path: root/Test/dafny3/InfiniteTrees.dfy
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authorGravatar Rustan Leino <unknown>2013-07-27 08:15:50 -0700
committerGravatar Rustan Leino <unknown>2013-07-27 08:15:50 -0700
commitfb6c171957142ce6119a7363d3cec66799b9966a (patch)
tree4ce8508e42aa32607600f5cb3746bc7b7b390f67 /Test/dafny3/InfiniteTrees.dfy
parent65e7dd90625383312474304049915629e07a0a28 (diff)
Added some test cases: theorem about infinite and finite trees.
Diffstat (limited to 'Test/dafny3/InfiniteTrees.dfy')
1 files changed, 710 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Test/dafny3/InfiniteTrees.dfy b/Test/dafny3/InfiniteTrees.dfy
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e189dc4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Test/dafny3/InfiniteTrees.dfy
@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@
+// Here is the usual definition of possibly infinite lists, along with a function Tail(s, n), which drops
+// n heads from s, and two lemmas that prove properties of Tail.
+codatatype Stream<T> = Nil | Cons(head: T, tail: Stream)
+function Tail(s: Stream, n: nat): Stream
+ if n == 0 then s else
+ var t := Tail(s, n-1);
+ if t == Nil then t else t.tail
+ghost method Tail_Lemma0(s: Stream, n: nat)
+ requires s.Cons? && Tail(s, n).Cons?;
+ ensures Tail(s, n).tail == Tail(s.tail, n);
+ghost method Tail_Lemma1(s: Stream, k: nat, n: nat)
+ requires k <= n;
+ ensures Tail(s, n).Cons? ==> Tail(s, k).Cons?;
+ // Note, the contrapositive of this lemma says: Tail(s, k) == Nil ==> Tail(s, n) == Nil
+ if k < n && Tail(s, n).Cons? {
+ assert Tail(s, n) == Tail(s, n-1).tail;
+ }
+ghost method Tail_Lemma2(s: Stream, n: nat)
+ requires s.Cons? && Tail(s.tail, n).Cons?;
+ ensures Tail(s, n).Cons?;
+ if n != 0 {
+ Tail_Lemma0(s, n-1);
+ }
+// Co-predicate IsNeverEndingStream(s) answers whether or not s ever contains Nil.
+copredicate IsNeverEndingStream(s: Stream)
+ match s
+ case Nil => false
+ case Cons(_, tail) => IsNeverEndingStream(tail)
+// Here is an example of an infinite stream.
+function AnInfiniteStream(): Stream<int>
+ Cons(0, AnInfiniteStream())
+comethod Proposition0()
+ ensures IsNeverEndingStream(AnInfiniteStream());
+// Now, consider a Tree definition, where each node can have a possibly infinite number of children.
+datatype Tree = Node(children: Stream<Tree>)
+// Such a tree might have not just infinite width but also infinite height. The following predicate
+// holds if there is, for every path down from the root, a common bound on the height of each such path.
+// Note that the definition needs a co-predicate in order to say something about all of a node's children.
+predicate HasBoundedHeight(t: Tree)
+ exists n :: 0 <= n && LowerThan(t.children, n)
+copredicate LowerThan(s: Stream<Tree>, n: nat)
+ match s
+ case Nil => true
+ case Cons(t, tail) =>
+ 1 <= n && LowerThan(t.children, n-1) && LowerThan(tail, n)
+// Co-predicate LowerThan(s, n) recurses on LowerThan(s.tail, n). Thus, a property of LowerThan is that
+// LowerThan(s, h) implies LowerThan(s', h) for any suffix s' of s.
+ghost method LowerThan_Lemma(s: Stream<Tree>, n: nat, h: nat)
+ ensures LowerThan(s, h) ==> LowerThan(Tail(s, n), h);
+ Tail_Lemma1(s, 0, n);
+ if n == 0 || Tail(s, n) == Nil {
+ } else {
+ match s {
+ case Cons(t, tail) =>
+ LowerThan_Lemma(tail, n-1, h);
+ Tail_Lemma0(s, n-1);
+ }
+ }
+// A tree t where every node has an infinite number of children satisfies InfiniteEverywhere(t.children).
+// Otherwise, IsFiniteSomewhere(t) holds. That is, IsFiniteSomewhere says that the tree has some node
+// with less than infinite width. Such a tree may or may not be of finite height, as we'll see in an
+// example below.
+predicate IsFiniteSomewhere(t: Tree)
+ !InfiniteEverywhere(t.children)
+copredicate InfiniteEverywhere(s: Stream<Tree>)
+ match s
+ case Nil => false
+ case Cons(t, tail) => InfiniteEverywhere(t.children) && InfiniteEverywhere(tail)
+// Here is a tree where every node has exactly 1 child. Such a tree is finite in width (which implies
+// it is finite somewhere) and infinite in height (which implies there is no bound on its height).
+function SkinnyTree(): Tree
+ Node(Cons(SkinnyTree(), Nil))
+ghost method Proposition1()
+ ensures IsFiniteSomewhere(SkinnyTree()) && !HasBoundedHeight(SkinnyTree());
+ assert forall n :: 0 <= n ==> !LowerThan(SkinnyTree().children, n);
+// Any tree where all paths have bounded height are finite somewhere.
+ghost method Theorem0(t: Tree)
+ requires HasBoundedHeight(t);
+ ensures IsFiniteSomewhere(t);
+ var n :| 0 <= n && LowerThan(t.children, n);
+ /*
+ assert (forall k :: 0 <= k ==> InfiniteEverywhere#[k](t.children)) ==> InfiniteEverywhere(t.children);
+ assert InfiniteEverywhere(t.children) ==> (forall k :: 0 <= k ==> InfiniteEverywhere#[k](t.children));
+ assert InfiniteEverywhere(t.children) <==> (forall k :: 0 <= k ==> InfiniteEverywhere#[k](t.children)); // TODO: why does this not follow from the previous two?
+ */
+ var k := FindNil(t.children, n);
+ghost method FindNil(s: Stream<Tree>, n: nat) returns (k: nat)
+ requires LowerThan(s, n);
+ ensures !InfiniteEverywhere#[k](s);
+ match s {
+ case Nil => k := 1;
+ case Cons(t, _) =>
+ k := FindNil(t.children, n-1);
+ k := k + 1;
+ }
+// We defined an InfiniteEverywhere property above and negated it to get an IsFiniteSomewhere predicate.
+// If we had an InfiniteHeightSomewhere property, then we could negate it to obtain a predicate
+// HasFiniteHeightEverywhere. Consider the following definitions:
+predicate HasFiniteHeightEverywhere_Bad(t: Tree)
+ !InfiniteHeightSomewhere_Bad(t.children)
+copredicate InfiniteHeightSomewhere_Bad(s: Stream<Tree>)
+ match s
+ case Nil => false
+ case Cons(t, tail) => InfiniteHeightSomewhere_Bad(t.children) || InfiniteHeightSomewhere_Bad(tail)
+// In some ways, this definition may look reasonable--a list of trees is infinite somewhere
+// if it is nonempty, and either the list of children of the first node satisfies the property
+// or the tail of the list does. However, because co-predicates are defined by greatest
+// fix-points, there is nothing in this definition that "forces" the list to ever get to a
+// node whose list of children satisfy the property. The following example shows that a
+// shallow, infinitely wide tree satisfies the negation of HasFiniteHeightEverywhere_Bad.
+function ATree(): Tree
+ Node(ATreeChildren())
+function ATreeChildren(): Stream<Tree>
+ Cons(Node(Nil), ATreeChildren())
+ghost method Proposition2()
+ ensures !HasFiniteHeightEverywhere_Bad(ATree());
+ Proposition2_Lemma0();
+ Proposition2_Lemma1(ATreeChildren());
+comethod Proposition2_Lemma0()
+ ensures IsNeverEndingStream(ATreeChildren());
+comethod Proposition2_Lemma1(s: Stream<Tree>)
+ requires IsNeverEndingStream(s);
+ ensures InfiniteHeightSomewhere_Bad(s);
+ calc {
+ InfiniteHeightSomewhere_Bad#[_k](s);
+ InfiniteHeightSomewhere_Bad#[_k-1](s.head.children) || InfiniteHeightSomewhere_Bad#[_k-1](s.tail);
+ <==
+ InfiniteHeightSomewhere_Bad#[_k-1](s.tail); // induction hypothesis
+ }
+// What was missing from the InfiniteHeightSomewhere_Bad definition was the existence of a child
+// node that satisfies the property recursively. To address that problem, we may consider
+// a definition like the following:
+predicate HasFiniteHeightEverywhere_Attempt(t: Tree)
+ !InfiniteHeightSomewhere_Attempt(t.children)
+copredicate InfiniteHeightSomewhere_Attempt(s: Stream<Tree>)
+ exists n ::
+ 0 <= n &&
+ var ch := Tail(s, n);
+ ch.Cons? && InfiniteHeightSomewhere_Attempt(ch.head.children)
+// However, Dafny does not allow this definition: the recursive call to InfiniteHeightSomewhere_Attempt
+// sits inside an unbounded existential quantifier, which means the co-predicate's connection with its prefix
+// predicate is not guaranteed to hold, so Dafny disallows this co-predicate definition.
+// We will use a different way to express the HasFiniteHeightEverywhere property. Instead of
+// using an existential quantifier inside the recursively defined co-predicate, we can place a "larger"
+// existential quantifier outside the call to the co-predicate. This existential quantifier is going to be
+// over the possible paths down the tree (it is "larger" in the sense that it selects a child tree at each
+// level down the path, not just at one level).
+// A path is a possibly infinite list of indices, each selecting the next child tree to navigate to. A path
+// is valid when it uses valid indices and does not stop at a node with children.
+copredicate ValidPath(t: Tree, p: Stream<int>)
+ match p
+ case Nil => t == Node(Nil)
+ case Cons(index, tail) =>
+ 0 <= index &&
+ var ch := Tail(t.children, index);
+ ch.Cons? && ValidPath(ch.head, tail)
+ghost method ValidPath_Lemma(p: Stream<int>)
+ ensures ValidPath(Node(Nil), p) ==> p == Nil;
+ if ValidPath(Node(Nil), p) {
+ match p {
+ case Nil =>
+ case Cons(index, tail) => // proof by contradiction
+ Tail_Lemma1(Nil, 0, index);
+ }
+ }
+// A tree has finite height (everywhere) if it has no valid infinite paths.
+predicate HasFiniteHeight(t: Tree)
+ forall p :: ValidPath(t, p) ==> !IsNeverEndingStream(p)
+// From this definition, we can prove that any tree of bounded height is also of finite height.
+ghost method Theorem1(t: Tree)
+ requires HasBoundedHeight(t);
+ ensures HasFiniteHeight(t);
+ var n :| 0 <= n && LowerThan(t.children, n);
+ forall p | ValidPath(t, p) {
+ Theorem1_Lemma(t, n, p);
+ }
+ghost method Theorem1_Lemma(t: Tree, n: nat, p: Stream<int>)
+ requires LowerThan(t.children, n) && ValidPath(t, p);
+ ensures !IsNeverEndingStream(p);
+ decreases n;
+ match p {
+ case Nil =>
+ case Cons(index, tail) =>
+ var ch := Tail(t.children, index);
+ calc {
+ LowerThan(t.children, n);
+ ==> { LowerThan_Lemma(t.children, index, n); }
+ LowerThan(ch, n);
+ ==> // def. LowerThan
+ LowerThan(ch.head.children, n-1);
+ ==> { Theorem1_Lemma(ch.head, n-1, tail); }
+ !IsNeverEndingStream(tail);
+ ==> // def. IsNeverEndingStream
+ !IsNeverEndingStream(p);
+ }
+ }
+// In fact, HasBoundedHeight is strictly strong than HasFiniteHeight, as we'll show with an example.
+// Define SkinnyFiniteTree(n) to be a skinny (that is, of width 1) tree of height n.
+function SkinnyFiniteTree(n: nat): Tree
+ ensures forall k: nat :: LowerThan(SkinnyFiniteTree(n).children, k) <==> n <= k;
+ if n == 0 then Node(Nil) else Node(Cons(SkinnyFiniteTree(n-1), Nil))
+// Next, we define a tree whose root has an infinite number of children, child i of which
+// is a SkinnyFiniteTree(i).
+function FiniteUnboundedTree(): Tree
+ Node(EverLongerSkinnyTrees(0))
+function EverLongerSkinnyTrees(n: nat): Stream<Tree>
+ Cons(SkinnyFiniteTree(n), EverLongerSkinnyTrees(n+1))
+ghost method EverLongerSkinnyTrees_Lemma(k: nat, n: nat)
+ ensures Tail(EverLongerSkinnyTrees(k), n).Cons?;
+ ensures Tail(EverLongerSkinnyTrees(k), n).head == SkinnyFiniteTree(k+n);
+ decreases n;
+ if n == 0 {
+ } else {
+ calc {
+ Tail(EverLongerSkinnyTrees(k), n);
+ { EverLongerSkinnyTrees_Lemma(k, n-1); } // this ensures that .tail on the next line is well-defined
+ Tail(EverLongerSkinnyTrees(k), n-1).tail;
+ { Tail_Lemma0(EverLongerSkinnyTrees(k), n-1); }
+ Tail(EverLongerSkinnyTrees(k).tail, n-1);
+ Tail(EverLongerSkinnyTrees(k+1), n-1);
+ }
+ EverLongerSkinnyTrees_Lemma(k+1, n-1);
+ }
+ghost method Proposition3()
+ ensures !HasBoundedHeight(FiniteUnboundedTree()) && HasFiniteHeight(FiniteUnboundedTree());
+ Proposition3a();
+ Proposition3b();
+ghost method Proposition3a()
+ ensures !HasBoundedHeight(FiniteUnboundedTree());
+ var ch := FiniteUnboundedTree().children;
+ forall n | 0 <= n
+ ensures !LowerThan(ch, n);
+ {
+ var cn := Tail(ch, n+1);
+ EverLongerSkinnyTrees_Lemma(0, n+1);
+ assert cn.head == SkinnyFiniteTree(n+1);
+ assert !LowerThan(cn.head.children, n);
+ LowerThan_Lemma(ch, n+1, n);
+ }
+ghost method Proposition3b()
+ ensures HasFiniteHeight(FiniteUnboundedTree());
+ var t := FiniteUnboundedTree();
+ forall p | ValidPath(t, p)
+ ensures !IsNeverEndingStream(p);
+ {
+ assert p.Cons?;
+ var index := p.head;
+ assert 0 <= index;
+ var ch := Tail(t.children, index);
+ assert ch.Cons? && ValidPath(ch.head, p.tail);
+ EverLongerSkinnyTrees_Lemma(0, index);
+ assert ch.head == SkinnyFiniteTree(index);
+ var si := SkinnyFiniteTree(index);
+ assert LowerThan(si.children, index);
+ Proposition3b_Lemma(si, index, p.tail);
+ }
+ghost method Proposition3b_Lemma(t: Tree, h: nat, p: Stream<int>)
+ requires LowerThan(t.children, h) && ValidPath(t, p);
+ ensures !IsNeverEndingStream(p);
+ decreases h;
+ match p {
+ case Nil =>
+ case Cons(index, tail) =>
+ // From the definition of ValidPath(t, p), we get the following:
+ var ch := Tail(t.children, index);
+ assert ch.Cons? && ValidPath(ch.head, tail);
+ // From the definition of LowerThan(t.children, h), we get the following:
+ match t.children {
+ case Nil =>
+ ValidPath_Lemma(p);
+ assert false; // absurd case
+ case Cons(_, _) =>
+ assert 1 <= h;
+ LowerThan_Lemma(t.children, index, h);
+ assert LowerThan(ch, h);
+ }
+ // Putting these together, by ch.Cons? and the definition of LowerThan(ch, h), we get:
+ assert LowerThan(ch.head.children, h-1);
+ // And now we can invoke the induction hypothesis:
+ Proposition3b_Lemma(ch.head, h-1, tail);
+ }
+// Using a stream of integers to denote a path is convenient, because it allows us to
+// use Tail to quickly select the next child tree. But we can also define paths in a
+// way that more directly follows the navigation steps required to get to the next child,
+// using Peano numbers instead of the built-in integers. This means that each Succ
+// constructor among the Peano numbers corresponds to moving "right" among the children
+// of a tree node. A path is valid only if it always selects a child from a list
+// of children; this implies we must avoid infinite "right" moves. The appropriate type
+// Numbers (which is really just a stream of natural numbers) is defined as a combination
+// two mutually recursive datatypes, one inductive and the other co-inductive.
+codatatype CoOption<T> = None | Some(get: T)
+datatype Number = Succ(Number) | Zero(CoOption<Number>)
+// Note that the use of an inductive datatype for Number guarantees that sequences of successive
+// "right" moves are finite (analogously, each Peano number is finite). Yet the use of a co-inductive
+// CoOption in between allows paths to go on forever. In contrast, a definition like:
+codatatype InfPath = Right(InfPath) | Down(InfPath) | Stop
+// does not guarantee the absence of infinitely long sequences of "right" moves. In other words,
+// InfPath also gives rise to indecisive paths--those that never select a child node. Also,
+// compare the definition of Number with:
+codatatype FinPath = Right(FinPath) | Down(FinPath) | Stop
+// where the type can only represent finite paths. As a final alternative to consider, had we
+// wanted only infinite, decisive paths, we would just drop the None constructor, forcing each
+// CoOption to be some Number. As it is, we want to allow both finite and infinite paths, but we
+// want to be able to distinguish them, so we define a co-predicate that does so:
+copredicate InfinitePath(r: CoOption<Number>)
+ match r
+ case None => false
+ case Some(num) => InfinitePath'(num)
+copredicate InfinitePath'(num: Number)
+ match num
+ case Succ(next) => InfinitePath'(next)
+ case Zero(r) => InfinitePath(r)
+// As before, a path is valid for a tree when it navigates to existing nodes and does not stop
+// in a node with more children.
+copredicate ValidPath_Alt(t: Tree, r: CoOption<Number>)
+ match r
+ case None => t == Node(Nil)
+ case Some(num) => ValidPath_Alt'(t.children, num)
+copredicate ValidPath_Alt'(s: Stream<Tree>, num: Number)
+ match num
+ case Succ(next) => s.Cons? && ValidPath_Alt'(s.tail, next)
+ case Zero(r) => s.Cons? && ValidPath_Alt(s.head, r)
+// Here is the alternative definition of a tree that has finite height everywhere, using the
+// new paths.
+predicate HasFiniteHeight_Alt(t: Tree)
+ forall r :: ValidPath_Alt(t, r) ==> !InfinitePath(r)
+// We will prove that this new definition is equivalent to the previous. To do that, we
+// first definite functions S2N and N2S to map between the path representations
+// Stream<int> and CoOption<Number>, and then prove some lemmas about this correspondence.
+function S2N(p: Stream<int>): CoOption<Number>
+ decreases 0;
+ match p
+ case Nil => None
+ case Cons(n, tail) => Some(S2N'(if n < 0 then 0 else n, tail))
+function S2N'(n: nat, tail: Stream<int>): Number
+ decreases n + 1;
+ if n <= 0 then Zero(S2N(tail)) else Succ(S2N'(n-1, tail))
+function N2S(r: CoOption<Number>): Stream<int>
+ match r
+ case None => Nil
+ case Some(num) => N2S'(0, num)
+function N2S'(n: nat, num: Number): Stream<int>
+ decreases num;
+ match num
+ case Zero(r) => Cons(n, N2S(r))
+ case Succ(next) => N2S'(n + 1, next)
+ghost method Path_Lemma0(t: Tree, p: Stream<int>)
+ requires ValidPath(t, p);
+ ensures ValidPath_Alt(t, S2N(p));
+ if ValidPath(t, p) {
+ Path_Lemma0'(t, p);
+ }
+comethod Path_Lemma0'(t: Tree, p: Stream<int>)
+ requires ValidPath(t, p);
+ ensures ValidPath_Alt(t, S2N(p));
+ match p {
+ case Nil =>
+ assert t == Node(Nil);
+ case Cons(index, tail) =>
+ assert 0 <= index;
+ var ch := Tail(t.children, index);
+ assert ch.Cons? && ValidPath(ch.head, tail);
+ calc {
+ ValidPath_Alt#[_k](t, S2N(p));
+ { assert S2N(p) == Some(S2N'(index, tail)); }
+ ValidPath_Alt#[_k](t, Some(S2N'(index, tail)));
+ // def. ValidPath_Alt#
+ ValidPath_Alt'#[_k-1](t.children, S2N'(index, tail));
+ { Path_Lemma0''(t.children, index, tail); }
+ true;
+ }
+ }
+comethod Path_Lemma0''(tChildren: Stream<Tree>, n: nat, tail: Stream<int>)
+ requires var ch := Tail(tChildren, n); ch.Cons? && ValidPath(ch.head, tail);
+ ensures ValidPath_Alt'(tChildren, S2N'(n, tail));
+ Tail_Lemma1(tChildren, 0, n);
+ match S2N'(n, tail) {
+ case Succ(next) =>
+ calc {
+ Tail(tChildren, n);
+ { Tail_Lemma1(tChildren, n-1, n); }
+ Tail(tChildren, n-1).tail;
+ { Tail_Lemma0(tChildren, n-1); }
+ Tail(tChildren.tail, n-1);
+ }
+ Path_Lemma0''(tChildren.tail, n-1, tail);
+ case Zero(r) =>
+ Path_Lemma0'(tChildren.head, tail);
+ }
+ghost method Path_Lemma1(t: Tree, r: CoOption<Number>)
+ requires ValidPath_Alt(t, r);
+ ensures ValidPath(t, N2S(r));
+ if ValidPath_Alt(t, r) {
+ Path_Lemma1'(t, r);
+ }
+comethod Path_Lemma1'(t: Tree, r: CoOption<Number>)
+ requires ValidPath_Alt(t, r);
+ ensures ValidPath(t, N2S(r));
+ decreases 1;
+ match r {
+ case None =>
+ assert t == Node(Nil);
+ assert N2S(r) == Nil;
+ case Some(num) =>
+ assert ValidPath_Alt'(t.children, num);
+ // assert N2S'(0, num).Cons?;
+ // Path_Lemma1''(t.children, 0, num);
+ var p := N2S'(0, num);
+ calc {
+ ValidPath#[_k](t, N2S(r));
+ ValidPath#[_k](t, N2S(Some(num)));
+ ValidPath#[_k](t, N2S'(0, num));
+ { Path_Lemma1''#[_k](t.children, 0, num); }
+ true;
+ }
+ }
+comethod Path_Lemma1''(s: Stream<Tree>, n: nat, num: Number)
+ requires ValidPath_Alt'(Tail(s, n), num);
+ ensures ValidPath(Node(s), N2S'(n, num));
+ decreases 0, num;
+ match num {
+ case Succ(next) =>
+ Path_Lemma1''#[_k](s, n+1, next);
+ case Zero(r) =>
+ calc {
+ ValidPath#[_k](Node(s), N2S'(n, num));
+ ValidPath#[_k](Node(s), Cons(n, N2S(r)));
+ Tail(s, n).Cons? && ValidPath#[_k-1](Tail(s, n).head, N2S(r));
+ { assert Tail(s, n).Cons?; }
+ ValidPath#[_k-1](Tail(s, n).head, N2S(r));
+ { Path_Lemma1'(Tail(s, n).head, r); }
+ true;
+ }
+ }
+ghost method Path_Lemma2(p: Stream<int>)
+ ensures IsNeverEndingStream(p) ==> InfinitePath(S2N(p));
+ if IsNeverEndingStream(p) {
+ Path_Lemma2'(p);
+ }
+comethod Path_Lemma2'(p: Stream<int>)
+ requires IsNeverEndingStream(p);
+ ensures InfinitePath(S2N(p));
+ match p {
+ case Cons(n, tail) =>
+ calc {
+ InfinitePath#[_k](S2N(p));
+ // def. S2N
+ InfinitePath#[_k](Some(S2N'(if n < 0 then 0 else n, tail)));
+ // def. InfinitePath
+ InfinitePath'#[_k-1](S2N'(if n < 0 then 0 else n, tail));
+ <== { Path_Lemma2''(p, if n < 0 then 0 else n, tail); }
+ InfinitePath#[_k-1](S2N(tail));
+ { Path_Lemma2'(tail); }
+ true;
+ }
+ }
+comethod Path_Lemma2''(p: Stream<int>, n: nat, tail: Stream<int>)
+ requires IsNeverEndingStream(p) && p.tail == tail;
+ ensures InfinitePath'(S2N'(n, tail));
+ if n <= 0 {
+ calc {
+ InfinitePath'#[_k](S2N'(n, tail));
+ // def. S2N'
+ InfinitePath'#[_k](Zero(S2N(tail)));
+ // def. InfinitePath'
+ InfinitePath#[_k-1](S2N(tail));
+ { Path_Lemma2'(tail); }
+ true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ calc {
+ InfinitePath'#[_k](S2N'(n, tail));
+ // def. S2N'
+ InfinitePath'#[_k](Succ(S2N'(n-1, tail)));
+ // def. InfinitePath'
+ InfinitePath'#[_k-1](S2N'(n-1, tail));
+ { Path_Lemma2''(p, n-1, tail); }
+ true;
+ }
+ }
+ghost method Path_Lemma3(r: CoOption<Number>)
+ ensures InfinitePath(r) ==> IsNeverEndingStream(N2S(r));
+ if InfinitePath(r) {
+ match r {
+ case Some(num) => Path_Lemma3'(0, num);
+ }
+ }
+comethod Path_Lemma3'(n: nat, num: Number)
+ requires InfinitePath'(num);
+ ensures IsNeverEndingStream(N2S'(n, num));
+ decreases num;
+ match num {
+ case Zero(r) =>
+ calc {
+ IsNeverEndingStream#[_k](N2S'(n, num));
+ // def. N2S'
+ IsNeverEndingStream#[_k](Cons(n, N2S(r)));
+ // def. IsNeverEndingStream
+ IsNeverEndingStream#[_k-1](N2S(r));
+ { Path_Lemma3'(0, r.get); }
+ true;
+ }
+ case Succ(next) =>
+ Path_Lemma3'#[_k](n + 1, next);
+ }
+ghost method Theorem2(t: Tree)
+ ensures HasFiniteHeight(t) <==> HasFiniteHeight_Alt(t);
+ if HasFiniteHeight_Alt(t) {
+ forall p {
+ calc ==> {
+ ValidPath(t, p);
+ { Path_Lemma0(t, p); }
+ ValidPath_Alt(t, S2N(p));
+ // assumption HasFiniteHeight(t)
+ !InfinitePath(S2N(p));
+ { Path_Lemma2(p); }
+ !IsNeverEndingStream(p);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if HasFiniteHeight(t) {
+ forall r {
+ calc ==> {
+ ValidPath_Alt(t, r);
+ { Path_Lemma1(t, r); }
+ ValidPath(t, N2S(r));
+ // assumption HasFiniteHeight_Alt(t)
+ !IsNeverEndingStream(N2S(r));
+ { Path_Lemma3(r); }
+ !InfinitePath(r);
+ }
+ }
+ }