path: root/Source
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authorGravatar leino <unknown>2015-05-01 19:39:16 -0700
committerGravatar leino <unknown>2015-05-01 19:39:16 -0700
commit20f97304dda7dca7259514ca472c3c1b76262013 (patch)
tree4c4427896542eed2cb9684403702365cc7608111 /Source
parente105e36050283163c3d07a3aa3c3f522093c7c7a (diff)
Improved generation of .reads axioms (correcting an incorrect answer and corresponding incorrectly recorded desired answer)
Diffstat (limited to 'Source')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Dafny/Translator.cs b/Source/Dafny/Translator.cs
index f499dd49..b71f553f 100644
--- a/Source/Dafny/Translator.cs
+++ b/Source/Dafny/Translator.cs
@@ -3877,8 +3877,8 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
- Bpl.Expr/*!*/ InRWClause(IToken tok, Bpl.Expr o, Bpl.Expr f, List<FrameExpression> rw, ExpressionTranslator etran,
- Expression receiverReplacement, Dictionary<IVariable,Expression> substMap) {
+ Bpl.Expr InRWClause(IToken tok, Bpl.Expr o, Bpl.Expr f, List<FrameExpression> rw, ExpressionTranslator etran,
+ Expression receiverReplacement, Dictionary<IVariable, Expression> substMap) {
Contract.Requires(tok != null);
Contract.Requires(o != null);
// Contract.Requires(f != null); // f == null means approximate
@@ -3888,6 +3888,26 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
Contract.Requires(predef != null);
Contract.Requires((receiverReplacement == null) == (substMap == null));
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Bpl.Expr>() != null);
+ var boxO = FunctionCall(tok, BuiltinFunction.Box, null, o);
+ return InRWClause_Aux(tok, o, boxO, f, rw, etran, receiverReplacement, substMap);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// By taking both an "o" and a "boxO" parameter, the caller has a choice of passing in either
+ /// "o, Box(o)" for some "o" or "Unbox(bx), bx" for some "bx".
+ /// </summary>
+ Bpl.Expr InRWClause_Aux(IToken tok, Bpl.Expr o, Bpl.Expr boxO, Bpl.Expr f, List<FrameExpression> rw, ExpressionTranslator etran,
+ Expression receiverReplacement, Dictionary<IVariable, Expression> substMap) {
+ Contract.Requires(tok != null);
+ Contract.Requires(o != null);
+ Contract.Requires(boxO != null);
+ // Contract.Requires(f != null); // f == null means approximate
+ Contract.Requires(etran != null);
+ Contract.Requires(cce.NonNullElements(rw));
+ Contract.Requires(substMap == null || cce.NonNullDictionaryAndValues(substMap));
+ Contract.Requires(predef != null);
+ Contract.Requires((receiverReplacement == null) == (substMap == null));
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Bpl.Expr>() != null);
// requires o to denote an expression of type RefType
// "rw" is is allowed to contain a WildcardExpr
@@ -3907,11 +3927,10 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
if (e is WildcardExpr) {
disjunct = Bpl.Expr.True;
} else if (eType is SetType) {
- // old(e)[Box(o)]
- disjunct = etran.TrInSet(tok, o, e, ((SetType)eType).Arg);
+ // e[Box(o)]
+ disjunct = etran.TrInSet_Aux(tok, o, boxO, e);
} else if (eType is SeqType) {
- // (exists i: int :: 0 <= i && i < Seq#Length(old(e)) && Seq#Index(old(e),i) == Box(o))
- Bpl.Expr boxO = FunctionCall(tok, BuiltinFunction.Box, null, o);
+ // (exists i: int :: 0 <= i && i < Seq#Length(e) && Seq#Index(e,i) == Box(o))
Bpl.Variable iVar = new Bpl.BoundVariable(tok, new Bpl.TypedIdent(tok, "$i", Bpl.Type.Int));
Bpl.Expr i = new Bpl.IdentifierExpr(tok, iVar);
Bpl.Expr iBounds = InSeqRange(tok, i, etran.TrExpr(e), true, null, false);
@@ -3919,7 +3938,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
// TODO: the equality in the next line should be changed to one that understands extensionality
disjunct = new Bpl.ExistsExpr(tok, new List<Variable> { iVar }, Bpl.Expr.And(iBounds, Bpl.Expr.Eq(XsubI, boxO)));
} else {
- // o == old(e)
+ // o == e
disjunct = Bpl.Expr.Eq(o, etran.TrExpr(e));
if (rwComponent.Field != null && f != null) {
@@ -5496,13 +5515,14 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
var fhandle = FunctionCall(f.tok, name, predef.HandleType, SnocSelf(args));
var lhs = FunctionCall(f.tok, Requires(arity), Bpl.Type.Bool, Concat(tyargs, Cons(fhandle, Cons(h, lhs_args))));
- var rhs = BplOr(
- FunctionCall(f.tok, RequiresName(f), Bpl.Type.Bool, Concat(SnocSelf(Snoc(args, h)), rhs_args)),
- MakeScrambler(f.tok, f.FullSanitizedName + "#lessReq", Concat(vars, bvars)));
- // In case this is the /requires/ or /reads/ function, then there is no precondition
+ Bpl.Expr rhs;
if (fromArrowType) {
+ // In case this is the /requires/ or /reads/ function, then there is no precondition
rhs = Bpl.Expr.True;
+ } else {
+ rhs = BplOr(
+ FunctionCall(f.tok, RequiresName(f), Bpl.Type.Bool, Concat(SnocSelf(Snoc(args, h)), rhs_args)),
+ MakeScrambler(f.tok, f.FullSanitizedName + "#lessReq", Concat(vars, bvars)));
sink.AddTopLevelDeclaration(new Axiom(f.tok,
@@ -5516,39 +5536,15 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
var fhandle = FunctionCall(f.tok, name, predef.HandleType, SnocSelf(args));
Bpl.Expr lhs_inner = FunctionCall(f.tok, Reads(arity), TrType(new SetType(new ObjectType())), Concat(tyargs, Cons(fhandle, Cons(h, lhs_args))));
- var et = new ExpressionTranslator(this, predef, h);
- Bpl.Expr rhs = null;
- if (!f.Reads.Exists(fr => fr.E is WildcardExpr)) {
- // Try to generate just Reads(...) == $Frame_F(...), without having to say these two sets are equal at
- // all points.
- foreach (FrameExpression rwComponent in f.Reads) {
- Expression e = Substitute(rwComponent.E, selfExpr, rhs_dict);
- e = Resolver.FrameArrowToObjectSet(e, CurrentIdGenerator);
- var eType = e.Type.NormalizeExpand();
- if (!(eType is SetType)) {
- // our attempt at a simple RHS didn't pan out
- rhs = null;
- break;
- } else if (rhs == null) {
- rhs = et.TrExpr(e);
- } else {
- rhs = FunctionCall(f.tok, BuiltinFunction.SetUnion, predef.BoxType, rhs, et.TrExpr(e));
- }
- }
- }
- if (rhs != null) {
- sink.AddTopLevelDeclaration(new Axiom(f.tok,
- BplForall(Concat(vars, bvars), BplTrigger(lhs_inner), Bpl.Expr.Eq(lhs_inner, rhs))));
- } else {
- Bpl.Expr o; var oVar = BplBoundVar("o", predef.RefType, out o);
- Bpl.Expr lhs = new Bpl.NAryExpr(f.tok, new Bpl.MapSelect(f.tok, 1),
- new List<Bpl.Expr> { lhs_inner, FunctionCall(f.tok, BuiltinFunction.Box, null, o) });
+ Bpl.Expr bx; var bxVar = BplBoundVar("$bx", predef.BoxType, out bx);
+ Bpl.Expr unboxBx = FunctionCall(f.tok, BuiltinFunction.Unbox, predef.RefType, bx);
+ Bpl.Expr lhs = Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(f.tok, lhs_inner, bx);
- rhs = InRWClause(f.tok, o, null, f.Reads, et, selfExpr, rhs_dict);
+ var et = new ExpressionTranslator(this, predef, h);
+ var rhs = InRWClause_Aux(f.tok, unboxBx, bx, null, f.Reads, et, selfExpr, rhs_dict);
- sink.AddTopLevelDeclaration(new Axiom(f.tok,
- BplForall(Cons(oVar, Concat(vars, bvars)), BplTrigger(lhs), Bpl.Expr.Eq(lhs, rhs))));
- }
+ sink.AddTopLevelDeclaration(new Axiom(f.tok,
+ BplForall(Cons(bxVar, Concat(vars, bvars)), BplTrigger(lhs), Bpl.Expr.Eq(lhs, rhs))));
return name;
@@ -5641,8 +5637,8 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
Func<Bpl.Expr, Bpl.Expr, Bpl.Expr> op = Bpl.Expr.Eq;
if (selectorVar == "rd") {
var bx = BplBoundVar("bx", predef.BoxType, bvars);
- lhs = new Bpl.NAryExpr(tok, new Bpl.MapSelect(tok, 1), new List<Bpl.Expr> { lhs, bx });
- rhs = new Bpl.NAryExpr(tok, new Bpl.MapSelect(tok, 1), new List<Bpl.Expr> { rhs, bx });
+ lhs = Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(tok, lhs, bx);
+ rhs = Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(tok, rhs, bx);
// op = Bpl.Expr.Imp;
if (selectorVar == "r") {
@@ -11538,18 +11534,32 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
Contract.Requires(elmt != null);
Contract.Requires(s != null);
Contract.Requires(elmtType != null);
+ Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Bpl.Expr>() != null);
+ var elmtBox = BoxIfNecessary(tok, elmt, elmtType);
+ return TrInSet_Aux(tok, elmt, elmtBox, s);
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// The worker routine for TrInSet. This method takes both "elmt" and "elmtBox" as parameters,
+ /// using the former when the unboxed form is needed and the latter when the boxed form is needed.
+ /// This gives the caller the flexibility to pass in either "o, Box(o)" or "Unbox(bx), bx".
+ /// </summary>
+ public Bpl.Expr TrInSet_Aux(IToken tok, Bpl.Expr elmt, Bpl.Expr elmtBox, Expression s) {
+ Contract.Requires(tok != null);
+ Contract.Requires(elmt != null);
+ Contract.Requires(elmtBox != null);
+ Contract.Requires(s != null);
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Bpl.Expr>() != null);
if (s is BinaryExpr) {
BinaryExpr bin = (BinaryExpr)s;
switch (bin.ResolvedOp) {
case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Union:
- return Bpl.Expr.Or(TrInSet(tok, elmt, bin.E0, elmtType), TrInSet(tok, elmt, bin.E1, elmtType));
+ return Bpl.Expr.Or(TrInSet_Aux(tok, elmt, elmtBox, bin.E0), TrInSet_Aux(tok, elmt, elmtBox, bin.E1));
case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.Intersection:
- return Bpl.Expr.And(TrInSet(tok, elmt, bin.E0, elmtType), TrInSet(tok, elmt, bin.E1, elmtType));
+ return Bpl.Expr.And(TrInSet_Aux(tok, elmt, elmtBox, bin.E0), TrInSet_Aux(tok, elmt, elmtBox, bin.E1));
case BinaryExpr.ResolvedOpcode.SetDifference:
- return Bpl.Expr.And(TrInSet(tok, elmt, bin.E0, elmtType), Bpl.Expr.Not(TrInSet(tok, elmt, bin.E1, elmtType)));
+ return Bpl.Expr.And(TrInSet_Aux(tok, elmt, elmtBox, bin.E0), Bpl.Expr.Not(TrInSet_Aux(tok, elmt, elmtBox, bin.E1)));
@@ -11570,7 +11580,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.Dafny {
return disjunction;
- return Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(tok, TrExpr(s), BoxIfNecessary(tok, elmt, elmtType));
+ return Bpl.Expr.SelectTok(tok, TrExpr(s), elmtBox);
/// <summary>