path: root/Test/dafny4/Primes.dfy
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authorGravatar Rustan Leino <unknown>2014-01-11 20:24:44 -0800
committerGravatar Rustan Leino <unknown>2014-01-11 20:24:44 -0800
commit66bc974bd173d33e675bfbf399687c4882ec6014 (patch)
tree7ffc10201fbcce7c29a20b6258be26d8881f127f /Test/dafny4/Primes.dfy
parentea4e1ee9b80fd41e1e023391b8d07949fb00b039 (diff)
Proof that there is no bound on the size of prime numbers
Diffstat (limited to 'Test/dafny4/Primes.dfy')
1 files changed, 221 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Test/dafny4/Primes.dfy b/Test/dafny4/Primes.dfy
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c85f1607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/dafny4/Primes.dfy
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+predicate IsPrime(n: int)
+ 2 <= n && forall m :: 2 <= m < n ==> n % m != 0
+// The following theorem shows that there is an infinite number of primes
+lemma AlwaysMorePrimes(k: int)
+ ensures exists p :: k <= p && IsPrime(p);
+ var j, s := 0, {};
+ while true
+ invariant AllPrimes(s, j);
+ decreases k - j;
+ {
+ var p := GetLargerPrime(s, j);
+ if k <= p { return; }
+ j, s := p, set x | 2 <= x <= p && IsPrime(x);
+ }
+// ------------------------- lemmas and auxiliary definitions
+predicate AllPrimes(s: set<int>, bound: int)
+ // s contains only primes
+ (forall x :: x in s ==> IsPrime(x)) &&
+ // every prime up to "bound" is included in s
+ (forall p :: IsPrime(p) && p <= bound ==> p in s)
+lemma GetLargerPrime(s: set<int>, bound: int) returns (p: int)
+ requires AllPrimes(s, bound);
+ ensures bound < p && IsPrime(p);
+ var q := product(s);
+ if exists p :: bound < p <= q && IsPrime(p) {
+ p :| bound < p <= q && IsPrime(p);
+ } else {
+ ProductPlusOneIsPrime(s, q);
+ p := q+1;
+ if p <= bound { // by contradction, establish bound < p
+ assert p in s;
+ product_property(s);
+ assert false;
+ }
+ }
+function product(s: set<int>): int
+ if s == {} then 1 else
+ var a := PickSmallest(s); a * product(s - {a})
+lemma product_property(s: set<int>)
+ requires forall x :: x in s ==> 1 <= x;
+ ensures 1 <= product(s) && forall x :: x in s ==> x <= product(s);
+lemma ProductPlusOneIsPrime(s: set<int>, q: int)
+ requires AllPrimes(s, q) && q == product(s);
+ ensures IsPrime(q+1);
+ var p := q+1;
+ calc {
+ true;
+ { product_property(s); }
+ 2 <= p;
+ }
+ forall m | 2 <= m <= q && IsPrime(m)
+ ensures p % m != 0;
+ {
+ assert m in s; // because AllPrimes(s, q) && m <= q && IsPrime(m)
+ RemoveFactor(m, s);
+ var l := product(s-{m});
+ assert m*l == q;
+ MulDivMod(m, l, q, 1);
+ }
+ assert IsPrime_Alt(q+1);
+ AltPrimeDefinition(q+1);
+// The following lemma is essentially just associativity and commutativity of multiplication.
+// To get this proof through, it is necessary to know that if x!=y and y==Pick...(s), then
+// also y==Pick...(s - {x}). It is for this reason that we use PickSmallest, instead of
+// picking an arbitrary element from s.
+lemma RemoveFactor(x: int, s: set<int>)
+ requires x in s;
+ ensures product(s) == x * product(s - {x});
+ var y := PickSmallest(s);
+ if x != y {
+ calc {
+ product(s);
+ y * product(s - {y});
+ { RemoveFactor(x, s - {y}); }
+ y * x * product(s - {y} - {x});
+ x * y * product(s - {y} - {x});
+ { assert s - {y} - {x} == s - {x} - {y}; }
+ x * y * product(s - {x} - {y});
+ { assert y == PickSmallest(s - {x}); }
+ x * product(s - {x});
+ }
+ }
+// This definition is like IsPrime above, except that the quantification is only over primes.
+predicate IsPrime_Alt(n: int)
+ 2 <= n && forall m :: 2 <= m < n && IsPrime(m) ==> n % m != 0
+// To show that n is prime, it suffices to prove that it satisfies the alternate definition
+lemma AltPrimeDefinition(n: int)
+ requires IsPrime_Alt(n);
+ ensures IsPrime(n);
+ forall m | 2 <= m < n
+ ensures n % m != 0;
+ {
+ if !IsPrime(m) {
+ var a, b := Composite(m);
+ if n % m == 0 { // proof by contradiction
+ var k := n / m;
+ calc {
+ true;
+ k == n / m;
+ m * k == n;
+ a * b * k == n;
+ ==> { MulDivMod(a, b*k, n, 0); }
+ n % a == 0;
+ ==> // IsPrime_Alt
+ !(2 <= a < n && IsPrime(a));
+ { assert 2 <= a < m < n; }
+ !IsPrime(a);
+ false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+lemma Composite(c: int) returns (a: int, b: int)
+ requires 2 <= c && !IsPrime(c);
+ ensures 2 <= a < c && 2 <= b && a * b == c;
+ ensures IsPrime(a);
+ calc {
+ true;
+ !IsPrime(c);
+ !(2 <= c && forall m :: 2 <= m < c ==> c % m != 0);
+ exists m :: 2 <= m < c && c % m == 0;
+ }
+ a :| 2 <= a < c && c % a == 0;
+ b := c / a;
+ assert 2 <= a < c && 2 <= b && a * b == c;
+ if !IsPrime(a) {
+ var x, y := Composite(a);
+ a, b := x, y*b;
+ }
+function PickSmallest(s: set<int>): int
+ requires s != {};
+ SmallestElementExists(s);
+ var x :| x in s && forall y :: y in s ==> x <= y;
+ x
+lemma SmallestElementExists(s: set<int>)
+ requires s != {};
+ ensures exists x :: x in s && forall y :: y in s ==> x <= y;
+ var s' := s;
+ while true
+ invariant s' != {} && s' <= s;
+ invariant forall x,y :: x in s' && y in s - s' ==> x <= y;
+ decreases s';
+ {
+ var x :| x in s'; // pick something
+ if forall y :: y in s' ==> x <= y {
+ // good pick
+ return;
+ } else {
+ // constrain the pick further
+ var y :| y in s' && y < x;
+ s' := set z | z in s && z < x;
+ assert y in s';
+ }
+ }
+/******* This might be an alternative way to implement PickSmallest, if one can prove the desired postcondition of this function *******
+function PS(s: set<int>): int
+ requires s != {};
+ NonEmptySet(s); // TODO: why is this needed?
+ var x :| x in s;
+ if forall y :: y in s ==> x <= y then
+ x
+ else
+ var y :| y in s && y < x; // since not all numbers in s are smaller than x, here is one that isn't
+ var s' := set m | m in s && m < x; // this is the subset of s containing all numbers smaller than x
+ assert y in s'; // y is in that subset, which implies s' is nonempty
+ PS(s')
+lemma NonEmptySet(s: set<int>)
+ requires s != {};
+ ensures exists y :: y in s;
+// This axiom about % is needed. Unfortunately, Z3 seems incapable of proving it.
+lemma MulDivMod(a: nat, b: nat, c: nat, j: nat)
+ requires a * b == c && j < a;
+ ensures (c+j) % a == j;