path: root/Source/Jennisys/Printer.fs
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authorGravatar Rustan Leino <>2012-10-04 13:32:50 -0700
committerGravatar Rustan Leino <>2012-10-04 13:32:50 -0700
commit8911e5c95d4715c2e2626aef67f19793d6f43201 (patch)
treed703bfd931802e780430e32f1339cf77adc342a4 /Source/Jennisys/Printer.fs
parent1c375d1889e628fcd2a1a0fc041673a5f4230d84 (diff)
Put all sources under \Source directory
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/Jennisys/Printer.fs')
1 files changed, 156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/Jennisys/Printer.fs b/Source/Jennisys/Printer.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32ae21ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Jennisys/Printer.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+module Printer
+open Ast
+open Getters
+open AstUtils
+open PrintUtils
+let rec PrintType ty =
+ match ty with
+ | IntType -> "int"
+ | BoolType -> "bool"
+ | NamedType(id, args) -> if List.isEmpty args then id else (PrintSep ", " (fun s -> s) args)
+ | SeqType(t) -> sprintf "seq[%s]" (PrintType t)
+ | SetType(t) -> sprintf "set[%s]" (PrintType t)
+ | InstantiatedType(id,args) -> sprintf "%s[%s]" id (PrintSep ", " (fun a -> PrintType a) args)
+let PrintVarDecl vd =
+ let name = GetExtVarName vd
+ match GetVarType vd with
+ | None -> name
+ | Some(ty) -> sprintf "%s: %s" name (PrintType ty)
+let rec PrintExpr ctx expr =
+ match expr with
+ | IntLiteral(d) -> sprintf "%d" d
+ | BoolLiteral(b) -> sprintf "%b" b
+ | BoxLiteral(id) -> sprintf "box_%s" id
+ | ObjLiteral(id)
+ | VarLiteral(id)
+ | IdLiteral(id) -> id
+ | VarDeclExpr(vlist, declare) ->
+ let decl = if declare then "var " else ""
+ let vars = PrintSep ", " PrintVarDecl vlist
+ sprintf "%s%s" decl vars
+ | Star -> "*"
+ | Dot(e,id) -> sprintf "%s.%s" (PrintExpr 100 e) id
+ | LCIntervalExpr(e) -> sprintf "%s.." (PrintExpr 90 e)
+ | OldExpr(e) -> sprintf "old(%s)" (PrintExpr 90 e)
+ | UnaryExpr(op,UnaryExpr(op2, e2)) -> sprintf "%s(%s)" op (PrintExpr 90 (UnaryExpr(op2, e2)))
+ | UnaryExpr(op,e) -> sprintf "%s%s" op (PrintExpr 90 e)
+ | BinaryExpr(strength,op,e0,e1) ->
+ let needParens = strength <= ctx
+ let openParen = if needParens then "(" else ""
+ let closeParen = if needParens then ")" else ""
+ sprintf "%s%s %s %s%s" openParen (PrintExpr strength e0) op (PrintExpr strength e1) closeParen
+ | IteExpr(c,e1,e2) -> sprintf "%s ? %s : %s" (PrintExpr 25 c) (PrintExpr 25 e1) (PrintExpr 25 e2)
+ | SelectExpr(e,i) -> sprintf "%s[%s]" (PrintExpr 100 e) (PrintExpr 0 i)
+ | UpdateExpr(e,i,v) -> sprintf "%s[%s := %s]" (PrintExpr 100 e) (PrintExpr 0 i) (PrintExpr 0 v)
+ | SequenceExpr(ee) -> sprintf "[%s]" (ee |> PrintSep " " (PrintExpr 0))
+ | SeqLength(e) -> sprintf "|%s|" (PrintExpr 0 e)
+ | SetExpr(ee) -> sprintf "{%s}" (ee |> PrintSep " " (PrintExpr 0))
+ | AssertExpr(e) -> sprintf "assert %s" (PrintExpr 0 e)
+ | AssumeExpr(e) -> sprintf "assume %s" (PrintExpr 0 e)
+ | ForallExpr(vv,e) ->
+ let needParens = ctx <> 0
+ let openParen = if needParens then "(" else ""
+ let closeParen = if needParens then ")" else ""
+ sprintf "%sforall %s :: %s%s" openParen (vv |> PrintSep ", " PrintVarDecl) (PrintExpr 0 e) closeParen
+ | MethodCall(rcv,_,name,aparams) ->
+ sprintf "%s.%s(%s)" (PrintExpr 0 rcv) name (aparams |> PrintSep ", " (PrintExpr 0))
+ | MethodOutSelect(mth,name) ->
+ sprintf "%s[\"%s\"]" (PrintExpr 0 mth) name
+let rec PrintConst cst =
+ match cst with
+ | IntConst(v) -> sprintf "%d" v
+ | BoolConst(b) -> sprintf "%b" b
+ | BoxConst(id) -> sprintf "box_%s" id
+ | VarConst(v) -> sprintf "%s" v
+ | SetConst(cset) -> sprintf "{%s}" (PrintSep " " (fun c -> PrintConst c) (Set.toList cset))
+ | SeqConst(cseq) -> sprintf "[%s]" (PrintSep " " (fun c -> PrintConst c) cseq)
+ | NullConst -> "null"
+ | NoneConst -> "<none>"
+ | ThisConst(_,_) -> "this"
+ | NewObj(name,_) -> PrintGenSym name
+ | Unresolved(name) -> sprintf "Unresolved(%s)" name
+let PrintSig signature =
+ match signature with
+ | Sig(ins, outs) ->
+ let returnClause =
+ if outs <> [] then sprintf " returns (%s)" (outs |> PrintSep ", " PrintVarDecl)
+ else ""
+ sprintf "(%s)%s" (ins |> PrintSep ", " PrintVarDecl) returnClause
+let rec PrintStmt stmt indent printNewline =
+ let idt = (Indent indent)
+ let nl = if printNewline then newline else ""
+ match stmt with
+ | Block(stmts) ->
+ idt + "{" + nl +
+ (PrintStmtList stmts (indent + 2) true) +
+ idt + "}" + nl
+ | Assign(lhs,rhs) -> sprintf "%s%s := %s%s" idt (PrintExpr 0 lhs) (PrintExpr 0 rhs) nl
+ | ExprStmt(expr) -> sprintf "%s%s%s" idt (PrintExpr 0 expr) nl
+and PrintStmtList stmts indent printNewline =
+ stmts |> List.fold (fun acc s -> acc + (PrintStmt s indent printNewline)) ""
+let PrintRoutine signature pre body =
+ let preStr = pre |> ForeachConjunct (fun e -> sprintf " requires %s%s" (PrintExpr 0 e) newline)
+ sprintf "%s%s%s%s" (PrintSig signature) newline preStr (PrintExpr 0 body)
+let PrintMember m =
+ match m with
+ | Field(vd) -> sprintf " var %s%s" (PrintVarDecl vd) newline
+ | Method(id,signature,pre,body,true) -> sprintf " constructor %s%s" id (PrintRoutine signature pre body)
+ | Method(id,signature,pre,body,false) -> sprintf " method %s%s" id (PrintRoutine signature pre body)
+ | Invariant(_) -> "" // invariants are handled separately
+let PrintTopLevelDeclHeader kind id typeParams =
+ let typeParamStr =
+ match typeParams with
+ | [] -> ""
+ | _ -> sprintf "[%s]" (typeParams |> PrintSep ", " (fun tp -> tp))
+ sprintf "%s %s%s {%s" kind id typeParamStr newline
+let PrintDecl d =
+ match d with
+ | Interface(id,typeParams,members) ->
+ sprintf "%s%s}%s" (PrintTopLevelDeclHeader "interface" id typeParams)
+ (List.fold (fun acc m -> acc + (PrintMember m)) "" members)
+ newline
+ | DataModel(id,typeParams,vars,frame,inv) ->
+ (PrintTopLevelDeclHeader "model" id typeParams) +
+ (vars |> List.fold (fun acc vd -> acc + " var " + (PrintVarDecl vd) + newline) "") +
+ " frame" + newline +
+ (frame |> List.fold (fun acc fr -> acc + " " + (PrintExpr 0 fr) + newline) "") +
+ " invariant" + newline +
+ (inv |> ForeachConjunct (fun e -> " " + (PrintExpr 0 e) + newline)) +
+ "}" + newline
+ | Code(id,typeParams) ->
+ (PrintTopLevelDeclHeader "code" id typeParams) + "}" + newline
+let PrintMethodSignFull indent comp m =
+ let idt = Indent indent
+ let __PrintPrePost pfix expr = SplitIntoConjunts expr |> PrintSep newline (fun e -> pfix + (PrintExpr 0 e) + ";")
+ let compName = GetComponentName comp
+ match m with
+ | Method(methodName, sgn, pre, post, isConstr) ->
+ let mc = if isConstr then "constructor" else "method"
+ let preStr = (__PrintPrePost (idt + " requires ") pre)
+ let postStr = (__PrintPrePost (idt + " ensures ") post)
+ idt + mc + " " + compName + "." + methodName + (PrintSig sgn) + newline +
+ preStr + (if preStr = "" then "" else newline) +
+ postStr
+ | _ -> failwithf "not a method: %O" m
+let Print prog =
+ match prog with
+ | SProgram(decls) -> List.fold (fun acc d -> acc + (PrintDecl d)) "" decls
+let PrintObjRefName o =
+ match o with
+ | ThisConst(_,_) -> "this";
+ | NewObj(name, _) -> PrintGenSym name
+ | _ -> failwith ("unresolved object ref: " + o.ToString()) \ No newline at end of file