path: root/Test/dafny4/UnionFind.dfy
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authorGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2016-05-30 17:58:02 -0400
committerGravatar Benjamin Barenblat <>2016-05-30 17:58:02 -0400
commite67c951ad9c5c637e36a6f025ba3d6e3ad945416 (patch)
tree0cfb5c339602e4bdebf4bf97f3f0ccc3923c14d1 /Test/dafny4/UnionFind.dfy
parent000aa762e1fee4b9bd83ec3d7c8b61fd203e2c9d (diff)
parentdf5c5f547990c1f80ab7594a1f9287ee03a61754 (diff)
Merge commit 'df5c5f5'
Diffstat (limited to 'Test/dafny4/UnionFind.dfy')
1 files changed, 332 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Test/dafny4/UnionFind.dfy b/Test/dafny4/UnionFind.dfy
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c4b4cfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/dafny4/UnionFind.dfy
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+// RUN: %dafny /rprint:"%t.rprint" /autoTriggers:1 "%s" > "%t"
+// RUN: %diff "%s.expect" "%t"
+// Rustan Leino, Nov 2015
+// Module M0 gives the high-level specification of the UnionFind data structure
+abstract module M0 {
+ class Element { }
+ class {:autocontracts} UnionFind {
+ ghost var M: map<Element, Element>
+ protected predicate Valid()
+ reads this, Repr
+ constructor ()
+ ensures M == map[]
+ {
+ Repr, M:= {this}, map[];
+ }
+ method New() returns (e: Element)
+ ensures old(e !in M && forall e' :: e' in M ==> M[e'] != e)
+ ensures M == old(M)[e := e]
+ method Find(e: Element) returns (r: Element)
+ requires e in M
+ ensures M == old(M) && M[e] == r
+ method Union(e0: Element, e1: Element) returns (ghost r: Element)
+ requires e0 in M && e1 in M
+ ensures r in old(M) && old(M[r] == M[e0] || M[r] == M[e1])
+ ensures M == map e | e in old(M) :: old(if M[e] == M[e0] || M[e] == M[e1] then r else M[e])
+ }
+// Module M1 gives the concrete data structure used in UnionFind, along with the invariant of
+// that data structure. It also implements the New method and, by declaring a new method Join,
+// the Union method.
+abstract module M1 refines M0 {
+ datatype Contents = Root(depth: nat) | Link(next: Element)
+ class Element {
+ var c: Contents
+ }
+ type CMap = map<Element, Contents>
+ predicate GoodCMap(C: CMap)
+ {
+ null !in C && forall f :: f in C && C[f].Link? ==> C[f].next in C
+ }
+ class UnionFind {
+ protected predicate Valid...
+ {
+ (forall e :: e in M ==> e in Repr && M[e] in M && M[M[e]] == M[e]) &&
+ (forall e :: e in M && e.c.Link? ==> in M) &&
+ (forall e :: e in M ==> M[e].c.Root? && Reaches(M[e].c.depth, e, M[e], Collect()))
+ }
+ // This function returns a snapshot of the .c fields of the objects in the domain of M
+ function Collect(): CMap
+ requires null !in M && forall f :: f in M && f.c.Link? ==> in M
+ reads this, set a | a in M
+ ensures GoodCMap(Collect())
+ {
+ map e | e in M :: e.c
+ }
+ predicate Reaches(d: nat, e: Element, r: Element, C: CMap)
+ requires GoodCMap(C)
+ requires e in C
+ {
+ match C[e]
+ case Root(_) => e == r
+ case Link(next) => d != 0 && Reaches(d-1, next, r, C)
+ }
+ lemma {:autocontracts false} Reaches_Monotonic(d: nat, e: Element, r: Element, C: CMap, C': CMap)
+ requires GoodCMap(C) && GoodCMap(C')
+ requires e in C
+ requires Reaches(d, e, r, C) && forall f :: f in C ==> f in C' && C[f] == C'[f]
+ ensures Reaches(d, e, r, C')
+ {
+ }
+ method New...
+ {
+ e := new Element;
+ e.c := Root(0);
+ Repr := Repr + {e};
+ M := M[e := e];
+ assert Reaches(0, e, e, Collect());
+ forall f | f in M
+ ensures M[f].c.Root? && Reaches(M[f].c.depth, f, M[f], Collect())
+ {
+ if f != e {
+ Reaches_Monotonic(M[f].c.depth, f, M[f], old(Collect()), Collect());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ method Union...
+ {
+ var r0 := Find(e0);
+ var r1 := Find(e1);
+ r := Join(r0, r1);
+ }
+ method Join(r0: Element, r1: Element) returns (ghost r: Element)
+ requires r0 in M && r1 in M && M[r0] == r0 && M[r1] == r1
+ ensures r == r0 || r == r1
+ ensures M == map e | e in old(M) :: old(if M[e] == r0 || M[e] == r1 then r else M[e])
+ }
+ // stupid help lemma to get around boxing
+ lemma MapsEqual<D>(m: map<D, D>, n: map<D, D>)
+ requires forall d :: d in m <==> d in n;
+ requires forall d :: d in m ==> m[d] == n[d]
+ ensures m == n
+ {
+ }
+// Module M2 adds the implementation of Find, together with the proofs needed for the verification.
+abstract module M2 refines M1 {
+ class UnionFind {
+ method Find...
+ {
+ r := FindAux(M[e].c.depth, e);
+ }
+ lemma NextReachesSame(e: Element)
+ requires e in M && e.c.Link?
+ ensures M[e] == M[]
+ {
+ var next :=;
+ var d0, d1 := M[e].c.depth, M[next].c.depth;
+ assert Reaches(d0 - 1, next, M[e], Collect());
+ assert Reaches(d1, next, M[next], Collect());
+ Reaches_SinkIsFunctionOfStart(d0 - 1, d1, next, M[e], M[next], Collect());
+ }
+ lemma {:autocontracts false} Reaches_SinkIsFunctionOfStart(d0: nat, d1: nat, e: Element, r0: Element, r1: Element, C: CMap)
+ requires GoodCMap(C)
+ requires e in C
+ requires Reaches(d0, e, r0, C) && Reaches(d1, e, r1, C)
+ ensures r0 == r1
+ {
+ }
+ method FindAux(ghost d: nat, e: Element) returns (r: Element)
+ requires e in M && Reaches(d, e, M[e], Collect())
+ ensures M == old(M) && M[e] == r
+ ensures forall d: nat, e, r :: e in old(Collect()) && Reaches(d, e, r, old(Collect())) ==> Reaches(d, e, r, Collect())
+ {
+ match e.c
+ case Root(_) =>
+ r := e;
+ case Link(next) =>
+ NextReachesSame(e);
+ r := FindAux(d-1, next);
+ ghost var C := Collect(); // take a snapshot of all the .c fields
+ e.c := Link(r);
+ UpdateMaintainsReaches(d, e, r, C, Collect());
+ }
+ lemma {:autocontracts false} UpdateMaintainsReaches(td: nat, tt: Element, tm: Element, C: CMap, C': CMap)
+ requires GoodCMap(C)
+ requires tt in C && Reaches(td, tt, tm, C)
+ requires C' == C[tt := Link(tm)] && C'[tt].Link? && tm in C' && C'[tm].Root?
+ requires null !in C' && forall f :: f in C && C'[f].Link? ==> C'[f].next in C
+ ensures forall d: nat, e, r :: e in C && Reaches(d, e, r, C) ==> Reaches(d, e, r, C')
+ {
+ forall d: nat, e, r | e in C && Reaches(d, e, r, C)
+ ensures Reaches(d, e, r, C')
+ {
+ ConstructReach(d, e, r, C, td, tt, tm, C');
+ }
+ }
+ lemma {:autocontracts false} ConstructReach(d: nat, e: Element, r: Element, C: CMap, td: nat, tt: Element, tm: Element, C': CMap)
+ requires GoodCMap(C)
+ requires e in C
+ requires Reaches(d, e, r, C)
+ requires tt in C && Reaches(td, tt, tm, C);
+ requires C' == C[tt := Link(tm)] && C'[tt].Link? && tm in C' && C'[tm].Root?
+ requires GoodCMap(C')
+ ensures Reaches(d, e, r, C')
+ {
+ if e == tt {
+ Reaches_SinkIsFunctionOfStart(d, td, e, r, tm, C);
+ } else {
+ match C[e]
+ case Root(_) =>
+ case Link(next) =>
+ ConstructReach(d-1, next, r, C, td, tt, tm, C');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Finally, module M3 adds the implementation of Join, along with what's required to
+// verify its correctness.
+module M3 refines M2 {
+ class UnionFind {
+ method Join...
+ {
+ if r0 == r1 {
+ r := r0;
+ MapsEqual(M, map e | e in M :: if M[e] == r0 || M[e] == r1 then r else M[e]);
+ return;
+ } else if r0.c.depth < r1.c.depth {
+ r0.c := Link(r1);
+ r := r1;
+ M := map e | e in M :: if M[e] == r0 || M[e] == r1 then r else M[e];
+ forall e | e in Collect()
+ ensures M[e].c.Root? && Reaches(M[e].c.depth, e, M[e], Collect())
+ {
+ JoinMaintainsReaches0(r0, r1, old(Collect()), Collect());
+ assert Reaches(old(M[e].c).depth, e, old(M)[e], old(Collect()));
+ }
+ } else if r1.c.depth < r0.c.depth {
+ r1.c := Link(r0);
+ r := r0;
+ M := map e | e in M :: if M[e] == r0 || M[e] == r1 then r else M[e];
+ forall e | e in Collect()
+ ensures M[e].c.Root? && Reaches(M[e].c.depth, e, M[e], Collect())
+ {
+ JoinMaintainsReaches0(r1, r0, old(Collect()), Collect());
+ assert Reaches(old(M[e].c).depth, e, old(M)[e], old(Collect()));
+ }
+ } else {
+ r0.c := Link(r1);
+ r1.c := Root(r1.c.depth + 1);
+ r := r1;
+ M := map e | e in M :: if M[e] == r0 || M[e] == r1 then r else M[e];
+ forall e | e in Collect()
+ ensures M[e].c.Root? && Reaches(M[e].c.depth, e, M[e], Collect())
+ {
+ JoinMaintainsReaches1(r0, r1, old(Collect()), Collect());
+ assert Reaches(old(M[e].c).depth, e, old(M)[e], old(Collect()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lemma {:autocontracts false} JoinMaintainsReaches1(r0: Element, r1: Element, C: CMap, C': CMap)
+ requires GoodCMap(C)
+ requires r0 in C && r1 in C && C[r0].Root? && C[r1].Root? && C[r0].depth == C[r1].depth && r0 != r1
+ requires C' == C[r0 := Link(r1)][r1 := Root(C[r1].depth + 1)]
+ requires GoodCMap(C')
+ ensures forall d: nat, e, r :: e in C && Reaches(d, e, r, C) && r != r0 && r != r1 ==> Reaches(d, e, r, C') // proved automatically by induction
+ ensures forall e :: e in C && Reaches(C[r0].depth, e, r0, C) ==> Reaches(C'[r1].depth, e, r1, C')
+ ensures forall e :: e in C && Reaches(C[r1].depth, e, r1, C) ==> Reaches(C'[r1].depth, e, r1, C')
+ {
+ forall e | e in C && Reaches(C[r0].depth, e, r0, C)
+ ensures Reaches(C'[r1].depth, e, r1, C')
+ {
+ ExtendedReach'(e, C, C[r0].depth, C'[r1].depth, r0, r1, C');
+ }
+ forall e | e in C && Reaches(C[r1].depth, e, r1, C)
+ ensures Reaches(C'[r1].depth, e, r1, C')
+ {
+ ReachUnaffectedByChangeFromRoot'(C[r1].depth, e, r1, C, C[r0].depth, r0, r1, C');
+ }
+ }
+ lemma {:autocontracts false} ReachUnaffectedByChangeFromRoot'(d: nat, e: Element, r: Element, C: CMap, td: nat, r0: Element, r1: Element, C': CMap)
+ requires GoodCMap(C)
+ requires e in C && Reaches(d, e, r, C)
+ requires r0 in C && r1 in C && C[r0].Root? && C[r1].Root? && C[r0].depth == C[r1].depth && r0 != r1
+ requires C[r0].Root? && C' == C[r0 := Link(r1)][r1 := Root(C[r1].depth + 1)]
+ requires Reaches(td, r0, r0, C) && r0 != r
+ requires GoodCMap(C')
+ ensures Reaches(d+1, e, r, C')
+ {
+ }
+ lemma {:autocontracts false} ExtendedReach'(e: Element, C: CMap, d0: nat, d1: nat, r0: Element, r1: Element, C': CMap)
+ requires GoodCMap(C) && GoodCMap(C')
+ requires r0 in C && r1 in C && C[r0].Root? && C[r1].Root? && C[r0].depth == C[r1].depth && r0 != r1
+ requires C' == C[r0 := Link(r1)][r1 := Root(C[r1].depth + 1)]
+ requires C[r0].Root? && d0 <= C[r0].depth && C[r1].Root? && d1 <= C'[r1].depth && d0 < d1
+ requires e in C && Reaches(d0, e, r0, C)
+ ensures Reaches(d1, e, r1, C')
+ {
+ match C[e]
+ case Root(_) =>
+ case Link(next) =>
+ ExtendedReach'(next, C, d0-1, d1-1, r0, r1, C');
+ }
+ lemma {:autocontracts false} JoinMaintainsReaches0(r0: Element, r1: Element, C: CMap, C': CMap)
+ requires GoodCMap(C)
+ requires r0 in C && r1 in C && C[r0].Root? && C[r1].Root? && C[r0].depth < C[r1].depth
+ requires C' == C[r0 := Link(r1)]
+ requires GoodCMap(C')
+ ensures forall d: nat, e, r :: e in C && Reaches(d, e, r, C) && r != r0 ==> Reaches(d, e, r, C')
+ ensures forall e :: e in C && Reaches(C[r0].depth, e, r0, C) ==> Reaches(C[r1].depth, e, r1, C')
+ {
+ forall d: nat, e, r | e in C && Reaches(d, e, r, C) && r != r0
+ ensures Reaches(d, e, r, C')
+ {
+ ReachUnaffectedByChangeFromRoot(d, e, r, C, C[r0].depth, r0, r1, C');
+ }
+ forall e | e in C && Reaches(C[r0].depth, e, r0, C)
+ ensures Reaches(C[r1].depth, e, r1, C')
+ {
+ ExtendedReach(e, C, C[r0].depth, C[r1].depth, r0, r1, C');
+ }
+ }
+ lemma {:autocontracts false} ReachUnaffectedByChangeFromRoot(d: nat, e: Element, r: Element, C: CMap, td: nat, tt: Element, tm: Element, C': CMap)
+ requires GoodCMap(C)
+ requires e in C && Reaches(d, e, r, C)
+ requires tt in C && Reaches(td, tt, tt, C) && tt != r
+ requires C[tt].Root? && C' == C[tt := Link(tm)]
+ requires GoodCMap(C')
+ ensures Reaches(d, e, r, C')
+ {
+ }
+ lemma {:autocontracts false} ExtendedReach(e: Element, C: CMap, d0: nat, d1: nat, r0: Element, r1: Element, C': CMap)
+ requires GoodCMap(C) && GoodCMap(C')
+ requires r0 in C && r1 in C && r0 != r1
+ requires C' == C[r0 := Link(r1)]
+ requires C[r0].Root? && d0 <= C[r0].depth && C[r1].Root? && d1 <= C[r1].depth && d0 < d1
+ requires e in C && Reaches(d0, e, r0, C)
+ ensures Reaches(d1, e, r1, C')
+ {
+ match C[e]
+ case Root(_) =>
+ case Link(next) =>
+ ExtendedReach(next, C, d0-1, d1-1, r0, r1, C');
+ }
+ }