path: root/Test/dafny4/ACL2-extractor.dfy
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authorGravatar Rustan Leino <unknown>2014-03-10 20:56:58 -0700
committerGravatar Rustan Leino <unknown>2014-03-10 20:56:58 -0700
commitb4648bc600a7f566aa150864950a6385ce3bd9af (patch)
tree94c61f89498c4d735e9c2b2b896273d2af0a5cb3 /Test/dafny4/ACL2-extractor.dfy
parentdfe5b172bd5419a20487a03c6051ccac1e16edc1 (diff)
Added a test case from the ACL2 book
Diffstat (limited to 'Test/dafny4/ACL2-extractor.dfy')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Test/dafny4/ACL2-extractor.dfy b/Test/dafny4/ACL2-extractor.dfy
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..272e8356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/dafny4/ACL2-extractor.dfy
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+// This is the Extractor Problem from section 11.8 of the ACL2 book,
+// "Computer-Aided Reasoning: An Approach" by Kaufmann, Manolios, and
+// Moore (2011 edition).
+datatype List<T> = Nil | Cons(head: T, tail: List)
+function length(xs: List): nat
+ match xs
+ case Nil => 0
+ case Cons(_, rest) => 1 + length(rest)
+// If "0 <= n < length(xs)", then return the element of "xs" that is preceded by
+// "n" elements; otherwise, return an arbitrary value.
+function nth<T>(n: int, xs: List<T>): T
+ if 0 <= n < length(xs) then
+ nthWorker(n, xs)
+ else
+ var t :| true; t
+function nthWorker<T>(n: int, xs: List<T>): T
+ requires 0 <= n < length(xs);
+ if n == 0 then xs.head else nthWorker(n-1, xs.tail)
+function append(xs: List, ys: List): List
+ match xs
+ case Nil => ys
+ case Cons(x, rest) => Cons(x, append(rest, ys))
+function rev(xs: List): List
+ match xs
+ case Nil => Nil
+ case Cons(x, rest) => append(rev(rest), Cons(x, Nil))
+function nats(n: nat): List<int>
+ if n == 0 then Nil else Cons(n-1, nats(n-1))
+function xtr(mp: List<int>, lst: List): List
+ match mp
+ case Nil => Nil
+ case Cons(n, rest) => Cons(nth(n, lst), xtr(rest, lst))
+lemma ExtractorTheorem(xs: List)
+ ensures xtr(nats(length(xs)), xs) == rev(xs);
+ var a, b := xtr(nats(length(xs)), xs), rev(xs);
+ calc {
+ length(a);
+ { XtrLength(nats(length(xs)), xs); }
+ length(nats(length(xs)));
+ { NatsLength(length(xs)); }
+ length(xs);
+ }
+ calc {
+ length(xs);
+ { RevLength(xs); }
+ length(b);
+ }
+ forall i | 0 <= i < length(xs)
+ ensures nth(i, a) == nth(i, b);
+ {
+ ExtractorLemma(i, xs);
+ }
+ EqualElementsMakeEqualLists(a, b);
+// auxiliary lemmas and proofs follow
+// lemmas about length
+lemma XtrLength(mp: List<int>, lst: List)
+ ensures length(xtr(mp, lst)) == length(mp);
+lemma NatsLength(n: nat)
+ ensures length(nats(n)) == n;
+lemma AppendLength(xs: List, ys: List)
+ ensures length(append(xs, ys)) == length(xs) + length(ys);
+lemma RevLength(xs: List)
+ ensures length(rev(xs)) == length(xs);
+ match xs {
+ case Nil =>
+ case Cons(x, rest) =>
+ calc {
+ length(append(rev(rest), Cons(x, Nil)));
+ { AppendLength(rev(rest), Cons(x, Nil)); }
+ length(rev(rest)) + length(Cons(x, Nil));
+ }
+ }
+// you can prove two lists equal by proving their elements equal
+lemma EqualElementsMakeEqualLists(xs: List, ys: List)
+ requires length(xs) == length(ys);
+ requires forall i :: 0 <= i < length(xs) ==> nth(i, xs) == nth(i, ys);
+ ensures xs == ys;
+ match xs {
+ case Nil =>
+ case Cons(x, rest) =>
+ assert nth(0, xs) == nth(0, ys);
+ forall i | 0 <= i < length(xs.tail)
+ {
+ calc {
+ nth(i, xs.tail) == nth(i, ys.tail);
+ nth(i+1, Cons(xs.head, xs.tail)) == nth(i+1, Cons(ys.head, ys.tail));
+ nth(i+1, xs) == nth(i+1, ys);
+ }
+ }
+ EqualElementsMakeEqualLists(xs.tail, ys.tail);
+ }
+// here is the theorem, but applied to the ith element
+lemma ExtractorLemma(i: int, xs: List)
+ requires 0 <= i < length(xs);
+ ensures nth(i, xtr(nats(length(xs)), xs)) == nth(i, rev(xs));
+ calc {
+ nth(i, xtr(nats(length(xs)), xs));
+ { NatsLength(length(xs));
+ NthXtr(i, nats(length(xs)), xs); }
+ nth(nth(i, nats(length(xs))), xs);
+ { NthNats(i, length(xs)); }
+ nth(length(xs) - 1 - i, xs);
+ { RevLength(xs); NthRev(i, xs); }
+ nth(i, rev(xs));
+ }
+// lemmas about what nth gives on certain lists
+lemma NthXtr(i: int, mp: List<int>, lst: List)
+ requires 0 <= i < length(mp);
+ ensures nth(i, xtr(mp, lst)) == nth(nth(i, mp), lst);
+ XtrLength(mp, lst);
+ assert nth(i, xtr(mp, lst)) == nthWorker(i, xtr(mp, lst));
+ if i == 0 {
+ } else {
+ calc {
+ nth(i-1, xtr(mp, lst).tail);
+ // def. xtr
+ nth(i-1, xtr(mp.tail, lst));
+ { NthXtr(i-1, mp.tail, lst); }
+ nth(nth(i-1, mp.tail), lst);
+ }
+ }
+lemma NthNats(i: int, n: nat)
+ requires 0 <= i < n;
+ ensures nth(i, nats(n)) == n - 1 - i;
+ NatsLength(n);
+ NthNatsWorker(i, n);
+lemma NthNatsWorker(i: int, n: nat)
+ requires 0 <= i < n && length(nats(n)) == n;
+ ensures nthWorker(i, nats(n)) == n - 1 - i;
+lemma NthRev(i: int, xs: List)
+ requires 0 <= i < length(xs) == length(rev(xs));
+ ensures nthWorker(i, rev(xs)) == nthWorker(length(xs) - 1 - i, xs);
+ assert xs.Cons?;
+ assert 1 <= length(rev(xs)) && rev(xs).Cons?;
+ RevLength(xs.tail);
+ if i < length(rev(xs.tail)) {
+ calc {
+ nth(i, rev(xs));
+ nthWorker(i, rev(xs));
+ // def. rev
+ nthWorker(i, append(rev(xs.tail), Cons(xs.head, Nil)));
+ { NthAppendA(i, rev(xs.tail), Cons(xs.head, Nil)); }
+ nthWorker(i, rev(xs.tail));
+ { NthRev(i, xs.tail); } // induction hypothesis
+ nthWorker(length(xs.tail) - 1 - i, xs.tail);
+ // def. nthWorker
+ nthWorker(length(xs.tail) - 1 - i + 1, xs);
+ nthWorker(length(xs) - 1 - i, xs);
+ }
+ } else {
+ assert i == length(rev(xs.tail));
+ calc {
+ nth(i, rev(xs));
+ nthWorker(i, rev(xs));
+ // def. rev
+ nthWorker(i, append(rev(xs.tail), Cons(xs.head, Nil)));
+ { NthAppendB(i, rev(xs.tail), Cons(xs.head, Nil)); }
+ nthWorker(i - length(rev(xs.tail)), Cons(xs.head, Nil));
+ nthWorker(0, Cons(xs.head, Nil));
+ nthWorker(0, xs);
+ nthWorker(length(xs) - 1 - length(xs.tail), xs);
+ { RevLength(xs.tail); }
+ nthWorker(length(xs) - 1 - length(rev(xs.tail)), xs);
+ nth(length(xs) - 1 - length(rev(xs.tail)), xs);
+ nth(length(xs) - 1 - i, xs);
+ }
+ }
+lemma NthAppendA(i: int, xs: List, ys: List)
+ requires 0 <= i < length(xs);
+ ensures nth(i, append(xs, ys)) == nth(i, xs);
+ if i == 0 {
+ calc {
+ nth(0, append(xs, ys));
+ nth(0, Cons(xs.head, append(xs.tail, ys)));
+ xs.head;
+ }
+ } else {
+ calc {
+ nth(i, append(xs, ys));
+ nth(i, Cons(xs.head, append(xs.tail, ys)));
+ nth(i-1, append(xs.tail, ys));
+ { NthAppendA(i-1, xs.tail, ys); }
+ nth(i-1, xs.tail);
+ }
+ }
+lemma NthAppendB(i: int, xs: List, ys: List)
+ requires length(xs) <= i < length(xs) + length(ys);
+ ensures nth(i, append(xs, ys)) == nth(i - length(xs), ys);
+ AppendLength(xs, ys);
+ match xs {
+ case Nil =>
+ assert nth(i, append(xs, ys)) == nth(i, ys);
+ case Cons(x, rest) =>
+ calc {
+ nth(i, append(xs, ys));
+ nth(i, append(Cons(x, rest), ys));
+ // def. append
+ nth(i, Cons(x, append(rest, ys)));
+ nth(i-1, append(rest, ys));
+ { NthAppendB(i-1, rest, ys); }
+ nth(i-1 - length(rest), ys);
+ }
+ }