path: root/Util/VS2010/DafnyExtension/DafnyExtension/TokenTagger.cs
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authorGravatar Rustan Leino <>2012-10-04 13:32:50 -0700
committerGravatar Rustan Leino <>2012-10-04 13:32:50 -0700
commit8911e5c95d4715c2e2626aef67f19793d6f43201 (patch)
treed703bfd931802e780430e32f1339cf77adc342a4 /Util/VS2010/DafnyExtension/DafnyExtension/TokenTagger.cs
parent1c375d1889e628fcd2a1a0fc041673a5f4230d84 (diff)
Put all sources under \Source directory
Diffstat (limited to 'Util/VS2010/DafnyExtension/DafnyExtension/TokenTagger.cs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 342 deletions
diff --git a/Util/VS2010/DafnyExtension/DafnyExtension/TokenTagger.cs b/Util/VS2010/DafnyExtension/DafnyExtension/TokenTagger.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f295429..00000000
--- a/Util/VS2010/DafnyExtension/DafnyExtension/TokenTagger.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
-using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
-using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Classification;
-using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor;
-using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Tagging;
-using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities;
-using Dafny = Microsoft.Dafny;
-namespace DafnyLanguage
- [Export(typeof(ITaggerProvider))]
- [ContentType("dafny")]
- [TagType(typeof(DafnyTokenTag))]
- internal sealed class DafnyTokenTagProvider : ITaggerProvider
- {
- public ITagger<T> CreateTagger<T>(ITextBuffer buffer) where T : ITag {
- return new DafnyTokenTagger(buffer) as ITagger<T>;
- }
- }
- public enum DafnyTokenKinds
- {
- Keyword, Number, String, Comment,
- VariableIdentifier, VariableIdentifierDefinition
- }
- public class DafnyTokenTag : ITag
- {
- public DafnyTokenKinds Kind { get; private set; }
- public string HoverText { get; private set; }
- public DafnyTokenTag(DafnyTokenKinds kind) {
- this.Kind = kind;
- }
- public DafnyTokenTag(DafnyTokenKinds kind, string hoverText) {
- this.Kind = kind;
- this.HoverText = hoverText;
- }
- }
- internal sealed class DafnyTokenTagger : ITagger<DafnyTokenTag>
- {
- ITextBuffer _buffer;
- ITextSnapshot _snapshot;
- List<DRegion> _regions;
- internal DafnyTokenTagger(ITextBuffer buffer) {
- _buffer = buffer;
- _snapshot = buffer.CurrentSnapshot;
- _regions = Rescan(_snapshot);
- _buffer.Changed += new EventHandler<TextContentChangedEventArgs>(ReparseFile);
- }
- public event EventHandler<SnapshotSpanEventArgs> TagsChanged;
- public IEnumerable<ITagSpan<DafnyTokenTag>> GetTags(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection spans) {
- if (spans.Count == 0)
- yield break;
- List<DRegion> currentRegions = _regions;
- ITextSnapshot currentSnapshot = _snapshot;
- // create a new SnapshotSpan for the entire region encompassed by the span collection
- SnapshotSpan entire = new SnapshotSpan(spans[0].Start, spans[spans.Count - 1].End).TranslateTo(currentSnapshot, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive);
- // return tags for any regions that fall within that span
- // BUGBUG: depending on how GetTags gets called (e.g., once for each line in the buffer), this may produce quadratic behavior
- foreach (var region in currentRegions) {
- if (entire.IntersectsWith(region.Span)) {
- yield return new TagSpan<DafnyTokenTag>(new SnapshotSpan(region.Start, region.End), new DafnyTokenTag(region.Kind));
- }
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Find all of the tag regions in the document (snapshot) and notify
- /// listeners of any that changed
- /// </summary>
- void ReparseFile(object sender, TextContentChangedEventArgs args) {
- ITextSnapshot snapshot = _buffer.CurrentSnapshot;
- if (snapshot == _snapshot)
- return; // we've already computed the regions for this snapshot
- // get all of the outline regions in the snapshot
- List<DRegion> newRegions = Rescan(snapshot);
- // determine the changed span, and send a changed event with the new spans
- List<SnapshotSpan> oldSpans = new List<SnapshotSpan>(_regions.Select(r =>
- r.Span.TranslateTo(snapshot, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive)));
- List<SnapshotSpan> newSpans = new List<SnapshotSpan>(newRegions.Select(r => r.Span));
- NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection oldSpanCollection = new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(oldSpans);
- NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection newSpanCollection = new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(newSpans);
- NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection difference = SymmetricDifference(oldSpanCollection, newSpanCollection);
- // save the new baseline
- _snapshot = snapshot;
- _regions = newRegions;
- var chng = TagsChanged;
- if (chng != null) {
- foreach (var span in difference) {
- chng(this, new SnapshotSpanEventArgs(span));
- }
- }
- }
- NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection SymmetricDifference(NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection first, NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection second) {
- return NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection.Union(
- NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection.Difference(first, second),
- NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection.Difference(second, first));
- }
- private static List<DRegion> Rescan(ITextSnapshot newSnapshot) {
- List<DRegion> newRegions = new List<DRegion>();
- bool stillScanningLongComment = false;
- SnapshotPoint commentStart = new SnapshotPoint(); // used only when stillScanningLongComment
- SnapshotPoint commentEndAsWeKnowIt = new SnapshotPoint(); // used only when stillScanningLongComment
- foreach (ITextSnapshotLine line in newSnapshot.Lines) {
- string txt = line.GetText(); // the current line (without linebreak characters)
- int N = txt.Length; // length of the current line
- int cur = 0; // offset into the current line
- if (stillScanningLongComment) {
- if (ScanForEndOfComment(txt, ref cur)) {
- newRegions.Add(new DRegion(commentStart, new SnapshotPoint(newSnapshot, line.Start + cur), DafnyTokenKinds.Comment));
- stillScanningLongComment = false;
- } else {
- commentEndAsWeKnowIt = new SnapshotPoint(newSnapshot, line.Start + cur);
- }
- }
- // repeatedly get the remaining tokens from this line
- int end; // offset into the current line
- for (; ; cur = end) {
- // advance to the first character of a keyword or token
- DafnyTokenKinds ty = DafnyTokenKinds.Keyword;
- for (; ; cur++) {
- if (N <= cur) {
- // we've looked at everything in this line
- }
- char ch = txt[cur];
- if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') break;
- if ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') break;
- if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') { ty = DafnyTokenKinds.Number; break; }
- if (ch == '"') { ty = DafnyTokenKinds.String; break; }
- if (ch == '/') { ty = DafnyTokenKinds.Comment; break; }
- if (ch == '\'' || ch == '_' || ch == '?' || ch == '\\') break; // parts of identifiers
- }
- // advance to the end of the token
- end = cur + 1; // offset into the current line
- if (ty == DafnyTokenKinds.Number) {
- // scan the rest of this number
- for (; end < N; end++) {
- char ch = txt[end];
- if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') {
- } else break;
- }
- } else if (ty == DafnyTokenKinds.String) {
- // scan the rest of this string, but not past the end-of-line
- for (; end < N; end++) {
- char ch = txt[end];
- if (ch == '"') {
- end++; break;
- } else if (ch == '\\') {
- // escape sequence
- end++;
- if (end == N) { break; }
- ch = txt[end];
- if (ch == 'u') {
- end += 4;
- if (N <= end) { end = N; break; }
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (ty == DafnyTokenKinds.Comment) {
- if (end == N) continue; // this was not the start of a comment
- char ch = txt[end];
- if (ch == '/') {
- // a short comment
- end = N;
- } else if (ch == '*') {
- // a long comment; find the matching "*/"
- end++;
- commentStart = new SnapshotPoint(newSnapshot, line.Start + cur);
- if (ScanForEndOfComment(txt, ref end)) {
- newRegions.Add(new DRegion(commentStart, new SnapshotPoint(newSnapshot, line.Start + end), DafnyTokenKinds.Comment));
- } else {
- stillScanningLongComment = true;
- commentEndAsWeKnowIt = new SnapshotPoint(newSnapshot, line.Start + end);
- }
- continue;
- } else {
- // not a comment
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- int trailingDigits = 0;
- for (; end < N; end++) {
- char ch = txt[end];
- if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') {
- trailingDigits = 0;
- } else if ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') {
- trailingDigits = 0;
- } else if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') {
- trailingDigits++;
- } else if (ch == '\'' || ch == '_' || ch == '?' || ch == '\\') {
- trailingDigits = 0;
- } else break;
- }
- // we have a keyword or an identifier
- string s = txt.Substring(cur, end - cur);
- if (0 < trailingDigits && s.Length == 5 + trailingDigits && s.StartsWith("array") && s[5] != '0' && (trailingDigits != 1 || s[5] != '1')) {
- // this is a keyword (array2, array3, ...)
- } else {
- switch (s) {
- #region keywords
- case "allocated":
- case "array":
- case "as":
- case "assert":
- case "assume":
- case "bool":
- case "break":
- case "calc":
- case "case":
- case "choose":
- case "class":
- case "codatatype":
- case "constructor":
- case "copredicate":
- case "datatype":
- case "decreases":
- case "else":
- case "ensures":
- case "exists":
- case "false":
- case "forall":
- case "free":
- case "fresh":
- case "function":
- case "ghost":
- case "if":
- case "import":
- case "in":
- case "int":
- case "invariant":
- case "iterator":
- case "label":
- case "match":
- case "method":
- case "modifies":
- case "module":
- case "multiset":
- case "nat":
- case "new":
- case "null":
- case "object":
- case "old":
- case "opened":
- case "parallel":
- case "predicate":
- case "print":
- case "reads":
- case "refines":
- case "requires":
- case "result":
- case "return":
- case "returns":
- case "seq":
- case "set":
- case "static":
- case "then":
- case "this":
- case "true":
- case "type":
- case "var":
- case "while":
- case "yield":
- case "yields":
- #endregion
- break;
- default:
- continue; // it was an identifier
- }
- }
- }
- newRegions.Add(new DRegion(new SnapshotPoint(newSnapshot, line.Start + cur), new SnapshotPoint(newSnapshot, line.Start + end), ty));
- }
- }
- if (stillScanningLongComment) {
- newRegions.Add(new DRegion(commentStart, commentEndAsWeKnowIt, DafnyTokenKinds.Comment));
- }
- return newRegions;
- }
- private static bool ScanForEndOfComment(string txt, ref int end) {
- int N = txt.Length;
- for (; end < N; end++) {
- char ch = txt[end];
- if (ch == '*' && end + 1 < N) {
- ch = txt[end + 1];
- if (ch == '/') {
- end += 2;
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false; // hit end-of-line without finding end-of-comment
- }
- }
- internal class DRegion
- {
- public SnapshotPoint Start { get; private set; }
- public SnapshotPoint End { get; private set; }
- public SnapshotSpan Span {
- get { return new SnapshotSpan(Start, End); }
- }
- public DafnyTokenKinds Kind { get; private set; }
- public DRegion(SnapshotPoint start, SnapshotPoint end, DafnyTokenKinds kind) {
- Start = start;
- End = end;
- Kind = kind;
- }
- }