggers == 1;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ case "optimize": {
+ Optimize = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ case "noIronDafny": {
+ IronDafny = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ case "ironDafny": {
+ IronDafny = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ // not a Dafny-specific option, so defer to superclass
+ return base.ParseOption(name, ps);
+ }
+ public override void ApplyDefaultOptions() {
+ base.ApplyDefaultOptions();
+ // expand macros in filenames, now that LogPrefix is fully determined
+ ExpandFilename(ref DafnyPrelude, LogPrefix, FileTimestamp);
+ ExpandFilename(ref DafnyPrintFile, LogPrefix, FileTimestamp);
+ }
+ public override void AttributeUsage() {
+ // TODO: provide attribute help here
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Dafny comes with it's own copy of z3, to save new users the trouble of having to install extra dependency.
+ /// For this to work, Dafny makes the Z3ExecutablePath point to the path were Z3 is put by our release script.
+ /// For developers though (and people getting this from source), it's convenient to be able to run right away,
+ /// so we vendor a Windows version.
+ /// </summary>
+ private void SetZ3ExecutableName() {
+ var platform = (int)System.Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
+ //
+ var isUnix = platform == 4 || platform == 128;
+ var z3binName = isUnix ? "z3" : "z3.exe";
+ var dafnyBinDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
+ var z3BinDir = System.IO.Path.Combine(dafnyBinDir, "z3", "bin");
+ var z3BinPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(z3BinDir, z3binName);
+ if (!System.IO.File.Exists(z3BinPath) && !isUnix) {
+ // This is most likely a Windows user running from source without downloading z3
+ // separately; this is ok, since we vendor z3.exe.
+ z3BinPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(dafnyBinDir, z3binName);
+ }
+ if (!System.IO.File.Exists(z3BinPath) && errorReporter != null) {
+ var tok = new Bpl.Token(1, 1) { filename = "*** " };
+ errorReporter.Warning(MessageSource.Other, tok, "Could not find '{0}' in '{1}'.{2}Downloading and extracting a Z3 distribution to Dafny's 'Binaries' folder would solve this issue; for now, we'll rely on Boogie to find Z3.",
+ z3binName, z3BinDir, System.Environment.NewLine);
+ } else {
+ Z3ExecutablePath = z3BinPath;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void Usage() {
+ Console.WriteLine(@" ---- Dafny options ---------------------------------------------------------
+ Multiple .dfy files supplied on the command line are concatenated into one
+ Dafny program.
+ /dprelude:<file>
+ choose Dafny prelude file
+ /dprint:<file>
+ print Dafny program after parsing it
+ (use - as <file> to print to console)
+ /printMode:<Everything|NoIncludes|NoGhost>
+ Everything is the default.
+ NoIncludes disables printing of {:verify false} methods incorporated via the
+ include mechanism, as well as datatypes and fields included from other files.
+ NoGhost disables printing of functions, ghost methods, and proof statements in
+ implementation methods. It also disables anything NoIncludes disables.
+ /rprint:<file>
+ print Dafny program after resolving it
+ (use - as <file> to print to console)
+ /dafnyVerify:<n>
+ 0 - stop after typechecking
+ 1 - continue on to translation, verification, and compilation
+ /compile:<n> 0 - do not compile Dafny program
+ 1 (default) - upon successful verification of the Dafny
+ program, compile Dafny program to .NET assembly
+ Program.exe (if the program has a Main method) or
+ Program.dll (othewise), where Program.dfy is the name
+ of the last .dfy file on the command line
+ 2 - always attempt to compile Dafny program to C# program
+ out.cs, regardless of verification outcome
+ 3 - if there is a Main method and there are no verification
+ errors, compiles program in memory (i.e., does not write
+ an output file) and runs it
+ /spillTargetCode:<n>
+ 0 (default) - don't write the compiled Dafny program (but
+ still compile it, if /compile indicates to do so)
+ 1 - write the compiled Dafny program as a .cs file
+ /dafnycc Disable features not supported by DafnyCC
+ /noCheating:<n>
+ 0 (default) - allow assume statements and free invariants
+ 1 - treat all assumptions as asserts, and drop free.
+ /induction:<n>
+ 0 - never do induction, not even when attributes request it
+ 1 - only apply induction when attributes request it
+ 2 - apply induction as requested (by attributes) and also
+ for heuristically chosen quantifiers
+ 3 (default) - apply induction as requested, and for
+ heuristically chosen quantifiers and lemmas
+ /inductionHeuristic:<n>
+ 0 - least discriminating induction heuristic (that is, lean
+ toward applying induction more often)
+ 1,2,3,4,5 - levels in between, ordered as follows as far as
+ how discriminating they are: 0 < 1 < 2 < (3,4) < 5 < 6
+ 6 (default) - most discriminating
+ /noIncludes Ignore include directives
+ /noNLarith Reduce Z3's knowledge of non-linear arithmetic (*,/,%).
+ Results in more manual work, but also produces more predictable behavior.
+ /autoReqPrint:<file>
+ Print out requirements that were automatically generated by autoReq.
+ /noAutoReq Ignore autoReq attributes
+ /allowGlobals Allow the implicit class '_default' to contain fields, instance functions,
+ and instance methods. These class members are declared at the module scope,
+ outside of explicit classes. This command-line option is provided to simplify
+ a transition from the behavior in the language prior to version 1.9.3, from
+ which point onward all functions and methods declared at the module scope are
+ implicitly static and fields declarations are not allowed at the module scope.
+ /countVerificationErrors:<n>
+ 0 - If preprocessing succeeds, set exit code to 0 regardless of the number
+ of verification errors.
+ 1 (default) - If preprocessing succeeds, set exit code to the number of
+ verification errors.
+ /autoTriggers:<n>
+ 0 (default) - Do not generate {:trigger} annotations for user-level quantifiers.
+ 1 - Add a {:trigger} to each user-level quantifier. Existing
+ annotations are preserved.
+ /optimize Produce optimized C# code, meaning:
+ - selects optimized C# prelude by passing
+ /define:DAFNY_USE_SYSTEM_COLLECTIONS_IMMUTABLE to csc.exe (requires
+ System.Collections.Immutable.dll in the source directory to successfully
+ compile).
+ - passes /optimize flag to csc.exe.
+ /stats Print interesting statistics about the Dafny files supplied.
+ /funcCallGraph Print out the function call graph. Format is: func,mod=callee*
+ /warnShadowing Emits a warning if the name of a declared variable caused another variable
+ to be shadowed
+ /ironDafny Enable experimental features needed to support Ironclad/Ironfleet. Use of
+ these features may cause your code to become incompatible with future
+ releases of Dafny.
+ /noIronDafny Disable Ironclad/Ironfleet features, if enabled by default.
+ /printTooltips
+ Dump additional positional information (displayed as mouse-over tooltips by
+ the VS plugin) to stdout as 'Info' messages.
+ base.Usage(); // also print the Boogie options
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/Printer.cs b/Source/Dafny/Printer.cs
index ce8b54bb..e242c8bb 100644
--- a/Source/Dafny/Printer.cs
+++ b/Source/Dafny/Printer.cs
@@ -1,2010 +1,2010 @@
-// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
-using System;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
-using System.Numerics;
-using System.Linq;
-using Bpl = Microsoft.Boogie;
-namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
- public class Printer {
- TextWriter wr;
- DafnyOptions.PrintModes printMode;
- [ContractInvariantMethod]
- void ObjectInvariant()
- {
- Contract.Invariant(wr!=null);
- }
- public Printer(TextWriter wr, DafnyOptions.PrintModes printMode = DafnyOptions.PrintModes.Everything) {
- Contract.Requires(wr != null);
- this.wr = wr;
- this.printMode = printMode;
- }
- public static string ExprToString(Expression expr)
- {
- Contract.Requires(expr != null);
- using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
- var pr = new Printer(wr);
- pr.PrintExpression(expr, false);
- return wr.ToString();
- }
- }
- public static string GuardToString(Expression expr) {
- using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
- var pr = new Printer(wr);
- pr.PrintGuard(expr);
- return wr.ToString();
- }
- }
- public static string ExtendedExprToString(Expression expr) {
- Contract.Requires(expr != null);
- using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
- var pr = new Printer(wr);
- pr.PrintExtendedExpr(expr, 0, true, false);
- return wr.ToString();
- }
- }
- public static string FrameExprListToString(List<FrameExpression> fexprs) {
- Contract.Requires(fexprs != null);
- using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
- var pr = new Printer(wr);
- pr.PrintFrameExpressionList(fexprs);
- return wr.ToString();
- }
- }
- public static string StatementToString(Statement stmt) {
- Contract.Requires(stmt != null);
- using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
- var pr = new Printer(wr);
- pr.PrintStatement(stmt, 0);
- return ToStringWithoutNewline(wr);
- }
- }
- public static string IteratorClassToString(IteratorDecl iter) {
- Contract.Requires(iter != null);
- using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
- var pr = new Printer(wr);
- pr.PrintIteratorClass(iter, 0, null);
- return ToStringWithoutNewline(wr);
- }
- }
- public static string IteratorSignatureToString(IteratorDecl iter) {
- Contract.Requires(iter != null);
- using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
- var pr = new Printer(wr);
- pr.PrintIteratorSignature(iter, 0);
- return ToStringWithoutNewline(wr);
- }
- }
- public static string FunctionSignatureToString(Function f) {
- Contract.Requires(f != null);
- using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
- var pr = new Printer(wr);
- pr.PrintFunction(f, 0, true);
- return ToStringWithoutNewline(wr);
- }
- }
- public static string MethodSignatureToString(Method m) {
- Contract.Requires(m != null);
- using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
- var pr = new Printer(wr);
- pr.PrintMethod(m, 0, true);
- return ToStringWithoutNewline(wr);
- }
- }
- public static string OneAttributeToString(Attributes a, string nameSubstitution = null) {
- Contract.Requires(a != null);
- using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
- var pr = new Printer(wr);
- pr.PrintOneAttribute(a, nameSubstitution);
- return ToStringWithoutNewline(wr);
- }
- }
- public static string ToStringWithoutNewline(System.IO.StringWriter wr) {
- Contract.Requires(wr != null);
- var sb = wr.GetStringBuilder();
- var len = sb.Length;
- while (len > 0 && (sb[len - 1] == '\n' || sb[len - 1] == '\r')) {
- len--;
- }
- return sb.ToString(0, len);
- }
- public void PrintProgram(Program prog) {
- Contract.Requires(prog != null);
- if (Bpl.CommandLineOptions.Clo.ShowEnv != Bpl.CommandLineOptions.ShowEnvironment.Never) {
- wr.WriteLine("// " + Bpl.CommandLineOptions.Clo.Version);
- wr.WriteLine("// " + Bpl.CommandLineOptions.Clo.Environment);
- }
- wr.WriteLine("// {0}", prog.Name);
- if (DafnyOptions.O.DafnyPrintResolvedFile != null) {
- wr.WriteLine();
- wr.WriteLine("/*");
- PrintModuleDefinition(prog.BuiltIns.SystemModule, 0, Path.GetFullPath(DafnyOptions.O.DafnyPrintResolvedFile));
- wr.WriteLine("*/");
- }
- wr.WriteLine();
- PrintCallGraph(prog.DefaultModuleDef, 0);
- PrintTopLevelDecls(prog.DefaultModuleDef.TopLevelDecls, 0, Path.GetFullPath(prog.FullName));
- wr.Flush();
- }
- public void PrintCallGraph(ModuleDefinition module, int indent) {
- Contract.Requires(module != null);
- Contract.Requires(0 <= indent);
- if (DafnyOptions.O.DafnyPrintResolvedFile != null) {
- // print call graph
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("/* CALL GRAPH for module {0}:", module.Name);
- var SCCs = module.CallGraph.TopologicallySortedComponents();
- SCCs.Reverse();
- foreach (var clbl in SCCs) {
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine(" * SCC at height {0}:", module.CallGraph.GetSCCRepresentativeId(clbl));
- var r = module.CallGraph.GetSCC(clbl);
- foreach (var m in r) {
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine(" * {0}", m.NameRelativeToModule);
- }
- }
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine(" */");
- }
- }
- public void PrintTopLevelDecls(List<TopLevelDecl> decls, int indent, string fileBeingPrinted) {
- Contract.Requires(decls!= null);
- int i = 0;
- foreach (TopLevelDecl d in decls) {
- Contract.Assert(d != null);
- if (PrintModeSkipGeneral(d.tok, fileBeingPrinted)) { continue; }
- if (d is OpaqueTypeDecl) {
- var at = (OpaqueTypeDecl)d;
- if (i++ != 0) { wr.WriteLine(); }
- Indent(indent);
- PrintClassMethodHelper("type", at.Attributes, at.Name, new List<TypeParameter>());
- wr.Write(EqualitySupportSuffix(at.EqualitySupport));
- wr.WriteLine();
- } else if (d is NewtypeDecl) {
- var dd = (NewtypeDecl)d;
- if (i++ != 0) { wr.WriteLine(); }
- Indent(indent);
- PrintClassMethodHelper("newtype", dd.Attributes, dd.Name, new List<TypeParameter>());
- wr.Write(" = ");
- if (dd.Var == null) {
- PrintType(dd.BaseType);
- } else {
- wr.Write(dd.Var.DisplayName);
- if (!(dd.Var.Type is TypeProxy) || DafnyOptions.O.DafnyPrintResolvedFile != null) {
- wr.Write(": ");
- PrintType(dd.BaseType);
- }
- wr.Write(" | ");
- PrintExpression(dd.Constraint, true);
- }
- wr.WriteLine();
- } else if (d is TypeSynonymDecl) {
- var syn = (TypeSynonymDecl)d;
- if (i++ != 0) { wr.WriteLine(); }
- Indent(indent);
- PrintClassMethodHelper("type", syn.Attributes, syn.Name, syn.TypeArgs);
- wr.Write(" = ");
- PrintType(syn.Rhs);
- wr.WriteLine();
- } else if (d is DatatypeDecl) {
- if (i++ != 0) { wr.WriteLine(); }
- PrintDatatype((DatatypeDecl)d, indent);
- } else if (d is IteratorDecl) {
- var iter = (IteratorDecl)d;
- PrintIteratorSignature(iter, indent);
- if (iter.Body != null) {
- Indent(indent);
- PrintStatement(iter.Body, indent);
- wr.WriteLine();
- }
- if (DafnyOptions.O.DafnyPrintResolvedFile != null) {
- // also print the members that were created as part of the interpretation of the iterator
- Contract.Assert(iter.Members.Count != 0); // filled in during resolution
- wr.WriteLine("/*---------- iterator members ----------");
- PrintIteratorClass(iter, indent, fileBeingPrinted);
- wr.WriteLine("---------- iterator members ----------*/");
- }
- } else if (d is ClassDecl) {
- ClassDecl cl = (ClassDecl)d;
- if (!cl.IsDefaultClass) {
- if (i++ != 0) { wr.WriteLine(); }
- PrintClass(cl, indent, fileBeingPrinted);
- } else if (cl.Members.Count == 0) {
- // print nothing
- } else {
- if (i++ != 0) { wr.WriteLine(); }
- PrintMembers(cl.Members, indent, fileBeingPrinted);
- }
- } else if (d is ModuleDecl) {
- wr.WriteLine();
- Indent(indent);
- if (d is LiteralModuleDecl) {
- ModuleDefinition module = ((LiteralModuleDecl)d).ModuleDef;
- PrintModuleDefinition(module, indent, fileBeingPrinted);
- } else if (d is AliasModuleDecl) {
- wr.Write("import"); if (((AliasModuleDecl)d).Opened) wr.Write(" opened");
- wr.Write(" {0} ", ((AliasModuleDecl)d).Name);
- wr.WriteLine("= {0}", Util.Comma(".", ((AliasModuleDecl)d).Path, id => id.val));
- } else if (d is ModuleFacadeDecl) {
- wr.Write("import"); if (((ModuleFacadeDecl)d).Opened) wr.Write(" opened");
- wr.Write(" {0} ", ((ModuleFacadeDecl)d).Name);
- wr.WriteLine("as {0}", Util.Comma(".", ((ModuleFacadeDecl)d).Path, id => id.val));
- }
- } else {
- Contract.Assert(false); // unexpected TopLevelDecl
- }
- }
- }
- void PrintModuleDefinition(ModuleDefinition module, int indent, string fileBeingPrinted) {
- Contract.Requires(module != null);
- Contract.Requires(0 <= indent);
- if (module.IsAbstract) {
- wr.Write("abstract ");
- }
- wr.Write("module");
- PrintAttributes(module.Attributes);
- wr.Write(" {0} ", module.Name);
- if (module.RefinementBaseName != null) {
- wr.Write("refines {0} ", Util.Comma(".", module.RefinementBaseName, id => id.val));
- }
- if (module.TopLevelDecls.Count == 0) {
- wr.WriteLine("{ }");
- } else {
- wr.WriteLine("{");
- PrintCallGraph(module, indent + IndentAmount);
- PrintTopLevelDecls(module.TopLevelDecls, indent + IndentAmount, fileBeingPrinted);
- Indent(indent);
- wr.WriteLine("}");
- }
- }
- void PrintIteratorSignature(IteratorDecl iter, int indent) {
- Indent(indent);
- PrintClassMethodHelper("iterator", iter.Attributes, iter.Name, iter.TypeArgs);
- if (iter.SignatureIsOmitted) {
- wr.WriteLine(" ...");
- } else {
- PrintFormals(iter.Ins);
- if (iter.Outs.Count != 0) {
- if (iter.Ins.Count + iter.Outs.Count <= 3) {
- wr.Write(" yields ");
- } else {
- wr.WriteLine();
- Indent(indent + 2 * IndentAmount);
- wr.Write("yields ");
- }
- PrintFormals(iter.Outs);
- }
- wr.WriteLine();
- }
- int ind = indent + IndentAmount;
- PrintSpec("requires", iter.Requires, ind);
- if (iter.Reads.Expressions != null) {
- PrintFrameSpecLine("reads", iter.Reads.Expressions, ind, iter.Reads.HasAttributes() ? iter.Reads.Attributes : null);
- }
- if (iter.Modifies.Expressions != null) {
- PrintFrameSpecLine("modifies", iter.Modifies.Expressions, ind, iter.Modifies.HasAttributes() ? iter.Modifies.Attributes : null);
- }
- PrintSpec("yield requires", iter.YieldRequires, ind);
- PrintSpec("yield ensures", iter.YieldEnsures, ind);
- PrintSpec("ensures", iter.Ensures, ind);
- PrintDecreasesSpec(iter.Decreases, ind);
- }
- private void PrintIteratorClass(IteratorDecl iter, int indent, string fileBeingPrinted) {
- PrintClassMethodHelper("class", null, iter.Name, iter.TypeArgs);
- wr.WriteLine(" {");
- PrintMembers(iter.Members, indent + IndentAmount, fileBeingPrinted);
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("}");
- }
- public void PrintClass(ClassDecl c, int indent, string fileBeingPrinted) {
- Contract.Requires(c != null);
- Indent(indent);
- PrintClassMethodHelper((c is TraitDecl) ? "trait" : "class", c.Attributes, c.Name, c.TypeArgs);
- string sep = " extends ";
- foreach (var trait in c.TraitsTyp) {
- wr.Write(sep);
- PrintType(trait);
- sep = ", ";
- }
- if (c.Members.Count == 0) {
- wr.WriteLine(" { }");
- } else {
- wr.WriteLine(" {");
- PrintMembers(c.Members, indent + IndentAmount, fileBeingPrinted);
- Indent(indent);
- wr.WriteLine("}");
- }
- }
- public void PrintMembers(List<MemberDecl> members, int indent, string fileBeingPrinted)
- {
- Contract.Requires(members != null);
- int state = 0; // 0 - no members yet; 1 - previous member was a field; 2 - previous member was non-field
- foreach (MemberDecl m in members) {
- if (PrintModeSkipGeneral(m.tok, fileBeingPrinted)) { continue; }
- if (m is Method) {
- if (state != 0) { wr.WriteLine(); }
- PrintMethod((Method)m, indent, false);
- var com = m as FixpointLemma;
- if (com != null && com.PrefixLemma != null) {
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("/***");
- PrintMethod(com.PrefixLemma, indent, false);
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("***/");
- }
- state = 2;
- } else if (m is Field) {
- if (state == 2) { wr.WriteLine(); }
- PrintField((Field)m, indent);
- state = 1;
- } else if (m is Function) {
- if (state != 0) { wr.WriteLine(); }
- PrintFunction((Function)m, indent, false);
- var fixp = m as FixpointPredicate;
- if (fixp != null && fixp.PrefixPredicate != null) {
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("/***");
- PrintFunction(fixp.PrefixPredicate, indent, false);
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("***/");
- }
- state = 2;
- } else {
- Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected member
- }
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Prints no space before "kind", but does print a space before "attrs" and "name".
- /// </summary>
- void PrintClassMethodHelper(string kind, Attributes attrs, string name, List<TypeParameter> typeArgs) {
- Contract.Requires(kind != null);
- Contract.Requires(name != null);
- Contract.Requires(typeArgs != null);
- if (kind.Length != 0) {
- wr.Write(kind);
- }
- PrintAttributes(attrs);
- wr.Write(" {0}", name);
- PrintTypeParams(typeArgs);
- }
- private void PrintTypeParams(List<TypeParameter> typeArgs) {
- Contract.Requires(typeArgs != null);
- if (typeArgs.Count != 0) {
- wr.Write("<" +
- Util.Comma(", ", typeArgs,
- tp => tp.Name + EqualitySupportSuffix(tp.EqualitySupport))
- + ">");
- }
- }
- private void PrintTypeInstantiation(List<Type> typeArgs) {
- Contract.Requires(typeArgs == null || typeArgs.Count != 0);
- if (typeArgs != null) {
- wr.Write("<{0}>", Util.Comma(",", typeArgs, ty => ty.ToString()));
- }
- }
- public void PrintDatatype(DatatypeDecl dt, int indent) {
- Contract.Requires(dt != null);
- Indent(indent);
- PrintClassMethodHelper(dt is IndDatatypeDecl ? "datatype" : "codatatype", dt.Attributes, dt.Name, dt.TypeArgs);
- wr.Write(" =");
- string sep = "";
- foreach (DatatypeCtor ctor in dt.Ctors) {
- wr.Write(sep);
- PrintClassMethodHelper("", ctor.Attributes, ctor.Name, new List<TypeParameter>());
- if (ctor.Formals.Count != 0) {
- PrintFormals(ctor.Formals);
- }
- sep = " |";
- }
- wr.WriteLine();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Prints a space before each attribute.
- /// </summary>
- public void PrintAttributes(Attributes a) {
- if (a != null) {
- PrintAttributes(a.Prev);
- wr.Write(" ");
- PrintOneAttribute(a);
- }
- }
- public void PrintOneAttribute(Attributes a, string nameSubstitution = null) {
- Contract.Requires(a != null);
- var name = nameSubstitution ?? a.Name;
- var usAttribute = name.StartsWith("_");
- wr.Write("{1}{{:{0}", name, usAttribute ? "/*" : "");
- if (a.Args != null) {
- PrintAttributeArgs(a.Args, false);
- }
- wr.Write("}}{0}", usAttribute ? "*/" : "");
- }
- public void PrintAttributeArgs(List<Expression> args, bool isFollowedBySemicolon) {
- Contract.Requires(args != null);
- string prefix = " ";
- foreach (var arg in args) {
- Contract.Assert(arg != null);
- wr.Write(prefix);
- prefix = ", ";
- PrintExpression(arg, isFollowedBySemicolon);
- }
- }
- public void PrintField(Field field, int indent) {
- Contract.Requires(field != null);
- Indent(indent);
- if (field.IsGhost) {
- wr.Write("ghost ");
- }
- wr.Write("var");
- PrintAttributes(field.Attributes);
- wr.Write(" {0}: ", field.Name);
- PrintType(field.Type);
- if (field.IsUserMutable) {
- // nothing more to say
- } else if (field.IsMutable) {
- wr.Write(" // non-assignable");
- } else {
- wr.Write(" // immutable");
- }
- wr.WriteLine();
- }
- public void PrintFunction(Function f, int indent, bool printSignatureOnly) {
- Contract.Requires(f != null);
- if (PrintModeSkipFunctionOrMethod(f.IsGhost, f.Attributes, f.Name)) { return; }
- var isPredicate = f is Predicate || f is PrefixPredicate;
- Indent(indent);
- string k = isPredicate ? "predicate" : f is InductivePredicate ? "inductive predicate" : f is CoPredicate ? "copredicate" : "function";
- if (f.IsProtected) { k = "protected " + k; }
- if (f.HasStaticKeyword) { k = "static " + k; }
- if (!f.IsGhost) { k += " method"; }
- PrintClassMethodHelper(k, f.Attributes, f.Name, f.TypeArgs);
- if (f.SignatureIsOmitted) {
- wr.WriteLine(" ...");
- } else {
- PrintFormals(f.Formals, f.Name);
- if (!isPredicate) {
- wr.Write(": ");
- PrintType(f.ResultType);
- }
- wr.WriteLine();
- }
- int ind = indent + IndentAmount;
- PrintSpec("requires", f.Req, ind);
- PrintFrameSpecLine("reads", f.Reads, ind, null);
- PrintSpec("ensures", f.Ens, ind);
- PrintDecreasesSpec(f.Decreases, ind);
- if (f.Body != null && !printSignatureOnly) {
- Indent(indent);
- wr.WriteLine("{");
- PrintExtendedExpr(f.Body, ind, true, false);
- Indent(indent);
- wr.WriteLine("}");
- }
- }
- // ----------------------------- PrintMethod -----------------------------
- const int IndentAmount = 2; // The amount of indent for each new scope
- const string BunchaSpaces = " ";
- void Indent(int amount)
- {
- Contract.Requires(0 <= amount);
- while (0 < amount) {
- wr.Write(BunchaSpaces.Substring(0, amount));
- amount -= BunchaSpaces.Length;
- }
- }
- private bool PrintModeSkipFunctionOrMethod(bool IsGhost, Attributes attributes, string name)
- {
- if (printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoGhost && IsGhost)
- { return true; }
- if (printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoIncludes || printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoGhost)
- {
- bool verify = true;
- if (Attributes.ContainsBool(attributes, "verify", ref verify) && !verify)
- { return true; }
- if (name.Contains("INTERNAL") || name.StartsWith("reveal_"))
- { return true; }
- }
- return false;
- }
- private bool PrintModeSkipGeneral(Bpl.IToken tok, string fileBeingPrinted)
- {
- return (printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoIncludes || printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoGhost)
- && (tok.filename != null && fileBeingPrinted != null && Path.GetFullPath(tok.filename) != fileBeingPrinted);
- }
- public void PrintMethod(Method method, int indent, bool printSignatureOnly) {
- Contract.Requires(method != null);
- if (PrintModeSkipFunctionOrMethod(method.IsGhost, method.Attributes, method.Name)) { return; }
- Indent(indent);
- string k = method is Constructor ? "constructor" :
- method is InductiveLemma ? "inductive lemma" :
- method is CoLemma ? "colemma" :
- method is Lemma ? "lemma" :
- "method";
- if (method.HasStaticKeyword) { k = "static " + k; }
- if (method.IsGhost && !(method is Lemma) && !(method is FixpointLemma)) { k = "ghost " + k; }
- string nm = method is Constructor && !((Constructor)method).HasName ? "" : method.Name;
- PrintClassMethodHelper(k, method.Attributes, nm, method.TypeArgs);
- if (method.SignatureIsOmitted) {
- wr.WriteLine(" ...");
- } else {
- PrintFormals(method.Ins, method.Name);
- if (method.Outs.Count != 0) {
- if (method.Ins.Count + method.Outs.Count <= 3) {
- wr.Write(" returns ");
- } else {
- wr.WriteLine();
- Indent(indent + 2 * IndentAmount);
- wr.Write("returns ");
- }
- PrintFormals(method.Outs);
- }
- wr.WriteLine();
- }
- int ind = indent + IndentAmount;
- PrintSpec("requires", method.Req, ind);
- if (method.Mod.Expressions != null)
- {
- PrintFrameSpecLine("modifies", method.Mod.Expressions, ind, method.Mod.HasAttributes() ? method.Mod.Attributes : null);
- }
- PrintSpec("ensures", method.Ens, ind);
- PrintDecreasesSpec(method.Decreases, ind);
- if (method.Body != null && !printSignatureOnly) {
- Indent(indent);
- PrintStatement(method.Body, indent);
- wr.WriteLine();
- }
- }
- internal void PrintFormals(List<Formal> ff, string name = null) {
- Contract.Requires(ff != null);
- if (name != null && name.EndsWith("#")) {
- wr.Write("[");
- PrintFormal(ff[0]);
- wr.Write("]");
- ff = new List<Formal>(ff.Skip(1));
- }
- wr.Write("(");
- string sep = "";
- foreach (Formal f in ff) {
- Contract.Assert(f != null);
- wr.Write(sep);
- sep = ", ";
- PrintFormal(f);
- }
- wr.Write(")");
- }
- void PrintFormal(Formal f) {
- Contract.Requires(f != null);
- if (f.IsGhost) {
- wr.Write("ghost ");
- }
- if (f.HasName) {
- wr.Write("{0}: ", f.DisplayName);
- }
- PrintType(f.Type);
- }
- internal void PrintSpec(string kind, List<Expression> ee, int indent) {
- Contract.Requires(kind != null);
- Contract.Requires(ee != null);
- foreach (Expression e in ee) {
- Contract.Assert(e != null);
- Indent(indent);
- wr.Write("{0} ", kind);
- PrintExpression(e, true);
- wr.WriteLine();
- }
- }
- internal void PrintDecreasesSpec(Specification<Expression> decs, int indent, bool newLine = true) {
- Contract.Requires(decs != null);
- if (printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoGhost) { return; }
- if (decs.Expressions != null && decs.Expressions.Count != 0) {
- Indent(indent);
- wr.Write("decreases");
- if (decs.HasAttributes())
- {
- PrintAttributes(decs.Attributes);
- }
- wr.Write(" ");
- PrintExpressionList(decs.Expressions, true);
- if (newLine) {
- wr.WriteLine();
- } else {
- wr.Write(" ");
- }
- }
- }
- internal void PrintFrameSpecLine(string kind, List<FrameExpression/*!*/> ee, int indent, Attributes attrs, bool newLine = true) {
- Contract.Requires(kind != null);
- Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(ee));
- if (ee != null && ee.Count != 0) {
- Indent(indent);
- wr.Write("{0}", kind);
- if (attrs != null) {
- PrintAttributes(attrs);
- }
- wr.Write(" ");
- PrintFrameExpressionList(ee);
- if (newLine) {
- wr.WriteLine();
- } else {
- wr.Write(" ");
- }
- }
- }
- internal void PrintSpec(string kind, List<MaybeFreeExpression> ee, int indent, bool newLine = true) {
- Contract.Requires(kind != null);
- Contract.Requires(ee != null);
- if (printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoGhost) { return; }
- foreach (MaybeFreeExpression e in ee)
- {
- Contract.Assert(e != null);
- Indent(indent);
- wr.Write("{0}{1}", e.IsFree ? "free " : "", kind);
- if (e.HasAttributes())
- {
- PrintAttributes(e.Attributes);
- }
- wr.Write(" ");
- PrintExpression(e.E, true);
- if (newLine) {
- wr.WriteLine();
- } else {
- wr.Write(" ");
- }
- }
- }
- // ----------------------------- PrintType -----------------------------
- public void PrintType(Type ty) {
- Contract.Requires(ty != null);
- wr.Write(ty.ToString());
- }
- public void PrintType(string prefix, Type ty) {
- Contract.Requires(prefix != null);
- Contract.Requires(ty != null);
- string s = ty.ToString();
- if (s != "?") {
- wr.Write("{0}{1}", prefix, s);
- }
- }
- string EqualitySupportSuffix(TypeParameter.EqualitySupportValue es) {
- if (es == TypeParameter.EqualitySupportValue.Required ||
- (es == TypeParameter.EqualitySupportValue.InferredRequired && DafnyOptions.O.DafnyPrintResolvedFile != null)) {
- return "(==)";
- } else {
- return "";
- }
- }
- // ----------------------------- PrintStatement -----------------------------
- /// <summary>
- /// Prints from the current position of the current line.
- /// If the statement requires several lines, subsequent lines are indented at "indent".
- /// No newline is printed after the statement.
- /// </summary>
- public void PrintStatement(Statement stmt, int indent) {
- Contract.Requires(stmt != null);
- if (stmt.IsGhost && printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoGhost) { return; }
- for (LList<Label> label = stmt.Labels; label != null; label = label.Next) {
- if (label.Data.Name != null) {
- wr.WriteLine("label {0}:", label.Data.Name);
- Indent(indent);
- }
- }
- if (stmt is PredicateStmt) {
- if (printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoGhost) { return; }
- Expression expr = ((PredicateStmt)stmt).Expr;
- wr.Write(stmt is AssertStmt ? "assert" : "assume");
- if (stmt.Attributes != null) {
- PrintAttributes(stmt.Attributes);
- }
- wr.Write(" ");
- PrintExpression(expr, true);
- wr.Write(";");
- } else if (stmt is PrintStmt) {
- PrintStmt s = (PrintStmt)stmt;
- wr.Write("print");
- PrintAttributeArgs(s.Args, true);
- wr.Write(";");
- } else if (stmt is BreakStmt) {
- BreakStmt s = (BreakStmt)stmt;
- if (s.TargetLabel != null) {
- wr.Write("break {0};", s.TargetLabel);
- } else {
- string sep = "";
- for (int i = 0; i < s.BreakCount; i++) {
- wr.Write("{0}break", sep);
- sep = " ";
- }
- wr.Write(";");
- }
- } else if (stmt is ProduceStmt) {
- var s = (ProduceStmt) stmt;
- wr.Write(s is YieldStmt ? "yield" : "return");
- if (s.rhss != null) {
- var sep = " ";
- foreach (var rhs in s.rhss) {
- wr.Write(sep);
- PrintRhs(rhs);
- sep = ", ";
- }
- }
- wr.Write(";");
- } else if (stmt is AssignStmt) {
- AssignStmt s = (AssignStmt)stmt;
- PrintExpression(s.Lhs, true);
- wr.Write(" := ");
- PrintRhs(s.Rhs);
- wr.Write(";");
- } else if (stmt is BlockStmt) {
- wr.WriteLine("{");
- int ind = indent + IndentAmount;
- foreach (Statement s in ((BlockStmt)stmt).Body) {
- Indent(ind);
- PrintStatement(s, ind);
- wr.WriteLine();
- }
- Indent(indent);
- wr.Write("}");
- } else if (stmt is IfStmt) {
- IfStmt s = (IfStmt)stmt;
- PrintIfStatement(indent, s, false);
- } else if (stmt is AlternativeStmt) {
- var s = (AlternativeStmt)stmt;
- wr.WriteLine("if {");
- PrintAlternatives(indent, s.Alternatives);
- Indent(indent);
- wr.Write("}");
- } else if (stmt is WhileStmt) {
- WhileStmt s = (WhileStmt)stmt;
- PrintWhileStatement(indent, s, false, false);
- } else if (stmt is AlternativeLoopStmt) {
- var s = (AlternativeLoopStmt)stmt;
- wr.WriteLine("while");
- PrintSpec("invariant", s.Invariants, indent + IndentAmount);
- PrintDecreasesSpec(s.Decreases, indent + IndentAmount);
- Indent(indent);
- wr.WriteLine("{");
- PrintAlternatives(indent, s.Alternatives);
- Indent(indent);
- wr.Write("}");
- } else if (stmt is ForallStmt) {
- var s = (ForallStmt)stmt;
- wr.Write("forall");
- if (s.BoundVars.Count != 0) {
- wr.Write(" ");
- PrintQuantifierDomain(s.BoundVars, s.Attributes, s.Range);
- }
- if (s.Ens.Count == 0) {
- wr.Write(" ");
- } else {
- wr.WriteLine();
- PrintSpec("ensures", s.Ens, indent + IndentAmount, s.Body != null);
- Indent(indent);
- }
- if (s.Body != null) {
- PrintStatement(s.Body, indent);
- }
- } else if (stmt is ModifyStmt) {
- var s = (ModifyStmt)stmt;
- PrintModifyStmt(indent, s, false);
- } else if (stmt is CalcStmt) {
- CalcStmt s = (CalcStmt)stmt;
- if (printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoGhost) { return; } // Calcs don't get a "ghost" attribute, but they are.
- wr.Write("calc ");
- if (!s.Op.Equals(CalcStmt.DefaultOp)) {
- PrintCalcOp(s.Op);
- wr.Write(" ");
- }
- wr.WriteLine("{");
- int lineInd = indent + IndentAmount;
- int lineCount = s.Lines.Count == 0 ? 0 : s.Lines.Count - 1; // if nonempty, .Lines always contains a duplicated last line
- // The number of op/hints is commonly one less than the number of lines, but
- // it can also equal the number of lines for empty calc's and for calc's with
- // a dangling hint.
- int hintCount = s.Lines.Count != 0 && s.Hints.Last().Body.Count == 0 ? lineCount - 1 : lineCount;
- for (var i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
- var e = s.Lines[i];
- var op = s.StepOps[i];
- var h = s.Hints[i];
- // print the line
- Indent(lineInd);
- PrintExpression(e, true, lineInd);
- wr.WriteLine(";");
- if (i == hintCount) {
- break;
- }
- // print the operator, if any
- if (!s.Op.Equals(op)) {
- Indent(indent); // this lines up with the "calc"
- PrintCalcOp(op);
- wr.WriteLine();
- }
- // print the hints
- foreach (var st in h.Body) {
- Indent(lineInd);
- PrintStatement(st, lineInd);
- wr.WriteLine();
- }
- }
- Indent(indent);
- wr.Write("}");
- } else if (stmt is MatchStmt) {
- MatchStmt s = (MatchStmt)stmt;
- wr.Write("match ");
- PrintExpression(s.Source, false);
- if (s.UsesOptionalBraces) {
- wr.Write(" {");
- }
- int caseInd = indent + (s.UsesOptionalBraces ? IndentAmount : 0);
- foreach (MatchCaseStmt mc in s.Cases) {
- wr.WriteLine();
- Indent(caseInd);
- wr.Write("case {0}", mc.Id);
- PrintMatchCaseArgument(mc);
- wr.Write(" =>");
- foreach (Statement bs in mc.Body) {
- wr.WriteLine();
- Indent(caseInd + IndentAmount);
- PrintStatement(bs, caseInd + IndentAmount);
- }
- }
- if (s.UsesOptionalBraces) {
- wr.WriteLine();
- Indent(indent);
- wr.Write("}");
- }
- } else if (stmt is ConcreteUpdateStatement) {
- var s = (ConcreteUpdateStatement)stmt;
- string sep = "";
- foreach (var lhs in s.Lhss) {
- wr.Write(sep);
- PrintExpression(lhs, true);
- sep = ", ";
- }
- PrintUpdateRHS(s);
- wr.Write(";");
- } else if (stmt is VarDeclStmt) {
- var s = (VarDeclStmt)stmt;
- if (s.Locals.Exists(v => v.IsGhost) && printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoGhost) { return; }
- if (s.Locals.Exists(v => v.IsGhost)) {
- wr.Write("ghost ");
- }
- wr.Write("var");
- string sep = "";
- foreach (var local in s.Locals) {
- wr.Write(sep);
- if (local.Attributes != null) {
- PrintAttributes(local.Attributes);
- }
- wr.Write(" {0}", local.DisplayName);
- PrintType(": ", local.OptionalType);
- sep = ",";
- }
- if (s.Update != null) {
- PrintUpdateRHS(s.Update);
- }
- wr.Write(";");
- } else if (stmt is SkeletonStatement) {
- var s = (SkeletonStatement)stmt;
- if (s.S == null) {
- wr.Write("...;");
- } else if (s.S is AssertStmt) {
- Contract.Assert(s.ConditionOmitted);
- wr.Write("assert ...;");
- } else if (s.S is AssumeStmt) {
- Contract.Assert(s.ConditionOmitted);
- wr.Write("assume ...;");
- } else if (s.S is IfStmt) {
- PrintIfStatement(indent, (IfStmt)s.S, s.ConditionOmitted);
- } else if (s.S is WhileStmt) {
- PrintWhileStatement(indent, (WhileStmt)s.S, s.ConditionOmitted, s.BodyOmitted);
- } else if (s.S is ModifyStmt) {
- PrintModifyStmt(indent, (ModifyStmt)s.S, true);
- } else {
- Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected skeleton statement
- }
- } else {
- Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected statement
- }
- }
- private void PrintModifyStmt(int indent, ModifyStmt s, bool omitFrame) {
- Contract.Requires(0 <= indent);
- Contract.Requires(s != null);
- Contract.Requires(!omitFrame || s.Mod.Expressions.Count == 0);
- wr.Write("modify");
- PrintAttributes(s.Mod.Attributes);
- wr.Write(" ");
- if (omitFrame) {
- wr.Write("...");
- } else {
- PrintFrameExpressionList(s.Mod.Expressions);
- }
- if (s.Body != null) {
- // There's a possible syntactic ambiguity, namely if the frame is empty (more precisely,
- // if s.Mod.Expressions.Count is 0). Since the statement was parsed at some point, this
- // situation can occur only if the modify statement inherited its frame by refinement
- // and we're printing the post-resolve AST. In this special case, print an explicit
- // empty set as the frame.
- if (s.Mod.Expressions.Count == 0) {
- wr.Write(" {}");
- }
- wr.Write(" ");
- PrintStatement(s.Body, indent);
- } else {
- wr.Write(";");
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Does not print LHS
- /// </summary>
- void PrintUpdateRHS(ConcreteUpdateStatement s) {
- Contract.Requires(s != null);
- if (s is UpdateStmt) {
- var update = (UpdateStmt)s;
- if (update.Lhss.Count != 0) {
- wr.Write(" := ");
- }
- var sep = "";
- foreach (var rhs in update.Rhss) {
- wr.Write(sep);
- PrintRhs(rhs);
- sep = ", ";
- }
- } else if (s is AssignSuchThatStmt) {
- var update = (AssignSuchThatStmt)s;
- wr.Write(" :| ");
- if (update.AssumeToken != null) {
- wr.Write("assume ");
- }
- PrintExpression(update.Expr, true);
- } else {
- Contract.Assert(s == null); // otherwise, unknown type
- }
- }
- void PrintIfStatement(int indent, IfStmt s, bool omitGuard) {
- while (true) {
- if (omitGuard) {
- wr.Write("if ... ");
- } else {
- wr.Write("if ");
- PrintGuard(s.Guard);
- wr.Write(" ");
- }
- PrintStatement(s.Thn, indent);
- if (s.Els == null) {
- break;
- }
- wr.Write(" else ");
- if (s.Els is IfStmt) {
- s = (IfStmt)s.Els;
- } else {
- PrintStatement(s.Els, indent);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void PrintWhileStatement(int indent, WhileStmt s, bool omitGuard, bool omitBody) {
- Contract.Requires(0 <= indent);
- if (omitGuard) {
- wr.WriteLine("while ...");
- } else {
- wr.Write("while ");
- PrintGuard(s.Guard);
- wr.WriteLine();
- }
- PrintSpec("invariant", s.Invariants, indent + IndentAmount, s.Body != null || omitBody || (s.Decreases.Expressions != null && s.Decreases.Expressions.Count != 0) || (s.Mod.Expressions != null && s.Mod.Expressions.Count != 0));
- PrintDecreasesSpec(s.Decreases, indent + IndentAmount, s.Body != null || omitBody || (s.Mod.Expressions != null && s.Mod.Expressions.Count != 0));
- if (s.Mod.Expressions != null) {
- PrintFrameSpecLine("modifies", s.Mod.Expressions, indent + IndentAmount, s.Mod.HasAttributes() ? s.Mod.Attributes : null, s.Body != null || omitBody);
- }
- Indent(indent);
- if (omitBody) {
- wr.WriteLine("...;");
- } else if (s.Body != null) {
- PrintStatement(s.Body, indent);
- }
- }
- void PrintAlternatives(int indent, List<GuardedAlternative> alternatives) {
- int caseInd = indent + IndentAmount;
- foreach (var alternative in alternatives) {
- Indent(caseInd);
- wr.Write("case ");
- PrintExpression(alternative.Guard, false);
- wr.WriteLine(" =>");
- foreach (Statement s in alternative.Body) {
- Indent(caseInd + IndentAmount);
- PrintStatement(s, caseInd + IndentAmount);
- wr.WriteLine();
- }
- }
- }
- void PrintRhs(AssignmentRhs rhs) {
- Contract.Requires(rhs != null);
- if (rhs is ExprRhs) {
- PrintExpression(((ExprRhs)rhs).Expr, true);
- } else if (rhs is HavocRhs) {
- wr.Write("*");
- } else if (rhs is TypeRhs) {
- TypeRhs t = (TypeRhs)rhs;
- wr.Write("new ");
- if (t.ArrayDimensions != null) {
- PrintType(t.EType);
- string s = "[";
- foreach (Expression dim in t.ArrayDimensions) {
- Contract.Assume(dim != null);
- wr.Write(s);
- PrintExpression(dim, false);
- s = ", ";
- }
- wr.Write("]");
- } else if (t.Arguments == null) {
- PrintType(t.EType);
- } else {
- PrintType(t.Path);
- wr.Write("(");
- PrintExpressionList(t.Arguments, false);
- wr.Write(")");
- }
- } else {
- Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected RHS
- }
- if (rhs.HasAttributes())
- {
- PrintAttributes(rhs.Attributes);
- }
- }
- void PrintGuard(Expression guard) {
- if (guard == null) {
- wr.Write("*");
- } else {
- PrintExpression(guard, false);
- }
- }
- void PrintCalcOp(CalcStmt.CalcOp op) {
- Contract.Requires(op != null);
- wr.Write(op.ToString());
- if (op is CalcStmt.TernaryCalcOp) {
- wr.Write("[");
- PrintExpression(((CalcStmt.TernaryCalcOp) op).Index, false);
- wr.Write("]");
- }
- }
- // ----------------------------- PrintExpression -----------------------------
- /// <summary>
- /// PrintExtendedExpr prints an expression, but formats top-level if-then-else and match expressions across several lines.
- /// Its intended use is thus to print the body of a function.
- /// </summary>
- public void PrintExtendedExpr(Expression expr, int indent, bool isRightmost, bool endWithCloseParen) {
- Contract.Requires(expr != null);
- if (expr is ITEExpr) {
- Indent(indent);
- while (true) {
- var ite = (ITEExpr)expr;
- wr.Write("if ");
- PrintExpression(ite.Test, false);
- wr.WriteLine(" then");
- PrintExtendedExpr(ite.Thn, indent + IndentAmount, true, false);
- expr = ite.Els;
- if (expr is ITEExpr) {
- Indent(indent); wr.Write("else ");
- } else {
- Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("else");
- Indent(indent + IndentAmount);
- PrintExpression(expr, isRightmost, false);
- wr.WriteLine(endWithCloseParen ? ")" : "");
- return;
- }
- }
- } else if (expr is MatchExpr) {
- var e = (MatchExpr)expr;
- Indent(indent);
- var parensNeeded = !isRightmost && !e.UsesOptionalBraces;
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- wr.Write("match ");
- PrintExpression(e.Source, isRightmost && e.Cases.Count == 0, false);
- if (e.UsesOptionalBraces) { wr.WriteLine(" {"); }
- else if (parensNeeded && e.Cases.Count == 0) { wr.WriteLine(")"); }
- else { wr.WriteLine(); }
- int i = 0;
- int ind = indent + (e.UsesOptionalBraces ? IndentAmount : 0);
- foreach (var mc in e.Cases) {
- bool isLastCase = i == e.Cases.Count - 1;
- Indent(ind);
- wr.Write("case {0}", mc.Id);
- PrintMatchCaseArgument(mc);
- wr.WriteLine(" =>");
- PrintExtendedExpr(mc.Body, ind + IndentAmount, isLastCase, isLastCase && (parensNeeded || endWithCloseParen));
- i++;
- }
- if (e.UsesOptionalBraces) {
- Indent(indent);
- wr.WriteLine("}");
- }
- } else if (expr is LetExpr) {
- var e = (LetExpr)expr;
- Indent(indent);
- wr.Write("var ");
- string sep = "";
- foreach (var lhs in e.LHSs) {
- wr.Write(sep);
- PrintCasePattern(lhs);
- sep = ", ";
- }
- if (e.Exact) {
- wr.Write(" := ");
- } else {
- wr.Write(" :| ");
- }
- PrintExpressionList(e.RHSs, true);
- wr.WriteLine(";");
- PrintExtendedExpr(e.Body, indent, isRightmost, endWithCloseParen);
- } else if (expr is ParensExpression) {
- PrintExtendedExpr(((ParensExpression)expr).E, indent, isRightmost, endWithCloseParen);
- } else {
- Indent(indent);
- PrintExpression(expr, false, indent);
- wr.WriteLine(endWithCloseParen ? ")" : "");
- }
- }
- public void PrintMatchCaseArgument(MatchCase mc) {
- if (mc.Arguments != null) {
- if (mc.Arguments.Count != 0) {
- string sep = "(";
- foreach (BoundVar bv in mc.Arguments) {
- wr.Write("{0}{1}", sep, bv.DisplayName);
- if (bv.Type is NonProxyType) {
- wr.Write(": {0}", bv.Type);
- }
- sep = ", ";
- }
- wr.Write(")");
- }
- } else {
- Contract.Assert(mc.CasePatterns != null);
- if (mc.CasePatterns.Count != 0) {
- string sep = "(";
- foreach (var cp in mc.CasePatterns) {
- wr.Write(sep);
- PrintCasePattern(cp);
- sep = ", ";
- }
- wr.Write(")");
- }
- }
- }
- public void PrintExpression(Expression expr, bool isFollowedBySemicolon) {
- Contract.Requires(expr != null);
- PrintExpr(expr, 0, false, true, isFollowedBySemicolon, -1);
- }
- public void PrintExpression(Expression expr, bool isRightmost, bool isFollowedBySemicolon) {
- Contract.Requires(expr != null);
- PrintExpr(expr, 0, false, isRightmost, isFollowedBySemicolon, -1);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// An indent of -1 means print the entire expression on one line.
- /// </summary>
- public void PrintExpression(Expression expr, bool isFollowedBySemicolon, int indent) {
- Contract.Requires(expr != null);
- PrintExpr(expr, 0, false, true, isFollowedBySemicolon, indent);
- }
- private bool ParensNeeded(int opBindingStrength, int contextBindingStrength, bool fragileContext) {
- return opBindingStrength < contextBindingStrength ||
- (fragileContext && opBindingStrength == contextBindingStrength);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// An indent of -1 means print the entire expression on one line.
- /// </summary>
- void PrintExpr(Expression expr, int contextBindingStrength, bool fragileContext, bool isRightmost, bool isFollowedBySemicolon, int indent, int resolv_count = 2)
- {
- Contract.Requires(-1 <= indent);
- Contract.Requires(expr != null);
- /* When debugging:
- if (resolv_count > 0 && expr.Resolved != null) {
- PrintExpr(expr.Resolved, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext, isRightmost, isFollowedBySemicolon, indent, resolv_count - 1);
- return;
- }
- */
- if (expr is StaticReceiverExpr) {
- StaticReceiverExpr e = (StaticReceiverExpr)expr;
- wr.Write(e.Type);
- } else if (expr is LiteralExpr) {
- LiteralExpr e = (LiteralExpr)expr;
- if (e.Value == null) {
- wr.Write("null");
- } else if (e.Value is bool) {
- wr.Write((bool)e.Value ? "true" : "false");
- } else if (e is CharLiteralExpr) {
- wr.Write("'{0}'", (string)e.Value);
- } else if (e is StringLiteralExpr) {
- var str = (StringLiteralExpr)e;
- wr.Write("{0}\"{1}\"", str.IsVerbatim ? "@" : "", (string)e.Value);
- } else if (e.Value is Basetypes.BigDec) {
- Basetypes.BigDec dec = (Basetypes.BigDec)e.Value;
- wr.Write((dec.Mantissa >= 0) ? "" : "-");
- string s = BigInteger.Abs(dec.Mantissa).ToString();
- int digits = s.Length;
- if (dec.Exponent >= 0) {
- wr.Write("{0}{1}.0", s, new string('0', dec.Exponent));
- } else {
- int exp = -dec.Exponent;
- if (exp < digits) {
- int intDigits = digits - exp;
- int fracDigits = digits - intDigits;
- wr.Write("{0}.{1}", s.Substring(0, intDigits), s.Substring(intDigits, fracDigits));
- } else {
- int fracDigits = digits;
- wr.Write("0.{0}{1}", new string('0', exp - fracDigits), s.Substring(0, fracDigits));
- }
- }
- } else {
- wr.Write((BigInteger)e.Value);
- }
- } else if (expr is ThisExpr) {
- wr.Write("this");
- } else if (expr is IdentifierExpr) {
- wr.Write(((IdentifierExpr)expr).Name);
- } else if (expr is DatatypeValue) {
- var dtv = (DatatypeValue)expr;
- bool printParens;
- if (dtv.MemberName == BuiltIns.TupleTypeCtorName) {
- // we're looking at a tuple, whose printed constructor name is essentially the empty string
- printParens = true;
- } else {
- wr.Write("{0}.{1}", dtv.DatatypeName, dtv.MemberName);
- printParens = dtv.Arguments.Count != 0;
- }
- if (printParens) {
- wr.Write("(");
- PrintExpressionList(dtv.Arguments, false);
- wr.Write(")");
- }
- } else if (expr is DisplayExpression) {
- DisplayExpression e = (DisplayExpression)expr;
- if (e is MultiSetDisplayExpr) {
- wr.Write("multiset");
- } else if (e is SetDisplayExpr && !((SetDisplayExpr)e).Finite) {
- wr.Write("iset");
- }
- wr.Write(e is SetDisplayExpr || e is MultiSetDisplayExpr ? "{" : "[");
- PrintExpressionList(e.Elements, false);
- wr.Write(e is SetDisplayExpr || e is MultiSetDisplayExpr ? "}" : "]");
- } else if (expr is MapDisplayExpr) {
- MapDisplayExpr e = (MapDisplayExpr)expr;
- wr.Write(e.Finite ? "map" : "imap");
- wr.Write("[");
- PrintExpressionPairList(e.Elements);
- wr.Write("]");
- } else if (expr is NameSegment) {
- var e = (NameSegment)expr;
- wr.Write(e.Name);
- PrintTypeInstantiation(e.OptTypeArguments);
- } else if (expr is ExprDotName) {
- var e = (ExprDotName)expr;
- // determine if parens are needed
- int opBindingStrength = 0x70;
- bool parensNeeded = !e.Lhs.IsImplicit && // KRML: I think that this never holds
- ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- if (!e.Lhs.IsImplicit) {
- PrintExpr(e.Lhs, opBindingStrength, false, false, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, -1);
- wr.Write(".");
- }
- wr.Write(e.SuffixName);
- PrintTypeInstantiation(e.OptTypeArguments);
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- } else if (expr is ApplySuffix) {
- var e = (ApplySuffix)expr;
- // determine if parens are needed
- int opBindingStrength = 0x70;
- bool parensNeeded = !e.Lhs.IsImplicit && // KRML: I think that this never holds
- ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- if (ParensMayMatter(e.Lhs)) {
- wr.Write("(");
- PrintExpression(e.Lhs, false);
- wr.Write(")");
- } else {
- PrintExpr(e.Lhs, opBindingStrength, false, false, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, -1);
- }
- wr.Write("(");
- PrintExpressionList(e.Args, false);
- wr.Write(")");
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- } else if (expr is MemberSelectExpr) {
- MemberSelectExpr e = (MemberSelectExpr)expr;
- // determine if parens are needed
- int opBindingStrength = 0x70;
- bool parensNeeded = !e.Obj.IsImplicit &&
- ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- if (!(e.Obj.IsImplicit)) {
- PrintExpr(e.Obj, opBindingStrength, false, false, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, -1);
- wr.Write(".");
- }
- wr.Write(e.MemberName);
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- } else if (expr is SeqSelectExpr) {
- SeqSelectExpr e = (SeqSelectExpr)expr;
- // determine if parens are needed
- int opBindingStrength = 0x70;
- bool parensNeeded = ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- PrintExpr(e.Seq, opBindingStrength, false, false, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, indent);
- wr.Write("[");
- if (e.SelectOne) {
- Contract.Assert( e.E0 != null);
- PrintExpression(e.E0, false);
- } else {
- if (e.E0 != null) {
- PrintExpression(e.E0, false);
- }
- wr.Write(e.E0 != null && e.E1 != null ? " .. " : "..");
- if (e.E1 != null) {
- PrintExpression(e.E1, false);
- }
- }
- wr.Write("]");
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- } else if (expr is MultiSelectExpr) {
- MultiSelectExpr e = (MultiSelectExpr)expr;
- // determine if parens are needed
- int opBindingStrength = 0x70;
- bool parensNeeded = ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- PrintExpr(e.Array, opBindingStrength, false, false, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, indent);
- string prefix = "[";
- foreach (Expression idx in e.Indices) {
- Contract.Assert(idx != null);
- wr.Write(prefix);
- PrintExpression(idx, false);
- prefix = ", ";
- }
- wr.Write("]");
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- } else if (expr is SeqUpdateExpr) {
- SeqUpdateExpr e = (SeqUpdateExpr)expr;
- if (e.ResolvedUpdateExpr != null)
- {
- PrintExpr(e.ResolvedUpdateExpr, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext, isRightmost, isFollowedBySemicolon, indent);
- }
- else
- {
- // determine if parens are needed
- int opBindingStrength = 0x70;
- bool parensNeeded = ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- PrintExpr(e.Seq, opBindingStrength, false, false, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, indent);
- wr.Write("[");
- PrintExpression(e.Index, false);
- wr.Write(" := ");
- PrintExpression(e.Value, false);
- wr.Write("]");
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- }
- } else if (expr is ApplyExpr) {
- var e = (ApplyExpr)expr;
- // determine if parens are needed
- int opBindingStrength = 0x70;
- bool parensNeeded = ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- PrintExpr(e.Function, opBindingStrength, false, false, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, -1);
- wr.Write("(");
- PrintExpressionList(e.Args, false);
- wr.Write(")");
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- } else if (expr is FunctionCallExpr) {
- var e = (FunctionCallExpr)expr;
- // determine if parens are needed
- int opBindingStrength = 0x70;
- bool parensNeeded = !(e.Receiver.IsImplicit) &&
- ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- if (!e.Receiver.IsImplicit) {
- PrintExpr(e.Receiver, opBindingStrength, false, false, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, -1);
- wr.Write(".");
- }
- wr.Write(e.Name);
- /* When debugging, this is nice to have:
- if (e.TypeArgumentSubstitutions.Count > 0) {
- wr.Write("[");
- wr.Write(Util.Comma(",", e.TypeArgumentSubstitutions, kv => kv.Key.FullName() + "->" + kv.Value));
- wr.Write("]");
- }
- */
- if (e.OpenParen == null && e.Args.Count == 0) {
- } else {
- PrintActualArguments(e.Args, e.Name);
- }
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- } else if (expr is OldExpr) {
- wr.Write("old(");
- PrintExpression(((OldExpr)expr).E, false);
- wr.Write(")");
- } else if (expr is MultiSetFormingExpr) {
- wr.Write("multiset(");
- PrintExpression(((MultiSetFormingExpr)expr).E, false);
- wr.Write(")");
- } else if (expr is UnaryOpExpr) {
- var e = (UnaryOpExpr)expr;
- if (e.Op == UnaryOpExpr.Opcode.Cardinality) {
- wr.Write("|");
- PrintExpression(e.E, false);
- wr.Write("|");
- } else if (e.Op == UnaryOpExpr.Opcode.Fresh) {
- wr.Write("fresh(");
- PrintExpression(e.E, false);
- wr.Write(")");
- } else {
- // Prefix operator.
- // determine if parens are needed
- string op;
- int opBindingStrength;
- switch (e.Op) {
- case UnaryOpExpr.Opcode.Not:
- op = "!"; opBindingStrength = 0x60; break;
- default:
- Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected unary opcode
- }
- bool parensNeeded = ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
- bool containsNestedNot = e.E is ParensExpression &&
- ((ParensExpression)e.E).E is UnaryExpr &&
- ((UnaryOpExpr)((ParensExpression)e.E).E).Op == UnaryOpExpr.Opcode.Not;
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- wr.Write(op);
- PrintExpr(e.E, opBindingStrength, containsNestedNot, parensNeeded || isRightmost, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, -1);
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- }
- } else if (expr is ConversionExpr) {
- var e = (ConversionExpr)expr;
- PrintType(e.ToType);
- wr.Write("(");
- PrintExpression(e.E, false);
- wr.Write(")");
- } else if (expr is BinaryExpr) {
- BinaryExpr e = (BinaryExpr)expr;
- // determine if parens are needed
- int opBindingStrength;
- bool fragileLeftContext = false; // false means "allow same binding power on left without parens"
- bool fragileRightContext = false; // false means "allow same binding power on right without parens"
- switch (e.Op)
- {
- case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Add:
- opBindingStrength = 0x40; break;
- case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Sub:
- opBindingStrength = 0x40; fragileRightContext = true; break;
- case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Mul:
- opBindingStrength = 0x50; break;
- case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Div:
- case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Mod:
- opBindingStrength = 0x50; fragileRightContext = true; break;
- case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Eq:
- case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Neq:
- case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Gt:
- case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Ge:
- case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Lt:
- case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Le:
- case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Disjoint:
- case BinaryExpr.Opcode.In:
- case BinaryExpr.Opcode.NotIn:
- opBindingStrength = 0x30; fragileLeftContext = fragileRightContext = true; break;
- case BinaryExpr.Opcode.And:
- opBindingStrength = 0x20; break;
- case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Or:
- opBindingStrength = 0x21; break;
- case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Imp:
- opBindingStrength = 0x10; fragileLeftContext = true; break;
- case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Exp:
- opBindingStrength = 0x11; fragileRightContext = true; break;
- case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Iff:
- opBindingStrength = 0x08; break;
- default:
- Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected binary operator
- }
- int opBS = opBindingStrength & 0xF8;
- int ctxtBS = contextBindingStrength & 0xF8;
- bool parensNeeded = opBS < ctxtBS ||
- (opBS == ctxtBS && (opBindingStrength != contextBindingStrength || fragileContext));
- string op = BinaryExpr.OpcodeString(e.Op);
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- var sem = !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon;
- if (0 <= indent && e.Op == BinaryExpr.Opcode.And) {
- PrintExpr(e.E0, opBindingStrength, fragileLeftContext, false, sem, indent);
- wr.WriteLine(" {0}", op);
- Indent(indent);
- PrintExpr(e.E1, opBindingStrength, fragileRightContext, parensNeeded || isRightmost, sem, indent);
- } else if (0 <= indent && e.Op == BinaryExpr.Opcode.Imp) {
- PrintExpr(e.E0, opBindingStrength, fragileLeftContext, false, sem, indent);
- wr.WriteLine(" {0}", op);
- int ind = indent + IndentAmount;
- Indent(ind);
- PrintExpr(e.E1, opBindingStrength, fragileRightContext, parensNeeded || isRightmost, sem, ind);
- } else if (0 <= indent && e.Op == BinaryExpr.Opcode.Exp) {
- PrintExpr(e.E1, opBindingStrength, fragileLeftContext, false, sem, indent);
- wr.WriteLine(" {0}", op);
- int ind = indent + IndentAmount;
- Indent(ind);
- PrintExpr(e.E0, opBindingStrength, fragileRightContext, parensNeeded || isRightmost, sem, ind);
- } else if (e.Op == BinaryExpr.Opcode.Exp) {
- PrintExpr(e.E1, opBindingStrength, fragileLeftContext, false, sem, -1);
- wr.Write(" {0} ", op);
- PrintExpr(e.E0, opBindingStrength, fragileRightContext, parensNeeded || isRightmost, sem, -1);
- } else {
- PrintExpr(e.E0, opBindingStrength, fragileLeftContext, false, sem, -1);
- wr.Write(" {0} ", op);
- PrintExpr(e.E1, opBindingStrength, fragileRightContext, parensNeeded || isRightmost, sem, -1);
- }
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- } else if (expr is TernaryExpr) {
- var e = (TernaryExpr)expr;
- switch (e.Op) {
- case TernaryExpr.Opcode.PrefixEqOp:
- case TernaryExpr.Opcode.PrefixNeqOp:
- var opBindingStrength = 0x30;
- var fragileLeftContext = true;
- var fragileRightContext = true;
- int opBS = opBindingStrength & 0xF8;
- int ctxtBS = contextBindingStrength & 0xF8;
- bool parensNeeded = opBS < ctxtBS ||
- (opBS == ctxtBS && (opBindingStrength != contextBindingStrength || fragileContext));
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- var sem = !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon;
- PrintExpr(e.E1, opBindingStrength, fragileLeftContext, false, sem, -1);
- wr.Write(" {0}#[", e.Op == TernaryExpr.Opcode.PrefixEqOp ? "==" : "!=");
- PrintExpression(e.E0, false);
- wr.Write("] ");
- PrintExpr(e.E2, opBindingStrength, fragileRightContext, parensNeeded || isRightmost, sem, -1);
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- break;
- default:
- Contract.Assert(false); // unexpected ternary operator
- break;
- }
- } else if (expr is ChainingExpression) {
- var e = (ChainingExpression)expr;
- // determine if parens are needed
- int opBindingStrength = 0x30;
- int opBS = opBindingStrength & 0xF8;
- int ctxtBS = contextBindingStrength & 0xF8;
- bool parensNeeded = opBS < ctxtBS ||
- (opBS == ctxtBS && (opBindingStrength != contextBindingStrength || fragileContext));
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- var sem = !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon;
- PrintExpr(e.Operands[0], opBindingStrength, true, false, sem, -1);
- for (int i = 0; i < e.Operators.Count; i++) {
- string op = BinaryExpr.OpcodeString(e.Operators[i]);
- if (e.PrefixLimits[i] == null) {
- wr.Write(" {0} ", op);
- } else {
- wr.Write(" {0}#[", op);
- PrintExpression(e.PrefixLimits[i], false);
- wr.Write("] ");
- }
- PrintExpr(e.Operands[i+1], opBindingStrength, true, i == e.Operators.Count - 1 && (parensNeeded || isRightmost), sem, -1);
- }
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- } else if (expr is LetExpr) {
- var e = (LetExpr)expr;
- bool parensNeeded = !isRightmost;
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- wr.Write("var ");
- string sep = "";
- foreach (var lhs in e.LHSs) {
- wr.Write(sep);
- PrintCasePattern(lhs);
- sep = ", ";
- }
- if (e.Exact) {
- wr.Write(" := ");
- } else {
- wr.Write(" :| ");
- }
- PrintExpressionList(e.RHSs, true);
- wr.Write("; ");
- PrintExpression(e.Body, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- } else if (expr is QuantifierExpr) {
- QuantifierExpr e = (QuantifierExpr)expr;
- if (DafnyOptions.O.DafnyPrintResolvedFile != null && e.SplitQuantifier != null) {
- PrintExpr(e.SplitQuantifierExpression, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext, isRightmost, isFollowedBySemicolon, indent, resolv_count);
- return;
- }
- bool parensNeeded = !isRightmost;
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- wr.Write(e is ForallExpr ? "forall" : "exists");
- PrintTypeParams(e.TypeArgs); // new!
- wr.Write(" ");
- PrintQuantifierDomain(e.BoundVars, e.Attributes, e.Range);
- wr.Write(" :: ");
- if (0 <= indent) {
- int ind = indent + IndentAmount;
- wr.WriteLine();
- Indent(ind);
- PrintExpression(e.Term, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, ind);
- } else {
- PrintExpression(e.Term, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
- }
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- } else if (expr is NamedExpr) {
- var e = (NamedExpr)expr;
- wr.Write("expr {0}: ", e.Name);
- PrintExpression(e.Body, isFollowedBySemicolon);
- } else if (expr is SetComprehension) {
- var e = (SetComprehension)expr;
- bool parensNeeded = !isRightmost;
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- wr.Write("set ");
- string sep = "";
- foreach (BoundVar bv in e.BoundVars) {
- wr.Write("{0}{1}", sep, bv.DisplayName);
- sep = ", ";
- PrintType(": ", bv.Type);
- }
- PrintAttributes(e.Attributes);
- wr.Write(" | ");
- PrintExpression(e.Range, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
- if (!e.TermIsImplicit) {
- wr.Write(" :: ");
- PrintExpression(e.Term, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
- }
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- } else if (expr is MapComprehension) {
- var e = (MapComprehension)expr;
- bool parensNeeded = !isRightmost;
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- wr.Write(e.Finite ? "map " : "imap ");
- string sep = "";
- foreach (BoundVar bv in e.BoundVars) {
- wr.Write("{0}{1}", sep, bv.DisplayName);
- sep = ", ";
- PrintType(": ", bv.Type);
- }
- PrintAttributes(e.Attributes);
- wr.Write(" | ");
- PrintExpression(e.Range, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
- wr.Write(" :: ");
- PrintExpression(e.Term, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- } else if (expr is LambdaExpr) {
- var e = (LambdaExpr)expr;
- bool parensNeeded = !isRightmost;
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- var skipSignatureParens = e.BoundVars.Count == 1 && e.BoundVars[0].Type is InferredTypeProxy;
- if (!skipSignatureParens) { wr.Write("("); }
- wr.Write(Util.Comma(", ", e.BoundVars, bv => bv.DisplayName + (bv.Type is InferredTypeProxy ? "" : ": " + bv.Type)));
- if (!skipSignatureParens) { wr.Write(")"); }
- if (e.Range != null) {
- wr.Write(" requires ");
- PrintExpression(e.Range, false);
- }
- foreach (var read in e.Reads) {
- wr.Write(" reads ");
- PrintExpression(read.E, false);
- }
- wr.Write(e.OneShot ? " -> " : " => ");
- PrintExpression(e.Body, isFollowedBySemicolon);
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- } else if (expr is WildcardExpr) {
- wr.Write("*");
- } else if (expr is StmtExpr) {
- var e = (StmtExpr)expr;
- bool parensNeeded;
- if (e.S is AssertStmt || e.S is AssumeStmt || e.S is CalcStmt) {
- parensNeeded = !isRightmost;
- } else {
- parensNeeded = !isRightmost || isFollowedBySemicolon;
- }
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- int ind = indent < 0 ? IndentAmount : indent; // if the expression was to be printed on one line, instead print the .S part at indentation IndentAmount (not pretty, but something)
- PrintStatement(e.S, ind);
- wr.Write(" ");
- PrintExpression(e.E, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- } else if (expr is ITEExpr) {
- ITEExpr ite = (ITEExpr)expr;
- bool parensNeeded = !isRightmost;
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- wr.Write("if ");
- PrintExpression(ite.Test, false);
- wr.Write(" then ");
- PrintExpression(ite.Thn, false);
- wr.Write(" else ");
- PrintExpression(ite.Els, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- } else if (expr is ParensExpression) {
- var e = (ParensExpression)expr;
- // printing of parentheses is done optimally, not according to the parentheses in the given program
- PrintExpr(e.E, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext, isRightmost, isFollowedBySemicolon, indent);
- } else if (expr is NegationExpression) {
- var e = (NegationExpression)expr;
- string op = "-";
- int opBindingStrength = 0x60;
- bool parensNeeded = ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
- bool containsNestedNegation = e.E is ParensExpression && ((ParensExpression)e.E).E is NegationExpression;
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- wr.Write(op);
- PrintExpr(e.E, opBindingStrength, containsNestedNegation, parensNeeded || isRightmost, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, -1);
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- } else if (expr is MatchExpr) {
- var e = (MatchExpr)expr;
- var parensNeeded = !isRightmost && !e.UsesOptionalBraces;
- if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
- wr.Write("match ");
- PrintExpression(e.Source, isRightmost && e.Cases.Count == 0, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
- if (e.UsesOptionalBraces) { wr.Write(" {"); }
- int i = 0;
- foreach (var mc in e.Cases) {
- bool isLastCase = i == e.Cases.Count - 1;
- wr.Write(" case {0}", mc.Id);
- PrintMatchCaseArgument(mc);
- wr.Write(" => ");
- PrintExpression(mc.Body, isRightmost && isLastCase, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
- i++;
- }
- if (e.UsesOptionalBraces) { wr.Write(" }"); }
- else if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
- } else if (expr is BoxingCastExpr) {
- // this is not expected for a parsed program, but we may be called for /trace purposes in the translator
- var e = (BoxingCastExpr)expr;
- PrintExpr(e.E, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext, isRightmost, isFollowedBySemicolon, indent);
- } else if (expr is Translator.BoogieWrapper) {
- wr.Write("[BoogieWrapper]"); // this is somewhat unexpected, but we can get here if the /trace switch is used, so it seems best to cover this case here
- } else {
- Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected expression
- }
- }
- bool ParensMayMatter(Expression expr) {
- Contract.Requires(expr != null);
- int parenPairs = 0;
- for (; expr is ParensExpression; parenPairs++) {
- expr = ((ParensExpression)expr).E;
- }
- // If the program were resolved, we could be more precise than the following (in particular, looking
- // to see if expr denotes a MemberSelectExpr of a member that is a Function.
- return parenPairs != 0 && (expr is NameSegment || expr is ExprDotName);
- }
- void PrintCasePattern(CasePattern pat) {
- Contract.Requires(pat != null);
- var v = pat.Var;
- if (v != null) {
- wr.Write(v.DisplayName);
- if (v.Type is NonProxyType || DafnyOptions.O.DafnyPrintResolvedFile != null) {
- PrintType(": ", v.Type);
- }
- } else {
- wr.Write(pat.Id);
- if (pat.Arguments != null) {
- wr.Write("(");
- var sep = "";
- foreach (var arg in pat.Arguments) {
- wr.Write(sep);
- PrintCasePattern(arg);
- sep = ", ";
- }
- wr.Write(")");
- }
- }
- }
- private void PrintQuantifierDomain(List<BoundVar> boundVars, Attributes attrs, Expression range) {
- Contract.Requires(boundVars != null);
- string sep = "";
- foreach (BoundVar bv in boundVars) {
- wr.Write("{0}{1}", sep, bv.DisplayName);
- PrintType(": ", bv.Type);
- sep = ", ";
- }
- PrintAttributes(attrs);
- if (range != null) {
- wr.Write(" | ");
- PrintExpression(range, false);
- }
- }
- void PrintActualArguments(List<Expression> args, string name) {
- Contract.Requires(args != null);
- Contract.Requires(name != null);
- if (name.EndsWith("#")) {
- wr.Write("[");
- PrintExpression(args[0], false);
- wr.Write("]");
- args = new List<Expression>(args.Skip(1));
- }
- wr.Write("(");
- PrintExpressionList(args, false);
- wr.Write(")");
- }
- void PrintExpressionList(List<Expression> exprs, bool isFollowedBySemicolon) {
- Contract.Requires(exprs != null);
- string sep = "";
- foreach (Expression e in exprs) {
- Contract.Assert(e != null);
- wr.Write(sep);
- sep = ", ";
- PrintExpression(e, isFollowedBySemicolon);
- }
- }
- void PrintExpressionPairList(List<ExpressionPair> exprs) {
- Contract.Requires(exprs != null);
- string sep = "";
- foreach (ExpressionPair p in exprs) {
- Contract.Assert(p != null);
- wr.Write(sep);
- sep = ", ";
- PrintExpression(p.A, false);
- wr.Write(":=");
- PrintExpression(p.B, false);
- }
- }
- void PrintFrameExpressionList(List<FrameExpression/*!*/>/*!*/ fexprs) {
- Contract.Requires(fexprs != null);
- string sep = "";
- foreach (FrameExpression fe in fexprs) {
- Contract.Assert(fe != null);
- wr.Write(sep);
- sep = ", ";
- PrintExpression(fe.E, true);
- if (fe.FieldName != null) {
- wr.Write("`{0}", fe.FieldName);
- }
- }
- }
- }
+// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
+using System.Numerics;
+using System.Linq;
+using Bpl = Microsoft.Boogie;
+namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
+ public class Printer {
+ TextWriter wr;
+ DafnyOptions.PrintModes printMode;
+ [ContractInvariantMethod]
+ void ObjectInvariant()
+ {
+ Contract.Invariant(wr!=null);
+ }
+ public Printer(TextWriter wr, DafnyOptions.PrintModes printMode = DafnyOptions.PrintModes.Everything) {
+ Contract.Requires(wr != null);
+ this.wr = wr;
+ this.printMode = printMode;
+ }
+ public static string ExprToString(Expression expr)
+ {
+ Contract.Requires(expr != null);
+ using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
+ var pr = new Printer(wr);
+ pr.PrintExpression(expr, false);
+ return wr.ToString();
+ }
+ }
+ public static string GuardToString(Expression expr) {
+ using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
+ var pr = new Printer(wr);
+ pr.PrintGuard(expr);
+ return wr.ToString();
+ }
+ }
+ public static string ExtendedExprToString(Expression expr) {
+ Contract.Requires(expr != null);
+ using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
+ var pr = new Printer(wr);
+ pr.PrintExtendedExpr(expr, 0, true, false);
+ return wr.ToString();
+ }
+ }
+ public static string FrameExprListToString(List<FrameExpression> fexprs) {
+ Contract.Requires(fexprs != null);
+ using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
+ var pr = new Printer(wr);
+ pr.PrintFrameExpressionList(fexprs);
+ return wr.ToString();
+ }
+ }
+ public static string StatementToString(Statement stmt) {
+ Contract.Requires(stmt != null);
+ using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
+ var pr = new Printer(wr);
+ pr.PrintStatement(stmt, 0);
+ return ToStringWithoutNewline(wr);
+ }
+ }
+ public static string IteratorClassToString(IteratorDecl iter) {
+ Contract.Requires(iter != null);
+ using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
+ var pr = new Printer(wr);
+ pr.PrintIteratorClass(iter, 0, null);
+ return ToStringWithoutNewline(wr);
+ }
+ }
+ public static string IteratorSignatureToString(IteratorDecl iter) {
+ Contract.Requires(iter != null);
+ using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
+ var pr = new Printer(wr);
+ pr.PrintIteratorSignature(iter, 0);
+ return ToStringWithoutNewline(wr);
+ }
+ }
+ public static string FunctionSignatureToString(Function f) {
+ Contract.Requires(f != null);
+ using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
+ var pr = new Printer(wr);
+ pr.PrintFunction(f, 0, true);
+ return ToStringWithoutNewline(wr);
+ }
+ }
+ public static string MethodSignatureToString(Method m) {
+ Contract.Requires(m != null);
+ using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
+ var pr = new Printer(wr);
+ pr.PrintMethod(m, 0, true);
+ return ToStringWithoutNewline(wr);
+ }
+ }
+ public static string OneAttributeToString(Attributes a, string nameSubstitution = null) {
+ Contract.Requires(a != null);
+ using (var wr = new System.IO.StringWriter()) {
+ var pr = new Printer(wr);
+ pr.PrintOneAttribute(a, nameSubstitution);
+ return ToStringWithoutNewline(wr);
+ }
+ }
+ public static string ToStringWithoutNewline(System.IO.StringWriter wr) {
+ Contract.Requires(wr != null);
+ var sb = wr.GetStringBuilder();
+ var len = sb.Length;
+ while (len > 0 && (sb[len - 1] == '\n' || sb[len - 1] == '\r')) {
+ len--;
+ }
+ return sb.ToString(0, len);
+ }
+ public void PrintProgram(Program prog) {
+ Contract.Requires(prog != null);
+ if (Bpl.CommandLineOptions.Clo.ShowEnv != Bpl.CommandLineOptions.ShowEnvironment.Never) {
+ wr.WriteLine("// " + Bpl.CommandLineOptions.Clo.Version);
+ wr.WriteLine("// " + Bpl.CommandLineOptions.Clo.Environment);
+ }
+ wr.WriteLine("// {0}", prog.Name);
+ if (DafnyOptions.O.DafnyPrintResolvedFile != null && DafnyOptions.O.PrintMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.Everything) {
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ wr.WriteLine("/*");
+ PrintModuleDefinition(prog.BuiltIns.SystemModule, 0, Path.GetFullPath(DafnyOptions.O.DafnyPrintResolvedFile));
+ wr.WriteLine("*/");
+ }
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ PrintCallGraph(prog.DefaultModuleDef, 0);
+ PrintTopLevelDecls(prog.DefaultModuleDef.TopLevelDecls, 0, Path.GetFullPath(prog.FullName));
+ wr.Flush();
+ }
+ public void PrintCallGraph(ModuleDefinition module, int indent) {
+ Contract.Requires(module != null);
+ Contract.Requires(0 <= indent);
+ if (DafnyOptions.O.DafnyPrintResolvedFile != null && DafnyOptions.O.PrintMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.Everything) {
+ // print call graph
+ Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("/* CALL GRAPH for module {0}:", module.Name);
+ var SCCs = module.CallGraph.TopologicallySortedComponents();
+ SCCs.Reverse();
+ foreach (var clbl in SCCs) {
+ Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine(" * SCC at height {0}:", module.CallGraph.GetSCCRepresentativeId(clbl));
+ var r = module.CallGraph.GetSCC(clbl);
+ foreach (var m in r) {
+ Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine(" * {0}", m.NameRelativeToModule);
+ }
+ }
+ Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine(" */");
+ }
+ }
+ public void PrintTopLevelDecls(List<TopLevelDecl> decls, int indent, string fileBeingPrinted) {
+ Contract.Requires(decls!= null);
+ int i = 0;
+ foreach (TopLevelDecl d in decls) {
+ Contract.Assert(d != null);
+ if (PrintModeSkipGeneral(d.tok, fileBeingPrinted)) { continue; }
+ if (d is OpaqueTypeDecl) {
+ var at = (OpaqueTypeDecl)d;
+ if (i++ != 0) { wr.WriteLine(); }
+ Indent(indent);
+ PrintClassMethodHelper("type", at.Attributes, at.Name, new List<TypeParameter>());
+ wr.Write(EqualitySupportSuffix(at.EqualitySupport));
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ } else if (d is NewtypeDecl) {
+ var dd = (NewtypeDecl)d;
+ if (i++ != 0) { wr.WriteLine(); }
+ Indent(indent);
+ PrintClassMethodHelper("newtype", dd.Attributes, dd.Name, new List<TypeParameter>());
+ wr.Write(" = ");
+ if (dd.Var == null) {
+ PrintType(dd.BaseType);
+ } else {
+ wr.Write(dd.Var.DisplayName);
+ if (!(dd.Var.Type is TypeProxy) || DafnyOptions.O.DafnyPrintResolvedFile != null) {
+ wr.Write(": ");
+ PrintType(dd.BaseType);
+ }
+ wr.Write(" | ");
+ PrintExpression(dd.Constraint, true);
+ }
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ } else if (d is TypeSynonymDecl) {
+ var syn = (TypeSynonymDecl)d;
+ if (i++ != 0) { wr.WriteLine(); }
+ Indent(indent);
+ PrintClassMethodHelper("type", syn.Attributes, syn.Name, syn.TypeArgs);
+ wr.Write(" = ");
+ PrintType(syn.Rhs);
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ } else if (d is DatatypeDecl) {
+ if (i++ != 0) { wr.WriteLine(); }
+ PrintDatatype((DatatypeDecl)d, indent);
+ } else if (d is IteratorDecl) {
+ var iter = (IteratorDecl)d;
+ PrintIteratorSignature(iter, indent);
+ if (iter.Body != null) {
+ Indent(indent);
+ PrintStatement(iter.Body, indent);
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ }
+ if (DafnyOptions.O.DafnyPrintResolvedFile != null) {
+ // also print the members that were created as part of the interpretation of the iterator
+ Contract.Assert(iter.Members.Count != 0); // filled in during resolution
+ wr.WriteLine("/*---------- iterator members ----------");
+ PrintIteratorClass(iter, indent, fileBeingPrinted);
+ wr.WriteLine("---------- iterator members ----------*/");
+ }
+ } else if (d is ClassDecl) {
+ ClassDecl cl = (ClassDecl)d;
+ if (!cl.IsDefaultClass) {
+ if (i++ != 0) { wr.WriteLine(); }
+ PrintClass(cl, indent, fileBeingPrinted);
+ } else if (cl.Members.Count == 0) {
+ // print nothing
+ } else {
+ if (i++ != 0) { wr.WriteLine(); }
+ PrintMembers(cl.Members, indent, fileBeingPrinted);
+ }
+ } else if (d is ModuleDecl) {
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ Indent(indent);
+ if (d is LiteralModuleDecl) {
+ ModuleDefinition module = ((LiteralModuleDecl)d).ModuleDef;
+ PrintModuleDefinition(module, indent, fileBeingPrinted);
+ } else if (d is AliasModuleDecl) {
+ wr.Write("import"); if (((AliasModuleDecl)d).Opened) wr.Write(" opened");
+ wr.Write(" {0} ", ((AliasModuleDecl)d).Name);
+ wr.WriteLine("= {0}", Util.Comma(".", ((AliasModuleDecl)d).Path, id => id.val));
+ } else if (d is ModuleFacadeDecl) {
+ wr.Write("import"); if (((ModuleFacadeDecl)d).Opened) wr.Write(" opened");
+ wr.Write(" {0} ", ((ModuleFacadeDecl)d).Name);
+ wr.WriteLine("as {0}", Util.Comma(".", ((ModuleFacadeDecl)d).Path, id => id.val));
+ }
+ } else {
+ Contract.Assert(false); // unexpected TopLevelDecl
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void PrintModuleDefinition(ModuleDefinition module, int indent, string fileBeingPrinted) {
+ Contract.Requires(module != null);
+ Contract.Requires(0 <= indent);
+ if (module.IsAbstract) {
+ wr.Write("abstract ");
+ }
+ wr.Write("module");
+ PrintAttributes(module.Attributes);
+ wr.Write(" {0} ", module.Name);
+ if (module.RefinementBaseName != null) {
+ wr.Write("refines {0} ", Util.Comma(".", module.RefinementBaseName, id => id.val));
+ }
+ if (module.TopLevelDecls.Count == 0) {
+ wr.WriteLine("{ }");
+ } else {
+ wr.WriteLine("{");
+ PrintCallGraph(module, indent + IndentAmount);
+ PrintTopLevelDecls(module.TopLevelDecls, indent + IndentAmount, fileBeingPrinted);
+ Indent(indent);
+ wr.WriteLine("}");
+ }
+ }
+ void PrintIteratorSignature(IteratorDecl iter, int indent) {
+ Indent(indent);
+ PrintClassMethodHelper("iterator", iter.Attributes, iter.Name, iter.TypeArgs);
+ if (iter.SignatureIsOmitted) {
+ wr.WriteLine(" ...");
+ } else {
+ PrintFormals(iter.Ins);
+ if (iter.Outs.Count != 0) {
+ if (iter.Ins.Count + iter.Outs.Count <= 3) {
+ wr.Write(" yields ");
+ } else {
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ Indent(indent + 2 * IndentAmount);
+ wr.Write("yields ");
+ }
+ PrintFormals(iter.Outs);
+ }
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ }
+ int ind = indent + IndentAmount;
+ PrintSpec("requires", iter.Requires, ind);
+ if (iter.Reads.Expressions != null) {
+ PrintFrameSpecLine("reads", iter.Reads.Expressions, ind, iter.Reads.HasAttributes() ? iter.Reads.Attributes : null);
+ }
+ if (iter.Modifies.Expressions != null) {
+ PrintFrameSpecLine("modifies", iter.Modifies.Expressions, ind, iter.Modifies.HasAttributes() ? iter.Modifies.Attributes : null);
+ }
+ PrintSpec("yield requires", iter.YieldRequires, ind);
+ PrintSpec("yield ensures", iter.YieldEnsures, ind);
+ PrintSpec("ensures", iter.Ensures, ind);
+ PrintDecreasesSpec(iter.Decreases, ind);
+ }
+ private void PrintIteratorClass(IteratorDecl iter, int indent, string fileBeingPrinted) {
+ PrintClassMethodHelper("class", null, iter.Name, iter.TypeArgs);
+ wr.WriteLine(" {");
+ PrintMembers(iter.Members, indent + IndentAmount, fileBeingPrinted);
+ Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("}");
+ }
+ public void PrintClass(ClassDecl c, int indent, string fileBeingPrinted) {
+ Contract.Requires(c != null);
+ Indent(indent);
+ PrintClassMethodHelper((c is TraitDecl) ? "trait" : "class", c.Attributes, c.Name, c.TypeArgs);
+ string sep = " extends ";
+ foreach (var trait in c.TraitsTyp) {
+ wr.Write(sep);
+ PrintType(trait);
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ if (c.Members.Count == 0) {
+ wr.WriteLine(" { }");
+ } else {
+ wr.WriteLine(" {");
+ PrintMembers(c.Members, indent + IndentAmount, fileBeingPrinted);
+ Indent(indent);
+ wr.WriteLine("}");
+ }
+ }
+ public void PrintMembers(List<MemberDecl> members, int indent, string fileBeingPrinted)
+ {
+ Contract.Requires(members != null);
+ int state = 0; // 0 - no members yet; 1 - previous member was a field; 2 - previous member was non-field
+ foreach (MemberDecl m in members) {
+ if (PrintModeSkipGeneral(m.tok, fileBeingPrinted)) { continue; }
+ if (m is Method) {
+ if (state != 0) { wr.WriteLine(); }
+ PrintMethod((Method)m, indent, false);
+ var com = m as FixpointLemma;
+ if (com != null && com.PrefixLemma != null) {
+ Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("/***");
+ PrintMethod(com.PrefixLemma, indent, false);
+ Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("***/");
+ }
+ state = 2;
+ } else if (m is Field) {
+ if (state == 2) { wr.WriteLine(); }
+ PrintField((Field)m, indent);
+ state = 1;
+ } else if (m is Function) {
+ if (state != 0) { wr.WriteLine(); }
+ PrintFunction((Function)m, indent, false);
+ var fixp = m as FixpointPredicate;
+ if (fixp != null && fixp.PrefixPredicate != null) {
+ Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("/***");
+ PrintFunction(fixp.PrefixPredicate, indent, false);
+ Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("***/");
+ }
+ state = 2;
+ } else {
+ Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected member
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Prints no space before "kind", but does print a space before "attrs" and "name".
+ /// </summary>
+ void PrintClassMethodHelper(string kind, Attributes attrs, string name, List<TypeParameter> typeArgs) {
+ Contract.Requires(kind != null);
+ Contract.Requires(name != null);
+ Contract.Requires(typeArgs != null);
+ if (kind.Length != 0) {
+ wr.Write(kind);
+ }
+ PrintAttributes(attrs);
+ wr.Write(" {0}", name);
+ PrintTypeParams(typeArgs);
+ }
+ private void PrintTypeParams(List<TypeParameter> typeArgs) {
+ Contract.Requires(typeArgs != null);
+ if (typeArgs.Count != 0) {
+ wr.Write("<" +
+ Util.Comma(", ", typeArgs,
+ tp => tp.Name + EqualitySupportSuffix(tp.EqualitySupport))
+ + ">");
+ }
+ }
+ private void PrintTypeInstantiation(List<Type> typeArgs) {
+ Contract.Requires(typeArgs == null || typeArgs.Count != 0);
+ if (typeArgs != null) {
+ wr.Write("<{0}>", Util.Comma(",", typeArgs, ty => ty.ToString()));
+ }
+ }
+ public void PrintDatatype(DatatypeDecl dt, int indent) {
+ Contract.Requires(dt != null);
+ Indent(indent);
+ PrintClassMethodHelper(dt is IndDatatypeDecl ? "datatype" : "codatatype", dt.Attributes, dt.Name, dt.TypeArgs);
+ wr.Write(" =");
+ string sep = "";
+ foreach (DatatypeCtor ctor in dt.Ctors) {
+ wr.Write(sep);
+ PrintClassMethodHelper("", ctor.Attributes, ctor.Name, new List<TypeParameter>());
+ if (ctor.Formals.Count != 0) {
+ PrintFormals(ctor.Formals);
+ }
+ sep = " |";
+ }
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Prints a space before each attribute.
+ /// </summary>
+ public void PrintAttributes(Attributes a) {
+ if (a != null) {
+ PrintAttributes(a.Prev);
+ wr.Write(" ");
+ PrintOneAttribute(a);
+ }
+ }
+ public void PrintOneAttribute(Attributes a, string nameSubstitution = null) {
+ Contract.Requires(a != null);
+ var name = nameSubstitution ?? a.Name;
+ var usAttribute = name.StartsWith("_");
+ wr.Write("{1}{{:{0}", name, usAttribute ? "/*" : "");
+ if (a.Args != null) {
+ PrintAttributeArgs(a.Args, false);
+ }
+ wr.Write("}}{0}", usAttribute ? "*/" : "");
+ }
+ public void PrintAttributeArgs(List<Expression> args, bool isFollowedBySemicolon) {
+ Contract.Requires(args != null);
+ string prefix = " ";
+ foreach (var arg in args) {
+ Contract.Assert(arg != null);
+ wr.Write(prefix);
+ prefix = ", ";
+ PrintExpression(arg, isFollowedBySemicolon);
+ }
+ }
+ public void PrintField(Field field, int indent) {
+ Contract.Requires(field != null);
+ Indent(indent);
+ if (field.IsGhost) {
+ wr.Write("ghost ");
+ }
+ wr.Write("var");
+ PrintAttributes(field.Attributes);
+ wr.Write(" {0}: ", field.Name);
+ PrintType(field.Type);
+ if (field.IsUserMutable) {
+ // nothing more to say
+ } else if (field.IsMutable) {
+ wr.Write(" // non-assignable");
+ } else {
+ wr.Write(" // immutable");
+ }
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ }
+ public void PrintFunction(Function f, int indent, bool printSignatureOnly) {
+ Contract.Requires(f != null);
+ if (PrintModeSkipFunctionOrMethod(f.IsGhost, f.Attributes, f.Name)) { return; }
+ var isPredicate = f is Predicate || f is PrefixPredicate;
+ Indent(indent);
+ string k = isPredicate ? "predicate" : f is InductivePredicate ? "inductive predicate" : f is CoPredicate ? "copredicate" : "function";
+ if (f.IsProtected) { k = "protected " + k; }
+ if (f.HasStaticKeyword) { k = "static " + k; }
+ if (!f.IsGhost) { k += " method"; }
+ PrintClassMethodHelper(k, f.Attributes, f.Name, f.TypeArgs);
+ if (f.SignatureIsOmitted) {
+ wr.WriteLine(" ...");
+ } else {
+ PrintFormals(f.Formals, f.Name);
+ if (!isPredicate) {
+ wr.Write(": ");
+ PrintType(f.ResultType);
+ }
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ }
+ int ind = indent + IndentAmount;
+ PrintSpec("requires", f.Req, ind);
+ PrintFrameSpecLine("reads", f.Reads, ind, null);
+ PrintSpec("ensures", f.Ens, ind);
+ PrintDecreasesSpec(f.Decreases, ind);
+ if (f.Body != null && !printSignatureOnly) {
+ Indent(indent);
+ wr.WriteLine("{");
+ PrintExtendedExpr(f.Body, ind, true, false);
+ Indent(indent);
+ wr.WriteLine("}");
+ }
+ }
+ // ----------------------------- PrintMethod -----------------------------
+ const int IndentAmount = 2; // The amount of indent for each new scope
+ const string BunchaSpaces = " ";
+ void Indent(int amount)
+ {
+ Contract.Requires(0 <= amount);
+ while (0 < amount) {
+ wr.Write(BunchaSpaces.Substring(0, amount));
+ amount -= BunchaSpaces.Length;
+ }
+ }
+ private bool PrintModeSkipFunctionOrMethod(bool IsGhost, Attributes attributes, string name)
+ {
+ if (printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoGhost && IsGhost)
+ { return true; }
+ if (printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoIncludes || printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoGhost)
+ {
+ bool verify = true;
+ if (Attributes.ContainsBool(attributes, "verify", ref verify) && !verify)
+ { return true; }
+ if (name.Contains("INTERNAL") || name.StartsWith("reveal_"))
+ { return true; }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ private bool PrintModeSkipGeneral(Bpl.IToken tok, string fileBeingPrinted)
+ {
+ return (printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoIncludes || printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoGhost)
+ && (tok.filename != null && fileBeingPrinted != null && Path.GetFullPath(tok.filename) != fileBeingPrinted);
+ }
+ public void PrintMethod(Method method, int indent, bool printSignatureOnly) {
+ Contract.Requires(method != null);
+ if (PrintModeSkipFunctionOrMethod(method.IsGhost, method.Attributes, method.Name)) { return; }
+ Indent(indent);
+ string k = method is Constructor ? "constructor" :
+ method is InductiveLemma ? "inductive lemma" :
+ method is CoLemma ? "colemma" :
+ method is Lemma ? "lemma" :
+ "method";
+ if (method.HasStaticKeyword) { k = "static " + k; }
+ if (method.IsGhost && !(method is Lemma) && !(method is FixpointLemma)) { k = "ghost " + k; }
+ string nm = method is Constructor && !((Constructor)method).HasName ? "" : method.Name;
+ PrintClassMethodHelper(k, method.Attributes, nm, method.TypeArgs);
+ if (method.SignatureIsOmitted) {
+ wr.WriteLine(" ...");
+ } else {
+ PrintFormals(method.Ins, method.Name);
+ if (method.Outs.Count != 0) {
+ if (method.Ins.Count + method.Outs.Count <= 3) {
+ wr.Write(" returns ");
+ } else {
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ Indent(indent + 2 * IndentAmount);
+ wr.Write("returns ");
+ }
+ PrintFormals(method.Outs);
+ }
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ }
+ int ind = indent + IndentAmount;
+ PrintSpec("requires", method.Req, ind);
+ if (method.Mod.Expressions != null)
+ {
+ PrintFrameSpecLine("modifies", method.Mod.Expressions, ind, method.Mod.HasAttributes() ? method.Mod.Attributes : null);
+ }
+ PrintSpec("ensures", method.Ens, ind);
+ PrintDecreasesSpec(method.Decreases, ind);
+ if (method.Body != null && !printSignatureOnly) {
+ Indent(indent);
+ PrintStatement(method.Body, indent);
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ }
+ }
+ internal void PrintFormals(List<Formal> ff, string name = null) {
+ Contract.Requires(ff != null);
+ if (name != null && name.EndsWith("#")) {
+ wr.Write("[");
+ PrintFormal(ff[0]);
+ wr.Write("]");
+ ff = new List<Formal>(ff.Skip(1));
+ }
+ wr.Write("(");
+ string sep = "";
+ foreach (Formal f in ff) {
+ Contract.Assert(f != null);
+ wr.Write(sep);
+ sep = ", ";
+ PrintFormal(f);
+ }
+ wr.Write(")");
+ }
+ void PrintFormal(Formal f) {
+ Contract.Requires(f != null);
+ if (f.IsGhost) {
+ wr.Write("ghost ");
+ }
+ if (f.HasName) {
+ wr.Write("{0}: ", f.DisplayName);
+ }
+ PrintType(f.Type);
+ }
+ internal void PrintSpec(string kind, List<Expression> ee, int indent) {
+ Contract.Requires(kind != null);
+ Contract.Requires(ee != null);
+ foreach (Expression e in ee) {
+ Contract.Assert(e != null);
+ Indent(indent);
+ wr.Write("{0} ", kind);
+ PrintExpression(e, true);
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ }
+ }
+ internal void PrintDecreasesSpec(Specification<Expression> decs, int indent, bool newLine = true) {
+ Contract.Requires(decs != null);
+ if (printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoGhost) { return; }
+ if (decs.Expressions != null && decs.Expressions.Count != 0) {
+ Indent(indent);
+ wr.Write("decreases");
+ if (decs.HasAttributes())
+ {
+ PrintAttributes(decs.Attributes);
+ }
+ wr.Write(" ");
+ PrintExpressionList(decs.Expressions, true);
+ if (newLine) {
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ } else {
+ wr.Write(" ");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ internal void PrintFrameSpecLine(string kind, List<FrameExpression/*!*/> ee, int indent, Attributes attrs, bool newLine = true) {
+ Contract.Requires(kind != null);
+ Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(ee));
+ if (ee != null && ee.Count != 0) {
+ Indent(indent);
+ wr.Write("{0}", kind);
+ if (attrs != null) {
+ PrintAttributes(attrs);
+ }
+ wr.Write(" ");
+ PrintFrameExpressionList(ee);
+ if (newLine) {
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ } else {
+ wr.Write(" ");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ internal void PrintSpec(string kind, List<MaybeFreeExpression> ee, int indent, bool newLine = true) {
+ Contract.Requires(kind != null);
+ Contract.Requires(ee != null);
+ if (printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoGhost) { return; }
+ foreach (MaybeFreeExpression e in ee)
+ {
+ Contract.Assert(e != null);
+ Indent(indent);
+ wr.Write("{0}{1}", e.IsFree ? "free " : "", kind);
+ if (e.HasAttributes())
+ {
+ PrintAttributes(e.Attributes);
+ }
+ wr.Write(" ");
+ PrintExpression(e.E, true);
+ if (newLine) {
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ } else {
+ wr.Write(" ");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ----------------------------- PrintType -----------------------------
+ public void PrintType(Type ty) {
+ Contract.Requires(ty != null);
+ wr.Write(ty.ToString());
+ }
+ public void PrintType(string prefix, Type ty) {
+ Contract.Requires(prefix != null);
+ Contract.Requires(ty != null);
+ string s = ty.ToString();
+ if (s != "?") {
+ wr.Write("{0}{1}", prefix, s);
+ }
+ }
+ string EqualitySupportSuffix(TypeParameter.EqualitySupportValue es) {
+ if (es == TypeParameter.EqualitySupportValue.Required ||
+ (es == TypeParameter.EqualitySupportValue.InferredRequired && DafnyOptions.O.DafnyPrintResolvedFile != null)) {
+ return "(==)";
+ } else {
+ return "";
+ }
+ }
+ // ----------------------------- PrintStatement -----------------------------
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Prints from the current position of the current line.
+ /// If the statement requires several lines, subsequent lines are indented at "indent".
+ /// No newline is printed after the statement.
+ /// </summary>
+ public void PrintStatement(Statement stmt, int indent) {
+ Contract.Requires(stmt != null);
+ if (stmt.IsGhost && printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoGhost) { return; }
+ for (LList<Label> label = stmt.Labels; label != null; label = label.Next) {
+ if (label.Data.Name != null) {
+ wr.WriteLine("label {0}:", label.Data.Name);
+ Indent(indent);
+ }
+ }
+ if (stmt is PredicateStmt) {
+ if (printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoGhost) { return; }
+ Expression expr = ((PredicateStmt)stmt).Expr;
+ wr.Write(stmt is AssertStmt ? "assert" : "assume");
+ if (stmt.Attributes != null) {
+ PrintAttributes(stmt.Attributes);
+ }
+ wr.Write(" ");
+ PrintExpression(expr, true);
+ wr.Write(";");
+ } else if (stmt is PrintStmt) {
+ PrintStmt s = (PrintStmt)stmt;
+ wr.Write("print");
+ PrintAttributeArgs(s.Args, true);
+ wr.Write(";");
+ } else if (stmt is BreakStmt) {
+ BreakStmt s = (BreakStmt)stmt;
+ if (s.TargetLabel != null) {
+ wr.Write("break {0};", s.TargetLabel);
+ } else {
+ string sep = "";
+ for (int i = 0; i < s.BreakCount; i++) {
+ wr.Write("{0}break", sep);
+ sep = " ";
+ }
+ wr.Write(";");
+ }
+ } else if (stmt is ProduceStmt) {
+ var s = (ProduceStmt) stmt;
+ wr.Write(s is YieldStmt ? "yield" : "return");
+ if (s.rhss != null) {
+ var sep = " ";
+ foreach (var rhs in s.rhss) {
+ wr.Write(sep);
+ PrintRhs(rhs);
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ }
+ wr.Write(";");
+ } else if (stmt is AssignStmt) {
+ AssignStmt s = (AssignStmt)stmt;
+ PrintExpression(s.Lhs, true);
+ wr.Write(" := ");
+ PrintRhs(s.Rhs);
+ wr.Write(";");
+ } else if (stmt is BlockStmt) {
+ wr.WriteLine("{");
+ int ind = indent + IndentAmount;
+ foreach (Statement s in ((BlockStmt)stmt).Body) {
+ Indent(ind);
+ PrintStatement(s, ind);
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ }
+ Indent(indent);
+ wr.Write("}");
+ } else if (stmt is IfStmt) {
+ IfStmt s = (IfStmt)stmt;
+ PrintIfStatement(indent, s, false);
+ } else if (stmt is AlternativeStmt) {
+ var s = (AlternativeStmt)stmt;
+ wr.WriteLine("if {");
+ PrintAlternatives(indent, s.Alternatives);
+ Indent(indent);
+ wr.Write("}");
+ } else if (stmt is WhileStmt) {
+ WhileStmt s = (WhileStmt)stmt;
+ PrintWhileStatement(indent, s, false, false);
+ } else if (stmt is AlternativeLoopStmt) {
+ var s = (AlternativeLoopStmt)stmt;
+ wr.WriteLine("while");
+ PrintSpec("invariant", s.Invariants, indent + IndentAmount);
+ PrintDecreasesSpec(s.Decreases, indent + IndentAmount);
+ Indent(indent);
+ wr.WriteLine("{");
+ PrintAlternatives(indent, s.Alternatives);
+ Indent(indent);
+ wr.Write("}");
+ } else if (stmt is ForallStmt) {
+ var s = (ForallStmt)stmt;
+ wr.Write("forall");
+ if (s.BoundVars.Count != 0) {
+ wr.Write(" ");
+ PrintQuantifierDomain(s.BoundVars, s.Attributes, s.Range);
+ }
+ if (s.Ens.Count == 0) {
+ wr.Write(" ");
+ } else {
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ PrintSpec("ensures", s.Ens, indent + IndentAmount, s.Body != null);
+ Indent(indent);
+ }
+ if (s.Body != null) {
+ PrintStatement(s.Body, indent);
+ }
+ } else if (stmt is ModifyStmt) {
+ var s = (ModifyStmt)stmt;
+ PrintModifyStmt(indent, s, false);
+ } else if (stmt is CalcStmt) {
+ CalcStmt s = (CalcStmt)stmt;
+ if (printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoGhost) { return; } // Calcs don't get a "ghost" attribute, but they are.
+ wr.Write("calc ");
+ if (!s.Op.Equals(CalcStmt.DefaultOp)) {
+ PrintCalcOp(s.Op);
+ wr.Write(" ");
+ }
+ wr.WriteLine("{");
+ int lineInd = indent + IndentAmount;
+ int lineCount = s.Lines.Count == 0 ? 0 : s.Lines.Count - 1; // if nonempty, .Lines always contains a duplicated last line
+ // The number of op/hints is commonly one less than the number of lines, but
+ // it can also equal the number of lines for empty calc's and for calc's with
+ // a dangling hint.
+ int hintCount = s.Lines.Count != 0 && s.Hints.Last().Body.Count == 0 ? lineCount - 1 : lineCount;
+ for (var i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
+ var e = s.Lines[i];
+ var op = s.StepOps[i];
+ var h = s.Hints[i];
+ // print the line
+ Indent(lineInd);
+ PrintExpression(e, true, lineInd);
+ wr.WriteLine(";");
+ if (i == hintCount) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // print the operator, if any
+ if (!s.Op.Equals(op)) {
+ Indent(indent); // this lines up with the "calc"
+ PrintCalcOp(op);
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ }
+ // print the hints
+ foreach (var st in h.Body) {
+ Indent(lineInd);
+ PrintStatement(st, lineInd);
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ }
+ }
+ Indent(indent);
+ wr.Write("}");
+ } else if (stmt is MatchStmt) {
+ MatchStmt s = (MatchStmt)stmt;
+ wr.Write("match ");
+ PrintExpression(s.Source, false);
+ if (s.UsesOptionalBraces) {
+ wr.Write(" {");
+ }
+ int caseInd = indent + (s.UsesOptionalBraces ? IndentAmount : 0);
+ foreach (MatchCaseStmt mc in s.Cases) {
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ Indent(caseInd);
+ wr.Write("case {0}", mc.Id);
+ PrintMatchCaseArgument(mc);
+ wr.Write(" =>");
+ foreach (Statement bs in mc.Body) {
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ Indent(caseInd + IndentAmount);
+ PrintStatement(bs, caseInd + IndentAmount);
+ }
+ }
+ if (s.UsesOptionalBraces) {
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ Indent(indent);
+ wr.Write("}");
+ }
+ } else if (stmt is ConcreteUpdateStatement) {
+ var s = (ConcreteUpdateStatement)stmt;
+ string sep = "";
+ foreach (var lhs in s.Lhss) {
+ wr.Write(sep);
+ PrintExpression(lhs, true);
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ PrintUpdateRHS(s);
+ wr.Write(";");
+ } else if (stmt is VarDeclStmt) {
+ var s = (VarDeclStmt)stmt;
+ if (s.Locals.Exists(v => v.IsGhost) && printMode == DafnyOptions.PrintModes.NoGhost) { return; }
+ if (s.Locals.Exists(v => v.IsGhost)) {
+ wr.Write("ghost ");
+ }
+ wr.Write("var");
+ string sep = "";
+ foreach (var local in s.Locals) {
+ wr.Write(sep);
+ if (local.Attributes != null) {
+ PrintAttributes(local.Attributes);
+ }
+ wr.Write(" {0}", local.DisplayName);
+ PrintType(": ", local.OptionalType);
+ sep = ",";
+ }
+ if (s.Update != null) {
+ PrintUpdateRHS(s.Update);
+ }
+ wr.Write(";");
+ } else if (stmt is SkeletonStatement) {
+ var s = (SkeletonStatement)stmt;
+ if (s.S == null) {
+ wr.Write("...;");
+ } else if (s.S is AssertStmt) {
+ Contract.Assert(s.ConditionOmitted);
+ wr.Write("assert ...;");
+ } else if (s.S is AssumeStmt) {
+ Contract.Assert(s.ConditionOmitted);
+ wr.Write("assume ...;");
+ } else if (s.S is IfStmt) {
+ PrintIfStatement(indent, (IfStmt)s.S, s.ConditionOmitted);
+ } else if (s.S is WhileStmt) {
+ PrintWhileStatement(indent, (WhileStmt)s.S, s.ConditionOmitted, s.BodyOmitted);
+ } else if (s.S is ModifyStmt) {
+ PrintModifyStmt(indent, (ModifyStmt)s.S, true);
+ } else {
+ Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected skeleton statement
+ }
+ } else {
+ Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected statement
+ }
+ }
+ private void PrintModifyStmt(int indent, ModifyStmt s, bool omitFrame) {
+ Contract.Requires(0 <= indent);
+ Contract.Requires(s != null);
+ Contract.Requires(!omitFrame || s.Mod.Expressions.Count == 0);
+ wr.Write("modify");
+ PrintAttributes(s.Mod.Attributes);
+ wr.Write(" ");
+ if (omitFrame) {
+ wr.Write("...");
+ } else {
+ PrintFrameExpressionList(s.Mod.Expressions);
+ }
+ if (s.Body != null) {
+ // There's a possible syntactic ambiguity, namely if the frame is empty (more precisely,
+ // if s.Mod.Expressions.Count is 0). Since the statement was parsed at some point, this
+ // situation can occur only if the modify statement inherited its frame by refinement
+ // and we're printing the post-resolve AST. In this special case, print an explicit
+ // empty set as the frame.
+ if (s.Mod.Expressions.Count == 0) {
+ wr.Write(" {}");
+ }
+ wr.Write(" ");
+ PrintStatement(s.Body, indent);
+ } else {
+ wr.Write(";");
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Does not print LHS
+ /// </summary>
+ void PrintUpdateRHS(ConcreteUpdateStatement s) {
+ Contract.Requires(s != null);
+ if (s is UpdateStmt) {
+ var update = (UpdateStmt)s;
+ if (update.Lhss.Count != 0) {
+ wr.Write(" := ");
+ }
+ var sep = "";
+ foreach (var rhs in update.Rhss) {
+ wr.Write(sep);
+ PrintRhs(rhs);
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ } else if (s is AssignSuchThatStmt) {
+ var update = (AssignSuchThatStmt)s;
+ wr.Write(" :| ");
+ if (update.AssumeToken != null) {
+ wr.Write("assume ");
+ }
+ PrintExpression(update.Expr, true);
+ } else {
+ Contract.Assert(s == null); // otherwise, unknown type
+ }
+ }
+ void PrintIfStatement(int indent, IfStmt s, bool omitGuard) {
+ while (true) {
+ if (omitGuard) {
+ wr.Write("if ... ");
+ } else {
+ wr.Write("if ");
+ PrintGuard(s.Guard);
+ wr.Write(" ");
+ }
+ PrintStatement(s.Thn, indent);
+ if (s.Els == null) {
+ break;
+ }
+ wr.Write(" else ");
+ if (s.Els is IfStmt) {
+ s = (IfStmt)s.Els;
+ } else {
+ PrintStatement(s.Els, indent);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void PrintWhileStatement(int indent, WhileStmt s, bool omitGuard, bool omitBody) {
+ Contract.Requires(0 <= indent);
+ if (omitGuard) {
+ wr.WriteLine("while ...");
+ } else {
+ wr.Write("while ");
+ PrintGuard(s.Guard);
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ }
+ PrintSpec("invariant", s.Invariants, indent + IndentAmount, s.Body != null || omitBody || (s.Decreases.Expressions != null && s.Decreases.Expressions.Count != 0) || (s.Mod.Expressions != null && s.Mod.Expressions.Count != 0));
+ PrintDecreasesSpec(s.Decreases, indent + IndentAmount, s.Body != null || omitBody || (s.Mod.Expressions != null && s.Mod.Expressions.Count != 0));
+ if (s.Mod.Expressions != null) {
+ PrintFrameSpecLine("modifies", s.Mod.Expressions, indent + IndentAmount, s.Mod.HasAttributes() ? s.Mod.Attributes : null, s.Body != null || omitBody);
+ }
+ Indent(indent);
+ if (omitBody) {
+ wr.WriteLine("...;");
+ } else if (s.Body != null) {
+ PrintStatement(s.Body, indent);
+ }
+ }
+ void PrintAlternatives(int indent, List<GuardedAlternative> alternatives) {
+ int caseInd = indent + IndentAmount;
+ foreach (var alternative in alternatives) {
+ Indent(caseInd);
+ wr.Write("case ");
+ PrintExpression(alternative.Guard, false);
+ wr.WriteLine(" =>");
+ foreach (Statement s in alternative.Body) {
+ Indent(caseInd + IndentAmount);
+ PrintStatement(s, caseInd + IndentAmount);
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void PrintRhs(AssignmentRhs rhs) {
+ Contract.Requires(rhs != null);
+ if (rhs is ExprRhs) {
+ PrintExpression(((ExprRhs)rhs).Expr, true);
+ } else if (rhs is HavocRhs) {
+ wr.Write("*");
+ } else if (rhs is TypeRhs) {
+ TypeRhs t = (TypeRhs)rhs;
+ wr.Write("new ");
+ if (t.ArrayDimensions != null) {
+ PrintType(t.EType);
+ string s = "[";
+ foreach (Expression dim in t.ArrayDimensions) {
+ Contract.Assume(dim != null);
+ wr.Write(s);
+ PrintExpression(dim, false);
+ s = ", ";
+ }
+ wr.Write("]");
+ } else if (t.Arguments == null) {
+ PrintType(t.EType);
+ } else {
+ PrintType(t.Path);
+ wr.Write("(");
+ PrintExpressionList(t.Arguments, false);
+ wr.Write(")");
+ }
+ } else {
+ Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected RHS
+ }
+ if (rhs.HasAttributes())
+ {
+ PrintAttributes(rhs.Attributes);
+ }
+ }
+ void PrintGuard(Expression guard) {
+ if (guard == null) {
+ wr.Write("*");
+ } else {
+ PrintExpression(guard, false);
+ }
+ }
+ void PrintCalcOp(CalcStmt.CalcOp op) {
+ Contract.Requires(op != null);
+ wr.Write(op.ToString());
+ if (op is CalcStmt.TernaryCalcOp) {
+ wr.Write("[");
+ PrintExpression(((CalcStmt.TernaryCalcOp) op).Index, false);
+ wr.Write("]");
+ }
+ }
+ // ----------------------------- PrintExpression -----------------------------
+ /// <summary>
+ /// PrintExtendedExpr prints an expression, but formats top-level if-then-else and match expressions across several lines.
+ /// Its intended use is thus to print the body of a function.
+ /// </summary>
+ public void PrintExtendedExpr(Expression expr, int indent, bool isRightmost, bool endWithCloseParen) {
+ Contract.Requires(expr != null);
+ if (expr is ITEExpr) {
+ Indent(indent);
+ while (true) {
+ var ite = (ITEExpr)expr;
+ wr.Write("if ");
+ PrintExpression(ite.Test, false);
+ wr.WriteLine(" then");
+ PrintExtendedExpr(ite.Thn, indent + IndentAmount, true, false);
+ expr = ite.Els;
+ if (expr is ITEExpr) {
+ Indent(indent); wr.Write("else ");
+ } else {
+ Indent(indent); wr.WriteLine("else");
+ Indent(indent + IndentAmount);
+ PrintExpression(expr, isRightmost, false);
+ wr.WriteLine(endWithCloseParen ? ")" : "");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (expr is MatchExpr) {
+ var e = (MatchExpr)expr;
+ Indent(indent);
+ var parensNeeded = !isRightmost && !e.UsesOptionalBraces;
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ wr.Write("match ");
+ PrintExpression(e.Source, isRightmost && e.Cases.Count == 0, false);
+ if (e.UsesOptionalBraces) { wr.WriteLine(" {"); }
+ else if (parensNeeded && e.Cases.Count == 0) { wr.WriteLine(")"); }
+ else { wr.WriteLine(); }
+ int i = 0;
+ int ind = indent + (e.UsesOptionalBraces ? IndentAmount : 0);
+ foreach (var mc in e.Cases) {
+ bool isLastCase = i == e.Cases.Count - 1;
+ Indent(ind);
+ wr.Write("case {0}", mc.Id);
+ PrintMatchCaseArgument(mc);
+ wr.WriteLine(" =>");
+ PrintExtendedExpr(mc.Body, ind + IndentAmount, isLastCase, isLastCase && (parensNeeded || endWithCloseParen));
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (e.UsesOptionalBraces) {
+ Indent(indent);
+ wr.WriteLine("}");
+ }
+ } else if (expr is LetExpr) {
+ var e = (LetExpr)expr;
+ Indent(indent);
+ wr.Write("var ");
+ string sep = "";
+ foreach (var lhs in e.LHSs) {
+ wr.Write(sep);
+ PrintCasePattern(lhs);
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ if (e.Exact) {
+ wr.Write(" := ");
+ } else {
+ wr.Write(" :| ");
+ }
+ PrintExpressionList(e.RHSs, true);
+ wr.WriteLine(";");
+ PrintExtendedExpr(e.Body, indent, isRightmost, endWithCloseParen);
+ } else if (expr is ParensExpression) {
+ PrintExtendedExpr(((ParensExpression)expr).E, indent, isRightmost, endWithCloseParen);
+ } else {
+ Indent(indent);
+ PrintExpression(expr, false, indent);
+ wr.WriteLine(endWithCloseParen ? ")" : "");
+ }
+ }
+ public void PrintMatchCaseArgument(MatchCase mc) {
+ if (mc.Arguments != null) {
+ if (mc.Arguments.Count != 0) {
+ string sep = "(";
+ foreach (BoundVar bv in mc.Arguments) {
+ wr.Write("{0}{1}", sep, bv.DisplayName);
+ if (bv.Type is NonProxyType) {
+ wr.Write(": {0}", bv.Type);
+ }
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ wr.Write(")");
+ }
+ } else {
+ Contract.Assert(mc.CasePatterns != null);
+ if (mc.CasePatterns.Count != 0) {
+ string sep = "(";
+ foreach (var cp in mc.CasePatterns) {
+ wr.Write(sep);
+ PrintCasePattern(cp);
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ wr.Write(")");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void PrintExpression(Expression expr, bool isFollowedBySemicolon) {
+ Contract.Requires(expr != null);
+ PrintExpr(expr, 0, false, true, isFollowedBySemicolon, -1);
+ }
+ public void PrintExpression(Expression expr, bool isRightmost, bool isFollowedBySemicolon) {
+ Contract.Requires(expr != null);
+ PrintExpr(expr, 0, false, isRightmost, isFollowedBySemicolon, -1);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// An indent of -1 means print the entire expression on one line.
+ /// </summary>
+ public void PrintExpression(Expression expr, bool isFollowedBySemicolon, int indent) {
+ Contract.Requires(expr != null);
+ PrintExpr(expr, 0, false, true, isFollowedBySemicolon, indent);
+ }
+ private bool ParensNeeded(int opBindingStrength, int contextBindingStrength, bool fragileContext) {
+ return opBindingStrength < contextBindingStrength ||
+ (fragileContext && opBindingStrength == contextBindingStrength);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// An indent of -1 means print the entire expression on one line.
+ /// </summary>
+ void PrintExpr(Expression expr, int contextBindingStrength, bool fragileContext, bool isRightmost, bool isFollowedBySemicolon, int indent, int resolv_count = 2)
+ {
+ Contract.Requires(-1 <= indent);
+ Contract.Requires(expr != null);
+ /* When debugging:
+ if (resolv_count > 0 && expr.Resolved != null) {
+ PrintExpr(expr.Resolved, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext, isRightmost, isFollowedBySemicolon, indent, resolv_count - 1);
+ return;
+ }
+ */
+ if (expr is StaticReceiverExpr) {
+ StaticReceiverExpr e = (StaticReceiverExpr)expr;
+ wr.Write(e.Type);
+ } else if (expr is LiteralExpr) {
+ LiteralExpr e = (LiteralExpr)expr;
+ if (e.Value == null) {
+ wr.Write("null");
+ } else if (e.Value is bool) {
+ wr.Write((bool)e.Value ? "true" : "false");
+ } else if (e is CharLiteralExpr) {
+ wr.Write("'{0}'", (string)e.Value);
+ } else if (e is StringLiteralExpr) {
+ var str = (StringLiteralExpr)e;
+ wr.Write("{0}\"{1}\"", str.IsVerbatim ? "@" : "", (string)e.Value);
+ } else if (e.Value is Basetypes.BigDec) {
+ Basetypes.BigDec dec = (Basetypes.BigDec)e.Value;
+ wr.Write((dec.Mantissa >= 0) ? "" : "-");
+ string s = BigInteger.Abs(dec.Mantissa).ToString();
+ int digits = s.Length;
+ if (dec.Exponent >= 0) {
+ wr.Write("{0}{1}.0", s, new string('0', dec.Exponent));
+ } else {
+ int exp = -dec.Exponent;
+ if (exp < digits) {
+ int intDigits = digits - exp;
+ int fracDigits = digits - intDigits;
+ wr.Write("{0}.{1}", s.Substring(0, intDigits), s.Substring(intDigits, fracDigits));
+ } else {
+ int fracDigits = digits;
+ wr.Write("0.{0}{1}", new string('0', exp - fracDigits), s.Substring(0, fracDigits));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ wr.Write((BigInteger)e.Value);
+ }
+ } else if (expr is ThisExpr) {
+ wr.Write("this");
+ } else if (expr is IdentifierExpr) {
+ wr.Write(((IdentifierExpr)expr).Name);
+ } else if (expr is DatatypeValue) {
+ var dtv = (DatatypeValue)expr;
+ bool printParens;
+ if (dtv.MemberName == BuiltIns.TupleTypeCtorName) {
+ // we're looking at a tuple, whose printed constructor name is essentially the empty string
+ printParens = true;
+ } else {
+ wr.Write("{0}.{1}", dtv.DatatypeName, dtv.MemberName);
+ printParens = dtv.Arguments.Count != 0;
+ }
+ if (printParens) {
+ wr.Write("(");
+ PrintExpressionList(dtv.Arguments, false);
+ wr.Write(")");
+ }
+ } else if (expr is DisplayExpression) {
+ DisplayExpression e = (DisplayExpression)expr;
+ if (e is MultiSetDisplayExpr) {
+ wr.Write("multiset");
+ } else if (e is SetDisplayExpr && !((SetDisplayExpr)e).Finite) {
+ wr.Write("iset");
+ }
+ wr.Write(e is SetDisplayExpr || e is MultiSetDisplayExpr ? "{" : "[");
+ PrintExpressionList(e.Elements, false);
+ wr.Write(e is SetDisplayExpr || e is MultiSetDisplayExpr ? "}" : "]");
+ } else if (expr is MapDisplayExpr) {
+ MapDisplayExpr e = (MapDisplayExpr)expr;
+ wr.Write(e.Finite ? "map" : "imap");
+ wr.Write("[");
+ PrintExpressionPairList(e.Elements);
+ wr.Write("]");
+ } else if (expr is NameSegment) {
+ var e = (NameSegment)expr;
+ wr.Write(e.Name);
+ PrintTypeInstantiation(e.OptTypeArguments);
+ } else if (expr is ExprDotName) {
+ var e = (ExprDotName)expr;
+ // determine if parens are needed
+ int opBindingStrength = 0x70;
+ bool parensNeeded = !e.Lhs.IsImplicit && // KRML: I think that this never holds
+ ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ if (!e.Lhs.IsImplicit) {
+ PrintExpr(e.Lhs, opBindingStrength, false, false, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, -1);
+ wr.Write(".");
+ }
+ wr.Write(e.SuffixName);
+ PrintTypeInstantiation(e.OptTypeArguments);
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ } else if (expr is ApplySuffix) {
+ var e = (ApplySuffix)expr;
+ // determine if parens are needed
+ int opBindingStrength = 0x70;
+ bool parensNeeded = !e.Lhs.IsImplicit && // KRML: I think that this never holds
+ ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ if (ParensMayMatter(e.Lhs)) {
+ wr.Write("(");
+ PrintExpression(e.Lhs, false);
+ wr.Write(")");
+ } else {
+ PrintExpr(e.Lhs, opBindingStrength, false, false, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, -1);
+ }
+ wr.Write("(");
+ PrintExpressionList(e.Args, false);
+ wr.Write(")");
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ } else if (expr is MemberSelectExpr) {
+ MemberSelectExpr e = (MemberSelectExpr)expr;
+ // determine if parens are needed
+ int opBindingStrength = 0x70;
+ bool parensNeeded = !e.Obj.IsImplicit &&
+ ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ if (!(e.Obj.IsImplicit)) {
+ PrintExpr(e.Obj, opBindingStrength, false, false, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, -1);
+ wr.Write(".");
+ }
+ wr.Write(e.MemberName);
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ } else if (expr is SeqSelectExpr) {
+ SeqSelectExpr e = (SeqSelectExpr)expr;
+ // determine if parens are needed
+ int opBindingStrength = 0x70;
+ bool parensNeeded = ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ PrintExpr(e.Seq, opBindingStrength, false, false, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, indent);
+ wr.Write("[");
+ if (e.SelectOne) {
+ Contract.Assert( e.E0 != null);
+ PrintExpression(e.E0, false);
+ } else {
+ if (e.E0 != null) {
+ PrintExpression(e.E0, false);
+ }
+ wr.Write(e.E0 != null && e.E1 != null ? " .. " : "..");
+ if (e.E1 != null) {
+ PrintExpression(e.E1, false);
+ }
+ }
+ wr.Write("]");
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ } else if (expr is MultiSelectExpr) {
+ MultiSelectExpr e = (MultiSelectExpr)expr;
+ // determine if parens are needed
+ int opBindingStrength = 0x70;
+ bool parensNeeded = ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ PrintExpr(e.Array, opBindingStrength, false, false, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, indent);
+ string prefix = "[";
+ foreach (Expression idx in e.Indices) {
+ Contract.Assert(idx != null);
+ wr.Write(prefix);
+ PrintExpression(idx, false);
+ prefix = ", ";
+ }
+ wr.Write("]");
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ } else if (expr is SeqUpdateExpr) {
+ SeqUpdateExpr e = (SeqUpdateExpr)expr;
+ if (e.ResolvedUpdateExpr != null)
+ {
+ PrintExpr(e.ResolvedUpdateExpr, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext, isRightmost, isFollowedBySemicolon, indent);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // determine if parens are needed
+ int opBindingStrength = 0x70;
+ bool parensNeeded = ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ PrintExpr(e.Seq, opBindingStrength, false, false, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, indent);
+ wr.Write("[");
+ PrintExpression(e.Index, false);
+ wr.Write(" := ");
+ PrintExpression(e.Value, false);
+ wr.Write("]");
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ }
+ } else if (expr is ApplyExpr) {
+ var e = (ApplyExpr)expr;
+ // determine if parens are needed
+ int opBindingStrength = 0x70;
+ bool parensNeeded = ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ PrintExpr(e.Function, opBindingStrength, false, false, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, -1);
+ wr.Write("(");
+ PrintExpressionList(e.Args, false);
+ wr.Write(")");
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ } else if (expr is FunctionCallExpr) {
+ var e = (FunctionCallExpr)expr;
+ // determine if parens are needed
+ int opBindingStrength = 0x70;
+ bool parensNeeded = !(e.Receiver.IsImplicit) &&
+ ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ if (!e.Receiver.IsImplicit) {
+ PrintExpr(e.Receiver, opBindingStrength, false, false, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, -1);
+ wr.Write(".");
+ }
+ wr.Write(e.Name);
+ /* When debugging, this is nice to have:
+ if (e.TypeArgumentSubstitutions.Count > 0) {
+ wr.Write("[");
+ wr.Write(Util.Comma(",", e.TypeArgumentSubstitutions, kv => kv.Key.FullName() + "->" + kv.Value));
+ wr.Write("]");
+ }
+ */
+ if (e.OpenParen == null && e.Args.Count == 0) {
+ } else {
+ PrintActualArguments(e.Args, e.Name);
+ }
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ } else if (expr is OldExpr) {
+ wr.Write("old(");
+ PrintExpression(((OldExpr)expr).E, false);
+ wr.Write(")");
+ } else if (expr is MultiSetFormingExpr) {
+ wr.Write("multiset(");
+ PrintExpression(((MultiSetFormingExpr)expr).E, false);
+ wr.Write(")");
+ } else if (expr is UnaryOpExpr) {
+ var e = (UnaryOpExpr)expr;
+ if (e.Op == UnaryOpExpr.Opcode.Cardinality) {
+ wr.Write("|");
+ PrintExpression(e.E, false);
+ wr.Write("|");
+ } else if (e.Op == UnaryOpExpr.Opcode.Fresh) {
+ wr.Write("fresh(");
+ PrintExpression(e.E, false);
+ wr.Write(")");
+ } else {
+ // Prefix operator.
+ // determine if parens are needed
+ string op;
+ int opBindingStrength;
+ switch (e.Op) {
+ case UnaryOpExpr.Opcode.Not:
+ op = "!"; opBindingStrength = 0x60; break;
+ default:
+ Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected unary opcode
+ }
+ bool parensNeeded = ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
+ bool containsNestedNot = e.E is ParensExpression &&
+ ((ParensExpression)e.E).E is UnaryExpr &&
+ ((UnaryOpExpr)((ParensExpression)e.E).E).Op == UnaryOpExpr.Opcode.Not;
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ wr.Write(op);
+ PrintExpr(e.E, opBindingStrength, containsNestedNot, parensNeeded || isRightmost, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, -1);
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ }
+ } else if (expr is ConversionExpr) {
+ var e = (ConversionExpr)expr;
+ PrintType(e.ToType);
+ wr.Write("(");
+ PrintExpression(e.E, false);
+ wr.Write(")");
+ } else if (expr is BinaryExpr) {
+ BinaryExpr e = (BinaryExpr)expr;
+ // determine if parens are needed
+ int opBindingStrength;
+ bool fragileLeftContext = false; // false means "allow same binding power on left without parens"
+ bool fragileRightContext = false; // false means "allow same binding power on right without parens"
+ switch (e.Op)
+ {
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Add:
+ opBindingStrength = 0x40; break;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Sub:
+ opBindingStrength = 0x40; fragileRightContext = true; break;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Mul:
+ opBindingStrength = 0x50; break;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Div:
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Mod:
+ opBindingStrength = 0x50; fragileRightContext = true; break;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Eq:
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Neq:
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Gt:
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Ge:
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Lt:
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Le:
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Disjoint:
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.In:
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.NotIn:
+ opBindingStrength = 0x30; fragileLeftContext = fragileRightContext = true; break;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.And:
+ opBindingStrength = 0x20; break;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Or:
+ opBindingStrength = 0x21; break;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Imp:
+ opBindingStrength = 0x10; fragileLeftContext = true; break;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Exp:
+ opBindingStrength = 0x11; fragileRightContext = true; break;
+ case BinaryExpr.Opcode.Iff:
+ opBindingStrength = 0x08; break;
+ default:
+ Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected binary operator
+ }
+ int opBS = opBindingStrength & 0xF8;
+ int ctxtBS = contextBindingStrength & 0xF8;
+ bool parensNeeded = opBS < ctxtBS ||
+ (opBS == ctxtBS && (opBindingStrength != contextBindingStrength || fragileContext));
+ string op = BinaryExpr.OpcodeString(e.Op);
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ var sem = !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon;
+ if (0 <= indent && e.Op == BinaryExpr.Opcode.And) {
+ PrintExpr(e.E0, opBindingStrength, fragileLeftContext, false, sem, indent);
+ wr.WriteLine(" {0}", op);
+ Indent(indent);
+ PrintExpr(e.E1, opBindingStrength, fragileRightContext, parensNeeded || isRightmost, sem, indent);
+ } else if (0 <= indent && e.Op == BinaryExpr.Opcode.Imp) {
+ PrintExpr(e.E0, opBindingStrength, fragileLeftContext, false, sem, indent);
+ wr.WriteLine(" {0}", op);
+ int ind = indent + IndentAmount;
+ Indent(ind);
+ PrintExpr(e.E1, opBindingStrength, fragileRightContext, parensNeeded || isRightmost, sem, ind);
+ } else if (0 <= indent && e.Op == BinaryExpr.Opcode.Exp) {
+ PrintExpr(e.E1, opBindingStrength, fragileLeftContext, false, sem, indent);
+ wr.WriteLine(" {0}", op);
+ int ind = indent + IndentAmount;
+ Indent(ind);
+ PrintExpr(e.E0, opBindingStrength, fragileRightContext, parensNeeded || isRightmost, sem, ind);
+ } else if (e.Op == BinaryExpr.Opcode.Exp) {
+ PrintExpr(e.E1, opBindingStrength, fragileLeftContext, false, sem, -1);
+ wr.Write(" {0} ", op);
+ PrintExpr(e.E0, opBindingStrength, fragileRightContext, parensNeeded || isRightmost, sem, -1);
+ } else {
+ PrintExpr(e.E0, opBindingStrength, fragileLeftContext, false, sem, -1);
+ wr.Write(" {0} ", op);
+ PrintExpr(e.E1, opBindingStrength, fragileRightContext, parensNeeded || isRightmost, sem, -1);
+ }
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ } else if (expr is TernaryExpr) {
+ var e = (TernaryExpr)expr;
+ switch (e.Op) {
+ case TernaryExpr.Opcode.PrefixEqOp:
+ case TernaryExpr.Opcode.PrefixNeqOp:
+ var opBindingStrength = 0x30;
+ var fragileLeftContext = true;
+ var fragileRightContext = true;
+ int opBS = opBindingStrength & 0xF8;
+ int ctxtBS = contextBindingStrength & 0xF8;
+ bool parensNeeded = opBS < ctxtBS ||
+ (opBS == ctxtBS && (opBindingStrength != contextBindingStrength || fragileContext));
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ var sem = !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon;
+ PrintExpr(e.E1, opBindingStrength, fragileLeftContext, false, sem, -1);
+ wr.Write(" {0}#[", e.Op == TernaryExpr.Opcode.PrefixEqOp ? "==" : "!=");
+ PrintExpression(e.E0, false);
+ wr.Write("] ");
+ PrintExpr(e.E2, opBindingStrength, fragileRightContext, parensNeeded || isRightmost, sem, -1);
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ break;
+ default:
+ Contract.Assert(false); // unexpected ternary operator
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (expr is ChainingExpression) {
+ var e = (ChainingExpression)expr;
+ // determine if parens are needed
+ int opBindingStrength = 0x30;
+ int opBS = opBindingStrength & 0xF8;
+ int ctxtBS = contextBindingStrength & 0xF8;
+ bool parensNeeded = opBS < ctxtBS ||
+ (opBS == ctxtBS && (opBindingStrength != contextBindingStrength || fragileContext));
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ var sem = !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon;
+ PrintExpr(e.Operands[0], opBindingStrength, true, false, sem, -1);
+ for (int i = 0; i < e.Operators.Count; i++) {
+ string op = BinaryExpr.OpcodeString(e.Operators[i]);
+ if (e.PrefixLimits[i] == null) {
+ wr.Write(" {0} ", op);
+ } else {
+ wr.Write(" {0}#[", op);
+ PrintExpression(e.PrefixLimits[i], false);
+ wr.Write("] ");
+ }
+ PrintExpr(e.Operands[i+1], opBindingStrength, true, i == e.Operators.Count - 1 && (parensNeeded || isRightmost), sem, -1);
+ }
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ } else if (expr is LetExpr) {
+ var e = (LetExpr)expr;
+ bool parensNeeded = !isRightmost;
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ wr.Write("var ");
+ string sep = "";
+ foreach (var lhs in e.LHSs) {
+ wr.Write(sep);
+ PrintCasePattern(lhs);
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ if (e.Exact) {
+ wr.Write(" := ");
+ } else {
+ wr.Write(" :| ");
+ }
+ PrintExpressionList(e.RHSs, true);
+ wr.Write("; ");
+ PrintExpression(e.Body, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ } else if (expr is QuantifierExpr) {
+ QuantifierExpr e = (QuantifierExpr)expr;
+ if (DafnyOptions.O.DafnyPrintResolvedFile != null && e.SplitQuantifier != null) {
+ PrintExpr(e.SplitQuantifierExpression, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext, isRightmost, isFollowedBySemicolon, indent, resolv_count);
+ return;
+ }
+ bool parensNeeded = !isRightmost;
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ wr.Write(e is ForallExpr ? "forall" : "exists");
+ PrintTypeParams(e.TypeArgs); // new!
+ wr.Write(" ");
+ PrintQuantifierDomain(e.BoundVars, e.Attributes, e.Range);
+ wr.Write(" :: ");
+ if (0 <= indent) {
+ int ind = indent + IndentAmount;
+ wr.WriteLine();
+ Indent(ind);
+ PrintExpression(e.Term, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, ind);
+ } else {
+ PrintExpression(e.Term, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
+ }
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ } else if (expr is NamedExpr) {
+ var e = (NamedExpr)expr;
+ wr.Write("expr {0}: ", e.Name);
+ PrintExpression(e.Body, isFollowedBySemicolon);
+ } else if (expr is SetComprehension) {
+ var e = (SetComprehension)expr;
+ bool parensNeeded = !isRightmost;
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ wr.Write("set ");
+ string sep = "";
+ foreach (BoundVar bv in e.BoundVars) {
+ wr.Write("{0}{1}", sep, bv.DisplayName);
+ sep = ", ";
+ PrintType(": ", bv.Type);
+ }
+ PrintAttributes(e.Attributes);
+ wr.Write(" | ");
+ PrintExpression(e.Range, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
+ if (!e.TermIsImplicit) {
+ wr.Write(" :: ");
+ PrintExpression(e.Term, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
+ }
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ } else if (expr is MapComprehension) {
+ var e = (MapComprehension)expr;
+ bool parensNeeded = !isRightmost;
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ wr.Write(e.Finite ? "map " : "imap ");
+ string sep = "";
+ foreach (BoundVar bv in e.BoundVars) {
+ wr.Write("{0}{1}", sep, bv.DisplayName);
+ sep = ", ";
+ PrintType(": ", bv.Type);
+ }
+ PrintAttributes(e.Attributes);
+ wr.Write(" | ");
+ PrintExpression(e.Range, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
+ wr.Write(" :: ");
+ PrintExpression(e.Term, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ } else if (expr is LambdaExpr) {
+ var e = (LambdaExpr)expr;
+ bool parensNeeded = !isRightmost;
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ var skipSignatureParens = e.BoundVars.Count == 1 && e.BoundVars[0].Type is InferredTypeProxy;
+ if (!skipSignatureParens) { wr.Write("("); }
+ wr.Write(Util.Comma(", ", e.BoundVars, bv => bv.DisplayName + (bv.Type is InferredTypeProxy ? "" : ": " + bv.Type)));
+ if (!skipSignatureParens) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ if (e.Range != null) {
+ wr.Write(" requires ");
+ PrintExpression(e.Range, false);
+ }
+ foreach (var read in e.Reads) {
+ wr.Write(" reads ");
+ PrintExpression(read.E, false);
+ }
+ wr.Write(e.OneShot ? " -> " : " => ");
+ PrintExpression(e.Body, isFollowedBySemicolon);
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ } else if (expr is WildcardExpr) {
+ wr.Write("*");
+ } else if (expr is StmtExpr) {
+ var e = (StmtExpr)expr;
+ bool parensNeeded;
+ if (e.S is AssertStmt || e.S is AssumeStmt || e.S is CalcStmt) {
+ parensNeeded = !isRightmost;
+ } else {
+ parensNeeded = !isRightmost || isFollowedBySemicolon;
+ }
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ int ind = indent < 0 ? IndentAmount : indent; // if the expression was to be printed on one line, instead print the .S part at indentation IndentAmount (not pretty, but something)
+ PrintStatement(e.S, ind);
+ wr.Write(" ");
+ PrintExpression(e.E, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ } else if (expr is ITEExpr) {
+ ITEExpr ite = (ITEExpr)expr;
+ bool parensNeeded = !isRightmost;
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ wr.Write("if ");
+ PrintExpression(ite.Test, false);
+ wr.Write(" then ");
+ PrintExpression(ite.Thn, false);
+ wr.Write(" else ");
+ PrintExpression(ite.Els, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ } else if (expr is ParensExpression) {
+ var e = (ParensExpression)expr;
+ // printing of parentheses is done optimally, not according to the parentheses in the given program
+ PrintExpr(e.E, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext, isRightmost, isFollowedBySemicolon, indent);
+ } else if (expr is NegationExpression) {
+ var e = (NegationExpression)expr;
+ string op = "-";
+ int opBindingStrength = 0x60;
+ bool parensNeeded = ParensNeeded(opBindingStrength, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext);
+ bool containsNestedNegation = e.E is ParensExpression && ((ParensExpression)e.E).E is NegationExpression;
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ wr.Write(op);
+ PrintExpr(e.E, opBindingStrength, containsNestedNegation, parensNeeded || isRightmost, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon, -1);
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ } else if (expr is MatchExpr) {
+ var e = (MatchExpr)expr;
+ var parensNeeded = !isRightmost && !e.UsesOptionalBraces;
+ if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write("("); }
+ wr.Write("match ");
+ PrintExpression(e.Source, isRightmost && e.Cases.Count == 0, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
+ if (e.UsesOptionalBraces) { wr.Write(" {"); }
+ int i = 0;
+ foreach (var mc in e.Cases) {
+ bool isLastCase = i == e.Cases.Count - 1;
+ wr.Write(" case {0}", mc.Id);
+ PrintMatchCaseArgument(mc);
+ wr.Write(" => ");
+ PrintExpression(mc.Body, isRightmost && isLastCase, !parensNeeded && isFollowedBySemicolon);
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (e.UsesOptionalBraces) { wr.Write(" }"); }
+ else if (parensNeeded) { wr.Write(")"); }
+ } else if (expr is BoxingCastExpr) {
+ // this is not expected for a parsed program, but we may be called for /trace purposes in the translator
+ var e = (BoxingCastExpr)expr;
+ PrintExpr(e.E, contextBindingStrength, fragileContext, isRightmost, isFollowedBySemicolon, indent);
+ } else if (expr is Translator.BoogieWrapper) {
+ wr.Write("[BoogieWrapper]"); // this is somewhat unexpected, but we can get here if the /trace switch is used, so it seems best to cover this case here
+ } else {
+ Contract.Assert(false); throw new cce.UnreachableException(); // unexpected expression
+ }
+ }
+ bool ParensMayMatter(Expression expr) {
+ Contract.Requires(expr != null);
+ int parenPairs = 0;
+ for (; expr is ParensExpression; parenPairs++) {
+ expr = ((ParensExpression)expr).E;
+ }
+ // If the program were resolved, we could be more precise than the following (in particular, looking
+ // to see if expr denotes a MemberSelectExpr of a member that is a Function.
+ return parenPairs != 0 && (expr is NameSegment || expr is ExprDotName);
+ }
+ void PrintCasePattern(CasePattern pat) {
+ Contract.Requires(pat != null);
+ var v = pat.Var;
+ if (v != null) {
+ wr.Write(v.DisplayName);
+ if (v.Type is NonProxyType || DafnyOptions.O.DafnyPrintResolvedFile != null) {
+ PrintType(": ", v.Type);
+ }
+ } else {
+ wr.Write(pat.Id);
+ if (pat.Arguments != null) {
+ wr.Write("(");
+ var sep = "";
+ foreach (var arg in pat.Arguments) {
+ wr.Write(sep);
+ PrintCasePattern(arg);
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ wr.Write(")");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void PrintQuantifierDomain(List<BoundVar> boundVars, Attributes attrs, Expression range) {
+ Contract.Requires(boundVars != null);
+ string sep = "";
+ foreach (BoundVar bv in boundVars) {
+ wr.Write("{0}{1}", sep, bv.DisplayName);
+ PrintType(": ", bv.Type);
+ sep = ", ";
+ }
+ PrintAttributes(attrs);
+ if (range != null) {
+ wr.Write(" | ");
+ PrintExpression(range, false);
+ }
+ }
+ void PrintActualArguments(List<Expression> args, string name) {
+ Contract.Requires(args != null);
+ Contract.Requires(name != null);
+ if (name.EndsWith("#")) {
+ wr.Write("[");
+ PrintExpression(args[0], false);
+ wr.Write("]");
+ args = new List<Expression>(args.Skip(1));
+ }
+ wr.Write("(");
+ PrintExpressionList(args, false);
+ wr.Write(")");
+ }
+ void PrintExpressionList(List<Expression> exprs, bool isFollowedBySemicolon) {
+ Contract.Requires(exprs != null);
+ string sep = "";
+ foreach (Expression e in exprs) {
+ Contract.Assert(e != null);
+ wr.Write(sep);
+ sep = ", ";
+ PrintExpression(e, isFollowedBySemicolon);
+ }
+ }
+ void PrintExpressionPairList(List<ExpressionPair> exprs) {
+ Contract.Requires(exprs != null);
+ string sep = "";
+ foreach (ExpressionPair p in exprs) {
+ Contract.Assert(p != null);
+ wr.Write(sep);
+ sep = ", ";
+ PrintExpression(p.A, false);
+ wr.Write(":=");
+ PrintExpression(p.B, false);
+ }
+ }
+ void PrintFrameExpressionList(List<FrameExpression/*!*/>/*!*/ fexprs) {
+ Contract.Requires(fexprs != null);
+ string sep = "";
+ foreach (FrameExpression fe in fexprs) {
+ Contract.Assert(fe != null);
+ wr.Write(sep);
+ sep = ", ";
+ PrintExpression(fe.E, true);
+ if (fe.FieldName != null) {
+ wr.Write("`{0}", fe.FieldName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }