path: root/Test/dafny3
diff options
authorGravatar Rustan Leino <unknown>2013-12-18 16:19:41 -0800
committerGravatar Rustan Leino <unknown>2013-12-18 16:19:41 -0800
commit72dba23b3ec67244cdf7c598a953bf4fdf32a001 (patch)
tree744fa02ba36a06bc0098f0bb19f24272ad9a14b6 /Test/dafny3
parent34d5a8ab6ed5bc95e93494044e4e7e93997aa3c3 (diff)
Added test3/GenericSort.dfy, which shows how modules can be used to write and use a sorting routine parameterized with a comparison function
Diffstat (limited to 'Test/dafny3')
3 files changed, 166 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/Test/dafny3/Answer b/Test/dafny3/Answer
index 5b7357e6..9e8ac835 100644
--- a/Test/dafny3/Answer
+++ b/Test/dafny3/Answer
@@ -1,60 +1,64 @@
-------------------- Iter.dfy --------------------
Dafny program verifier finished with 15 verified, 0 errors
-------------------- Streams.dfy --------------------
Dafny program verifier finished with 52 verified, 0 errors
-------------------- Dijkstra.dfy --------------------
Dafny program verifier finished with 12 verified, 0 errors
-------------------- CachedContainer.dfy --------------------
Dafny program verifier finished with 47 verified, 0 errors
-------------------- SimpleInduction.dfy --------------------
Dafny program verifier finished with 12 verified, 0 errors
-------------------- SimpleCoinduction.dfy --------------------
Dafny program verifier finished with 31 verified, 0 errors
-------------------- CalcExample.dfy --------------------
Dafny program verifier finished with 6 verified, 0 errors
-------------------- InductionVsCoinduction.dfy --------------------
Dafny program verifier finished with 20 verified, 0 errors
-------------------- Zip.dfy --------------------
Dafny program verifier finished with 24 verified, 0 errors
-------------------- SetIterations.dfy --------------------
Dafny program verifier finished with 13 verified, 0 errors
-------------------- Paulson.dfy --------------------
Dafny program verifier finished with 28 verified, 0 errors
-------------------- Filter.dfy --------------------
Dafny program verifier finished with 43 verified, 0 errors
-------------------- WideTrees.dfy --------------------
Dafny program verifier finished with 10 verified, 0 errors
-------------------- InfiniteTrees.dfy --------------------
Dafny program verifier finished with 88 verified, 0 errors
-------------------- OpaqueTrees.dfy --------------------
Dafny program verifier finished with 6 verified, 0 errors
+-------------------- GenericSort.dfy --------------------
+Dafny program verifier finished with 36 verified, 0 errors
diff --git a/Test/dafny3/GenericSort.dfy b/Test/dafny3/GenericSort.dfy
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ae512de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/dafny3/GenericSort.dfy
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+module TotalOrder {
+ type T // the type to be compared
+ static predicate method Leq(a: T, b: T) // Leq(a,b) iff a <= b
+ // Three properties of total orders. Here, they are given as unproved
+ // lemmas, that is, as axioms.
+ static lemma Antisymmetry(a: T, b: T)
+ requires Leq(a, b) && Leq(b, a);
+ ensures a == b;
+ static lemma Transitivity(a: T, b: T, c: T)
+ requires Leq(a, b) && Leq(b, c);
+ ensures Leq(a, c);
+ static lemma Totality(a: T, b: T)
+ ensures Leq(a, b) || Leq(b, a);
+module Sort {
+ import O as TotalOrder // let O denote some module that has the members of TotalOrder
+ static predicate Sorted(a: array<O.T>, low: int, high: int)
+ requires a != null && 0 <= low <= high <= a.Length;
+ reads a;
+ // The body of the predicate is hidden outside the module, but the postcondition is
+ // "exported" (that is, visible, known) outside the module. Here, we choose the
+ // export the following property:
+ ensures Sorted(a, low, high) ==> forall i, j :: low <= i < j < high ==> O.Leq(a[i], a[j]);
+ {
+ forall i, j :: low <= i < j < high ==> O.Leq(a[i], a[j])
+ }
+ // In the insertion sort routine below, it's more convenient to keep track of only that
+ // neighboring elements of the array are sorted...
+ static predicate NeighborSorted(a: array<O.T>, low: int, high: int)
+ requires a != null && 0 <= low <= high <= a.Length;
+ reads a;
+ {
+ forall i :: low < i < high ==> O.Leq(a[i-1], a[i])
+ }
+ // ...but we show that property to imply all pairs to be sorted. The proof of this
+ // lemma uses the transitivity property.
+ static lemma NeighborSorted_implies_Sorted(a: array<O.T>, low: int, high: int)
+ requires a != null && 0 <= low <= high <= a.Length;
+ requires NeighborSorted(a, low, high);
+ ensures Sorted(a, low, high);
+ decreases high - low;
+ {
+ if low != high {
+ NeighborSorted_implies_Sorted(a, low+1, high);
+ forall j | low+1 < j < high
+ {
+ O.Transitivity(a[low], a[low+1], a[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Standard insertion sort method
+ static method InsertionSort(a: array<O.T>)
+ requires a != null;
+ modifies a;
+ ensures Sorted(a, 0, a.Length);
+ ensures multiset(a[..]) == old(multiset(a[..]));
+ {
+ if a.Length == 0 { return; }
+ var i := 1;
+ while i < a.Length
+ invariant 0 < i <= a.Length;
+ invariant NeighborSorted(a, 0, i);
+ invariant multiset(a[..]) == old(multiset(a[..]));
+ {
+ var j := i;
+ while 0 < j && !O.Leq(a[j-1], a[j])
+ invariant 0 <= j <= i;
+ invariant NeighborSorted(a, 0, j);
+ invariant NeighborSorted(a, j, i+1);
+ invariant 0 < j < i ==> O.Leq(a[j-1], a[j+1]);
+ invariant multiset(a[..]) == old(multiset(a[..]));
+ {
+ // The proof of correctness uses the totality property here.
+ // It implies that if two elements are not previously in
+ // sorted order, they will be after swapping them.
+ O.Totality(a[j-1], a[j]);
+ a[j], a[j-1] := a[j-1], a[j];
+ j := j - 1;
+ }
+ i := i + 1;
+ }
+ NeighborSorted_implies_Sorted(a, 0, a.Length);
+ }
+// Natural ordering of the integers
+module IntOrder refines TotalOrder {
+ // Instantiate type T with a datatype wrapper around an integer.
+ // (If there were type synonyms, we could perhaps have written just "type T = int".)
+ datatype T = Int(i: int)
+ // Define the ordering on these integers
+ static predicate method Leq ...
+ ensures Leq(a, b) ==> a.i <= b.i;
+ {
+ a.i <= b.i
+ }
+ // The three required properties of the order are proved here as lemmas.
+ // The proofs are automatic and don't require any further assistance.
+ static lemma Antisymmetry ... { }
+ static lemma Transitivity ... { }
+ static lemma Totality ... { }
+// Another example of a TotalOrder. Now we can sort pairs of integers.
+// Lexiographic ordering of pairs of integers
+module IntLexOrder refines TotalOrder {
+ datatype T = Int(i: int, j: int)
+ static predicate method Leq ... {
+ if a.i < b.i then true
+ else if a.i == b.i then a.j <= b.j
+ else false
+ }
+ static lemma Antisymmetry ... { }
+ static lemma Transitivity ... { }
+ static lemma Totality ... { }
+// A test harness.
+module Client {
+ module IntSort refines Sort { // this creates a new sorting module, like Sort by fully revealing O to be IntOrder
+ import O = IntOrder
+ }
+ import I = IntOrder
+ method Main() {
+ var a := new I.T[4];
+ a[0] := I.T.Int(6); // alternatively, we could have written the RHS as: IntSort.O.T.Int(6)
+ a[1] := I.T.Int(1);
+ a[2] := I.T.Int(0);
+ a[3] := I.T.Int(4);
+ // These are now the elements of the array:
+ assert a[..] == [I.T.Int(6), I.T.Int(1), I.T.Int(0), I.T.Int(4)];
+ // Call the sorting routine to sort the array
+ IntSort.InsertionSort(a);
+ // Check the answer
+ assert IntSort.O.Leq(a[0], a[1]); // lemma
+ assert IntSort.O.Leq(a[1], a[2]); // lemma
+ assert IntSort.O.Leq(a[2], a[3]); // lemma
+ assert a[..] == [I.T.Int(0), I.T.Int(1), I.T.Int(4), I.T.Int(6)];
+ }
diff --git a/Test/dafny3/runtest.bat b/Test/dafny3/runtest.bat
index 40992f28..8abf2bd3 100644
--- a/Test/dafny3/runtest.bat
+++ b/Test/dafny3/runtest.bat
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ setlocal
set BINARIES=..\..\Binaries
set DAFNY_EXE=%BINARIES%\Dafny.exe
-%DAFNY_EXE% /compile:0 /verifySeparately %* Iter.dfy Streams.dfy Dijkstra.dfy CachedContainer.dfy SimpleInduction.dfy SimpleCoinduction.dfy CalcExample.dfy InductionVsCoinduction.dfy Zip.dfy SetIterations.dfy Paulson.dfy Filter.dfy WideTrees.dfy InfiniteTrees.dfy OpaqueTrees.dfy
+%DAFNY_EXE% /compile:0 /verifySeparately %* Iter.dfy Streams.dfy Dijkstra.dfy CachedContainer.dfy SimpleInduction.dfy SimpleCoinduction.dfy CalcExample.dfy InductionVsCoinduction.dfy Zip.dfy SetIterations.dfy Paulson.dfy Filter.dfy WideTrees.dfy InfiniteTrees.dfy OpaqueTrees.dfy GenericSort.dfy
rem for %%f in (
rem Iter.dfy Streams.dfy Dijkstra.dfy CachedContainer.dfy
rem SimpleInduction.dfy SimpleCoinduction.dfy CalcExample.dfy
rem InductionVsCoinduction.dfy Zip.dfy SetIterations.dfy
rem Paulson.dfy Filter.dfy WideTrees.dfy InfiniteTrees.dfy
-rem OpaqueTrees.dfy
+rem OpaqueTrees.dfy GenericSort.dfy
rem ) do (
rem echo.
rem echo -------------------- %%f --------------------